Fairy tale where few characters. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes

Fairy tale where few characters. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes
Fairy tale where few characters. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes

Thinkings are formed thinking, fantasy and worldview of many generations. Fairy tales not only entertain us in childhood, but the actions of the heroes of Russian fairy tales taught us to distinguish good and evil, be brave and act rightly.

At the same time, in fairy tales, high-rise beliefs, views and presentations of the people are displayed. During its development, the fairy tale has significantly changed, its functions have changed. If it was primarily used with a magical intelligence target (urge good luck on the hunt, to protect yourself from enemies or to ensure victory in battle), then over time, losing the ritual value, the fairy tale has acquired aesthetic, training character or entertaining.

Conventions remained and fabulous characters. They are types, not individuality, and therefore are described in general terms, are often idealized, exalted, hyperbollays. The main images here are always antagonistic: one embodies good, beautiful; Another - evil forces. From here - their characteristics are actions, actions, intentions, language. Accordingly, with the functions, the heroes of Russian fairy tales shall be conditionally divided on kindergartens, malignors and disadvantaged.

The largest group of fabulous folk epic make up magic, fantastic fairy tales. The explanation of many motifs and features of fabulous heroes can be found only in comparison with long-standing rituals, elements of the socio-religious mistake of the life of Praslavan and the ancient Eurasians. Let's try to analyze some of the most famous characters of Russian fairy tales.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is a character of Slavic myflogia and folklore. Usually, the ugliest old woman, endowed with magic power and magic objects. Often the witch, the sorcerer. Most often - a negative character (lures children and good young people in their hut in the curious legs to eat), but sometimes acts as an assistant hero. According to a specialist in the field of folklore, Vladimir Propppe, you can highlight three kinds of Baba Yagi in fairy tales: a donel (gives the chief hero of a fairy-tale horse), the kidnapper of children and the warriper (fights with the main character "not for life, and death").

In modern representations of Baba Yaga - the owner of the forest and the guardian of the borders of the "other world" (the trident kingdom). Therefore, she has a bone foot - to stand in the world of dead. In many fairy tales of Baba Yaga, he drove the bath and evaporates the hero, making the rite of ablution. Then feed him, that is, it makes a trianue with him. And the female image of Baba Yaga himself is connected, according to researchers, with matriarchal ideas about the device of the social world.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Water

In Slavic mythology - Spirit living in water, the owner of the waters, the embodiment of the element of water as a negative and dangerous beginning. It appears in front of us in the form of a stupid old man, a puchglase, with a fish tail. It has a huge beard and mustache, sometimes fish features, paws with membranes and horn on the head. He lives in pools, whirlwinds, but especially loves water mills. Therefore, the milbs of them in every way task, and also buried under the log, where there will be a door to a mill, live black rooster or other security attributes. Often, water is associated with the marine king.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Firebird

Fabulous bird is usually the goal of finding the hero of the fairy tales. Feathers of heat-birds are shining and amazed by beauty. He lives in the Paradise Garden, in the Golden Cage. It feeds on gold apples, with their singing heals patients and returns sights blind. On the deep mythological level is the personification of fire, light and sun. Therefore, every year in the fall of the fire-bird dies, and in the spring is reborn. In the intercultural level, she has an analogue - Phoenix bird, reborn from ash.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Zmey Gorynych

Furgent dragon with several heads, the personification of an evil principle in fairy tales and epic. It usually lives in the mountains, the fiery river and wakes Kalinov Bridge, which fall into the kingdom of the dead. The number of Snake-Gorynych's head is usually equal to three (3, 6, 9 or 12). In fairy tales with the snake, the fiery element is usually associated. Zmey-Gorynych kidnates girls (often it is princes) to enjoy. After that, the main characters comes to him for a fight, before killing his cub-guy.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Ivan-Dol

A very popular image in mythology, which in solving problems is guided by its own, non-standard solutions, often contradictory common sense, but bringing success. The designation "Fool" is interpreted in different ways. Some of the researchers consider it to be a guard from the evil. According to another version of Ivan, they are called a fool, since it is usually in fairy tales, he is the third son who does not have the proportion of the parental inheritance (hence and the ability to think unusual, find a way out of difficult situations). Etymologically, the image of Ivan-fool is associated with the image of the priest, because he can sing and play on different tools, and also speaks riddles. In the final of the fairy tales, Ivan-Durak receives wealth and princess in wives.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Cat Baiyun

A huge cat-eater holding a magic voice. On the one hand, he speaks and shifts his tales of trails, on the other, his fairy tales may heal. The word "Bayun" means "Govorun, Frame". In fairy tales, Baun's cat sits on a high post for the thirty lands in the thirty kingdom or in a lifeless forest where there are no animals. In one of the fairy tales, he lives with Baba-Yaga.

Catch the cat Bayun is usually a test for the main character who catches it in the iron cap and iron mittens. But the caught cat Baun then serves as a royal yard, heals patients with his stories.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Kolobok

The fairy-tale character in the form of a wheat bread-shaped bread, which runs away from grandparents, from different animals, but at the end eaten fox. This character clearly personifies the reverent attitude of the Slavic people to bread, and its sacred value. Namely, the round shape of a kolobka, which is also rolling, which refers us to the cult of the sun.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Koschey (Kashing) Immortal

An evil magician whose death is hidden in several magic animals and objects in each other. "On the sea, there is an island on the ocean, on the Tom Island of Oak stands, under the oak, the chest buried, in the cheese trunk, in the hare - a duck, in a duck - an egg, in the egg - death of Koschey." Often kidnates the bride of the main character. The view is thin (blasting - from the word "bone") a high old man or a living skeleton. Sometimes on a speaker and flying horse. Mighty magicians, which also allows its prototypes to call priests.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Led

Spirit-owner of the forest in the mythology of Slavs. The appearance of it is different, the breeds even opposite in different fairy tales - then it is a small growth, then a giant, then an anthropomorphic creature, it has an animal appearance. In any case, the nature of its otherworldly. The attitude of people to him is also dual. On the one hand, he is afraid of him, he can make a person to bother, sometimes refunds, can punish for improper behavior in his possessions. At the same time, it was the Lessel guard that the life of a person depends on a large extent.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Miracle Yudo

Character of folk fairy tales and epic, and even Praslavyan mythology. The positive or negative character of the character is not clearly designated, as well as his genus - in different epochs he was both female, and male, and middle. Miracle Yudo - the character is so ancient that researchers find it difficult to bind it to any phenomenon.

It may be a marine animal, mythical snake, dragon. And in the author's fairy tale, Peter Yershova "Konon-Gorbok" (1834) there is a miracle yudo fish-whale - the island.

If you regularly read our blog, then surely remember the post about creating doggy, the character of the mobile game "Evolution". Drew her (and wrote post) leading artist project Roman Amokrus Psyuyev. However, like all talented people, the novel creates not only at work, but in their free time - for the soul. Once he occurred to him the idea of \u200b\u200bredrawing all the famous characters of Russian fairy tales and epic in modern game fantasy style. The result was a whole series of wonderful pencil drawings made with great attention to detail. The novel was not guided by the characters of some particular game, the images were collective. However, it is better to see a hundred times than to read once.

Welcome to Cat, his story is waiting for you there (also see the second part). Many pictures inside!

Being a CG artist, sometimes he entertain himself by recalling how to draw a pencil. Once I spent a lot of time on the schobbook, which called Monsta Panopticum - there was a collection of a variety of monsters, a kind of charging for fantasy. But the sketchbook ended, and the ideas were left, and then it occurred to me that in Slavic mythology and Russian folk fairy tales full of cool characters, and games based on our legends - once or two and turned around. Since I have been working for a long time in Gamedeva, I am quite understandable in the main visual stamps (while I can disappoint someone, but I never played in Warhammer, online allods, Dot, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls and even World of Warcraft, which is not I prevent me from knowing how they look).

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe project is as follows: to develop-shake one topic, try to consider it at different angles. It should be in mind that it is worth trying to make our characters, but in the standard modern game fantasy style (you should not try to determine a specific game that inspired the pictures, everything will be everywhere here).

At first, it was just an exercise for fantasy, then when I began to carefully study the original sources and watch the reference books, the project was much more interesting for me, because he allowed to interpret "on the game LAD" not only stereotypes that were falling in their heads since childhood, but also First sources - Russian folk tales and epics. You yourself will see how the descriptions of the pictures differ: the more the description, the longer I spent on exploring the sources.

I do not invent characters, all of them are in mythology, I only interpret their descriptions on your own way, I try to find single features in these descriptions and at the same time I try to withstand a single style to be like a game world.

Most of all I am pleased that some people looking at my pictures begin to reread the fairy tales, the epics, learn for themselves a lot of new things and understand why Vasilisa is beautiful in the bag sitting a doll, why Water on Catom, why Ilya Murom is in the hands of a sword, And not Bulava, etc. This refund to the origins through my modest project pleases me as the author most.

I often hear that the heroes turned out to be "not Russian", they say, remove the signature - and it is not clear who where. I would like to immediately say that, firstly, I deliberately tried to get away from the stereotypes and interpretations of individual authors, and secondly, I would like to know where the canon, according to which you can determine exactly how Baba Yaga looked like, for example. After all, everything we know about the heroes of fairy tales is images from childhood, images presented to us ingenious Ptushko, Row, Vasnetsov, Bilibin. That is, copyright interpretations. So, my pictures are also interpretations, and in a completely concrete stylist. Simply keep in mind that this project has nothing to do with realism and historical authenticity. And this is fairy tales that have fallen into the world of games. My goal is not to cross our great heritage, but only try to look at him from another point of view.

Thank you for causing accession. Now actually pictures.

Ilya Muromets. Began, understandable, with him. By the way, there is a bottle of dead water on the belt, the wounds are treated. And he completely can be swirling enemies. I drew this picture from my head, just based on the types from childhood, but later, referring to the sources, came to the conclusion that it was quite pleasant to the image.

Dobrynya. What is known about him (in brackets - how I beat it). The relative of the prince (the armor must be rich), the second most popular heroes after Ilya (less than the size, but still cool), Stemeekets (magic shield, upholstered with fiery dragon leather, shooting fire), seven-chuckle felting, I swept the serpent, well, and all that. Diplomatic abilities, education and definition in the picture is difficult to portray, but I put a scroll into a belt on the belt belt, such as he reads at leisure. Immediately he has lived water, it complements the set of Ilya, from whom, let's remind, on the belt - the water is dead. Well, the motive of the Sun, like Ilya, is to serve one prince.

Popovich. Well, it is obvious that he must be Vitchhanter (Witch Hunter), yes?

Sudden twist a little to the side, to Finist..

Chero came girls. I will start S. Vasilisa beautiful (not to be confused with Vasilisa Promotra, aka Tsarevna Frog). The combat magazine, even to think there is nothing, one skull, crewing enemies (mentioned in a fairy tale), which costs. And of course, a doll in a bag, everything is as expected. A small remark: maybe not so clearly can be seen, but she has a steel kokoshnik, part of the priest.

Vasilisa Revision (Tsarevna Frog). It turned out everything was not so simple. There are already three common versions of the fairy tales (in one of them it is generally called Elena beautiful), so I decided to try to collect in one image everything is known about it. So, the sorceress. Wheels and with the help of his own strength, and with the help of Mamok-Nyanki (grandmother-nyanki, mothers-manki, etc.). I decided that the nannies would be in my version with plump flying faces. Magic at Mamok-Nylanki is separately not too strong, but if you begin to do something together - just hold on.

I did not find in fairy tales of confirmation that Vasilisa - the daughter of the wiser of the immortal (although there is such a version, and it is quite logical), so it did not make an obvious necromancer attributing. But to disperse, it seems to me, it could also indulge in the dark magic, the character of it is so ... I completely forgot to mention - she is hanging on her chest in the form of a culon arrow tip. That very.

Tsarevna Nesmeyana. I wanted to make my face open first, then I decided immediately the mask-took the show. Kokoshnik - part of the helmet. Observationary spectators will pay attention to Burdyuk and horn at her belt. Why? Because because of the ever bad mood, it is constantly applied to alcohol. By the way, when she laughs (and she laughs extremely rarely), it means that she began the attack and she becomes a bersercker, - a very terrible abilka.

Marya Morrevna. Everything is clear here. The only film - since the fairy tale indicates that she is a steppe warrior, then I slightly added asian elements.

Barbara-Beauty. Crowdders of Kurganov. Strictly speaking, this is a film character, in the mythology, Varvara-Krasti seems to be no. But, first, everything, probably, know the film Row, and secondly, it is very notable for her name, could not pass by. I think it is clear who was a reference. A bit of comments: the topories are attached to the shuthes on the hips on the belts, amulets amulets, Kokoshnik, as always, metallic are hanging on the belts. When a lot of opponents, she attacks, turning the wolf, and mows the enemies (ha ha). The braid itself may well be made of leather, like a whip, that is, it is not cleaned hair, but a part of the helmet.

Baba Yaga. V. 1.0.

Koschey. Feels souls. This, too, painted, based on stamps from the head, then carefully studied the sources and came to the conclusion that I change my head to blaspheme. So it will later be a blaspheme Mark 2. :)

Nightingale robber. Part one. Top. We'll have to explain something. In the fairy tales of the nightingale sits on nine oaks, it sits high, looking far away, whistles in nightingale, screaming in the animal. I thought for a long time, how to beat it all ("sits on nine oaks" was the biggest problem - a giant, what? Or is the oaks small?), Eventually came to the conclusion that the nightingale will be a monster rider. He will ride the ride on the oak. His scream-whistle is a sound weapon. Whistle - aiming blow, cry - a wave of a wide radius of action. He also will have a magic staff to control the oak. And pay attention to the necklace from the acorns on his neck. It is not good, this is a solution to the problem with nine oaks. Yes, many associations with his mouth are strange, I advise you to approach the mirror and try to make a "chicken sponge" - surprise. :)

Nightingale robber. Part two. Riding oak. In general, he lives on a tree, it is his storage and fortress. The branches are hung trees (trophies) and shields that are shifted if Solovy is threatened. Also, the oak has chains with hooks, which he pulls the victim to him to eat it.

The oak moves and as a spider, and as a multi-peak, that is, the trunk supports large branches, and the roots are finely moving. Moves slowly, but if it comes up - the hero's cranes. Now about the problem of nine oaks. Zhöldy - Magic. When Nightingale throws one healing to the ground, Dub-Mignon rapidly grows rapidly, terrestrial support, so to speak. I drew one of them on the left. They are faster and more aggressive than the oak fortress. Run up to the hero and louaset. On the necklace eight acorns plus an oak fortress, and nine. Oaks themselves are pretty sorting trees, but when nine oaks are moving on the hero. Plus, still a nightingale with their sound weapons, the hero must be uncomfortable.

Yes, and the scale here is a bit conditional (otherwise it would not fit), but approximately focus on the turtles on the branch, it is a skull of adults. That is, the nightingale is slightly larger than an ordinary person. Yes, and in the picture he just screams in the animal.

Tugarin Snake. It is probably the last picture, where I use a complex framework, "there is too much time for them, the characters are more important, so that the framework will be very conditional.

Lesovik. Owner of the forest. I will share forest spirits, this is the most important. He, in principle, is kind, but stern and fair, if that, maybe and hard to punish.

Visually decided to repel from zooanthromorphic descriptions, with elements of phytoanthropomorphism, for each forest spirit will choose the main animal and will dance from it.

Led. I tried to embody in this beauties the main thing, which is known about the debt in the generally accepted (and most importantly - an evil) sense. Leshego's character, to put it mildly, not very pleasant. One eye is normal (left), right usually more left and "dead", motionless. Beard and hair gray. Often write about the cone-shaped head, in my interpretation - because of the hair collected in the beam. Clothes plays left and is inside out (show in a pencil, that this is a starry, it turned out not so simple). Hand-legs are covered with wool. In some embodiments, legends he gone, in others there is no place. On the belt hanging trophies and pressing things: the skull of the defeated and ignorable travelers, the horn to be drunk, and lap, because I simply like the lapties, he collects them. In legends at the classic Leshgo, too, some kind of fixation on the naps. But if you consider that it is often described by hoofs, the question - how did he wear them? A logical answer - he did not wear them on his feet, he just dragged them with him like souvenirs.

As for the general appearance, then the justifications are as follows.

  • First, in legends it is indicated that the leather often appears in zooanthropomorphic form, in particular - in the form of a bear. There is such a statement: "The debt is not his brother - it will break all the bones not worse than the bear."
  • Secondly, there are beliefs that he flows into the winter hibernation (prevented, bear).
  • Third, what animal is considered to be the most ferocious and personifies Russian nature?
  • Fourth, how did I tell me friends from LJ - in the opinion of many researchers (in particular, Dmitry Zelenina), Lesheli can be considered the personification of Veles, whose basic hypostasque is just a bear.
But this, you yourself understand, not quite a bear, after all the spirit of the forest. From here and powerful horns, and turned the goat legs (there's hooves below, yes), and he has half wolf half (in mythology he often turns the wolf). The bearish of the skin on the shoulders and the scar at the right eye of no accident, like a huge dumina behind his back. I have a led - this is a class, that is, he is not alone, there are many of them (like loving and other forest perfumes). They are tied to individual forests, so they are often fighting among themselves. So this ledge (old and experienced) was clearly once overlooked the younger rival, received a small one in battle, but brutal injury and got a trophy skin.

Since he is still a forest spirit, I added phytometics. The leishers are often associated with the aspen (aspen seems to be indicated by demonism), so it is tested by the leaves of this tree. The sliced \u200b\u200bcores of Magic Osin are hanging on the chest, in the center of which the magic stones grow (this is a fairy tale, remind). These breast sections are Magical Leshego's Protection. Well, the roots hold the skin on the shoulders.

Well, finally, - he hangs the skull of Dyatlov. As the Leshgo Khuyny and bad, and at the same time he likes to sleep, harshly annoying knocking herds. Therefore, he is distinguished by them. Well, the rats destroys simply because they are rats, the slave afraid of their bare tails. On this basis, the lefti often swear with the woods. Those though relatives, but, in fact, Greenpisovs and generally protect any wildlife. And the leishers believe that some forest residents are disgusting and mast give.

Boloto. An overlooking creature, living on the swamps, pretended to the bodie, eats all in a row. Things to "swamp lights" from the bracelet to paralyze the victim. Poisonous.

P. S. I want to add a plank, like a fish-fish fish. Malnik long, telescopic, actually symbiot, i.e., a separate creature, lures the hypnotizes of travelers, turns them straight into the bog.

Spirits of forest. Part 1. For every small spirit of the forest, it was impractical to draw a separate picture, so I decided to divide them into groups. All these guys are a sewage retinue. He tried to make the descriptions that were able to find, but without self did not cost.

The winery, for example, is like one of the watery names. But I decided that small ponds, streams and small robes should also have their spirits, so allocated the name "Klotanik" in a separate group of small spirits. All forest spirits are quite neutral, but if they pour them out, they can attack.

The most aggressive of this group is Mokhovik, he and the legends could be fascinated if that.

The berry, with all its external harmlessness, can also cause damage (poisoned berries).

The rusticer - in one character combined the rustic and Kornvik - silly, awkward, but rather strong, can bare roots and drink the juices from the victim.

Spirits of forest. Part 2. Mushroom, Leastik, Travnik, Koustin. I call this picture "Syroezhka is late for the meeting." Completing the topic of forest perfumes and sawmill suits, quickly run around the characters and ability.

The mushroom is not a very kind character (in mythology mushrooms do not really complain, there are a lot about genitals and excrement), not very strong, but very lively and touchy (believes that people negotiate). Can inflict offenders with rapidly growing fungi. His dream is to conquer the whole world.

Herbal - Hippie. In case of danger, the offender's head can cry and even kill if it gets angry.

The leafle (combined with a stablick, so as not to produce essences) - the most innocent of all, usually acts as a support group at the rustic and Kustina, gives them additional strength and protection.

Koustin (Schushnik) - the younger brother of the rustic man, they are very similar characters and usually work in a pair. Kustin is able to remotely mastered the offender by branches, paralyzing him.

Water on soma. For this picture, I will simply list the main characteristics with explanations, why so, but about the details of the nature of water will talk in the following picture. I'll say right away: I tried to look into the image all that the Internet is known about Water, offering at the same time some of your own solutions. Please immediately, forget the song of water from the "flying ship". So, let's go.

It is known that a water - a fat old man with a large belly (done), often see him in a red shirt (I have a challenge gold ring), he has a salary beard and green mustache (here I have schitried and made him Somia mustache, part of the beard - Also Somi probes, from here and greenish color). In the northernmost nations of Russia, water is often represented with a pan. In general, Water - serious evil, and his character is very bad (quote: "The embodiment of the element of water as a negative and dangerous start"). And the main for the picture of the quote, from which was born, actually, the image itself. "He is attributed to the catfish as a favorite fish, on which he travels and which he delivers his drunks. For this soma, the people called "Chestov Horse". " Here and came to mind the idea to make a Mount Boss. Since water is sometimes seen on land, I did Soma not at all. In fact, there is a whole mix of animals (everything is quite living in the territory of Russia, by the way), who will define them all, the patty.

Separate attention was given the harness, collecting and saddles, had to be fantasized, of course, but there is no combat boss in nature, so I apologize if that. This is not the last picture of water: here it is small and the details are not visible, so I will make it more separately, as the nightingale made.

Water and waterman. Sorry that many letters, but need. I present to your attention a family photo, because of which I spent in the work of a sleepless night, so covered. Let's start with the drain, because the new character. About the waterfront (where to put the emphasis, it is unclear, I prefer to put on and then the information is extremely small, it is known that she is not a mermaid, dressed in a ragged sundress, she has a big breast, she doesn't take offense, but in general, no one does not hurt anyone, so on . It is quite a positive character. Drew it in the forty (headdress of married women) to emphasize the family status. And even this character has a key feature that hooked me greatly. "Waterman is a drowning crispy, and therefore does not belong to undead." Do you understand yes? The baptized drowned is a water wife who is actually evil (undead). There is a huge scope for fantasy, of course. And that's what I was naughnthazed.

As I wrote earlier, a water is extremely bad. He seems to be neutral, but with greater distortion in evil. It is constantly necessary to ensure, otherwise it is also the paff accomplished, and dries, and the cloth waves. However, it can also provide a catch, and save, if that, - and in my version, all his good matters are directly connected with the waterman. As his wife is essentially kind, but young, mischievous and divert, she turns the old man, as he wants. And often makes the husband to make good actions, although this contradicts his unclean nature. And vice versa, when they quarrel, the water goes on the campaign and rapidly fighters, releasing steam. The watery itself is not particularly personnel to the eyes, and in my interpretation it is not even a separate character, but simply an addition to the image of water. It is a bfaet (increases strength) water when screaming on it.

Now a little about the images themselves.

All the river spirits in Slavic mythology are distinguished by passion for the formation of hair (all of them necessarily long and loose). Waterman is no exception. In one of the sources, I saw that she was calculated by the hair with fish bones, but I decided to give her a steep comb (hanging on the belt). This is a gift from the sea king, a long-range relative of the water (Bolotnik, by the way, is also a relative, but the wild, "in the family is not without a freak", as they say). Greenwater hair is green, she herself is very pale. Her decorations are predominantly pearls and all sorts of pieces with shell and water motifs. On the belt, besides the ridge, hanging are charging, but they do not act on the water, because he is a husband. Water does not object to the faiths (even on his combat soma hangs all sorts of moonnica), but he does not wear himself, because he sincerely thinks that he is not needed and it is not necessary for him.

More about water. As I mentioned, he has a ring of wormal gold, under it a shirt from the networks, a shell plate to protect the abdomen, well, you yourself see. But he removed the mustache, because at home. On his side he has a fiftrow, since he is "grazing at the bottom of the rivers and lakes of herds of his cows - Somov, Karpov, Bream and other Pisces." He has short legs, because he usually rides in the catfish, and they are not particularly developed. Separately, I want to note the "crown". Water is described including with a horn on the head, I replaced the horn to the crown - in the form of Somi's probes sticking out of the head.

As for the abilities of water, he draws its strength, of course, from the water and from the screams of his wife. He is a Mount Boss (this means that he is very cool and riding), together with a combat cat, they are a formidable combat unit. Water uses mainly gross strength, magically can call only the lower water spirits (akin to Kelpi from Celtic mythology) - stupid, but aggressive. Perhaps there are other magical abilities, but I haven't thought about them yet.

Here is such a sweet couple turned out. In general, they have a happy marriage, live-lived, good ones. Not without quarrels and swearing, of course. But everyone probably, yes?

Sister Alyonushka, Brantz Ivanushka

Another sweet couple. I understand that many shocking this picture, but before you judge, please re-read the fairy tale. However, I will explain everything for you. In a fairy tale (in many of its iterations) there are several key moments that are united for all options. So, facts:

  1. Ivanushka became a kid.
  2. Alyonushka drowned.
  3. In almost all the options there is a "Luta Snake", which Alyonushka sucked the heart (and there was "heavy stone" on the neck, "Bela-fish eyes got away", "yellow sands on his chest", "Shelkov grass in her arms", dust, Tlen, hopelessness, that's all this).
  4. There is a witch-sorcerer, who settled all this catavation with drowning.
  5. Alyonushka from the river was taken out, "plunged it, they all overwhelmed in clean water, turned the white blade, and she became even better than it was."
  6. In all the versions of the fairy tale, where Ivanushka turned into a goat, he remained. Well, you understood what I am, yes?
First, Alyonushka, as it were, is alive, right? In my opinion, not quite. Luta Snake, according to my version, was a magic viper, who deprived the Alyonushka of life, but could not sick her soul because of the cross on her neck, and in the end, this snake became a symbiotic, giving himself to the chest of Alyonushka, giving her magical abilities and supporting in her a life. After such an unpleasant experience, Alyonushka began his hard post-tramatic syndrome, the death of the sorcerer did not calm her down, and after some time she exploded, took the goat and left her husband's husband (remind, he almost stabbed her brother). And became the witch hunt. Yes Yes. She is a witch hunter, and it is the sorcerer - her specialization. Of course, she can kill another evil, but she is merciless with evil sorcerers.

Ten years passed. Kozleshchok grimaceous ...

He became her bodyguard and a tool of brute force. Both characters are tied to the magic of the creature. Both are generally positive and on the side of good, however, they are not bend to use and black magic, unlike the same popovich, which is the right one. They are high-sample professionals, with evil spirits merciless, unsurpassed Middle Master: Ivanushka takes force, Alyonushka - dexterity. Ivanushka is generally strong as a bull (ha ha), so it pulls all their sisters with his sister plus a huge hammer, which he naively calls "Witch's Hammer." Ivanushka is complex about his appearance and can kill if someone suddenly calls him a goat.

Now in images. The idea of \u200b\u200ba little girl and a big companion is not Nova, in the same Jaggernut we have unnown, for example. This scheme simply suggested itself. Therefore, it turned out like this. Well, some details, clean for information.

- The wreath is gossipped from the water lugs (drunk in fact), poppy (flower against witches), leaves and sprigs of aspen (magic tree);
- The cross on the neck - the defense of the immortal soul. In the fairy tale, it was not said, Holly Aleshushka, I believe that baptic;
- Witches are afraid of all sorting-cutting weapons, including braids. Alyonushki bid-sickle, created specifically for the fight against evil spirits;
- Alyonushka costume is partially and very rapidly based on curvice and arrow clothing;
- On the belt, the things are hanging against witches - a bottle of spring water (a bun of someone who says why it is a spring), a bag with poppy seeds, compulsory charms and a bag with all sorts of things. Well, the semi-powder also loves the ridges.

- In addition to two-handed milk hammer, pulls with her a large bouquet knife on the side (one of those whom they wanted it), the cleaver, rearned to the "backpack", and there is an osine count. Do not peg, as usual for everyone (at the same popovich), but a really hefty count. Can ride several unclean enemies at him;
- All Armor is painted by the mark of witches hunters, so that it was immediately clear who he and why came;
- On the belt, he dangles the tooth, escaped from the first wolf-killed them (its own skin - on the shoulders), and the clavicle of the very witch, which drowned Alyonushka;
- on the shoulder puzzles hanging chambers;
- Well, at the end before saying that goats are only two horns, google "goat with four horns", see everything yourself, I was also surprised by a variety of genetic mutations.

Now about the runes. I was not lazy and still made up my "dictionary of runes." They, of course, fictional, took the Scandinavian and doodle as the basis that they accumulated in the pre-Christian writing of Slavs. And the values \u200b\u200bof the runes I came up with myself, not really looking at the real. My version, my runes, what I want, then and spoil. It will be for the audience an additional game - to read that the heroes are written on clothes. And here are the runes themselves:

I also have

It is related to the fact that someone's own son, spoiled Tsarevich, and even a gray wolf can become good in them. One of the most popular positive fabulous images is a bogatyr, which has an incomplete physical strength, resistance, courage and good nature. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich - Bogati, who were not afraid of the three-headed snake of Gorynych, nightingale- and combining a brilliant mind, a smell and trick.

Often, good animals are in Russian fairy tales - a horse, a wolf or a dog that symbolize the mind, cunning, dedication and loyalty.

Another well-known fabulous hero is the collective image of a simple Russian guy Ivan. Ivan Tsarevich is always noble, leaning and kind. He shows unprecedented heroism and the kingdom of evil forces. Ivanushka-fool - another favorite positive Russian folk fairy tales - most often it is the youngest son in the family, but the most talented and unique one. He knows how to understand the animals, and those willingly help Ivanushka to struggle with evil.

The most kind of fabulous hero

Answer to my question "What hero of Russian fairy tales is the kindest?" You can only specifying the goal of good deeds. So, undoubtedly, you can call the best Ivanushka, who is bravely going on a battle with dark forces, without thinking about his own well-being. True good, first of all, is determined by unconscious, since the hero who make noble acts for the sake of benefits, turns into a simple mercenary.

Traditionally, good heroes in fairy tales help the world to restore the natural balance of good and evil, preventing the antagonist to embody his insidious ideas.

Therefore, a real good act can be accomplished only when the hero is guided exclusively by the breadth of his soul. Such characters are Morozko, Santa Claus, Vasilisa lovely, the godfather of Cinderella Fairy and other heroes who are doing good for good, do not expect any award in return.

Thus, you can award the title of the most kind of fairy-tale hero from each of these characters, because in the fight against evil, it is not so much the ability as an intention, and the intention of each of them is undoubtedly the most than noble.

We all were once small, and we all read Russian fairy tales. Reading these fairy tales we had a figurative idea of \u200b\u200ball the characters, about Water, Baba Yaga, the Kingaisa of the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich, Alyonushka, Varvar Krasia, and many more. Fairy tales taught us to recognize good and evil. In each heroes, the jump can distinguish good and bad features. And each protagonist contains a certain meaning. For example:
1. Ivan-Tsarevich is one of the most important heroes of Russian folk fairy tales. Usually in a fairy tale, it is shown a positive hero. His characteristic qualities are kindness, honesty and nobility. In every fairy tale, Ivan helps people, the princess saves or defeats the enemy. Ivan teaches every person to listen to her heart, and if something bad happens, do not fall in spirit.
2. Frequently mentioned hero with fairy tales is a snow maiden. It is shown to readers tender, vulnerable, purely soul. Snow Maiden embodies all the best qualities that every woman should possess. Snow Maiden always in fairy tales has unusual beauty. She teaches us that everything that is done not from the heart will not be successful, and also that no difficulties should be stopped. If you wanted something, you need to strive for this, and then everything will turn out.
3. But, our children like not only positive heroes, but also negative. For example, many cause the admiration of Baba Yaga. This character participates in almost every fairy tale. Baba Yaga lives in a large dark forest in a small hut on the courier legs. So that the hut turn and opened its doors, she needs to say: a hut, a hut, turn to the forest with the back, and to me before. And then the hut will surely turn, and will open its doors. Old Yaga is a long-standing girlfriend Blasting immortal, they sometimes make up insidious plans. But, the main distinguishing feature of Baba Yaga, this is what she flies in a mortar and on a broom. Baba Yaga symbolizes insidious people who make everything from under Teschka. Children remember Babu Jagu as a grandmother in a lot with a large bent nose.
4. Koschey Immortal - the most sinister hero of Russian folk fairy tales. He lives in proud loneliness in the castle. He is also very rich and greedy. But, the most important feature of Koshiya is that it is not so easy to kill. His death is hidden in Crystal Larz, in the egg. If you take a needle that is hidden in the egg and break into two parts, then the blaspheme will die. Koschey Immortal is an image of evil, insidious and bad people. Looking at him, we see that everyone who loves money greatly, he dies quickly.
5. Water is a creature of a male genus that lives in a swamp. He is a good owner and protects his possessions well. But if it is offended, he can revenge brutally. Fishermen who caught fish in the reservoirs so that they did not interfere with the water, they needed it. People brought various treats to water, and in gratitude for this, water did not tear their fishing nets, and did not scare fish. Water symbolizes people who are ready to not notice anything bad if he will give something for it. This is a negative character, and you should not repeat.
6. Dwarfs - they live underground, working in mines. They are very hardworking. But they have a negative trait, the gnomes are too dirty on gold. For the sake of him, they are ready to do anything. People who love the money most in the world, a flock of prototypes of the gnomes.
7. The house is a creature that lives in every home. Usually the house keeper of purity and comfort in the house. People believed that if the house would live in the house, then there will always be pure and comfortable. The house is an image of economic and ambitious people.
8. Snake Gorynych is a negative hero of Russian folk fairy tales. It has or three, or nine, or twelve heads. As a rule, the snakes Gorynych erupts the flame. When he flies, thunder thunder and the earth shakes. In the fairy tales, the snakes of Gorynych stole the girls, and burned his city and sat down his fire. Snake Gorynych symbolizes bad people who are for the sake of achieving their goal, ready to go to everything.
All heroes in Russian folk fairy tales contain a great meaning. There are, as well as negative, there are positive heroes. To understand what kind of hero in a fairy tale, it needs to be understood and analyzed. Since fairy tales are very helpful, they need to read children, they will help in their formation of the world's vision.

Listful illustrated books with fairy tales, looking through the most beloved Russian or foreign cartoon films, children get acquainted with different heroes. Over time, some of them become the most loved ones.

Famous fabulous characters

Fairy tales - a powerful tool for learning children. As you know, the best children perceive the information that they are fed in a game form. Through fairy tales, they are faster and easier to understand the capital's capital in the form designed for children's understanding.

From early childhood, when moms read the baby's first fairy tales, acquaintance with fabulous characters. Little children are known to such heroes of fairy tales, like three pigs, a sulfur duck, a cocatuha fly, Barmalei, cockroach and Moidodyr. Also, all of them are familiar with the ugly Ryanki, Dr. Aibolit, Kolobkom, Kuhokhka Raby, Zaga, Pyratino, Baba Yaga, Masha and Bear.

Greater, children get acquainted with the characters of fairy tales designed for their age, and priorities are changed, respectively, for lovedant fabulous characters. Among the favorites appear Gerd and Kai, the inch, Ruslan and Lyudmila, the Balda, Prince Guidon, Konron Gorboon, Red Hap, Mowgli and Carlson. Could not like Ellie, ironwood and scared.

Heroes of the most popular Russian cartoons

Among the lovers of Russian cartoons are many children and adults. Let's call the ten most famous heroes of Russian cartoons. In the first place of the Yabeda and the Zlyuk Dyadyuk Barbidskaya. Dyadyuk with a big bow and an umbrella in his hands tries to quarrel friends. She is the heroine of such a cartoon as "a gift for an elephant" and "on the way with the clouds".

As you know, this robber, invented by Kornie Chukovsky, lived in Africa and was the enemy of Dr. Aibolit. The honorable third place occupies such a cartoon as the White Merberry Umka. On the fourth position, Cheburashka, and on the fifth - the cat Leopold. Bear by name Vini-Pooh is also one of the most popular heroes of Russian cartoons. He took the sixth position of the rating.

He entered the top ten and took the seventh place a man in the heyday, namely, everyone's favorite Carlson. The eighth place was divided among themselves the following domestic cartoons - an inch, captain of Lunner, dwarf nose and a silly Dunno. Wooden boy is located on the ninth line of the ranking. Latest place in the top of the most popular heroes occupies a bog boy - brave chipollino.

The most favorite heroes of foreign cartoons

Almost every child is watching cartoons, with his favorite heroes are not only representatives of the national film industry, but also the cartoons of foreign cartoon films. Powerful advertising contributes to the growth of the popularity of foreign cartoon characters.

By the way, the Disney princesses became very expensive in production .. The confused story is included in the rating of the most expensive cartoons. On the site there.

Among foreign animated films are many of those who have become for children are loved. They have good and beautiful heroes. Among your favorite - the characters of the cartoon "Cars". For the most part, they are interesting to boys. But girls are interested in such a character as Kitty. Despite the fact that he appeared on the screens back in 1974, its popularity does not weaken today. The spectacular and beautiful Fairs of Winx are also more interesting to girls, many of which seek to be like them. For many years, Disney cartoon princesses are popular - this is Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel.

It is impossible not to remember such cartoons like Spongebob and Scooby do, lambs Sean and Bernard, Ninja Turtles and Cusco, Bart Simpson and Mickey Mouse. All of them are known and loved by children. The green hero of the foreign cartoon Schrek has long remains at the leadership positions in popularity among the representatives of the younger generation. Ratatuus, Hulk and Ranko no less interesting and favorite heroes of full-length cartoons.

The most popular cartoon hero today

Each country has a cartoon, which is in the first place of the rating of popularity. For example, Pororo is most popular among the Korean cartoon characters. Even crying children, this blue small penguin makes laugh. Gradually, it becomes popular in many countries of the world.

In Hollywood, as is well known, Mickey Mouse is most popular for many years. For 1933, he received almost eight hundred thousand letters from the TV viewers-fans. The United Kingdom recognized that Scoobi Du is on the top line of the rating of popular Multgeroev. But the most popular heroes of the Cartoon films of the Soviet period were the wolf and hare from the animated series "Well, wait!"

Among the variety of removed cartoons, children of different countries fell in love of films about Shrek and his numerous friends. It is he who is recognized as the most favorite hero of the cartoon in the world. Several series with the participation of Shrek, his little fans are looking forward to the emergence of new exciting stories about this green hero.
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