National and mass culture. Mass culture as a social phenomenon Social functions of mass culture

National and mass culture. Mass culture as a social phenomenon Social functions of mass culture

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational

establishment of higher vocational education

Volgograd State Technical University

Department of History, Culture and Sociology

Abstract for cultural studies

"Trends in the development of mass culture"


student Group F-469

Senin I.P.


senior Lecturer Solovyova A.V.


Evaluation ___ b., __________

Volgograd 2012.

  1. Introduction ........................................................................ ... ... 3
  2. Historical conditions and stages of formation of a mass culture ...... ... 4
  3. Social functions of mass culture ........................ ... ......... ..5
  4. Negative impact of mass culture on society ...... ... ............ ... 6
  5. Positive functions of mass culture ......... ... ......... ... .........7
  6. Conclusion .......................................................................... ..8
  7. Bibliography…………………...………………………. ..………….nine


Culture is a combination of industrial, public and spiritual achievements of people. Culture is a system of means of human activity, which is constantly being improved, and the human activity is stimulated and implemented. The concept of "culture" is very multi-valued, has different content and different meaning not only in every way language, but also in different sciences and philosophical disciplines. It must be disclosed in differential dynamic aspects, which requires the use of categories "Public practice" and "activities", connecting the categories "Public Being" and "Public Consciousness", "Objective" and "subjective" in the historical process.

If we recognize that one of the main signs of genuine culture is the heterogeneity and wealth of its manifestations based on national-ethnic and class differentiation, in the 20th century the enemy of the cultural "polyphony" was not only Bolshevism. In the conditions of "industrial society" and HTR, humanity as a whole found a clearly expressed trend towards the template and monotony to the detriment of any types of originality and identity, whether it is about a separate person or about certain social layers and groups.

Culture of modern society A combination of a wide variety of cultural reservoirs, that is, it consists of a dominant culture, subculture and even countercultures. In any society, you can allocate high culture (elitar) and folk culture (folklore). The development of means of mass information led to the formation of the so-called mass culture simplified in the meaning and artistic relation, technologically accessible to all. Mass culture, especially in its strong commercialization, is able to outpire and high and folk culture. But in general, the attitude towards mass culture is not so unequivocal.

The phenomenon of "mass culture" in terms of its role in the development of modern civilization is estimated by scientists not unambiguously. The critical approach to the "mass culture" is reduced to its accusations in neglecting by classical inheritance, in the fact that it allegedly is a tool of conscious manipulation by people; enslaves and uniform the main Creator of all culture sovereign personality; contributes to its alienation from real life; distracts people from their main task - "spiritual and practical development of the world" (K. Marx). Apologetic approach, on the contrary, is expressed in the fact that the "mass culture" is proclaimed by a natural consequence of irreversible scientific and technological progress, which it contributes to the cohesion of people, above all youth, regardless of any ideologies and national-ethnic differences in a sustainable social system and not Only does not reject the cultural heritage of the past, but also makes his best samples in the property of the widest folk layers by replicating them through printing, radio, television and industrial reproduction. The dispute about the dangers or beneficialness of the "mass culture" has a purely political aspect: both democrats and supporters of authoritarian authorities are not attempted to use this objective and very important phenomenon of our time in their own interests. During the Second World War and in the post-war period, the problem of "mass culture", especially its most important element - the mass media, was studied both in democratic and in totalitarian states.

Historical conditions and stages of formation of mass culture

Features of production and consumption of cultural values \u200b\u200ballowed the cultural scientists to allocate two social forms of the existence of culture: mass culture and elite culture. Mass culture is called such a type of cultural product, which is every day produced in large volumes. It is assumed that all people consume mass culture, regardless of the place and country of residence. This is a culture of everyday life, represented by the widest audience on various channels, including the media and communication.

When did the mass culture appear? Regarding the sources of mass culture in cultural studies there are a number of points of view.

We give as an example most common in the scientific literature:

1. The prerequisites of the mass culture are formed from the moment of the birth of humanity, and in any case, at the dawn of Christian civilization.

2. The origins of the mass culture are associated with the appearance of an adventure, detective, adventurous novel in the European literature of the XVIIXVIII centuries, which significantly expanded the audience of readers at the expense of huge circulation. Here, as a rule, lead as an example creativity of two writers: Englishman Daniel Defo, the author of the well-known novel "Robinson Kruzo" and another 481 lives of people of so-called risky professions: investigators, military, thieves, etc. and our compatriot Matvey Komarov .

3. A large influence on the development of mass culture was provided by the law on compulsory universal literacy in the UK, which allowed many to master the main type of artistic creativity of the XIX century - Roman.

Nevertheless, all the above is the prehistory of the mass culture. And in his own sense, the mass culture has manifested itself for the first time in the United States. The famous American political analyst Zbigniew Brzezinsky loved to repeat the phrase, which became over time: "If Rome gave the world right, England - parliamentary activities, France - culture and republican nationalism, then the modern USA gave the world a scientific and technical revolution and mass culture."

The phenomenon of the emergence of mass culture is as follows. For the turn of the XIX centuries, it became characteristic of a comprehensive massization of life. She touched on all its spheres: economics and politics, management and communication of people. The active role of human masses in various social spheres was analyzed in a number of philosophical essays of the 20th century.

X. Ortega-I-Gasset in the work of the "Mass Rewell" displays the concept of "mass" from the definition of the "crowd". The crowd in quantitative and visual is the set, and the set from the point of view of sociology is the mass, - explains Ortega. And then he writes: "The society has always been the moving unity of minority and mass. The minority is a set of persons allocated especially, the mass is unreasonable. Mass is the middle person. Thus, a purely quantitative determination goes into high-quality "

Very informative for analyzing our problem The Book of the American Sociologist, Professor of Columbia University D. Bella "End of ideology", in which the features of modern society are determined by the emergence of mass production and mass consumption. Here the author formulates five values \u200b\u200bof the concept of "mass":

1. Mass - as an undifferentiated set (i.e., the opposite of the concept of class).

2. Massage - as a synonym for ignorance (as X. Ortega-and-Gasset wrote about this).

3. Mass - as a mechanized society (i.e., a person is perceived as an appendage of technology).

4. Mass - as a bureaucratic society (i.e., a personality loses its individuality in favor of heriatory). 5. Mass - as a crowd. The psychological meaning is laid here. The crowd does not argue, but obeying passions. By itself, a person can be cultured, but in a crowd is a barbarian.

And D. Bell concludes: Mass - there is an embodiment of herdness, unified, patterns.

An even deeper analysis of the "mass culture" was made by the Canadian sociologist M. McClhan. He also, as well as D. Bell, comes to the conclusion that the mass communication tools also generate a new type of culture. Mascoten emphasizes that the starting point of the "industrial and typographic person" was the invention in the XV century of the printed machine. Mclun, determining the art by the leading element of spiritual culture, emphasized Esquepist (i.e., leading to real reality) the function of artistic culture.

Of course, today, the lot has changed significantly. Masses became educated, informed. In addition, the subjects of the mass culture today are not just mass, but also individuals united by various connections. In turn, the concept of "mass culture" characterizes the peculiarities of the production of cultural values \u200b\u200bin the modern industrial society, designed for the mass consumption of this culture.

Social functions of mass culture

In social terms, the mass culture forms a new public layer, called the "middle class". The processes of its formation and functioning in the field of culture are most specpated in the book of the French philosopher and sociologist E. Morena "Spirit of Time". The concept of "middle class" has become fundamental in Western culture and philosophy. This "middle class" became the rod of life of an industrial society. He also made such a popular mass culture.

Mass culture Mythologizes human consciousness, mystifies the real processes occurring in nature and in human society. There is a refusal of rational start in consciousness. The purpose of the mass culture is not so much filling the leisure and removal of stress and stress in the person of industrial and post-industrial society, how much to stimulate consumer consciousness at the recipient (i.e., at the viewer, a listener, reader), which in turn forms a special type - passive, non-critical The perception of this culture in humans. All this creates a person, which is fairly easy to manipulate. In other words, manipulating the human psyche and exploitation of emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of human feelings, and above all the feelings of loneliness, guilt, hostility, fear, self-preservation.

Formed by mass culture, mass consciousness is diverse in its manifestation. However, it is distinguished by conservatism, inertness, limited. It cannot cover all the processes in development, in all the complexity of their interaction. In the practice of mass culture, mass consciousness has specific means of expression. Mass culture is more oriented not on realistic images, but on artificially created images (image) and stereotypes. In mass culture, the formula is the main thing.

Mass culture in artistic creativity performs specific social functions. Among them, the main thing is illusory-compensatory: the admission of a person to the world of illusory experience and non-rapid dreams. And all this is combined with an open or hidden propaganda of the dominant lifestyle, which has its ultimate goal distraction from social activity, adapting people to existing conditions, conformism.

From here and use in the mass culture of such genres of art as a detective, melodrama, musical, comic.

Negative impact of mass culture on society

Culture of modern society A combination of a wide variety of cultural reservoirs, that is, it consists of a dominant culture, subculture and even countercultures.

34% of Russians believe that mass culture has a negative impact on society, undermines its moral and moral health. The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (WTCIOM) came to this result as a result of conducted in 2003. survey.

29% of surveyed Russians stated on the positive impact of mass culture, who believe that the mass culture helps people relax and have fun. 24% of respondents believe the role of show-business and mass culture greatly exaggerated and convinced that they do not have a serious influence on society.

80% of respondents are extremely negative about the use of abnormative vocabulary in public speeches of stars of show business, considering the use of obsceneous expressions by an invalid manifestation of promotion, inflating.

13% of respondents allow the use of abnormative vocabulary in cases where it is used as a necessary artistic agent, and 3% believe that if it is often used in communication between people, then attempts to ban it on the stage, in the movies, on television is just a chanting .

The negative attitude towards the use of abnormative vocabulary is reflected in the estimates of the Russians around the conflict between the journalist Irina Aroyan and Philip Kirkorov. 47% of respondents stood on the side of Irina Aroyan, while the pop star was supported only by 6%. 39% of respondents did not show interest at all about this process.

Mass culture is a concept that is used to characterize modern cultural production and consumption. This production of culture organized by the type of mass, serial conveyor industry and supplying the same standardized, serial, mass product for standardized mass consumption. Mass culture is a specific product of modern industrial urbanized society.

Mass culture is the culture of mass, culture intended for the people's consumption; This consciousness is not a people, but the commercial cultural industry; She is hostile to truly folk culture. She does not know traditions, has no nationality, its tastes and ideals change with dizzying speed in accordance with the needs of fashion. Mass culture appeals to a wide audience, appeals to simplified tastes, claims to be folk art.

In modern sociology, the concept of "mass culture" increasingly loses its critical orientation. It emphasizes the functional significance of mass culture, which ensures the socialization of tremendous masses of people in a complex, volatile environment of the modern industrial urbanized society. Approves simplified, stereotypical representations, mass culture, however, performs the function of constant life support for various social groups. It also provides massive inclusion in the consumption system and thereby functioning of mass production. Mass culture is characterized by universality, it covers a wide middle part of society, affecting a specific way and elite, and marginal layers.

Mass culture approves identity of material and spiritual values, equally acting as products of mass consumption. It is characterized by the emergence and accelerated development of a special professional apparatus, whose task is to use the content of goods consumed, the techniques of their production and distribution in order to subordinate the mass consciousness of the interests of the monopolies and the state apparatus.

There are rather controversial points of view on the time of the time of the "mass culture". Some consider it to be an eternal by-product of culture and therefore they already detect it in the ancient era. Much more grounds have attempts to tie the emergence of "mass culture" with a scientific and technological revolution that has breeding new Methods of production, distribution and consumption of culture. Golenkova Z.T., Akulich M.M., Kuznetsov I.M. General Sociology: Tutorial. - M.: Gardariki, 2012. - 474 p.

Regarding the sources of mass culture in cultural studies there are a number of points of view:

  • 1. Prerequisites for mass culture are formed from the moment of birth of humanity.
  • 2. The origins of mass culture are associated with the appearance of an adventure, detective, adventure novel in the European literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries, which significantly expanded the audience of readers at the expense of huge circulation.
  • 3. A large influence on the development of mass culture was provided by the law on compulsory universal literacy in the UK, which allowed many to master the main type of artistic creativity of the XIX century - Roman.

Nowadays, the mass has changed significantly. Masses became educated, informed. In addition, the subjects of the mass culture today are not just mass, but also individuals united by various connections. Since people act at the same time as individuals, and as members of local groups, and as a members of mass social communities, the subject of the "mass culture" can be considered as a dual, that is, both individual and massive. In turn, the concept of "mass culture" characterizes the peculiarities of the production of cultural values \u200b\u200bin the modern industrial society, designed for the mass consumption of this culture. At the same time, mass production of culture is understood by analogy with a flow-conveyor industry.

What are economic prerequisites for the formation and social functions of mass culture? The desire to see the goods in the sphere of spiritual activity in combination with the powerful development of media and led to the creation of a new phenomenon - mass culture. A predetermined commercial installation, conveyor production - all this means transferring to the sphere of artistic culture of the same financial and industrial approach, which also reigns in other industrial production sectors. In addition, many creative organizations are closely related to banking and industrial capital, which initially predetermines them to issue commercial, cash, entertainment works. In turn, the consumption of this product is a massive consumption, for an audience that perceives this culture is a mass audience of large halls, stadiums, millions of television and film screenwriters. In social terms, mass culture forms a new public layer, called the "middle class", which became the rod of life of an industrial society. He also made such a popular mass culture. Mass culture Mythologizes human consciousness, mystifies the real processes occurring in nature and in human society. There is a refusal of rational start in consciousness. The purpose of the mass culture is not so much to fill the leisure and removal of tension and stress in humans of industrial and post-industrial society, how much to stimulate consumer consciousness at the recipient (that is, the viewer, a listener, reader), which in turn forms a special type - passive, non-critical perception of this culture in humans. All this creates a person, which is fairly easy to manipulate. In other words, manipulating the human psyche and exploitation of emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of human feelings, and above all the feelings of loneliness, guilt, hostility, fear, self-preservation.

IN In the twentieth century, the culture became the object of powerful expansion from the new - audiovisual and electronic - means of communication (radio, cinema, television), which covered their networks almost all space of the planet. In the modern world, the media (media) gained the importance of the main manufacturer and supplier of cultural products, designed for mass consumer demand. It is because they call the mass culture that it does not have a clearly pronounced national color and does not recognize any national borders. As a completely new cultural phenomenon, it is the subject of studying no longer anthropological (ethnological) or humanitarian (philological and historical), but sociological knowledge.

Mass - special kind of social community, which should be distinguished from the people (ethnos), and from the nation. If the people represent a collective personality with one for all behavioral program and the value system, if the nation is a team of personalities, then the masses are a impellent team formed internally unlocked, alien and indifferent to each other individuals. So, they talk about the mass of production, consumer, trade union, party, spectator, readership, etc., which is characterized by not so much the quality of its individuals, how many numerical composition and the time of existence.

The most typical example of the mass is the crowd. The mass is sometimes called the "crowd of lonely" (such a title books of the American sociologist D. Risman), and the twentieth century - the "century of the crowd" (the name of the book of the social psychologist S. Moskovichi). According to the "diagnosis of our time", supplied by the German sociologist Carl Manham in the 30s. The last wreath, "the main changes, whose witnesses we are today are ultimately explained by what we live in a mass society." It is obliged to an increase in large industrial cities, industrialization and urbanization processes. On the one hand, it characterizes the high level of organization, planning, management, on the other - the concentration of real power in the hands of the minority, the ruling bureaucratic elite.

The social base of mass society is not free to citizens in their decisions and actions, but the accumulations of indifferent to each other people who are reduced together in purely formal signs and grounds. It is a consequence of not autonomization, but the atomization of individuals, whose personal qualities and properties are not taken into account by anyone. His appearance became the result of the inclusion of large groups of people in social structures that function independently of their consciousness and will imposed by him from the outside and prescribe them a certain way of behavior and action. Sociology and originated as a science on the institutional forms of social behavior and the actions of the people in which they behave according to the functions or roles prescribed to them. Accordingly, the study of the psychology of the masses was called social psychology.

Being a purely functional education, the mass does not have its own and internally defining its program of action (it always receives the last one). Each here is in itself, and all together is a fairly random association of people, easily susceptible to external influences and various kinds of psychological manipulations that can cause certain moods and emotions. For the soul at the mass there is nothing such that she could consider with its common value and the shrine. She needs idols and idols, which she is ready to worship until they own her attention and indulge its desires and instincts. But she also rejects them when they oppose themselves to her or try to rise above its level. Mass consciousness gives rise, of course, its myths and legends, can be full of rumors, subject to different phobias and maniam, can, for example, be in panic, but all this is the result of not conscious and thoughtful actions, and irrationally arising on massive experiences and fears .

The main value of the mass society is not individual freedom, but the power, which, although different from the power of the traditional - monarchical and aristocratic - in its ability to manage people, to subjugate their consciousness and will be much superior to the latter. The people of the authorities are becoming here with authentic heroes of the day (they write the most with the press most of all, they do not go from the television screens), coming to replace the heroes of the past - distemper, fighters for personal independence and freedom. Power in a mass society is just as an impersonal, depersonalized, like the society itself. This is no longer just tyrant and despot, whose names everyone knows, and the Corporation of people managers, which is hidden from the eyes of the public, is the "rule of the elite." The gun of its power, which replaces the old "supervision and punishment system", serve powerful financial and information flows, which it disposes at its own discretion. Who owns finances and media, this is real and belongs to power in a mass society.

In general, the mass culture is a weapon of the power of a mass society over people. Being designed for a massive perception, turning not to each separately, but to the huge audiences, it puts its task to cause a single type of one, unequivocal, the same for all reaction. The national composition of this audience does not have a significant value. The massive nature of perception when few people are and unable to be merged in a single emotional response to themselves - a specific feature of admission to mass culture.

It is clear that it is easier to do this, referring to the simplest, elementary feelings and sentiment of people who do not require serious work of the head and spiritual efforts. Mass culture is not for those who want to "think and suffer." It is looking for mostly the source of thoughtless fun, caressing eyes and hearing a spectacle that fills the leisure of entertainment, satisfying surface curiosity, and simply means for "catching a buzz", obtaining a different kind of pleasure. Such a goal is achieved through not so much the word (especially printed), how many images and sounds that have an incomparably greater force of emotional impact on the audience. Mass culture - by the advantage of audiovisual. It is designed not for dialogue and communication, but to remove stress from excessive social overloads, to weaken the feeling of loneliness in living nearby, but not knowing each other people, allowing them for some time to feel like one whole, emotionally discharged and give a cash expectation Energy.

Sociologists note the opposite dependence between watching TV shows and reading books: with an increase in the first time, the second is reduced. The society from the "reading" gradually becomes a "staring", a culture based on the perception of visual and sound images ("End of the Galaxy Gutenberg") gradually comes to the change of writing (book) culture. They are the language of mass culture. The written word, of course, does not completely disappear, but gradually devalued in its cultural meaning.

The fate of the printed word, in general, books, in the era of mass culture and "information society" - a large and complex topic. Replacing the word by the image or sound creates a qualitatively new situation in cultural space. After all, the word allows you to see what you can not see the usual eye. It is not addressed to vision, but to the aging, allowing mentally to imagine what is denoted. "The image of the world, in the word ounce," since Plato, is called the perfect world, which becomes available to a person only by imagination, or reflection. And the ability to make it most shade to it.

Another thing, visual image, picture. Her contemplation does not require a person special thinking effort. Vision replaces reflection here, imagination. For a person, whose consciousness is formed by the media, there is no ideal world: it disappears, dissolves in the stream of visual and auditory impressions. He cites, but not think, sees, but often does not understand. The amazing thing: the greater the amount of such information settles in the man's head, the less he is critized towards her, the more loses its own position and personal opinion. Reading, you can still somehow agree or argue with the author, but, long communication with the on-screen world gradually kills all resistance to him. By virtue of its entertainment and accessibility, this world is much more convincing book words, although more destructive in its impact on the ability of judgment, i.e. On the ability to think independently.

Mass culture, being essentially cosmopolitan, clearly lowered the threshold of individual susceptibility and selectivity. Delivered on the stream, it is not much different from the production of mass consumption goods. Even with good design, it is designed for the average demand for averaged preferences and tastes. Infinitely expanding the composition of his audience, she sacrifice the uniqueness and uniqueness of the copyright, which has always determined the originality of national culture. If today who else is interested in the achievements of national culture, then in the status of high (classical) and even elite culture facing the past.

From here it is clear why most Western intellectuals saw in the mass of the main enemy of culture. A cosmopolitan city has come to replace the national forms of life with its standardized prescriptions and regulation. In such a medium, the culture there is nothing to breathe, but what is called it, it does not have a direct relationship. Culture behind, and not ahead of us, and all talk about her future do not make sense. It turned into a huge leisure industry, existing on the same rules and law as the whole market economy.

Konstantin Leontyev was surprised that the more European peoples acquire national independence, the more become similar to each other. It seems that national borders in culture and exist only in order to preserve for a while coming from the past ethnocultural differences between nations, in all the rest extremely convergent with each other. Sooner or later, all that it shares them in terms of culture will be insignificant against the background of what is happening integration processes. National culture exempts the individual from the unconditional power of the immediate collective and traditionally transmitted customs and values \u200b\u200bof his group, includes a wider cultural context. In its national form, the culture becomes individual, and, it means that the meanings and connections concluded in it are more universal. Classics of any national culture know all over the world. The further expansion of the borders of the culture occurring in a mass society, its output to the transnational level is carried out, however, due to the loss of a pronounced individual principle in the process, both creativity and culture consumption. The quantitative composition of the audience consuming the culture is extremely increasing, and the quality of this consumption is reduced to the level of a publicly available primitive. The culture in the mass society is moving not by the desire of a person to individual self-expression, and by the reflection of the needs of the crowd.

What does globalization be with you in this case? What does it mean for culture? If, within the boundaries of the existing national states, mass culture is still somehow adjacent to high culture samples created by the national genius of the people, will the culture in the global world will not be a synonymal of human infeucity devoid of hence of heterogeneity? What is generally the fate of national cultures in the world of global relations and relations?

Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky, Director of NTS "Culturocentricity of Scientific and Educational Activities", Yaroslavl, Russia [Email Protected]

Kiyashchenko L. P.

Letina N. N.

Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Department of Cultural Sciences of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia [Email Protected]

Eroshina T. I.

Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Vice Rector, Head. Department of Cultural Studies of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia [Email Protected]

Id Articles on the website of the magazine: 6189

Zlotnikova T.S., Kiyashchenko L. P., Letina N. N., Erokhina T. I.Features of the mass culture of the Russian province // Sociological studies. 2016. № 5. P. 110-114


The article presents the results of a search study dedicated to the perception of modern mass culture by the inhabitants of the Russian province. The public consciousness of provincials in the context of mass culture, value orientations, popular literary works and movies, media, etc. was studied. The ambiguity of mass culture was revealed, its inconsistency and duality, which are a condition for the formation of mass consciousness and behavior.


mass culture; values; media; image; Russian province


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at the same time, it is necessary to take into account that in Hula-XIX century. None of the designated social subcultures or their mechanical amount (on the scale of one ethnic or state) cannot be called the national culture of the state. At that time, there were no uniform nationwide standards of social adequacy and the mechanisms of socialization mechanisms unified for the entire culture. All this is born only in a new time due to the processes of industrialization and urbanization, the formation of capitalism in its classical, postclacical and even alternative (socialist) forms, transformation of class societies into national and erosion of class partitions, separating people, the dissemination of universal literacy of the population, the degradation of many forms of traditional ordinary culture of pre-industrial type, development of technical means of replication and broadcasting information, liberalization of life styles of society, the growth of political elites from the state of public opinion, and the production of mass consumption products - from the sustainability of the customer demand regulated by fashion, advertising, etc.

Under these conditions, equally relevant steel and tasks of standardization of sociocultural installations, interests and needs of the majority of the population, the intensification of the processes of manipulating the human person, its social claims, political behavior, ideological orientations, consumer demand for goods, services, ideas, their own image, etc. P. In the old epochs of the monopoly on such a consciousness management at a more or less mass scale belonged to the church and political power. In a new time, private manufacturers of information, goods and mass consumption services entered the rivalry for consciousness of people. All this led to the need for a change in the mechanisms of general socialization and the inculturation of a person who prepare a person to free realization not only by their productive work, but also their sociocultural interests.

If in traditional communities, the task of general socialization of the individual was solved mainly by means of personal broadcast knowledge, norms and samples of consciousness and behavior (activity) from parents to children, from the teacher (master) to the student, from the priest to neighbor, etc. (and in the content of the broadcast Social experience has a special place belonged to the personal life experience of the educator and its personal sociocultural orientation and preferences), then at the stage of education of national cultures, such mechanisms for social and cultural reproduction of the individual begin to lose their effectiveness. There is a need for greater universalization of the broadcast experience, value orientations, samples of consciousness and behavior; the formation of national norms and standards of social and cultural adequacy of a person, initiating its interest and demand for standardized forms of social benefits; Improving the efficiency of the work of social regulation mechanisms through the UNIFI-influential impact on the motivation of human behavior, social claims, images of prestigidity, etc. This, in turn, caused the need to create a channel broadcast channel, concepts, socio-cultural norms and other socially significant information to the wide masses of the population, canal , covers the entire nation, and not only its individual formed layers. The first steps in this direction was the introduction of universal and mandatory initial, and later secondary education, and then - the development of the media (media), democratic political procedures covering all the large masses of people, and IN.1 formation of national culture does not cancel its distribution On the described social subcultures. National culture complements the system of social subcultures, turning to a unifying superstructure over them, which reduces the severity of the socio-value voltage between various groups of people, determines the universal standards of some sociocultural features of the nation. Of course, before the establishment of nations, there were same unifying signs of ethnic culture, primarily a language, religion, folklore, some household rituals, elements of clothing, household items, etc. At the same time, ethnographic cultural features are inferior to national culture primarily in terms of universality (due to the overwhelming nonsensestsіonalisnosti). The forms of ethnic culture are very plastic and variable in the practice of various groups of the population. Often even the language and religion in the aristocracy and the plebs of the very ethnos are far from being identical. The national culture asks fundamentally the same standards and standards, which are introduced by publicly available specialized cultural institutions: general education, press, political organizations, mass forms of artistic culture, etc. For example, certain forms of fiction exist in all nations with writing, but to historical transformation The ethnos to the nation before him does not arise the problem of the formation of a nationwide literary language from the language that exists in different regions in the form of local dialects. One of the essential characteristics of the national culture is that, in contrast to ethnic culture, which is predominantly memorial, it reproduces the historical tradition of collective forms of the people of the people, the national culture is primarily prognostic. It produces a lot of goals than the results of development, knowledge, norms, composition and content of the modernization orientation, filled with paphos intensification of all parties to social life.

However, the main complexity in the spread of national culture is that modern knowledge, norms, cultural samples and content are produced almost exclusively in the depths of highly specialized sectors of social practice. They are more or less successfully understood and assimilated by the relevant specialists; For the main mass of the population, the language of modern specialized culture (political, scientific, artistic, engineering, etc.) is almost inaccessible to understand. Society needs a system of means to adapt the content, "translation" of translated information from the language of highly specialized areas of culture to the level of ordinary understanding of unprepared people, funds for the "interpretation" of this information by the mass consumer, a certain "infantilization" of its figurative embodiments, as well as the "Management" of consciousness of mass consumer in the interests of the manufacturer of this information offered goods, services, etc.

Such adaptation has always been required for children when in the processes of education and general education "adult" content was transferred to the language of fairy tales, parable, entertaining stories, simplified examples, etc., more accessible to children's consciousness. Now such interpretative practice has become necessary for a person throughout his life. A modern man, even very educated, remains a narrow specialist, and its level of specialіalisnosti (at least in elite and bourgeois subcultures) from century to the century rises. In other areas, she needs a permanent "state" of commentators, interpreters, teachers, journalists, advertising agents and other guides, whose task is to conduct it on the limitless sea of \u200b\u200binformation about goods, services, political events, artistic innovations, social conflicts, economic problems et al. It is impossible to argue that modern person has become less intelligent or more infantile than her ancestors. It's just his psyche, obviously, cannot process such a number of information, to carry out such a multifactorial analysis of such a number of problems at the same time, with the necessary efficiency to use its social experience and others. We will not forget that the speed of processing information in computers is many times higher than the possibility of human brain. .

This situation requires the introduction of new methods of intellectual search, scanning, selection and systematization of information, "pressing" it into large blocks, developing new technologies for forecasting and decision-making, as well as mental training of people to work with such volumetric information flows. After the current "information revolution", that is, improving the efficiency of transmission and processing information, as well as making management decisions with the help of computers, humanity, rather, expects a "prognostic revolution" - the jump-shaped increase in the efficiency of forecasting, calculating the probable, factor analysis, and the like. However, we will not be predicted, with what technical means (or methods of artificial stimulation of brain activity) can occur.

In the meantime, people need a way that neutralized excessive mental tension from information flows, turned the complex intellectual problems on primitive dual oppositions ("good - bad", "ours - others", etc.), and also gave the opportunity to "rest" from social responsibility, personal choice, dissolved him in the crowd of the audience "soap operas" or mechanical consumers of advertised goods, ideas, slogans, etc.

A mass culture has become an innovative. It cannot be said that she completely frees a person from personal responsibility, rather it is about to remove the problem of self-selection. The structure of Being (at least that part of the individual as applies to the individual) is given to a person as a set of more or less standard situations, where everything is already scheduled for those the most "guides" - journalists, advertising agents, public politicians, show business stars, etc. . In mass culture, everything is already known to be known: "The right" political system, the only true teaching, leaders, sports stars and pop, fashion for the image of the "class wrestler" or "sexy symbol", movies where "ours" is always right and definitely defeat , etc.