The group Quince former Viagra. Three former soloists "VIA Gra" united to create a group Queens

The group Quince former Viagra. Three former soloists
The group Quince former Viagra. Three former soloists "VIA Gra" united to create a group Queens

At the end of last year, the ex-soloist of the VIA GRON group Santa Dimopulos, Olga Romanovskaya and Tatiana Kotov reported that they created their team, which was given the royal name Queens. As part of a new group, the girls even recorded a song, starred in several photo shoots and promised to further delight fans with their work. However, not long lasted the collaboration of the artist. So, the other day the information appeared that the Queens group completely changed its composition.

"Tatiana Kotovo, Olga Romanovskaya and replaced with other girls. The leader of the new composition was the ex-soloist "VIA GRA" - Christina Kots Gotlib, "there appeared on the official website of the team.

Why the ex-viagryanka left the new group is still unknown. In one of the interviews, Olga Romanovskaya only noted that the team was difficult to continue the solo career, and this was the reason why the girls stopped working in the group. However, the singer noted that they with Tatiana and Santa continue to be friends and in the future does not exclude re-collaboration.

The Queens Group interest and the composition of the new Quins group cause a permanent rush, because the project in the format of Girl Band completely updated soloist. The dossier of each of them contains bright pages of the biography, so the victims of the girls their own careers seem incredible. At the same time, the history of each participant is completely optionally connected with singing.

The composition for 2019:

  • Christina Kots-Gotlib
  • Volga King
  • Katia King

Photo of girls, Christina and sisters of browsing Volga and Kati, and other interesting information, you can also know the Quins groups.

Pop trio from the past

So, in creative collusion in 2017-2018, the following personality agreed:

  • Christina Kots-Gotlib / Ukraine;
  • Olga Summer / Belarus;
  • Catherine Pechkurova / Russia.

Moreover, the first two participants of the new Queens began their promotion in the television show of Ukraine. Only Katya Pechkurova built his career in Russia.

Christina Kots-Gotlib

Christina Kots-Gotlib / Ukraine is perhaps the most famous participant of the Queens group. A native of Donbass and rightly considered to be his queen. Since it has a whole list of titles, from which it follows that in 2003 and 2004 it was the most beautiful girl of Donetsk and in total.

2005 year. Christina became a soloist VIA Gra. Almost two years continued her career in the group. About the reasons for dismissal grew a lot, but there is nothing serious for the present discussion. Until 2009, the girl took part in photo shoots from famous photographers. Even lit up in the sensational video of Bogdan Titomir "Do how I" 2007.

However, the girl's calm in the career did not last long. Christina became "Miss Ukraine Universe 2009". With the subsequent participation in the finals of the competition in the Bahamas. Although a spoonful of the fly in this story can be added meticulous lovers of history. Among the members of the jury, two people were attended at once who had a relation to the creation of a team of VIA Gra: photographer Dmitry Perebratrutov and the fashion designer Angela Lisitsa.

However, for fans, there was no doubt that this girl should wear a crown. In the most important battle, where it was necessary to get the largest number of user votes of the social network, Christina came out one of the winners.

In 2014, the girl again lit up on the star stage, releasing the clip "Trust Your Heart".

Olga Summer

Another Queen is just already already hard - Olga Summer, the participant of the Quins group from Belarus. Even Vlad Yama himself (Ukrainian showman and a constant member of the jury) at the first meeting with Olya called it twice crowned special. It is not surprisingly the winner of two Belarusian contests, both are directly related to dance projects. Despite this, in his hometown, Grodno, the girl was clearly disliked, especially women, calling her sometimes with offensive expressions.

That is why twice Queen hard came to Ukraine not then to conquer the country with singing, but exclusively by the movements of the body. "Everything is dancing" is a popular show, at least one edition saw every resident of the country.

It was in the ninth season, Olga was fortunate enough to do the following:

  • get acquainted with the most picky judge of the dance floor, probably not only of Ukraine, Vlad Yama;
  • remember and love the millionth army of transmission fans;
  • to get to the eyes of the future producers of the Queens group.

Olya Summer did not leave a single chance to another choice, because with the first speech it became the queen of the country's dance floor. Now it has been very organically in the new female group.

About the age of the girl little is known. But there is information that she raises a 11-year-old daughter, from which they conclude that Olga is about 30 years old.

Catherine Pechkurov

Ekaterina Pechkurova The most mysterious personality of the new composition of the Quins group, but also deserving the title of Queen karaoke. However, the path to this title was slightly thorny and not very short.

The first appearance of Kati was held back in 2012 on the Voice Program in Russia. Then none of the members of the jury turned to the performance of the song "Love came." Alexander Gradsky explained his position in that this composition must be performed more purely. Since it has a lot of "overflows" of notes and they are lost when there is at least the slightest inaccuracy.

In general, the girl's failure was written off on a bad choice of a song that does not allow to fully demonstrate the voice of the participants.

But very soon, Ekaterina Pechkurova received a new chance to continue the singing career on the "Live Sound" site. Now on the Internet you can find a whole collection of compositions performed by Kati. Her charm, love for music and spectators, as well as ambitious temples, did not leave the indifferent hearts of her new fans.

The history of the creation of the first composition of the Quins group

So, appeared on the star Olympus group Queens. All participants in the first composition of the former soloists of the "Viagra" team. Brightly starting, the new project immediately won the hearts of many fans. But already in April 2017, rumors began to walk on the full replacement of the composition of the participants.

What was the reason for the dismissal of Olga Romanovskaya, Santa Dimopulos and Tatiana Kotana - is unknown. Was it a PR-move or conflict with producer?

Sergey Kovalev became producer of the new Girl-Band of the group of Quins. According to his statements, the main goal of the project is to create a decent competition to K. Meladze with his group "Viagra". For the audience, it became a surprise that all the girls from the trio at different times were participants of Viagra.

Initially, the creation of the project was covered by the curtain of the mystery. This is especially true of Olga Romanovskaya who worked at the TV show "Audio". Suddenly, she left the show for everyone, without explaining anything to fans, hinted thinly that it will soon appear on the stage in the scene. Dimopoulos and Kotov at the time of the creation of Queens led the solo career.

On November 8, 2016, a preview was held, where the producer and participants of the group announced a new team.

On November 19, a song called "Pain" - what was the official start. The composition sounded on the Festivals of the Golden Gramophone Prize. The speech of girls was not left unnoticed - they immediately conquered the audience with beauty and sensual performance.

Interestingly, the outfits of the team participants differed little from ordinary concert costumes, in which they performed as part of the VIA Gra Group. This and their overall participation in the Meladze project caused a stir among fans. Persistent rumors went on replacing one group to another.

Biography of the first composition of Queens

For 2016/2017:

  • Tanya Kotova.
  • Olya Romanovskaya
  • Santa Dimopulos

Tatyana Kotova.

This year, the singer marks 32 years old. During this time, she managed to conquer the title "Miss Russia", was a soloist as part of the VIA Gra and Queens groups, filmed in the cinema, while actively engaged in solo career.

Tanya Kotov girl was born in the south of Russia in the Rostov region. She grew up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. Parents from the Small years were pumped and supported Tatiana in everything. For example, at 13 years old girl saw the belly dance "and caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a dancer. Without teachers, only on cassettes with video lessons - for several years she achieved goal and mastered this difficult art. Dance skills and congenital plastic came in handy in her career singer.

Before becoming popular, Tatiana studied at the Economic Faculty of Rostov University. Hoy to study only 3 years, which fell a chance to become a model than she successfully and took advantage.

The model career went uphill after the competition for the best model of the south of Russia. She did not receive first place, but was noticed by the organizers and modeling agencies. After a number of competitions and awards, Tatiana became the winner of the All-Russian beauty contest Miss Russia in 2006. In 2006, the girl took part in the Miss Universe contest, but unfortunately to win which she failed. In 2007, Kotova took part in the beauty contest "Miss World", but again suffered fiasco.

In 2008, Tatiana tries himself in the new role - singer. On the casting of performers to the group "VIA Gra", she immediately struck by its vocal data and the beauty of producers. Konstantin Meladze, without hesitation, took Tatiana in return left the team of faith of Brezhneva. But two years later, she decides to leave the group and do a solo career.

In 2016, the performer of the sensational hit "Red on Red" adopted the proposal of Sergei Kovalev to participate in the group "Queens". In which he became a leading soloist.

Olga Romanovskaya

Real surname singer Koryagin. Olga is reluctant about his family. It is only known that she was born in Ukraine in a provincial city.

In high school, in addition to study, Romanovskaya visited the school of models and even became the winner of the beauty contest in the Black Sea region. Olga graduated from the branch of the Kiev University of Culture and Art, becoming a certified fabric processing specialist.

In 2006, the novice singer Koryagin became one of the soloist Viagra. But she lasted in the team for long and a year later, due to pregnancy, came out of the composition.

In 2007, Olga Romanovskaya took up a solo career. In 2015, her first album was released - keep me stronger. Which entered clips from such famous directors as K. Kuzin, V. Maslyaev, E. Timokhin. In general, the album consists of 14 songs. The solo career of the singer did not stop even in the period of speeches as part of the Queens group. Also in 2016, Olga, together with Dan Balan, recorded and released the clip "little raspberry".

The versatile nature of Romanovskaya could not be able to stay in the narrow framework. She tries himself as the leading television program "Revizorro". Despite the active work, the singer is his wife and mother of two charming boys.

Santa Dimopulos

The youngest ex-participant "Queens", surprisingly the world champion in bodybuilding. In addition, the girl has a lawyer's diploma. It did not bypass her career model - 3rd place in the final of the Miss Universe contest in Ukraine.

In 2011, Dimopoulos becomes one of the participants of the VIA Gra Group. But after a year decides to start the solo career and leaves the team. To date, Santa Dimopulos released a clip to the "WE MOVE" composition in the top 100, according to the Ukrainian Chart Tophit, in 2013.

From November 2016, April 2017. He entered the group "Queens", which was then left with the rest of the participants. The girl leads an active personal life, it is known at least 3 of her "civilian" marriage. Raises the son of 9 years, from the popular leading leading Andrei Dzhadzhula.

What girls talk about their care

So far, there are no official comments from the ex-soloist of the Quins group, no. But Olga Romanovskaya on April 27 laid out an unexpected post in Instagram. In appeal to readers, she tells about the release, from the presence of two persons in his life - literally: "Preditz and Planktona", apparently, it means Kotov and Dimopoulos. Figuratively expressing, Olga describes the essence of the conflict led to the decay of the Korolev composition. According to her, it turns out that in the group not everything was so smooth and the relationship between the participants is far from friendly.

The emotional post contains accusations of pacifications, pretabling, breaking gossip, damaging property. Olga says that there was a fact of hacking her phone and even "someone" spat her in a glass.

It is quite simple to combine the date of publication (April 27, 2017) and the official news about the collapse of the team (April 29, 2017). Apparently for Romanovskaya it was the last drop in the decision to refuse to participate in a promising project.

Santa in his Instagram also speaks about liberation. To avoid hype, she left the country and went to "clean the brains and the body in Marbella. There is a well-known clinic specializing in medical starvation. "

Kotov did not respond to the posts of other participants and even posted on his page a new clip Romanovskaya. However, judging by the cute correspondence correspondence correspondence in the same Instagram, it is impossible to judge, probably whether girls were collected, or not.

PR-move producers

Since there is no official information on the replacement of the current composition of the Group, most of the opinions are inclined to PR-go on the part of producers. A person, from the close environment of Sergei Kovalev who wished to remain unknown, hinted journalists, that the replacement of the participants was conceived at the initial stage of the project development.

Really attentive fans have long noticed that the first clip of the group consists of cutting solo clips Tatiana Kotova. She also became the main soloist of the Queens group. The same source confirms that Kotov was a group cozer and even herself came up for her name. Today, aggressive marketing technologies are not surprised. In order to propagate yourself, there is nothing better than raising the hype. Often it is why the columns of articles are constantly filled with scandals and gossip.

Another possible option for such a PR stroke can be the creation or release of the group album. Abroad, such methods are not new and the viewer has long been used to that, without official confirmation, the collapse of the group is impossible.

For what companies are held:
  • The presence of conflict always has a positive effect on the popularity of the group
  • Artificial lifting of interest in the musical team may impose a clip of a video or a new album

Sergey Kovalenko still at the very beginning of the project allowed the girls to combine touring and work in a group with a solo career. Therefore, perhaps a PR-move is aimed at individual support for girls.

In the new composition of the Quins Group, Christina Kots-Gotlib occupies a leading role. Therefore, the fans of the singers are lost in guesses, whether the group will be a permanent job, or will serve as a means of promoting a solo career.

Composition of the Quins Group / Queens 2018:

  • Christina Kots-Gotlib,
  • Olya summer
  • Katya Pechkurov

Former project plans

As the producer promised, his project was still a bomb. The first performance of the new composition caused a lot of negative reviews, among the fans of the Queens group. Undoubtedly the main soloist - Christina Kots-Gotlib does not cause so many negative emotions from fans as the remaining two participants. The fans who looked at the Top Disco Pop concert, noted the absolute lack of artistism in the participants, bad choreography, singing under the phonogram and the general monotonance of the performance. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to judge how successful the new composition of the group will be.

The only thing that remains the same is the sexuality of the participants. Three beautiful girls dressed in ordinary for ex Viagra mega sex dresses. Otherwise, they do not differ from the previous team. But the fans of the Quins group will be found, that it is just a PR-move to attract listeners.

Some sources also report that Sergey Kovalev has changed the terms of the contract for new soloists. In the previous version, girls were allowed not only to lead the solo career, but the point was not registered, about the amount of the penalty for the premature rupture of the contract.

In particular, Romanovskaya still at the presentation of the group was boasting chic terms of contract. She noted that not every performer boasts so favorable conditions. Maybe this is precisely this led to such a rapid decay.

Opinions about the decay of the first composition of the Queens group

To the question of journalists, about what the former producer of participants thinks, Konstantin Meladze replied that he was waiting for this from the moment of the formation of the team. He also noted that the Execons of Viagra took a great school from him, but it is unlikely to repeat the previous success with such an attitude, like Sergey Kovalev to business. The lack of a clear image and role among each participant, singing under the phonogram and frankly weak musical compositions uniquely led to the breakdown of the group. Meladze added that he wishes success and hopes that the solo career of girls will only win from the hype around the group.

Miseda Bagaudinova, in every way supports his girlfriends "on the workshop" and calls on fans, with understanding refers to the decision of the Ex-participants of the Quins group. A tight touring schedule for the power to withstand only performers free from family obligations - hints at their awareness of the Miedie. Olga has two children and established marriage. Santa has a new marriage and the younger son. And the Thane will only have to become a mother.

No matter how the further fate of the ex-composition, Sergey Kovalev does not intend to close the profits project, which can always be replenished with new faces. The Girl Band format is designed for frequent replacing participants without prejudice to quality. Therefore, a new composition of the performers and a tour of the Queens group was approved.

On the Russian stage, a new Maiden Trio appeared. He in his Instagram fans reported Miss Russia -2006 Tatiana Kotov. After working in the popular group "VIA Gra", the singer gone to do a solo career. But now, apparently, it's time for rapprochement.

Its partners in the scene will be Olga Romanovskaya and Santa Dimopulos. It is noteworthy that they all sang in the popular group. Now, on the joy of fans, they all sing on the same scene. The name of the group is simple and laconic Queens that translated "Queen".

Why are we going to this project? - i myself answered Kotov. - First, this is a new experience and it is always interesting. Secondly, a beautiful and extraordinary company with a huge number of creative ideas and plans. Thirdly, no one forbade us to continue the solo career! On the contrary, very many media resources supported us, for which we are saying a huge thank you,

After that, she thanked the fans, loved ones and all who support the singers.

People, envying beauties in scenic suits, did not hide emotions:

You post the current "VIA GRU", - fans agreed in a single opinion. Many wanted good luck.

Happy to divide our joy with you! Meet our new brainchild. The Queens Group is @kottova, @RoManovskaolga @Santadimopulos For some time we are called this way, we will tell a little story for you Why are we going to this project? First, this is a new experience and it is always interesting. Secondly, a beautiful and extraordinary company with a huge number of creative ideas and plans Thirdly, no one forbade us to continue the solo career! On the contrary, very many media resources supported us, for which we are talking the huge thank you. We are very grateful to new fan communities for what you are with us, you really need us and are important thanks to our loved ones, everyone who supports grateful to those who want with us Create and offers interesting projects, we are always open to cooperation Thanks to subscribers that you are near and watch us! And of course, thanks @boudoir_by_alinailina for excellent images on the presentation of our group. This is a new collection, which is still only with us, and we appeared in these outfits first

The post with the beauties gathered 15, 5 thousand likes. Similar photos were shared by other participants of the project.

I am happy to do next to such girls - beautiful, confident, talented, self-sufficient and real, they are an exception to the rules about the women's team, - posted by Santa. "It was you who became a catalyst for returning to a big show business. Thank you for being soulful and comfortable. Thanks for the true teamwork and support! I believe in you and in us. When we together are truly cool!

It is reported that the debut performance of the group will reach the scene of the Golden Gramophone.

Whatever the term applied to the Queen group is a cult, legendary, popular - everyone will accurately reflect the attitude towards her fans and critics. The musical team has long become a classic, if you can say about the team that performs music in the style of hard and pop rock in combination with Glam and Jazz.

History of creation

The thought "And not to create our group" for the first time came to the heads of Students IMPERIAL College London and Timothy Staffel. The newly appointed team of guys appropriated the name "1984", inspired by an anti-astope novel. In college on the announcement, the guys found themselves a drummer of Roger Medeza Taylor.

In October 1964, the musicians gave the first concert, and three years later managed to perform on the heating of a novice and few familiar. Then the group changed the name to "smile" and received a skip to one scene with the famous.

In 1969, the first serious contract was followed with a large recording label Mercury Records. "Smile" managed to release the Single "Earth / Step on ME", which, however, remained unnoticed.

In the spring of 1970, Staffel left the group. I was looking for a replacement for a short time, I found it in the face of the neighbor Tim on the room Farruha Bulsary. And since the composition was updated, friends began to think about a new name. The "Grand Dance" options were considered, then Rich Kids, but as a result, Farruh convinced everyone to take a good name "Queen". Bulsar himself called.

Freddie, besides what he sang well, turned out to be an excellent manager. He had a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bhow to serve musical material, how to use the voices of all the participants and how to behave on the scene. In addition, Mercury as a graduate of the art college has come up with a company logo group.


The main backbone "Queen" at the dawn of the formation of a musical career was the Frontman Freddie Mercury, he also played keyboards, guitarist Brian May, Roger Taylor was sitting behind the drums.

Before the unification in the cultivation of the biography of each subsequently, each developed almost the same way - each life was somehow connected with the music. Brian took the guitar into his hands at 7 years old, and the tool made of fragments of furniture and a fireplace is not less known than its owner.

Roger began to play the guitar in the Bubblingover Boys school team, and only in 1961 moved to the impact installation. He performed in the "Cousin Jacks" group, she "Falcons". After her decay moved to Johnny QUALE & REACTION.

Freddie still at school made a team with friends called "Thehetics" and spoke on dancing and holidays. After moving to London sang in the Liverpool "IBEX" and "Sour Milk SEA", then created the Wreckage's own group.

The search for a bass guitarist in Queen was delayed for a year. At first they became Mike Brown from Johnny Quale & Reaction, but after 4 months he left. Barry Mitchell came to replace him, with whom the band worked until January 1971. Then a couple of concerts with musicians played Doug Gods. And only the fourth attempt was crowned with success: John Dicon joined the team.

Before Queen, John still collected his first group "The Opposition", and in a new team, as technically comrades, began to respond to equipment. In the composition of the composition of the songs, all participants were engaged, but the wilderness is less than all.

However, all its compositions turned into 100% hits: "I Want to Break FREE", "Another One Bites The Dust", "You're My Best Friend". By the way, after the death of Mercury, John refused further creative activity and participation in Queen projects. Moreover, the bass guitarist condemned the remake of Hit's "We Are The Champions", performed by the remaining participants in the group in collaboration with.


In the summer of 1972, "Queen" made a demo record at the London de Lane LEA Studios, consisting of two songs - "The Night Comes Down" and "Liar". Then, through the mediation of Trident, the company concluded a contract and received the right to record a full-fledged album, but only at the time when the studio was free.

The guys had to be removed, as they continued to receive education and worked. The label has put forward another condition: together with the Queen plate, write songs of other supervised performers. By the end of the year, it was possible to sign a contract with one of the world's largest ELECTRIC & MUSIC INDUSTRIES companies, release the debut single "Keep Yourself Alive", and then - and the album.

Noticeable glory, like financial well-being, nor the song, nor the album "Queen" was not brought, although in the USA, the circulation of the record was 150 thousand copies, the group began to leave on tour abroad. After the musicians acted on the heating of the rock band "Mott the Hoople", the team has his own army of fans.

Song Seven Seas of Rhye Group "Queen"

The situation has changed with the album "Queen II" and the "Seven Seas of Rhye" composition, which fell into the British top 5 and top-10, respectively. Classic hard rock replaced in a polyphony, some obstacle of the performance and POMP-Rock. Nevertheless, the plate, conceptually divided into the "black" and "white" side, became the "heavy" in the discography of the group. Only on the homeland of the musicians the album has developed a circulation of 250 thousand copies.

World fame, and in the absence of advertising, brought the third "Studio" - Sheer Heart Attack, on which the first hit "Killer Queen" was recorded among others. Now "Queen" went to the overseas tour.

Song Killer Queen Group "Queen"

However, to the surprise of the press and fans, the group did not earn anything from sales of the album, moreover, a strange way was to have a recording company six-digit amounts. EMI tries to repay the scandal and highlights the means to "Queen" calculates with its "daughter" - "Trident", but the entire group must be returned again.

As Roger and Brian were told, the exit remained alone - to record an epoch album, the further existence of the team depended on it. And the next single "Bohemian Rhapsody", considered by individual musical browsers with the best composition of the group, rises to the tops of the charts.

Bohmian Rhapsody Song of the Queen Group

The radio stations initially refused to broadcast a six-minute song on Ether, risked only Freddie DJ family. Shot to the "Bohemian Rhapsodi" the roller is considered the progenitor of the clips industry. No less successfully expects the album "A Night at the Opera" album, the most genre is diverse.

The next "A Day at the Races" in some part was like his predecessor, for which she was unprecedented criticism, but the song from Him "Somebody To Love" became another hit. Pre-order, to the joy of managers, amounted to 500 thousand copies.


Together with the lather "News of the World", the army of fans, by that moment the millions calculated by millions, received two "Queen" hymn - the compositions "We Are The Champions" and "We Will Rock You". The album first traced an unusual combination of punk and vocal Mercury.

"Studiode" "Jazz" did not have anything with jazz, but also differed in motley styles. The album included the hit "Don" T Stop Me Now ". The songs of" Fat Bottomed Girls "and" Bicycle Race "caused a wave of public outrage, performers were accused of immorality and almost in the spread of pornography.

"Queen" did not remain in debt and conducted an enchanting presentation with the participation of strippers, fighters, fire swallows. To all three songs shot clips. In 1981, the group recorded the soundtrack to the horror movie Dino de laurentis "Flash Gordon". Under the same name came out the ninth studio album.

Albums "Live Killers", "The Works" with an explicit sound of an electrop rose to European and American tops. The "Hot Space" record critics were called disappointment and honored only a collaboration with David Bowie "Under Pressure". Six compositions from the album "A Kind of Magic" became soundtracks for movies. With Solnik Mercury "Barcelona" The musical world met the genre of the crossover.

The SHOW MUST GO ON Song of the Queen Group

In 1991, the light of Freddie's creative will saw the light - The Show Must Go On Song.

After the death of the leader, the group works in the Queen + format, participates in charitable events. To enter one scene with the world legend was honored for honor and Robbie Williams, and. Collectons and mashed albums are still popular. And on the page "Queen" in "Instagram" lists the names of all participants and it is said that "they play rock and roll."

"Queen" now

The group continues concert sharing in various collaborations. On the official website for the summer of 2018, the European tour "Queen" is stated.

Concerts will be held on the largest playgrounds: in Lisbon - on Altis arena, in Oslo - Telenor Arena. The capital of Great Britain will take the legendary team on Wembley Arena, Barcelona - in Palau Sant Jorde.


  • 1973 - "Liar"
  • 1975 - "NOW I" M HERE "
  • 1977 - "Tie Your Mother Down"
  • 1978 - "Spread Your Wings"
  • 1980 - "PLAY THE GAME"
  • 1982 - "Back Chat"
  • 1987 - "Bohemian Rhapsody"
  • 1989 - "Rare Live"
  • 1992 - "We Will Rock You" / "We Are The Champions"
  • 1996 - "Mother Love"


  • 1973 - Queen.
  • 1974 - Queen II
  • 1974 - Sheer Heart Attack
  • 1975 - A Night At The Opera
  • 1976 - A Day at The Races
  • 1977 - NEWS OF THE WORLD
  • 1978 - Jazz.
  • 1980 - The Game
  • 1980 - Flash Gordon
  • 1982 - Hot Space
  • 1984 - The Works
  • 1986 - A Kind Of Magic
  • 1989 - The Miracle
  • 1991 - Innuendo.
  • 1995 - Made in Heaven
  • 1997 - Queen Rocks
  • 2016 - ON AIR