Types of sports betting: single, express, system. The most important rules for the bookmaker's office "Fonbet System 2 of 4 How many options

Types of sports betting: single, express, system. The most important rules for the bookmaker's office
Types of sports betting: single, express, system. The most important rules for the bookmaker's office "Fonbet System 2 of 4 How many options

The average tentor is able to calculate the simple "2 out of 3" system in the bets or "3 of 4", but spending a lot of time to calculate more complex checkpoints does not make sense. In the digital age, manual calculations will successfully replace online helpers working offline. Accuracy of calculating the rate system is guaranteed by an automatic algorithm integrated into the program.

Express System Calculator

The tool allows to carry out complex calculations in a few seconds, which will notice the time when working with composite bets. Bettors, preferring complex coupons for betting, appreciated the efficiency of the online calculator:

  1. Definition of the dimension of the coupon.
  2. Instant calculation of the bet amount.
  3. Visual display of unprofitable positions.
  4. Fast multiplication of playful coefficients.
  5. Detailed gain analysis.

Combinations from expressings in the rates originated in England, when players collected Parelei to horse run. In the options of bookmakers, templates are used to compile complex betonons of betting. But what about those who do not understand the basic principles of the distribution of outcomes in the coupon to calculate the amount of bet or potential winnings?

How does the system calculator work?

For example, a person does not always understand the combination of "2 of 3", which is the basis for calculating complex betting coupons. A clear system "2 of 3" in the bets is deciphered as three coupons of bets consisting of the outcomes of two events (coefficients are variable). The amount of the transaction is distributed in proportion to each betting coupon. If the Better puts 300 conventional units, he must understand that each coupon takes 100 units.

To score this head or not - the personal matter of every betor. Someone is enough help of a specialized algorithm, someone - a thorough study of the theory of compiling complex checkpons. As a result, everything is reduced to an elementary understanding of the bet.

If the Bettor understands how composite bet works, then an online calculator to calculate the express system will save him a bunch of time.

Specialized Table Displays not only the result of calculations, but also will show in detail the intermediate operations that the bookmakers can hide. In addition, conducting manual calculations of the Bettor is not insured against the error, unlike the algorithm, which works on strict formulas and is insured from system failures.

Such a type of sports betting as a "system" uses the players less popularity than the most common expressions and orders. This is due to the fact that many players do not always clearly understand what the system is in the bets, how can it be used correctly, and how many advantages and advantages it can give.

What is the system

The system in the bookmaker is a kind of combined set of rates consisting of expressive entertained by a player. The system is fairly attributed to the variety of rates of type "Express", because when using the system, several expressions are formulated.

Repeat again. The system in the rates is when from all the outcomes that are selected by the player, several expressions are formed, and the final coefficient is formed separately for each expression. The amount of the betting itself will be divided between expresss on equal parts, and as a result, the result of the system will depend on the passage of each expression, since they are all calculated separately.

System dimension

The main concept in the rate on the system is system dimension . The dimension is denoted by two digits, for example 2 of 3, 2 out of 5, 3 of 5, etc., where the second digit means the total number of outcomes chosen by the player, and the first shows how many outcomes the player has turned on in one express of this system. For example, with the dimension of the system 3 of 4, we see that the system has four express with three outcomes, if 2 out of 5, respectively, five expresses in two outcome, etc.

System Features

System rates with proper use have certain advantages. . The main advantage is that the player will receive a profit or, in any case, will not leave in minus, if, as a result, one of the events chosen by the player will end contrary to the forecast, as it would happen in the express type rate. The advantage of the system before the order type of the order is that in case of winning all the outcomes, the profit will be more. But if you compare the system and express, then under the same conditions, the potential expression gain will be greater.

Fixed Rate Systems

In some offices, there is an opportunity to create so-called"Complex Systems" . This is a type of betting in which you can add the outcome in which you are confident in all system options. Options where there is no such an outcome will be automatically excluded. Such a type of system may be called differently: Vernock, Banker, etc. The meaning of such a system is that the number of options in it decreases and, accordingly, the likelihood of winning increases.

System calculation

What way system is calculated? For example, if we took the system 2 out of 3, this means that we will choose three events for such a bet and win if in 2 out of 3 cases guess the outcome. The bookmaker office will display us a possible gain, that is, the maximum amount of winnings that we get only if all events from our system are played.

Further imagine that we make bets on the victory of the owners. We place a bet of $ 30, 10 dollars for each outcome. As a result, we will have a system for three double express: 1. The first match + second match, 2. The first match + the third match, 3. The second match + the third match. As a result, if we guess 2 outcomes of 3, then some kind of express will play, and if we guess all 3, "all three options will play.


If you look at the system in general terms, it can be viewed as a certain betting rate between the orders and express. As we have already said, the system is not a popular bet on players, but it is impossible to say that there are some weighty flaws in it.

With proper use, the system will regularly bring a good profit to the boetter. Plus to all, the rates on the system enable the player to try various strategies of the game. But it is also worth remembering that the system still carries minor risks for the player and the chances of getting into minus, so no one has canceled the pre-heart analysis!

System in the rates (or expression system) as one of the types of bets

The main types of rates when playing in the bookmaker's office are a single rate, express, as well as the system. It is one of these types of bets that must be chosen when filling the coupon of bets on the site of the bookmaker office when making a bet.

What are the systems in the rates?

The system is a set of expressions. About what is the rate for express and how it is calculated,

Systems in the rates have the following names: System 2 of 3, System 2 of 4, System 3 of 6, etc.

In the names of the systems, the first number is the number of events that is not less than a player who makes a bid by the system must guess to gain a win. The second number in the name of the system is the total number of events from which the system is formed.

The amount of the system on the system is divided equally between all formed expressings, and the winnings consists of separate winnings for each expression that is included in the system.

When the score on the system is embedded, you first form a list of several events to which such a bet will be made, and then determine which minimum number of outcomes you undertake to guess. In accordance with such a choice, an appropriate combination of several expressions is formed. For example, if when playing a system, you want to bet on the fact that you guess 6 events out of 7, then the system 6 of 7 is played, consisting of several expressions, in each of which will be 6 events (all possible combinations that You can make up of six events with the total number of events equal to seven). In this case, the win will be paid at 7 or 6 correctly guided outages. If, when playing a system 6 out of 7, there will be correctly outdated outcomes of only 5 or less events, then such a bet will lose.

Thus, when playing the system, you can not guess one or more events, depending on which system is selected for the game, and at the same time get a win. What is impossible at a bet with simple express, where, as you know, it is necessary to guess the results of all the events that are included in it.

For example, at a rate using the system 3 of 5, the winnings will be achieved at 3, 4 and 5 correctly guided outages; At the rate using the 4 of 6 system, to obtain a win, it is necessary to guess the results 4, 5 or 6 events, etc.

Be sure to keep in mind that if not all events in the system have won, then a part of the expressings, of which the system consists will be lost, and the situation is possible when the system gains can be less than the amount of the rate.

Calculation of the rate system

Below is the calculation of the rate system on the example of the system 2 of 3.

Suppose you put 3000 rubles. On 3 outcome (otherwise, on the result of three events) and agree to guess to get a winnings of at least two.

That is, 3 events are selected here:

Event number 1: Match Team 1 - Team 2 (or K1 - K2),

Event number 2: K3 - K4,

Event number 3: K5 - K6.

Suppose that in each of these three events, a bet on the victory of the first team in a pair with a coefficient of 1.1 in Event No. 1 ( K1. - K2); with a coefficient of 1.2 - in Event No. 2 ( K3. - K4); with a 1.3 coefficient - in Event No. 3 ( K5. - K6).
In the case under consideration (when you put on 3 outgoings and agree to guess at least two) your bet is called "System 2 of 3", which is calculated as follows:

It is determined how much different possible combinations of outputs of 2 are contained in the entire system of 3 events.

In the system 2 of 3 will play 3 express, each of two events:
Express number 1: Event number 1 (K1 - K2), Event number 2 (K3 - K4)
Express number 2: Event number 1 (K1 - K2), Event number 3 (K5 - K6)
Express number 3: Event number 2 (K3 - K4), Event number 3 (K5 - K6).

In other words, such a bet (system 2 of 3) is a bet on three express, each of two events (all possible combinations that can be made up of two events with a total number of events equal to three).

Since the rate is made for 3 express, it means that each of them you put 3000: 3 \u003d 1000 rubles.

Now, depending on the outcome of the three selected events No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, each of the expressings constituting the system is calculated.

If in all three events, the outcome is guaranteed correctly (the first team has won everywhere in each pair), then the winnings of Express No. 1 will be: 1000 x 1.1 x 1.2 \u003d 1320 rubles,

express No. 2: 1000 x 1.1 x 1.3 \u003d 1430 rubles,

express No. 3: 1000 x 1.2 x 1.3 \u003d 1560 rubles.

General winnings on system 2 of 3: 1320 + 1430 + 1560 \u003d 4310 rub.

If, let's say, the results of events No. 1 (K1 - K2) and events No. 2 (K3 -K4) are gathered, and the rate on the outcome of events No. 3 (K5 - K6) lost, then only express number 1 will won, and expressions No. 2 and No. 3 will lose. At the same time, the overall winning system 2 of 3 will only win express No. 1: 1000 x 1.1 x 1.2 \u003d 1320 rubles. (The very case, which at the system bets occurs very often - when the magnitude of the winnings is less than the value of the bet. I remind you, in our example it is 3000 rubles).

If only one event of three or not one event is guessing, then the rate under consideration on the system 2 of 3 will be lost.

At the stakes on the system, it must be borne in mind that

1. If any of the events included in the express system of which the system consists is calculated with the coefficient 1, then this does not lead to the loss of express and system.

2. It is not allowed to include in the system of dependent events (for example, relating to one match).

3. In all cases, as in single bets and in the rates for express, rates made on the system after the actual start at least one event included in the system is invalid. In this case, the return amount is returned.

Overview of the 1xBet Bookmaker and the link to its site are presented here:

Calculator rates system

The higher was shown how the system calculates on the system on the simplest example - system 2 out of 3. Often, at the stakes on the system, the number of possible extension combinations, of which the system consists, reaches several tens and hundreds. In this case, to calculate the system, it is necessary to use a special calculator of the rates. This resource is often available on the sites of the bookmaker's office, in addition, without any problems, it is possible to find it by the search query "Calculator of the betting system" in search engines.

Systems for Sports

Below is a possible amount of combinations (expressings) for the most common systems. For example, the system 6 of 10 corresponds to 210 combinations and this means that it is equivalent to a rate of 210 expressions, each of which consists of 6 events, and the total rate of the system 6 out of 10, at a rate, for example, 100 rubles. Express would be 21,000 rubles. (100 x 210).

System name Number of combinations (expressions)
2 of 3. 3
2 of 4. 6
2 out of 5. 10
2 of 6. 15
2 of 7. 21
2 of 8. 28
2 of 9. 36
2 out of 10 45
3 of 4. 4
3 of 5. 10
3 of 6. 20
3 of 7. 35
3 of 8. 56
3 of 9. 84
3 out of 10 120
4 out of 5 5
4 out of 6. 15
4 out of 7. 35
4 out of 8. 70
4 of 9. 126
4 out of 10 210
5 out of 6. 6
5 out of 7. 21
5 out of 8. 56
5 of 9. 126
5 out of 10 252
6 out of 7. 7
6 of 8. 28
6 of 9. 84
6 out of 10 210
7 out of 8. 8
7 out of 9. 36
7 out of 10 120
8 of 9. 9
8 out of 10 45
9 out of 10 10

On the official website can familiarize yourself with the information on the reception of bets, the order of registration, the receipt of the club card and the characteristics of the calculation of the rates.

On the site you can explore the rules of football rates, hockey, basketball, volleyball, race, baseball, cybersport and many other sports. There is information on the website Fonbet.ru in the "Rules" section, where all the requirements and order of bet are set out.

General provisions

After registering on the site, you agree with the rules of the bookmaker and you can bet. Any client rate is a direct confirmation of what he familiarized himself with the order of the company's work. The administration has the right to recognize the rates invalid if the client violated any rules of the bookmaker office, and is also not responsible for the period when non-compliance with the rules followed.

All changes in the rules come into force from the date of their approval by the General Director of the Bookmaker Office. And ignorance about their introduction does not frees the client from responsibility. Therefore, to keep abreast of all innovations in the company's rules, you must follow the news of the site and reread information from time to time.

The bookmaker office may contact the law enforcement agencies in the event of fraudulent actions of the client associated with rates paying the winnings, fake documents and with other activities prohibited in "Forbon".

All information with the general provisions and rules can be found on the official website of the "Forbonet" bookmaker's legal site.

How is registration?

Betting on football events are most often accepted. The main time is divided into two half for 45 minutes, it is important not to confuse it with an additional time, where the colors last for 15 minutes and the bookmaker accepts rates already in Live mode. All bets on the scored balls, cards, replacements and other types of outcomes will be considered perfect only in the main time.

"Fonbet" accepts bets on the team that will receive the first warning or will make the first replacement in the match. If these events occurred at both teams at the same time, the rate is canceled and returns.

In the case of the release of a player to replace the calculation of such bids, as "will score the first goal" and "guess the match of the match and who will score the first goal," will be calculated with the coefficient of 1, that is, the rate will be refundable. A similar calculation and at rates on fouls and shocks in the target, if the player does not appear on the field in the starting lineup, the bookmaker will calculate betting money back.

It should be known that all statistical indicators with the number of cards, fashers, shocks in the target, corner, offside and other outcomes are taken only from official sources, and you can watch the matches in LIVE mode directly on the website of the bookmaker office. With more detailed information you can find on the company's website in the "Rules" section.

Rules of rates on hockey in "Fonbet"

In the bookmaker office "Fonbet" there is the opportunity to bet on hockey events. As in football, rates on hockey matches are accepted only in the main time, three periods of 20 minutes (without overtime).

The bookmaker takes the rates on the player's glasses, and the glasses fold out of the heads and gears made in the main time. That is, for the passage of the bet you need to guess the total number of points of the individual player, scored for the main time of the game.

You can also put on the number of two-minute fines. If the judge prescribed a fine right during the final whistle of the period / match, he will be counted in the already ended period.

Rules of rates for other sports

Sports like basketball, tennis, table tennis and volleyball are very popular in Voloket BC. A beginner player, entering into betting, will help you explore information about the bets on these sports.

In case the tennis match is interrupted, the rates on the event continue to be in force. Depending on the situation, the match will be achieved soon, after fixing the problem. Tennisystu, who can not do the match for any reason in all the remaining gems, will be counted. All outcomes on the unlamed first set will be calculated with the coefficient 1. Tay-break in tennis is taken into account as one game.

Unlike tennis, in volleyball, the decisive 5 set is not a tie break, but is played as a full set. Available rates for the total number of axes in the match. Ace is a feed that lands on the opponent's site without touching it (without reception).

Matches of the Federation Table Tennis Federation (FNT) are held from five and seven networks. The winner in the set is the player who managed to dial the first 11 points. The fifth and seventh set will be played up to seven points.

In the bets on basketball, you can bet on the overall total commands, on glasses a separate team and statistics. The rates in Live mode are very popular, which are accepted for a quarter, full match and during overtime. In the rates on individual statistical indicators, if the player spent on the field less than two minutes, the bet will be calculated with the coefficient of 1.


The Forbon BC administration has developed a decent block of rules with which it is necessary to familiarize yourself with each player. Information about sports betting and general provisions of the company will help avoid the account of the account and faster to understand the functionality of the site.

October 18/18/2018

Fonbet is one of the leading bookmakers, leading its activities in the Russian Federation. The bookmaker works in the domain zone of the RU and has a formal license of the FTS of the Russian Federation. Consider in more detail how to make stakes on the phonet via the Internet, let's stop on some nuances and features, we give useful tips.

How to bet on the phonet via the Internet

It offers an excellent choice of sports rates. At the very beginning, the player is invited to make a choice of two categories - Prematch and Live.

Premacy rates are accepted for a while before the start of sports competition. A few days before the start of the match, the main line is formed, an additional painting is formed about a day.

- These are betting, which are concluded during the match, in real time. It is very important here to react on time to what is happening on the playground, draw conclusions and draw up bets.

For bets, the bookmaker offers several dozen sports disciplines. In the future, we will consider the execution of betting on the example of a football match. The main football painting includes the following types of bets:

  • . Denotes 1x2 or P1 x P2. It is deciphered as follows: 1 or P1 - a bet on the first team victory, X is a bet on a draw, 2 or P2 - a bet on the victory of the second team.
  • . Denotes as 1x 12 x2 or p1x P1P2 XP2. It is deciphered as follows: 1x - a bet on the victory of the first team or a draw (against the victory of the second team), 12 - a bet on the victory of the first or second team (against a draw), x2 - a bet on a draw or victory of the second team (against the victory of the first team).
  • . May be positive or negative. Positive Fora is placed on the victory of the outsider, negative - to the victory of the Favorite. Example: Fora (-1.5) means that the team will win if you break at least two goals more than the opponent.
  • . It may be greater or less than a certain number. It is indicated as follows: TB (number), TM (number). Example. TB (4) means that the bet will fully win if more than four heads are clogged in the match. With TM (4), the rate completely wins if less than four piles will be clogged in the match.
  • Exchange goals. The rate on the fact that during the match both teams will score at least one ball.

Rates can be solid and multiple. - This is the usual bet, which is one specific outcome. Profit for such a bet depends on: The amount delivered is multiplied by the CEF value.

Some single bets combined into one coupon are called. The express most often consists of 3-5 orders with different coefficients and outcomes. We draw your attention to the fact that you can not put two bets on the same match. In other words, you will not be able to put the stakes in the BC at the same time as a total of 3 times and total more than 3 in one match. When making an express rate, it is also necessary to remember that if at least one outcome will lose, and the entire bet will lose.

Consider in more detail the features of the design of a single bet.

How to make a single bet

To make a single bet in the bookmaker, we carry out the following steps:

  • Authorizes on the website of the BC Fonbet.
  • In the top menu, select the "Line" tab. Next, use the filter.
  • In the drop-down menu "All Events", choose the sport for bets - in our case soccer. Football matches remain in the visible part of the line, the menu shifts right.
  • In the drop-down menu "All Events" choose the championship. In the visible line, there are matches passing within the framework of the chosen championship.
  • Choose the match and click on the title.
  • We study the discovered painting - the main outcome, odds, total, etc. We choose the desired outcome and click the mouse.
  • The coupon appeared on the right - this is the "Ordinar" type rate. We enter the amount we plan to put. The system varies the digit to the coefficient and displays the amount of the potential win if your forecast is successful. Complete the drawing of the bet.

We looked at how to put single bets. Now let's talk about how to make expressions.

How to put express on the phonet

Express rate is a few orders collected in one coupon. To begin with, consider some features of this type of bets:

  • You will not be able to make express from several events in one match.
  • When determining the expression coefficient, the kaffes of the orders included in its composition are multiplied with each other. For example, the expression coefficient consisting of three orders with KEFI 1.40 will be 1.40 * 1.40 * 1.40 \u003d 2.744.
  • If at least one bet from the expert orders lose, loses all express.

For registration of the express bet in the BC, we do the following:

  • Log in with the site of the bookmaker.
  • We study the line, painting and add the first outcome to the coupon.
  • We go to the next match, choose the outcome, click and add it to the Stop Coupon. We repeat the procedure required number of times.
  • Go to the Stop Coupon. There are a final coefficient and look forward to a potential gain.. We specify the amount you wish to put on the express.
  • Complete the design of the bet and wait for the result of the match.

Live rates in the bookmaker

Live rates are betting, concluded during the match. When placing the bet, it should be borne in mind that the coefficients are changing very often during the match. Perhaps the coefficient will change until you think if you betrayal. Perhaps the rate will be recalculated immediately after entering the bet.

The label design is practically no different from the dermal option. Consider a little more.

  • Authorizes on the site of the bookmaker's office focus.
  • In the top menu, select the Live section.
  • In the drop-down menu "All Events" choose sports discipline - in our case soccer.
  • Football matches remain in the visible line, the "All Events" menu is shifted to the right.
  • In the drop-down menu "All Events" choose the tournament. In the visible part of the line there are matches that are currently held within the framework of this tournament.
  • We go into the painting, choose from the total number of outcomes the one that creates us.
  • We click on the outcome, send it to the bonus, enter the amount that we plan to put and complete the design of the bet.

All this needs to be done as quickly as possible: Recall the coefficients also change depending on the situation on the field.

Beginner players at rates often make standard errors. They put a lot and randomly, try to recoup, eventually merge the entire bank in a few days. To this not happen, you need to consider the following:

  • Put only what you understand.
  • Do not put on matches with the participation of "Pets". You can overestimate them.
  • Develop your own strategy or use one of the existing. For beginners, the Flat strategy is perfect. And never attempt to recoup.
  • Analyze matches and learn other people's forecasts. Third-party forecasts can pay attention to the nuances, with which you passed.
  • Learn statistics. Even the outsider of the season can be a very dangerous rival for the leader of the race.
  • Learn the pros and cons commands, matches rules. Familiarize yourself with the rules and conditions of BC Forubet rates.

If you bet a couple of times a month for a team for which you are sick - you can neglect the verified strategies and other people's forecasts. You put a fan and support for your favorite team, win and lose with her. We do not advise in this case to set large amounts.