Itania is one picture. Bar in Foli-Berger Mana. Works on the picture Mane Girl Real and Cool Cool

Itania is one picture. Bar in Foli-Berger Mana. Works on the picture Mane Girl Real and Cool Cool
Itania is one picture. Bar in Foli-Berger Mana. Works on the picture Mane Girl Real and Cool Cool

The legendary cabaret Foli Berger (Folies Bergère), which will soon celebrate the 150th anniversary, is located in the very center of Paris not far from Montmartre. The cabaret building built by the architect of Plumir on the model of the Alhambra Theater in London is easily recognizable thanks to the large panel with a dancer on the facade.

Berger Foles - Modern Playground for Creativity

Although the premises of fouls Berger for a long time requires some update and cosmetic repairs, this does not reduce the number of its audience, but rather, on the contrary, adds atmosphericness and color. Numerous visitors admire the flickering golden walls, an expensive interior of the hall in yellow-blue tones and a luxurious staircase leading to the auditorium.

One of the oldest Parisian cabaret invariably follows its traditions: there are still regular concerts of musical groups, bright dance shows, performances and comedians speeches. In the repertoire of fouls Berger dozens of dynamic performances, among which the dance and circus show with elements of Ohlala erotic elements, the music play Jersey Boys and the Focussing Shows The Illusionists.

Cabaret history

The birthday of fouls Berger is considered to be 1 May 1869. It was then at the peak of popularity by variety in Paris, another institution was opened, winning the hearts of the Paris public. However, then the cabaret was called Trevis Fouls (Folies Trevise) and its name was obliged to Rue Trevise Street, which was located entrance for employees of the institution. Changing the name on fouls Beger occurred on the initiative of the Duke de Treviza. He was categorically opposed to the establishment of such a kind of wore his name, so Kabare was renamed in honor of the neighboring street Rue Bergere.

In addition to lunch, visitors to Cabaret paid a view separately, during which they could move freely around the hall, smoking and conducting conversations behind their tables. In Foli Berger reigned a relaxed atmosphere: the audience enjoyed the audience to the glass of wine, as well as performances of magicians. In the years of the Franco-Prussian War, Kabare was temporarily used for meetings, which were made by many well-known personals of the period.

The beginning of the stage of dizzying success Cabarea is 1871. After the entrepreneur Lyon Sari acquired fouls bember, the popularity of the institution rapidly grew. He organized a winter garden in the concert hall and a spacious hall. In 1886, the artistic director of Cabaret Edward Marshant came up with a new format of speeches for the famous cabaret - Review Music Hall. The show included not only dance elements, but also the performances of singers and comedians. Between the numbers on the stage, came with short monologues and parodies on politicians.

Against the background of the growing popularity of Cabaret, it was decided to increase the auditorium almost twice and decorate the facade of Panel in Art Deco style, the author of which is a sculptor Pico.

Celebrities in fouls bember

The success of Cabaret is evidenced by the fact that the famous artist Eduard Mana dedicated to him one of his works. On the famous painting "Barger Foley Bar", written in 1881, depicted the waitress SUson, and for her back - a large mirror in which numerous visitors are visible.

Music Hall became the starting platform for many famous artists. At various times, the singer-actor Maurice Chevalé was visited on his stage, the actor Jean Gaben, singer Mistergett, French writer Verlett and the great Charlie Chaplin himself. African American Josephine Baker, a talented jazz singer and a dancer, brought the institution a great popularity at the beginning of the last century, won among the audience a nickname "Black Pearl".

A comedian Benny Hill was also performed here, actor Mama Marso, singers Frank Sinatra, Yves Montan, Elton John and many other celebrities.

Until now, Berger fouls continue to be popular among the connoisseurs of the atmosphere of classical cabaret, attracting visitors with bright dance shows and musical performances.

How to get

Address: 32 Rue Richer, Paris 75009
Telephone: +33 1 44 79 98 60
Metro: Cadet.
Updated: 08/03/2016

The picture of Mana, which was discussed, became one of the most famous artwork works. One of the most famous Cabarets of Paris, the end of the nineteenth century is depicted on the canvas. This is a favorite place of the artist, prompted him to write one of his masterpieces, depicted this institution with a brush.

Why did he like to go there? The bright life of the capital was preference to mana over a calm household dimension. He felt in this cabaret, better than at home.

Sketches and billets to the picture, apparently, Mane did right in the bar. This bar was on the first floor of variety. Sitting to the right of the scene, the artist began to make blanks to the canvas. After, he turned to Bartishe and his good friend, with a request to pose him in his workshop.

The basis of the composition was to become a friend of Man and Barmetr, standing at each other. They must be passionate about to communicate with each other. Found sketches Mana confirm such an intention of the master.

But Mana decided to make the scene somewhat more meaningful than she was. In the background there was a mirror that displays crowds of visitors filled with a bar. Opposite all these people, Barmers stood, she thought about her, being behind the bar. At least around fun and noise, bartialish does not have anything to the crowd of visitors, she hovers in their own thoughts. But the right one can be seen, as if her own display, only she talks with one visitor. How to understand it?

The first, the reflection of the bartenders should be elsewhere. In addition, its posture is different. What can be explained? Apparently, the picture in the mirror, these are the events of the past minutes, and in reality, is shown that, the girl thought about the conversation that occurred a few minutes ago.

On the marble rack and in the mirror, even the bottles are in a different way. Reality and reflection do not correspond to each other.

Although the picture is very simple in the plot, but it makes every viewer think and think about something. Mana handed the contrast between the cheerful crowd and a lonely girl, located among the crowd.

Also in the picture you can see the artist society, with your muses, aesthetes and their ladies. These people are in the left corner on the canvas. One woman holds binoculars. This reflects the essence of society who wants to look at others, and will be exposed to themselves. At the top of the left corner seen the legs of the acrobat. And the acrobat, and the crowd of funny people, can not, scratch loneliness and sadness of the bartinest.

The game of black flowers is distinguished by the picture of Mana, from works of other artists. It is very difficult, make a black color on the canvas play, but mana it turned out.

The date and signature of the wizard is displayed on a label of one of the bottles, which stands in the lower left corner.

The peculiarity of this picture mana, in its deep sense, a variety of characters, and secrecy. Usually the paintings of the artist did not differ in such characteristics. The same picture transmits many depths of human thoughts. In the cabaret there are people of different origin and position. But all people are equal, in their desire they have fun and spend time.

Picture "Bar in Foli Berger"eduard Mana was represented in the famous Paris Salon at the exhibition of 1882, just one year before his death. This last great job has become the culmination of his interest in the scenes of urban leisure, and at the same time, it remains the most mysterious picture of the French master. A masterpiece, written more than 100 years ago, is still evoking art historians and inspires artists.

History Variety Foli Berger

Miscellaneous establishments called "fouls" ( folies.) appeared in France at the end of the XVIII century. Unlike the cafesman, they needed to pay for the entrance, and not only for the eaten and drunk. But, unlike the theater, it was allowed to go to freely and go out during the presentation, drinking and smoking. Usually, the institutions received the name according to the name of the street on which they were located. However, the owner of the entertainment establishment, located at the crossroads of Rice and Trevis, wanted to avoid associations with the Duke Trevisky (Napoleonic Marshal), and therefore gave the spot the name of the neighboring street Berger. So the foliating foli appeared, in the future famous Paris Cabaret "Foli-Berger" (FOLIES BERGèRE.). It is located on Riche Street 32, 9th County of Paris. After two facade reconstructions, the cabaret externally retained its historical look, except that it looks like a fresher.

On the stage of this entertainment establishment, which opened its doors in 1869, all sorts of performances were held. In the first years of existence, gymnasts performed here were comic operas, songs and dance numbers. In fact, the institution more resembled Circus. In the period of 1880-90, local stage celebrities were: the Indian Czech of Snake Nala Damazhanti (in fact - the unwitting native of France Emily Pupon), under the pseudonym Delmonico, there was a single black feller of the wild doors, Joseph Ledger. "Foli-Berger" attended a young and then unknown clown-trainer from a circus on Color Boulevard Vladimir Durov. The fouls showed his skill "King of the Revolver" - the American shooter Aira Pain, who performed the trick of Wilhelm Telly in a pair with his beautiful wife.

With the help of a primitive projector, the audience even showed short films: Brothers-illusionists of isola in 1895, the invention of the Lumiere brothers alone was among the first. True, entrepreneurship turned out to be more interesting than movies: at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, they took advantage of the purchase and sale of real estate. (It is noteworthy that in 1901 the brothers acquired and the "Foli-Berger" premises).

"Foli-Berger" became one of Paris's popular nightclubs, where the entrance cost only two francs. (By the way, he was "visited" the heroes of the novel "Cute Friend" of the French writer Gi de Maupassant).

But the true success came in 1918, when the club manager became Paul Derval. He came to mind a brilliant idea not only to diversify the production, but also to make them spectacular, letting the dancer "without complexes" on the scene. They became the main characters of the frank show girls with their incendiary and frivolous cancase.

In addition, many famous artists performed here: from Charlie Chaplin and Marseille Marceu to Edith Piaf and Josephine Baker.

The last no less than the kankan dancers attracted the public with his rapid way on stage, where at the beginning of the 20th century, the girl performed dancing in frank and extravagant outfits. The most famous example is her skirt from bananas, in which she performed on the stage variety "Foli-Berger". (In the photo - Josephine Baker, Cabaret "Foli-Berger", 1920s).

Bartenders from Variety Foli-Berger.

Paris is generally accepted to consider the city of Love. That's just " love, love and love»These concepts can be represented as a puppet enclosure of the theater S. Exodzova said in one reprise. And it was well known to representatives of Paris Bohemia. The artists sometimes portrayed in their pictures of the "priestess of love" of different sewing, although it caused a squall of reproaches and critics from the Puritiana confused compatriots.

For example, Renoir wrote a wonderful canvas "Tavern Mother Antoni" (1866), depicting a real harevnia on it, where they were told with friends. In the picture around the table, Sisny, Pissarro, Cezanne sit, a little further, the Mistress of Harchevni (from the back), and serves their servant table Nana - the girl, generously giving her body to everyone, so workers in the residents of the hotels where artists stopped. The image of the "fallen girl" in the picture of Auguste Renoara immediately caused the angry critics.

The plots of some paintings of Edward Mana were also perceived with the scandal. The public found his paintings and Olympia, on which he used nude nature. Contemporaries Mana found his paintings extremely obscene and vulgar.

Obviously, for Eduard Mana, the condemnation of the public did not play decisive. Otherwise, he would not dare to deliver a suspect in the amorality of Bartisrhu from Foli-Berger in the center of the composition of the latter in the life of the canvas.

Barmenche from the foul barger cabarer writer Gi de Maupassan somehow called " soldes of Drinks and Love " All Paris Lovers, who attended the show with the dancing kankan girls, knew about the less public, but more affordable than expensive kurtisani dancers, sights Vary. It was about buffets / bartiners - naive nozzles scored from Paris's suburbs.

Doodle and heated by the spectacle of semi-nailed bodies on stage, the francated monsieur flew often with them, seduced by girls or bought their love. After that, having wrapped around, they threw them like unnecessary toys. The humiliated girls usually became prostitutes with unfortunate fate. According to some art historians, it is this moment of communication captured in the picture "Bar in Foli Berezh", written by Edward Mana in 1882.

In the mirror, behind the back of the standing buffet girl, it can be seen that somehow a certain wealthy, pretty master in the bowler say about something. By confused expression, her painted face and sad look can be judged that the conversation does not give her pleasure. The girl is like a defenseless victim. However, her face and posture expresses dignity, despite the low social status. Looks like she is in deep meditation. Perhaps her child is sick, nothing to pay for rental housing and other everyday troubles. Therefore, it fluctuates and is afraid at the same time, both. Some art historians generally believed that the face of the bartenders depicted by Edward Mana, more mysterious than the portrait of Mona Lisa.

A large medallion on the neck of the bartinest, surrounded by the collar laces, also brings reflections on its secrets, which the audience can only assume.

The state of the bartenders shall with noisy fun in a huge hall, filled with beautifully dressed women and men in hats. All of them are lititive with a multi-tier chandelier, dominant in the top of the picture. Women on the balcony are especially highlighted: one of them is in orange gloves, her neighbor with binoculars, and a lady in a hat and a dress with a deep neckline, standing next to them. (But, almost no one notices in the upper corner of the picture on the left, air gymnast on the trapezoid, wagged into green shoes).

Mystery picture mana

In addition to emotional tensions, the picture is a real visual puzzle. Mana, like a dexterous illusionist, made a huge mirror text. Why the composition gained multidimensionality. The mirror creates the illusion of volume, although the viewer about him is more remedy than sees it.

Composite picture is built so that the buffet is looking directly to the viewer, while the mirror behind it reflects the large hall and visitors to Cabaret Foli Berger. It seems that mana painted the image of the barmensh, being directly opposite it. In the reflection behind the girl, we see the allegedly, talking to the Mister in the bowler. Nevertheless, this is contradicting the reflection of objects - neither the premotable in the upper left corner of the air gymnast, nor the presence of the girl's interlocutor, based on the prospects should not be seen due to their location relative to the point of view of the pander. Yes, and the figure of the bartender, which is reflected in the mirror, it seems more complete and more busy talking with the worker. This is noticeable at the inclination of her body in the direction of the sucked cavalier. Is the doubt rightly arise - is the same girl?

At first glance, it seems that an experienced painter made apparent graphic inconsistencies, drawing a picture. But it is difficult to believe in it, as it can be argued that the trick with mirror mappings Edward Mana carefully worked out for many years. The most obviously built lounge is noticeable in the picture of Mane depicting his muscitizing wife. Here you can see the use of an invisible subjects effect. The mirror reflects another mirror hanging over the fireplace on the opposite room wall:

The elements of the deliberate "parody sequence" can be seen in his paintings "in the cafe" and "Power Performance", where in the background of the artistic cafe, he places the images of Degas dancers. They are so skillfully embedded in the composition that they are easy to confuse with reflections in the mirror.

In a word, the assumptions about the erroneous construction of the painting "Bar in Foli-Berger" do not have strong justifications. Moreover, the other details are drawn with great pedanotism. For example, bottled labels exactly correspond to reality. To the right of a bottle of red wine, which wine experts are determined as Provencal Bordeaux, you can see a brown bottle with a red triangle on the label. This is a logo BASS BREWERY. - The first British patented beer. The company was created in 1777 and produces its beer until now.

By the way, the characters depicted in the picture are real. Art historians identified the lady in orange gloves, sitting in the first row on the balcony - this is Mary Laurent, the content of a rich dentist and a friend of Pruts, Mana and Zola. (The latter brought it into the image of the main character in the novel "Nana"). A little behind, Zhanna de Marti is worth it - the actress and the Renuara model and mana. And green shoes, visible at the top on the right, belonged to an air gymnast, American Catharina Jones, speaking at Foli-Berger in 1881.

Art historians still build all sorts of guesses about what is happening in the picture of Edward Mana. " The author initially makes us believe that we consider the young barmenca facing your mirror image. But looking attentively, it turns out that it is not. Thus, from the very beginning we are confused, and forced to look for tips on the side ».

It seems that the first version of the same picture, painted by Edward Mana, could have helped on an entangled question. This version of the painting was also called "Bar in Foli-Berger" and was sold at the 1995 auction for the amount of 26, 7 million dollars. But this picture was created completely in a different spirit and mood.

The model for this option was a completely different woman. And she, with her unnaturally yellow hair, stuff, crossed on his belly with hands and with obvious fatigue, looks like a real elderly barmaker. It does not have the mystery that the girl is personally with a medallion and sad eyes, which appeared in the picture a year later.

In general, as always, opinions were divided. Some researchers based on technical capabilities, argue that such a composition of the picture cannot exist in real life. Although, the analysis of the painting in the X-ray rays showed that in the final version of Mane, the reflection of a woman in the mirror was peculiar to a slightly closer to the figure of the Uhager.

Art historians also worked with this picture, as real detectives, trying to find a randering, some logical and natural explanations. And in the end they decided that there were no them.

But others believe that distortion is made by the author specifically, allegedly show the two sides of the character of the bartinest. In reflection, she is kilny, leaning toward the client through the counter. And in the usual future, it is immersed in their thoughts and, it seems, she has no matter to a noisy crowd.

Each party has ten more arguments for and against. Obviously, sad Madonna Modernism, created by Edward Mana in 1882, will remain as a mystery as smiling from Joconda, written by several centuries earlier.

The famous picture has not only a personal page in Wikipedia, books, scientific works and articles are written about it, and several films, who understand the final work of Eduard mana around the bones. For example, there is a thesis of the Australian art historian Malcolm Park ( Malcom Park.), written on them on the topic " The ambiguity, or a clash of spatial illusions on the surface of paintings mana, "in which careful painting studies were conducted in different aspects

Although, may be enough, it will be enough to look / listen to a 15-year-old video, in which Professor-art historian Ilya Dorontchenkov talks about the painting "Bar in Foli-Berger":

The famous picture could not not attract the attention of postmodernists, for which any note artistic form becomes a "source of building materials". Looking into everything in a game, ironic form, this style was able to level the distance between the mass and elite consumer, the elite art of the poppiece admisted. I did not avoid this fate and the mysterious composition of Eduard Mana's painting. Here are some examples of its ironic remakes.

Today we will talk about the picture of Edward Mane Bar in Foli -Berger 1882, which became one of the famous masterpieces of world art.
In 1881, in the French salon, E. Mana hand a long-awaited second award for the portrait of the hunter for Lviv. Pertuise. After that, Mane becomes outside the contest and can exhibit its paintings, without any permission of the jury of the cabin.

The long-awaited glory comes, but his illness progresses simply inexorably and he knows about it and therefore, he is given to the longing.
In September 1879, Mane had the first acute attack of rheumatism. It was soon that he was ill at attacking - disruption of coordination of movements. The disease quickly progressed, limiting the creative possibilities of the artist. Mana is trying to resist severe illness. Is it really not able to raise the disease?

Work on the picture.

Mana decides to collect all his strength and will, he is still trying to bury it early. It can be seen in the cafe "New Athens", in the cafe Bad, at Tortoni, in Foli-Berger and his friend. He tries all the time to joke and ironize, having fun about his "immense" and jokes about his leg.
He decides to carry out his new idea: draw a scene from everyday Parisian life and depict the view of the famous bar Foli-Berger, in which the charming girl is sunson, in front of numerous bottles. Many regular guest visitors know.

The painting "Bar in Foli-Berger" is a product of extraordinary courage and picturesque subtlety: a blond girl stands behind a bar, behind her a large mirror, which reflects the big hall of the institution with the public sitting in it. She has an ornament on a black velvet on her neck, her gaze is cold, she is stadding still, she looks indifferently on others.
This complex plot of the canvas is moving away with great difficulty.

The artist beats over him and repeats repeatedly. In early May 1882, Mane gives the picture and becomes happy contemplating it in the cabin. Over his paintings, no one laughs more, all of his paintings are considering with great seriousness, they begin to argue about the real works of art.

His last work "Bar in Foli-Berger" created as if she slipped with a life that was so valued, which was so admired and thought a lot. The work has absorbed all the fact that the artist was looking for so long and found in any inconspicuous life.

The best images burst together to be embodied in this young girl, which stands in a noisy Parisian Kabash. In this institution, people are looking for joy contacting with themselves similar, here the seeming fun and laughter reigns here, a young and sensitive master opens the image of a young life, which is immersed in sadness and loneliness.

It is difficult to believe that this work was written by a dying artist to which any hand moved pain and suffering. But even before death, Edward Mana remains a real fighter. He had to go through a difficult life path before he discovered the true beauty that he was looking for his whole life and found it in ordinary people, finding in their soul the inner wealth to which he gave his heart.

One of the most famous Cabarets of Paris, the end of the nineteenth century is depicted on the canvas. This is a favorite artist's place.
Why did he like to go there? The bright life of the capital was preference to mana over a calm household dimension. He felt in this cabaret, better than at home.

Sketches and billets to the picture, apparently, Mane did right in the bar. This bar was on the first floor of variety. Sitting to the right of the scene, the artist began to make blanks to the canvas. After, he turned to Bartishe and his good friend, with a request to pose him in his workshop.

The basis of the composition was to become a friend of Man and Barmetr, standing at each other. They must be passionate about to communicate with each other. Found sketches Mana confirm such an intention of the master.

But Mana decided to make the scene somewhat more meaningful than she was. In the background there was a mirror that displays crowds of visitors filled with a bar. Opposite all these people, Barmers stood, she thought about her, being behind the bar. At least around fun and noise, bartialish does not have anything to the crowd of visitors, she hovers in their own thoughts. But the right one can be seen, as if her own display, only she talks with one visitor. How to understand it?

Apparently, the picture in the mirror, these are the events of the past minutes, and in reality, is shown that, the girl thought about the conversation that occurred a few minutes ago.
If you look at the bottles on the marble bar, it can be noted that their reflection in the mirror does not match the original. The reflection of the bartenders is also unreal. She looks straight on the viewer, while in the mirror she faces face to a man. All these inconsistencies make the viewer think about, the real or imaginary world depicted mana.

Although the picture is very simple in the plot, but it makes every viewer think and think about something. Mana handed the contrast between the cheerful crowd and a lonely girl, located among the crowd.

Also in the picture you can see the artist society, with your muses, aesthetes and their ladies. These people are in the left corner on the canvas. One woman holds binoculars. This reflects the essence of society who wants to look at others, and will be exposed to themselves. At the top of the left corner seen the legs of the acrobat. And the acrobat, and the crowd of funny people, no longer, scrub the loneliness and sadness of the bartinest.

The date and signature of the wizard is displayed on a label of one of the bottles, which stands in the lower left corner.

The peculiarity of this picture mana, in its deep sense, a variety of characters, and secrecy. Usually the paintings of the artist did not differ in such characteristics. The same picture transmits many depths of human thoughts. In the cabaret there are people of different origin and position. But all people are equal, in their desire they have fun and spend time.

Text with illustrations and discussion of painting.http: //

"... In the Salon of 1881, Mana expects a long-awaited award - the second medal for the portrait of pertuise, a hunter on Lviv. Now Mana becomes an artist" outside the contest "and has the right to exhibit his works without the consent of the salon jury.

Mana hopes to do "something" for the interior of 1882 - for the first salon, where his canvases will appear with the mark "V.K." ("outside the contest"). I won't miss it!

But now, when Glory came to him, with such difficulty conquered, really her gifts fall into powerless hands? Is it really when he will finally be rejected by the works and deprivation. everything will be over? .. Disease Mana is inexorably progressing; He knows it, and longing hees it, and the eyes cloud into tears. Live! Live! Mana resists. Is it really his will be able to overpower the disease? ..

Mana collects his whole will. He is too early to bury him. And now it can be found in the cafe "New Athens", at Tortoni, in the cafe Bad, in Foli-Berger; Have a friend, ladies. And he is always joking, herrifies, having fun about his sore feet, his "disgraces". Mana wants to implement a new design: a new stage of Parisian life, a view of the bar Foli-Berger - Adorable Sonone behind the rack, tired of wine bottles; SUson, which all regular visitors to this place know well.

"Bar in Foli-Berger" - a product of picturesque subtlety and extraordinary courage: Blond Suson Behind the counter; Behind - a large mirror where the hall is reflected and filling it with him. She has the same black vehicle on her neck, which was at Olympia, she is also wildly motionless, her gaze is cold, he worries his indifference to the surrounding.

This is a hard work moved with difficulty. Mana beats over him, reworking repeatedly. In May 1882, he learns happiness, contemplating in the salon "Spring" and "Bar in Foli-Berger", accompanied by a sign "V.K." Over his canvas are no longer laughing. If someone else allows themselves to criticize them, if, for example, building a "bar" with its mirror and the game of reflections is too complicated, called "Rus", then the paintings of Mane are seriously considered, carefully, they argue about them as about works, with which you should reckon. However, the sign "V.K." Presents the public to respect. The will of these two letters mana becomes a recognized artist; These letters are calling for reflections, encourage sympathies (before they were not solved out loud), boil the hostile mouths ... "

"In your last big work" Bar in Foli-Berger ", the artist as if he was forgiven with the life of which I thought so much and which was not tired of admiring. Perhaps, the Master's worldview never expressed himself in a separate work with such completeness. It has love for a person, to his spiritual iszhivatopisa poetry, and attention to his complex, imperceptible superficial view of relationships with the surrounding, and the feeling of spontaneity of being, and the feeling of light joy in contact with the world, and the irony arising from observing it. " Bar in Foli-Berger, "I absorbed everything that I was looking for a man with such persistence and conviction, I found and argued in life with nothing noticeable. The best images entered into his work, woven together to come true in this young girl standing behind the noisy rack Paris Kabaka. Here, where people are looking for joys in contact with themselves like, where apparent fun reigns, the sensitive master reopens the image of the young Test submerged in sad loneliness. The world surrounding the girl, suitary and many-face. Mana understands this and in order to listen only to one, especially near his voice, forces the world to sound "under the Surdin" - to become a reflection in the mirror, turn into an unclear, blurry merchant silhouettes, persons, spots and lights. The illusory duality of the vision, which opens the artist, physically, hopbles the girl to the tallest atmosphere of the bar, but not long. Mana does not allow her to merge with this world, dissolve in it. He makes it internally turn off even from a conversation with a random visitor, the prose-free look of which also takes the mirror located right behind the rack, where the angle is seen from the back and the bartinest itself. As if pushing from that reflection, Mana returns us to the only genuine reality of the whole ghostly spectacle of the world. Loaded in black velvet Slim figure surrounds a light radiance of mirrors, marble rack, flowers, fruits, sparkling bottles. Only she in this color-light flicker remains the most tangible-real, the most beautiful and irrefutable value. The artist's brush slows down its movement and raises the canvas more densely, the contours are determined, the contours are determined. But finally, the feeling of physical stability of the heroine of the canvas is inconvenient: sad, slightly dissipated and perplexed look of a girl immersed in dreams and exhausted from everything around, again causes the feeling of the unscrupulousness and the elusiveness of its condition. The value of its concrete data should seemed to be reconciled with the duality of the world, her surrounding. But no, far from being exhausted until the end of the system of her image continues to disturb the imagination, cause poetic associations, in which sadness is mixed with joy.

It is difficult to believe that the "bar" is created by a dying person who delivered brutal suffering to each movement. But it is so. Eduard Mana and before his death remained a fighter, as in his life was a fighter against the bourgeois vulgarity, the philistine ribbon of thoughts and feelings, a man of a rare soul and mind. He passed a difficult path before discovered the true beauty that was looking for in modern life: he wanted to open it and opened it in simple, invisible people, finding the inner wealth in them, who gave his heart. "

According to the materials of the book, A. Verriešo "Eduard Mana" and the afterglow of M. Podrocofieva. - M.: Terra - Book Club. 2000. - 400 p., 16 s. Il.