How to organize a concert of a musical group on points. Business on the organization of concerts

How to organize a concert of a musical group on points. Business on the organization of concerts
How to organize a concert of a musical group on points. Business on the organization of concerts

Suppose you have appeared the idea to organize a party or concert. And now you have questions how to save money to hold them or even earn money.

So, to get money from the party, the idea is needed to organize a concert itself. You thought about the plot, outlined the main star of the event ... What to do next? Memore the main items:

  • Find a concert area (be sure to explore it and explore the equipment hall)
  • Define an audience (who will go?)
  • Set the price range
  • Learn to convince

So, to find the concert area, count how many people come to the concert. Determinecapacity Places. By the number of places - we print the required number of tickets for the concert. Inspect the possible entrances (on them there are particularly ear guards or hall workers can inlets for nothing, and even for free "left" visitors or their relatives). If you do not trust local security, put your security on all inputs and outputs.

Do not forget pro machinations grandmothers Ticket - When auntier checking tickets are a little money and she misses everyone in a row. And at the concert hall will be crowded, and tickets sold a little bit. You yourself (or your friends) try to go to the concert, putting it instead of a ticket for example 500 rubles. I missed - we replace it with my own man.

Another chip - fake tickets. To deal with them, put neon prints on them, make embossing, perforation.

Warn what to remove the cash desk will only you and no one else. Decide on the price range:VIP. , average, budget and tickets for partners.

Very good move - to organizeVIP. - Zone. Check out the tables or in the first rows of security, for especially "expensive" customers. Many this flattering and even the overestimated price of such tickets does not scare away.

In the era of modern technologies, to invite the star, do not look for it through the second hands. Now on the Internet through the site you can find a connection with any artist. Learn to convince. Prices for each of their own, but cheaper to invite an artist in a tour (so you will save on traffic expenses). But on average, when organizing the event, all the money earned is divided by about this: the artist is 70%, the organizer is 30% of revenue. Starting negotiations with an artist, the main thing is not to worry and do not forget to rejugging (there is nothing galloping).

In order to bring Star, consider costs for a concert: fee, road share, household rider, technical rider - sound rental, room rental, personnel for the concert, payment for security. Afraid that alone can not handle personal assistant - One or two thousand for the event, but you have someone to rely on. Since during your concert, you can simply break through all sorts of trifles.

When printing posters and tickets, use offset printing for savings. Since it is the cheapest. And on one sheet, you put the posters, and at the edges of the tickets. Best colors for posters black, white, red. The largest letters point to the artist and the date of performances, less font - the rest of the information is the venue, price, points of sale, partners, the name of the concert, and so on.

Placing the poster can be commercial and free. Or activists, ready to work for a ticket for this concert. Distribute 30-100 posters for one person (depending on the price of a party to the party) and explain that every placed poster need to take a picture. What, photograph not the poster itself, but the place where it was glued. Usually hang posters one month before the concert.

The legal side of the issue is taxes. Make up five percent.

When drawing up a contract with the hall, we necessarily indicate the name of the site, its address and time of the concert with a margin of at least five hours. We prescribe the technical personnel of the area - the presence of the electrician, cleaners, water and thermal regime throughout the event. We discover in the contract questions on tickets: who prints, who sells, sell mode, percentage of the transaction. We indicate the mode of operation of the cashier (only 30% of visitors arrive on time, the rest come later, so the cashier should sit almost to the end). So when you decide to stop selling tickets. Even if there is no number and the concert began, you should ask you whether you can graduate from the sale of tickets. We indicate who has the right to take money from the box office.

With an artist in the contract, we indicate how many songs performs, how many minutes. The procedure for calculations is a prepayment, a refund when the concert is canceled due to the fault of the artist, payment after arrival.

Remember that the fee for damage is going on guard, and not to yours. Militia arrival is always free.

I hope these tips will help you organize an event!

The organization of concerts as a business may seem very difficult. But if there is a desire to make money on music in this way, we describe where to start the entrepreneur and show the profitability of the project.

At first, it will be very difficult to engage in organizational issues. Indeed, in large megalopolis, there is a high competition between such firms, and in small cities it is difficult to provide the required conditions for artists. It is possible that first will have to work without profit or even invest your own money until you create a name in certain circles.

Registration questions

Of course, to become the organizer of concerts it is not necessary to undergo registration in the tax service. But the fact is that the artists will more will be more willing to conclude a contract and go to the deal if you provide a legal entity or registered at least as an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, the company raises more confidence in sponsors, singers and club owners. But IP has the opportunity to pay a smaller tax to the state in a simplified system. Yes, and the process of paperwork at the same time it turns out to be much cheaper and faster.

If there are several people to organize a similar project, then you have to open ooo. So it will be much easier to engage in many questions that arise before organizer of concerts. It is important to indicate the correct OKVED code. In this case, 93.29 - services in the field of entertainment and recreation.

Market analysis

Where to start the first thing? You can choose two directions:

  1. Focus on your own tastes, inviting those artists who like you personally and hope that anyone else will want to visit a similar event.
  2. But for earnings, it is advisable to make a survey among the inhabitants of the city, acquaintances, on the forums and find out what groups and directions in music are preferred by others. When going to hold a concert with those performers who are waiting in the city most people, with due organization, you can earn large sums.

Before doing all questions, make a business plan and decide that you need, which is missing, which amount you have and what you want to navigate.

Selection of artist

Thinking up the upcoming event, decide how best to do:

  • Invite only one artist or group and offer the public a solo concert.
  • Or collect several performers in one room and provide the audience something like a festival.

It is worth noting that the newcomer will be difficult to get a "star", so it makes sense to navigate on beginner singers, which may even even have their producer. In this case, they will be ready to cooperate for a small fee and will make minimal requirements. Sometimes such groups perform in the club even for free, only for the idea or advertising.

To clarify the conditions and cost per performance, it is advisable to hold preliminary negotiations with the producer or the singer himself. We will not clarify the touring schedule to offer a speech at a time when it is convenient.

What do you need to prepare?

It is quite difficult to organize a concert of the artist. To do this, take into account the many details. Start from the site and equipment. So, depending on the group, its fame, the number of people willing to visit the event you need to find a suitable place for this.

Usually for concerts choose:

  1. Clubs in which there are already all the equipment, lighting and place for the public.
  2. Stadiums, where there is enough space for a large number of people.
  3. Houses of culture or other concert halls.

It is important to agree with the owner of the institution about acceptable rates, date, possible discounts, distribution of tickets and advertising. Do not forget that the performers need a certain technical equipment and in each case it will be something else.

In well-known groups on the official website, there is a technical rider, that is, a list of those tools and other equipment that will be required for their performance. But you can also personally with the producer or artists to discuss this moment and rent a technique in advance. Make it available through special agencies, studios, halls for rehearsals, houses of culture, etc.

Sometimes it makes sense to pay a little more for the rental of a club for a concert, than separately look for the room and the required equipment. After all, in such establishments, usually everything is usual for performances. In addition to music, you need to prepare and lighting, as well as hire specialists responsible for setting the sound, lighting devices, etc.

Almost no concert do without attracting sponsors. They are needed for financial support, help in organizational moments or for advertising and selling tickets. There are two main forms of cooperation:

  • Financial - can be profitable, but usually it is rarely done and only with already well-known firms. Nobody highlights novice organizers directly.
  • In the form of barter - that is, you placed on the bills, tickets, walls and on stage the logo or advertising of the company, and the sponsor for it offers any help. It may be the dissemination of the concert information, the organization of a press conference for artists, providing them with a place of residence, a hall for performing, technique, printing products, etc.
  1. Print Flyers and distribute them in places of great accumulation of people, leave in youth cafes, educational institutions, etc.
  2. Hang posters around the city.
  3. Take advantage of special agencies that will not only help sell tickets, but also create advertising.
  4. Make a page on the Internet or on social sites, provide information about the concert at the local forum.
  5. Organize a press conference and invite journalists.

What else to pay attention to?

In order for the expected event to be held and was carried out at a decent level, you need to do the following:

  • Inviting artists, ask their requirements and wishes. Organize them accommodation, meals, rehearsal.
  • A few days before the concert, you can make a press conference or interview at the local TV channel with performers.
  • When drawing up a lease agreement of the club, mark in writing all the details and features of the room after its careful inspection together with the owner. After all, any damage will have to reimburse you as an event organizer.
  • Payments are held after the speech, although some artists require a deposit in a certain amount before their arrival.
  • Do not expect that the first profit will make you a rich man. Perhaps several concerts will have to work for free or even loss. It will take some time to create an image of the company and the acquisition of authority in the musical environment.
  • Take care of the protection of the premises or the stadium, because the event there will be many people. It is convenient to do this with the help of special private firms.
  • Think over the entire script, as well as hire the lead. It is important to record in advance what and when to speak, the order of the output of artists, etc. Some performers provide their texts for such cases.
  • Before the concert, make it possible to configure the equipment, lighting, and the protruding group to prophete on the scene. To do this, it is better to highlight the whole day.
  • Keep in mind that when renting a club, it is much more profitable to take it on weekdays. Then the cost will be lower, and it is easier to carry out preparatory work, since at this time there is a low attendance of such institutions.


To calculate at least approximately your expenses and expected profit, you need to think about how much a ticket costs, how many people are expected to concert and clarify the rates for all the above organizational moments. We give approximate figures.

If you set the cost of a ticket in the amount of 250 rubles and sell them in the amount of 500 pieces, then the income will be 125,000 rubles. With these expenses, the organization is obtained in a pure form of 50 thousand. Thus, from the first concerts, you can reach the full payback of business.

Video: Lecture - Vladimir Philippov, organization of concerts and tour.

It's no secret that there is always competition in the world of music. But, despite this, people still appear to have interest in organizing concerts and musical festivals. And if you also sometimes slipped the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make a concert, then for you will not be superfluous with a simple scheme of organizing concerts for beginners.

To begin with:

  • What a budget
  • Knowledge of local groups or contacts through which you can invite stars
  • Friends wishing to offer
  • Sociability without it
  • Designer who will be engaged in decoration issues
  • Internet Access Computer

Instructions for organizing a concert

  • Before organizing a concert, it is necessary to carry out a small analysis of music sites and teams. This will require a computer with access to the Internet, thanks to him you can enter specialized sites, where you will find out a lot of information about groups and can even find contacts to communicate with them.
  • It is necessary to think carefully the genre of the concert itself, and what areas for him will be more relevant, because the organization of concerts of stars has a completely different focus.
  • Decide with the teams that will directly play your event. Prepare a list of teams that most interested and email them a letter offer to speak at your concert.
  • Next, when you already have a list of groups and some sites for the performance, you need to decide on the concert date. The weekend is considered the best time for an absolutely any concert.
  • Simply indispensable to organize any concert are promotional materials. These include flyers, posters, posters, etc. And just helps them to develop a designer, because who can better know how to make a concert poster. You should make sure that you give designer with reliable information about collectives, timing, title and place of your event.
  • Groups that will participate in the concert can also help you. It is enough just to give them a number of tickets for resale, naturally offer them a percentage for sold tickets. This will help attract as many people as possible to the event.
  • It should be promoted as you can promote activities using posters and a variety of leaflets. They can be distributed to musicians who, in turn, will distribute them among their friends and fans. Also, do not forget to hang a poster at the very concert.

Important moments of the organization of concerts

Safety is probably the most important point in the organization of concerts. That is why all the thoughts of the organizers on how to organize the concert properly, should first be aimed at organizing all the necessary security measures of this event. And all because of any kind of mass events carries some kind of hidden threat, because at a concert a very large number of equipment, which makes you think about at least the fire defense.

In addition, the danger is even scenery, because if they are not high-quality fasteners, they can fall at any time, which may be harmful and to the guests themselves. Often, in the production of their concerts, the organizers use fiery and light shows that require greater caution and compliance with special safety rules.

Organization of the group concert

If you think about how to organize a group concert, then you should know two main points that do not know the visitors of the concert, but you, as the organizer know obliged.

  • The first is a fee, namely how much you will cost the work of a group on stage.
  • The second is Rider, or simple words technical and living conditions. It usually depends on the popularity of the team.

Classification of executive groups

  • Wide popularity in wide circles. Groups of such a plan collect stadiums, their fees are very high, the conditions of the rider are practically impossible, but they will undoubtedly collect the full hall, from babies to pensioners.
  • Wide popularity in narrow circles. These are mostly successful groups that work in any style different from pop. Their fees are usually quite acceptable, and riders include several items.
  • Narrow popularity in wide circles. They have less success in contrast to groups from the first point, however, their fees are higher than that of groups from the second item, and riders are painted on several sheets.
  • Narrow popularity in narrow circles. Almost no one knows about them, although they may have two released albums in their piggy bank and one video clip, which was shown a couple of times on musical channels.

And if you think how to organize a concert with the participation of groups, then to begin with, the services of groups are widely popular in narrow circles. And if the event is similar to the fest or session, then groups have a narrow popularity in narrow circles.

Of course, that your event does not consist of misses and shortcomings, it is better to turn to the proven organizers - professionals of your business. The cost of organizing the concert may not reach 1000 dollars, and may exceed a million, so before starting work on the organization of the holiday, you will need to decide from the very beginning to determine the amount of money you are willing to spend.

As a rule, the promotion of his own creativity takes no less strength than its creation. Therefore, do not expect the attention of the audience to fall on your head in itself. Think about how to organize a concert, collect information about how these creative people did your destinations that it really helped. After all, I do not want works, created on the wave of beautiful feelings and lovingly improved by works, dust in the shelf or in the table box.

You won't fool in one spirit

Attention and love of fans is a wonderful thing to which every artist seeks. Even if first of all you are interested in purely creativity, it is always nice to see that your ideas are separated. It is especially valuable that there are like-minded people nearby, and you are an expressive of their feelings, and in some sense they are grateful for it.

Many artists are engaged in art for themselves. But if you ask, they would like to speak, then many give a positive answer. The same goes for money. The novice artist should be sown, how to organize a concert in its city and recoup the efforts spent by some prize.

Ideally, every person should do the work that loves. If for you it is the music, we will understand how to make a dream, and the hobby is a profession. We are all, people are interconnected. So, without supporting the public, you are unlikely to be able to become popular and rich, there would be no techniques and have been attensened your compositions. Mass need to be able to interact. You can spend both a solo concert and joint with some famous or same novice group.

Where to begin?

In order to understand how to organize a concert of the group, even the most elevated minds will need to go down to the ground and look at the question from a purely practical point of view. You will have to negotiate with many people, learn to solve organizational issues and understand the wishes of others. If you are not only a creator, but also a talented leader and organizer, then you can understand how to organize a concert.

It is necessary to think about the type of event: there will be a solo performance or festival. To achieve success to see in the hall an enthusiastic crowd, and not two half-mounted beer lovers, you need to figure out how to organize a concert. The event must be high quality and original to win positive assessments and attract attention to you in the future.

First steps to goal

Suppose you have already appeared an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the upcoming event is, you can organize a concert in the club or on an open area. Now you need, thoroughly thinking a list of speakers, take care of good advertising. Of course, if you have no producer yet, ready to help materially, you will have to solve this question on your own. No one said that it would be easy. But this is your dream, so fight for it.

How to organize a concert of an artist if he has a little material and few people know him? It would be good to enlist the support of more experienced and favorite public musicians. Of course, they also need to be weighty reasons in order to perform with you on the same scene. This is either a fee that you will share with them or other interesting conditions. If you are in about the same level, it will be a mutually beneficial transaction, in which both the costs with liability and profit can be divided equally.

If you are really not very experienced and thinking how to organize a concert, better assemble musicians, which can more hook not as image and promotion, but originality. In general, those who are about the same conditions as you. They can be already known in your city, but not to be the big stars on the scene of the country. It is with such people that you will be comfortable to go shoulder to shoulder and adopt their experience. At this stage, it is most important to organize everything in high quality so that you want to see again.

Make a place and time

How to organize a concert group will become clearer when you agree with the club managers about the time of your event. If you do not know how to contact them, look at the official website. There, most likely, you will find all the necessary information. The administration needs to talk about the place where the event will be held. Also important details are the fee, the form of payment, the requirements for speakers. You need to agree on a date. It is advisable to make a prepayment in advance to avoid force majeure.

The place must be chosen very carefully. Carefully examine all possible options, find out how much will you need to pay for rent, how many people can come there, whether transportation will be convenient. Ideal if there are bus stops nearby, route taxi or metro. Remember that in the event that the concert is not scheduled for the weekend, you can agree on a discount with the owners of the institution.

Enjoy support

How to organize a concert without significant damage to the wallet? In such cases, it is best to have a sponsor. Music and art, too, in their own way are a product, the subject of trading, purchase and sale transactions. So and your creativity should be presented in the most advantageous light.

You or your patron will have to spend money, but there are many ways to cover part of the cost. For example, renting a bar, you can become a sublendator and supply advertising services by using the room, toilet cabins, scene surface side and rear. You can also hold contests and promotions, allow to distribute flyers during the event, trading in goods in specially reserved places. Even on your own billboard for a fee, you can place someone's text, promote audio and video advertising, take a little time at a press conference.

If you are thinking about to make a concert of dreams, but do not know how to approach this venture, follow 15 instructions from experienced organizers - and your concert will be doomed to success.

1. Register your business.Alas, an individual cannot organize a concert - for this you need to be an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Such cases - will have to register.

2. Forget about your own musical addiction.Your tastes can do not like the potential viewers, so analyze social networks and streaming services to understand the approximate number of the audience, ready to come on a particular artist.

3. Do not dare to forget about social networks.Your spectators dwell precisely there, and without regular alerts like "The team x comes the team y" people simply do not know that you are in favor of the person to organize the concert of their favorite group. Not a bisp on advertising and occupy social networks - let everything know about your organizational activities (but not immediately - see paragraph 10).

4. However, do not rely on polls in the Spirit "What group to bring to you?".Worships Shortparis, 1/2 Orchestra, "Trup-eyed toads" and other not the most promoted groups will fall asleep you with huskies and comments, but the concert itself may not come - in this case you will stay with an empty room and a gaping hole in the wallet.

5. Not enough from the start for major projects.It is better to gain experience, in charge of cones on small drives, than to make a big bridge, for ignorance, the squeezing of errors and strongly fly to the cache.

6. Maximum clearly sip the expected costs.Make an estimate of the event, without forgetting to include some amount of unforeseen expenses into it. And in general, to ensure yourself a financial prison - remember about working capital.

7. Do not make events for the last money.Concerts can not be considered as a Joker who can rehabilitate your financial condition - can be left without money. Yes, you need to be finished (s) to fly - at first it is inevitable.

8. Get ready to spend time, money and nervous cells.Musicians, owners of concert sites, managers, representatives of the media, "Tech'anari" and officials will inform you in question and the requirements, in parallel making your wallet less dense. Accept this, but do not allow yourself to go beyond the estimates.

9. Discuss everything-all.Deciding with the group and the venue of the concert, agree with the musicians and the owners of the concert site about the date and time of the event. Also do not forget about the fee: discuss not only the amount, but also the form - some groups are working per percentage of ticket sales.

10. Do not rush with advertising.Before issuing a touring certificate, any advertising is prohibited. Due to the violation of this Coldwave-Group rule For example, never acted in the "building" last spring.

11. Get "Gastro".This is a certificate that allows concerts on the territory of the Republic of Belarus (yes, everything is difficult). To obtain such a certificate, you will have to contact the city executive committee or register - Turning the application for the issuance of the certificate, the program of the event, the reference information about the group and pray, so that there is no stigma on your concert " " "Gastrol" will need not only foreign, but also to domestic musicians - in this case everything is done in a simplified form, and it is not necessary to pay for the certificate itself. However, it is not worth relaxing - to compatriots ideologists of the Minsk City Executive Committee , as well as to foreign performers.

12. Control time. Gastrol is done about five working days, and ten days before the implementation of entrance tickets, you should have all the documents in your hands.

13. Comply with the technical and household rider of artists. But be ready for the fact that in these requirements there may be quite insane things: Kanye West, for example, requires a towel from Versace, and The Rolling Stones indicate in its rider a separate room with a billiard table. It's good that you do not plan to carry these guys to us ...

14. Always think about the audience.They are the main link of the entire concert chain. Watching with sound, dance floor, warming up or wardrobe - get a massive ululyukne, a squall of angry comments and a pile of dyslaike.

15. Know: It will be scary.Suddenly the flight of your musicians will cancel or drunk drummer will lose his passport? And you can fly through the traffic jams in the middle of the concert and the vocalist will definitely break up an expensive amplifier ... Remember that force majeure happen, and keep the action plan in my head, so as not to sit in horror, clasping our head with your hands. If you are with stress resistance you have total problems - find a calmer occupation.

We express RESPECT Ivan Vasilyevich, Jan Popkov, Pavel Bogdanovich, Oleg Chubakov and Sergey Pona for help in preparing the material.