Payments to young professionals doctors - registration. Lifting young professionals - Features of calculation, size and requirements

Payments to young professionals doctors - registration. Lifting young professionals - Features of calculation, size and requirements
Payments to young professionals doctors - registration. Lifting young professionals - Features of calculation, size and requirements

Many young professionals who graduated from the school quite recently cannot find work in their specialty.

Get a job without having experience, more difficult to doubly. There are problems with housing. These problems appeared not yesterday, they appeared long ago and continue to exist further.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to motivate specialists, and for this you need to employ them. First of all, this help is needed by specialists working in.

Young specialist - who is he?

A young specialist is an employee who received the initial, secondary or higher education, as well as he who came to work during the year after graduated from an educational institution.

From a legal point of view, this status has special rights and guarantees, rather than the other categories of workers.

To have the status of a young specialist, you need to answer some signs:

  1. Full-time learning;
  2. Budgetary-based training;
  3. Passing the final certification and receiving the appropriate diploma;
  4. Direction to work on distribution.

In case of non-compliance, at least one condition in status can be denied. Also support young specialists will be only budget organizations. For commercial, this is not a mandatory condition, but possible. The graduate is taken for work on the basis of the contract and without a trial period.

It is possible to dismiss a young specialist in case of termination of the organization's activities, according to his health or disability.


Young specialist is entitled to get the following types of payout.

One-time payment. For example, professions such as an educator and teacher each month receive a surcharge to wages for three years from the date of entry into office.

In this aspect there is one condition: in the event that the young specialist is dismissed from the place of work for a personal desire, he is obliged to pay all the surcharges that he was provided. Also, payment can be performed in another way - at the end of the labor contract.

Lifting payments. These types of payments have taken into force in 2012 to specialists who graduated from higher and secondary educational institutions.

The legislative framework

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, a project was drawn up, which pointed out to pay a young specialist during the first place from the date of adoption on the workplace and signing the contract. These payments are called lifting. They depend on the specialty and place of work. The task of this project is to attract specialists for their device for the received specialty.

An additional benefit that is provided to those skilled in the art is a housing program. To be a contender, it is necessary to work in one organization for five years. It is more easier for this program to use experts who remained working in rural areas.

Features of granting cash payments

To the young teacher can count on benefits and payments, he must answer certain conditions, namely:

  • age no older than 35 years;
  • device to work immediately after graduation;
  • concluding a contract with an employer for a period of at least three years;
  • to provide a preferential mortgage - experience in the specialty.

Depending on the region, various features of the provision of support are offered. According to the legislation, the status of a young specialist can only be installed once. The experience should not exceed three years.

But it can be extended in the following cases:

  • call for urgent military service;
  • study in graduate school on day form;
  • internship or additional training that implies a separation from the workplace.

In other words, a teacher who received this status, who had spent some time at school and went on leave to care for a child, and then returned again, continues to possess this status.

Size of lifting payments for teachers

The lifting is charged according to the scholarship, which an employee received during the training period. The amount of payments depends on the region in which a young specialist works. In 2019, young teachers can count on several types of social support:

  1. Unite pay, the size of which varies in the range from 20,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles. (The highest assistance is to teachers working in the capital - 100,000 rubles., And if a novice specialist is employed at SPb school, he will be able to count no more than 50,592 rubles.) It is worth noting that only those young people can count on such lifting Specialists who have employed in government agencies. The maximum value of lifting is fixed in rural areas, but at the same time is regulated by regional program support programs.
  2. Add to earnings. An increase in monthly income by 50%, teachers who completed the university with a red diploma can be applied. The remaining young professionals can count on increasing earnings not by more than 40%.
  3. Participation in mortgage lending on preferential terms. If a young specialist decides to improve housing conditions, then becoming a member of such a program, he will be able to expect to support the state that will pay a part of its debt obligations to the credit and financial institution.
  4. In some regions of the Russian Federation, for beginner pedagogs are provided compensation payments for housing purchase.

For state support, those young teachers that correspond to next criteria:

  • the maximum age limit was recorded at the level of 35 years (in some subjects of the Russian Federation, the top plank descends to 30 years);
  • the applicant must have a diploma for the acquisition of secondary or higher professional formation in the institution that has passed state accreditation;
  • a young specialist should be employed in a state training institution within three months from the moment of completion of studies.

Order of receipt

Payments are carried out by the employer who provided a graduate job. Then the manual that is aimed at supporting not subject to taxes. An important condition for obtaining payments is a mandatory work on the specialty received.

To become the owner of housing on preferential terms, it will be necessary to add paper confirming your need for the necessary package of documents in a residential area.

But here there are one minutes - the first installment should be 30% of the total value of the apartment or at home.

List of necessary documents

To qualify for the payment of lifting, you need to come to the employer and write a statement. Next, your employer creates a special order of payments and informs you about it. Carefully reading the order, the specialist must sign it.

So that everything went unmistakably the employer should attach the following statement to the written statement: a copy of the diploma about the completed educational institution and a copy of the employment record, certified by the notary. In the employment record, it is necessary to stand the date when the employee has begun work.

Other benefits

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, some teachers are provided privileges:

  1. Vacation is 42-56 days. If the teacher is working without vacations, he can take a labor leave for up to one year;
  2. Working week no more than 36 hours;
  3. Early retirement;
  4. Providing a monthly payout for the purchase of literature.

For teachers working in rural areas, some benefits are also developed: the provision of increased salary; Providing benefits for utilities, such as light, heat and electricity.

Countryside, like nothing else needs qualified personnel. But experts do not want to work there because of relatively low wages and the lack of housing.

That is why the state pays great attention to the provision of housing teachers who set up working in the village.

To take part in this target program will need to assemble the necessary package of documents:

  1. Special statement;
  2. Passport or other document certifying;
  3. Diploma on the completed educational professional institution;
  4. Certificate of the birth of children or a certificate of adoption, if there is such a;
  5. A document indicating the need to provide housing;
  6. Certificate from the bank, which indicates the presence of finances necessary for the first contribution;
  7. Documents for the construction or purchase of housing.

IN some regions Countries have the following benefits:

  • Providing material assistance at the beginning of work;
  • Payment of award after one, two and three years of work;
  • Discount on public transport.

Provision is also provided benefit for housing. Salary teachers are small and hardly they can afford to purchase housing on credit.

Therefore, the state is developed preferential mortgagewhich provides:

  • payment of part of housing by the state (no more than 40% of the total cost);
  • sale of housing on available for teachers of value;
  • providing a loan to pay interest from mortgage.

In the event that, after the distribution, the teacher moves into another locality, he gets housing regardless of the queue.

So, by providing benefits, the state, together with local authorities, decide the issue with personnel, thereby providing a country school with young qualified specialists.

About state support for young teachers, see the next video:

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Lifting manual

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June 20, 2017, 15:59, question №1673065 Dmitry, Rostov-on-Don

Is there a lifting manual when recovered from stock?

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Lifting a guide when the part of the part of the time deployment in the city in which I was registered

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Should the lifting payments on all family members if a new service place is 50 kilometers from the spot of registration?

Hello, my name is Eugene. I moved to Navod to the place of service from the reserve, and the lifting of the false did not pay the family members, explaining that their old registration was 50 km. From the spot of registration at the military unit. Is it correct?

Will or not a lifting guide when calling for military service from stock?

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October 31, 2016, 17:04, Question №1426164 Konstantin Anatolyevich Sorokin, Omsk

Payments to young professionals or lifting

Hello, please tell me if monthly payments are relying with a young specialist (educator) or only lifting?

Young teachers in Russia are found not so often. In the country, the staff are produced from universities, and then go to work not in the specialty. After all, although it is important, but it is not considered prestigious in the Russian Federation. So says the population. To attract new personnel, the state decided to introduce certain support programs for young teachers. People who follow certain conditions are beneficial and varied opportunities. What exactly? What can Citizens count on?

List of benefits

The benefits of young teachers were offered in Russia quite recently. As already mentioned, this important profession among young people is not in demand. People end the universities and are not employed by diploma, but where it is more profitable. It's no secret that teachers wages are not too high. And for most youth, it is the prospects for earnings important.

But young teachers in the Russian Federation, subject to a certain list of rules, are able to obtain some benefits and opportunities. Among them are distinguished:

  • lifting payments;
  • a special program of mortgage lending;
  • support for buying housing (not mortgage).

In fact, citizens are stimulated for employment. It is extremely attractive is the mortgage. For young teachers, as for most of the new professionals, the issue of housing is very acute. Therefore, in Russia, assistance in this matter is proposed. And such that even the average teacher can get his own housing.

Status of a young specialist

To begin with, it should be understood who such a young specialist. After all, only then will be fully realized which personnel have the right to in Russia a specialist is a citizen who received a diploma of higher or secondary special education.

And who are such young professionals? Graduates of universities and technical schools, which are first employed in the budget sector on the education obtained. In fact, any modern young graduate gets this status. So, he has the right to some benefits. Especially if we are talking about teachers.

Age is a problem

An important point is the age of a graduate. Young teachers are citizens who have not reached 35 years old. In some cities, this bar is installed at a lower position - 30 years. Exact information should be recognized in each region at any point.

It turns out that the diploma has just issued enough. If someone decided to become a teacher already in adulthood, he may not count on the title of young specialist. This fact must be taken into account in mandatory. After all, he is able to prevent these or other bonuses from the state.


The first type of help is money. This is lifting. Young teachers, these payments are laid as a lump-sum benefit, which is paid in employment to a state institution.

The exact amount is different everywhere. Therefore, for specific information you need to contact the administration of the region of residence. The amount of cash payments ranges from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. In rural areas, as a rule, lifting are appointed higher than in cities.

Help with housing

The following feature is that young teachers have the full right to help with buying housing. Or on the full provision of it. The second option is most often found in practice. Usually distributed in rural areas, as well as this type of support turns out to be teachers who came from other areas of the country.

This question is individual. As practice shows, teachers provide a place in the hostel. Small, but help. At the same time, young teachers have the right to state support in matters of mortgage lending. So the place to accommodate the state to teachers provides to one degree or another.

By Labor Code

Also should pay attention to some of the legislation. For example, that in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for young professionals there are their employment rules. This moment is extremely important.

What can I count on a young teacher specialist? Payments, mortgage, help in providing housing - all this has nothing to do with the labor legislation of the country. In case of employment, young professionals (not only teachers) have the full right to make a job without a trial period.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is clear that for this category of persons tests should not be. But only provided that the citizen is headed for the first time after receiving a diploma, and immediately according to the received specialty. The rule has legal force within a year after the release.

Extend status

A young teacher specialist - which allows you to enjoy benefits and payments to one degree or another. In some cases, you can extend it. How exactly?

There are several techniques that help solve the question. The maximum period for which the status can be extended is 6 years. It automatically extends if:

  • citizen undergoing urgent service in the army;
  • during graduate school on full-time;
  • we are talking about a teacher who is on vacation care, as well as in view of pregnancy.

Payments to young teachers need to make out as soon as possible. All this due to the fact that from the moment of employment, the status remains only 3 years, after which it is completely lost and is not subject to recovery.


There is a mortgage called "Young Teacher". This program is federal status. It was invented specifically to help newly made teachers with their own housing. Issued under certain conditions.

It should be noted that the interest rate on this mortgage is 8.5 percent. At the same time, it is important that the monthly payment does not require a payment of more than 45% of earnings from the teacher. Most often this rule applies to teachers who will have to work in rural areas. But ordinary teachers also offer similar lending.

Another nuance relative to the mortgage is that a "young teacher" (federal scale program) requires payment as an initial contribution of only 10% of the future owner of the apartment. The rest of the money is provided by the state as compensation.

Conditions for mortgage

What could be during the receipt of the mortgage problem? Young teachers carefully check for compliance with the established rules for providing state support. Therefore, you need to know all the conditions capable of preventing the process.

Among the basic requirements for young professionals, the following factors are distinguished:

  • age up to 35 years old (as we have already said, in some cities there are up to 30, but it is a rarity);
  • employment after release by specialty;
  • work should be in a budget (public) institution;
  • the concluded contract is a duration of at least 3 years;
  • the experience in the field of pedagogy (depends on the region, is needed mainly for mortgage).

It should be noted that after obtaining a diploma, young teachers should be employed within 3 months maximum. But this period is recommended to clarify in each region. It is likely that it can be somewhere shorter.

Other benefits

Mortgage for young teachers, payments, benefits - all this helps to attract new personnel in the field of education. There are some features that are provided to young professionals in different regions. We are talking about less important support, which is often established by a specific educational institution.

What else can you count on a young teacher? Payment of one-time benefits is not the only monetary compensation, which is provided to citizens. In addition, you can count:

  • on a partial or full payment of transport costs to an educational institution;
  • subsidies for construction and improvement of the house;
  • full or partial reimbursement of expenses related to the content of teacher children in school and pre-school educational institutions;
  • benefits when entering certain schools.

Dumping to earnings

Young teachers have the right to another feature, which is governed by regional regulatory acts. The thing is that the citizens must receive an increased salary for their status. Here the role plays how good the diploma is issued by a specialist.

For example, an increase in the salary of a young teacher is 40%. If a specialist graduated from a university with honors and he will receive an additional 50% earnings from his salary.

What can advice to the young teacher? How to act to get all the laid benefits and not lose your status? In fact, the recommendations are not so much. Citizens should:

  • in advance to ask the benefits for young professionals in the employment region;
  • do not hesitate with searching for work (it is better to start doing it in advance);
  • search place for long-term employment;
  • try to get a red diploma;
  • inquite the benefits for young professionals in the chosen educational institution.

It has already been said that in usually more allowances and payments are provided. You need to handle all questions or in the city administration, or in multifunctional centers.

In granting subsidies may refuse. After all, all cash is taken or from the regional, or from the federal budget. If there is no money, then the citizen will not be able to help. But young teachers will be able to try their happiness next year. In fact, everything is not as hard as it seems. Each educational institution is constantly inventing what to attract young frames. And this item should not be forgotten too. Payments, subsidies and housing to young teachers are laid in each region of Russia. The main thing is to learn the rules of providing these.

Due to the fact that young specialists - doctors after the end of the university are very difficult to find work due to lack of jobs, the government has returned to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a resolution on additional social assistance to health workers.

The main task of introducing additional social assistance is to motivate young professionals - doctors to seek work in the specialty. This is especially true for the employment of health workers in the terrain where the lack of employees of this sphere (villages, settlements, etc.) is felt.

Who can get social assistance?

According to the decision of the government, in the period from 2015 to 2019, the salary of the physicians will be increased by 2 times. Thus, the average salary of physicians working in the budget sphere will be 93 thousand rubles. Already in 2018, 100 billion rubles were allocated for the monthly payments of physicians.

First of all, social assistance, which is a single prize, is provided for medical workers who want to move to the countryside. In this case, material assistance acts in the form of lifting for young professionals.

See also: How much will increase the salary of doctors in 2019

What benefits are provided for young specialists - doctors in 2019?

The law provides for several types of social protection for young professionals working in the medical sphere. In 2018, the following categories of preferential benefits are operating:

1. Total manual and financial assistance. These benefits are accrued in the following cases:

  • the employee's activities are associated with poor radiation sources;
  • the employee falls under the direct impact of chemical and biological preparations;
  • work is associated with increased physiological loads;
  • work is carried out in certain generalographic areas;
  • the worker is an employee of the rescue service.

2. Provision of free medical services at the workshop.

3. Providing free food, including vitamins, meat, dairy products, etc. (Remies to surgeons, workers in resuscitation and radiology).

4. Abbreviated working days.

5. Extraordinary. Relying to health workers who:

  • treat with AIDS patients (2 weeks);
  • treatment of patients with tuberculosis (2 weeks);
  • treat patients with mental disorders (5 weeks);
  • work in radiology (3 weeks).

6. Additional payments.

The law defines a separate manual for higher and middle workers. The number and amount of payment establishes the administration of a medical institution.

7. Pension provision.

For workers working in urban environments, the start-up pension can be appointed if they exceed 30 years. For workers working in rural areas, the start-up pension can be appointed with labor experience in 25 years. According to the decision of the government, since 2018, this privilege also applies to private medical institutions.

8. Benefits in housing and communal services.

In the presence of the necessary documents, the subsidy may be appointed to the repayment of utilities for apartments for officials or household sections.

Specialists working in rural areas are provided with a free residential room with heating and lighting. If the employee worked in one countryside at least 10 years, when this accommodation is preserved at it.

In addition, the staff of the medical sector may issue a mortgage on special conditions, if they are in line for housing, or are employees of the budget industry. To make a mortgage loan in the Bank, you must write a corresponding application and provide a package of the following documents:

  • passport;
  • diploma or a copy of the diploma;
  • copy;
  • certificate with wages;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • certificate of the birth of children (if any).

According to the law, all of the above benefits are provided with medical workers regardless of their age and work experience.

The federal and regional authorities establish benefits and social payments to young professionals. They serve as a measure to stimulate the working capacity of graduates of the institutions of the minds. Let us then consider the procedure for payments to young specialists of the amount of material assistance in some regions.


Currently, at the federal level of clear regulation of the status of a young specialist. There is no general idea of \u200b\u200bthe laid benefits. Meanwhile, certain information is contained in the 70th article of the TC. In accordance with the norm, the employer cannot establish a trial period for persons issued from universities and medium-sized professional institutions less than a year ago. For TC, young professionals do not have more benefits. A clear definition of subjects that can count on payments and other material assistance, there is no legislation. However, on the basis of the analysis of regulatory acts, a number of features can be distinguished, as a citizen should fall. Payout to young professionals, in particular, can be established by citizens:

  1. Whose age is no more than 35 years old. In a number of regions, the limit is 30 years.
  2. Who graduated from a lyceum or vocational education or have a higher education (received it in a university, which has a state accreditation, full-time). In some regions, mandatory education on the budget is established as an additional requirement.
  3. Carrying out activities at the enterprise on the state, municipal or regional provision.

Material assistance: general information

The provision of support measures is determined by departmental sectoral agreements. If we talk about non-state enterprises, then the payment of young professionals is carried out in accordance with local regulatory acts. For detailed information about the benefits provided, the device should be familiar with the collective agreement. Some enterprises have provisions regulating the status of young professionals. In such documents, the conditions for carrying out activities in the organization are negotiated in detail, the list of support measures is established, the amounts that employee can count on. The provisions are also adjusted directly the material assistance mechanism itself.

Features of the age threshold

Payout to young professionals, as above, it is indicated, it is supposed to citizens under 30-35 years. The maximum threshold is established in each region at the discretion of the authorized authorities. From the date of the device to work (conclusions of the contract with the employer) the status of yesterday's student will be valid for 3 years. It is impossible to get it for the second time. In some cases, however, an increase in the length of the status of up to 6 years is allowed. This is possible if a young specialist:

  1. It is studying in an adjuncture or postgraduate studio.
  2. There is an alternative or urgent service.
  3. Located on vacation associated with pregnancy and childbirth, care for young.

Support measures

In 2012, the government decree was encouraged to adopt the law, in accordance with which in the first month from the date of employment the enterprise appoints a stimulating payment to young professionals. The corresponding normative act was approved a month after that. The key goal of the law is the involvement of citizens who received a certain specialty, to work by profession. Currently, there are no uniform support measures yesterday's graduates. Each region independently regulates this sphere, adopts relevant regulations. The main support measures today are:

  1. Providing for the arrangement of housing.
  2. One-time payment to young professionals.
  3. Preferential loans or in some regions provides for the provision of corporate square.
  4. Compensation of transport costs.
  5. Reimbursement of expenses for the maintenance of children in the Dow. Such payment with young professionals can partially or completely compensate for the costs.

Priority areas of activity

These include education and health care. As mentioned above, each region provides for their conditions and rules for the provision of material assistance to former graduates. For example, in the ruling of the Government of Moscow dated March 23, 2004, requirements are provided, subject to payments to a young specialist in education:

  1. Age up to 35 years.
  2. Diploma, indicating the end of the Middle or Higher Educational Institution.
  3. A citizen must start working in a profession no later than 90 days after graduation (obtaining a diploma).

In St. Petersburg, Saratov region, a number of other subjects of the age threshold - 30 years. This limit is officially established in regional regulations. To clarify information relating to the status of a young specialist, as well as the envisaged benefits, you should contact the territorial department of the Department of Education at the address of work or residence.

Important moment

It should be borne in mind that if a citizen works as a teacher, without having a special education, and at the same time he is less than 35 years old, then it is considered a young specialist. Accordingly, the person is entitled to expect to receive the predicted benefits. For example, the subject works as a teacher and has a diploma of another profession that is not related to teaching. This is not the basis for the deprivation of a citizen of the status of a young specialist.

Payments to young professionals (teachers) 2016 in St. Petersburg

Specific types of material assistance are envisaged in regional legislation. In accordance with it, the following one-time payment of young professionals is determined:

  1. 6 basic units. Employees who have a diploma of medium / higher professional formation are entitled to such material assistance.
  2. 8 basic units. This payment to young professionals is appointed if a diploma with honors.

The magnitude of the basic unit is established in the budget law. The regulatory act provides a planned increase in its size. Accordingly, the payment of a young specialist (2016 is the base unit 9174 rubles., 2017th - 9880 rubles., 2018 - 10572 rub.). In addition, compensation is relying 1/2 of transport costs. This monthly payment of a young specialist is appointed by his statement. It is worth saying that compensation is relying to citizens under the age of 30, and does not apply to a taxi. The application should be submitted to the body of social protection or to the territorial division of the Department of Education.


In the metropolitan region also provides for teachers (young professionals) in employment. Unlike St. Petersburg, in Moscow, an employee can get a 40 percent surcharge to the rate during the first three years of activity. If the graduate a diploma with honors, then he relies 50% from above. Here it is necessary to consider one important point. The specified surcharge does not apply to additional load. For example, the subject works at 1.5 bets. The allowance will only be accrued for one. An additional young specialist can count on a surcharge of 15% of the rate compensating for transportation costs.

Health care system

In this area, lifting payments to young professionals and other benefits are envisaged only if a citizen is directed to work in addition to this, the following requirements are established in FZ No. 326:

  1. Age up to 35 years.
  2. The term of concluding an agreement with the employer at least 5 years.

Material assistance doctors

The rules of its provision are provided for in FZ No. 326. A one-time payment of young specialists engaged in the health sector is 1 million rubles. This amount is provided for all employees who arrived in lifting payments to young professionals are carried out within the framework of the program adopted at the federal level. It is called "Zemsky Doctor". To obtain this amount, it is necessary to conclude a contract with local government agencies in which professional activities will be carried out. Specialists engaged in the field of health care is made in the presence of a diploma of W / O. At the same time, the citizen must work in his profile. Legislation establishes another condition, subject to the payment of young specialists. The order for granting material assistance is issued only if a former graduate concludes a contract for at least 5 years. If for some reason the citizen will decide to quit, the part of the amount received by him will have to return.

Housing issue

In addition to cash payments, the state provides for the provision of young medical profession. This is carried out by the following provisions:

  1. Apartments.
  2. Subsidies for the purchase of housing or compensation of a part of the loan (mortgage).
  3. Land plot for construction.

It should also be known that the amount of 1 million has a targeted purpose. In accordance with the law, it is not taxed. According to the established rules, it should be aimed at improving housing conditions. For example, they can be used to pay off part of the loan taken to the bank.

Additional guarantees

In some regions, the authorities provide for lifting payments to young professionals, over those established by the Common Program. For example, in the Pskov region in the list of subjects with the right to receive material assistance, representatives of the average medical staff are included. They, besides the above lifting and other compensation, can get:

  1. 30 thousand p. - Feldshera and nurses, and working in obstetric items - 50 thousand rubles.
  2. 100 thousand rubles. - Doctors.

In the Rostov region, students even before issuing diplomas can count on material assistance. For example, students on the 4-6th courses of meduliusitis receive additional amounts to their scholarships. Internship doctors, in turn, have the right to count on payments in the amount of 5 thousand monthly. This amount acts as an increase in salary. Payment of this money is carried out regardless of what course the student is studying.

Employees of other spheres

In the regions, support is not only health workers. In Novosibirsk, N. Novgorod, Ufa adopted programs, in accordance with which material assistance is provided to employees of other areas once a year over three years. The following regions have the following amounts. For the first year - 40 thousand, for the second - 35, for the third - 30 thousand rubles. In major cities (St. Petersburg, Moscow), the size of material assistance, of course, is higher, since the calculation is carried out taking into account various factors. For example, the value of living in the village, average income in whom the worker is busy. For example, a young teacher in St. Petersburg can get more than 50 thousand rubles at a time.


Payouts to those skilled in the arts relevant to the above requirements are carried out in the manner prescribed by law. The immediate provision of material assistance is assigned to the employer providing a graduate provider. The manual aimed at stimulating the attraction of personnel is not taxable. To take part in the target program, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with an organization for 5 years. The scope of the citizen's activities should comply with the specialty them.

Required documents

For the realization of the right to receive stimulating payout and other benefits, a young specialist writes a statement directly at the time of the device to work. After that, the standard procedure is carried out. The employer approves the order of employment and appointment with a young specialist of the respective payments. As a general rule, the staff adopted to the staff should be familiar with local acts under the painting. To the application, a young specialist puts a copy of the diploma and labor. The date contains the date with which the citizen is considered officially employed in the enterprise. Based on these documents, payments to young doctors, teachers and other specialists are made.


As mentioned above, only a framework law adopted at the federal level, providing for the possibility of obtaining material assistance to specialists who released from educational institutions less than a year ago. The main activity on the development of specific targeted programs is carried out in the regions and municipalities. It is worth noting that financial assistance may be provided to young professionals not only in budget organizations.

Any employer, including the head of the commercial enterprise, has the right to establish measures to support adopted employees at its discretion. At the same time, a candidate for a place should also comply with the requirements provided for in the legislation. In particular, we are talking, the presence of a diploma and the term of the contract.

Young specialists are one of the directions of the internal social policy of the state. At the same time, at the federal level, it was decided to convey the authority to the immediate implementation of the Program to regional and local authorities. This is due to the fact that in the subjects and municipalities, the relevant authorities, when approving regulatory acts, take into account the peculiarities of the terrain, working conditions and other factors. This, in turn, allows you to develop topical measures for a particular territory, to ensure the inflow of claimed personnel. After all, stimulating payments can receive young specialists of any profession.