Green Theater Bi 2 Tickets. Summary Poster Moscow Rock Concerts

Green Theater Bi 2 Tickets. Summary Poster Moscow Rock Concerts
Green Theater Bi 2 Tickets. Summary Poster Moscow Rock Concerts

In September 2014, the B-2 group released its 9 studio album # 16Plus - the best in the opinion of many critics and the musicians themselves in the team history. Work on the album was held in different countries - moreover, on different continents: the record was carried out in the best Russian studios; In London, the legendary Adrian Bushby was engaged in information, the GRAMY premium owner for work on the MUSE group; And mastering took place in Los Angeles under the sensitive leadership of Mr. Brian "Big Bass" Gardner, behind which work with such world-famous groups and performers, like Black Eyed Peas, Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson. In 2014-2015, five # 16Plus singles were released: # Hipster, "Dark Heavens", "taken into the army", "three centimeters above the ground" and "Blues 16+", almost all of which spent not one week at the top of the hit -Prady "Our Radio" "Chartova Dozin". 6 clips were removed from the B-2 album songs. Five of them: # Hipster, "took into the army", "Only love is represented", "Blues 16+" and "Three centimeters above the Earth" - the audience were presented in 2014-15 and scored almost 5 million views on YouTube. And the release of the "Compromise" spent last summer, as well as the release of the single-name single, was held on February 3, 2016.

Tour in support of the album # 16Plus started in the fall - 2014 - from the moment the musicians performed songs from the record in more than 60 cities of Russia, Baltic States, Germany, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, USA, Moldova and Belarus. In Moscow, a presentation # 16Plus took place twice - the first Moscow show was held with the full manshlag in November 2014 in Crocus City Hall. And since far from anyone could get to the event, the musicians decided to spend another # 16Plus-concert in Moscow - the performance took place on April 17 at Stadium Live. This is what Bi-2 shows decided to save for history and publish it on DVD and CD. Tools for recording and release of the project # 16Plus [Email Protected] Live in record deadlines were collected on the crowdfunding portal.
Concerts # 16PlusTour` And remember the public not only a new program and invariably powerful Live sound - the B-2 business card, but also the original scenography prepared for the tour, as well as incredibly bright and no less powerful than sound, a light show that came up with And embodied on the stage Light Designer Group, David Misakyan.
Scale # 16PlusTour will be completed in June 2016. His final concert - Final Show - will be held on June 23 at the Moscow Green Theater. For those who, over this a year and a half, could not be on any of the B-2 speeches with the # 16Plus program, it will be a great opportunity to see (and hear Live!) Show Tour. And for those who have already visited # 16plus concerts - refresh the impressions and again to fulfill songs from the album # 16Plus and not only with the group Bi-2!
Special guests of the show will be the MANA ISLAND (RU) and The Glorious (UK / USA) group. MANA ISLAND Moscow Group was named by many critics of the Russian Music Indie-sensation, which is quite understandable: in just a couple of years of its existence, a group of "young promising team" has become a permanent guest of the largest Russian festivals, and at the presentation of his debut album Levin collected more than 700 spectators .
With foreign guests of the show, the group The Glorious, the B-2 fans are already familiar: this team has successfully "warmed up" the Bi-2 at one of the concerts. The Glorious Founders and Permanent Participants are Christopher Wicks - the famous designer, author and artist, as well as Mike Rossi - actor, writer, musician and producer, whose musical career began in the mid-70s in Manchester, where he founded one of the first punk -Grupp of the city, Slaughter & The Dogs. The Gitarist The Cult Billy Duffy, guitarist and one of the founders of Sex Pistols, Steve Jones, and the former Frontman Stone Temple Pilots, and the former frontman of Stone Temple Pilots, and Scott Weiland took part in the record.

June 23, 19:00
Moscow, Green Park Theater. Gorky
Special guests:
Mana Island (RU) and The Glorious (UK / USA)

# 16PlusTour #Finalshow.

In September 2014, the B-2 group released its 9 studio album # 16Plus - the best in the opinion of many critics and the musicians themselves in the team history. Work on the album was held in different countries - moreover, on different continents: the record was carried out in the best Russian studios; In London, the legendary Adrian Bushby was engaged in information, the GRAMY premium owner for work on the MUSE group; And Mastering was held in Los Angeles under the sensitive leadership of Mr. Brian "Big Bass" Gardner, behind which work with such world-famous groups and performers, like Black Eyed Peas, Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson. In 2014-2015, five # 16Plus-Singles were released: # Hipster, "Dark Heavens", "taken into the army", "three centimeters above the ground" and "blues 16+", almost all of which spent not one week at the top of the hit -Prady "Our Radio" "Chartova Dozin". 6 clips were removed from the B-2 album songs. Five of them: # Hipster, "took into the army", "Only love is represented", "Blues 16+" and "Three centimeters above the Earth" - the audience were presented in 2014-15 and scored almost 5 million views on YouTube. And the release of the "Compromise" spent last summer, as well as the release of the single-name single, was held on February 3, 2016.

Concerts # 16PlusTour `and remembered the public not only by the new program and invariably powerful Live sound - the B-2 business card, but also the original scenography prepared specifically for the tour, and also incredibly bright and no less powerful than the sound, the light show that came up with And embodied on the stage Light Designer Group, David Misakyan.

Scale # 16PlusTour will be completed in June 2016. His final concert - Final Show - June 23 in the Moscow Green Theater. For those who have failed to visit any of the B-2 speeches with the program

Rock Musicians completed a two-year tour of # 16Plus concert in Moscow.

Several thousand fans gathered in the Green Theater were able to hear not only the hits of the Bi-2 album of the same name, recognized as one of the best in the history of the group, but also the legendary songs - "My Rock and Roll", "Barbara", "Teach I am happy, "" Prayer ".

During the execution of lyrical compositions, the fans arranged slow dances under the scene, they produced balloons into the sky, which looked in a summer romantic and touching. The mood contributed to the musicians themselves who called fans to include mobilic lights.

Let's arrange group therapy today, they offered Shura and Lev from the scene. - Raise your mobile, lighters, all that burns.

The energetic songs were accompanied by dancing on stage, reaching the fans screaming from joy, and at the end of Lev went so much that he even denounced on the stage - he took off his t-shirt and threw her fans.

The musicians told reporters about their album and a tour, during which they made more than 60 cities of Russia, the Baltic States, Germany, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, the United States, Moldova and Belarus, and with a smile remembered that they were undressed for their speeches not only themselves. For example, liberated Tatarstan girls lasted only a few songs.

The girls simply took and undressed, "a shura remembered with a smile. - It was in Kazan. Therefore, they called the 16+ program, the children are prohibited.

Answering the question, whether they chose a break between Euro 2016 matches for the concert, the musicians laughed and admitted that football did not look and did not support the Russian national team.

We did not hurt for ours, we don't get health at all, we are engaged in health, "Shura and Lev wounded. - We wish them good football play. And not immediately spend all the money earned.

Musicians and plans for the summer shared were shared: festivals, July vacation with families, and then - hard work on a new album, which can be heard very soon.

We say goodbye to this record to write new ones. On September 1, we publish a new single, "Musicians" Bi-2 "shared.

Three songs from the new album are already completely reduced, three more will be ready by the end of summer. One of them, as the artists promise, will become "Kitara-Kitara". It is expected that the record will be released by the end of 2017. By that time, fans will be able

`A, there is the last opportunity to witness this grand event. On the eve of the show, Riamo correspondent talked to the frontmen of the Left and Shura group and found out that she would expect fans at the concert, as work on a new album passes, and how the creative unions "Bi-2" are born with colleagues in the workshop.

In September 2014, your album # 16Plus has been released, which is recognized as one of the best works. For almost two years, concerts passed in more than 60 cities of Russia, the CIS and Far Abroad. And here is the final point. What mood you come to her?

Shura: We ourselves believe that # 16Plus is really one of our best albums. It is very indicative that of the 12 album songs eight became singles. In my opinion, this is a wonderful result. As for the mood, we are ready to move on. For these two years, within the round, we traveled many cities in Russia, visited the Baltic States, Germany, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, the USA, Moldova and Belarus. We decided that the good point would close this story in Moscow. The final chord is here, and forward - to a new album.

- What will see the audience on the final show# 16PlusTour "A. ? Cook some surprises?

Leva: Yes, we agreed with banks, this day will be the lowest dollar rate (laughs).

Shura: In fact, why surprises? Home "Fishka" is really the last opportunity to visit the concert # 16PlusTour . We will not fulfill some songs from it. For fans, it is a chance to see the original scenography, hear all the songs of the album # 16 Plus in the lively sound. By the way, the scenography designed for the tour was implemented on each speech. # 16PlusTour . In every city, regardless of the scale of the hall, our fans saw the same show, and the audience, for example, in Barnaul saw the same as the viewer in New York.

- And who else from the musicians will take part in a concert on the 23rd? Will there be duets?

Shura: Duets will not. We will have special guests, they will perform in front of us. It will be a group of The Glorious from Los Angeles, such unhes for 60. With them playing Rick Ross - Guitarist Billy Aidol. The second team is already completely from another category. These are young hipsters, the MANA Island group from Moscow - very talented young guys, which many critics are called indie sensation.

If we talk about the album itself. The name "# 16Plus" is associated with age framework. For your audience, they exist? Who is your listener and what is his age?

Shura: There are no restrictions here. For myself, we made such an observation: with the release of the next album we see new people in the fan zone. The most active, those that turn out to be in the first rows of the scene, as a rule, guys are 15-18 years old. Those who older go further, and young people are ahead, each new album is other faces in the fan zone.

- To be an interesting young generation, you need to talk to him in the same language?

Leva: If in this way to build your creative life, then you can confuse all fans. I think this happens by itself.

If you are interested in yourself, then you will be interesting for the listener. We do not adapt to some particular audience.

In our songs, probably everyone finds something that he is close. For example, the song "Compromise", all our friends at the age of 35-40 say: "This song about me."

Here you do not add up, it's just your position, your interests. Songs are written by themselves. It happens that we ourselves do not always fully understand what this song is about, and after some time we discover some new meanings in it. This happens at the concert, in the process of execution. You grow, change, you begin to look different things in a different way, and one and the same song can be perceived differently. I think, and the listeners take place the same.

Often in your songs it is crying irony. In # 16Plus, I would even say, it sometimes goes into sarcasm. Are not afraid to push these certain groups of listeners?

Leva: I would say here more self-irony. Not only in relation to others, but above all, to themselves. If you do not know how to laugh at yourself, then make fun of others - the lesson is stupid, you should not do it at all.

So, the final show in the Green Theater is a point in working with the album # 16Plus, now you are already working on a new record. Do not open the veil, what to wait for fans?

September 1, you will hear the first single from the new album. It will have two songs, and one of them will be removed the clip.

Shura: This summer will have the most active recording period. And in the fall we will reduce everything in London. The album will appear next year. Then everyone will learn. Perhaps there will be unexpected duets ...

The album will be the same as the previous ones, to be created with the financial support of your fans? How helps the idea of \u200b\u200bcrowdfunding in implementing your projects?

Shura: Partially. It covers interest 20% of our record costs. We are very grateful to all our fans that they believed in this story.

Leva: And of course, we are very grateful to the patrons that support us.

Shura: Most of the costs on the record we take over. The main reason in our careful attitude to the sound. Even if you write songs in Moscow, we will reduce them in London or Los Angeles. For example, # 16Plus drove Adrian Bushby. With him, we will do the next record. Adrian worked with Muse, Foo Fighters, PJ Harvey, he holds three Grammy. But the matter is not even in this - we found a common language with him, he understands us.

Leva: 70% of the success of the recording is a sound engineer, so we are so inserted into the final mining and make it abroad. Today, in fact, there are no problems to burn the record. With the advent of new technologists, 80% of the plates around the world are now recorded in apartments. Technologies go to meet musicians. However, when you want to do everything at the highest level, the participation of an extra-class professional is necessary.

Shura: Record labels are now particularly pleased to offer musicians. They cannot cover the costs of musicians to record. You see the situation, who needs discs now? Today the plate comes out, after 15 minutes it is already in the network lies everywhere. We look at it absolutely calm, philosophically. We do not bathe on this.

Since 2001, no your album costs without duets. At the same time, joint compositions become almost the most successful and long hold the top lines of the charts. How do you come to these creative unions? This is planned mutually beneficial PR?

Leva: It never happens some kind of commercial project or in general the project in its classical understanding. Everything turns out at all wrong.

Shura: If there is some song, we call familiar, who we would like to try to do it. The main thing in working together is a perfect time, if the result is a good song, it is generally wonderful.

And how was with a clip on the song "Hipster"? In the filming, the whole "constellation" is involved: Ksenia Sobchak, Philip Kirkorov, Vladimir Presnyakov, Vladimir Shahrin ("Tea"), Oleg Garquash (Auktsyon "), Gleb Samoilov, Pavel Volya, glitch" Oza, Rostislav Khait, Leonid Barats and others . Obviously, as far as opposite artists have been involved. The scandal did not work on the site?

When we shot "Hipster", we did not speak anyone who else participates in the project, all in different days were filmed. But when we then showed the result, there was nothing, no scandal or rejection.

All laughed at each other, asked with humor, will there be more "surprises", and that's it. For example, Philip, although many of many of his participation caused surprise, it seems, he is from another "parties", but you see, he played perfectly. He was such a working, came to the site and did everything in an hour.

Leva: Everyone who participates in the Hipster clip is our friends. Delivery to some "Tusovka", "classes", "societies" - this is not about us at all. Creative contacts are quite enough, we do not go deeper. In general, this topic is some kind of rigid - this is rock, but this pop is not enough. Not all. Music is music, it is good and bad. Rock is, first of all, freedom to implement any idea.

Continuing the topic of creative unions. You have a perfectly work and cinema, many of your songs have become soundtracks. A bright example is a union with the "quartet". Directors choose songs themselves, or are you writing specially for specific pictures?

Leva: Basically, of course, ready-made songs take for cinema. Very rarely when the soundtrack is written specifically for the film. But just the first work with the "Quartet and" so formed.

Shura: There were gatherings from Misha Kozyreva in the kitchen. Misha says: "We need a song, something between" silver "and" hero. " After this conversation, we wrote the "Eternal Ghost Countess," showed it, and they us: "Do you, Oshrenel? This is the filmcoming "! Therefore, in the film, in fact, the two finals with the "Eternal Ghost Countess" and with the Song of the River of Love - a more lyrical composition.

Since January, the guys from "Quartet and" begin work on a new film "What men-3 talk about". Lesha already offered us to participate.

- With such a successful union with a movie, there was no thoughts to try yourself as an actor?

Leva: I had experience in shooting in several TV shows. This experience showed me that my ambitions do not apply to cinema. This is very serious work. And honestly, all the last movie offers, all scenarios that I send, characters - aging rock stars. It is not interesting to me. If you are filmed into the cinema, then on complete reincarnation.

Shura: Everyone must do their job. One thing - Kameo, here we have no problems, and it turns out, in my opinion, quite funny, and more our ambitions do not apply. Little musicians who are really capable of working at the level of professional actors, they can be counted on the fingers.

But with modern technologies, you definitely do not have any problems. You have a great site, groups in social networks, you are actively communicating with your fans both on the network and live in concerts. Such active activity, especially on the Internet - is it a tribute time or your need?

Leva: Communication with fans is an integral part of our life. We draw energy from this - of course. The most important thing is that you get from the listeners - their response, reaction, feedback. Immediately appears the desire to move on. I want to please them.

Shura: The Internet strongly simplified this communication, I erased the borders. It's great. And here does not matter Country, nationality

Leva: We go a lot and I can say that culture is the only bridge that still connects us, it is necessary to protect him very carefully.

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