Why is divination by hand dangerous? Short life line? In fact, life is short, or is it a myth.

Why is divination by hand dangerous?  Short life line?  In fact, life is short, or is it a myth.
Why is divination by hand dangerous? Short life line? In fact, life is short, or is it a myth.

Although, not surprisingly, horoscopes that promise mountains of gold, fortune-tellers, prophesying the fate of people by hand and other remarkable personalities have greatly spoiled the reputation of these sciences. Let's consider the question: "Palmistry - truth or fiction?"

What is palmistry?

In my opinion, there are several problems due to which people consider palmistry to be a lie:

  1. Occult sciences, as well as esoteric ones, have become a great way to “Cut the dough” on naive lay people.
  2. A person, in the past, believed the palmist and his prediction did not come true.

On the first point, for sure, you yourself know that many schools of esotericism, occultism, magic practice, and self-development have now opened. It is unlikely that this will break the veil, but, nevertheless, the goal of almost all these schools is to pump money out of a person and nothing more.

Yes, perhaps they give some grains of knowledge, but most of them are just an educational program that can be passed for free on the same Internet.

However, I will not mow everyone with the same brush, there are good communities that really provide valuable information, but they can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Let's add here various charlatans, fortune-tellers, gypsies and get the “Atmospheric” combination. All this I am leading to the fact that most people are not so naive as to fall into such a kagala.

With a vivid example of relatives, friends or colleagues in front of their eyes, it is not surprising that people look with distrust at palmistry as a science. Naturally, they have a thought: “ Palmistry - true or false?“I will try to give an answer to this question, but just below.

As for the second point, the situation is not so obvious. There are several options for events:

  • The palmist turned out to be another charlatan, of whom, today, the majority.
  • The palmist's prophecy was not fulfilled because of your actions.

If in the first case everything is clear, then with the second the situation is a little different. Any predictions of the palmist about your future are just a way to understand which path will be the most profitable / easy.

For ease of understanding, I will give an example: You came to a palmist, looking at your hand, he says that you, in the future, can become the owner of a profitable business. Having heard the prediction, a person rejoices and believes that everything will be done for him by himself.

This happens only in fairy tales, life, unfortunately, is more pragmatic, and if you sit idly by, it is not surprising that the palmist's prediction did not come true. How could it be realized if not a single effort was made?

If we desire something, we want it, we must apply action, energy. The same is with the prediction, if people, after receiving them, acted, then for sure there would be factors, accidents, situations that would help them in achieving the goal. The well-known saying is perfect here:
A rolling stone gathers no moss.

And yet, palmistry - truth or fiction?

Chirology can be safely called a science, and accordingly it is true. Yes, unconventional, occult or esoteric - the meaning will not change. If a person comes to a palmist and he tells the past on his hand, then, perhaps, it is worth considering how he found out about this?

It is absurd to believe that the palmist has an archive of data for each guest. Professional palmists learn all the subtleties for a rather long time, and spend even more time on practice: for accurate and accurate facts about the past, and even more so the future, it is necessary to analyze more than one hundred hands.

As with normal work, experience comes with practice. But it is worth remembering that if the palmist says that you will become 100% rich or that you will get sick - this is an ordinary charlatan. The highlight is that a professional palmist never guarantees that his prediction will come true. As trite as it sounds: everything depends on you.

But how can this be? Does it make sense, then, to pay hard-earned money for someone's predictions, which are far from the fact that they will actually happen? The answer is simple: how can you guess which way to the future is more promising? Yes, you can ask your friends for advice, you can think for yourself.

But if you are plagued by doubts, problems, why not trust a palmist, whose work experience is beyond doubt? At the end of the article on the influence of planets on the signs of the zodiac, I gave an example about an executive officer and a ship. The situation is similar here: the palmist, like the astrologer, advises simply the roads along which it is easy to pass, which are promising. But the choice, as well as the responsibility for which path you choose, lies only with you.


Summing up, I want to note that this article was specially written as the first in the category of palmistry, because before you start studying something you need to be sure of it, therefore, I hope, the answer to the question is: “ Palmistry - truth or fiction?”Became obvious to you too.

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Surely, each of us, at least once, dreamed of opening the veil of the future and finding out what lies ahead. After all, knowing what awaits us around the turn of life, we could “prepare” for all these pleasant and unpleasant surprises. However, an ordinary person is not given to know the future. We can only speculate, hope ... But, this position of ignorance is not to everyone's liking - therefore, some people still dare to find out what awaits them ahead and turn to numerologists, palmists. We have already written on our website about whether it is worth believing astrological forecasts. Today we will talk about palmistry - fortune telling along the lines of the hand.

Can palmistry answer all questions regarding our future,

is it worth trusting your fate and hands to palmists?

Palmistry is a prediction and a kind of analysis of the personality and fate of a person along the lines on his hand. According to palmists, on the palms of each of us his destiny is written, his character and our abilities are described, and even hints are given about what will happen to us if we go to the right and what will happen to us if we turn to the left. Moreover, in the lines of our palms all events are encrypted, and the dates when they will occur. Knowing all this, we can control our destiny, avoid danger and achieve prosperity. However, this information, you guessed it, is encrypted, and only a palmist - a person who can read the lines of fate on our hands - can figure out what these lines mean.

At first glance, it all sounds really tempting and impressive. What opportunities will open before us if we are able to find out everything about ourselves and our life! But, is palmistry really so omnipotent?
Considering the topic of palmistry, we could not help but recall ... chirology - the science of the hand. This direction also studies the human hand, but pays more attention not to the palms, but to the hand itself, the length and shape of the fingers - and, relying on compliance or non-compliance with the main criteria, draws conclusions about the state of human health, his predisposition to certain types of diseases ...
And, if palmistry is more about ephemeral aspects (future, fate), then chirology is more interested in the practical side (health, abilities, character), but one thing unites these two sciences - that they make predictions. Only, is there even a grain of truth in these forecasts?
We hasten to assure you that neither palmistry nor chirology has anything to do with fortune-telling. The chirologist or chiromancer simply "reads" the life chart written on your hands. It is noteworthy that

even in the Bible you can find the saying that God put a "seal on everyone's hand" so that "deeds were visible ..."

It turns out that really each of us has such a "seal"? And, it is not at all accidental, but is information about ourselves hidden in these interweaving of lines?
Let's try to figure it out together with you,

what is more truth or fiction in palmistry ...

  1. It is generally accepted that knowledge of the future is useless, since we still cannot change anything, because everything has long been predetermined. However, if the lines of your palm are warning you of what to watch out for and when, is it wise to ignore those warnings? And, suddenly, there really is some truth in them ...
  2. Skeptics reject palmistry and chirology, and explain this by the fact that the lines on the palms of a person's hands do not appear as a result of a "seal" from above, but as a result of physical work. You will be surprised, but it is not! The main lines on the palms of a person are formed during the intrauterine development of the fetus. Well, how can you not believe in the "print" ?!
  3. On the lines of the palms, you can "read" about what awaits you tomorrow. Do not believe this, this is pure deception. A palmist can "read" palms and see general pictures, and an approximate life period, but not what will happen to you tomorrow!
  4. Lines can even tell you when and from what you will die. Another myth, moreover, not entirely ethical in relation to the one who turns to the palmist for help. Programming a person for the date and cause of death is too bold and unreasonable! In addition, the lines of your palms change throughout your life, and the picture of future events changes accordingly. Therefore, the palmist can make general forecasts and make general statements, but not specify either the dates or the troubles that may or should happen to us.
  5. A palmist, looking at your hand, can tell about your loved ones. Think for yourself, is it possible? After all, the hand is yours! He can simply note the fact that you have a family, children, parents in your life, but not tell details about these people, since they are simply not visible on the lines of your hands.
  6. The lines of the right and left hand are identical, so looking at one hand is enough to make a prediction. This is wrong. Look closely at both of your palms. The lines on them are different and in order to get a complete picture of you, the palmist or chirologist needs to look with two hands.
  7. The life line is suddenly interrupted and this means imminent death. Such conclusions more than once plunged into horror and despair those who independently tried to decipher the map of their lives. In fact, a cut in the life line indicates a turning point, and not that your life path ends at this point.
  8. Palmistry originated in Europe. In fact, this is not the case. Even in Ancient Greece, India, and Egypt, they were able to read information written on human palms. And, already from these countries, with the help of nomads, this art or science (it is difficult to determine what it really is) migrated to Europe, where it became a very popular destination.
  9. The lines on the palms appear as a result of the influence of otherworldly forces. In fact, everything is much simpler. From the point of view of modern anatomy, every millisecond sends a huge number of impulses to different parts of our body, including the muscles of the arms, and, as a result of these processes, they are imprinted on the lines of our palms. That is, everything that we see, what we strive for, what we are afraid of - all this is really "written" on our hands.

In summary, you can make inputs that The "seal" that displays information about our life on our palms is indeed present both from the point of view of science and from the point of view of palmistry. However, this information is quite general, it is able to give us an impetus to action, direct us in the right direction, but in no way say that tomorrow at ten o'clock in the afternoon something will happen to us. And, not all those people who call themselves palmists and chirologists, in fact, are such. But, if you are lucky and you meet a real professional, then the information he tells you can help you better understand yourself ...
Olga Shevtsova, World Without Harm

Video about palmistry.

When palmists begin their deciphering in the palm of their hand, the first thing they pay attention to is the thread of life. This is one of the main lines, where all the most important information about the fortuneteller is contained. Basically, the main feature goes with some kind of disruption (islands, points, interruptions), so the short life line worries many. Let's take a closer look at what you really need to be afraid of.

For a right-handed person, the left palm is not active, so if you notice that the life line on the left hand is short, then there is no reason for concern at all. Pay attention to the right hand, if the thread is long, then everything is super.

Note. A short line of life, indicates only a lack of physical fitness and love of life.

How to interpret correctly if the life line is short on the hand?

The first thing to consider when reading is additional characters and minor lines:

  1. Island. Reflects an unpleasant surprise in life or a difficult period.

  1. The gap. Foreshadows a serious illness. If the thread of life is restored, then everything will pass and the body will recover.

  1. Roads overlap. Indicates life changes, which ones, additional signs will indicate.

  1. Cross. A difficult period at some point in your life. But this sign does not always carry a negative meaning, below we will describe the meaning of the cross.

  1. Chains. Depression period.

  1. Short lines crossing the lifeline. Talking about a shock in some area of ​​life.

  1. Lattice on the road. Windy nature, a person does not have specific goals in life.

  1. A square is a very auspicious sign, especially if it is on the break line. This is the successful completion of a difficult situation.

  1. What does triangle mean? This indicates an intelligent, diplomatic nature. The value also depends on the location of the edge of the triangle. In some cases, this indicates a period of debt repayment.

  1. Star. Trauma, accident, accident.

What does the short life line on the right hand mean?

For a right-hander, of course, it is the right one that is considered active. It reflects all the events that happened to a person and will occur at all stages of his life.

It is very important to correctly analyze the location of the vital thread:

  • Close proximity to the finger. Speaks about a person's lack of confidence in himself.
  • Location too big. Full of his life energy, the owner of the hand copes well with life's problems.
  • I have a very high start. You are ambitious and energetic.
  • The life line on the right hand is short and with a gap. Characterizes life changes: divorce, sudden illness or moving. If the line recovers after the break, the problems are temporary.

What branches are found, photo selection

Complete decoding of the life line: what is really true and what is not!

As mentioned above, the length and shape of the life thread speaks of the level of life potential and its ability to withstand negative surprises. All sorts of breaks, signs warn of certain life changes.

All kinds of options with a photo selection (cheat sheet for a beginner)

  1. The life line is short on both arms and is poorly visible. Indicates weak energy, fragile body and poor immunity.
  2. Thick, short, crisp life line. Indicates a personality who is ready to cope with painful attacks and is ready to withstand all the difficulties of life.
  3. The thread comes off the index finger. Striving to lead, a lot of ambition.
  4. The road starts from the line of the mind. Rationality, optimism, sanity. Below the line of the mind, loss of self-control.
  5. The thread forks at the end and one branch leaves and stops on the hill of the moon.
  6. The branch departs from the beginning of the life thread, indicates the receipt of an inheritance.
  7. The branch extends towards the index finger (the hill of Jupiter). All life is a struggle.

This is a great, successful life path and excellent health. Internal positive energy helps a person to achieve all their goals.

Note. If there is a slight reddish dusting, then it speaks of ruthlessness. Sometimes for his own sake, the owner of such a line will do anything.

These are noble and successful personalities, quite energetic. It is very difficult to piss off such people. Usually they are secretive and will not open up to the first comer.

A thin and weak line, tell about a poor state of health. Such people are not physically prepared, they often get sick, but they will live to old age. If there are interruptions on the thread, then we can safely say about the personality that he is melancholic. Depression is the norm for them, a couple have deviations at the mental level.

He talks about an easy life and prosperity in the material sphere. Most often, such people are very lonely and arrogant.

Indicates a complex pain with a long recovery. It can also mean a secret life, which the fortuneteller carefully hides from relatives and friends.

Before you is a careerist. Success in any project awaits him, he is distinguished by responsibility and hard work. As for the family, such people have too high demands on their partner, which can destroy their relationship.

If with the right form and without interruption, then this is a good and interesting life. Characterizes an excellent family man and a wonderful worker. Such people are absolutely not emotional and very down to earth: work-home, home-work. The nature is completely uncreative, a complete absence of the flight of the soul. Finds like-minded people who are similar in character.

Large arc, reaching to the middle of the palm. This trait personifies an intelligent, sociable and prudent person. Here is a pleasant interlocutor who can achieve success in the political sphere or commerce. In short, such people have a special gift - the ability to negotiate.

Coming from the index finger. People are distinguished by their bright appearance and an enviable sense of smell. Thanks to this characteristic, they are very popular with the opposite sex.

People of mood often change their place of work and place of residence.

The personality is distinguished by a good temperament, very devoted to their partner, sometimes they do not even hear the voice of reason. Attractive, mysterious and diplomatic.

Indicates a person with a rich emotional life. An ardent lover who can give a partner passion and feelings that will not be forgotten. Such people do not forgive betrayal; over time, hostility only intensifies. Such people tend to be extreme.

A hint of achievement in a military career. The number of additional threads indicates the number of love relationships.

The personality is full of contradictions and because of this, and suffers, as those around him often do not understand. He often has to take a defensive position, over time, a disease can develop against the background of psychological trauma. Sometimes, such people begin to take out their anger on loved ones and can become socially dangerous.

The person is very painful.

The "rectangle" sign indicates a certain nuisance. Here it can be interpreted as follows: in the life of a fortuneteller, an accident will occur, which will end happily.

Don't dwell on obstacles. Better listen to your health and to yourself. In other words, "Take care and love yourself and think less about problems."

Warns and warns against rash actions. Do not go on adventures, as these signs warn of a number of lawsuits.

The fortuneteller has a well-developed intuition, a person often devotes himself to public affairs. In fact, such people easily cope with any difficult problem.

This combination indicates absent-mindedness and a desire for the unreal. Because of their illusions, all projects fail. For such people there is advice: you need to focus on one thing and bring it to its logical conclusion. Sometimes it's just bad luck. But here you need to understand a lesson for yourself: learn to lead yourself, sometimes show composure and perseverance.

These people are characterized by constant communication and they cannot be limited in this. Constant craving for independence and freedom, loving flirting and travel. Priorities in life are a constant change of impressions.

Such a palm belongs to dreamy personalities who are distinguished by a powerful mind and excellent imagination. But, unfortunately, such people have little initiative and do not know how to work in difficult conditions. In order for them to realize their ideas in life, you need to create all the conditions. At the slightest failure, the slopes are discouraged.

In this case, crosses carry a positive meaning. The owners of such a palm are very sincere people and will never give their partner. Realistically assess their deeds and actions, even very persistent in the implementation of their plans. Life values ​​are important: friendship, family, justice.

The fortuneteller will die his natural, normal death, as the completion of a long, good life.

A sign of success and wealth, heralds a bright career, even in some cases people become patrons of the arts.

Before you is a pessimist who does not believe in anything at all, and the worst thing is that the person has lost faith in himself. Attitude to life position is harmful to health and oneself and, as a rule, can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Myths about short life lines

The most terrible misconception of many people is the statement that a short and straight life line indicates a short life. People with such a pattern should know that a line is read in the same way as a long one.

If the lifeline on the arm is short, what does it mean then? And this means that there is no energy and life potential. It, like a long thread, must be read with other signs and lines. A simple short thread reduces in size the area of ​​the Mount of Venus, which reduces the indicator of vital energy.

If the life line is short, then a cold-blooded person is sitting in front of you, who is devoid of passions and emotional attachments. They simply do not differ in special love of life and excessive optimism.

There is also an opinion. In ancient times, experienced palmists paid great attention to the Mount of Venus. After all, it is she who is responsible for love and childbirth. If the mound is not active, then marriages with such partners were not concluded.

The small hill foreshadowed childlessness and coldness of the personality. Hence it went that a small bump and, accordingly, a short life line portends an indifferent attitude towards partners, which reduces the life cycle.


I first took up palmistry a long time ago - at the age of 14-15. At this time, a photocopied book on palmistry fell into my hands, the Internet did not reach us then (or we did not reach it).

Having carefully studied the book, and comparing all the signs with my own palms, and the palms of my household, I realized that this was not enough for me. The hands of classmates, neighbors, children from the yard, from a literary circle were used. I no longer looked into the faces of people who shoved their palms at me, because it seemed to me then: it was enough for me to see a hand to understand what kind of person is.

Many unfamiliar girls told me that all my "prophecies" are true. Other people objected to me, they say, it's all nonsense. Some people I knew quite well had signs on their palms. which I would rather not see.

In general, I will not torment the reader, but I will write down the main points that people most often confirmed during my fortune-telling. And I will do some personal conclusions about palmistry. And I'll also tell you what to do if you have guessed what you really do not want.

So, in the palm of a person, there are hills, in addition to lines. 5 of them are located under the fingers, and 2 more at the outer edge of the palm. Depending on the severity of the hill, you can determine how much a person has a particular quality.

1.Mount of Venus... Responsible for the amorousness, sensuality of a person. If the hill under the thumb is large and convex, the person in front of you is passionate and hot; if flat - calm cool of the opposite sex, possibly monogamous.

The same is with other hills - the larger they are, the more the qualities of this hill are expressed in a person.

2.Hill of jupiter... Responsible for leadership qualities.

3. Hill of saturn... Responsible for the realization of goals in life, career growth, material security

4.Hill of Apollo (Sun)... Responsible for luck, luck and self-esteem,

5. Hill of mercury... Responsible for eloquence, commerce and, for some reason, a penchant for theft

6.Hill of Mars... Everything related to protection, self-defense and, at the same time, aggressiveness.

7. Hill of the moon... Responsible for imagination, daydreaming and creativity in a person.

1) Grille- the energy of this hill is closed. A person needs efforts to manifest these qualities in himself.

2) Star- outside influence on our will. It is considered a good sign on Jupiter: an influential person helps you, and a negative sign on Saturn - someone has an unknown influence on your destiny.

3) Cross- enhance the effect of energy. The cross on Mars is an irritable person, on the moon is a dreamer, on Jupiter - active and business, on Saturn - disciplined and responsible, etc.

4) Squares- indicate that the energy of this hill can be developed.

Is in the hands of the vast majority of people

1.Life line.

It is in the hands of all people. The length of the life line, which is usually given such great importance, means nothing. This line itself expresses vitality and energy in a person.

A short, but deep and bright line of life can promise its owner a longer life than a long, but pale and thin one.

A very close person to me, who had a long Life line, died at the age of 58. And vice versa, a person who had a short and clear line, and led a far from healthy lifestyle, died at 72 years old (I am writing this because if this person did not drink so much, his life would probably be even longer)

Islands on the lifeline - possible illness or prolonged depression.

Crosses are obstacles: difficult life events, trauma.

Gaps are changes in worldview.

Squares - if a square limits the gap on the life line, then this is a favorable sign, it isolates the negative. If the square simply covers a certain section of the line, this is a restriction of freedom, isolation.

Doubled life line - when next to the long life line, on the hill of Venus, there is also a short one, a sign that a person is protected by the Higher Forces.

Determining the time of events along the line of Life is very difficult and inaccurate. But this method more or less coincides: at the intersection of the line running from the middle finger, the age of 35 comes.

2. Line of the mind or head .

Expresses the psychological life of a person, characterizes his thinking.

The line of mind begins high above the line of life, under the hill of Jupiter - an ambitious and self-confident person.

The mind line starts below the life line - self-doubt.

The line of the mind begins on the hill of Jupiter - a person with excessive conceit.

The line of the mind begins at the same point with the line of Life - a person is careful and prudent.

A short line of mind, reaching up to the middle finger - a person is not inclined to think, prefers to do first and then think; such people often think in stereotypes.

The line is long, reaching the edge of the palm - a person prone to reflection and philosophizing, is distinguished by versatility of interests and quick thinking.

An even line of mind is a practicing man, he stands firmly on his feet.

The line of the mind tilts down towards the hill of the moon - a person with a creative streak.

The line of the mind bends up to the fingers - a person is looking for material gain and seeks to sell his skills at a higher price.

At the end of the line of mind there is a fork - one branch bends down, and the other straight - a person can come up with original ideas and bring them to life.

Probably, many authors of Ayrekomend will find a line of mind with a fork.

Islets or chains on the line of the mind are periods when a person thought chaotically.

Breaks in the line of the mind are injuries to the head or nervous system.

3. Line of the heart (character) -

Expresses the emotional and mental life of a person. It starts at the outer edge of the palm under the little finger and ends at the middle and index fingers.

1) The line of the mind ends under the middle finger - a selfish person who thinks only about his needs rarely has deep feelings.

2) The line ends clearly between the middle and forefinger: a person is calm and deep in feelings, such a person is warm and caring.

3) The line of the heart ends on the hill of Jupiter or on the index finger - the person is idealistic and easily vulnerable.

4) The line ends at the base of the hill of Jupiter - a person has difficulty expressing his feelings, often suffers from unrequited love, loves loneliness.

The line of the heart ends with a fork - a person of a very complex mental organization.

Sometimes the line of the heart runs very close to the line of the mind in the palm of your hand. This means that a person's feelings are subordinated to reason. Or vice versa: the line of the mind as if heaves and passes close to the line of the heart. In this case, the senses prevailed over the mind.

Very rarely, the lines of the mind and heart merge into one. If they are located high - that is, the heart line prevailed in the merger - a person cannot distinguish emotions from reasoning and is capable of inappropriate actions. If one line passes exactly in the place of the line of the mind, then the person has completely suppressed his feelings and emotions with the mind.

Pay attention to the hand of your loved one. Ideally, his heart line should end in the same place as yours. This does not solve anything in the relationship, but the more similar your heart lines are, the less clashes between you will be.

They may or may not be present. They are also very changeable in their location.

4. Line of fate -

expresses the purposefulness, orientation of a person in life. Infrequently, but may be absent altogether. It starts from the wrist and runs through the center of the palm, usually to the middle finger - the hill of Saturn. This is one of the volatile lines that do not have a clear beginning and end, and are mainly characterized by the center of the palm.

The absence of a line of fate is a double sign. On the one hand, such a person is his own master, builds himself and chooses his own path. On the other hand, he is constantly overwhelmed by temptations and, due to the lack of a clear goal, he has no problems quitting the business he has started, and go for easy money, change his place of residence, social circle, etc. Such people are not inclined to plan anything, and life with them is like a roller coaster. The author of the review is the seventh year happily married to a man without a line of fate

The line of fate begins from the line of life - his family had a great influence on the choice in a person's life.

If the line of fate ends under the index finger, a person strives for politics and jurisprudence.

If the line of fate ends under the middle finger, a person will devote himself to a widespread and unremarkable profession

If the line of fate ends under the ring finger, a person is prone to creativity.

If the fate line ends under the little finger, the person is sociable and sociable and most likely will work in the service sector.

Breaks on the line of fate - a change of profession or purpose in life. If the line of fate begins not from the beginning of the palm, but, say, from the middle, then the person did not immediately realize what he was striving for, and simply floated with the flow.

The distance from the beginning of the line of fate to its intersection with the line of the mind is conventionally considered 35 years old. Intersection with the heart line of a 49 year old. It is believed that after 49, few change their profession, therefore the segment of the "pre-retirement" age is shorter, and the young age is longer.

5. Line of success (Sun, Apollo, happiness) - Another wandering line, usually lies under the ring finger, is not found in all people. The very presence of this line speaks of luck and good luck in life. Absence is about nothing.

6. Health line (hepatica) usually lies under the little finger. The absence of this line is a sign of iron health. The presence of a health line indicates existing chronic diseases.

Ufff ... it's not even half, but physically I can't fit everything into a review! Marriage lines (under the little finger) - I will not paint, I have a complete mismatch there. The line of intuition, the rings of Venus and Saturn are infrequent signs on the hands, information about them can be found in any handbook on palmistry.

If you start looking at the palms of different people (not relatives), you will see that some people have very few lines on their palms, it seems that there is nothing to read on such a palm, while others have palms literally speckled with chaotic scattered lines of different depths. A large number of lines, and incomprehensible strokes, distinguish an emotional and nervous person (as the author of the review. Only the main lines on his hands, sometimes a couple of additional ones, give out a person who never cares about anything at all.

Just in case, I will insert the well-known classification of temperaments by the type of palm:

1. Hot and wet palm - choleric.

2. Hot and dry palm - sanguine.

3. Cool and dry palm - phlegmatic.

4. A cool and damp palm is melancholic.

How much do I believe in this science? What can I say after "working" as a palmist for several years? Not to say that I do not believe in it at all, but having tried many types of fortune telling in my youth, I began to be skeptical about many things. This science is certainly interesting, but the benefits from it are not much greater than from horoscopes. The rest of the conclusions I will expand on points:

  1. The lines on the hand change throughout life... This is an indisputable fact that I observe both in myself and in many other people. What you were told ten years ago may not be relevant now.
  2. It's very hard to get the timing right in which this or that event should occur. Accordingly, you can be greatly mistaken in the timing, which makes all fortune-telling uninformative and useless. Some minor events on the hand are not reflected at all.
  3. Palmistry more determines inclinations and opportunities person, than directly tells about his fate.

On the other side:

  1. Probably, the information given in the books is incomplete.... Perhaps people who have learned this craft from experienced palmists can give more specific predictions. But are there many of them?
  2. Can anticipate some significant events
  3. Can with a high degree of probability to determine the character of the person to whom you are guessing
  4. Can have a great time, if you turn off the light - tell fortunes on your hand by candlelight)

If you are afraid of fortune telling, it is better not to guess for yourself, and do not let anyone guess you.

If it did happen, and you were given a prediction, even if you did not ask for it, there are two options:

  1. Laugh... Even tense and insincere. Laughter blocks negativity.
  2. Swear obscenely. At the same time, swearing should refer to fortune-telling, and not to the fortune-teller herself, and make everything a joke. It is undesirable to insult a person - at the energy level, this is considered an atrocity. That is, something like this:
  • some fortune-telling you have * censored * th aunt ...
  • I don’t believe in all this, nor * censorship * to whom you will not go, such * censorship * will guess * censorship * ...

Here the rule works: the more mats, the faster they will lag behind you.

If a lot of time has passed after the prediction.

You are afraid and worried.

If you are a believer, you can talk with your confessor. There they will tell you exactly what to do, what prayers to read, etc.

If there is no deep faith, but fear is still there, write down this formula on paper, and repeat to yourself all your free time:

I forgive the fortune teller for what she predicted to me .... (write what exactly)

I forgive myself for having accepted the fortuneteller's predictions ... (repeat the predictions again)

I apologize to my body for accepting the fortune-teller's predictions ... (repeat) I am doing myself and my body harm.

Repeating what you were once guessed over and over will gradually erase your fear. This formula is incredibly effective. And I had a chance to be convinced of this.

This science itself is interesting and harmless. I recommend it for study, not particularly suspicious people.

Guessing is always better for yourself, or trusting it to people who are guaranteed not to wish you harm.

Palmistry appeared long before writing and the alphabet. With the help of simple improvised means, a person tried to comprehend his place in the Universe, to understand the meaning of life, to find answers to questions about the future. Human life in those days was full of secrets and dangers, he depended on the forces of nature. Crop failure, drought, famine and wars between tribes claimed hundreds and thousands of lives. The only way to find out the Fate was the predictions of oracles, sorcerers and magi. Fortune telling, including by hand, is a way of knowing the surrounding reality and predicting the situation.

Historical background: a little about palmistry

The origins of palmistry, like other forms of divination, should be sought in the East. Names this culture gave the world knowledge about the forms and methods of predicting and programming the future. Ancient China, India, Syria and Iran are the cradle of esotericism.

In the Middle Ages and during the Crusades, occult knowledge spread throughout Europe. There was an interpenetration of cultures, a fusion of the Eastern experience with the basic knowledge of alchemists and sorcerers.

Gradually, interest in palmistry faded away, but in modern esotericism there is a surge of attention to this science. Thanks to the Internet, each person will master the basics of reading fate by hand.

Modern sorcerers often use fortune telling in their work. Lines in the palm help to get to know the client better, to understand the direction in which to work.

But not everyone will become a professional palmist. Palmistry requires perseverance, constant practice, the development of extrasensory abilities and intuition.

And here is a mini-lesson from which you will learn how to interpret the lines on the hand:

Science or pseudoscience? Evidence from skeptics

The debate about whether palmistry is a science or fun has been going on for a long time. Skeptics argue that it is impossible to know the future by hand. The only thing that can really be judged is the character and inclinations of the person sitting in front of you. It is not necessary to have superpowers for this. Observation and ability to notice details are the main requirements.

The location, shape and length of the lines in the palm of the hand are different for all people

There is some truth in the opinion of skeptics: a good psychologist will tell about character, shortcomings and problems by one appearance and demeanor of a person. Hands easily betray the age and profession of their owner. Show your imagination, use logic and intuition to understand who is in front of you.

The hands of a farmer or turner will not look like the palms of a musician or artist.

Sign language and the non-verbal signals that the body sends have long been considered fiction. Many people still don't take psychology seriously.

But not only in entertaining psychology, observation of the shape of the hands and their condition is used. By the color of the brushes, temperature and humidity, you can determine the presence of diseases.

Most often, cold and bluish brushes indicate problems with blood vessels, and broken or bitten nails will give out neurotic problems in a person.

Palmists' answer to skeptics

Not everyone can comprehend the art of painting or playing the violin. Some are born devoid of a musical ear, others find it difficult to run a hundred meters.

Hands will tell a lot about a person: about occupation, age, character

Esotericists are convinced that not everyone has the gift of foresight, not everyone can guess and be a psychic. This is the main argument used in arguments with skeptics. If nature has not endowed you with certain abilities, it does not mean at all that other people do not have them.

You need to feel the symbols and signs in the palm of your hand. It is not necessary to memorize the terms accepted in palmistry - you draw conclusions about the client, guided by intuition, not reason. This is how you look at your left or right palms, depending on who is in front of you - right-handed or left-handed. There are many nuances, like schools and trends in palmistry. Which one to choose or study independently depends only on the student.

There is no denying the relationship between the appearance of the hands, the character of a person and health. Use palmistry to understand human nature, expand the horizons of consciousness.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!