Holy Righteous John Kronstadt. Life

Holy Righteous John Kronstadt. Life
Holy Righteous John Kronstadt. Life


FROM Vyatoy Righteous John Kronstadt (real name Ivan Ilich Sergiev) born on October 19 (November 1 for a new style) 1829in the village of Sura, Arkhangelsk province - on the distant north of Russia - in the family of poor rural deceka Ilia Sergiyev and his wife's feud. The newborn seemed so weak and painful that the parents were hurried immediately to paint him, thinking that the child would not live until the morning, and they were unarked by John, in honor of St. John of the Rylsky, on that day of St. John the Church. Soon after baptism, the baby John Steel is noticeably corrected.

R Vanya Vytels were people simple and deeply believers. Father, Ilya Mikhailovich, sang and read prayers during worship in a local rural church. From early childhood, he took his son to church and thus raised in him a special love for worship.

J. Iv in the harsh conditions of extreme material needs, Ioann's matches early got acquainted with the utmost paintings of poverty, grief, tears and suffering. It made it concentrated, thoughtful and closed in himself and, at the same time, brought in it deep sympathy and compassionate love for the poor. Not captivating the games inherent in children's age, he, wearing a constantly in his heart of his memory of God, loved the nature that excited in him, the lingerie and the worship of the Creator of all the creatures.

W. In childhood, he was characterized by a special sensitivity for the manifestations of the spiritual world: at 6 years old John was inhabited by the phenomenon of his guardian angel. Little Vanya often sick and sometimes spent long days in bed. He not only saw Mom prays for his health, but he himself prayed to her.

IN 6 years old Father bought Vana the ward and began to train the son of a diploma. The diploma was initially given to him with difficulty, as well as St. Sergius Radonezh, - and just like the Rev., on prayer, John found the ability to teach. Once at night, when everyone slept, Six-year-old Vanya saw unusual light in the room. Looking around, he froze: In an unearthly light, the guardian angel was parked. An embarrassment, fear and at the same time joy covered the child. Seeing the boy's excitement, the angel calmed him down and, promising to fencing all the sorrows and misfortunes, disappeared.

Patches John prays on the way to school


FROM Sue by the latches of John began to learn great: one of the first graduated from the Arkhangelsk Parish school, in 1851 he graduated from the Arkhangelsk spiritual seminary and for success, he was admitted to a government account in the St. Petersburg spiritual academy, which he graduated from the degree of candidate of theology in 1855 by defending The work "On the Cross of Christ in the replication of imaginary Old Believers."

E. It is still studying in the seminary, he lost her father's gently beloved. As a loving and caring son, John wanted directly from the seminary to look for a place for a deacon or a psaller to maintain the old woman who remained without a means to existence. But she did not want the Son to lose the highest spiritual education because of her, and insisted on his admission to the Academy. And the obedient son was submitted.

P Cutting into the Academy, the young student did not leave his mother without care: he overturned himself in the academic board of the stationery, and all the score earnings received by him completely sent mothers.

Start of ministry

Reflecting once about the upcoming ministry of the Church of Christ during a secluded walk through the Academic Garden, he, returned home, fell asleep and saw himself as a priest who serves in the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, in which he really was never yet. He took it for an indication of over. Soon the sleep came true with literal accuracy.

After the completion of the spiritual education in 1855, he became a priest of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt, where he served 53 years.

Married to the daughter of the Archpriest of the same temple of Konstantin Novitsky Elizabeth, but did not have children. Spouses "took on the feat of Nam." The marriage of him who was required by the customs of our church for the Ierhea, passing his ministry in the world, was only a fictitious, necessary for the cover of his selfless shepherd feet. In fact, he lived with his wife as a brother with a sister.

John Kronstadt with his wife

12 december 1855 his dedication was made in the priest. When he first entered the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, he stopped almost in horror on his threshold: it was exactly the temple that prompted him before him in his children's visions. All the rest of the life about. John and his pastoral activity proceeded in Kronstadt, why many forgotten his name "Sergiev" and called him "Kronstadt", and he himself was often signed.

In December 1931 Andreevsky Cathedralwas closed. In the second half of 1931, a procurement cooperative warehouse was located in the premises of the cathedral. In 1932, the cathedral was disassembled. In 1955, a monument to Lenin was installed on the resulting squaver. Square called Leninsky. In 2001, this monument was transferred to Square of Young Lenin. In 2002, the Andreev Union was set a memorable granite sign with the inscription:
"At this place was the Cathedral of Andrei First-Called, in which the Great Prayer Land of the Russian Holy Righteous Father John Kronstadt served 53 years. The cathedral was consecrated in 1817, destroyed in 1932. Let this stone screens up to the hearts of our restoration of the blast shrine. "

R Posted on the island of Kotlin in Finnish Bay, in 46 versts from St. Petersburg, Kronstadt of those times was not quite ordinary city. On the one hand, a powerful naval fortress, parking and the base of the Baltic Military Fleet. And on the other, the place of references of the beggars, vagrants and guessed in any people. There were a lot here and chernobykh workers who worked in the port and at the factories. These inhabitants of the city are juting. Who could have built her laccies from half-jammed briced and boards. Other digging dugouts. People lived in hopeless need, in the cold and hunger. They walked over not only children, but also their drinking fathers, and sometimes the desperate mothers.

AND On this, the father of John drew attention to all, unfortunate and lowered people. The young priest began to visit poor quarters.

FROM Will their troubles for the Kronstadt "Unfortunate Bosyaakov" crossed the father of John to many, and especially the authorities and high-ranking officials. Many did not believe in the sincerity of his intentions, mood over him, distributed about Batyushka slander and Navate, called Yurodiv. But no matter what, father John walked his way.

« N.to love every person and in his sin, and in his shame of him, - was talking about. John, - no need to mix a person - this image of God - with evil that in it». With such consciousness, he walked towards people, all defeating and raising the power of his true pastoral confirming love.

In the glooming fallen people and praying for them, sacrificing money and things, father John helped and sick. Sometimes his name was to the sick at night, and he, without hesitation, was driving, not afraid of even the most infectious. For his trips to the sick and for prayer about healing, John's father never asked anything. I just reminded that it is necessary to thank for everything you need God.

Opening of the gift of the miracle

FROM Coro opened in the father of John and the wonderful gift of the wirals, who glorified him to the whole of Russia and even far beyond her. There is no possibility to re-dispose all the wonders committed by the father of John. Our unbeliever intellectual and her printing intentionally mastered these countless phenomena of the power of God.

P The moldings of John Kronstadt and the imposition of his hand were herald the greatest diseases were herald when medicine was lost in his helplessness. Healing was performed, both alone and with a large coherence of the people, and very often in absentia. It was enough to write a letter to Father John or send a telegram to make a miracle of healing.

FROM Has a lot of healing evidence.

ABOUT Sobly wonderful in front of all the miracle in the village of Konchansky (Suvorovsky), described by chance, then there then, the Suvorov Commission of Professors of the Military Academy (in 1901). A woman who has suffered with a lack of a launival and given to Father John in an insensible state, after a few moments they were completely healed and was performed in a normal state of a completely healthy person.

H. The slicer of Zhirotovsky described the wonderful shedding of rain in the area, suffering from drought and threatened with a forest fire, after John's father raised his prayer there.

M. The absence of miracles was performed on the prayers of a fellow shepher. Especially regretted by the father of John prone to the passions of winepitia and he was healed from it.

ABOUT tets John healed the power of his prayer not only by Russian Orthodox people, but also Muslims, and Jews, and those who appeal to foreigners. This great gift of the wonderfulness was naturally a reward Father John for his great feats - prayer works, post and dedicated affairs of love for God and near.

"All-Russian Batyushka"

IN Ever end, all believing Russia flowed to the great and wonderful wonderworker. Glory about him as a famous shepherd, preacher and the wonderworker quickly spread everywhere. The second period of his glorious life, his feats came. Initially, he himself went to the people within one of his city, and now the people themselves from everywhere, from all over Russia, rushed to him. Thousands of people came daily to Kronstadt, wanting to see the father of John and get this or that help from him.

E. he received a greater number of letters and telegrams. Together with letters and telegrams, Ioanna flowed to Father and huge amounts of money for charity. You can only judge about the size of them, because, receiving money, John's father immediately distributed. According to the minimum calculation, after his hands, at least one million rubles took place per year (the amount for that time is huge!).

St. John Kronstadt leads homeless children in the shelter.

N. and this money, Father John daily fed a thousand nurses in Kronstadt, "Hardworking House" with a school, church, masterfully and shelter, founded a women's monastery in his native village and erected a large stone church, and in St. Petersburg built female Monastery on Karpovka, in which he was buried at the end.

D. Having saved the high degree of prayer contemplation and fearlessness, John's father calmly took rich clothes, presented to him by his admirers, and was shared in them. It even had it to cover his feats. Dear clothes, some people put the father of Father John. However, according to eyewitnesses, he did not order her herself, and took only to not be offended by the giving people, sincerely wanted to thank him or serve him. In fact, thoroughly hiding their mobility from people, John's father was the greatest ascetic. At the heart of his ascetic fit lay undercessant prayer and post.

P Olochenic donations distributed everything to the last penny. So, for example, having received one day with a huge set of people, a package from the hands of the merchant, John's father immediately handed him down the poor man's hand, without opening even the package. The merchant was excited: "Battyushka, yes there is a thousand rubles!" - "His happiness", Father John answered calmly. Sometimes, however, he refused to receive donations from some faces. There is a known case when he did not take 30,000 rubles from one rich lady. In this case, the foresight of the father of John was manifested, because this lady received this money an unclean way, in which after and repent.

B. Ioan's father and a wonderful preacher, and he said it is very simple and most often without special training - impromptu. He did not search for beautiful words and original expressions, but the sermons were distinguished by an extraordinary force and a depth of thought, and at the same time the exceptional theological scholarship, with all its availability for understanding even simple people. In each word, he was felt some special power, as a reflection of the strength of his own spirit.

"In the Serezysiy father "(as I called John's father) himself constantly traveled around the country, visiting the most deaf her corners. These trips were a real triumph of the humble Christ of the minister. Everywhere, wherever he seemed, near him instantly grew a crowd of thirst for at least touching him. The wonderworker. The confluence of the people was determined by tens of thousands, and all were aroused by the feelings of heart faith and reverence, fear of God and thirst to get a healing blessing. During the passage of the father of John, on a steamer, the crowds of the people fled along the shore, many when approaching a steamer became knees.

TO If on July 20, 1890, John Kronstadt served in the Cathedral Church of Kharkov, over 60,000 people gathered at the Cathedral Square. Exactly the same scenes occurred in the Volga cities: in Samara, Saratov, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod. Where only became aware of his arrival, a lot of people gathered in advance: crowds were going around him and literally praised his clothes (once the inhabitants of Riga ruined him with a piece of pieces, everyone wants to have a piece).

In this house on the second floor there was an apartment of the party and the Andreyevsky Cathedral -

John Kronstadt lived in it from 1855 to 1908

In John, the Kronstadt house was two-story, but two more floors were attached to him in Soviet times, which strongly confused historians when they were looking for an apartment. In the photo: layout at home, as he looked before

John Kronstadt's Day

IN Father John became daily at 3 o'clock in the morning and prepared for the ministry of Divine Liturgy.

ABOUT Kolo 4 hours he went to the cathedral to the morning. Here, he was already met by the crowds of pilgrims, who eager to receive at least a blessing from him. There was also a set of beggars, which the father John distributed alms.

Living Room-Museum of John Kronstadt

Z. And the morning of John, John, certainly, always read the canon, giving this reading great importance. Before the beginning of the liturgy was confession.

AND since the huge number of wishes to confess the father of John, they were introduced a general confession. She produced - this general confession - on all participants and eyewitnesses an amazing impression: many dropped out loud, shouting out loudly, not having fun and not embarrassed, their sins. Andreevsky Cathedral, which accompanied up to 5,000 people, has always been full, and therefore the communion went for a very long time, and the liturgy before 12 o'clock in the afternoon did not end. In other days, he confessed 12 hours and jesked for the service continuously in a continuation of 3-4 hours.

Sermon in the Andreevsky Cathedral of Kronstadt.

P On the evidence of eyewitnesses and served the Father John, the commission of John the Divine Liturgy is not amenable to a description. John's father's service was represented by a continuous hot prayer gusting to God. During the service, he was truly an intermediary between God and people, they guarantee them for their sins, he was a living link who connected the Church of the Earth for which he had been present, and the Church of Heaven, among whose members he was tutured in those moments. The reading of the father of John on the closer was not a simple reading, but a lively enthusiastic conversation with God and His saints: he read loudly, distinctly, penetrating, and his voice penetrated into the soul of praying. And for Divine Liturgy, all the exclosed and prayers were uttered as if his enlightened eyes saw the face of the Lord and talked to him. Tears of the dignity flowed out of his eyes, but he did not notice them. It was seen that the father of John during the Divine Liturgy was worried about the entire history of our salvation, felt deep and strongly all the love of our Lord, felt his suffering. Such ministry acted extremely on all those present.

N. E All walked to him with a solid faith: some doubt, others with distrust, and the third of curiosity. But here everyone was reborn and felt as ice doubts and disbelief gradually melted and replaced by the warmth of faith. Commissioning after the general confession had always been so much that sometimes there were some large cups on the holy throne, of which several priests acquired believers at the same time. And such a communion continued often more than 2 hours.

IN On the time of service of the letter and telegrams, Ioanna's father was brought right in the altar, and he immediately read them and prayed for those whom they asked him to remember.

P The donke of the service, accompanied by thousands of believers, John's father came out of the cathedral and went to St. Petersburg on countless challenges to the sick. And rarely, when he returned home earlier midnight. It must be assumed that many nights he did not have time to sleep at all.

T. Ak can live and work, of course, only if there are supernatural fertile help of God!

Teaching activities

AND Oann Kronstadt was a wonderful teacher-legist. Over 25 years he taught God's law in the Kronstadt City School (from 1857) and the Kronstadt classical gymnasium (from 1862).

ABOUT N Never resorted to those teaching techniques, which often had the place then in our educational institutions, that is, neither to excessive rigor, nor to the moral accommodation unable. At the father of John, the incentive measures did not serve markers, no penalization measures. The successes gave birth to a warm, sincere attitude of him both to the very case of teaching and to students. Therefore, he had no "unable."

N. And his lessons are all, without exception, greedily listened to every word. The lesson was waiting for him. His lessons were more like pleasure, rest for students than a difficult duty, difficulty. It was a lively conversation, an exciting speech, interesting, exciting attention story. And these living conversations of a shepherd father with their children for all life deeply imprinted in the memory of students. Such a teaching method in his speeches, addressed to teachers before the start of the school year, explained the need to give Fatherland primarily a person and Christian, pushing questions about sciences into the background.

N. Eriedko there were cases when the father of John, standing on some lazy student sentenced to an exception, he himself was taken for his correction. It took several years and from a child who did not serve, seemed to have no hope, a useful member of society was developed.

ABOUT The father of John attached to the reading of the lives of saints, and always brought separate lives for lessons who distributed students to read at home.

In 1887, John Kronstadt was forced to leave teaching activities.

Spiritual diary "My life in Christ"

N. Despite all his extraordinary employment, John's father found, however, the time to drive as if a spiritual diary, writing his thoughts every day, who came to him during prayer and contemplation. These thoughts made up a wonderful book published under the title "My life is in Christ."

All his life in the Kronstadt, St. Ioann led a spiritual diary - more than 50 years. The extracts from it were published in two volumes called "My Life in Christ" in the time of St. Ioanna. After World War II, part of the diaries was lost.

This book presents a genuine spiritual treasure and can be put on a par with the inspired creations of the ancient great fathers of the church and devotees of Christian piety. In the first meeting of the writings of John of the Kronstadt edition of 1893, "My Life in Christ" occupies 3 volumes of 1000 with excess pages. This is a completely peculiar diary, in which we find an unusually instructive reflection of the spiritual life of the author for each reader. Every word - from the heart, full of faith and fire; In thoughts - amazing depth and wisdom; In all the striking simplicity and clarity. There is not a single word, no "beautiful phrases". They cannot only "read" - they must always reread, and always find something new in them, living, holy.

"My life in Christ" is already shortly after its release, so attracted all the attention that was translated into several foreign languages, and the Anglican priests became even a favorite desk book.

This book for eternal times will remain a bright testimony of how our great righteous lived and how to live all those who want not only to be called, but in reality to be Christians.

The main idea of \u200b\u200ball written creations of John Kronstadtsky is the need for true hot faith in God and life in faith, in the incessant struggle with passions and lusts, loyalty to the faith and church of Orthodox, as a single saving.

Social and political position

B. Screw the way of meekness and humility, love for each person, regardless of nationality and religion, John Kronstadt, with great indignation, applied to all those godless, materialistic and free-industrial liberal trends that undermined the faith of the Russian people and dug up the thousand-year-year state system of Russia.

R Euro Cataclysms, including in Kronstadt, John Kronstadt perceived as a lack of confidence, argued that "if things are going to go in Russia, and the boots and anarchists-madness will not be susceptible to the righteous kara of the law, and if Russia does not purify the set empties as ancient kingdoms and cities. "

ABOUT The bind of special concerns of John Kronstadt was the activities of the revolutionary anti-church intelligentsia. The main cause of revolutionary fermentation in Russia, he considered the disappearance of people from the church.

FROM In the early 1890s, he sharply criticized the popular and influential in the society of the writer of Graph Lion Tolstoy. It was criticized for the fact that the latter "perverted the whole meaning of Christianity," "the goal was set out ... everyone to take away from the faith in God and from the Church," "mock over the Holy Scriptures", "Hochot Satanic Mocks Over the Church," "dies together with followers." It believed that the teachings of Tolstoy strengthened the "corruption of morals" of society that his writings were "poisoned by many young men and girls" that the Tolstov teams "write Russia and prepare her political death."

P The Donkey of 1905 and the following censorship in the Russian press began to print negative articles and cartoons on John Kronstadt, sometimes wearing obscene and mocking character. He was criticized for performances against Tolstoy, for the sharp rejection of the revolutionary movement and support for the autocratic form of the Board. The newspapers wrote that John Kronstadt was surrounded by unworthy people who have stolen a significant part of donations that controlled the chat of the pilgrims with Him, allowing mainly of those who could be obtained by MZDA; That the special income is the spread of prayers, allegedly compiled by John Kronstadt, Crossings, and other objects, "consecrated" them.

FROM Another noticeable anti-church work was the story of Nikolai Leskov "Czlitters" (1890). In a significant part of its part, the story critically illuminates the activities of John Kronstadt. The shepherd was depicted as a pseudo selection, and his supporters are like sectarians.

IN The 1880s from the medium of his admirers was alone a group of fanatical fans, which received the name john who revealed him for the incarnate of Christ again (which was regarded as a kind of sect of whips; they were recognized as the Holy Synod as a sect on April 12, 1912); The Father John himself rejected them and condemned them, but its very presence created a scandalous reputation in certain circles.

The end of John Kronshadtsky

TO A severe sense of serving people in the last years of life of John Kronstadt joined the painful personal ailment - the disease he crotko and patiently tolerated, never complaining about anyone. He strongly rejected by the prescription of famous doctors who used it - to maintain their forces of rapid food. Here is his words: "I thank the Lord My for the suffering sent to me to prevent my sinful soul. Revives - Holy Communion. "

H. Holy Disease caused a lot of suffering, but the father did not change his rule - the divine service was committed daily, communion of the Holy Holy Tyne. Only in the last days of his life, he could not make liturgia and was involved in the house. For the last time he served Liturgy in the Andreevsky Cathedral on December 9th.

ABOUT Tets John accurately predicted his death day. December 18, as if forgotten, he asked Angelin Igumen: " Which is today? "She answered: "Eighteenth"."So two more days",- said in meditation the father. Shortly before the death, he sent to all the postmen, crucial, etc. People who performed his assignments, festive postcards for the Christmas of Christ. "And it will not be at all",- he added.

IN The sulfur shepherd died December 20 (old style) 1908 in the 80th year of life and was buried in the John Monastery in Karpovka in St. Petersburg.

IN The burial of John Kronstadt was attended and attended dozens of thousands of people, and at the tomb of him and then and at the next time there were many miracles.

N. Easternities were funeral! The coffin with the body of John Kronstadt was exhibited in the Andreevsky Cathedral for farewell. People continually went to the temple all night from 21 to December 22. On the entire space from Kronstadt to Oranienbaum and from the Baltic station in St. Petersburg to the John Monastery, there were huge crowds of crying people in Karpovka. There was no such quantity of people until the same funeral - it was a case in Russia completely unparalleled.

P The horn procession was accompanied by troops with banners, the military orchestras performed "Kohl Slaven", along the road through the whole city stood troops with trellis. The rank of funeral was performed by the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Anthony, at the head of the sonma of the bishops and the numerous clergy. The deceased hand of the deceased testify that the hand remained not cold, not by the sequel. Official services were accompanied by common sobs of people who felt orphaned. Relaxers were heard: "Our sun has rolled out! Who left us, father native? Who will come to help us, siery, weak? " But in the funeral there was nothing mournful: it reminded themselves as soon as a light Easter Southa, and the farther the service was, the time the festive mood had everything growing and increased. It was felt that some gracious strength comes from the coffin and fills the hearts of those present by some kind of unearthly joy. It was clear to all that the saint, righteous was in the coffin, and his spirit is invisibly worn in the temple, the volume of his love and the lacquer of all the gathered to give him the last debt.

Catafalk with the coffin of John Kronstadt near the Andreevsky Cathedral

Funeral procession with the coffin of John Kronstadt on the ice of the Gulf of Finland

IN DOVA Elizaveta Konstantinovna survived the father of John just a few months, and was buried on May 24, 1909 in the cemetery of St. Andrew's Cathedral (at the end of the life of Elizabeth Konstantinovna moved a heavy operation after which the legs lost).

John Monastery on Karpovka

The power of John Kr. onstadtsky

M. Osti of the righteous John Kronstadt rest under prior in the John Monastery on Karpovka.

Tombstone over the relics of John Kronstadsky in the John Monastery in St. Petersburg

Z. Low the famous icon of St. John with his Epitrochil and his vestments.

C. Astitz Epitrohili is also available in the Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedral of St. Petersburg, in the icon, which is an exact list of the monastery icon.

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Trinity of the Library) in Rogozhsk Sloboda

IN Moscow icon John Kronstadt with a particle of relics is located in the temple of St. Sergius Radonezh (Trinity of the Live) in Rogozh Sloboda (m. "Ilyich Square", ul. Nicoloyamskaya, 57-59).

On the Local Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, on June 7-8, 1990, St. Right. John Kronstadt was canonized, and it was established to make his memory on December 20 / January 2 - on the day of the blessed death of the Holy Righteous.

The holy righteous father is our John, the Kronstadt Wonderworker, was born on October 19, 1829 in the village of Sura Pinezhsky County of Arkhangelsk Province - on the distant north of Russia, in the family of poor rural deceka Ilia Sergiyev and his wife's feud. The newborn seemed so weak and painful that the parents had hurried immediately to paint it, and he was ordered him by John, in honor of St. John the Rylsky, that day St. Church is celebrated. Soon after baptism, the baby John Steel is noticeably corrected. Pious parents, attributing it to the graceful action of St. The sacraments of baptism, became with a special jealousy to direct his thought and feeling towards God, catching him to a diligent home and church prayer. From early childhood, his father constantly took him to church and thus raised in it a special love for worship.

Living in the harsh conditions of extreme material needs, Ioann's lattices early got acquainted with the irregular paintings of poverty, grief, tears and suffering. It made it concentrated, thoughtful and closed in himself and, at the same time, brought in it deep sympathy and compassionate love for the poor. Not captivating the games inherent in children's age, he, wearing a constantly in his heart of his memory of God, loved the nature that excited in him, the lingerie and the worship of the Creator of all the creatures.

In the sixth year, the Latches of John, with the help of his father, began to learn a diploma. But the gram is initially poorly given a boy. It saddled him, but it was the same and especially hot prayers to God for help. When his father, collecting the last funds from his poverty, took him to the Arkhangelsk parish school, he, especially having felt his loneliness and helplessness there, all the consolation was only in prayer. He prayed often and flames, it's warmly asking for help. And so, after one of these hot prayers, at night, the boy suddenly shocked everything, "exactly the curtain slept from the eye, as if the mind was revealed in the head," "Easy and happily happened so much on the soul": he was clear to that day teacher His lesson, he remembered even what he was talking about. Slightly crushed, he jumped out of bed, grabbed the books - and Oh, happiness! He began to read much better, began to understand everything well and memorized.

Since then, the matages of John began to learn perfectly: one of the first graduated from the school, he graduated from the Arkhangelsk spiritual seminary and was adopted on a government account at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

Student in the seminary, he lost her father's beloved her beloved. As a loving and caring son, John wanted directly from the seminary to look for a place for a deacon or a psaller to maintain the old woman who remained without a means to existence. But she did not want the Son to lose the highest spiritual education because of her, and insisted on his admission to the Academy.

Entering the Academy, the young student did not leave his mother without care: he overturned himself in the academic board the stationery and all the poor earnings received by him completely sent mothers.

Studying at the Academy, John initially inclined to devote himself to missionary work among Siberia and North America. But the fishery of God was pleased with him to another kind of shepherd activity. Reflecting once about the upcoming ministry of the Church of Christ during a secluded walk through the Academic Garden, he, returned home, fell asleep and saw himself as a priest who serves in the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, in which he really was never yet. He took it for an indication of over. Soon the sleep came true with literal accuracy. In 1855, when John Sergiev graduated from the Candidate of the Academy with a degree of candidate of theology, he was invited to enter into marriage with the daughter of the Archpriest of the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral of K. Nesvitsky Elisvetsey and take the San Priest to serve in the same cathedral. Remembering your dream, he accepted this proposal.

On December 12, 1855, his dedication to the priest was committed. When he first entered the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, he stopped almost in horror on his threshold: it was exactly the temple that prompted him before him in his children's visions. All the rest of the life about. John and his pastoral activity proceeded in Kronstadt why many even forgot his name "Sergiev" and called him "Kronstadt", and he himself was often so signed.

Marriage about. John, who was required by the customs of our church for the Ierhea, passing his ministry in the world, was only a fictitious, who needed to cover his dedicated pastoral feats: In fact, he lived with his wife, like a brother and sister. "Happy families, Lisa, and without us. And we will dedicate yourself to the service of God with you, "he said to his wife on the very first day of his marital life, until the end of his days remaining a pure virgin.

Although one day. John and said that he did not lead ascetic life, but this, of course, was said to them only in deep humility. In fact, thoroughly hiding their mobility from people, about. John was the greatest ascetic. At the heart of his ascetic fit lay undercessant prayer and post. His wonderful diary "My life in Christ" vividly testifies to this ascetic struggle with sinful thoughts, this "invisible brahi", which is being met by all true Christians ancient great devotees. A strict post, as spiritual and bodily, demanded naturally from him and the daily commitment of the Divine Liturgy, which he put himself as a rule.

At the first acquaintance with my flock about. John saw that he had a no less field for selfless and fruitful pastoral activity, rather than in distant pagan countries. Discreservation, obseriation and sectarianism, not to mention the full religious indifference, flourished here. Kronstadt was the place of administrative expulsion from the capital of various vicious people. In addition, there were a lot of black-workers who worked mainly in the port. They all juts, for the most part, in miserable shacks and dugouts, begging and drunk. Urban residents have suffered a lot from these morally fallen people who called the "Posal". At night, it was not always safe to go through the streets, for the risk was attacked by robbers.

That's how it seemed to be morally the dead people despised by everyone, and turned his attention to the performed spirit of genuine Christ love our great shepherd. Among them, he began the wonderful feat of his selfless pastoral doing. Every day he began to be in their poor dwellings, talked, consorally, cared for the sick and helped them materially, distributing everything that he had, often returning home to spread and even without boots. These Kronstadt "Bosyaki", "Society of Society", which about. John the power of his compassionate pastoral love was again made by people, returning them to the lost them was a human image, the sobilities "opened" were the first. John. And this "discovery" was very quickly perceived by all the most believing People's Russia.

Unusually touchingly talks about one of these cases of spiritual revival due to about. John one artisan: "I was then the years 22-23. Now I am an old man, and I remember well, as I saw the father for the first time. I had a family, two kids. I worked and drunk. Family starval. Wife slowly selected around the world. Lived in a stray horse. I come out of time not very drunk. I see some young father sits, in his hands, the son holds and something is affectionately. The child is seriously listening. Everything seems to me, the father was like Christ in the picture "Blessing of Children." I wanted to swear: here, they say, hang ... Yes, the eyes of the father are affectionate and seriously stopped me: I was ashamed ... I put my eyes, and he looks like it looks right in the soul. Began to speak. I do not dare to pass everything he said. He spoke about the fact that I have a paradise in Camork, because where children, there are always warm and good, and that you don't need to change this paradise to Kabatsky Chad. He did not blame me, no, it was justified, only I was not before excuse. He left, I sit and silent ... I do not cry, although in the soul, as before tears. The wife looks ... And since then I have become a person ... "

Such an unusual pastoral feat of a young shepherd began to cause complaints and even attacks him from all sides. Many people did not recognize the sincerity of his mood, mad over him, slandered him orally and printed, called him whisk. At the same time, the diocesal bosses were allowed to even give him sorry to him, since he, having received him in his hands, was distributed to the last penny, caused him to explain. But all these tests and mockery about. John was having mastered himself, without changing in the sense of the attacker on him the lifestyle adopted by him. And, with God's help, he defeated everyone and everything, and for everything, over in the first years of shepherds, they laughed at him, they pursued, slandered and pursued, subsequently began to glorify, realizing that in front of them the true follower of Christ, a genuine shepherd, believing My soul is your sheep.

"You need to love every person and in his sin and in her shame of him," said about. John. - It is not necessary to mix a person - this image of God - with evil, which in it "... With such consciousness, he walked towards people, all defeating and reviving the power of his true pastoral confirmation.

Soon opened in about. John and the wonderful gift of the wirals, who glorified him to the whole of Russia and even far beyond her. There is no way to list all the wonders committed about. John. Our unbeliever intelligentsia and its printing deliberately silent these countless phenomena of the power of God. But still a lot of miracles are recorded and saved in memory. Preserved an accurate record of the story about. John about its first miracle to his sprockets. Deep humility breathes this story. "Someone in Kronstadt fell ill," he talked about it. John. - asked for my prayer assistance. I and then had such a habit: not to refuse anyone in the request. I began to pray, betraying the sick of God, asking for the Lord's performance over his holy will. But an unexpectedly comes to me one old woman, which I knew for a long time. She was a god-fearing, deeply believer woman holding his life in Christian and in the fear of God concerned her earthly wandering. She comes to me and persistently demands from me so that I pray about the sore, no other than his recovery. I remember, then I was almost frightened: how can I - I thought - to have such a coup? However, this old woman firmly believed because of my prayer and stood on her. Then I confused myself my insignificance and my sinfulness, I saw the will of God in all of this business and began to ask for sore healing. And the Lord sent him her grace - he recovered. I thanked the Lord for this mercy. Another time my healing was repeated on my prayer. I then in these two cases, I looked forwarded to the will of God, a new obedience from God - pray for those who will ask it. "

On prayer about. John really was committed and now, in his blissful death, many wonderful wonders continue to be performed. Healing the prayer and the imposition of hands about. John the greatest diseases when medicine was lost in his helplessness. Healing was performed in both alone and with a large coherence of the people, but very often in absentia. It was enough to write a letter about. John or send a telegram to make a miracle of healing. Particularly wonderful in front of all the miracle in the village of Konchansky (Suvorovsky), described by chance, then there, then there, the Suvorov Commission of Professors of the Military Academy (in 1901). Woman, many years suffering from the launion and listed to about. John in an insensitive state, after a few moments they were completely healed and was performed in a normal state of a completely healthy person. On prayer about. John swallowed blind. The artist Zhelyovsky describes the wonderful shedding of rain in the area suffering from drought and threatened by a forest fire after. John ascended his prayer there. O. John healed the power of his prayer not only by Russian Orthodox people, but also Muslims, and the Jews, and those who appeal to him because of the boundaries of foreigners. This great gift of the wonderworks naturally was a reward about. John for his great feats - prayer works, post and dedicated affairs of love for God and near.

And soon, all believing Russia flowed to the great and wonderful miracle. The second period of his glorious life, his feats came. Initially, he himself went to the people within one of his city, and now the people themselves from everywhere, from all over Russia, rushed to him. Thousands of people came daily to Kronstadt, wanting to see about. John and get this or that help from him. He received an even greater number of letters and telegrams: Kronstadt mail for his correspondence was to open a special branch. Together with letters and telegrams flowed to about. John and huge amounts of money for charity. You can only judge them about the sizes, because, receiving money, oh. John immediately distributed everything. According to the minimum calculation, through his hands took place per year at least one million rubles (the amount for that time is huge!). For this money about. John fed a thousand nurses daily, made a wonderful institution in Kronstadt - "House of hard work" with a school, church, masterfully and shelter, founded in his native village a female monastery and erected a large stone temple, and in St. Petersburg built a female monastery in Karpovka, in which he was buried on his death.

To the common grief of the inhabitants of Kronstadt, in the second period of their lives, the period of its All-Russian glory, oh. John was supposed to leave the teaching of the Law of God in the Kronstadt City School and in the Kronstadt classical gymnasium, where he taught over 25 years. And he was a wonderful teacher-lawmaker. He never resorted to those teaching techniques, which often had the place then in our educational institutions, that is, neither to excessive rigor, nor to the moral accommodation unable. U o John measures of encouragement did not serve marks nor aggravation measures - punishment. The successes gave birth to a warm, sincere attitude of him both to the very case of teaching and to students. Therefore, he had no "unable." In his lessons, all the exclusion was eagerly listened to every word. The lesson was waiting for him. His lessons were more like pleasure, rest for students than a difficult duty, difficulty. It was a lively conversation, an exciting speech, interesting, exciting attention story. And these living conversations of the shepherd father with their children for all their lives deeply imprinted in the memory of students. Such a way of teaching he in his speeches, addressed to educators before the start of the school year, explained the need to give Fatherland primarily a person and Christian, pushing the question of sciences into the background. Often there were cases when about. John, standing on some lazy student sentenced to exclude, he himself was taken for his correction. It took several years, and from a child who did not serve it seemed to have no hope, a useful member of society was developed. Special mean about. John attached to the reading of the lives of saints and always brought separate lives to the lessons who distributed students to read at home. The nature of such teaching the law of God about. John is brightly captured in the address raised to him on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his legislery in the Kronstadt gymnasium: "You didn't teach children dry scholasticism, not a dead formula - texts and sayings - you made them, who were not learned only on the memory of the lessons, you demanded that they; On bright, susceptible souls, you sowed the seeds of the eternal and life-giving verb of God. "

But this glorious feat of fruitful legislation about. John was supposed to leave the sake of an even more fruitful and wide feat of his All-Russian diction.

It is only necessary to imagine how the day y about about. John to understand and feel all the severity and greatness of this for its unparalleled feat. I got up about. John daily at 3 am and was preparing for the ministry of Divine Liturgy. About 4 o'clock he went to the cathedral for the uterus. Here, he was already met by the crowds of pilgrims, who eager to receive at least a blessing from him. There was a set of beggars, which about. John distributed alms. Sauna about. John certainly, he always read the canon, giving this reading great importance. Before the beginning of the liturgy was confession. Confession, due to the enormous number of wishes to confess on about. John, was introduced by them, if necessary, general. She produced - this general confession - on all participants and eyewitnesses an amazing impression: many dropped out loud, shouting out loudly, not having fun and not embarrassed, their sins. Andreevsky Cathedral, which accommodate up to 5,000 people, was always full, and therefore the communion and liturgy came for a very long time before 12 hours. The day did not end. According to eyewitnesses and served about. John, committing about. John Divine Liturgy is not amenable to description. A gentle gaze, then a comfortable, then mournful, in the face of the radiance of the good spirit, prayerful sighs, sources of tears, sources internally, gusty movements, fire grace of priestly, penetrating his powerful exclamations, fiery prayer - here are some features about. John during worship. Service about. John represented a continuous hot prayer gusting to God. During the service, he was truly an intermediary between God and people, they guarantee them for their sins, he was a living link who connected the Church of the Earth for which he had been present, and the Church of Heaven, among whose members he was tutured in those moments. Read about. John on the closer - it was not a simple reading, but a lively enthusiastic conversation with God and His saints: he read loudly, clearly, penetrating, and his voice penetrated into the soul of praying. And for Divine Liturgy, all the exclosed and prayers were uttered as if his enlightened eyes saw the face of the Lord and talked to him. Tears of the dignity flowed out of his eyes, but he did not notice them. It was clear that about. John during the Divine Liturgy experienced the whole history of our salvation, felt deep and strongly all the love of the Lord, felt his suffering. Such ministry acted extremely on all those present. Not everyone went to him with a firm faith: some doubt, others with distrust, and the third of curiosity. But here everyone was reborn and felt as ice doubts and disbelief gradually melted and replaced by the warmth of faith. Commissioning after the general confession had always been so much that sometimes there were some large cups on the holy throne, of which several priests acquired believers at the same time. And such a communion continued often for more than two hours.

During the service, letters and telegrams were brought about. John right in the altar, and he immediately read them and prayed for those whom they asked him to remember.

After the service, accompanied by thousands of believers, oh. John came out of the cathedral and went to St. Petersburg on countless challenges to the patient. And rarely, when he returned home earlier midnight. It must be assumed that many nights he did not have time to sleep at all.

So it was possible to live and work, of course, only in the presence of supernatural fertile help of God!

But the Same Glory about. John was his greatest feat, hard work. To think only that after all, everywhere, wherever he seemed, near him instantly grew up the crowd of thirst for at least only touch the wonderworker. The admirers threw him even for a quickly rushing carriage, grabbing her for the wheels with the danger of being mutilated.

At the request of believers about. John had to take trips to different cities of Russia. These trips were a real triumph of the humble christ of the minister. The intention of the people was determined by tens of thousands, and all were arranged by the feelings of heart faith and reverence, fear of God and thirst to get a healing blessing. During travel about. John on the steamer crowds of the people fled along the shore, many when approaching a steamer was kneeling. In the estate "Ryzhovka", near Kharkov, where they placed about. John, destroyed were a crowded crowd grass, flowers, flower beds. Thousands of people spent the days and night with camp near this estate. Kharkiv Cathedral during the ministry of about. John July 15, 1890 could not accommodate praying. Not only the entire cathedral, but the area near the cathedral did not fit the people, which even the surrounding streets fill. In the cathedral itself, singers were forced to fit in the altar. Iron lattices turned out to be everywhere broken from the crush. July 20th. John made a prayer at the Cathedral Square - the people were over 60,000. Exactly the same scenes occurred in the Volga cities: in Samara, Saratov, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod.

O. John was located in the Tsarist Palace in Livadia in the last days of the life of Emperor Alexander III, and the most end of the sovereign followed in his presence. Sick sovereign met about. John the words: "I did not bother to invite you myself. Thank you that you arrived. Please pray for me. I am very helpful "... it was October 12, 1894. After the joint crankshaft prayer of the sovereign alone with about. John followed a significant improvement in the health of the patient and there were hopes for his complete recovery. So it lasted five days; October 17 began again deterioration. In the last hours of his life, the sovereign spoke about. John: "You are a holy man. You are the righteous. That is why the Russian people love you. " "Yes," answered. John, - Your people love me. " Dying, according to the adoption of St. Tain and the sacraments of the Impression, the sovereign asked about. John to lay his hands on his head, saying to him: "When you hold your hands on my head, I feel great relief, and when you take away, very suffering - do not take them." O. John continued to keep his hands on the head of the dying king, while the king did not betray his soul.

Having achieved a high degree of prayer contemplation and fearlessness, about. John quietly took rich clothes, presented to him by his admirers, and was falling into them. It even had it to cover his feats. The donations obtained distributed everything to the last penny. So, for example, having received once with a huge set of people a package from the hands of the merchant, oh. John immediately handed him down the poor man's hand, without opening even the package. The merchant was excited: "Batyushka, yes there is a thousand rubles!" "His happiness," answered calmly about. John. Sometimes, however, he refused to receive donations from some faces. There is a case when he did not accept from one rich lady of 30,000 rubles. In this case, there was no prickness about. John, for this lady received this money an unclean way, in which after and repent.

It was. John and a wonderful preacher, and he said it is very simple and most often without special training - impromptu. He did not search for beautiful words and original expressions, but the sermons were distinguished by an extraordinary force and a depth of thought, and at the same time the exceptional theological scholarship, with all its availability for understanding even simple people. In each word, he was felt some special power, as a reflection of the strength of his own spirit.

Despite all his extraordinary employment, about. John found, however, the time to drive as if a spiritual diary, writing his thoughts every day, who came to him during the prayer and contemplation, as a result of "the gracious insight of the soul, which he received from the All-Playing Spirit of God." These thoughts made up a whole wonderful book, published under the title: "My life is in Christ." This book presents a genuine spiritual treasure and can be put on a par with the inspired creations of the ancient great fathers of the church and devotees of Christian piety. In the complete composition of the writings about. John of the publication of 1893 "My life in Christ" occupies 3 volumes in 1000 listened pages. This is a completely peculiar diary, in which we find an unusually instructive reflection of the spiritual life of the author for each reader. This book for eternal times will remain a bright testimony of how our great righteous lived and how to live all those who want not only to be called, but in reality to be Christians.

Wonderful monument of the Holy Personality about. John and not exhaustable material for edification are also three volumes of its sermons, containing a total account of up to 1800 pages. Subsequently, there were still a lot of individual writings about. John, published by individual books in a huge amount. All these words and teachings about. John is a true trend of St. Spirit, which reveals the insensited depths of the wisdom of God. They hit the wonderful peculiarity in everything: in the presentation, in thought, in feeling. Each word - from the heart, full of faith and fire, in thoughts - amazing depth and wisdom, in all the striking simplicity and clarity. There is not a single word, no "beautiful phrases". They cannot only "read" - they must always reread, and always find something new in them, living, holy.

"My life in Christ" has already shortly after his release, he attacked all the attention that was translated into several foreign languages, and the Anglican priests became even a favorite desk book.

The main idea of \u200b\u200ball written creations about. John is the need for true hot faith in God and lives in faith, in the incessant struggle with passion and lust, the devotion of faith and the Church of the Orthodox as a single saving.

In relation to our homeland - Russia about. John revealed the image of the Grozny Prophet of God, preaching the truth, which is implancing a lie, calling for repentance and predatory to the close Karu of God for sins and for his sin. Being self-sharpness and humility, love for each person, regardless of nationality and religion, oh. John with great indignation referred to all those godless, materialistic and free-industrial liberal trends, which undermined the faith of the Russian people and dug up the thousand-year-year state system of Russia.

"Learn Russia, to believe in the ruling destiny of the world of the god of the Almighty and learn from your holy ancestors of faith, wisdom and courage ... The Lord entered us, Russian, the great saving talent of the Orthodox faith ... Take the same, Russian man! .. Who taught you the reconciliation and rebellion meaningless, koi was not before in Russia ... stop mighty! Pretty! Pretty drinking bitter, full poison bowl - and you and Russia. " And Grozny bore: "The kingdom of Russian fluctuates, rushes close to the fall." "If things in Russia are so affairs and sanitizers and the anarchists of the madness will not be susceptible to the righteous kara of the law, and if Russia does not purify the set of a set, she will empty as the ancient kingdoms and cities, erased by the Justice of God from the face of the earth for their worm and for Your lawlessness. " "Poor Fatherland, sometime will you be giving?! Only when you stay to all the heart of God, the Church, the love for the king and the Fatherland and the purity of the morals. "

The subsequent events of the bloody Russian revolution and the celebration of godless mansome-nursing Bolshevism showed how rights were in their terrible warnings and prophetic foresightness of the Great Righteous of the Earth Russian.

To a severe sense of serving people in the last years of life about. John joined the painful personal illness, the disease that he crotko and patiently tolerated, never complaining about anyone. He strongly rejected by the prescription of famous doctors who used it - to maintain their forces of rapid food. Here is his words: "I thank the Lord My for the suffering sent to me to prevent my sinful soul. Revives - Holy Communion. " And he joined still every day.

December 10, 1908, having gathered the rest of his strength, oh. John the last time himself made the Divine Liturgy in the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral. And at 7 o'clock. 40 min. In the morning, on December 20, 1908, the Great Our Righteous moved peacefully to the Lord, predicting the day of his death in advance.

In the burial about. John was attended and attended tens of thousands of people, and at the tomb of him and then at the next time there were many miracles. The extraordinary thing was the funeral! On the entire space from Kronstadt to Oranienbaum and from the Baltic station in St. Petersburg to the John Monastery, there were huge crowds of crying people in Karpovka. There was no such quantity of people until the same funeral - it was a case in Russia completely unparalleled. The funeral procession was accompanied by troops with banners, the military performed "Kohl Slaven", along the road through the whole city stood troops with trellis. The rank of funeral was performed by the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Anthony at the head of the Song of the Bishops and the numerous clergy. The deceased hand of the deceased testify that the hand remained not cold, not by the sequel. Official services were accompanied by common sobs of people who felt orphaned. Related exclamations: "Our sun has rolled out! Who left us, father native? Who will come to help us, siery, weak? " But in the funeral there was nothing mournful: it reminded themselves as soon as a light Easter Southa, and the farther the service was, the time the festive mood had everything growing and increased. It was felt that some gracious strength comes from the coffin and fills the hearts of those present by some kind of unearthly joy. It was clear to all that in the coffin lies the saint, righteous, and his spirit is invisibly worn in the temple, the volume of his love and the lacquer of all the gathered to give him the last debt.

Buried about. John in the church-tomb specifically arranged for him in the basement floor of the monastery constructed on Karpovka. This church is remarkably beautifully lined with white marble; Iconostasis and the tomb are also from white marble. On the tomb (on the right side of the temple) lies St. Gospel and carved miter, under which the restless pink lamp is burning. Many expensive artistically performed lamps are constantly warm over the tomb. The sea of \u200b\u200blight from thousands of candles, fired by the Bogomol, fills this wonderful shining temple.

Now the great case of the church glorification of our wonderful righteous, the grace of God, was accomplished. Oh, if this joyful event was resurrected in the hearts of all Orthodox Russian people the most important covenant of the confused about. John and prompted them with all the decisiveness to follow him: "We need universal, moral cleansing, a nationwide, deep repentance, the change of the morals of the pagan to Christian: Clee down, weoching the tears of repentance, reconcile with God - and he will reconcile with us!"

On the Local Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, on June 7-8, 1990, St. Right. John Kronstadt was canonized, and it was established to make his memory on December 20 / January 2 - on the day of the blessed death of the Holy Righteous.

Saint Righteous John (John Ilich Sergiev), nicknamed Kronstadt, Born on October 19, 1829 in the poor family in the village of Sura Arkhangelsk province. Thinking that he would not live long, he was baptized immediately after birth with the name John, in honor of the celebrated on this day of St. John the Rylsky, the Great Light of the Bulgarian Church. But the child began to fix and grow. His childhood proceeded in extreme poverty and deprivation, but pious parents laid a solid foundation of faith in him. The boy was quiet, focused, loved nature and worship. At a six-year-old, he encouraged to see the Angel's Gorny, who closed by heavenly light. The celever told him that he was his angel keeper, always standing around him in compliance, hiking and salvation from any danger and would always store him throughout his life.

When John turned nine years old, her father, collecting the last crumbs, took him to the parish Arkhangelsk school. It was difficult to give him a diploma, because of what he was very grievous. Then the boy prayed to God for help. One day, in one of such heavy moments, in a deep midnight, when everyone slept, he got up and began to pray especially hotly. The Lord heard his prayer and the divine grace painted him, and, according to his own expression, "instantly as if the curtain slept with his eye." He remembered everything that was mentioned in the classroom, and somehow everything turned out in his mind. Since then, he began to make great progress in teaching. From the parish school, he moved to the seminary, which he graduated from first and for brilliant successes was adopted on a government account in the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

The capital did not spoil the young man, he remained as religious and focused on what was at home. Soon the Father died, and to support Mother, John began to work in the Office of the Academy with a salary of ten rubles per month. This money was completely referred to the mother. In 1855, he graduated from the Academy with a degree of candidate of theology. The young graduate in the same year was ordained in the Jewel and appointed by the priest of the St. Andrew's Cathedral in the city of Kronstadt. He firmly decide to serve the whole creature to God and the Humanity, Father John persuaded his wife Elisaven to remain virgin.

From the very first day after my ordination, John's father completely gave himself to the ministry to the Lord and began to make Divine Liturgy daily. He prayed warmly, taught people to live well and helped those in need. His diligence was amazing. At first, some people laughed at him, considering it not quite normal.

John's father felt great pity for all disadvantaged and suffering. Without bent by anyone, he walked on the first call to the most and downstream people. They prayed with them, and then helped them, often giving the last of what he had. It sometimes happened that, having come to the poor family and seeing poverty and illness, he himself went to the shop or for the doctor at the pharmacy.

At one time, John's father was the lawpower. His influence on students was irresistible, and the children loved him very much. The father was not a dry teacher, but a fascinating interlocutor. He warmly and sincerely belonged to his disciples, often burned for them, did not fail at the exams, and they led ordinary conversations who were remembered to students for life. Father John had a gift to light faith in people.

In the request of praying, he did not refuse to be rich, nor poor nor notable, no simple people. And the Lord accepted his prayers. On the liturgy, Father John prayed hotly, demanding, daring. Archpriest Vasily Shustin describes this one of the Liturgy of the father of John, on which he visited his youth. "I came to the great post with my father to Kronstadt to talk from the father of John. But since it turned out to be personally confessing with him, we had to confess on the general confession. I came with my father to the Andreevsky Cathedral before the stall. It was dark - only 4 o'clock in the morning. Although the cathedral was locked, the people had no decent people. We managed to get a pass in the altar on the eve. The altar was big, and there was a hundred people in a hundred people. After half an hour I came about. John and began to serve the morning. To his The consecration of the cathedral was filled to refusal, and he had more than five thousand people. Before Anvon, there was a lattice to restrain the Bogomolers. Canon on the uterine read the Father John himself.

By the end of the morning, the general confession began. At first, the father read prayers before confession. Then he said a few words about repentance, and loudly appealed to the whole cathedral to people: "Find out!" - Something incredible thing happened here. There were cries, screams, oral confession of secret sins. Some sought to shout out their sins, as louder as possible, so that the father heard and prayed for them. And the father at this time, becoming knees and touching the head of the throne prayed diligently. Gradually, cries turned into crying and sobs. It continued so fifteen minutes. Then the father rose and went to the Ambon; Pot Grad rolled his face. Reasonable requests to pray, but others have thrown these voices, and the cathedral is finally verse. Then the father, highly lifting the Epitrohil, read the permit prayer over the people and circled the Epitrochil over the heads of the crowd. After that, he entered the altar, and liturgy began.

Twelve priests served behind the throne and there were twelve huge cups and disks. The father served hard, shouting some words, and, as it were, a special coup in front of God. After all, how many shots he took on himself! At the end, they read prayers for a long time, because it was necessary to prepare a lot of particles for communion. For the bowl, they put a special stand between two lattices before the ammon. Batyushka came out about nine in the morning, and began to fit people.

Batyushka died several times so as not to give each other. Immediately near the lattice stood a chain of the citys, which restrained the people and kept the passages for communion. Despite the fact that at the same time two more priests acquired on the sides of the temple, the Batyushka cumshot after two hours of the day, taking a new bowl several times. ... Surprisingly touching it was a picture of the evening of love. The father did not have a shadow of fatigue on her face, with a fun, joyful face he congratulated everyone. Service and Holy Communion gave us so much vigor and forces that I did not feel any fatigue. As soon as the blessing by the father, we, having lunch, went home. "

Some treated Father John unfairly - some kind of misunderstanding, other envy. So once a group of laymen and spiritual persons who are dissatisfied with the father of John, wrote a complaint to Metropolitan Ishidor Petersburg. Metropolitan revealed a letter with a complaint, looks and sees a white sheet of paper in front of him. Then he causes complainants and requires an explanation. They assure Metropolitan that their letter is in his hands. Then the Metropolitan in bewilderment causes John's father and asks what's the matter. When John's father prayed to God, Metropolitan began to see that he really didn't have a white leaf in his hands, but a letter with charges. In this miracle that God himself protects the father of John from slander, Metropolitan drove a letter and driven complainants with anger, and Father Ioanna Laskovo said: "Serve, the father, God, and do not be confused!"

The prayer of Father John was extremely strong. Knowing it, for help, not only the inhabitants of Kronstadt appealed for help, but people from all over Russia and even from abroad. Letters and telegrams about. John came in such a quantity that the Kronstadt Mail allocated a special compartment for him. These letters and telegrams are about. John usually read immediately after the liturgy, often with the help of secretaries, and immediately prayed for the seekers. Among the healed by the father of John, there were people of all ages and classes, except for the Orthodox, there were Catholics, and Jews, and Mohammedan. We give examples of healing committed by the father of John.

In Kharkov, he lived a lawyer Jew. His only eight-year-old daughter got scarlet. Invited the best doctors, but the girl's body could not cope with the disease. Doctors said to parents that the girl's position is completely hopeless. The despair of the parents was limitless, and here the father remembered that at this time the father of John Kronstadt came to Kharkov, about whose miracles he had long heard. He took the cab driver and ordered to bring himself to the street where people gathered to meet the father of John. Thrown with difficulty through the crowd, the lawyer rushed to the legs of the father of John with the words: "Holy Father, I'm a Jew, but I ask you - help me!" Father John asked what happened. "My only daughter dies." But you have called God and save her, "the crying father exclaimed. Father John, putting his hand on his head, elevated his eyes to the sky and began to pray. A minute later he said Father: "Get up and go with the world." When a lawyer drove up to the house, a wife had already stood on the balcony, which joyfully shouted that their daughter was alive and healthy. Entering the house, he found his daughter talking to the doctors, - with those who sentenced her a few hours ago to death, and now not understand what happened. This girl then accepted Orthodoxy and wore Valentina's name.

One launched at all endured the presence of the father of John and, when he passed somewhere near, she was fighting, so I had to restrain her several strong men. One day, Father John still walked over to the launched. He became knees in front of the icons and plunged into prayer. The launched was hammered in convulsions, began to curse him and blasphemy, and then suddenly a completely aged and as if he fell into oblivion. When Father John got up from prayer, all his face was covered later. Going to the patient, he blessed her. Former barely rented eye and, breaking, tricks to the feet of the father. This sudden healing produced on all the tremendous impression.

Sometimes, however, John's father refused to pray for some person, surviving, obviously, the will of God. So once my father John was invited to the Smolny Institute for Bed Heavy Discounted Princess Chernogorsk. But without reaching the Lazaret of ten steps, he turned cool and went back: "I can't pray," he said deafheat. A few days later the princess died. Sometimes he showed great perseverance in prayer, as he himself testifies to one case of healing: "I came to God to God with all the diligence of prayers, and the Lord finally heard me and erect my sorrows."

Father John was not a skilled preacher. He spoke simply and clearly, without any techniques, but from the soul, and I conquered and inspired the listeners. His sermons were printed with separate issues and spread throughout Russia in huge numbers. A collection of writings of John's father, consisting of several large volumes, was published. Special love enjoys his diary "My Life in Christ".

We must imagine how the day of St. John was held in order to understand the gravity of his works. He got up at about 3 o'clock in the morning and was preparing for the ministry of Liturgy. About 4 o'clock he went to the cathedral for the uterus. There were already a crowd of pilgrims, thirsting to see him and get a blessing. Immediately expected him and many beggars, which the father John distributed alms. Immediately after the uterus, he spent confession, which because of the huge number of confessors was common. Andreevsky Cathedral has always been crowded. Then, John's father served as Liturgy, at the end of which communion went very long. After serving, Father John brought letters and telegrams directly to the altar, and he immediately read them and prayed for asking for help. Then, accompanied by thousands of believers, John's father went to St. Petersburg on countless challenges to the patient. Rarely when he returned home earlier midnight. Some nights he spent completely without sleep - and so day after day, from year to year without stopping. So it was possible to live and work, of course, only with the supernatural of God's help. The fame of the father of John was his greatest burden. Everywhere, wherever he just seemed, instantly grew up a crowd of thirst for at least just look at him.

Through the hands of Father John passed hundreds of thousand rubles. He did not try to consider them: takes one hand, and the other will immediately give. In addition to such a direct charity, Father John has also created a special help organization. In 1882, the house of hardworking was opened in Kronstadt, in which there was own church, the initial national school for boys and girls, asylum for orphans, the hospital for coming, shelter, a folk free reading room, a folk house, which gave a refuge to 40 thousand people in Year, different workshops, in which the people could earn, a folk cheap dining room, where up to 800 free lunches were released on holidays, and a stimple house. At the initiative of the father of John and in its material support, a rescue station was built on the bay shore. In his homeland, he built a wonderful temple. There is no possibility to list all the places and areas where his care and help extended.

Father John died on December 20, 1908 on the eightieth year of life. The inconspicient crowd accompanied his body from Kronstadt to St. Petersburg, where he was buried in the John Monastery, it was also founded. To the place of his restoration from all the ends of Russia, the memorial and continuously served the memories. Strong in faith, hot in prayer and in his love for the Lord and to people, Holy Righteous John Kronstadt will always use the love of Russian. He, after his righteous death, quickly responds to the prayers of all who asking for his help.

Icon painter

Moscow. 1990.

St. John Kronstadt. Volochkova I.V. (Restoration-icon-painting workshop Danilov Monastery under the leadership of I.V. Vatagina) (+ 1.08.2007). Icon. Moscow. 1990 Icon is written on the canonization of the saint.

Name: John Kronstadtskiy (Ioann Kronshtadtskiy)

Age: 79 years old

Place of Birth: village Sura, Russia

Place of death: Kronstadt, Russia

Activity: Preacher, spiritual writer

Family status: was married

John Kronstadt - biography

The Russian State Historical Archive stores the diary of John Kronstadt. However, there are some other saint's personal notebooks who are in no hurry to represent the public. And that is, good reasons.

The firstborn in the family of Sergiev was born very weak. The believer father and mother asked the Batyushka as soon as possible to paint the baby - suddenly until the next morning he would not live. The sacrament helped: the boy recovered ...

John Kronstadt - Childhood, Study

John - the parents of the Son were called - in B years for the first time I saw the angel, clearly and clearly, and in the first seconds I was even frightened. But the vision suddenly spoke to him: "Do not be afraid, I am your guardian angel and will defend you." The child calmed down. From that day, the boy more than once felt the invisible shoulder next. When I did not want to study at school, I began to pray to the Lord God to give him a mind. The request was heard, and by the end of study John became the best in class. Then there was an Arkhangelsk spiritual seminary, and after the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy. For good studies, he was allowed to engage in a government account.

In the native village of Sura, the Pinezhsky County of the Arkhangelsk province, where John came in breaks between school, he was always waiting for him. Strangers approached the young man and asked to pray for them or loved ones. And he himself was already then seen his main purpose - to serve God and people. In the dream, John once saw himself a priest of one of the cathedrals of Kronstadt. The young man did not doubt that sleep was sent by him for no accident, and began to wait for the sign that the fate would give.

Soon the ecclesiast community flew to the news: the Archpriest Andreevsky Cathedral of Kronstadt Father Konstantin died. He had the daughter of Elizabeth, and John realized that he meant his sleep. He married a girl, and in 1855 he headed the parish. Then he still did not know that she would last here 53 years old, to his very death ...

From the first day of the marriage, John and Elizabeth decided to take the feat of Nam. So lived - together, but not as spouses, but as spiritual allies. John got not the easiest parish. Kronstadt at the time was the place of links of asocial personalities and literally kishel criminals. The chaos reigned here, which seemed to be eradicated was impossible. But John decided to try. Every day he visited people most of all needed his help. I urged the drunkards to quit a drink, saved their wives from despair, even sat with the kids, until the parents worked. If it was necessary - gave money. It reached the point that his scent of the priest was given to his wife immediately, so that at least a penny in the family remains.

John Kronstadt - ministry

The news about the new father quickly scattered around the city. For the first time in a long time the temple became crowded. The people went to listen to the sermons of the father of John, who by the time the Kronstadt was already correct. They looked at him anywhere, and he sometimes was so emotional, which even cried, uttering something particularly touching the soul. Parishioners, not embarrassed, cried with him.

John's church ministry combined with teaching: since 1857 he worked in the urban school, and a few years later began to give the lessons of the Law of God in the local gymnasium. Surprisingly, the disciples fled on his classes, fearing to be late at least for a minute. Suddenly let something important! Once the whole class did not learn the lesson given by the father. That was a good reason - for the rest of the subjects, too many tasks were given.

The guys piled up, telling about this Father John. He was also unable to restrain tears - he was so touched by the sincerity and love of students. Each child could at any time come to him for advice or help. However, soon the petitioners turned out to be too much ...

The diary of the father was especially marked by the date 19 February 1867. On that day, first asking healed with his prayer. John was stunned: he could not understand how it turned out. And when I realized what the Lord gave him, I decided to use it for the benefit.

The suffering reached out to John an endless stream. Some of the petitioners wanted to thank him with money, but he immediately passed them to another need. "I have no money. I donate, and I sacrificed in response, "he explained. Once a woman extended a chubby envelope to the father, which he immediately thrown into the hand of some tramp. "So there are three thousand rubles!" - the lady was indignant. What he heard the answer: "So there is also to be."

Wanting to help more people, John Kronstadt in 1882 built a house of hard work. Under this name, several institutions operated at once. There was a school for poor kids, and a women's allest, and a challenged house, and a children's shelter. In need could be found here, food, earn honest money.

Biddes of Father John

"The Batyushka arrived," the shovels from all sides. Immediately the fake began - they wanted to touch the hand of the priest. Once, Father Ioanna even broke into the shredded risas.

There were so many people who wish to come in Andreevsky Cathedral that the father was forced to ask for permission to conduct a common confession. It was something unimaginable: people, who swinging in their sins, shouted them from the crowd, cried, were laughed. And when sins were released, silent.

Ioanna Kronstadt and special petitioners. So, in 1894, he went to Livadia to the death of Alexander III. The emperor, before his death, asked John to put his hands on his head - and went to the world of others.

Father John himself lived on wear. I slept for 4-5 hours, a little bit, every day I went to St. Petersburg with visits to the needy, took them and in Kronstadt. Often the meetings continued to deep night. Then he took a ride in the city for an hour, dispelled with thoughts, and he continued to receive.

John was available for everyone who needed help, but few people knew what was going on in his soul actually ...

"For the night, I eaten Prostokvasha, catering the womb of my own," such a record of historians found in the diary of John Kronstadt. Not Taya, he described in it all his prejudices, which ordinary person and sins would not consider. His recordings are more like confession. All who leafed the diary understood: this man lived far from his holy life. Every day his day was filled with the struggle with sins. But the desire to get rid of them was huge. They say, there are also notebooks who are unlikely to be made public: they may seem too scandalous to many ...

John Kronstadt - illness and death

Since 1904, the Batyushka had a lot. The diseases were aggravated, previously worried about him, - problems with the stomach, with a bladder. According to one of the legends, the urinary bubble disease arose after one tragic incident. Having come to the house to the next commander, John was met in unwriting. He was greatly beaten, including the strikes in the inguinal region. He himself said about what happened: I was afraid that people, learning about the case, arrange the guilty of Samosud.

John died in the morning of December 20, 1908. Bang him to the whole world. Those who wish to conduct a father on the last path turned out so much that it was necessary to exhibit enhanced security. There were those who did not go for goodbye, because he knew: such people like John Kronstadt, do not die. They continue to be invisibly present in the life of every person, in need of need, and after their death.

John Kronstadt is very useful to pray to protect the family, he considered the family of a Christian society. He is asked for help in defense against temptations, about the healing of the soul, about strengthening faith.

Prayers in front of the Icon of John Kronstadt about healing from alcoholism of relatives and close people repeatedly helped to defeat this demonsky disease

It must be remembered that the icons or saints do not "specialize" in some specific areas. It will be right when a person draws faithful to God, and not because of this icon, this saint or prayer.

Life of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt

Ivan Ilich Sergiyev (this John Kronstadtsky) was born in 1829 on October 19 (on November 1, in the New Style) in the north of Russia in the Arkhangelsk region, in the village of Sura. The child was so weak that his parents immediately dubbed him, fearing that he would not even survive the night. That day was the holiday of PRP. John the Rylsky, so infant and taught the name John.
After his child, he began to recover, and pious parents, remembering who gave life to their children, raised John in love for God.
His father Ilya Mikhailovich, who sang and read prayers in the local temple, since childhood he took him for worship. John loved the Lord with all his soul, he really loved to be in the church. Instead of children's games, the boy prayed more often and pondered about the creator.
In the six-year-old age, John began to learn a diploma, but she did not give him, despite the hottest prayers and requests to the Lord. Once at night, the child "as if the curtain slept from the eye and as if the mind was revealed in the head," his grace was painted and since that time he began to be given easily.

He among the best graduated from the Arkhangelsk parish school, then in 1851, he also graduated from the Arkhangelsk spiritual seminary in 1851. During the training, his father died, his mother of Theodore remained without livelihood. John wanted to leave his studies and find the place of the Dyakon or the Psalmman, but Theodore insisted that the Son would receive a good education.
For his success in his studies, he was admitted to a budget (for the execution account) training in the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, which John graduated from 1855 with a degree of candidate of theology. At the same time, he worked in the office of the educational institution, and all the money sent mothers.

Even at the Academy, John Kronstadt, it was decided to devote himself to missionary activities in Siberia and North America. But everything turned out differently. Once, the young man saw a dream in which he saw himself a priest of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt. And, although John was never in this temple, he honored this dream for an indication that came true immediately after graduation.
At the end, in 1855, the Academy, St. John married Elizabeth, the daughter of the Archpriest of the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, and December 12 received a san priest. This marriage was essentially fictitious, because the jewelery needed, for church customs, to have a family.

"Happy Lisa families, and without us a lot. And we give you to you to devote yourself to serving God, "

"Such words were told by John on the very first day of family life, until the end of his life he remained a pure virgin.
When the holy for the first time crossed the threshold of the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, he was embraced by an extraordinary excitement - it was the very temple that was in his children's and youth visions. The entire subsequent life and his activity took place in Kronstadt, so the story and left him in the memory of the human, not as John Sergiev, but as Krostadtsky.
In addition to the fact that Kronstadt was the northern naval fortress of Russia, he was still a "disadvantaged" place in which there was a huge number of vagrants and poor people, sometimes living in the dugouts. Crime has flourished from cold and hunger here, morality was just forgotten.
Among these people and began their shepherdness about. John. He went to them every day, talked with them, consoled, provided possible assistance, not once returned home without clothes and shoes he distributed in need. Often he was asked to help people and he, without hesitation, went even to the most contagious patients. For his prayers about Holy healing, never asked anything, in addition, so that people do not forget the Lord.

On the case of his spiritual revival, one artisan said so:

"I was then the years 22-23. Now I am an old man, and I remember well, as I saw the father for the first time. I had a family, two kids. I worked and drunk. Family starval. Wife slowly selected around the world. Lived in a stray horse. I come out of time not very drunk. I see some young father sits, in his hands, the son holds and something is affectionately. The child is seriously listening. Everything seems to me, the father was like Christ in the picture "Blessing of Children." I wanted to swear: here, they say, hang ... Yes, the eyes of the father are affectionate and seriously stopped me: I was ashamed ... I put my eyes, and he looks like it looks right in the soul. Began to speak. I do not dare to pass everything he said. He spoke about the fact that I have a paradise in Camork, because where children, there are always warm and good, and that you don't need to change this paradise to Kabatsky Chad. He did not blame me, no, it was justified, only I was not before excuse. He left, I sit and silent ... I do not cry, although in the soul, as before tears. The wife looks ... And since then I have become a person ... "

U o John began to open the gift of the wirals and inspirement, which is countless evidence and memories of his contemporaries. And John himself wrote so much about his first miracle:

"Someone in Kronstadt fell ill. Asked for my prayer assistance. I and then had such a habit: not to refuse anyone in the request. I began to pray, betraying the sick of God, asking for the Lord's performance over his holy will. But an unexpectedly comes to me one old woman, which I knew for a long time. She was a god-fearing, deeply believer woman holding his life in Christian and in the fear of God concerned her earthly wandering. She comes to me and persistently demands from me so that I pray about the sore, no other than his recovery. I remember, then I was almost frightened: how can I - I thought - to have such a coup? However, this old woman firmly believed because of my prayer and stood on her. Then I confused myself my insignificance and my sinfulness, I saw the will of God in all of this business and began to ask for sore healing. And the Lord sent him her grace - he recovered. I thanked the Lord for this mercy. Another time my healing was repeated on my prayer. I then in these two cases, I looked forwarded to the will of God, a new obedience from God - pray for those who will ask it. "

According to the prayers of the Holy People, they got rid of the most severe ailments, while healing took place alone, and with a large crowd of the people. Many people had no opportunity to come to the father in Kronstadt, they wrote letters, and they also received healing.
Especially Father John assisted people susceptible to alcoholism, many people got rid of this ailment due to his prayers.

Soon, John Kronstadt learned all Russia. Now thousands of people came to him every day in the hope of getting help, and a special unit was opened in the local post office for processing all letters and telegrams about. John. In addition to letters, he came huge amounts of money in the form of charity.

They say that about 1 million "then" rubles took place through it (now it corresponds to several billion). He did not leave anything to himself. All 53 years old, he lived in one small apartment in Kronstadt, which is now open for visiting each guest.
On them, he fed a thousand beggar daily, in Kronstadt for this money, the father of John was built by the "house of hardworking", which was a school, church, workshops and shelters. In his village, he founded and built a monastery with a large temple, and in St. Petersburg a female monastery was built on Karlovka, today nameable John Monastery.

After 25 years of teaching the Law of God in the Kronstadt School and Gymnasium, Father John was forced to retail the glorious feat of the laws in favor of his All-Russian diction. In his lessons, all students with great attention were deliberately in every word, while training was carried out in the form of a living conversation, and was not a gravity "obligatory". Such a manner of teaching saint tried to instill and all educators who are engaged in training. He considered it necessary, first of all, to raise a person and a Christian, postponing the question of sciences into the background.
John's father was a good preacher, said very simply, most often without any preparation, but in his sermons there was a huge strength and theological scholarship, which was understandable by ordinary people.

The schedule of the saint was very dense, he got up in 3 nights and prepared for the ministry of Divine Liturgy. At 4 o'clock, he walked to the Cathedral, where he was surely waiting for pilgrims who wanted to get.
During morning John Kronstadtsky He himself read the canon, then, before the liturgy, held a confession. The number of confessors was very large, so about. John introduced the general confession, on which people rushed out loud about their sins, no one shy. It really was sincere repentance. Andreevsky Cathedral, which accommodates up to 5,000 people, was always full of people, the communion went for a very long time, so liturgi ended after noon, sometimes he confessed 12 hours.

People did not all come to John Kronstadt with a firm faith, there were those who doubted or just curious. But after communication, people were reborn, they were started to fill out the heat of faith.
After serving, John's father drove to St. Petersburg to a numerous patient, he returned to a deep night. Most likely, there was not one night, in which he had no time to sleep at all.

There is no doubt that such a regime was possible only with the help of God's grace!

Father John called " All-Russian Batyushka"He visited with the sermons even the most distant places of Russia and everywhere they met the crowds of the people, many wanted to receive a blessing from him or just touch the wonderworker. For example, on July 20, 1890, John Kronstadt served in Kharkov, and near the Cathedral Square, more than 60,000 people gathered. Sometimes his "popularity" in the minds of people reached the absurd, in Riga Rasa, the inhabitants broke into pieces, wanting to have a memory of him.
Even the emperor Alexander III himself, dying in 1894, confessed and communioned through about. John. The sovereign so told Batyushka:

"You are a holy man. You are the righteous. That's why the Russian people love you. " Alexander asked the righteous to hold his hands on his head, saying to him: "When you hold your hands on my head, I feel great relief, and when you take away, very suffering - do not take them."

Despite your employment, oh. John led his spiritual diary, in which he recorded many thoughts attending him.
As a result, on the basis of this diary, the book of John Krostadt, who consists of three volumes, with a total number of pages of more than a thousand, was published.
This is a real spiritual book, which, in one row with the works of the great fathers of the Holy Church, helps people learn to live in Christ and become in fact, and not only in words, Christians.
In addition to this book, three volumes of his sermons were published, a total of more than 1,800 pages, and later another large number of individual books were published with the writings of John's father.
All these works are from the heart, there are many faith in them. In his thoughts - striking depth and wisdom in the extraordinary simplicity of presentation. There are no extra, unnecessary words, not to meet "beautiful phrases." These books are impossible to read, each time, with a new reading, there is something new and alive in them.

The basis of all the creations of John Kronstadt is the need and necessity of a person in a sincere faith in God, in his constant battle with passions, temptations and lusts, faith in the Orthodox Church, as a single saving.

John Kronstadt and Matrona Moscow

Once, during the service, a blind girl entered the Andreevsky Cathedral. John Kronstadtsky saw her and said:

"Matronushka, go, go to me. Here is my shift - the eighth pillar of Russia. "

In the last years of life about. John sick, but tolerated this ailment with humility and meekness. Despite the recommendations of the doctors about the need to change their food for less lean, Saint said:

"I thank the Lord My for the suffering sent to me to prevent my sinful soul. Revives - Holy Communion. "

And he continued to come to him daily.

In the morning, December 20, 1908, Great Righteous John Kronstadt peacefully moved to the Lord, he knew about this day and predicted him in advance.

Tens of thousands of people came to the coffin about. John, at the same time many wonders and healing of patients were performed. From the Kronstadt to Oranienbaum and from the Baltic station in St. Petersburg to the John Monastery in Karlovka there was a huge number of crying people. In the funeral procession took part troops with banners.

The funeral has performed the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Anthony with bishops. But the funeral was more like a bright Easter Southwest, because people read John for the Holy Righteousness, many felt a special grace that emanated from his coffin.
John Kronstadt was buried in the church-tomb of the St. Petersburg Monastery built on Karlovka.

In 1990, on the Local Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Right. John Kronstadt was canonized, and it was established to make his memory on December 20 / January 2 - on the day of the blessed death of the Holy Righteous.

Prayers who prayed to St. John Kronstadt

Thanksgiving prayer

Thank you, Lord my God, for giving me being, for the birth of me in the Christian faith, for the extremely virgin Mary, Guodatais about the salvation of our kind of salvation, for the holy worshipings of your glooming for us, for the guardian angel, for public service, supporting in us Faith and virtue, for the sacred Scripture, for the holy sacraments, and in particular, your body and blood are yours, for mysterious fellow consolations, for the hope of getting the kingdom of heaven and for all goods, you have been granted.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, Vladychitsa! Yes, not the tasteful and Vousy, we nourish you by the Lady: Yavi and rend on us your holy, living, effective dominion. Javi, for everything can be good, I can Mati all-incumbent all-bad kings; Outleeping the darkness of our hearts, reflect the arrows of the slices, flattering on us movable. The world of your son, your world is so reigning in our hearts, but everyone is blindly exclaimed: who, after the Lord, is our lord, all-inclusive, all-stock and abstreat of our assumption? You are exalted, Ladyman, on the abundance of an unspeakable divine grace to you, on the wrong jergeon and the strength of the throne of God and the gift of the Almighty Prayer are given to you, on the wrong holiness and the purity of the blessing, to you, the power of the powerfulness from the Lord is given, To save you, defend, implicit, clean and save us, the legacy of your son and God, and yours. Save us, oh, the prechile, all-inclusive, reminding and all-aggregate! You boasts of our Savior Savior of our, which of all the names favor more thance the Savior Savior. For us, we are interested in seaside, it is intended to fall, because we are taxed by the flesh of multiiliate, surrounded by the spirits of the Evil Primbus, sexually segmented by sin, we live in the world of adulterators and sinful, seducing in sin; And you are above all sin, you have the sun's sun, you are the most prediendly, all-inclusive and all-stock, you tend to clean us, deserved sins, as a mother cleans their children if we call you humbly about help, you tend to raise us, increasingly falling , to guard and save us, viscasted from the perfumes, and instruct us to march to any savory path.

Prayer to Lord.

Lord! Your name is love - do not reject me mistaken.
Your name is strength - strengthened me, is exhausted and falling.
Your name is light - enlighten my soul, overshadowed by everyday passions.
The name of you is peace - Umri joinling my soul.
Your name is mercy - do not stop making me. Amen.

Morning prayer

God! Cottage and lord of the world! The proud of gracious on the creation of yours, decorated with your divine manner in this morning hours: yes Livit, and your eye will enlighten, the darkness of the bright the bright rays of sunny, my soul is a dark and sick sin. Some of me is despondent and tacious, I give me fun and greedy spirituality, yes, in rejoicing of my heart, I will give your goodness, holiness, your infinite greatness, endless your perfection for every hour and at any place. You boat the creator of my and the lord of my belly, Lord, and you are approved by the glory from reasonable creatures of yours for every hour, now and confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer from drunkenness

Lord, the proud of graciously on the slave of yours (name), electured by flattery and carnal cheering: Give him (name) to know the sweetness of abstinence in the post and the fruit of the Spirit stem. Amen

Prayer for recovery

Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the only power of the initial father, one of the healing every disease and everyone in the people in the people, Yako pardoned me, sinful, and delighted the Esi from Moj's illness, without painting it to develop and kill me for sins. To be given to me from now on, Vladyko, the will firmly will do the will of your will into the salvation of my hearty and in the glory of yours with the original father and a one-way spirit, now and are also confined and forever. Amen.

Prayer for salvation of someone from bodily death

Budi Blessed Vera Wash, according to your faith, will give the Lord to the fulfillment of my unworthy, insane prayer and will attach me faith.

Prayer about proud and plump

Lord, teaching your slave, in the diabolian pride of the depressed, meekness and humility, and an alignment from the heart of his darkness and the burden of Satanian pride!

Prayer for evil

Lord, the benefit of the slave of your grateful is yours!

Prayer for Srebolyuch and greedy

Treasure Our raw and wealth is inexhaustible! Give your slave to you, created in the image and similarity to yours, to know the flattery of wealth, and Jaco all the earthly - vanity, Sen and Sonya. Yako grass days of a person, or Yako sacrine, and Yako you, one is wealth, our peace and joy! Do not crush anything, win everything with love: all sorts of insults, whims, all sorts of trouble family. Do not know anything other than love. Vini is always sincerely, recognizing himself the culprit of trouble. Speak: I am guilty, I'm sin. Remember that both you are dismantle and the near, and the disrefect for the disreglas is destroyed, and there is nothing to blame the weak and sinful if they are recognized in their germ. The devil, strong in evil, must be blamed.

Prayer about envious

Lord, enlightened the mind and the heart of your slave of yours to the knowledge of the great, crumbling and intentive gifts of yours, I will come from uncomfortable generaries, in the blinding of bo passion, you forgive you and the gifts of your rich, and your own behalf of your good, and your benefits, and To the sake of the sake of the sake of the charming on the blessing of your slaves, imaging, about the prenegal flaw, the forces of all, the coherence of the power of his strength and the intention of the will. Ostiyi, all-selling Vladyko, the coolant of the dialer from the purse of your boyfriend and give him a hearty crushing and a tear of repentance and thanksgiving, and the enemy will not rejoice at him, alive by his will healing from him and will not be taught from his hand.

Prayer to the Mother of God

Vladychitsa the Mother of God! You, who love to Christians exceeds the love of every mother's earthly, every wife, took us into our prayer and save us! Yes, we are remembered about you constantly! Yes, we are always diligently! Yes, we are always resorting to the shelter your holy is unlayer and no doubt.

Lady, Lord, love everyone's neighborhood, like himself, always, and not to be angry with him and not to work for him.
Laying to crucify my pride, pride, love, smallness and other passion.
May we have a name: mutual love; Yes, believe and we hope that for all of us the Lord; Yes, do not bope, do not worry about anything; You will be, God, our God, of our heart, and, besides you, nothing.
Let us be among themselves in the union of love, I like it, and all dividing us from each other and from love, you will be in contempt, as dust, trapped by feet. Budy! Budy! Amen.

If God gave himself to us if he is in us and we are in it, for the difficult word of him, then what he will not give me what he will spare what will be deprived of what will leave?
The Lord grabs me, and nothing is deprived (Ps. 22.1).
So, be pretty late, my soul, and know nothing but love.
Siah commanded you, do you love each other (John 15,17)

Prayers about healing to the Lord

Lord, perhaps you do (that) and (TO) Slave yours (name); It is so good for him, for the name you are good and almighty. Those we, Lucava, we can, know how to give the grant of God, not Tokmo Chadam, but also someone else's stranger, more thanks you, you are a dasy of all kinds of good as you ask you. Good man! It is also a creature with a common word and from a person creating a single person, visit the same person's inener person, the Slave of yours, Yako, will not die to the end of your hand. Amen.


Major, the Holy Righteous Father's Father John, and honor the Holy Memory: You boas about us Christ, our God.

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