The oldest traditional fishery of Yakutov - Kuur. People's Fields of Yakutia: Culture and Business

The oldest traditional fishery of Yakutov - Kuur. People's Fields of Yakutia: Culture and Business

Crosses - Surah.

In the museums of the Republic of Sakha is stored a large number of Yakut crosses wearable as a breastplate. Yakut crosses have never been the subject of close research: neither in pre-revolutionary, nor, especially in Soviet times. The only exception is the book F.M.Sikov "Jewelry Yakutov Jewelry", where in the chapter "Description of jewelry" from the general complex of jewelry of Yakuts, the author highlights the objects of cult destination. Of these, the most common and varied crosses that were worn like decorations. Surie crosses can be divided into two large types: 1) the native crosses - tanks; 2) Chest crosses, wearable as decorations.

Both types of crosses in the Yakut language were called completely equally - the word "Surah". The rite of baptism in Yakutski is called "Surachtney". The native crosses of Yakuta were obtained when making a rite of baptism and receiving the Christian name. They were from silver, copper, brass. Brought crosses from Central Russia, where they were produced. One of the centers of jewelry in Russia was the village of Krasnoy-on-Volga (Kostroma province). "Krasnoshel jackets supplied almost all of Russia with copper and silver cast crosses. We sent them to the Irbit Fair, Makarevskaya was a permanent place of sale." In addition to the native crosses in the workshops of the jewelry-shutters of gray, Golts and others cast copper icons, crucifixions, the scripts to the gospels, the fasteners for books and much more. Chest crosses wearable as decorations presumably appeared in Yakutia in the first half of the XIXVEK. It is necessary to find out the history of their occurrence of Yakuts, with which it is connected. They wore them and men, and women as decoration and as a symbol of belonging to Orthodox religion. In the collections of the museums of the Republic of the breastplate crosses, oddly enough, are more common than the native crosses.

In shape and design, they are close to Slavic crosses - Encoupiones and crosses - laying. Crosses - Encolpiona in Russia were widespread in the X - XIV centuries, served as a container of saints of power and rushed over clothes, being a symbol of belonging to the Christian religion. X - XIV centuries. In Russia - this is the time of active adoption of Orthodoxy, the time of the suggestion of the new faith, at the same time it was the process of the division of Christianity, the time of Christianization associated with the paganism of the people's life, of the people's consciousness. In the Domongolian period, Enkenpiona were the most common form of a breast cross, they were made of silver, copper and copper alloys. The main technique of their manufacture was casting. Sometimes they were decorated with engraving, mobile, enamel. The place of their mass production was ancient Kiev. Images on encasps, manufactured in mass quantities in the same casting forms, were quite limited in their versions. It is most often - the images of Our Lady, Nikola, Archangels, Crucifixes, Evangelicals. In the XIV century A special role in the development of Russian art was played by Veliky Novgorod. The XIV century was for Novgorod the time of a large rise of culture. At this time, a series of stone churches was built here, great painting products are created, developing wonderful works. artistic crafts. At the same time, in Novgorod art, a peculiar interweaving of pagan and Christian motives is more clearly reflected. At the end of the XIV - XV centuries. Russian culture experienced an extraordinary lift. This lifting was the result of large socio-economic and political shifts within the state and strengthening its international authority. The main efforts of the Russian people at that time were aimed at creating a centralized single state.

The art of this period reflected the essential parties to the nature of the folding Great Russian nation: resistance, heroism, the ability to overcome adversity, difficulties, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland. In the fight for strengthening the centralized state, the Orthodox Church was actively involved, which in 1448 declared an autocephalous, i.e. independent of the authorities of the Constantinople parliament. XIV - XV centuries. Crosses and layers gradually changed the cross-enincpirations of the Domongolsky type. Crosses - packed was a rather deep cross-shaped ark, covered by cast or engraved lid. On the front side of such crosses, a crucifix was usually depicted. In the XVI - XVII centuries. There are separate copies of cross-enincons and crosses of silver crosses. At the same time, the active development of Siberia by Russians, the Cossacks, the missionaries who took their relics to the distant edge - icons, crosses, etc., begins. It is estimated that it was in such a way that could go to Siberia, and in the future and in Yakutia, the beautiful samples of the Russian jewelry business - silver cross-enincpiration crosses and crosses. It is possible that these crosses served as samples for Yakut masters - jewelers in the manufacture of breastplas in the form of crosses. The breast crosses of Yakuts were enriched with new elements: they wore them on the chest on a wide chain of a rather complicated design, many different suspensions appeared, supplemented with tweezers, cops, etc. Kazan Tatars in a complex of female jewelry is also found decoration with a cross. This is how it describes S.V.Suslov:

"The exact name of the type decoration (necklace - E.S.) could not be installed. It is identical to the necklace in the form in the GME collection, as" Kyle Baui ". Obviously, the peculiar modernization of the above-mentioned Necklaces of Kryated was custom to carry it in the complex with By the curren ("Cruz Bavy"). Similar necklaces - Gaitans, except grained, wore Christianized Chuvas, Markets, Mordva. Mordovka, together with a cross, perfectly hung various kinds of amulets, charms. It gave the basis of V.N. Belisser suggest that such a necklace The Morder has a ritual nature and is associated not only with Christian, but also more ancient religious ideas. " Thus, despite the noticeable influence of Orthodoxy on the Yakut culture, Yakuta is very peculiar, creatively approached the understanding and perception of the Christian religion, having mastered and perceiving the artistic, aesthetic side of the Orthodox religion.
Eleonora Ellaevna Sivzva, Researcher of the Museum.

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Yakutia is one of the few centers of the Russian Federation, where the traditional, in a purely northern version, an artistic thread on the bone is developing. Young, in comparison with the Severorus and Chukotka, this folk type of creativity, however, has almost three-time history. As a result of the emergence of special fishery for the extraction of mammoth testes and the beneficial effects of highly developed art of Holmogorsk cutters, its origin in the XVIII century occurred on the basis of local artistic traditions and, above all, ornamental wood thread. Since the mid-1940s, the process of attracting coslozes in the creative team of artists. The first of their significant performance was held at the local Republican art exhibition of 1947, after which they talked to their close, interested public attention. The generation of costhresses of those years represent Folk Masters E. N. Alekseev, I. F. Mamaev, V. P. Popov, A. V. Fedorov and their younger contemporaries T. V. Ammosov and D. I. Ilyin. It is characteristic that among the ancestors of each of them were craftsmen, skillfully owned the skills of work on metal (blacksmiths, loafers, jewelers) or wood (cutters, carpentry and carpenters), or in all these areas at the same time. The representative of the fifth generation of Kostozov was V. P. Popov. The masters are taken for the revival of Yakut cosstiles in two historically established areas: in the form of decorative and utilitarian products (boxes, chess, etc.) of the form of small and miniature sculptural plastics. At the same time, from the very beginning, they show much initiative, whether these are searches for the variety of machinery and treadmills, combinations of bones with other materials, the decor ratio and the entire image with the overall design of works or the choice of new types of household items. All this is due to the desire to significantly expand the thematic and genre limits of costelus art, which was previously limited to the motives of traditional life and animalist, significantly enrich its content, finally, respectively, to rethink its function, understanding new public queries.

And the initial position becomes the desire to create works, as a rule, thematically capacious, decoratively saturated and festive-elegant, calculated on museums and dispensing halls, to a wide visual audience. The masters now consider his art of the masters now as the full and organic part of the modern spiritual culture, penetrated by the awareness of their professional and social position in the creative team. Already at this initial stage of the development of modern Yakut cosstiles, which lasted until the mid-fifties, the masters create a number of artistically perfect works, which entered the treasury of the visual art of Yakutia. These are decorative products, and small sculptural compositions from the bone. The traditions of the People's Plastics received a bright embodiment in the work of V. P. Popov, who is interested in primarily established national-character motives of Yakut life. His work performed by volumetric thread and relief, are inherent in laconicism and simplicity art language, a few archaic conditional summarization of forms and rhythms.


In the sculptural group "Yakutka in Konovyanky" (1974), these qualities are combined with a thorough study of ornamental parts in a festive woman's dress, in a rich decoration of the horse and ritual columns Sirge. Everything is organic and solid, everything is permeated with the feeling of the significance of the festive ritual, which gives the work a solemn and monumental sound. Click to Popov D. I. Ilyin. In his work, the principle of macate compilation of the composition of the compositions and items carved separately was applied in his work "on the kummy holiday of Yizakh" (1946). It is wonderful that the author inherited not only the reception, but also the aesthetic charm of a folk artistic primitive with his genuine truth and integrity of the perception of life with a special addition to the visual details, to narration. A different circle of topics and images, unusual, completely new, other orientation of creativity at A. V. Fedorov, who marked the beginning of the development of the Yakut killeries of historical topics and the portrait genre in the technique of embossed thread. He owns the plates "Exile Napoleon" (1949), "Laureates of the International Prize of the World" (1953), "Lenin in Spilling" (1954). In subsequent years, he creates a plate with images of portraits of the first Soviet cosmonauts (1963). In the "Exile of Napoleon" the author skillfully applied the long-term construction of the composition and used all the nuances of jewelry fine bas-relief threads. He showed a crowded panorama of battle. The image was framed by a magnificent, a few heavy floral ornament, and crowned him with an oval with a expressive portrait of Field Marshal M. I. Kutuzov.

Vasily Manchary.

Such a type of desktop plate carrying a large decorative-semal load, originated by Fedorov in 1946, when he created his "Vasily Manchara" - full of speakers The image of the legendary folk hero-rebar. The burner depicting a rapid rider rider with a palm tree in his hand is made in the row of techniques, characteristic of professional sculptors. But in general, he is definitely creating a people's master, the creation of his hands, his figurative perception of the world. No wonder here is so strong the elements of the visual folklore - an ornament, which, permeating all the work and festively dressed up, tells him a special color, especially raised sound. Publicly significant topics determines from now the content of iso-bonds and on the walls of decorative caskets devoted to usually large jubilee Datam. The initiator here performs I. F. Mamaev. This master also belongs to the honor of creating a type of gift hunting knives with sheath, where the artistic effect is achieved by a successful combination of silver bone, a thread with a notch. The undertaking of Mamaeva immediately actively continued other koslaysses. The masters work on different decorative utilitarian products. In particular, E. N. Alekseev has developed a type of flat bone knife for cutting paper, skillfully ornamed thin openwork thread. It also owns the "LESS" comb (1953), in which the structural and decorative features of the thing, successfully harmonizing, make up a single integer. From the very beginning, the question of the interaction of their creativity with the art of professional sculptors and masters of decorative and applied arts arose before Yakutsk Koslasemi. The awareness of this process was particularly necessary when in the second half of the fifties the collective of Kostozov was replenished with graduates of the sculptural branch of the Yakut artistic school, among which were S. A. Egorov, K. F. Gerasimov, S. P. Zabolotsky and K. K. Krylov. The professionalization of Costoris creativity could be successful only with the careful conservation and further development of traditions of folk art, combined, however, with a clearer than before, identifying individual handwriting. However, in practice it was not always carried out consistently and with due understanding of the problem itself. The older generation, which smoked directly from the elements of folk art with a collective principal characteristic of him, sometimes felt some confusion. The reasons were the search for new forms, a new artistic language, in which the masters themselves were actively involved for the embodiment of a much expanded life content.

To school

During these years, the skill is increasing, the big creative potential of such coslozes, like T. V. Ammosov and S. N. Pesterev. Young coslozes at first work, approaching their art with a measure of a purely machine form of sculpture. Therefore, they needed a certain time to master the specifics of decorative art and practically understand the features of the Yakut bone thread. The originality of this transitional stage is perhaps the most important on the work of S. P. Zabolotsky, the main works of which appeared until 1960. If the genre compositions of this author ("deer racing", 1957; geologists, 1960), made mainly in terms of meal sculpture, inherent in certain stylistic integrity, it cannot be said about the Jacue Basket (1959), which, with all the technical perfection of performance, suffers from the overload of the artistic language, the decorativeness here is understood somewhat mechanically and sinning decorates. The peers of Zabolotsky did a much greater than he, creative evolution. Egorov in 1957 creates his wonderful work of Nuregun Bootur rapid, in which the composition, and the nature of the interpretation of forms, finally, the bone treatment itself is subordinated to the task of creating a decoratively expressive and artistic one-piece work. By the way, it was the first bright example of the embodiment of so relevant for folk thicket counseling. In the future, as Kostoris Egorov, it was interesting to worked in an animal genre. Simultaneously with him in the strip creative maturity K. F. Gerasimov and K. K. Khlov entered. The new rise in Yakut costelle art begins with the second half of the sixties. By this time the creative process is fully stabilized. The leading trend becomes freedom and latitude of appeal to traditions, a closer connection between the generations of costhroduis while maintaining both the main mines of modern Yakut carving in the bone - folk and professional - which are now interpected, overcoming their former harsh differences.


Professional skills of kostozov. This creates a situation for more active perception of new fruitful processes in the development of all decorative art. The vivid expressive of the popular channel of modern costelle art of Yakutia is T. V. Ammosov, the style of which throughout its creative activity is characterized by great stability. Ammosov is known and decorative products (caskets, crown, chess, tubes, hunting knives), and sculptural compositions on genre and folklore plots. In the boxes "300 years of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia" (1954), "North" (1962) a thin openwork ornament on all walls of products is combined with plot inserts, usually completed with a low relief. Exceptional attention is paid to performing skill in the good traditions of the old craft. All this is subordinate to creating an image of elegant and precious, unique in their appearance. Cup Cups, also thematic, carved from a solid block of bones and covered with completely juicy embossed thread, on the contrary, impressive mass monolithium, some heavyweight. The form them goes back to the traditional patterned wooden curious Cups of the Yakuts, which Ammosov creatively rethought, enriching it with modern scene images along the central circular belt of the vessel. Since the function and image of Corone has long been associated with a solemn ritual of a kummy holiday, the author chooses and the corresponding topic, but already from the modern happy life of his people ("abundance", 1957; "Horse breeding", 1970).


Unique in terms of artistic interpretation sets of chess created by Ammos based on the yakut epic and ethnography. The idea of \u200b\u200bchess battery is very enforced in the figures of the patriotic couple of the generators and their soldiers, ready to fight their opponents. Folklore and ethnography are accompanied by many sculptural compositions of this very fruit masters, with the constant passion for the traditions of their people who come to the traditions and customs. Close to some parties to tobolian masters, S. N. Pesterev also passed a big creative way. This artist is mainly interested in a small sculptural plastic from the bone. He has a central place with the topic of active contact of a person with nature, the theme of the glorification of the strength and courage of the workers of the North. Many of his compositions are depicting rapid deer and doggy trains, distillation of herd horses, exciting scenes of hunting, catching deer. Pesterev - Master of Multifigure Desktop Figurines. Usually it cuts out of a solid piece of bone, arranging the figures horizontally - in length, so that compositions are obtained similar to bilateral reliefs. The type of such compositions with the motive of moving groups of people is designed to them in a variety of options. Among them are "Red Army women in the north" (1969), "Schoolchildren of the North" (1977), "Revolution Soldiers" (1978).

Soldiers of the revolution

Compositions K. K. Krylova are inherent in the logical completion of the thoughts and generalization in the interpretation of the form ("Fishermen", 1967; "Artist", 1970). The softness and heat characteristics are somewhat echoed with the works of K. F. Gerasimov, mature period whose creativity is distinguished by the deep penetration of intonation, a bright national flavor. Starting from the appearance in 1963, the "shepherd", created without without the influence of the plastic language "Yakutka in Konovyanki", V. P. Popova, the artist organically absorbs the living sense of the people's worldview and the tradition of the Yakut folk thread on the bone. And this touching to the origins of the beneficial effects on the poetics of his works with their confidence spontaneity of the story, the accuracy of observation and soft, good-natured humor ("Sable Hunter", 1971; "The veterinarian", "Likbez", both of 1972). Gerasimov skillfully uses an ancient use of the development of space in the planned composition by free, maquette arrangement of figures on the conditional surface of the stand. The same trends based on the old Yakut thread and heritage of such a master, as V. P. Popov, linked looking in the adjacent areas of small decorative plastics, actively develops one of the most peculiar Yakut artists-Kostozov S. N. Petrov. Like most kostozov, Petrov is endowed with the gift of animalist, great knowledgeable world The native nature, which is in plastic, movement, in the life of an animal impulse for creative inspiration. But genuine hobbies of the artist are the images of heroic eposa-olonho, the good customs of the ancestors, the solemn ceremony of the national holiday of Yyzah. And he gives them, like its Yakut colleagues, a wide epic interpretation, in which traditional and modern starts are unusually connected.

Sable Hunter

They froze in their ritual significance of the figurines of people with kimatic cunes in the "opening of the holiday of Y ..." (1967). Magnical songs are present in the "Yakut warriors" (1967). In the composition of the "arrows" (1974) the mighty outlines of the shape of the hero and his horse, the impeccable essence of silhouettes and rhythms create an image, washed with a feeling of romantic legendary antiquity. In the overall process of modern interesting development of the Yakut costelles, N. D. Amydaev, M. M. Pavlov and I. I. Popov were actively involved. Each of them improves its individual creative handwriting. In the images of Amydaev, the national beginning is stronger ("Fishermen of the North", 1978). The acute spatial solution and the aesthetic sense of the material is distinguished by several stylizedly traded genre compositions of Pavlov ("Fishermen", "Vasily Manchara", both of 1974). Popov, preferring miniature plastic forms, brought with me the addiction of an ethnographer's artist to the national realities of life and culture ("Yakut warrior of the XVII century", 1974).

Opening holiday

Thus, now the third generation of coslozes successfully continues the revived life ancient art People enriching it with new solutions, new acquisitions in the synthesis of people's and proofessional in their work. In the number of Yakutia's appliers, the People's Master of E. E. Ammosova, known to the northerners folk fur clothing, is rich in the trimmed beads and embroidery. Artists of Yakutia did a lot to form and enrich the spiritual world of their countrymen. In everywhere increase their place and role in public Life republic. Nowadays, new paths are open to them for further creative growth.

Fishermen North

Costoris Nikiforov Dmitry Mikhailovich

Nikiforov Dmitry Mikhailovich - the first famous Master Costoris from Yakuts, with training. With the assistance of the governor I. I. Kraft passed internship in Japan, was distinguished by the originality of the talent and raised the prestige of the coster of Yakuts.

Decorative and applied art of the peoples of the North.

This article on the decorative and applied art of peoples, in many respects preserved the century traditional lifestyle and culture in the conditions of the Far North, the Far East, the Arctic. Dispute disputes, is such life justified when there are several modern cities, household amenities, fast transport and reliable communication. In search of an answer, the question is especially relevant: why many nations, often existing in the most difficult natural conditions, could develop their culture with centuries and millennia, without destroying the habitat? Can mankind learn how to live in harmony with the world around the world, as they managed to make peoples not involved in the conquest and conversion of nature. More recently, the future was recently presented, in which one humanity, not divided into peoples and cultures, leads the same lifestyle and, thinking in the same language, confesses the same thoughts. But, having studied many complex systems, we are convinced that the key to the success of their existence is just a variety. Continuation of human culture, its diversity should not be destroyed, but carefully supported. The culture of each people is significant for all people and should persist regardless of whether this numerical people are large or small.

Tatro. "Deer Stubbing." 1969

Reindeer products and suede with appliqués from colored fabrics, with fur mosaic, sewing beads, sculptural miniatures from the bone, objects made of wood and barks in the past century attracted the attention of landlords, travelers and scientists. These works admire us. It is valuable that we have a matter of not with the past, not with the property of history, but with live art of today. Dozens of Masters of the Far North - Our contemporaries - perfectly own processing and decoration techniques different materials. Folk tradition lives continuing to develop in modern conditions. Decorative and applied art, created by the peoples of the Far North, is inseparable from the nature of the edge, which is the Surov, but diverse. Especially affecting the richness of colors: bright gentle grein of swampy lowland, dark arrays of forests, an overflowing game of light and shadows on mountain slopes, blue sky, blue rivers, red and blue berries, moss - from greenish-yellowish to velvet-black. Coloristic wealth of nature and embodied in works of folk decorative art. The territory of the Far North extends thousands of kilometers.

Chukotka thread

Seaside areas and Tundra are plunged into the darkness of the polar night for several months, only the colorful spilos of the northern lights flashed. White nights come from the spring ... the sun is standing over the horizon and then starts back into his daytime. The south begins the taiga, which, as the endless green fleece, covers the hill. Here the full-water rivers flow, their magnificent peace is sometimes not broken by fishermen or a court; Thousands of lakes sparkle in the sun. It is in this edge, exactly in a fairy tale, "the sky converges from the ground", the day is connected to the night, the sun and a clear month together "walk across the sky"; Gold, oil, coal, diamonds, ore is rich in subsoil, fish - rivers and lakes, bird and beast - Taiga forests. A variety of animal world is amazing here: white and blue sands, red and black fox, sable and ermine, otter and beaver, squirrel and hare. Among the birds are noteworthy Black Gagar. A lot of small ornamental products Northery are manufactured from her beautiful feathers in drawing. Sometimes it is rare on the beauty of the plumage pink seagull. In the summer, many colors bloom in northern taiga. They are rushing to grab a short period of warm sunny days. It happens (especially near the polar seas) that the flowers do not have time to fouling, as the snow falls again. In the fall in the forests and the glades of placer berries - raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cloudberries, lingonberry, cranberries. In the old days, the huge deserted spaces of the North were overcome by local residents of the deer, on deer or dog sledding; Now the airways associate remote cities and towns. However, light narts, drawn by deer or dogs, are still to travel for short distances. It is impossible to present the extreme north without deer.

S. Pesterev. "Arkansk". 1966

Reindeer herding is one of the main sessions of the local population. Olenchik, as affectionately called beautiful animals, Evenks, low, with thin legs, looks elegant, even seems fragile; Big dark eyes watch meekly and thoughtfully. The herds of the northern deer virtuoso draw schoolchildren - Chukchi, Koryaki, Dolgans, Nenets - in student notebooks, images of deer are found on birch testes. In drawings, a carved sculpture of wood and bones, the northern masters emphasize a somewhat elongated animal torso, wide twisted hooves, horns, pulling back their heads. Every year, deer loses its branchy horns, and they repent again. Initially, the horn is dark, velvety, covered with a gentle fluff, poured by living juice; Gradually, they are hardening, lighter is made. And now one horn disappeared. Over the trail runs, while the second horn does not disappear ...

Evenkaya women's clothing

In the extreme north of Icestari sew the upper winter clothes made from deer skins, they are also a stealth and nars; In the recent last winter, deer skins were covered with portable nationals of Taiga Hunters - Yurts and plague. Master of the Polaria is skillfully produced from the deer Skur Zasha Ruduguuu, tinted with an aulhow bark, give her a noble reddish-brown tone.

Evenki Onty.

Deer Kamusi are especially valued - shkins with deer legs. Narrow small strips of golden, silver-gray or white color are really very beautiful and durable. Of these, they usually sew winter shoes, mittens and bags that are distinguished by the wealth of finishing. Shrinking from deer skins Winter fur clothing Northerners is often a genuine piece of decorative art.

E. Ammosova. Fragment of finishing children's fur coats

How many peoples in the extreme north are so many varieties of cut, flavor, finishing techniques. The natural taste, the feeling of an excellent nigeon woman is primarily expressed in the skilled selection of fur. Stitching the skins of various animals, they achieve successful combinations of texture, softness or contrast color transitions.

Nenets women's clothing

Next to the squirrel back, the fur otter or column can sometimes be seen and the euro skirm of the Evarada is a field animal; She chose the master solely for the sake of the color effect, for the sake of the impression of the integrity and beauty of the composition. For finishing the gate or the lower edge of winter clothes, except for white fox or silver fox, a thick fur of the Siberian Like is used. Fur things are decorated with bone, metal, robust brushes and cants, inserts and border from red, blue and yellow cloth.

Evenkis clothing

Especially decoratively combined with fur sewing beads. Beads have to fasten dense, without cleansing, rows on the strips of the skin or tissue, which are then sewn into the fur. According to the folk legend, the multicolored opaque beads in the old days was delivered to Siberia from distant India, where the beads were pulled out from the ocean shells. And it looks like the truth. The vintage beads are unusually diverse in shape, sizes and shades; In one row of embroidery, do not find two identical beads.

E. Ammosova. Fragment of female fur coats. 1968 year

It is not by chance that the craftsmen extremely appreciate this beads and patiently transfer it from the old products to new ones. The northern peoples used the effect of sewing beads in different ways. Euren-Lamuts generously expanded golden fur coats-parks with beads, in which a light blue tone prevailed.

Even women's clothing. 19th century

On Even's clothes in wide blue beaded rods, the main tape of the pattern moves softly, wavely, sometimes forming closed circular figures. Beads, Naughty concentric circles, covers Suede Suede Even Suit, adorns brushes, needles. A completely different finish in Dolgan, living in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Evenkiy and Taimyr National Districts.

Fragment of Finishing Dolgan Men's Clothing

A wide sewn border of the female Dolgan fur coat-park is mixed with fur mosaic inserts, colored beads. A bright (red with blue) gear tape with sharp ornament angles directed in different directions are read on this bite. As they say the Dolgan embroiderers themselves, is the image of the Northern Lights. Often, masters turn to original technique The sewage in the fur of individual red and blue wools forming the same pattern of "Northern Lights".

Fragment of finishing Dolgan women's clothing. 1960.

Along with the sewing beads, an amazing art is common in the extreme north - fur mosaic. It is a composition of pieces of fur contrasting in color cut by pattern and stitched together in such a way that it turns out a single surface with an ornament - dark on light and light on a dark background. For example, on the shoulders and the lower edge of the upper winter clothes of the Nenets on a dark background, white zigzag figures are expended, strongly elongated vertically, with thin lines and thickening in the corners. Undoubtedly, we have the same image of the Northern Lights as on the Dolgan embroidery beads or wool.

Fragment of Finishing Nenetsa Women's Festive Clothes

Ancient and complex fur mosaic was decorated with vintage products of koryakov. Caima on the Koryak Upper Winter Clothes consists of slim ornamental compositions, where tiny triangles, squares, and rhombuses made of furs of two colors rhythmicly alternate. Sometimes a mosaic is supplemented with embroidery: smoothly flooring with colored silk.

Fragment of the finish of the Koryak women's festive clothing 1960

The art of fur mosaic today is applied in the manufacture of fur carvers common in the extreme north. The form of these products is very diverse. It depends on the material, the ingenuity and taste of the masters. IN last years Round carpets made of deer Camus received widespread.

Camus deer carpet

The center is often placed small (10-12 cm in diameter) a circle of dark fur, from which the bright and dark "rays" diverge; the carpet is broken with a white caram. Round carpets were made in the old days, they called "Sun". The image of the Sun is a rare guest in those edges - has long been dear to the northern masters. Polar night, which lasts three to four months, makes the inhabitants of the Polar region, we look forward to the appearance of the sun. The people about the sun were legends, fairy tales. The hero of one of these fairy tales, the Raven, in the past twist the sun, did not want to give the brother to the beauty, the daughter of the North, behind which he traveled for the thirty lands, overcoming the danger. While offended, the sun decided to leave the sky and provide the tundra of eternal night. "I saw the daughter of the North, that there is no close to the sun, that the inhabitants of the tundra are frown and are unhappy with the raven, and he is powerless to return the sun Tundra. She laughed over the raven and went to her father the North. And the sun since then more lives over the sea and only the coldest rays sends to the tundra, "the fairy tale says.

Raven. Bone carving

But not only the camsome mats in decorative form recreate the image of the Sun. Round silver disk - "Breast Sun" - often decorated with vintage ridge bugs of Yukagirov. Once yukagira, the descendants of which now live on the river Yasachaly, the influx of Kolyma, were more numerous people. A lot of lights from their nomads illuminated a munless sky in the polar night; The folk legend, it was the Northern Light. Over time, Yukagira merged with euments. Therefore, Yukagir and Even's clothing and decorations are very similar, in particular bodies, striking the subtlety, grace and genuine jewelry skill.

Finishing Even Male Bib. 19th century

In the border and ornamental inserts, sewing a buzzless hair is combined with intertwining colored nearest straps, sometimes extended through the rosters of the background; The edging is made of colored cloth, beads, fur releases. Brilliant and elastic white deer. Funny hair is used by the Master-Northerners in order to enhance the main color gamut, especially on the products from Rudugi. Hair reindeer goes to a rather dense boring seam, an even more dense flooring from wide bands of white geometric shapes. This finish looks very beautiful on a natural or tinted background of Rudugi, ornamental inserts and kaym seem to be drawn or printed - so impeccable and subtle work of master-nigeon.

Fragment of finishing Even women's clothing. 19 B.

"Space" topics - the sun, the moon, the stars - occupied a great place in the decorative and ornamental art of Eskimos. On wall-mounted decorative rugs from the skins of the nerve, embroidered with oiled hair and color silk, often there are conventional images of the heavenly luminaries. Effectively and decoratively sewing On the Nerroy Shkure and on the Sleepy-Ruduge. Less frequently decorated with "cosmic" ornaments close to Eskimo Chukotka wall mats with pockets for storing small economic objects.

Chukotka curly rug. 1950 year

Application stripes from Rumpuhi or especially selected Surpenk skin - Mandarks - Chukchi craftsmen are more often made in the form of multicolor outlets, shoots with leaves and buds: a short, but a very bright summer period received a convincing figurative interval in the Chukotka folk embroidery. At the beginning of the spring, in the extreme north celebrate national holidaysassociated with the end of the winter hunting season, with a distillation of deer on summer pastures. At celebrations are awarded with noble reindeering, winners of the competition, are held sports, Participants of amateur amazing are concerts.

Yshah. Bone carving

From the distant villages, towns, the reindeer breeding teams for the holiday come with whole families in elegant clothes, on dog or deer sledding. In red, blue, green and yellow colors are painted by narts. The harness is embroidered with beads, decorated with bone engraved plates, red and blue woolen tassels, metal blahs, fur pomps. The center of the holiday is traditional deer run - racing on deer sledding. The painfulness of this spectacle is largely promoted by beaded front costumes, unts, belts with overhead engraved silver blahs and plates, sparkling on the spring sun.

Yakut drawak for Kumsa. 19th century

Yakuts National Spring Holiday Holiday happens at the end of July. Osyach is usually held in the field where a special platform is being built: wooden carved poles are put - Konovyzya - Sirgo, the branches of the branches are plugged into the ground. Participants of the holiday are performed by dance dance Johor, drink Kumys.Now the wooden kumatic dishes comes out of use, replaced with glass, porcelain, plastic. However, the claroes cut out specifically for the holiday and put as an ornament on Sirgo or on the pillars, which enclosing the site where the Yysakh is carried out. Wooden cherry-souvenirs are very popular, the manufacture of which is now not manually, but on the lathes. Vintage cores transmitted from generation to generation, in a modern dwelling of urban-type are used as kashpo or decorative items adorning the interior.

Yakut women's saddle. Detail. 19th century

In the festive ceremony of Ysyaha, a lot of attention is paid to the decoration of the horse in which the saddle includes (a silver front oil is decorated with engraving), cheprak, kichimy. The work of the Yakut jewelers is famous for the entire extreme north. The basis of these jewelry is silver (or silver plates) plates of various shapes. From rectangular and round plates make set-up belts that are part national costume And other northerners, for example, Dolgan.

Yakutian horse cheprak

The library form may be a symbolic flow of a plant that breaks through the ground. Sometimes divergent and left symmetric spiral shoots end with the conventional image of horse heads. The major winter clothing of the Yakut woman differs in large decorativeness: a fur coat, trimmed with a red cloth, a silver setpage, breastplane and waist decorations, a deep hat from a beaver and bear fur with embroidery - "Dvaabak".

Yakut women's festive hats. 19th century

They said their word and masters of products from Beresta. This kind of folk decorative art is known in Yakutia for a long time. This is how this is told in the Yakut Epos "Olonkho": "He scored Elley birch bark, put sticks, tied them at the top, she crossed the bark, decorated with patterns, cracks, teeth, was formed by Uras, residential building. The panels for the coating of the zeal is an old Yakut summer dwelling - are currently stored in many museums.

Fragment of the Beresty Podnel

In addition to jewelry in the form of teeth and ornamentally connoisseled slots, they are embroidered with horse hair, beaded, carried by beads, metal plates. A fabulously beautifully looked new Urassa: a sparkling golden cone against a background of greenery rose somewhere on the river bank, harmonizing with the surrounding nature. Household birch products are buckets, boxes, taues - fasten hoops from the rods of the talnik and are tired of cords from horse-eye.

Yakut birch box. Detail

Colored foil in curly slots, metal suspensions and beads make these items amazingly elegant. The new heyday was widely widespread in the extreme north bone carving. First of all, household items are made of bone - deer details of the roaring, octopic plates with threads, all sorts of bridle and saddle pendants with a geometric ornament. In the north of Yakutia in the layers of permafrost still find the tissue of mammoths. The yellowish dense bone of long-term giants is a precious material that is well refined and polished. The manufacture of decorative objects from the mammoth bone, including small sculpture, has become in Yakutia the traditional industry of folk art.

Koltosya Yakutia People's Artist T. V. Ammosov, Honored Art Worker S. N. Pesterev, S. N. Petrov, D. I. Ilin and others create genre groups, animal sculpture, decorative household items with carvings and inlaid. Yakut Koslaysa dedicate their works of historical events, reproduce the scenes of the holiday of Yyzachi, depict reindeer, deer scenes, scenes of hunting wolves and bears. A typical product of Yakut carvers - a knife like a dagger or a cortic with a handle and mammoth bone sheath. The sheath and handle are usually covered with thin floral ornaments, scene images (scenes of hunting, figurines of deer), made in a flat relief.

Yakut knife with sheath. D. Ilyin. 1967 year

The world glory has gained wonderful Chukotka Costoris from the village of Welen, where in 1931 a workshop was created, which became one of the centers of costelles. In the Chukotka Peninsula, archaeologists found quite a few costelles, including decorative sculpture - images of animals that are found in these edges. These minor figures played the role of the faith and were used by local residents as amulets, who were allegedly protected from evil spirits and helped fight the hostile forces of nature


For Chukchi koslaysov, the material serve fangs of walruses; After polishing, a dense beautiful bone acquires a cold tint. Chukotka Koslaysa - famous masters of a desktop decorative sculpture. Household and hunting scenes are reproduced in their work, images folk fairy tales and songs are depicted animals. Along with fine plastics, color engraving on walrus fangs is common on Chukotka. Bruised engraved images of artists of Chukchi and Siberian Eskimos are devoted to important events that are social importance and what surrounds and worries the master. Despite the transfer accuracy sea \u200b\u200bwaves, floors, floating whales, figures of people in national clothes are interpreted decoratively and ornamental.

Drawing on the bone

In the drawings on the walrus canines, you can make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe past and this Chukchi, about changes in their lives and life. Chopped houses of new Weelen, radio and television antennas, a plane, which arrived from the regional center. Famous engravings on the walrus fangs "Chelyuskinskaya Epopea", the work of the talented Woelensky Kostoza Vukvol, who died during the Great Patriotic War was highly appreciated . Yanke, N. Killoya, Tynathan, Tatro, T. Pechegina and others. The works of Chukoti engravers and carvers on the bone were exhibited at worldwide and international exhibitions in Paris, New York, Brussels, Montreal, Osaka. Masters of artistic processing Fur, embroiderers, cutters, koslaysia are surrounded by attention and respect.

Metal pendants of Yakut work on Dolgan children's clothing. Detail. 1960.

Universal interest cause contests for the best national art product, exhibitions of new works. Over the years, the number of enterprises of folk art crafts, producing products of national decorative and applied arts are increasing: ONTA, embroidered with beads and furs, fur carpets, female jewelry from bone, fur and metal, dolls in national clothes.

Chukoti deer fur dolls

In Naryan Mare, Magadan, Tour, Yakutsk and other cities and towns, such companies have been created, where each master in its own way uses the artistic traditions of their people. If adults prefer to dress for coffee models, then children still wear colorful fur coats with hoods, decorated with beads, colored tassels, bright appliqué. Often, on the baby from the distant north village, you can see the original hat-caps with ears, horns, with pendants of deer coils. The works of N.V. Kaskina received wide fame, for a number of years he headed the workshop of national articles in Krasnoyarsk. Under her leadership, the production of round rugs made of deer fur and Kamus was organized. The works of young craftsmen were not simple imitation, copying. Traditional "deer traces", "deer horns", "Kopytsy", "Northern Light", the image of the life-giving sun in the works got acquired new life"Revived" in subjects intended for modern urban life.

Evenki male kapor

In the environment of talented hereditary folk craftsmen, the art of artist E.E. Ammososova. She is a skillful Master of Fur Art Furs. These are mainly clothes and supplementing winter outfit unites, mittens, hats, bags, decorations. Most of the work is distinguished by a pronounced national flavor. Today's extreme north is not only a harsh nature, a polar day, a polar night, moose in a taiga or a meeting of a hunter with a bear. It is also a power lines laid through fop, snow and mountain ranges; These are icebreakers, aircraft and dams of power plants; These are geological parties and oil towers, new cities and towns, electric lights, clubs, cinemas, boarding schools

Yakut women's chest decoration. Detail. 1960.

And these are new people: doctors, teachers, pilots, writers, artists and scientists - Evenks, Dolgans, Chukchi, Yakuta. But if you ask any of them - from the university professor to the shepherd-Olenevoda - about the national decorative art of his region, you will hear a fascinating story about the ancient and eternally young people's skills, and then you will see a decorative sculpture made of bone, embroidery or engraving on a metal bracelet . And all this because, as mentioned above, a lively national tradition continues to develop in favorable modern conditions, attracting all new talented original masters.

According to the article by N.I. Kaplan

Ahead of all and in terms of the variety of items manufactured from it is, of course, a larch tree.

It is a heavy, dense, solid tree, here is the cheapest. All bulky, not afraid of splitting items are made of it. It also prepares items that require considerable elasticity, somehow: Lukes to self-awakers, forks, handles Grabel, axis to carts, sixteen twigular cheerful, robbed to sleigh, rockers to traps (for hares), arms of braid litery, etc. P. From old larch stumps make: mortar, Cali for the interpretation of woody crucibles, bread bumps; barrels for Tara, Casas; huge funnel-shaped shields for hinting; The trough, trays are generally all that during large sizes requires the release from one piece. From larch wood plots, ur, make huge, 1 and 3/4 ARSHIN in diameter, cups and plates.

In the north of the board and everything that is prepared from them, tables, chairs, drawers, boats, etc., is made exclusively from larch. In the south, where there is pine, the latter, due to its ease, softness in the processing and smaller quicness, outed the larch from the board-made. There are even doors, shelves and internal inland partitions are often made from pine boards, which is considered a kind of comfort. Second place after larch is bread. All small houseware: cups, spoons, cups, boxes, drawers, etc. - Made from birch trees. It also makes handles to axes, hammers, cosam-humpbacks, buttons to rifles, cuttings to spears, rogatam, knives.

In the old days there were light hunting and military bows and arrows. All that requires greater durability and plasticity of the material, made by yakuta from this tree. All the necessary, crankshaft, subjected to frequent concussions and shocks - birch. Saddle bows, wheeled me and hubs, pollocks and coils in Nart and Sanya necessarily birch. Yakuts who live near the borders of the forest, where the tree is a bad quality, he fighted from 3 to 5 rubles from the south, and for part of the saddle - up to 10 rubles silver. Everything that should be different is the fineness of the finish, to be figurantly vainly, covered with drawings and patterns, certainly birch. Birch is considered a launch-tree, and his "brush" (the famous uglyness of rhizomes) is a sample of wood material. From the "brushes" of Yakuts are made pretty elegant tobacker, women's work boxes, tea storage boxes, cuttings for knives, tubes, etc. It, especially raw, is easily processed, and layers of it, dark and bright, sometimes combined in really beautiful patterns. From it do not only do dishes for liquids.

From other varieties of wood, there is a significant use of guests. Thin young shoots it serve everywhere as a bundle, exactly like in Europe. Of these, baskets and tops also fly. From thick, large connections for the sleigh and the cart, the arc bent, bent the chairs, make hoops on barrels, etc. Poplar wood, aspen, alder, fir, cedar, etc., here growing, is used on the crafts of Yakuta only by chance. Of the first two in the north, on Kolyma, Olenek, Anabara, Tilene and Hetang make small chip boats. On Lena, Aldan, Yane, Alase, I did not see such chips, although the poplar is growing there. Treatments of wood processing in Yakuts are the simplest. Main Tools: Ax, Song, Knife, Byse, and Drill, Burges. Recently, they added to them: a simple semicircular stroke, saw and a thick chisel.

In the north, where most of the home dishes are highlighted at home, the whole is made using only these unpaired tools. In the south, where the crafts are more isolated, the joiner, moreover, it usually has a sawpier with a wide and narrow, branches, cornurotes, rocks, bits, even sometimes - rasp. But everywhere the ax plays the first role. An ax of the Yakuts own masterfully, and the carpenters they are excellent. Most churches in the Yakut district and almost all houses in the city of Yakutsk are built by Yakut carpers.

With a carpenter work, they use the same techniques, the same heavenly zircul for hazing, the same resin rope, plumb, a square, and a ruler, as the Russians. The senior carpenter's leading carpentry is called Russian - "Starter". But their main tools, axes and knives have kept ancient form. They weigh from two to four pounds, no more, and stand from 50 kopecks. up to 1 ruble. The yakuts are leaving smoothly, purely and fast; Even small things they willingly lie on the ax. For the absence of large longitudinal saws, Yakuta rarely also saw the boards; More often they squeeze them on one or two of one thick log, the splits of it in half. To do this, they choose selected trees with straight unskined layers, called Kilmas. I saw rather long boards into a thumb, ousted perfectly smoothly and evenly. This board costs from 25 to 40 kopecks. It is usually width in 6. Connect their yakuts into large planes with a key and glue. Spikes and grooves Yakutam are little known. Having shot down and bonding the boards, flatter and pose with their sharp ax. When we wish such great planes to give a known smoothness, then behind the absence of a grill and the planer slightly fuses a thick, weakly coulened yakut knife and two hands plasten the irregularities with a thin shavion, strongly pressing the palms to the boards. The same more curved knife serves to choose and smoothing the grooves in flat dishes.

For the extraction of deeper dishes, cups and cups, it is used again the same knife, only this time it is not middle it, but the end. The handles have, however, for such crafts there are special diversely curved steel blades. The same knife is completely yes, it is used instead of drill, instead of the inner saw, instead of the artistic cutter. After the ax, he most often appears in the hands of Yakut wood. They do not regret money and willingly pay the ruble and one and a half for a balanced, sharp blade. Other Yakut tools, plans, stops, drills, bits, chisels, etc. The same forms as the Russians and the names are Russian. Create self-made and bad dignity. With the help of these tools, the yakuts highlight their furniture, simple and patterned: round tables (Yakut) and quadrangular, cabinets, chairs, drawers. What was all this furniture until the XVII century, before the coming of Russians, is unknown; Now she is traces of strong Russian influence and calls in Russian. Fasten the sides of the boxes and boxes (boards) of Yakuts differently. Bonding "on the castle" they know, but consider him Russian; Prefer to fasten on wooden nails and glue, and even more easily associated with straps, hair ropes, talinkes or flexible wood roots. Bondar art Yakuta until recently did not know at all.

All dishes made of rivets and related hoops are called in Russian: Huhat (eared), hip (bucket), danies (flask), etc. Vintage barrels for Tara, Casas, they did and now in many localities make from larch dumpy stumps. To do this, they cut them into them, align in, burning and tugging, and then insert the bottom. Sometimes the stump is still on the root to zoom in its hole and make it easier. The hoops of Yakuta, apparently, did not know. On cracked Casas, I often saw the strap twisted with a stick. Bondar art is distributed so far only among Podgorodnya Yakuts. The same reception of the walls of the walls from one piece and insertion separately, I often met in small Yakutian dishes: in small buckets to preserve cream, in large patterned buckets, in which Kumys are served women, as well as tobacker and boxes made from birch "brushes ". Yakut wooden cups, Cums Cups are always released from one, well-dried, whole piece of birch. Judging by the decorations, the ability to prepare this dishes is descended in Yakuts to deep antiquity. All of it is made by hand. On the lathes of the Yakuts, even the gross similarity of them, which is found from our rustic chariots, I never heard and did not see them. Wooden products of Yakuts willingly paint, but do not polish and not covered with varnish.

The only exception represents, perhaps, the intelligence wooden tableware, which is annually, folding in the barn of storage for the winter, lubricate thick cream or butter from above, which, according to Yakuts, protects it from cracking. Indeed, fat, absorbed into the tree, reduces its sensitivity to moisture and makes the vessel stronger, harder, at the same time it becomes its surface; This is what I like Yakutam. From large wooden items, the Yakut boat, Sani and carts are in their shape and work as many traces of a variety of later influences that the initial look and outsiders on them are extremely difficult to trace.

All of them are the recent Yakut acquisitions. The cart in many places is still unknown to them. Kolyma Yakuta, I hardly managed to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wheel, and they did not find any difference in movement on the ground on the cart and the sleigh on which they were heated with gravity and in the summer. Even Sani in these remote northern localities is little used by Yakuta, and even then exclusively for dog and deer ride. The use of a clamp and arcs is unknown to them, and when, occasionally, for the passage of officials, they have to bargain horses, they are injected into the same reindeers, with the help of the same reindeer straps, hurt her saddle. Then on this horse or another, ahead of it, the riding sparkler sits down. It is clear that both the horse and riding in the sleigh tired scary from constant twitching and shaking. Sometimes, instead of straps, they use a row, which are also tied to the saddle. The origin of bully sleigh and bull harness is not so clear. Traditions about this I did not find. It is before the rude and primitive device that, perhaps, the beginning of it can be sought in those two lasies with low-rise roots connected by cross-thick bars, which are injected, exactly in the robbery, bull and on which the yakuts from the forest are still carrying Breeding logs.

The bull of the yoke consists of two completely identical parts: the top is Ara, and the bottom - Bulgali. They are smoothly extinguished, curved and interconnected and with ramps with belts, which have been made to the holes made at the ends. The ARA is attached tightly, and one end of the Bulgali, usually left, can slide free on the loop over the Ogloble. Yakut's Yarma is completely similar to Buryat and Mongolian.

Yakut sled shape, size, work is completely similar to Russian woodlons; They serve exclusively for the event of weights: hay, firewood, and the leader sits on top of the bull. Even when they are empty, riding prefers to sit on top. The use of long winding in bovine harness was not inhibited, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe entrance by the origin of the Russian Yakuts, as evidenced by the legend, and the name of Bodzy. The hay in the old days did not have to carry, and the forest on the fuel was drunk by Yakuts, in all likelihood, dragging the Lesin for the saddle of the horse, as they now carry it into close distances on the road if necessary. However, Georgi says that Yakuts carry their belongings "on small narrow sleighs, in which cattle are harnessed." By the way, I will point out that only evil, devilish warriors go to Sanya in Olongo, that the harness, clamps, yarm, are ridiculous, which are mostly hostile heroes-Yakut evil characters who, according to all data, foreigners.

Yakut heroes and heroines always ride riding horses and carry their riches of bloves. It was actually. As a nomadic, ridicantic people, Yakuta saddle learned how to prepare before other transportation. Yakut saddle, like a pack and righteous, made by almost the tree. The pack consists of two slims connected at the ends of small wooden arcs. In the middle of these main boards, a cross is attached, for the protruding shoulders of which the sons of the brothers are laid. Under the saddle and under the severity on the back and the horse's sides are laid down by the fatniete. The saddle of the design is very similar to the pack. The base is also two parallel plates, slightly curved and inclined to each other at an angle, like the edges of the trough, devoid of the bottom and sides. At the ends, they are connected by arcs, but these arcs, thick, high, respectively cut and adapted, form a high Asian bow and an equally high back. From Luke to the back, in the void remaining between the wooden frame described above, the seat belt is stretched. The pillow is put on the top of the saddle. To the rings, driven into the front ends of parallel milking, are attached stirrups, and then behind them three litters. It is often often wooden, with a rim from the talnik, bent and laid in the ends into the holes of the aspiring dice; All parts of the seat are fastened with belts, which provides greater elasticity and greater resistance to the break.

The Yakut horse saddle, as mentioned above, is closely approaching the Yakut sideways, which, in turn, in the idea of \u200b\u200bakin to a wooden frame, used by Yakut pedestrians for cargo socks: These are thin planks, contributing to the decomposition of gravity more evenly throughout the back. Only at the arc saddle for obvious reasons curves. Yakut saddle, especially ancient, represents a less improved device by type than, for example, Mongolian or Buryat. It is heavier than the latter, his onion above and rougher, jumping and jumping through the obstacles in it is inconvenient, but it fits firmly on the horse and, due to its height, length and width of its foundation, it is convenient to sit on it and on it can be loaded a lot on it. Europeans have a latitude of Yakut bows until they get used to it, causes severe pain in the hips and groin. The back and legs are tired of the Yakutian saddle even with long journeys. The rest of the Yakutsk riding and facing gathering are made of hair, skin and dry grass. Let us turn to the description of the processing of these materials.

The skin for all sorts of crafts is used primarily cow and a mare. Suede from these skin Yakuts are not prepared, although this kind of dressing has a special name of Sarah, and the indoor suede caftan is called Sarah Slegor, they will suede they buy from tungs or extrude themselves exclusively from deer skin. The techniques of its release are absorbed by them, apparently, from the same Tungs and Yukagirov, whose borrowed to the reindeer. Tools and techniques for skin highlight are identical. When the yakuta is selected, first of all cleaned it from the hair. Hair predominantly shave or jammed with epidermum dry with different shapes of scrapers. In the north, I saw that for breaking and cleansing the skin from the wool, it was slightly wetted with water, then lubricated with spoiled fish insides and put for a warm place for a warm place, rolling in a lump of wool inside. Two days later, wool fell freely. Sew hair are accepted for mive. To do this, dry skin is first first in hand or with wooden machines, beater, very similar to cannabis-consumed in Russia. Then the skin from the side of the Mebra is lubricated with oil, cream or soot, depending on the quality of the required material. For the worst varieties are limited to a mass, without which no release is done in the south. Sometimes a little flour add to the litter. If softness is required, then the skin is prepondeering with cow oil, cream or cattle brain.

In the north of fish oil and fish, liver replace oil. I also saw in the north that thinned skin, intended for the top dress, smoked. For this, several leisure build a small tent and bred in it from a raw resinous tree weakly smooth fire. Such skin acquires a beautiful olive color and is not the effect of dampness. Paint the yakuts to the skin of ocher, white clay, Jound a Boron, and different vegetable paints in colors: black, orange, brown, yellow, white. The skin on which the hair should remain intact, in the same way, using the same mitigation and breaking techniques. I do not know that the Yakuts bother the skin, although beautiful tanning materials, like a pine burner, they have a lot at their hands. Only indirectly, with the use of bumber of olhovy cones or tagnika bark as paints, some skin dubbish them from the surface - in a very, however, a weak degree.

For the removal of belts, the skin is still crude, cut into a narrow long tape and, if the rope should be double, immediately twisted and dried. It is then crushed with the help of a device consisting of a heavy wooden nerd and a stick with two holes. The belt is loaded several times through the holes in the middle of the stick and in the ear of the nerd; Then the entire bundle is suspended to the ceiling. A boy pulls her down the book, and during the movement of the stick, he also causes the belts to twist and unwind. Sharp edges of holes, gliding on it, premined the rope. In addition to dresses, shoes, belts, made of leather parts of the Russian harness, as well as saddle pillows, saddle aprons and chapraki, road bags, bridles, rolling, ribs, lashes, etc. Thin-rugged skin is used in all sorts of bundles. Finally, the ancient road dishes are made from it - Smyir. The largest sample of this kind represents a "kummy bag." This is a leather burdyuk, flat, prismatic, narrowing up and ending with a completely narrow neck. In the neck it is, houses insert a wooden elegantly carved sleeve, halo. On the road, the bag is closed with the help of two linked in both ends - tyln. Extremely the same, only smaller size, bags are used in the summer for the carriage of liquids, milk, litter, cream, as well as oil, which is easily in the sun melts and is spoiled. Small bags are called the diminutive name - Sirchi.

Once they were in great use, but now there is little little to be outstanding less comfortable, but cheaper Russian wooden flasks. The skin for simirov is taken mainly by the mare, it is not hooked, but only purified from the hair, impregnate with oil or can be cooled and smoke in smoke. This skin does not floss. It goes to the preparation of large intelligence round chains, Hallogos, as well as small in the production of Komyss used buckets and subsidiaries, Tursuk, Smyir Isit. The rest of the dairy tableware in Yakuts is all without exception to the bark. The work and the form of this dish is almost no different from the Russian Bereshina's dishes. Production of her little-lounge is allocated in handicrafts for those places where birch is growing.

You used to be able to sew all women, all women were obliged to sew, but now in the south many forgotten the appropriate preparation of Berestors and do not know how to firmly and well fix it. Yakut birch dishes are far from so elegant, as, for example, Tunguska or Mango, sometimes completely covered with embossed patterns embroidered with beads and painted in a variety of colors. The method of bonding edges is also different in these peoples; Tungus and manguts prefer to connect the birch bark on the castle, like our Belarusians; If they stitches it, then the seam is commonly subject, he ugly, for the threads serve the tendon of the reindeer. Yakut stroke Barriest with a horse's hair; seam is most often cruciform, constitute the main thing and almost the only decoration of the dishes; The masters are trying to be smooth and that the white and black colors of the hair beeps are nice in it combined. From Berrés sew and small dishes: tobacker, boxes ... and huge, hallogos, containing several buckets of liquid.

Beresto, as was said above, they used earlier on the lid of uras, on boats, on the body wrap and bedding for corpses, on the covers to the bows, spears, on the quiver, even on the extension to the boilers; In general, her use, apparently, was extensive; Now, with the improvement of tools, the separation of crafts and the increase in trade, it displaces her longer wooden dishes, replaces fabric, iron, copper. The bark of other trees is used only as a dyeing substance, and even the bark of the poplar, as let's up to tobacco. The exception is the larch bark. Her roof covered the roofs of houses, lay out the shallow cellars, they are used to build forest and fishing chasis and stretching rough boxes under coal, wood chips, etc.

Treatment of hair and clay in Yakuts

Along with wood bark and skin stands in the Yakut economy, horse hair. From it prepared networks, non-senses, ropes, Könchy, ribs, etc., Mahaliki from mosquitoes, Thaur, are stuffed with saddle pads, its bundles are used as decoration of dishes in solemn cases and as a sacrifice. In ancient, a fringe of a horse white or painted hair, a top dress was twisted.

Hair ropes, networks are descended from two-color hair: black and white. The thickness of their most diverse, depending on the destination. We are usually twisted from two only strands. From such a twine, stitching them in the same plane, make a beautiful strong reason, Kyuntes, width in an inch; grooves to saddles, holoon, in 1 1/2 and 2; Hair mats and even thick winter stockings. Best hair It is considered hair from the tail, the worst - with the mane, even the worst - the hollow with the mane and tail, causing during the molting of animals. For the sake of the hair of the maze mares and foals over the autumn christmas. Stallions and workers horses are not cut, believing that animals weaken from this. To combine into one tilt fabric and the rope, both hair, and all sorts of others, with the help of knitting spokes, hooks or a weaving machine Yakuts do not know how and, apparently, never knew how; They also strangely spoiled, and threads, even thick ropes they are silent on her naked knee.

They are engaged in this mainly women, and some have achieved high perfection: their threads, smooth and solid, not worse than yarn. On knocking out wool or hair in felt or loaf, the Yakuts have no idea. In the north, it happened, I asked me about these fabrics: "What kind of skin is the skin?" Even their nodes for connecting ropes are not distinguished by a variety; For the most part, these are common jamps, crucifixes. Obviously, in the past, Yakuts as a device for tightening and binding belt prevailed. To tie horses and in general animals, they have a very witty, quickly disassembly and never tightening knot. With it, it is possible in any place of the rope of the rope to make a constant durable loop of any kind of value, but it is impossible to associate two broken end. For this, Yakuta use two nodes similar to European: one protracted, the other - a bow. Belts they stitched.

The Yakutsk node is the ingenious invention. It is tied extremely quickly and simply, and to learn it to do mechanically, tie it without looking extremely easy. You can even tie it in mittens, since individual fingers do not play an important role in this work. It is even easier to unleash: by sipping the free end of the rope A. He is close to the Bashkir node, but surpasses its speed in the unleash. Its undoubtedly invented people for whom to untie the horses soon, to rip out or put someone was often a matter of life and death. This node, no matter how the horse begged, does not confuse itself and will not delay tightly; Fucking belts and ropes are tied to it as well as Tel.

Handling clay in Yakuts

Following the skin, bark, hair, in importance and the number of use, you need to put clay in Yakuts; If we take into account the clay, going on the coating of houses committed by Syznov every few years or even annually, and the coyl shots, produced two per month, then the amount will increase to huge sizes. It clearly indicate big holes that are nearby near every Yakut yurt. For coating, consuming the worst grade clay, with a large sand and sand; It is greenish color, scaly threatening; The layers at a greater or lesser depth are located almost everywhere in the valleys of rivers. It is not so common on the plateau, and I know in the north of the terrain, where there are no clay on top of the miles of clay, sand and stone on the surface nowhere, where all ice and peat or very rich in plant residues are unsuitable for any craft of Lake Il.

In land, so as not to carry far clay, Yakuta, by the way, try to put yurts not far from the few deposits. This does not always coincide with other amenities, as, for example, the proximity of the catch, and shows, I think, the importance of this material in the Yakutskoe farming, nevertheless, the Ceramics of Yakuts stands at a very low level. Clay They never quaschent, do not wash, even crushing and grind it carelessly. In production, they distinguish its two varieties: an ordinary, a boor, which means both soil, and potted clay - the thieves. However, they still have more clay refractory, but the name is the same as the pot - Toy. The first clay clay is used exclusively for coating, and only bricks make it. It is diluted with water, it is smeared with shovels, and the sake of decrease in cracking is mixed into it, hanky duchus, cow wool. The houses are deceived by rather thick layers, but the Kamelki is smeared with thin layers, and for a faster drying of clay layers are bred in the same camel now the fire.

They have another technical in these cases the rule: breed clay boiling water or at least warm water. In clay, intended for the outer layers of Kamelka, rich yakuts mix the seater, which gives greater strength, shine and brighter color of the coating. From the same clay Yakuta sometimes beat their camels; Inside, "the place of Curne put a dumpy tree, which is subsequently burned.

The brick production of Yakuts was entirely borrowed from the Russians. Bricks, in Yakutski Kirpis, they will be distinguished bad, uneven and inhomogeneous, but they burn them even worse. In the north and in the south in the outfice of Yakuts are completely unfamiliar with bricks and if they make them, only for stoves in churches and stopping. Bricks are buried there very rarely, and the cookie in all the ulus will fake. Potted production is widespread significantly more. Clay on the pots of Yakuta are carefully wanted in mountain valleys. They dig it shallowly, from the surface, not deeper than two or three Arshin. In 1890, I visited the development of potted clay in the Hatshgarian Nasavy Ulus.

They were versts at 15 from the Ulus Management to the North-West, at the top of a small fall, what many here among the high lesions of the ancient Lena shores. For the bottom of the ravine sailed a stream. The deposits, which are in the foliation of the good quality of clay, represented low voltage bugs at the foot of the mountain row. The development consisted that wishing to get the clay dropped from above the insignificant soil layer and chose the number of material from the bottom of the pit and its walls. Thus, the pit inside the ground expanded until her earthwood roof kept gravity and did not fall down. Then they moved to the next bug. I saw many well-developed pit and a few new ones. In one of them, I just worked for Yakut. He hardly pulled out the slices of 10- 15 pounds of mate, dark, almost black clay and laid them on the edge of the hole. From these pieces later, bricks from three to ten pounds were excreted, which dried, appealed on sale called Toy.

Ordinary pottery Yakut clay is always dark, oily, viscous, heavy. In Yakutsk on the market there is also on sale pots from white clay, but these pots, I heard, Russian production. They are completely different and made on a pottery. We can not buy the Yakuts of the pots), but buy clay (from 5 to 10 cop. Per pound) and give it to redo it along with the wreckage of old pots to the masters. Those turn the wreckage of old pots into powder and, depending on the Toya variety, we give it to fat more, to the skinny - less. Thua is also crushed by the hammer on the stone tile, the powder is collected in trough and bred with warm water with sorphs. Then thick dough shocks of a wooden hammer are dried until it becomes homogeneously and plastic like wax. Then make a bun from it and from it with hands pose the pot of the pot, pushing, if necessary, fresh clay. When the pot will receive an already known desirable shape, a semicircular or round smooth stone is inserted inside and, supporting the hand, the pots of the blades outside on the surface of the surface align and smooth its walls.

Pottery Machine Yakuts do not use, and all production is carried out by hand. Pots Yakuta are poorly calcined immediately in the camellum on coals. It is rarely incanded to red cagine, more often limited to dark red. The pot heated to this temperature is watered with water. If you want to get more durable pots, then water is filled with milk or sore. Then the pot is again weakly calcined. Yakut pots are very fastening and quickly from use spin: rot, as Yakuts say. Through the walls of the new pot necessarily seeps water until he is "brew" for what best tool It is considered to boil milk. After each cooking, they are necessarily clean and dried.

The fluid can not stand in two or three days in a row without harm to them. Potted glaze Yakuts do not know. The form of its pots, even large - in one and a half or two buckets of the quantity, - Yakuta always give the egg-shaped, elongated, with a small donkey and slightly curved edges. Form, work, decorations Yakut pots are extremely close to the pots of the stone century. Tools used to highlight them are also closely suitable for those in the kitchen residues of these times. There are, however, the terrain where the Yakuts do not know the potted production, and in their home source use exclusively iron and copper dishes. It is necessary to rank all the uluses of the Verkhoyansky and Kolyansky districts, Ulus Zhigansky and Yakut settlements on Olenec, Hatanga, Anabara, and the like.

Apparently, this happened from the lack of or extremely rare in these areas of the deposits of potted clay. I did not see such deposits; Yakuts told me, as if there would be such somewhere in the Tas-Hanichtas Range, not far from the Curelli station, along the postal assistant-kolya tract. Samples of it, delivered to me from there, turned out to be a beautiful white refractory clay with an admixture of coarse sand. The latter made it a low-incorporate and strongly porous that for Yakut potters, who could not rinse the clay, deprived her every value. Such clays are used by Yakuta only as melting crucibles. They are loose and sin in the mountain. In the Yakut district I also met the Tigley from the young, fine-grained gel or white, and white. They have perfectly withstood the highest temperature and, apparently, consisted of pure kaolin. The field could not find out: masters such things reluctantly open out a stranger. Yakut blacksmiths tend to have their crucibles after their emptying, still red hot, immerse in cold water or milk.

Blacksmith Mountains Yakuts are made of simple clay and deprive them refractoryly then only when they use them for smelting iron. The lack of potted production in remote, less cultural areas of the Yakut region, as well as a lack of references to the instructions for an acquaintance with him, Yakuts in the past, gave rise to the opinion that they became acquainted with potted products relatively recently with the media. This opinion has to be left due to the signs of the deep antiquity of the Yakut pot. Already Strajnberg writes that the pots "they highlighted themselves." The origin of this craft in them is undoubtedly independently, they prove the purely Turkic names of the different magnitude of pots and production tools. The ancient word Kyuza denotes the advantage of the "clay pot" and is strictly different from the Salyar, the boiler. It is also known where the Yakuts now do not know the clay dishes, it is used in the sense of "cooking food" and serves to measure (road) distance. "One pot", "Two pots", "Horseback pot, equestrian", "bullish pot", "part of the pot", Kuza Byzaga, means the distance that can be done with this method of movement and on the famous man's road at the time, " When the pot of meat of the Middle Yakut family is roaring. "

Time is equal to two hours, and the size of the road is from 7 to 10, even 1-2 miles. This way to measure the road is not found in the neighboring tribes, apparently, "exported from the distant south and descends to those times when the Yakuts owned herds of sheep. It is possible that with the advent of metals and the amplification of nomadic, the development of pottery in Yakuts was delayed, even Palo. Examples of such a fall were marked in the history of culture and in other areas. But the knowledge of potted production was obviously supported, the people of legends, and with an increase in settling it rapidly increase and improve. We will point out at least on the salt that Yakuts are now in a pottery to give a greater fortress and reduce the wetting of their pots.

Andrei-Stoliar message quote steel arms
yakut knife
byychcha, Bews and Shot

The Yakut knife is a kind of cold weapon used by the indigenous people of Yakutia. Is one of the most famous cultural items

Archaeological excavations conducted on the territory of modern Yakutia It is shown that samples of knives, extracted from various grains and parking of an ancient person, have undoubted similarity with Yakutsk knives. Thus, the Yakutsk knife is a product with millenniums of use in taiga and northern conditions, both the autochthonous population of Yakutia and visitors.

There are many regional variations of the Yakut knife, but in the classic version of the knife is a clinley from 110 to 170 mm planted on a wooden handle made from birch cabin with leather sheath.

The Yakutsk knife blade is pointed, has a blade on one side and straight (or almost straight) volat. A feature of the Yakut knife is the asymmetric sharpening blades - marked by the first researchers of the life of Yakuts. On the one hand, the blade of the knife is flat, has a dol (if you look from the side of the footage - then the right side of the blade). The opposite (left) side of the blade is arched. This is done so that when working with a knife, the knife "did not break down" into the material. It is in this connection that the right-handers and left-handed knives are different.

For left-handed knives are made with a mirror-inverted asymmetry of the blade.

Knives differ along the length of the blade:

From 80 to 110 mm - a small knife (would like) - usually done for children or women
from 110 to 170 mm - knife (wouldhah) - the most common form
from 170 mm - a large knife (hot-s) - almost combat weapons and therefore is rare


The knife handle is traditionally made from birch cabin impregnated with special oil. The knife knob in the section resembles an egg, the sharp end of the "Egg" directed towards the blade is deprived of any of the stops, Gard, etc. - simple straight handle. The length of the handle is 130-150 mm, which is longer than the width of the male palm. A long handle is explained not only by considerations of convenience, but also the fact that the knife should not be sinking in water. In addition to birch kap, a typical handles from Berriest are used (pieces of berers are superimposed on each other (they can immediately wear on the blade shank), they are absorbed between the layers with glue, they are allowed to dry under the press and it is made of handle from this workpiece). Knives with a handle from the mammoth bone, plastic, etc. are souvenir products and are not used in everyday life.


Original in Yakut knife are also sheath. In the classic version, the scabbards are made of a bull tail shot, inside of which a wooden liner is located, which should not be tightly wrapped the blade. The function of the liner is not the hold of the knife, but the blade protection from breaking. The restraint function performs the leather part of the sheath - as the knife is taken into the sheath on 2/3 of the length of the handle, so that the sheaths fit tightly to the knife knob. Options for producing scabble are also allowed from conventional sewage skin or birch. Wooden sheaths are extremely rare.

For wearing a knife to the sheath, a leather lace is usually attached.

The knife is usually worn on a free suspension on the left side - the blade left. Free suspension is needed in order not to interfere with the movements of the owner. When wearing a knife to the left, it is convenient to pull the knife with one right hand, overlooking the base with a big finger.

In Soviet times, the manufacture and wearing of the Yakut knife was pursued by law, although justice should be noted that the persecution was largely formal. Nowadays, manufacturing, sale, wearing and storage of the Yakut knife is regulated by a special act of the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia, according to which the Yakut knife is recognized as an integral part of the culture of the Sakha's people and its use in everyday economic life is permitted.

The Yakut knife is widely used in the everyday household life of the inhabitants of Yakutia: hunting, fishing, cooking, wood work, and so on.

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Yakuts (self-talent sakha; MN. h. sakhalar) - Turkic-speaking people, the indigenous population of Yakutia. Yakut language belongs to the Turkic group of languages. According to the results of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population in Russia, 478.1 thousand Yakuts lived, mainly in Yakutia (466.5 thousand), as well as in the Irkutsk, Magadan regions, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Yakuts are the most numerous (49.9% population) by the people in Yakutia and the largest of the indigenous peoples of Siberia within the boundaries of the Russian Federation.

Distribution area

The resettlement of Yakuts in the territory of the republic is extremely uneven. About nine, they are concentrated in the central regions - in the former Yakut and Vilyusky districts. These are two main groups. yakut people: The first one is somewhat larger than the second. Yakutskaya (or amgin-Lensky) Yakuts occupy a quadrilateral between the Lena, Lower Aldan and AMG, Taiga Plateau, as well as the adjacent left bank of Lena. Vilyuysky Yakuts occupy a pool of vilyuya. In these indigenous Yakut areas, the most typical, purely Yakut life; Here he is at the same time, especially at the Ambinsky-Lensky Plateau, is best studied. The third, significantly smaller group of Yakuts is resettleve in the area of \u200b\u200bOlekminsk. The Yakuts of this group are more bliss, in their everyday (but not in the language) became closer to the Russians. And finally, the latter, the most small, but widespread group of Yakuts is the population of the northern regions of Yakutia, i.e. bassinov PP. Kolyma, Indigir, Yana, Olenek, Anabara.

Northern Yakuts are distinguished by a completely peculiar cultural entity: in relation to it they are more like the hunting and fishing small peoples of the North, on Tungus, Yukagirov, than on their southern tribesmen. These northern Yakuts are even called "tungs" (for example, in the upper reaches of Olenek and Anabara), although in the tongue they are Yakuts and call themselves Sakha.

History and origin

According to a common hypothesis, the ancestors of modern Yakuts are the nomadic tribe of the Kurykanov, who lived to the XIV century in Transbaikal. In turn, Kurykans came to the area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal because of the Yenisei River.

Most scientists believe that in the XII-XIV centuries. e. Yakuts were migrated by several waves from the Lake Lake Baikal to the Lena Pool, Aldan and Vilyuya, where they were partially assimilated, and partially crowded Evenks (Tungs) and Yukagirov (Cedulov) who lived here earlier. Yakuts traditionally were engaged in cattle breeding (Yakut cow), having received a unique experience in breeding cattle in a sharp-continental climate in northern latitudes, horse breeding (Yakut horse), fishing, hunting, developed trade, blacksmith and military.

According to Yakut legends, the ancestors of Yakuts fused down the Lena on the rafts with livestock, homemade scrambe and people until they discovered the Tuimaad valley - suitable for breeding cattle. Now there is a modern Yakutsk in this place. According to the same legends, two leaders of Elli Bootour and Omogo Baai were headed by the same legends.

According to archaeological and ethnographic data, the Yakuts were formed as a result of the absorption of the local tribes of the Lena medium-sized migration. It is assumed that the last wave of southern ancestors of Yakuts penetrated the middle Lena in the XIV-XV centuries. In a racial attitude, Yakuts belong to the Central Asian anthropological type of the North Asian race. Compared to other Turkic peoples of Siberia, they are characterized by the strongest manifestation of the mongoloid complex, the final design of which occurred in the middle of the second millennium of our era already on Lena.

It is assumed that some groups of Yakuts, for example, the reindeer herds of the North-West, have arisen relatively recently as a result of mixing individual groups of Evenks with Yakuts, immigrants from the central regions of Yakutia. In the process of relocation to Eastern Siberia, Yakuts have mastered the pools of the northern rivers of Anabara, Olenka, Yana, Indigirki and Kolyma. Yakuts modified the reindeer herding of Tungusov, created the Tunguso-Yakut type of hardened reindeer herding.

The inclusion of Yakuts to the Russian state in the 1620-1630s accelerated their socio-economic and cultural development. In the XVII-XIX centuries, the main occupation of Yakut was cattle breeding (breeding cattle and horses), with the second halves XIX. century a significant part began to engage in agriculture; Hunting and fisheries played a utility role. The main type of dwelling was a log of Balagan, summer - made from Urassa's Jeresia. The clothes were sewed from the skins and fur. In the second half of the XVIII century most of Yakutov was addressed to Christianity, but traditional beliefs were also preserved.

In Russian influence among Yakuts, Christian onomastics spread, almost completely displacing the Doharistian Yakut names. Currently, Yakuts are worn as the names of Greek and Latin origin (Christian) and Yakut names.

Yakuts and Russians

Exact historical news of the yakuts are available, only since their first contact with the Russians, i.e. from the 1620s, and accession to the Russian state. Yakuts did not constitute a single political whole, and shared the tribes independent of each other. However, the tribal relationship has already decomposed, and there was a rather sharp class bundle. Tsarist governors and seruners used interpretable distribution to break the resistance of part of the Yakut population; They also used class contradictions inside it, who behave the policy of systematic support for the dominant aristocratic layer - Princeztsov (Toonov), which they turned into their agents to manage the Yakutsk region. From this time, class contradictions among Yakuts began increasingly sharpening.

The situation of the mass of the Yakut population was heavy. Yakuts paid Yasak with sobular and foxes, carried a number of other duties, exposed to extortion from the royal serve people, Russian merchants and their toyon. After unsuccessful attempts of the uprising (1634, 1636-1637, 1639-1640, 1642), after the transition of Tyonov to the side of the governor, the Yakut mass could respond to oppression of only fragmented, isolated attempts to resistance and escape from indigenous uluses on the outskirts. TO end of XVIII c., As a result of the predatory commissure of the royal authorities, the exhaustion of the furred wealth of the Yakut region and its partial neglection was discovered. At the same time, the Yakut population, by different reasons Migrating from the Lensky-Vilyusky region appeared on the outskirts of Yakutia, where it was previously not: on Kolyma, Indigir, Olenek, Anabar, right up to the Basin of the Lower Tunguska.

But in those for the first decades, contact with the Russian people had a beneficial effect on the economy and the culture of Yakuts. Russians brought with them a higher culture; Already from the middle of the XVII century. Agricultural economy appears on Lena; Russian type of buildings, Russian clothing made of fabrics, new types of crafts, new furnishings and lodges gradually began to penetrate the Wednesday of the Yakut population.

It was extremely important that the establishment of Russian authorities in Yakutia was stopped by inter-bargain wars and robber raids, which used to be a big disaster for the Yakut population. It was stopped by the peculiar Russian seruners, more than once enormous among themselves and retracts into their sealing Yakuts. Established since the 1640s in the Yakut land, the order was better than the previous state of chronic anarchy and permanent gravestics.

In the XVIII century, due to the further promotion of Russians to the East (the accession of Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Aleuta Islands, Alaska), Yakutia played the role of the transit route and the base for new campaigns and the development of distant land ". The influx of the Russian peasant population (especially in the valley of the village of Lena, in connection with the device of the postal tract in 1773) created the conditions for the cultural mutual influence of the Russian and Yakut elements. Already at the end of the XVII and in the XVIII century. Among Yakuts begins, although at first and very slowly, spreading agriculture, there are homes of Russian type. However, the number of Russian settlers remained even in the XIX century. relatively small. Along with the peasant colonization in the XIX century. Of great importance was sent to the yakutia of the sinking settlers. Together with criminal extent that had a negative impact on Yakuts, in the second half of the XIX century. In Yakutia, political exile appeared, first populists, and in the 1890s and Marxists who played a large role in cultural and political Development Yakut masses.

By the beginning of the XX century. In the economic development of Yakutia, at least the central areas (Yakutsk, Vilyuussky, Olekmin district), there were great successes. The domestic market was created. The growth of economic relations accelerated the development of national self-consciousness.

During the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917, the movement of the Yakut masses for his liberation turned deeper and wider. It was at first (especially in Yakutsk) under the predominant leadership of the Bolsheviks. But after departure (in May 1917), most political exile in Russia in Yakutia won the counter-revolutionary forces of the Toyonism, which entered into an alliance with the ESEROVO-bourgeois part of the Russian urban population. Struggle for soviet power In Yakutia, delayed for a long time. Only June 30, 1918, the Power of Soviets was first proclaimed in Yakutsk, and only in December 1919, after the elimination of Kolchkovshchina in all Siberia, the Soviet power was finally established in Yakutia.


Their life is associated with shamanism. The construction of the house, the birth of children and many other aspects of life do not pass without the participation of Shaman. On the other hand, a significant part of the Hyd Million Population of Yakuts professes Orthodox Christianity or adheres to the agnostic beliefs at all.

This nation has its own tradition, before joining the state of Russia they professed AAR Ayya. This religion assumes faith in the fact that Yakuts are the children of Tanar - God and relatives of the twelve white ayya. Even with conception, the child is surrounded by spirits or as they call the Yakuta - "Ichchi" and there are also celers in those who are also surrounded by the child. Religion is documented in the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Yakutia. In the 18th century, Yakutia was subjected to universal Christianity, but people relate to this with the hope of certain religions from the state of Russia.


Yakuts lead pedigree from nomadic tribes. Therefore, live in yurts. However, in contrast to the Mongolian felt yurt, the round dwelling of the Yakuts is erected from the stems of small trees with a cone-shaped chain roof. A lot of windows are arranged in the walls, under which sun beds are located at different heights. Between them, partitions forming the semblance of rooms are established, and in the center there is a mashael focus. For the summer, temporary birchy yurts can be erected - the uranium. And from the XX century, some Yakuts will settle in the outstands.

Winter settlements (Kyolek) were located near the budgets, consisted of 1-3 yurt, summer - in pastures, counted up to 10 yurt. Winter yurt (Balagan, Dayee) had sloping walls from standing thin logs on a rectangular log frame and a low-circuit roof. The walls were fused outside clay with a manure, the roof over the log layered as a bark and earth. The house was put on the sides of the world, the entrance was arranged in the east side, the windows in South and Western, the roof was focused from north to south. To the right of the entrance, in the northeast corner, the hearth (Oceo) was arranged - a pipe from the stories, an incelave clay, which was overlooked through the roof. Makes along the walls were satisfied with packed Nara (Oraone). The most honorable southwest corner was the most honorable. The western wall had a master's place. On the left of the entrance were intended for men's youth, workers, on the right, at the hearth, for women. The front corner put the table (oscolition) and stools. From the north side, Khlev (Hoton) was attached to the yurt, often under one roof with housing, the door to it from Yurt was behind the hearth. Before entering the yurt, a canopy or canopy was satisfied. Yurt was surrounded by a low embankment, often with a fence. The house was set a conmanion, often decorated with carvings. Summer yurts differed little from the winter. Instead of Hoton, the priest was put on the calves (Titik), canopies, etc. There was a conical building from Peresi covered with Best (Urassa), in the north - Durrome (Kalyman, Kholuman). Since the end of the 18th century, the polygonal connate yurts with a pyramidal roof are known. From the 2nd half of the 18th century, Russian huts spread.


Traditional Men's and Women's Clothing - Short Leather Pants-Naturic, Fur Lady, Leather Nogwomen, Single Breasted Caftan (Sleep), Winter - Fur, Summer - from horse or cowhide and cow slabs inwards, rich - from fabric. Later, fabric shields with a postponed collar (ORBAH) appeared. Men rejected with a leather belt with a knife and a fire, rich - with silver and copper plaques. It is characterized by a female wedding fur long caftan (saunga), embroidered with red and green cloth and golden pose; An elegant women's fur hat made of expensive fur, descending on his back and shoulders, with a high cloth, velvet or brocade top with a silver blah (toro) and other decorations. Women's silver and gold jewelry are common. Shoes - Winter High Boots from Olenih or Konsky Skur Wool outward (ETERBES), Summer Skin Skin Boots (Saara) with a napanese covered with cloth, in women - with appliqué, long fur stockings.


The main food is a dairy, especially in summer: from the mare milk - Kumys, from cow - Prostokvasha (Suorat, Sora), Cream (Curechech), oil; Oil saw melted or with a kum; Suorat was harvested for the winter in a frozen form (TAR) with the addition of berries, roots, etc.; Of it, with the addition of water, flour, root, pine communion, etc. I prepared a praise (Boutugas). Fish food played a major role for the poor and in the northern regions where there were no livestock, meat was used mainly rich. Convention especially appreciated. In the 19th century, a barley flour is used: fresh sawmills, pancakes, and salamat fritters were made of her. Vegetables were known in the Olyukmin district.


Maintenance traditional classes - horse breeding (in Russian documents of the 17th century, Yakuts were called "equestrian people") and breeding cattle. Men were cared for horses, in cattle - women. In the north bred deer. Cattle was kept in summer at the foot of the stern, in the winter in the chlevins (hotons). The sealing was known before the arrival of the Russians. Yakut breed livestock differed endurance, but were unproductive.

Fisheries was also developed. Fished fish mostly in summer, but also in winter in the hole; In the fall, a collective gentleman was satisfied with the section of the production between all participants. For the poor who did not have livestock, the fisheries was the main occupation (in the documents of the 17th century, the term "fisherman" - Balyksit - is used in the meaning of the "poor man"), some tribes specialized in it - the so-called "hiking yakuts" - mandates, ontula, kokyi , Kiriytsey, Kyrgydians, Hands and others.

The hunt was especially common in the north, making up a main source of food (sanding, hare, northern deer, elk, bird). In a taiga, the coming of Russians was known both meat and fur hunting (bear, elk, squirrel, fox, hare, bird, etc.), in the future, due to the decline in the number of beasts, its significance fell. Specific hunting techniques are characterized: with a bull (a hunter sinking to mining, hiding for the bull), the horse's horse chase along the trail, sometimes with dogs.

There was gathering - the collection of pine and larch sickness (inner layer of the crust), which was harvested for the winter in a drying form, King (Saran, Chekane, etc.), greenery (wild onions, horseradish, sorrel), the raspberry, considered unclean, was not used from the berries.

Agriculture (barley, to a lesser degree of wheat) was borrowed from the Russians at the end of the 17th century, until the mid-19th century, it was developed very weakly; Its distribution (especially in the Olokmin district) was promoted by Russian exile settlers.

Wood treatment has been developed (art carving, coloring with Olkhov decoction), berers, fur, leather; made of leather dishes, from horse and cow skins, stitched in checker, - mats, from harea fur - blankets, etc.; From the horse's hair, the cords were leaked, the cords, kneaded, embroidered. Spinning, weaving and felt rolling were absent. The production of stucco ceramics, identifying Yakuts among other peoples of Siberia, has been preserved. The smelting and forging of iron were developed, which had inventory, smelting and chasing silver, copper, etc., from the 19th century - carving on the mammoth bone.

Yakut kitchen

It has some common features with Kitchen Buryats, Mongols, Northern Peoples (Evenkov, Evenov, Chukchi), as well as Russians. Methods of cooking dishes in Yakutsk cuisine are few: it is either boiling (meat, fish), or fermentation (koumiss, suoran), or freezing (meat, fish).

The meat in food is traditionally used by horse, beef, venison, birdnate game, as well as labor and blood. Dishes from Siberian fish are widespread (camp, chir, omul, Muksun, Pel'l, Nelma, Tymen, Harius).

A distinctive feature of Yakutsk cuisine is the most complete use of all components of the source product. A very typical example is a recipe for cooking in Yakutska. The scales are believed before preparation, the head is not cut and not thrown out, the fish will not worry almost not, the gall bubble is carefully removed, part of the colon is neatly removed and the swimming bubble is cut off. In this form, the fish is brewed or fried. A similar approach is also used in relation to almost all other products: beef, horse meal and so on. Almost all sub-products are actively used. In particular, soups from the flows (IP MIINE) are very popular, blood delicacies (han), etc. Obviously, this is a lean attitude to the products - the result of the folk experience of survival in harsh polar conditions.

Konsky or beef ribs in Yakutia are known called Oyogos. From frozen meat and fish is planed, which is used in food with acute seasoning from the flask (abrahe), a flag (likeness of Khrena) and lockers (onion plants). From beef or horselook, a hayan is a Yakut blood sausage.

The national drink is popular in many eastern peoples koumiss, as well as stronger kohoñoru Kyomy (or koyourgen.). From cow milk prepare Suorate (Prostokvasha), Curecheh (whipped cream), cobbere (oil, shot down with milk before the formation of a thick cream), Chochon (or chekhon - Oil, shot down with milk and berries), I have eshei (cottage cheese), Sumah (cheese). From the flour and dairy products, the Yakuta is boiled by a thick mass of Salamat.

Interesting traditions and customs of the people of Yakutia

The customs and rites of Yakuts are closely related to folk beliefs. They are followed even by many Orthodox or agnostics. The structure of beliefs is very similar to a synthism - every manifestation of nature has his own spirit, but communicate with them shamans. Layout of the yurt and the birth of a child, the conclusion of marriage and the burial is not without Kamlany. It is noteworthy that until recently, Yakut families were polygamines, each wife of one husband had its own economy and housing. Apparently under the influence of assimilation with Russian Yakuts, they still switched to the monogamous cells of society.

An important place in the life of every Yakut is occupied by the holiday of Kumsa Yizh. Different rites are designed to ensure the gods. Hunters are famous Baia-accordion, women - Ayyatsyt. Walking holiday universal dance of the Sun - Oshai. All participants are taken by arms and arrange a huge dance. The fire has sacred properties at any time of the year. Therefore, each meal in the Yakut house begins with the treats of fire - throwing food to the fire and irrigation by his milk. Feeding fire is one of the key moments of any holiday and business.

The most characteristic cultural phenomenon - poems of Olono's stories that can with up to 36 thousand rhymed rows. The epos is transmitted from generation to a generation between performers masters, and quite recently, these narratives were listed as UNESCO intangible cultural heritage. Good memory and high life expectancy - one of the distinguishing features of Yakuts. In connection with this peculiarity, a custom arose, according to which the dying elderly man calls someone from the younger generation and tells him about all his social connections - friends, enemies. Yakuts are distinguished by social activity, even though their settlements are several Yurts located at an impressive distance. The main social relationships occur during large holidays, the main ones of which are the holiday of Kumsa - Yizakh.

Traditional culture is most fully represented by Ambinsky-Lensky and Vilyuski Yakuta. Northern Yakuts are close in culture by Eveners and Yukagiram, Olekminsky are strongly accurate Russian.

12 facts about Yakuts

  1. In Yakutia, it is not so cold as everyone thinks. Almost throughout Yakutia minimum temperature On average -40-45 degrees, which are not so terrible, as the air is very dry. -20 degrees in St. Petersburg will be more involvement than -50 in Yakutsk.
  2. Yakuts eat raw meat - foals in frozen, tuning with chips or chopped by strokes. Meat adult horses are also eaten, but it is not so tasty. Meat is extremely delicious and useful, rich in vitamins and other useful substances, in particular, antioxidants.
  3. In Yakutia, also eating strikanin - touched by thick meat chips river fish, mostly Chira and Omul, the strikanin of sturgeon is most valued (all these fish, with the exception of sturgeon, from the Sigov family). All this magnificence can be consumed, the masculine chips in salt with pepper. Some also make different sauces.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, in Yakutia, the majority of the population never saw deer. Deer are found mainly in the extreme north of Yakutia and, oddly enough, in South Yakutia.
  5. The legend of lows, becoming fragile as glass on a strong frost - True. If at temperatures below 50-55 degrees to hit the cast-iron scrap according to a solid object - scrap will split into pieces.
  6. In Yakutia, almost all grains, vegetables and even some fruits are perfectly matured for the summer. For example, not far from Yakutsk grown beautiful, delicious, red, sweet watermelons.
  7. Yakut language belongs to the Turkic group of languages. In Yakutsky, there are a lot of words starting with the letters "s".
  8. In Yakutia, children even in a 40-degree frost eat ice cream right on the street.
  9. When the Yakuts eat Medbagatina, they publish the sound of "Hook" before eating, or imitate the cry of the crow, thereby looking for a bear's spirit - this is not we eat your meat, but a crows.
  10. Yakut horses are a very ancient breed. They are round year They graze themselves without any supervision.
  11. Yakuts are very workers. In the summer, on the hay can easily work for 18 hours a day without a break for lunch and then still drink well in the evening and after 2 hours of sleep again for work. 24 hours can work and after that, to swing at the wheel of 300 km and work there for another 10 hours.
  12. Yakuts do not like when they are called Yakuts and prefer to be called "Sakha".

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Yakuts (self-talent sakha; MN. h. sakhalar) - Turkic-speaking people, the indigenous population of Yakutia. Yakut language belongs to the Turkic group of languages. According to the results of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population in Russia, 478.1 thousand Yakuts lived, mainly in Yakutia (466.5 thousand), as well as in the Irkutsk, Magadan regions, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Yakuts are the most numerous (49.9% population) by the people in Yakutia and the largest of the indigenous peoples of Siberia within the boundaries of the Russian Federation.

Distribution area

The resettlement of Yakuts in the territory of the republic is extremely uneven. About nine, they are concentrated in the central regions - in the former Yakut and Vilyusky districts. These are two main groups of the Yakut people: the first one is somewhat larger than the second. Yakutskaya (or amgin-Lensky) Yakuts occupy a quadrilateral between the Lena, Lower Aldan and AMG, Taiga Plateau, as well as the adjacent left bank of Lena. Vilyuysky Yakuts occupy a pool of vilyuya. In these indigenous Yakut areas, the most typical, purely Yakut life; Here he is at the same time, especially at the Ambinsky-Lensky Plateau, is best studied. The third, significantly smaller group of Yakuts is resettleve in the area of \u200b\u200bOlekminsk. The Yakuts of this group are more bliss, in their everyday (but not in the language) became closer to the Russians. And finally, the latter, the most small, but widespread group of Yakuts is the population of the northern regions of Yakutia, i.e. bassinov PP. Kolyma, Indigir, Yana, Olenek, Anabara.

Northern Yakuts are distinguished by a completely peculiar cultural entity: in relation to it they are more like the hunting and fishing small peoples of the North, on Tungus, Yukagirov, than on their southern tribesmen. These northern Yakuts are even called "tungs" (for example, in the upper reaches of Olenek and Anabara), although in the tongue they are Yakuts and call themselves Sakha.

History and origin

According to a common hypothesis, the ancestors of modern Yakuts are the nomadic tribe of the Kurykanov, who lived to the XIV century in Transbaikal. In turn, Kurykans came to the area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal because of the Yenisei River.

Most scientists believe that in the XII-XIV centuries. e. Yakuts were migrated by several waves from the Lake Lake Baikal to the Lena Pool, Aldan and Vilyuya, where they were partially assimilated, and partially crowded Evenks (Tungs) and Yukagirov (Cedulov) who lived here earlier. Yakuts have traditionally been engaged in cattle breeding (Yakut cow), having received a unique experience in breeding cattle in a sharp-continental climate in northern latitudes, horse breeding (Yakut horse), fishing, hunting, developed trade, blacksmithing and military affairs.

According to Yakut legends, the ancestors of Yakuts fused down the Lena on the rafts with livestock, homemade scrambe and people until they discovered the Tuimaad valley - suitable for breeding cattle. Now there is a modern Yakutsk in this place. According to the same legends, two leaders of Elli Bootour and Omogo Baai were headed by the same legends.

According to archaeological and ethnographic data, the Yakuts were formed as a result of the absorption of the local tribes of the Lena medium-sized migration. It is assumed that the last wave of southern ancestors of Yakuts penetrated the middle Lena in the XIV-XV centuries. In a racial attitude, Yakuts belong to the Central Asian anthropological type of the North Asian race. Compared to other Turkic peoples of Siberia, they are characterized by the strongest manifestation of the mongoloid complex, the final design of which occurred in the middle of the second millennium of our era already on Lena.

It is assumed that some groups of Yakuts, for example, the reindeer herds of the North-West, have arisen relatively recently as a result of mixing individual groups of Evenks with Yakuts, immigrants from the central regions of Yakutia. In the process of relocation to Eastern Siberia, Yakuts have mastered the pools of the northern rivers of Anabara, Olenka, Yana, Indigirki and Kolyma. Yakuts modified the reindeer herding of Tungusov, created the Tunguso-Yakut type of hardened reindeer herding.

The inclusion of Yakuts to the Russian state in the 1620-1630s accelerated their socio-economic and cultural development. In the XVII-XIX centuries, the main occupation of Yakut was cattle breeding (breeding cattle and horses), from the second half of the XIX century, a significant part began to engage in agriculture; Hunting and fisheries played a utility role. The main type of dwelling was a log of Balagan, summer - made from Urassa's Jeresia. The clothes were sewed from the skins and fur. In the second half of the XVIII century, most Yakuts were addressed to Christianity, but traditional beliefs were also preserved.

In Russian influence among Yakuts, Christian onomastics spread, almost completely displacing the Doharistian Yakut names. Currently, Yakuts are worn as the names of Greek and Latin origin (Christian) and Yakut names.

Yakuts and Russians

Exact historical news of the yakuts are available, only since their first contact with the Russians, i.e. from the 1620s, and accession to the Russian state. Yakuts did not constitute a single political whole, and shared the tribes independent of each other. However, the tribal relationship has already decomposed, and there was a rather sharp class bundle. Tsarist governors and seruners used interpretable distribution to break the resistance of part of the Yakut population; They also used class contradictions inside it, who behave the policy of systematic support for the dominant aristocratic layer - Princeztsov (Toonov), which they turned into their agents to manage the Yakutsk region. From this time, class contradictions among Yakuts began increasingly sharpening.

The situation of the mass of the Yakut population was heavy. Yakuts paid Yasak with sobular and foxes, carried a number of other duties, exposed to extortion from the royal serve people, Russian merchants and their toyon. After unsuccessful attempts of the uprising (1634, 1636-1637, 1639-1640, 1642), after the transition of Tyonov to the side of the governor, the Yakut mass could respond to oppression of only fragmented, isolated attempts to resistance and escape from indigenous uluses on the outskirts. By the end of the XVIII century, as a result of the predatory commissure of the royal authorities, the exhaustion of the furious wealth of the Yakut region was detected and its partial launch. At the same time, the Yakut population, for various reasons, moved from the Lensko-Vilyusky region, appeared on the outskirts of Yakutia, where it was previously not: on Kolyma, Indigir, Olenek, Anabara, up to the Basin of the Lower Tunguska.

But in those for the first decades, contact with the Russian people had a beneficial effect on the economy and the culture of Yakuts. Russians brought with them a higher culture; Already from the middle of the XVII century. Agricultural economy appears on Lena; Russian type of buildings, Russian clothing made of fabrics, new types of crafts, new furnishings and lodges gradually began to penetrate the Wednesday of the Yakut population.

It was extremely important that the establishment of Russian authorities in Yakutia was stopped by inter-bargain wars and robber raids, which used to be a big disaster for the Yakut population. It was stopped by the peculiar Russian seruners, more than once enormous among themselves and retracts into their sealing Yakuts. Established since the 1640s in the Yakut land, the order was better than the previous state of chronic anarchy and permanent gravestics.

In the XVIII century, due to the further promotion of Russians to the East (the accession of Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Aleuta Islands, Alaska), Yakutia played the role of the transit route and the base for new campaigns and the development of distant land ". The influx of the Russian peasant population (especially in the valley of the village of Lena, in connection with the device of the postal tract in 1773) created the conditions for the cultural mutual influence of the Russian and Yakut elements. Already at the end of the XVII and in the XVIII century. Among Yakuts begins, although at first and very slowly, spreading agriculture, there are homes of Russian type. However, the number of Russian settlers remained even in the XIX century. relatively small. Along with the peasant colonization in the XIX century. Of great importance was sent to the yakutia of the sinking settlers. Together with criminal extent that had a negative impact on Yakuts, in the second half of the XIX century. In Yakutia, political exiles appeared, first populists, and in the 1890s and Marxists who played a big role in the cultural and political development of the Yakut masses.

By the beginning of the XX century. In the economic development of Yakutia, at least the central areas (Yakutsk, Vilyuussky, Olekmin district), there were great successes. The domestic market was created. The growth of economic relations accelerated the development of national self-consciousness.

During the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917, the movement of the Yakut masses for his liberation turned deeper and wider. It was at first (especially in Yakutsk) under the predominant leadership of the Bolsheviks. But after departure (in May 1917), most political exile in Russia in Yakutia won the counter-revolutionary forces of the Toyonism, which entered into an alliance with the ESEROVO-bourgeois part of the Russian urban population. The struggle for the Soviet power in Yakutia was delayed for a long time. Only June 30, 1918, the Power of Soviets was first proclaimed in Yakutsk, and only in December 1919, after the elimination of Kolchkovshchina in all Siberia, the Soviet power was finally established in Yakutia.


Their life is associated with shamanism. The construction of the house, the birth of children and many other aspects of life do not pass without the participation of Shaman. On the other hand, a significant part of the Hyd Million Population of Yakuts professes Orthodox Christianity or adheres to the agnostic beliefs at all.

This nation has its own tradition, before joining the state of Russia they professed AAR Ayya. This religion assumes faith in the fact that Yakuts are the children of Tanar - God and relatives of the twelve white ayya. Even with conception, the child is surrounded by spirits or as they call the Yakuta - "Ichchi" and there are also celers in those who are also surrounded by the child. Religion is documented in the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Yakutia. In the 18th century, Yakutia was subjected to universal Christianity, but people relate to this with the hope of certain religions from the state of Russia.


Yakuts lead pedigree from nomadic tribes. Therefore, live in yurts. However, in contrast to the Mongolian felt yurt, the round dwelling of the Yakuts is erected from the stems of small trees with a cone-shaped chain roof. A lot of windows are arranged in the walls, under which sun beds are located at different heights. Between them, partitions forming the semblance of rooms are established, and in the center there is a mashael focus. For the summer, temporary birchy yurts can be erected - the uranium. And from the XX century, some Yakuts will settle in the outstands.

Winter settlements (Kyolek) were located near the budgets, consisted of 1-3 yurt, summer - in pastures, counted up to 10 yurt. Winter yurt (Balagan, Dayee) had sloping walls from standing thin logs on a rectangular log frame and a low-circuit roof. The walls were fused outside clay with a manure, the roof over the log layered as a bark and earth. The house was put on the sides of the world, the entrance was arranged in the east side, the windows in South and Western, the roof was focused from north to south. To the right of the entrance, in the northeast corner, the hearth (Oceo) was arranged - a pipe from the stories, an incelave clay, which was overlooked through the roof. Makes along the walls were satisfied with packed Nara (Oraone). The most honorable southwest corner was the most honorable. The western wall had a master's place. On the left of the entrance were intended for men's youth, workers, on the right, at the hearth, for women. The front corner put the table (oscolition) and stools. From the north side, Khlev (Hoton) was attached to the yurt, often under one roof with housing, the door to it from Yurt was behind the hearth. Before entering the yurt, a canopy or canopy was satisfied. Yurt was surrounded by a low embankment, often with a fence. The house was set a conmanion, often decorated with carvings. Summer yurts differed little from the winter. Instead of Hoton, the priest was put on the calves (Titik), canopies, etc. There was a conical building from Peresi covered with Best (Urassa), in the north - Durrome (Kalyman, Kholuman). Since the end of the 18th century, the polygonal connate yurts with a pyramidal roof are known. From the 2nd half of the 18th century, Russian huts spread.


Traditional Men's and Women's Clothing - Short Leather Pants-Naturic, Fur Lady, Leather Nogwomen, Single Breasted Caftan (Sleep), Winter - Fur, Summer - from horse or cowhide and cow slabs inwards, rich - from fabric. Later, fabric shields with a postponed collar (ORBAH) appeared. Men rejected with a leather belt with a knife and a fire, rich - with silver and copper plaques. It is characterized by a female wedding fur long caftan (saunga), embroidered with red and green cloth and golden pose; An elegant women's fur hat made of expensive fur, descending on his back and shoulders, with a high cloth, velvet or brocade top with a silver blah (toro) and other decorations. Women's silver and gold jewelry are common. Shoes - Winter High Boots from Olenih or Konsky Skur Wool outward (ETERBES), Summer Skin Skin Boots (Saara) with a napanese covered with cloth, in women - with appliqué, long fur stockings.


The main food is a dairy, especially in summer: from the mare milk - Kumys, from cow - Prostokvasha (Suorat, Sora), Cream (Curechech), oil; Oil saw melted or with a kum; Suorat was harvested for the winter in a frozen form (TAR) with the addition of berries, roots, etc.; Of it, with the addition of water, flour, root, pine communion, etc. I prepared a praise (Boutugas). Fish food played a major role for the poor and in the northern regions where there were no livestock, meat was used mainly rich. Convention especially appreciated. In the 19th century, a barley flour is used: fresh sawmills, pancakes, and salamat fritters were made of her. Vegetables were known in the Olyukmin district.


The main traditional classes - horse breeding (in Russian documents of the 17th century, Yakuts were called "equestrian people") and breeding cattle. Men were cared for horses, in cattle - women. In the north bred deer. Cattle was kept in summer at the foot of the stern, in the winter in the chlevins (hotons). The sealing was known before the arrival of the Russians. Yakut breed livestock differed endurance, but were unproductive.

Fisheries was also developed. Fished fish mostly in summer, but also in winter in the hole; In the fall, a collective gentleman was satisfied with the section of the production between all participants. For the poor who did not have livestock, the fisheries was the main occupation (in the documents of the 17th century, the term "fisherman" - Balyksit - is used in the meaning of the "poor man"), some tribes specialized in it - the so-called "hiking yakuts" - mandates, ontula, kokyi , Kiriytsey, Kyrgydians, Hands and others.

The hunt was especially common in the north, making up a main source of food (sanding, hare, northern deer, elk, bird). In a taiga, the coming of Russians was known both meat and fur hunting (bear, elk, squirrel, fox, hare, bird, etc.), in the future, due to the decline in the number of beasts, its significance fell. Specific hunting techniques are characterized: with a bull (a hunter sinking to mining, hiding for the bull), the horse's horse chase along the trail, sometimes with dogs.

There was gathering - the collection of pine and larch sickness (inner layer of the crust), which was harvested for the winter in a drying form, King (Saran, Chekane, etc.), greenery (wild onions, horseradish, sorrel), the raspberry, considered unclean, was not used from the berries.

Agriculture (barley, to a lesser degree of wheat) was borrowed from the Russians at the end of the 17th century, until the mid-19th century, it was developed very weakly; Its distribution (especially in the Olokmin district) was promoted by Russian exile settlers.

Wood treatment has been developed (art carving, coloring with Olkhov decoction), berers, fur, leather; made of leather dishes, from horse and cow skins, stitched in checker, - mats, from harea fur - blankets, etc.; From the horse's hair, the cords were leaked, the cords, kneaded, embroidered. Spinning, weaving and felt rolling were absent. The production of stucco ceramics, identifying Yakuts among other peoples of Siberia, has been preserved. The smelting and forging of iron were developed, which had inventory, smelting and chasing silver, copper, etc., from the 19th century - carving on the mammoth bone.

Yakut kitchen

It has some common features with Kitchen Buryats, Mongols, Northern Peoples (Evenkov, Evenov, Chukchi), as well as Russians. Methods of cooking dishes in Yakutsk cuisine are few: it is either boiling (meat, fish), or fermentation (koumiss, suoran), or freezing (meat, fish).

The meat in food is traditionally used by horse, beef, venison, birdnate game, as well as labor and blood. Dishes from Siberian fish are widespread (camp, chir, omul, Muksun, Pel'l, Nelma, Tymen, Harius).

A distinctive feature of Yakutsk cuisine is the most complete use of all components of the source product. A very typical example is a recipe for cooking in Yakutska. The scales are believed before preparation, the head is not cut and not thrown out, the fish will not worry almost not, the gall bubble is carefully removed, part of the colon is neatly removed and the swimming bubble is cut off. In this form, the fish is brewed or fried. A similar approach is also used in relation to almost all other products: beef, horse meal and so on. Almost all sub-products are actively used. In particular, soups from the flows (IP MIINE) are very popular, blood delicacies (han), etc. Obviously, this is a lean attitude to the products - the result of the folk experience of survival in harsh polar conditions.

Konsky or beef ribs in Yakutia are known called Oyogos. From frozen meat and fish is planed, which is used in food with acute seasoning from the flask (abrahe), a flag (likeness of Khrena) and lockers (onion plants). From beef or horselook, a hayan is a Yakut blood sausage.

The national drink is popular in many eastern peoples koumiss, as well as stronger kohoñoru Kyomy (or koyourgen.). From cow milk prepare Suorate (Prostokvasha), Curecheh (whipped cream), cobbere (oil, shot down with milk before the formation of a thick cream), Chochon (or chekhon - Oil, shot down with milk and berries), I have eshei (cottage cheese), Sumah (cheese). From the flour and dairy products, the Yakuta is boiled by a thick mass of Salamat.

Interesting traditions and customs of the people of Yakutia

The customs and rites of Yakuts are closely related to folk beliefs. They are followed even by many Orthodox or agnostics. The structure of beliefs is very similar to a synthism - every manifestation of nature has his own spirit, but communicate with them shamans. Layout of the yurt and the birth of a child, the conclusion of marriage and the burial is not without Kamlany. It is noteworthy that until recently, Yakut families were polygamines, each wife of one husband had its own economy and housing. Apparently under the influence of assimilation with Russian Yakuts, they still switched to the monogamous cells of society.

An important place in the life of every Yakut is occupied by the holiday of Kumsa Yizh. Different rites are designed to ensure the gods. Hunters are famous Baia-accordion, women - Ayyatsyt. Walking holiday universal dance of the Sun - Oshai. All participants are taken by arms and arrange a huge dance. The fire has sacred properties at any time of the year. Therefore, each meal in the Yakut house begins with the treats of fire - throwing food to the fire and irrigation by his milk. Feeding fire is one of the key moments of any holiday and business.

The most characteristic cultural phenomenon is the poetic stories of Olonkho, which can with up to 36 thousand rhymed lines. The epos is transmitted from generation to a generation between performers masters, and quite recently, these narratives were listed as UNESCO intangible cultural heritage. Good memory and high life expectancy - one of the distinguishing features of Yakuts. In connection with this peculiarity, a custom arose, according to which the dying elderly man calls someone from the younger generation and tells him about all his social connections - friends, enemies. Yakuts are distinguished by social activity, even though their settlements are several Yurts located at an impressive distance. The main social relationships occur during large holidays, the main ones of which are the holiday of Kumsa - Yizakh.

Traditional culture is most fully represented by Ambinsky-Lensky and Vilyuski Yakuta. Northern Yakuts are close in culture by Eveners and Yukagiram, Olekminsky are strongly accurate Russian.

12 facts about Yakuts

  1. In Yakutia, it is not so cold as everyone thinks. Almost throughout Yakutia, the minimum temperature on average -40-45 degrees, which are not so terrible, as the air is very dry. -20 degrees in St. Petersburg will be more involvement than -50 in Yakutsk.
  2. Yakuts eat raw meat - foals in frozen, tuning with chips or chopped by strokes. Meat adult horses are also eaten, but it is not so tasty. Meat is extremely delicious and useful, rich in vitamins and other useful substances, in particular, antioxidants.
  3. In Yakutia, the river fish meat is touched by thick chips, mainly Chira and Omul, is most valued for strikanin from sturgeon and Nelma (all these fish, with the exception of sturgeon from the Sigov family). All this magnificence can be consumed, the masculine chips in salt with pepper. Some also make different sauces.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, in Yakutia, the majority of the population never saw deer. Deer are found mainly in the extreme north of Yakutia and, oddly enough, in South Yakutia.
  5. The legend of lows, becoming fragile as glass on a strong frost - True. If at temperatures below 50-55 degrees to hit the cast-iron scrap according to a solid object - scrap will split into pieces.
  6. In Yakutia, almost all grains, vegetables and even some fruits are perfectly matured for the summer. For example, not far from Yakutsk grown beautiful, delicious, red, sweet watermelons.
  7. Yakut language belongs to the Turkic group of languages. In Yakutsky, there are a lot of words starting with the letters "s".
  8. In Yakutia, children even in a 40-degree frost eat ice cream right on the street.
  9. When the Yakuts eat Medbagatina, they publish the sound of "Hook" before eating, or imitate the cry of the crow, thereby looking for a bear's spirit - this is not we eat your meat, but a crows.
  10. Yakut horses are a very ancient breed. They graze them all around themselves without any supervision.
  11. Yakuts are very workers. In the summer, on the hay can easily work for 18 hours a day without a break for lunch and then still drink well in the evening and after 2 hours of sleep again for work. 24 hours can work and after that, to swing at the wheel of 300 km and work there for another 10 hours.
  12. Yakuts do not like when they are called Yakuts and prefer to be called "Sakha".