Beautiful Japanese female names and their meaning. History and Names

Beautiful Japanese female names and their meaning. History and Names

Japanese names consist of the last name and following him name, and, as a rule, Japanese names are recorded by hieroglyphs. However, parents can also sometimes use Japanese alphabets of Haragan and Catakana to record the names of their children. Moreover, in 1985, a list of officially authorized characters was expanded to record Japanese names and now you can use Latin symbols (Romandzi), Hangtaygan, Man'ehan (sludge alphabets), as well as special signs and symbols of type *% $ ^ and the like. But in practice, hieroglyphs are almost always used to record Japanese names.

In the past, people in Japan were the property of the emperor, and the surname reflected their role in the government. For example, Otomo (大友 "big friend, comrade"). The names were also given to people to know that a person did some kind of great achievement, contribution, etc.

Before the restoration of Maidzi, the simple people did not have last names, and if necessary, used the name of the place of birth. For example, a person named Iatiro: "I could introduce as:" Itiro: from the village of Asahi Province of Musashi. The merchants used the names of their stores or brands. For example, Danbei, the owner of Sagamia - could be presented as "Sagamia Danbei". The peasants could call themselves in honor of the Father (For example, ISUKE, whose father called Ganbei, could say: "Isaeke, the son of Guanbei").

After the restoration of Maidzi, the government ordered all commoners to come up with a surname as part of a modernization plan and westernization plan. Some people choose historical names, others simply came up with, for example, fortune-money, or turned to priests to choose the surname. This explains the fact that in Japan a lot of different surnames, both for pronunciation and writing and creating difficulties in reading.

Japanese surnames are extremely diverse: it is estimated that there are more than 100,000 different surnames. Typical, most common Japanese surnames include: Sato (佐藤), Suzuki (铃木) and Takahasi (高桥).

However, Japanese surnames are distributed in different ways in various regions of Japan. For example, Tinen's surnames (知念), Higa (比嘉) and Simabukuro (岛袋) are widespread in Okinawa, but not in other parts of Japan. This is mainly due to the differences between the language and culture of the People of Yamato and Okinawa.

Many Japanese surnames occur from the characteristic features of a rural landscape, for example: Ishikawa (石川) means "stone river", Yamamoto (山本) - "Mountain base", Inoue (井井) - "Over the Well."

In general, surnames usually have some patterns and their reading does not cause special difficulties, but Japanese names are very diverse both in pronunciation and writing.

Despite the fact that many typical Japanese names can be easily recorded and read, many parents choose names with unusual hieroglyphs or pronunciation. Such names do not have an unambiguous reading or writing.

A particular tendency to give such names has appeared since 1990. For example, the name of 大 翔 popular for boys is traditionally read as a charoto, but alternative readings of this name appeared: Haruto, Yamato, Dito, Taiga, Sora, Tomoto, Masato and they all come into use.

Male names often end on--Wheel: (郎 "Son", but also 朗 "Clear, light,", for example, Itiro), -At (太 "big, fat", for example, Canta), contain it (一 "first [ Son]), Dzi (二 - the second [son] ", or 次" Next ", for example," Dziro "), or give (大" Great, Big ", for example" Daiti ").

In addition, in men's names with two hieroglyphs, the hieroglyphs of the male name are often used: 夫 (o) - "Husband", 男 (o) - "Man", 雄 (o) - "Hero", 朗 (po :) - " Funny ", 樹 (ki) -" Tree ", 助 (SUKE)" Assistant "and many others.

Japanese female names

Most Japanese female names have abstract meaning. Usually, such characters are used in such names as 美 Mi "Beauty", 愛 Ai "Love", 安 An "Calm", 知 知 "mind", 優 Yu: "tenderness", 真 Ma "True" and others. As a rule, names with similar hieroglyphs give girls as wishes to have these qualities in the future.

There is another type of female names - names with hieroglyphs of animals or plants. Names with animal hieroglyphs 虎 "Tiger" or 鹿 "Deer" were considered contributing health, but now such names are considered old-fashioned and almost not used, the exception is the hieroglyph 鶴 "Zhuravl". The names containing hieroglyphs associated with the floral world are still often used, for example, Chana - "Flower", 稲 INE - "Rice", 菊 Kiku - "Chrysanthemum", 竹 Tay - "Bamboo", 桃 Momo - "Persix ", 柳 Yanagi -" Iva ", and others.

There are also names with numerical, but these are very few and are quite rare. Such names most likely come from the old tradition to call girls of noble families in order of birth. Currently, the following hieroglyphs are usually used from numeral, "Thousand", 三 Mi "Three", "Five" and 七 Nana "Seven".

Quite often meet the names with the values \u200b\u200bof the seasons, the phenomena of nature, the time of day and many others. For example: 雪 Yuki "Snow", 夏 Natsu "Summer", 朝 Asa "Morning", 雲 kumo "cloud".

It happens that instead of hieroglyphs use syllable alphabets. At the same time, recording such a name is constant, unlike words that can be written in different ways (alphabet, hieroglyphs, mixed). For example, if the female name is written by the Haragan, then it will always be recorded, although in meaning it can be recorded with a hieroglyph.

By the way, it is quite fashionable and exotic instead of classical female names, use foreign names: あんな Anna, まり あ Maria, えみり Emiri, れ な Ren, り Rin and others.

Japanese female name.

A typical Japanese female name ends on the hieroglyph - 子 (child) - ko. (Maiko, Haruko, Khanako, Takako, Yosiko, Asaco, Napa, Yumiko, etc.). And at present, about a quarter of Japanese female names ends on - ko. Until 1868, this name was used only by members of the imperial family, but after the revolution, this name became very popular, especially in the middle of the 20th century. However, after 2006, this indicator of the female name has ceased to be fashionable due to the advent of the new fashion on the names and many girls tired of him from the name, and began to call them just Yui, Khan, Haru, etc.

The second in terms of use is the hieroglyph 美 mi "beauty" (up to 12%), unlike many other flooring indicators, it can meet anywhere in the name (Fumiko, MIE, Kadzumi, Miuki).

Also, about 5% of Japanese female names contain a component of 江 e "bay" (Midzue, 廣江 Hyroe).

Many other hieroglyphs are used for indicators, that this female name each of which is found in less than 4% of female names: 代 ERA, 香 香 香 запа запа 花 花 花 花 花 Frequently used phonetically used), 奈 on is used phonetically, 織 ori "fabric" and others.

However, there are feminine names consisting of several hieroglyphs that do not have indicators that this is a female name. Examples: 皐 月 Satsuki, 小 巻 Komaki.

Popular Japanese names and their meanings

The Japanese company Benesse Corporation since 2005 annually publishes the rating of popular Japanese names among newborns. In 2011, 34,500 people were born from January 1 to May 31 from which 17959 boys and 16541 Girl.

Popular Japanese names for men

Heroglyphs name Reading name The value of the hieroglyphs of the name Boys % boys
1 大翔 Charoto big + flying 119 0,66
2 RAN lotus 113 0,63
3 悠真 Yuma calm + honest 97 0,54
4 颯太 CA: TA dashing + big, fat, great 92 0,51
5 蒼空 Sora blue sky 84 0,47
6 翔太 Syu: TA flying + big, fat, great 79 0,44
7 大和 Yamato big + peaceful, soft, gentle 73 0,41
8 陽斗 Haruto solar + Measure capacity, bucket 79 0,44
9 Ricka susha, Earth 64 0,36
10 陽翔 Haruto solar, positive + flying 64 0,36

Popular Japanese names for women

Heroglyphs name Reading name The value of the hieroglyphs of the name Girls % girls
1 結衣 Yui. tying + clothes 109 0,66
2 Ao. malva, alha, geranium, etc. 104 0,63
3 結愛 Yua connect + love 102 0,62
4 Rin majestic; impressive 100 0,60
5 陽菜 Hina sunny, Positive + Vegetable, Greenery 99 0,60
6 結菜 Jina. connect, form, finish + vegetables, greens 99 0,60
7 さくら Sakura Sakura 74 0,45
8 愛菜 Mana love + vegetables, greens 74 0,45
9 咲希 Saki. bloom + rarely, desire 71 0,43
10 優奈 Yu: on excellent, graceful, friendly + phonetics on 66 0,40

Japanese diminutive names / nicknames / nicknames

From each name, you can form one or more diminutive names by adding the nominal suffix-sensitive, or is akin to the base. There are two types of names of the name. One consists of a full name, for example, Tarot: -the (Tarot :), Kimiko-chan (Kimiko) and Yasunari-Tian (Yasunari).

Another type of foundation is a reduction from the full name. Ta: -thean (Tarot :), Kii-Chan (Kimiko), I: -Thang (Yasunari), Ko: -Kun, Ma: -Kun, Syu: -Than, etc. The second type of diminutive name is closer in the nature of the relationship (for example, between friends).

There are other ways to form diminutive names, for example, a girl with the name Migumi can call as Kay-chan, as the hieroglyph from which the Megumi name begins (恵) can also be read as Kay.

The usual Japanese practice of creating an abbreviation, which consists in combining the first two syllables of two words, sometimes applied to the names (usually to celebrities).

For example, Kimura Takuya (木村 拓哉) is a known Japanese actor and singer, becomes kimutaka (キムタク). It is sometimes used to foreign celebrities: Brad Pitt, whose full name in Japanese sounds like Burarado Pitto (ブラッド ピット) is quite known as a borap (ブラピ), and Jimi Hendrix is \u200b\u200breduced to Dzimichen (ジミヘン). Another slightly less common method is to doubling one or two syllables in the human name. For example, Mamico Noto, can call as mamimms.

Japanese names in Chinese

As a rule, Japanese names are recorded by hieroglyphs. And the hieroglyphs, like a lot of the Japanese borrowed from the Chinese. Those. The same hieroglyph Japanese and Chinese will read differently. For example, 山田太郎 (Yamad Taro :) Chinese will read about as "Shatien Taulang", and 鳩山 由紀夫 (Hatoyama Yukio) - "Jiushan Eugeph". Therefore, the Japanese do not understand their names when they read them in Chinese. "

Reading Japanese names and surnames

With reading names in Japanese, everything is very difficult. The hieroglyphs of one name can be read in various ways and at the same time pronunciation of one name can also be recorded in various ways ... Warring about the features of reading Japanese names can

Japanese registered suffixes

In Japan, when accessing a person is accepted for the surname or name (usually the Japanese treat each other by last name) to use registered suffixes, more about them in short written

Names and surnames of Japanese emperors

Japanese emperors have no surnames, and their lifetime Japanese names are tabulated and are not used in official Japanese documents and instead to the emperor are addressed by title without behalf. When the emperor dies, he gets a posthumous name, which consists of two parts: the name of the virtue of his virtue and title Tanno: - "Emperor". For example:

Under the lifetime of the emperor, it is also not accepted to contact him, as it is generally called, and even more so much to the emperor is not polite and instead uses various titles. For example, as a childhood, Akihito was the title of Tsuugo-Noii (Prince Tsugu). Such titles are mainly used while man is the heir or did not receive a special name.

The origins of the education of Japanese names

In Japan, names are one of the most complex directions of the Japanese. Women's names are no exception. The complexity lies in the fact that Japanese culture, like any other, under time undergoing changes that relate to the names along with their meaning. This periodically causes a two-way interpretation of a particular name. Constantly adds new signs that you can write the names and takes a lot of time to navigate what.

In Japan, the choice of name for the child is not limited to anything. It affects the traditions and trends of modern word formation in society. You can come up with a new Japanese female name, and you can choose from existing ones. The restriction of the choice can only be in the lack of imagination. Japanese girls names usually consist of composite parts that can be combined with others and get completely different meaning. Typically, names are recorded with the help of Japanese hieroglyphs. But the problem is that these names can be pronounced in different ways. Therefore, their reading depends on who reads what way.

Value of Japanese names in women

Almost all Japanese girls' names are read easily and have a specific meaning. It is also no difficult to understand their meaning. Parents in Japan, unlike parents in any other country in the world, choose a name for their child in such a way that it is very harmoniously combined with his last name. This is a primary value for the Japanese.

Especially passive parents have specialists who can come up with a unique name that has not yet been. In fact, despite the extensive list of Japanese female names, they are almost never repeated. This is due to the fact that the prefix is \u200b\u200badded to the name itself, denoting the genus to which the name carrier belongs.

The most beautiful Japanese female names contain the designation of any beautiful natural phenomenon, gems or plants (usually flower). Also, the Japanese names of the girls and their meaning may contain the wish to be beautiful, good and other positive qualities or simply happiness and good luck.

Also become fashionable beautiful Japanese names of girls who wear the heroines of popular animated series, historical chronicles, popular artists and politicians. Japanese female names in English are pronounced and written similarly to their pronunciation on Japanese, for example: ASUKA - Asuka, Chizu - Chizu, Etshuko - Etsuko.

List of names of Japanese women, girls and girls

Beautiful Japanese female names and their meaning:
  • Miko. Interpreted as a "beautiful child of blessings."
  • Sora. It has the semantic meaning of the "Heaven".
  • Maine. It makes sense "True".
  • Fuji. Translated into Russian as "Glicinia".
  • Amy. Interpretation of the name "Smile".
  • Amaya. An excellent name that means "Evening Rain".
  • Iosico. He has a translation into Russian "Noble Child".
  • Cori and Korah. These beautiful Japanese female names are interpreted as "aroma"
  • Sake. Interpreted as "Cape".
  • Cho. Means "Butterfly".
  • Tamiko. It has the semantic value "child of abundance".
  • Skeker. Interpreted as "cherry flourishing".
  • Sango. Means coral.
  • Miyako. A word means "beautiful child in March."
  • Momo. Translated into Russian as "hundred rivers" or other interpretation of a "hundred blessings".
  • Kin. Interpreted as "Golden".
  • Côtener. It has the semantic meaning of the "sound of the harp".
  • Ayaka. Interpreted as "fragrant summer" or "colorful flower".
  • Ayam. The meaning of the "Rainbow Shell".
  • Yumi. In Russian "Useful Beauty".
  • Tomoko. Means "wise, friendly child."
  • Naoki. Interpretation of the name "Honest Tree".
  • Nobuko. Interpreted as a "dedicated child".
  • Jun. Measures "obedient".
  • Izumi. The semantic meaning of the word "fountain".
  • Azumi. Translated into Russian means "safe place of residence".
  • Ah. Interpreted as "love."
  • Kiku. Beautiful Japanese name, which means "Chrysanthemum".
  • Mazeto. The semantic meaning of the name "Manage the Child".
  • May. Interpreted as "dance".
  • Rico. Means the "Chicken Child".
  • Mika. In Russian "First Sound".
  • Yasuko. Interpreted as a "peaceful child".
  • Megumi. This Japanese female name means "blessed".
  • Akemi. Interpretation of the name "Bright Beauty".
  • Kimiko. Translated in the "ruling child" or the "beautiful child's child".
  • Soup. In Russian "Sparrow."
  • Chic. Interpreted as "gentle deer."
  • Kico. Translated into Russian as "pure child".
  • Kumiko. Translation of "Durable Child".
  • RAS and REN. These beautiful Japanese female names are translated as "water lily."
  • Akira. Means "Dawn".
  • Katshumi. Interpreted as "victory beauty."
  • Madoka. It has a translation "calm".
  • Chi and Chica. These original Japanese women names mean "wisdom."
  • Mizuki. It has the semantic meaning of the "Beautiful Moon".
  • Amethese. Translated into Russian "Bright in Heaven".
  • Maico. Translated into Russian means "Dance of Child".
  • Sacheko. Translated as "Happy Child".
  • Hideco. Means "Luxury Child."
  • Ioko. Interpretation of the name "Ocean Child".
  • Hotera. It has the value "Firefly" or a lightning error.
  • Miho. It has the semantic value "Beautiful Bay".
  • Kam. This is a symbol of long life - "Turtle".
  • Tomiko. It is interpreted as "Keeping the beauty of the child."
  • Chiera. Translated as "One thousand Spring".
  • Naco. Translation "Honest Child".
  • Keiko. It makes sense "respectful child."
  • Toshiko. Translated as "priceless child."
  • Minories. Interpretation of the name "Village of beautiful areas."
  • Harimi. Interpretation named "The Beauty of Spring Pore".
  • Natsumi. It has the semantic meaning of "Summer Beauty".
  • Hiro. Interpreted as "widespread".

On reflections on strange names - who for some reason come up with parents, and then the child then suffer all their lives - today's news from the Ryazan region came across. Surgeting acute attack of Patri (Go) Otism of the workers called their boy ... Unified Russia. "Batyushka Valentine from our rural church fully supported and blessed this choice of name," the happy father noted and reminded reporters that two years ago he called his daughter Putin.

In general, almost anecdote. Extension than any, prosthest, Dazzpperm. But, thought, do the metalists have such ashings? Well, to call Syonly Slaier. Or daughter of fever. Have you heard about such? ..

And if you yourself decide something to stand out, so for reflection, the list of "Gothic Baby Names", compiled by the website. An option, of course, soon for English-speaking, but as an idea comes down ...

Absinthe - absinthe. (Explain what it is for gloomy gluing, I think, no need.)
Ague - so in the Middle Ages called malaria.
Ahriman - Dutch spirit, the personification of evil principle in zoroastrism.
Alcina is a wizard from Italian legends.
Amanita - Lady of poisoned mushrooms.
Amarantha is a mythological non-calm flower from Greek myths.
Amaranthus - Amarant flower, also known as "Love Lies Bleeding." In antiquity, used to stop bleeding.
Amethyst - Amethyst. With this stone bind the ability to save from drunkenness, as well as from celibacy. And astrology is considered a symbol of Divine understanding.
Annabel Lee is the heroine of the tragic poem Edgar Allan by.
Artemisia is a character of Greek mythology, as well as a variety of wormwood used to prepare absinthe.
Ash - ash.
ASModeus is one of the names of Satan.
Astaroth - Christian Demon.
Asura - "Demon" in Hinduism.
Asya - they say, the Swahili means "born during the sadness".
Atropine is a view of poison.
Avalon is a place where the King of Arthur went after death.
Avarice - greed. One of the seven mortal sins.
Aveira - "Sin" in Hebrew.
Avon - in Hebrew - impulsive sin of solvents.
Azazel - biblical demon in the form of a goat.
Azrael (Esdras) - Death Angel according to the Quran.
Beelzebub - Jewish version of Satan.
Belial is another satan.
Belinda is one of the satellites of the planet Uranus. Presumably, the etymology of this word is an ancient designation of the snake.
BellAdonna is a poisonous plant with purple flowers.
Blood - and what, an excellent name! ..
Bran / Branwen - Celtic Crow designation.
BRIAR - spiny, spike.
Chalice is a special bowl for holy blood.
Chaos - Chaos. In the original meaning: the state in which the Universe was preserved to the top of the Greek gods.
Chimera / Chimaera - Chimera. In Greek mythology - a hybrid monster with his head and the neck of a lion, a goat torso, a snake tail.
Chrysanthemum - Chrysanthemum. Flower, considered to be a symbol of death in Japan and some European countries.
Cinder is another name of the ashes.
Corvus / Cornix - "Raven" on Latin.
Dark / Darque / Darkling, etc. - Multiple version of Darkness ...
Demon / Daemon / Demona - a few variation on the theme of demons.
Dies Irae - anger day, day day.
Digitalis - Digitalis, another poisonous flower.
Diti is a daemon mother in Hinduism.
Dolores - "sadness" in Spanish.
Draconia is from "DRACONIAN", which means "harsh" or "extremely serious."
Dystopia is the opposite of utopia. Fantastic place where everything is very bad.
ELYSIUM - in Greek mythology there are sent to the dead heroes.
Ember - Flowering coals.
Esmeree - by legend, daughter of the Welsh King, facing the snake of the efforts of sorcerers. In the human appearance returned due to a kiss of a beautiful young man.
Eurydice - Eurydice, tragic female character of Greek mythology.
Evilyn is a beautiful female name with the root of "Evil". It seems to come from the old cartoon.
Felony - it sounds almost as common melanie, but at the same time means a "grievous criminal offense".
Gefjun / Gefion is a Nordic goddess who taking dead virgins under his guardianship.
Gehenna is the name of hell in the New Testament.
Golgotha \u200b\u200b- in Hebrew "Skull". The hill in the shape of a skull, on which crucified Christ.
Grendel is a monster in Beowulf.
Griffin / Gryphon is a mythological monstrous hybrid: the body of a lion, wing and an eagle head.
Grigori - Fallen angels in the Bible.
Grimoire - Grimoire. A book describing magical rituals and spells containing magic recipes.
Hades is the Greek god of the afterlife.
Hecate is an ancient Greek deity of the lunar light, a powerful magician.
Hellebore is a freezer. Flower flourishing in the snow in the middle of winter. According to medieval belief, saves from leprosy and madness.
Hemlock - Cycut. Strong poison. It was poisoned, for example, Socrates.
Inclementia is "cruelty" in Latin.
Innominata - the name of the product for embalming.
Isolde is a Celtic name, meaning "Beauty", "that by which they look." Furnished thanks to the Middle Ages Knight Roman XII century, Tristan and Isolde.
Israfil / Rafael / Israfel - Angel, redeemed to cut the beginning of the vessel.
Kalma is an ancient Finnish goddess of death. Her name means "Codpent Svordon".
Lachrimae - "Tears" in Latin.
Lamia - "Witch", "Witch" in Latin.
Lanius - "Palace" in Latin.
Leila - "Night" in Arabic.
Lenore is the heroine of poetry Edgar Allan by.
Lethe - summer. River oblivion in the afterlife world in Greek mythology.
Lilith - the notorious first wife of Adam. Very ominous.
Lily - Lily. Traditional funeral flower.
Lucifer - Fallen Angel, often associated with the devil.
Luna - "Moon", Latin.
Malady - almost melody, but no. The word means "disease".
Malice - bad intentions.
Malik - Angel, who commands hell according to the Quran.
Mara - in the Scandinavian mythology, a demon, surprisingly at night on the chest and causing bad dreams (Kos-Mar). The Greeks knew this demon under the name of Efialt, and the Romans called Incubon. In the Slavs, the kimor is playing this role. In Hebrew "Mara" means "bitter".
Melancholia is a very gothic-duma name for a girl. Or boy ...
Melania / Melanie - "Black" in Greek.
Melanthe - "Black Flower" in Greek.
Merula - "Black Bird" in Latin.
MEPHISTOPHELES / MEPHISTO - the devil was so called in the Renaissance era.
MINAX - "Threat" in Latin.
Misericordia is a "compassionate heart" in Latin.
Mitternacht - "Midnight" in German.
Miyuki - "Silence of Deep Snow" in Japanese.
Moon, Moonless, Moonlight - all that concerns the moon. By the way, the moon is an ancient symbol of fertility.
Moirai - Moira. Greek goddesses of fate.
MONSTRANCE - an empty cross, inside which "sealed" the Holy Spirit.
Morrigan - Celtic goddess of war and fertility.
Mort (E) - "Death", "Dead" on the French.
Mortifer / Mortifere - Latin equivalents of the words "lethal", "fatal", "deadly".
Mortis is one of the forms of the Latin word "death".
Mortualia is a grave pit.
Natrix - "Water Snake" on Latin.
Nephilim - Nephilim. Representative of the race of giants, sons of fallen angels.
Nocturne - Nocturne. Romantic "night" music genre.
Obsidian - Obsidian. Black stone formed as a result of volcanic eruptions. Used in surgery, because is sharper steel.
Oleander - oleander. Beautiful poisonous flower.
Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolizing the end, the final.
Orchid - Orchid. Exotic rare flower. It is often used as a scenery in glamor western gothic clubs.
Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underground World.
Penance - repentance, Epitia.
Perdita - worth it sounds in Russian !!! This name came up with Shakespeare, in Latin means "lost".
Pestilentia is a Latin term, meaning "plague", "Unhealthy atmosphere".
REAPER - He's Great Reaper, Grim Reaper. English - Male - option to bony old women with oblique.
Sabine / Sabina - Sabina or Sabiinyan. The people of the ITALY group. According to legend, the Romans kidnapped during one of the festivities of Sabineanok to take their wife. After about a year later, the Army Sabinov approached Rome to free the captivity, but they went to the battlefield with babies from new husbands in her arms and achieved the reconciliation of the parties.
Sabrina / Sabre / Sabrrenn is the goddess of the North River at Celts.
Salem is a popular destination of the "Witches" in Massachusetts.
SAMAEL - Death Angel according to Talmuda.
Samhain is an analogue of Halloween.
Sanctuary is a sanctuary.
Serpent - "Snakes". The symbol of evil in many cultures.
Shadow - "Shadow". By the way, the widespread nickname of black cats.
Tansy - Pijma. According to reference, its seeds provoke miscarriages.
Tartarus - Greek analogue of hell.
Tenebrae - "Darkness" in Latin.
Thorn (E) - spike.
Tristesse / Triscessa - "sadness" in French and Italian.
Umbra is another word meaning to "darkness".
Vespers - Morning prayers in Catholicism.
Willow - Iva. "Crying tree", a symbol of deadly sorrow.
Wolf (E) - How without Wolf ...
Xenobia - "strangers" in Greek.
Yama / Yamaraja - Death Lord in Hinduism.

Cultural values \u200b\u200band centuries-old traditions of Japan for us are largely a mystery. As if a mysterious haze hiding something important from unauthorized eyes, the country of samurai and man-made civilization is shown. Both names and surnames are a curious piece of Japanese language and cultural heritage. They are an integral part of the country's history and make a lot of interesting facts. Japanese female names are a separate topic, worthy discussion.

Beautiful woman in Japan

The basis of the Japanese name

Any representative of Russian-speaking culture is difficult to distinguish the Japanese name from the surname. Therefore, you just need to remember that the first name is the first name, then the personal name without patronymic. In the country of the Rising Sun, both boys and girls are called parents without much difficulty, guided by the bearer of the heart. At the same time, they are based on cultural traditions, as well as on modern tendencies of word formation. Names for girls often consist of two parts, one of which can be replaced and get a new value.

Recorded with hieroglyphs, Japanese women's names are read differently. The sound will depend on the way of reading.

Japanese has another interesting feature. They actively use all sorts of consoles. It is curious the fact that the console is most often applied to their surnames, and the names are generally lowered. The values \u200b\u200bof the consoles are as follows:

  • san - the console is used in combination with the surname for traditionally friendly circulation
  • the console itself is added to the surnames when contacting high-ranking officials, government members, clergy representatives
  • sensei - this prefix sounds after the surname when contacting professionals in any direction; We have an association with Japanese movies and means appeal to martial arts masters.
  • kun - in combination with the surname, it is used in communication with adolescents and subordinates
  • chan (Tyan) - This prefix is \u200b\u200badded to the name personal in communication with children, friends or lover.

It is noteworthy that the following appeals are often sounded in Japanese families: Dad and Mom, daughter and son, younger brother or younger sister, elder brother or older sister. To these appeals by tradition, the prefix is \u200b\u200badded (--ten).

Women's names in Japanese

Prublic and simplicity are inherent in Japanese surnames and names. Girls in this amazing country are called abstract. Beautiful, simple, feminine sound of the female name is interrelated with his meaning: "Moon", "Flower", "Bamboo", "Aroma", "Chrysanthemum", "Morning Dew".

Maiden names often contain the following hieroglyphs: "Mi", which means "beauty" (Fumiko, Harumi, Kazumi, Miyuki), or "Ko", which means "child" (Yumiko, Asako, Mayko, Takao). Among the girls, the hieroglyph "Ko" is not particularly popular, so they are often lowered in conversational speech. Thus, from Nao, it turns out, and his friends name is Nao-chan.

Such syllables are greatly popular:

  • ai - love
  • ti - Mel.
  • an - calm
  • ma - True
  • yu - tenderness

They are added, wanting a girl over time to acquire these qualities.

To another type includes Japanese female names with the presence of hieroglyphs, which means plants or animals. More often than others are a syllable with the "crane" value. But "Tiger" and "deer" have long come out of fashion, although their presence is a good health. Slames associated with plants are especially demand:

  • khan - Means "Flower"
  • kika - Chrysanthemum
  • iner - Fig
  • momo - Persik
  • take - Bamboo
  • yanagi - Iva

Japanese female names with hieroglyphs-numerical names are quite rare. They are traditionally used in noble families, reflecting the order of birth. Here are some of them: "Nana" means the number seven, "Go" - five, "Mi" - three, "Ty" - a thousand.

It happens that the hieroglyphs have the meaning of natural phenomena, the time of the year, the time of day, etc. What an extensive list can be made up of them! Here are some examples: "Natsu" - summer, "kumo" - a cloud, "Asa" - morning.

In Japanese, beautiful names for girls in combination with the names sound very poetic. They often mean any natural phenomena, or reflect the features of landscapes or positive qualities of character.

The list of popular names for girls contains those used now in famous animated series, historical chronicles, comics.

Parents often turn to those skilled in the arts to come up with a daughter unusual, beautiful name with melodic sound and a special meaning. An extensive list in modern Japanese named, the use of consoles and the appearance of new hieroglyphs make practically impossible - women's names are rarely repeated. Interestingly, their parliament approximately every five years makes changes to the list of allowed characters in writing names.

Whatever beautiful women's names from the Japanese, they often choose not classic Japanese, and exotic foreign languages, for example: Anna, Emiri, Maria, Rina, Rena, etc.

It is interesting

Going married, the Japanese woman takes the surname of her husband. In rare cases, the opposite happens, the man takes the surname of his wife, if it is from a very noble kind. In their traditions there is no such thing as a double surname.

In the Middle Ages in women, there were no names at all. It was believed that they simply do not need them, because the girls were not the heirs. In the aristocratic families, girls were often called so that at the end sounded the syllable "Khame", which in Japanese means "Princess". Samurai's wives addressed the surname and rank of her husband, and their personal names ended in "-dzen." Knowing and the monastic estate worn names with the end of "In".

Examples of popular Japanese names for women

Names are perhaps the most difficult part of the Japanese language. All of their options are practically impossible. According to statistical data, the most popular in recent years are:

Ai - Indigo, Love

Ike - Love Song

Ayko - Child of Love

Aimi - I love beauty

Akane - Bright red color

Akemi - Bright Beauty

Aki - autumn, bright, spark

Akiko - Child in autumn

Akira - Clear

Amaterasu - the goddess of the sun

Aoy - Blue, Malva

Arisa - Alice

Asami - Morning Beauty

ASUKA - Aroma Tomorrow

Atsuko - Good child

Avaron - Island of Apples

Ayia - Colorful, Design

Ayaka - Petals Flowers

Aiame - Iris Flower

Ayano - my color

Ayumi - walks, walk

Azumi - safe accommodation

Jun - obedient

Dzünko - obedient child

Isuri - Fountain

Cory - Weaving Aroma

Kaoru - Aroma.

Kasumi - fog

Katsumi - Beauty Victory

Casae - branch, first blessing

Kazuko - harmonious

Kazima - Harmonious Beauty

Kika - Chrysanthemum

Kin - Gold

Cyomy - Pure Beauty

Kohaku - Yantar

Kou - Happiness

Maya - Dance

Makoto - sincerity

Mana - Love

Manami - affectionate beauty

Masami - Elegant Beauty

Megumi - blessing

Michie - Path

Midori - Green

Minori - Truth

Mitsuko - Shining Child

Mizuki - Beautiful Moon

Momo - Persik

Morico - Forest Child

Naoki - obedient tree

Naomi - first of all

RAS - Lily, Orchid

Ricka - significant fragrance

Ran - Water Lily

Fumico - a child of cherished beauty

Haru - Spring, Sun

Harumi - Spring Beauty

Hikaru - shine

Hoshi - Star

Chi - wisdom

Chow - Butterfly

Chic - gentle deer

Shinju - Pearl

Amy - Beautiful blessing

Etsuko - joyful child

Yasu - calm

Yaio - Spring

The transliteration of the Japanese language causes many sense and disputes. Therefore, there are many different differences in the translations of the names. After reviewing the foundations of the formation of female names in the country of the Rising Sun, it is possible not only to learn their language deeper, but the philosophy of this mysterious people can imbued.

help pliz

"Heavenly Dal" translates as Tengoku No Kyori () or not? ._.

Hehe, asked ... I'll try to explain.
Tengoku is the formation of two hieroglyphs. The first when reading Ten means heaven, heaven, and the second when reading in the phrases of Koku, something like the country. It turns out, heavenly country, heavenly kingdom. By the way, it is possible to understand this and as a place of life of the gods.
Kyori, if my memory does not change, is the distance. Not the concept of "far, far", but simply expressing some length to the object. I would advise you to take something like a Tooku. It means "away, far away, far."
If you want such an exalted option, the divine, then better Tengoku No Tooku (I remind you, the double vowel in the translitement from Japanese does not always mean her twice reading. Just this syllable stretches a little longer and more accent is done on it. .
Well, if you want a cleaner, I would still advise the old-good "Sora". Yes, now it is not so fashionable now, because everyone knows, but it is better than Exego for the air, heavenly space (by the way, the same hieroglyph also means emptiness, but then Kara is read (karate from there ^ _ ^ empty hands)).
So the second option is SORA NO TOOKA.
And even better, TOOKA NO SORA. After all, in Russian, you can pervert in Russian (Heavenly Dal, the distant sky, the sky in the distance). In Japan, you need to specify because it may be easily understood not so. It is better to immediately designate that the main word in the phrase "sky", as the object from which we repel. The sky, it always remains the sky, but Dal is the concept of subjective.

You can suggest Japanese immune on sound similar to these: Lena, Lisa, Danil, Dasha, Maxim, Tanya, Arina. Thanks in advance.

Well, I tried to pick up in the catakana ...
Arina: "Ari", "Arisi" - storm
Maxim: Sound approximately "Makusutatera" - chat, "crack without silent"))
Lena: "Rea" - rare / Aya ("P" \u003d "L")
Lisa: "Furisein" is the only thing that remembered. So - a snowy storm.
Tanya: Reading "Tana" - Fabric
Daniel: I remembered the physical term "fade" - "AIL" (emphasis on "and" she is stretching)
Dasha: "Daru" - Binding "Being". Something on the similarity was in English. And there is still a "dasy" - leave, exit, gather to go away. The meaning is clear.

And if you can still look like a sound in the name of the world.) Thank you.

This ... "Sugeta" - everything, everything, all, in general, completely, any, fullness. In short, something else includes. Mmm ... comprehensive or something ...

Please tell me how will be on Japanese - green lightning, blue lightning, yellow zipper, red zipper, purple lightning, pink lightning, white lightning and black zipper


midori Riden.

aoy Riden

kiyra Raiden.

aka Ryden.

murasaki Riden.

babyiro Ryden.

shiro Ryden.

road Raiden.

cow, why do you write Midori and aka, and add something to the wide and chiro? In combinations of the name of flowers without the end of "y"!
And yes, Midori is still more often used in the meaning as "alive", "wildlife", "greens". I do not think that lightning refers to the kingdom of plants. Rather "JSC" ("Aoi" is both blue, and green).

how is Ii-Mity translated?

Rather, "Ichi Michi".
Here are two options for two hieroglyphs can be written the same.
Either "ICHI" in the meaning "one" (account). Comes out "One way." Somehow awkward.
"Ichi" in the value market, bazaar. It turns out a "trading path". I tend to this option.

But Brie knows.

I don't know anything! I just heard anime with Sabami and sounded by itself I remember.
Well, a couple of grammar lessons somewhere at first class level in a Japanese school.
And then I remembered Catakana and Haragan. (How they are tired of T_T) Eh, but it would be necessary to sign up for courses, even if you can write something.