Saints who cast out demons. How to expel the demon from yourself on your own. How to drive out ghosts To rid your home of the intrusive visits of ghosts, you need to take feathers and down from the pillows, set them on fire and fumigate the whole house with smoke

Saints who cast out demons. How to expel the demon from yourself on your own. How to drive out ghosts To rid your home of the intrusive visits of ghosts, you need to take feathers and down from the pillows, set them on fire and fumigate the whole house with smoke

conversation number 3

Devil - main personality kingdoms of darkness. Demons, demons, evil spirits, unclean spirits are one and the same. In Greek "daimonian" - in Greek mythology this being is a demigod, half-man. The Greeks worshiped and venerated him. Almost all pagan religions are built on the worship of evil spirits. People are trying to arrange them. In practice, when exiled, we are dealing with demons, not with angels or with the devil himself. Demons are tied to the earth (Matt. 12: 43-45). Demons constantly need a body to express themselves. There are people possessed by demons - not in their right mind (Mark 5: 2-14). A person has demons (in Ukr. Per. - the demon's mother). Demons try to attack each of us (1 Pet. 5: 8). A Christian cannot be possessed by a demon, but a demon can control one of the spheres of his life, just like mice can live in our apartment where we are the owners, or like in any country, on the one hand, the power of the president, on the other hand - the existence of a mafia that absolutely does not obey the president. Demons, like the mafia, live in gangs. The Holy Spirit gradually leads us to perfection and liberation (Rom. 8:26). Many Christians suffer from depression, internal problems that have not been resolved for years. And we should not say: "Peace, peace" when there is no peace and it is frivolous to heal wounds. Sometimes fasting and prayer reveal a problem, but a person does not know how to get out of this problem.

Features of the rituals used in different cases

Anyone who accepts God does not see what kind of rational difficulty "a priori" can accept the Resurrection of Christ or the virgin motherhood of Mary or the multiplication of loaves and fishes. After being unloaded in the belief "the existence of the invisible world," a priori I have no objection to oppose not only angels, nor archangels, cherubim, seraphim, who know that other beings are thought of and desired by the divine imagination. A believer is one who expects many surprises. Once known, "the existence of a God who is creative and omnipotent, that is," is capable of anything "reason lies in" expect divine imagination to gradually manifest itself, always going beyond all the difficulties and amazing always our innate predisposition for the ordinary, predictable, usual.

what does the Bible say about satanic spirits and their actions?
a) in Old Testament: a spirit of jealousy (Num. 5: 14,30), an evil spirit (Judgment. 9:23; 1 Kings. 16: 14-23; 18:10; 19: 9), a lying spirit (1 Kings. 22:22; 2 Chron. 18: 20-22), a spirit of intoxication (Isa. 19:14), a spirit of sleep (Isa. 29:10), a dull spirit (Isa. 61: 3), a spirit of fornication (Hos. 4:12; 5 : 4), an unclean spirit (Zech. 13: 2);
b) in the New Testament: a dumb and deaf spirit (Mark 9:25), an unclean spirit (Mark 9:25), a spirit of weakness (Luke 13:11), a divining spirit (Acts 16:16), a spirit the deceiver (1 Tim. 4: 1), the spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1: 7), the spirit of delusion (1 John 4: 6);

"A priori", of course, "religious" person does not exclude anything. He knows that if it is difficult to prove the existence of something, it is even more difficult to demonstrate apodictically existence. The person with the "cruel" is the one who has the sharpest and most unfounded certainty: the certainty of what is not. This is a certainty that only goes to God: only one who is omniscient can list things that are not there, so paradoxically it can be said that an ardent person has the most arbitrary and unreasonable of faith.

Diagnostics with a church candle

Of course, the Bible needs interpretation. Reading the Bible to "writing", trusting a feeling that would always be obvious and immediate, is an illusion. This is not even an ancient or traditional reading, but something modern and connected even "it" - as a rationalistic reading - with "Enlightenment". "Fundamentalism" as a movement in Protestantism was born with John Nelson Darby, and the name dates back to the beginning of this century.

2. The actions of the spirits.
a) These spirits have two tasks: to prevent us from repentance and to prevent spiritual growth... Example: the action of the spirit of sleep. A spirit that is constantly trying to put us to sleep: a person reads the Bible and falls asleep, but for hours and until late he can watch various TV programs. What do you think makes the same believers fall asleep in the congregation?
b) The spirit of fornication. Not every person who has fallen into this sin has a spirit of fornication. But if, after repeated repentance, this is repeated over and over again, and a person cannot cope with this sin, this is a spirit of fornication. Often this spirit is inherited. The girl's story that she feels the strong influence of this spirit: her mother is a harlot;
c) The spirit of despondency (Isa. 61: 3) - deep depression that take away the joy of salvation (Prov. 17:22);
d) The spirit of gossip - when a person, like a magpie, like a tsetse fly, spreads a deadly poison throughout the church;
e) The spirit of evil - a mother beats her children, not wanting it herself, being under duress.

When, for example, we read: The Lord God created man with the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and “man became a living being,” we must interfere with the metaphysical understanding of God, therefore, excluding God from everything that is bodily, we read expressions that make him look like a potter who plasmates his artifact as symbolic expressions. To know right away that they never stop being deep. Blowing is a sign of life and movement. Wind, wind - the main reality? unimportant.

An aspen branch suspended above the threshold of the front door will keep energy vampires out of your house. Even dry and wintery, set in the bedroom, will save you from nightmares

Sometimes it is necessary to fully consider exclusively symbolic meaning a given view, a specific route scientific research as a statement of Copernicus' theory on this Ptolemy. This does not mean that the symbolic meaning was already present and the very intuition of the instability of the current scientific vision.

old man and demons
1. Every born-again Christian feels a struggle between flesh and spirit (Gal. 5:17). By nature we are rebels and children of Adam, each of us has the sinful nature of Adam. The old nature cannot be expelled. The solution to the problem of the old man is crucifixion. Those who are Christ's crucified the flesh with passions and lusts (Gal. 5:24). The 6th chapter to Romans describes the solution to the problem of the old man - "consider yourself dead to sin ...", "do not give up your members to sin ..." and so on. (see also Rom. 7:14:25).

Someone wanted to attract angels and demons in the "complex context of the image of the world destined to participate in" scientific renewal, so their function will now only be symbolic, and this will be considered with a change in the sensitivity of modern man. Here, for example, is the position of the model of biblical rationalism. "Eight hundred - David Friedrich Strauss - with us" according to the Copernican concept was filmed the place where "Jewish and Christian antiquity thought to create the throne of God." more room for the throne of God and even for his angels.

That there is no metaphysical reason to interpret an angel as a symbol, a metaphor for something. While God cannot have a body and then sit on a throne, he could very well create pure spirits and be "surrounded", that is, submit to their loving adoration, build a family of love with them, and use his work to guide the world.

2. The problem of a person in whom demons live:
a) demons do not die and they cannot be crucified, they only need to be driven out;
b) a constantly repeated sinful habit that possesses a person - the source is demons;
c) demons torment us if we have not forgiven our offender (Matt. 18: 34-35). They torture us with condemnation, guilt. Demons torment us with fear (before strong people, fear of getting sick, or simply fear of "what will happen tomorrow?"). Everything that is under duress is from demons.

Scientists cannot prove that there are angels, but they cannot even prove that they do not exist? If we consider with some attention the whole picture of biblical revelation, we understand that the drama of the salvation story also knows these characters, and if they are not the main characters, they are not even complementary. this statement about the purpose of all redemptive actions of the Incarnate Word: "The Son of God seemed to destroy the works of the devil." Before the texts that tell us about angels and demons, we need some criteria.

We cannot move arbitrarily in them. The criterion that we have already seen cannot be fundamentalist. This negates the problem by eliminating the shape change. The story must be deciphered. What is the key to understanding? Bultmann's unknown expression is known: You cannot use electric light or radio, or resort to modern medical and clinical discoveries in case of illness, and at the same time believe in the world of spirits and miracles proposed New Testament.

3. How demons enter:
a) by inheritance - our ancestors were engaged in the service of demons;
b) personal sins - occultism, immoral lifestyle;
c) in childhood - through violence against the child, through fear. Many children suffer from resentment towards their parents. Remember that the one who cannot forgive suffers more than the one who offended.

how to get rid of demons
1. Deep humility - humble yourself and admit that this is your problem. For a while, give up your dignity and receive deliverance from God. Self-esteem will come back a little later. (Psalm 137: 6) - God sees the proud from afar and keeps him afar off.

Here the criterion is the concept of the world of modern man, the result of technical scientific progress. Would Bultmann be surprised to see how many people of our time quietly turn on electric lights, sit in front of the TV and at the same time visit an astrologer and believe in gossip and fairies? But he must get a softening effect: his conferences.

But, apart from indirect considerations, there remains an appropriate background: can the concept of peace be raised? Modern man hermeneutic criterion of critical biblical text and authentic documents Of course science is among the regulatory moments in the interpretation of these documents, but this will never be the last resort.

2. Know the truth. "The truth will make you free" (John 8:32).
a) You must realize that this is your problem, and who is honest with himself, frank, exhausted, he will passionately crave his release; example: when Peter walked on the water and was afraid of the waves, he cried out: "Lord, save me" (Matt. 14:30). You should call the hammer a hammer, not a locksmith's tool.

It is interesting to see how Pannenberg, who also wants to be in the line of demitologization itself, today criticizes the classic argument of the liberal school to get rid of angels and demons. Is David Friedrich Strauss talking about the angelic activity of angels? contradictions modern concept nature, as he considers these natural phenomena such as lightning and thunder, earthquake, epidemic, etc. not how special manifestations God, but returns them to reasons that lie in a natural context.

One of the ancient forms of fighting demons, the Devil and other forces is exorcism.

Now this obedience strikes not only the work of angels, but also the special act of God in the events of nature and presupposes the concept of the natural context as a closed system and sees in theological statements about the action of God or angels in the events of the world, in any case in individual events of nature, explanations natural processes that compete with the descriptions and the factors they gave them.

3. Confessing your sins to God. Bring all your sin into the light of God, remember everything, acknowledge it as a sin, and remember that you cannot surprise God with anything.

4. Repentance. It is an act of will, a reversal from evil deeds. In the Psalms, David says: "They are my enemies, should I not hate them." Renounce the occult, horoscopes, hypnosis, fortune-telling and any connection with demons. If this is not done heartily, demons cannot leave a person.

A spell to exorcise a demon from another person

They are personal and spiritual beings. They bear some resemblance to the platonic world of ideas. They are like archetypes and personal prototypes of everything that exists. With the Apostle Thomas Aquinas, the notion that angels do not differ from each other "numerically", but as a species by type. Angel and angel themselves are much more than man and man, of a larger breed and breed.

Life and destiny in communication. One might think: What is the need for this whole militia of intermediate beings? Why, then, is God not alone? And why do I need another? This certainly obeys the logic of personal love. Is this a reflection in a person? only man is said to be the image and likeness of God - the Trinity and the infinite perfection of God. Link, influence, drama, fraternal communion. "A man can take everything except s", this is what he is in the highest degree the need for something else. Scripture says: "There is one trouble!" And the one who found another company.

5. Forgive others, living or dead, and let go of any offense.

6. Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved. Remember what Christ said: "He who comes to Me I will not cast out." Mt. 12: 26-28 .: Christ by the Spirit of God cast out demons, and now the Spirit of God casts them out in the same way. In John. 7: 37-39 shows how we should receive the Holy Spirit: "if anyone thirsts, come to Me and drink." Casting out demons is an exhalation, just as we exhale smoke. In greek and Hebrew"spirit" is wind or breath. When a minister is named Jesus Christ orders the demons to get out of the person, then the first or third breath can be yours, and then, if there are demons, they will begin to manifest themselves. The expulsion is sometimes accompanied by yawning, screaming, yelling, sobbing (Acts 8: 7), coughing, screeching, moaning, roaring. Do not pray at this time, let the demons go away, let them leave you freely. Do it in faith that the Lord said, "In My name they will cast out demons" (Mark 16:17).

The company of God and, to be sure, the angels. Material values, if they are subdivided, decrease, spiritual values ​​increase! The person is eager to report it. He loves to deliver good news. There is a recognized connection between angels and liturgy. True values visible by God, from which follows the primacy of contemplation with strict logic. Let's go back here, to some extent, to the starting point: what is it for? But you cannot go to infinity, you must come to the point that you are faced with something that serves nothing, not because it is useless, but for another reason, because this is a term for any use, that is, the Supreme End And the one who is directly related to this Supreme Kon, who sticks to this person and is always busy with it, is the one who has found in his action the maximum intensity of possible meaning.

why don't people accept liberation?
1. Lack of repentance.
2. Lack of exhaustion.
3. Wrong motives.
4. Self-focus - desire for attention.
5. Reluctance to break with the occult.
6. Unwillingness to break off bonding soul relationships.
7. Lack of deliverance from the curse.
8. Refusal to confess certain sins.
9. "Inseparability" through water baptism.
10. Part of the big battle.

And for angels there is no such tension, often tearing apart what is characteristic of a person's state: actions or contemplation, in order to take care of men, one should not look away from the face, or rather, what to look at will bring out all his energy and his light my spiritual director wise and prudent director. And who can better understand my "My Celeste"? A guide who lives above all by what he offers As an experienced mountain guide who knows peaks like his pockets.

He knows the heights because he is always present in the presence of God, and his smiling face looks at the Face of God. Denial of the devil and his actions in modern theology. How did you deny the existence of the devil? We start from the day when, at least in Catholic Church was the symbolic starting point of the crisis. Very famous, author of an important Bible dictionary. In Italy, some strong phrases are put a little "scrupulously", but the substance is the same. The anecdote is also associated with the publication of this book.

Possessed. Exorcism of evil spirits

Fragments of the book of priest Vladimir Emslicheva "Possessed. Expulsion of evil spirits "

A lot of real, terrible cases and facts arise before us. In whom the demon is "sitting," why and for what, what is needed to heal the possessed one, and who can heal him - every Orthodox Christian is well aware of this. Read with attention and fear - these are not fairy tales and not fictions. And this can happen, by God's permission, with anyone.

How to expel a demon from a person?

The Hague taught at the University of Tübingen, and among his colleagues was Professor Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger then read the book and criticized it too much. Haag's thesis is simple: the devil does not exist, it is just a symbol, a symbol of evil in the world. All of them are summed up in this sentence: "Everything that is said about Satan in the New Testament does not refer to the connecting message of Revelation, but only to that image of the characteristic world of biblical writers or the mentality of their age." This concept is no longer compatible with the image we make in the world today and therefore we can no longer accept it.

Peace the spiritual exists regardless of whether anyone believes in it or not. There is God, our Creator, who loves all people living on earth, and wants salvation for all of us. There are hell and heaven. There are Angels of God - good spirits striving to do good to all people on Earth, and the devil and his demons are evil and unclean spirits who want to destroy the entire human race. Therefore, if we humans want to be safe earthly life to live and go to heaven, then you must believe in God, fulfill His commandments, resort to the help of God and His good spirits - Angels, and the evil and unclean spirits, the devil and demons, in every possible way avoid, fear them, fight with them and win over them, by the grace of God, victory.

This belief in the world of spiritual spirits between God and man - angels and demons, good spirits and bad spirits - is part of this concept of the world that we are now in the light of scientific and technological progress were no longer allowed. For for the "concept of the world" here is understood not only a certain way of scientific interpretation of natural phenomena, but also a certain way of thinking about God, in addition to his relationship with the future. the concept of the world was shared by everyone at this age, and Haag has no difficulty in admitting that he was also shared by Jesus and all the characters in the New Testament.

To know about possession and the expulsion of evil spirits is useful to every person in order to protect themselves from exposure evil forces... In our story, we will cite the stories of various people we know.

One person said: “I first learned that there are demon-possessed people shortly after my baptism, and I was baptized at 28 years old. During Divine Liturgy When they brought out the cup with the Holy Gifts, one woman, who was standing not far from the entrance, suddenly screamed in an inhuman voice and started hysterical. But as soon as the bowl was taken away, it immediately calmed down and returned to its normal state. I asked what was wrong with her, and they explained to me that there was "a devil" in her.

Once I had the opportunity to take an unction at a monastery. The doors were tightly closed from the inside so that none of the strangers entered. The sacrament was performed by two hieromonks, and about twelve people were unleashed. And among us, as it turned out, there were three demoniac women... Their rage began to manifest only after the first anointing. blessed oil, and before that they stood still, like everyone else. The first demoniac, standing on the left edge, began to be broken, mangled; she groaned and growled terribly. Towards the end of the sacrament, she was so tormented by the unclean spirits that sat in her that from time to time she sat on a chair to recover. Another demoniac stood in the center. After the first anointing, she - or rather, the demon sitting in her began to rudely and violently male voice: “I won't go out! I will not give in! I will not go out! I will not give in! " But before the beginning of the sacrament, I heard her speak in her usual soft female voice... Of course, it is possible for a woman to portray a male voice, but so that it is unlikely. By the end of the unction, the woman who was in this woman devilry in the same rough male voice, she began to speak quickly: “Two went out, one remained ...” I thought that, apparently, there were three demons in it and two priests were expelled. Only later, over time, I learned that the demon cannot be trusted, since he usually lies. For it is said about Satan: "... he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8.44). It is amazing: after a while I read the book of the life of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. It was written there that during the transfer of his relics one demoniac was healed - and the demon sitting in him shouted the same thing: "Two went out, one remained!"

For the evil spirits, the Gospel and the cross are a scorching fire. It was scary to see how this demoniac, screaming in a coarse male voice, applied to the Gospel and the cross. When the Gospel was brought to her, she stood for two minutes and could not herself bring her face closer to the Holy Book. It was terrible to see the split in the personality of a person: a woman who suffered for years because of the demon longs to expel him, reaches for the shrine, and the evil spirits sitting in it do not let her in and angrily shouts: “I will not give in! I will not give in! " When, almost forcibly, the Gospel was applied to the woman's lips, she suddenly fell unconscious to the floor with a wild cry: as if some terrible force was grabbing her and throwing her flat down. It seemed that her bones might break; after that she lay as if dead. And for the first time I was even embarrassed. But the hieromonks were experienced in this matter and calmly continued to unleash. The woman gradually came to her senses, sat after that on a chair and then stood again with everyone. But the most terrible sight turned out to be when, at the end of the unction, she kissed the cross. The demon who was sitting in it fiercely torn and shouted, not letting her go to this greatest shrine. When, after several minutes of fierce struggle, the woman kissed the cross, she fell to the floor with a terrible cry; I regained consciousness only ten minutes later.

After the first anointing, I also heard a dog barking behind me and then a muffled, "Lord have mercy!" It was in the woman that the demon was sitting and barking. And what amazed me too: she barked like a real dog - so the artist could not imitate. And while the unction was going on, from behind me everything was heard: "Woof!", And then in a tearful, sobbing voice: "Lord, have mercy!"

By the end of the sacrament, it was very difficult for everyone present. Even one of the hieromonks seemed somewhat frightened. I was so scared that I was baptized almost continuously. I had the feeling that some kind of dark force had accumulated in the air, piled on top and wanted to crush, kill me. The sacrament lasted about three hours, and when it ended, I was already almost exhausted.

For several days after that, I remembered and pondered everything that had happened. How terribly and thoughtlessly we sin sometimes. We all hope that this time the Lord will not touch us with a punishing hand. Truly great is the longsuffering of God! I once heard how, in confession, an old hieromonk, Father Zosima, cryingly spoke to the confessing women: “Children, how hard it is, what terrible sins you bring me. And you don't know what you came with. Previously, for one abortion for ten years, they were excommunicated from Holy Communion, according to the rules of the Apostles and Holy Fathers, and you almost each have several abortions. After all, this is murder in the womb. How can I forgive your sins, how to admit to the Holy Gifts, how to be with you? I'm bleeding for you ... "

Man sins until the cup of the Lord's forbearance is overflowed. Then the Lord, who guarded him, retreats, and a dark unclean force attacks him and brings him all evil. And one of the most severe punishments on earth is when demons enter a person. Incredible horror when a person no longer fully owns the body, butshares it with someone vile, who tortures him continuously and is eager to destroy him completely. Then a person's faith grows, but great deeds of repentance are also needed to faith. And the help of high ascetics - fasting and prayer books - is needed in order to expel this evil spirits from the body. After all, so that cast out demons, the great need grace and strength, and a special blessing for that from the Church. And the unfortunate obsessed ride different countries, seek help not from doctors, but from Christ, knock the doorsteps of churches and monasteries in order to be healed.

And demons enter a person, in most cases, either as a punishment for his great pride, or for the grave sins he has committed, especially when he sins against any shrine of the Church of Christ. How terrible is evil, and how terrible is the demon - it is the bearer and focus of evil. It's scary to see how it manifests itself in people. As the faces of some possessed people are disfigured, in them the human begins to disappear. The Lord is perfect, and His creations are perfect, of which there is nothing more beautiful than a man and human faces.

The unclean one is terrible, ugly, and such are his manifestations: in everything he seeks to distort, to destroy the perfect beauty created by God. If you look at those who serve Satan, you can see that their faces, as a rule, are ugly black masks, spiritual stench and dislike emanate from these people. What a pity they are, and how I want them to come to their senses, remember that they too are the creations of God, and would hasten to return to themselves the beauty given to them from birth, which they have distorted, consciously or unconsciously, becoming in the service of an unclean spirit - the devil ... And the possessed faces are usually like masks: terrible, distorted, perverted, ugly forms.

“A few days after the unction, I was going to the monastery and suddenly I heard barking ahead of me. I looked around, but did not see the dogs, only in front - a woman with a girl and no one else. They barked again, and then I guessed that it was a girl barking, and her mother was taking her to the monastery to be healed. I wanted to look at the girl, I overtook them and turned around. And it would be better if I didn’t do this: what I saw was so terrible. The girl's face was so distorted and curled to one side that it seemed to me to be a genuine depiction of a demon. It became so scary and disgusting that I immediately quickened my pace, no longer turning around and peering into the monastery ahead. "

Demons are terrible, and sin is terrible. Let's look around, look at ourselves and see how sin disfigures kind of person, deprives of beauty and pleasantness, defiles and disfigures the face. It is known that people who are angry, proud, vain, lustful, in general, strongly obsessed with any vices, have, as a rule, ugly and unpleasant faces that are appropriate for these vices. And vice versa: how pleasant are the faces of Orthodox Christians leading a clean life! The closer their souls are to God, the more light and love they radiate. The Holy Spirit cleanses, sanctifies the soul and ennobles appearance Christian.

Here's another person's story.

“I was visiting a friend of mine. When we talked with him, he said: “Now a very interesting person will come to me. He saw a "flying saucer".

Soon this man came. We got into a conversation with him, and I asked him to tell us how he saw the "flying saucer". He liked our interest in this, and he slowly began his story.

Once he went to one place to visit his mother-in-law. By evening, the mother-in-law had gone somewhere to see her friends, and he was left alone in the house. He was sitting at the table, drinking tea, and suddenly noticed a strange reflection outside the window. I went out onto the porch, looked around and saw a large luminous spot in the sky. At the same time, he was seized by some extraordinary fear. He could not stand it, ran into the house, into the back room, threw himself on the floor, huddled under the bed and lay there, trembling all over and fearing something even more terrible. (When he told us this, he somehow cringed, shrank; it was evident that the memory of those fears was still fresh in him). Only later, when the mother-in-law came, he got out from under the bed, told her everything and soon went to bed. Having finished his story on this, our interlocutor suddenly straightened up, his eyes sparkled, and he said very proudly: “But now I am a different person, not like everyone else. I was chosen by an extraterrestrial civilization to contact me! "

Noticing this turn of the matter, I turned the conversation in the other direction and soon, having excused myself, left them. I thought about what I had just told for a long time. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught people, saying: "You will recognize them by their mods" (Matthew 7.16). And what are the fruits of the fact that this man saw the "flying saucer"? First: animal fear and behavior unworthy of man. Second: pride, for he became very proud because he saw something unusual, and began to consider himself superior to other people. And thirdly, bad: he entered a state of seduction, a certain insanity. And these three consequences are enough to understand: the "flying saucer" that he saw was a demonic deed, from Satan!

All that a person wants good, he must ask God, and if it is God's will, God will give it. And if a person achieves something without asking God, then he sins, and at the same time he can easily be caught by Satan. And do not expect good from Satan. "

Anyone who communicates with evil demonic power endangers his health, his earthly well-being, his loved ones. There is a danger here for the Orthodox and to lose eternal life... For it often happens that a demon, starting with a small one, over time confuses a person so that he leads him to suicide or death in some other way. And then not only the body, but also the soul of a person perishes forever. So it is impossible to approach the devil in either small or large.

God, who created the Universe and people, the visible and invisible world, possesses limitless powers and is always ready to help us, if only we would resort to Him. And there is no need for us to turn to opposing forces when we have God - our Heavenly Father, who loves us and cares about us.

Another story.

“Once I was walking down the street and I met a woman I knew who had a sect leader, false Christ, who pretended to be Christ, in her apartment for some time. He taught that a person can live for hundreds of years, and inspired others that he himself would live for a long time, certainly no less than a hundred years. But, when he lived to be 72 years old, he died. This woman considered herself his heiress and wanted to continue his work, apparently not realizing that it was demonic.

We stood with her and talked. I noticed that her face was black, and this blackness was some kind of inner, from demonic action. At the same time, I felt spiritually that a stream of spiritual stench emanated from her. Something like that a decomposed dead person stinks. This was intolerable, and soon I left, ending the conversation. And throughout the day I was still haunted by this spiritual stench ”.

More than once communicating with the workers who worked on the restoration of churches, I noticed how much the devil tempted them. The fact is that now, in times of great impoverishment of faith on earth, believing workers come across very rarely. Therefore, for work on the repair, restoration of churches and monasteries, it is often necessary to hire people who are few believers, or even completely unbelievers. They want to make money and often practically do not understand what a high and holy cause they are taking. But the devil and demons see this and take revenge on them, and sometimes very strongly. Either suddenly a worker, a seemingly sedate and sober man, will drink tightly, then he will fight with someone, then he will fall into some other trouble, or even suddenly quit his work in the church, although he promised to do something, and I contracted, and I expected good earnings for myself. Of course, God will reward them with good for their work for the good of the Church, both here and in the next world. But since they do their work, from the point of view of faith, unconsciously, without prayer, without the fear of God, and even, sometimes, even without faith in God itself, the devil acquires the power over them to tempt them and in every possible way tries to harm them for that. good that they do for the Church of God. So, in order to work safely for God, you have to be with God.

Here is what one man said about the influence of demons on him.

“After a bone fracture and an operation, I got a job as a watchman at one institution in order to somehow get some food. The work was not difficult: during the day I was on duty at the entrance, sitting at the table, and at night - the exit was on schedule - to guard the empty building. But even this simple work I could hardly do, since the bones had not yet completely healed, and some movements caused me pain.

Spiritually, this work was very convenient for me: I could pray here to my heart's content, including the Jesus Prayer, and read spiritual books, especially when I was alone. Repenting of my sins, I tried to pray a lot, and prayer, of course, was accompanied by various temptations.

Once, for the first time in my life, demonic obsessions happened to me. At night I was alone in the institution, the huge empty building frightened me. Lights were constantly on in the corridor, and I spent the night in a large hall adjacent to the entrance to the building. In the hall, I did not turn on the light so that from the street through the windows I could not be seen, and there was twilight around me.

Somehow deep at night I woke up and suddenly next to me I heard scary voice, who uttered like a monster: "A-ah-ah-ah!" I cowered all over, numb, lying on the bench. I became very scared, and the prayer did not come to my mind. But then I came to my senses and began to pray, and all fears passed.

Another time, in the morning, I had a dream, like a vision, with bright colors, as if it was extraordinary around me luxury roses and other flowers. Then suddenly two women called and entered. Then I woke up and heard the bell, went to open it, and two women-cleaners came in, which was the first time, because so early there was always only one cleaning woman.

And after a while something quite terrible happened. One late night I woke up, and then a demon, which I, however, did not see, lifted me, who was lying on a bench, to the very ceiling,- and the hall was high, - and began to throw the bench with me here and there through the air, as if on a swing. I could hardly keep myself on the bench, clutching it with my hands; every second I could fall down and crash. Finally, I was able to cry out to God, and immediately my shop returned to its place. I began to come to my senses, but did not fall asleep for a long time.

This incident scared me in earnest. I thought that the demon had rebelled against me so much for repenting of my sins, crying, praying a lot, striving to sincerely destroy vices in myself and be only with God. Rather, I went to the confessor. He listened calmly to my narration and, smiling, explained to me that the demon usually does not attack sinners directly, but fights them through thoughts, through other people, or through hallucinations that he leads. Only the saints are vouchsafed that sometimes the demon attacks them directly. From this it turned out that in fact I did not fly through the air on a bench, that it was something like a hallucination induced by a demon. I was somewhat reassured by this explanation, but I was surprised at the power of demonic hallucinations: after all, I had a completely real feeling of everything that was happening, when it seemed to me that I was flying on a bench.

Over time, I read from Saint Theodore the Studite that this usually happens to those who "are afraid of fear where there is no fear." That is when we sin strongly and our soul is in danger of falling for this forever into hell, then there must be true fear, and such fear is salutary. But when we turn to God, sincerely regret our sins, repent and pray, then there is nothing for us to be afraid of, for whoever is with God, then God is with that. In addition, God is omnipresent, and everywhere there can be His Angels, Guardian Angels, ready to protect the believer from all evil, if only he strives for God.

This incident also clearly showed me that everyone who deeply and sincerely strives for God and prays a lot cannot be without an experienced confessor. The saints say that the spiritual path for self-made is to destruction. And often the self-proclaimed ones lose their reason, when, without being cleared of heavy sins, prematurely, from pride, vanity, or unreason, they strive to receive high spiritual gifts, to reveal in themselves the special action of prayer. And I read a lot about the saints that demons often attacked them directly and even beat them, inflicted wounds on them. Reverend Seraphim of Sarov For example, the demons threw a large ridge of wood into the door of his deserted cell, which then a few people could hardly bear.

The instructions of the confessor and his prayers reassured me, and in the future nothing special happened to me at work. "

And here is what one priest told us.

“I served in a rural church and was its abbot. Once two women in mourning came to me, asking how they could sing a service in absentia to their relative, who had hanged himself the other day and was already buried. I answer them that suicides cannot be buried, and they go to hell forever. I began to move away from them, but I see, they are very sad. And I felt sorry for them. Give, I think, at least some word of consolation to them. “There are, I say, cases when suicides are buried. Those who were sick, especially mentally ill, - they, as it were, in the loss of their sanity, did it. But you have to go to the local bishop, ask Vladyka to give permission for the funeral service. If I had such permission from Vladyka, I would have sung, but I myself will not undertake such a matter. " That is why I moved away from them.

Two weeks later, they again came to the church, and immediately they submitted a paper to me: a petition to Vladyka with a request to allow a funeral service in absentia for their relative, who had hanged himself in the darkening of his mind, and other plausible reasons are given for such a petition. Below, under the petition, Vladyka's signature, with an order, as an exception due to the philanthropy of God and the Church, to perform a funeral service in absentia for this person who hanged himself due to such and such circumstances. “Well,” I say, “since Vladyka takes upon himself the soul of this person, I will sing it out.” And he sang it in absentia.

After the funeral service, one of these women, the mother of the deceased's wife, asks me for incense.

Why, - I say, - you incense?

Yes, at home with her daughter something wrong is going on, and at night her dead husband comes to her, lures her out into the street.

What is she?

Goes out with him.

And what are they doing there?

They talk.

He asked her to remove the cross, which hangs over her bed.

Here's what, ”I told her resolutely,“ even if she doesn’t remove the cross, otherwise it may perish. I'll give you some incense, put it on a red-hot coal, leave it in the apartment. Take from us and Epiphany water Sprinkle everything in the house, even the toilet. Sprinkle the cross with a prayer: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen." And let your daughter drink this holy water on an empty stomach and come to me as soon as possible. If the husband still comes to her, let him not go out with him and let him pray at the same time: "Lord, have mercy!"

She promised me that she would do this, and they both left.

Then I learned that the mother of the strangled man's wife had come to her daughter from distant places, and his sister had submitted a petition for the funeral service for the strangled man. Another two weeks passed, and a young woman came to me to be baptized from the village where the hanged man lived. During her baptism, I asked her:

You know, one recently hanged himself in your village?

I know.

Tell his wife to come to me urgently.

She promised to convey.

On another Sunday, the strangler's wife came to see me. At first I confessed her in detail, learned all the main sins of her life, resolved her from these grave sins. And then she told me everything in detail about what had happened. Her husband often drank it down, from these hard drinking he sometimes came into a very gloomy mood, and then a desire to leave this life voluntarily manifested in him. He made several attempts to commit suicide, but his wife did not let him do it, and then they did not overlook, he hanged himself. When he was buried, she could not find a place, it was so hard for her. All the time I felt the deceased as if next to me. And the thought to her all the time climbed - to also strangle herself and follow her husband into another world from such an unsuccessful and woeful earthly life. Sometimes the desire to strangle herself was so strong that it seemed that someone was forcing her to climb into the noose, and she could barely overcome this desire in herself.

Ten days after the funeral, she became completely ill, and something incomprehensible began to happen in the apartment. Not only did she constantly feel the presence of her husband, but she also heard some kind of noise, rustles, as if a ghost sometimes floated through the air, and then suddenly the indoor TV antenna was moving by itself and even rang. All this frightened her very much, and only this supported the fact that her mother, who had come to the funeral, lived while with her. They slept with their mother together in the room where she and her husband used to live. And above her bed was a plaster cross, not consecrated, which she had somehow bought in the market.

And once, at about one in the morning, she woke up, hears someone pushing the door handle and opening the door. She looked and saw that it was her husband who had appeared. He looks into the room, but does not cross the threshold and so with his finger, silently, entices her, invites her to follow him. Then she got up, dressed and followed him. And I didn't even think how my husband came in when the apartment was locked, and he was already buried, and his body lies underground. They went out into the street, sat down opposite each other on a bench and began to talk. He said that it was now very hard for him, that he regretted that he had strangled himself, asked her to forgive him for his rash act and for everything that he had done bad to her in life. Then he said that he would take her with him, into another world, but did not explain how this would happen. And he especially asked her to take off and put the cross hanging over the bed in another room, so that he could enter her room freely. So they talked for two hours, and then she returned to the apartment and went to bed, while he remained on the street.

After that, two or three more times he came to her like that, lured her out into the street and asked her to remove the cross from the wall. She already wanted to give in to him, but she was afraid that he would then come to her bed to sleep and still did not take off the cross. Then he began to ask her very much to take off from herself, from her neck, the cross that was on the chain. And so he persuaded her that she was about to take it off, but at the last moment she changed her mind and did not take it off.

After that, she told her mother everything, she was surprised that she did not see or hear her husband when he came at night, although they slept together in the same room. All this worried the mother, and when she and the strangler's sister came to my church, she asked for incense to somehow protect her daughter from these amazing and strange phenomena.

Why didn't you come to me right away? ”I asked the strangler’s wife. - Your mother told you that I asked you to come urgently?

Yes, she did, but when she smoked incense in the apartment and sprinkled everything with holy Epiphany water, then there were no more phenomena in the apartment, and her husband no longer appeared.

And when you sat with him on a bench in the street, did he touch you?


What did he look like? Maybe he was like a ghost?

No, he was as alive as I always saw him.

Here is the spiritual ignorance of people! - I thought and told her. - Now listen to me carefully. It was not your husband who appeared to you, but a demon - an evil spirit, Satan's henchman. He brought your husband to death for his sins, because he drank, to death, to strangulation, to hell, and then he came for you, so that you, too, would be taken from this life to hell for your sins. What have you done ?! Why didn't you come to me right away when your mother told you that I was calling you? You risked not only this life, but you could lose eternal life, go to hell forever. Thank God that smoking incense and sprinkling the saint's apartment had such a great effect. baptismal water... But it's good that although she has come to me now. Now do you see what the power of the cross is? You have a cross that hung over your bed, not consecrated?

No, I bought it at the market.

Behold, even an unconsecrated cross, but what power it has that the demon cannot even approach it. Although it is not sanctified, it is a cross, and on it is the image of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ. If you removed this cross, you would almost certainly die. And if then she took off the cross on the street, then she would hardly have remained alive. Get to know the power of the cross, and henceforth never take it off yourself, even in the bathhouse. And the fact that you went out into the street is unreliable. Maybe you were lying in your bed, and all this you dreamed. Although the demon sometimes acts in reality and can even temporarily assume the appearance of a person on himself, in most cases he acts through false visions, a kind of hallucinations. And such is the power of these hallucinations that a person feels and remembers everything as if it were in reality. Thank God that He saved you from such misfortunes. Here you have confessed, your sins are forgiven by God, now be saved. Thank your husband's sister for visiting Vladyka, and thank Vladyka. Now the way is open for your husband from hell to heaven; pray for him, do good deeds, give notes to the church about his repose, and save yourself. This life is temporary, sooner or later, and we will leave all this land. Save yourself.

With that, she left, and I pondered for a long time about this case, about treachery and hatred towards us, humans, demons, and about the power and grace of the Church's Sacraments and every holy thing of God. "

The same priest told the following.

“I had to somehow visit one institution. Taking the opportunity, the workers of this institution began to ask about what relates to faith and the Church. At the same time, one worker reported that at her house, in her apartment, there was a brownie who was playing pranks from time to time: either throwing objects, then making sounds, then creaking the door, then saying something else. And she talked about all this calmly, in the presence of her colleagues, not seeing what was happening in her apartment, nothing special and honoring the house spirit as a kind spirit.

I was struck by her spiritual ignorance, and this despite the fact that she was baptized in Orthodoxy. And I began to explain to her that this brownie is actually a demon, who is not a good spirit, but an evil one. That good spirits - the angels of God, fulfilling God's commands, always try to bring good to people, - lead them to faith in God, repentance, good deeds, salvation. And only demons - evil spirits, obeying their prince - Satan, can deliberately hooligan, do all sorts of nasty things to people. Both Satan and his henchmen, the demons, would like to destroy the entire human race, but they can only do what God allows them, for the Lord keeps His people. Therefore, not only can no good be expected from the house demon, but on the contrary, it must be assumed that, following petty hooliganism, he can cause great evil and even lead to the death of those who live in the house or apartment in which he lives. So if a homeless person appears in a person's dwelling, strange things happen: objects fly or fall, some sounds or even words are heard, ghosts appear, fear is induced on the living, then you need to know that this is a great misfortune. It is necessary to quickly run to the Orthodox Church to the priest, confess to him in his sins and ask him to come, consecrate the dwelling and drive out evil spirits - brownies, gnomes, goblin, water, "aliens" and the like and all their unclean manifestations.

I told about all this to the woman in whose apartment the houseless dweller lived, and suggested that she promptly call the priest to consecrate the dwelling, and also that everyone in the house confessed their sins to him.

Because there are so many misfortunes in the world today, that many people, having abandoned true worship of God, sink more and more into paganism, forgetting that there was a great redemptive sacrifice for all of us on the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and for almost 2000 years Orthodox Christianity has existed. ".

These are the stories we have heard.

During my priestly ministry, I, an Orthodox priest, had a lot to observe the possessed, those who were especially exposed to the influence of evil spirits. Satan and his servants, demons, evil and unclean spirits, act in general on the entire human race, on every person. But for some people, they act with a special great power: either from the inside, entering a person and settling in his body, or from the outside, outside, without entering his body. Such people are called possessed. Those people in whom evil spirits sit inside, in their bodies, are also called possessed.

People fall under the special influence of evil spirits, mainly for their grave sins, but also under the influence of witchcraft. If a person firmly adheres to the Orthodox faith, does not commit mortal sins, strives to live according to the commandments of Jesus Christ, to be with Christ, then such a person will not become possessed by any influence of witchcraft. He may suffer in some way, by the permission of God, from witchcraft, but he will not become possessed, no matter how angry sorcerers and evil unclean spirits may be against him.

At holy baptism on an orthodox person they impose the seals of the cross with the holy world: on the forehead, on the eyes, on the nostrils, on the lips, on the ears, on the chest, on the arms and legs. And it says: "The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit." And if a person goes to the temple of God, confesses, takes communion, tries to live according to God, keeps the Orthodox faith, then the demon under no circumstances can break these seals and enter into a person, into his body. If a person sins grossly, then, by God's permission, the demon can break these seals, enter into a person and dwell in his body. And then the person becomes possessed.

It is known from biographies that some saints were directly attacked by evil spirits, and even beaten them, but these saints cannot be called possessed, for they confidently repulsed, with the help of God, all the attacks of the enemy. But when a person is in great trouble from the actions of evil spirits, even dies, such a person can be called possessed. And if he turns to God, to the Church for help, repent, confesses, he will not sin deadly sins, will try to keep the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ, to preserve the Orthodox faith, then he will receive help from God, will begin to get rid of obsession and, when it pleases God, will cease to be possessed, will get rid of the special, aggravated influence of evil spirits on him.

There is a known case from the life of the Monk Basil the New, when a witch sent evil spirits to a certain Gregory, and he, from their strong influence, fell seriously ill and almost died. But this happened because he had previously sinned: he found an expensive belt and hid it, did not give it to the mistress. For this, by the permission of God, he fell under the strong influence of witchcraft, but was saved by the holy prayers of the Monk Basil the New.

Here is an example. It is known that in the forest, wolves usually cannot lift a healthy moose, and a sick moose is bullied and devoured. Likewise, demons, with their leader Satan, cannot defeat and destroy a morally healthy Christian, one who keeps the Orthodox faith, does not have mortal sins and strives to be with God.

There are many cases when children and adolescents become obsessed. They usually suffer for the sins of their parents, relatives, and witchcraft.

Once they brought a six-year-old girl to the priest who is scolding. The priest immediately determined that the girl was possessed by a demon, that an unclean spirit was sitting in her, in her body. But to more accurately determine the reason mental illness and choose The best way treatment, he confessed in detail to his parents. And it turned out that there were such sad circumstances. Husband's mother disliked her daughter-in-law different reasons, including because she was somewhat older than her husband. But they nevertheless got married, despite the dissatisfaction of the mother. And when the daughter-in-law was pregnant, her mother-in-law cursed her. The daughter-in-law would have to understand that trouble had happened, try to make peace with her mother-in-law, go to church, repent of what she sinned, ask for special help from the priest. But she did not do this, and the born girl became demoniac over time.

The priest blessed the parents to take the girl to lecture and commanded them to make every effort so that the girl's mother was reconciled with her mother-in-law. For such a reconciliation, he summoned her mother-in-law, confessed her, forgave her the sins of which she confessed and repented, and in every possible way persuaded her to forgive her son and daughter-in-law from the bottom of his heart, and completely remove his curse from them.

By the grace of God, the reconciliation took place, the old curse was completely removed, and the way was opened for the girl's healing. But her parents had to work hard, because the damage to children during pregnancy, during childbirth is often very severe and usually leaves a mark for life.

At first, the girl wildly resisted the lecture: she raged, twitched, screamed strongly, so that her parents could hardly restrain her. But after a few months there was already a clear improvement: during the lecture, she herself received communion of the Saints Mysteries of Christ... Prayers and sacred rites attracted the mercy of God to her: she gradually began to heal.

The mother brought a girl of about fifteen and a boy of about ten to the priest, who is scolding. The children outwardly seemed calm, and the mother was almost in hysterics: she was crying, shedding tears profusely, fussing and all the time trying to kneel in front of the priest. “Father! Father! ”She cried. Help my children, help! Only you have hope. Doctors cannot help them. "

"Calm down," the priest told her, "sit down." And she sat down next to him on the bench. - "Tell me what happened to them and what you want from me."

The woman calmed down a little and began to talk. When the children were small, she took them to heal from common childhood illnesses to magicians. However, from the action of these sorcerers, they not only did not heal, but became possessed. In them, the action of evil spirits began to be especially manifested. The boy began to suffer from epilepsy, demons instilled in him great fear, especially at night when he woke up, and in dreams. And sometimes demons began to visit her daughter at night: they made her fearful, and it seemed to her that they were trying to pull the blanket off her every time and throw her on the floor. And the family does not know how to protect themselves from these evil spirits.

“Children often suffer for the sins of their parents,” the priest said in response to her story. - Why did you take them to the sorcerers? Thought to heal? You were essentially taking them to Satan. Will Satan willingly do kind people? Of course not, because he wants to kill all people, to destroy, and do not expect good from him. Doctors, you say, cannot help them. But where doctors cannot, God can. You did the right thing to come, albeit at the end, to the Church of God. Let's hope for the mercy of God. "

And then the priest confessed her and the children and released them, in the name of God, all the sins they expressed. Then he gave them a specialwater consecrated to help the sick and the afflicted evil spirits, and blessed them to go to the lectures.

The woman calmed down, stopped crying, thanked the priest and promised that she would report with the children and drink this consecrated water... With hope for the best, they left.

One youth was brought to the priest, who is scolding, by his mother, saying that her son had some oddities and sometimes felt the influence of spirits. The priest confessed her and found out that she somehow took her son to the sorcerer for healing. Explaining that she had committed a sin, and having forgiven her, according to her repentance, this sin, he confessed the boy. And that's what he said. After his mother took him to a sorcerer, an unclean force became attached to him: it brings fear to him and teaches him bad things in his sleep, saying this: do not listen to your parents, do everything as you want; walk, have fun.

The priest listened to his story, forgave him his sins, blessed him to drink water for the sick and go to lectures. “Don't listen to the devil,” he added to the boy, “listen to Christ. Go to church and try no-God's to live. "

The main reason, as we have already said, why a person becomes possessed by evil spirits is his sins, often many and grave sins. The devil first leads a person into temptation, into sins, and when he sins, he takes possession of him.

Here's an example. One nun began to express dissatisfaction with the abbess, then began to openly scold her, rebelled against the abbess, did not obey her. In addition, she began to leave the monastery and secretly watch sorcerers, the so-called healers, on TV. And then she fell ill with cancer, which began to eat up her whole body, and became possessed by demoniacs. She was taken to a hospital for the insane, where she lay, being angry and not wanting to be reconciled with the abbess. When the monks came to see her, when they approached, she furiously spat on them and did not want to see them.

Finally, a priest was found who undertook to lecture her. When he first came to her, she began to spit on him. Two nuns forcibly held her, and the priest placed the Gospel on her head and began to read. As soon as the Gospel touched her head, she stopped spitting, quieted down a little, although her body was trembling and shaking violently. After the Gospel, the priest read an incantatory prayer over her to drive out evil spirits from her. Then they began to give her holy water, but she did not take it. Then they poured this water into her mouth by force, and at the same time her teeth were clenched, so that they could not unclench them, and the water seeped through her teeth into her mouth. Then they poured holy water over her head and the whole body, after which they fed her.

Before that, there was such a case. For some time she was visited by a woman of faith. The nun received her, talked to her, and ate gifts. Once this woman secretly poured holy water into her tea. The nun became very agitated, pushed the tea away from her and began to scold this woman with all sorts of words. The demon sitting in it immediately recognized the shrine: holy water poured into tea, and rebelled against this shrine.

When the priest came to this nun in the hospital second time, she no longer spat, but resisted reading the Gospel over her, so the two nuns had to forcibly hold her.

Gradually she began to accept the priest more calmly, not to resist the reading of the Gospel over her and the fact that they put the Gospel on her head. And the moment came when the demon sitting in it, driven away by the power of God, came out. This happened, by the grace of God, through the prayers of the priest, at some time when he was not in the hospital. He tried to pray for her every day and at the proskomedia at the Liturgy he commemorated her, taking out a particle from the prosphora.

When he once again came to her and after reading the Gospel and invocatory prayers began to say to the demon: "Come out!" Indeed, she ceased to be possessed, for the evil spirit was no longer in her body, and she simply became sick. She drank holy water herself, without any compulsion. And the path of salvation was again opened for her, for many are praying for her.

Here are some more examples when sins led a person to possession.

One young man, a year after his baptism in Orthodox faith, on occasion drank alcohol, sinned in a state of intoxication, and then went to the sorcerer for some kind of healing. After visiting the sorcerer, he felt that two evil and unclean spirits had settled in his body. They began to talk to him, called themselves by nicknames. Sometimes they took such a hold of him that he repeated their words, not understanding what he was saying. Then he began to experience torment from them, turned into Orthodox Church for help and began to go to lectures. The demons in him began to resist furiously, not wanting to be kicked out of his body, in every possible way kept him from the temple and from the lecture, and finally, severely damaged his mind, so that he ended up in a psychiatric hospital for a short time. But onBy the mercy of God, thanks to the prayers of the priest who chastised him, he began to heal gradually, goes to church to confess, to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And the influence of evil spirits on him began to weaken.

Some become possessed out of idle curiosity, because of disbelief, lack of faith, insolence, because of turning to sorcerers.

One young man practiced witchcraft out of curiosity, became possessed and then, under the influence of demons and out of lust, fell into terrible vile sins. In search of salvation, he came to the priest for a lecture.

Here's what a woman told us about how she became obsessed.

“I was 17 years old when an acquaintance told me how to summon spirits using a plate, sitting at the table. She said that you can learn a lot from spirits about the future. I became interested in this and decided to try it, and I persuaded four of my friends. We were all in our last grade then high school, and we wanted to know how our fate will develop in the future.

On the very first evening, when we started to summon spirits, we succeeded. It was so interesting for us to receive answers to our questions that at first we talked with the spirits almost every evening. We also interested some of our acquaintances in this.

We sat down at the table, put a plate on it, stretched out our arms, did something else, and the plate itself began to move around the table. It so happened that I always summoned spirits, and my close friend helped me in this. I was very curious to find out what awaited me and my friends, and in everything that the spirits predicted to us, I believed without hesitation. Some of the predictions did come true over time.

I somehow did not think then about why the plate itself, although none of us touched it with our hands, moved around the table. And I did not know then that it was the spirits that were moving the plate. I did not even think about what kind of perfume we turned to for answers. I believed that they were good, and I did not know then that in fact they were unkind spirits, and evil spirits, that they were demons.

One of the evenings we gathered more than usual. There were those who first came to this spectacle, and they did not believe at first that during the session of invoking the spirits, the plate itself moves on the table and, seeing with their own eyes, were surprised.

When we started the session, the plate began to move around the table very quickly, restlessly, it just burst out from under our hands. This was the first time we, who constantly participated in the sessions, observed this. We didn't even have time to keep our fingers over her. She walked not only on the paper spread in the center of the table, but also moved to the edges of the table, sometimes almost falling to the floor. And when the plate knocked down one burning candle standing on the table and began to move towards the second, we were all very frightened, turned on the light and got up from the table, ending the session. I have never practiced summoning spirits again in my life.

I did not know then that we communicated with the evil, evil spirits... This nasty and terrible communication with all of us, me and four of my friends, who constantly participated in the sessions of invoking spirits, brought a lot of misfortune in life. The first friend graduated from school with honors, was the first student of our graduation, but she could not enter the institute, although she made several attempts. Now she works in a place where higher education is not needed, she has no interest in her work. The second friend married successfully, but for 10 years she could not give birth to a child. Then she gave birth to a boy, but a year later her husband was brutally killed when he returned home in the evening. After that, her husband's parents drove her and her child out into the street, and she was left without her own home. The third friend went to study at the institute, got married successfully. But some time after the wedding, her husband committed suicide - he hanged himself. Why he did this, she could not understand, for she could not find any reason for this. The fourth girlfriend got married, gave birth to a daughter. Some time after the birth of her daughter, her husband left for another woman. This is a tragedy for her.

I, too, had to endure many sorrows in my life because of thoughtless communication with demon spirits. After leaving school, I entered one educational institution, studied there for a year and, for some reason, dropped out. Then I entered at two educational institutions, also studied in them for a year and left without receiving higher education... V family life I have also experienced many misfortunes. At the age of 19, I got married for the first time, and my father died on the day of the wedding. My husband and I lived for one year, then he began to cheat on me. I found out and divorced him. After a while I got married again, then gave birth to a child. At first everything was fine with my husband, but then it began to seem to me that he did not love me. We started quarreling with him. For a long time we lived with him not peacefully, then I divorced him. But we still lived together and often quarreled. He did not leave me and said that some irresistible force was pulling me.

Trying to somehow get rid of the quarrels that were exhausting me, from the non-peaceful life together with my husband, with whom I was formally divorced, I began to go to fortune-tellers, asking them what will happen to me next and if there is anything bright for me ahead. I did not know then that all fortune-tellers are from the devil.

Fortune-tellers did not satisfy me with their fortune-telling, and I began to learn to fortune-telling myself. I began to be interested in occultism, black magic. I did not understand then that all this was devilry, and very dangerous. I was engaged in palmistry and astrology, I was interested: are there extraterrestrial civilizations. I was then an unbeliever and did not imagine that this was all - the sciences and deeds of the devil. Finally, witchcraft books came to me, which I began to study and to apply some of them in practice. This fascination with black magic helped me forget about my troubles. It seemed that I find the meaning of life and have some kind of inflow of strength. I felt that besides this material world there is another world. I did not know then that in this other world there is not only God who loves us, people, God, saints and angels of God, but also the devil and his servants, demons - evil and unclean spirits who want to destroy people.

I have another son. And for some time after his birth, we had peace in our family. But then we started quarreling again. I began to see everything in a black light, in my soul I felt a terrible emptiness and felt very unhappy. Trying to find at least some way out of my gloomy state, I went to a psychic, not knowing that he was a sorcerer. I had four sessions with him, and finally he gave me eight "coded" needles for my house, which I stuck into the walls in the corners of the room in which my husband and I lived. He also gave me two charmed pins, which I stuck into the sofa, and charmed water, sugar and salt, which I scattered in our house. I hoped that after that everything would change for the better, and that we would have lasting peace and happiness in our house. But nothing has changed for the better, my husband and I still often quarreled. And I, in despair, fell into depression.

My husband is an entrepreneur. In addition to all the troubles, a huge amount of money was stolen from him, a fortune for which we could long years in contentment, without working, to live.

Immediately after that, his company was also robbed, so that he went bankrupt. And now, to get rich, he has to start all over again.

All this overflowed the cup of my patience, and I cast a witchcraft spell with a special ritual. But that didn't help me either. And then I decided to seek God's help and went to Orthodox church... I ended up with a priest who chastises those possessed by evil spirits. He listened to my story, enlightened me, explained my terrible condition by the fact that for so many years I had communicated with demons - unclean spirits and sent me to holy baptism. They christened me. Now I go to church, confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and hope for the mercy of God, that now everything in my life will go well. The path of salvation is open to me, despite my terrible past delusions and sins.

My husband has been baptized in Orthodoxy since childhood. But before, I did not notice that he somehow showed faith. Now he also began to go to the temple, and we have great hope. We decided to marry him. May God help us to live and be saved correctly and peacefully. "