Danya Plugs released a new clip. Who Danil Pluggers

Danya Plugs released a new clip. Who Danil Pluggers
Danya Plugs released a new clip. Who Danil Pluggers

Many are wondering - who Danila Plugs is, because his name is increasingly sounding from television screens. A year ago, no one heard the story of the thirteen-year-old boy, but today many news reports speak about him. Moreover, the name of the young singer mentions Wikipedia in an article about the Russian project "Voice. Children".

Daniel's hometown - Sochi, he was born and lives in Adler with careless parents. According to himself, the guy himself, love for music was inherited by him, because the parents of Danil in love with the music insanely, which is an example for him. Mama Irina ten years old studied at the musical conservatory, and as a result, she sings well and play a piano, his father plays the guitar and shock tools.

Despite the young years, Danil had repeatedly participated in various musical contests, he even won the Music Festival of Winds in 2015, which was held in Sochi.

Dani's family is not very wealthy - the boy's father works as a driver, and mom since the appearance of a son on the light does not work, paying all his time to upbringing Daniel. Threesome they live in a two-room apartment, but due to the fact that their home is very old, during the weather, a terrible mold appears on it later. Dampness and mold negatively affect the disease Danila, because of which parents are very worried.


  • Date of birth: January 26, 2003;
  • Age: 14 years;
  • Place of birth: Sochi, Russia;
  • Height: 98 cm;
  • Activities: Singer, winner of the project "Voice. Detty-3".

Daniel disease

The first signs of Danil's disease, according to Mother, began to manifest themselves when the boy has not yet fulfilled and the year - he stopped adding in weight and growth. For the first time, the guy was hospitalized in 2003.

Later, the doctors set Danil a disappointing diagnosis. Daniel is ill with an incurable genetic disease, due to which the guy is not growing. Due to illness, it is difficult to determine how many years he is, because at the age of thirteen years, the growth of a talented boy remains less than a meter. Knowing what happens to him, the singer remains very sociable and cheerful. Many doctors tried to help Daniel to cope with the disease, although it did not give any results.

Learning Danila

Dani's parents are divided by memories about how Danil began to hum in the cartoon songs about the Bremen musicians, when not yet learned to talk. Watching the behavior of the Son, Mom decided to give the boy to music school.

Danilla's disease does not interfere with his wishes to engage in vocals, and the game on the synthesizer. Teachers are surprised by perseverance and hard work. School of the city of Sochi knows that the guy is sick, so Danya is on domestic training. Four different teachers are engaged with a boy, also some lessons are held on the Internet. Without a doubt, Danil is very responsible to treat his studies, remaining an excellent student and seeking creative success.

Preparation for the project

Take part in a song show "Voice. Children "Danil advised at one of the vocal contests, in which Danila Plugs took part. For four years of music, the novice singer received dozens of different awards. Only for the first year of work on vocals he won the eleven contests.

Learning more about the project "Voice. Children, "Danil caught fire the idea to take part in the competition. Mom, together with the teacher, moved different songs, trying to find the most appropriate composition for casting, they also worried if this selection would like the young Plugnikov. After all, according to parents, the key to success - emotions during singing, which truly touches the heart of the artist.

Daniel decided to perform the song "Two Orls", famous for Oleg Gazmanov. Also, the guy dedicates his own grandfather. The boy's mother was very touched by such a gesture.

Participation in the competition

In his interview, Danila Plugs did not hesitate to talk about people who mock him and do not submit data due to the fact that the boy's disabled. The guy admits that he had previously wounded such an appeal, but now he learned to protect with his emotions. The famous phrase guy "I am what is" forced everyone to think about every viewer, and caused admiration for his optimism.

Support in the face of Mom during a speech betrayed the guy more confidence and calm. Before the performance of Daniel did not seem excited, he confidently communicated with other participants and leading, telling them about himself, about what he was sick, as he first got into the hospital. Also, he talked a lot about mom and dad, how old are parents than they do.

The performance with the song "Two Eagle" performed by Daniel on the blind listening was very sensual. Despite the age of the singer, the song was Spen thoughtfully and seriously, which made Dima Bilan turn to the guy to take him to his team.

With each new meeting, the mentor was convinced that he made the right choice. In addition, Danil sings well, Dima noticed the responsible approach of the boy to the task. All speeches Danila Plugnikov was very penetrating.

Many spectators agree that the unusual history of the guy's life has endowed this by the wisdom, which is visible in every speech Danil, despite the fact that it is unusual for children.

On April 29, each viewer understood that tonight would be aware of who wins the "Voice" project. Three participants, among whom was Daniel. He had to speak with the song "I am free," which gave him the first place.

The audience struck the performance of the song "We are beaten, we fly." Voice. Detty-3. The final.

Life after "voice"

After the final of the show, the singer began to visit children's hospitals often to support other patients. Photos from speeches often flashed in various social networks, such as instagram and VKontakte, where everyone can talk with a guy.

Danila Plugs, along with Mom, visited the program Malysheva, who wishes to ease the life of the boy. Now the guy has a hope that he will be able to move independently.

Despite popularity, the guy still does not have many friends, which is very surprising, knowing what kind of sociable. He live only with a neighbor guy who became the best friend for him, understanding, many friends on classmates sites, VK will never be able to replace live communication.


Where is the guy now, to keep track is very difficult, but the official website provides reliable information about the activities of Dani. In addition, you can follow the updates on the page Danil in contact.


Rating 5.

Most recently, the star of the young talent was caught fire, Danil Plugnikova - he won the final of the TV show "Voice. Children". This fourteen guy looks just for three years due to serious illness. But this does not prevent him from moving forward, work on himself, to engage in music. Now his story captured all of Russia, and psychics want to talk separately about the family of this boy, ..

Summary 5.0 Excellent

Most recently, the star of the young talent was caught fire, Danil Plugnikova - he won the final of the TV show "Voice. Children". This fourteen guy looks just for three years due to serious illness. But this does not prevent him from moving forward, work on himself, to engage in music.

Now his story captured all of Russia, and psychics want to talk separately about the family of this boy, his mother and Danilla Plugnikov, making it a forecast for the future. Psychics say they see the fate of this child perfectly special.

Danil Plugs Biography

Danil Plugs was born on January 26, 2002 in Adler. This date we can say that by the sign of the zodiac horoscope Danil - Aquarius. This sign indicates leadership qualities and penetrating abilities born. Often, Aquarius can pass people behind themselves only because they are endowed with a special energy of the lead.

His mother - Irina Vladimirovna Afanasyev - graduated from a music school in the class of piano, however, she did not have to work. Father playing percussion instruments. In the house from the very birth of Danechki, concerts were constantly satisfied, and it could not not affect his character - he was already able to kone songs in a half years. It is not surprising that the music is in his blood.

My mother Irina was born on January 26, a completely ordinary toddler weighing about 3 kg and 48 cm tested. Up to 9 months he grew normally, like all the children, but unexpectedly the development of limbs and growth began to slow down. Irina Vladimirovna scored the first, the doctors have yet reassured her, that it seems, she already understood that something was wrong. Heart did not deceive. Two months later, the child was delivered by the verdict. The boy is incurably sick.

Danil Plugs Disease

Daniel Plugnikova is diagnosed - spondylophyphizar dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. This is a complex systemic bone disease.

Every year it became more and clearer, as far as the child is different from its peers physically.

It is based in the spine, which develops incorrectly, because of which the chest, and joints are curved. The body simply ceases to grow.

However, it is mentally developed comprehensively - studying on a par with the guys, only at home. He also draws and writes poems, very comongs to other patients with kids - for them he helps to collect money. Note that it was Danil and his parents make all operations at their own expense.

At some point and Mom, and Dad and Danil himself suddenly realized that life did not stop and did not end after they learned about his disease. He just like others, is studying at school - only does it at home, and does not give a descent - he studies on the top five. But in the music school he himself goes from 9 years. In one school, he learns vocals, and in the other - the game on the synthesizer.

When there was a small, all the guys in the yard organized themselves. I could not run, so I sat on the table and told something interesting, I came up with the games, I could passibly. The boys and girls like and flew to run, but sat and listened. Probably, they had some respect for him that he could not participate in their games. Sometimes even dragged him. Not always, of course, children have children, it happened, and scattered. Then Danka sad: "Why can they, but I'm not." I had to explain. Now Danya tells me: "I accepted myself as it is." Mom Danil Plugnikova about him

He travels a lot in Russia, participates in song contests, traveled to Paralympiad - to communicate with champions that are conquering vertices despite their diseases. Such a meeting was organized by Danil Father - and it was truly a very wise decision. The father also insisted that the boy went around the city on a scooter - this is not a scooter in the usual understanding of this word - fitted under Danil, but still such a type of transport allows the teenager to feel much more confident than on a children's wheelchair, but There are also parents in cases of necessity. Danil himself herself hard - after a while after the first operation he had to acquire crutches. Still, these operations mechanically stretch the bones, which is sometimes worse than the disease itself.

Danil Plugs and Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva - a doctor and leading transfer "Live Great!". To show how the fate of Danil is not indifferent to her, she tried to do something for him and was able to carry out a full examination of his body. It should be noted that Danil and so is a patient of several hospitals and several operations have already been made to increase the growth in a child. There, by stretching the bone tissue, its legs were increased by 5 cm.

In the center of Ilizarova, he was planned by the following operation, the time of which coincided with the "Voice. Children". And doctors agreed to postpone her by June.

However, Elena Malysheva, who conducted a complete examination of the child's body with the help of doctors. Doctors only confirmed the diagnoses that he already had Danil Plugs.

It was necessary to see the face of a child and his mom, when they were brought to the studio, as if the winners, and they were told at the same time that they were already known for more than 12 years!

Doing charging, make massages, eat right, regularly undergo a survey from doctors. All this Danil knew already, but he found the strength to thank Elena Malyshev for an additional examination. He even sang for her a song "I am happy like no one." Video of the song "I am happy", performed by Danil Plugnikov, watch online you can just below on this page.

The only thing that the opinions of the doctors of the team of the Malyshev and Doctors of the Ilizarov Center were separated - this is the operation that Danil awaits. The Malysheva team notes that surgery for growing bones is a premature measure. The bones sneak over time, because the child lacks bone tissues and the fact that it will now be increased by another 5 centimeters by surgical intervention - temporary measure. Unfortunately, the reason for the fact that the boy does not grow to eliminate can not be in any way nor hormonal, nor any other drugs will help.

Thus, they advise you to wait for the full formation of bone material and only then begin a number of operations. But it really is so easy for a 14-year-old teenager, even very wise - wait for another seven years when you can now become a little higher.

Psychics about Danilla Plugs saythat he still should be patient before making a decision. It is possible that in this case the wait is the best solution. Moreover, the karmically, this operation has already been transferred twice, perhaps this is exactly the case when fate itself is trying to protect the child from an error.

Psychics about Danilla Plugnikov: Future Forecast

Psychics very carefully looked at the photo Danil on the subject of spanking and curses to understand where the child came from this disease and is it possible to heal it by cleaning the aura. They noticed that at Aure Danil Plugnikov there is additional defense and a special rune, which gave him clarity of the mind. They say that, most likely, the child was taken to take a powerful knee to remove the curse and try to cure.

The specialist could not do anything, because unable to change fate.

The fact is that on this boy it is written that he will be strong from his weaknesses. It is this that he should go to change the world.

"Danil Plugnikova was written on fate that he was strong because of his weaknesses. There will be no weakness - there will be no strength. " Mirchoyan Jenividze, Armenian Psychiatrist

Psychic on consultation regretted the child and did the only thing that could in this situation. He taught Danil to accept himself as he is.

What is the purpose of Danil Plugnikov? It remains only to guess. Perhaps this is what he does, he will give hope in others, on his example showing that disability is not the end of life, but just a different way to live it, not worse and no better.

Maybe his destination is much more substantial, and will affect the fate of all mankind. For example, many psychics, such as Nostradamus and Wang, say that a new era of life, dawn will come with the birth of a small man. Can Danil be this the most person? Definitely yes.

Psychics about Danile Plugnikov note that there are no unchalled or curses on it. Aura is completely intact and has a bluish shade, similar to the color of the aura in children

Psychics also say that his zodiac sign was strongly influenced. More information about the characteristic of the sign of the zodiac Aquarius we wrote. The nature of the Aquarius is that mostly good and calm by nature, they get great pleasure, challenging public opinion and in secretly they like to shock conservative people with their unusual behavior. It was in his combat nature that Danil is not frightened, it is not afraid that he is not so and something deprived in his life. For the most part, he lives life even more complete than many people.

Danila Plugnikova's songs

Danil Plugs - Blind Listening

Danil Plugs - blind audition. Watch video of the first appearance Danila in the show "Voice. Children "with the song Oleg Gazmanov" Two Eagle ".

Danil Plugs for Elena Malysheva "I am happy like no one!"

In gratitude for the fact that Elena Malysheva gathered endocrinologists to find a way to cure the boy, Danil at the concert performed a song dedicated to her. She believes that this child is not all lost.

Danil Plugs in the fight

Danil Pluggers in the fight sang the song "Eh, Roads" along with Damir Nurutdinov and Elizabeth Kabaeva Pang People's Russian Song of the War Years - "Eh, Roads", which is known to every Russian person. It was the eyes and soul of Danil Plugnikov gives the song a new semantic color.

Danil Pluggers "Two Eagles" - video semifinal show "Voice. Children"

Song of Gazmanov for the second time, after working with a professional, it sounds more smoothly, but the former remains a spark in the look of Danila, its expression, his ability to feel the song and fill it with a new meaning

For a press conference of the festival "Angels of Nature" Oleg Gazmanov sang his song with Danil Duet and shook his hand.

Danil Plugs "I am free" - Video Final Shaw "Voice. Children"

Although Danil himself chooses songs closer to the people, after closer communication and working with a boy, Dima Bilan picks up Kipipel's song "I am free" for him.

In addition to the execution of the song, Danil himself plays on the synthesizer. Psychics who are seriously understood in music, but perfectly understand in human souls, want to note that the sincerity and understanding of each word completely compensate for the fact that the boy does not reach the vocal to Kapirellov. People who at this point could be in the hall felt the tide of strength, charge, which gives this boy.

Final show "Voice. Children »Season 3 - Danil Plugs" We are beaten - we fly "

The famous song Alla Pugacheva "We are beaten - we fly" was Spen by Danil Plugnikov on April 29, 2016 and found a response in the hearts of the audience. Probably, the story of the boy still played a role no less than and his voice and his musical abilities, but Danil became the winner of the show "Voice. Children "in the 3 season, 65 percent of the audience voted for him. Psychics note that the results of the voting of viewers played a decisive role and at that moment when his voice was widened from the TV screens, people simply could not vote differently. Because sincerity is the strongest magic.

Dear readers, what do you think about the song creativity Danil you? Will his star caught fire for a long time and it was fair that he won in the TV show's final "Voice. Children"? Write your answers and opinions in the comments under the article.

Danil Plugs: Unique Talent.

Danil Plugs was born in Adler, the district center of one of the four inholes in the resort of Sochi. The boy was born in the family, where both parents love music. Mom sings and plays a piano, father - on strikers and guitar.

It is not surprising that Little Danya, barely learned to speak, already sang all the songs from the "Bremen Musicians" under the karaoke.
A clear and cloudless sky over this family began to be covered with clouds when Danile turned 10 months. Mom noticed that the Son stopped growing and gaining weight.

Doctors first calmed down and did not share their suspicions, but they soon brought a disappointing diagnosis: the boy has spondylophyphizar dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. This is a complex systemic bone disease.
But life continued. And courageous parents did everything from them depends that the Son gets everything from this life that she can give him.

Danil Plugs is studying at school. True, a home learning method is chosen for him: 4 lessons with teachers and 7 more on the Internet. At the same time, the boy does not require any concerns and does not give himself relaxing: he is an excellent student.

Dani has many hobbies. He loves to ride a skateboard and a special scooter, reminiscent of a double mini-car. He also likes to draw and writes poems. But the main love of the whole life of Dani is music.

Several times a week, parents will dismiss the Son in a music school, where he diligently does vocals. Not so long ago, Danil Plugs began to compose instrumental music, picking up the motive on the synthesizer.

The first victories did not slow down to appear. In the first year, Victoria's vicin's watches with their favorite teacher Victoria brought Dane 11 awards. Plugs regularly visited various musical contests, some of which were far from native Sochi. Now a young artist has more than 20 medals of the 1st degree and 7 awards 2nd.

In 2014, when Olympic Games were held in Sochi, Danil Plugs also did not stay aside. He was invited to meet the Paralympians, and he gladly agreed.

This small growth is only 98 centimeters - a huge and kind person man. The boy, worthy and courageously carrying the burden of his own difficult fate, is engaged in charity. He visits the Moscow Oncology Center, where he sings and plays a synthesizer for the smallest patients.

Danil confesses that these trips are not easy for him, because to see seriously ill children and understand that some of them can be saved, very scary. But smiles and good mood of kids give the feeling that he does good and necessary.

The decision to take part in the 3rd seasons of the show "Voice. Children "Danil Plugnikov was not easy. The boy has long dreamed of reaching the stage and on a par with other talented guys to prove that he sings no worse. But fear of a huge audience, which is not limited to only those present in the hall, constrained. But Danya decided and did not lose.

The 13-year-old singer went to the scene with the wonderful Cossack Song of Oleg Gazmanov "Two Eagles". Before leaving, he admitted that the chosen song was dedicated to her grandfather, who passed the war. Danil is alarmed that the feat of that heroic generation is underestimated by the peers, and they began to forget who presented them with life.

He performed this song so thoughtfully and without the shade of the narrowness, which struck not only the audience, but even sophisticated mentors. In the last minutes, Dima Bilan turned to the boy and painted. A little later, Bilan admitted that he almost stopped his heart when he felt an extraordinary, adult spirituality, which was filled with music and words such a young boy.

Soldly admiration expressed and Pelagia. She said that this song "goes" to the voice of Dani. But the main thing is that in his execution "two eagles" sounded very adult, thoughtfully.

https://my.mail.ru/mail/Valentina.2010/Video /8454/13197.html

From the scene, Danil Plugnikov was covered by the hands of Dmitry Nagiyev, immensely admired by the courage and talent of the boy. According to all mentors, the artist from Sochi has unlimited possibilities and undoubted talent.

The hall escaped the singer, applauding standing. With the successful passage of the "blind listening" stage, Danil congratulated the Foundation "Our Future".

Plugs - a multiple member of the Fund's projects. In February of this year, the young Sochi singer participated in the International Factor Success Festival, which was held in his hometown. Then the creative biography of Danila Plugnikov was replenished with another victory: he became a laureate of 1 degree.
April 29, 2016 Danil Plugs became the winner of the show "Voice. Children-3 " Under the leadership of the mentor of the draft Dima Bilan.

Personal life.

The boy confesses that he absolutely does not prevent his small growth in everyday life. He has long been aware that he will never be like his peers, and began to relate to the reaction of others.
The entire personal life of Danili Plugnikov and his greatest love is music. He adores different songs, but necessarily - with a deep meaning. In addition to Oleg Gazmanov's songs in his repertoire there are compositions

He can all be an example of the courage, the strength of the spirit and love for life, music, people.

Amend text size: A A.

Of course, I did not expect to win, "Danil Plugs admitted, standing on the scene on crutches. Behind him, rains from the sequin still rushes, and the participants of the show and their relatives click endless selfie. - After all, I had such strong rivals! This is the final. I could not dream that it was possible. Earth and sky ...

One against all

Six months ago, Danil Pluggers, a 14-year-old vocalist from Sochi, just dreamed of getting to the "voice. Details." Vladimir, Pope Dani, - Self-taught drummer, Mom Irina - Pianist, was engaged in music for 13 years old. The genes took their own: from one and a half years a boy for the memory "Removed" and reproduced any melody. The most beloved are songs from "Bremen Musicians." First, Danya was engaged in a rehabilitation center for children with disabilities. Then the boy was given not only to the usual school, but also in two musical - in one he learns to play on the synthesizer, in the other sings.

In the usual Danya studies in the seventh grade.

I am on domestic training, - explains the young artist. - Every day, four lessons spent with teachers who come home to us. Seven other items study on Skype. Wear a backpack and go to school every day I would be hard. I study at "excellent." Several times a week we ride music schools.

Father Dani last year received a heart attack and remained without work. Mom boy cared for her husband, the family did not become money. Until "Voice" is there? If you are called to Moscow, what to go? But still risked, sent an application. And Danya was invited to Casting in Ostankino.

I found email addresses of several charitable foundations, "recalls the mother of the vocalist. - requested help. And we bought tickets there and back. I configured Danya: "If no one turns, do not forget that you sing not only for mentors. Before you a huge hall, so many people listen to you, we must sing worthy! So that they applauded you. "

On the blind auditions Danil sang "Two Eagle" Oleg Gazmanov. Cossack talking put dad - Don Cossack, Mom sewed a beautiful costume with riding, the song was rehearsing with a teacher. But none of the mentors to the guy's voice turned. Finally, on the last note, Dima Bilan pressed the red button. Turned - painted, but took himself in hand.

I dedicate a song to my grandfather, Vladimir Georgievich, - said the "KP" vocalist. - He passed the Great Patriotic War from start to the end. Many people recently began to forget who presented them with life, freeing their homeland from the enemy. I want to remind about it and give tribute to veterans.

"There are no pains"

Probably this case when minus minus gave a fat plus. Desire, character and faith pierced the wall. And then everything went like by oil: the crazy gap in the voting did not leave the chance to any opponent Dani in the project final. As a result, the stalking victory - the artist received 61.7% of audience votes.

Songs "We are beaten - we fly" Alla Pugacheva and "I am free" Valery Kapirevah he sang so that we were crying. It is impossible to explain in words what kind of soul fibers and how he threw. Every song The boy endowed the inhuman pain and the deepest meaning.

Danil Plugs. We are beaten, we fly. Voice. Detty-3. The final. Fragment of release of 29.04.2016.Danil Plugs. We are beaten, we fly. Voice. Detty-3. The final. Fragment of release of 04/29/2016

The song "I am free" is about love, "Valery Kipelov himself commented on the speech. - And Danil felt it. I listened a song in one breath and was shocked when I saw his eyes. The song is not easy and not at all children: "My soul was on the blade of a knife." Danil is a child, and he put his emotions in this song. Lord God kissed him.

Despite the fact that Danya is engaged in vocals for the second year, he won a bunch of competitions - international, regional, urban, district. "Rose of Winds", "Baltic Constellation", "Generation Next" and others. He has 21 medals of the first degree laureate and 7 - the second. But the victory in the children's "voice" is a mansion. Here he declared love for music and people to the whole country, and she replied to him. Now the mother's phone is broken - this is the name of the concerts 10 times a day.

I try to write music, "says the guy. - I composed one melody, but a little champed - too complicated. Now I do it a little simpler. These are instrumental compositions. I have a tight rhyme, but I love music music. It is said that my style is similar to Mauria Maner field.

In the victorious to Dani, the song is coming that "there are no more pains." Only in the case of the boy, the other way around. Plays on the synthesizer, sings and moves through flour. Danil is a late child, his older sister 34 years old. For a year and a half, the boy was diagnosed with spondyloepiizar dysplasia. The growth of froze at a mark of 110 cm. Hands and legs ceased to grow, pain in the spine, pelvis, joints appeared.

For a long time to be on the legs of Danya can't - he sang on the voice, climbing the bench, or sitting. During the change of dad costumes changed it right on stage behind the scene - to run in the dressing room the boy is hard. Fingers on the hands of Dani are very weak - there is no bones inside, alone cartilaners, so it leads them on the keys as an artist with a brush. The microphone does not give him a hand in hand - keep too hard, replace the headset.

Up to 10 months, he developed even with ahead, - recalls Mom Dani. - And then the growth began to stop, ceased to gain weight. Doctors first calmed down ... In Sochi, some specialists who can help us. We made operations in Moscow and Kurgan - straightened the bones, it allowed to increase growth by 5 cm. But the last one and a half or two years he complains of joints. The knee hurts slightly, the hip is more. Deal may progress - operations are not excluded, but there is a danger forever to squeeze the child in the stroller. That we are very afraid. Therefore, adhere to conservative treatment.

To remove pain, Dane constantly needs to undergo rehabilitation courses. And sing - remember his eyes when he performed Kipipel.

"I learned not to pay attention to evil people."

Transfer data to the wheelchair. But he himself sorry himself and does not think - it just lives and strives for a dream.

When he was led to us, it was very scary for this thing, "says the Russian instruments of Sochi Music School No. 3 Igor Shavkunov. - We folded your fingers together - two, three, to make some kind of sound. But his talent is above the roof.

I was shocked, as he was at first clamped, he recalls the music teacher of the boy Victoria Brendau. - I have such disciples as Danka, there was no before. For vocalist, the support is important - firmly stand on the legs, to work the diaphragm. When something does not understand, Danya says and says: "I do not understand you." I look, his tears in the eyes are recruited. I tell him: "Wait, I will come out for a moment, I have to move." I come, I ask: "Well, we will sing on?". He is surprised: "Of course, we will!".

Although it is difficult to in everyday life, but he is independent - seeks to do everything himself. The most difficult thing in the kitchen is all high there. But in the room, parents put stairs, chairs. Low desk and chair under it made dad. Clothes Croit Mom: Takes jeans and on a two-year-old boy, and on an eight-year-old, and for a teenager. And then reworks, compiling fragments. So that it looks fashionable, in size, and not as in kindergarten.

Kosy glances on the streets of Danya no longer notic.

In the future, the guy plans to enter the music college. In the meantime, in his free time, it draws time, rides on a special scooter, in the cockpit that feels comfortable. He also wants to lead his canal on YouTube - to share with fans and friends with thoughts and impressions from life. Design made himself in Photoshop, trying to mount the video.

By the way

Children's "voice" is generally rich in dramatic fate. Maria Parotikova In three years, doctors diagnosed asthma. She began singing and practically got rid of the illness. 7-year-old Yasya Degtyarev got into a terrible accident - barely survived, moved several operations, the doctors collected the face of the girl literally in parts, and after that he continues to sing. In the previous season, Rodion of panties took part in the project, which was born in the state of asphyxia. His chances of life were negligible, doctors offered parents to abandon the guy. Until four years he did not say, and then went to the musical studio - and how it broke through. An Adeline Kürdzhieva was still - a blind girl who no one turned to. And on an adult "voice" in the team of Alexander Gradsky sang a slapdy vocalist Patricia Kurganov. Everyone was beautiful in their own way, but none of them won.


Is the fact that I won "not like that?"

Yes, Danil Plugs won, because he is not like that.

Instead of a frozen Hollywood smile - honest, children's. Each speech is an explosion that illuminates the hall. How he stretches with the handles towards the viewer, as it crosses his legs on the leg, how pulls high notes. And when worried, drives the crutch in front of him to the right and left, as if clears the sand on the Sochi beach. Everything in it is not like everyone else. Is this true in relation to other participants of the show? After all, they almost had no chance. Perhaps not very. More precisely, it is right as far as true of life ordered with the nurse. So it happened that he had this diagnosis and nothing to change. But, it means, he is born to give people something incommensurable more than just humation. And not a single child from the children's "voice" is offended by him for it.

"Even with a serious quarrel, do not try to hurt a person for living. You will pick up (most likely), and the words will be remembered for a long time ... "- This is the status of Plugnikov on his page" VKontakte ". Every day I live a whole life, facing pain and cruelty, he managed to keep a big and thrill heart. Participates in charitable concerts, works by a volunteer in the "Save Life" Foundation and visits the clinic where the oncology is treated. For one glance, Dani shows that the "negative module" in his soul is simply absent. Probably, the audience chose him for it.

From his victory won and we all who did not have time to determine completely. Not confused skills to remain people. And appreciate the beautiful.

Time flies quickly. Since Danya Plugs has become the winner of the show "Voice. Children, have passed two years. Dana is already sixteen! During this time, his life changed dramatically - tour, concerts, performances with the stars of the Russian show business. And the perfect new, student life in Moscow, where he moved this fall from his native Sochi.

- After the "voice. Delicate", perhaps, more importantly, "invasion - 2016" was an important steep event for me, well, and, of course, the "new wave," - summed up the results of these two years, the Plugs himself. - For me, the boys are 14 years old, agitating on the same stage with famous artists. So many impressions! It was an invaluable lesson I received, thanks to Dima Bilan and Oleg Gazmanov. And the song "Mom" by some kind of fatefully introduced me to David Tokaou (also the participant of the show "Voice". - Approx. Auth.).

Recall, in 2016, on the blind auditions of the "voices" Danil sang "Two Eagles" Oleg Gazmanov. On the last note, Dima Bilan turned to him. But then everything went: a crazy gap in the voting did not leave the chance to any opponent Dani in the project final. Daniel is a very strong and bold boy. When he was a year and a half, the doctors diagnosed: spondylophyphizar dysplasia. The growth of froze at a mark of 110 cm. Hands and legs ceased to grow, pain in the spine, pelvis, joints appeared.

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John Legend - All Of Me (Cover by PylLygrim) ! Another source

Now Danya is a student of the state musical school of pop and jazz singing in the specialty "Pop singing". The boy entered the budget. Even before the beginning of study, Danya recorded his new video. Yesterday the video appeared on the video hosting YouTube.

Son really likes to learn, he gets such pleasure, you can not even imagine, "says Irina Afanasyev.

In Moscow, they took an apartment not far from the school and moved here from Sochi. In the native city of Danya will now come only on vacation.

Danil Plugs. A. Dennsky "Foxtrot".Speech at the concert of graduates of the music school in front of state exams. May 18, 2018. The channel is dedicated to the work of the winner of the TV project "Voice. Detty-3", a young singer, a musician (synthesizer), and the composer, Danila Plugnikova! Here you can watch entries from concerts, various speeches, interviews, body and radio broadcasts, as from the project "Voice. Details" 3rd season, and just Danila's video!

Caver on the song John Ledgend All of Me turned out to be very gentle and emotional. The fans of the young artist noted that his voice has changed for the better. The boy wish good luck and dream to meet him at a concert.