The scenario of the festive concert to the International Dance Day "Soul Flying". Scenario Show Programs "Dance Through Century" Event dedicated to Dance Day Scenario

Scenario of a festive concert to the International Dance Day
The scenario of the festive concert to the International Dance Day "Soul Flying". Scenario Show Programs "Dance Through Century" Event dedicated to Dance Day Scenario

International Dance Day Celebration Scenario

"In the dance kingdom, in the Elovsk State"

(Dancer Dancers)

(Dance "Once Evenings")

There is a kingdom in the area

Elovsk State,

It is not narrow, not wide

It is not close, not far away.

It is not noticeable from the road,

And the facade is not noticeable.

But as soon as dawn

In it you hear the topotok

Add speed children

And dance from all legs.

Who lives in the kingdom?

Who lives in the state?

Many different guys

And girls and boys

And babies, and high

Sergious, Kareokih.

They dance from the soul,

Small, beautiful, good!

Once a year he was headed in that kingdom,

In the Elovsk State ...

Children in dancers take

In the art of dance to dedicate!

(Plays Background Rus.Nar. Music, the king comes out. On the stage there is a throne, a chest; music subsides, comes out above)

IN - Alica, and where is someone here ...

King - (sings) I have a group dancers,

And there is something that is, and there is something to drink

But I am paint, I am paint the fences, so that the tuneader does not enjoy / 2p.

IN - King! And the king ... (calling)

King - Oh, Lord! ... Oh, how I was afraid ... (King, frightened, takes his place on the throne) I already thought the holiday began. And here in this form ...

IN - You are the king, you also need to do anything!

King - I know I know! Position I have this, just do that do nothing. But it will die from boredom! I'm not a commemorative king, but a fabulous, let me think, while the guests have not yet gathered a fence and tint, and the benefits and warm-up ... But I once could very much for the royal and dance ... not only the fences to paint (adding ) (thinks, then gets up and executes several PA)

IN - (Sitting on the throne and throwing his leg) You do not understand anything in royal life ... - Want a cupcake, you want ice cream ...

King - So, so - it is clear ... (Looking at Vovka) would give way to the senior, Ali at school is not trained ...

In - please!

King - Dike a crown! Great she you!

In - please!

King - Eh, Guard, (knocks on the crown) Cut off the head - Tunyads ... (I explained to the audience) walks sludge, the legs get tired (stroking the throne) - everything is not to strive for dance culture. Guard!

(The guards come out, forever first from them five, and then runs away)

(continues to shut up, falling into another fairy tale, comes out among the dancing birings with handkerchiefs and Christmas trees)

Dance "Birch"

Chastushki Vasilis

You.1 - We will work well

Calcify the lesson

How much do you guys put

So that the dance is released on time. Wow, oh - Wow, oh

You.2- Children dancing are studying

Already know a lot of pa

The dance method is known

How to join them slightly. Wow, oh - Wow, oh

You.3- Vika in the dance was going to

As the princess dressed up.

Clips, beads tapped,

And ballet shoes forgot. Wow, oh - Wow, oh

You will Our Tanya and Karina -

The locker room is very loved,

Before dancing always

There is a sharp of each other. Wow, oh - Wow, oh

You.2- Children just sent -

In the windows of the glass rangs

We said: "Silence!" -

In the hall cracked the wall. Wow, oh - Wow, oh

You.3- Choreography - Science

Too complicated

Who did not eat porridge a lot -

Help need urgent! Wow, oh - Wow, oh

You.2- You need to make us calculation,

Time is fast because

What do we put this time?

All dancing honor !!!

(Overlooking Vovka)

IN - That's great!

And who are you?

Vasilisa 2- Vasilisa wisdom.

In - hto ???

Vasilisa 1 - (Together) Vasilisa Wislovy!

- From different fairy tales, we have to lie down about the dedication of children into dancers, for mastering choreographic knowledge!

IN - Choreo -What knowledge? What do you swear here with all sorts of words!

You.2 - Choreographic knowledge ... about dancing (adds one of them, turning his finger at the temple)

You.3 - And you do not torment, it is better to look and enlighten ...

(film "History of dance development")

IN - I do not want, I do not want ... In school, they are taught, taught also here they fell (displeased).

You.1 - (Suspected) Well, then we know who you will be more fun.

In - with whom?

You.2 - Two of the Lart is the same from the face that they do not order - everything is done for you.

IN - Everything, everything, everything, and how to get there?

You.3 - Go straight, and so as not to get lost, here (spreads the path in front of him - Vovka leaves)

In - ah, well, so far!

Vasilisa - (together) Tablecloth road !!!

(Vovka goes along the path in the auditorium)

Dance birch With handkerchiefs continues

Vasilisa 1 - You, my birches.

All sides are removed,

You distribute guests

All handkerchiefs painted.

(Birings distribute handkerchiefs from their hands, inviting parents to the scene)

Vasilisa 1 - And now, honest people,

Russian game is waiting for you.

Dear guests, and now play the place with our birks to Rus. National game "Carousel".

(The host holds in his hand all the ribbons for the middle, gets up in the center of the circle, and the players are taken for the free ends, forming "carousel". To the music "Carousel" begins to move, as soon as the music is broken, the leading hand squeezes with ribbons and gives the team: " Kiss! "Each couple holding a ribbon, in Russian tradition kiss each other.) (The game is repeated several times.)

Game with spectators

Vasilisa 1 - Thank you, guests are expensive for the game ...

(Birings with Vasilisa, to the music, go from the scene)

(The light comes down, on the stage of the house B.YU.)

(Dance of the prosooma)

(V. Falls into the dense forest, the scene is darkened, on the stage of Baba Yaga cooks the potion from his hut.) (It comes out applauding Vovka)

IN - Grandma Hello!

B.Ya. - ONTO who did it think of this here?
STTO who decided here that you can make noise, if I do a sharper thing, no one dares to interfere with me!

IN - And what are you busy ... (looking at)

B.Ya. - I decided in this dance kingdom to open courses on the manufacture of magic witchcraft potions, giving the strength to dancers something! (Shows Krinka)

And then all chemistry, chips, all sorts sorts sorts, and here everything is natural, efficient ... you want to try ...(emphasizes from the Chan of Kryonka, offers parents and the leading to drink from the roof).

IN - Grandma, can I try?

B.Ya. - Do you have enough strength to dance?

IN - What are you, what are you! I do not want to dance ...

B.Ya. - Think, there are many of you, lazy people ... So pays for me to me into the forest, tend for magical potions! And what I did not understand it, but for what reason we have in the kingdom state of the guests? (adding to the hall)
Al Mohamorna Head
, I delayed the web, I completely forgot, we have to congratulate the children today with the international dance day and devote smaller in the dancers. Watch how many guests gathered? I love to dance myself, I always have all the unclear Forest and marsh on the disco is going.

Dance "Bishie-tree"

(dance participants run away in the hall)

IN - And who are these guests, do you even know?

B.Ya. - I know-know, now I will introduce you:

Well, Sasha, Olya, Light, bow,

And Misha, Vicky and Marina, smile!

Hey, serving, Tanya and Andryushki - to show at.

Ira, Kolya and Vadima - Kean.

Here is now and you and you are familiar. (looks back) And what are you in the kinender unbridled, you know how to do ... (V. shrugs) I watch you even dance do not know how. (fussing)

(Owl - Signal)

Ah, ... the holiday is already pointing, you can stand you can instead of hangers (rushes, puts it like a hanger, anything hangs on his hand, evaluates), Ali Wait, you will be a machine (bends him, performs my foot)

IN - (outraged) Yes, I will not!

(with a smirk) what it turns out, you will teach children to dance?
(B.Ya. - Yes! In-Chumachy!)
(B.Ya. - Yes! In-Chumachy!)
Move with your hands?
(B.Ya. - Yes! In the chum-shaped!) (Fussing and retracting)
In - ha nonsense! They are all so able to do it, nu, kids, and boys (turning to the hall) Rate your hands, sweep your legs, hurt your hands .... And without any teaching you know!
B.Ya. .- And well-ka, tags tags-tags come out geese

Dance Gusey - "On the grazing"

(V. Priocted and watching dance)

(Baba Yaga calls geese, geese, performing exercises, pronouncing)

1st - Class third with us - and yet

Much already we can.

2nd - Plie show you, first,

Batman Tandu and Pore de Bra.

3rd - And dance first chapters -

Tang Lev Sothe - jumping.

4th - And you repeat for us,

Dance art learn.

B.Ya. - And here you know how?
In - please! (mistaken, children corrected it).
B.Yu.- And like this ( cottons with tributaries).
In - please! (again confused, children - help).
B.Ya.- And at least something will be able to dance?
IN - Yes, it's easy!, And well curly, creep your music.

B.Ya. - Divorce - the people, the vaga in the dance will now go !!!

Dance Vovka

(Dance fragment, V. Stupid, twists, at the end of V. It becomes bad and it stops ...).

B.Ya.- What, the tavern, tired?

IN - Oh, babulechka (foaming) - as a hard one, can the potion your magic will help you can have any kind of magic tools here, eh?
B.Ya.- You are not a happy son - you sneeze and calm down ... Why, after all, my potions will be only for our found dancers, although ... choreography is a magical agent that helps everyone; Seal, be beautiful, slender, hardy, and most importantly strong! (Vovka at this time is five, leaving) in our kids as good ... Yes, you at least look at first, and then run away. Yes, wait for you old (runs away for V.)

(Film "Dancing photo")

(From the scene is worn Babkina Izba)

Dance "East Lily"

Dance "Farmer"

(Film "Dancing photos" continued)

(A casket is made on the stage. Two sit in the casket)

IN - But I'm where ... (looks at the pointer) Finally found!

Two - (jumping out of the chest, shout) hello !!! (smiling)

In - hello.

In - and this do you two of the Lartz are the same with the face?

Two - aha (smiling)

IN - You, that truth will do everything for me.

Two - aha (smiling)

IN - Then I want a cake ... Ice cream ... (Fucking for him) You and fingers bend for me to bend?

Two - aha (smiling)

In - bend - i want a cake ... ice cream ... sweets ... and something else. (adding) After all, today in your kingdom-state holiday!

Two - Be done. (throws in the mouth)

IN - Stop, stop, and cupcakes for me will eat. Yes, you "quenched", so that I stay all hungry on the holiday.

Two - aha (smiling)

IN - Do you know how to dance? - (shrug, looking at each other)

So you know how to do

Two - tips to give

B - Well, let's give!

Two - aha (smiling)

« Harmful Tips "Two with Larz

(read bass)

You do not do anything, and dancing do not teach

And if you have called you to study at the weekend,

In the silence of silence, become modestly there,

And quietly stand, not moving to old age.

We guarantee you that you never

You will not be invited to protrude here.

If you did not put you in the dance,

And they did not call the rehearsal

Need to take care of teachers

And leave the lesson in the night of a cold.

But not just so wander through the streets,

And in the dense, dark forest to go

There is a wolf hungry will meet

And, of course, quickly bissing you.

Then the teacher will understand

Shorts up, paying and runs ...

When your teacher will stretch you,

Do not wait for mercy from it

In vain tears do not.

Her you just pinch

Better bite,

So that it never

It was not suitable for you.

(At this time, V. yawns, then dishwashed, sitting on stage and something starts to make something)

IN - They will still tell me ...

Something I do not like you and your advice, what are you thinking about something?

Two - Yeah! (Loudly laugh)

IN - What are you, laugh at me? ...facel-ka you back to your casket! You are what, I quit something ...

Two - yeah!

IN - I was boring with these these advice, and they themselves do not know how! And I'm not a tune, though I do not know how to dance, but I have already prepared the gifts for our dedicated ... (sings a song) In how can I (shows a gift), I also want your holiday (wipes my sleeve under your nose), I I liked it.

King - (leaving the scene)We have a solemn ceremony already begins, and nothing is not ready ... Where is my throne? Guard! (B. Hiding behind the scene, peeping)


Listen to the command!


Time we can not lose

Because in this holiday

Children in dancers to devote.

(The guards are fussing, bring the throne, hang balls, etc.), and where are our semi-finished products? (The guards are carried under the mouse and set first grades, then they themselves are built)

(seeing forever, looking around) and ... that's you ...

IN - Do you think about dedication to dancers spoke? (embarrassed)

King - (Pupil) So be, we also invite you to our holiday, pass, be a guest. (V. descends into the hall and sits)

Guard - (whispering at the ear king)the setting is disturbing ... (The second guard at that time straightens clutches)

King - Well, what else ...

Guard - The curves are whitish they are all, such a dance is not stuck.

King - What an annoyance ... But we will fix it with time with time, and now they will be arranged (reviewing children, correcting their posture)

Test for first-graders

Test first ("hairstyle")

As you know, everyone needs a hairstyle for any dance, and if there are several dances, then in the break between them you need to have time to quickly intertear and help each other in this. Here we now check how friendly you. While music plays, you must help classmates - brave each other.

Second test ("blind dancer")

The light of sophods, lighting devices is sometimes so bright that blinds the dancer on stage, therefore, they should be able to dance with eyes closed. But as you are still far from dance, we first check - whether you know the position. I will ask you to task this - pass in the footsteps of the unprecedented beast according to I and II Pos.n. And our guests will evaluate you, and, of course, support applause.

Test Third ("Situation")

You get cards on which situations are written. For example, a girl catches butterflies in the glade, the climber climbs into impregnable rocks, etc. The task is to dance the situation while the music plays so that the audience can guess it. After graduating from music, parents guess the situation in which their child was, and the audience help.

King - Guys, you perfectly coped with all the tests ... But the parents of our projected semi-finished products came to our holiday. And now they must also check. Are they ready to become real assistants for the guys? I will ask questions and offer you several options for answers. And you must choose the only correct answer. You are ready?

(Comic is heldcompetition for parents).

Questions and answers:

1. What is the name of our today's holiday?

  • Day of music.
  • Independence Day in Africa.
  • Birthday Natalia Valeryevna.
  • Dedication to dancers.

2. Name the fourth note of the note.

3. What is the name of the subject for which the dancer keeps during the classics lessons?

  • Branch.
  • Stick.
  • Device.
  • Machine.

4. What is the name of the goddess dance?

  • Verka Serdiuchka.
  • Terpsichore.
  • Maya Plisetskaya.
  • Olga Vladimirovna.

5. What is the name of the ballerina shoes?

  • Unput.
  • Hubenki.
  • Ballet shoes.
  • Slippers.
  • Pointe.

And the shoes in which your child do?

Your first grades will grow, they will participate in concerts. And we all know that our treasure is empty, and suites are needed for performances. The last shrub from the shoulder will have to give ... Now I will check the generosity of our parents. We ask them to go to the scene.

The game "Who is generous"

Now I will give a decree

Present to the show,

If they coped with the assignments,

"Young dancers" worthy of title.

I have a hurry to congratulate everyone

To come to you success.

To dance studied,

Engaged without interference.

I also want to say

I will get an oath with you.

Repeat everything for me

I will teach you now.

Need to move to love

On to take everything to walk.

All concerts visit

Friends familiar to invite.

Tidy, careful to be

And with hairstyle come.

Yourself and other respect -

Rehearsal not to skip.

Observe discipline

And to help each other;

Not to stitch and not to sift

Footwear, dance wear.

To May month in exactly,

Do you undertake to sit on the twine?

For the pronunciation of the solemn oath to get ready, to build dance poses.


I solemnly swear!

I will achieve success in dancing

Walk any tests.

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear the dancer is strong to become,

Dance art to know

Love partners, respect,

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear the honor of the club to defend,

At the festivals to dance

Shine on stage like a star

And in dancing first to be always!

I swear, I swear, I swear!

I swear and after many years

Leave in the heart of dance trail

And remember the path before the pedestal,

Whatever my life is.

I swear, I swear, I swear!

Anointing grima We do, you are dedicated to the dancers.

Please get up!

Gifts for devoted to me to file!

We will hand them out, and will be nice!

They dancers and this is the main thing!

(Available gifts. Sound fanfares.)

Guardian - Sound fanfare! Sound fanfare!

Play violins and beat drums!

Event is remembered by forever,

How bright, colored, big fireworks! (Firework Projection)

Schoolgirl - - We begin to dance,

Very fun with us

Everything is having fun now.

Dance "Wyry Circle"

King - Well, it's time to part.

Our holiday will finish dance,

Finally, we get up

And the huge circle is closed.

Final dance 1kl, "pea"

With balls

King - So it's time to say goodbye to all

We "Goodbye!" We speak.

For good laughter and for fate

Cardishly thank you!

Dance through the century "


Good afternoon dear friends. April 8 - International Dance Day. The holiday has been celebrated since 1982 by the decision of UNESCO on the birth of the French balletmaster Jean George Novorra, the reformer and the theorist of the art of dance, which went down in history as the "Father of Modern Ballet".
Dance - Ancient Skitalets. He came to us from the gray old old man ... In my opinion, he is a peer of a "intelligent man." Everyone knows that labor has formed a person, and I will add - also the dance! He reflects, ascending to the earliest times, the need for a person to transmit their joy or sorrow to other people through the movements of their body.

What only beauty

The whole world hides in himself.

Let the spark in each dance of our

From now on Ignition.

And friendship strong children

On the entire planet heats,

Girls and boys all

To be friends and dance can.

Dance: "Starfall" (group "Stars").


What does it mean to touch the beauty? Here is the reflection of one person about this: "I threw the flower - and he faded. I caught a moth, and he died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch the beauty. "

Yes, beauty you need to be able to not only see and feel. Beauty must also be protected! This is the hardest. To capture the beauty in the shower, remember it, always to wear in the heart - maybe this is the highest manifestation of human culture?

So, today evening we dedicate the beauty, the beauty of the dance is the most exciting, the most sublime and beautiful of all the arts, because the dance is not just a reflection of life, the dance is life itself!

The country is on the globe,

Childhood country.

She is kids, we are full.

And even though we are small, but we will give the heads for adults,

After all, you are not easy in childhood.

We will help us to return for a moment,

And also raise the mood.

Dance: "Once palm" (junior group).

Did you like, friends?

Tell me without constraint.

And this dance to all guests

Raise the mood.

"Drawing" (group "Stars").

Happy Dance Today we congratulate allAfter all, in his life, everything is dancing more than once.Smiles, pleasant emotions wishLet the sea of \u200b\u200benergy be with you!We wish that the dance was only in joy,Beautiful - figure, beautiful - soul.And the music will remove any fatigue,And you make sure that life is good!

Dance "Girlfriends"
Ment a fun freely
We dance International Day.
And let the whole evening today
Dance all who are not too lazy!
It is known for everyone for sure:
No need to dance language,
It is clear without idle words:
And life, and tears, and love!
We want to wish today:
Let's dance together!
Dance "Rosinochka - Russia" (junior group).


Today dancing sin forget

Dance more than normal.

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

Dance "Dance with us". (Senior Group).

Friends, look! On the map Russia!

Such a native, so beautiful!

Now we will see the birch trees,

Before us will be a big beauty.

And what dancing are! They love and know them.

Native Russia we glorify here!

Dance "Ivan-Kupala" (middle group).


And now I want to introduce you one of the most popular dances, which was born in distant America. From the very beginning, this dance was known as a ball, but now he is increasingly gaining a sporty character.

an important thing in this dance is the ability to quickly and correctly work feet and most importantly in the rhythm.

You probably already understood that it is rock and roll.

(Speech by the elder group "Rock and Roll).


Born cheerful man was.
Changed fashion and rhythms too,
But we can't live without dance.

Time passes, in the age of the eyelids ...
Always in concerns lived a man.
But at every holiday and an hour of leisure
Cheerful dance was the best friend.

Time passes, in the age of age.
Let the snow melts between us.
And let our big planet
Dance people and the sun shines.

(The younger group "Definite the entire planet).

How many styles, directions,How many creative ideasIgnitional movements!With dance live us more fun!Congratulations to all who loveIn the rhythm of music to circle,Who and on holidays and on weekdaysMaybe this will be expensive! Dance "Our Rhythm" Medium Group ".

Questions for quiz.

    Muz dance in Greek mythology? (Terpsichore.)

    Name the oldest kind of folk dance art. Performed today. (Dance.)

    What was the name of the dance teachers in the Tale of Yu. Thai "three fathers"? (Split.)

    Waltz from Hita A. Tanenbauma - ... (Boston)

    When is the International Dance Day marks? (April 29)

    In Argentina on December 11, everyone dances. After all, this day is a special decree of the government declared a national holiday and is called ... (Tango holiday. "Argentine Tango" - famous and beloved dance around the world.)

    What country is the birthday of the Baryna dance? (Russia.)

    Dance with screams "ACCA!" - ... (Lezginka.)

    What is the partner in dance? A. Oddenonosets. V. Laureate.B. Cavalier. G. Cavalist.

    The most pleasant noise for artists during the performance is ... (Applause.)

    What is the name of the time of eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)

    The most ballet skirt is ... (pack.)

    What is the name "theatrical" variety of Russian chocolate chocolates? A. "Wig".V. "Mask".B. "Grim". G. "Role".

    What quality should be attended by a good ballerina?A. Trantenness.B. Help. B. Trialness. Northworthy.

    According to Ilze Liepa, the dance helps to make a beautiful body, but also ... (soul.)


We will look at the card again to the map:

We are waiting for the appearance of girls beautiful.

The name of their Gulnar, and maybe Zuhra.

In oriental fairy tales, friends, we are time.

"Dance with Weilaves" (senior group).


And now dance quiz.
1. How are specialized dance halls called in the West? (Dance.)
2. What is the name of the place allotted for dancing, in the bar or club? (Dance floor.)
3. Whose dance "Krakowak"? (People's dance of Russia, has Polish roots - from a folk dance that only men or a knight and his squire was performed.)
4. What dance is recognized as the "king" dance? (Waltz.)
5. Whose is the vintage dance "Polka"? (Czech Republic.)
6. Whose dance "Limbo"? (Dance from Tobago Island, where Robinson Crusoe spent many years.)
7. Whose dance "Sitaka"? (Dance of Greek butchers.)
8. Mazurka? (Dance of Polish riders.)
9. What is this "white dance" and how else is it called? (Episode on the evening, when the right to invite to the dance provided by a woman, also called "Lady".)
10. What dances danced on the Ball of Larina in the novel "Eugene Onegin"? (Waltz, Mazurka, Cotilion.)

Leading: This truth is known -Dance is very usefulFor health and figures,And for all muscles.For fun and sleepWe need all activity.Dance can be toldWhat the words do not describe.Believing you give advice:In dance - joy secret!Congratulations AcceptAnd in full ignite! Senior band Dance "Get up"

Quiz on dancing
1. Holiday in Rio de Janeiro. (Carnival)
2. The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba)
3. Caucasian dance. (Lezginka)
4. Creek Lezginka. (ACCA!)
5. Greek group dance. (Sirtaki)
6. Cowboy Mouzon. (Country).
7. The first dance of Natasha Rostova. (Waltz)
8. Dance with high boils. (Cancan)
9. Dance after the gorgeon. (Hopak)
10. Russian belt under the trap (Trepak)
11. What dance can be launched to the gloss floor? (Twist)
12. "Fruit" dance of sailors. (Apple)
13. Lelkina Half. (ENKA)

And if anyone asks: "Where were you in the world?"

And was in the world of dance - all children will answer.

Let the dance all his life walks along with us,

After all, we never get tired!

Final dance "Russia".


Today we finish our program. But we are still together. We learned only a small part of the big choreography. There is still rhythmic choreography (esteperadnaya), folk, stylish ("Modern"), balnex.

Congratulations on the International Holiday Worldwide dance! To new meetings.

Movement - life, so dance! Such a motto is, it is impossible to reflect the essence of one of the types of art, which is able to rally people of many different age, nationality and religion. Dance of 2019 is a truly an event of a planetary scale, he is celebrated by the inhabitants of many countries. Therefore, this is a day not only professional dancers, but also all those who love to dance.

Why celebrate the holiday on April 29?

On this day, the famous French balletmaster Jean Jacques Novober, who lived and worked in the middle of the XVIII century. He saved dancers from cumbersome, uncomfortable clothing, which heavily shone their movements and did not allow much to do. His merits in the development of the basic principles of classical ballet, the Frenchman wrote a lot of treatises on this topic. It is curious that before the innovation of Novverra, the dance direction always existed in a bundle with the opera and complemented the speech of singers. Novierre First, who made ballet with an independent performance with its own plot, drama and characters. It is not surprising that when, in 1982, UNESCO approved the International Dance Day by the official holiday, the date of his celebration was chosen the birthday of the famous balletmaster and founder of modern ballet.

Reason start dancing

If you have never been engaged in this type of art or for some reason they abandoned this case, on the eve of this date it is worth not to start dancing, at least think about it. Decide with the direction and proceed to the selection of a school or a mug. In any city (no matter, large or not very) such a place is. Genres is abuse - everyone will find something like that. Ballroom dancing, Break Dance, Modern, Tango, Hip-Hop, Bachata, Flamenco - The choice is unreserved.

International Dance Day: Holiday Scenario

It is celebrated in many corners of the world, including in our country, in various formats. In major cities there are thematic performances, concerts, competitions. Dance studios organize open lessons, invite everyone to try themselves in various directions. Flashmobs, parties and other thematic events are held. They take an active part of not only those who chose the Crafts of Terrators with their profession and dedicated to him life, but also lovers - and young, and old.

Want to celebrate the International Dance Day 2019 and break your head How to do it? Organize a dance procession with the participation of professional dancers .. or collect the company and invite a dancer to spend the master class for you. Choose the genre that I would like to master, and start learning right on April 29. You can also arrange a popular flushmob in the present time, entrusted it. All this action should certainly be imprinted into memory, so it will not be all what is happening at all. In our catalog there are many professionals who perform a reportage photography.

Whatever the format of the celebration of this day you chose, the main thing - come with a good mood and dance!

Diana Semenova
"Beautiful world of dance." Scenario of the reporting concert dedicated to the Day of Dance

Scenario of the reporting concert dedicated to the Day of Dance

"Beautiful world of dance"

While the audience is going, children's songs about creativity sound.

(Fanfare) on the scene is leading.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear parents! We are glad to welcome all those who gathered in this bright room at the reporting concert of the Caramel's dance circle dedicated to the International Dance Day, which is celebrated annually on April 29. One of the important features of any dance is his ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak in the same language - choreography. On this day, the entire dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday. And today the participants of the dance circle invited us to their holiday dance.

Today music sounds.

Today, joy and fun.

Let the dancing holiday completes

April week.

So, we present to your attention with young dancers, who are looking forward to their way out. Yakut dance "Patterns" (Children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND). Performed dance "Patterns"

Leading: Thanks to our guys!

A, our holiday continues

It is prohibited to peel here.

Yes, is it here to sadness,

If on stage dance Russian!

We meet the older group "Kunchean" with Russian dance "dance".

Performed dance "Dance"

Leading: We meet the vocal ensemble "Freckles" with the song "Samovar" Artistic director Yulia Shishmareva. (BACKGROUND).

Leading:Merry April smiled,

Santed, talde, played,

From noise Snowdrop woke up

And on Protalya stood.

Smell, revealed the premium,

Snow heard Snowdrop residid:

"Thank you by April, thanks

For what I woke up. "

Performance of the preparatory group "Kustuk" Dance "Snowdrops".

The dance "Snowdrops" is performed

(In the center of the hall put a bench, during this presenter says (background).

Leading: Today, today again, the pages of the creative life of the choreographic mug of "Caramel" together. Recall the brightest moments, we will admit the best dance compositions, replay their deserved victories and achievements. Under your warm applause, we meet laureates 1 degrees of the Republican contest "Sardatsalakh Aartyk", laureates 111 degrees of the degree of the international festival "Diamond Notes", laureates of 2 degrees of the Republican inter-ethnic contest "Spring Friendship" Dance "Styles" (children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND)

Executed dance "Styles"

Leading: Under your warm applause, we send our guys for the scenes, preparing for the next exit, and let the applause sound in honor of the older group of choreographic mug "Caramel"! And we continue to flip the pages of the creative album a mug.

That's lovely.

What can dance and in plastic

All feelings to embody!

After all, dance - inspiration flight!

And with music in harmony lives!

And so, we meet the children of the preparatory group "Thychchochka" with the dance "Snowflakes".

Performed dance "Ice snowflakes"

Leading: Thanks to our guys! And we continue our concert. We meet the Vocal Ensemble "Walang" with the song "Uruts Kun" Artistic director Miroslav Ananyeva.


He is brown,

In the fur coat warmly dressed

And in a dream and in reality,

Everything chews his grass.

Day and night

And night and day.

Dear parents, what is his name?

Beast with rapid legs

And branched horns

Right - Forest Deer!

Performance of the preparatory group "Star" dance "Deer". (BACKGROUND)

The dance of the "deer" is performed.

Leading: Praise the guys!

The path is running through the meadow,

Dives left, right.

Where no loaves, flowers around,

Yes, knee herbs.

Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,

Pahocho and fresh in the dawn clock.

Beautiful, rainbow flowers

Bouquets are scattered on them.

Meet, performed by the preparatory group "Golden Key" dance "Flower Polyana".

Performed dance "Flowers. (Children come out of the hall).

Leading: Once again to praise the children.

From merry rhythms

Not going anywhere

Rhythms modern -

These are the rhythms of childhood. In the performance of the preparatory group "Fidget" dance "Robot toy".

The dance "Robot Toy" is performed.

Leading: How easy and beautifully perform our young artists today! It seems you can sing and dance - come out on the stage and daring - surprise the audience! Right? Of course there is no one talent! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And how many courage it is necessary to go out here on the scene! And in adult artists knees shake! And what to talk about young artists ... But the participants of our concert are already the most real artists! And again on the stage, our young artists, laureates 1 degrees of the Republican contest "Sardatsalakh Aartyk", laureates of the 1st degree of the international festival "Diamond Notes", laureates of 2 degrees of the inter-ethnic Republican competition "Rodnik Friendship". We meet the dance "Joy Tundra". (BACKGROUND)

The dance "Joy Tundra" is performed.

Leading: Praise young artists! Meet - On the stage younger ensemble group! While these kids make their fierce, the first steps on the scene. They are serious, and almost do not worry. Well, maybe the smallest ... today's concert for them is the first serious test! But we are sure, this creative exam will succeed successfully! (Children enter the hall, music sounds). (Background)

The dance "Children of the Sun" is performed. (At the end of the dance, children stay in the hall and clap their hands, the lead speaks against the background of music)

Leading: Our concert was a meant to fame

We hope that all he fell apart!

Let for all of us it will be remembered and born,

How best dear gift!

Dance numbers prepared the head of the choreographic mug of Caramelki Semenov Diana Mikhailovna.

1st. Good evening friends!
2nd. Hello. Today we do not have an ordinary concert, but a holiday of dance. We present a dance ensemble ... (calls)who is ready to please us with your art.

Choreographic number.

1st. Tell me, what program do you like to watch on TV?
2nd. KVN, for example, "". In general, I am more sitting on the Internet, you know. And what did you ask?

1st. It is said that girlfriends always coincide. Maybe this is the case, but I like the transfer of dancing. I watch ballroom dancing contests with great pleasure! This is such a beauty! You know, there is such a cartoon about Barbie, when it becomes a princess. And in it she dances with a prince. I watched this cartoon as a child, as I look at the speeches of dance steam. Super!
2nd. I think that the solts of the ensemble will perform waltz no worse than Barbie and Prince.

Choreographic room.

1st. You know, there is such an expression: "Want to learn to dance - learn to look into each other's eyes!"
2nd. It often happens on the contrary: the partner in all eyes looks at the partner and ... forgets about the dance. Then the girl has to be removed the leg earlier than the partner comes on it.
1st. We hope that our guys do not have such omissions!
2nd. After all, everyone belongs to the dancing classes with love!

Choreographic rooms.

When there are some girls in the team - and so for some reason more often and happens - everything is somehow it turns out faster and easier. Or am I wrong?
1st. I agree with you. Here at school you look at the guys - they are all clumsy, awkward, legs barely watered on the floor. It is so annoying me!
2nd. But when they come to the dance classes, they are happy to dance with girls.
1st. They gladly make everything to pay attention to them. It is so annoying me!
2nd. In general, I believe that the problem of many guys is that when you want to dance with him, he thinks you are in love with him!
1st. Exactly! It is so annoying me!
2nd. Yes, nothing is so annoying a girl like everyone else.
1st. Do you herself invented or found on the Internet?
2nd. In social networks. Save me from irritation by the dance?
1st. If there is only this tool, it agrees!

Choreographic rooms.

2nd. Dance is joy and pleasure. If not, this is physical education.
1st. Physical Education? Agree. And who is your physical education teacher?
2nd (Thinking, but without deciding to call). Yes, whoever is ... all the physius shout: "Faster! Hands moving! What is crawling from the foot curve to the curve? "
1st. That's about ... Choreographers also call on their disciples to attention: "Feet! Ears! Ears! Legs!"
2nd. Legs are understandable. And the ears are with what?
1-J.. And this, as the dancers themselves say, the same thing. After all, the ears of the dancer - in his tiptoe! He hears music and ... on socks, on the heel, on socks, on the heel. So the dance begins ...

Choreographic rooms.

So much new recently happens!
2nd. Here are some ten years ago cell phones with long antennas appeared. Now there are no such, there are smartphones.
1st. And computers? First were with big monitors who were held by a polystile, now they are small and flat laptops and tablets. Rejoice, use!
2nd. And in art, everything changes with even greater speed. For example, in the dance: Frestyle danced quite recently, then hip-hop studied, now it became a popular flash mob.
1st. For the uninitiated explain. This is an unexpected appearance of unfamiliar people in a pre-agreed place.
2nd. Translated from the English "Flashmob" is an "instant crowd." The mobbers come out and begin to dance, and more people are joined to them. Capturing spectacle!
1st. What are youth invented this for?
2nd. First, it's great, a kind of massive "funny", and then it is entertainment!
1st. BUT! Emotional recharging!
2nd. And, of course, these are new acquaintances and new friends.
1-J.. Probably, this is happening in England or America?
2nd. Yes, and we too! Watch!

Choreographic rooms.

1st. Yes, for them not to please ...
2nd. Street dances are increasingly in fashion. I wonder right on the street of everyone to devote to your art.
1st. Waiving!
2nd. Popping!
1st. Lock!
2nd. Waking!
1st. And all this ...
Together. Funky!

Choreographic rooms.

2nd. We sometimes have to be at rehearsals and vocalists, and dancers.
1st. What you just won't see and you will not hear! Fun, I tell you!
2nd. Especially when one choreographer raises Vataga unreasonable, restless and fun student.
1st. From our records. What do choreographers say when they end patience ...
2nd. Who dropped elbows?
1-J.. You need to stand on your feet!
2nd. Olya, remove the knee in the other direction!
1st. And I will call you Mr. Dead Hips!
2nd. You will not do this pose! I do not need corpses!
1-J.. Partners! Do not ride on partners!
2nd. Yes, guys, dance - this is not a grandmother's cakes to crack!
1st. And no matter what, we dance!

Choreographic number.

2nd. Any problem in the world can be solved dancing.
1st. Africans say: "If you know how to talk - you know how to sing if you know how to walk - you know how to dance!" And the inhabitants of Africa, as you know, a very musical and dancing people!
2nd. The task of any choreographer in love with his profession is to teach your students not only legs, but also a heart.
1st. All universe rhythmic. So you can dance to the music of stars.

Choreographic rooms.

2nd. No jumps and flights there is no dance!
1-J.. But there is a gravity!
2nd. Our dancers are ready to cope with gravity because it is approaching ...
Together. The final!

Choreographic number.

1st. Dear friends! The dance time came to an end.
2nd. The scene overlook the most cheerful, energetic, musical artists and their teacher - choreographer ... (presents).

Concert participants fill out the scene.

1-J. and 2nd. If you want to dance ...
Participants of the concert. Come to us!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

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