The whole truth about Zemfire: why she lives in an empty apartment and who prepares cheese. Singer Zemfira: biography, personal life, photo

The whole truth about Zemfire: why she lives in an empty apartment and who prepares cheese. Singer Zemfira: biography, personal life, photo
The whole truth about Zemfire: why she lives in an empty apartment and who prepares cheese. Singer Zemfira: biography, personal life, photo

It is difficult to believe in it, but today, on August 26, Zemfire Ramazanova will be 40 years old. The presentation of its first album took place in 1999. During this time, she turned into musical legend, and her life overtook all sorts of speculation. "Starkit" chose five myths and checked them.

Myth 1. The Uchpochmack group collapsed, and singer's nephews left abroad (though)

After the death of parents and brothers, Zemfira there is no closer to nephews, 26-year-old Arthur and Artem Ramazanov. Three years ago with them she sang in group The. Uchpochmack. "Their album First and Last was the only one," said "Starhit" Dmitry Emelyanov, the Guitarist of the collective. - We performed together, but the group existed for a short time. IN last time I saw the guys in 2014. "

Traveling the year with tips with aunt, nephews returned to their native Ufa. "Artem and Arthur are still engaged in music, in their studio they write songs, but few people give them to listen," Evgenia Ostapenko shared them with "Starhit", cousin Ramazanov. - Sing for friends or for relatives at homemade gatherings. You don't think to marry yet, although there are a lot of fans. Yes, and the thought of the guys now about the friend. At the end of August, they fly to London, will learn at the faculty pop vocal. A few years ago, they were already in England, only mastered the directing work. They then helped them. "

As long as the guys in Ufa, Artem helps Mom Natalia Vladimirovna. She is a businesswoman and is the founder of Forward CJSC, which is engaged in the supply of products to the network of universes.

Myth 2. First Love Zemfira - Musician from Ufa (fiction)

Not once wrote that Vladislav Kolchin was the first love of the star, they in the mid-90s performed in the Ufa Restaurant "Jespar". IN autobiographical book "Music as a chance to defeat multiple sclerosis" - her presentation will take place on September 14 - Vlad spoke about the fight against the disease and dedicated the singer to the whole chapter. In it, he revealed the truth about their relationship - future star It was just a cover for quag. A long-time friend writes the following: "... The owner of the institution showed interest to me ... Zemfira just in case, fearing for my security, as I could, performed the role of my girl."

Myth 3. Raised your hand on a man (though)

// Photo: From Leonid Burlakova's personal archive

"Zemfira was in the center of the scandal ..." - such headlines can often be found in the press. Even friends are known that the singer is better not to come across.

"Society can roll like anyone," Vlad Kolchin musician recalls. - Bandits were often gathered at the Jespar restaurant. Once they jerked and began to make orders for songs. One Zemfira flatly refused to execute. Then one brithead approached, leaned over her and began to chop something. Zemfira, as usual at such moments, swallowed and listened carefully. When it was over, she chokingly shook him in a slap and rushed into the back. In the hall began disassembly, noise, screams. We were defended by the restaurant guards, and to lean the conflict, I had to call familiar bandits. "

Why the singer behaves this way, explained her first producer Leonid Burlakov: "Corrence and rudeness is the usual protection from people. In fact, Zemfira is a spiritual and attentive person. A year and a half ago I called me to find out how are you. She told that she was in Ufa at Mom. Handed over to Florida Hakyevne. That thanked for the fact that I helped my daughter in a musical career. And I said thanks for Zemfira. She also adores children and with them itself turns into a child. Somehow, and my daughter and Masha and her daughter looked at her visit. She was not only welcoming us, but also painted very tasty cheesery. "

Myth 4. Singer has a severe disease (fiction)

"To work like Zemfira, you need a lot of strength," Lonid Burlakov produces producer. - No doping will help, but will only interfere. Zemfira understands it. She performs with concerts of almost 20 years. "

But the problems with the health of the star really are.

"She has a chronic disease, she constantly complained about pain in the left ear," recalls a journalist and producer Alexander Kushnir. "I remember that when she just moved to Moscow, she had no money and register. I helped her with doctors. Among my friends there were specialists of the highest qualifications. "

A few years ago, the old disease is chronic otitis - aggravated, and the singer even got into the hospital.

Myth 5. Lives in an empty apartment (though)

"If you ever find yourself at a party, you will see that the singer only uses three items," says Leonid Burlakov. - This is a sofa - she sits on it, the table is for work, piano - to write music. Zemfira is not a fan of things, and by and large she doesn't care what she's dressed. Yes, and tastefully trouble. Outwardly, she was transformed with the Nastya Kalmanovich and Renate Litvinova, who put her hand to her style. She more concern other things. I remember with what enthusiasm Zemfira was looking for an amplifier for bass. I ordered it from London, and when I got it, I was rejoiced like a child. "

By the way, on the cover of the first album of the singer "Zemfira", too, nothing superflore - only wallpapers in the flower from her first removable apartment. "She then lived in Peredelkino," recalls a journalist and producer Alexander Kushnir. - There have taken this picture. And when it became clear that the album rushed, made a witty gift for dedicated - released a limited circulation of CDs, only 999 pieces. A beautiful brown chair was given on the cover - as a sign that used to be only wallpaper before, and now the money appeared on the furniture. Now this record is inconceivable money, and I have it. "

// Photo: Personal archive Leonid Burlakova

Name: Zemfira (Zemfira Ramazanova)

Age: 39 years

Place of Birth: ufa

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Activity: musician, singer, composer

Family status: single

Zemfira - Biography of the singer

Against the background of the sieves and pumped silicone pop-stars Zemfira Ramazanov seems an inconspicuous sparrow. However, non-standard image, difficult poems and music do not interfere with her for many years to collect stadiums.

This singer does not depend on the tastes of the crowd, nor from the silly rules of show business. For this, not only pop stars, but also serious musicians, and some producers are also afraid - they know that it is impossible to persuade nor to buy Zemfira.

Children's years, the beginning of the musical career Zemfira Ramazanova

On the way to school, a girl with anger jerked bright bows, which thoughtfully tied her mother. It would be her will, she and this brown dress would change the pants. Are the adults do not understand that so much more convenient? Why was she born by a girl? Zemfire was much more interesting to drive the ball with neighboring guys. However, at school, despite the dislike for shape, she studied almost excellent: grabbed everything on the fly.

Future popular singer Zemfira was born on August 26, 1976 in the capital of Bashkiria G Ufa.

The musical school of Zemfira went even earlier than in the usual one. She was only four years old when her, soloist children's choirshowed on the local TV channel. Then she realized that he would like to sing most about the world. No, the glory of "girls from the TV" she was not needed, she just wanted to write songs herself. Alas, they didn't take such kids, and she barely suffered a year until she was allowed to come to class and sit down for the piano. And at seven, Zemfira composed his first song and presented her beloved mother.

The Ramazanov family lived in the dysfunctional area of \u200b\u200bUfa, but everyone knew the batturka better not to touch, because she had Ramil's brother, who is ten years older. That is why after the lessons she turned into a real contest - she so wanted to be like a brother. Over time, musical addictions have changed: in the adolescence of Zemfira, Rock was listened for hours - Favorite Brother's Brother Sabbat and Queen groups.

Then basketball entered her life. Comparatively small growth was compensated by the energetic and sports anger. At 14, Ramazanov became the captain of the junior team of Russia! But in the graduation class I had to choose - sport or music. I turned the second.

Zemfira also understood - the songs of "Cinema" and "Nautilus Pompilius", which she sang on the streets of Ufa, it's great, but it is better to fulfill something your own, the more she was that to say this world. The girl was enrolled immediately to the second course of the vocal branch of the local art school. But the breakthrough did not happen: she still sang not his, however, it moved from the streets to restaurants.

In the mid-1990s, there was not the most decent public there, but even next to the gangsters Zemfira managed to hold on with dignity. Once in response to the refusal to "Determines" Murku, "he was shot. It is unlikely that someone had the intention to kill the singer, but it was frightened then strongly, but did not give any type and to sing to the order did not.

After the school, Ramazanov worked at the Ufa "Europe Plus" with a sound operator. The recording of foreign rollers was excellent practice, besides, on the government equipment, she slowly reduced her first songs. In 1998, through acquaintances, he handed the cassette to the producer of the Mumi Troll group. Leonid Burlakov immediately contacted Zemfira and called to Moscow. The flair never failed the show business.

No one expected instant takeoff, even Zemfira herself. At the end of 1998, she selects songs for a debut album. By that time there were fifty, and only fifteen had to choose. In early 1999, the album was recorded and coated in London. Helped a beginner star "Mumiy Troll" -. He tested sympathy for Zemfire, because he himself was once a modest provincial, the only advantage of which is unique, not like music.

And it suffered - presentations, interviews, concerts ... From the first press conference, the relationship with journalists from Zemfira was not set. They must ask with a smart species, she - with a smart look to carry nonsense. So do everything and always. But Zemfira tried to answer questions honestly, and they did not understand her. But they were accused of saying, a barbed, sharp, who does not recognize halftone. Zemfira listened and winds on the mustache.

If people are more convenient to think so, she is ready to play out! She became dressed in black and white gamma. Let them say that the singer is worn from some contrasts and contradictions. In fact, Zemfira understands and knows how to express all the shades of feelings. Her texts and music - the best thing evidence.

Journalists, producers, studios owners and all who are somehow connected with Ramazanova at work assure that she hard man. But singing "I suffocate from tenderness", never having experienced such a feeling, it is simply impossible. Only the closest know how much it can be sensitive and touching with those who really love. And who she loves?

Zemfira Ramazanova - Personal life of the singer

The only story that Zemfira shared with the press is the story of her first love.

With a saxophonist, Vladik Kolchin, she met in the nobody. He told later that their feeling was rather passion than tenderness. Sometimes they argued to the fight, then they also murdered violently to start swearing again. Argued about creativity. It would be about what! The issue of eggs left is not worth it, but Zemfira did not want to let anyone in his music. It will be as he hears and only she feels! Vlad went to Peter, she remained in Ufa, on that story and ended.

Then we went to talk about service novel Between Ramazanova and her boss, the head of Europe Plus, Sergey Anatsky. But Zemfira quickly realized that relations do not have the prospects in any creative, nor in personal plan (Sergey was married for a long time). Now she threw her beloved, having left for Moscow.

The last "man of her personal life" was the musician from the group "Dancing Minus" Vyacheslav Petkun. At the end of 1999, they announced the engagement and even organized a photo session in wedding dresses. And in March next year, both stated that the wedding was postponed indefinitely. But everyone has already understood that this story is just a fiction: both Zem, and fame - those also joker!

Now she was increasingly suspected of contacts with women. They wrote that producer Ramazanova Anastasia von Kalmanovich as if even with her husband divorced, if only " male start"Do not spoil their sensual relationship. It seems that the ladies prevented not only men. In any case, the lines "want, I will kill the neighbors" Zemfira dedicated to the Nastya. After two years, they broke up, and the closest man for Zemfira became Anya Kruchinin, who performed the role of the chauffeur and the guard.

Finally, in 2005, Zemfira found a relative soul, the same intellectual, whose care for public opinion is. But it is also considered to be a person not from this world. The more they hid their communication, the more fierce journalists tried to catch them in connection. Even a surveillance was arranged to find out who is somewhere overnight. It was easier to stop hiding. For almost ten years they support friendly relations, considering below your dignity to explain something to the crowd.

And yet, there is in the personal life of Zemfira Ramazanova the most beloved and the closest man - her brother Ramil. Rather, it was: in 2010, he drowned in the river during the underwater hunt. Cropped by the branches of the trees and could not be free ... The singer with difficulty survived this loss. Adorable nephews, Gemini Arthur and Artem - That's all that she has left. So Zemfira does not know at all, she knows how to love and be beloved. And we will not interfere.

Zemfira: discography

Forgive me, my love
Fourteen weeks of silence
Thank you
Live in your head

Zemfira - incredibly talented russian singer, which opened a completely new movement in Russian rock, called "Women's Rock".


Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova was born on August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa, which at that time was included in the Bashkir ASSR. The girl grew in an intelligent Bashkir-Tatar family. Father Girls, Talgat Talheevich, taught history at school. Also, Zemfira has an older brother named Ramil.

From the early age Music talent woke up at Zemfira. From 5 years old girl went to the piano lessons to a music school, later she was taken by a soloist in a school choir.

Also in 5 years, the future singer first appeared on television: on the local TV channel the girl sang a song about the worm.

As a child, the future singer had many hobbies, she attended 7 circles at once, but more attention paid music and basketball. Despite the fact that school team Basketball Zemfira was the lowest in the team, the future singer became the captain in the junior team of the Russian Federation.

Zemfira in youth

After graduating from school, Zemfira decides to seriously engage in music and enters the separation of pop-jazz vocals in the art school of Ufa. In parallel with study, the girl performs her favorite performers on the street: "Cinema", "Nautilus Pomelius" and "Aquarium", as well as in the original sings Freddie Mercury and George Michael's composition.

After graduating from Zemfira's school, together with his classmate Vlad Kolchiny, playing a saxophone, performed songs in the restaurants of Ufa. But soon the girl is tired of it, and she decided to find another job.

Start musical career

In 1996, Zemfira took a sound operator in the local branch of the Europe-Plus radio station. At the same time, she starts writing his first songs in the CakeWalk program. With the help of this program, the song "Snow", "Sinoff", "Rockets" and "Why", entered the first album of the singer.

Also, the girl has time to work with a back-vocalist in the popular team of that time "Spectrum Ace". In the same year, Zemfira persuades Arkady Mukhtarov to record the performer's demo.

In the same year, Zemfira decides to collect his group. The first participant becomes the bass guitarist Rinat Ahmadiev, then Rinat brought his friend Drummer Sergei COVINOV, next year the team serves Sergey Mirolyubov and Solo-guitarist Vadim Solovyev.

The newly connected group goes to Moscow to promote your team. In the capital, at the Maksidrom festival, Zemfira, through journalists, there is a disc with the Songs recorded by the songs by Leonid Burlakov, the producer of the Mumi Troll team. He, listening to the song, decides to record the album.

Since 1998, active work on the creation of the first album begins. The Mumiy Troll group actively helped beginners with a record - Vokalist Ilya Lagutenko made a saund-producer, and Yuri Tsaler and Oleg Pungin participated in the record. In January 1999, heard the album in London. On May 10, the release of the first album occurs under the name "Zemfira", which incredibly quickly gained popularity among the listeners.

For songs "AIDS", "Arividerchi" and "why" clips were shot shortly, which only increased the popularity of Zemfira. In tour, the team went three months after the release of the record, the full halls of the listeners were gathered at the concerts.

Upon returning from the tour, Zemfira group is accepted for the record of the second album. On March 28, 2000, the release of an album called "Forgive me, my love" who was registered the most popular album of 2000. Zemfira herself received the title of "Performers of the Year" from the publication "OM".

In the album entered famous songsEncouraged by popularity and still: "I was looking for", which became a Soundtrack "Brother 2", "Want", "City" and "Dawn". After the release of the plates of Zemfira organizes the All-Russian tour, which had a stunning success.

On April 1, Zemfira with a solo concert performed at the IC "Olympic". At one of the concerts held in Ufa, an unpleasant incident happened - 19 people suffered from the crush. After what happened, the singer stated that she was "creative vacation," he canceled all concerts and the year did not appear on the scene.

An exception was to participate in the project "Film Projects", organized in honor of the memory of the favorite performer Zemfira Viktor Tsoi.

Zemfira after "creative vacation"

After a year of silence, the singer decides to completely change the style, so from that moment the Zemfira group is dissolved. Help with the recording of the new album, the singer asks musicians from Mumiy Troll - Oleg Pungin and Yuri Tsaler.

The release of the new album "Fourteen Weeks Silence" took place on April 1, 2002. The number of discs sold quickly went over to one million mark, critics began to actively discuss the new record. In 2003, for this album, the singer received the Award "Triumph".

In 2004 there were two renal events: At first, Zemfira spoke with Ilya Lagutenko at the Rock Festival "Maxidr", then at the MTV Russia ceremony Music Awards. together with group Queen. The singer performed the legendary composition "We Are The Champions".

In the same year, Zemfira records the track "Goddess: how I loved" to the film Renata Litvinova. In thanks to Renata, the clip of Zemfira on the song "Results".

Also in 2004 the performer decides to get higher education And he comes in Moscow State University to the Faculty of Philosophy. But the singer spent all the time to music, so I did not have time to learn. During the first session, Zemfira took Academ Vacation, but then he never recovered, for which was expelled in 2006.

In March 2005, the fourth album of the performer called "Vendetta", which consisted of 15 songs. The album received only positive assessments of listeners and critics, and was also named the second "take-off" album after her debut "Zemfira". May 10 began a tour in support of the record.

In the fall of 2007, the album "Thank you", which consisted of 12 songs. On October 21, a tour of the album began, and the completion of the tour was the performance of the Olympic SC. The following year, the singer won in the nominations "Soloist of the Year" and "Music" on the "Chartov Dress" premium.

Since 2011, Zemfira starts work on the sixth album "Living in Your Head". Before that Zemfira also released a collection of his b-siders called "Z-Sides". On July 8, 2012, Zemfira closed his official website for a while, dissatisfied with the fact that too many users are discussed in social networks its image and appearance.

In 2013, the work on the album "live in your head" and on February 15, the release of the album was held, who again produced Furore in the world russian Roca. This album set a record of domestic online sales, having collected 2 million rubles for a month.

Before the release of the album, the singer organized a tour in which 51 city traveled. In the fall of the same year, Zemfira received a reward in the nomination "Best russian performer»At the MTV Europe Music Awards.

In February 2016, a new tour began Small man" The singer traveled 20 cities of the Russian Federation and the countries of the neighboring abroad, the tour ended with an enchanting performance in Moscow. In this tour of Zemfira reported that it completes its tour.

Personal life

There is a lot of rumors about the personal life of the performer, but no comments on this singer gives.

It all started with the fact that the singer announced her wedding with Vyacheslav Petkun, the soloist of the group "Dancing minus", but this statement was only a PR-stroke. After that, Zemfire was attributed to Roman with Abramovich and Anastasia Kalmanovich, director of the singer.

IN lately Zemfire is attributed to the novel with Renata Litvinova, a friend of the performer and a film director, but they do not comment on the information.

In contact with


The future singer Zemfira was born in the city of Ufa. Already at the age of five, the future celebrity began to study music, enrolling in one of music schools According to the class of piano. There was also a vocalist in the chorus. And already at 7 years old she wrote her first work. Hooring Rock she took over in his youth from the older brother.

During his studies at school, Zemfira managed to try in many respects in addition to music. For example, she was the captain of the Junior women's team Russian Federation Basketball. And after the end of the Ufa School of Arts, in the department of pop vocals, he worked in 1996 in the Ufa branch of the famous radio channel "Europe Plus".

The first singer wrote their first serious works in parallel with the work on the radio. Still in Ufa it was created musical group "Zemfira". But decisive in her musical fate He became moving to Moscow in October 1998.

It was then, after listening to her songs by producer "Mumi-Trolli" Burlakov, she turned out to be invited to record the first songs of her debut album on Mosfilm Tone Studio. Musical producer For him, Ilya Lagutenko was raised, and the sound engineer is Vladimir Ovchinnikov. The full version appeared by November 7 of the same year.

Already in February 1999, the song "AIDS" was able to break into the rotation of such radio stations as "Our Radio", "M-Radio" and some others. After the "Rockets" and "Arvaverchi" and Ariversisti were popular. At the beginning of Marta, Zemfira pressed her first clip (in Prague) to the first of the famous songs.

The official presentation of the girl as singers occurred on March 24 at the Moscow Republic "Republic Beefeater". The press release of the first album "Zemfira" occurred on May 10th. And she began his first concert tour in September, traveling around the CIS cities with concerts until January 5, 2000.

At the same time, with the completion of the concert tour, Zemfira records remixes on the songs of London's "Sky" and "Snow". In addition, for this period there are also the first television broadcast of its performance.

On March 28, 2000, the presentation of the next album Zemfira "Forgive me my love" took place. For the same period, the recording of another clip was supplied to the song "I was looking for".

On May 20, in the same year, Zemfira debuted at the Olympic as a chadliner. And on August 26, the first premium in the field of culture named after Shaikhzad Babic, awarded in the Republic of Bashkortostan, came to her life.

April 2002 began for the singer from the presentation of the new, third, album "fourteen minutes of silence." He was recorded with a modified group of group. April 4th began and touring tour In support of the released disk.

2003 also became significant for her. It was then that she got a prestigious russian Prize "Triumph".

On October 16, 2004, Zemfira was awarded to fulfill with the Queen group during the passage of the MTV Russia Awards ceremony "WE ARE THE CHAMPONS".

The first spring day of 2005 was marked by the release of the fifth already in the account of the album "Vendetta", which included 15 compositions. And from May 10, the tour began with his presentation.

February 2006 was a DVD sales start with its clips called "Zemfira.dvd". It includes most of her clips created at that time.

In the autumn of the same, 2006, the year has occurred and the singer's concert album called "", which included 10 of her hits with previous albums.

Next was some break in her work. But in the spring of 2007, Zemfira continued its concert activity. In the tour of the tour, which was held at that time, all old hits were performed, but with a new arrangement.

October 2007 was the starting for the sales of the new album of the singer "Thank you", where the 12 of its new songs included. From October 21, a tour supporting a new disk began. And the completion of him was the concert in the Olympic.

In March next year, Zemfira was awarded to receive a musical well-known premium "Chartov Dress". There she won in the nominations "Music" and "soloist of the year".

In 2011-2013, the singer worked on the album to "live in your head". Before his creation, spontaneously was released another, received the name "z-sides".

During this period, it was also released and a number of songs are not for albums. In particular, the soundtrack for the film " Last fairytale Rita.

From the beginning of January, a tour started in support of its last album. As part of it, it was planned to hold concerts in 51 Big City.

On 2013, she was awarded and the most honorary Prize Mtveurope Music Awards on the nomination "Best Russian Artist".

At the end of October 2015, Zemfira reported the beginning of a new concert tour "Little Man".

During the Tour "Little Man", the performer visited more than 20 cities of the Russian Federation, as well as the city of near and far abroad. The first part of a huge tour started in February 2016 in Omsk and ended in April in Moscow, the second part has passed abroad: in Israel, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and in Canada.

During a large-scale tour, "Little Man" Zemfira announced the completion gastro activities. Nevertheless, the singer continued to present, and even more so distributed songs already recorded. Today, the official site of Zemfira is a business card site. On a page with a large black and white photo Links to popular online music shops, in which you can buy Zemfira tracks: "Apple Music", " Google Play."," Yandex. Music "," Spotify "," Deezer "and" ZVOOQ ".

In 2016, Zemfira recorded new track "Come home".

In July 2017, journalists learned that Zemfira could write a soundtrack for the film about the Great patriotic War "Sevastopol 1952". Directors Pictures are negotiating with a singer.

Zemfira - Family

Father - Talgat Talheevich Ramazanov, history teacher (1943-2009).

Mother - Florida Khakiyevna Ramazanova (1947), doctor specialist in therapeutic physical education.

The elder brother, Ramil Ramazanov, died in 2010 as a result of an accident during underwater hunting.

Zemfira - Personal Life

Personal life Zemfir for all musical career The singers were filled with all sorts of rumors and speculation. The singer itself put the beginning, at the very beginning announced a coming wedding in the leader of the group "Dancing minus" Vyacheslav Petkun, which was no more than an advertising move. Since then, the name Zemfira has completely connected with the oligarch Roman Abramovich, then with the director of the singer Anastasia Kalmanovich.

IN last years Journalists say: Zemfira and Renata Litvinova are not just a girlfriend, supposedly women binds something more. There were even rumors in the media that the stars got married in Stockholm. Girlfriends do not comment this information. The secretful nature of the singer and her dislike for the interview allows journalists only to build guesses regarding its private life.

In 2010, in the family of Zemfira occurred - her older brother Ramil drowned in the river during underwater hunting. A year earlier long disease Pope singer Talgat Talhovich died, and in early 2015 the singer lost his mother. Since then, the girl is trying to take care of the remaining nephews of Arthur and Artem, because at the end of 2013 Zemfira created with them joint music project. There are no own children from the singer.

Zemfir is dedicated to the page in "Instagram", on which 188 thousand people signed. Account is not verified, and the photos appearing in it are mainly made at concerts and other secular events.

He graduated from the separation of the pop vocal of Ufa School of Arts.

Since 1996, he worked as an operator at the Ufa branch of the radio "Europe plus". At the same time, she wrote her first songs: "Why", "snow", "synoptic".

In early 1998, organized their own group "Zemfira". For the first time, the group spoke on June 19 of the same year at the festival, dedicated day Birth of radio "Silver Rain - Ufa".

The recording of the group came to Leonid Burlakov, the producer of the Mumi Troll group, and he decided to write down new group album. Work on debut album lasted for several months and in May 1999 a presentation of the Album "Zemfira" was held. The album became very popular and big circulation quickly went throughout Russia.

In September 1999, the singer began his first concert tour, which finished in early January 2000 in Riga.

In March 2000, the following singer's album was presented, called "Forgive Me, My Love". In 2000, this album became the leader for the sale in Russia, the edition of the album exceeded one and a half million copies.

The first is big solo concert The singers were held with a huge success of April 1, 2000 in the metropolitan sports complex "Olympic".

In 2002, the third album "fourteen weeks of silence" came out. The album includes 13 new songs. By this time, Zemfira completely changed the composition of the group. The tour in support of the new plate started in April in Chelyabinsk.

In March 2004, she released the "Vendetta" album and the new tour began in May. In the same year, she was adopted at the Moscow Faculty of Philosophical state UniversityBut during his studies took an academic leave for the record of the next album, after which it did not recover at the university.

A significant event in the life of Zemfira was speaking on October 16, 2004, together with the Queen group with the WE ARE CHAMPONS composition at the MTV Russia Awards ceremony.

On June 13, 2006, the singer spoke in St. Petersburg at the Stop Counterfeit Festival with the Scorpions group.

In 2007, Zemfira continued speeches with concerts, held a "Deja-Vu" tour, during which he performed songs from previously released albums. In the same year, she released the DVD with the Zemfira.dvd clips, which entered and the clip shot by Renat Litvinova.

In October 2007, the album "Thank you" with songs written in 2006-2007 came out. After the release of Album, Zemfira held a tour that ended with the final concert on April 1, 2008 in Moscow in the Olympic.

In the same period, a film was released on the screens, filmed by director Renat Litvinova during a concert in the "Green Theater" Park them. Gorky on June 8, 2007.

On March 21, 2009, the B-Side album appeared on the Internet (songs that have not previously been on numbered albums) Z-Sides. The singer planned to release this album a few years ago, but transferred the release of the release due to work on the albums "Vendetta" and "Thank you."

January 1, 2010 in new Year's Eve The singer's website appeared the second "album" album "Zemfira.live2". The album entered 11 songs recorded during the tour "Thank you".

February 14, 2013 on the Yandex.Music service was laid out sixth studio album "To live in your head." Official release took place on February 15, 2013. Revenues from sales of the album for the first month amounted to two million rubles, which became a record for online sales of works by Russian performers.

All Zemfira released six studio and two concert album (including bi-sided album). Most often, she will produce their albums herself.

Many songs of Zemfire became very popular and leaded in the charts of Russia. Among them are such compositions as the "Sky of London", "Arividerchi", "Want", "Chamomile", "Infinity", "We are broken", etc.

In 2008, Zemfira became producer of the film " Green Theater. In Zemfire, "who highly appreciated critics.

In 2012, Zemfira and Renata Litvinova became producers of the film "The Last Fairy Tale Rita". In addition, Zemfira wrote musical accompaniment To this film. The picture took part in the Odessa and Moscow film festivals.

The singer began a tour "Little Man". During the concert in Nizhny Novgorod Zemfira stated that this particular tour will be the last. The first part of the tour covered 20 cities of Russia and neighboring countries and ended with two concerts in Moscow on April 1 and 3, the second will open on September 26, the only concert in Russia in Yekaterinburg. After that, the singer will give concerts in Germany, the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada.

Singer is actively engaged charitable activities. The means from concerts it sends for material support large families, orphans, on the treatment of cancer patients.

In 2000, Zemfira was awarded the State Youth Prize of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the field of culture named after Shaikhzad Babic.

In 2003, he became the laureate of the Russian Youth Award "Triumph" for outstanding success in the field of culture and art and MUZ-TV Prize best album ("Fourteen weeks of silence").

In 2008, Zemfira received an annual prize music Prize In the area of \u200b\u200bthe rock and roll "Charthova dozen. Top 13" in two nominations: "Soloist of the Year" and "Music" (for the song "We break up" from the album "Thank you").

In June 2008, the singer was twice the winner of the Prize alternative direction "Steppe Wolf" established musical criticism Artemia Troitsky.

In 2010, she became a laureate of the honorary premium "For the contribution of the development of science, culture and art" of the Russian Author's Company (RAO).

In 2013, Zemfira received the MTV Europe Music Awards Award in the "Best Russian Artist" category.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources