Inscription on Obelisk to the dead soldiers. Monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus

Inscription on Obelisk to the dead soldiers. Monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus
Inscription on Obelisk to the dead soldiers. Monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus

Few people know that one of the most famous and high Soviet sculptures - "Motherland-Mother calls!", Which is installed in Volgograd on Mamaev Kurgan, is only the second part of the composition, which consists immediately of three elements. This triptych (a work of art, consisting of three parts and the combined overall idea) also includes monuments: "Roll - front", which is installed in Magnitogorsk and "Warrior-Liberator", located in the Trept-Park in Berlin. All three sculptures combines one common element - victory sword.

Two of the three monuments of Triptych - "Warrior-Liberator" and "Mother's Mother call!" - belongs to the hand of one master, the sculptor-monumentalist Yevgeny Viktorovich Vuchetich, who addressed the topic of the sword three times in his work. The third monument of Vuchetich, which does not apply to this series, was installed in New York before the UN headquarters. The composition called "Skulling Swords to Oral" demonstrates us a worker who throws the sword into a plow. The sculpture itself was to symbolize the desire of all people of the world to fight for disarming and the occurrence of the celebration of the world on earth.

The first part of the "Rear - Front" trilogy, located in Magnitogorsk, symbolizes the Soviet rear, which provided the country to the victory in that terrible war. On the sculpture, the worker transfers the sword to the Soviet warrior. It is understood that this is the sword of victory, which is formed and raised in the Urals, in the future he was raised by the Motherland-Mother in Stalingrad. The city in which the root fracture has arrived in the war, and Hitlerian Germany suffered one of its most significant defeats. The third monument of the "Warrior-Liberator" series lowers the sword of victory in the lairhood of the enemy - in Berlin.

The reasons why Magnitogorsk had fallen out such an honor - to become the first Russian city, in which a monument to the workers of the rear was established, no one should be surprising. According to statistical data - every second tank and every third projectile during the war years was released from Magnitogorsk Steel. Hence such a symbolism of this monument - a worker of the defense plant, standing in the East, transfers the signed sword to the front-line soldier who goes to the west. There, where the trouble came from.

Later, this sword stuck in the rear will raise up in Stalingrad at Mamaev Kurgan "Motherland Mother". In the place where the fracture occurred in the war. And already in the completion of the composition "Warrior Liberator" will lower the sword swallowing in the very center of Germany, in Berlin, trusting the defeat of the fascist regime. Beautiful, concise and very logical composition, uniting the three most famous Soviet monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

Despite the fact that the victory's sword began his way in the Urals, and finished it in Berlin, Triptych's monuments were built in reverse order. So a monument "The Warrior Liberator" was installed in Berlin in the spring of 1949, the construction of the monument "Motherland-Mother calls!" ended in the fall of 1967. And the first monument of the "Rear - Front" series was ready only in the summer of 1979.

"Rear - Front"

Monument "Rear - Front"

The authors of this monument were sculptor Lion Golovnitsky and architect Yakov Belopolsky. To create a monument, two main material were used - granite and bronze. The height of the monument is 15 meters, while in this case, it looks much more impressive. This effect creates the fact that the monument is located on a high hill. The central part of the monument is a composition that consists of two figures: worker and soldier. The worker is focused on the east (in the other side where the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine was located), and the warrior looks to the West. There, where the main fighting took place during the Great Patriotic War. The rest of the monument in Magnitogorsk is an eternal flame that was made in the form of a star-flower made of granite.

On the banks of the River for the installation of the monument, an artificial hill was erected, the height of which was 18 meters (the base of the hill was specially strengthened by reinforced concrete piles, so that it could withstand the weight of the installed monument and did not collapse over time). The monument was made in Leningrad, and in 1979 he was installed on the spot. The monument was also supplemented with two trapezes height into the growth of a person who listed the names of the Magnitogorsk residents who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the war. In 2005, another part of the monument was opened. This time the composition was supplemented with two triangles, on which you can read the names of all the inhabitants of Magnitogorsk, who died during hostilities in 1941-1945 (just more than 14 thousand surnames are listed).

"Rear - Front"

The monument "Motherland-Mother calls!"

The monument "Motherland-Mother calls!" Located in the city of Volgograd and is the composite center of the monument-ensemble "Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle", which is located on Mamaev Kurgan. This statue is considered one of the highest on the planet. Today it ranks 11th in the Guinness Book of Records. At night, the monument is effectively illuminated by spotlights. This sculpture was created under the project of the sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and Engineer N. V. Nikitin. Sculpture on Mamaev Kurgan is a figure of a woman who stands with a sword raised up. This monument is a collective allegorical image of the Motherland, which urges everyone to unite in order to break the enemy.

Conducting some an analogy can be compared to the statue of "Mother's Mother call!" With the ancient goddess of Victory by a self-defraquist, who also called on their children to repulse the forces of the invaders. Subsequently, the silhouette of the sculpture "Mother's Mother calls!" It was placed on the coat of arms and the flag of the Volgograd region. It is worth noting that the peak for the construction of the monument was created artificially. Prior to this, the highest point of Mamaeva Kurgan in Volgograd was the territory that was located 200 meters from the current vertex. Currently there is the temple of all saints.

"Motherland is called!"

A 2400 tons of metal structures and 5,500 tons of concrete took place on the creation of a monument in Volgograd. At the same time, the overall height of the sculptural composition was 85 meters (according to other data 87 meters). Before proceeding with the construction of the monument, the foundation under the statue of 16 meters deep, and a two-meter plate was installed on this foundation. The height of the 8000-ton statue itself was 52 meters. In order to ensure the necessary stiffness of the statue frame, 99 metal cables were applied, which are in constant tension. The thickness of the monument walls made from reinforced concrete does not exceed 30 cm, the inner surface of the monument is separate chambers that resemble the designs of a residential building.

The original 33-meter sword, which weighed 14 tons, was made of stainless steel in the titanium sheath. But the huge dimensions of the statue led to strong swinging of the sword, it was especially noticeable in windy weather. As a result of such impacts, the design was gradually deformed, the sheets of titanium sheath began to shift, and when the structure was swaying, an unpleasant metal grinding appeared. To eliminate this phenomenon, in 1972 the reconstruction of the monument was organized. During the work, the blade of the sword was replaced by another, which was made of fluorinated steel, with the velocked holes in the upper part, which should have reduced the effect of the structure of the structure.

"Motherland is called!"

Once the main sculptor of the monument Evgeny Vuctech told Andrei Sakharov about his most famous sculpture "Motherland call!" "Often I was asked the authorities, why the woman opened the mouth, it's ugly," said Vuchetich. The famous sculptor answered this question: "And she screams - for their homeland ... Your mother!"

Monument "Warrior Liberator"

On May 8, 1949 on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the victory over the fascist Germany in Berlin, the solemn discovery of the monument to the Soviet soldiers, who died during the storming of the German capital were held. The Monument "Warrior Liberator" was installed in the Berlin Trept-Park. His sculptor was made by E. V. Vinchech, and architect Ya. B. Belopolsky. The monument was opened on May 8, 1949, the height of the wicked sculpture itself was 12 meters, its weight is 70 tons. This monument became a symbol of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, he also personifies the liberation of all European peoples from fascism.

The sculpture of the soldier with a common weight about 70 tons was produced in the spring of 1949 in Leningrad at the "Monumental sculpture" factory, it consisted of 6 parts, which were then transported to Germany. Work on the creation of a memorial complex in Berlin was completed in May 1949. On May 8, 1949, the Memorial solemnly opened the Soviet commandant of Berlin Major General A. G. Kotikov. In September 1949, all the responsibilities for the care and content of the monument were transferred to the Soviet military commandant in the Magistrate of Big Berlin.

"Warrior Liberator"

The center of the Berlin composition was the bronze figure of the Soviet warrior, which stands on the wreckage of the fascist swastika. In one of his hand, he holds a lowered sword, and the other hand supports the saved German girl. It is assumed that the prototype for this sculpture served as the real Soviet soldier Nikolai Maslov - a native of the village of Aslesenka of the Tsulsky district of the Kemerovo region. During the storming of the German capital in April 1945, he saved a German girl. Vuchetich himself created the monument "Warrior - Liberator" from the Soviet paratrooper Ivan Odenko from Tambov. And for the girl on the sculpture posed 3-year-old Svetlana Kotikova, who was the daughter of the commandant of the Soviet sector of Berlin. It is curious that on the sketch of the monument of the soldier kept the automatic in his free his hand, but at the suggestion of Stalin, the sculptor Vuchetich replaced the machine on the sword.

The monument, like all three tripty monument, is located on a bulk mound, a staircase leads to the pedestal. Inside the pedestal is a round room. His walls were decorated with a mosaic panel (the author is an artist A. V. Gorpenko). Representatives of various peoples were depicted on the panels, including the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus, which lay wreaths on the grave of Soviet soldiers. Over their heads in Russian and German, it is written: "Now everyone recognizes that the Soviet people their selfless struggle saved the civilization of Europe from fascist fascinists. This is the great merit of the Soviet people to humanity. " In the center of the hall, a pedestal of a cubic shape was installed, made of black polished stone, on which the Golden casket was installed with a parchment book in a red saffiano binding. The names of the heroes who fell in battles for the German capital were inscribed in this book and were buried in fraternal graves. The dome of the hall was decorated with a chandelier with a diameter of 2.5 meters, which is made of crystal and rubies, the chandelier reproduces the Order of Victory.

"Warrior Liberator"

In the fall of 2003, the sculpture of the "Military Liberator" was dismantled and sent for restoration work. In the spring of 2004, the renovated monument returned to its rightful place. Today, this complex is the center of commemorative celebrations.

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Monuments Warriors of the Great Patriotic War

National Memorial of Military Glory

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1297 of November 17, 2009, the memorial architectural ensemble of the tomb of the unknown soldier was assigned the status of a nationwide memorial of military glory and it was included in the state arch of particularly valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation

Unkown soldiers grave

The grave of an unknown soldier is a memorial architectural ensemble in Moscow, in the Alexandrovsky Garden, near the walls of the Kremlin.

On December 3, 1966, to commemorate the 25-year anniversary of the defeat of the German troops near Moscow, the dust of the unknown soldier was transferred from the brotherly grave at the 41st kilometer of the Leningrad Highway (at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd) and solemnly buried in the Alexandrovsky Garden.

On May 8, 1967, a memorial architectural ensemble was opened at the burial site Unkown soldiers grave", created by project of architects D. I. Barden, V. A. Klimova, Yu. R. Rabaev and Sculptor N. V. Tomsk. On the grave, the eternal flame L. I. Brezhnev, who took the torch from the Hero of the Soviet Union A. P. Maresev. On the tombstone, the bronze composition is installed - the soldier's helmet and laurel branch lying on the battle banner. In the center of the Memorial - Niche with the inscription - "Your name is unknown, the feat of your immortal" (proposed by S. V. Mikhalkov) from Labradorita with a bronze five-pointed star in The center, in the middle of which the eternal flag of fame is burning.

To the left of the grave - a wall of raspberry quartzite with the inscription: "1941 fell for the Motherland of 1945"; On the right - the granite alley of the blocks of dark-red Porphira, which contains capsules from the ground cities-heroes: "Stalingrad" (from Mamaeva Kurgan) - until September 2004, the inscription read "Volgograd", "Leningrad" (from the Piskarevsky cemetery), " Kerch "(from the Rubbear of Defense)," Kiev "(from the foot of the Obelisk to the participants of the defense of the city)," Minsk "(with the rules of defense)," Novorossiysk "(with the rules of defense)," Odessa "(with the rules of defense)," Sevastopol " (from Malakhov Kurgan), "Tula" (with rural defense), "Brest Fortress" (from the foot of the walls).

From December 12, 1997, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia Post No. 1 of the employee guard was transferred from Lenin's Mausoleum to the grave of an unknown soldier. Karaul is carried out by military personnel regiment. Change of Karaul takes place every hour. In connection with the work on the creation of the National Memorial of the Military Glory, the Honorary guard from December 16, 2009 to February 19, 2010 was not exhibited. Also for this period, the ceremony of laying wreaths and colors to the memorial were discontinued. On December 27, 2009, with military honors, temporarily for the reconstruction period, the eternal flame was transferred to the Poklonnaya Mountain in the Victory Park.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, February 23, 2010, the eternal flame returned to the Kremlin wall.

In the nationwide memorial of military glory to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, a new element was appeared - stele in honor of the cities of military glory, which was established next to the Avenue of Heroes Cities, near the grave of an unknown soldier.

In the days of memory dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, government figures, veterans, delegations, heads of foreign countries and governments lay wreaths and flowers to the "grave of an unknown soldier."

Eternal Fire Memory and Fame

Eternal flame - Constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of something or about someone. Continuous burning is achieved by supplying gas to a specific place in which the spark occurs. Usually enters the memorial complex. The first eternal flame in the USSR was lit by the monument to the fallen heroes near the village of Pervomaysky Schekinsky district of the Tula region on May 9, 1957. In many cities of the former Soviet Union, the Eternal Flame burns in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

Three eternal flames burn in Moscow: The grave of an unknown soldier, on the Poklonnaya Mountain, on the Preobrazhensky cemetery.

Eternal Flame on Poklonnaya Mount

Frame of TV channel NTV30 April 2010 In Moscow, the second eternal flame was lit on Poklonnaya Mount. Fire on Poklonnaya Mount It was decided at the request of the Council of Veterans of the city of Moscow. From December 2009 to February 2010, there was a flame, transferred from the grave of an unknown soldier during the reconstruction of the memorial complex at the Kremlin walls. Later the fire was returned to his historical place. In addition, near the Eternal Flame on Poklonnaya Mount, it was decided to create a kind of post number 1 for students of cadet buildings. Ten times a year during the days of military glory and major public holidays, young guys will carry a watch here. The torch littered from the grave of an unknown soldier in the Alexander Garden, with the honors moved to the memorial on a positive grief. The honorary citizen of Moscow, the participant of the Battle of Moscow, Chairman of the Moscow Council of Veterans of War, Labor and Law Enforcement, Chairman of the Moscow Council of War, Labor and Law Enforcement Body, Vyacheslav Sivko, Member of the Moscow Children's Public Organization "Commonwealth", Member of the Moscow Children's Public Organization "Commonwealth" Nikolai Zimogorov, was honored. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who took part in the solemn ceremony, said that the new eternal flame would not compete with the Memorial at the Kremlin Wall. On the contrary, they will complement each other.

Eternal Flame at the Preobrazhensky Cemetery

On April 30, 2010, a solemn ceremony of the burning of the third fire in Moscow took place at the Military Memorial Necropolis of the Preobrazhensky cemetery. The torch with a part of the main eternal fire of the country at the grave of an unknown soldier in the Alexander Garden arrived at the Preobrazhensky cemetery after the burning of the fire of memory and fame on the worship of the mountain.

The eternal flame on the Preobrazhensky cemetery was lit because he was the first and only in Moscow - he was brought here in 1956 from Leningrad, from Mars Fields. He burned until the pipes were worn out. Locked fire only on holidays.

Preobrazhensky necropolis - the largest memorial of military memory in Moscow. The servicemen who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow hospitals during the Great Patriotic War were buried here. Some burials were individual, some fraternity. 10678 people were buried here. In some fraternal graves up to 20 burials. Unnamed is getting smaller. Without tablets, only graves of 43 fighters. In addition to fraternal burials in the cemetery there are graves of 41 Hero of the Soviet Union, 3 Heroes of Russia and 3 full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Obelisk to commemorate the assignment of Moscow honorary title - " Hero City»

Obelisk to commemorate the assignment of Moscow Honor-Hero Hero Hero Highly appreciated the contribution of Muscovites to the defeat of the enemy: hundreds of thousands of Muscovites were awarded orders and medals, more than 800 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, over 800 thousand people were awarded the medal "for the valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. "Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965 for outstanding services in front of the birthrhea, mass heroism, courage and persistence, manifested by the working capital in the fight against the German fascist invaders, Moscow was awarded the honorary The title of "Hero City" with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal "Golden Star".

To commemorate the assignment of Moscow the honorary title "Hero City" in the square on the fork of Kutuzovsky Avenue and a large road, a 40-meter "Obelisk" is erected. "Obelisk" Open May 9, 1977. The authors of the monument - architects of Zakharov, 3. Chernyshev, Sculptor A. Shcherbakov.

Lined with gray peasant granite, "Obelisk" is completed by a five-pointed gold star. The facade of the monument is placed the text of the Presidium of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet "On the city-hero city of the Honor", made of overhead gold-plated bronze letters. Over the text - cast in bronze and gilded bas-relief Order of Lenin. Three granite 4-meter figures - warrior , workers and female workers - flank and closed the trapezoidal Obelisk in Plan. Each figure is located on his pedestal. All structure is raised on an obsessed hill with a bypass platform, to which three granite stairs lead. The monument expresses the unity of the front and the rear, the greatness and heroism of the nice Defenders of Moscow, defended the capital of the Soviet state from the enemy invasion.

Monument "Defenders of the Earth of the Russian"

"View photos" The Monument "Defenders of the Earth of the Russian" was opened in 1998 at the intersection of Kutuzovsky Avenue and Minsk Street. Sculptor A. Bichigov.

The monument personifies the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland: the warrior of ancient Russia with a sword in his hands, a soldier of the Patriotic War with Napoleon and the Hero of the Great Patriotic War. Parameter - Stela of the 1st Guards Moscow-Minsk Motor-Stream Division Monument was established in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Division And her feats in the Great Patriotic War. Located on the Square of the Moscow-Minsk Division (intersection of the Small Phileus and Minsk streets), Minsk, d. 13. Architect O.K. Gurulev, Artist-architect S.I. Smirnov, Sculptor I.P. Kazan. On the monument, the inscription "Square of the Moscow-Minsk Division". Under it there are bas-reliefs of the orders who were awarded the division: Lenin, Red Banner, Suvorov, Kutuzov, and the Guards sign. The following inscriptions are carved: "The Square of the Moscow-Minsk Division was named in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the 1st Guards Proletarian Moscow Division and its fighting feats in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." "Stela is installed in the chefs of the metrostroy."

Memorial complex of victory on Poklonnaya Mount

Victory Park (in Moscow) - a memorial complex of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In the west of Moscow. The memorial complex was opened on May 9, 1995 to the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory. Victory Park is limited from the North Kutuzovsky Avenue, from the West - Minsk Street, from the East - General of General Yermolov, from the South, the street of Brothers foundchenko and residential buildings, located near the Moscow-Sorting Kiev Direction station of the Moscow Railway. In the eastern part of the memorial complex there is a Poklonnaya Mountain, not far from her - the station of the Moscow Metro Park Victory Park .

History of Victory Park.For the first time, a monument to the people's feat was proposed back in 1942 (Architect Ya. Chernichhovsky). But it was not possible to implement it in military time. February 23, 1958, a memorable granite sign was installed on the Poklonnaya Mountain with the inscription: "The monument to the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be built here. Then the trees were planted around, laid the park, which was called the victory name. In the 1970s and 1980s, 194 million rubles were collected on the construction of a monumental monument from conducted Saturdays and personal contributions of citizens. In the future, the funds were allocated by the state and the Government of Moscow. The plot of land in 135 hectares took the entire complex to the 90s, to the Day of the 50th anniversary of the victory, the memorial complex of the victory was built, opened on May 9, 1995.

Home Alley "Years of War"

The main alley of "Years of War", located between the Victory Square and the Central Museum of the Second World War, consists of five terraces symbolizing five years of war. 1418 fountains were erected over five water surfaces - the war continued so many days and blood flowed. In the center of the square - a height of 141.8 meters high, crowned with the goddess of Victory. At the foot of the Obelisk, on the granite podium, the statue of St. George the Victorious Statue is installed, who is hit by a snake - a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

Victory Monument - Obelisk on the Winners Square in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount

Project architect - Zurab Tsereteli, Design and Calculation - TsNIIPSK, under the leadership of B. V. Ostrumov. Obelisk from a particularly durable steel weighing 1000 tons and 141.8 meters high (10 centimeters for every day of war), covered with bronze bas-reliefs. At an altitude of 122 meters to the stele, a 25-ton bronze figure of the goddess of Victory Niki is attached. At the foot of the Obelisk on the Granite Podium - the Statue of George the Victorious, striking the dragon's spear. The victory monument was opened on May 9, 1995 as part of a memorial complex of Victory.

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The main object of the complex - the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, was founded in 1993 on the initiative of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Open on May 9, 1995. On the days of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the victory. The museum is built on the project of the Architects group headed by A.T. Polyansky. General Fund of Museum 50 Collections of more than 50 thousand storage units.

Before the museum - the area of \u200b\u200bthe winners, to which the central alley of the Victory Park leads from Kutuzovsky Prospect. The museum building is a memory hall in which the memory books - 385 volumes are located in special showcases, in which the names of people who fell in war are inscribed; Hall of Fame, six diors dedicated to the basic events of the war. The Museum Foundations are genuine weapons and military equipment, numismatics, philateli and philalism, household items, a large number of handwritten and photographic materials, materials of fine art telling about the Great Patriotic War, the joint struggle of the anti-Hitler coalition countries against Germany and its allies. The museum keeps the banner of Victory, omilized on April 30, 1945 above Reichstag in Berlin. Exposition of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Memory Hall

Memory room on the basement floor. Here, the sculptural group of Lev Kerbel "Watching Mother" on the motive of the Michelangean "Pieta" was installed. Monument to the victims of the Great Otrista war. The woman on, in the grief bent over a vertical warrior, is a mother, a mourning son, and a brother's sister, and a husband's wife. This is a face of sadness, the morning, you, grief, always experienced in your own way. But there is a sculpture and a common meaning. Five hundred years ago, Michelangelo spawn from Mra Mora Pietu - "Christ, shot from Ra-Hay, spread on the knees of mourning his Mother of God." This long-time, Christian, the pointh of this sculpture acquires a new meaning. The fallen warrior is paid by the Virgin, and he is like Christ who brought himself to sacrifice to save people. But that's not all. In the teachings of Orthodoxy Rus, Ros-Sia - the House of the Virgin. Hence, from the descendant concept - Motherland. She grieves about her Savior. In Russian iconopus, there is a plot, like drink, - Assumption. Apostles and saint on Earth mourn a bo-town; The glory appeared in the radiance, Christ takes her soul, in the form of a ripeny infant, on the sky. Along the walls in the memory hall - glass cabinets, in which 385 volumes of the memory book with listed all those who died in battles for their homeland and missing are stored in battles. Information about each of them can also be obtained using an electronic memory book. The military-historical exposition is placed around the perimeter of the building. The central relic - the table with the Yalta Conference of 1945, for which Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met.

Hall of Fame

The main in Pantheon of Victory Park is the Hall of Fame. At the top of the dome of the Hall of Fame - the Order of Victory. Hall of Fame decorates the sculpture of "Soldier - winner", the author of which sculptor V. Znob. In the hall are 6 diors created by famous masters of the studio of military artists. MB Grekova: "The counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941", "the connection of the fronts. Stalingrad, "Leningrad Blockade", "Kursk arc", "Forcing Dnipro", "Storm Berlin". On the marble walls of the hall, 11,717 names of the participants of the war, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest award in the Great Patriotic War were carved.

Monument "Spirit Elba"

Poklonnaya Mountain. Monument "The Spirit of Elba". Deals with the meeting of the Union troops on the Elbe River in April 1945 was established in 1995 by the Metro Park Victory. Types of photo Attractions of Moscow. The monument was opened in 1995 in the western part of the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. Address: Poklonnaya Mountain, Victory Park, Metro "Victory Park". The monument "Helf elba" is dedicated to the meeting of the Union troops on the River Elbe in April 1945

Monument "Missing Love

In the mighty sculpture of "missing", standing on the Alley of Tankers - the sharp pain and suffering the appearance of the wounded soldier, and in our hearts - bitterness and sadness, because the feat and death always go around. This monument is not better thanks to the suffering of fighters in the war. These heroes, heroes, even because no one recognizes their names will not see their faces on winning parades. Sculptor K. Sokolovsky How it is impossible to hand over all this in his creation. The monument of "missing without news" was opened in 1995.

Monument "Tragedy of Peoples"

The monument of the "tragedy of nations" is a monument to the prisoners of fascist concentration camps, established in 1997. Sculptor - Zurab Tsereteli. The height of the monument - 8 m. Originally located on the Victory Square.

Monument to the soldiers of the participating countries of the Antihytler Coalition

The monument to the soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition was solemnly open on May 9, 2005 on the Alley Partisan. Author - Mikhail Pereyaslavets 20-meter stele from white marble, crowned with the United Nations emblem (UN), is located in the center of the Alley partisan, one of the most beautiful Alley Victory Park. At the foot of the stele - a pedestal, on which four bronze figures of soldiers of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France are torn.

Monument "Spaniards-volunteers who fought in the ranks of the Red Army and those who died in the fight against fascism during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.". The monument was established in 2001 in the western part of the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mount. Architect A. Mikha. Engineer S. I. Vorontsov.

Exhibition of military equipment

File: Voorug Pgm.jpGV Park Victory Open-air is deployed a unique exhibition of military equipment and engineering and fortification facilities. More than 300 samples of the gravity of the USSR and its allies, Germany and its allies who participated in battles are presented here.

See also: Official website:

Monument to the warriors of Moscow anti-heart defense on the Sky Defender Square in Krylatsky

Erected in 1995. The authors of the monument sculptor Kerbel L. E. and the architect Rozanov E. G. perpetuated the feat of all heroes of air defense: pilots, and scouts of the sky, zenitchikov, fighters of aeright barriers. The monument is an expressive and laconic composition: ahead of the motherland's motherland with a baby on his hands, saving our future. As the historical background of what is happening, there is a way, 13 meters from this sculpture, a screen from metal structures in the form of a stylized radar installation with bronze burners, on it - genuine sentences of wartime with episodes of the heroic protection of the Moscow sky. Here is a air battle, in which our fighter is the fascist vulture. Here girls in military uniform carry a balloon along the embankment. All these pictures of the military years. And on the back of the screen, the names of the air defense parties who defended Moscow from fascist aviation are inscribed.

Monument to the fallen (heroes - Domestic defenders) The Brest cinema. Address: ul. Yantseva, 21. Sculptor Alexander Burganov.

Memorable sign of Underfooters of the "Young Guard". Installed in the square near the church at the crossroads of the Young Guard and Yartsevskaya streets.

The street of the Young Guard is named in memory of Krasnodon's heroes and their immortal feat during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Monuments Died in the Great Patriotic War in the territories of the Western District

Monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War, the employees of the Nogin factory workers. Installed on the factory. Address: Vitebskaya Street, possession 9. Factory has been translated into the Southern Administrative District in 2003. On the territory of the former factory are representative offices of various companies.

Monument to those killed during the Great Patriotic War, MRZ workers. Installed on the territory of the MRT. Address: ul. Vereskaya, d. 29.

The monument to Wils employees who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened in 1964. Address: Mozhaisk district of the city of Moscow, ul. Gorbunova, 2.

Monument to employees of the Rublevskaya Watering Station, not returned from the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War. Installed on the territory of the Rublery water supply station. Architect Substurbing PK

Memorial fallen and deceased from wounds in the Great Patriotic War in Kuntsevsky Cemetery

Memorial on the fraternal grave of warriors who died in the Great Patriotic War and the dead from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Installed on the initiative of the Kuntsevsky district enterprises in the Kuntsevsky cemetery in honor of the 30th anniversary of the victory in 1975. The memorial burns the eternal flame. Address: Kuntsevsky Cemetery (Ryabinovaya Ul.)

Memorial boards Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

A memorial plaque on Artamonov Street, houses No. 3 and No. 20, named in 1961 in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Alekseevich Artamonov. Students of the school, working on the project "The names of the heroes - the streets of the Western District", found a mistake in the name of the hero on a memorial plaque at homes number 3 and No. 20 along Artamonov Street, with which they appealed to the city council. The head of the Council of the Tipovsky Anatoly Alekseevich supported the initiative: it was decided to eliminate the inaccuracy, and the installation of a new memory board of the hero A.A. Artamonova coincide with the Victory Day. May 9, 2007 New board. At the opening ceremony, the relatives of the hero were present - the wife of the Son T.I. Artamonova, granddaughter Elena Vyacheslavovna and Vasily's great-grandfather.

A memorial plaque on the street named after Botilev in Rublevo installed on the building of the former School No. 580, where the military unit was formed, defending Moscow. Street is named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Andreevich Botileva.

Memorial Plank on Bogdanova Street, house 50, named after Marshal Bogdanov's Armor Troops, Ilyich.

The memorial plaque on the street Bolshaya Ochakovskaya, house 33 perpetuates the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the partisans of Wheel Elena Fedorovna.

Memorial board on Vatutina Street, House No. 1, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Vatutina Nikolai Fedorovich.

Memorial board on Klochkov Street, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Klochakov Vasily Georgievich.

Memorial plaque on Natasha bucket street, house number 5/2, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, Sniper-Krasnoarmeez Kushovoy Natalia Venediktovna.

Memorial plaque on Matrosov Street, house number 1, named after the ordinary Red Army, Hero of the Soviet Union Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich.

The memorial plaque on Marshal Street, the house 40, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, the chief marshal of artillery called Mitrofan Ivanovich in 1961.

Memorial plaque on Pivchenkov Street, house number 10, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Pivchenkov Vladimir Timofeevich in 1961.

Memorial plaque on the street of Poloshukhina, house number 4, Corp. 1 named in 1966 in honor of V.I. Polosukhin, Comda of the 32nd rifle division, glorified in the battles under Mozhaisk.

A memorial plaque on Razhpupkina Street, house number 25, named after Tankist, Hero of the Soviet Union, Andrei Ivanovich Razhopkina, who lived before the war in this house.

Memorial plaque on Alexey Sviridova Street, house number 1, named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Andreevich Sviridov in 1965.

A memorial plaque on Tolbukhina Street, house 8, named after Marshal - Hero of the Soviet Union Tolbukhina Fyodor Ivanovich.

In different parts of Belarus, lost in 1941-1945 of each third inhabitant, symbolic memorial complexes have been created, monuments are established on the events of the tragic and bloody war on this long-suffering land.

Today there are about 9 thousand monuments and burials in the country Great Patriotic War. They enter B. military Historical Routes and Excursionsbut most importantly - are holy place honored, eternal reminder about how russian is invaluable

minsk, Victory Square

Architectural and sculptural complex "Minsk - Hero City"

Stele "Minsk - Hero City"erected in 1985 in honor of 40th anniversary of the Great VictoryToday it is included in the grand ensemble. In 1974, Minsk received the title Hero City for the courage and courage of his inhabitants during fascist occupationwhich continued 1100 days and nights. Crown 45-meter obelisk Star Hero.And at the foot of the text about the assignment to the city of the honorary title. Complements the ensemble bronze sculpture of a woman with highly raised fanframes - symbol Motherland. Nowadays at Stel "Minsk-City-Hero" A grandiose military parade and a march to the chief public holiday are held.

minsk, Prospect Winners

More than 5 thousand Belarusian villages were erased from the face of the earth during Great Patriotic War. Among them, I. DalvaJune 19, 1944 repeated tragic fate Khatyni. Today, at this place is a memorial memory of the dead, concrete crowns of Fraps Hut and a small museum. The initiator of creating a complex, a person who dedicated him all his life was Nikolay Girovich, I miraculously survived that tragic day. The rest of the villagers are 44 people, 29 of whom are children, were cozy in one house and burned alive. The brutal punitive operation of the fascists spent only 10 days before the arrival of the troops of the Red Army ...

Minsk region, Logo district

Minsk region, Smolevichsky district

Minsk district


In the heart of a memorial dedicated to pinsk's heroesbratsk gravewhere the dust of 244 soldiers rests monument to BC-92 armored And symbolic signMounted at the place of landing of the Dnieper Flotilla. Nearby restored famous "Dot Molchanova": In 1944, the command post of Major was located here George MolchanovaWho commanded the 1323rd Rifle Regiment. It was from here that the first message about the release of Pinsk came. Nowadays, the interior of the legendary headquarters is recreated, and in expositionyou can see the plans of military operations, maps, the magazine of memory soldiers ... After the Museum of the Military Equipment under the open sky appeared in the memorial complex.

Brest region, Pinsk


Memorial complex "Dugout"

Huge partisanskaya "dugout" from concrete as well stele With a memorable inscription appeared in 1982 on the 1st kilometer of the highway - Chaus. In these places at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was headquarters of Western Front. Here July 1, 1941 With the participation of Marshals of the Soviet Union, K. Voroschilov and B.Shaposhnikova held the first meeting on the protection and creation of underground detachments in the enemy's rear. And a few days started, on whose approaches 23 days and nights stood 172-J. (General M.romanov) and 110-J. (Colonel V.Hlebtsev) rifle divisions 61th Rifle Corps of the 13th Army, other units of the Red Army, moving from the West and folk militiaswho have been inserted on the defense of the hometown.

Mogilev district

Memorial complex "Memory of burned villages of Mogilev region"

Memorial ensemble in the village BillsKirovsky district keeps the memory of the villages of Mogilev region burned during the Great Patriotic War. It so happened that the places that divided the fate of the notorious to the whole world in Belarus - hundreds. The tragic stories of many of them have formed the basis of the famous documentary book. "I'm Vochnnai Viseki" Belarusian authors Alesya Adamovich, Yankees of Bryl and Vladimir Kolesnik, who recorded for the descendants a truthful story of more than 300 witnesses of those days ... in a bloody list and Billsincluded in the history of one of the most massive punitive operations of war. On June 15, 1942, the fascists burned the villagers and the surrounding villages - only 1,800 people ... After decades, there were erected here Memory wall and six plates with names of destroyed settlements, bells and chapel In honor of the icon of the Mother of God "the recovery of the dead."

Mogilev region, Kirovsky district, d. Bills

Military Glory Memorial "Ludcitskaya Height"

Symbolic figure huslar, glorifying the feats of warriors, towers over the high earthen mound. As if frozen perpetually frozen courage, heroism and courage of the dead soldiers fastened. At the foot of Kurgan - a wall-stele with six bas-reliefs of the heroes of the Soviet Union: Vladimir Martynova, Sintekali Iskalieva, Gulyam Yakubov, who gave their lives at the storming of Ludchitsky heights in June 1944, as well as Ivan Borisievich, Peter Vinichenko and Galaktino Razmadze, who participated in the liberation of Byhhov Earth. Memory symbol about war - Eternal flame - The monument is burning at the monument, and the names of the soldiers who fell in battles for height are inscribed on the Memorial at the Kurgan of Military Glory ...

Mogilev region, Bykhovsky district

Deals with soldiers and partisans, which in June 1944 participated in the decisive stage of the liberation operation. The 40,000th German group of army "Center" was crushed. In 1967, the locals perpetuated the feat of the heroes-liberators in Kurgan Glory, inside which the capsules are laid with land from 70 fraternal graves. On the 18 meter pedestal, the sculptural composition of two soldiers is towers, and nearby - 6 stele with the sculptures of the dead heroes of the Soviet Union: Ivan Eagle, Nikolai Kolodko, Alexander Chernysh, Mikhail Selezneva, Ivan Maslovsky and Nikolai Izyumova. Nowadays the Memorial supplemented Gate of Glory and 13 memorable boards in honor of the heroes of the Soviet Union, who died when the edge is released.

Mogilev region, Bobruisk district, d. Sychekovo

Memorial complex "Victory Square" in Vitebsk

Memorial in honor of the Soviet soldiers and partisans of Vitebshchina, referred to as citizens "Three bayonets"located on the banks of the river Dvina In the heart of the city. Each of the three 56-meter bayonet obelisks is crowned with cast relief - "Warriors", "undergrounders", "partisans". The eternal flame, lit on the podium star, illuminates the inscription of the combining inner ring of the monument - "Glory to the heroes". In addition to the main memorial, the complex includes 2 large basins with fountains, 10 pylons and sculptural compositions with images of Soviet soldiers and civilians. In the park winners is also Alley of Military Glory and exposition of military equipment Times of the Great Patriotic War.


On the bank of the Dnieper, the monument is towers - the combat vectors of the BM-13 jet artillery, which Soviet soldiers called "Katyusha". Its device and the stunning effect of fire tornads for many years remained for the Germans secret. And it is in Orsha July 14, 1941 sounded first fighting salts "Katyusha": Experimental battery from seven cars under the command captain I.Flörov I struck the enemy's enemy strikes at the railway station and the positions at the river crossing. The memorial combines 6 directed upward "mortar starting plants" from concrete, and in the center on the pedestal installed accurate copy of "Katyusha" Sample 1941. At the entrance to the complex - a black cube with a commemorative inscription about the first strike of the famous gun.

Vitebsk region, Orsha, ul. Mogilevskaya

Memorial complex "Curse of fascism"

"Curse of fascism"dedicated to the tragedy of dokshitsky district, where in the years Great Patriotic War More than 20 thousand people died, and 97 villages were erased from the face of the earth. In the Memorial Complex "Khatyn" in the cemetery of 186 burned together with the residents, one of the "graves" belongs to Shyevka. For 66 of its inhabitants, the last day has arrived on May 22, 1943: all adult punarers burned alive In Saraj, and defenseless children threw to die into the well. The memory of cruelly taken away young lives has become "Loherer Kryoda", within which - "broken" air serpent from bronze with engraved child names. In the center of the Memorial - High "Gate sorrow"where the mother mother desperately assumes his hands to the sky. Over it is three bells, one of which is split and does not call as a symbol of eternal memory of the dead. On the ground, where they once stood at home, now only 22 foundations with steps and a "frozen flame" storing the names of the owners ...

Vitebsk region, Dokshitsky district, D. Shueneka

Memorial complex "Breakthrough"

An impressive complex was created on the site of the fascist blockade by partisans of the Polotsk-Lepel zone - one of the largest in the occupied Belarus. Present partisan Republic With the center in Uschah, there existed from the fall of 1942, and in the spring of 1944, the Germans threw against 17,000 partisans of 60 thousand punishers, aviation, tanks, artillery. And yet the tragic night from 4 to May 5, the partisans defeated the enemy, bringing 16 thousand civilians from the environment ... Hundreds of warriors were buried in the mass grave of "breakthrough", even more names are immortalized on the plates. Memorial opens bronze map. defense, and then road-boom It goes between huge blocks, pointing to the direction of the main attack, where the fearless warrior runs with the machine in the hands. Near - 16 oaks as a symbol of resistance 16 partisan brigades. The memorial complex also includes the partisan village - a series of earthlings with the utensils of military times - and the exposition of army technique.

Vitebsk region, Ushachsky district, paterino

Memorial complex "Kurgan of Glory" in Gomel

Gomel "Kurgan of Glory" Created in 1967 in honor of the feat of Warriors and partisans who died on the fronts Great Patriotic War. At the foot of the Memorial laid capsules with Earth Of the more than 200 places of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, where the largest military battles were held, including from the famous heroev cities: Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad, Odessa and the main citadel of Belarus. In 2013 in the course of large-scale reconstruction to 70th anniversary of the liberation of Gomel The Kurgan has glory appeared Eternal flame. In year centuries of the October Revolution Message to the descendants placed in the "Kurgan" during its construction was opened and laid new - so that 50 years later, in 2067, successors were read.


Memorial complex dedicated to the operation "Bagration"

TO 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the German fascist invaders The world's first memorial complex dedicated to one of the greatest memorial complex was founded in Svetlogorsk military operations In the history of mankind. It was here that the village of Rakovichi at the 71st kilometer of the Highway Bobruisk - Mozyr, June 23, 1944 There was a large-scale offensive of the Soviet troops, which lasts more than two months. As a result of the operating, which received the code name in honor of the hero Patriotic War 1812 commander Peter Bagration, were released BelarusPartially territory Baltic and Poland.And most importantly, a crushing blow to the Center for the German Army Army, which finally weakened Germany. ... The first object of the complex was the 7-meter, ensuring the success of the operation ...

The memorial complex also includes a dandy museum dedicated to the operation "Bagration", a chapel with a memorial book, an exposition of military equipment and weapons.

Gomel region, Svetlogorsk district, D. Rakovichi

Memorial complex "Loev"

Memorial complex in Loev dedicated to the heroes of one of the largest battles Great Patriotic War - operations in October 1943. Back in 1966, 18 meter obelisk was installed in the center of the city village - a reduced copy of the victory in Minsk. After K. 70th anniversary of the Great Victory The entire central square turned into a memorial ensemble. On an open exposure area Museum of Battle for Dnipro on both sides of alleys of Glory Mounted samples of military equipment participating in the battle. Hundreds of names are emerged on memorial plates. For incredible courage in battles at the Loev Unice 323 warrior were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union - A unique fact in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Gomel region, G.P. Loev

Memorial complex "Memory"

Dobrushwhose residents, together with the warriors of the Red Army, bravely defended the city, was released from the occupation of the German fascist invaders on October 10, 1943. On the site of the fraternal grave on the banks of the Ipouth River in 2005 was erected memorial complex "Memory"where the names of 700 fighters who gave life during the defense of the city are perpetuated.

Gomel region, Dobrush

Memorial ensemble in honor of the warriors of the Belarusian Border District

Memorial, erected in 2004 in the central part Grodno, is devoted to the Soviet soldiers who were heroically defended countries from the very first days Great Patriotic War. On the background border pillars - Symbols 15 Union republics - bronze raises sculpture of three warriors, which, reliably closing the border with their bodies and squeezing in the hands of the weapon, pass through fiery walls of defense. The layout of the composition was the inscription - "dead, but not defeated by the border guards of the Belarusian Border District". Ensemble complement granite slabs, symbolizing the fraternal graves of those courageous soldiers who June 21, 1941 The first to go into battle with the enemy.


Memorial complex "Shaulcy"

Memorial "Shaulcy"
- Another of the largest monuments of Belarus dedicated to the Fiery villages tragedy, erased from the face of the Earth during the years. During the punitive operation in the morning July 7, 1943 The Germans shot here 366 people, including 120 children, and burned 77 houses. After this bloody massacre village Shauliciawhich is called "younger sister", not revived, and the memory of the tragedy was immortalized in the memorial complex. Next to the brother graves of the dead civilians, Obelisk, sculptural composition appeared "Warrior and Underground", Two sorrowful cross ... During the place of the burned houses, 40 wooden sheds-symbols, granite slabs and memorable signs with the names of the dead were installed. In the heart of a memorial, a sad ring reminds of hundreds of ruined lives ...

Grodno region, Volkovysky district

Memorials on the site of death camps and ghetto

Created bloody fascists camp "Trentec" became the biggest on the territory of the Soviet Union and the fourth in Europe After the notorious "Auschwitz", Majdaise and Treklinki. According to official data, "Death Factory" around Minsk 206.5 thousand people died, but there is evidence that the victims were much more. "Trentec" united several places of cruel massacre: Labor concentration camp at the village Small Tostenec, Ureshysche Blagovenskayawhere mass executions were performed, tract ShashkovkaWhere the bodies of the dead burned in a huge "pit-oven" ... On the territory of the former death camp was the grandiose - a symbol of national and universal memory of the victims of Nazism.

In the Tostenez, the fascists destroyed civilians and prisoners of war, prisoners of the Minsk Ghetto, the participants of the underground and partisans, the Jews taken from Poland, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia and other European states ...


Memorial "Yama" dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust

Memorial "Yama" in Minsk
- The tragic reminder of the inhumanity of the Nazis, the symbol of eternal pain and grief. During the Great Patriotic War in the occupied Belarusian capital, it was created to destroy the Jews: by the end of October 1943 they destroyed here more than 100 thousand human. Among the numerous murders and pogroms in history, a bloody slaughter was entered on March 2, 1942, when the fascists shot more than 5 thousand Jews, including 200 orphans from the orphanage along with educators and medical staff ... Thousands of bodies of people killed in Minsk ghetto, dumped into pit, where now the impressive memorial is. In his center - memorable obelisk from black marbleinstalled back in 1947, and a staircase-composition ladder "Last way": 27 bronze figures, as if faceless shadows, descend to be killed ...

Near the "pit" alley of the righteous peoples of the world, where the names of the Belarusians are immortalized, which were saved by people of Jewish nationality under the fear of death. In total during the war years in Belarus, there were over 100 ghetto, where the Jews from Germany, Poland, Austria and other countries were brought to liquidation ...

g.. Minsk, ul. Melnikite

Gomel region, Zhlobinsky district, red shore

Memorial complex "Ozarichi"

... Cruel existed only two weeks, but during this time the fascists managed to destroy at least 20 thousand people. In March 1944 he was created by order Hitler in the vicinity of the village Ozarichi on the PolesieIn order not to not only torture the prisoners, but also to weaken the upcoming red army. Here - B. edge swamp - Svozi patients with raw title and other infections that could quickly spread among the locals and Soviet soldiers. In the territory Ozarich zone of death, uniting several places, there were no buildings: women, children and old people were kept under the open sky, and the approaches to the camps were mined. From this horror liberators over 30 thousand prisoners saved, among which more than half - children. In 1965, a memorial was created, uniting three white steles - symbol of Ozaric camps - on which prisoners are depicted and names are carved.

In 2004 opened museum of memory of victims of the Ozarichsky district of deathwhere unique materials are collected: memories and records of eyewitness votes, documents, photography, correspondence with former prisoners and liberators ...

Gomel region, Kalinkovichi district

Memorial complex "Luppiest camp of prisoners of war"

In August 1941, on the outskirts in the suburb of Luppso, fascists created camp for Soviet prisoners of war. The prisoners were morailized by hunger, subjected to interrogations and cruel tortures: daily behind the barbed wire, through which the electric current was passed, up to 250 people died. In total, about 80 thousand prisoners of war were killed in the camp, and only the names of 389 of them are known. One of the prisoners was and general Mikhail Romanov - The commander of the famous 172th rifle division, heroically defended the city in July 1941. In memory of the death-killed death camps in 1948, the first monument appeared, and in 1984 - in honor of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Mogilev - was opened memorial Complex.

At the site of the lupolissky concentration camp is also bratsk grave Warriors of the 238th and 369th rifle divisions of the 2nd Belarusian front who participated in liberating Mogilev In June 1944.


Military museums

Hall and exposure dedicated to Great Patriotic WarOpen in all historical and local history museums of Belarus. Priceless ryarritet, military chronicles Cities and villages, tragedies of broken lives, stories about the feat of people who contributed to the long-awaited victory - each country area keeps the memory of those terrible years ...

Rare exhibits are found in school museums, where for decades the post-war generations have been collecting evidence of Liphethey, memories of soldiers, partisans and underground workers, prisoners of camps and civilians ...

Traveling in Belarus, you can not only visit numerous local expositions, but also to see truly unique military collections.

Main repository of rarity - first in the worldwhich was founded in Minsk. TO 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus From the fascist invaders, the museum opened in, became an interactive historical complex. Today, the Belarusian Museum is also one of the largest planet assembliesdedicated to events Second World War.

Also large-scale military collections of Belarus present:

    Vitebsk Regional Museum Hero of the Soviet Union Mini Schreyrev;

    museum of Battle for Dnipro in Loev.

Simferopol, May 7 - RIA Novosti (Crimea). The first ones dedicated to the period of the Great Patriotic War appeared in the Crimea immediately after his liberation - in the spring of 1944. Today they are numbered more than 2 thousand. Only in the legendary Sevastopol there is about 400 sculptures established in honor of the heroic events and the valiant people of this bloody war.

So, on the peninsula there are monuments dedicated to pilots, tankers, sailors, health workers, journalists, military equipment, individual military units and certain people distinguished during the war years. All of them fought for the Crimean Earth and brought the great victory.

Obelisk Glory on Mount Mitridat

In Crimea, one of the first monumental monuments dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War was the obelisk of glory in Kerch. It was opened in 1944. The monument was set in memory of the soldiers and officers of a separate seaside army and sailors of the Azov military flotilla, as well as all soldiers who fell in battles for the liberation of the Crimea.

Obelisk built from stones, which at the time was considered the central Church of Kerch.

A three-stage monument to a 24 meter high relies on a massive three-stage pedestal in the form of a triller. At each of his protrusion, 76 mm guns are installed. On the Obelisk itself you can see the bas-relief image of the Order of Fame, and on the pedestal to read the memorial text.

Later, near the pedestal, they built a wall in the form of a launched book, on which the names of the fallen warriors were carved, including the heroes of the Soviet Union. And in 1959, near Obelisk lit.

Monument "Sail"

On the banks of the Kerch Strait are a monument to "Sail", dedicated to. It is located on a hill in the village of Heroye (Kerch), at an altitude of 30 meters above sea level. Thanks to this, the monument is well visible from both the sea and from the shore.

At the place where the "sail" was installed, the landing geoically held the bridgehead from November 1, 1943 to December 9, 1943.

The height of the reinforced concrete monument created in the form of the sail is 20 meters. On the front side of the monument, a wall with bulk bas-reliefs are installed, which depicted scenes of the martial landing with the fascists, and at the foot of the hill - steles with the names of the heroes of the Soviet Union, the names of military units and ships that participated in the landing.

Monument in honor of the heroes of the defense of Sevastopol

Under the monument installed memorial boards. At one of them there are words: "The feats of Sevastopol, their selfless courage and dedication, the rage in the fight against the enemy will live in the centuries, they are crowned with immortal glory." On others, the names of the parts and connections of the Black Sea Fleet, the Primorsk army and urban enterprises worked for the front are carved.

The monument was built in 1967. Near him was lit eternal flame. From 1973 to post number 1, the monument get into the guard young Sevastopols.

By the way, the title of "Hero City" Sevastopol, which was held back by a 300,000th army of the enemy for a long time, was awarded in 1965.

Monument to the sailor and a soldier

The monument "Sailor and Soldier" is installed on Ceres Crystal. The process of creating a monument lasted more than 30 years. Thus, the decision on the construction of the sculpture was made in 1972, it began to establish it in 1981, and discovered only in 2007 ,.

The monument is a composition of the figures of the armed sailor and a soldier, moving into battle. The monument stands on a horizontal pedestal. In front of it, there is a plated platform with a view of the Sevastopol bay. The territory around the monument is enlarged, in particular, the Alley of Trees is planted here.

Due to its height (more than 40 meters), the monument is the most noticeable in the city-hero.

Monument to the armored spent "Zheleznyakov"

The legendary armored train "Zheleznyakov", built in 1941, belonged to the main base of the Black Sea Fleet. He actively participated in the years of the Great Patriotic War. German soldiers nicknamed this car "Green Ghost". And no accident.

The armored train performed 140 combat raids, applying a big damage to the enemy and technique. After each "babble", the car was covered in a tunnel, where they could not get enemy batteries and aviation. Only in July 1942, the fascists managed to withdraw "Zheleznyakov".

In peacetime, the armored train was restored and drove through Crimean Railways until 1967. After that, in memory of Zheleznyakov, near the bus station of Sevastopol, its former auxiliary locomotive EL-2500 was established as a monument. It has an inscription "".

Partisan Cap

On the Angarsk Pass, in the village of the subtle Simferopol district, a memorable sign "Parisan Cap" is installed. It is located at the roadside of the road at 27 km of the Alferopol-Alushta route.

In these places during the German occupation, Crimea actively acted. In two and a half years, folk avengers spent 252 battles and destroyed about 30 thousand opponents. At the same time, more than 4,000 partisans and underground workers died in battles with the fascists. In memory of their heroic feat, this sculpture was established in 1963.

The monument is an irregular shape of a stone block that the formation crosses the insert from polished red marble. The object resembles a headdress that was usually worn. Before the monument there is a memorial plaque, to the right of it - a stele with the burners of the partisan, and on the left - two memorial boards with the names of the dead.

More than 700 marines landed on the Evpatoria coast in January 1942. As a result of fierce fights, which lasted a few days, less than a hundred soldiers remained alive. Despite the defeat, the landing was able to distract some of the enemy forces from Sevastopol and contributed to the consolidation of the success of the Soviet troops on the Kerch Peninsula.

The monument is a sculptural composition that depicts the moment of landing the landing ashore. The central figure is the sailor with a grenade raised in his hand. On the right and left of it - two more sailors. On the trigger pedestal of the monument there is an inscription: "Your feat is schisming, the reward to him - immortality."

Initially, in 1950, a monument was established in this place in the form of one sailor, but after 20 years he was replaced by a three-phase composition. The previous sculpture was transferred to the cemetery of the village of Koloski (until 1948 - Oraz), in which 17 paratroopers were killed in an unequal battle with the fascists.

Monument to the mournful mother

During the German occupation, Evpatoria in 1941-1942 more than 12 thousand civilians were shot. In memory of the victims of the fascist terror in 1954, a memorial complex "Red Gorka" was created in the city, in the territory of which a monument of the mournful mother was established.

Sculpture is a three-meter bronze figure of a woman in a long dress that holds two roses in his hand. The monument is installed on a pyramidal pedestal of more than 3 meters high.

Based on the sculpture burns eternal flame. Nearby are the fraternal grave and a monument to the participants of the Evpatoria landing, the remains of which in 1982 found in the park they. Karayeva.

Today, the "red hill" is the place of worship of the Evpatorians. They bring flowers to the monument of mournful mother in and other memorable days. In addition, to honor the memory of executed citizens, wedding processions come here.

Monument to the liberators of Feodosia

In the jubilee park, a monument to the soldiers of a separate seaside army, which in April 1944 liberated the city from the fascist invaders.

It is worth noting that in 2015 for the courage, the durability and mass heroism of the defenders of Feodosia to her. At the moment, this is the only settlement of Crimea, having such honorary status.

During the liberation of the Crimea from enemy troops, the 19th Tank Corps took an active part in the battles, which was part of the 4th Ukrainian Front. In particular, this military connection fought for Perekop and Sivash, participated in the liberation of Simferopol and Sevastopol.

The monument in the form of a tank installed on the pedestal appeared in the Crimean capital in 1944. In the territory where the sculpture is worth, a complex is created in the form of a stylized portication with columns, between which there are plates with the names of parts and compounds that were released by the peninsula as a whole. The pedestal of the monument was lined with polished granite slabs. Here is the memorial stove with the text: "Glory to the defenders and the liberators of Crimea 1941-1944."

By the way, according to experts, T-34 is the best tank. It was produced in 1940 in the Kharkov Design Bureau.

Markovskaya Evgenia, Grade 5, Neroyko Ruslan, 5 Class, Panov Alexey, Grade 5, Popov Daniel, 5 Class

Recently, we often hear as many cities and countries are dismantled by the victory. In my project, we wanted to find, learn more about the history of monuments, to whom and for what exploits were installed. Our duty is to honor the feat of every defender of our country, everyone who fought on the battlefield, brought the Great Victory Day in the rear. The only thing that can make our generation is to care for monuments. And also remember the feat of our people and transfer it to descendants.



MO "Kuril City District"

municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school with. Hot keys

Theme of project work

"Monuments of the Great Patriotic War"

Compiler: Markovskaya Evgenia, Grade 5

Neroyko Ruslan, 5 Class

Panov Alexey, Grade 5

Popov Daniel, 5 Class

Pushkar Danil, 5 class

Scientific Director: Subbotina Svetlana Yuryevna,

Deputy Director for OIA,

MBOU SOSH with. Hot keys.

from. Hot keys, 2015

Introduction 3.

1. Monuments of OG 4

Conclusion 12.

Literature 13.

Appendix 14.


This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory. Our people really won in the most cruel war of the twentieth century, saved our country, saved Europe from fascism and presented the future to all of us.

Recently, we often hear as many cities and countries are dismantled by the victory. In your project, we wanted to find, learn more about the history of monuments, to whom and for what feats were installed.

Our debt is to honor the feat of every defender of our country, everyone who fought on the battlefield, brought the Great Day of Victory in the rear. The only thing that can make our generation is to care for monuments. At least three times a year (June 22, S 23 Piere, 9m), bring flowers to the foot of the monuments. And also remember the feat of our people and transfer it to descendants.

Objective: Collect information about monuments


To find out whether monuments are needed by war heroes.

Find out who and where monuments are installed.

Hypothesis -

we assume that in our country there are monuments dedicated to the war of 1941-1945, almost every city, even in villages and villages. The task of our generation to know the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfather, remember and be proud of them.


Work with books and search for information on the Internet;

Fire forties. Never erase in the memory of the people the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. A bright page in the history of war fits the working people of the Hero City of Moscow. Moscow was for them the personification of the will to victory, the personification of heroism, durability and courage. In bronze, granite and marble of obeliskov, sculptures, memorial boards, and the names of streets and squares Moscow perpetuated the memory of the glorious warriors.

  1. Memorial "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier"

In December 1966, when the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow, the ancient Kremlin wall, in the Alexandrovsky Garden, were buried the remains of an unknown soldier who fell by the death of brave when defending the Soviet capital. Before that dust, the hero was resting at the 40th kilometer from Moscow on the Leningrad highway - at the turn, where in the fall of 1941. Fierce fights walked. Having accepted the hero's remains in his sacred land, Moscow thus perpetuated the memory of everyone who gave life for the freedom of the Fatherland.

The monument is a monumental architectural ensemble (authors - architects D.Budin, V. Klimim, and Y.Rabayev). Above the burial site of an unknown soldier, a large playground is located in the center. The tombstone with five steps from the red granite rises above it. The excited words are inscribed on the stove: "Your name is not known, your feat is immortal." A bronze lamp in the form of a five-pointed star is mounted in the base of the site. The fire burns the fire of eternal glory.

To the left of the grave is the granite pylon, on it the inscription: "1941 fell for the Motherland of 1945." Right - a number of memorial blocks. Under their plates, capsules are installed with the sacred land of the cities of heroes.

Here, the land from the Piskarevsky cemetery, where the defenders of Leningrad were buried, stood the city during the blockade; From the fraternal graves of Kiev and Mamaeva Kurgan, on which battles walked on the Volga. Here the land from Malakhov Kurgan, with the "belt of glory" Odessa and the Earth, taken at the gate of the Brest Fortress. Other three memorial blocks perpetuated the memory of Minsk, Kerch, and Novorossiysk. The tenth memorial block is devoted to the city-hero Tula. The whole memorial row is composed of dark red porphyra. The tombstone of the soldier forever covered a combat red banner, cast out of the unsoldic copper. From the same metal, a soldier's helmet and a laurel branch was performed - a symbol of the People's Hour Hero. Eternal flame, burning in the very center of Moscow, shine words: Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Volgograd, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Tula, Brest Fortress. Each of these names is infinite dedication to the homeland, infinite resistance and heroism.

2. The memory of the Leningrad children who died at the Lychkovo station

In the small village of Lychkovo Novgorod region there is a nameless fraternal grave of the Times of the Great Patriotic War. One of many in Russia. One of the most tragic-sad. Because it is a children's grave ...

In July 1941, at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the evacuation of civilians began from Leningrad. First of all, children went to the rear. It was impossible to provide the course of hostilities ... Children were exported from Leningrad to save, away from death and suffering. But as it turned out, they were taken directly towards the war. At the station Lychkovo, the fascist aircraft bombed echelon from 12 cars. In the summer of 41st killed hundreds of innocent kids.

The number of dead little Leningrad residents is still not known. Fate smiled only to a little. The rest after the bombing the locals were collected by fragments. Since then, a grave appeared on the civil cemetery in Lychkovo. The grave in which the dust of the innocent children is resting.

Sculpture consists of several parts. A flame of an explosion has been installed on a granite plate that threw a child in the air. At the foot of the plates - the toys dished them. The author of the monument, for the construction of which in the Lychkovsky House of Veterans from all over Russia received more than half a million rubles, became the Moscow sculptor, the People's Artist of Russia Alexander Burganov. The height of the sculptural composition is about three meters.

It was a terrible tragedy. But even more terrible post-war infamous: Lychkovsky events were simply forgotten. Only a modest fraternal grave with the inscription "Leningrad children" reminded them. Over the grave for almost 60 years, local women from among the witnesses of the bloody bombing took place.

In 2003, a small monument was established at the burial site - a bronze sculpture, which always lies with fresh flowers.

May 4, 2005, on the eve of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory in the village of Lychkovo, a solemn opening ceremony of the Memorial "Children who died in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was held.

The monument is installed on the station Square, not far from the place of the tragedy. Past of the monument every day will pass the train, and children's voices will always be heard through the noise of the wheels. Here will always be a memory of a terrible tragedy that has taken children's lives.

Poet A. Molchanov wrote a poem "Memory of Leningrad children who died at Lychkovo Station", there are such words:

Is it possible to forget

As children in parts


To in the fraternal grave,

As fallen soldiers,

Sorpel? ..

3. Monument to children - sacrifice concentration camps.

Monument to children who died in the fascist concentration camps, near the Machy Tower in the city of Smolensk. The author is Alexander Parfenov. The monument in the form of a fluffy dandelion, composed of children's figures, and on the leaves of the flower, the names of concentration camps are written: Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald.

4. "Flower of Life"

In 1968, Tanya Savicheva's diary is immortalized in stone, being an integral part of the Memorial complex "Flower of Life" on Poklonnaya Mount, devoted to all children who died in the blockade ring.

5. Memory for tens of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war

In the city of Vyazma on the eve of the Day of Memory and Grief, a memorial was opened in memory of the tens of thousands of dead participants in Moscow's defense. It is installed at the site of mass burials of the victims of the German Pereal Camp "Durable 184". In March of this year, the Russian Military Historical Society took control of the situation with incomplete burials on the territory of the former Camp-184 camp, responding to the appeal of the Vyazemsky Memorial public organization. The organization that is engaged in the recovery of memory of the victims of the German renovation camp includes relatives of the camp prisoners, search engines, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, historians, public figures, volunteers.

45 The funeral swops of 100 meters in length and four wide with the remains of the prisoners of war remained after the German-fascist occupation of Vyazma (October 1941-1 on March 12, 1943) at the intersection of the streets of Repin and Kronstadt. Here, in the building of the current Vyazemsky Meat Processing Plant - then it was an unfinished aviation plant without roof, windows and doors, in October 1941, the invaders organized the "Darable-184" camp. In the first months of the war, the militia who survived in the "meat grinder" of the Vyazemsky boiler were in the environment. Many were brought from the battlefield in severe condition. Only in the first winter to 70 thousand prisoners died in the first winter of 1941-1942. The dead dumped into huge Rips. After seventy years, the place of mass graves turned into a wasteland. According to the requirements of locals, in the 90s of the last century, a modest stele with a bell was installed on the wasteland in memory of the tragedy that happened here. On the territory of Vyazma there were five "death factories".

The author of the project of the Vyazemsky Monument in memory of the victims of the German renovation camp - the People's Artist of Russia, one of the leading sculptors of our country Salavat Shcherbakov. The memorial is three concrete steles with a height of 3-4 meters. On the central stele, in the bronze relief, the soldiers and the peaceful population are presented here. Behind them - ate and camp tower. The composition framed the pictures of people made from genuine photos of the dead, transmitted by the sculptor to relatives and search engines. 50 photo images mounted to the surface of the monument.

Casting for the monument is made in the city of Zhukovsky Moscow region, the granite slab is ordered in St. Petersburg, concrete bases - in Smolensk. The foundation is made in Vyazma, bronze relief - in Moscow. The total weight of all structural elements is about 20 tons.

The former Uznage Sofia Anwarer recalled: "Through a barbed wire, the inhabitants of the city saw our suffering and tried to help. Women's wrapped in rags and children approached the wire and moved convolutions with some kind of food. The prisoners rushed to them, a machine gun pounded on the tower. People fell with hands outstretched to food. Fallen and women on the other side of the fence. It was impossible to help us. To the flock of hunger and cold joined the thirst. In the basement, where there was water, it was impossible to go through - the entrance to it closed the corpse of the corpses. People drank, trampled through a rag, liquid dirt from the yard, mixed with thousands of boots. "

6. "People in the world for a minute stand up"

The main components of the complex "People of the World for a minute stand up" installed in Moscow, the memory of the prisoners of the fascist death camps during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are three black granite slabs. "

The first stove symbolizes young prisoners of concentration camps, which were subjected to torture during the war years.

The second plate is dedicated to all prisoners - men and women.

The third memorable plate symbolizes the prisoners - the Soviet soldiers and is devoted to the memory of those killed in the deaths of the death of Buchenwald, Zacshenhausen, Dakhau, Ravensbrüc and Auschwitz.

7. "Tragedy of Peoples"

In Moscow, a monument of the "tragedy of peoples" was built on the Poklonnaya Mountain in 1997, his author - Zurab Tsereteli.

Sculpture recalls the victims of the fascist genocide.

8. Sculptural composition "Come back with the victory!"

May 8, 2009 in the exhibition complex of the open-air museum "Salute, Victory!" In the park they. Frunze of Orenburg took place the opening of a new sculptural

compositions. The sculptural group depicts Orenburg. With children, sorrowfully defending the head of the family, performed by the Moscow sculptor Vasily Nikolaev and devoted to the feat of Orenburg women, workers, mothers in the harsh war years.

9. Sculpture "Motherland-Mother"

The sculpture "Motherland-mother" is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the greatest sculpture-statue in the world at the time of construction. Its height is 52 meters, the length of the hand is 20 meters and the sword-33 meters. The overall height of the sculpture is 85 meters. Weight sculpture-8 thousand tons, and a swine-14 tons. At the moment, the statue ranks 11th in the list of the highest statues in the world.

The silhouette of the sculpture "Motherland-mother" was taken as the basis for the development of the coat of arms and the flag of the Volgograd region.

At the foot of the Motherland Monument, the commander of the 62nd Army is buried, especially distinguished in the Stalingrad battle, Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov.

The statue is an allegorical way of the Motherland, which is the name of its sons on the battle with the enemy!

10. Monument of a grief mother

In Zadonsk there is also a wonderful monument of Mother - Mary Matveyevna Frolova, Mother of 12 children who have lost all at the front.

11. Praskovye Eremeevna Volodichkina and its dead sons.

"It seems to me sometimes that soldiers,

From bloody not coming fields,

Not in the ground, our ranks sometime

And turned into white caravals .... "

Memory cranes are increasingly possible to meet on Earth. In the eternal flight, they set off from various places of our Motherland.

In the Samara region, the maternal prowess of the wonderful Russian woman Praskovye Eremeevna, and the degree of her dead sons were perpetuated. When the war began, all nine Bolodish brothers one after another left to defend their fatherland. Already in June-July 1941, they fought in different parts of the front. Praskovye Eremeevna had to accomplish them alone, since the head of the family Pavel Vasilyevich was died by that time. But with the younger, Nikolai, the mother did not even say goodbye. He just conveyed a short note, coarse on the tube: "Mom, his mother's mother. Not tillage, do not burn. Do not worry. We are going to the front. Throw fascists and everyone will come back to you. Wait. Your ring. "

But he did not wait for Praskovya Eremeevna his sons. No one. Five of them - Nikolai, Andrei, Fedor, Mikhail, Alexander - died in 1941-1943. After the fifth, the funeral did not stand the mother's heart. Sixth - on Vasily, who died in January 1945, came into an empty house, which all the years wounded in the summer returned Peter, Ivan and Konstantin. But they were one after another began to leave lives from numerous wounds obtained at the front.

And on 7 May 1995, on the steep cliff, near the house, located on the street with the symbolic name Krasnoarmeyskaya, the majestic granite and bronze memorial stood up. Nine bronze cranes rushes into the sky with a 11-meter stele. And in front of it there is a sculpture of Praskovye Eremeevna. Ahead is a 7-ton granite monument with the names of all sons and their mother and the text: "Family of Vodyclary is grateful Russia."

12. Mother Patriotka Anastasia Kupriyanova and her dead sons

In 1975, the monument of Mother Patriatka Anastasia Kupriyanova and her dead sons was solemnly opened in Zhodino. The monument composition includes two parts: on one pedestal, the figure of a mother who escorts his children to the front, a little in front of five sons, go into battle. The younger, truth and turning out, as if he wants to say: "Wait for us with a victory, mom!"

We need to remember that once there was a terrible war, and the mother lost five sons. The victory in this war was given an expensive price, and we all need to take care of the world so that our mothers would never have mourned their sons.

13. Monument "Mothers of War"

In the Leningrad region in the village of Bobrovka Trinity district opened a monument to "Mothers of War"

14. "Spring Springs" in St. Petersburg

The sculpture of the memorial complex is a mother sculpture located on the "Spring Springs". In it - all the pain of mothers who have lost their relatives in the war.

15. Monument to Victory in Penza

One of the main regional monuments dedicated to the labor and military empires in the Great Patriotic War in Penza is a victory monument. The Memorial, established by the New Year 1975 in the new neighborhood, subsequently became the central district of the city, has a height of 5.6 meters and is in our time part of the architectural composition of the Victory Square. The authors of the monument were: St. Petersburg sculptor, who participated in the creation of a monument of "First Seller", V.G. Kozenyuk, Gd. Yastreetsky, N.O.Terblov and architect V.A. Sokhin.

The monument of labor and military glory is represented in the form of a bronze figure of a woman with a child on the left shoulder and the warrior-defender, one hand holding a rifle, the other - the defending mother. The sculptural composition stands on the pedestals of different height, the highest point of which is the gilded branch in the hands of the child. The monument is located in the heart of the five granite staircase marches having a five-pointed star form, the continuation of which is five streets: Lunacharsky, Lenin, Karpinsky, Communist and Victory Avenue. The unique book of memory of 114 thousand fears who died during the Great Patriotic War, whose names were known at the time of opening the monument were kept in a niche of one of the walls of the ramp. Near the monument burns eternal flame, burned in Moscow at the grave of an unknown soldier and delivered to the army armored car in Penza.

The victory monument, open to the thirtieth anniversary of the Great Victory in Penza, and today serves as a place of service of honor guard on May 9, February 23 and the day of memory and sorrow - June 22.

16. Monument Misha Paniche

Misa Paniche's monument was opened in May 1975 in Volgograd. The creators of the monument, the architect of the Kharitonov and the Belous constructor, depicted Misha at the time of his hero's throw with a grenade in their hands on the main tank of fascists.

17. Monument to the Soviet soldiers who fell in battles for the liberation of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in 1945.

18. Murmansk Memorial "Defenders of the Soviet Pumplarken during the Great Patriotic War"

It is a huge figure of a soldier standing at the top of one of the Murmansk sobes and visible from a long distance. In general, thanks to a song written in 1968, many single monuments began to call in the Soviet Union, including in Murmansk.

19. Monument "Moscow defenders"

40th kilometer of the Leningrad highway. The city of Zelenograd is one of the new and beautiful regions of Moscow. He was rapidly spread in the forest near Moscow in the area of \u200b\u200bKryukovo station. Here in November-December 1941. Stood death defenders of the Motherland. From here they began their victorious way to the West. In the history of the Great Battle of Moscow, the fight under Kroikovo is one of the bright pages. Kryukovo defended the warriors of the eighth Guards name I.V. Panfilova Rifle Division, the Second Guards Cavalry Corps of General L.M. Dovator and the first Guards Tank Brigade of General M.E. Katuchuk. Desperately, despising death, they fought for each street, for each house. Our warriors retreated only on the night of December 3. They understood that Kryukovo became the supporting point of the enemy, which was stunned into our defense near Moscow. To knock him down from these positions is the task of paramount importance. The fourth - the sixth of January strikes on the enemy, the steamed in Kryukovo caused parts of the 44th Cavalry and 8th Guards Divizes together with the 1st Tank Brigade. The Nazis stubbornly resisted, did everything to keep the onslaught of our troops. In these battles, our warriors committed the feats of non-worn fame. Thousands of soldiers and officers died, at the cost of their lives, throwing the enemy from Moscow.

June 24, 1974 The discovery of the monument monument to the defenders of Moscow, created on the project of architects I. Pokrovsky, Yu. Sverdlovsky and A.Steyman. At the grand opening there were those who passed on the roads of the war to Berlin and those who, remaining in the rear, came the Terrible Weapon, and those who, born after the war, never heard the thunder of the guns.

On the Hill of Flory, which is forever covered the ashes of heroes, a forty-meter obelisk forms of a triangular bayonet rushes. It is knocked out the contours of a five-pointed star. At an angle to the obelisk there is a monumental stele with the bas-relief of the warrior. A heavy helmet shadow covers his eyes, sternly looking out of stone. A laurel branch was carved on one of the blocks. Near the words: "1941 Here, the defenders of Moscow, who died in battle for their homeland, remained forever immortal. "

At the foot of the hill on a black marble plate - bronze bowl. On its inner side, a red copper ornament is laid - the oak branch - a symbol of eternal life. On the cup of the inscription: "Never of the mother-mother-mother will not forget their sons."

19. Monument to "Defenders of Moscow"

On the Leningrad highway (23rd kilometer) there is another famous - a composition of huge anti-tank "hedges".

20. "Rear Front"

Monument located in the city of Magnitogorsk. The height of its 15 meters. The monument is a two-digurized composition of the worker and warrior. The workman is focused on the east, towards the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. Warrior to the West, aside where during the Great Patriotic War there was an enemy. It is understood that the sword, stitched on the banks of the Urals, then raised his mother's mother in Stalingrad and lowered after the victory in Berlin. The composition also includes perpetual flame in the form of a granite star-flower.

The monument is complemented by two trapezium height into human growth, on which the bas-relief is written by the names of the Magnitogors, who received the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War.

On May 9, 2005, another addition was discovered, made in the form of two triangular sections, symmetrically filled with elevations of their granite, on which the names of the Magnitogors who died in the Great Patriotic War were carved. There are only more than 14,000 surnames.


During the work, we found out that the monuments are devoted not only to the warriors heroes who shed blood on the front, but also to children, mothers, rear workers. Monuments are established not only in our country, but also in other countries whose liberators are Soviet soldiers. Their feat is remembered there.

When we conducted a survey about the need to install monuments, everyone answered that it was very important. It must be remembered and knowing your story.

In our work, we collected information about many monuments. Especially touched sculptures dedicated to children and mothers.


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