Natasha Queen about Yulia Proskuryakova. The former and current wife of Igor Nikolaev supported a friendly relations.

Natasha Queen about Yulia Proskuryakova. The former and current wife of Igor Nikolaev supported a friendly relations.
Natasha Queen about Yulia Proskuryakova. The former and current wife of Igor Nikolaev supported a friendly relations.

Julia Proskuryakova and Igor Nikolaev.

"We have never had conflicts with Natasha. I have appeared in Igor's life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who have not yet come to spend their parting, and they write in the nasty forums about me. But this It could be addressed not only to me, but also any other woman who appeared next to Igor. For them, everyone is automatically becoming bad. These are people living in the past. With Natasha Queen we met at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. How Between adults. We rarely contact. But there is no negative between us, "Julia told reporters.

That she was very lucky with his spouse. For ten years, the beloved tried to start the baby, and only two years ago, Julia gave birth to her daughter. For Igor Nikolaev, the girl became the second child, the composer repeatedly admitted that the dad was happy again. Also, the married couple continues joint creativity. "And we are planning joint duets and concerts with my spouse Igor Nikolaev. I recently came out a video clip on a duet song" I am a mother ", which we recorded with Elena Yesenina. The song has become very popular on the Internet, and the flashers were made across the country. - emphasized Julia in an interview

Julia Proskuryakova, Igor Nikolaev and their daughter Veronica

35-year-old Julia Proskuryakovasince 2010, married for 57-year-old Igor Nikolaev. The third wife of the composer gave him two years ago her daughter Veronica. Recently, the singer and happy mom told the portal "Arguments of the Week" about his life with a star husband:

"I really get in many ways, and miracles happen in my life. One of them is our birth with Igor's daughters. We waited for this miracle for almost ten years. As for my creative life, in order to achieve the result, I had to work a lot. And I continue to develop yourself in this direction. This year entered the guitis. "

Julia admitted that vocal creativity remains its priority. Artist plans joint concerts and duets with their spouse. In early October, a video clip was released on the song "I Mother", recorded by Julia together with Elena Yesenina and Maxim Galkin.

Clip for the song of Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina "I am Mother"

Julia told that Maksim Galkin I read rap for her clip not at all for mad fees. Her husband Igor Nikolayev is a crusal father of a four-year-old Lisa Galkina, so the showman agreed to help simply from a friendly location to the composer family.

The singer does not hide that she was very nice to participate Natasha Koroleva In Flashmoba on her song. She supplemented that he met Igor after his parting with the star spouse: "I appeared in the life of Igor, when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who have not yet come to resigned with their parting, and they write in the nasty forums about me. But it could be addressed not only to me, but also any other woman who would appear next to Igor. For them, everyone is automatically becoming bad. These are people living last. With Natasha Korolev, we met at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. As between adults. "

The actress called the erroneous perception of the second and third wives of Nikolaev as a "lousy girlfriends". In fact, she never had conflicts with her husband's former husband. Julia and Natasha are rarely contacted, but there is no negative between them.

A Post Shared by Julia Proskuryakova (@uliaveronika) on Oct 8, 2017 at 3:39 PM PDT

On the question of the attitude towards the guests and life of a man for two or three families, Julia answered categorically: "I think that a man must take over the obligations. Proof of love men are marriage. "

The singer is sure that he could not forgive treason: "Perhaps life will somehow change my ideas in this matter. Today I do not share treason on physical and other. And honestly, I believe that this is a concrete such end of relationships. Maybe you will pick up and sorry each other in words, but you will not forgive man in the shower. All the time you will live and suffer - to see in every woman a potential opponent with which he sleeps. That is, this is a mockery of its feelings. Confidence in a man and your important place in his life you will no longer be feeling. "

Julia believes that it is necessary to be happy because a person is given only one life: "If even the feelings have passed, you need to let go of a person. Meaning to keep and torment him? If he meets for intimate relationships with another person, then you are not satisfied with it. Therefore, it seems to me that this is the end of the relationship. For me personally, for sure. "

Many years ago, Matter of Domestic Estrada Igor Nikolaev was divorced with Natasha Koroleva, and he and she was very hard to survive this difficult moment in life, but if Natasha found his love pretty quickly, Igor could not come to himself for a long time, closed in his feelings In itself, entirely devoted himself to work. All his friends, friends, relatives were happy, even his ex-spouse found her happiness with Striptear Sergey Glushko, and Igor seemed that he had lost his very real love forever, it was Natasha Korolev, and that he would never be able to meet anyone , and destined to him to live the rest of his life with a lonely wolf, but a miracle happened ... ..

In his life, young 26-year-old Yulia Proskuryakova appeared in his life - sincere, beautiful, open, this girl entered his life as a ray of light, like a spring of the murmuring water that I was so lacking Igor.

The history of love Igor and Julia began on February 21, 2006. Igor Nikolaev at that time was on tour in Yekaterinburg, it was here that Julia lived, who very much loved songs of Igor Nikolayev and decided to go to his concert with her girlfriend. Igor after the concert as usual paid attention to his public, distributed autographs, and was going to go away, how suddenly someone called him, Igor heard her voice, as if from Far - "Igor Yuryevich you can sing a song" , Igor did not even notice her, just said, rid, let me take a look who beats there. According to Yulia, her request was then really difficult to hear, next to Igor were such guards, crowds of fans, which was really the impression that she just regained. Julia really sang a song for IgorBut she does not even remember what she had the feelings then, because she sang her on one breath looking Igor right in the eyes. After her fulfillment, Igor asked Yuly to give him a discs to the hotel with her records, and asked the phone number. But after two hours, Igor himself called Julia himself and asked to come to the hotel and personally deliver materials, Julia was shocked Next to her, then her girlfriend was then, who persuaded July to go to the hotel. Julia really went to the hotel with her friend, and they with Igor all night told as old good acquaintances, talked about some trifles, trifles, it was from this moment that Julia and Igor began acquaintance. But the next day Igor went, and Julia remained. After some time, Julia went to Moscow, there were some things there, and decided to call IgorFortunately he was at home, and they met again.

Igor Nikolaev was very difficult to believe in love again,he did not open up Yule for a long time and they simply met for a whole year, went to the movies, restaurants, they had no physical intimacy, it was hard not only Igor, but also to Yulia because he disappeared, it appeared, according to Yulia - she had a moment desperate when I wanted to finish everything, but it did not work out. According to her, "This is fate, God as if he pulled us for threads to each other, and pulled" . Julia does not believe in fate, fairy tales, but, what happened to her, considers a real fairy tale. Relations between Julia and Igor are so sincere, clean that they can only be envied.

Igor was hard to open up his love not only because he was afraid of her, i was afraid again to feel the pain that burned it when then from the insidebut because Julia is very similar to Natasha Queen in youthAnd really all his lightened was very similar to each other, and his first wife, and Natasha, and Julia.

But Igor could overcome himself ... Igor Nikolaev not only a musician, singer, poet, but also a philosopherHe says that there are always options in a person's life, you yourself choose either take this option, consider it closer, or just dismiss him. Igor chose the first option he could not dismiss Yuli - he wanted to be closer to her, of course, there is not everything is so cloudless, there are also quarrels and parting, but Igor and Julia are always returning to each other, perhaps this is truth, fate, maybe God really tweets for a string, bringing loved to each other, and does not allow them breake down.

Yule was very difficult to go to the barrier, which originated at the very beginning of relations with Igor, she could not go to you for a long time. In relations, men and women, according to Julia, there should be no barriers, here it does not matter who he is, and who she is erased here the face of age is erased, somewhere the girl should listen to the guy, somewhere on the contrary, he. But if Yule was very easy to listen to the opinion of Igor, because he and older and wiser, and she sirs it very much in every sense, Igor was very difficult, Igor "How can she teach me life, me?" "Igor is a very important guy, so it was very difficult to switch this barrier," But the guys coped.

Julia was very worried how the first acquaintance of Igor with her parents would pass, especially with her father, but everything went very well, they talked, and Julia saw that two loving her person were watching her. She never understood how men could meet about the same age, while one would talk - hello I, Yulin guy, and the second, Hello, Yulin Dad, but everything went surprisingly.

Mom Igor very much like Julia, first of all because it is in the first place it is not a career, but a family, and for her how for mom is the most important thing, because each mother wants happiness for his child.

Thanks to Yule, Igor began to write very beautiful songs, such as: "There's something about it" , "The girl is waiting for love," "SMS", "one hope for love." Igor Nikolaev and earlier wrote insanely beautiful songs, but with the advent of Yuli, they became more tender, more sincere, now these are songs that are not designed for loneliness, Igor healed full life, now it is just living thanks to Julia. As famous Songs of Igor Nikolaev are recognized as prophetic, For example, the song that he wrote and sang together with Natasha Korolev "Dolphin and Mermaid" , fought them in parting, even Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is sometimes afraid to sing his songs, and gives them to other people, but it does not save it from evil rock, for example a song "A little sorry" which Nikolayev gave Pugacheva singing Philip Kirkorov, this song was also a prophetic and after some time Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva broke up, so now Igor writes with caution, he does not want to predict the fate of them with the Julia relationship with the songs.

Julia Proskuryakova is really in love with Igor Nikolaev and wants to devote himself to a family, but still sometimes it appears on stage with Igor, or alone, because it was for her Igor wrote a song "The girl is waiting for love". When Julia first performed this song Colleagues and friends Igor said she had already found her. Julia really loves to sing, sometime with the ensemble "Alyonushka" traveled all over Russia, but meanwhile Julia, the girl is very serious, in 2004. She graduated from the Legal Academy in Yekaterinburg.

Igor Nikolaev really chose a decent choices,but the most important quality of Julia is that she really loves Igor, and makes his life with bright, creative and filled love for her and to the whole world, and this is the most important quality for Igor, but rather a gift, a gift of fate. Igor Nikolaev is a very talented, creative, wounded person who, too, in this life should experience real happiness, the whole country hopes that Julia Proskuryakova will give him this happiness.

Anna Kondratieva

Fans of Igor Nikolaev here for the fourth day lead a fierce worker because of his performances on the Kremlin scene with Natasha Queen. As you know, this star couple diverged 15 years ago, more than ten years they never went on stage together. But on December 10, at the First Solo Concert of Natasha Queen in the Kremlin, there was something that did not expect most of the most admirers of the national stage - Nikolaev and the Queen together performed the Hit "Dolphin and Mermaid".

"Here you go. They performed together, "Igor Nikolayev wrote on his page in the social network after the concert. - You have been easier, fans @natellalanatella? Not. They did not feel better. At the beginning of the year, they fell asleep me in advance with angry letters, they say, yes, as you can not act at her at a concert (not even knowing, I will speak or not). Now, when I still spoke, shit no less ... The meaning of the post in another: Natasha @Natellanatella! You are well done, you are a hard worker, you tried very hard, and this concert is a big line in your life. Congratulations!"

Many representatives of the multi-millionth army of fans of creativity of Igor Nikolaev were happy to see the favorite duet again. But there were also reasons for criticism. The focus of displeased commentators focused on the topic of the singer's relationship to the ex-wife Natasha Queen and the current wife of Julia Proskuryakova. On this basis, the whole war broke out on the page of Nikolaev in Instagram.

It seemed to someone that at a concert in the Kremlin both performer behaved quite removed and coldly in relation to each other, because of what the song was failed. "Really dismissive attitude I. Yu was discouraged in relation to Natalia during the performance," said one of the subscribers. Others noticed how Nikolaev quickly left the scenes when the number was over. From this fans concluded that the queen belongs to the former spouse, and on stage she pulled it exclusively for the sake of PR. Others do not exclude that it was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe composer himself.

Part of the fans, on the contrary, argued that Igor Nikolayev was still preserved the love of the queen. "When Natasha came to Malakhov to transfer tonight, so Igor burned her eyes at her, and when he looks at his wife, then he had anything about her eyes. He somehow said himself that he realized that love and passion did not make it happy as light lamps in the evening, "wrote one of the fans (the author's style and spelling, the author was preserved. - Approx. Ed.).

The current wife of Igor Nikolaev Yulia Proskuryakova, who decided to protect the honest name of her husband in the comments: "Guys, girls, let's stop alreadying a person. You are doing only worse ... Please leave it alone ... it is impossible to return the 20 years that have not lived together and the effect will never happen together, but if you are easier to keep it in your hearts, but you don't need to come here for Speak Igor with whom he to sing, live and what to do! And he and Natasha and we are their loved ones and native people are smart enough to build our lives without advice and wishes ... "(style and spelling of the author are preserved. - Ed. Ed.)

Proskuryakova responded to individual people to attacks and criticism, in response, new comments were distributed, the same negative, sometimes even frankly offensive. "Julia Intrusion Compared to Natalia. Sign of her likeness, "the users compared.

To somehow stop the resentment flow, Igor Nikolayev published a new photo on which a positive comment was depicted about a speech with him from Natasha Queen. However, the wave already seems to not stop.

"Igor, why so tough? I loved the duet, the story that you both represented the country. And when your union broke up, I was in confusion - with whom to stay ??? 😁😁😁. Love both. Why should I leave your page if I like the NK too ??? " - Ask fans.

Others are trying to summarize in the spirit: "Yes, fans, this is a diagnosis, and the royal doubly. Why do you need to impose your opinion? As for me it is better for Julia, beautiful, modest, cute, intelligent, with a clean, strong voice, and such as I am a lot! ... And the comparisons were and will be, on the simple reason that Julia became his beloved wife Igor, and the fans of N. K. do not want or cannot accept it! " (The style and spelling of the author are preserved. - Ed. Ed.)

Continuation should be considered ...