Spa Industry on the International Services Market. Spa trends and spa brands

Spa Industry on the International Services Market. Spa trends and spa brands
Spa Industry on the International Services Market. Spa trends and spa brands

If you believe the world statistics, the active client Spa is the one who visits spas salons (spa centers, spa hotels, etc.) at least five times a year. Such statistics means: if once a year we went to relax to the resort (in the sanatorium, boarding house), once on a business trip, I was visited by Hamam at the hotel, then just three more campaigns in spa salons make you a member of the best clubs - SPA-Adepts community. And then this material for you!

Wellness - World Mega Trend

At the past in October 2013, Global Spa & Wellness Summit "Wellness" (health culture, preventive health measures, a healthy lifestyle) was proclaimed by world mega-trend. And consequently, the spa - as a component of the theory and practitioners of Wellness - there will be a popular place for recreation and recovery for many years.

For most active customers, these three letters - spa are still associated with the resorts "on the waters", souls and baths, mud and algae. Probably, these components of "health through water" (this translates into Russian Abbreviation SPA-Sanitas Per Aqua) continues to remain the core of the holistic philosophy of recovery. However, every year brings new ideas and methods, original concepts and technologies.

In the fashion exotic, the East and the Russian Bath

Thus, in the past two years, according to the studies of the International Marketing Agency SPA Finder Wellness, the world's global market has been leading their legs and footsteps, as well as "fisostent" all sorts of baths and saunas - cryo-procedures.

However, in our country, where the winter season with natural cold, ice and snow lasts more than six months, exotic oriental services remained more relevant - Thai and Ayurvedic massage.

Cryotherapy did not have time to firmly take his position in the spa, as the countries of Western Europe and the United States more and more often began to face snowfall, and snow with ice ceased to be a product of increased demand. And now for 2014, the same SPA Finder predicts the revival of interest in hot mineral sources (thermows), which are in many countries - from Australia and Japan to the United States and Russia.

There are no time extremely popular spa therapy, from chocolate and truffle wraps to wine and beer baths, today are perceived as quite ordinary services. However, in those places where their authenticity is no doubt - on wine-growing resorts and near brewery, it is worth trying such natural and useful leaving at least once.

The interest is reborn, not only in domestic consumers, but also abroad - to the traditional health methods for Russia - a steam in the Russian bath and water-dying treatment. New bathing complexes borrow from modern spa elements of service, and spa-resort complexes complement their classic arsenal with modern spas services.

The leading trends of the coming year marketers and market experts are also announced (*) :

  1. Hotels with wellness services Healthy Hotels, which not only have their own spa centers, but also care about the health of their guests in the broadest sense: create conditions for fitness fitness in rooms, equip eco-friendly rooms, offer dietary dishes in restaurants, etc.
  2. Active use of gadgets - iPhones and Ipadov, etc. - for a healthy lifestyle (Wired Wellness). Applications to mobile devices help to count steps and calories, line up weight loss programs and book visits to Spa.
  3. Services "Neva" (Suspended Gravity) are becoming more and more popular, whether "flotation" in high density water in special chambers or vacation on water mattresses, or the methods of "hanging" customers in order to remove muscle tension.


New services appear in a spa of different countries of the world almost every day: Most recently, everyone discussed exotic peeling fish, which very quickly became quite a matter of service even in Russian spa. And today we are already offered massage snakes (by body) and snails (by face). Who is next?

However, such exotic in the spa has its limits. Especially when it comes to the health and safety of customers. At the end of 2012, in our country, ethnic terms of massage (including Thai) declared a medical service and are subject to licensing.

In Russia quality spa on top

In general, the Russian spa community very seriously refers to the quality of services and guarantees for their consumers.

In January of this year, the first state standards (GOSTS) for non-medical spas services, developed with the participation of the leading non-profit organization of the market, the International Spa and Wellness Industry Council ( entered into force.

So now spa consumers can easily determine how compliance with world standards, a particular institution with a smearing sign "SPA".

"Smart Spa" and "Wellness Coaching"

As the spa market is developing and increasingly a variety of proposals, the requirements for the evidence of services and procedures increase. Customers have the right to gain scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of a method, so as not to be mistaken with the choice and not to spend money. In Russia, the concept of the "Smart Spa" was distributed, which is based on the individual selection of procedures, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the client.

The most wealthy adherents of a healthy lifestyle prefer today not only to bathe in modern bath complexes, but also "not to bathe" with a choice in favor of one or another SPA. It is for them that today a new service "Wellness Coaching" is offered when a personal universal coach assumes care to organize a healthy lifestyle of their client: the development of a diet and training programs, the choice of anti-cosmetics and spa-procedures, etc.

Kids' spa as a change of generations

Another new trend of the last and coming years is "Baby Spa" (Kids' SPA). It is caused by such a phenomenon as a change of generations of consumers of services. Future clients of the designed and built spa still go to kindergartens and schools, but the struggle for them has already begun. Spa with a set of "children's" services are created bye, mainly on fashionable resorts, but even urban spa sites begin to enter services for young adepts in their menu.

None of the trends in the spa market and Wellness turned out to be so long and sustainable as the trend "Eco Bio". Energy-saving technologies and eco-friendly materials, organic products and cosmetics from natural ingredients, "Eco-resorts" and "Green Spa" become an integral part of the culture.

Proposals - Many, how to choose "your spa"?

On the global spa market today many proposals for the most distinctive taste: family spa and spa only for women; Express Spa (for workaholics) and Detox Spa (for beginners to lead a healthy lifestyle "from Monday"); Spa hotels for those who want "a lot and immediately" and do not think two weeks of vacation without a spa-service; Golf Spa and Tennis Spa for athletes who understand that Relax is needed after intensive physical exertion; "Mobile" Spa - for supporters of the theory "Movement-Life".

Combines all these types of the highest service: an individual approach to each client, staff professionalism, comfort furnishings, high-quality cosmetic products. If, along with the solution of your particular task, there are all these indicators, then the selected SPA will become your beloved.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of "his spa", it is important to use reliable sources of information. If the object of your search is a spa abroad, the most complete and reliable information can be found in the background publications of the international agency SPA Finder Wellness ( the ratings of this company have world recognition. It is quite possible to trust guides and guidebooks at the best hotels in the world ("The Leading Hotels & Spas of the World"). Finding the right spa in Russia until recently was a problem. Advertising information from the Internet must be carefully rechecked. The presence in the list of services "wraps" and "spa manicure" is not yet a sign of the spa. Often, spa discharge includes conventional beauty salons offering wrapping services and spa manicure.

The "real" spa, as a rule, has its own website (its high quality is also an indicator), with photo gallery, detailed list of procedures and services. The best SPA specialists sometimes lead their blogs and write articles in magazines.

Learn about the best spa that received the Perfect SPA Award (, as well as to choose the most appropriate spa duration in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries, Russian tourists can now from the first reference edition "Red Spa Pages", the second issue which will soon come out of print.

Before talking about the trends of the spa market in the world, let's look at some real figures to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis area of \u200b\u200bbeauty industry.

SPA market trends in the world

  • 3.400 billion dollars
    According to the research institute of Stanford, this is the amount of the annual trade turnover of the Wellness sector (Wellness-tourism, spa, wellness treatments, beauty, anti-age and the trend of proper nutrition worldwide). It is 3 times more than the entire world pharmaceutical industry.
  • 94 billion dollars
    The spa industry brings $ 94 billion (official data for 2013), that is, an increase in the share market share by 58% in 6 years.
  • 494 billion dollars
    Around the tourist destination, the Wellness market today is estimated at about $ 494 billion.
  • Wellness develops by 50% faster than tourism
    Wellness develops by 50% faster than the tourist sector as a whole.
  • Europe - Home Business Platform for Wellness Specialists from Asia, Oceania, North America
  • Water binding is inferior to spa
    The draining remains a very popular direction. In 2013, this sector brought almost 50 billion dollars of income, but today its market share is gradually reduced in favor of the spa.
  • France is located on the 4th place in the number of spa centers in the world
    Speaking in the language of numbers, France is located on the 4th place by the number of spas after the United States, Germany and Japan.
  • The wellness sector in France is developing rapidly
    In France, the wellness sector develops quite quickly - according to the latest data, spa, beauty salons, thalassotherapy centers and centers of Balneology are on average have a turnover of 2.5 billion euros annually.
  • 6 out of 10 five-star hotels are equipped with a spa or wellness center
    According to KPMG, 6 out of 10 five-star hotels are equipped with a spa or wellness center.
  • 1.5 million visits in hotels are associated with the availability of a spa, it provides a turnover of 150 million euros
    The availability of a spa at the hotel is an indisputable advantage and contributes to an additional 1.5 million visits per year and additional turnover of 150 million euros.

You ask me: "And what about Russia?"

Spa market trends in Russia

  • The care sector is one of the most successful capital markets.
    If you take into account exclusively Moscow, then the care sector, including the spectrum of professional cosmetics, is one of the most successful capital markets. For example, the turnover of the Moscow Institute of Beauty is approximately 250 million euros per year, and the growth rate reaches 13%.
  • Antistresses in Spa are semiily during crisis
    Recently, in the crisis, the pace of development slowed down somewhat. Nevertheless, wellness centers produce an unsurpassed anti-stress effect like antidepressants, which is undoubtedly extremely popular during the crisis.
    Demand in this sector is especially high: in Russia, women spend significantly more funds for spa services, beauty services and cosmetic products than, for example, Europe or in America.
  • Foreign customers believe that some salons achieve a really high level
    According to numerous foreign customers in Russia, and mainly in Moscow, some salons achieve a really high level.
  • The most common problem: not matching price quality services
    The most common problem with which customers of enterprises of beauty and recovery are faced - a low level of service provision or not compliance with the price quality of services. I want to say that in spite of the expense high prices in some Moscow salons, the quality of services does not always respond to customer expectations.
  • Customers are ready to pay a high price, but expect specific conditions
    Russian customers are demanding, especially women who follow the news of the beauty industry and are always up to date with the latest beauty trends. When high-cost designation, the client expects a special service.
    The service is not only smiling staff and fragrant coffee, but, first of all, the ability to give the client what he needs.
    For example, some salons offer their customers a complement in the form of an additional service: for example, after staining hair, some salons offer not only free laying, but also makeup.
    To attract and interest the client for a long time, it is important not only to create, but also to support with him.

About Russian clients in the world

SMALL LUXURY HOTEL OF THE World about LUX trends (end 2013):

  • There is an increase in demand for luxury goods and special services among Russian customers
    520 small luxury hotels in more than 70 countries indicate an increase in demand for luxury goods and special services among Russian customers: approximately 90% indicate an increase in demand in the travel sector, as well as a bar / restaurant.
  • The ideal of a luxury vacation corresponds to an exclusive secluded seaside resort.
  • 30% of Russians are ready to spend more than 2,400 € per person

On LUX trends in customer travel from different countries:

For 43% of the surveyed ideal of the luxury vacation corresponds to an exclusive secluded seaside resort.

Latin American Choose Urban Hotels

Most of the Latin Americans choose city hotels (36%). As it turned out, the beaches are less attractive for them.

American customers choose the eco-direction in tourism

It is worth noting that the day of the day of eco-hotels is gaining popularity among American customers - about a third of Americans gave their voice for eco-holidays (30%).

The French, Germans and the British are to a special type of hotels: a valid farm with a spa

The French, Germans and the British choose the special type of hotels, located closer to the country's center. They crave returning to the origins: among them the hotels representing a farm in the center of Europe, with a good spa.

The Chinese and Russians prefer the luxurious resorts

Luxury resorts (mainly on the coast), spa and wellness centers are popular among Russian and Chinese tourists. 55% of the Chinese agree to pay 1,200 € per chic weekend, while 30% of Russians declare that they are ready to spend more than 2,400 € per person.

What are the trends of the spa and wellness waiting for us in the future?

In my opinion, the wellness and spa industry should preserve the rapid pace of development. As for the latest trends, an individual approach to the client comes to the fore. Programs will be built on the basis of a comprehensive study and take into account the general health status of the client. This will make it possible to encourage indecisive visitors to the spa centers to try the innovations of the industry recommended by him by a specialist.

Option number 7.

Development of the global SPA industry.

1. SPA is the abbreviation of the Latin expression "Sanitas (Health) Per Aquam" or "Salus (well-being) Per Aquam"

The growth of daily health loads at the accelerating pace of urban life leads to Spa new thousands of customers around the world. It can be argued without exaggeration that in most civilized countries SPA is an integral part of the so-called "mainstream", transforming a citizen for any self-respecting self-respecting. For greater clarity, the following numbers can be given:
- the number of spa in the United States increases by about 20% per year;
- In Thailand, where else 4 years ago, the number of SPA was measured by units, today they are already about 300.
Unfortunately, in Russia there is no more or less clear statistics. And the case is not in the absence of industry information as such. The problem is in the accuracy of this information, since in our country the level of understanding is that, in fact, must be a real spa salon, not just low, and to a funny controversial. It would seem despite the variants of cultural and ethnic directions (European model, Middle Eastern model, Ayurveda-model, etc.), various types of spa (spa center, medical spa, dei-spa, etc.), The mandatory elements of any spa are identified and one ... but, alas, not for us, we go "our own way."

Starting from last year, experts seriously spoke about the "Russian Spa" as an independent model of the market. Apparently, the formulation of the issue is historically legitimate, especially if you consider a serious medical base of Russian specialists and the original Slavic traditions of recovery: a Russian bath, famous Russian massages, tramistry, combined by a truly systemic approach, organically combined with all the life of the life of Russian. Thus, the secret of spas services in Russia becomes obvious. And the Russian SPA model (Russian spa technology) has already firmly entered the spa menu of the world's leading centers.

Wellness holidays in spa and wellness centers - a business-oriented business. According to TUI AG statistics (Touristik Union International), one of the largest tourist concerns in Europe, about 40% of German citizens are interested in wellness tours. In the German resort association, they believe that the demand for health tours will increase four times by 2011. This trend is traced throughout Europe. According to the European Resort Association (ESPA) about 20 million Europeans visit the resort at least once a year. According to the Market Economy Research Institute in Frankfurt, about a third of tourists from Germany is visited by Spa and Wellness Centers of Austria, which gives Austrian resorts an income of 17-19 billion euros. Austria is about 8 million inhabitants and about 700 spa and wellness hotels that bring an annual income of more than 1 billion euros. In Austria, the annual increase in the demand of tours to spas centers is 10%, which is 10% of the number of all foreign tourists, and these are 11 million people annually arriving at the Alpine health resorts.

In Russia, "Traveling for Health" (medical and health tourism) are becoming increasingly popular among the wide segments of the population. The main resort directions are the resorts of Hungary, the Czech Republic, as well as the resorts of Russia - the Moscow region, the middle strip of Russia, the boaming, the Black Sea coast and 50% of sales in these areas - wellness tours.

"In Vino Veritas, In Aqua Sanitas," said the ancient Romans, and if the wine we choose to taste and the advice of an experienced sommelier, then the water - according to the testimony, guided by the recommendations of a qualified physician. Not far from Salzburg, among the Alpine meadows at an altitude of about 1000 meters there are two most famous Austrian resorts. Fashion resorts attracted Russian to know in the middle of the XIX century. Only in the Bad Gastein Spa treatments and bathing in hot radon waters are shown by the ladies of Balzakovsky age, and in Bad Ishle, young beauties wishing to have children. The resort is famous for the fact that after staying and treating the waters of salt springs and healing muds, the Habsburgs, Ersgertzoga Charles and Princess Sophia appeared, had long-awaited children, who were called "Salt Princes".

Wellness, spa centers can now be found in both the city and the country area. Each center offers "unique methods."

Classification of hotels in functional purpose.

2. Incidentally, the hotel classification was laid in those days when there were very few institutions worthy of confidence. The classification was aimed at ensuring safe and high-quality services for living and feeding for travelers. With the colossal development of international tourism over the past 50 years, the hospitality industry has acquired the status of mature, and the classification goal has shifted from the consumer protection ideas (usually guaranteed by national regulation and legislation) to the ideas of consumer informing.

For hotels, classification is a way to present the information you need about the quality of service, infrastructure and other opportunities for the enterprise, thus helping to potential customers and demonstrating their loyalty to them.

For consumers, classification means greater transparency, greater awareness and greater consistency in the estimation of hotels.
Hotel enterprises are classified according to various criteria. The most used among them: the level of comfort, the capacity of the number Fund, functional purpose, location, duration of work, power supply, duration of stay, price level, shape of ownership.

The classification of hotel enterprises in terms of comfort plays a huge role in addressing issues of hotel services quality management. The level of comfort is a comprehensive criterion, the terms of which are:

the state of the number of rooms is the area of \u200b\u200brooms (sq. M), the share of single rooms (one-bedroom), multi-room numbers, apartment rooms, municipal amenities, etc.;

state of furniture, inventory, sanitary and hygienic items, etc.;

the presence and condition of food enterprises - restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.;

state of the building, driveway, arrangement of the adjacent territory;

informational support and technical equipment, including the availability of telephone, satellite communications, televisions, refrigerators, minibars, mini-safes, etc.;

providing a number of additional services.

These parameters are evaluated in almost all available hotels classification systems. In addition, a number of requirements are presented to personnel and its preparation, education, qualifications, age, state of health, knowledge of languages, appearance and behavior.
Currently, there are more than 30 hotel classification systems in the world, and their national standards have been adopted in each country. The introduction of a unified global classification system is hampered by factors associated with cultural and national characteristics, historical development of various states, etc.

The following classification systems are most common:

star System - European Classification System based on the French National Classification System, which is based on the division of hotels in a category from one to five stars. Such a system is used in France, Austria, Hungary, Egypt, China, Russia, Brazil (with some overestimation of stars in independent hotels) and a number of other countries.
In Italy, for the highest-quality five-star hotels introduced the "Luxury" prefix (luxurious).

Higher hotel star corresponds to a wider range of services that it can offer its customers. Thus, guests are offered services of beauty salons, massage cabinet, road transport services (delivery of customers to the airport or train station), catering service;

system of letters - The system used in Greece, according to which all hotels are divided into four categories, denoted by letters A, B, C, D. The highest category of hotel quality is denoted by de luxe. An approximate match of the quality category of the five-star system is: de luxe corresponds to a five-star level, Hotel Category A - four-star level, category in three-star, category C - two-star, category D - hotel level of the category "One Star". Currently, along with letters on the hotel facades, you can see and familiar stars;

coron or Keys System Wides in the UK. To go to the usual stars, you need from the total number of the crown to take one, i.e. In comparison with the pan-European crown star per unit higher.

point Indian systemwhich is based on the hotel's estimate of the expert committee.

Thus, each country is characterized by its classification of enterprises of the hotel industry. Therefore, hotels belonging to one category, but located in different countries may have quite significant differences.

Classification of hotel facilities in size (capacity). Hotel capacity is determined by the number of numbers or seats. In statistical data, both of these parameters often lead.
For the capacity of the license plate, hotel enterprises are usually divided into four categories:
1) small (up to 100-150 rooms);
2) medium (from 100 to 300-400 numbers);
3) large (from 300 to 600-1000 numbers);
4) Giants (more than 1000 rooms).

The classification of hotels in size allows you to compare the results of the production activities of the same type of hotels. In addition, the size of the hotel indicates, as a rule, the completeness and quality of service (volume and quality of additional services), and also indirectly characterizes other parameters.

The rhythm of the life of a modern person, a significant increase in information load, constant mental stress and a number of other factors led to an increase in the need for recovery during rest.
Modern SPA technologiesthey contribute to a holistic recovery, the removal of stresses of everyday life, aimed at harmonizing the "body, mind and spirit" of man. That is why the SPA industry is defined as a leading direction in health tourism. The international development experience of the SPA industry is promising for use in order to increase the number of tourists whose goal is to improve and treatment.

From ancient times, society used water natural resources for recovery. Hippocrat, father of medicine, was the first to say: "Nature treats diseases." Bathing culture lasts for more than two thousand years. The beginning of the resort tourism should be sought in ancient Greece, where people went to the sources of mineral water to the island of Evie. The first resorts associated with the use of mineral water and the construction of the term, founded the Romans. Many of them function and now: Aqua Kalida - the modern resort of Vichy in France, Aqua Gelvesika is a modern Baden in Switzerland, Aqua Gerkuli - modern by Bayle Herculane in Romania. However, the real resort tourism arose in the XVIII century. Traveling "on the water" became popular among the social elite of the whole of Europe. The most famous and popular terrain - Bass (England), Spa (Belgium), Baden-Baden (Germany), Evian (France) - visit several tens of thousands of guests per year. At the same time, the first legal documents that establish the principles of creating and functioning resorts appeared.

With the beginning of the development of rail traffic at the beginning of the XIX century. Resort tourism has been further developed. Improving transport accessibility led to a significant increase in the number of visitors to the resorts, including foreign tourists. The most popular European resorts at this time are Bad Homburg, Sopot, Swinian (Germany), Karlovy Vary, Bad Ishl, Krynitsa, Zakopane (Austria). A peculiar democratization of the resorts took place in the XX century. - After the first and especially after World War II among the clients of Sanatoriums, there were representatives of all social layers. The next key moment of development of the resorts falls at the end of the twentieth century. By this time, a prerequisite for the creation and successful development of the resort is the presence of certain natural resources that have therapeutic properties. In modern conditions, the presence of such natural wealth is no longer obligatory. In particular, improving functions can be provided with the use of artificial mineral water - the project Thermae 2000. Resort tourism is increasingly replaced with a wellness, which is understood as "any type of activity, as a result of which the health of tourist and his family members are improved."

Within the framework of this type of tourism, two subspecies are distinguished: travels for the purpose of rest and care of the body and travel aimed at the "Healing of the Spirit", the achievements of spiritual bliss. In accordance with new trends, ideas about resorts are changing as part of resting people of old age. Modern resorts are becoming more treatment and recreational centers, where more attention is paid to the prevention of diseases, and not their treatment. The restoration of the physical and mental forces of a person occurs both through water procedures and thanks to active recreation (tennis, squash, golf, horseback riding, aquaeerobics, etc.). Next to the traditional sanatoriums are built exclusive RESORT & SPA hotels, have a modern recreational base and offering customers accommodation in a complex with medicinal and cosmetic procedures. A variety of weight loss programs, body care, body cleansing, relaxation, oriental meditation can be included in the touristure programs. Typical therapeutic procedures are complemented by aroma and light therapy sessions, various variants of saunas, massages, ultrasonic and oxygen therapy, yoga, Ayurveda.

In modern society, the ancient traditions were developed in the spa industry. There are several versions regarding the origin of the term SPA. The first is the historical, which SPA is an abbreviation from Latin "Sanus Per Aquam" or "Sanitas Pro Aqua", which means "health with water" or "health through water". Such a concept was known even during the times of ancient Rome, where thermal sources and thermal baths were used to treat the ailments. The second version is geographical: the name of the SPA occurred from the name of the small Belgian town of SPA, where the famous water resort is located. Aristocrats from all over Europe and Tsarist Russia went on the water. A modern understanding of the SPA is much wider.

SPA is a complex system of recovery and relaxation, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently restore psychophysical energy, withdrawing stress, improving the performance of the cardiovascular and nervous system, stimulating the processes of removal from the body of toxins.

Studies of the International SPA Association (ISPA) in the USA for 2010 confirm the positive long-term trends in the increase in profitability and total visitors. In the studies that were conducted under the guidance of Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC), demand and supply were analyzed.

Dynamics of SPA-Industry Development Indicators

Source: SPA Business E-magazine.

The rapid development that demonstrates the SPA industry has recently led to the appearance of several directions: SPA-Destination, SPA resorts, medical wellness & spa, medical cosmetic SPA, Femi Spa, Wedding SPA, Holistic SPA, Day SPA, Cruise SPA, Mobile SPA.

The most complete classification of SPA objects was offered the European Center for Studying and Propaganda Resorts and Water Sources ISPA Europe:

1. Complex SPA;
2. Medical SPA;
3. SPA - mineral waters (classic with "Belgian" times);
4. Hotel SPA;
5. Club SPA;
6. One-day (day) SPA (Day SPA);
7. Cruise SPA (sea, river, lake, etc.)

The SPA International Association conducted an analysis of various SPA-objects in the United States for several parameters: the level of profit, the number of visitors, the number of jobs.

SPA-Destination - Resorts, in addition to traditional medical treatment aimed at physical rehabilitation, are offered other types of individually prepared programs. The formation of SPA-Destination occurs due to specific natural resources or unique medical practitioners, which ensure the popularity of the country among users of SPA services. So, for example, Ayurvedic procedures are most attractive in India, thalassotherapy on the sea coast and the like. The rating of the most attractive SPA-Destinations of the world was compiled according to the data of the Russian National SPA Guild.

The first place in this ranking is occupied by the United States, who founded this direction in 1992 and remained the leader in 2007 in Europe, the recognized leader is the United Kingdom, which retained its position until 2007, until other countries have entered - Germany, which has the greatest amount of SPA -Pastes, Spain perfectly combines the price and quality.

Leaders in Southeast Asia are Thailand and Malaysia with excellent natural abilities, but missing sanitary standards and professionally trained specialists. Since 2006, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Syria develop this direction. For such countries, interesting design projects are characteristic. Countries such as Turkey, Egypt develop SPA centers on a European or Asian tradition, so for them is characterized by the absence of an individual style.

Recently, the SPA industry has gained significant development in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, for example, in Hungary. Naturally, the traditions of using thermal waters are developing in Hungary, where SPA culture has a long history. Hungary is one of the countries with rich geothermal resources in the world: 1289 thermal sources, 39 medicine, 5 medicine caves, 48 \u200b\u200bcertified mineral and 133 medicinal water sources, 4 deposits of therapeutic mud are located in the country. About 300 thermal sources are used for swimming and about 130 mineral and healing sources located in the capital of the country - Budapest. Infrastructure development is also a competitive advantage of the country: 62 SPA-hotel, 39 institutions with healing baths, 13 sanatoriums, 385 settlements have equipped bathing with medicinal water. But the problem remains compliance with modern technical and wellness standards in this area. In order to standardize SPA services at facilities in 1992, a professional Hungarian Baths Association Association was created in Hungary, which since 1998 is a permanent member of the European SPA Association (ESPA). Now the Association unites 186 members.

Health inland tourism is a priority direction of the country's development, it accounts for a significant part of tourism revenues in Hungary. Domestic tourism showed growth dynamics in 2005. According to the data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, the number of visitors increased by 5.3%, the number of koyko nights increased by 3.5%. In Wellness hotels, the number of bed and nights doubled and SPA hotels also rose to these indicators (+ 13.1%). The three most popular areas for domestic tourism - Lake Balaton, Budapest, Central Danube Region.

Over the past years, international experts note a stable positive development dynamics. SPA Industry in India Due to the combination of traditional Indian practices of holistic recovery, natural resources and against the background of new state policy, infrastructure development, innovative approaches in training personnel. According to forecasts in the near future, India is the most promising territory for SPA operators when servicing the middle class. India also rapidly develops as tourist destination: 5.37 million foreign tourists visited the country in 2008, which is 57% more than in 1996. Modern SPA & Wellness sector integrates into Indian culture through healing practices. Despite the fact that such practices have always been offered to visitors in hundreds of salons, most world-class SPA began to appear in hotels in the last 5-8 years. But the market of such services is developing quickly: in the report of Netscribes, the WELLNESS market of services of India is estimated at $ 2.5 billion, an annual increase - 33%. The role of India in the development of medical tourism is strengthened: according to RNCOS (marketing research), the share of India in global medical tourism will increase to 2.4% by the end of 2012, receipts from medical tourism are expected at the level of $ 2.4 billion, annual Growth rates - 27%.

Evaluating the prospects of India, it is necessary to indicate problems: weak infrastructure development, bureaucratic restrictions and lack of specialists at all levels. Now the state policy of India is aimed at creating an attractive investment climate in the country, simplifying conditions for investment especially for the Indian diaspora abroad. With regard to the development of the infrastructure, India has the ability to agree to the franchise in the hospitality and SPA sector. But despite the presence of deep traditions of recovery, India is positioned as a country - brand creator. According to the forecast assessment, the hospitality sector is on the rise: by 2017, at least 20 companies will participate in the construction of hotels. India will become a competitive country in terms of attracting tourists.

A significant problem is training: in the near future India will need 20 thousand new SPA-therapists. Now there are 7 main institutions preparing specialists in the field of SPA. The presence of a variety of training programs will help solve the recruitment problem in the near future. For example, the Ananda SPA Institute (ASI) offers several types of courses: long-term - from 9 months to 3 years and short-term - from 2 weeks to 6 months. India is the birthplace of Ayurveda. In total, 220 colleges and one university are prepared for Ayurvedic practices. One of the problems is the lack of standardization when providing such services. At the initiative of the Ministry of Health of India, a department was created by developing standards for training for institutions, universities and hospitals. The department has created accreditation programs where wellness SPA and medical SPA are clearly located.

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  • Knowledge is a priority element in the process of sustainable development of any organization, so successful business entities are those that pay significant attention [...]
  • The formation of routes, tours, excursion programs, the provision of basic, additional and related services is the technology of tourist services, i.e. This formation [...]
  • The concept of "leisure" so what is leisure? There is still no generally accepted definition of this concept. Moreover, in special literature, leisure has a wide variety of definitions and [...]