What is profitable to produce. The most profitable production for small business

What is profitable to produce. The most profitable production for small business
What is profitable to produce. The most profitable production for small business

Mini plants for small businesses - 5 advantages + Features of maintaining such production + 6 examples + 9 best mini factories.

People who have decided to do private entrepreneurship are faced with certain problems at the initial stage. What scope to choose? Where can I buy suitable equipment? How to save?

Mini Plants for Small Business - A successful solution for young businessmen, which simplifies the search for answers to the questions voiced above.

Why is it worth acquiring a plant in mini format?

Before you start your business in the field of production, you need to pay attention to all pros and cons of such activities.

The advantages of the purchase of a mini plant for business can be attributed to the following factors:


    Small sizes, compared to full-fledged plants, this equipment is easily collected, installed and can be transported.

    Some mini plants are equipped with wheels, which allows you to quickly transfer them from one point to another.

    Small dimensions.

    This feature gives not only to save on land and premises, as well as, if necessary, change the location of a mini plant without special costs.

    Small cash costs to start businesses.

    Thanks to the small dimensions of a mini plant, it is possible to save not only in the territory, but also electricity. In addition, the maintenance of such equipment does not cause special problems.


    This is probably the main factor that talks about the benefit of such a business.

    Relatively small economic costs allow to create an effective enterprise, which is able to make full-fledged competition in the chosen field of activity.

As for the shortcomings of mini factories for small business, they are not so much. These are mainly related to the fact that the equipment. This makes it difficult to buy the necessary details in the event of a malfunction.

But if you seriously approach the choice of a mini plant, you can choose the equipment that will serve you for a long time. In addition, many Russian enterprises have recently appeared, which specialize in the manufacture of similar equipment.

Working business features using mini factories

Compared to large plants, start a business using such equipment much easier. But here there are nuances and features.

№1. Select a niche.

To begin with, as in any business, it is necessary to determine what product of production you are going to work. It is desirable that the selected activity is close to you and understandable.

An important role in choosing a business area is played by competitiveness and demand in the region. It is best to occupy a niche that has great prospects, but has not yet managed to gain popularity among private entrepreneurs.

Time plays a big role. The faster you will make the manufacture of a unique product in your area, the more chances to take the leading position in this area of \u200b\u200bproduction.

№2. Business plan.

Clear and competent compilation of a project of their own business is a very important factor in entrepreneurial activity.

In order for your business to be successful, you need to work on the following main moments:

  • Calculate all expected expenses, ranging from the purchase of a mini plant, and ending with the cost of packing the finished product.
  • Ways to deliver products to the consumer, transportation costs.
  • Search for market sales.
  • The location of the mini format of the plant, search for employees.

    Most often used countryside, since the value of land is low, and the level of remuneration to employees is significantly lower than in large metropolis.

Number 3. Registration of the necessary documents.

The main advantage in the opening of the mini format of the plant is that it will be enough for an individual entrepreneur to start a business. To do this, you should explore the appropriate section of the FNS website: https://www.nalog.ru/RN77/IP/Interest/reg_ip/Petition/.

Otherwise, everything is happening according to the standard scheme: obtaining permission to open a mini factory from various municipalities; Checks for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

A positive impact on the rate of paperwork and obtaining permission from local authorities has the fact if your business is associated with social significance for the area. For example, the mini garbage processing plant will receive approval from the state. In this case, it will even be a good chance to get monetary support from the state to the development of the business.

Mini Plants for Small Business - Review of the best options

To date, there are many ideas for the development of small businesses in Russia using mini factories. Such popularity is due primarily, the need to make small cash investments in business development.

Also attracts many investors fast payback mini factory.

Given the above reasons, several areas of production can be distinguished, which cause great interest from Russian entrepreneurs:


    The most popular area of \u200b\u200bactivity in our country, which contributes to the emergence of a large variety of mini factories. There are separate aggregates for the production of concrete, bricks, consumable building materials, etc.

    Also has a wide range of activities. You can purchase mini plants of different directions:

    • meat processing;
    • production of dairy products;
    • making confectionery and bakery products;
    • production of juices, etc.
  1. Processing of garbage.

    This field of activity, against the background of world concern about the state of the environment, is gaining great popularity in the Russian Federation. The essential advantage of such a business is approval by the authorities, which gives a chance to count on subsidies from the state.

    Light industry.

    It is fairly profitable to open a mini plant for the production of textile and knitted products (clothes, shoes), household goods, cosmetics, etc.

Whatever production you have chosen, the main thing is to have knowledge in this area, analyze the competitiveness and demand for goods. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of your enterprise.

Consider several examples in which mini formats of plants for small businesses are used.

Example number 1. Brick production.

The cost of such equipment is from 1 million rubles and higher. It is worth noting that the costs of brick production are high enough. By purchasing one unit of technology here, it is not necessary - it will take different equipment. Also, the purchase of raw materials takes a considerable amount of money.

For example, for the manufacture of 1,000 bricks, about 800 kg of cement, 300 liters of water and more than 3,000 kg of main raw materials will be needed. The capacity of the equipment for this business is usually very high, which also requires high costs - to electricity.

As we see, the mini brick plant requires considerable material costs. However, the "financial exhaust" from such an enterprise is very good. Many novice entrepreneurs subsequently expanded their business, which brought even more profits.

Example number 2. Manufacture of feed.

It is advisable to open such an enterprise in rural areas, closer to farm pastures. Thus, you will quickly acquire the clientele and save on the delivery of goods.

This equipment carries out processing and crushing of grain (corn, wheat, barley, etc.). From the size of the sieve crusher, the product quality depends to a greater extent. In the form of the room you can use a garage or a barn. Heating is not required.

Due to the successful location (near the grain fields), most of the raw materials can be obtained from local farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Example number 3. Concrete production.

To organize such a mini factory you will need a concrete mixer with which you can get a high-quality product. Such an option is most likely perfect for large construction companies that serve large objects. It can significantly simplify the work of the organization and will allow to save (do not have to seek the services of third-party firms).

The mini format of the plant for the production of concrete is very often mobile to be able to move it from one construction to another. You can carry out transportation using a tug or tractor.

To buy such equipment, it is not necessary to be the owner of a construction organization. It can also be purchased a private entrepreneur to rent the same construction firms.

Example number 4. Production of foam blocks.

Foam block is a very popular material in construction. Equipment for their production partly resemble concrete mixers. However, mixing the mixture occurs in such a way that peculiar bubbles in the finished material are formed. This is done with the help of a foam generator.

The main part of the costs for the manufacture of foam blocks will be on the purchase of cement. Before opening such a business, be sure to find a cement supplier working on favorable terms.

The manufacture of foam blocks puts many entrepreneurs and the fact that it does not require the use of some special technologies. Business is pretty simple and understandable.

Example number 5. Milk processing.

Milk processing business is more complicated than previous examples. It is a whole complex that consists of several stages of production. Accordingly, there will be several equipment units to create a full mini plant.

Depending on the cost of technology, such a complex can recycle from 250 kg to 25 tons of milk for 24 hours. As a result, you can get a variety of dairy products (cottage cheese, Adygei cheese, sour cream, etc.)

When opening such a business, it is necessary to clearly realize the number of raw materials you will have. It depends on how much money you will spend on the purchase of equipment.

To start this production, usually, small workshops are organized.

Example number 6. Processing of garbage.

This type of activity is very popular in Europe. The reason for this is the growth of the population in these countries, which leads to an increase in the number of garbage produced. In addition, the ecological state of the Earth is becoming worse, which makes you invent new methods of disposal of household waste.

Since this scope of business is highlighted by the increased attention of the state and is related to the environment, it has some difficulties in paperwork. The bureaucratic process can delay for several months. It is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Ecology, permission from sanitary and fire services, and much more.

The cost of opening such an enterprise can be measured by several millions of dollars. However, it can be limited to a business that specializes in the disposal of one type of waste. For example, you want to make the processing of plastic.

To do this, you will need:

  • sorting unit;
  • conveyor;
  • press;
  • place for a warehouse.

You can improve your business and buy additionally melting furnaces. This solution will significantly increase your income, since you will not only sort garbage, but also recycle it.

On the advantages and disadvantages of mini-production - will tell the next video.

Review of the best business ideas for the start of your own mini business.

Rating of the best mini factories for small business

If you decide to create a small business based on the use of a mini plant, then it is necessary to study the characteristics and features of the equipment in detail.

Recently, China has become the leader in the manufacture of such equipment. This is not surprising, because the quality of the equipment is at a sufficiently high level, and the pricing policy is very attractive for the Russian entrepreneur.

Mini FactoryNamePerformanceCost ($)Note
800-900 bricks for 8 working hours9 000 Raw materials: cement, water, clay.
10 cubic meters Concrete per hour11 000 Can produce concrete of various types. The required area for the organization of production - 300 sq.m. Net profit - about $ 30,000 per month.
BrewerBlonderbeer 300 L.
300 L beer / day10 000 4 - 5 different varieties. It will take to purchase containers for fermentation. Net profit - from 3 to 4 thousand dollars per month.
Toilet paperXY-TQ-1575B
150-200 meters / minute16 000 Raw materials: waste paper. Water consumption: 3 cubic meters / day. Of 1 tons of raw materials, about 9,000 rolls of finished products are obtained.
Compound feed9FH-500
1500 kg / h2 000 Functions: Crushing of grain, processing of wood sawdust, straw, hay, bran.
Gasilicate blocksPremium Brick Plus
60,000 cubic meters / year13 000 Net profit of about $ 6,000.
Canned fishNGO "Miniplant"
800 cans per hour11 000 You will need 2-3 employees. Profit: from $ 10,000 per month.
TextileHengyu HJA-610
50 m fabric / day16 000 Profit: $ 6,000 / month.
Milk processingGeonetconsult
300 l / h300 l / hNet income: 14-15 thousand dollars.

Before opening your business, you need to carefully appreciate your capabilities, to reject the demand market, competitors, find out all the subtleties of paperwork. Only after that you can decide what to acquire mini plants for small businesses.

A good way to save money is the purchase of used equipment. So you can postpone a significant amount for the purchase of raw materials.

The main thing to understand that the successful business is more dependent on expensive equipment, but on your aspiration and competent work.

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Slagoblocks. This idea of \u200b\u200bproduction is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, the entire tool can be stored in the yard or garage. What do you need? Concrete mixer, vibrostanok, construction car and shovel.

Equipment costs will be about 55-100 thousand rubles depending on the quality of the tools. On the day, producing several hundreds of products, it is possible to earn good (about 100-200 dollars).

Styrofoam. The size of the desired room is about 150 square meters, the purchase of the necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for revenue, you can count on the annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding churls

Very cost-effective and profitable production. For large production at least seven thousand chickens per year, investments in the amount of 400-500 thousand rubles are needed, and the business itself will pay off for 8-12 months.

The greatest costs occur to the purchase of cells and an incubator. For quite small production, about ten thousand rubles will be needed for several dozen quarrels.

This is an excellent and simple business for a novice entrepreneur. Chickens are unpretentious in leaving and rarely sick.

3. Slots and sculptures

Now the castlers of children's handles and legs are very popular, the hands of the hands of lovers, small gifts sculptures. Their manufacture can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and the net profit of one unit of goods begins from 500 rubles.

If a Use forms for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business rises several times.

4. Making cottage cheese

A very profitable small business option, especially if there is an opportunity to implement products in large cities with good demand for home products. For production from scratch, a separate room and a special equipment (electro-packasterizer, cottage cheese bath, etc.), the acquisition of which will cost 1.5-2 million rubles, plus the costs of raw materials and preparation of the production premises.

We get the minimum starting capital in the amount of 3 million rubles. However, net profit with a monthly development of 13-16 tons will be about 200-300 thousand rubles, and therefore, investments in the business will pay off after 1.5-2 years.

5. Greenhouses

Build Teplitz - Profitable business option at home. The most commonly used materials are polycarbonate and wood.

For a small production of several people, and the cost of equipment is within 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business usually exceeds one hundred percent.

A novice entrepreneur will not be difficult to organize this business, since the assembly of greenhouse is a relatively simple process that everyone can master.

6. Production of packages

Survived and mainly income production from scratch will be the issue of packages. Equipment can be bought as very simple (about 400-450 thousand rubles), so and collect a full-fledged production line - already within 1.3-1.5 million rubles.

Produce Polyethylene, garbage, paper bags, etc. Net profit with the established marketing reaches 150-200 thousand rubles per month.

7. Production of vegetable oil

This is not the cheapest, but very profitable option. For production it is necessary for a separate room, an area of \u200b\u200bat least one hundred square meters.

Capital investments in equipment, premises and personnel will amount to about 1.5-2 million rubles, and such a business will pay off for half a year.

8. Production of nails

In this segment, great competition, but also the profitability of the business is also very high. And most importantly - the cost of the opening of such mini-production is small: from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. Place production, you can even in the usual garage.

This business will pay for approximately a year, and even less. For stable profits It is necessary to produce about three tons of nails per month.

9. Pellet production

It is best to establish such a production near the sawmill. Capital investments for this business are about 1-2.5 million rubles (equipment, premises and raw materials), but this business pays off for eight months, and its profitability exceeds one hundred percent indicator.

10. Production of Pelmeni

Focusing on albeit small, but still industrial production, we consider that it requires a room about 100 square meters. m. Lines for the production of dumplings relatively inexpensive.

The price of equipment begins from 80 thousand rubles. General initial costs, depending on the scale of production, will be 1-3 million rubles. Pay business about the year during the income 250 thousand rubles per month.

And this is not all for beginners. In each region and the area you can find your own, unavoyous and profitable niche to open mini production. We wish you a successful and good business!

Many entrepreneurs are already starting with some "longing" to remember the time of annual prescription. When there were no sanctions, no crisis. Small business only managed to "recover" after increasing taxes in 2013, which, by the way, forced a very few IP, as suddenly, as "thunder among the clear sky" political troubles were killed. However, if we consider them as a test for strength, which will benefit your business, then everything is not so scary.

2014 made it forced to "wander" absolutely everyone who has at least some kind of business, forced to change the approaches to the case, reconsider their views, internally prepare for even greater trials. The main changes, of course, occurred in the foreign exchange markets, in online business, and trade. The demand for some goods declined almost twice, and many enterprises had to either close, or change the sphere of their activities. But it became clear that many production in small and medium businesses would strengthen their positions, and it is profitable to produce and sell their own products, and not engage in resale.

This circumstance literally "plunges" in the shock of many owners of outlets. After all, in order to establish its production, you need to make much more effort, to invest more money than when trading. However, in any business mass as positive moments, the same and negative parties.

For example, a huge plus currently is that any domestic production should be supported by the state. I want to believe that all this will not be in words, but in practice. Is it so - to check you. We have already written about the better to trade in the crisis, now consider what is profitable to produce.

For whom to produce?

To begin with, it is worth decreasing for which layers of the population you will produce our products. The lessons of history cannot be neglected, and they show us that the heavier the situation in the country, the wider "abyss" between the various social categories of citizens. But the domestic goods do not face the "elite" of society, and gives greater preference to its more "poor" part.

Therefore, solve for yourself, given your capabilities, links, goals, whether you will produce eco-class products, or produce expensive products.

As we have repeatedly spoke in our previous publications, and today we will repeat again: the most profitable business that will "stand" with any political and economic environment in the country, changes in tax legislation, etc. - This is the production of essential goods, that is, such, without which the population does not be able to do in any situation. Consider some of the main types of what is profitable to produce.


Banally say so, but - I always want to eat and everyone. Therefore, products will be in demand with any scenario. Especially products included in the minimum consumer basket: eggs, milk, bread (see "How to open a bakery from scratch"), meat (see "breeding pigs", "Breeding sheep at home", "Rabbit cultivation"), Fish ( See "How to take a rental pond"), some types of vegetables and fruits, oil ("production of sunflower oil"), etc. This is a huge "field" for the owner of the future production. Even big competition in the food industry does not prevent anyone who wants to open its business in this area:

  • Firstly, any product will find their buyer .
  • Secondly, more and more the consumer began to give preference to natural products manufactured / grown in its own farm. To organize such a farm does not need any ultra-supersonctions, the main thing is desire.


So, our consumer athege, now he needs to slip into something. In the conditions of the crisis and tough economy, which many families moved to Russia, branded things moved to the background, giving way to the domestic producer. At this time, undoubtedly, there will be a very relevant idea of \u200b\u200bthe opening of its own sewing studio, which is engaged in the sewing clothes to order and its repair.

The "spoiled" over the past years is a wide range of goods to the consumer, it will be quite difficult to abandon the consolidated habit of comfort. What do not say, and the well-being of citizens over the last decade has grown significantly. Many have become available to buy real estate, good furniture, travel abroad, etc. Now the same furniture can be afforded to yourself with a loaf.

In this regard, it began to enjoy popular furniture made to order, or economy-version of cabinet furniture from DVP, chipboard, etc. Open a small workshop for the production of such furniture, and not "break the head", which is profitable to produce, for a man, which hands "grow from the right place" labor will not be. An interesting idea of \u200b\u200bmaking wicker furniture, which you can find out by clicking on the link.

Another type of business that will always be in demand is the production of goods for funerals:

  • coffins
  • crosses
  • feet
  • shop and bench
  • wanted

While scientists did not discover the secret of immortality, the ritual business will always be in trend. It is easy to organize the production of ritual goods, especially if you have a reliable business plan, whose writing you can order on this site.

Services sector

It is also impossible not to mention some types of services that, with general economic tension, only "gain momentum". These include the service of "husband for an hour", which takes out small home repairs, and carrying out other services that require male strength, or skills and skills. You can find out more about this.


Before you ask yourself a question "What is profitable to produce", ask yourself, and "Draw" whether you are a business. Do you have enough motivation, desire, is there a solid goal, is there an action plan for its achievement? After all, this is probably the main thing that is needed to organize your business. Money, the necessary dating, and so on, too, of course, it is important, but secondary.

At the business plan compiling, each entrepreneur carefully studies the current situation in the market in order to determine the most popular areas of business. This step allows you to create a profitable project that will become a source of regular income. However, creating a thriving business is not always possible. Many newbies often make a mistake when choosing a direction of future activities. In order to avoid the failure, it is very important to carefully assess the prospects for the selected activity and study consumer demand. In this article we suggest discussing the most popular production in Russia.

Profitability - this is fast payback, high income and low risk percentage

Analysis of the modern situation in Russia for small businesses

The study of the situation established in the modern market is one of the main stages of preparation for the implementation of the business project. It is important here to note that you can create a profitable project both in the service sector and in various directions of commercial activities. It is necessary to mention that the above sections have the highest level of competition, which leads to various difficulties with creating a business. It is this factor that makes many entrepreneurs pay attention to the sphere of production and make the manufacture of various goods.

This market niche has a large scale and includes several dozen different directions. Before creating your own business, an entrepreneur needs to carefully study all the subtleties and nuances associated with the production itself. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the opening of its own production will require large financial injections at each of the project implementation stages.

Despite the high complexity of the organization, the production business has the highest profitability.

According to statistics, the modern Russian market is rich in imported goods, the cost of which is pretty high for most citizens of our country. This factor contributes to the emergence of domestic enterprises who are ready to offer similar products at a lower cost. In order for the proposed products to have high competitiveness, the entrepreneur needs to create an ideal proportion between the quality of the products offered and their price.

Special attention in the implementation of a project related to the creation of production should be given to a bureaucratic issue. In order to start your own business, the entrepreneur needs to undergo state registration and get a bunch of permissive documents. The presence of a complete package of documents allows you to conduct legal business and not be afraid of checks by control bodies.

In order to create a successful and profitable project, an entrepreneur will need to attach titanic efforts at the preparation stage. At this stage, it is very important to identify the most demanded products in the region where business is planned. This step will create a preliminary assessment of the sales market and determine the main stages of business development. To identify the scarce goods is quite difficult, however, it should be remembered that all the efforts made will turn into profits. When analyzing, it is very important to pay attention to the pricing policy and behavior of competitors. Based on available information, you can create an individual work scheme of the future enterprise, which will reduce the cost of production of selected products.

Business in the field of production practically guarantees the entrepreneur high profits and stable income

Most popular small business directions

In order to choose the most profitable direction of production activities, the businessman needs to carefully examine the various product groups. The demand for goods is estimated on the basis of such criteria as:

  1. Features of the region and economic conditions.
  2. The solvency of potential customers.
  3. Influence of seasonality and fashion trends.

It should be understood that in the warm regions there are few products such as down jackets and fur coats, and in the extreme north there is no demand for swimsuits and shorts. In order to determine the level of demand in demand, it is necessary to carefully study the amount and elasticity of demand for similar goods, as well as the amount of raw materials and consumables in free access. In addition, it is very important to determine the payback rate of investments. Based on these criteria, you can identify the most profitable production in Russia today. Below, we suggest detail to consider several different directions of this business that uses high popularity.


Construction and repair work are carried out both in large megalopolis and small towns. This aspect suggests that a business based on the manufacture of building materials can bring large profits b. In order to competently choose a specific niche for its company, an entrepreneur needs to carefully assess the amount of equity.

One of the rather favorable types of business is the manufacture of paving slabs, facing bricks and foam blocks. This direction does not require major costs of organizing the workshop. It should be noted here that a significant part of the production equipment can be made at home. Some entrepreneurs use industrial and domestic waste as raw materials. As an example, you can bring a business based on the manufacture of paving slabs from recycled car tires.

Materials for interior decoration of premises also have high demand. Today, many entrepreneurs reveal small workshops specializing in the manufacture of doors and windows. This type of business also does not require significant financial injections to implement the project.

According to experts, the construction sphere is a large segment of the market consisting of dozens of different directions. You need to choose a specific sphere, taking into account both the material base and the existing professional knowledge. It should be understood that an attempt to implement a large-scale project can cause losses. More appropriate to start a business with a narrow specialization. This approach will create the initial customer database and get the practical experience of entrepreneurial activity.

Entrepreneurship associated with the production of food or industrial products is complex, but the long-term and promising business


Food products - the most advantageous production for small businesses due to the high and stable demand of consumers. At the stage of preparation for this business, it is very important to carry out a deep analytical study in order to identify scarce goods in a specific region. From the point of view of the economy, the production of food products is a budget direction of entrepreneurship. However, this sphere implies a clear compliance with the rigid framework, which is established by the controls.

As practice shows, newcomers in this business are best to start with the manufacture of products having a long shelf life. This category includes various semi-finished products and pasta. Dumplings, manta and dumplings are used by increased demand among consumers. Production of these goods can be established in the usual kitchen. The main advantage of this area is the relatively low cost of industrial equipment. Another relevant idea is to create a damp. Despite the fact that this business requires large investment, the created workshop quickly pays off all invested funds.

It should also be noted that some ideas from this direction can be implemented with minimal financial costs. These directions can be classified a small homemade smoking or bakery. Another popular view of the business is the manufacture of beer at home. Summarizing all of the above, it can be concluded that the manufacture of food products is one of the largest niches today.

Light industry

Easy industry - a very popular direction of small business. Many people of our country are striving to improve their life conditions. This aspect contributes to an increase in demand for soft and cabinet furniture, garden kits and various interior items. The level of profitability of this direction is about thirty-five percent. In order to achieve this indicator, the entrepreneur needs not only competently develop a business plan, but also correctly embody his idea. As practice shows, the organization of business does not require major costs, which significantly reduces the payback period of invested capital.

Soap, toilet paper production and manufacture of hygiene products - high profitable production for small businesses. Products related to this category are in high demand and are purchased daily by thousands of Russians. The start of this business does not require major initial investments and can be a source of stable earnings. In regions where tourism is highly developed, it is more appropriate to focus on the manufacture of souvenirs. In other cities, it is more appropriate to open a sewing atelier and make the production of leather products and accessories.

Your own business is a rather complicated and laborious process.

Goods for pets

According to statistics, each third family has one or more pets. This means that more than thirty percent of Russians are constant buyers of various petrootters. All products presented in this market can be divided into four separate categories:

  1. Dog food - Products presented in this category cover about forty-four percent of the market.
  2. Cat food - Products presented in this segment takes about twenty six percent of the niche.
  3. Cosmetics and care products - About twenty five percent of the niche.
  4. Food for rodents, fish and birds - About five percent of the market.

Based on the above statistics, it can be concluded that the highest competition is present in the field of food manufacturing for pets. In order to enter this business, newcomers are more appropriate to start with those niches, where competition is softer. An excellent idea for the start of its own project can be the manufacture of diapers, shampoos and other cosmetic agents intended for pets.

Separate attention deserves the issue related to the production of pet furniture. This direction has its own characteristics in the form of potential customers. The created product should have a universal, unique design and made from natural materials. To date, high demand is observed both on litters and sun beds, and entire complexes intended for games of pets.


Tourism is one of the largest market areas for both Russia and the rest of the world. As a rule, novice businessmen choose this sphere to create their own travel agencies or hotels. Such enterprises require large cash investments. In the absence of a large amount of money, more appropriate to focus on the manufacture of clothing, accessories and inventory designed for tourism. In order to successfully implement a similar idea, it is very important to know many subtleties of active tourism.

As an example of one of the popular destinations, it is possible to manufacture roomy tourist backpacks. In addition, you can make the manufacture of hammocks, tents, rubber boats and sun beds. This product is more appropriate to sell through online stores or specialized trading platforms.

Car equipment

Every year the number of car owners is steadily growing. This means that various equipment intended for cars will be constantly in demand. For the organization of the workshop for the production of basic nodes and elements of the body design, large capital will be required. This money needs to be inserted into the acquisition of various machines, presses and other specialized techniques. Newbies in this direction more appropriate to start a business from the manufacture of covers, vinyl film or car stickers. These areas do not require major organizational expenses, and the projects themselves pay off for several months.

A rather promising direction is the manufacture of creative janitors. As an idea, you can take the traffic police officers, mashas, \u200b\u200banimals that make tails or any famous personalities. Manufactured products can be distributed through social networks, forums for motorists and trading platforms.

The most favorable destinations of entrepreneurship are the production and management of services

Profitable perspectives

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in many sectors of the domestic market are exclusively foreign goods. This trend is observed both in the field of household appliances and food products. Many domestic manufacturing companies use raw materials and consumables as the main elements of their products. Today to build profitable production for small business is quite difficult, since the offered goods must withstand competition with foreign counterparts. In order to attract the attention of compatriots, the businessman needs to offer a quality product at a price lower than that of major competitors.

When analyzing the current situation on the market, it is very important to take into account the needs of not only ordinary citizens, but also other businessmen. The B2B market is also wide as the consumer market. Work in several directions can significantly increase profits and get a larger client base. Many entrepreneurs who own their own production seek to reduce costs, through the use of domestic raw materials and consumables. This means that entrepreneurs engaged in the production of products on which there are high demand, quickly reach invested investments and will be able to expand their scope of their influence on the market.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article, we reviewed many different ideas related to the organization of our own production. Each of these ideas has a number of features, subtleties and nuances. Choosing a specific project, the future businessman needs to develop a competent business plan containing not only the financial model, but also a thorough analysis of competitors. This approach will allow to get a profitable business that will not require additional financial injections.

Today there are various ways to make money. You can work in the organization of a narrow specialization or from a private entrepreneur. And you can organize your business - mini production of any products. The payback of this type of activity depends on many factors.

Production in the garage

Each person who has a garage room has at its disposal, tries to use it for organizing his own business. Production can be different scales. It all depends on the skills of a novice businessman and its investment.

Today you can produce the following products in the garage:

  • metal structures;
  • construction Materials;
  • various manufacturing and industrial goods.

Some businessmen get a mini-alcohol plant for alcohol production.

Note. Illegal maintenance of such activities threatens an entrepreneur administrative punishment. Therefore, it is better to register everything.

Spiritzavod at home

Initially, it is necessary to determine for which objects will be produced. These may be areas:

  • pharmaceuticals;
  • production of alcoholic beverages;
  • chemical industry;
  • perfumes and cosmetics.

It is also necessary to choose raw materials for the production of alcohol. As a rule, the technological process uses the following agricultural crops:

  • corn;
  • potatoes;
  • sugar beet;
  • fruits.

It is necessary to select a supplier of high-quality raw materials so that the products correspond to all established standards (GOSTA).

Necessary equipment:

  • locker installation;
  • brain tank;
  • alcoholometers;
  • separators;
  • refrigeration plants;
  • thermoelectric heaters.

Today, the search for specialized equipment is facilitated. There is a huge number of enterprises in its manufacture. It is only necessary to choose the seller who has the optimal cost of products.

Production of metal structures in the garage

Small business - production of metal products in the utility or garage room. A beginner entrepreneur should be able to:

  • welding structural elements with various types of welding;
  • process seams;
  • correctly measure the size of the product;
  • qualitatively painting finished products.

Installation of metal structures is carried out by the entrepreneur itself or employees. Despite this, knowledge of how can the designs can be consolidated on any reason, are necessary.

At the initial stage of production, this equipment will need:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian with additional nozzles;
  • clamps;
  • table for cutting and welding structural elements;
  • vice.

Do not forget about the utility tools: hammer, corner, roulette, construction level and others.

Note. You can measure the parameters of the future design yourself.

Today, entrepreneurs produce the following products:

  • gate (entrance and garage);
  • wickets;
  • lattices;
  • doors;
  • fences of varying complexity;
  • stair marches;
  • decor elements.

For production, such raw materials are used: metal pipes, corners, steel sheets, wire.

It is worth considering that no one will not surprise anyone with a simple design of the metal structural. Therefore, in the creation of certain products you need to use them can be bought in the finished form or produce yourself. This will require mining for metal warming, special forms, sledgehammers, nippers and other tools.

Ideas Mini-Production of Building Materials

This type of activity today is familiar to almost everyone. The following materials can be made in the garage:

  • foam block;
  • aerated concrete;
  • borders;
  • paving slabs;
  • concrete rings;
  • hatch caps;
  • grape columns;
  • and much more.

That is, almost all small structures created on the basis of a concrete solution or natural clay.

Raw materials for the production of products:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • clay;
  • additional components.

The latter includes hardeners, allowing the concrete solution to stick much faster. As well as substances that improve the qualitative indicators of a concrete solution.

To equip a mini shop for this production, you will need the following:

  • concrete mixer;
  • forms to give parameters of the product;
  • auxiliary tools;
  • vibrotol, which can be collected independently;
  • an ordinary table for laying tools and shapes.

The natural process of frozen a concrete solution can last from one to three days. If you put a small chamber in the garage room, which will be heated, the finished product is obtained faster. Forms with concrete solution are placed in this chamber, where they are up to the complete drying of the material.

It will be worth it to organize not only a mini-shop, but also a small warehouse for the storage of finished products. In private home ownership with this question there will be no problems.

Methods manufacturing

Production in the garage of fasteners is gaining increasing popularity. You can make bolts, nuts, studs and more. To do this, you need to install a lathe with various nozzles, as well as additional equipment and tables. Such production can be put on line if the scale of the garage room is allowed.

Production of wire products

The ideas of mini-production from wire in the garage are quite diverse. Despite this, nails and chain grid are quite often manufactured. This requires special machines. This type of production is characterized by the fact that it is not necessary to install it. You can perform one-time orders.

Plastic recycling

This business can be opened in the garage and not to invest large amounts. As a rule, capital for creating is limited to 50,000 rubles. It is necessary to purchase such equipment:

  • extruder;
  • press compressor;
  • schroeder;
  • injector.

Machines are collected and established independently. You can ask for help from a specialist in this area.

The main advantage of this idea of \u200b\u200bmini-production is the availability of the feedstock. In the manufacture of plastic garbage: bottles, pallets and much more. All this can be recycled and create real masterpieces and stunning decor elements:

  • flower pots;
  • and other.

The imagination of the entrepreneur is a prerequisite for this type of production. Develop such a business with the help of friends and acquaintances.

Manufacture of joinery

Wood products today have gained special popularity. All this is due to its quality indicators. Products serve for a long time, and also have an attractive appearance. Only here is a good master who would produce products to order, find quite difficult.

In this business, great competition, and will initially have to earn a reputation. What can be made of wood:

  • interroom and entrance doors;
  • tables and chairs;
  • tombs and dressers;
  • cabinets and beds;
  • shelves and stands.

This range of products does not end. It all depends on the fantasy and the abilities of a businessman, because the production will have to be independently saved at the initial stage of development.

It will take the following for production:

  • machines: turning, sawing, grinding;
  • jointer;
  • table;
  • uscape tools.

If the products are stained, it is necessary to allocate a separate room for work.

Linet customers with original design and quality of work. The more unusual it is a product, the greater interest and delight it will cause.

Production of consumer goods

Whatever happened in a person's life, he will provide himself with everything necessary. The group of consumer goods includes the following:

  • products;
  • footwear;
  • clothes;
  • household chemicals.

Types of production of each product differ significantly from each other.

Production of products at home

Consumer goods have been implemented in past centuries. Only earlier sales market was limited to neighbors and relatives. Now, such home mini production is developing on an industrial scale.

If the dimensions of land tenure are allowed, you can grow vegetables, fruits, agricultural crops. At the moment, the state purchases the finished products of these species for the purpose of processing or resale.

Note. Quite often, the farmer works at a loss. This factor is due to quite large initial financial investments and their incorrect distribution..

It is for this reason that it is necessary to pre-calculate all the costs of conducting activities and draw up a business plan with the planning planning of the project. This can be done independently, but it is better to attract a specialist.

The ideas of mini-production of consumption products do not end. You can produce dairy products. It is worth considering what to keep the cattle is optional. It is enough to find a permanent supplier of high-quality raw materials.

Processing milk and produce products from it only with the help of special equipment. Since such goods are considered perishable and belong to the first risk group for malicious bacteria. It is necessary to follow the technological process.

Council. This type of activity must be registered, and to produce products to obtain a license.

Sewing shoes and clothes

Perhaps this is the most common type of home production. It requires minor investments, since all the work is performed directly at home in a separate room, and the equipment is not too expensive. It is better to start with the repair of products, earning a reputation. Competition in this area is quite large. Over time, you can develop your production and go to large volumes and sales of ready-made products.

Mini bakery at home

Any hostess that can bake real culinary masterpieces, dreams of opening its production. You need to start with small: bake buns or pies. Then you can go to more complex products: cakes, cakes and other sweets. It will not be superfluous to show your fantasy in baking design. The more interesting design and taste quality of products, the more buyers will become permanent.

To bake products, a high-quality brass furnace will be required. It is desirable that that works from electricity. Furnaces of this type have several heating elements, stretching at the top, downstairs on the sides of the brass chamber.

Small business - production of any products at home. Over time, you can go to a new level, which provides for additional investments, and produce products on an industrial scale.

In organizing our own production, you should not neglect the quality of products. It is also necessary to find the suppliers of raw materials in advance and organize the market. Without proper sales of products, further development and increasing business profitability are impossible.