Learn the rules of the road as quickly as possible. How to quickly learn traffic rules: advice from experienced psychologists

Learn the rules of the road as quickly as possible.  How to quickly learn traffic rules: advice from experienced psychologists
Learn the rules of the road as quickly as possible. How to quickly learn traffic rules: advice from experienced psychologists

Traffic rules (SDA) for any driver are akin to the Ten Commandments - you need to know them by heart, this will help a free simulator for traffic rules tickets online. Later, as the driving experience accumulates, these rules will be followed on a subconscious level. But it is very important for a novice driver to know them well. That is why most of the lessons in a driving school are devoted not to practice, but to theory. Any student of a driving school knows how strictly teachers treat ignorance of traffic rules. But this is not just a whim of those taking the exam, because traffic rules are created, first of all, for the safety of the drivers and pedestrians themselves. In addition, traffic police officers often simply "bred" newcomers who are not confident in their knowledge.

Most novice drivers are wondering: " , which is understandable. Many people generally find it difficult to have a large amount of information, and even more so in a short period of time. Let's try to figure out how to do this?

How to quickly learn traffic rules

In order to learn the rules, you need to have them at hand, not part with them, even put them under your pillow. Anyone who set out to learn the rules of the road needs to stock up on these very rules, as well as have access to the Internet. For all people, memory works in different ways: someone remembers the text better, and someone has highly developed imaginative thinking. You need to find out which memory is better developed for you. Most likely, by the age when you can take a license and get behind the wheel, every person knows this.

Those who have a better memory of the text can start learning the rules of the road using the brochure. For those with imaginative thinking, it will certainly be easier to learn the rules by looking at pictures and examples. It should be noted that the most effective way to remember traffic rules is to combine printed and figurative information, it is worth starting the question: " will disappear immediately.

Currently, there are many sites and programs that are designed to help future drivers learn traffic rules faster. It is best to go to the official website of the traffic police - the information contained there is guaranteed to be reliable and not outdated.

To prepare for the exam, it is best to use a program that gives the examinee a traffic situation and several options for action in this situation. If the examinee gave an incorrect answer, then she gives an error, while giving a detailed solution to the example and excerpts from the traffic rules. This method is very effective for teaching, it allows not only to memorize the rules well, but also prepares for the delivery of the theory to the traffic police, because the same program is used there. If you undergo such testing constantly, then even visual memory can be of great help. Many people admit that when a familiar picture appeared, they immediately remembered the number of the correct answer, not really thinking about the rules themselves. But that's not our method, is it?

By the memorization process:

1. It is better to learn a little bit of information than to try to immediately "swallow" a large piece, it is better to learn with breaks.
2. The more time you spend on repeating information in memory instead of simple mechanical reading, the better.
3. It is better to devote the morning hours to memorizing the material - from 7 to 12. During this period of time, difficult material is best absorbed.
4. The assimilation of the material should be divided into 4 stages:
- viewing material for general orientation;
- designation of the main ideas and their relationship;
- multiple repetition of the most important facts;
- drawing up a response plan and repeating information in accordance with this plan.
5. You need to start learning the material from the most difficult moments. What comes easier is better left for later.
6. The process of memorization must be alternated with rest - 40 minutes of study, 10 minutes of rest.
7. It is better to tell the information to another person - parents, friends, while doing it in detail.
8. It is better not to repeat in the order in which the information is given in the source. It is better to repeat everything in disagreement - write the numbers of the questions on pieces of paper and pull them like in exams.
9. When memorizing information, you need to use 3 types of memory - auditory, visual and motor. This means listening (reading aloud), viewing pictures, and writing. You can even draw diagrams of traffic situations. Whenever you move along the streets (on foot or by transport), you need to mentally explain all the actions of motorists, try to predict them, correlating them with traffic rules.

Everything can be divided into 3 main ones:

Rational - it is based on logic. It is necessary to establish semantic connections within the material being studied, and as a consequence - between this material and what has already been studied. This is the most effective method. Simply put, it is based on understanding. Any rule must first of all be understood, explained logically.

Mechanical is the proverbial cramming. It is not as effective, but sometimes it can help you learn something that at first glance defies logic.

Mnemonic - creating associations, giving familiar phenomena other images that are easier to remember. As a rule, the easiest images to remember are images that either relate to you personally, or cause laughter, or exaggerated, bright, unusual. Something horrible, vulgar or disgusting also sticks well into the memory. When studying the rules of the road, try to create images that will be easiest to revive in your memory.

Hopefully the answer to the question is: " satisfied you completely. Easy road for you!

Good knowledge of traffic rules, first of all, is the question of the safety of you, your passengers, other road users, secondly, the question of the integrity of your precious vehicle, and, perhaps, only then, is the argument for obtaining the coveted driver's license. Therefore, seeing the situation on our roads, it would be worth the question "how to quickly learn traffic rules" to replace the question "how well to learn traffic rules". But, nevertheless, with the desire and certain mental efforts, these questions can still be combined.

Before moving on to direct recommendations on how to quickly learn traffic rules tickets, I will share my personal experience. The very first rule that my father taught me when he got behind the wheel of a car, and a rule that has saved me health, nerves and, possibly, life more than once for 20 years is the rule of "3 D", that is, "Give Way to the Fool." ... And there are enough of them on the roads ... And, in the event of an accident and, God forbid, your injury, it is unlikely that the realization that you were right, and he was not, will hardly make life easier. Moreover, in the traffic rules there is a clause on "the need to take all measures to prevent an accident", which unscrupulous representatives of the traffic police like to manipulate, even if you are 100% right. That is, when driving to any more or less undefined and dangerous section, be it an intersection (even if you are driving along the main road), a road near playgrounds, educational institutions, beer establishments, etc., you need to be in a state of increased attention in order to prevent possible problems.

And now let's move on to the traffic rules themselves.

Basic principles of the Road Traffic Regulations
First of all, you need to understand that traffic rules are very logical, and even where you have missed something or forgot something, you will be saved by the “switched on” head and logic. Therefore, if you are faced with the question of how to learn traffic rules in a day, then, first of all, take up the signs and road markings.

1. Traffic signs. They are divided into 7 groups:

  • warning (mostly on a white triangle in a red frame + road turn signs with red and white arrows + warning of the approach of railway tracks with red and ball stripes and crosses);
  • prohibiting (on a white circle with a red frame + signs of lifting restrictions - a white circle with a black frame crossed out by five lines);
  • prescriptive (on a blue circle with a white border);
  • priority (there are only 6 of different types - it will not be difficult to learn, especially since these are one of the most common and important signs);
  • plates for signs (on white rectangles with black frames, as a rule, they are paired with signs from other groups, specifying them);
  • informational and indicative (mostly on a blue rectangle with a white frame + on a yellow or green rectangle + white or blue plates with the names of cities);
  • Service signs - signs informing about the presence of any services nearby (white squares with information inserted into blue vertical rectangles).

Why did we focus so much on the general appearance of the signs? Because understanding in appearance, the direction of the sign (he prohibits, warns, etc.) and seeing the picture, you can easily guess what he wants to tell us.

But still, it's worth going over the text of the rules for each group: there are, at first glance, unexpected nuances that can later, at least, keep the contents of your wallet more intact when meeting with a representative of the road inspection.

2. Road markings. At first glance, it seems very tricky, but in fact everything is very simple: you cannot cross solid lines, and you can only rebuild between the rows through intermittent ones. Very often duplicated with appropriate signs. Once a careful thoughtful reading of the section is enough for everything to become clear.

3. The most difficult sections of the road are crossroads - it is on them that troubles occur most often. Therefore, understand the rules of their passage:

  • If there is a traffic light, a rule familiar to us from childhood applies: we only go to green (constantly lit !, and not blinking).
  • If the traffic light is in the “yellow flashing” mode or it is not at all, we act in accordance with the instructions of the signs (see item 1).
  • If there are no signs, then there are two options: a) you drive off an obvious side road, for example, from a dirt road onto a highway - in this case, you need to skip all transport along the main road and only then, after waiting for a safe moment, leave;

    b) the roads are equivalent - in this case, the rule "interference from the right" applies, i.e. you must skip all the vehicles on your right, and then move in the right direction.

  • If there is a traffic controller at the intersection, then regardless of the presence of traffic lights and signs, we only obey him. You can leave your seat only if: a) the inspector stands sideways to you (any), arms are spread out to the sides or both arms are lowered - in this case, you can only drive straight and to the right;

    b) the right hand with a stick is directed at you, the inspector is facing you, and his second hand is directed to the right of you - movement only to the right;

    c) the traffic controller stands with his left shoulder, and his right hand is directed to the left of you - in this case, you can go in any direction.

Pay special attention to the rules for regulating the movement of the tram - they are slightly different, but in any case, if your trajectories intersect, you must yield to it.

As you can see, it is enough to learn and understand a few fundamental points and all the answers in traffic tickets will become clear and self-evident. The main thing: ask yourself the question in which case an accident will not occur.

But, in addition to solving the question of how to quickly learn traffic rules, you need to learn how to apply them in life and quickly navigate situations on the roads - and this is practice and practice again.

Good luck and "not a nail or a rod"!

Traffic rules are the rules of the road, if suddenly someone has forgotten or did not know until now. Ask anyone if you need to know the traffic rules, and he will answer that yes, of course. It's so important ...

But in reality, traffic rules begin to be taught only when they are going to take a driver's license. It seems like why should a pedestrian learn the rules if he is just crossing the road.

All that today's pedestrians know is that it is necessary to cross the road at the green light of the traffic light, according to special markings - zebra crossing, and most importantly, that the driver who does not let the pedestrian pass at the crossing can be fined.

Knowledge of the latter pushes some headless pedestrians to literally jump out onto a pedestrian crossing, forcing cars to brake sharply, which provokes accidents and often ends with them, and all because they actually do not know the rules, and have not seen paragraph 4.5 of the SDA in their eyes ...

However, in addition to knowing the rules of the road, there should also be common sense. But a deeper knowledge of the responsibilities of pedestrians would not hurt, but would help them better understand the traffic situation and not expose their lives to unnecessary danger.

The whole problem is that no one wants to learn the rules if they are not required to. If not for the exam in the traffic police, where you need to show your knowledge, no one would have taught them, probably.

Nobody wants to waste their time studying the rules just because they think that it takes a lot of time, that there are a lot of these rules and they are very difficult to learn and it is impossible to do it quickly.

In fact, the rules of the road are a very thin book, which can be read very quickly - in just 1 hour, without possessing the technique of high-speed reading.

Even that would be enough for pedestrians. Just read and focus on the section that describes the responsibilities of pedestrians.

Drivers need deeper knowledge, and therefore the question arises of how to quickly learn traffic rules. And as mentioned earlier, this question arises, as a rule, before the exam in the traffic police.

It's actually very easy to quickly learn traffic rules ...

There are, of course, special memorization techniques, you can use computer programs, but there is also a more reliable way for absolutely everyone to quickly learn the rules, for which nothing special is needed.

You probably know that we all perceive and assimilate different types of information in different ways. Someone perceives better by ear, someone remembers images, someone has a photographic memory.

And now you will learn how you can quickly, and most importantly, it is easy and very reliable to learn traffic rules, and you will understand why it is so easy - much easier than it is customary to think about it.

The thing is that there are ready-made materials for studying traffic rules for absolutely all types of memory.

All you need is the traffic rules themselves and the questions from the tickets to them. Buy such a booklet with questions from tickets to traffic rules, where these questions are divided into sections, just like the traffic rules themselves.

You can learn the rules quickly and easily if you skillfully combine different types of memory.

You will need to either read the rules of the road yourself or ask someone to read them aloud if this makes it easier for you to understand the material.

For example, take the section "Unregulated Intersections", read it (or listen to it). All sections in the traffic rules are small in volume, so it will take you only a few minutes to study the theory, very quickly, you will agree.

After reading the section, try to mentally repeat what you read, check how well you learned it. It turned out, well, it didn't turn out to be a big deal. You can re-read it again, or you can immediately go on to consolidate the material in the form of images.

As images, we will use pictures that are found in almost all traffic tickets. There are, of course, questions without pictures, but they are usually very easy to remember. If not, draw a picture yourself (it can be absolutely ugly), which will help to capture the desired image.

In other words, after studying the theory from the traffic rules book, immediately proceed to the study of questions from the same topic. For this we needed a special booklet with questions divided by topic.

That is, after studying the theory, we work through the knowledge gained, answering questions that may be found in tickets.

After studying the first section, we move on to the next and so on until the end of the rules, until all the material has been worked out. In this case, you do not need to return to the sections already studied.

After the first pass, you will have assimilated about 80% of the material.

In order to learn and consolidate the material 100%, you will need to repeat the procedure 1-2 more times, only this will take much less time.

Personally, it all took me 5 days, in each of which I did about two hours a day - 1 hour in the morning on the train when I was driving to work and 1 hour in the evening when I was driving home from work.

After that, going through all the tickets, I did not make a single mistake, and there was still a lot of time before the exams. Then, before the exam, I once again passed all the tickets, and during the exam there was not even a shadow of a doubt that the theory would be passed.

I hope my experience of how to quickly learn traffic rules will be useful to you, and you will confidently press the buttons in the traffic police. Good luck! However, now that you know how to quickly learn the rules, and most importantly, memorize everything very reliably, there is little point in hoping for luck. You can do it anyway, quickly and correctly, by answering all the questions.

Every year there are more and more drivers on the roads. But before getting behind the wheel, a person must pass several exams, one of which is theoretical. How to quickly learn traffic rules? Most likely, many are worried about this issue before the start of exams.

In order to truly feel like a professional driver, you should study the traffic rules. Rules that are learned and known can be very helpful on the road. In addition, in order to proceed to the next stage of the exams, it is required to pass the theory. You should know that it is not worth "cramming" tickets by heart - it will be enough just to understand their essence, delve into the problem itself and understand its solution.

At the very beginning, you will need a specific ticket out of forty offered. Each of them is supposed to have twenty questions. You should not look for any patterns in the order, since they simply do not exist. All you need to know in order to answer the question of how to quickly learn traffic rules is traffic regulations. There will be no other third-party questions on the tickets. And you don't have to wait for the tasks that you didn’t go through. In addition, each ticket will have pictures and several answer options, from which you should choose the correct one. If there are more than two errors, then you will fail the exam.

So, in order to understand how to quickly learn traffic rules, you must be guided by several rules.

First, it is necessary to fully learn the signs, signals given by the traffic controller and traffic lights. In addition, you can answer first those questions to which you already know the answers. And only after solving them it will be possible to move on to more complex problems. You shouldn't hope for luck, because at the very last moment it can let you down. If you want to get a positive grade, you need to study tickets often in order to know the expected essence of the problem.

Secondly, it must be remembered that if there is a picture in the ticket, then the question will be asked precisely for it. One of the answers to the question of how to quickly learn traffic rules is a careful study of the task and the image. You should not rush and answer without thinking, since in most cases haste and vanity do not lead to anything good. Only after the picture is carefully studied and all the facts are compared, you can safely answer the question.

Thirdly, sometimes the decision of traffic tickets can be complicated due to the confusion of the situation. But in this case, you just need to correctly understand the whole meaning of the question. And you should not forget that you have already studied it.

And do not forget that any part, including the theoretical one, should be approached with all your responsibility. The more carefully you understand driving issues, the easier it will be for you to pass the exam itself. It doesn't matter if it's driving or theory. With the right approach, the tasks to be solved will not be able to cause any difficulties in you. Therefore, study the rules and know that everything will work out for you.

The human brain is a very practical thing. He remembers only what, for some reason, seems important to him, and discards the unimportant. The brain considers abstract numbers, obscure phrases to be informational garbage, from which it is necessary, if not to get rid of, then to put it in the farthest closet of memory. Therefore, attempts to memorize traffic rules from a book page are likely to be in vain.

For numbers and clerical language to interest and remember, they need to be made less abstract, more alive.

1. Add a little personal

A rough example: if you are once fined for crossing the road in the wrong place, you will remember for a long time when you can cross the carriageway and when you should not.

However, it is not necessary to get fines. Just try on the points set out in the traffic rules for yourself.

For example, if you are currently traveling by tram and not by car, find an advantage in this: the tram is always right. This is an accessible, personal statement of one of the basic principles of traffic rules: with an equal right to travel, the tram has an advantage over other vehicles, regardless of the direction of travel.

Correlating theory with personal experience, you can easily click tram problems on the exam.

2. Laugh

Laughter lowers levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits hippocampal function. And this area of ​​the brain is responsible for translating information into stable memories. In addition, when we laugh, the level of enhancing endorphin rises in the body.

The cumulative effect is that if you are laughing, then you will remember the information that caused the laugh better than any other. Tales, jokes, cartoons about traffic are a great way to fix traffic rules in memory.

In Russia, a new road marking has been introduced - three solid lines. They mean the same as two or one, but you have to do something!


Unlike the traffic police test, you will have an unlimited number of attempts. Bring the solution to traffic rules problems to automatism - and the driver's license is almost in your pocket!