The most famous performers of songs in the world. The most famous singers in the world

The most famous performers of songs in the world. The most famous singers in the world
The most famous performers of songs in the world. The most famous singers in the world

On the this moment There are many all kinds musical directionsTo keep track of the appearances of which the usual listener is simply impossible. But few people think that long before the emergence of newcomer groups existed foreign performersWith which modern music is unlikely to existed in the form in which we know it. In this selection we will talk about the most influential foreign musicians of the past.


Opens our list of notorious British Black Sabbath team. For his forty-year history, they had a chance to release countless albums, many of which became platinum. It was this group that contributed to the emergence of the incredible popularity of rock music around the world. That's just unlike other performers of those years, Black Sabbath sound was more gloomy and slow. Thus, they involuntarily contributed to the further development and appearance of the Doom Metal genre, which had a serious success after 10-15 years. Also in this group, the great Ozzie Osborne began his career, which does not need in the presentation.


One of the most significant pop-singers of the 20th century, which has influenced several musical directions immediately. In the 80s, when Madonna was at the peak of his popularity, the singer harmed the stadiums in any city without any problems, while her records remained the most sold throughout for long years. Now Madonna continues to regularly perform and periodically tries his strength to the cinema. However, the most iconic albums in her career appeared on the shelves of stores just 30 years ago.


Kurt Cobain - the most famous musician In the history of the genre, whose account was several outstanding albums. But despite not the longest career, he managed to leave an invaluable contribution to the development of modern alternative rock music. Cobain was standing at the origins of the GRUNGE origin and brought it into the masses. In still life, he managed to become a classic of modern music. Despite the sloppy appearance, the "dirty" sound and strange behavior on stage, Nirvana musicians were able to love millions of listeners all over the world. There is no doubt that without creativity Kurt, modern music would look like otherwise.


Michael Jackson is one of the most scandalous and ambiguous characters of the second half of the last century. But his influence on modern music is truly infinite. Michael was a first-class musician and a dancer, whose talent remained only to envy. His famous "lunar gait" and now enjoys incredible popularity among connoisseurs of the genre. Every album Michael Jackson invariably occupied the tops of all sorts of charts. So the title of King Pop Music Michael got quite deserved. Despite numerous scandals, he remembered humanity precisely thanks to creative activity.

Photo: afisha

David Bowie left us more recently. But even knowing that he had a little left to live, he continued to engage in creative activities until the very moment. His BlackStar album, which became the main release of 2016, appeared on the shelves just a week before the death of the musician, exactly as his clips. But the most significant in the works of Bowie were releases recorded by him as early as 70-80 years. It was then that he was at the peak his popularity and gained a multi-millionth army of fans. His distinctive feature There was a permanent change of images and musical style. And if at one time he played a classic rock, then in the next album nothing prevented Bowie to switch to some Industrial or Avangarde.

Photo: Rolling Stone

The hip-hop legend of the Public Enemy group was loved by the connoisseurs of the genre back in the late 80s of the last century. There were no extra ponts in their music, unlike modern rap performers. The public they loved predominantly thanks to witnessing texts, in which important issues were raised, who worried about the society at that time. Some topics and 15 years later continue to remain relevant. Public Enemy discussed in their work the topic of politics, equality and police arbitrariness. At that time, it was an extremely bold step to which not all performers would have decided.

Photo: Rolling

American Punk Rock Formation Ramones successfully picked up a British trend that has increasingly gained popularity in the world. Bunar groups have become the personification of the early 70s. And all this began with RAMONES musicians. They brought punk rock from the basements and brought into it a fair share of melodiousness. Thanks to this O. this genre I learned the mass listener. A group without problems began to collect major halls, and years later, the status of modern classics was completely acquired. Unfortunately, in our days most of the team with us is no longer. But they definitely left a serious contribution to American culture.


Metallica is the most famous metal group of all times and peoples. Even those people who do not tolerate this direction of music in the Spirit are familiar at least with two-three team compositions. Metallica musicians began their creative activity in the late 70s. They managed to achieve faster and hard sound, thanks to which it was born new genrecalled Thrash Metal. Musicians still remain kings of this direction, despite competition. Now Metallica without any difficulty continues to tour the world and produce fresh releases.


Rock and Roll is the most significant direction of the music of the 20th century. It was overwhelming majority of modern musical genres. And when it comes to rock and roll, then 99% of people first remember the legendary Elvis Presley. The musician had an incredible contribution to the development of the industry. Alvis's songs and to this day are successful in music lovers of different ages. His hits are heard in films, while the Baopics were repeatedly shot about him. A truly great man, with whose work should everyone should familiarize himself!


Another team that is hardly needed. The Beatles is a group that originated half a century ago. At that time, their music was truly innovative and original. To Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starre and George Harrison could not yet fulfill something at least remotely similar to The Beatles. Initially, they were inspired by the creativity of the aforementioned Elvis Presley. But, unlike the King of Rock and Roll, they did not focus on the same type of dance motives. Instead, they composed much more lyrical and sad compositions that contributed to the origin of Hard Rock.

It is clear that in the XX century there were many other, not less cool performers. So do not forget to share your opinion on this bill in the comments.

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Music is a happy component in our life. When we are in a state of stress, music can help us heal our bad mood. Beautiful music We need singers who have an amazing voice to be a component. With their beautiful voice along with their incendiary styles, they become popular in the entertainment industry. Today, we present you the top 10, the most popular foreign singers in 2017. If you want to know who the most popular singer in the West, I am pleased to read the list below.

Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados in 1988, and she is a famous Barbados singer, actress and fashion designer. She began his singer's career in 2005, and her first debut album "Sun" was released in the same year. Becoming to the singing career and with a huge effort, she received 22 Billboard awards Music Awards., 6 grammy premiums and many others. In 2012, she ranked fourth, as the most influential celebrity according to Forbes magazine. In the same year, she became the most popular singer.

Born in London, England, in 1988, Adel - Singer and songwriter. She began his singing career in 2006 after one of his friends posted her demonstration example on MySpace and drew at her attention XL Recordings. Two years after signing the contract, its first album comes out and makes it famous. Later, the second album was sold out more than 26 million copies around the world. Moreover, she was awarded 6 Grammy awards because of her beautiful voice For the film "007. Coordinates: Skyfall. " Because of its many achievements, as well as for talent in a singing career, it is the second most popular singer in 2015.

Charismatic and tender singer, Tyallor Swift, was born in Pennsylvania, the United States in 1989. At the age of 14, she began his singing career. She is the most famous song in the country style, which she received 11 Country Music Association Association. Her soft and beautiful voice appeals to the public, making her debut album quickly sold and frequently loaded. Because of all these reasons, it is known as the Third Most Popular Singer in 2015.

Lady Gaga is recognized as a crazy artist. Her clothes, painted and dance style So bizarre and bright. Nevertheless, it is one of the most popular singers in 2015. She won a lot of awards, including 5 Grammy. The Debut Album "The Fame" made it known, as it was sold out with millions of circulation. She was born in New York, USA in 1986.

Shakira is not only a famous singer, but she is also a choreographer, the author of the songs and the model. She attracts public attention with her very exciting performance. No other singers can actually move along the thigh spiral beautifully just like her. The debut album "Hips Don't Lie" she won countless awards. Among numerous awards: Grammy, Billboard Music Awards and others. She was born in Atlantico, Colombia in 1977.

Born in California, USA in 1984. Katy Perry became known thanks to its Singla "UR SO Gay", released in 2007. She won a lot of awards, including Guinness World Records and is known as the highest paid woman in music according to Forbes magazine.

Popular American singer, songwriter and actress, Beyonce was born in Texas, USA in 1981. It is a very popular singer, at least for one decade due to her cute and beautiful voice. She applies all its efforts, in the entertainment industry and trying to pick up fashionable, dance and hairstyles to keep the attraction of fans to it around the world. It takes the 7th place in the top 10 list of the most popular singers in 2015.

Miley Cyrus began her career as a singer in 2006, when she appeared before us in the image of Miley Stewart in the TV series of the Disney channel "Hanna Montana". She appeared to become later an idol for teenagers. Although there are many criticism about its height and seductive trick, while on stage, it tries to be struggling to all their might and does not allow the critics to spoil her fame. And in the end, she is still one of the most popular singers so far. She was born in 1992, in the state of Tennessee, USA

The penultimate most popular singer in 2015, Jennifer Lopez, who was born in New York, USA in 1969. In 1980, she began to professionally deal with singing. She still remains the most popular singer in the world and she has one best-selling albums around the world. She is not only a singer, but also actress, fashion designer and songwriter.

The least, but not the most popular singer in 2015, Cheryl Cole was born in Newcastle Apon-Tyne, England in 1983. She began her career in 1990, like a singer and later she became the author of the songs, a dancer, an entrepreneur, a model and TV presenter. Stunning work along with her unique voice conquered the hearts of fans all over the world.

Continuing the topic of outstanding performers in the history of music - 15 male leaders from the top 100 best performers of the flourishing of rock music. In the survey and drawing up a list according to the American magazine Rolling Stone179 experts took part, including famous musical business figures.

Popular tracks: Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are The Champions,Friends Will Be Friends, We Will Rock You

Influenced the work of Excel Rose, Joe Elliot and George Michael

Freddie Mercury was like dynamite - his four octaves against the background of a huge shimmering scene could force anyone to faint from the resulting catharsis. Even when he died of illness, he was engaged in singing. He was a fighter - remembers Brian Mei - Mercury could hardly walk when the band recorded Show Must. GO ON in 1990. I told him: Fred, I do not know if you will be able to record vocals. And he answered me: I will do it oh ** Torely expensive! He drank vodka, and we started writing ...


Influenced the work of Jack White, Stephen Tyler and Iggy

What Mick Jagger does is incredibly difficult, especially for a person who had experience to sing only in music class. His feeling of height and melodies really amazed, his vocals are amazing and impeccable - perfection of a kind. There are even certain songs where he becomes another person. Take, for example, the same Angie. or Emotional Rescue, where he sings Fallete. Over time, his voice has changed and gained various textures, which only makes his vocals stronger, especially on the background of his age.

Popular tracks: Dazed and Confused, Immigrant Song, Sea of \u200b\u200bLove

Influenced David Lee Rota, Freddie Mercury, Tori Amos and Excel Rose

Being a teenager from Western Midlands (England), Robert Plant was obsessed with American blues. When I heard the voice of Slep John Estees, I felt something elsewhere and thought at that moment: I want the same voice!One way or another, he received such a voice, because most of the hard rock singers, no matter how much it would not hide their bundles, do not get such a picturesque vocal like a plan. His voice sounds simultaneously and new, and no, at the same time it remains the most crazy European mystery to everyone.

Popular tracks: Let "s Stay Together, Love and Happiness, Tired of Being Alone

Influenced the creativity of Prince, Bee Gees and Justin Timberlake

Ela Green's voice fits perfectly between romance and sex. He was and remains the last dominant singer of the spiritual era, his amazing falsett can introduce in the state of unbearable tension or ecstasy. At the beginning of the seventies, he lost his status of the most influential and sexual artist, however, recently his return to the stage is gaining momentum.

Popular tracks: Oh, Pretty Woman, You Got It, Only The Lonely, Oh My Love My Darling

Influenced the work of Bruce Springstina, Chris Isaac and Catherine Don Lang

Bob Dylan at one time stated that Roy had a professional criminal voice. His creativity is often confused with Elvis Presley, so for example, his famous song Oh My Love My Darling Often attributed to the king of rock and roll. His voice on the background symphony orchestra Opened new era For rock sixties. In some songs, he sings so high that during one ofconcertsi thought it would grab his blow -chris Isaac tells.

Popular tracks: Yesterday, Hey Jude, Maybe I "M Amazed

Influenced the work of Elton John, the genus Stewart and Elvis Kostello

Paul as an artist-impressionist who had the honor to observe and take part in the record songs The. Beatles I. the greatest album White album In 1968. His vocal parties are so elementary, and his vocals are so good that it puts many outstanding musical critics into confusion. McCartney showed himself as one of the most melodic rock crying, he studied vocal from his father-musician, and since childhood he was fond of Elvis Presha and Everly Brothers, of course, he absorbed a lot from communicating with Lennon, but it does not cancel His wonderful voice.

Popular tracks: I Got You (I Feel Good), Papa "S Got A Brand New Bag, The Payback, Give IT Up or Turnit a loose

Influenced Michael Jackson's work, sly Stone, Prince and George Clinton

James Brown was never just a naked musician, he has a whole set of talents. He has the strongest inner voice and charisma. When he went on stage, then every time I did a lyrical retreat, and his speeches were simultaneously discreet and dynamic. He was also always a strong ballad, from his mouth they were visible.

Popular tracks: SuperStition, Sir Duke, Signed, Sealed, Delivered I "M Yours

Under the influence of Donnie Hatves, Maxwell and Adam Levin

His voice sounds like tears of joy, as if he was on the verge of scream because of admirement around the world, and music, in turn, exacerbates all the feelings. Ribbon In The Sky -the visual example, the song, in general, is very simple, but very significant, here his voice has many diverse variations and makes him a colossal performer, the - who he is.

Popular tracks: (Sittin "ON) The Dock of the Bay, These Arms of Mine, Try a Little Tenderness

Influenced the work of Ela Green, Tutsi Hibbert and Chris Robinson

All his work is a huge performance and he certainly sings not for the sake of money. OTIS is limited not to a large range, but, despite this, his singing is very strong and emotional. Every time behind the scenes, he waited for a boxer before entering the ring, and be on the same stage with a person with incredible magnetism - a pleasure.

Popular tracks: Like a Rolling Stone, Lay Lady Lay, Visions of Johanna

Influenced the work of John Lennon, Bruce Springstina, Patti Smith, the conir of Oberst, Kurt Kobaine and Tom Wates

Bob Dylan did the fact that very many singers will never do - he changed the future, translated popular songs of that time to a new way, and we still live in the world formed by Dylan's songs. In order to understand the influence of Bob on society, it is necessary to imagine the world without the existence of Tom Wates, Bruce Springstina, Kurt Kobaine and other vocalists with supervisory voices - their creativity simply would not exist without Dylan. In the sixties, he was a voice of generation. America at that time was full of superhero, but Bob was modest and felt much more confident of the rest. After his arrival, all dusty romance sounded before, as if a stuffing paddle was sodan from the eye of the society before bare reality.

Popular tracks: What "S Going On, Let" S Get It On, I Heard It Through The Grapevine

Influenced creativity D "Angelo, R. Kelly and Asher

Marvin's work cuts right in the heart, he is an incredibly sensual performer. Even when he desperately sang about the state of the world, it sounded as if he confessed in his feelings. Concert version Distant Lover \\ Beloved at a distanceto this day, it remains one of the incredible concerts taken ever. Thanks to this record, you can feel his confidence, longing and many other emotions.

Key tracks: I Feel Fine, Strawberry Fields Forever, Imagine, Instant Karma

Influenced the creativity of Bono, Nile Yang and Liam Gallacher

Lennon combined his intelligence with intimate ballads, which made his songs truly passionate. He always had confidence that he felt, and all that he sang - worried emotionally, thereby leaving a part of himself in the songs. The more he developed as a writer, the more he had to show his voice in various contexts. For example, exciting loneliness in the song A day in the lifeilluminist pain B. Mother / You Had Me / But I Never Had You.In his life, John passed through a lot, sometimes he had to abandon one, in order to get another. He always told the truth, felt that he had the right to reason about global things - this was done by his personality special.

So, let's start with 10 places

Ray Charles ( full name Ray Charles Robinson)

American blind musician, Author of more than 70 studio albums, one of the most famous music performers in Soul, jazz and rhythm and blues. He was awarded 17 Prizes "Grammy", got into the halls of the Glory of Rock and Roll, Jazz, Country and Blues, to the Hall of Fame of the State of Georgia, his records were included in the library of the US Congress.
Frank Sinaratra called Ray "The only real genius in show business." Before his talent, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, Billy Preston, Van Morrison and many others.

During one of his awards Ray It was described as "one of the most respected singers of his generation ... Pioneer, who was a barrier between secular and spiritual styles, between white and black pop music." He himself said simply - "The music was in the world for a very long time, and will be after me. I just tried to leave my mark, make something good in music. " In August 2005, the US Congress renamed West Adams Station Post Office in Los Angeles in the Ray Charles Station.

In 1976, he became one of the first musiciansCarried to the Hall of Fame Georgia. In 1981 he was awarded own star On the Hollywood Alley of Fame. In 1986, he fell into the Hall of Glory Rock and Roll, was awarded the French Order of Arts and Literature, and in 2004 he got into the Hall of Glory Jazz. For his career, Ray won 17 Grammy Awards (5 posthumously), not counting the premium for contributing to the development of music, which he was honored in 1987.

9th place occupies Areta Franklin

American singer In rhythm-end blues, soul and gospel. The greatest success reached in the 2nd half of the 1960s and early 1970s. Thanks to an exceptionally flexible and strong vocals, it is often called Queen Soul. On January 3, 1987, she became the first woman whose name was listed in the Hall of Glory Rock and Roll.

Recorded in different years Duets "Queen" with her sacred daughter Whitney Houston, Maray Carey, Annie Lennox, Mary Ja Bliged, Frank Sinatre, Gloria Estefan, Christina Aguilera and other performers were released in 2007. Jewels in the Crown: All-Star Duets with The Queen. " Two years before that, she was awarded the highest award of the United States - Presidential Medal of Freedom.

8th place. Little Richard

American singer, Pianist and composer, who stood at the sources of rock and roll.
In 1986, a new album "Lifetime Friend", which combined spirituality and rock, which combined spirituality and rock comes out in 1986. In the same year, the singer is one of the first to enter the Hall of Glory Rock and Roll.

Since then, the musician often began to appear in episodic roles Movies, in prefabricated concerts, sign up duets with many performers (Elton John, John Bon Jovi, Jerry Lee Lewis, Solomon Berk, etc.), actually new Material Sign up stopped, although still occasionally gives concerts.

At the same time, Little Richard continues to preach And to fulfill the responsibilities of the priest, more than once wedding celebrities (Weddings Bruce Willis, Bruce Springstina, etc.). In 2000, art television filmed about Litla Richard's life.

7th place. James Brown

American singerrecognized as one of the most influential figures in pop music of the XX century. " Godfather Soul "," Mr Please Please Please "and" Mr. Dynamite ", as he called himself. He worked in such genres as gospel, rhythm and blues, funk.

Golden Time B. music career Brown accounted for mid-1960s when his popularity stepped over the limits of Georgia and neighboring states. Extravagant performer tireless acted with concerts throughout the country. His credo was as follows: "Speech longer and show the audience more than what they count, buying tickets." At concerts, he laid out to such an extent that the scenes fell on the floor from nervous exhaustion and he had to make glucose injections.

With time Bruhn Funk-founded evolved into an uncompromising dance style "disco", which conquered the whole world with his incendiary rhythms in the late 1970s. In the new conditions, the plates of the Krotny Father Funka cease to be overwhelmed with the demand of young people. Brown is increasingly perceived as a cult figure in the history of music, and not a participant musical process. He appears with Kameo in many hollywood films, and in 1986, when creating a hall of the Glory of the Rock and Roll, is declared one of his founding fathers.

73-year-old musician Died from pneumonia in Christmas 2006. Farewell to him passed with a large coherence of the people, including such stars, like Michael Jackson, and the next game "Grammy" ceremony was devoted to the memory of the Great Musician.

6th place. Jimi Hendrix

American guitarist, singer and composer. In 2009, Time magazine called Hendrricks the greatest guitarist of all time. It is widely recognized as one of the most bold and inventive virtuosos in the history of rock.

Hendrix During his lifetime, called a phenomenon and genius. He opened an endless source of the capabilities of the new sound in the electric guitar. Speaking about the innovations of Hendrque, critics emphasize that he expanded the range and dictionary electric guitar And changed the face of rock music.

In May 2010. The year BBC News Agency reported that the exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of his death will open in the London House of Jimmy Hendricks. At this exhibition, handwritten lyrics, clothes and other memorable things were demonstrated.

6 September, on it last speech At the "Isle of Fehmarn" festival, Hendrix was met by the audience extremely unluckily and soon left the stage.
Hendrix remained in England and in the morning of September 18, 1970 was found dead in the Room of the Hotel Samarkand in London.

He spent the night With his then girlfriend, German Charlotte Daneman, and died in bed, chokes by vomit, after receiving 9 pill tablets. Dunman noticed that something was wrong with Jimmy, but was afraid to call an ambulance due to the drugs held everywhere. A few years later, Daneman argued that Hendrix was still alive when he was transferred to the ambulance car, but her comments on this case were very contradictory and changed from an interview to the interview.

In the biographies of Hendrix The doctor who duty on the ambulance then said that by the time Jimmy took him to the hospital, it was already impossible to save him.

Jimi Hendrix He was buried in the Greenwood Memorial Park in Renton, Washington, USA, contrary to his desire to be buried in England.
Posthumous discography by Jimi Hendricks has more than 351 records.

5th place. Chuck Berry

American singer, guitarist, songwriter. One of the Rock and Rolls.

In May 1955, Berry, on the advice of Muddy Waters, came out at Leonard Chesza, the owner of the Blues Labela Chess Records. He became interested in the guitarist, and precisely his experiments from Country than his blues, to the surprise of Berry himself.

May 21st In the studio of the company, the first single Chuck Berry, "Maybellene", which combined the rhythm-end-blues head and the Country stylist. The single was sold out with a circulation over a million copies and took the 1st place in the American Hit Parade category of Rhythm and Blues Chart, and in September I got to 5 lines at the US Main National Chart - Billboard Hot 100.

Final finallyBerry began to release one after another hit singles, which became a classic rock music: "Thirty Days" (1955), "Roll Over Beethoven" (1956), "Brown Eyed Handsome Man" (1956), "Rock'n'ROLL Music »(1957)," Sweet Little Sixteen "(1958)," Johnny B. Goode "(1958) and others. Berry as the author stand out among the figures of the early rock and roll: the lyrics of his songs were a kind of small stories, full of unexpected revolutions and irony, not in vain he was informed by the "rock and roll poet".

Since 1958, they began to go out and long-playing plates of the singer; In them, the main place was occupied by blues. Berry actively toured and also took part in the shooting of two rock and roll art films - "Rock, Rock, Rock" (1956) and "Go, Johnny, Go" (1959).

Singer still Weekly acts on Wednesdays in his club "Blueberry Hill" in St. Louis and episodically leaves tour.

4th place. Their Rolling Stones

British rock bandFormed in 1962 and many years competing with the Beatles. Rolling Stones, which became an important part of the British invasion, are considered one of the most influential and successful groups In the history of rock. Rolling Stones, who, according to Manager Andrew Luga Oldham, had to become a "Bunlet" alternative to The Beatles, already in 1969, during the American tour, advertised as the "greatest rock and roll group in the world" and (according to ALLMUSIC), managed to keep this status to this day.

The group released In the UK twenty-two studio and eight concert albums (in the US, respectively, - 24 and 9). Twenty-one single was part of the top ten UK Singles Chart, 8 of them rose to the top of the charts; Relevant ROLLING STONES indicators in the Billboard HOT 100 - 28 and 8.

Global circulation Rolling Stones albums exceeded 250 million, 200 million of them were sold in the United States; According to these indicators, the Group is one of the most successful in history. In 1989, Rolling Stones were included in the Rock and Roll Fame Hall.

The Rolling Stones was very different from The Beatles on sound and in the image, their music was loud, sharp and saturated very frank to that period texts.

EFFECT THE ROLLING STONES It is impossible to overestimate the formation and development of rock music - not only in the musical, but also in artistic and visual, image and mass media plans. The group to this day remains an absolutely original, recognizable from the first chords.

The uncomplicated seemingly at first Works, some of which, when first listening, create a feeling of noise chaos, with subsequent auditions appear as a complete highly artistic artifact.

Honorable 3 place is occupied by Elvis Presley

American singer And the actor, one of the most commercially successful performers of the popular music of the 20th century. His fame is so wide that most people call him only by name - "Elvis". Sustainable phrase "King Rock and Roll" is also associated with Elvis Presley.

Success Elvis Presley In popular music, he opened his way to Hollywood, which immediately took advantage of Tom Parker, which concluded contracts with Studios 20th Century Fox and Paramount. The first film with the participation of Presley became "Love me gentle", the premiere of which took place on November 15, 1956. Presley played a minor role and performed only four short songs, but it was at him millions of viewers in the cinemas of that week. The old Dream of Elvis becomes an actor realized. In 1957, two more films came out - "love you" and "prison rock", brought instant commercial success.

March 24, 1958 Elvis Presley was called to the US Army. The news about the care of the Presley in the army was caused by protests in the country among young people: the army and the president went with the requirements with the requirements to cancel the service for the singer. Meanwhile, it was a mutually beneficial enterprise: for Presley - to increase his reputation among the wider layers of the population (although he himself was internally worried that his career would come to an end), for the army - to raise the prestige of the service and attract new soldiers. In the fall of 1958, the Presley are sent to the 3rd tank division, deployed in West Germany, in Friedberg under Frankfurt.

March 2, 1960 Elvis Presley returned to America and on March 5 was demobilized in the rank of sergeant. Immediately, entries began in the studio - the singer did not record anything since June 1958. The result was the album "Elvis IS Back!", Which took 2nd place and considered one of best work Presley.

Elvis Presley For more than 30 years, one of the most famous personalities of world pop culture remains. In America, he has long entered the daily life of the averages, along with the presidents and athletes. Jokes, associations, hints, open parodies, etc. became an integral phenomenon of the American entertainment industry.

Removed many movie and telephibids, both biographical and having only indirect attitude to the life of the prelay, published yet large quantity Books (including encyclopedias and culinary). The extensive industry of prelay imitators is flourishing around the world (at the same time, they tend to use the most recognizable image of the Presley of the 70s.). His estate "Graceland" is the second in the United States after the White House at the place of attendance (600 thousand people per year).

In a step from Victory stopped Bob Dylan

American executor Songs, poet, artist, film actor. It is a cult figure in popular music for five decades. Many of his songs, such as "Blown" in the Wind "and" The Times They Are A-Changin ", became hymns for the movement of civil rights and anti-war in the United States.

In the summer of 1965. Dylan releases its first full-fledged rock album "Highway 61 Revisited". For several years, the world of rock music digested the revolutionary charge of this record. In serious literary journals Articles began to appear, disassembled songs Dilan. It is estimated that from 1964 to 1966 more than a hundred different artists tried his new songs.

Exit "Highway 61 Revisited" The single "Like a Rolling Stone" (listen to a fragment) (2nd place in the USA), which was also revolutionary in many respects. In addition to the piercing poetry of the text and a powerful rock and roll bit, this six-minute single put an end to the epoch when singles were not released songs exceeding for three minutes. In 2004, this song was headed by a survey of the Rolling Stone magazine list 500 of the best songs of all time

In 1973. Dylan made his debut in the cinema, playing in the film "Pat Garrett and Billy Kid" and writing for him the anthem "Knockin" on Heaven "s door" ("Reaching out to heaven", 4th place in the USA). This song entered the Golden Rock Music Foundation and was subsequently performed by dozens of artists - from Bob Marley and Roger Waters to U2, Guns N "Roses and Avril Lavigne.

September 11, 2001 It was marked not only by terrorist attacks in the United States, but also the output of the 31st studio album Bob Dylan, "Love And Theft", which was very warmly adopted by the public and critics. Dylan, known for his negative relations to the modern studio "commemoratives", independently discharged this album under the pseudonym "Jack Frost". Observers pleased that over the years the musician expands its stylist range: the effect of jazz is especially noticeable on this disk.

August 29, 2006 The release of the album "Modern Times", which completes the trilogy of albums, started by "Time Out of Mind" and continued "Love and theft". This album entered the story, debuting on the first line at Billboard 200. Thus, the 65-year-old Bob Dylan became the most age artist who managed to conquer American sales charts.

Musician vocals became even more rude (if not to say senile), but this did not affect the evaluation of this entry musical critics. Let's say, the magazine Rolling Stone called the "Modern Times" the best disc, and the American Academy of Recording awarded Dilan the Grammy Prize for the best solo rock execution.

In April 2008 Bob Dylan received a Pulitzer Prize "For an outstanding impact on popular music and American culture marked by lyric compositions of exceptional poetic power." In 2010, based on the results of the NEWSWeek Love and Theft, Bob Dilan took second place in the nomination "Best Decade Album".

And finally, 1 place. The Beatles.

The Beatles. - British rock band from Liverpool: John Lennon (rhythm guitar, solo guitar, keyboards, tambourine, maracas, bass guitar, harmonic, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, keyboards, drums, guitar, vocals) , George Harrison (Solo Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Sitar, Tuben, Keyboard, Vocal), Ringo Starr (drums, Rhythm Guitar, Tuben, Maracas, Korolel, Bongi, Keyboard, Vocal). Also, at different times, Pete Best (drums, vocals), Stewart Satcliffe (bass guitar, vocals) and Jimmy Nicol (drums) were performed as part of the Group. After the collapse of the group that occurred in 1970, each of its participants began the solo career.

BEATLES style It originates from the 1950s, the era of rock and roll, which formed the worldview and musical tastes of future participants in the group. In the spring of 1956, John Lennon (1940-1980) first heard the song "All Shook Up" [Source not specified 383 days] Elvis Presley, who, according to him, meant the end of his former life (it is interesting to note that Bill Hayley heard "The most popular performer of rock and roll to Presley - he made a smaller impression on him).

By that time, John played a lip harmonic And Banjo. Now he began to master the guitar. Soon, together with comrades in school, he founded the "The Blackjacks" group, after a week renamed the Quarrymen, named after their school, Quarry Bank. Corerimmen played Squiffs - the British variety of amateur rock and roll - and tried to be like Teddy fighting.

In the summer of 1957 Lennon During one of the first concerts, Kuorrimmen met the 15-year-old Paul McCartney, who struck John with the knowledge of chords and the words of the latest Rock and Roll novelties (in particular the songs of Twenty Flight Rock Eddie Kokrane) and the fact that it was clearly better developed Musically (Paul also played on a pipe and piano).

In the spring of 1958 for episodic performances, And from the autumn - a friend of Paul, George Harrison (1943-2001) joined them. It was these three who became the main bones of the group, for the rest of the participants, Kuorrimmen Rock and Roll was temporary passion, and soon they disappeared from the team.

At the end of 1959 A novice artist Stewart Satcliffe entered the group, with whom Lennon met in his art college. Satcliffe's game did not differ in great skill, which repeatedly caused irritation at demanding McCartney. In this form, the composition of the ensemble was almost completed: John Lennon (vocals, rhythm guitar), Paul McCartney (vocals, piano, rhythm guitar), George Harrison (Solo Guitar), Stewart Satcliffe (bass guitar). However, there was a problem - the absence of a permanent striker, which encouraged the musicians to even arrange comic competitions, inviting the audience as drummers.

In April 1960 The Beatles went to their first small tour of Scotland as the accompanying group. Their skill as musicians steadily grew, although they continued to remain one of the many unlucky rock and roll groups of Liverpool.

In the summer of 1960. The Beatles received an invitation to play in Hamburg, where club owners were interested in real English-speaking rock and roll ensembles; The fact that several Liverpool groups have already played in Hamburg, turned out to be on the arm of The Beatles. However, this forced them to urgently look for a drummer to comply with a professional contract.

So they were recruited Pete Best, Which was a drummer in the Liverpool rock band "The Blackjacks", playing in the club "Casbah". On August 16, The Beatles left England, and the next day their first concert took place in the Hamburg club "Indra", in which the group played until October. From October and until the end of November, The Beatles played in the KaiserKeller club.

Over time Brian Epsteen Meets with the producer of George Martin from the Parlophone label, which belonged to EMI. George showed interest in the group and wanted to see her performance in the studio; He invited a quartet for listening to the London Studio Abbey Road on June 6.

It should be noted that as a result, George Martin It was not particularly impressed with the first demotpsies of the group, but Bitles, like him, immediately liked him. Recognizing that they had a talent, later Martin spoke in his interview, that that day, not the best practices made an impression on him, and they themselves - attractive, funny and slightly sauming young people

In November 1961 Brian Epstene became the first manager The Beatles (helped by the group Allan Williams was not a manager, he only performed the duties of a concert promoter and a tour agent, in no way related to the obligations with the group). In Time Brian Epstein met with the producer George Martin from the Parlophone label, Which belonged to EMI.

George showed interest in the group and wanted to see her performance in the studio; He invited a quartet for listening to the London Studio Abbey Road on June 6. It should be noted that in the end, George Martin was not particularly impressed with the first demotpsies of the group, but Bitles, like him, immediately liked him. Recognizing that they had a talent, later Martin spoke in his interview that that day was impressed on him that day, and they themselves are attractive, fun and slightly sauming young people.

When Martin asked, is there anything in the studio What they did not like, Harrison replied: "I don't like your tie." Fortunately for "The Beatles", George Martin asked: the group was invited to sign a long-awaited record contract, and direct and ingenious answers to the questions became the corporate style of the Bittles conversation at various press conferences and interviews.

June 25, 1967 The Beatles became the first ensemble, whose performance was broadcast for the whole world - they were able to see almost 400 million people in all countries. Their number has become part of the world's first global television program "Our World" (OUR WORLD). The performance was broadcast directly from the main studio The Beatles on Abby Road Street in London, during him a video version of the song "All You Need Is Love" was recorded.

But after this triumph of the case of the group went to the decline, and a considerable role in this played tragic death The Beatles manager Brian Epstaine, who deceased on August 27, 1967 as a result of the overdose of sleeping pills. "The Fifth Beat", as his members of the group called himself, headed by all financial affairs and devoted to the group all his time, left his life, he was just 32 years old.

November 22, 1968 The group released its new record - The BEATLES double album, which is known among the masses as the "white album", because of its absolutely white cover, on which only the name of the group was printed. Criticism estimated the album ambiguously. Many observers adhered to the opinions that the musicians should have been more demanding and complicate one disk.

However, the audience was delighted - I liked the album. Well, in the biography "The Beatles" he occupies a special place, because it is the first bright evidence of the impending decay of The Beatles. The days of work on the "white album" showed barriers that arose between members of the group, their relationship worsened, and Ringo Starr at the time even left the ensemble. As a result, in the songs "Martha My Dear", "Wild Honey Pie", "Dear Prudence" and "Back In The U.S.r." Maccartney party executed parties are recorded. Nevertheless, on the same album, a song, studied Ringo, "Don't Pass Me By" was released.

The atmosphere in the group was heated and because of new wife Lennon - Yoko, which was present on each group's sound session and was very annoyed by all its members (except, of course, Lennon). In addition, Lennon and Harrison began to produce solo plates, which also did not too contributed to improving the state of the group. All these nuances inexorably led to breakdown. With this day, the rapid disintegration of the quartet began, as McCartney, who believed that a more worthy candidate for this post should be the father of his future wife Linda, whether Eastman was against, and eventually began a trial Against his own group (which, though, it began after the collapse of The Beatles in December 1970).

Work on the album "Get Back" it was abandoned (only a few singles with the most successful songs were released), but the band was still able to find the strength to create an Abbey Road album - a masterpiece that became the last creation of the group (album "Let It Be" albeit later, but consisted of records created in early 1969). The last song, which The Beatles recorded everything together (it was August 20), became "I Want You".

December 8, 1980 John Lennon was killed in New York a mentally unbalanced US citizen Mark Chepman. On the day of death, Lennon gave his last Interview American journalists, and at 22 o'clock 50 minutes, when John and Yoko were under the arch of her house, returning from the recording studio Hit Factory, Chapman, earlier on the same day the autograph on the cover of the new album "Double Fantasy", made five shots His back.

Police car The "Dakota" caused by the gatekeeper, Lennon was literally delivered to the hospital of Roosevelt in a few minutes. But attempts by doctors to save Lennon were in vain - because of the big blood loss, he died, the official time of death - 23 hours 15 minutes. Lennon was cremated in New York, and his dust was transferred to Yoko.

Paul McCartney planned reunification "The Beatles" a year before the murder of John Lennon. In his 1979 contract with CBS Records, McCartney claimed that he could recording music with Lennon, Harrison and Starr under the name "The Beatles"

Achievements "The Beatles"

Essay "The Beatles"" A Day in The Life.»It is recognized as the best British song of all time. This decision of the expert board of the magazine q was at the right moment - a quoting headlines at once two "Bitlovsk" tracks Collection "Help: A Day in The Life" just began to storm the peaks of charts. Original text This song, written by John Lennon, was sold for $ 1.2 million at Sothebeis auction in the United States.

In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine Published 500 best songs of all times and peoples. The list is the most songs The Beatles - 23.

The largest American music television VH-1 Published a rating of 100 best albums in the history of rock and roll. In the first place was the album "Revolver" (1966) of the legendary group "The Beatles", according to the newspaper "The Washington Post".

List of a hundred better position Compiled on the basis of a survey of more than 500 journalists, workers of the music industry and performers. More four albums of the Liverpool Fourth: "Rubber Soul" (1965), "Abbey Road" (1969), "SGT. Pepper "S Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967) and "The Beatles" (also called "White Album", 1968) were among the following ten positions, taking 6th, 8th, 10th and 11, respectively -Ro place.

Yesterday (1965) - According to the Guinness Book of Records, more cover versions were made on this song than any other of ever written, and the EMI sound recording corporation claims that only in the 20th century it was performed over seven million times.

"SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band » - Eighth album british rock band "The Beatles". Many critics call "SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band "Among the most influential rock albums of all time. In particular, he was named best album In history according to the magazine "ROLLING STONE" 2003.

In 1964. At once, three songs "The Beatles" fell into the first ten of the American hit parade.

Television show Ed Sullivan With "The Beatles" (1964) gathered 73,000,000 spectators.

The BEATLES Group He received a star on the Alley of Fame in Hollywood for achievements and contribute to music.

In 2009 In Hamburg, the Beatlemania (Bitomania) Museum is open.


The following musicians got into the list:

Bob Marley-11 place

U2-22 place

Nirvana-27 place

Michael Jackson-35

Madonna-36 place

Dr. DRE-54 place


AC / DC-72 place

Eminem-82 place

2PAC-86 place

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