Madonna husbands children. All Madonna Men.

Madonna husbands children. All Madonna Men.
Madonna husbands children. All Madonna Men.

Often the price of success is so high that on the way to Him, you have to sacrifice almost everyone and lose the most valuable. The biography of Madonna is an example of how not to retreat from the intended goals and leave opponents behind the back.

Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in the family, where in addition to her there were 4 more older brothers. Madonna Louise Veronika Chickon - the real name of the singer - completely repeats the name of her mother. A girl in a religious family was brought up, but never was an ideal daughter - on the contrary, she was considered strange and unmanaged.

The future singer was very early lost to the mother, which in the 30th age after a couple of months after the birth of another child died of breast cancer. It became a great blow to the girl, and for a long time, already being an adult, the singer fell into the hypochondria, as she was sure that she had the same disease.

Father became difficult to cope with family difficulties, and in two years he married the second time. Madonna immediately disliked the stepmother, as he could not forgive the father that he was letting another woman in his heart. In addition, she was jealous of him to the summary brothers and sisters, believing that they were given more attention.

Despite the fact that the girl studied very well, she did not manage to build friendly relations with classmates: they envied her academic performance and considered "alien". After all, it was not possible to hide his closing nature of the future world star.

To prove its originality, at the School Talent Competition, 14-year-old Madonna Chickon read everyone in shock: she sang a song, going on stage in a frank top and short shorts, her face was painted with a bright makeup. This event seriously affected the reputation of the future star and its Catholic family. The schoolgirl was put under home arrest, and offensive inscriptions in the address of Madonna often began to appear on the doors.

In 15 years, the singer begins to seriously engage in ballroom dancing. After graduating from school, in 1976, she enters the university to continue the dance education. This was the reason for the serious scandal of Madonna with his father and threatened their relationship even more, because his dreams to see the daughter of a lawyer crash. Having studied only six months, the girl understands that she does not achieve world heights in the province, and decides to leave for New York.

Musical career

A young girl arrived in the city of contrasts with a small budget (only $ 40), with a small suitcase, an extraordinary creative potential and a huge desire to become a queen of dance. She lived in the Criminal District, often worked only for food and even posed to photographers as a nuclear model (later these photos will "pop up" and will be on the pages of Playboy magazine).

Soon Madonna begins to go to castings for musicals. On one of them, she grabs good luck and falls into the troupe to the artist Patrick Hernandez. Working there, the girl often sits different melodies. Once the directions are noticed and ask her to fulfill a simple song. She sang "Jingle Bells" and did not lose: she was invited to Paris to make a vocal star from her. True, this undertaking Madonna did not like and, worked at all long, she returned back to New York.

Soon she meets the Seymour Stein, the founder of the Sire Records label, which he saw great opportunities in Madonna and signed a long-term contract with her. The first album was successful and after 30 years even was recognized as the best debut album of America. The "Holiday" track rose to the tops of all the US music charts and entered the top 20 of the best singles of America.

The second album, which was recorded in 1984, was awarded a diamond certificate. The singer becomes the queen of the world scene. Almost all of her tracks occupy the first places in the ratings of the charts.

In total, Madonna came out 13 studio albums, 8 of them occupied the top line in the charts of the United States, namely:

  • 1984 - "Like A Virgin" (1st place).
  • 1986 - "True Blue" (1st place).
  • 1989 - "Like a Player" (1st place).
  • 2000 - "Music" (1st place).
  • 2003 - "American Life" (1st place).
  • 2005 - "Confessions on Dance Floor" (1st place).
  • 2008 - "Hard Candy" (1st place).
  • 2012 - "MDNA" (1st place).

Over the years of his musical career, the singer tried himself in many styles and directions. She is not afraid to be a booty and no one like. The costumes and dresses of the artist surprise the viewer with their unusualness and extravagance. The singer Madonna was never afraid to seem like his fans the creature "not from this world", for this sincerity they loved their idol.

The acting career of the star was less successful than the musical. All films involving Madonna have more than 20, however, most of them were not even issued to hire. Here are some facts:

  • In the early 90s, a documentary was published talking about the life of the singer.
  • After 4 years, she performed a major role in the Evita's film-made musical.
  • In 2000, the actress received a role in the film "Best Friend".
  • In 2004, the second documentary about the singer appeared on the screens.
  • In 2015, she tried her strength as a director.

Personal life Madonna

Madonna in his youth was not deprived of male attention, while she was completely impossible to demonstrate his intimate life publicly. The singer had many novels that various rumors went.

The first man in the life of the singer was actor Sean Penn. This love was born very beautifully: a young man saw a future wife descending in a beautiful long dress on the stairs. In 1985, Madonna and Sean Penn exchanged rings and became her husband and his wife. But their union lasted quite short.

After that, the singer had novels with many famous and solid men from the sphere of show business: among them, for example, Lenny Kravitz, Anthony Kids. All this continued until she fell in love with his fitness coach Carlos Leon, who was offered to become a father. Madonna asked her lover to pass tests and lead a healthy lifestyle for the appearance of a healthy child. Soon they had a daughter of Lourdes Maria Chickon Leon (at that time, the singer was 38 years old).

The following relationships - with the director Gam Ricci - began unusually romantic. Madonna's future husband at first accepted for ordinary provincial guy. But soon all the cards revealed, and the singer could not resist the courting of the young director. Their wedding took place in December 2000.

Madonna and Guy Richie lived for 8 years. The fruit of their love was the son named Rocco, also a foster boy from an African family appeared in the family. Soon Madonna launched another girl - Mercy Jam, and in 2017 - two African twins: Stella and Esther. It became known after the singer shared photographs with children in social networks, on which she hugged her daughters.

Madonna's children are the main pride and joy in the life of the singer. Thanks to them, the singer even tried herself as a writer and released the Children's Book "English Roses" in 2004. The eldest daughter Madonna Lourdes decided to go in the footsteps of the mother and in her 19 years already he is a media person of various advertising companies.

In 2013, the star began a novel with a basketball player Denis Rodmann. Madonna wanted to give him a son, but this did not happen, and their union was crash soon.

Today, Madonna's name knows every resident of the world, her image is an icon of pop music, the personification of sexuality, cliff and creative identity.

How old is Madonna and how does she manage to look so young? This question is given by everyone, seeing the accurate figure of the star and its energetic dances during the performances. Her external beauty can envy any girl - with a small height of 164 cm, the singers parameters are ideal: 90-60-90. In the Personal Account of the Queen Pop Music in the Instagram network, many photos that enable fans to see their favorite in different images and scenery. Posted by: Anastasia Kaykov

Madonna's singer is a real queen of American pop. Moreover, it can boast not only what sings. Madonna is also a fashion designer, director, producer and recognized by the writer. The truth is said that a talented man is talented in everything. And the story of this woman's life itself can be said, is a direct embodiment of a dream. The history of Madonna shows that faith in herself and hardworking will help to raise the top, even if you are at the very bottom. One of the main facts about her - Madonna could become a real sex symbol of the last century.

Currently, the booty singer has not lost its popularity and charismaticness. Due to which it was and remains one of the richest women in the world with an appropriate level of influence.

Madonna - singer with character. And even despite her not the youngest age, this versatile creative person still has an impressive army of fans, not only among men, but also among women. In the past, by the way, most often interested in what performer has growth, weight, age. How many years Madonna is a question one of the most popular concerning singer. Especially considering how popular plastic surgery is popular among American stars.

We inform you that this year Madonna is going to celebrate his sixtieth anniversary. But the fact that she was able to preserve a similar level of activity is not surprising. After all, in his youth was a blacklider, even despite a small height. With a rise of 163 cm, it weighs now 54 kg. Madonna photo in youth and is easy to find online - she was and remains a very beautiful woman.

Madonna Biography and Personal Life

The full name of the singer - Madonna Louise Veronika Chikkon. She was born in August of the 58th year. Her father - Silvio Chickon worked as an engineer-designer at Chrysler's automobile factory. And Mom - Madonna Louise Chickon - did X-ray pictures.

The girl was a modest excellent, but it was an amplua to smire destroyed on the school talent-competition, when Madonna turned 14. She went onto the scene in a swimsuit, and the body was smeared with fluorescent paint. The dance under the song The WHO has turned out to be very denied. She lost the competition, got at home for home arrest, and at school it was long called the whore. Madonna herself recalled that then on the stage "found himself" and understood who should be. And the concept of "scratch-whores" has consolidated for her and in his career.

The Debut Album "Madonna" came out in the summer of 83 years and received ambiguous feedback from critics. Most of them reproached the novice singer in excessive sexuality and claimed. That on stage she will not last for a long time.

Madonna biography and personal life have always attracted a lot of attention of fans. A woman is already known that she had a huge number of romantic relationships, and she was not married twice. Moreover, often the men were younger and even much younger than her. Happy and strong relationships at Madonna did not work out.

Filmography: Madonna Movies

The actress filmography was replenished rather rapidly, but this part of the career developed not as good as musical.

Madonna can see such films like "visual search", "Shanghai Surprise", "Irckaki from Broadway", "Dangerous Game" and others.

Family and Children Madonna

In the life of Madonna, there were countless novels with different men - public and no. Some were even for several years, but the difference in the age of singer has never embarrassed, and she calmly appeared with their boyfriends in front of the camera. Madonna family and children - the theme is rather tight. Officially, the actress was married to actor Sean Penn, director Gaha Ricci. But both marriage ended up with painful breaks.

Meanwhile, only one of the two native children of Madonna gave birth, being married. She gave birth to a son from Guy Ricci, but the daughter became a "extramarital" child from her personal coach Carlos Leon. In a relationship with him, the singer consisted several years before marriage with Ricci.

Son Madonna - Rocco John Ricci

The son of Madonna - Rocco John Ricci - his native son and the second child of the singer, whom she gave birth in 2001, being in a second marriage with director Gaha Ricci. The boy grew up like all the children, went well in school. But, as with many children of famous parents, Rocco, as they grow up, began problems with behavior. Wrought, nightclubs and all related. So far, in the end, everything was not completed by a grand scandal, the reason for which Rocco is a drug addict.

Currently, it is known that Seventeen-year-old Rocco found the work by the courier, lives separately from the mother and even entered into relationships with the girl named Kimberly Turnbull.

Reception Son Madonna - David Gang Malawe Chickon Ricci

The foster son Madonna - David Gang Malatel Chickon Ricci was adopted by spouses in 2005. Dark-skinned boy from Malawi immediately attracted attention from the press. And the reason was that the process of adopting a child from Africa turned into a real scandal.

When all the documents were prepared, and Madonna had already gathered to pick up a child, suddenly declared relatives of the boy who wanted to prevent the singer to take David from Malawi. But in the end, everything ended well, David Chickon Ricci still gained a new home and a big family for himself.

Madonna's daughter - Lourdes Maria Chickon

Madonna's native daughter - Lourdes Maria Chickon became the firstborn of the artist and the "extramarital" child. The singer gave birth to a girl from his personal coach Carlos Leon, with whom at that time simply consisted in relationships. But the wedding, although unplanned, did not even take place. As a result, the girl stayed with his mother.

Now she is already 21 years old. Like an older brother, the girl attracts the attention of the press on the most pleasant occasion. Previously, a beautiful and extravagant girl, which even called "Mini Madonna" absolutely ceased to follow their own appearance, becoming a real find for the yellow press.

Favorite daughter Madonna - Mercy James Chickon

Another adopted daughter Madonna - Mercy James Chickon was also taken under the opera from Malawi, Africa. Recall that from there the same and the adopted son of the artist - David. But the registration of guardianship over the girl began after the divorce of the singer with the last husband.

It is worth noting that even in this case it did not cost without scandals. In many newspapers, the news about the next unexpected care was called "the case of the sale of children." And the thing is that in Malawi, at the time, it was forbidden to give children under custody by foreign "parents." Nevertheless, Mersi also left Madonna to America and now lives with a star mother.

Former Madonna's husband - Sean Penn

The former husband of Madonna - Sean Penn and the singer herself met in the 85th year, when the performer consisted of a relationship with the singer Prince. It happened on the set of one of the clips of the artist, and the woman quickly fond of the actor who was younger than her for a couple of years. They got married in the same year, but the marriage fell apart after four years later.

It is known that some time later Pennaved to the singer's house and cruelly killed her. But Madonna managed to escape and get to the police station. Penn denied the fact of beating, although the wounds of the woman were spoken for themselves. The singer asked not to make a criminal case, since her former always did not control the anger.

Former Madonna's Husband - Guy Ricci

The former husband of Madonna - Guy Ricci - met with the future in the 98th year, at the party at the singer Sting. In the process of communication it turned out that a novice director is under the artist for ten years, and it came to the party, just to get acquainted with Madonna, because he knew that she would be there.

They got married in 2000, and very soon the singer gave birth to the Gay of the Son. After five years, the spouses adopted the boy from Africa. Their marriage existed for eight years. The true reason for the divorce is still unknown, but rumors are that a man just got a strong passion for his wife Kabala. But there were no official statements.

When the singer just started her career, none of the fans and did not even think to doubt the natural beauty of this woman. But the years went, and the woman was not old. Hot photos of Madonna before and after plastic is easy to find on the Internet.

Photo in a swimsuit, for example, or supposedly merged into the network pictures where the singer is naked. Although officially fans were represented only by almost naked Madonna breasts. The performer itself completely denies the fact of surgical intervention, but the specialist doctors, they agreed that the singer made a facelift and a plastic of the nose. In addition, it does not face and famous "bluings of beauty".

Instagram and Wikipedia Madonna

Instagram and Wikipedia Madonna exist in full. In the official instagram profile, the singers publish photos from covers of magazines, photos with her children, snapshots of nature and announcements of future speeches. There are about 3.5 thousand photos and video there. And subscribed to the page of the performer of 11.5 million fans.

That before Wikipedia, there you will see a brief information about her and her family, as well as a complete list of awards and a lot of information about the formation of a career. Up to the chronology of the release of music albums. In any case, this information will be interesting and useful for all fans of this shocking artist.

Name:Madonna (Madonna Louise Veronika Chikkone)

Age: 60 years

Height: 158

Activity: American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, writer, actress, film director, screenwriter, entrepreneur and philanthrop

Family status: Divorced

Madonna: biography

Madonna - Queen Pop Music and one of the most expensive brands, famous singer, songwriter and musical producer. Madonna songs and clips set the tone and direction of both the American and the world music industry. The creativity of Madonna often turns out to be in the center of the scandals, the singer is not afraid to affect the acute topics of social injustice, racial and sexual oppression.

In the list of awards and premiums, which at different times received Madonna, several hundred different regalia. The singer was even included in the Rock and Roll Fame Hall. Madonna won more than thirty in different nominations of the Billboard Music Awards Prize. The singer has two "golden globes" - for the song "Masterpiece" and for the best female role in the musical "Evita". The singer received all the musical awards that you can only dream of. The name of the diva is on the Hollywood Alley of Glory - there is a personal star of Madonna.

The full name of the singer - Madonna Louise Veronika Chikkon. Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in the US state of Michigan. Childhood spent surrounded by five brothers and sisters. Her mother died when Madonna was only 5 years old, and her stepmother cared only about his native children. It is such a "competition" from the very childhood, as the singer will tell, gave birth to a dream in it - to become famous for the whole world. But the birth of a star from a little Veronica happened after 9 years.

Madonna Chickon spoke at the school competition of talents, where she shocked all teachers. For your room, where the girl sang from the scene in the top and shorts, deserted with paints, his father put her under house arrest. Because of this bright show, the reputation of the whole family in the city was noticeably spoiled, and on the fence near the family home, unflattering inscriptions to Madonna began to appear.

After school, Madonna entered the University of Michigan with the hope of becoming an outstanding ballerina. From this point on, her relationship with his father spoiled even more. He saw the future of his daughter as a lawyer or doctor. However, the successful dancer from Madonna did not come out, and soon the girl realized that he had to leave the province.

Madonna moved to New York, where he worked for a very long time for food, living in the Criminal area. In 1979, she tried to travel to the famous tour. Professionals noticed good potential in it and decided to make a dancing singer from Madonna. The Madonna itself turned out to be at all. She was a zealous fan of punk rock and absolutely against any producers and showmen. The singer decided to assemble his own rock band, but the undertaking ended with failure.


A full-fledged Creative Career pop diva began after acquaintance with the founder of the Sire Records label by Seymour Stein, who saw at the girl at least good potential and immediately concluded with the Madonny Contract. After that, in 1983, the singer records his debut album "Madonna", which turned out to be failed.

But the second album of the singer "LIKE A VIRGIN" instantly turned out to be at the top of the prestigious charts of the United States, which glorified Madonna to the whole world. Moreover, today the singer's album is considered the most successful in her homeland. In 1985, Madonna produces his first video for the song "Material Girl".

In 1986, the third album of Madonna "True Blue", dedicated to her beloved. It becomes the most commercially successful release of the singer, and the song "Live to Tell" becomes the most "hiking" single pop diva. The singer continues to present clips for songs. In 1986, video on the composition "La Isla Bonita" (La Isla Bonita), written in the genre of Latin American pop music.

In 1995, Madonna again thundered for the whole world with the new song "You" LL See ", after which the singer's phenomenal talent stopped doubting critics.

In 1998, the "greatest pop masterpiece of the 90s", as the Music magazine "Rolling Stone" called the record, is the album "Ray of Light", the single from which called "Frozen" becomes a record on leading positions in prestigious charts. "Frozen" reached the second line of the main American chart "Billboard Hot 100", making Madonna the record holder in the number of songs that have reached the second line of this top list. In the UK, the song finished in the first place of the National Chart.

After the release of this album, Madonna re-won the title of progressive musician. The album immediately received four Grammy, including a reward in the nomination "Best Pop Album". Four tracks from a new disk become indisputable hits: the "Ray of Light" plate, as well as the "The Power of Good-Boye", "Drowned World / Substitute for Love", "Nothing Really Matters".

The clip on the song "Ray of Light" also did not go without the attention of fans and musical critics. The video received six awards "MTV Video Music Awards". But the speeches in support of the new album are the cause of the scandal. Madonna performed songs in Indian outfit with a point in the forehead. The singer was positioning such an appearance as a dedication to God, but religious organizations were found in the middle of Madonna Boguhul.

In 1999, the singer received another Grammy for the song Beautuful Stranger, the soundtrack for the film "Austin Powers: a spy that seduced me."

In 2000, Madonna releases the eighth studio album called "Music". In this album, the singer first used the vocoder. The plate took the first places in the top ratings of the United States and the UK. The video for the single "What It Feels Like for a Girl" from this album was removed. Due to the cruelty scenes, the clip was forbidden to show on MTV and VH1 channels.

In 2001, the singer goes to the first touring tour after the eight-year break "Drowned World Tour". The tour distinguishes the gloomy drama, as well as the fact that the singer first began to accompaniate the songs on the guitar.

In 2003, the singer released a new album "American Life" recorded in the concept of minimalism. The album becomes failed. Critics are associated with the main topic of the record - the divorce of the American dream - and underlined pacifism.

In the same year, Madonna debuts as a writer, releasing the children's book with pictures "English roses", which headed the list of bestsellers of the newspaper "The New York Times".

The fame of the singers as a children's writer immediately overshadowed the scandal. At the MTV ceremony, the famous incident occurred - a kiss with, after which in the direction of Madonna fleeing reproaches in propaganda lesbian. The singer justified the kiss of the stage image: the artist performed in the suit of the groom, and Britney Spears and - in the dresses of brides.

In 2005, the title of the queen of the dance floor is also glued with the release of the "Hung Up" single to the singer. This contributes to the incendiary performances and music videos of the performer. In the same year, the singer released the new album "Confessions on a Dance Floor".

The speeches of the singer with the songs of the album again caused a religious scandal. Madonna sang in the image on the mirror cross surrounded by images of Africa's suffering children. During the world tour of Madonna, the Russian Orthodox Church called on the boycott of the singer concert in Moscow.

In 2012, the Madonna Masterpiece song from the film "We believe in love" gets a "golden globe" and immediately falls on the first positions of the charts.

In 2014, the Israeli Hacker hacked the singer's computer and licked four dozen compositions to the network recorded during work on a new album. After a couple of days after leakage, the thirteenth album was officially announced. In 2015, the 13th Studio Album Madonna "Rebel Heart" came out. The new album received positive assessments of musical critics, in the United States and the UK disk reached the second place in the charts.

In 2015-2016, Madonna held a tour of the new album in support of the new album. The singer gave 82 concerts and earned $ 170 million. In total with other concerts, this tour made Madonna by the record holder in the amount earned on the sales of tickets, the singer helped 1.3 billion dollars from concerts for his entire creative biography.


The acting career Madonna was less successful than the singer's career. Nevertheless, the Madonna filmography has about 20 paintings, many of which, however, were completely defeated by critics.

In 1990, the documentary film "In bed with Madonna", which shows the backstage life of the singer.

In 1996, Madonna performed the main role of the conflicting wife of the President of Argentina Eva Pereon in the screening of the musical Andrew Lloyd-Webber "Evita". For this role, the singer even began to take additional lessons in vocal, which had a beneficial effect on Madonna's musical career. On the plate - the collection of songs from the musical - the singer first demonstrates the possession of the top register and singing the diaphragm.

The film received positive feedback films and the author of the original musical Andrew Lloyd-Webber. The musical also received the Oscar premium for the song "You Must Love Me", which Madonna performed specifically for the film. In addition, the singer received the Golden Globe in the nomination "Best Women's Role in Comedy or Musicle", and the song "Don" T Cry for Me Argentina "became the hit of the" UK Singles Chart "and Billboard Hot 100 ratings.

In 2000, Madonna plays a major role in the painting "Best Friend". Especially for the movie The singer recorded the composition "Time Stood Stold" and the American Pie Caver.

In 2004, a second documentary about Madonna "I'm Going to Tell You A Secret" appears.

The sensational press positioned Madonna as a porn station, but all the paintings with the singer were far from pornography, nevertheless, the skeptical attitude of society to the singer was not softened. You can see Madonna in the films "visual search", "Desperate Searches Susan", "Dick Tracy", "their own league". The last film in Madonna's career was the painting "worn", which received failed criticism, because of which it was not even released into cinemas.

In addition to the game, Madonna's movie is actively engaged in directorial work and produces several paintings that have become quite successful in the world of big cinema. She wrote scenarios for the films "Dirt and wisdom", "We believe in love", etc. In 2014, the singer acquired the rights to the adaptation of the bestseller "Hell. The Story of Love", over which already started work.

Personal life

Madonna's personal life is worthy of attention. The Great Marge - so the fans called it - it was not missed in the choice of men and did not hesitate publicity in this intimate matter. Pop icon his work produced a sexy revolution worldwide. The sexual revolution in the life of Madonna itself was reduced to relations with many men. Setting up in New York, the twenty-year-old dancer entered into relations with the famous producer John Benitis. It he helped the singer stand on his feet. With his help, Madonna gained many profitable dating; Benitz himself, being DJ, twisted her songs on discos.

Later, Madonna was twisted with an affair with an artist Jean-Michel Baska. But the artist, like many of her favorites, soon turned out to be uninteresting her. But one of the most famous star marriages - between the famous Madonna and actor Sean Penno - lasted for four more years. The actors even nicknamed Mr. Madonna.

After the divorce, the singer tweaked a whole series of short-term novels, and none of them crowned with success. A loud romance with, and then with the soloist RHCP Anthony Kidis was also only stories under a bright sign. The first child of Madonna appeared from the novel with the Latin American Carlos Leon, who worked as a fitness coach: In 1996, Madonna gave birth to Daughter Lourdes Maria Chikkone-Leon. Shortly after the birth of the daughter, the singer broke up with Carlos.

Parting brought to Madonna criticism from social associations for protecting the full family. In addition, ill-wishers accused the artist that Madonna speculates on the topic of families and childhood and became pregnant only for the purposes of Prae.

During this period, the singer was also fascinated by Yoga, Buddhism and Kabbalah. The last teachings of Madonna considers not religious, but scientific, binding science and spirituality.

Record relations for the Great Marge - longer than eight years - they succeeded with the British director of Gam Ricci. In 2000, the Son Rocco was born at the pair. After a wedding with Richie, a baronet, Madonna joined the ranks of the British aristocracy. Shortly after that, the singer accepted British citizenship.

After that, the fans have noticed the singer to the British accent. It caused the dissatisfaction of the Americans and the irony of the British, and the term "Madonna Syndrome" fell into the offense.

The singer began to lead the life of the British aristocrat: Drink El, walking on the hunt for pheasants and on the riding. In 2005, new habits turned the tragedy - Madonna dropped the horse. Woman received fractures of ribs and other injuries.

In addition to the upbringing of two Madonna's native children adopted two receptions - Mercy James and David Gang. The new children of the singer also called the scandal, who called the "case about the sale of children", because at that time in Malawi, from where Mercy and David, from where, was forbidden to give children to adoption to foreigners.

In 2008, the singer announced a divorce.

The last "toy" Madonna is the dancer of her ballet Brahim Zaibat. They say he even made the queen pop scene.

According to the media, Currently, Madonna is suiced with the former husband of Ham Richie for their 15-year-old son. It is known that Rocco lives with his father and returning to the mother at the moment does not intend. The final court took place in March 2016, but the parties did not reach agreement.

Madonna now

In March 2016, Madonna suddenly changed the fans of the concert format and made a chamber program "Clown Tears" in Sydney. The name corresponded to the content of the speech: 40 minutes of Madonna in a clown suit passed the performance of songs with jokes, jokes and classical clown numbers. According to the singer, this speech was still "raw."

The second time Madonna demonstrated the Clown Tears Program in December of the same year in Miami. The singer gathered 7.5 million dollars, which Madonna sent to charity - to the construction of a children's hospital in Malawi.

On January 21, 2017, the singer spent on a mass protest against the "march of women". Madonna with the new President of America since the 90s. In the anti-presidential speech, the singer used obscene expressions twice, as well as in the "Express Yourself" and "Human Nature" of Madonna followed by Madonna replaced the rows on the tramp.

Due to obscene statements, the singer American TV channels stopped broadcasting protest. Subsequently, critics accused Madonna in anti-American and antipatriotic statements. Supporters also referred to the words of the singer who discredited the march in the eyes of the audience.

In February 2017, Madonna - four-year-old twin girls from Malawi named Stella and Esther. The receptional daughters became frequent heroines of the "Instagram" singers. Madonna lays out photos and videos on which the twins play with other children, demonstrate new trendy outfits and just embrace with a new mom. Frames from performances and protrochadra singer is not so often, making the page rather personal than the worker. The Madonna Account is verified, and 9.7 million people are observed for updates.

Shumihu among fans caused photos of Madonna without makeup. Fans were upset, seeing that the singer would still become old. At the same time, Madonna keeps himself in shape, engaged in sports and tries to hold the weight within 55 kg. The figure of the singer is close to the popular standard of beauty 90-60-90 with a rise of 158 cm.


  • "Madonna"
  • "True Blue"
  • "Erotica"
  • "Bedtime Stories"
  • "Music"
  • "Confessions on a Dance Floor"
  • "Hard Candy"
  • "MDNA"
  • "Rebel Heart"

Madonna's singer not so long ago storming ..

Rumors that the popular singer Madonna wants to adopt still children, have been walking for a long time. She did not speak more than his desire to become a large mother in an interview with various foreign publications.

Yesterday, February 7, these rumors were confirmed by the actions of the singer. As it became known to the journalist Ulyana Snailina, yesterday, the highest court of state Malawi allowed Madonna to adopt two 4-year-old girls twins.

Madonna with her lawyer and 2 little girls, with their biological father appeared at the courthouse. As you know, the mother of girls died back in 2012, and for some time they kept their grandmother over the babies, but then they were sent to the orphanage.

The representative of the court said that the Girl's grandmother could not provide them with a worthy way, so social services sent girls to the orphanage.

Madonna with children

Recall, Madonna had four children. From his former fitness coach Carlos Leon Singer gave birth to Daughter Lourdes, which is already 20 years old. The son of Rocco (he now was 16) was born in marriage with the British director Guyam Richie. Pyriyal 12-year-old Chifundo Mersi James Chickon and 11-year-old David Gang Chickon Richie, whom the star adopted in 2006 and 2007.

Madonna and Lourdes.

Madonna and Son Rocco

Eyewitnesses argue that Madonna, when he left the courthouse along with new adopted members of her family looked very happy.

It remains to be guess, why the star with its covered schedule so many children? After all, the singer does not always find a common language.

Previously, family photos of the singers caused a scandal in social networks. So, Madonna laid out the photo where the foster children massage her feet. Folloviers instantly responded with criticism, and compared in the comments of children with slaves.

Madonna and adopted children Chifundo Mersey James Chickon and David Gang Chickon Richie

Madonna herself could hardly assume that a completely ordinary family photo would be such a negative reaction. Surely the singer without rear thoughts signed the photo: "... That's how I want to spend the day. Mercy and David are best massaged legs. " To the picture Madonna added Hesteg #motherlove (maternal love).

In addition to adoption, the singer gratefully defends his political views. At the recent march protest, as president answered her the same.

Biographies of celebrities


16.08.14 09:51

Its contribution to world culture is impossible to overestimate: it is a living legend, evidence that persistence and hard work is able to minimize the mountains. The biography of Madonna can be published as an excellent allowance for those who dream of climbing the tops of glory.

Biography Madonna

First loss

Residents of Provincial Bay City, which was attached on the shore of the luxurious Lake Huron, did not suspect that in 1958 (namely on August 16) in the X-ray family and designer engineer Chickon, a girl will be born, which will glorify his town and will be called queen pop music.

The mother of the family, Madonna Louise, were French roots - her great-grandfather arrived to conquer America from Europe, her spouse Silvio was proud of its Italian ancestors. After two boys, God finally gave them daughter. And on joy, they called it in honor of Mom.

Probably, the profession with its constant danger of irradiation was the reason that the mother fell ill with cancer (then she was pregnant in the 6th time, therefore refused treatment). Time was missed. And six kids are orphaned. Madonne-senior was only 30. The future singer could not forgive the heavens of this loss. As the father could not understand - he married after 2 years of widowhood, it was difficult for him to lift such an oral. Steph, Joan, turned out to be a tricky despot, she made two more children on the world, and all love was aimed at them. So the Madonna's childhood was not easy. She was offended by brothers, addicted to drugs. After hanging out all sorts of horror, she herself shouted to succeed to this harmful passion.

Difficulties of growing up

Catholic schools changed for a girl in secular, where she was able to try themselves in student performances for the first time (the mother sang well and knew how to play the piano, Madonna, similar to her outwardly, inherited a pleasant voice).

Father did not like the lessons of young Madonna ballet, he wanted a profession for her that brings a guaranteed piece of bread. With its excellent marks (they argue that schoolgirl's aiku was equal to 140 - an incredibly high figure!) She could deal with any educational institution, but decided to act in his own way.

After school, the girl was engaged in dancing in Michigan University. Then he left for New York. Fate continued to experience the future star. The part-time job in the choreographic groups brought pennies, Madonna lived the injignment, juts in the camorks, but did not give up.

Talent plus persistence

In 1982, young Madonna became the participant of the Breakfast Club group (she played on the drum tools). Ambitions took their own: she wrote songs, performed them herself, mastered the guitar and showed themselves as a leader. In general, "pulled the blanket on itself." Huge happiness was for a beginner soloist, a contract with producer, and in 1983 she was able to release his first album.

That disc, "Madonna", did not become a very bright event in the musical world, but after the release of Like a Virgin, they spoke about it as a new star. The compositions headed the charts, they were twisted on the radio, they sang them, listened to the countless number of times. 26 million album copies were sold. So she stepped on the first step of his fame, since then the biography of Madonna looks like an endless bright music clip.

Disk "True Blue", born in 1986, secured an unexpected deafening success of the singer. The audience looked forward to new works, rushed to concerts, on which the performer was laid out on a complete coil - to exhaustion.

Some argue that at first the star took out the shower - exploited sexual images, "flirting" with religious symbols. But talent, incredible perseverance and the constant desire for self-improvement did their job.

Ups and downs

Were in the creative biography of Madonna their ups and downs. Antipremia "Golden Malina" called her worse actress of the century (there were tapes "who this girl", "body as evidence", oustically responded about her role in the painting "Bondians" "Melci, but not now," the terrible was her last work on Screen - "Gone"). However, the musical tape of the second wife of the Argentine president, a lot of done for the country and insultantly deceased from cancer, "Evita" became a real phenomenon in culture. The song to the film-comics "Dick Tracy" performed by Madonna was awarded "Oscar".

Personal life Madonna

First marriage, first daughter

Passionate feelings, tested by our heroine to Sean Penn, were overshadowed by scandals, reaching before Drak. Personal life Madonna turned out to be an eternal "militant." The young husband was not ready for living together, and when two such hot temperaments faced, literally flew the "shreds of the Zakolem". For a long time to endure the singer did not. Coming out married in 1985, after 4 years she divorced with the actor.

The director and the leadership of the leading role, the legend of Hollywood Warren Beatti, was carried away on the shooting "Dick Trash", but Madonna was limited to Roman, married an artist did not come out.

The father of her daughter became in the 1996th boyfriend-Cuban Carlos Leon (with him Diva will raise six months). Madonna's daughter called Lourdes, she had already noted the 19th anniversary, and she had a joint business with her mother's own clothing line.

It was at that time that acquaintance with Buddhism, yoga, Kabbalahova (since then Madonna - Maiden's commitment to this teaching).

New albums earned millions finally conquered by Grammy attached to the performer forces.

With richie and without it

In mid-1998, along with the then buddy, Andy Berd singer visited the evening at Sting. There was a meeting with the director Gary Richie - British, who later will become her husband and change the personal life of Madonna, and very much!

In 2000 Madonna moved to the lover, and the son of Rocco was born in quarts in August of the same year. She was fascinated by British life, gladly got acquainted with the traditions of a new country for himself, but did not forget about work - in 2001, a global tour took place by the Achlag.

Alas, and the second marriage did not become the union "to the coffin" (although the receiving black son David appeared in the family in the family): in the fall of 2008 it became aware of the break of the couple. Soon the star launched a girl from Malawi Chifundo Mersi, and the British spouse replaced the boyfriend-brazilian Hessus Lus. In 2010, Madonna began to meet with the dancer Brachim Zeib. And at the beginning of 2017, the media was talking about the fact that Madonna and Sean Penn are increasingly seen. Maybe they decided to restore the marriage collected many years ago?

Its condition is estimated at almost 1 billion dollars, she has its own network of fitness clubs. The film "We. We believe in love, "who put the singer, quenched in the fluff and dust, but she still has so many new ideas! The world is still surprised by the phenomenon named Madonna!