Bashkir Decorative and Applied Art: Historical and Cultural Specificity. Home Fields - Bashkir people

Bashkir Decorative and Applied Art: Historical and Cultural Specificity. Home Fields - Bashkir people
Bashkir Decorative and Applied Art: Historical and Cultural Specificity. Home Fields - Bashkir people

Bortfreaty. In man inexperienced, this word is usually associated with history. Ancient Russia, and how many classes of long-lasting days, himself ancient fisheryIt seems to disappear without a trace. However, this is not so.
Help: Bortnvering - initial form Beekeeping based on the content of bees in the hollows of trees to get honey.

In the heart of Russia, in the territory modern Bashkortostana, Corner has been preserved, where and today is extracted by an old way: with the help of borough. Bore is the hive of the simplest device: a hollow or a wounded chubban.

The Schulgan-Tash reserve on the territory of the Burziansky district of the republic was created specifically to preserve the unique form of beekeeping, which is known in these parts from the seventeenth century. If you turn to the story, then the successes in the beekeeping of Bashkiria was originally famous. "It is hardly that such a people can surpass Bashkir in beesfishers," the famous geographer and official Peter Rychkov wrote in the eighteenth century on the achievements of the local population. IN XVIII-XIX centuries Almost every Bashkir family had their borders and doupels. And so that there was no confusion, the owners of bee families celebrated their trunks and decks with the help of a special registered sign - Tamga. Borders in those days were appreciated by Bashkir no worse than the real estate appreciated today. If you arrive in the lifts, they stipulated the cost of sores separately: "... For each EEO, a tree of 10 cops for each EEO, and for a residential bee on the ruble 50 kopecks, and where the bee was sitting on the ruble, but for the removal vertex and tense Tree on 5 cop., And for the dumpup of 6 rubles. ". "Selo tree" meant a new bore, "residential bee" - it was so called to bore with bees, "where the bee sat" - Bore, previously already settled by bees, "Shot of the top and tense tree" - a tree prepared for doing in it Bore. Unique fishery Almost disappeared into these parts in the middle of the 20th century. However, the advantages of the old method of honey mining were rated and kept the conditions for his prosperity.

The gift of wild bees: boarding honey.

For the development of the fishery, it is necessary to combine the combination: hectares of the lime forest in combination with a high-vehicle pine. It was such unique forest arrays that managed to preserve in Baszyansky district of Bashkiria.

Another condition for the restoration of the unusual form of beekeeping was the preservation of a population of a wild honey bee, which has already become the inhabitant of the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Wild honey bee, which in these parts is called "Korto" - a special population of the bees of the Central Russian breed, formed in climatic conditions Southern Urals.

Currently, this population exists only in the Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, for which these bees are often called "buses". Wild bees live in hollows with colonies (families) with respect to 80-100 thousand individuals. Large, once a half more ordinary bee individuals, the wild Bashkir bee is distinguished by a dark gray color with a lack of any familiar for bees of yellowness. It is this kind of bees that the bees is genetically adapted to life in "wild" conditions: they are not spoiled by the help of a person and are able to experiencing five-fightened frosts independently, differ in strong immunity, enviable efficiency and very vicious temper. The inhabitants of the walled hive are capable of two weeks - that short term that linden flowers is to prepare from 5 to 15 kilograms of honey! During the training period, the wild bee works with enviable hardworking: flies with early in the morning until late in the evening, and even bad weather is not perceived by her like the serious reason relax. It turned out to keep the starting fishery not just primarily because it was not easy to save the population of a wild honey bee. It was impossible to allow full ruin of the arms: in case of the fence of all stored honey, the bee family was doomed to hungry death in winter. In addition, the peculiarities of the breeding "Burzyanka" turned the need to preserve its breeding purity into a non-trivial task. Wild bees are removed to mating 17 kilometers from the nest - with such a feature it is almost impossible to avoid the process of metation, since it is very close to the reserve that the apiary with homemade bees. However, scientists managed not only to preserve Burzyanka, but also to bring even a few subsidiaries of the Bashkir bee on the territory of the reserve. Work on tribal apieges and in laboratories on selection continues.

The revival of beekeeping is engaged in both the specialists of the reserve and the local population. The work of a modern sideworm-beekeeper is practically no different from his work of his "historical" colleagues.

For a device of borough, which in Bashkirski is called "Solok", a high and thick-walled pine is selected: a diameter near a meter. Nutya soft shoes and attaching a special woven strap to the tree, the Borevik climbs on the notches made on a 12-15 meter height with the help of special devices. Yes, wild bees love height! Perhaps it is historically conditional: the higher the bee family gets up, the more chances of avoiding the ruin - the "poaching" of the bear or the curtain could end for tireless worm-free worm.

Having achieved a level on which it was decided to make a hollow, the beekeeper binds a special stand-"Lang" to the tree, leaning on it, it can work steadily at height. The hollow hollow in the trunk is reported to the external environment with two holes: a small pilot - the entrance / exit for bees and the lump - the slit, which is closed with the flap and through which the beekeeper will be able to inspect bore and select honey. Artificial hollow, the diameter of which can reach 60-80 centimeters, thoroughly scraps, is removed from the inside dry wood and leaves for a good drying for a year or two. About this time in a clean and dry room with excellent thermal insulation properties, a new bee family is settled. Demanding newsnels are necessary for the pilot to be south, nearby pure water and rich food base. In addition, the Borevikov has its own long-standing, tested by time, ways to lure the buzzing tenants in the hollow: rubbing them with fragrant herbs, gluing pieces of cells, etc. Well made to bore can serve more than one and a half centuries!
In the fall, when you need to get honey, the startwatch acts in the same way: rises to a tree with a belt and notches, (bees, no matter how surprisingly, do not worry) and, fixing in the desired height with the help of the stand, works like a regular beekeeper: opens the inhabitants of the borough , gets honeycomb, etc.
Along with the guards, the wildflower breeding specialists are widely used by the side decks. The hollows hollow out in a piece of trunk of an old tree in all the rules of the device of the device, and then this deck-hive is attached to a growing tree on beloved wild bees height: 6-15 meters. This method of starting beekeeping makes it possible to increase the number of sores on the territory suitable for this purpose and at the same time do not injure healthy trees.

Currently, on the territory of the Bashkir Reserve, about 800 families of the Burzyan bee live in conditions of beekeeping and in the natural humps of trees. Interest in the revival of the borefield is not accidental: Boarding honey appreciated as the most environmentally friendly product with pronounced healing properties. It differs from honey from frame hives - and in color, and to taste. Traditionally, wild honey is dark brown, since it is saturated with wax and perga. Perga is pollen colors treated with bee excrements and intended for feeding a cant. Especially appreciated by the starting honey for his maturity: since the starting bees are worried about a person only once a year, closer to autumn, honey has time to mature. Availability large number Microelements, lack of harmful impurities and a particularly tart taste and a subtle fragrance make such honey expensive, but high fellow delicacy. Fishing, which still seemed like an atavism, gradually becomes cost-effective business. Wild honey is recognized as one of the "seven wonders of Bashkortostan." Today, the Schulgan-Tash reserve, located on the territory of Bashkiria, is considered the only place in the world where Bortnichestvastia has survived, and hence the only region where the real wild honey can be enjoyed.

Bortfreaty. In a person inexperienced, this word is usually associated with the history of ancient Russia, and as many classes of the long-lasting days, the ancient fishery itself seems to be disappearing without a trace. However, this is not so.
Help: Bortnichestvastia - the initial form of beekeeping, based on the content of bees in the hollows of trees to receive honey.

In the heart of Russia, in the territory of the modern Bashkortostan, a corner has been preserved, where they also produce honey with an old way: with the help of borough. Bore is the hive of the simplest device: a hollow or a wounded chubban.

The Schulgan-Tash reserve on the territory of the Burziansky district of the republic was created specifically to preserve the unique form of beekeeping, which is known in these parts from the seventeenth century. If you turn to the story, then the successes in the beekeeping of Bashkiria was originally famous. "It is hardly that such a people can surpass Bashkir in beesfishers," the famous geographer and official Peter Rychkov wrote in the eighteenth century on the achievements of the local population. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, almost every Bashkir family had their borders and doupels. And so that there was no confusion, the owners of bee families celebrated their trunks and decks with the help of a special registered sign - Tamga. Borders in those days were appreciated by Bashkir no worse than the real estate appreciated today. If you arrive in the lifts, they stipulated the cost of sores separately: "... For each EEO, a tree of 10 cops for each EEO, and for a residential bee on the ruble 50 kopecks, and where the bee was sitting on the ruble, but for the removal vertex and tense Tree on 5 cop., And for the dumpup of 6 rubles. ". "Selo tree" meant a new bore, "residential bee" - it was so called to bore with bees, "where the bee sat" - Bore, previously already settled by bees, "Shot of the top and tense tree" - a tree prepared for doing in it Bore. Unique fishery almost disappeared into these parts in the middle of the 20th century. However, the advantages of the old method of honey mining were rated and kept the conditions for his prosperity.

The gift of wild bees: boarding honey.

For the development of the fishery, it is necessary to combine the combination: hectares of the lime forest in combination with a high-vehicle pine. It was such unique forest arrays that managed to preserve in Baszyansky district of Bashkiria.

Another condition for the restoration of the unusual form of beekeeping was the preservation of a population of a wild honey bee, which has already become the inhabitant of the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan. A wild honey bee, which in these parts is called "KORTO" - a special population of the bees of the Central Russian rock, formed in the climatic conditions of the Southern Urals.

Currently, this population exists only in the Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, for which these bees are often called "buses". Wild bees live in hollows with colonies (families) with respect to 80-100 thousand individuals. Large, once a half more ordinary bee individuals, the wild Bashkir bee is distinguished by a dark gray color with a lack of any familiar for bees of yellowness. It is this kind of bees that the bees is genetically adapted to life in "wild" conditions: they are not spoiled by the help of a person and are able to experiencing five-fightened frosts independently, differ in strong immunity, enviable efficiency and very vicious temper. The inhabitants of the walled hive are capable of two weeks - that short term that linden flowers is to prepare from 5 to 15 kilograms of honey! During the training period, the wild bee works with enviable hardworking: flies from early morning until late in the evening, and even bad weather is not perceived by her as a respectful reason to relax. It turned out to keep the starting fishery not just primarily because it was not easy to save the population of a wild honey bee. It was impossible to allow full ruin of the arms: in case of the fence of all stored honey, the bee family was doomed to hungry death in winter. In addition, the peculiarities of the breeding "Burzyanka" turned the need to preserve its breeding purity into a non-trivial task. Wild bees are removed to mating 17 kilometers from the nest - with such a feature it is almost impossible to avoid the process of metation, since it is very close to the reserve that the apiary with homemade bees. However, scientists managed not only to preserve Burzyanka, but also to bring even a few subsidiaries of the Bashkir bee on the territory of the reserve. Work on tribal apieges and in laboratories on selection continues.

The revival of beekeeping is engaged in both the specialists of the reserve and the local population. The work of a modern sideworm-beekeeper is practically no different from his work of his "historical" colleagues.

For a device of borough, which in Bashkirski is called "Solok", a high and thick-walled pine is selected: a diameter near a meter. Nutya soft shoes and attaching a special woven strap to the tree, the Borevik climbs on the notches made on a 12-15 meter height with the help of special devices. Yes, wild bees love height! Perhaps it is historically conditional: the higher the bee family gets up, the more chances of avoiding the ruin - the "poaching" of the bear or the curtain could end for tireless worm-free worm.

Having achieved a level on which it was decided to make a hollow, the beekeeper binds a special stand-"Lang" to the tree, leaning on it, it can work steadily at height. The hollow hollow in the trunk is reported to the external environment with two holes: a small pilot - the entrance / exit for bees and the lump - the slit, which is closed with the flap and through which the beekeeper will be able to inspect bore and select honey. Artificial hollow, the diameter of which can reach 60-80 centimeters, thoroughly scraps, is removed from the inside dry wood and leaves for a good drying for a year or two. About this time in a clean and dry room with excellent thermal insulation properties, a new bee family is settled. The demanding new seals are necessary for the flyer to come south, there was a clean water and a rich food base nearby. In addition, the Borevikov has its own long-standing, tested by time, ways to lure the buzzing tenants in the hollow: rubbing them with fragrant herbs, gluing pieces of cells, etc. Well made to bore can serve more than one and a half centuries!
In the fall, when you need to get honey, the startwatch acts in the same way: rises to a tree with a belt and notches, (bees, no matter how surprisingly, do not worry) and, fixing in the desired height with the help of the stand, works like a regular beekeeper: opens the inhabitants of the borough , gets honeycomb, etc.
Along with the guards, the wildflower breeding specialists are widely used by the side decks. The hollows hollow out in a piece of trunk of an old tree in all the rules of the device of the device, and then this deck-hive is attached to a growing tree on beloved wild bees height: 6-15 meters. This method of starting beekeeping makes it possible to increase the number of sores on the territory suitable for this purpose and at the same time do not injure healthy trees.

Currently, on the territory of the Bashkir Reserve, about 800 families of the Burzyan bee live in conditions of beekeeping and in the natural humps of trees. Interest in the revival of the borefield is not accidental: Boree Honey was assessed as the most environmentally friendly product with pronounced healing properties. It differs from honey from frame hives - and in color, and to taste. Traditionally, wild honey is dark brown, since it is saturated with wax and perga. Perga is pollen colors treated with bee excrements and intended for feeding a cant. Especially appreciated by the starting honey for his maturity: since the starting bees are worried about a person only once a year, closer to autumn, honey has time to mature. The presence of a large number of trace elements, the absence of harmful impurities and especially the tart taste and a subtle fragrance make such honey expensive, but high fellow delicacy. Field, which yesterday seemed atavism, gradually becomes a cost-effective business. Wild honey is recognized as one of the "seven wonders of Bashkortostan." Today, the Schulgan-Tash reserve, located on the territory of Bashkiria, is considered the only place in the world where Bortnichestvastia has survived, and hence the only region where the real wild honey can be enjoyed.

Alsu Garataeva

Implemented educational regions : Informative development (the formation of a holistic picture of the world). Socio-communicative development. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Subject: Ethnography of the ancient Bashkir. Residence (yurt, occupations of ancient Bashkir (cattle breeding, making Kumsa, leather products, rope, festive and casual wear of the ancient Bashkir. "Decorate the carpet" (applique).

purpose: the acquisition of children to universal culture, the development of imagination, moral began, historical and national self-consciousness, knowledge of their roots, respect and careful attitude To the material and spiritual culture of different nations.

Tasks: 1. To acquaint children with the life of the ancient Bashkir (dwelling (yurt, the occupations of the ancient Bashkir (cattle breeding, the manufacture of Kumsa, leather goods, carpet, festive and casual wear of the ancient Bashkir).

2. Give the concept of folk decorative and applied art. Teach children expressive creation Images of Bashkir art.

3. Continue to educate love for native edge - Bashkortostan, instilling respect for craftsmen, develop aesthetic feeling and taste.

4. Continue acquaintance with Bashkir folk craft - rowing, his composite construction, Learn to the silhouette cutting of the elements of the ornament, instill interest in the folk creature, bring up respect for the work of weak, develop independence, creativity, artistic taste.

Materials and equipment:

1. Illustrations reflecting life, life, labor and culture Bashkir;

2. Samples of folk houses;

3. Samples of the daily and festive clothing of the ancient Bashkir;

4. Colored paper, glue, scissors.

Preliminary work: conversations about where we live (Republic of Bashkortostan, the city of Ufa, what nations inhabit our republic (Bashkirs, Tatars, Russians) are their languages; excursion to the Kindergarten Mini Museum "Dwelling Bashkir", wall-printed games: "Sweet carpet "," Find your element "," collect Bashkir's dishes "," Bashkir Lotto ".

Speech by the vocal instrumental ensemble "Miras" with a program dedicated to Bashkir culture.

Travel course:

Educator: Hello guys. Tell me, in what Republic do we live in?

Children: Bashkortostan.

Educator: Right. Do you know why it is so called? Because, Bashkortostan - means the country of Bashkir. Long ago, only the Bashkir tribes lived on this earth. Today we will be transferred to the past and see how the ancient Bashkirs lived, what they did.

In order to survive our ancestors engaged in hunting, fishing. Then still guys, they could not grow bread, sow wheat, vegetables - they will be engaged later. The main occupation was the breeding of horses and sheep. There were a lot of them, a lot of herds of horses and octara sheep. Bashkirs were eating meat of these animals, they drank them milk, made Koumussy from horse milk.

Guys, someone from you drank koumiss, what is he?

Children: Oxygen, useful.

Educator: And listen to the riddle about Kumys:

First beat, beat,

Then pour and drink

Foabet is torn

Yes, they drink yourself.

Why is in the riddle it says: "in the mouth gets, in the nose of chibays"? (children's responses).

Educator: And from the skins of these animals made different leather items: shoes, belts, bags, horse harness and even leather dishes for Kumsa storage! Of the sheep wool, they did felt (explanation, showing, fabric fabrics, carpets.

In order for horses and sheep to always eat fresh grass, it was necessary to move from one pasture to Bashkir. (Explanation of the word "pasture"). And of course, they could not transport their wooden houses from one interior to another. Guys, they lived in such round housing, which is called "yurt", it can be easily disassembled and transported. (Show, explanation of the composition of the yurt: Wooden frame, outside warm felt out of wool). Inside the yurt was very beautiful. Everywhere on the walls and on the floor are hanging and disseminated carpets. Stood chests with clothes. We slept right on the floor.

Fizminutka: How zokyut horses? (loudly clay).

How jumps jigit on horse? (Skump, depict Jigita).

How does Bashkir shoot from the bow? (tensioning the tutor).

How people caught fish (pull the network).

See how Bashkirs danced (Bashkir sacres, hands on the belt).

Educator: And look guys what beautiful clothes They put on Bashkirs on holidays. On the head and on the breast of women - decorations made of silver coins, corals, beads, when women went, coins are beautifully ringing. The head was told on his head. Bottom is definitely a long shirt, from above Bashkir Zilian bathrobe.

Men most Time was performed on horseback. Therefore, see what interesting men's pants "Salvar" - they were very convenient to jump on the horse.

The Kulmäk shirt was necessarily long, to the knees, under the sleeves inserts from the fabric of red. There was no fastener, the gate was tied on the laces. Top put on a long caftan. And a beautiful leather belt with a buckle. On the head of a tubette or winter fur hat - "COLAKSHIN".

Educator: Look, what a beautiful carpet I brought. What is this carpet, how can it still be called? (Palace). What are the palaces for? True, they were a floor-shaped in Yurt, Nara. On carpets, Bashkira slept, rested, they decorated their dwellings.

Guys, tell me about the carpet, what is he? Yes, the carpet has a black background, bright colors on it, geometric ornament It consists of polygons, squares, ladies around the edges. Color alternation contrasting, for example, beautiful combination Yellow with black, red with green.

Today our whole group is a weaving shop. We will with you weaver and "extach" carpets that decorate our group. Look carefully as I cut a polygon. Square paper bend in half, once again in half. The resulting small square bended diagonally. It turned out a triangle. This triangle has one squeak of scissors to cut a triangle on any side of the fold line. After that, holding a sharp corner of the fold line from the middle of the cut side, cut out the ladder, rising up to the middle of the other side. It turned out a pattle polygon.

Yellow stepped canvas carved like this: bend the strip in four, keep your fingers the fold line. Returning from the edge of the opposite side, we begin to cut the ladder consisting of four steps.

You can decorate the remaining spaces in your own way, so that the carpet turns out you have a beautiful song and color. You will work collectively three people.

During the manufacture of appliqué, music sounds - Bashkir jerseys.

Educator: Guys, and now I invite you to musical Hallwhere we are with the girls of our group fulfill folk dance "Bashkir patterns" to the music "ETE KYZ" ("Seven girls").

Scene-role-playing game "Bashkir tea drinking".


1. Molcheva A. V. People's decorative and applied art of Bashkortostan - preschoolers. - Ufa: Bashkir Publishing House "Kitap", 1995, - 112 p. : IL.

2. Colley A. V. Program for decorative activities of children preschool age Based on Bashkir decorative and applied art. - Ufa, LLC "Business Dynasty", 2014 - 28 p.

3. Shitova S. N. Bashkirskaya people's clothing. - 1st ed. - Ufa: Kitap, 1995. - 240 p., Il.

4. Bulgakov R. M. Material Culture bashkir people. - Ufa: Kitap, 1998. - 20c., Il.

Including in Himself different areas creative activityaimed at making artized articles of household, ritual-ritual appointments - Like, shoes, homemade utensils, furniture, fabrics, tools, etc.

Types of decorative and applied art differ in the material used (wood, ceramics, bones, leather, metal, textiles), manufacturing technique (chasing, burning, embroidery, carving, painting, casting).

The objects of decorative and applied art are associated with the spiritual and material culture of Bashkir, their way of life, the usual, traditions surrounding nature. Decorative and applied art is divided into traditional folk art, including fishery, crafts and professional art of masters. Up to the 20th century, Bashkir was mainly traditional folk art.

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    Decorative and applied art

    BGPU FEO specialty " art, drawing and folk art fishery ""

    Asia - Blessed Edge: Yurt



The origins of Bashkir decorative and applied art are associated with the ancient traditions of nomadic culture turkic peoplesThe way of their lives, in which household items were created, such as: utensils, clothing, shoes, the decoration of the horse and the rider's equipment, the objects of religious-cult destination, etc. The needs of Bashkir were embodied in the appearance of decorative and applied art associated with weaving, embroidery , processing of wood, metal, in the design of the clothing of Bashkir, the decoration of the dwelling.

Items Decorative and Applied Art Bashkir exhibited on art exhibitionspassed in 1997, 2002, 2008 in the Republic of Bashkortostan, they are exhibited in art galleries Republic, National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Art Museum them. M. V. Nesterova, Salavatian historical and local history museum, etc.

In the twentieth century, A. A. Bayragulova, T. Muhamedyarova, and others were engaged in artistic design of products from felt. T. Muhamedyarova, and others are used.

Much attention is paid to the decoration, design and modeling. In this direction, Masters A. D. Kirdyakin (leather products, Shali), V. M. Shibayev (Patchwork Sewishy), E. B. Efimovskaya (multi-layered), etc.

In the 1980s, interest in the manufacture of art dolls arose in Bashkortostan. Dolls make from clay, faience, with elegant costumes. Master's creation is engaged in the masters: Bayburin N. G. (Dolls "MAYANHYLY", "Huja", "Huzhabika"), Sakhno Z. A. ("Clown"), Kuznetsova V. G., and others.


  • Yanbukhtina A. G. Folk traditions In the decoration of the Bashkir house. Ufa, 1993;
  • Yanbukhtina A. G. Decorative art Bashkortostan. XX century: from Tamga to avant-garde. Ufa, 2006;
  • Professional decorative and applied art Bashkortostan: Cat. 1 3 Rep. Write. Ufa, 1997-2008.
  • A. V. Molchaheva People's Decorative and Applied Art Bashkortostan - Ufa: Bashkir Publishing House "Kitap", 1995.
  • Native Bashkortostan: a textbook for grade 6 / Aznagulov R.G., Aminaeva F.h., Gallamov A.A. - 2nd ed. - Ufa: CHIP, 2008.
  • Hismetdinov F. G. History and Culture Bashkortostan: studies. Manual for students of secondary special studies. head - 2nd ed. - Add. - Ufa: Galem 2003 - 350 s.
  • Shitova S. N. Folk art: felt, carpets and fabrics southern Bashkir (Ethnographic essays). - Ufa: CHIP, 2006.
  • Decorative and applied art Bashkir / Avt.-Cost: K.R. Ibaev, R.A. Hafizova, A.R. Husnulin. Ufa: Riaz, Informarlama, 2003.
  • Kuzbekov F. T. History of Culture Bashkir / F. T. Kuzbekov. - Ufa: Chinese, 1997.
  • Hismatullina N. Kh. Ornamental - the coloristic basis of Bashkir folk art / N. H. Hismatullina. Ufa, 2000.
  • Magadeev D. D. Ural and Bashkortostan from ancient times until the end of 1917 / D. D. Magadaev. Ufa, 2000.
  • Omsk Scientific Baser No. 2. 2012. Salavatova G. A. Art. The study of the people's decorative and applied art of the Bashkir people.
  • Bikbulatov N. V., Farhutadinova G. G. Ornament Bashkir. // Bashkortostan: brief encyclopedia. - Ufa: Bashkir Encyclopedia, 1996. - P. 451-452. - 672 p. - ISBN 5-88185-001-7.

Significant development from Bashkir received domestic crafts and crafts. Treatment of wood, leather, wool, manufacture of fabrics, clothes, shoes, felt were an important addition In the farm served to consume manufacturers themselves. At the same time, elements of the division of labor associated with the development of crafts. This was especially noticeable in metalworking.

S. I. Rudenko, thoroughly investigating material culture Bashkir people, wrote that Long before entering Russia, Bashkirs themselves allocated their iron tips of arrows and copies, knives, and other, and afterwards the guns.

In addition to the simple products of Bashkir, it was possible to meet the most valuable weapons and horse breaks. Blyakh, covered with complex patterns, we find on most vintage leather quoll and navel. The belt parts of the horse breaks, sometimes wooden saddle bows were covered with chased iron.

Bashkirs had their master masters - Kuznetsov and jewelers. There were few them, since the metal processing required special knowledge and skills. Nevertheless, the needs of Bashkir in metal products were mainly satisfied at the expense of products of their masters.

The great importance of the metal in the farm and military affair gave birth to a respectful attitude towards it, grew into a religious cult. According to the ideas of Bashkir, iron, especially sharp, able to drive off, scare diseases and pathogenic evil spirits, to protect against misfortunes. Silver products were attributed to other properties. For example, women with milking mares and cows were supposed to wear silver bracelets, it was protected from damage and milk, and an animal, and a woman itself. In general, the white metal used special reverence from Bashkir and other related Turkic nomads. Silver scales, pendants and plaques were plentifully decorated with female bibs, hats.

The metal cult was reflected in the Bashkir personal name system. Timer "Iron, Iron", Altyn "Gold, Golden", are found both in male and female names (Timer-Bai, Timerbick, Baityer, Bike, Altynbi, Altynbick). Names based on the word "Bulat", they were given only to men - Bulat, Timerbulat, Baybulat, Bikbulat.

From the tree of Bashkis, the tools of labor was made, wooden parts of weapons, vehicles, various kinds of vessels and household items.

With steppe cattle traditions, crafts for the processing of animal raw materials were associated. Bashkirs were produced skin, fur, felt. Fur and leather went to the manufacture of clothes, shoes, military and hunting equipment, gathering. Quiver, Ostains, various cases and sums were decorated with an embossed ornament, metal overlays. Felt decorated with embroidery, appliqué with patterns in the instrument of indulgence.

It turned out and weaving. The yarn was obtained by treating hemp, nettle, flax and wool. Tables canvas, coarse cloth, palaces. Canvas from hemp was the most common. Linen canvas met very rarely.

A small spread had a pile row. The household Bashkir was mainly natural. Nevertheless, they supported trade relations with the Volga Bulgaria, Central AsiaMiddle East. In exchange for cattle, the fur, honey acquired cotton and silk fabrics, weapons, decorations, oriental sweets, as well as colored stones, corals, pearls, sinks used in the manufacture of women's jewelry. Of course, dear eastern goods were available only to a wealthy tip of a birthday nobility.

According to R. Kuzhev, N. Bikbulatov, S. Shitovo.