Natasha Koroleva's son now lives in a Japanese family. Tarzan - Natasha Queen's husband How many years Natasha Queen in the year

Natasha Koroleva's son now lives in a Japanese family. Tarzan - Natasha Queen's husband How many years Natasha Queen in the year
Natasha Koroleva's son now lives in a Japanese family. Tarzan - Natasha Queen's husband How many years Natasha Queen in the year
Natasha Koroleva (real name - Natalia Vladimirovna Gust) - Pop singer, who received nationwide love after the release of the album "Yellow Tulips", recorded jointly with Igor Nikolaev. Among her songs are such hits like a "small country", "a little bit of persons", "blue swans" and dozens of other lyrical ballads and incendiary dance compositions.

Childhood Natasha Queen

Natasha is treated, which appeared on the light in Kiev, grew in a creative family: the girl's dad was a choirmister, and Mom, the well-deserved artist of Ukraine Lyudmila, spent, conducted in the choral chapel "Svetok". The eldest sister Irina was a musically gifted child and later performed solo under the pseudonym Rusya. It is not surprising that already at 3 years old Natasha gust his debut on stage along with a large choir of radio and television of Ukraine, fulfilling the song "Cruiser Aurora."

At 7 years old, the girl was recorded in a music school to the class of piano and, in parallel, to the choreographic studio named after Grigory Rope. An important event, predetermined the fate of the baby, became acquaintance with the composer Vladimir Fastryakov, who took the gifted Natasha under the wing. At the age of 12, she began to speak with his songs ("Where the Circus left", the World of Miracles), so quickly became the star of all urban holidays: children's matinees, government congresses, New Year's lights, city days - Each event accompanied by Natasha's pure voice . In 1987, the girl became a diploma of the competition of folk music "Golden Charton".

In the same year, Natasha first spoke on television, in the program "Shirious Circle", (a peculiar prototype of the show "A minute of Glory"), who gave a trip to the fame to many novice performers: Dmitry Malikov, Leonid Agutin, the "Secret" group ... But truly An iconic event for the young singer was a performance at the Vocal Competition in Evpatoria. She did not occupy prizes, but Elvira drew attention, the assistants of the famous Moscow teleproducer Martha Mogilevskaya. Natasha gave a woman a cassette with his own material, not knowing that later this act will play a huge role in her life.

Natasha Queen in the transmission "Shiry Circle" (1986)

For a while, but the news from Moscow did not come, and Natasha continued to build a career in native Ukraine, enrolling in the Kiev pop-circus school to the specialty "pop vocals". In the summer of 1989, she went to tour in the States.

A fishing girl made a strong impression on American vocal teachers who offered her to become a student of the Istrimes school at the prestigious Rochester University. But Natasha, with whom, by that time, representatives of Martha Mogilev, rejected this tempting offer and went to conquer Moscow.

Casting Natasha Queen

Career flourishing Natasha Queen. "Dolphin and Mermaid"

In the fall of 1989, Mogilevskaya advised Igor Nikolaev, an ex-arranger Alla Pugacheva and a novice singer, who was in a creative stupor, find a suitable girl for a joint record. The choice fell on Natasha for two reasons: firstly, its vocal data was an order of magnitude higher than the rest of the contenders, and second, a low girl perfectly looked next to the 172-centimeter singer.

At the first meeting, Igor was pretty skeptical to this check: a 16-year-old plump "Khokhlushka" did not resemble a spectacular pop-diva, besides, she shyned the singer who seemed to her king and god from music. Nevertheless, after listening, he was pleasantly surprised and soon wrote a song "Yellow Tulips" for the young protégé, which became the title song of the album of the same name, who saw the light in 1990. On the cover of the record was the inscription: "Natasha Queen sings Songs Igor Nikolaev."

Natasha Gust turned into Korolev quite regularly: the pseudonym came up with Nikolaev, who was sure that the audience would not be able to remember the surname "Pust", and she sounds somehow plebey, another thing - proud, impressive "Korolev".

After the release of the album, the popularity of Natasha Queen began to lie literally. "Yellow Tulips" brought the girl in the final of the main musical competition of the country - "Songs of the Year." Stadiums and concert venues were crowded, fans of oakhas carried yellow tulips with her beloved artist, and when Natasha broke down a small time out, the admirers of her creativity asked to make a flapped girl on the scene.

"Song of the Year-1990": Natasha Queen - "Yellow Tulips"

In 1991, Natasha Korolev graduated from a pop-circus school. In 1992, the light saw the plate "Dolphin and Mermaid", and the creative Tandem Igor and Natasha went to the grand touring tour of the cities of Russia with the program of the same name, over the next three years we have conquered not only the remote corners of our homeland, but also the major cities of the United States, Israel and Germany.

In 1994, the singer has already released a solo album called the "fan" (music and texts were still merit Igor Nikolaev). However, she had to conquer the confidence of listeners who did not want to believe in the end of the "dolphin and mermaids" and recognize Natasha with an independent creative unit. Thanks to the long resistant work, the singer was able to return the location of the public. For example, in the spring of 1995, she held three charitable concerts in the Far East as a sign of supporting the victims of the devastating earthquake on Sakhalin.

In 1995, the second exclusively solo album was released, "confetti", which consisted of eleven songs. Among them was the composition "Little Country", soon conquered the federal television and radio ester, turning into an immortal hat for children and adults, continuing to believe in a fairy tale.

Natasha Koroleva: "I'm a random person in show business"

At this time, Natasha Queen made his debut as an actress in the musical "old songs about the main thing," where the daughter of the chairman was played and, together with the Lada, Dance and Alena Apina, performed the song "That's someone from the board descended." After time, it appeared in the following three parts of the music film: In the second, she sproded the image of the heroine Svetlana Svetlynaya from the "Diamond Hand", in the third sang a duet with chris normal, and in the final - with Alexander Tsecalo.

In 1997, Natasha approved the role of Malvina in the musical "The latest adventures of Buratino" (it is noteworthy that Kristina Orbakaite played Pinocchio himself). In the interruptions between the filming, Natalia worked on a new material, and in December of the same year, the fans of the Korolev with a jelly welcomed her new album - "Diamonds of Tears". Many listeners noted that Natasha changed both externally and spiritually - no girl looked from the covers for buyers, but a lady's fully arranged. Lyrics became an adult: "Girl dreaming of great love" came to replace the "small country".

With the new program, she went to the world tour, during which she had an applauding halls of London, New York, Berlin and Athens, and in 1999 she went on touring along with Igor Nikolaev and the Concert Program "The most native".

In 2000, the Queen thought about his profile education and entered the acting faculty of Hitis, who finished three years later

New Creativity Natasha Queen

In 2000, the Union of Natasha Queen and Igor Nikolaev collapsed in both creative terms and personal. The singer lost to support the beloved person and help the talented composer. The "Heart" album came soon after the gap cost without the participation of Nikolaev. Natalia helped the composer Alexander Konovalov and the songwriter Vladimir Vulosh - they wrote a sign "was or not".

In 2002, the singer released a collection of the best hits, entitled "Shards of the Past". It includes 14 hits in the queen, as well as a new song "A little bit more considered." "What happened to me now? And life continues, "the country was broadcast from each radio.

Natasha Koroleva - "A little bit more considered"

The next album Natasha Queen was recorded together with her new chosen partner Sergey Glushko, also known under the pseudonym Tarzan. The plate was called "Believe or not." Three years later, a couple presented another joint work called "Paradise where you". The album of the same name came out with the support of the Jewelry House "Crystal Dreams", whose face Natasha has been from August 2006.

In 2008, Natasha was invited to show the "Dancing Stars" show, putting a singer in a couple with choreographer Evgenia Papunaishvili. In a short time, the queen had to learn many complex dance passes, but the efforts were rewarded only by the third prizes.

"Dancing with the stars": Natasha Queen and Evgeny Papunaishvili

And next year Natasha presented his writer debut, in many ways the autobiographical novel "Male Striptease". On this, the experiments of the singers did not stop: soon she became the owner of the beauty salon, which was called - "The Beauty Salon Natasha Queen."

In the summer of 2010, the singer, together with Oleg Gazmanov, went to the Festival of Russian Culture in Germany. All funds from the sale of tickets to the stars concert were listed to the Red Cross Charitable Foundation. In November 2013, the star reported on the cessation of touring activities.

From 2012 to 2014 Natasha, along with Mom, Lyudmila, go in the same time, led the transfer "time to dine" on the first channel. Within the framework of the show, home and restaurant kitchens were compared - ordinary housewives challenged professional chefs.

Personal life Natasha Queen: between dolphin and stripter

It is impossible to say that between Natasha Queen and Igor Nikolayev at first glance, the so-called "natural chemistry" was discovered. However, during work on the program "Dolphin and Mermaid", a man is imbued to the girl of a sympathy, which was attached every day, turning into something more intimate, inspired him to create melodous, a little sad ballad.

Natasha's acquaintances noticed that, although he desperately denied it, he also fell in love with Nikolaev: his mouth was caught with his mouth open, copied gestures and speech mana. They began to live together, but the natasha brought up in the rigor immediately put the singer before the fact: no civil marriage, only legal entities: "I was very strict rules and believed that everything should be only after the wedding. True, now I changed my mind - I think that you must first check the partner, and then marry him ... When I realized that Igor's courting comes too far, I said: "Or officially, or in any way." He had to think ... ".

Nevertheless, the musician did not want publicity relations, so Natasha had to take everything into his hands and make a cunning horse. With her parents, she came home to Nikolaev and invited the passage employees there - no feasines, lush outfits and rings, only stamps in the passport.

In 2000, Natasha Koroleva left the spouse. According to the singer, the reason for this was the constant treason of Nikolaev. Although parting happened without scandals and scenes of jealousy, both were hard to experience this gap.

In trying to distract from the oppressive wound on the heart of Natasha with his head plunged into the work. For one speech, she invited the team of the "original genre" dancers, simply speaking - strippers. Among them was a blond broadcast man Tarzan, who had to discuss with Natasha details of future payment.

Son Natasha Queen named Arkhip is the only child of the popular Russian singer, actress, leading and fashion model. At the moment, the guy is 16 years old. What is aware of Natasha Queen's son? What is he fond of and where is his training going? We will tell about this in detail in our article.

Biography Archpa

The archup was born on February 19, 2002 in the famous family of Natalia Queen and Sergey Glushko (more famous under the pseudonym Tarzan). The wedding of the archhar's parents occurred on August 21, 2003 in St. Petersburg. Mom's archup is a second marriage. Before that, Natasha Queen was married for 9 years behind the famous Russian singer and composer Igor Nikolaev. Sergey Glushko is also the second marriage.

Son Natasha Queen (a photo of the guy is in the article), unlike its popular parents, is not a public person. Outwardly, it looks more like his Pope Tarzan and, apparently, is his pride. At the moment, the guy came to his homeland, although he lived and studied in Miami, where his grandmother still lives - Mom Natasha Queen. Being abroad, the archup went to one of the American schools, where he was studying Japanese.

Living archup in Miami

As it turned out, the archup has been living in America for 2 years. Natasha Koroleva initially worriedly worried a separation with her son, but he could not pick it up from there, since in schools in his homeland the boy had serious learning problems. And the education system in Miami wonderfully came to him.

Son's stay abroad The popular singer justifies that it is there that the boy will be able to get a decent education, and will also be beyond the ocean, where the climatic conditions are much more favorable than in Russia.

Son Natasha Queen - Arch

This year, the guy was 16 years old. Natasha Queen's son celebrated his birthday in a circle of people close to him. His mother Natasha Queen, Pope Sergey Glushko, Aunt Irina, Glushko, came to congratulate the guy with the holiday, and a cousin by Sofia's grandmother.

Against the backdrop of representatives of the beautiful gender, the treacherous archup was beneficial. Now he is already two heads above his popular mother and, most likely, the growth has already been equal to the handsome-dad - Sergey Glushko (Tarzan).

After the magnificent celebration, star parents posted video with a birthday video on social networks. However, on the video, the archup looked highly clamped and fed. Many subscribers came to the conclusion that, most likely, Natasha Queen's son is shy to their famous parents.

Family holiday

However, judging by the pictures posted by Natasha Queen, resting the boy prefers in a family circle, with his parents. Not so long ago, the archite with his parents was abroad, as evidenced by the laid out photographs in the "Instagram" singer.

In the photo you can see that Natasha Queen's son is a little facial features like a mother, but the physique and character (judging by the interview in the media) are precisely dad. The boy has a high height and wide shoulders, Natasha looks next to him, does not look at him, but rather his classmate.

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Russian stage sparkles stars of various sizes. But few of them can compete in popularity with Natasha Queen. This singer enjoys well-deserved fans for many years. The biography of this woman is pretty notable, and from our material you will learn a lot of interesting things. How old is Natasha Queen? The popular singer was born on May 31, 1973 and in 2017 she was 44 years old.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Vladimirovna is born (singer's surname) in the heart of Ukraine - Kiev. Parents of the future singer were people of creativity: the Father is the head of the choir, and the mother is the Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, the Svetoka Capella Capella. The older sister Irina possessed a considerable musical talent, and solo performed under the pseudonym Rusya. Such an atmosphere undoubtedly influenced the love of the girl to music and already three years old Natalia made his debut as part of a large choir, together with whom "Cruiser Aurora" sang.

When the girl was seven years old, she began learning the piano game. In addition, the future singer was engaged in the choreographic studio. At the 12th age, Natalia Queen was very lucky, and the fate brought it with Vladimir Fastryakov, after which she began to speak with his songs.

First successes

In 1987, the young singer performs at the "Camerton" competition, where she easily occupies a prize place. At the same time, the debut took place on television, when Natasha took part in the entertainment TV program "Shiry Circle". After graduating from school, the queen did not have to think long, where to go on and in 1998 the girl becomes a student of the vocal branch of the Kiev pop-circus column.

After a few months, the young artist goes on tour to America as the main soloist of the Opera Group "Child of the World". After returning, with the assistance of Martha Mogilev, the Queen is invited to listen to Moscow, to the most famous composer Igor Nikolaev.

Dolphin and Mermaid

For the composer, the young queen became not only the ward, but also a muse, and later, and the official spouse. Smiling and young Natalia found his special approach, to this already an adult and a man that took place, and their creative union brought a lot of popularity to both. The first song - "Yellow Tulips", which Nikolaev wrote for the performer, became an absolute hit. A few months later, the album monitor appears on the shelves of music stores. The singer becomes recognizable and in demand. Each tour and the concert ends with the "manshlag", and tickets for speaking are selling long before the speech.

Despite the rich schedule, the girl does not forget about their studies, and in 1991 ends learning with honors. The state exam was held in the Kiev Palace of Sports, in the presence of the crowd of enthusiastic fans.

In 1992, the next album of a young singers called "Dolphin and Mermaid" appears. Then there are changes and in personal life - the artist and the composer become legal spouses.

Star marriage

The joint creativity of the singer and the composer had a beneficial effect on their both. For his young spouse, Nikolaev writes new hits that are not going from the top of all the charts of popular music. These can be attributed to such songs:

  • "Dolphin and Mermaid",
  • "Little country",
  • "Kiev boy",
  • "Confetti",
  • "Fan".

Almost all their time spends in tour not only in Russia and nearby abroad, but also in European countries. In 1997, the singer tries himself in acting skills and takes part in the filming of the film "New Adventures of Buratino". During this period, a new solo album "Diamonds Tears", where it appears before the public in a completely new image: now it is not a timid girl, but a confident and woman held.

With the new concert program, the artist went to a big tour. After him, the singer decided to re-engage in his formation and entered the guitis to study acting skills. Three years later, Natasha finished him with honors.

Prayer break

In 2001, after ten years of living Queen and Nikolaev divorced. This event caused a lot of curvators and woven, because the composer with the singer considered the perfect pair. The divorce was quite painful, and after him the couple did not communicate eight years. According to friends and loved ones, the reason for the break was the "pathological jealousy" Natalia, who "about and without" satisfied the grand scandals with his spouse. To distract the Queen with his head plunging into creativity, giving all her work.

New happiness

He passed only a year after the gap, as Natalia swore a new novel. Its chosen was the broadly blonde beauties Sergey Glushko - a famous stripper, protruding under the pseudonym "Tarzan". And at first, few people perceived these relationships seriously, but soon rumors about pregnancy performers who were true were gone. And after a long time, the pair appeared the son of the archup.

And the next year Tarzan with the queen officially registered their relations. Their marriage lasts for more than 15 years, and is a sample of ideal relationships.

What does Natalia Queen do now

Currently, the singer continues to engage in solo career. In 2015, the fans of the queen were joined - the anniversary tenth album Natalia was released. This includes fourteen new tracks, including compositions performed with Tarzan, Alexander Marshal and Natalia Medvedeva. Moreover, one of the songs is "vicious you" won the title of "Song of the Year".

In 2016, rumors went that the singer decided to leave the stage, but Natalia quickly dispelled these gossip, letting the new single called "I'm tired". How old is the singer Natasha Queen now? The answer is 43 years old. But looking at her blooming and luxurious appearance of this.

Natalia Queen and Business

The singer has always been a rather versatile man, and therefore it has always been interested in something new. In 2008, Natalia decided to try himself as a designer jewelry, and released a collection of "Mother's daughter". The idea was quite profitable and the queen discovered its first modest beauty salon. The company had an unprecedented success, and two years later N. Queen was opened the second salon.

Scandal in the press

In 2015, the singer fell into the epicenter of a huge scandal. The fact is that the intimate photo of the Queen and Tarzan fell into the network. Many believed that in this way the woman tries to regain the fascinating popularity, and Natalia condemned literally all, even the most committed fans. Later he received information about the court investigation, during which many details of this case turned out. As it turned out, the attackers stole a singer's mobile phone, on which these compromising pictures were. The star pair was blackmail and demanded a fabulous amount. After Glushko with the queen turned out to be paid - their pictures were on the editors of all magazines and Internet publications. In this difficult period, the singer was pretty steadfast, but the depression developed from all these shocks, and Natalia was forced to consult a doctor.

The name of Sergei Vitalyevich Glushko in our country is known to a little. But if you say the scenic name of this person - Tarzan, and even next to the name of His spouse, then immediately becomes clear, about whom.

Sergey Glushko was born in the north, in the village of Mirny Arkhangelsk region, in 1970. Birthday, which fell on March 8, turned out to be symbolic. But in the 1970s, the Serezha boy became a gift for a female day for Mom. A couple of dozen years will pass, and Tarzan will become a gift for many women who received the opportunity to admire a muscular young man on the podium and scene.

But at an early age, Sergey Glushko, if he dreamed of a scene, then in another key. From the 1st grade, the boy was engaged in sports, dreaming to be the same as dad - a military man, strong and reliable, like a boulder. Sergey attended sports sections, but preference gave bodybuilding.

But even more Glushing-younger liked to sing. Sergey had a musical rumor and a beautiful voice. At 16, the young man, together with like-minded guys, created the Fortun group. The frontman of the collective and the soloist - this was whom Sergey Glushko in Fortune. The group quickly gained popularity in the native town and other settlements of the Arkhangelsk region. One song of the team even got into rotation at the regional radio station. But above this stage, the popularity of "Fortune" did not rose.

In the last grade, Sergey Glushko decided to go in the footsteps of the Father, who served on the cosmodrome "Plesetsk". The young man entered the Military Space Academy. After graduating from this university with honors, Sergey was serving to serve on the same "Plesetsk", where dad worked. But several years of work by an energy engineer responsible for providing space complexes, and the title of senior lieutenant inspired the young military to continue career. Glushko felt that Rutin was delayed, threw the work and went to Moscow, to the aunt. In essence, nowhere.


MOSCOW 90s met the young man in the wrong way. Here, and without Sergey, there were enough "first conquerors." At first, Sergey Glushko was taken for any job, just to survive. The young man worked as a security guard, furniture seller. In the cabin he worked as administrator. But at the same time continued to do bodybuilding. This occupation as a result helped the young northeild was not lost in the capital.

Thanks to the pumped body and growth of 186 cm, a young man fell into the Moscow modeling agency. Working here, starred in television advertising. Then Sergey began to invite music clips. The memorable turned out to be a video for the song "Because it is impossible to be in the light of the beautiful such" popular group "White Eagle", in which Sergey Glushko appeared in the image of the main character.

Soon, Glushko received a proposal to professionally engage in striptease. The career of a young artist began to rise into the mountain. One day Tarzan - such a stage name took a Sergey Glushko in these years - I got to the eyes of Olga Saturotina. Theatrical director invited Tarzan in the formulation called "Sexual Coverage". The role of Macho was for a beginner artist step to fame.

Tarzan was willingly invited to the metropolitan erotic show as a stripter. In the nightclubs of the capital, Sergey quickly becomes popular. Soon Glushko begins to participate in the speeches of the stars of show business. The artist is invited with choreographic rooms as accompaniment.

But Sergey Glushko did not focus on achieved, the young man always wanted more. Sergey becomes a student of the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art, where vocal deposits improve.

In 2003, Sergey Glushko's vocal debut took place. Together with Natasha, the Queen Artist recorded the album "Wrieve or not." Songs "Without you", "I will not forget" "Your world" fell to the listeners. In 2006, recording songs for the next pair album - "Paradise where you are" followed.

The incoming proposals to play in the cinema is welcoming with joy. The debut of Tarzan in the cinema is considered to be the Cinemotic Grigory Constantinople 1999 release "eight and a half dollars". Tarzan received an episodic role, but was happy to appear in one frame with a cinematic bomb - ,. Four years later, Sergey starred in the historic picture "Anastasia Slutskaya" Yuri Elchova. In the film, Glushko got the role of the first plan - the warrior of the Budimira. The tape received the warm review of critics.

In the mid-2000s, work was followed by the Balzakovsky Age, or all the men ... ", as well as in the rating sitcom" my beautiful nanny "and" happy together. "

Further followed by new offers. The cinematic biography of Sergey Glushko rapidly increased new pages. Tarzan starred in the militant "clowns do not kill", the triller "Confession of the Devil", the Drama "Moscow Gigolo", historical tape "Rusichi". The artist also lit up in the TV series "Univer", "truckers" and "fee for love".

In addition to the scenic career, Tarzan continued to learn the world muscle training systems. Own look at this topic athlete outlined in the Body Cult book, which saw the light in 2010.

Personal life

Sergei Glushko's first marriage took place in peace. Ryzhanka Elena Peredentseva, also serving a cosmodrome, drew attention to the military-blond, which Sergey was surprised. Sergey seemed that such beauty would never agree to become a wife of a simple lieutenant. But it happened. For some time, the young people lived happily, but this period lasted for a short time. Relationships finally spoiled when Glushko left the service. Spouses divorced.

Familiarity and soon marriage with the singer Natasha Queen were fateful. Not only the personal life of Sergey Glushko, but also a career has gained a new meaning and acceleration. It is noteworthy that the couple got acquainted at the time when the singer's husband was still Igor Nikolaev, but the relationship of the spouses at that time had already been taught their own and both.

In 2002, the pair was born firstborn. A year later, Tarzan and Queen officially legalized the relationship. Now Natasha's son and Sergey lives in Miami.

Sergey's wedding and his beloved was enchanting, as Natasha dreamed. The celebration took place in St. Petersburg. Newlyweds and guests swam on a ship by Neva, a chorus sang in the Peter and Paul Fortress for the marriage, and the banquet himself took place on a stone island.

During the collaboration, the artists have repeatedly become the defendants of the scandalous chronicle. Sergey Glushko attributed novels with partners on stage. Journalists each time tried to find a compromising on a stripter and present the facts of the public and Natalia Queen, but Sergey once assured that all the spicy details from his stage life were relevant only to the profession, but not to personal life. Sergey values \u200b\u200bthe happiness and calmness of the family, following the example of its own parents, which are already approaching a diamond wedding.

In 2015, Intimate photos and video of the couples, who promulgated the attackers with the artist's stolen, got into open access. Initially, the offenders tried to blackmail their spouses, calling the amount of ransom - $ 50 thousand. But the artists did not agree to a dubious deal.

Sergey Glushko to communicate with friends and fans uses the "Instagram" social network. In addition to their own photos, the artist often places posts dedicated to charitable shares in favor of sick children.

Sergey Glushko now

Sergey Glushko continues to speak with his own "Tarzan Show". Several numbers combined with one concept, weekly appear in the concert program of the Zall night club. On the scene, Sergey, in addition to the dance, uses original special effects, as well as the elements of the fire show.

In addition to the speeches, Shasta Sergei Glushko is filmed in the film "Night Change" about the young family man Max (), who, after dismissal from the enterprise, is fed into stripters. To hide the truth from the wife of Anna (Ksenia Teplov), the young man goes to deception. In Kinineomedy will also appear. The film premiere is scheduled for January 4, 2018.

In 2017, Sergey Glushko became a member of the transmission of the "Kings of Plywood", where she reincarnated in to execute the song "Wanderer", and also appeared in the image of a singer who performs the music composition "Choose a miracle." The project is so fascinated by Sergey that the artist persuaded to participate in the transfer of his spouse to Natasha Queen. For the singer's parody number reincarnated in the artist.

In December, Sergey and Natasha were recognized as the most rapid married couple of the year on the "Family Year-2017" award.


  • 1999 - "Eight and a half dollars"
  • 2003 - "Anastasia Slutskaya"
  • 2004 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2006 - "Happy together"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2008 - "Rusichi"
  • 2008 - "Moscow Gigolo"
  • 2012 - "One for all"
  • 2015 - "Stone Jungle Law"
  • 2018 - "Night shift"

Following 45 years old. This event of the singer decided to celebrate a grand concert. On October 20, the jubilee benefit of the Honored Artist of Russia, which she called "berries" will be held in the State Kremlin Palace. Fans of creativity Queen is waiting for a grand show with special effects, light extravagancies, lively sound and incredible surprises from her family.

About one such surprise Queen today told in his Instagram. The singer posted a video on which she with the 16-year-old son Arkhip.she sings the song by Alexei Rybnikov "You believe me or not." At the end of the video, the singer kisses a young man on his lips. "October 20, the benefits in the Kremlin !!! And we are with the # BandaColevoy, catching a rehearsal base !!! " - wrote a singer (spelling and punctuation of authors here and then given unchanged. - Approx. ed.). The subscribers noted that the archhar had an excellent voice, very similar to his father Sergei Glushko's voice. Some even suggested that mom and her son took dad to the dance.

Natasha Queen sings a duet with his son archup

"It's so cute, an adult son and such a miniature and beautiful mother", "the archhar has a very good voice. Mamina genes, "" Wood, the son of a voice, like Sergey, if it didn't look, and he listened, he would have thought of him, "I kissed the lips. From my cheek not rained. The guy, stained ... Mom, like a girl, you are so cool !!! " - The singer's fans came to delight. Many noted that Mom and her son look together, as a brother with a sister, and stated that more than 30 years the singer is decidedly impossible.

Natasha Queen with the Son Arkhip

Recall that two weeks ago Natasha Koroleva appeared on the premium of the "Head" award in the smallest outfit. The singer chose to exit the solemn waterway outfit in the marine style: T-shirt-vest, bright pants with white lamps and a silver jacket. The image of the accessories in the form of chains, big glasses and a bag from Louis Vuitton.

45-year-old Natasha Koroleva surprised youth into the premium "Heat"

Natasha Koroleva and Sergey Glushko got married in 2003. A year before the marriage of the singer gave birth to a son's dancer. Their wedding made a lot of noise, but a year after year, the couple showed that absolutely happy in marriage. In 2015, the Queen and Glushko were drawn to the sex scandal when photographs of intimate content were in the network, which were captured by a singer with her husband. The queen had to turn to a psychologist so that he would teach her "worthy, without unnecessary emotions to survive all this abnormal situation." The son of the archup supported Mama as he could. "I felt silent support for my son. Although we did not discuss this topic with him, I felt - for my mother he will break all! - told the queen. - Maybe it is indestructible to say so indestructible, but I'm kind of man in nature, I don't do evil to anyone. Therefore, the dirt did not stick to me, despite the fact that some people tried very much to blame. "