For all and about everything. Cleanliness in Japanese understanding or these strange Japanese

For all and about everything. Cleanliness in Japanese understanding or these strange Japanese

1. In Japanese phones, an emergency notification system of the nation is built. When some kind of cataclysm occurs, there is a loud beep in all phones (even if the sound has been disabled) and the message appears explaining what happened and how to behave.

1. In Japan, Valentine's Day show sympathy and give girls gifts. I will not tell with what this tradition is connected, but today it performs important social function: Allows the girls to say "yes" without waiting for a Japanese man to get courage to her to approach her.

2. In Japan, cheap fish and meat, but very expensive fruits. One apple costs two dollars, a bunch of bananas five. The most expensive melon fruit, the variety of the type of our torpedoes will cost Tokyo in two hundred dollars.

3. In Japan, P * rhography is selling absolutely everywhere. In each combini (grocery store), on the stand with the press, there is a separate shelf with a hentham. In small bookstores Hentai is one third of the entire range, 2-3 floors are given in large books under P * rhograph.

4. Hentai is allowed to freely sell minors.

5. The two most popular Podzhans Hentai are violence and sex with minors.

6. Wrapped in the cover, Hentai is quietly reading in the subway.

7. In the Japanese Metro and Jr there are cars only for women. They are joined in the morning so that in the rush hour no one commemorates girls. Japanese voyeurists, and feeling girls in naked trains - something like national sports.

8. At the same time, in Japan, one of the lowest percent of rape in the world. Five times less than in Russia. It seemed important to me to note this, after everything I told the above.

9. Most Japanese hieroglyphs consist of 2-4 syllables, but there are amazing exceptions. For example, the hieroglyph 砉 is read as "HantecavatogakhanaRuoto", these are thirteen syllables! Describes the sound published when separating the flesh from the bone.

10. The issue of honor still plays a central role in Japan, even in politics. Last Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama resigned after the pre-election promise could not fulfill (SIC!). Two of his predecessors too.

11. Japan is a small country, but there is a lot of all the largest. Here is the most expensive amusement park in the world of Disney Sea, four of the ten highest American slides. In Tokyo, the most developed metro system in the world is located the largest railway hub and the largest mixed pedestrian crossroads.

12. In Japan, snowmen is made to sculpt strictly of two balls, and not three, as in the rest of the world. And then the Japanese distinguished themselves.

13. Colonel Sunders One of the christmas major symbols in Japan, like Coca-Cola in the USA. On Christmas Eve, the Japanese love the whole family to go to KFC and eat a large portion of chicken wings.

14. In Japan, there are still 30% of weddings as a result of organized by the Parents of Watching and Surrine お (Omiiai).

15. In all the northern cities of Japan, where snow falls in the winter, sidewalks and streets are heated. Holly does not happen, and it is not necessary to clean the snow. Very comfortably!

16. At the same time, there are no central heating in Japan. Everyone heats the apartment as can.

17. B. japanese There is a word 過 労 死 (Karoshi), meaning "death from rewarding". On average, ten thousand people die each year with this diagnosis. Directed by the studio "Gibby" by Yoshifumi Condo, the author of my beloved The Whisper of the Heart died with this diagnosis.

18. In Japan, one of the most liberal tobacco laws. Smoking can be smoking, except for railway platforms and airports.

19. Japan is the last country in the world, formally retained the title of the Empire.

20. The Japanese imperial dynasty has never been interrupted. The right-time Emperor Akihito - a direct descendant of the first emperor Dzimmu, founded Japan in 711 to our era.

21. This year, Japan turned 2671.

22. The Japanese constantly talk about food, and when they eat, they are discussing how they like treats. To have dinner without uttering several times "Oishii" (delicious) is very impolite.

23. In general, the Japanese love repeat. When girls do it, it is considered to be Cavay.

24. In Japanese, three types of letters are simultaneously used: Hiragana (syllable system for recording Japanese words), catakana (syllable system for writing borrowed words) and Cange (hieroglyphic letter). Crazy drives, yes.

25. There are no migrant workers in Japan. This is achieved simple law: The minimum salary that is allowed to hire a foreign worker in Japan exceeds the average salary of the Japanese. Thus, for high-paying specialists, the path to the country remains open, and the unqualified visitors does not have a wage dumping local residents. Solomon solution.

26. More than half railways In Japan, private. Non-state carriers are responsible for 68% of the country's total rail.

27. Hirohito has never been removed from power, after the war he headed the reformation and regulated until 1989. Hirohito's birthday national holiday and celebrates every 29 April.

28. Mount Fuji is in private ownership. In the synticist church, Hongu Sengen was preserved domestic from 1609, which the sogun handed the mountain to possession of the temple. In 1974, the authenticity of the Domestic confirmed the Supreme Court of Japan, after which he had no other way out, how to transfer the chrome to the ownership of the property. Because ownership in Japan is unshakable.

29. The Japanese consists of several levels of courtesy: spoken, respectful, polite and very polite. Women are almost always talking in a respectful form of a language, men in conversational.

30. Seven percent of the male population of Japan - Hickkomori. Seven!!!

31. In Japanese, there are no names for months, instead, they are designated by sequence numbers. For example, September is 九月 (Kugan), which means "ninth month".

32. Before Japan opened the West, the only word for describing the romantic sympathy was the word 恋 (koi), literally meaning "insurmountable attraction to something unattainable."

33. Japan Mono-ethnic Country, 98.4% of the total population are ethnic Japanese.

35. In Japan, Dolphins eat. Of them make soup, cook Kusia (Japanese kebab), even eating raw. Dolphin has a rather tasty meat, with a bright taste and completely disliked on fish.

36. In Japanese, there are practically no personal pronouns, and those words that are sometimes used as pronouns have even at least one value. In Russian, for example, the pronoun "I" does not mean anything but "I", and in Japanese 私 (Vatasha, I) means also "private, personal"; 貴方 (Anat, you) - "My Mr.". Use "Anat" politely only at the first acquaintance, then it is customary to contact the interlocutor by name or by office.

37. Tokyo is the safest megalopolis in the world. In Tokyo, it is so safe that six-year-old children use themselves public transport. This fiction is actually.

38. The Japanese External World is considered very dangerous and afraid to travel. So a familiar Japanese once asked me, is not too dangerous to her alone stay in the area of \u200b\u200bKensington gardens in London. Samoa dangerous country They consider the United States.

39. The ninth article of the Japanese Constitution prohibits the country to have its own army and participate in wars.

40. In Japan academic year It begins on April 1 and divided into trimesters. Schoolchildren learn from April to July, then September to December and from January to March.

41. There are no trash can in Japan, since the whole garbage is processed. Waste is divided into four types: glass, burned, processed and non-burning garbage. Each type of waste is taken out on a specific day and you can only throw it out on strictly reserved numbers. For violation of the procedure, a large fine, in my house it is a hundred thousand yen (somewhere thousand dollars).

42. On the streets of Urn, there is also at all, only special bottles for collecting bottles. Indicative example What is pure where they are not cleaned.

43. In Japan, very low pensions. Maximum social payment The distinguished old men is 30,000 yen, it is somewhere three hundred dollars. There is no compulsory pension insurance, it is assumed that each Japanese himself must take care of his old age.

44. Godzila (Japanese Held) is not an accidental name. This is a portmother of the words "Gorilla" and "Kudzira" (KIT). You can only guess how they were so crossed that Reptile turned out.

45. In Japan, very expensive transport, the cheapest ticket to the subway will cost 140 yen (50 rubles).

46. \u200b\u200bIn Japan, men are always the first to serve. In the restaurant, the man first leaves the order, and he is first brought by a drink. In stores, always first greet a man.

47. Japanese water large cars. City kara cannot be met even in close Tokyo, but a lot of jeeps.

48. For all the time in Japan, I have not seen a single toilet without heating stools and with less than 10 points buttons. And recently discovered that my home the toilet can make the sound of current water to hide, mm, own sounds.

49. In Japan, everyone knows that Hello Kitty comes from England.

50. In Japan, tips are categorically not accepted. It is believed that while the client pays for the service prescribed price, it remains with the seller on equal. If the buyer is trying to leave extra money, he thus depreciates the service providing him / product, lowering an equal exchange before the gift.

51. For the year of life in Japan, I never faced the manifestations of racism against myself. In my opinion, it is very cool.

52. Japan best country in the world.

53. On Japanese MTV goes popular series USAvich, a cartoon about two hares, Putin and Kiriyenko, trying to survive in a police state.

54. Age of consent in Japan - 13 years.

55. Japan is three times more than England. Japan Square 374 744 km², England 130 410 km km².

56. Japan often leads as an example as a overpopulated country. In fact, the population density of Japan is only 360 people per square kilometer. It is less than in England, where 383 people account for a square kilometer.

57. In the Japanese language, the words "wrong" and "distinguished" are designated by the same word 違う (Chigau).

58. In Japan, things have taken place, which twenty years ago seemed to be a future, and today they leave a strange retrofuturistic impression. Automatic doors in a taxi, automata that sells everything, from fruits, to soups, to nonsense panties. Trains of fantastic shape and funny fashion. All this is very cool.

59. The Japanese word 御来 光 (Goryo) describes the sunrise observed from the mountain Fuji. In Japanese, many capacious words.

60. Hitler admired the integrity of the Japanese nation and called them "Honorary Aryans." IN South Africa The times of apartheid Japanese were not amazed in rights, as they were considered "honorary white".

61. In Japan, for Valentine's Day, they show sympathy and give gifts of the girl. I will not tell you about this tradition, but today it performs an important social function: it allows girls to say "yes" without waiting for a Japanese man to get courage to her.

62. In Japan, there are no ladders. If you enter in Google "Looting in Japan", you can find only tens of thousands of surprised foreigners who cannot understand why empty houses are not robbed in Japan.

63. The Japanese almost do not speak English, but use a fantastic number of British. Alex Case tried to draw up a list, counted more than 5,000 words and he was tired of continuing (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) at the same time the Japanese pronunciation is so distorted that you can not hope to understand them, or what will you understand if you Try the word with the original accent.

64. Few people know that the words "Wat", "Mintai" and "Ivasi" are borrowed from Japanese. About the "tsunami" and "Typhoon", I think everyone knows.

65. In Japanese, there is also borrowing from Russian. Words イクラ "Ikura; Ikra "and ノルマ" Noruma; norm". There is still a funny expression "· ナロード ナロード" "Wu of the people; The people ", it got from Alexander II.

66. In Japan, there is a death penalty. Last year, eight criminals were executed in Japan. On the last two executions, the Minister of Justice of Japan was present.

67. In Japan, the lowest level of murders and the lowest level of violent crimes per 100 thousand population among all analyzed countries. Here is the highest average life expectancy in the world.

68. Tokyo is one of the largest gay regions in the world of Shinjuka-Ni-Cee. There is the largest concentration of gay bars in the world.

69. Japanese and Chinese hieroglyphs are the same. There are regional differences: in Chinese hieroglyphs more and in a simplified form they are written differently. But knowing Japanese, you can understand total meaning Chinese signs.

70. Instead of signature in Japan, they put a special nominal printing of Hanko. Such a seal has every Japanese and use it many, many times a day. You can also buy it at any store.

71. Japan is the only country in the world, where the criterion of delaying the train is considered a minute frontier.

72. In Japan, it is considered to be impolite to open a gift in the presence of a donor. For it, thank, after which they postpone to open alone.

73. The Japanese believe that a person should be able to hide the suffering of a smile. There is even a saying 顔 で 笑っ て 心 で 泣く (Kao de Varatte Kokorot de Naku; smile while suffering inside).

74. The Japanese nation is very fondant people. If they do something, then seek complete authenticity. So, in all French bakery, Japanese inscriptions is duplicated in French. In Italian motion, ice cream will be signed in Italian, and in the Spanish restaurant there will be a menu in Spanish. In English, at the same time, nothing will be. Sometimes it seems that for them it is just "one more European language."

75. In Japan, the right of ownership is strictly observed, so there are dozens of companies with more than a thousand-year history. For example, Hotel Hoshi Ryoskan is continuously functioning from 718 years. She is managed by the same family for 46 generations (SIC!).

76. Tanuki - wayward Japanese beasts-hoists bringing happiness and well-being. Their eggs are the traditional symbol of good luck. At the canonical happiest tanuki, the egg area should be 8 tatami, it is 12 meters. In the event of trouble, they carry their retribution. The studio has been sitting about them a wonderful cartoon Pom Poko, look.

77. Two thirds of Japan are covered with forests. In Japan, commercial deforestation of its own forest is prohibited, but it consumes 40% of all wood, which is mined in rainforests.

78. For 10 years, from 1992 to 2002, Japan was the largest donor of international assistance in the world. This is by the Word to everyone who is now gloating over the Japanese misfortune.

79. When the conductor enters the next freight train carriage, it necessarily removes the headdress and stands, and only then starts checking tickets.

80. In Japan, a third path was managed, which we have long been looking for and in no way. Here is a unique organization of society: on the one hand, a completely western legal state, with another original culture, which lives not only by tradition, but constantly evolving. I do not understand why in Russia no one studies Japanese experience.

None in any other country, the traditions, technology and living conditions did not intertwined so quaint

Translation for - Light Gogol

For the European Consciousness in Japan's culture a lot of strange, and even completely incomprehensible. None in one other country, traditions, technology and living conditions did not intertwined so quaint. Samurai ideals are perfectly getting along with computers last generation, and long-livers born in the 19th century - with teenagers in Pokemon costumes. Despite the striking development of all that concerns technologies, Japanese culture is one of the most conservative, closed and incomprehensible for foreigners.

Below you will find the six most strange aspects of the culture of the "ascending Sun countries".


Hikicomori are young people who do not want to communicate with the outside world. Of course, in every culture there is not a large number of people who are called "hermits", but usually these are senior people or even elderly, many of whom suffer from such mental disorderslike depression or agoraphobia.

Feature of Japanese "rents" - age. These are either teenagers, or young people are slightly in twenty, which are almost completely cut off from external world. There are several objective reasons for the appearance of a huge amount of Hikicomori: the first, of course, this is the Internet, the second is the monstrous load in educational institutionsThat few people can withstand, and finally loving parents who are ready to contain their offspring to old age, if only they did not fly out of the "nest".

Usually, the term Hikicomori is called young people who seek in their room without work and communication for more than six months. Psychologists already talk about "lost millions".


Despite the legends of Yakuza, the crime rate in Japan is one of the lowest (lower only in Monaco). All weapons - from pistols to ceremonial swords, be sure to register in the police.

However, if you really fell on the dock - writing disappeared. 99 percent of ships end with an accusatory sentence. In addition, in Japan, they still sentence death penalty, Usually through hanging. In a year, it is executed for 2-3 people, and about the upcoming execution of the sentences noticed in just a few hours. The family is already informed about the accomplished execution.

Attitude to work

Everyone knows that the Japanese are one of the most disciplined and hardworking workers in the world. However, the image of a businessman-alcoholic, the travener karaoke bars is also not far from the truth. The Japanese really drink a lot; On Corporate Sake, the river pours and junior employees In vain trying to hugging their ordered long year training by bosses.

But that's what is really surprising - no matter how much Japanese drank in the evening, in the morning it will be like a cucumber and start working exactly on time. In addition, in Japanese culture it is considered completely normal to take a bit in the workplace, it is even welcomed. It is believed that a person who has abandoned his head on the desktop works to exhaustion and is especially devoted to his work.


The phenomenon of the Kodokushi (lonely death) is the silhouette of the body of the deceased person. It is formed when the body has remained unparalleled for a long time.

Workers who are engaged in transportation of furniture say they are very often encountered on such "codecs". According to the estimates of one private company, about 300 cases out of 1500, they stumble on these sad symbols of human solitude.

Traditional image japanese familyWhen several generations got along with one roof, it was already outdated, and now the old people are increasingly living alone.

This happens with temporary workers, or employees under the contract - many men and women of this category work force Never marry and get married. They die alone, and no one knows about their death.


Japanese morals have always differed with rigor, including in relation to the "films for adults". And although the prohibition does not exist to remove hard porn in Japan, the genitals on the video must be blurred to meet national ideas about morality.

This softened version of the Japanese porn is complemented by the so-called "bucktha" - a demonstration of the resulting fluid as evidence that the "act of love" really happened between the actors.

Curiously, that great amount Young Japanese do not show no interest in sex at all, especially the guys. They are called "Socha" Danche "or" Vegetarian ".


While the whole world spends big money to make selflessly smooth teeth, Japanese teenagers are passionate about the opposite. One of the rapidly distributing trends among Japanese young people is called "Yaba" (literally "double tooth"). This is a nozzle that creates the impression of the sticking of the mouth of the canine. By the way, quite expensive pleasure.

They sleep at meetings, call the interlocutor in the third face and put on special slippers when they go to the toilet. What else are Japanese customs differ from ours?

They use the name

Japan's shopping streets are better not to go without pretty. Owners of local shops and cafes are still very actively using a cheap advertising force - called. Cute girls And the young men, standing at the entrance to the institution, loudly and almost continuously shout: "IRRASHYAIMASHE! GORANKUDASAIMASEEEE! "What can be translated as" Welcome! Look at us! ". With unusual to carry it pretty hard, and foreigners, on the contrary, often scares away.

They do not understand what sin is

In Japan, the culture of shame is common, but in religions (and in a synto, traditional Japanese religion, and in Buddhism) as such does not exist. Of course, the bad acts are condemned, but only because of fear, losing the face, be appointed. In particular, foreigners from Christian countries are extremely surprised by the attitude of the Japanese to suicide as to the path of salvation, and not as a sin, which is accepted in Orthodoxy or Catholicism. By the way, in Japan the most high level suicide among developed countries.

They use special toilet slippers

In hotels and houses, the Japanese use separate plastic or rubber slippers for the toilet and the bathroom. Usually they are at the entrance to the bathroom. When you go out, slippers need to be removed and left in the same place. In this strange tradition Two goals: First, the Japanese believe that it is more hygienic, and secondly, it is immediately clear that the toilet is busy. This rule is often confused by foreigners, who, of course, always forget to convert.

By the way, visiting street toilets is also often surprising. They look unusual and seemed to look like inside the first word of technology. For example, here you can enable music to the surrounding certainly not to hear than you do there. There is also a special button for challenge the security service if the client becomes bad.

They sleep at work

To fall asleep during the meeting with colleagues or right at its workplace will not be considered a confusion. Some Japanese practiced Inemuri, which can be literally translated as "attending during sleep." The descendants of samurai understood that for effective work, a person needs a dream for effective work, and therefore it is not shamed to pay for half an hour and hour of working time with nap. At the same time considering several important rules: You need to sleep directly at the table, lowering my head on the hands or countertop; If you fell asleep during the meeting, but you turned to you, you must wake up and answer; If you are new in the company and expect active involvement in the workflow, then Inemuri will be perceived as a bad tone.

They appeal to each other in the third face.

Do not be surprised if the Japanese asks you: "How is the family of Vasily-San?" It is not customary to pronounce personal pronouns, although in the local language alone alone the words "I" 15 options. The inhabitants of the rising sun are accustomed to contact each other in the third person: by the names (with official communication) with the addition of courtesy suffixes (-san, -sam) or by name (among friends), too, with suffixes (-kun, -tyan).

They consider tiphal insult

In Japan, tips are perceived as an insult, a sign that the waiter does not cope with his work and, therefore, he needs a cash incentive.

They deactivate trucks

On the roads of Japan you can see extravagant trucksLooking like Philip Kirkorov on the stage of the Kremlin Palace. They are always bright, often chrome, with neon illumination and bright drawings throughout the body. Such trucks call "Decal", they appeared after the exit in the 1970s of the Klotovaya Japanese TV series "Languaged". Drivers of such trucks organize meetings and exhibitions of their many-sided friends.

Epson employee says

There is a stereotype that in Japan to work well. This stereotype comes from our compatriots who work at the invitation in foreign companies, where the Japanese are trying to adapt to the level and style of foreigners. Meanwhile, in the country itself Ascending sun Traditional working system It works very peculiar, and it is difficult to exist in it. That is why foreigners who build a career in classic Japanese companies are not so much. About what is the average office worker In Japan, Epson employee Marina Matsumoto says.

Dress code

Of course, the conditions depend on the particular company, but in principle the dress code in Japan is much more stricter than in Russia. Non-compliance with his rules carry serious consequences for the employee, up to instant dismissal.

In a traditional Japanese company, we carry a mandatory black suit regardless of the weather, even if +40 on the street. Japanese and heat, and cold tolerate calmly, as they pass a very harsh school hardening the body in childhood. Recently came out new lawallowing to work a short sleeve shirt. This is due to the forced energy savings, in which even in emergency heat, now in the offices, air conditioners are not always used.

In some companies, women are forbidden to wear fitted costumes - they must be absolutely straight. Skirt must close the knees.

Women's accessories are also prohibited. I have a big major company, it is known internationally. But I work where the Japanese works mainly. In the workplace I was allowed to wear only the cross - under the clothes so that it was not visible - and the engagement ring.

Makeup should be inconspicuous. Japanese women love to paint brightly, strongly rumble cheeks, almost all overhead eyelashes. But at work, the woman should be as long as possible for men.

In some places, women should only wear short hairwithout closing ears. The color of the hair is necessarily black. If you are, for example, a blonde - you will have to paint.

Men, except long hair, you can not wear a beard and mustache. This is an unlocked rule that everyone knows. It prevents the stable image of Yakuza (this is the traditional form of organized crime in Japan).


When I got a job, I signed a bunch of documents, where I assured that I would not discuss anything with customers and colleagues, except for the work: no weather, nor nature. I have no right to share my "personal data" - who is my husband, as I have things ... at home I have no right to tell about my job. I have no secret work, but so accepted and indicated in my contract.

At work only work

On the workplace They only take what is needed for work: for me these are documents and pen. Bag, wallet and phone I can not take, it remains on the checkpoint.

In Russia, there is a favorite saying: I made a business - Gulia boldly. In the workplace in Russia, the main thing is that you fulfill the plan for today. In Japan, "plans for today" is not interested in anyone. You came to work and should work on it.

How the Japanese brake workflow

In Russia, we all know that wage Depends on the results of your work. Do not work - do not get anything. Work well - you get premiums and promotion. I did everything - you can go early or ask for an additional task to earn more.

In Japan, pay for the clock. Almost all the Japanese take overtime. But often it is poured into the fact that they stretch one task that can be done in two hours - for a week. The deadlines established by the company also do not always correspond to the level of complexity of work. The Japanese will pick up for hours, it seems to us that they work like sleepy flies, and they believe that they work "carefully". They incredibly slow down the workflow, so we work hard with them.

And this, by the way, one of the main reasons why their economy was not better. With this payment system, they drove themselves into the trap. After all, in essence, the work is designed not for quality, but by the number of hours spent in the office.

Long lengthy conversations

We all know that the brevity is the sister of talent, in Japan, the shortness is the incompleteness of the mind. The Japanese cannot speak short and in the case. They are started in long and most extensive explanations that are aimed at the next person to understand what they are talking about. Meetings can last an incredible number of hours. The Japanese believe that if they are long and overly in detail about the same thing, then the interlocutor is respected.

Stratification of society

To grow rice, you need a lot of work and organization. Therefore, historically in Japan has developed a system with a very narrow labor specialization and a rigid stratification of society. Everyone is duties and their place in the life and production process.

Japanese communities have always been clearly organized. For example, Samurai never prepared her meal, he could easily die from hunger if his peasantry had not worn out.

As a result of this mentality, any Japanene is very difficult to accept the independent decision that is not inherent in the status. They cannot take on elementary responsibility, at least somehow emerging beyond their ordinary usual affairs. Put the comma or not to put - this is a problem for half a day. Preparation of elementary documents is a series of endless, very slow consultations. And the obligation of such consultations is amazing. If the employee still takes the courage to make a decision not according to the status, then all in the associated hierarchical chain will receive a reprimand. This is an Eastern despotian in action: "I - small man, I am a simple peasant, and I have to deal with just put on me. "

Again, everything is explained: Japan is a small country with a large overcrowding, it needs hard framework and rules. To survive in Japan, it is necessary to clearly know: my border is here, and this is the border of another person, I have to respect it. No one comes out for their frames. If the Japanese comes out for them, then in the literal sense will be lost.

Russia has a huge territory, wide, expanses. We are not fidgeted. We are free. A Russian man can deal with all anything. And the shvets, and the reaper, and on the Dudge, the game is primarily about us, Russians!

Same as all

Interestingly, in Japan, you should not demonstrate your difference or superiority in the mind. You can not show your uniqueness, feature. It is not welcome. Everyone must be the same. Since childhood, there is uniqueness from childhood, so Japan will not give peace either Einstein nor Mendeleev.

Famous Japanese technology - myth. As a rule, these are ideas that are not created by the Japanese. That they know how well - so deftly catch and improve it. And on the contrary, we can brilliantly create and forget ...

To survive in Japanese society, you should be the same as everything. In Russia, on the contrary: if you are the same as everyone, - you will lose. Constantly need new ideas to master and fill in a large space.

Career growth

In the classic Japanese company career build a long time. Career growth depends on age, not from merit. The young specialist, even very talented, will take a small position, work much and for low salary, because he only came. Due to such an organization of the workflow, Japanese companies are more difficult to compete on international market. Yes, there is a concept of "Japanese quality", but they no longer saves them, because the business is carried out too in Japanese.

The salary

Official salary in Japan high. But with a deduction of all taxes that make up almost 30%, they receive an average of a thousand dollars. People young age Get even less. In 60 years, the salary is already a very decent amount.

Vacation and weekend

There are no vacations in Japan. Weekend is Saturday or Sunday. And, depending on the company, you have several additional weekends a year. Suppose it is 10 days, but you can not take them immediately, but you need to smash. It happens that you need to take one day off during the week and go somewhere in cases. In my company, I must warn about it for a month so that everything cooperated and replaced me. In some companies, these deadlines are even more. At an unexpected incident, it is problematic from work.

If you are sick on Monday and think not to go to work, you will not understand. All with a temperature go to work.

Weekend can be holidays, the day of remembering the departed - Orders, in mid-August. But W. young specialist There is no such possibility, it will work for the first two years without unnecessary weekends.

On the New Year 1-3 days are given. If they fall out on Saturday-Sunday, no one, as in Russia, will not carry them on Monday-Tuesday.

There is still a "Golden Week" in May, when a few state and religious holidays come in a row. My husband worked all the days, I had 3 days off.

Working day

Standard working day from 9 am to 7 pm. But the main thing you should keep in mind: unless it is that the working day is nine, then it is impossible to come right by this time. Even if you came at 8:45 - it is believed that you are late. It is necessary to come to work at least in half an hour, some come in an hour. It is believed that a person needs time to tune in to a working way, prepare for work.

The end of the official working day does not mean that you can go home. Previously, his boss is not accepted. If he is delayed in the office for two hours, then you are delayed, and it will not be reversible overtime. Your personal circumstances are your personal problemswhich I have already mentioned, according to the contract signed by me, are not discussed with colleagues.

Informal communication

In Japan, there is the concept of "nomikay" - "drink together", reminds Russian corporate. Somewhere "Nomikat" passes every day, in my company - twice a week. Of course, you can refuse, but you will look at you. Why drink? Because in Japan a positive attitude towards alcohol. Shinto implies to some gods in the form of alcohol. Japanese doctors believe that alcohol use daily useful. About the dose no one says.

Drink Japanese do not know how to get drunk very much. Heself drinking nothing to you, I always pay or the boss or the company.

Now, in order to further stimulate visiting bars with colleagues, workers even pay for "Nomikay". This is part japanese culture - Work together and drink together. It turns out that almost 24 hours a day 365 days a year you spend only with colleagues at work.

In addition to "Nomikay," you need to drink with customers, with partners, with the officials with whom the company is connected.

Yes, in Russia there is something similar, but it is incomparably with Japanese alcohol. And then, in Russia, the attitude towards alcohol is much more negative.

Now you can imagine the whole picture. The Japanese comes out of the house at 7 am. At work, it exists in the hard framework of his status. After the end of the official working day, he takes extra hours, because he needs to feed the family. Then he goes to drink with colleagues and returns home at 2 am, most likely, drunk. It works on Saturdays. Sees his family only on Sundays. Moreover, until the evening, he can either sleep, or drink, because it is in a terrible stress from such a cruel regime.

In Japan, there is a special concept: "Death from processing". This is a very frequent case when people die behind the desktop or, without holding the load, finish the life of suicide. For Japan, it is in the order of things, an event that is practically not reacting. People will even indignant if someone's suicide prevented their work. Everyone thinks: "Why didn't you do it in a quiet imperceptible place, I will not come to work because of you!".

It should be understood that the Japanese did not sit and did not invent these rules. Everything wasted for centuries because of the geographical and historical originality Japan. Probably, everyone will agree that they had good reasons for such mobilization of society, constant readiness for something. Small territory, many people, war, earthquake, tsunami, at any time everything can collapse. Therefore, the Japanese since childhood learn to work in the group, learn to survive on their land of the Earth. In essence, everything japanese education It is not built on something to teach a person to develop it, - it teaches him to be a real Japanese, to be competitive in Japanese society. Not everyone can endure such a life because it is really hard.


No matter how many people write to Japan, it continues to amaze and affect. Sometimes it seems that people who live on the island and their culture are actually with some other planet. We found some more amazing oddities that can be found only in the country of the Rising Sun.

The Japanese still use fax

Yes, in the country of robots and newest technologies The Japanese at work still use fax. Use every day, in some cases it is even preferable.

Print instead of signature

In the documents, the Japanese prefer to put a signature, but a red seal with their last name. They are sold almost in any store.

Japanese Pizza

If you suddenly want to try pizza in Japan, you will quickly understand what and she is different here. Potatoes, shrimp, rice flakes, corn and mayonnaise - only a few options for filling.

They are very like a combination of mayonnaise and corn.

Packaging fans

For example, if you buy cookie packaging, each will be packed separately. All in plastic.

Skin with grapes always consider
If you decide eating grapes with skin, then you will greatly surprise the Japanese.

On the streets there are no garbage tanks

Even if you need to throw something out on the street, you will not find where. Because the garbage tanks are simply not. Although the streets mysteriously clean. Maybe the Japanese wear rubbish with them?

ATM has a closure time

In Japan, ATMs have hours of work. So you can hardly remove cash on a taxi at two o'clock in the morning when they are so needed.

Everyone is parked back

In Japan, it is almost impossible to meet the car parked in front of the front. And even if you meet, it is most likely there will be a car foreigner. Here parking is considered safe.

Air conditioners always work on heat

In Japan, the summer is very hot and humid. However, the temperature on air conditioners is always exhibited by 28 degrees of heat.

In restaurants you need to scream to the waiter approached

In Japan, an absolutely different service culture. There they will not be suitable for waiters every five minutes and ask how you liked the dish. Japanese waiters will not suit until you call, and they do not react to the raised hand or a modest "girl" - you have to scream, and loud.

There is a mandatory break in the city pools.

Every hour rescuers whistling in whistles and asked everyone to get out of the pool for 10 minutes. At this time, everyone should rest.

Fabulous - put on mask

If someone falls into Japan, then it defies the mask in order not to cough on others and not infect them. Many Japanese women wear a mask if lazy to apply makeup.

Sleep at work

In Japan, you can safely sleep in the workplace, if there is no strength to keep your eyes open. It is even considered a sign of hardworking.

In the morning the streets drive cars with megaphones

In the season of elections, candidates travel around the machines and pushing speeches in MegaFon with early in the morning. From such exactly wake up.

Snacks for sale only for men

Whatever meaning. In the photo: Bitter chocolate for men.

Fruit is incredibly expensive

Buying fruits in the supermarket is considered to be in Japan almost transit and boasting, because they are very expensive. For example, strawberries are sold for 100 dollars.

Sun protection

Japanese, by all means trying to avoid tanning - hot summer wear clothes with long sleeves, hats and closed face.

In the Russian press, they often appear notes with stories about the perversion of the Japanese. Something in them is true, something is very embellished, and something is not true. How really?

Most likely, there is, and the truth is, everything is for every taste. But, of course, it is illegally. And this is not considered the norm, just the Japanese relate calmer to this. As well as homosexuality. Simo-sex marriages are not legalized here, although laws have been adopted in some areas, for example, allowing you to rent an apartment or attend a partner in the hospital. And here absolutely no persecution of gays. There are a lot of them on TV, they have their own programs that they lead their problems are discussed. The percentage of homophobic population in Japan is very low.

The same tolerant attitude towards transsexuals and those who changed the floor. The reason for this relationship is possible in Buddhism. Because it does not have a ban on sexuality at all, on homosexuality in particular. Unlike Christianity and Islam. Samurai was considered the norm to have a wife, a mistress and a young friend-lover.

I think that in other countries perverts are no less than in Japan, they are simply hidden them more, for the same reasons - taboo. I am coming to mind comparison with Holland, where light drugs are legalized, but this does not mean that there are no drug addicts in other countries, in many - much more than in Holland.

Japanese less crimes On sexual soil. Divorces - a lot, but, probably, they have more marriages for the calculation. Often, men are married for the status and in order to advance through the career staircase, because in some companies it is believed that if a person has no family, he cannot take a high guideline post.

The most shocking for me is still: this is that normal is considered when the wife with children lives in one city, and the husband works in the other, and they almost do not see each other. This often happens when, after marriage or buying a man's house, a man is transferred to another department - to another city, he has nowhere to go, it is impossible to give up most often. A woman does not want to leave or because of the school of children, or because of the established circle of communication, or because of the fact that the house is already taken to the mortgage, and more often for all reasons together. So live for years separately.

As for love for anime and young girls - They are simply very popular. Such people (more often, of course, men, but there are among them and girls) call Otaku. This word has a somewhat dismissive shade ... Otaku is there different types: Some love anime and maiden groups (the most popular AKV 48 - in it 129 girls who are not all right, of course, but a huge crowd protrude on stage and filmed in the clips) - they are somehow socialized ... go to concerts, communicate with each other, even get acquainted with the girls in interest.

And others are completely antisocial: they are fond of manga or anime, talk to themselves and real girls They are not interested at all, they are not good for them, they like virtual. Such otaku (first type) is in other countries! Somehow showed the plot of two young Germans, who specifically arrived in Japan to the concert of the most AKV 48. They differ from Japanese counterparts only outwardly. In other countries, there are simply no such groups, there is no such popularization of all this "phenomena lolita". This is from a number of taboo. And here it is condescending and calm.

Again, a maid cafe with girls in anime clothes ... Japanese has two definitions of attractiveness: Kawaii and Bijan. Kawaii is nice, pretty. A girl with outpatient ears, curves of teeth and curve legs - maybe Kawaii and insanely popular. And Bijan is such an impregnable, cold beauty ... models, for example. Kawai has also the shade of accessibility, child's immediacy. The average Japanese is shy and indecisive ... In general, I heard the opinion that the Japanese is confident and decisive only if it is very rich - then it will easily suit any beauty. And the rest prefer more affordable and lighter kawaii ...

In Japan, at every step of Lav-Hotels, Hostesses and host bars ... Host-bars are institutions where women pay host boys for communication. I do not know if there are similar bars in other countries.

Especially for the Green Elephant - Irina Sato, Tokyo, Japan.