The life of Dima. Dima Bilan: Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo

The life of Dima. Dima Bilan: Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo
The life of Dima. Dima Bilan: Biography, Personal Life, Family, Wife, Children - Photo

Bilan Dmitry Nikolaevich is a famous Russian artist, actor cinema and a master of dubbing, as well as the author of many songs that have become real hits.

It should be clarified that he is an incredibly persistent guy, since he tried twice to represent the country at the Eurovision International Competition and, finally, achieved the first place for Russia.

The guy took the name and surname of the beloved grandfather and therefore believes that he is his guardian angel. Dmitry says that calmly refers to gossip and overwhelms to their address, because he knows what he really he is.

Growth, weight, age of Dima Bilan

The numerous army of fans do not give rest such physical parameters of a young and beautiful singer as growth, weight, the age of Dima Bilan. At the same time, none of the above parameters are stable, they depend on the features of the role or clip.

Victor was born in 1981. He turned thirty-six years old. According to the sign of the zodiac, the guy is endowed with all the features of the character characteristic of Capricorn. Namely, resistance, stability, perseverance, perseverance, artistry.
The eastern horoscope presented Bilan a sign of a bright, impressionable, creative, artistic, outcast and talented rooster.

Dima Bilan: photo in youth and now changed a little, because the guy has changed the haircut and has lost significantly. His look at later photos and video became more serious and sad.

At the same time, the growth of a young man reached 180 centimeters, and the weight reached a seventy-five kilogram.

Recently, the Internet has rolled the information that Dima Bilan lost 8 kg 2016, the reasons for this are unclear. They were considered unhappy love for Pelagae, then nervous exhaustion. However, everything was much easier, because the guy from the touring nomadic life was developed gastritis. Bilan decided to eat right, promoting raw foods, as well as, engaged in sports.

Biography Dima Bilan.

The biography of Dima Bilan is just an incredible story that happened to the boy who was called Vitea Bellan at birth. He was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, but all the ornaments lived in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Father - Nikolai Bellan - worked by the usual mechanic and designer at the KAMAZ plant, and Mom - Nina Bellan - helped the elderly and need to citizens in social service.

Sister - Elena Zimin - older brothers, she first soap dishes in restaurants, and now it works by the designer, happily married a promising lawyer.

Sister - Anna Belang is the most favorite and younger. She lives in America for a long time, while it dreams to become an opera singer. The baby constantly brought up Dima, because parents constantly worked and returned home late. Now Anechka Brother considers his daughter. He removes her in his clips, sings a duet and even sometimes goes to touring tours. Currently, the brother and sister see infrequently, because they live in different countries.

Little Dimka had a subtle musical rumor, he was given to the music school in the accordion class. The guy constantly participated in musical contests and occupied the first places. At the same time, the smart boy was nowhere to do, so he went to the first class with his older sister when he was six years old. He studied Dima only on perfectly, and also participated in school amateur.

The guy entered the Gnesinka, which he graduated in three years, after that he changed his name for Grandfather. It happened when the producer of the guy Yuri Aizenshpis advised to take a sonorous pseudonym, after that Dmitry in 2003 released the first album and took part in the "New Wave".

After that, Bilan began to collect the first prizes in international competitions, its albums became popular, and the singer himself was recognized as the official ambassador to Sochi - 2014.
Currently, Dmitry constantly shoots new clips and writes hits, twice participates in the Eurovision International Competition from Russia, after finally, first place. Also, he is a dubbing actor, because he gave his voice to the characters of animated films "Cold Heart" and "Trolli".

For almost three years, a young man is a member of the talent show "Voice" and "Voice. Children, he makes a dizzying career in the cinema.

Recently, the entire Internet had the news that Dima Bilan is sick with cancer, because he lost weight, cut into the naked and began to hide from the cameras. These gossip were not confirmed, since the actor and singer explained that he had lost weight due to permanent sports and rational food. The strange haircut was needed in order to get into a new movie, and in the hospital really lay, because I operated a hernia that suddenly damned.

Personal life Dima Bilan

The personal life of Dima Bilan is constantly hidden from prying eyes, so he is trying to open secrets to anyone, except for sisters and parents. Fans often say that Dmitry provided them signs attention and did unequivocal proposals, however, these facts remained at the level of gossip and rumors.

The next hearing was the news of the unconventional sexual orientation of the young singer, as the fans began to notice that Bilan would gladly wear an earring in the ear and decorations, which emphasize the "blueness" of their owner. And in response to all questions about the orientation and strange decorations, Dmitry only smiled in response.

Journalists argue that Bilan himself heated interest in his possible non-traditional orientation. The guy reported that a gay parade in the capital was positively. He sincerely wanted happiness and success in relations with this kind of couples.

They also told that Dmitry Bilan had a second half, and her name is Rovens. This young man constantly appears next to the singer. They even rested together in hot countries. Then these gossip came to no, as the interest in them disappeared at all.

But around Dima constantly spinning young and incredibly beautiful girls, the novels were attributed to Julia Sarkisovoye and Natalia Airconia, Oksana Grigorieva and Anna Moshkovich, Julia Volkova and some Lyalya.

They often talked about the fact that Bilan has a novel with a colleague under the program "Voice" and "Voice. Children "Pelagey, but the singer put all the points above and, simply giving birth to a little Tayusha from his civil husband.

The brightest page in the personal life of Dmitry became his "novel" with the producer of Jan Rudkovskaya, who was near him for many years, helped and promoted ahead on the music staircase. Young people never revealed their relationship with their relationship, although they did not recognize them with an ordinary PR action.

At the same time Rudkovskaya suggests that Bilan is a creative project in which a huge amount of financial resources was invested.

Family Dima Bilan.

The family of Dima Bilan still consists of parents and sisters, since the singer's own spouse and the kids have no long. The guy constantly tells that he was born in the family of the most ordinary, Soviet, working. Dima claims that craving for art, music, perseverance in achieving their own goals, can help get out of any hopeless situation and raise the top of the creative Olympus.

Parents are those people for whom Dima constantly distinguishes a few minutes of free time, he remembers what they did for him and ready to pay a hundredfold. At the same time, the singer often recalls Babulecchka Nina, who saw the creative opportunities of the boy and led him to the choir.

Children Dima Bilan.

The children of Dima Bilan also did not appear on the world, although the fans constantly talk about what they gave birth to a child from their idols. The most interesting thing is that the kids have a famous singer and TV presenter, and in the near future their appearance is not planned.

Bilan argues that it does not yet think about noisy children, because it will not be able to carve out the time from his dense touring chart, so that at least to conceive the future heir. At the same time, the guy has no life companion who was ready to love him and give the baby. Currently, there are several thoroughbred dogs next to Dmitry.

Dmitry Bilan loves his critic son Sasha Plushenko, who is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and the famous figure of Eugene Plushenko. It was the blonde angel with blue eyes of the fans most often taken for the blood of Bilan, because instagram and social networks are trying to photographs and video Alexander.
And for greater daughter, journalists often take his sister Anyu, which often appears next to him and even sings a duet.

Wife Dima Bilan.

The wife of Dima Bilan on the joy of many female fans while the singer did not appear, it is not even in the near future. The thing is that the young man is busy with his career and has no free time in order to make a love romance.

On the Internet, on the contrary, there is a huge amount of rumors that relate to the marriage of Dima. As well as his chosen. The most popular of them directly relate to the Officials of Helena Kulecksky, which was a model and simply beautiful.

The whole country was watched with interest as Dmitry on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe Eurovision show for the whole world reported that he was ready to give her his hand and his heart. Fans were upset, realizing that their pet found his soul mate. And they began to wait for wedding photographs, but the miracle did not happen. The worst thing is that on one of the conferences, young people with laughter admitted that they never loved each other. The whole idea with the wedding is nothing more than a skillful PR proof of their managers.

Specified that the guy lived in a civil marriage with two girls, but it turned out to be ridiculous rumors. Julianna Krylova reported that she was not his wife, but a friend and an active fan of the singer, and some Lyalya, who said Bilan and his sister, remained some kind of mythical being, whom no one had ever seen.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan have long been already available at the famous and incredibly talented singer. Which for a short time received the love of millions of fans and, of course, fans. A young man has profiles in all social networks, including instagram.

Officially confirmed page signed more than two million admirers of his talent. Numerous photos and videos from the personal archive of the singer Quality, they are equipped with comments of Bilan himself, are devoted not only to concerts, but also photographs of sister or mother.
At the same time, instagram can be found in the last news, learn creative plans. And also, to discuss how concert tours were held.

Wikipedia, also, there is an article dedicated to Dima Bilan, in which there are proven facts about his children's years, school studies, as well as on family and personal life. There is information directly dedicated to the music clips and discography of the young singer. The article was found on

Dima Bilan is one of the brightest artists of the modern Russian pop, beloved by the listeners for the emotional feeding of love stories. If you at least once wondered how many years Bilan, his wife and children, and could not find comprehensive information, use this article.

Dima does not hide his age. It is not necessary to apply excessive effort to find that Dmitry Nikolayevich Bilan (former until 2008 by Viktor Bellah) was born in the city of Ust-Jahut on December 24, 1981. The simplest calculations will be prompted that last year Dima reached the mark of 35 years. His anniversary, the people's artist noted largely as it should be. He gave a series of grand concerts, which united under the symbolic name "35 indivisible".

In 2017, he also plans to remember its 36th anniversary: \u200b\u200ba show is expected under a no less speaking name "Again 35".

Does he have a wife?

Elena Kulecksky, Emilia Ratakovski, Juliana Krylova, Victoria Bonya, Yulia Sarkisova, Olga Rudyka ... The theme of beautiful and popular girls who starred in the clips Dima Bilan literally inexhaustible. And this is not counting other projects of an ambitious musician. And here recently, in Instagram, Dmitry laid out several joint photos with Ksenia Sukhinova, made in Lisbon during shooting video on a new song "Keep". By the way, she awarded titles a few years ago, not only Miss Russia, but also Miss World. But is there among them "that very"?

In 2015, a photo from the wedding ceremony appeared on the network, in which Julia Sarkisov was advocated as a bride. However, she turned out to be false - it was just a frame of a clip on the track "Clock". As it became known, the singer appeared more than once in public and even sang a duet with a certain Anna Bellan. But as it turned out, they are connected at all not the marriage bonds. Anya turned out to be his younger sister.

Dmitry awarded so many beautiful girls, but about his wife, and even more so about her age, the public is not yet known. Although it would seem, it's time to exacerbate and imagine finally our beloved listeners. The 35th anniversary could be a suitable reason. In the light of these events, it is even said that the musician has addiction in relation to male representatives - one day Dima was attributed to the marriage in Rivne Title, fashion model from Latvia. However, Rivnes himself denies even the presence of intrigues, stating that it is only about friendship. Dima's fans remain only to hope that in a short time he will still be able to find his soul mate (if it has not yet been accomplished) and find family happiness. Perhaps Ksenia still be able to keep the hand of the famous artist, as he asks in his summer kita.

What about children?

Dima is an active user network instagram. He then lays out the pictures on which it flashes with different children: then on the "voice. The children will light up as a mentor, then the son of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya will take a skiing lesson. So for children, he definitely experiences sympathy. At least trying to show it. But does he have his own? No matter how trying to find the answer to this question, it is unlikely that they will stumble upon it in the Internet network or on TV. About children, as well as about his wife, nothing is heard. The singer prefers to talk about creative plans and deny any serious relationship in his life, including children-patern. It is likely that Dmitry deliberately and carefully hides his personal life from paparazzi's darling eyes. And no wonder: Recently, too much unnecessary attention to it is riveted.

Video on the topic

Dima Bilan is one of the most popular musical performers of our country. In addition, he is also a talented composer. Many Bilan remembered as the most resistant performer for the entire period of Eurovision. No other singer went to the contest again after he took the second place. But Dima Bilaan was not enough - he wanted victory. The desire to be the best can be traced in all its creative activities. Ambolism and hard work brought him first place, and next year our country met musicians from Europe's expanses in the capital. For an excellent performance at the competition, the musician's name was called school music in Native Karachay-Cherkessia. Rambler called Dima Bilan the most popular person in Russia. The biography of the artist colorfully illustrates that there is foundations.

All photos 12.


We have long been accustomed to the fact that the musician is called Dima Bilan. His name can often be found on the bills of virtually any city country. But in the Certificate of Birth of the Musician, he is as well as Viktor Nikolayevich Bellan. To work on stage, Victor took a pseudonym, and in 2008 officially changed his name in the passport. Dmitry - the name of the native grandfather Bilan, to which the performer was very tied. In ornament, he often told his parents that he wanted the same name as grandfather.

Mom Bilan gave birth to a future talented artist in the village of Moskovsky, in Karachay-Cherkessia. Dima was born at night 24.12.1981.

Bilan's father, Nikolai Mikhailovich, was a lock engineer, mother, Nina Dmitrievna, conducted working days first in the greenhouse, and later left the social sphere. Dima is not the only child, he has an older sister Elena, working by the designer, and the younger sister Anna.

When a little then, Belan went for the second year, he moved along the Naberezhnye Chelny family. After 5 years, Belans replaced the place of residence. The new home was the Mayan, the town in Kabardino-Balkaria, where Dima Nikolayevich went to his first school line.

Simultaneously with the transition to secondary school, the Future Star of the stage goes to study in the class of games at the accordion. Dima is actively involved in all endeavors and acts at concerts. In 1999, the boy goes to the scene at the Moscow Festival called Chung-Changa. Diploma at this event Bilan is delivered by Joseph Kobzon himself.

After graduating from school, the singer submits documents to the State Museum. Gnesinic, where mastering the profession of the vocalist performer. After graduating from the university, Bilan decides to continue their studies and gives the exams in Gitis. Yes, it is so good that he is not immediately credited to the first, but for the second year of study.

The first video "Autumn" enters television in 2000. The clip is captured by the means of producer Elena Kan and presented on the Russian TV channel MTV. Dima Bilan's concert debut took place at the New Wave in Jurmala in 2002. Then he was noticed by his next producer Yuri Aisenshpis. Bilan won the 4th place with the composition "Boom" on which video clip was shot. The video for the song "I Night Hooligan" and other fresh hits came out after him.

Bilan immediately won the attention of the listeners with its unusual texts. An extraordinary appearance and manner of behavior in the frame was also his hand. Already next year, the first album of the young singer arrived on sale, and in 2004 a collection of "on the bank of the sky" was recorded. In the same period, Bilan begins work on the first record in English. And next year, the light of the singer's clips and the fresh single, dedicated to the new year, saw the light. Bilan received two "gold gramophones" at the ceremony of the same name.

Unfortunately, 2005 became a significant for a singer not only because of success in the work and nomination for the premium "W.M.A." as a better artist of Russia. September 20, the producer of Dima died.

In 2006, the Contractor breaks cooperation with the produce office of Aizenshpis and goes under the wing of Yana Rudkovskaya. Success continues to accompany him in creativity, despite the loss of the mentor: in Kiev at the event "International Remunerations of Music" Bilan declare the singer of the year.

In 2007, Bilan on the MUZ-TV premiums awarded immediately in three nominations with the adjective "best": for the album, composition and as a performer of the year. On the "Russia Music Awards" singers also award: for the best song, like an artist and singer of the year. Forbes ranks Bilan to the top three in the most expensive and popular inhabitants of the Russian Federation.

Dima Bilan is currently recognized as a deserved artist of several republics, including its small homeland. Relatively recently, the musician joined the LDPR. In 2012, he became a mentor of the Music Project "Voice" on the First Channel, and also tried himself as a big movie actor. The debut took place on the filming of the film "Hero".

Personal life

The singer has always been the object of romantic dreams of girls. He met her first strong love at the New Wave Festival. Bilan with the beloved stayed together for three years, after which they broke up. Later, Dima will say that this parting was very influenced by his work and gave him an impetus for development.

Then there should be a series of fleeting hobbies, while the singer did not meet the model Lena Kulecksky. They stayed together for a long time, Lena was filmed in the singer clips, and the press was still a rumor about the ambulance and allegedly already made proposal. However, to a considerable surprise of the surrounding and joy of fans, the couple broke up, declaring that their relations were only mutual PR. So it was in fact, or the couple is simply tired of the annoying attention of the press, it remains a mystery.

After parting with Kuleck Bilan, the model of Julian Krylova, who starred in his "Safety", is often seen in the society. Earlier in the clips of the singer, exclusively Lena was filmed, so that the appearance of a new girl in the video served as a reason for discussions. However, the musician claims that only friendly relations have always been associated with Julian.

At the moment, Dima with his head went into creativity, sacrificing the sake of music with a personal life. As the singer says, his work is very important for him and requires a huge self-dedication, so that the forces and time for a full-fledged relationship simply remains.

Recently, explicit news about the death of Dima Bilan's death has become increasingly in the media. The health status of the singer really causes fear of his fans. Dmitry lately lost very much. In this regard, reports regularly began to appear that he had a deadly disease. What really happened to Dima Bilan, what is the latest news about his health and duck whether the news about his death and funeral?

Health problems

The latest health about the health of Dima Bilan is seriously concerned about the fans of the business show. The young film actor and singer really lost weight, he had cheeks, in addition, Dmitry bald. Because of this, rumors crawled around that Bilan Cancer. In March 2018, the latest news about the death of Dima Bilan began to appear in the media. The causes of death were called several ... Some of the publications wrote that the actor and singer died in a terrible catastrophe, others relying on the fact that Dmitry still did not cope with his fatal ailment.

After such information, journalists of authoritative publishers began to look for access to official representatives of the singer. There was no limit to their surprise. It turned out that with Dmitry not only everything is in perfect order, but it is also on vacation in Spain. Photos about this, he regularly places in instagram.

The concert director of the singer assured the press that all the planned trips will pass according to plan. But it did not stop some press representatives. A trip to Iceland was issued for departure for treatment from the deadly disease. Fans are very worried about the health of their idol. They are actively trying to support it in social networks, from all over the world it is sent to various gifts.

Bilan himself talks about his appearance that the changes that happened are in no way related to his health. Just fashion does not stand still, long hair and beard went into the past. And he seeks to support fashion trends.

Weight loss himself explains the change in the power mode. Doctors were put by Dmitry diagnosis - gastritis. This disease requires diet, restriction in the use of certain products. As a result, compliance with all the recommendations of doctors led to the fact that Bilan's weight began to decline.

Termination of tour

The latest news about the death of Dima Bilan in 2018 was also associated with the fact that the singer stopped leaving towards touring. The changed appearance, the lack of concerts entailed a large number of rumors. The reason turned out to be simple banality.

Dmitry consciously took a short-term vacation. Because of the stomach problems, he had to go for treatment. As you know, gastritis is a fairly serious illness that requires a whole complex of treatment. This is not only the right nutrition, but also calm, full-fledged rest. This is not combined with touring in different cities. Therefore, Dmitry was forced to temporarily stop giving concerts.

After careful treatment, Bilan decided to relax. Full strength and energy now the singer is ready for new creative successes. A plan of touring concerts has already been drawn up for the entire autumn of 2018. The coma of that, Dima works over the release of a new album, three songs have already come. During Dmitry's rest, there was a lot of time to reflect on her life, rethink her. The new philosophy helped him inspire new compositions.

According to the singer himself, today he has no serious health problems. The latest news in their death and cancer Bilan Dima himself perceives with irritation. No one gives hearing a rumor about the funeral and deadly diseases.

Chronic insomnia

In order to dispel rumors about his approaching death, the singer was organized a tour called "Healthy, and thank God, alive." The only thing that Dmitry complains during the interview, it is on chronic fatigue, which is associated with sleep disorders. For many years, Bilan has suffered from insomnia. He often writes about it in his microblog.

Sleep impairment at the singer is caused by the fact that he does not know how to relax. Dmitry all the time thinks about unfinished affairs. As Dima himself writes, for the first time in many years he could hardly sleep on tour under Cheboksara. As Bilan says, on the eve of this night he managed to finish all his affairs. Apparently, the complete feeling of freedom from everyday problems, let the singer relax.

Bilan is sick cancer

The latest news about the funeral of Dima Bilan is primarily associated with rumors about its disease cancer. The situation itself, Dmitry aggravated personally, completely replacing the image and getting rid of beard and hair. Bilan left part in the TV project "Voice" for health.

As it turned out, Dmitry diagnosed intervertebral hernias. The singer is required operation, in this regard, he was forced to temporarily suspend participation in the body of the project. But with the oncological disease it is in no way connected. Pains were really terrible. Dmitry found five hernia. He confessed this in September 2018.

But despite this, Dmitry on September 1 issued a new video into refutation to all rumors about his death. On the frames of the clip it is clear that the singer not only feels great, but also time to pay time for travel. Because of the hernia, Bilan often hurts a hand, but the disease in itself does not represent mortal danger. The latest news about Dima Bilan suggest that he still has an operation to remove hernia. But it needs to be prepared. So far, because of this I had to go participation in the "Voice" project. But Bilan plans to return as soon as health problems will be solved.

What says Bilan himself about his health

Dmitry Bilan is very tired of the latest news about his death and funeral. On this occasion, he gave an interview in Sochi at the New Wave Competition. At this time, Bilan looked no longer so thin, as it was described by rumors. Dmitry his health comments in this way. In recent years, he had to face working with a huge number of people. Dima tired of such communication and morally and physically. Bilan says that he is a very susceptible person. He adapts on all emotions, first of all negative.

Dmitry believes that he had problems with his back because of the project "Voice". The Jury program sits back to performers, and each of them sends their impulses. So hit Bilan Hernia. Television, according to Bilan, a very hard thing. All the people who work here quickly come to moral and physical exhaustion.

The hernia began to disturb Dmitry very much. They counted as many as five pieces. The pain was so strong that the singer could not sleep normally. I had to constantly look for a convenient position. Hand hung my hand because of problems with the back. In a dream it was necessary to constantly lay it in such a way as to reduce pain. Dmitry could not bended, could not even close the wallet.

Dmitry's health problems perceives their health problems. The two and a half months, which he spent on treatment, he had such a huge amount of free time, which was never. Dmitry spent it in full immersion in himself. He was able to understand a lot for himself, rethink. The middle-aged crisis is imposed on it. At this time, Dima turned 35 years old. Dmitry himself suggests that he felt very clearly crisis. Maybe in 40 years he will speak quite differently, but at the moment he feels the complete rethinking of all his life.

These two and a half months as if gave Bilan the opportunity to be born again. He rethought his behavior from all sides. And in the end, after all these reflections, a very interesting album comes out. It invested all new emotions that Singer felt. It is very good for music. Each album should have a mood, its own trend. He tried and he managed.

Bilan plans to give most of his time on filming in the cinema. He was already shot in several paintings. According to Bilan, it is so delaying occupation, from which it is simply impossible to get out. The next year he wants to devote to shooting, as he has already received a lot of decent proposals. Death of Dima Bilan is a duck, he is full of plans for the future ...

But the rumors about death have their own positive parties. Dmitry is very pleasant how his fans and fans react to this news. How many experiences can be seen on their part. The singer boil with letters, messages, gifts. Yes, and black PR makes her job. Whatever the rumor, for the star is an opportunity to be in sight.

Rumors about Dima Bilan

The identity of the sex symbol show business has always been covered with secrets and rumors. Yellow press loves to invent all sorts of incredible stories. And every year this piggyback is replenished:

  1. Bilan and drugs. In 2009, Dmitry Bilan was named Ksenia Sobchak addict. On the same topic was the acute statement of Timati, who said that Bilan was the reason why drugs are so popular among adolescents. In denial, Dmitry takes part in shares with the support of the Federal Drug Control Service. Bilan says that he is not indifferent than and how young people live now. It originated from him after he became the leading "voice" program. The singer believes that all the problems of young people occur due to ignorance, inexperience.
  2. Orientation - a lot of ridiculous rumors always spin around the orientation of the singer. In the media information about the fact that the singer has a same-sex marriage in Riga, he was seen in the company of the Bolshoi Theater artists, which are famous for non-traditional orientation. In the fight against rumors, Dmitry had to abandon participation in the advertising shooting of Dolce & Gabbana. This is due to the fact that all brand models are homosexuals.
  3. The most popular latest news in 2018 were Dima Bilan? The press managed not only to come up with a deadly diagnosis of a young singer, but also to arrange a funeral.

Bilan Dmitry Nikolaevich is a famous Russian artist, actor cinema and a master of dubbing, as well as the author of many songs that have become real hits.

It should be clarified that he is an incredibly persistent guy, since he tried twice to represent the country at the Eurovision International Competition and, finally, achieved the first place for Russia.

The guy took the name and surname of the beloved grandfather and therefore believes that he is his guardian angel. Dmitry says that calmly refers to gossip and overwhelms to their address, because he knows what he really he is.

The numerous army of fans do not give rest such physical parameters of a young and beautiful singer as growth, weight, the age of Dima Bilan. At the same time, none of the above parameters are stable, they depend on the features of the role or clip.

Victor was born in 1981. He turned thirty-six years old. According to the sign of the zodiac, the guy is endowed with all the features of the character characteristic of Capricorn. Namely, resistance, stability, perseverance, perseverance, artistry.
The eastern horoscope presented Bilan a sign of a bright, impressionable, creative, artistic, outcast and talented rooster.

Dima Bilan: photo in youth and now changed a little, because the guy has changed the haircut and has lost significantly. His look at later photos and video became more serious and sad.

At the same time, the growth of a young man reached 180 centimeters, and the weight reached a seventy-five kilogram.

Recently, the Internet has rolled the information that Dima Bilan lost 8 kg 2016, the reasons for this are unclear. They were considered unhappy love for Pelagae, then nervous exhaustion. However, everything was much easier, because the guy from the touring nomadic life was developed gastritis. Bilan decided to eat right, promoting raw foods, as well as, engaged in sports.

Biography Dima Bilan.

The biography of Dima Bilan is just an incredible story that happened to the boy who was called Vitea Bellan at birth. He was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, but all the ornaments lived in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Father - Nikolai Bellan - worked by the usual mechanic and designer at the KAMAZ plant, and Mom - Nina Bellan - helped the elderly and need to citizens in social service.

Sister - Elena Zimin - older brothers, she first soap dishes in restaurants, and now it works by the designer, happily married a promising lawyer.

Sister - Anna Belang is the most favorite and younger. She lives in America for a long time, while it dreams to become an opera singer. The baby constantly brought up Dima, because parents constantly worked and returned home late. Now Anechka Brother considers his daughter. He removes her in his clips, sings a duet and even sometimes goes to touring tours. Currently, the brother and sister see infrequently, because they live in different countries.

Little Dimka had a subtle musical rumor, he was given to the music school in the accordion class. The guy constantly participated in musical contests and occupied the first places. At the same time, the smart boy was nowhere to do, so he went to the first class with his older sister when he was six years old. He studied Dima only on perfectly, and also participated in school amateur.

The guy entered the Gnesinka, which he graduated in three years, after that he changed his name for Grandfather. It happened when the producer of the guy Yuri Aizenshpis advised to take a sonorous pseudonym, after that Dmitry in 2003 released the first album and took part in the "New Wave".

After that, Bilan began to collect the first prizes in international competitions, its albums became popular, and the singer himself was recognized as the official ambassador to Sochi - 2014.
Currently, Dmitry constantly shoots new clips and writes hits, twice participates in the Eurovision International Competition from Russia, after finally, first place. Also, he is a dubbing actor, because he gave his voice to the characters of animated films "Cold Heart" and "Trolli".

For almost three years, a young man is a member of the talent show "Voice" and "Voice. Children, he makes a dizzying career in the cinema.

Recently, the entire Internet had the news that Dima Bilan is sick with cancer, because he lost weight, cut into the naked and began to hide from the cameras. These gossip were not confirmed, since the actor and singer explained that he had lost weight due to permanent sports and rational food. The strange haircut was needed in order to get into a new movie, and in the hospital really lay, because I operated a hernia that suddenly damned.

Personal life Dima Bilan

The personal life of Dima Bilan is constantly hidden from prying eyes, so he is trying to open secrets to anyone, except for sisters and parents. Fans often say that Dmitry provided them signs attention and did unequivocal proposals, however, these facts remained at the level of gossip and rumors.

The next hearing was the news of the unconventional sexual orientation of the young singer, as the fans began to notice that Bilan would gladly wear an earring in the ear and decorations, which emphasize the "blueness" of their owner. And in response to all questions about the orientation and strange decorations, Dmitry only smiled in response.

Journalists argue that Bilan himself heated interest in his possible non-traditional orientation. The guy reported that a gay parade in the capital was positively. He sincerely wanted happiness and success in relations with this kind of couples.

They also told that Dmitry Bilan had a second half, and her name is Rovens. This young man constantly appears next to the singer. They even rested together in hot countries. Then these gossip came to no, as the interest in them disappeared at all.

But around Dima constantly spinning young and incredibly beautiful girls, the novels were attributed to Julia Sarkisovoye and Natalia Airconia, Oksana Grigorieva and Anna Moshkovich, Julia Volkova and some Lyalya.

They often talked about the fact that Bilan has a novel with a colleague under the program "Voice" and "Voice. Children "Pelagey, but the singer put all the points above and, simply giving birth to a little Tayusha from his civil husband.

The brightest page in the personal life of Dmitry became his "novel" with the producer of Jan Rudkovskaya, who was near him for many years, helped and promoted ahead on the music staircase. Young people never revealed their relationship with their relationship, although they did not recognize them with an ordinary PR action.

At the same time Rudkovskaya suggests that Bilan is a creative project in which a huge amount of financial resources was invested.

Family Dima Bilan.

The family of Dima Bilan still consists of parents and sisters, since the singer's own spouse and the kids have no long. The guy constantly tells that he was born in the family of the most ordinary, Soviet, working. Dima claims that craving for art, music, perseverance in achieving their own goals, can help get out of any hopeless situation and raise the top of the creative Olympus.

Parents are those people for whom Dima constantly distinguishes a few minutes of free time, he remembers what they did for him and ready to pay a hundredfold. At the same time, the singer often recalls Babulecchka Nina, who saw the creative opportunities of the boy and led him to the choir.

Children Dima Bilan.

The children of Dima Bilan also did not appear on the world, although the fans constantly talk about what they gave birth to a child from their idols. The most interesting thing is that the kids have a famous singer and TV presenter, and in the near future their appearance is not planned.

Bilan argues that it does not yet think about noisy children, because it will not be able to carve out the time from his dense touring chart, so that at least to conceive the future heir. At the same time, the guy has no life companion who was ready to love him and give the baby. Currently, there are several thoroughbred dogs next to Dmitry.

Dmitry Bilan loves his critic son Sasha Plushenko, who is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and the famous figure of Eugene Plushenko. It was the blonde angel with blue eyes of the fans most often taken for the blood of Bilan, because instagram and social networks are trying to photographs and video Alexander.
And for greater daughter, journalists often take his sister Anyu, which often appears next to him and even sings a duet.

Wife Dima Bilan.

The wife of Dima Bilan on the joy of many female fans while the singer did not appear, it is not even in the near future. The thing is that the young man is busy with his career and has no free time in order to make a love romance.

On the Internet, on the contrary, there is a huge amount of rumors that relate to the marriage of Dima. As well as his chosen. The most popular of them directly relate to the Officials of Helena Kulecksky, which was a model and simply beautiful.

The whole country was watched with interest as Dmitry on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe Eurovision show for the whole world reported that he was ready to give her his hand and his heart. Fans were upset, realizing that their pet found his soul mate. And they began to wait for wedding photographs, but the miracle did not happen. The worst thing is that on one of the conferences, young people with laughter admitted that they never loved each other. The whole idea with the wedding is nothing more than a skillful PR proof of their managers.

Specified that the guy lived in a civil marriage with two girls, but it turned out to be ridiculous rumors. Julianna Krylova reported that she was not his wife, but a friend and an active fan of the singer, and some Lyalya, who said Bilan and his sister, remained some kind of mythical being, whom no one had ever seen.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan have long been already available at the famous and incredibly talented singer. Which for a short time received the love of millions of fans and, of course, fans. A young man has profiles in all social networks, including instagram.

Officially confirmed page signed more than two million admirers of his talent. Numerous photos and videos from the personal archive of the singer Quality, they are equipped with comments of Bilan himself, are devoted not only to concerts, but also photographs of sister or mother.
At the same time, instagram can be found in the last news, learn creative plans. And also, to discuss how concert tours were held.

Wikipedia, also, there is an article dedicated to Dima Bilan, in which there are proven facts about his children's years, school studies, as well as on family and personal life. There is information directly dedicated to the music clips and discography of the young singer.