The song Troika (three white horses) from the movie "Wizards. Scenario of the New Year's Matinee "Adventures in the Tridethic Kingdom with a horse Julia Stop - India

The song Troika (three white horses) from the movie
The song Troika (three white horses) from the movie "Wizards. Scenario of the New Year's Matinee "Adventures in the Tridethic Kingdom with a horse Julia Stop - India

"And they carry me and carry me
In ringing snowy distance
Three White Horse, Eh, Three White Konya
December, January and February! "

A little brave girl Nina, who, together with the brother, Vanya went to cut off his bride from the trouble, sneak all who at least once heard this song. Words invented by the legendary poet songwriter Leonid Desberev, do not require special efforts to memorize. They are close and understandable to everyone. The same can also be said about the melody written by the genius composer Evgenia Kryolov. He expresses in the music that he penetrates the soul of seriously and for a long time. That is why the song "Three White Kony" from year to year does not lose its relevance. Denis Klyaver gladly fired her, being a little boy, and continues to love now.

"This is my one of the most favorite songs in childhood. In my opinion it is "magicians" as far as I remember, yes. Generally a stunning film. I always sang her when I was small. I do not go to karaoke, but if I went, I would love to fulfill it there. "

"Three White Kony" were first heard by the audience "Cherryev" in 1982. Then no one could think that the actress Anna Ashimov, the performer of the role of the girl Nina, sings not herself. By the way, the film Anya got completely accidentally. Once the director's assistant came to her school. A second-grader with girlfriends left their phones, and together with dozens of other girls they were invited to samples. The radiant smile of a little Ani conquered the director and immediately approved on a major role. But she was still not entrusted to sing this famous song. Whose voice sounded in the film? The composer Evgeny Krylatov will tell about this listeners.

"This song recorded one girl and recorded wonderful, but she was so young and her voice had a little barn, sharp. But they recorded and recorded. And then Larisa Valley came to write another song, I do not remember, in my opinion the final. Directed by Konstantin Bromberg suddenly says: "Let's try to record the valley" Three White Horse "?" Well, I was so surprised, well, I think I will try. And she sang so brilliantly, wonderful. I think that this song is so popular because of the artist. "

"Three White Horses" were, there were such a gentle falsett that later no one could learn in this performance 27-year-old jazz singer Larisa Valley. And in this - her great merit. After the song was sounded in "sorcerers", she immediately entered the New Year's repertoire. But the listeners continue to be associated primarily with the film and his heroes in which many viewers were in love. Singer Angelica Varum is no exception.

"She is connected with Abdulov. With my first love. Not mutual. "

Interestingly, Eugene Wildov himself initially treated this song very kept. He wrote her for the film and could not even imagine that nationwide love was intended for her.

"I am not a composer-songwriter in my creative orientation, I am a composer of cinema. Need some kind of song director according to the script, well, it means you need. And so I never thought that this song will suddenly go there, no! She, as if his functions should have been fulfilled in the film, and then time passed and some songs became independent, they had already broken away from the film and lived their own lives. And it is impossible to predict. "

Now without this song is not a single New Year's concert. Many stars of our variety are confused. And another "three white horse" certainly enters the catalog of songs of each respective karaoke-restaurant. It is not surprising that she sounded in the live sound program. And performed her singer Natalia Gulkin.

"I had this song, but I have to say that I was very happy, because I madly love this movie exactly those distant 80s when he appeared. I always, of course, dreamed of singing somewhere. Only some sincere feelings it causes this song. "

The song "Three White Kony" creates a New Year's mood, gives people smiles and positive emotions. And this is the most important components of the holiday.

Fragment of New Year's Eve in the "Sanatorium Obolsunovo"

Show - New Year's Travel program

1. Exit the leading at 22.00. - Congratulations to all happy new year, verse, toast.

Inviting everyone to an unusual New Year's trip to the countries of the world.

2. O. Romberg - "Three White Kony"

And now let's give the tribute to the past year. How he was for each of us, now we will sum up the results of 2010.

Let him raise his hand
Who is a career take off (raised)
Kiss let go send
Who in love was lucky all year (kiss)
Thumbs up up
Who celebrated the success more than once! (Finger OK)
And down turn your fingers
Who posed the capital, (down)
Well, can you put the handle
Who got grandson, granddaughter! (Masut)
And stand in a friendly row
Who gave birth or son's daughter (get up)
Let those praise in his hands,
Who bought a good home! (clap)
Those who married married
Screaming "Hurray!" We will hear you!
And lift up glasses,
Those who worked a lot
Worked without sorry forces,
Who brought into the house salary
Who is having fun on a banquet
Called all crisis in the world
Who looks joyful forward
In a happy good new year!
Toast! Over the past year!

3. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

- Congratulations to guests, acquaintance with guests on a horoscope, task to guests who can call the date of birth of Russian Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Farewell to guests and promise even come back.

4. We start the journey and the first stop in Austria

where to new, it is customary to give figurines or send postcards with traditional happiness symbols; Such are the carvillary, four-leaf clover, pig. It was believed that in order to be happy, for the New Year's dinner it is necessary to eat a piece of head or pork sony; It was called "Participing in Pig Happiness" and it was in Austria that in 1780 a supreme society dance was born, and simply Waltz. For all guests with greetings from Austria, Waltz sounds.

Balay couple - "Waltz".

Under the New Year and the sounds of the Waltz,
Under the battle hours, we wish again
Raise a glass for peace and happiness
Hope, faith and love.

5. Next stop in Italy.

Italians on New Year's Eve thrown out old things from the windows - fly out of the windows on the bridge flower pots, old chairs, boots ... The more you throw things out, they say, the more wealth will bring the new year. And also proven, the first Circus appeared in ancient times in Rome. And as well, that this art lives, to this day, and at our holiday, meet the circus studio "Arlekino"

Circus Studio - acrobatic number.

Italians in the New Year's Eve thrown out old things from windows, this custom is so good that I would like to offer you to all throw away from memory as an unnecessary trash old insults, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ungratefulness. If we do all this, it turns out that only warm and pleasant memories of old year remained in our memory. We will remember it, and then the new year will be better than the past!

6. History of New Year's holidays.

It turns out that New Year's holiday is the most ancient of all existing holidays. When excavations of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel on which it was written: "The beginning of the new year."

In the ancient Babylon, the New Year met in the spring. During the holiday, the king was leaving the city for several days. While he was absent, the people had fun and could do everything that he wants. A few days later, the king and his retinue in festive clothes were solemnly returned to the city, and the people returned to work. So every year people started life again.

In ancient times, the new year most often connected with the spring - the beginning of the revival of nature and the expectation of the new crop. Therefore, in Russia, the new year celebrated on March 1.

And only in 1699 Peter I, returning from traveling in Europe, a special decree, commanded "in the future of the summer" from January 1: "In honor of the New Year, learn decorations from fir trees, cheese children, roll on sleds from the mountains. And adults of the people of drunkenness and mordoboy do not teach - for that other days there is enough. "

Toast: Very soon in the world of dreams and faith
We will behave a duet of a rabbit cat,
Nallem full of graceful wine glasses
And shifting them for the new best year!

7. Stop - India.

In the new year, the inhabitants of India decorate themselves with flowers of pink, red, purple, or white shades, and small lights light on the roofs of houses. Although the Egyptians are confident that the belly dance comes from Pharaohs, in fact he was brought from India in the 10th century Gypsy and from there went around the world. And more recently, it is very popular in Russia.

Male toast. London ... Fog ... Cafe ... Two elderly gentlemen are sitting. One other: - Soon the new year, good! Second: - Well, and that. Sex is better. Yes, but the new year more often ...

8. New Year's quiz

What is the name of the film director who recognized and loved the whole country after his New Year's film "Carnival Night" passed on the screens? (Eldar Ryazanov)
What was the name of the boy, whom Dad, Mom, brothers and sisters left for Christmas holidays at home? (Kevin)
What holiday was the villagers of the village of small heels on the plan of the film director Yuri Muma the next morning after the meeting of the New Year? ("Neptune Day".)
What material was a man who had a harmful wife sent to the forest for a Christmas tree in a cartoon "Failed last year's snow"? (From plasticine)
In which New Year's film, the main heroine sings Alla Pugacheva voice? ("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath")
Which New Year's toy turned the young prince King of Mice, in the same fairy tale? (In the Nutcracker)
In what movie the actors Evgeny Leonov, Georgy Vicin, Savely Kramarov celebrated the new year at the cottage of Professor archaeologist? ("Gentlemen of Fortune")
What was the name of the sons of Geology Sergeev, who came to the New Year holiday in the distant Taiga? (Chuk and Gek)
What is the name of the New Year's film, which first sounded a popular song about "three white horses" in the children's medium? ("Wizard")
In which New Year's film, Mikhail Boyarskoya had to do according to roles mainly to meow? ("New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti")
What a new year's release of the cartoon "Well, wait!"? (Fifth)
In which year, Russia first met the New Year on January 1. (1699, 1700)
And who in Russia introduced an order to cope the new year on January 1? (Peter 1)
How many years ate? (50 mileslet)
Riddle: The forest grew, the white is all, not to enter on foot in it, not to enter the sleigh. (Patterns on the window)
What year is only one day? (new)

9. Stop Cuba.

Cubans on New Year's Eve are filled with water all the dishes, which is in the house, and at midnight begin to pour it out of the windows. Thus, all residents of the island of Freedom wish the new year of light and clean, like water, paths. And the Cubans are proud by what exactly they had a "Cha-Cha-Cha" dance, meet him and on our site.

Balniki - "Cha-Cha-Cha"

Toast female. New Year's meeting. One lady says the other:
- It seems to me that we have already met a new year in one company about 12 years ago.
- Truth? I do not remember something.
- I also have a bad memory on my face. But the dresses are good.

10. Stop - France.

The French on New Year's Eve do not go to visit, and according to tradition, a good owner of the winemaker must certainly be choke with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the future harvest. And since the wine in France does not only lazy, you can imagine what fun there have fun. The French having fun not only wine, but also stray acrobats, they consider France homeland of their art.

And on our site an acrobatic number ...

Circus Studio "Harlequin"

11. How to meet new year hare

First of all, by the 3rd of February, cleanse, in the end, your home from the extra things, and on the antlesol too! And do not forget about the balcony, nothing, get dull ... And the whole of the dusty trash that you will collect, it is necessary to take out the garage or to the cottage, but simply neatly put in the trash containers. There will be a holiday and someone else. And at home, you will finally begin to wander the same life stream, the takeoff is more and overclocking.

And now - the main thing. Two councils that will make you happy and lucky. Only do not speak anyone, it is a terrible mystery, because ... comes true. First: Find among children's toys or souvenirs in the servant of the dragon figures, turtles and poultry-phoenix. If there are those who are born in the year's hare among households, you also need a hare's figure. Figures disappear at the honorable places: the dragon - on the eastern side of the house, the bird - on the southern, and the turtle - on the north, in accordance with the symbolism of the parties of the world. This tradition is very popular in the countries of Central and East Asia: the Dragon (East) is a symbol of happiness, a turtle - wisdom and prosperity, Phoenix bird - longevity and health, and hare - family and home comfort. These symbols will attract all the listed types of well-being in your home, besides, if your home is not correct from the point of view of "winds and streams" (Feng Shui).

How to attract good luck in the new year

Before the new year, for forgiveness should be forgiven from everyone who has offended in the past year by Nenarkom.
Before the new year, sorry cannot be taken out of the hut, otherwise there will be no home well-being
To meet the new year, wear new and best outfits and decorations - to live rich ...
New Year's table should be rich that there is an abundance and wealth all year ...
Up to 12 nights, women need to throw on the shoulders of capes or shawls, and after a twelfth strike quickly remove them. All diseases and bad events will remain last year.
The event that happened in the New Year will be in variations to repeat the whole year.
If the girl is in the New Year's Eve Wroplele or cuts the finger - in the new year married.
January 1, do not fulfill heavy and dirty work, and then all year will be in the mud bothering and testing. You can not remove in the house, especially sweeping and washed the floors, throw out the garbage - it promises losses and losses.

  1. Stop - Spain.

IN Spain The grape is also added to every hourly clock watches. Therefore, everyone seeks to swallow not 12, but as much as possible berries. The main thing is that grapes are without bones ... And the gifts are given here and for Christmas and for the new year: something is romantic for the first holiday and something practical on the second. And of course, Spain is the birthplace of the famous dance - Flamenco,

K. Frolova - Dance "Carmen".

  1. New Year signs.

They speak for the new year, which is not wished, everything will always happen, everything always comes true. But if you really want that your desires are fulfilled, there are some signs.


    Write a desire on a sheet of color paper and make any toy and put it on the top of the tree, it will come true.

    To write wishes on 12 sheets, put on the night under the pillow, in the morning reach 3 - they will come true.

    Take a plate with rice, cover it with your left hand with a palm down, and make a desire, then take a handful and calculate.

    Take a chain, rubbing it in your hands, make a desire, and then throw it on the table:

The circle is a difficult situation from which it is difficult to exit.

Smooth strip - good luck.

Knot - Diseases and Financial Losses.

Bow - marriage.

Snake - next to you enemy.

Heart - you love

And who knows anything about rabbits, cats?.

Now I will check it, by following "Rabbit and Cat Quiz":

* Do hares live in Norah?

(No, this animal is practically not attached to the territory, no blocks.)

* Do hares make stocks for the winter?

(No, hares are active throughout the year and feed reserves do not.)

* How many teeth have a hare?

* What speed can the hare?

(Up to 40 km per hour.)

* Is it true that hares male larger females?

* How many times the fat content of the hare milk exceeds the same cow's indicator?

* Where the hare runs faster: in the mountain or from the mountain?

(Mount, because a hare's front legs are short, and the rear is long.)

* Is the bias of the hare?

(The hare is not at all oblique.

* Is there a Martov hare in nature, about which we read in the book in the book "Alice in Wonderland"?

(Yes, it is widespread in Europe. Martha accounts for the marriage season of the hares. During this period, they appear in an open place at any time of the day, forgetting about danger.)

* Is it true that if the hare failed to escape or hide, he falls on his back and fell away from the predator with rear paws, like a chaff boxer?

* Who wrote the poem about the girl who threw her toy hare in the rain?

(Agniya Barto.)

* What is the hare, riding a bus?

(Ticket. This is called shortcomings.)

16. Stop - Russia.

IN Russia Since ancient times, they believed that the New Year's table lays down and predicts the prospect of the family for the next 12 months, so the table was covered very generously and satisfying, and it was accepted only at the table only in a new and rich apparel.

"Crystal" - "River", "Ice Ceiling".

17. Stop - Argentina.

Tarron is a sweet bread that bake for the New Year in Argentina, considered the most traditional New Year's dish. Another New Year's custom states that if you go with your suitcase around the house, then you should expect many travel and pleasant trips to next year. Argentine tango today on our site, meet.

Couple - Tango

  1. Who of you was born in the year of the rabbit

Competition for rabbit.

19. Stop - Egypt.

New Year in Egypt, celebrated on the night from 9 to 10 February. Muslims celebrate New Year as a day of spiritual revival. Egypt is the birthday of the belly dance. Term "belly dance" It happened from the Arabic word "Beedy", which means "homeland", "native city". Since the time of the occurrence of Beedy has always been a dance of female expression. Today and we can see Beedied on our scene.

Ensemble "Fiesta" Eastern dance.

Let next year We will have so many good and joyful events, so many good and wonderful things, how many lights burn in our New Year Garland and as much as beautiful songs will sound today on our holiday.

    At 23.15 h. - Dance pause - 30 minutes.

"Crystal" - retro songs.

    We win the old year .

It goes out old year

Goes without refund

Goes thread concerns

Which we do not need.

And drove in summer

What was welcome to us

Who was in love, and I loved.

Nigandino - unexpectedly,

Names go

Instant, views, songs

Time leaves.

Where it was so wonderful!

Goodbye, old year,

Goodbye, not goodbye

Going to us New Year

And gives the promise!

    Congratulations to the President, Happy New Year!

    Exit host at 00.20h.

The leading congratulates everyone with the coming New Year, pronounces toast.

    Artists congratulate all guests Happy New Year.

Ensemble "Fiesta" - East dance.

In England, a bell is announced about the arrival of the new year. True, he begins to call a little earlier midnight and makes it a "whisper" - the blanket that he is Ukutan, prevents him from demonstrating all the power. But exactly twelve bells undress, and they start loudly to sing hymns of the new year. These minutes are lovers to not part next year, they must kiss under the leaf of mistletoe, which is considered a magical tree.

England was home to not only the first New Year postcard, but also the birthplace of modern circus, the first of which was built in 1780.

Circus Studio N.Pryvalova - Acrobatic number.

Friends urgently need your help. It is necessary to "defrost" songs. I call the last words of the lines, you need to know the song and fulfill this verse.

    the Christmas tree - grew - slim - was (the song "The Christmas tree": "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, she grew up in the forest ...");

    ice - Squeezing - Wall - Barbed (Song "Winter": "Ice ceiling, screen cream ...");

    me - Dal - Konya - February (song "Three White Konya": "And carry me into the ringing light distance ...",);

    elegant - Opay - chocolate - our handles (the song "Fir-tree": "The thrust of an elegant, lower, we are lower, we are a chocolate fishing ...");

    inay - Wires - Blue - Star (Song "Blue Inay": "Blue, Blue Yeans, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky ...");

    brought - Frost - I look - I thank (the song "Snow goes": "My love brought to me, probably good Santa Claus ...");

    minutes - sing - the light is this (the song "Five minutes": "I will drink a song about five minutes to you, my song will sing this song ...");

    counter-Sea - Bears - Earth ("Song about Bear": "Punked by the century, sleep under the sea ...");

    young - in the distance - Palm - Clear (Snowflake Song: "When a year is coming, and the old one goes away ...").

"Crystal" - song.

For Americans, the new year comes when huge luminous clocks on Times Square will show 00:00. At that moment, thousands of people gathered on the square begin to kiss and hurry to the car beep with all their strength. Traditional dish in New Year's America is a porridge from a dark pea. It is believed that it is she brings good luck. It is also believed that the dance Rumba was born in America. For you, friends,

Balay couple - Rumba.

25. Disco from DJ A. Kraykin - 40 minutes.

26. For fiery signs - Aries, Lion and Sagittarius - the White Rabbit promises the test, passing through which, you will achieve much more than we assumed. Perseverance and some share of conscious risk - and you are submitted by new peaks and beautiful horizons will open.

Earth signs - Taurus, Virgin and Capricorn - White Rabbit proposes hard to work hard to build their own well-being on a solid foundation. The foundation is laid in the first half of the year, where you will erect the building of financial and family stability.

As for watermarks - cancer, scorpion and fish, then the rapid course of the first half of the year can take them at all to the unknown shores. Everything will depend on how skillfully they can bypass the waterways of fate, and from those who float next to them.

Gemini, weights and aquarian - the white rabbit promises the wind of change. Therefore, it is not at all worth going against the wind, but on the contrary, moving in the same direction, you can achieve success without much effort.

Competitive program, for those who wish to move.

27. Dance pause - 30 minutes.
"Crystal" - Retro Song "

28. Quiz "Guess the melody from the movie"

29. Disco from DJ A. Kraykin - 40 minutes.

30. The leading once again pronounces the toast for the new year, and talks about how to properly meet the year of the hare, which will come on the Chinese calendar on February 3.

31. Dance pause - 30 minutes.
"Crystal" - Retro Song "

32. Disco from DJ A. Kraykin - 40 minutes.

Natalia Shpakovskaya

Childhood is a happy time to live when the tale easily becomes a free, dreams come true and miracles occur. As you know, with special trepid children are waiting New Year's matineeTherefore, the magic atmosphere, costumes of fabulous characters and colorful scenery should be inherent elements of the holiday.


Adults - Prince, Kon-Julius, Alyosha Popovich, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus.

Children: Gypsies, Russian beauties, robbers, warriors.

New Year's adventures in the trident kingdom with a horse Julia.

(Parents with children rise to the 3rd floor on the central veranda, where they are waiting for the prince with Alesh Popovich)

Prince: Hello, guests are expensive, go to my kingdom-State, happy joyful holiday.

How beautiful in our kingdom,

We were conquered our friends

Having all the people

We celebrate New Year!

Let whistle and moan the blizzard,

Let the track prevail

And we arrange a miracle now -

Everyone was waiting for this for a long time!

Now in the hall so much light,

So much laughter and heat

And, smiles warrets,

Hearts are revealed.

The day is wonderful

New Year comes to us,

Holiday laughter and clauses

Fairy tale holiday for children.

SONG: « New Year-Horovodna»

(Horror ends, the fact that Alyosha goes for the prince, tell him that there is no Christmas tree on the holiday)


Let the snow smells spinning

Single snow sings.

Around the Christmas tree siny

We celebrate New Year!

(appeals to Alya) Alesha is enough for me to walk, not from whom to protect me, all the sacrament people in the dungeon have long been sitting, a holiday in the yard. Prince I or not the prince, in the end!

Alesha: Not acceptance for the audacity of a clear prince, the Christmas tree is not on the holiday, it's not good. You can see the besurman, they did not want to spoil the Christmas tree, we want to spoil our holiday, I'll show you a silhole of a richrsk ...

Prince: Oh, hurt, everywhere conspiracy is might of you, without work, it disappears at all. I know, I know where the Christmas tree is festive, in the magic forest, and you will tell you the way, so be.

(Tsygans suddenly appear to the music horse Julia)

1st Gypsy: Hey, Romale, watch Bogatyr! (Touch.) Present!

2nd Gypsy (Taking Alya by hand): Dear, let's pay, I'll tell you all the truth. What happened, what will happen something will end than the heart calms down.

Alyosha Popovich: Excess this! (Hides his hands behind the back.)

3rd Gypsy: I see the road to the long, in the way soon you will gather! Why without a horse? Bogatyr and without a horse of Bogatyrsky?

(Alyosha Popovich confusedly scratch the back.)

4th gypsy: Do you want, sell good and zadzhevo?

(Roma rolls his fingers, remove a horse with a tied mouth.

Alyosha gets a wallet.)

5th gypsy: Look what horse! Take, you will not regret, pay, not a bog, yes in the saddle soon sit down.

(Gypsies go round around Alesh Popovich, take a wallet from him and dance begins.)


Alyosha Popovich (after the gypsies): Uh, ah-wallet? Ah okay! Well, the horse is borsky, why the mouth is tied (Unleashes the horse's mouth.)

Horse Julius: Oh ho-ho! Hooray! Freedom!

Alyosha Popovich: What are you talking?

Horse Julius: What surprises you? Yes, I can speak! By the way, I call me Julius, in honor of the Roman emperor Gaya Julia Caesar, but making a discount on your education, you can just Juli!

Alyosha Popovich: Well, well, Julius, went!

Horse Julius (with surprise): Go?

(Alyosha Popovich is trying to sit on the horse, he begins and falls into the floor.)

Horse Julius: Heavy you, Alyosha, maybe next to go?

Alyosha Popovich: Okay, went! Show the princess road.

(Before them stands the stone index)

Alesha: (slowly reads) N-A right-in-day ...

Julius: You are not hurry, focus, and we still throw a camp, you look at the morning and read.

Alesha: (Offended) And please read yourself.

Julius: (Julius reads the inscription on the stone) Yes, what's there to think about the right, where wealth, we will be wealth and the Christmas tree and gifts and Santa Claus combined together!

Prince: Leshenka, Well, here you declare where to go, I'm probably leaving. And what, a man I am prominent, the prince in the end, I need to marry.

Alyosha Popovich: Oh, you, go where you want, and we will go straight, to meet new Year's adventure!

(All heroes are divergent, and everyone goes down on the 2nd floor in the lobby, Alyosha Popovich goes to the hall where all Santa Claus is waiting, the parents get into their places, children become around the Christmas tree, consider the decoration of the hall)

D. M. - Hello, kids,

Girls and boys.

Oh, what are you smart

All rosy da swollen.

Dear, by the way

I missed the whole year very much.

Well, did you miss me?

Children - yes!

D. M. - Who will answer the question? Who am I kids?

Children - Santa Claus!

D. M. sees that the lights on the Christmas tree are not burning, and offers to light lights.

Horticulture "About the Christmas tree"

(After the song, on the loss, withdraw a dance in front of the Christmas tree and do not release Santa Claus)

Children: And we will not release you Grandfather Frost!

THE GAME "Will not release"

D. M. - Ah tease me. Well, show your hands, ears, nose. Now what I will touch, then the corruler.

THE GAME "Corrosion"

D.M. - What are you clever, bold. Oh, and I'm tired! (sits)

Ved.: Sit the grandfather rest, yes on the beauties of our Russians look!

Dance: "Russian beauties"

If the boys dance prepared, then Santa Claus is invited to see the dance "Bogatyer"

Lesha: Sit the grandfather rest, and my heroes look!

Dance: "Bogatyer"

(Immediately after the dance runs away with shouts and jumps on Lesha, and the robbers come out)

DANCE: "Robbers"

HORSE: Guys, as I am glad to see you, I understood our strength in unity, only together we will achieve our high goal. Friendship - Here is our real wealth! Through the Bustorman, the Bogatyrsky horse is on you!

(Sleeping from one to another, everything speaks in panic)

Lesha: Calm down Julius, there is no reason for panic! Let's show the silicon of the Bogatyr!

D. M.: Leshenka, calm down! Yes, what is happening here?

HORSE: Lesha went straight for adventures, Prince how to the left, for love, and I am for wealth, and here the robbers.

D.M.: And what is wealth for you?

HORSE: Holiday on the nose, buy gifts to buy, I'm from good intentions!

D.M.: So I prepared gifts for the guys, here. (Looks under the Christmas tree, looking for gifts) And where are they, there are no gifts! I seem to guess whose hands is the case, who we have the diffays in the forest and for the holidays, right Baba Yaga, now I will call this lady.

(Pulls a big tube, calls Baba Yaga, invites to the magic forest)

(To the music of Love You Like A Love Song enters Baba Yaga, the look of glamorous, heels and in the bigwood)

D.M.: Is it a savory woman with Baba Yaguli?

Baba Yaga: Children forgot me, well, a lot of time and a cosmetologist, solarium and so little things. And then all Baba Yaga bone foot teases.

D.M.: Yes, you are no longer babanet, but a girl Yaga, tell the beauty, again poke, where the gifts blew up?

Baba Yaga: I'm not at all of your fairy tale at all, and I'm not here, and I will still spoil your gifts about your gifts. (Turns to the horse and asks)

And what kind of man is so interesting? Somewhere I saw him!

HORSE: Well, I can't. Guys become a dance, tell the song who is this.


(After the song, Santa Claus and Baba Yaga dance in a circle)

(Baba Yaga trembles a math verge)


(Children sit on chairs)

HORSE: (tells Santa Claus) Yes, this is a woman, you look at!

D.M.: Yah you (refers to the guys) And I think, I guess where gifts.

(Everyone is surprised. Who has)

D, M.: Staff, Starch, prince in the forest to me, Javi!

(Magic happens and the prince is circling in the hall)

Prince: Oh, and you already all gathered about new Year's Christmas tree?

D, M.: Did you see the princes gifts?

Prince: And what did you lose them, I took myself to preserve, you never know, the people went, everything that does not happen, still take, and they are unattended, and I am safe.

D.M.: Thank you, so give gifts.

(Prince pulls tiny gifts)

Prince: Inflation, something like this. And that children and so much enough, I am in the interests of the state!

D.M.: Yes-aa, (comes to the well) Give the water to drink a key, I did not expect from you, the princess did not expect.

Prince: I am in the interests of the state!

HORSE: Well, no need panic, whatever you do without me! The well is not simple, but magical, now everything will be.

(1 throws the rope into the well - pulls out the chef, 2 times throwing, pulls out the boots)

Prince: Well, forgive me, I will tell you how to return the gifts, it is necessary that Santa Claus read the magic words.

D, M.: Forgive the guys, prince, oh and joker he! (Children: YES) No, so it's not going to go, let me try, I still a wizard!

(Throws the rope, says magic words and pulls out a bag with gifts, distribution of gifts, says goodbye, take pictures)

The troika ringing and clockwork song is remarkably suitable for learning with children of winter months. Ask kids with what the author of horses compares. Wait until the children answer this question. Song Troika Listen online in kindergarten and home fun! Children learn to be beautiful, as there are many very colorful epithets and comparisons in the song: And about the linking distance, and about the Christmas tree in dresses, and about snowy arms. The song is fast, so it's a great suitable for the competition, where the kids run around around the chairs, and participants are always 1 person more than chairs.

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Troika notes

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Three white horse text

Cooled rivers and land cooled
And a little bit at home.
It is warm and raw in the city,
It is warm and raw in the city,
And outside the city, Winter, Winter.

And carry me and carry me
In ringing snowy distance
December and January and February!

Winter revealed snowing snow
And until the spring, everything is sleeping here.
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses
I will all run all run, run, run.

And carry me and carry me
In ringing snowy distance
Three White Horse, Eh, Three White Konya
December and January and February!

The rivers cooled and the land cooled but I'm not afraid to freeze.
This is in the city, I all saddled,
It's in the city I'm all sad
And behind the city laugh, laugh, laughing.

And carry me and carry me
In ringing snowy distance
Three White Horse, Eh, Three White Konya
December and January and February!

And carry me and carry me
In ringing snowy distance
Three White Horse, Eh, Three White Konya
December and January and February!

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we decided to tell you the story of the winter song itself. It goes immediately about the three months of this magical time of the year. For thirty years old, January and February damaged to the sled, January and February, will jump over the expanses of our immense country, arranged by the approach of miracles. "And they carry me out and carry me into the ringing snowy distance three white horse, Eh, three white horses December, January and February!" A little brave girl Nina, who, together with the brother, Vanya went to cut off his bride from the trouble, sneak all who at least once heard this song. Words invented by the legendary poet songwriter Leonid Desberev, do not require special efforts to memorize. They are close and understandable to everyone. The same can also be said about the melody written by the genius composer Evgenia Kryolov. He expresses in the music that he penetrates the soul of seriously and for a long time. That is why the song "Three White Kony" from year to year does not lose its relevance. Denis Klyaver gladly fired her, being a little boy, and continues to love now. "This is my one of the most favorite songs in childhood. In my opinion it is "magicians" as far as I remember, yes. Generally a stunning film. I always sang her when I was small. I do not go to karaoke, but if I went, I would love to fulfill it there. " "Three White Kony" were first heard by the audience "Cherryev" in 1982. Then no one could think that the actress Anna Ashimov, the performer of the role of the girl Nina, sings not herself. By the way, the film Anya got completely accidentally. Once the director's assistant came to her school. A second-grader with girlfriends left their phones, and together with dozens of other girls they were invited to samples. The radiant smile of a little Ani conquered the director and immediately approved on a major role. But she was still not entrusted to sing this famous song. Whose voice sounded in the film? The composer Evgeny Krylatov will tell about this listeners. "This song recorded one girl and recorded wonderful, but she was so young and her voice had a little barn, sharp. But they recorded and recorded. And then Larisa Valley came to write another song, I do not remember, in my opinion the final. Directed by Konstantin Bromberg suddenly says: "Let's try to record the valley" Three White Horse "?" Well, I was so surprised, well, I think I will try. And she sang so brilliantly, wonderful. I think that this song is so popular because of the artist. " "Three White Horses" were, there were such a gentle falsett that later no one could learn in this performance 27-year-old jazz singer Larisa Valley. And in this - her great merit. After the song was sounded in "sorcerers", she immediately entered the New Year's repertoire. But the listeners continue to be associated primarily with the film and his heroes in which many viewers were in love. Singer Angelica Varum is no exception. "She is connected with Abdulov. With my first love. Not mutual. " Interestingly, Eugene Wildov himself initially treated this song very kept. He wrote her for the film and could not even imagine that nationwide love was intended for her. "I am not a composer-songwriter in my creative orientation, I am a composer of cinema. Need some kind of song director according to the script, well, it means you need. And so I never thought that this song will suddenly go there, no! She, as if his functions should have been fulfilled in the film, and then time passed and some songs became independent, they had already broken away from the film and lived their own lives. And it is impossible to predict. " Now without this song is not a single New Year's concert. Many stars of our variety are confused. And another "three white horse" certainly enters the catalog of songs of each respective karaoke-restaurant. It is not surprising that she sounded in the live sound program. And performed her singer Natalia Gulkin. "I had this song, but I have to say that I was very happy, because I madly love this movie exactly those distant 80s when he appeared. I always, of course, dreamed of singing somewhere. Only some sincere feelings it causes this song. " The song "Three White Kony" creates a New Year's mood, gives people smiles and positive emotions. And this is the most important components of the holiday.