Hunger is not tough continuation of the proverb. Important proverbs with lost additions - raise your head

Hunger is not tough continuation of the proverb. Important proverbs with lost additions - raise your head
Hunger is not tough continuation of the proverb. Important proverbs with lost additions - raise your head

1. Appetite comes while eating, and greed - during appetite.

2. Grandma gadala, put on, whether the rain, or the snow, whether it will be, or not.

3. Poverty is not a vice, and misfortune.

4. B. healthy body healthy Spirit - Rare luck.

5. In the family not without a freak, and because of the freak, everything is not in favor.

6. lucky as saturday drowned - you do not need to drown.

7. The Raven of the eye does not turn off, and turn off, but do not pull.

8. Any truth is looking for yes not all.

9. Where is fine, there and breaks, where fat, there and glad.

10. It was smooth on paper, yes forgot about ravines, and walk on them.

11. Goal like falcon, and osther as an ax.

12. Hunger is not aunt, patty does not bring.

13. The humpback grave will correct and stubborn - duby.

14. The lip is not a fool, the language is not a shovel: know that bitterly that sweet.

15. Two steam boots, yes, both left.

16. Two third waitingAnd the seven one is not waiting.

17. Giroba shame - before the threshold, crossed and forgot.

18. The Master is afraid of and other master of business.

19. Road spoon to dinner, and there at least under the shop.

20. Fools did not write the law if written is not chitan if the chitan is not understood if they understand something wrong.

21. We live, chew bread, and sometimes we satisfy.

22. For the broken two unbounds give, yes not hurt something.

23. For two hares, you will chase - not kabana. Do not catch.

24. Behind the sea fun, yes someone else, and with us and grief, yes.

25. Hare legs wear, wolf teeth feed, fox tail saves.

26. AND business time and Fun hour.

27. And the blind horse is lucky, if the siny is sits.

28. Mosquito the horse does not pill, while the bear does not extract.

29. Who will remember the old one - the eye is won, and who will forget - both.

30. The chicken in the grain pecks, and the whole yard in litter.

31. Lich trouble start, and there is close and the end.

32. Lija trouble Polar - There is a hole, there will be a rush.

33. Young grown - dohes, and the old people are worried - silent.

34. On the (offended) angry water void and on good themselves ride.

35. In someone else's loaf, the mouth does not specify, get up to get up yes.

36. Not all car carnival, there will be a post.

37. The woodpecker will not be sad that it cannot sing. him and so the whole forest hears.

38. Neither fish, nor meat neither caftan, no rick.

39. The new broom in a new behavior, and how breaks - under the bench is lying.

40. One in the field is not a warrior, and traveler.

41. From the work of the horses milked, And people are stronger.

42. From oats horses do not growAnd from good good is not looking for.

43. Stick, about two ends, there beats.

44. Repeat - mother of teaching, the console of fools.

45. Repetition - Mother of Teaching and refuge for lazy people.

46. \u200b\u200bUnder the lying stone, water does not flow, and under rolling - does not have time.

47. Drunk Sea by knee, and puddle - on the ears.

48. Dust post, smoke rocker, and the hut is not fed, not a method.

49. Work is not a wolf, the forest will not run away, because it, the popyan, do and necessary.

50. Grow big, do not be noodles, Pasting vests, but do not be simple.

51. Fisherman fisherman sees from afar, because the side and bypass.

52. Hand hand washes, yes, both are fling.

53. With a bee, you will get a nurse, With the beetle you will tie - in the manure will be found.

54. Your eyes - diamond, and someone else - glass.

55. Seven troubles - one answer, The eighth trouble is quite nowhere.

56. The bold bullet is afraid and the panties and in the bushes will find.

57. Dog on Seine lies, she does not eat and cattle does not give.

58. Dog ate, sad tail.

59. Old age is not joy, say - you will not stand, run - you will not stop.

60. The old horse of the furrow will not spoil, yes, and deep will not plow.

62. Fear eyes are great do not see anything.

63. hit one cheek - submese the other, but not let him hit.

64. Mind of the Chamber, yes, the key is lost.

65. Bread on the table - and the table of the throne, and bread nor piece - and table board.

66. The trouble is full of mouth, there is nothing to bite.

Well known: Russian is the keeper of the wisdom of our people. BUT vintage proverbs And the sayings are his spiritual treasure, the real "Golden Fund", since they are brief and the instructive experience of many generations is concurred. But here is no hope: in the contemporary information war, this experience, expressed verbally, has been distorted under the influence of new trends of time.

The meaning of many is wide famous proverbs It turned out to be inside out and changed up to the opposite. Someone very much wanted to pull the truth from us, break the original ideas of the people about good and evil, about the bad and good. Via " Intelligent dictionary Living Great Russian Language "V.I. Dalya (Edition of 1897) Let's try to restore the forgotten truth ...

In the family, not without a freak wanted to justify the appearance of a unrexious person in the big kind, we are familiar to: Well, it happens - in the family is not without a freak. Or give another shade: in any company, there will be one unavailable. But our language speaks otherwise: "The freak" means standing "at the kind", which is under his reliable protection and patronage. And therefore, a "freak" was not called a sick disabled person, but the first child is the strongest, most beautiful, smarter, who took all the first, the best from young parents. And the couple's family was called only after the birth of the firstborn. "Uroda" is "beauty" in some Slavic languages. That is, initially in the proverb was laid very deep meaning: "Without a child - this is not a family," the "family is not without a first child." Thus, the whole village, all the relatives, as it were, convinced young spouses, to give birth to the heir to become a full-fledged family and multiply the power of a kind-tribe.

From the work of the horses die as often idlers use this expression! I like it. Although full version Sayings sounds like this: from the work of the horses die, and people are stronger.

My hut with the edge is wrong interpretation: "Get away, leave me back, I don't know anything." Today we say so, but before on those people whose huts stood with the edge of the village, lay special responsibility - they were the first to meet any danger, whether the attack of enemies, a forest fire, spring spill of the river or rapidly racing herd of horses. They should have rebuffed. Therefore, "in the huts from the edge" the most brave and strong people. Choosing a place to house on the edge of the village, his owner, as it were, he said to fellow villagers: "I will guard the peace of all." The readiness for self-sacrifice was always peculiar to the Russian people, which was imprinted in this proverb.

Its shirt is closer to the body yes, unfortunately, many contemporaries now found a false belief that their interest is more expensive, and nothing should harm personal benefits. However, our ancestors uttered these words completely in another setting. At the funeral of the warrior, with the honor of the fallen in battle, his brothers removed linen or linen shoes from themselves and put them in the grave - as close as possible to the body of the deceased relative. Thus, they showed how they loved him, as he was the roads ...

Work is not a wolf - in the forest will not run away "not hurry, leaving, resting, work will wait" - this meaning is filled with this proverb in modern Russian. However, its initial meaning was not at all to indulge his laziness, laying important things for later. Everything was just the opposite! In the old days, when the wolf ran into the village, women with children immediately hid at homes and waited when the beast runs into the forest. And their work, thrown on time, will not run anywhere, not going anywhere. Therefore, what to wait? As soon as the danger passed, it is immediately necessary to start working left on the garden, in the yard or by housework.

At someone else's loaf, the mouth does not ignite "everyone loves to eat someone else's, Darmov" - we filled this proverb today to such a narrowly destructive content. But the story here again is directly opposite. Previously, there was a custom: before everyone sit at the table, the owner went outside of the Hut and shouted loudly: "There is an hungry?" That is, the owner dispelled the mouth of the "Naraspa" and called on his loaf of all hungry: neighbors, relatives, beggars, random passers-by. Noine, when everyone go, and someone will remain hungry.

Perhaps today is one of the most frequently used proverbs today: many lenders are angry with the debtors to pay the taken, call them, pursue, threaten. The trouble, and only ... In fact, this proverb teaches to forgive debts. Our wise ancestors came in Christian simply: Delivering to someone something, the return was never waiting, especially since they did not ask and did not require. They were sincerely happy to help every needy simply, without anything. When the debt was nevertheless returned, they were thickly blossom: they were ashamed to take it back. ...

Think only that we have lost! How high there were morals from our wise ancestors, and how we crushed compared to them ...

We give a few more examples of truncated proverbs.

A holy place is never empty.And the place is not holy!

Hunger is not aunt - the puppet will not bring.

For the broken two unbounds give,Yes, it is not hurt.

Komar Horse does not pill,While the bear does not extort.

Whoever will remember - the eye is won, and who will forget - both.

Not all cat carnival, there will be a post.

The woodpecker will not be sad that it cannot sing: His whole forest hears him.

One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler.

Fear your eyes are great, but do not see anything.

Uma Chamber, yes the key is lost.

My tongue is my enemy: my mind is lying, looking for trouble.

More examples of the fact that you can't throw out the words from the song, otherwise the point is becoming another.

At least half of the proverbs changed its meaning with the loss of his end.

* Grandma wondered, she said in half: whether the rain, or the snow, whether there will be, or not;

* Poverty is not a vice, but twice worse;

* Lucky as a Saturday drowned - you do not need to drown a bath;

* Raven crows the eye does not turn off, but will turn off, but do not pull out;

* It was smooth on paper, but forgot about ravines, but walk on them;

* Goal as falcon, and the sharpener as an ax;

* Hunger is not aunt, but the mother is native;

* The lip is not a fool, the language is not a shovel;

* Two steam boots, yes both left;

* Two steam boots, and both for one leg;

* Girl shame - to the threshold: crossed and forgot;

* Master's business is afraid, and another master of the case;

* Road spoon to dinner, and there at least under the shop;

* Fools at least the county - he puts his two;

* For two hares, you will not catch a single boar;

* Hare legs wear, wolf teeth feed, fox tail takes;

* And case time, and fun hour;

* The chicken on the grain coars, and the whole yard in the litter;

* Likha trouble began, there is a hole, there will be a rush;

* Young grown - trembling, and old people are worried - silent;

* On someone else's loaf Mouth do not spoil, get up early, get up yes, silent;

* New broom in a new behavior, and how it breaks - under the bench is lying on;

* From the work of the horses die, and people are stronger;

* Stick - about two ends, go there and frills;

* Repeat - mother of teaching, consolation of fools;

* Revolution - mother of teaching, and refuge for lazy people;

* Drunk Sea by knee, and a puddle - on the ears;

* Dust post, smoke rocker, and the hut is not flexible, not Metric;

* Grow big, but do not be noodles, pulling the vest, do not be simple;

* Fisherman fisherman sees from afar, because the side and bypass;

* We will give a bee - you will get a poke, you will tie with a beetle - you will find yourself in the manure;

* Seven troubles - one answer, the eighth trouble - quite nowhere;

* The dog is lying on the Seine, he does not eat and cattle does not give;

* The old horse groove will not spoil, and he will not deeply plow;

* Bread on the table - and the table of the throne, and bread nor a piece - and a table board;

* Wonders in Sere: a lot of holes, but to jump off there;

* Shito-indoor, and the nodule is here;

* My tongue is my enemy, before the mind of the verbole.

For many centuries, it is transmitted from generation to generation with proverbs and sayings. And although today this part of Russian folklore has lost its own popularity, it is completely not forgotten. It often happens that using any well-established expressions, we do not even suspect that they are proverbs. However, many proverbs and sayings reached us modified: some of them lost their ending. Such a fate has suffered and continue the proverb, let us remember how she sounded in an original form, as well as let's see if this fact affected the meaning that was invested in the saying by our ancestors.

The origin of the proverb

First of all, it should be noted that this proverb by origin is not quite Russian. The word "pair" in it comes from the Latin par, meaning "equal". Knowing this fact, you can guess about the meaning of the saying.

Linguists express two versions of the origin of phraseologism. According to the first version, this phrase appeared from professional activity shoemakers. Before shoes and right and on left foot It was absolutely the same, without any differences (so so far the boots are sewn). Hence the expression "two pair boots".

According to another option, this phraseology is obliged to her origin to girls who prepared dowry. Earlier in the "property" of the bride in obligatory There must have been a couple of boots made by the maiden personally. And since in Russia, the boots were also considered boots (V.I. Dal determines the boots as boots or shoes flooded from wool), from here and leaks the second version of the origin of the test "two pair boots".

How does the proverb end?

There are many versions. Some in the network claim that the proverbs "two boots" have several "there are several. The most common option is "both left", as well as its modifications ("both on the left foot" and so on). More inquisitive users found the option of the proverb, in which the beginning was cropped: "Goose da Gagara - two pair boots" (the version of the "Kulik da Gagar" is found). There is even a version of "two boots - boots", but all this information is erroneous.

True continuation of the proverb "Two pair boots"

The Internet as a source of information is a wonderful thing, true there is one significant disadvantage. The information that is placed in the World Wide Web does not always correspond to reality. So it came out with the continuation of the proverb "Two pair boots".

If you contact the most famous collector of Russian folklore - Vladimir Ivanovich Gal, out of interest to look in his book "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people", then you can find a lot of curious. So, for example, the end of folk wisdom: "The chicken in a grain peep", according to the spread lately The lists of "full" sayings and proverbs, are the words "yes the whole yard in litter." However, in the dictionary V.I. Dalya shows a completely different ending. In fact, the full version of this national aphorism sounds completely different: "The chicken on the grain pecks, and it lives."

And the phrase: "Whoever will remember the old one, the eye is", unlike modern lists, there is no continuation at all. This is the full version of the saying. True, there is another version of the proverb that sounds: "Whoever will remember, the features will pull on the massacre."

How does the proverb "two pair boots" ends? According to the collection of Russian folklore Daly, the end of this national aphorism is generally absent. But the saying has the beginning to be lost in time: "It's not the same even. Two pair boots."

The meaning of the proverb "Two pair boots"

On the meaning of this winged expression You can guess if you know that the boots were opposed to the nails. Boots used only wealthy people and scoops who wanted to be considered rich. Hence the ironic color of the word "boots" appeared. This is confirmed by the sayings as "Skipping boots, yes porridge without oil," and also "is not contemporary in the noodles, the boots in the sleigh" (speaks into the Izbu).

The generally accepted meaning of the proverb two steam boots - " suitable friend friend ". Most often, this phraseology is used with irony, pointing to the similarity of people by negative qualities. This sense is especially clear in the modern full version of the proverbs: "Two pair boots, and both left."

Similarly, with the beginning of the saying: "It is not the same than the same emphasis." V.I. himself Dal explains the word "odd" as an unpaid. And the word "Chet" (it is also a couple) at the same Dalka is equivalent to the word "couple". That is, the phrase "unfortunately the same emphasis" with the use of more understandable words will sound - "unpaid with the unpaired same pair."

Similar in the meaning of the proverb and sayings

Similar semantic meaning With the proverb "Two pair boots" there is a huge multitude of phraseological units:

  1. "One field of berries."
  2. "As if out of one falls outstand."
  3. "There is everything on one block."
  4. "Both two nor in one good."
  5. "One world of Mazana".
  6. "One Lycom Spike."
  7. "Birds of one flight."
  8. "The same".
  9. "One suit."

These are just some of them.

Continuing proverbs and sayings 1. Appetite comes while eating, and greed - during appetite. 2. Grandma wondered, put in half, or if the rain, or the snow, whether there would be, or not. 3. Poverty is not a vice, but misfortune. 4. In a healthy body, a healthy mind is a rare luck. 5. In the family, not without a freak, and because of the freak, everything is not in favor. 6. Lucky, as the Saturday drowned - you do not need to drown a bath. 7. The Raven of the Eye cloud does not turn off, but will turn off, but do not pull out. 8. Everything is looking for truth, but it does not create it. 9. Where is thin, there and breaks, where in thick, there and glad. 10. It was smooth on paper, but forgot about ravines, and walk on them. 11. Goal as falcon, and Oster as an ax. 12. Hunger is not aunt, the pie will not bring. 13. The humpback grave will correct, and the stubborn - Duby. 14. The lip is not a fool, the language is not a shovel: They know that bitterly, which is sweet. 15. Two steam boots, and both left. 16. Two thirds are waiting, and seven one is not waiting. 17. The girl shame - before the threshold, crossed and forgotten. 18. The master is afraid of the Master, and another master of the case. 19. Road spoon to dinner, and there at least under the shop. 20. The law is not written to fools, if writing is not chitan if the chitan is not understood if they understand something wrong. 21. We live, we chew bread, and sometimes we sat down. 22. For the broken two unbounds, do not hurt you. 23. For two hares, you will be afraid - you can't catch a single boar. 24. Behind the sea fun, and someone else's, and we have a grief, yes your own. 25. Hare legs wear, wolf teeth feed, foxes colors. 26. And the case is time, and fun hour. 27. And the blind horse is lucky, if the sort of sits on the sits. 28. Mosquito Horse does not pill, while the bear does not extract. 29. Whoever will remember - the eye is won, and who will forget - both. 30. The chicken on the grain pecks, and the whole yard in the litter. 31. Lich trouble start, and there is also close and the end. 32. Lijah trouble Polar - there is a hole, there will be a rush. 33. Young grown - to themes, and the old men are worn - silent. 34. In (offended), the water is carried away, and on good themselves ride themselves. 35. In someone else's loaf, the mouth does not rush, get up early, get up yes. 36. Not all car carnival, there will be a post. 37. The woodpecker will not be sad, that he cannot sing, it is hearing his whole forest. 38. Neither fish, nor meat, no caftan, no row. 39. The new broom in a new behavior, and how it breaks - under the bench is lying. 40. One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler. 41. From the work of the horses die, and people are stronger. 42. From oats, the horses are not chipped, and they are not looking for good. 43. Stick, two ends, there beings there. 44. Repeater is the mother of the teaching, the consolation of fools. 45. Repetition is the mother of teaching and refuge for lazy people. 46. \u200b\u200bUnder the lying stone, the water does not flow, and under rolling - does not have time. 47. Drunk Sea by knee, and a puddle - on the ears. 48. Dust post, smoke rocker, and the hut is not flexible, not a method. 49. Work is not a wolf, it will not run into the forest, because it, the punk, do and necessary. 50. Grow big, but do not be noodles, pulling the vest, but do not be simple. 51. Fisherman fisherman sees from afar, because the side and bypass. 52. Hand's hand washes, and both will be achieved. 53. With a bee, you will give me a naked, you will tie with the beetle - you will find yourself in the manure. 54. Your eye is diamond, and someone else's glass. 55. Seven troubles - one answer, the eighth trouble - quite nowhere. 56. The bold bullet is afraid, and the cowals and in the bushes will find. 57. The dog on the Seine lies, he does not eat it, and the cattle does not give. 58. The dog was ate, the tail was fed. 59. Old age is not joy, you will sit down - you will not stand, run - you will not stop. 60. The old horse of the furrow will not spoil, and it will not deeply plow. 61. You go quiet - you will be on the place where you go. 62. The fear of the eye is great, but do not see anything. 63. They hit one cheek - submese the other, but not let him hit. 64. Mind of the Chamber, yes the key is lost. 65. Bread on the table - and the table of the throne, and the bread is neither a piece - and the board board. 66. The trouble is full of mouth, and there is nothing to bite. 67. Miracles in Serete - a lot of holes, and nowhere to jump out. 68. Shito-indoor, and the nodule is here. 69. My tongue is my enemy, before the mind of the verbole. 70. My tongue is my enemy, too, mans smys, looking for trouble.

Many in everyday life use certain sayings, proverbs and other examples of folk wisdom, which was created for years, centuries and developed into a whole layer of culture of the Russian people. But not all sayings, due to the circumstances, we know completely. Some sayings and proverbs reached our days in a shortened version. Meaning and so understands to everyone, but the continuation, the ending of the saying is also interesting. Learn and know the new, as they say, never late, so the sayings in their full form should be read and remember. Still, it is folk wisdomhow-no. And full options famous sayings Quite interesting.

Full options for proverbs

Crow the Raven of the eye does not turn off, but turn off, but do not pull out.

Dust post, smoke rocker, and the hut is not fed, not a method.

The old horse of the furrow will not spoil, and he will not deeply plow.

From the work of the horses die, and people are stronger.

The chicken in the grain pecks, and the whole yard in the litter.

Fear your eyes are great, but do not see anything.

The dog was ate, the tail was fed.

Lich trouble is a beginning - there is a hole, there will be a rush.

Uma Chamber, yes the key is lost.

My tongue is my enemy - a man is lying before, looking for trouble.

Hunger is not aunt - the puppet will not bring.

Fisherman Fisherman sees from afar, because the side and bypass.

Fool at least the county, he puts his two.

Young grown - trembling, and the old people are worried - silent.

Neither fish, nor meat - neither caftan, no row.

Miracles in Seret - Much a lot, and nowhere to jump out.

The lip is not a fool - the language is not a shovel.

Whoever will remember - the eye is won, and who will forget - both.

Hand hand washes, and both will be sweetered.

Behind the broken two unbounds give, yes it is not hurt.

One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler.

The new broom in a new behavior, and how it breaks - under the bench is lying.

Drunk Sea of \u200b\u200bKnee, and a puddle - on the ears.

Goal like falcon, and the sharp as an ax.

It is lucky as a Saturday drunk - you do not need to drown a bath.

Two steam boots, both left.

For two hares, you will be afraid - not a single boar you can't.

Shito-indoor, and the nodule is here.

Old age is not a joy and youth - nasty.