Motor dismissal and its causes. Note Parents: On Inattentive, Motorly Possible and Pulse Children

Motor dismissal and its causes. Note Parents: On Inattentive, Motorly Possible and Pulse Children

Intitution - reinforced motor activity caused by the weakening of the volitional control over arbitrary behavior. Inhability is not psychomotor excitation in a weaker degree of its manifestation, it is a qualitatively different state.

Many psychiatrists noted in the objective status of the patient as a symptom as dismissal, mainly mean a certain behavioral pattern, which resembles the behavior of a child, or human behavior in a state of intoxication.

It should be emphasized that dismissal is not so much a quantitative enhancement of motor activity, how much the manifestation of a pronounced involuntary character, which has been controlled from under the control of the subject itself and non-control-free from outside, from other persons. The question naturally arises, how then dismissal is different, for example, from catatonic excitation? To answer this question, it is necessary to stop in more detail on the phenomenon of disbuits.

Insistance is not always accompanied by reinforced motor activity. For example, a patient in a conversation with a doctor can behave quite calmly, but at the same time squeezed, yawning, picking in the nose, etc., which allows psychiatrists in the description of the status to use such wording as "does not follow the distance", "does not comply with the decency " etc.

Inhabbation, as a behavioral phenomenon, first of all, means based on the etymology of the word itself, the weakening of conscious control over arbitrary behavior. To a certain extent, we are talking about the pathology of the volitional processes. On dismissal only, only when the patient has a waking consciousness. Consequently, the behavioral phenomena, such as an ambulatory automatism, Somnabulism, Oreiroid Catatonia, should not be disseminated. Of course, in the listed states of the patient carries out involuntary, automated (subcortical) behavior, but, the main thing, he is aware of it. For the explanation we give the following example. The patient suffering from schizophrenia, with a syndromal diagnosis of "catatonic excitement" demonstrated the following behavior: stereotypically, for several hours, without being tired, he made a movement, like those who make a person when she rubs the firewood, while he jumped and published the same words of indecent content. In strict understanding, this is not psychomotor arousal, which is characterized mainly by chaotic. The described behavior is characterized primarily by involuntary, autonomy, stereotype, symbolic pain, possibly significance and emergencyness. As a last resort, you can talk about catathonic-impulsive disbuits.

Let's return to the "classic" disbursement, which is one of the three main symptoms of the manic state (manic triad). As it does not seem paradoxical, the element of the will is also present in manifestation of maniacal disbuildness, and an element of awareness.

Intraction is a complex psychophysical process, which is described in detail by E. Krechmer in its study of hysterical phenomena, which includes the following components:

  1. the reflex excitation of the subcortical behavioral activity - from simple reflex acts (tremor, vomiting, ticks) to more complex subcortical automatics with a symbolic, often unconscious "workload" (like behavioral patterns in the above examples);
  2. weakening of the volitional control aimed at suppressing reflex activity on the one hand, but, on the other -
  3. the semi-consistent direction of arbitrary activity, albeit weak, but still volitional activity, to maintain and strengthen reflex arousal.

Normally arbitrary and reflex movement never merge, they crossed. If a person has a dumping movement, this movement is reflexive or involuntary. Further, the subject may force it to suppress it - and it will be an arbitrary suppression. But the subject may not suppress the vomit movement. Of course, a person cannot only force the will, arbitrarily call an act of vomiting, but if a reflex call will arise, it can support some effort to maintain, strengthen the reflector act of vomiting - the indomitable vomiting occurs during hysteria. If you ask a healthy person to tremble, it is unlikely that it will succeed quite fully and long enough. And only with hysterical dismissal, we see that the subject can tremble with clock, without end, and it does not make much difficulty, it is given "without tired."

Why in case of disadvantage, the subject supports reflex arousal? This can be explained by observing behavioral reactions of healthy people or children. Imagine a person who has an inflammatory response with a temperature lift, and its shiny, "shakes". How can he react to chills? Much depends on the situation, environment, his personal installations. It can enhance the will to largely weaken the chills, and everyone will agree that it will require significant tension (a person will have to "collect will be in a fist"). But if he is in bed in the nomination "Illness", in the presence of care and care from others, then the individual can afford to "shake intograded", while he may notice that he can easily manage, and he does not feel fatigue. It is because of the fact that the reflex is made available to the conscious will, and their merger generates a feeling of lightness, subsequently a tendency to disdain, as a subjectively enjoyable state, is fixed in human behavior.

Similar consolidation can be found in the behavior of the child, depending on the nature of its upbringing and its individual characteristics. Imagine the situation - the child fell and slightly hurt, and he may have a reflex act without crying, but just a scurry. It can also suppress this reflex act, if his interest is concentrated on any object that occupies it. And he can "roll in crying" for a long time, even forgotten about the reason that caused his reason - as a rule, there is a super-closing and alarming mother nearby. In the further consolidation of such behavior in a child, emotional factors play a major role.

Thus, in disbuits, as a persistent behavioral phenomenon, despite the fact that it initially is initiated by reflex excitation, the main thing is its arbitrary (seated) amplification, motivated:

  1. situability
  2. feeling lightness I.
  3. emotional feeding.

All three listed factors are situationality, ease and emotionality, we can observe and when performing arbitrary movements, polished during the skill and communicated to the level of automatism, for example, in the triumphal performance of ballet dance. But to come to this, you need years of painstaking and grueling training. A wild dance of the shaman looks like a wilderness, which, with the help of psychoactive substances, by visiting the trance, in fact, reaches the state of dispersion and the activation of subcortical motor activity, bearing archetypal-symbolic color. Subsequent gain and arbitrary reinforcement of the awakened behavioral patterns leads to the same - ease, emotional saturation, lack of fatigue. Shaman can dance until it just does not fall from physical exhaustion. The hysterical psychosis asked the dance of St. Witt.

Inhability is primarily a behavioral disorder that is characteristic of the following states:

  1. manic state;
  2. hyperkinetic syndrome and other forms of impaired behavior in children;
  3. violation of behavior due to dementia, personality defect, dissocional personality disorder.

From behavioral disbursement itself, hypercines and obsessive actions should be distinguished, which can be described as "partial disinhibition".

Dissenting is an increased emotional excitability

Motor dismissal mechanisms and specific types of correctional work

Violations of adaptation, manifested in the form of motor displacement, according to specialists, have a variety of reasons: organic, mental, social. However, most of the authors dealing with the problems of the so-called deficit syndrome and hyperactivity regarding it mainly as a result of certain problems of an organic, neurological nature. Motor dismissal as disturbed behavior has much similar to other types of deviating development, but at the moment there are criteria for allocating a group of disorders in which hyperactivity represents the main problem.

Data on the prevalence of such behavioral disorders vary widely (from 2% to 20% in the children's population). It is well known that girls have such problems 4-5 times less often than that of boys.

Although the hypothesis of the hyperkinetic syndrome and minimal brain dysfunction is often criticized, the causes of the disease (or state) are usually considered complications during the entire perinatal period, the diseases of the nervous system during the first year of life, as well as injuries and diseases that have occurred during the first three years. Life of a child. In the future, most children with similar behavioral problems are diagnosed with "light dysfunction of the brain" or "minimum brain dysfunction" (Z. Trozhemoga, 1986; T.N. Osipenko, 1996; A.O. Drobinskaya 1999; N.N. In-Vadenko , 2000; B.R. Yaremenko, A.B. Yaremenko, 2002; I.P. Bryazgunov, E.V. Casatikova, 2003).

For the first time, the deployed clinical descriptions of functional brain deficiency appeared in the literature in the 30s-40s of the last century. The concept of "minimal brain damage" was formulated, which began to be denoted by "immanent residual states arising from the early local lesions of the central nervous system in pathology of pregnancy and childbirth (pre- and perinatal), as well as cranopy and brain injuries or neuroinfections. Later, the term "minimum brain dysfunction" was obtained, which began to use ". In relation to the group of various reasons and mechanisms for the development (etiology and pathogenesis) of states accompanied by the disorders of the behavior and the difficulties of learning, not related to pronounced intellectual development disorders "(N.N. Zawadenko, 2000). Further comprehensive study of minimal brain dysfunction showed that they are difficult to consider as a single clinical form. In this regard, for the last revision of the international classification of ICB-10 diseases, diagnostic criteria were developed for a number of states previously applied to minimal brain dysfunctions. In relation to the problems of motor disbuits, it is the R90-P98 heading: "behavioral and emotional disorders of children's and adolescence"; Ringric R90: "Hyperkinetic disorders" (Yu.V. Popov, V.D. View, 1997).

The positive impact of psychostimulants in drug treatment of children with similar disorders is explained by the hypothesis that children with hyperkinetic syndrome, from the point of view of brain activation, "misconceptions", and therefore they themselves excite and stimulate themselves with their hyperactivity to compensate this sensory disadvantage. Lowe and others found the insufficient activity of metabolic processes in the front sections of the brain in children with signs of disadvantage.

In addition, the period from 4 to 10 years is considered a period of the so-called psychomotor response (V.V. Kovalev, 1995). It is in this age period that more mature subordination relations between the hierarchically coented structures of the motor analyzer are established. And violations of these, ". There are still unsustainable subordination relations, are an important mechanism for the occurrence of psychomotor-level response disorders "(Cyt. in V.V. Kovalev, 1995).

Thus, if hyperoportability is dominated in preschool age among children with signs of minimal brain dysfunks, motor disbuits, motor awkwardness, expansion, increased fatigue, infantilism, impulsiveness, then schoolchildren perform the difficulties of organizing their behavior and difficulty of academic plan.

However, as our research and consulting experience show, children with similar behavioral problems have at the same time a variety of emotional-affective characteristics. Moreover, in children with behavioral problems in the type of motor disadvantage, as a rule, as a rule, by most authors to a single "hyperactivity syndrome", fundamentally different features of the development of the affective sphere as a whole are often detected.

The specifics of our research is that the problems of motor disbuits were considered not only from the point of view of the characteristics and differences in the neurological status, but also the status of affective. And the analysis of behavioral problems and features of the child relied on identifying not only the causes, but also the psychological mechanisms underlying them.

In our opinion, the analysis of the affective status of children with behavioral problems in the type of motor displacement can be carried out from the point of view of the model of basic affective regulation proposed at the K.S. School Lebedinskaya - O.S. Nikolskaya (1990, 2000). In accordance with this model, the mechanisms for the formation of the affective-emotional sector of the child can be estimated according to the degree of formation of four levels of the basic affective regulation system (bar levels), each of which can be in a state of increasing sensitivity or increasing endurance (hypo-or hyperfunctionation).

The working hypothesis was that the self-perhaps itself is so the same in its manifestation in most children may have a different "nature". Moreover, the latter is determined not only by the problems of neurological status, but also the peculiarities of the tonic support of the child's vital activity - the level of the child's mental activity and the parameters of its performance, that is, in the first place, depends on the specifics of the functioning of the levels of basic affective regulation.

Materials and research methods

As the analyzed group, 119 children were taken 4.5-7.5 years, whose parents appealed to complaints motor and speech disbuits, unforgettability Children substantially impede their adaptation in pre-school and school educational institutions. Often, children came with already existing diagnoses, such as attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity, increased nervous excitability syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction.

It should be noted that children in whom the symptoms of motor disbuits were included in any more "common" psychological syndrome (total underdevelopment, distorted development, including asperger syndrome, etc.) were not included in the group analyzed.

In accordance with the objectives of the study, a diagnostic unit of methods was developed, which included:

1. A detailed and specific oriented collection of psychological anamnesis, where they were assessed:

features of early psychomotor development;

features of early emotional development, including the nature of interaction in the Diade "Mother-Child" (analyzed the main alarms and concerns of the mother concerning its interaction with the child in the first year of life);

the presence of indirect signs of neurological disadvantaged.

2. Analysis of the features of the operational characteristics of the child's activities,

3. Assessment of the level of mental tone (for these purposes, together with the Cand. Med. Sciences O. Yu. Schirkova was developed and tested a special thematic questionnaire for parents).

4. Study of the features of the formation of various levels of arbitrary regulation of activities:

arbitrary possession of mental functions;

retention of an activity algorithm;

arbitrary regulation of emotional expression.

5. Study of the features of the development of various sides of the cognitive sphere.

6. Analysis of the emotional-affective characteristics of the child. It should be emphasized that special attention was paid to the assessment of the overall level of mental activity and the mental tone of the child.

7. In addition, the type of assistance required by the child was necessarily estimated when working with those or other tasks. The following types of assistance were used:

help, "toning" child and his activity;

organizing assistance, (that is, building an algorithm for the activity "instead of" a child, the implementation of programming of this activity and control over the part of an adult).

Indicators of the level of the general mental activity of the child, the rate of activity, other performance parameters related to the assessment of the emotional-affective features of the child. For this, an integral assessment of the profile bar was carried out as a whole, and the states of certain levels of basic affective regulation were estimated by O.S. Nikolskaya. In this case, it was estimated which of the bar levels (1-4) is in a state of increasing sensitivity or increasing endurance (hy-in or hyperfunctionation).

Results of research and discussion

During the study, significant differences were identified between the manifestations of the studied development features. These results allowed to divide 119 children examined into three groups:

70 children were attributed to the first group (20 - girls, 50 - boys);

the second group consisted of 36 children (respectively, 15 girls and 21 boy);

13 children made up a third group.

Specific for children treated with the first group, there was a history of indirect or explicit (objectified in medical documents) of signs of neurological disadvantaged, as a rule, expressed sufficiently. In the early stages, this, first of all, was manifested in changes in muscle tone: muscle hypertonus or muscle dystonia was significantly more often marked - the unevenness of the muscular tone. Quite often, in the early stages of development, the child was diagnosed with perinatal encephaluople (PEP). Indirect signs of neurological disadvantages were manifested in this period fountain jerking, sleep disorders (sometimes inversion of sleep-wake regime), shrill, "treasured" cries. Elevated muscular tone of the lower extremities - sometimes even the impossibility of relaxing the muscles of the legs - led to the fact that, early standing on the legs, the child stood "up to you". Sometimes the child began to walk early, and Walking herself rather reminded the irrepressible run. Children, as a rule, were poorly taken by any "solid" lure (sometimes up to 3-3.5 years old, they struggled hard food).

In the stories of mothers about their alarms (in the 62-s-70 cases), the memory was most often sounded that the child was very difficult to calm down, he shouted a lot, was on his hands all the time, demanded a mastering, constant presence of the mother.

The presence of a significant number of signs of neurological disadvantage of neurological disadvantage in history, the change (as a rule, acceleration and less often - a sequence violation) of early engine development. All this, on the set of signs, can be qualified as minimal brain dysfunctions, which caused the insufficient formation of an arbitrary (regulatory) component of activity as a whole (N.Ya. Sema, M.M. Sema, 2000).

Thus, the propulsion permission observed in the children of the first group in essence can be considered "primary" and is only enhanced in their manifestations in the fatigue of the child.

Children of the second group demonstrated the deficiency of regulating their own activities on the most elementary levels - the level of performing simple motor samples according to the sample (up to age 5.5 years) and the level of performing simple motor programs (for older children). It is quite obvious that hierarchically higher and later forming levels of regulation of behavior as a whole were in children of this group expressed deficient.

For the children who belong to the second group (36 cases), the following development features were specific.

In the picture of the early development of children, the signs of expressed neurological disadvantages were found, and from the point of view of the deadlines and the pace, early psychomotor and emotional development mainly corresponded to the average indicators. However, somewhat more often than the average on the population, the change was not deadlines, but the sequence itself of motor development. Doctors have identified problems associated with negligent violations of vegetative regulation, non-bubbling nutrition, sleep. Children of this group often sick, including more often than on average in the population, in the first year of life, there were dysbacteriosis, allergic manifestations.

Moms of the majority of these children (27 out of 36) remembered their alarms about the relationship with children in the first year of life as uncertainty in their actions. They often did not know how to calm the child, how to feed it correctly or swaded. Some moms recalled that they often fed the child not on their hands, but in the crib, just supporting the bottle. Mothers were afraid to spoil the children and did not teach them to "to the hands." In some cases, such behavior was dictated by the proactors, less often - the father of the child ("can not be indulged, to teach the brand, to the hands").

During the examination of children of this group, first of all, a reduced background of moods and, most often, low indicators of general mental activity were drawn. Children often needed recharge and peculiar "tonization" by an adult. It was this kind of aid that turned out to be the most effective for the child.

The formation of the regulatory sphere of these children (in accordance with age) was sufficient. These children before the onset of fatigue (This is of fundamental importance) fully coped with special tests on the level of regulatory maturity, held the activity algorithm. But the possibility of regulation of emotional expression turned out most often insufficient. (Although it should be noted that under the age of 7-8 years, healthy children can demonstrate the difficulties of regulating emotions even in expert situations).

Thus, in general, we can talk about a sufficient level of arbitrary regulation of children attributable to the second group. At the same time, the level of arbitrary regulation of the emotional state was often formed not enough, which shows a distinct relationship between the formation of the regulation of emotions and emotional expression and the specifics of the formation of the actual affective regulation of behavior.

As for the features of the formation of level affective regulation, the results of the integral assessment of the behavior of the child and the parents' responses were usually observed a distortion of the system proportions, as a rule, due to the hyperfunction of the 3rd level of affective regulation, and in gross cases - the 2nd and 4th levels .

From the standpoint of the analysis of affective status, it was often necessary to talk about insufficient affective tonic, already starting from the 2nd level of affective regulation (that is, its hypofunction) and, as a result, the change in the proportions in the tonization of the 3rd and 4th levels.

In this case, especially at the occurrence of fatigue, necessary to solve behavioral tasks, affective tonization can compensately manifest itself in the increase in the protective mechanisms of the 2nd affective regulation.

This type of "tonization" is specific to the hypofunction of the second level of affective regulation (the level of affective stereotypes), and the fatigue "unjustified fearless" and the game "with risk" characterize the peculiarities of the third level of affective regulation - the level of affective expansion.

It may be precisely the fact that children with early child autism (the 3rd group of RDA on O.S. Nikolskaya) takes place "breakdown" of the entire system of affective regulation or rude distortion of the interaction of this particular level, such children often, especially In early and preschool age, a diagnosis of ADHD is mistaken.

The occurrence of stereotypical motor reactions that manifest themselves as a proprietary authority, has fundamentally different psychic mechanisms in this case.

Thus, for children of the second group, various manifestations of motor and speech permission testify not about hyperactivity, but to reduce mental tone against the backdrop of fatigue and compensatory need to activate and "tonizing various levels of affective regulation" by means of motor activity - jumps, stagnaya running, even elements Stereotypical movements.

That is, for this category of children, motor disbuits is a compensatory reaction to mental exhaustion; Coming in children of this group, motor excitement can be considered compensatory or reactive.

In the future, such behavior problems lead to the deviation of development towards the disharmony of extrapunitive type (in accordance with our typology (2005) diagnosis code: A11 -X).

Analysis of the state of children of the first and second groups allows us to conclude a significant difference between them by parameters:

the specifics of early psychomotor development;

subjective difficulties of mothers and style of their interaction with the child;

level of mental tone and mental activity;

level of maturity of regulatory functions;

features of the development of the cognitive sphere (most children in subgroups);

the species of necessary assistance (organizing for children the first and stimulating for children of the second group).

According to the characteristics of the rate of activity, the following patterns were detected:

in children of the first group, as a rule, the pace of activity was uneven or shall due to impulsiveness;

in children of the second group, the tempo of the activities before the onset of fatigue could have been not slowed down, but after the onset of fatigue, most often became uneven, slowed down or less often - diminished that he had a negative impact on the results of the activity and criticality of the child;

the significant differences between the children in the performance parameter were not revealed - the latter was most often insufficient in children of both groups.

At the same time, the profile of basic affective regulation was identified for each group of children:

increasing the endurance of individual levels (hyperfunction) for children of the first group;

enhance their sensitivity (hypofunction) for children of the second group.

Similar differences in the affective status of children of the first and second groups are considered by us as leading mechanisms for the detected behavioral features in both cases.

Such an understanding of fundamentally different behavioral mechanisms allows us to develop for two discussed behavioral problems specific, fundamentally different approaches and methods of psychological correction in their essence.

Children attributed to the third group (13 people) were demonstrated as signs of neurological disadvantage and fairly pronounced regulatory immaturity and the low level of mental tone, the unevenness of the tempo characteristics of the activity, the problems of insufficient formation of the cognitive sphere. Apparently, the symptoms of motor dissolution in these children were only one of the manifestations of non-formation of both regulatory and cognitive mental functions - in our typology of deviating development (M.M. Sema, N.Ya. Sema, 2005) This condition is determined As "partial incidence of mixed type", (diagnosis code: NZZ-X). The participation of these children (6 people) indicators of the level of mental tone were non-permanent (which may indicate the possible neurodynamic features of these children), and the integral assessment of the level of mental tone was hampered.

Next, based on the understanding of the psychological mechanisms underlying such types of deviating development, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe general and specific patterns of development, we substantiated the need for an adequate direction of correctional work with the children of the studied categories, taking into account the understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation violations.

Correctional work technologies for children with problems of forming an arbitrary component of activity are described in our previous articles, where the principles and sequence of work on the formation of an arbitrary component of activity (N.Ya. Sema, MM Sema 2000, 2005) are presented.

Correctional work technologies for children with a reduced level of mental tone are presented for the first time.

Since such behavioral problems, from our point of view, are due to a reduced level of mental tone and mental activity in general (increased sensitivity of the 1 -th and 2nd levels of basic affective regulation), signs of dispersion in this case act as compensatory mechanisms, "tonic" , increasing the overall level of the child's mental tone. They can be considered as an increase in the protective mechanisms of the 2nd affective regulation. Consequently, correctional technologies in this case should navigate, first of all, to harmonize the system of affective regulation. Speaking about the methodological basics of building correction programs, it is necessary to fully rely on the theory of K.S. Lebedinskaya -O.S. Nikolskaya (1990, 2000) on the structure and mechanisms of basic affective regulation (tonization) or pathology (4-level model of the structure of the affective sphere).

The basis of the proposed correctional and developing approaches is two main principles: the principle of tonic and the "rhythmization" of the environment of the environment (including through distant sensory systems: vision, hearing) and actually methods aimed at raising the level of mental tonic, for example, body - Oriented therapy and similar techniques adapted to working with children.

Depending on the degree of insufficiency of the mental tone and age of the child (the younger, the child is, the greater the importance attached to the child with contact, bodily methods), the volume of the necessary rhythmic organization of the medium and actually tactile rhythmic effects that increase the child's tone due to direct contact with it - bodily and tactile, leading, in turn, to an increase in the general mental tone.

To distant methods of the rhythmic organization of the environment, we were assigned:

Establishing a clear recurring with affective fixing (pleasure) of the child's life (rhythm). Rhythm and events of the day should be stated by the child together with the mother, delivering the pleasure of both.

Selection of adequate rhythmically organized musical and poetry works, which are presented to the child in a situation before the onset of obvious fatigue, thereby preventing the chaotic movements to a certain extent to a certain extent (which have its intentonization of the child, but destructive in their behavioral manifestations). The same tasks were often solved in the family using the drawing by a child under one or another melody. In this case, polymodal tonic methods (rhythm of movement, changes in the color scheme, musical accompaniment) were connected to the tonization mechanisms specific to the second level. In the activities of specialists of educational institutions (PPMS centers), such work can be carried out within the framework of art therapy.

The actual system of tactile tonic, accompanied by specific intonationally decorated "speech" (by type of folklore variety).

Playing simple folklore games and games with a ball having a stereotypical, repeated character.

Methods of mental tonic can be attributed to the methods of mental tonic with the mechanisms of the first level of affective tonic: the creation of sensory comfort and the search for the optimal intensity of certain impacts, which was well laid in such a kind of psychotherapy as "landscape therapy", the specific organization of the environment "accommodation": comfort, security , sensory comfort. This kind of "distant" tonization can be carried out both by a specialist when working with children and houses in the family when implementing a branch therapy system.

If such methods for organizing the correct behavior of the child and increase its mental tone turns out to be not enough, special techniques of tactile tonic apply directly for problems of normalization of behavior. These techniques, first of all, learned the mother of the child (the face replacing it). An appropriate mother's learning technology was developed (branch therapy) and the corresponding sequence of tonization techniques themselves. This correction program was called "Increasing the mental tone (PGP program)."

The system of work to increase the level of mental tone of the child was to be conducted by the mother daily, for 5-10 minutes according to a specific scheme and in a certain sequence. The work scheme included the obligatory record of the basic laws of development (primarily cephalokaudal, proximal-distal laws, the law of the main axis), following the principle of affects.

The tonization techniques themselves were the options for strokes, patters, tapping of various frequencies and strength (certainly a pleasant child), performed at the beginning of the head of the head to the shoulders, then from the shoulders hand and from the chest to the legs of the legs. All these "touch" mother in obligatory They were accompanied by the corresponding rhythm of touches with sentences and "conspiracies". To solve these problems, the mother were familiar with a sufficient amount of folklore materials (speakers, sentences, departments, etc.). It should be noted that the effect of such a "conversational" communication with children (in a certain rhythm and intonation design) is celebrated by psychologists, and other specialists working with children with early child autism of the OS Group. Nikolskaya.

Our observations have shown that for older children (7-8 years), the actual tactile impacts are not adequate to the age or the laws of the child's child's childhood relations. In this case, quite effective technology of work, in addition to the rhythmicly organized and predictable child's life, allowing to increase its mental tone, is its inclusion in the so-called folk group.

The inclusion of the mother's work with the child also had the actual tactical task. As preliminary studies have shown (Sema N.Ya., 2004), it was the mother of children with deficiency of the mental tone who turned out to be untenable in their parental position in the first year of the child's life. From here, one of our assumptions was that the low level of the mental tone of the child could be due to the insufficient tactile, bodily, rhythmic actual behavior. In this regard, it is similar to the full-fledged maternal behavior at an early age of the child is one of the main factors for the formation of a harmonious system of affective regulation in children.

Another direction of our work on the harmonization of the affective sphere and an increase in the level of the mental tone of the child is a specially selected spectrum of games (having a large volume of the motor component), with which the child can also receive affective saturation and, thereby, increase its tonic mental resource. These were assigned games that have a repeated stereotypical nature (from infant games like "driving-riding, in a hole of Buk", "Ladushka", etc. up to a number of ritual folklore games and stereotypical balls with a ball with a high affective charge for a child ).

Currently, the observation of several children included in such correctional work continues. Work continues to analyze the criteria for the effectiveness of correctional work. From the positive changes obtained as a result of a given integrated program with different children, the following can be distinguished:

in most cases, there is a significant decrease in the number of complaints on the motor disbursement of children both by the parents and from the specialists of educational institutions in which they are;

the periods of active working capacity of the child are increasing, the total productivity of its activities;

the relationship between the mother and child, mutual understanding between the mother and the child is significantly improved.

as a result of attracting mothers to work with his own child, most of them appeared the ability to "read" and more sensitive to the emotional and physical well-being of the child.

Stressing that the classes on the "tonization" of the child's mental sphere in this case were combined with elements of psychotherapeutic work, it should be noted that no correctional program can be effective outside such context. But in this case, the work to increase the mental tone of the child was the main "system-forming" element of correctional work.

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Yaremnko B.R., Yarevko AB, Goryajov TB Minimal brain dysfunction in children. - SPb.: Salit-Medkniga, 2002.

Motor disbursement (hyperactivity)

Parents often turn to doctors about the increased motor activity of the child, which is difficult to control and correction. In medicine, such states are indicated as hyperactivity or dissenting. Numerous special research as domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to this issue. What is it and why arises? Is the hyperactivity to a normal physiological phenomenon or is it one of the signs of the disease? What regime is needed by such children, how do parents, educators and teachers should treat them?

We will try to answer these and other issues, often exciting parents. The word hyperactivity comes from Greek Hyper - a lot of Latin Activus - active. Consequently, hyperactivity in the literal translation indicates increased activities. In a medical understanding, hyperactivity in children is an increased level of motor activity at school and at home. It can be as a natural manifestation of the physiological needs of the child (especially younger age) to the movement, to occur under the influence of conflict psychotrauming situations and defects of education, and to be detected from the first years or even months of life. Consider in order all these possibilities.

The movement is one of the manifestations of the body's life, providing its connection with the external environment. As you know, with age, the motor activity of a person is subject to physiological changes. It is especially developed in the children of the first 3-4 years of life and significantly slows down in the elderly and old age. All this has a specific physiological explanation. In young children, braking processes are weakly expressed. As a result, they cannot focus on one subject or one game for a long time. The desire for the knowledge of the surrounding, in many respects the unknown, encourages children to often change the occupation. They constantly in motion, they want to see everything, to touch themselves, even break to look inside. Due to the small mobility of the main nervous processes (excitation and braking), a child is 2-5 years old, it is difficult to suddenly stop their activities. If adults with their intervention suddenly interrupt his occupation, and even scream or punish, then the child often has a protest response in the form of crying, screaming, refusing to fulfill the requirements of parents. This is a physical, normal phenomenon. Therefore, you should not try to limit the natural mobility of the child. If you prevent you from a child's cry or noise created during the game, try to take it with something else, more interesting, but do not require immediately to stop his occupation.

However, parents, especially young, in some cases concerns the motor activity of the child. They see other children of the same age that can be calmer and less movable. Well, if, with these fears, the mother will turn to the doctor who should calm her and give the right advice. Unfortunately, sometimes the first advisors are the neighbors, inexperienced educators and other random faces. A practically a healthy child often give widely available sedatives and pills or become trendy infusions from various herbs. You can not engage in self-medication without recommendation of the doctor! Only a doctor can dispel your doubts, give the right conclusion about the health of the child and, if necessary, assign treatment.

Now consider the hyperactivity of children arising from various external influences. In such cases, parents note that earlier a calm child suddenly becomes unnecessary, restless, flexible. This especially often happens during the first physiological crisis aged 2 to 4 years. The cause of hyperactivity can be various diseases, including the nervous system (mainly in older children), but most often - education defects. The latter can be divided into three groups - three extremes of education: very rigorous (overwhelming) style, excessive care, the absence of uniform requirements imposed by all family members.

Unfortunately, there are still so-called socially launched families in relation to the child when they generally do little, often shall be punished, impose unbearable requirements. If, at the same time, children witness quarrels between their parents, and, moreover, one of them or both suffer from alcoholism, the reasons for hyperactivity and other neurotic disorders are more than enough. Of these families, they rarely appeal for medical help or lead a child when he already has pronounced pathological traits.

One of the frequent causes of hyperactivity in children is the opposite type of education when they are allowed to do everything and children do not first at the beginning of any prohibitions. Such a child is a kumir in the family, constantly hypertrophy his abilities. But at a certain stage, parents are convinced that the upbringing was wrong and therefore decide to change the attitude towards the child, to present him certain requirements and restrictions, breaking old habits rooted over the years. Famous Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko wrote that to raise a child normally and correctly much easier than to react. Revilization requires more patience, strength and knowledge, and not every parent it all exists. Often in the process of re-education of the child, especially if it is carried out not quite correctly, it may occur in children of various neurotic reactions, including hyperactivity, negativism, aggressive behavior. In most such cases, special treatment is not required, it is enough to build their relationship with the child to be constant to the end in their requirements.

Now consider the type of hyperactivity that arises from the first years or even months of the child's life and is mainly not a pedagogical, but a medical problem. We first give one of the characteristic observations.

To me for consultation led the boy Sasha 3 years. Parents are concerned that the child is very movable, fast, non-permanent, constantly in motion, often changes the race of classes, does not respond to the comments of others. From the detailed story of the mother established that this is the first child from young healthy parents. Father - engineer, mother - gymnastics coach, at the beginning of pregnancy worked hard at the beginning, suffered a cold illness and took antibiotics.

From the first days of life, the boy is very restless and plastic. We have repeatedly applied to doctors, but by the part of the activities of the heart, the lung, gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs have not been detected. The boy slept very poorly, and parents, grandfather and grandmother were alternately with him throughout the night. A little dummy, dummy, taking on hand. Sit and walk started on time. After a year, the dream was gradually adjusted, however, according to parents, new trouble began. The boy became very fast, fussy and scattered.

All this parents told without a child who expected in the corridor with her grandmother. When he was introduced into the office and he saw doctors in the coats, began to shout, cry, break away from his parents. The boy is decided to watch at home in the usual setting for it. To the arrival of a stranger reacted with some fright, all the time went away and looked expectantly. Soon he made sure that he did not pay attention to him and began to engage in toys, but he could not focus on any of them. All his movements are fast and rapid. Slowly and gradually joined the conversation with the doctor. It turned out that the boy reads in the syllables, the letters know from two years, although parents are trying to make books less in his field of view. Produces simple arithmetic actions within up to five. By various distracting methods managed to inspect the child. During the examination of clear organic signs, the damage to the nervous system is not established.

In a conversation with parents, it is found that education is carried out correctly. Despite the hyperactivity and obviousness, clearly knows what it is impossible to do. So, do not touch the dishes, a TV, a radio receiver, they no matter how much. But the toys in the room were scattered as it fell. It should be noted that in relation to toys, parents also come correctly: do not give much, the old one is hiding for a while, new buy not often. It was seen that the state of the child is not due to the defects of education. Parents do not consider the child by the "Wunderkind", although it is already beginning to read and exhibits the ability in the account. They are more frightened by several premature mental development, and especially his behavior.

Dan advice is not to be afraid of the early development of the abilities of the child, periodically offer him the simplest children's books, and if the boy is desired, read with him in the form of a game. It is also recommended to go to long walks (to low fatigue). In order to streamline behavior, it was decided to register some medicines. Suddenly, music began in the next room. The boy suddenly transformed, had a fussiness that had had a lot, he stood a few seconds, listening, and quickly ran to the sounds of music. Now the parents remembered another "oddity" of the child: he is simply heard by calm slow music, a long time quietly stands around the receiver and is always dissatisfied when it is turned off. And indeed, the boy calmly stood around the radio, slightly cheated his hands (as it was conducted), his body slightly swollen on the parties. So it lasted about ten minutes, then the parents turned off the receiver. There was a short-term negative reaction, but without protest. Parents noted that the child often brings a number of their favorite plates, who remembers in appearance: he is ready to listen to them without end, in which he naturally refuses, as it also scares parents to some extent.

The child's response to music somewhat changed our recommendations. Parents Dan advice 2-3 times a day to allow the child to listen to their favorite plates, gradually expanding their number. It was also recommended to reduce the child to someone who played on the piano, and allow him to "touch" himself. From drug treatment, it is decided yet to refrain. The results of the re-examination showed that our recommendations were correct. There is some ordering of the child's behavior, although it continues to remain fast and somewhat fussy.

We described a rather typical case of early hyperactivity, which arose from the first months of life. It is characterized by a special type of increased motor activity, combined with nonsense, increased distractions, dispellation, disruption of the concentration of attention, increased excitability. At the same time, aggressiveness can be observed, negativism, some awkwardness and clumsiness. A hyperactive child as a whirlwind is worn around the apartment, hovering in it the real pogrom and chaos, constantly breaking something, beats, crumbs. He is a sorry filling and fighting. Clothing on it is often torn and fan, personal belongings are lost, scattered or fell into a bunch. It is very difficult to calm it, and sometimes it is almost impossible. Parents in bewilderment - where does this inexhaustible energy come from, not giving peace and rest to the whole family? The figurative characteristic of the hyperactive child is given by the mother of a boy of 5 years, which is given in the book by A. I. Barkan "His Majesty is a child, what it is. Secrets and riddles "(1996):" Is no one who has not created the Eternal Engine so far? If you need his secrets, learn my child. " Many troubles deliver such children to parents, educators and teachers. Parents have a number of questions: why did it all happen and is there any kind of wines, what does a child expect a child in the future, will it affect his mental abilities?

These and other issues have long been intended for children's neurologists and psychiatrists. Much still remains unclear and controversial, but some issues are already allowed. In particular, it was established that with the early occasion of the child's hyperactivity, the mother often proceeded with complications: pronounced pregnancy pregnancy, somatic diseases, non-compliance with the regime and recreation, etc. It is known that the child's health should be taken before his birth. After all, the life of a person begins not from birth, but from the first days of pregnancy. Therefore, even now in some countries of the East, age is calculated from the moment of conception. Science has established that some diseases of children may arise in the prenatal period, during the development of the mother's womb. Wrong lifestyle, defective nutrition of the mother, lack of vitamins and amino acids also violate the development of the future child. A pregnant woman should never be careful in the use of various medicinal substances, especially such as psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, hormones.

At the same time, out of the above should not conclude, as if during pregnancy, it is impossible to take treatment. After all, a pregnant woman can get sick with influenza, bronchitis, lung inflammation, etc. In such cases, the appointment of drugs is mandatory, but all treatment is carried out for its intended purpose and under the control of the doctor.

There are reliable instructions on the fact that in the emergence of children's hyperactivity, hereditary factors play a certain role. With a detailed abrasion of grandparents and grandmothers, it is often possible to find out that their grandchildren also were also hyperactive in childhood or had similar neurological disorders. Similar disorders are often detected in relatives along both fathers and mothers. Consequently, early children's hyperactivity is often the result of improper intrauterine development or is hereditary.

Regarding the further development of such children, the following can be said. Based on large statistical research, it is proved that hyperactive children, as a rule, no mental delay is observed. At the same time, they have quite often certain difficulties in studying, even unsatisfactory or only mediocre performance of 1-2 subjects (more often by writing and reading), but these are mainly a consequence of defects of education or improper pedagogical impact.

Another interesting feature of hyperactive children should be noted. Quite often, in the first year of life, physical and mental development goes in a faster pace. Such children earlier than their peers begin to walk and pronounce separate words. It may seek the impression that this is a very gifted, a brilliant child, from which a lot can be expected in the future. However, in the pre-school age and especially in the first years of school, school has to make sure that the mental development of such children is at the average level. At the same time, they can have elevated abilities to a certain kind of activity (music, mathematics, technique, play in chess, etc.). These data should be used in educational and pedagogical work.

As is known, almost any child in the presence of conflict situations, especially often repeated, a number of neurotic disorders may occur. This is especially true for hyperactive children. If their upbringing is given not enough attention or it is incorrect, then they gradually occur and record various functional disorders from the nervous system.

In relations with such a child, it is primarily necessary to proceed from the unity of the requirements from all family members. Such children should not see in one of the members of the family of their permanent defender, who forgives them all and permits what others prohibit. Attitude towards such a child should be calm and smooth. We should not make any concessions (discounts) on the features of its nervous system. Already at an early age, the child should be trained to what it is impossible and what to do. Everything else he perceives as "can be".

In educational work, it is necessary to take into account the increased motor activity of such children. Therefore, games must be primitive. Given the increased distractions of such children, it follows more often to change their activities. It is necessary to give the most appropriate exit of the hyperactivity of such a child. If at the same time he sleeps badly, especially at night, it is possible to spend long walks on the eve, right up to moderate fatigue. In our example, his increased interest in music is marked with Sasha. If similar inclinations can be detected from hyperactive children, it should be used as much as possible in the upbringing.

It is noted that hyperactive children are poorly adapted to the new unfamiliar situation, the new team. In determining such a child, a number of complications appear in the kindergarten very often: children refuse to visit the garden in a few days, crying, whim. In this regard, it is very important to pre-instill love for peers, staying in the team; You also need to talk in advance with the educator about the characteristics of the child. If visiting a kindergarten begins suddenly, it is possible to strengthen the negative features of the child's behavior, he in many cases violates the general order in the group with its negativism and stubbornness.

Approximately the same can occur during school visits, especially in cases where there is no proper contact with the teacher. Insufficient concentration of attention, nonsense, frequent distractions create such children a reputation for behavior violators. Permanent reproaches and comments of teachers contribute to the formation of an inferiority complex in a child. It seems to protect himself with unmotivated impulsive behavior. This can be expressed in damage to surrounding objects, foolishness, some aggressiveness. The hyperactive child needs school in a special approach, it is better to put it on one of the first parties, more often to call for an answer and in general to "discharge" existing hyperactivity. For example, you can ask him to bring something or submit to the teacher, help him collect diaries, notebooks, wipe the board, etc. It will be unnoticed for classmates and will help the child to sit out a lesson without disturbing discipline. Naturally, each teacher will find many such distracting techniques.

If hyperactive children show a desire, except for visiting school to engage in music, attend the sports section, do not impede them in this. Moreover, there is no reason to dismiss them from physical education, participation in competitions and other events. Of course, such a child must periodically show a neurologist, which will solve the issue of the feasibility and nature of therapeutic measures.

We looked at various manifestations of hyperactivity in children and the causes of their occurrence. It is difficult to give advice to parents for every specific case. At the same time, it should be remembered that one of the main activities to normalize and manage the behavior of such a child is properly conducted upbringing and training.

What should be done specifically? First of all, remember that children with ADHD have a very high threshold of sensitivity to negative incentives, and therefore the words "no", "it is impossible", "do not touch", "forbidden" for them, in fact, empty sound. They are not susceptible to spontaneous and punishment, but they react very well to praise, approval. From physical punishment, it is necessary to refuse. See →

How, on the basis of which symptoms and results of what studies does the diagnosis of ADHD (attention deficit syndrome / hyperactivity)? How to distinguish just an active and restless child from hyperactive? How to understand, in which case, physiology is to blame in a bad and uncontrollable behavior of a child - almost elusive changes in the work of the brain, and in what are the disadvantages of our upbringing and the wrong attitude towards their own child? How to understand - he goes crazy because he cannot cope with him, or because he desperately lack our love and in his asocial behavior he sees the only way to appeal to us: Mom! dad! I feel bad, I'm alone, help me, love me! ..

G.N. Monina in his book on working with children suffering from a deficit of attention gives the following definition of ADHD - this is a "complex of deviations in the development of a child: inattention, distractions, impulsiveness in social behavior and intellectual activity, increased activity at the normal level of intellectual development. The first signs of hyperactivity can be observed under the age of 7 years. The causes of the occurrence of hyperactivity can be organic lesions of the central nervous system (neuroinfection, intoxication, cranopy and brain injuries), genetic factors leading to dysfunction of neurotiator brain systems and violations of the regulation of active attention and braking control. "

Such characteristics like inattention, distractions, impulsiveness, are inherent in any child, especially if we are talking about the only one and slightly spoiled daisies and grandmothers. But the main difference between the child is hyperactive from an ordinary child who is bored or uncomfortable or just such a mood today is that a hyperactive child is always so, everywhere and in any environment: both at home and at school, and with friends. He just can not be other. This is not his fault - this is the constitution of his psyche. He is not able to own and manage either with his emotions, nor how to manage his body (observations indicate that three quarters of such children suffer from a displex, simply speaking - clumsy). It can not be scolded for it. The use of rigid educational measures will only aggravate the sense of own inferiority, impassableness and quick temper, and without that children with ADHD.

Despite the fact that the first symptoms of the ADHD can appear from the very birth of a child (elevated muscular tone, poor sleep, constant jumping into a large number of food), problems with such a child begin, as a rule, in kindergarten and become most noticeable in elementary school. This is due to the fact that, falling into a children's team, the child is forced to obey the general rules, to maintain itself, to own his emotions, concentrate its attention on training activities that are far from always interesting. Plus, stress is added to this, associated with the change in the usual situation and the need to contact with a large number of people, to which a child suffering from ADHD is simply not capable of.

And if the kindergarten always suggests some of the freedom in the choice of activity, the elementary school strictly regulates both the duration and intensity and the choice of activities. Educational activities are greater difficulty for children whose ability to concentrate their attention and manage their behavior is violated.

Disorders that suggest the presence of hyperactivity in a child are divided into three groups: lack of attention, motor dismissal and impulsivity.

American psychologists P. Baker and M. Alvord offer the following child observation scheme in order to identify possible signs of hyperactivity.

Actual attention deficit

1. inconsistent, it is difficult for him for a long time.

2. Does not listen when they appeal to it.

3. With great enthusiasm takes for the task, but it does not finish it.

4. He is experiencing difficulties in the organization.

5. often loses things.

6. Avoids boring and requiring mental tasks efforts.

7. It is often forgotten.

Motor disbursement

1. Constantly rushes.

2. Shows signs of concern (drums with fingers, moves in the chair, runs, closer somewhere).

3. Sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy.

4. Very speaking.


1. Begins to respond without listening to the question.

2. It is not capable of waiting for its turn, often interferes, interrupts.

3. Poor focusing attention.

4. Can't wait for remuneration (if there is a pause between the action and remuneration).

5. Cannot control and regulate their actions. The behavior is weakly managed by the rules.

6. When performing tasks, it behaves differently and shows very different results. (In some occupations, the child is calm, on others - no, on some lessons it is successful, on others - no.)

According to P. Beiker and M. Alvord, if at least six of the listed signs have been manifested at least six of the listed signs, the teacher may assume that the child he watches is hyperactive.

In Russia, psychologists traditionally allocate the following signs, which are the symptoms of the presence of ADHD in a child:

1. Restless movements in brushes and footsteps. Sitting on a chair, poking, wriggling.

2. Can not calmly sit in place when this requires it.

3. Easily distracted for foreign stimuli.

5. The questions often answers without thinking without listening to the end.

6. When implementing the proposed tasks, it experiences difficulties (not related to negative behavior or insufficiency of understanding).

7. With difficulty maintains attention when performing tasks or during games.

8. It often moves from one unfinished action to another.

9. Can not play quietly, calm.

10. Chatting.

11. Often interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes with the games of other children).

12. It often makes the impression that the child does not listen to the address facing it.

13. Often loses things needed in kindergarten, school, at home, on the street.

14. Sometimes there are dangerous actions, without thinking about the consequences, but adventures or acute sensations are not specifically searched (for example, it runs out into the street, without looking around).

All these signs are combined into the same three groups:

  • excessive motor activity;
  • impulsiveness;
  • distractability-inattention.

There are only a few digit of the necessary signs of signs. Russian specialists consider the diagnosis with legitimate if the child has at least eight symptoms from the above list for six months.

The presence of a child with these features is not a sufficient basis for diagnosis. This is only the reason for the additional examination of the relevant specialists. Unfortunately, practitioners psychologists celebrate the fact that the label "Hyperactivity" is often glued with employees of general educational institutions to any uncomfortable child and serves as a kind of cover for the reluctance or lack of experience or the ability to properly organize work with children.

Therefore, once again we repeat - neither the teacher nor parents nor a school psychologist or psychologist in kindergarten can independently independently, without special diagnostic research and consultation with a neurologist and a psychoneurologist, to diagnose "hyperactivity". Therefore, if after holding another series of tests or simply after the next anticipation of your Chad, a teacher, a psychologist or the administration of a preschool institution or school cause you and "put" your child diagnosis "Hyperactivity", then you have every reason to doubt their professional competence. Maximum what they can do is advise you to contact a specialist. Moreover, it should be noted that this consultation is a thing of absolutely voluntary!

In other words, no one - no director or the administration of the school, nor the psychologist, nor educators or teachers, nor parents of other children - do not have the right to demand from you the mandatory passage of medical examination or research. On the other hand, neither the psychologist, nor the teacher or the educator, nor the director of the school or the head of the kindergarten have the right to inform other children or their parents, the results of psychological tests or any other medical research conducted in the educational institution, other children, their parents, or who would That is no other, except for the legitimate representatives of a minor child. This is a violation of medical secrecy.

In the case, if a psychologist or a class teacher in a correct form inform you about the presence of problems with behavior and concentration of your child, you perfectly start with a detailed and confidence advice with a good pediatrician who you trust and will help you develop a plan for further research, will advise A good neurologist and, if necessary, a psychoneurologist. And only after receiving the results of diagnostic studies, the totality of the opinions of several doctors (at least a pediatrician and a neurologist), a diagnosis of ADHD is raised.

We reviewed signs on the basis of which specialists of preschool or schools may suspect the presence of a child a diagnosis of ADHD. However, what does a hyperactive child look like in everyday life when, seeing such behavior, parents can decide themselves that they need to show a child with a specialist?

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the age limits. Although today there is no clear understanding - when at what age it is possible to diagnose the ADHD with confidence, all the same, most experts agree on the fact that two periods can be distinguished when the signs of this disease are most brightly manifested: this is age with 5 (elder A kindergarten group) is approximately 12 years and the second period - starting from the period of puberty, that is, about 14 years.

These age boundaries have their psychological substantiation - attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity is considered one of the so-called border states of the psyche. That is, in the usual, calm state, it is one of the extreme options for the norm, however the slightly "catalyst" in order to bring the psyche from the normal state, and the extreme version of the norm has already turned into some deviation. The "catalyst" for ADHD is any activity that requires increased attention from a child, concentrations on the same work form, as well as any hormonal changes occurring in the body of the child.

The senior group of kindergarten is already actually the beginning of study at school - regular classes appear here, and homework, and the need for a certain period of time does not always do interesting things, and the ability to restrain itself during the lesson (20-30 minutes) , ability to limit your motor activity and relate your desires with what is happening in the classroom. All this increases the load on the ability to concentrate attention, not enough formed in the child with ADHD.

There is another reason for which serious experts prefer to diagnose the ADHD not earlier than five to six years, - one of the main criteria of attention deficit syndrome is the presence of training violations, and you can install them not previously specified age when a child is psychologically and physiologically to training activities.

The period of puberty is characterized by the overall instability of the child's character, the cause of which is the "hormonal boom" occurring in the body of the child. Therefore, it is not surprising that a child with ADHD, already having a tendency to unstable and unpredictable behavior, it turns out in a more complex situation than its peers.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that the diagnosis of ADHD is rarely rarely placed by little children, specialists believe that there are a number of signs, which makes it possible to assume the tendency of a child to this disease in the early childhood. According to some specialists, the first manifestations of this syndrome coincide with the peaks of the child's psychoretic development, that is, the most brightly manifested in 1-2 years, 3 years and 6-7 years.

Children inclined to ADHD often have an increased muscle tone in infancy, have problems with sleep, especially with a falling asleep, extremely sensitive to any stimulus (light, noise, the presence of a large number of unfamiliar people, a new, unusual situation or a situation) during wakefulness is often overly moving and excited.

Already in three or four years, parents notice that their child is not able to focus on some one type of activity: he cannot listen to the end of his beloved fairy tale, to play for a long time with the same toy - just taking one one, He immediately throws her and grabs for the next, his activity is chaotic. (So \u200b\u200bthat you do not have the temptation to hastily record your too active child in the ranks of hyperactive children, I consider it my duty once again to remind you that all the symptoms we spoke and will talk about, should be permanent, that is, to manifest themselves for a long time (at least six months) and manifest itself in any situation, regardless of the mood, the arrangement of the child's spirit, the presence in the visibility zone of grandmothers and other personalities, in front of which God himself ordered to shove and show his character in all its glory.)

With the beginning of systematic classes in the senior group of kindergartens or in elementary school, parents may notice that their child is extremely non-sensitive, very moving, is not able to control its motor activity, focus on one activity. Moreover, it is characteristic that at first such children are sincerely trying to make as adults ask them, but they are simply not able to fulfill their requirements.

It should be noted that hyperactivity does not imply lagging in the intellectual development of the child, that is, it means that the presence of hyperactivity in your child does not mean a mandatory backlog in mental development. On the contrary, often children with ADHD are characterized by quite high intellectual abilities. However, cyclicity is characteristic of the mental activity of a hyperactive child. Children can work productively 5-10 minutes, then 3-7 minutes the brain rests, accumulating energy for the next cycle. At this point, the child is distracted, does not respond to the teacher. Then the mental activity is restored, and the child is ready for operation within 5-15 minutes.

Children with ADHD have a "flickering" consciousness, can "fall" and "fall out" from it, especially in the absence of motor activity. When a teacher demands that students get straight and not distracted, then for a hyperactive child, these two requirements come into an explicit contradiction. When a hyperactive child thinks, he needs to make some movements - for example, swinging on a chair, knocking a pencil on the table, mumble something under his breath. If he stops moving, he seems to be in a stupor and loses the ability to think. The immobility is an unnatural state for a hyperactive child, and he needs to focus all his mental, mental and physical abilities on consciously remain calm. Nothing at that moment he is not able to think.

In addition to nonsense and inability to concentrate such children may suffer from speech development, dyslexia, lack of curiosity (due to the impossibility of experiencing a long interest in any kind of activity), clumsy, insufficient development of fine motility (the ability to make small accurate movements), reduced interest in acquisition intellectual knowledge. N.N. Vasadenko notes that many children with a diagnosis of ADHD have violations in the development of speech and difficulty in shaping reading skills, letters and accounts.

All this makes the fact that very quickly such children are absolutely losing interest in school training, the need to visit classes becomes a grave responsibility for them, they quickly acquire the glory of hooligans, in adolescent age they can get involved in asocial activities, they quickly produce addiction to Various bad habits.

Such children are difficult to converge with their peers, since in everyday behavior they are characterized by inconsistency, impulsiveness, unpredictability.

No one can ever predict what a hypendynamic child will do, primarily because he himself does not know. Such a child always acts spontaneously, as if under the influence of some kind of nate, and although he never consciously wants an evil to anyone and does not want to do any prank or stupidity, but most often his acts have the devastating consequences, which sincerely grieved the culprit of the incident.

Such a child is almost never offended when he is punished, due to the peculiarities of his thinking, he is simply not able to concentrate on anything, at the insults - including, so he is rarely offended, does not remember and does not hold evil, even if it quarrels, then immediately put up and forgets about the quarrel. However, despite these positive features of character, a hypendynamic child is often unrestrained, irritable, prone to frequent and cardinal change of moods, does not know how to manage its actions during any collective activity (for example, during the game or training sessions).

The impulsivity often pushes the child to aggressive or destructive actions - in the attack of anger, he can break the notebook offended by his neighbor, reset all his things on the floor, shake the contents of the portfolio on the floor. It is about such children that the peers say that "he is frantic."

Hypendynamic children rarely become leaders, but if this happens, the company, driven by them, is in a state of constant storm, shock and stress.

All this makes them if not unwanted members of the children's team, then very difficult to live in society, complicates interaction with peers in kindergarten and school, and at home - with relatives, especially - with brothers-sisters and parents (grandmothers-aunt, as The rule, take their grandchildren without any conditions that they are, and all the forces are devoted to the merciless to indulge their dyatyko, "ruthlessly raised by their parents").

Children with a diagnosis of ADHD are prone to states of emotional tensions, they are very acutely experiencing their difficulties and failures. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are "easily formed and recorded negative self-assessment and hostility to the entire associated with school learning, protest reactions, neurosis-like and psychopathoid disorders. These secondary disorders exacerbate the picture, strengthen the school deadaption, lead to the formation of a negative "I-concept" of the child.

The development of secondary violations largely depends on the environment that surrounds it is determined by how adults are able to understand the difficulties arising from the painful high activity and the emotional impassiveness of the child, and create conditions for their correction in the atmosphere of benevolent attention and support. "

Parents also need to know and remember such a feature of children with ADHD - as a rule, they have a significantly reduced pain threshold and they are practically deprived of fear that, in aggregate with impulsiveness and uncontrollability of behavior, is dangerous to health and life not only the child himself, but also For children, which he can pull into unpredictable fun.

Another problem, except for problems arising directly with the communication and organization of school activities, is the problem of nervous ticks. Often, ticks and teaks appear in children with ADHD.

Tick \u200b\u200bis a sudden, ripple, repeated movement, covering various muscle groups. Reminds the normal coordinated movement, varies in intensity and is distinguished by the absence of rhythm. Tik is easy to simulate, is always very noticeable, therefore, as a rule, children suffering from tick attacks often tease peers, repeating the nerve twitching of the child. The peculiarity of Tika is that the more the man strains the muscles to not give them to move, the more intense and long the attack of teak becomes.

You can help the child in this case by acting in two directions:

  1. to teach it the simplest techniques of muscle relaxation - it is the relaxation of a tense muscle that can sometimes help and stop tick;
  2. inspire him that in his tick there is nothing terrible - this is just a feature of his body, and if possible, explain that the person who reaches the expected way - explodes, climbs into a fight or, on the contrary, runs away or rushes into tears.

Teach the child to treat himself with a sense of humor - it is not easy, but the only way to survive sweatshirts (and they will definitely, children are sometimes extremely cruel) without prejudice to their psyche - to learn to laugh at themselves with others. Laughter is the only unexpected reaction, which, as a rule, does not deliver the joy of someone who teases, therefore tease the person who himself over himself and laughs, is not interesting and boring.

In addition to all of the above troubles, many children with ADHD complain about frequent headaches (noving, gone, compressive), drowsiness, increased fatigue. In some there is an enuresis (urinary incontinence), and not only at night, but also during the day.

Thus, you see that for syndrome, attention deficit with hyperactivity is characterized not only by changes in the behavior of the child, but also the problems of a purely physiological nature, changes in the state of its physical health.

Therefore, we also emphasize once again that the diagnosis of ADHD can only put a specialist, with a specialist who has a medical education, and not graduated from part-time several universities at once, including one - psychological. Treat carefully to the one who and what diagnoses puts your child. The diagnosis of ADHD, illegally supplied, can cause serious trouble in the life of your child and a kind of "stigma", from which it is not easy to get rid of.

Parents often turn to doctors about the increased motor activity of the child, which is difficult to control and correction. In medicine, such states are indicated as hyperactivity or dissenting. Numerous special research as domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to this issue. What is it and why arises? Is the hyperactivity to a normal physiological phenomenon or is it one of the signs of the disease? What regime is needed by such children, how do parents, educators and teachers should treat them?

We will try to answer these and other issues, often exciting parents. The word hyperactivity comes from Greek hyper. - Many Latin activus. - active. Consequently, hyperactivity in the literal translation indicates increased activities. In a medical understanding, hyperactivity in children is an increased level of motor activity at school and at home. It can be as a natural manifestation of the physiological needs of the child (especially younger age) to the movement, to occur under the influence of conflict psychotrauming situations and defects of education, and to be detected from the first years or even months of life. Consider in order all these possibilities.

The movement is one of the manifestations of the body's life, providing its connection with the external environment. As you know, with age, the motor activity of a person is subject to physiological changes. It is especially developed in the children of the first 3-4 years of life and significantly slows down in the elderly and old age. All this has a specific physiological explanation. In young children, braking processes are weakly expressed. As a result, they cannot focus on one subject or one game for a long time. The desire for the knowledge of the surrounding, in many respects the unknown, encourages children to often change the occupation. They constantly in motion, they want to see everything, to touch themselves, even break to look inside. Due to the small mobility of the main nervous processes (excitation and braking), a child is 2-5 years old, it is difficult to suddenly stop their activities. If adults with their intervention suddenly interrupt his occupation, and even scream or punish, then the child often has a protest response in the form of crying, screaming, refusing to fulfill the requirements of parents. This is a physical, normal phenomenon. Therefore, you should not try to limit the natural mobility of the child. If you prevent you from a child's cry or noise created during the game, try to take it with something else, more interesting, but do not require immediately to stop his occupation.

However, parents, especially young, in some cases concerns the motor activity of the child. They see other children of the same age that can be calmer and less movable. Well, if, with these fears, the mother will turn to the doctor who should calm her and give the right advice. Unfortunately, sometimes the first advisors are the neighbors, inexperienced educators and other random faces. A practically a healthy child often give widely available sedatives and pills or become trendy infusions from various herbs. You can not engage in self-medication without recommendation of the doctor! Only a doctor can dispel your doubts, give the right conclusion about the health of the child and, if necessary, assign treatment.

Now consider the hyperactivity of children arising from various external influences. In such cases, parents note that earlier a calm child suddenly becomes unnecessary, restless, flexible. This especially often happens during the first physiological crisis aged 2 to 4 years. The cause of hyperactivity can be various diseases, including the nervous system (mainly in older children), but most often - education defects. The latter can be divided into three groups - three extremes of education: very rigorous (overwhelming) style, excessive care, the absence of uniform requirements imposed by all family members.

Unfortunately, there are still so-called socially launched families in relation to the child when they generally do little, often shall be punished, impose unbearable requirements. If, at the same time, children witness quarrels between their parents, and, moreover, one of them or both suffer from alcoholism, the reasons for hyperactivity and other neurotic disorders are more than enough. Of these families, they rarely appeal for medical help or lead a child when he already has pronounced pathological traits.

One of the frequent causes of hyperactivity in children is the opposite type of education when they are allowed to do everything and children do not first at the beginning of any prohibitions. Such a child is a kumir in the family, constantly hypertrophy his abilities. But at a certain stage, parents are convinced that the upbringing was wrong and therefore decide to change the attitude towards the child, to present him certain requirements and restrictions, breaking old habits rooted over the years. Famous Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko wrote that to raise a child normally and correctly much easier than to react. Revilization requires more patience, strength and knowledge, and not every parent it all exists. Often in the process of re-education of the child, especially if it is carried out not quite correctly, it may occur in children of various neurotic reactions, including hyperactivity, negativism, aggressive behavior. In most such cases, special treatment is not required, it is enough to build their relationship with the child to be constant to the end in their requirements.

Now consider the type of hyperactivity that arises from the first years or even months of the child's life and is mainly not a pedagogical, but a medical problem. We first give one of the characteristic observations.

To me for consultation led the boy Sasha 3 years. Parents are concerned that the child is very movable, fast, non-permanent, constantly in motion, often changes the race of classes, does not respond to the comments of others. From the detailed story of the mother established that this is the first child from young healthy parents. Father - engineer, mother - gymnastics coach, at the beginning of pregnancy worked hard at the beginning, suffered a cold illness and took antibiotics.

From the first days of life, the boy is very restless and plastic. We have repeatedly applied to doctors, but by the part of the activities of the heart, the lung, gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs have not been detected. The boy slept very poorly, and parents, grandfather and grandmother were alternately with him throughout the night. A little dummy, dummy, taking on hand. Sit and walk started on time. After a year, the dream was gradually adjusted, however, according to parents, new trouble began. The boy became very fast, fussy and scattered.

All this parents told without a child who expected in the corridor with his grandmother. When he was introduced into the office and he saw doctors in the coats, began to shout, cry, break away from his parents. The boy is decided to watch at home in the usual setting for it. To the arrival of a stranger reacted with some fright, all the time went away and looked expectantly. Soon he made sure that he did not pay attention to him and began to engage in toys, but he could not focus on any of them. All his movements are fast and rapid. Slowly and gradually joined the conversation with the doctor. It turned out that the boy reads in the syllables, the letters know from two years, although parents are trying to make books less in his field of view. Produces simple arithmetic actions within up to five. By various distracting methods managed to inspect the child. During the examination of clear organic signs, the damage to the nervous system is not established.

In a conversation with parents, it is found that education is carried out correctly. Despite the hyperactivity and obviousness, clearly knows what it is impossible to do. So, do not touch the dishes, a TV, a radio receiver, they no matter how much. But the toys in the room were scattered as it fell. It should be noted that in relation to toys, parents also come correctly: do not give much, the old one is hiding for a while, new buy not often. It was seen that the state of the child is not due to the defects of education. Parents do not consider the child with "Wunderkind", although it is already beginning to read and manifests the ability. They are more frightened by several premature mental development, and especially his behavior.

Dan advice is not to be afraid of the early development of the abilities of the child, periodically offer him the simplest children's books, and if the boy is desired, read with him in the form of a game. It is also recommended to go to long walks (to low fatigue). In order to streamline behavior, it was decided to register some medicines. Suddenly, music began in the next room. The boy suddenly transformed, had a fussiness that had had a lot, he stood a few seconds, listening, and quickly ran to the sounds of music. Now the parents remembered another "oddity" of the child: he is simply heard by calm slow music, a long time is quiet about the receiver and is always dissatisfied when it is turned off. And indeed, the boy calmly stood around the radio, slightly cheated his hands (as it was conducted), his body slightly swollen on the parties. So it lasted about ten minutes, then the parents turned off the receiver. There was a short-term negative reaction, but without protest. Parents noted that the child often brings a number of their favorite plates, who remembers in appearance: he is ready to listen to them without end, in which he naturally refuses, as it also scares parents to some extent.

The child's response to music somewhat changed our recommendations. Parents Dan advice 2-3 times a day to allow the child to listen to their favorite plates, gradually expanding their number. It is recommended to also reduce the child to someone who plays on the piano, and allow him to "touch" the tool itself. From drug treatment, it is decided yet to refrain. The results of the re-examination showed that our recommendations were correct. There is some ordering of the child's behavior, although it continues to remain fast and somewhat fussy.

We described a rather typical case of early hyperactivity, which arose from the first months of life. It is characterized by a special type of increased motor activity, combined with nonsense, increased distractions, dispellation, disruption of the concentration of attention, increased excitability. At the same time, aggressiveness can be observed, negativism, some awkwardness and clumsiness. A hyperactive child as a whirlwind is worn around the apartment, hovering in it the real pogrom and chaos, constantly breaking something, beats, crumbs. He is a sorry filling and fighting. Clothing on it is often torn and fan, personal belongings are lost, scattered or fell into a bunch. It is very difficult to calm it, and sometimes it is almost impossible. Parents in bewilderment - where does this inexhaustible energy come from, not giving peace and rest to the whole family? The figurative characteristic of the hyperactive child is given by the mother of a boy of 5 years, which is given in the book of A. I. Brican "His Majesty is a child, what it is. Secrets and riddles" (1996): "Is no one who has not created an eternal engine? If you need His secrets, learn my child. " Many troubles deliver such children to parents, educators and teachers. Parents have a number of questions: why did it all happen and is there any kind of wines, what does a child expect a child in the future, will it affect his mental abilities?

These and other issues have long been intended for children's neurologists and psychiatrists. Much still remains unclear and controversial, but some issues are already allowed. In particular, it was established that with the early occasion of the child's hyperactivity, the mother often proceeded with complications: pronounced pregnancy pregnancy, somatic diseases, non-compliance with the regime and recreation, etc.

It is known that the child's health should be taken before his birth. After all, the life of a person begins not from birth, but from the first days of pregnancy. Therefore, even now in some countries of the East, age is calculated from the moment of conception. Science has established that some diseases of children may arise in the prenatal period, during the development of the mother's womb. Wrong lifestyle, defective nutrition of the mother, lack of vitamins and amino acids also violate the development of the future child. A pregnant woman should never be careful in the use of various medicinal substances, especially such as psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, hormones.

At the same time, out of the above should not conclude, as if during pregnancy, it is impossible to take treatment. After all, a pregnant woman can get sick with influenza, bronchitis, lung inflammation, etc. In such cases, the appointment of drugs is mandatory, but all treatment is carried out for its intended purpose and under the control of the doctor.

There are reliable instructions on the fact that in the emergence of children's hyperactivity, hereditary factors play a certain role. With a detailed abrasion of grandparents and grandmothers, it is often possible to find out that their grandchildren also were also hyperactive in childhood or had similar neurological disorders. Similar disorders are often detected in relatives along both fathers and mothers.
Consequently, early children's hyperactivity is often the result of improper intrauterine development or is hereditary.

Regarding the further development of such children, the following can be said. Based on large statistical research, it is proved that hyperactive children, as a rule, no mental delay is observed. At the same time, they often have certain difficulties in their studies, even unsatisfactory or only mediocre performance of 1- 2 subjects (more often on writing and reading), but these are mainly a consequence of defects of education or improper pedagogical impact.

Another interesting feature of hyperactive children should be noted. Quite often, in the first year of life, physical and mental development goes in a faster pace. Such children earlier than their peers begin to walk and pronounce separate words. It may seek the impression that this is a very gifted, a brilliant child, from which a lot can be expected in the future. However, in the pre-school age and especially in the first years of school, school has to make sure that the mental development of such children is at the average level. At the same time, they can have elevated abilities to a certain kind of activity (music, mathematics, technique, play in chess, etc.). These data should be used in educational and pedagogical work.

As is known, almost any child in the presence of conflict situations, especially often repeated, a number of neurotic disorders may occur. This is especially true for hyperactive children. If their upbringing is given not enough attention or it is incorrect, then they gradually occur and record various functional disorders from the nervous system.

In relations with such a child, it is primarily necessary to proceed from the unity of the requirements from all family members. Such children should not see in one of the members of the family of their permanent defender, who forgives them all and permits what others prohibit. Attitude towards such a child should be calm and smooth. We should not make any concessions (discounts) on the features of his nervous system. Already at an early age, the child should be trained to what it is impossible and what to do. Everything else he perceives as "can be".

In educational work, it is necessary to take into account the increased motor activity of such children. Therefore, games must be primitive. Given the increased distractions of such children, it follows more often to change their activities. It is necessary to give the most appropriate exit of the hyperactivity of such a child. If at the same time he sleeps badly, especially at night, it is possible to spend long walks on the eve, right up to moderate fatigue. In our example, his increased interest in music is marked with Sasha. If similar inclinations can be detected from hyperactive children, it should be used as much as possible in the upbringing.

It is noted that hyperactive children are poorly adapted to the new unfamiliar situation, the new team. In determining such a child, a number of complications appear in the kindergarten very often: children refuse to visit the garden in a few days, crying, whim. In this regard, it is very important to pre-instill love for peers, staying in the team; You also need to talk in advance with the educator about the characteristics of the child. If visiting a kindergarten begins suddenly, it is possible to strengthen the negative features of the child's behavior, he in many cases violates the general order in the group with its negativism and stubbornness.

Approximately the same can occur during school visits, especially in cases where there is no proper contact with the teacher. Insufficient concentration of attention, nonsense, frequent distractions create such children a reputation for behavior violators. Permanent reproaches and comments of teachers contribute to the formation of an inferiority complex in a child. It seems to protect himself with unmotivated impulsive behavior. This can be expressed in damage to surrounding objects, foolishness, some aggressiveness. A hyperactive child needs school in a special approach, it is better to put it on one of the first parties, more often to call for an answer and in general give the opportunity to "discharge" existing hyperactivity. For example, you can ask him to bring something or submit to the teacher, help him collect diaries, notebooks, wipe the board, etc. It will be unnoticed for classmates and will help the child to sit out a lesson without disturbing discipline. Naturally, each teacher will find many such distracting techniques.

If hyperactive children show a desire, except for visiting school to engage in music, attend the sports section, do not impede them in this. Moreover, there is no reason to dismiss them from physical education, participation in competitions and other events. Of course, such a child must periodically show a neurologist, which will solve the issue of the feasibility and nature of therapeutic measures.

We looked at various manifestations of hyperactivity in children and the causes of their occurrence. It is difficult to give advice to parents for every specific case. At the same time, it should be remembered that one of the main activities to normalize and manage the behavior of such a child is properly conducted upbringing and training.

Other publications on this article:

Fears and obsession

The emergence of various fears is quite characteristic of children's age and puberty. Most often it is a neurotic fear of darkness, loneliness, separation with parents and loved ones, increasing attention to their health. In some cases, these fears are short-lived (10-20 minutes), quite rare and are usually due to any emotionally significant situations. They are easy to pass after a soothing conversation, the child appears a critical attitude towards them. In other cases, fears may have the form of short attacks that arise quite often and having a relatively long period of time (1-1.5 months). The cause of such attacks is the situation of the situation (severe sickness of relatives and loved ones, a difficult-scale conflict in school or in the family, etc.). Often, the attack of fear is accompanied by unpleasant bodily sensations ("the heart stops", "there is not enough air", "com in the throat"), motor fussiness, fiscaliness and irritability. With timely identification and adoption of adequate measures, fears are gradually passing.

Otherwise, they can take a protracted flow (from several months to a year or more), and then even therapeutic measures do not always give the desired results. Fears appear in the form of obsessions, obsessive actions. Among the obsessions are prevailing fears before infection and disease, fear of sharp objects (especially needles), closed premises, obsessive fear of speech from stuttering. With age, fear arises before the challenge to the board or fear of oral answers, accompanied by the inability to connect the material at good preparedness. Often, anxious and obsessive wait and fear lead to failure when trying to perform even the usual action.

Obsessive movements and actions can also be quite varied. In school and younger school age, elementary obsessive ticks are often found (flashing, wandering of the forehead and nose, twitching shoulders, shrimp to the nose, gumming, etc.). Harmful familiar actions are close to obsessive actions (sucking fingers, nail biting, pulp, etc.). They are not always obsessive, and the struggle with them is mainly reduced to the use of psychological and pedagogical effects.

Older children and adolescents, obsessive fears are complicated, and actions take the form of painful protective, sometimes quite complex rituals. The obsessive fear of becoming accompanied by frequent handwash, obsessive fear of getting a bad mark leads to a number of prohibitions (for example, do not go to the movies or not to watch TV for certain days, do not hit the bus or tram, which has a certain number in the room). Often, teenagers appear rituals (on test work and exams to walk in "happy" shirts, socks, etc.) and ritual items (braid on the neck with a "happy" bauble, "happy" pencil or pen, etc.) . Obsessive thoughts, an obsessive invoice (windows in houses, cars encountered on the street men and women, etc.), the obsessive repetition of the same words are possible. As a rule, obsessions arise against the background of various heavy experiences for a child, as well as children who have certain traits of character: fearlessness, anxiety, imperitant, etc.


In a more mature (adolescent), other fears of dismorterphobia may appear. Under this means unreasonable conviction in the presence of physical disadvantage, unpleasant to others. This phenomenon meets predominantly in girls.

Often, the teenager finds defects in the face (a large or thin nose, a hubber, too complete lips, an ugly shape of the ears, the presence of acne and acne, etc.). Sometimes these are shortcomings in the figure (small or too high growth, full hips, narrow shoulders, excessive thinness or fullness, thin legs, etc.).

Thoughts about their imaginary deflectivity occupy a central place in the experiences of a teenager and determine the entire stereotype of his behavior. He can consider himself with a clock in the mirror, finding all new and new flaws. A teenager begins to retake not to be the subject of discussion, the company will be avoided. At school tries to sit on the back of the paper, being closer to the wall, it is very reluctant to respond to the board, it also seeks to retire. Sometimes, to cover the imaginary defect in the field of the face, grow long hair, wears a high collar shirt. On the street closes the face with a hat with a cap or scarf.

The painful thoughts about their ugly often lead a teenager to a cosmetologist's doctor with a request to eliminate the physical defect (to shorten the nose, eliminate the hubber, "fix" ears, etc.). These schoolchildren must be consulted in a psychiatrist.

Motor disbursement

Motor dismissal belongs to the most common violations of behavior in children's and early adolescence. She manifests itself in nonsense, abundance of not suitable movements. Brown ability, the desire to run chairs, jump, trying around various mobile games are combined with such children with increased distractions, the inability to continue to concentrate attention. The child can not focus on the teacher's explanations, is easily distracted when performing homework, as a result of which his performance suffers seriously.

Along with propulsion, emotional instability, irritability, tendency to aggressive actions and conflict is often found. Such adolescents are usually constant discipline violators.

Motor dismissal as adults are gradually smoothed and can completely disappear in 15-16 years.

Almost all children are alive, restless, often inattentive. But these kids are a person familiar with this problem, differs in the eyes.

Children who have specialists diagnose a hyperactive disorder with a deficit of attention - like a car without brakes, so they are mainly leading atypically in familiar situations. And their parents constantly hear the comments of strangers.

It is very difficult to hear all the time, driving in trolleybus: "What are you for mom? How do child raise? Does he or she can't sit calmly 15 minutes? " And this children are often really hard to go into transport, "the psychologist explains. And do not understand this as ordinary citizens and teachers, even some doctors.

A similar diagnosis is increasingly

Such children, by their nature, from childhood are not just active, but excessively active. In addition, they are too impulsive - they act under the influence of their desires and feelings, not having time to think about the consequences of their actions and rules adopted in society.

"My six-year-old daughter, for example, cannot even calmly sit down and eat," the woman says. She will only take a spoonful of borscht in her mouth and already stands out of his chairs, in order to enjoy something or she was interested in what is happening outside the window. Then she returns back to the plate. In a moment - runs to another room, because something remembered. The child simply cannot focus on one thing and bring it to the end.

Also, hyperactive children have difficulties with a long-term focus on something that is little interesting for them, as a school lesson or homework. And the reason is not a disadvantage of discipline or upbringing. We are talking about one of the most common behavioral disorders. Moreover, a similar diagnosis of recently children put more often.

This disorder has many names and synonyms - dismissal in children, minimal brain dysfunction, psychomotor dismissal syndrome, hyperkinetic disorder and others. In fact, the ADHD is due to the immaturity of certain brain areas, which are responsible for the function of controlling behavior, namely, for the ability to temporarily "slow down" their desires, feelings to stop and think about the possible consequences of their actions, agree with socially accepted rules, The desires and feelings of other people and then act adequately situations.

In children with psychomotor dismissal syndrome, this braking, controlling and organizational function of the frontal share of the cerebral cortex is not developed, respectively, age. As a result, their behavior is often problematic. Consequently, it affects relations with parents, the ability to successfully learn at school, to be in the team of peers. Actually, the children themselves suffer from this, because they feel their difference.

Psychomotor dismissal syndrome you need to diagnose in time

However, children with ADD can help! Modern methods of psychological assistance and drug therapy, competently applied in close cooperation with parents and teachers, can significantly reduce the behavioral problems of the child, help him fully develop and realize themselves in society.

But if the family and child do not assist, then with the age of the problem, it can only grow and its full adult life and self-realization may be under threat.

The first and most important step in the help of the child is the timely diagnosis of psychomotor dismissal syndrome, as well as the formation of parents regarding the causes and manifestations of this disorder and effective ways to help.

At least 3% of school-age children are diagnosed by ADHD. For parents to contact experts in time, it is necessary to conduct educational promotions on this issue. It is necessary to promote the active socialization of kids who live with this syndrome.

Emotional reactions do not correspond to age

If parents and specialists will unite efforts, finally a child with ADHD can go to go to a regular school. But it is precisely the mother and dads to work hard on this result.

This is especially true when the child is lagging behind in a speech or mental development. If my mother puts the pan and the solution of only household problems, it is useless to wait for progress. After all, we are talking about severe, just titanic work - every minute, daily.

Timely diagnosis of dismissal in children Gives a child a chance of a successful start in life, adds a solebed. To understand whether your child really has psychomotor dismissal syndrome, mark the checkbox in the figure at the top of the items indicating the presence of the main symptoms of this behavioral disorder.

The fact is that the emotional reactions in these children do not correspond to age. For example, if a healthy six-ten-year-old child was offended, then its reaction will be the corresponding image. But in the kids with ADHD, such "brakes" are not triggered. She emotionally reacts as much younger children. That is why the child cannot calm down for a long time. It looks like a huge explosion of emotions.

By the way, in this case, without medication, it is not necessary. Doctors usually prescribe herbs, homeopathic medicines, psychotropic drugs. Soothing, by the way, children with ADHD are contraindicated.

Do not mark Negative

Parents who have a hyperactive child, we advise not to note some negative feature of the kids, and look for what the child can praise - some kind of talent, for example, a tendency to draw or other creativity. In fact, despite problems with behavior, children with ADHD really show special abilities to activities in individual areas, for example, in art.

It happened, Mom noticed that the child paints well. Mom encouraged the kids to work, constantly repeating: "You have so talented, you draw so well!". Ultimately, this positively influenced other sides of the child's development. Flowers, as you know, you need to constantly water!

Therefore, do not give in to the persuasion of such "specialists", which are promised for 10 sessions to solve all the problems that have a child.

Parents should know - the road to the salvation of their child is long, but it will definitely lead to the positive finale. Moreover, the participation of the father is especially important. His attention is also very important for the child. Dad is usually tougher and demanding, and this also gives a positive effect.