How does sanctification take place? How to consecrate an apartment or house with holy water

How does sanctification take place?  How to consecrate an apartment or house with holy water
How does sanctification take place? How to consecrate an apartment or house with holy water

The consecration of the apartment was originally performed as a blessing for the construction of a new house, then - a blessing for the entrance to this house. The same applies to the sanctification of other things. Sanctifying a machine, a person not only creates a new quality of this machine, but by his act he states that he devotes himself, this machine, his deeds and thoughts to God. Therefore, those people who think that the consecration of a car is enough for it to never have an accident should remember that by consecrating a car, a person is consecrated himself and must correspond to this consecration.

What is sanctification?

- Orthodox Christians call sanctification rituals through which God's blessing descends on their lives. According to the teachings, the basis of various rituals is, first of all, the desire to spiritualize human activity, to perform it according to God's blessing. It is important to understand that the consecration of a place begins from the moment when people, entering a house or apartment, begin to live there correctly. And therefore, the consecration of a dwelling by a priest is a confirmation of your desire to live in a consecrated place, the intention to fulfill the Christian commandments, remembering that the family is a small church, and work is the place of human labor for the glory of God.

Do I need to consecrate the apartment?

- the consecration of the apartment does not solve our family, everyday problems, it only helps, adjusts. A person is free to choose whether he lives with God or acts according to his passions. If a family tries to live like a Christian, then both its internal and external dispensation should testify to this. The internal structure is established and preserved through fasting and prayer, attendance at divine services, and the external expression of the intention to live piously finds itself, including in the rite of consecration of the dwelling. It must be remembered that the consecration of the house is a common prayer of the family and the priest that people should live holy in this place.

When can consecration be performed?

- there are a number of points that need to be borne in mind when preparing for the performance of the rite. The rite itself is short-lived (30-60 minutes) - the priest sprinkles the premises with holy water, burns incense and calls God in prayer to begin a good deed (rite of blessing the dwelling). At the same time, not every deed can be considered good. For example, they will not sanctify the business associated with the production or sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, the banking and credit system (usury), the provision of sexual services, witchcraft and magic. The priest can refuse to perform the ceremony if the room is not cleaned, and the employees behave in an inappropriate manner (swear, for example). In this case, you will most likely be advised to “fix the deficiencies” and come back to this question later.

Those who sin are those who hang amulets on the walls for the consecration of an apartment, talismans - images of demons, with or without horns. Even worse are those who call sorcerers to their house, so that they "cleanse" the room from evil spirits with their magic. But this, as the Gospel says, is like driving out Satan with Satan or cleansing dirt with dirt.

Note that all these ancient sorcerers, sorcerers, magicians, charmers, sorcerers, sorcerers, astrologers, demonologists, sorcerers now have different names, more cultural or scientific: hypnotists, psychics, folk healers, ufologists, astrologers, contactees, mediums, spiritualists, theosophists, occultists, magicians, non-contact massage therapists, parapsychologists, psychotherapists, telepaths, telekinesists, fortune-tellers on computers, telehealers, etc. They no longer just conjure, but charge water. They do not just conjure, but make passes. Satanism is covered up with science. Sorcerers now have specialist degrees. The foul killers have become intellectuals. But their essence has not changed from the change of the sign. These are wolves in sheep's clothing, from which you need to move away, even if they use Christian symbols, gospel words, the sign of the cross or the name of God in their sessions.

Is it possible to call “brownies”, to let a cat into a new home?

Some, when moving to a new apartment, resort to pagan superstitions: they call their "brownie", "master" with them. You can't do this. You are invoking evil spirits on your head. Others succumb to another delusion: allegedly for the "consecration" of a new house, they first launch a cat into it. Blowing out candles with sentences like: “... so that everything bad that was before - also extinguished and never returned” - are pagan magic, and are not allowed. If a person did all this, he must bring repentance in confession for this, and henceforth never again do this.

What to do if there is an evil spirit in the house?

- first of all, try to find the reason for its appearance in yourself. Confession and communion help to get rid of unclean spirits. But there is also a special prayer for this "About the temple, cold from evil spirits." We do not advise you to read it yourself, this is the priest's business. And if the priest does not undertake to drive out evil spirits, turn to a hieromonk or an elder, do not lose hope, because the Gospel says: "He who seeks will find." Be aware that evil spirits or demons now have a different name: "UFO" (unidentified flying objects), "AY" (anomalous phenomena), "poltergeist". Poltergeist is a devilish miracle (most common in homes). In the diary of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, a Russian poet, there is a documentary record of such a "miracle" that happened in his time. In one house, furniture, chairs and tables began to jump and move of their own accord. This is how evil spirits mock. The police could do nothing. This phenomenon stopped only after the Orthodox priest served a prayer service in the house. And nowadays, how many different phenomena of "invisible little girls" are described, which knock, beat their owners, drop refrigerators on the floor soundlessly, light wallpaper without fire, pour water from a wall in which there is no pipe, no water, etc. I must say, that no one is immune from this devilry. But most often it happens with non-Christians, pagans by way of life, with unbelievers, so that they think at least a little: if there are demons, then, probably, there are angels and God. And, of course, there are also the habitats of those and others, hell and heaven. The only pity is that for many this experience is sad.

What is needed for sanctification?

- for the consecration of the apartment, it is desirable that the apartment is tidied up, the renovation is completed. In the church shop you need to buy 4 stickers with a cross and 4 smallest candles. At home, you need to prepare a small table on which the priest can arrange the sacred objects necessary for consecration (it is installed, as a rule, in the best place), a clean bowl for St. water (salad bowl, vase, etc.)., about a glass of vegetable oil (holy oil), St. the priest brings water with him. It is imperative that the one who ordered the consecration of the dwelling was present at this rite and participated in the prayer. It is also allowed, with the proper desire and ability, with the blessing of the priest, to read some prayers when performing the rite. During the consecration, it is necessary to temporarily turn off the phones, not to talk during prayer.

Is it necessary to fast before consecration, to receive communion?

- a Christian must, all the days of his life, fast, pray and receive communion as our holy Church commands.

Should a woman cover her head?

- yes, it is desirable. A woman should cover her head during prayer.

Do I need to set the dining table?

- among many Orthodox there is such a good tradition to set the table after consecration, to have tea, because the priest who came to the house for the celebration of the consecration symbolizes Christ. If you feel such a need, prepare in advance a festive table in honor of the consecration of your home. Perhaps meeting and communicating with a priest will help you in the future.

How to consecrate an apartment yourself?

- no way. The rite of blessing the dwelling is performed only by an Orthodox priest who is not forbidden in service.

What to do after consecration?

- a Christian should strive for holiness. That is why, after the consecration of the dwelling, it is forbidden to smoke, use foul language or commit other sins. Otherwise, what was the purpose of sanctifying? After all, the apartment is not consecrated for the second time (except in cases of death of someone in the apartment or repairs carried out). But if sins do happen, for this the Church has given you the right (and duty) to consecrate your home yourself in humility and repentance. To do this, sprinkle all the premises with holy water with the prayer "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" or "The grace of the Holy Spirit." Remember that the water must be blessed by an Orthodox priest, and not taken from the so-called “holy springs” (for not all of them are really holy). Don't confuse blessed water with "healing" or "energized" water. Sprinkled with a brush from a rosary or a handful, crosswise (the priest does this with a sprinkler from hyssop). It is necessary to store the consecrated water in the red corner (it can stand for years and decades and not deteriorate), in the same place as the icons, and not in the kitchen or bookcase. Do not let children play with the shrine, with spiritual books, with prosphora, icons, crosses. Self-consecration (sprinkling with holy water) is performed only AFTER personal full consecration by the priest himself, because simply sprinkling can in no way replace the rite of consecration itself.

After consecration, coal is poured into a place that cannot be trampled underfoot, for example, in bushes or under a tree. They drink holy water with reverence, holy oil - with prayer they smear sore spots, add to food.

What places cannot be consecrated?

The Church does not have a list of things that cannot be sanctified. But, proceeding from the very meaning of sanctification, it is impossible to sanctify those things that subsequently cannot be used for a good purpose. It is impossible to consecrate institutions in which they indulge in vice. This ban also existed in pre-revolutionary Russia. Also, some clergy believe that the consecration of places of detention, places where a person suffers, is a theological problem. Although nothing prevents us from creating temples in these places of deprivation of liberty.

Refusing to bless places of execution and torture, the Church, nevertheless, consecrates weapons. A weapon is a thing that can be used for both evil and good purposes. Sanctifying weapons, the Church has never blessed aggression, violence for the sake of violence, murder for the sake of murder. The Church blesses the soldiers for the feat of arms to defend their homeland, and, above all, to defend the faith. According to the canonical rules of the Church, a soldier who killed even in a just war had to confess this and bear this or that penance, while the Church herself blessed the soldier for this feat.

Weapons are not inherently bad things. It all depends on who is in possession of the weapon. If a weapon is in the hands of a Christian who protects shrines and his homeland, then it is used for good, and if in the hands of a terrorist, then for evil. The Church does not sanctify weapons as such, but only in the hands of a warrior fighting for justice.

Question number 419

How to sanctify your own home correctly?

Tamara Obrazumova, Daugavpils, Latvia

Hello, dear Oleg.

Could you give a practical guide on how to properly sanctify your apartment, house, workplace, candles, etc. When you light a candle, should it burn out to the end? If you extinguish the candle, can it be re-lit?

Father Oleg Molenko's answer:

Hello Tamara!

Only a true Orthodox priest can consecrate a dwelling with full consecration. If such is not available or is absent due to the circumstances of the derogation, then any faithful can consecrate their dwelling and things, incl. candles, sprinkling with holy Epiphany (Epiphany water). At the same time, for the consecration of the house, you can read the prayer "May God rise ...", Psalm 90 and "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling sowing sacred water into flight, may every crafty demonic act be turned, amen."

You can also read the following prayer: “Lord ...

You can consecrate your home absolutely free of charge one of the coming Thursdays.

Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen."

Come back.

I clean the corner, I clean the floor, I clean the ceiling and walls. I drive demons, I drive envy. I burn sickness, illness and misfortune with a candle. Amen."

You can write this short prayer on a piece of paper, holding it in one hand, and with the other hand baptize the corners of the apartment, the room itself and the walls.
Do this for 3 Thursdays in a row, remembering to go to the Orthodox church these days and ask Nicholas ...

Many of us very rarely resort to the help of religion in difficult situations, but when things take a serious turn, and there is no one else to hope for, we think of God. The priests say that the very fact of conversion is already a good step, no matter when it is taken. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with asking for help from higher powers. One of the manifestations of protecting yourself and your family through prayer is the consecration of your home. According to all the rules, only a priest can do this, but if for some reason his visit is impossible, then you can find out how to consecrate an apartment, house, even an office and production premises yourself.

In order to consecrate a house, one must have holy water collected on the night of Epiphany. It is necessary to sprinkle it on the house, all its rooms, all corners, windows, doors. At this time, the prayer "May God rise again" is read, then the 90th psalm is read, and at the end it is said "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the holy Spirit." And the confessors also say that no ...

How to consecrate an apartment on your own? Of course, this issue becomes relevant after moving from one place of residence to another and in the case when the family has acquired housing in a new building. For what reasons does the above need arise? There are a lot of them: for example, the past owners of the living space were quarrelsome people and constantly quarreled, it is possible that they had a lot of sinful vices. That is why, after moving to the purchased apartments, the new owners may feel worse, lose strength, or become depressed. What could this mean? Only that the apartment is charged with negative energy due to regular scandals, abuse, swearing, assault, which were previously here. What to do in this case? Only one thing remains: with the help of a holy prayer, cleanse the room from "filth." However, this ritual should be performed by a priest, but there are times when it is not possible to invite a representative of the church to perform the ritual….

LEGINYa Master (1780) 5 years ago

You need a church candle, for this you do not need to take expensive ones, an average size and cheap one will be enough, they work best. Cleansing always starts from the front door. Be sure to read a prayer during the entire cleansing, I use Our Father. And so you stand facing the front door, baptize the door, you need to baptize in a mirror image, that is, from left to right. Then you move clockwise, which means to the right. Pass the candle along all the walls, corners, lead the candle through all the back streets. Cross the doorways on both sides at the entrance and exit, cross the windows as well. In those places where the candle smokes and cracks, you need to clean it until all this disappears. Moving to the right, you need to go around the entire apartment, every room in the house. Mirrors also need to be baptized. In general, mirrors in the house need to be regularly washed with water, this removes all the negativity from them that they absorb into themselves. When you go around the whole house, you will return to ...

How to consecrate an apartment yourself with holy water and candles Posted by: Site administrator | 02/15/2014

How to consecrate an apartment

Orthodox Christians and righteous people believe in the evil designs of their ill-wishers.
As practice shows, not everyone understands that negative information is able to concentrate inside the closed space of his own apartment.
If you feel unwell and sick, then try to consecrate your home with holy water and candles on your own.
Of course, you can invite Father, who, for an appropriate fee, will carry out the act of consecrating the apartment, reading the necessary prayers without hindrance.
But you will have to pay for this, and the clergy today ... are very busy.

In order to consecrate your apartment on your own, you will have to exactly follow the following instructions:

1). You go to the church shop and buy candles. I recommend for a start to put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, exactly the same amount to the Image ...

It is impossible to insure yourself against disaster, and you do not need to do this, so as not to live in eternal fear afterwards. Sometimes, as it seems, nothing happened, however, at home something is clearly "wrong" and every day this feeling is heating up. If you remain an inactive observer, you will soon have to take part in the negative outcome of the accumulation of unfavorable energy. There are ways to solve this problem and dispel the negativity of the apartment, one of them is consecration. A reasonable question arises: how to consecrate an apartment on your own? Fortunately, this article answers that question.

When is lighting needed?

A room does not always need church lighting and energy purification. But, as practice shows, if you are reading this article, then in most cases your house needs to be consecrated. To be sure, it is better to check the list of signs that clearly indicate inappropriate energy at home:

Dishes break frequently. Households have become more frequent ...

How to consecrate an apartment yourself?

There are times when a person, being in his home, feels uncomfortable and unhappy. Sometimes people complain that they sense the presence of some kind of spirits and beings. In this case, in order to restore the normal energy background, it is recommended to properly consecrate the house or apartment, since holy water destroys all negativity and scares away evil spirits. To do this, it is not necessary to invite a priest, since the ritual can be performed independently.

How to sanctify an apartment yourself with candles?

“Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen".

Buy some candles home. When you come home, light a candle and walk around the house, going to all corners. This should be done clockwise. Consecrate the apartment correctly ...

To consecrate your home is to let the holy spirit into your home and protect it from evil spirits, negative information that acquaintances and friends can bring even inadvertently. It is believed that in consecrated dwellings they get sick less, quarrel, and harmony reigns between relatives. It can be quite expensive to invite a priest from church, not everyone can afford it. Therefore, we will tell you how to consecrate an apartment yourself.

Start by visiting a church where you can purchase at least 6 candles. Place three of them near Christ the Savior, the Mother of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker (you can put Blessed Old Lady Matrona). Ask them for their blessings for the ceremony. Take the remaining candles home.

If you come to any church holiday - do not forget to get some water! If this is not possible, holy water can always be purchased at the church shop.

When you cross the threshold of a house or apartment, take off your outerwear. As for the headdress, women must leave it ....

How to bless an apartment with candles and holy water on your own Author: Site administrator | 12.06.2014

From this article you will learn how to consecrate an apartment with candles and holy water on your own.
This question worries many ordinary people.
Orthodox Christians are accustomed to the fact that the apartment is consecrated only by the minister of the Temple, and not by a worldly person.
In fact, you can consecrate your home absolutely free of charge one of the coming Thursdays.

To do this, go to the Church and buy a few candles for the house and 3 for the Orthodox image of Nicholas the Ugodnik.
Putting 3 candles on him, cross yourself and say these prayer lines:

Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen.

Come back.

When you come home, light one candle and walk with it to all corners of your apartment, without exception, while reading the prayer for consecration, which I inherited:

I clean the corner ...

So the New Year holidays have come to an end. Tomorrow is Baptism. And although outside my window it is not at all Epiphany weather - there are puddles on the asphalt from the night rain, it means that on

outside the freezing temperature - for me Epiphany remains one of the most mysterious and mysterious holidays. On this day, the Universe opens the veil and we can find out our future, solve seemingly insoluble problems, get answers to our questions.

If anyone does not know, Baptism as a holiday is established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. The very ritual of baptism implies repentance, deliverance from sins. And although Jesus had nothing to repent of, he, showing humility, received the Baptism from John and thereby sanctified the watery nature. Since then, on the day of Epiphany, all the world's waters, the waters of the entire Earth - from a small stream to the oceans - become saints on this day. This also applies to tap water. You don't have to go to church to get holy water….

Of course, the consecration of the apartment is a matter for the clergyman, therefore, if you want to consecrate your apartment and cleanse it of demons, you must come to the Church and agree with the abbot so that the clergy will come to your home and consecrate your home. But, if you do not have any opportunity to invite a priest to your place, then God is allowed to consecrate your home on your own. The priest Nikadim answers how to illuminate his apartment with the help of holy water. to learn HOW THE HOLY WATER IS MAKED?


1: Holy water.
2: Container for holy water.
3: Bible or excerpts from it.
4: Oil.
5: Church Candle.
6: Neck cross.
7: Holy water brush.
8: Crayon.
9: Compass.
10: Censer.
11: Incense.


How to properly sprinkle with holy water?

Each of us, to the best of his ability and ability, tries to maintain cleanliness in the home and neatness in clothes in everyday life. And there are some especially clean people who are zealous in maintaining cleanliness and order. And how concerned such a person is if, for some reason, this order and cleanliness is violated.

Likewise, a person who is accustomed to keeping an eye on the purity of his heart and the neatness of his soul cannot live without repentance. Such a person awaits and longs for the next confession, like a withered earth awaits life-giving moisture. Imagine for a moment a person who has not washed off bodily dirt all his life! So the soul requires washing, and what would have happened if there had not been the Sacrament of Repentance, this healing and cleansing "second Baptism"! When taking care of your home, do not forget to take care of your soul!

If you are going to sprinkle the dwelling, then before that you need to clean up the house, wash all the floors, wipe the dust, ...

If a given thing is not used sinfully, it can be sanctified, but if it is sinful, then it is not necessary.

O. Valentin Mordasov

Church rites

The Slavic word “rite” itself means “dress”, “clothing” (you can recall, for example, the verb “to dress”). Beauty, solemnity, variety of church rituals attract many people. But the Orthodox Church, in the words of St. John of Kronstadt, does not occupy anyone and does not engage in idle spectacles. Visible actions have invisible but completely real and effective content. The Church believes (and this belief is confirmed by two thousand years of experience) that all the rituals performed by her have a certain sanctifying, that is, beneficial, renewing and strengthening effect on a person. This is the act of God's grace.

Conventionally, all ceremonies are divided into three types:

1. Liturgical ceremonies - sacred rites performed during church services: anointing with oil, the great consecration of water, carrying the holy shroud into the Great ...

Orthodox Christians elevate the rite of consecration of their home to the category of obligatory sacraments. The symbolism of this action is that the room will be protected from demonic forces, you become closer to the church and the blessing of God. Most often, Christians consecrate a new home or after major repairs. The priest in the church very often recommends to consecrate an apartment if seriously ill people, small children, a family on the verge of breaking off relations live in it.

According to Christian canons, a priest should be involved in the consecration of a dwelling. If you have such an opportunity, I would advise you to invite the priest from the temple. As a rule, priests go home with their necessary attributes: a censer, oils, an icon lamp, candles, holy water. But, just in case, you can buy candles at the nearest icon store. Also keep holy water close at hand. Blessing of water is performed once a year at the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, it is taken from any source, mainly in an ice hole. You can also type ...

In the process of moving into new housing (whether it is a barely commissioned apartment in a new building or a typical one-room / two-bed room in long-built buildings, already belonging to the secondary real estate market), the question inevitably arises: what rituals should be carried out to energetically balance this space and adjust it " for yourself "? There are many ways and techniques belonging to different traditions today, but the ideal option, from which it is worth starting to activate the positive forces of space, is cleansing the apartment with a candle.

General principles of cleaning living space with fire

The use of candles in the energy ennobling of a house or apartment is a completely new invention, historically dating back to the times when people performed complex rituals when laying the foundation of a house, when moving into it and settling in it. They believed that they needed to carry a cleansing agent (be it fire or water) around the perimeter of the house that would eliminate everything potentially ...

According to a widespread belief, only a clergyman can consecrate something, be it a house or a ship - a person in spiritual dignity and serving the Lord. That is, in order to consecrate a house, a priest is needed.

But is it? Is it always necessary to invite a clergyman? Is it possible to sprinkle holy water in the corners yourself and read a protective prayer? Such questions arise in the minds of many people who have purchased or built their own housing.

When do you need to sanctify?

Thinking about how to consecrate a house, people involuntarily wonder whether this should be done. In our country, for many decades, the church did not participate in human life. Accordingly, the houses were not consecrated, and the children were not baptized, while people lived very well. This is approximately how many newly minted property owners reason, who do not quite understand who to contact for consecration and believe that this is a difficult and troublesome process.

Indeed, it is not always necessary to consecrate a house, but only in certain situations. Consecration should be resorted to if in the purchased house:

  • a crime has occurred;
  • people did not live well, went bankrupt, the family broke up or children died;
  • there were many seriously ill people among the past owners;
  • sinful, godless or satanic deeds were done;
  • there were fires, basement flooding, regular roof subsidence.

Of course, no one will tell buyers about all this. Therefore, you need to pay attention and listen to your intuition. The main reason for the consecration of a dwelling is a deep conviction of the need for this, an irrational inexplicable desire to consecrate the premises. Such sensations cannot be ignored, and if they arise, they need to be sanctified.

When is it forbidden to sanctify?

Thinking about how to consecrate a house, many ask themselves questions about under what circumstances this should not be done. There are many superstitions among the people. For example, someone is convinced that rituals should not be performed during fasting. Others are convinced that a woman who is a family member has critical days as an obstacle to consecration. Still others believe that if one of the family members is not baptized, then the house cannot be consecrated. There are other beliefs as well.

However, all this is not true. Neither critical days, nor the absence of a cross on the neck of one of the relatives, nor fasts interfere with the ceremony of consecrating the house. As any priest will say, even Great Lent is not an obstacle to the consecration of a dwelling.

The only thing that can interfere with the consecration of the acquired house is a ceremony that has already been carried out. The dwelling is consecrated only once, subsequently it is only cleansed. Rituals with holy water, church candles and prayers, conducted both by clergymen and independently, are aimed at cleansing the home.

Can you sanctify yourself?

Contrary to the widespread belief in the need to invite a priest for this ceremony, the church is not forbidden to conduct it on its own. The answer of the clergy to the question of whether it is possible to consecrate the house themselves will be in the affirmative.

Of course, it is not always possible to carry out the consecration ceremony on your own. Moreover, not everyone. People often confuse the rituals of consecrating a dwelling with rituals to cleanse it. There are no obstacles and conditions for self-cleaning of home premises. But the possibility of consecrating a home on its own still has limitations.

What do you need for an independent ceremony?

How to properly consecrate a house yourself? The most important point is the strength of faith and the righteousness of a person's life. Of course, the one who begins to conduct the ceremony must be baptized.

The first thing to do is to get the approval of the priest, in other words, to get a blessing from the priest. It is necessary to discuss the details of the ceremony with the clergyman, to decide on the method of its conduct.

Without the blessing of a clergyman, you cannot think about how to consecrate a house on your own. The performance of the ceremony by a person who has not received the blessing will not have power.

What are the options for the ceremony?

How to consecrate a house yourself? There are two options. In the first version, the ceremony is carried out using church candles. The second uses holy water.

Which of the methods of consecrating the dwelling to use must be determined together with the clergyman, during the discussion of the future ritual. You should not neglect the advice of the priest, but if there is an inner conviction that it should be sanctified with water or only with candles, you need to tell about it.

Which ritual is better?

Consecration of a home by laymen with candles is much less popular than using water. It is a very common belief that water is sanctified and candles are purified. In fact, both can be used to independently conduct the ritual to consecrate living quarters.

The methods have no advantages over each other. But there are some nuances that determine the choice in the event that there is no firm internal preference or the priest, for some reason, does not recommend a specific method.

In the ritual using candles, a prayer is read to Nicholas the Wonderworker. A person who is going to consecrate a house with a candle prays to this saint before the ceremony. The ritual itself is recommended to be performed on Thursdays.

During the ritual with water, the layman turns to the Lord Himself. The ceremony is recommended to be carried out on Sunday, having previously prayed to Jesus.

What prayer should be read during consecration?

A prayer that helps to sanctify a house is a combination of psalms 90 and 100, between which there is an unspoken appeal to the Lord. This is how clergymen consecrate their dwellings. The priests first read Psalm 90. Then they silently turn to the Lord with a request to protect and bless the living quarters, and in the end they read Psalm 100.

However, in how to consecrate a house for a layman, deviations from the accepted order of the ritual are permissible. The prayers that will be read at consecration should be discussed with the clergyman. The Psalms are difficult to read, therefore, when conducting the consecration on their own, they usually read the "Our Father" and other prayers.

When buying an old house, is it better to consecrate or cleanse?

Before you consecrate a purchased house, either on your own or by inviting a clergyman, you need to find out if this rite has already been performed. Of course, if the house is new, then there can be no doubts that consecration is not prohibited. But when purchasing an old house, this issue becomes important. This is what any priest of a parishioner who comes to him for approval, support and blessing will ask about this.

Church canons strictly forbid re-consecration. It is generally accepted that such an act is blasphemy. After all, since the dwelling has already been consecrated, it means that it is under the jurisdiction of the Lord and under his protection. Second consecration is nothing more than a manifestation of distrust of the Lord, an expression of doubt in himself.

In the event that the acquired housing had a single owner, it will not be particularly difficult to find out whether the house was consecrated. But if an old dwelling is bought, which has replaced many generations of owners, for example, a village house built at the beginning of the last century, then it is almost impossible to find out whether it was consecrated. Even if the owners of the house were generations of convinced atheists, political workers or community activists of the local collective farm, the likelihood that one of the owners may have performed a secret ceremony of consecration cannot be overlooked. Therefore, it is better to cleanse such houses from filth and evil, and not to sanctify them.

How is the ceremony with candles carried out?

There is nothing difficult in how to consecrate a house with candles. You need to buy candles from the church trade store, which is available in each temple. Three in order to put before the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and three more - for the ceremony.

It is recommended to consecrate the dwelling in this way on Thursday. Before starting the ritual, you should put a candle in front of the image of the Wonderworker and pray to him, asking for blessings and help in implementing your plan.

You can pray to the Miracle Worker like this:

Blessed Nicholas the Wonderworker, father. Bless me, the servant of God (proper name) for a great deed. Give me strength and get rid of doubts. Preserve and increase the firmness of my faith. Give peace to my soul and lordship to thoughts. Help in the sanctification of my dwelling and the surrender of walls and shelter into the hands of the Lord, under the protection of the Most High and into his great mercy, amen

The procedure in the house is as follows:

  • a lighted candle is held in the right hand;
  • bypass all rooms clockwise;
  • baptize every corner, threshold, passage and walls;
  • read prayers.

Before starting the ceremony, you should discuss with the priest how many times it will have to be performed. It is a traditional belief that the ritual should be performed on three Thursdays in a row. However, if the house is new and devoid of filth, and pious people have moved into it, one round with a candle and prayers may be enough.

How is the ritual with water carried out?

There is nothing difficult in how to consecrate a house with holy water. Having secured the blessing of the priest, on Sunday you should come to the service in the temple, pray to the Lord, asking for his help in carrying out the ceremony. Also in the church you need to take holy water, which is necessary for the ritual.

Actions in the dwelling are as follows:

  • pour water into a large and convenient container, such as a bowl;
  • walk around the premises clockwise;
  • spray water every corner, passage, jambs, walls;
  • fingers need to be folded as they do for the sign of the cross;
  • read prayers throughout the rite.

If there is a Red Corner in the house or planning to equip it, you should start bypassing from it.

What does sanctification oblige?

Any human action in this world has its consequences. Such an important act as the consecration of one's own home is no exception. This act obliges those who committed it to live in piety and purity, both moral and everyday. After all, making the consecration of dwellings, they enthusiastically entrust their house to the Lord. They must also take care of him in the appropriate way, that is, as of the house that belongs to God, into which he can look at any moment.

One cannot sin in such a dwelling. We must not forget about maintaining cleanliness and order. You can not indulge in idleness and blasphemy. In other words, the consecration of a home is not only important from an energetic point of view, it also serves as a powerful stimulus for people. It is a pivot that does not allow them to indulge in idle laziness and get bogged down in the mud, not only spiritual or moral, but also the most ordinary. Indeed, in a house entrusted to the Lord, one cannot give up on a layer of dust or unwashed window panes, on a pile of unwashed linen, a dirty stove and abandoned rubbish.

Thus, the consecration of the dwelling disciplines the person. It does not let it "spread" on the sofa, which means that it is a blessing not only for the soul, but also for simple everyday worldly life.

Why is the consecration of the house and apartment performed? How to do it correctly? Can you sanctify yourself? Answers to questions about the rite of consecration of the dwelling.

Consecration of the dwelling

If a given thing is not used sinfully, it can be sanctified, but if it is sinful, then it is not necessary.

Church rites

The Slavic word “rite” itself means “dress”, “clothing” (you can recall, for example, the verb “to dress”). Beauty, solemnity, variety of church rituals attract many people. But the Orthodox Church, in the words of St. John of Kronstadt, does not occupy anyone and does not engage in idle spectacles. Visible actions have invisible but completely real and effective content. The Church believes (and this belief is confirmed by two thousand years of experience) that all the rituals performed by her have a certain sanctifying, that is, beneficial, renewing and strengthening effect on a person. This is the act of God's grace.

Conventionally, all ceremonies are divided into three types:

1. Liturgical ceremonies - sacred rites performed during church services: anointing with oil, the great consecration of water, carrying out the holy shroud on Good Friday, and so on. These rites are part of the temple, liturgical life of the Church.

2. Symbolic ceremonies express various religious ideas of the Church. These, for example, include the sign of the cross, which we repeatedly perform in remembrance of the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, and which at the same time is a real protection of a person from the influence of evil demonic forces and temptations on him.

3. Rituals sanctifying the everyday needs of Christians: commemoration of the dead, consecration of dwellings, food, things and various good undertakings: study, fasting, travel, construction, and the like.

What should be our participation in church rituals

To ritual forms, their sacred meaning is imparted by prayer. Only through prayer does an action become a sacred act, and a number of external processes become a rite. Not only the priest, but also each of those present must contribute to the performance of the ceremony - his faith and his prayer.

God gives grace, help, various gifts, gives only by His mercy. But “just as the source does not forbid those who wish to draw, so the treasure of grace does not forbid any of the people to be a partaker” (the Monk Ephraim the Syrian). We cannot, with the help of some magical actions, “compel” God to send down what we need, but we can ask Him with faith. The Holy Scripture says about the need for faith for prayer: “Let him ask in faith, without doubting at all, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, lifted and tossed by the wind. Let such a person not think to receive anything from the Lord ”(James 1: 6-7). When we pray to the Lord, we need to believe that the Lord is almighty, that He can create or give what we ask for. Believe that He loves us, that He is merciful and good, that is, He wishes everyone the best. It is with this faith that we must pray, that is, turn our mind and heart to God. And then, if during the performance of the ceremony we will not only stand next to the priest, but also pray heartily with faith, then we will be honored to receive sanctifying grace from the Lord.

What is the meaning of sanctification

Orthodox Christians call consecration rituals that are introduced by the Church into the temple and personal life of a person, so that through these rituals, God's blessing descends on his life, on all his activities and all those around his life. The basis of various church prayers is the desire to spiritualize human activity, to perform it with God's help and with His blessing. We ask the Lord to direct our affairs in such a way that they are pleasing to Him and benefit our neighbors, the Church, the Fatherland and ourselves; bless our relationships with people so that peace and love dominate in them, etc. And therefore we ask that our house, things that belong to us, vegetables grown in our garden, water from the well through the blessing of God that has descended on them, help us in this, protect, strengthen our strength. The consecration of a house, apartment, car or any other thing is evidence, first of all, of our trust in God, our belief that nothing happens to us without His holy will.

The Church sanctifies everything necessary for human life with prayer and blessing. The Church sanctifies all nature and all the elements: water, air, fire and earth.

Why are rites of consecration necessary

The life, health and well-being of people largely depend on the state of their natural and spiritual environment. The consequences of environmental disasters associated with the infection and destruction of the surrounding nature, destructive for people, have not only visible, external, physical causes, but also invisible, spiritual causes. Among the spiritual reasons underlying all natural phenomena, as well as social and state phenomena, such as revolutions, wars and various kinds of global restructuring, the Holy Church singles out primarily the religiosity of the life of the people. What is the degree of religiosity, what are the morality and behavior of people, such are the state of visible nature, and the course of history. People sin, move away from God, perverting their moral order, and as a result, it deteriorates in the world as well. This happened for the first time after the fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve, who violated the only commandment of God given to them. Man sinned, and as a result, the whole world created by God for man changed: destruction, disease, sorrow, corruption entered the world. The Lord spoke to Adam and Eve after the fall: “He said to his wife: multiplying I will multiply your sorrow ... And he said to Adam: ... cursed is the earth for you; in sorrow you will eat of it all the days of your life ”(Genesis 3: 16-17).

Righteous John of Kronstadt writes that the rites of consecration "are caused by the extreme need of nature itself or the nature of the elements and the need of the people themselves, who live in airspace and have an incessant need for water," in fire and in the earth. “All nature, all elements are incessantly defiled and corrupted by human sins and by dark and crafty spirits that live in the air and generate in it all sorts of pernicious influences and diseases. There is an urgent need for the church's sanctification and healing of these elements ”.

Why is it so important to consecrate homes today?

According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers of the Church, an unclean spirit, the devil, the prince of darkness and hell, the spirit of malice, the enemy of the human race, dominates the air until the second coming of Christ. The Slavic word air has several meanings. This is the atmosphere of the earth in which we physically exist; it is also the air, which is now more crowded than ever with radio waves, television signals, cellular and radio communications; Finally, this is what modern pagans and Jews call the astral - the area of ​​spiritual visions and contacts, in which, like nowhere else, the devil dwells and rules with legions of unclean spirits.

Television, press and radio broadcasting, anti-Christian in spirit, corrupting the Russian people today worse than any wine and vodka, have become the main sources of spiritual food for the Russian people. Today, almost every house has a “blue icon” of the devil in the red corner - a TV, in front of which the population of Russia spends hours on end, as if in a narcotic sleep, hypnotized and programmed for self-destruction and extinction.

Through the ether and astral, our houses, apartments, cars were filled with countless legions of demons: the spirits of aggression, anger, revenge, shameless passion. People are no longer able to understand how their family and life well-being is destroyed with the help of thoroughly developed technologies for destroying the traditional system of values, ethics, and morality. Few people today are able to associate the disobedience of children, their addiction to alcohol and drugs, endless divorces of young and middle-aged married couples with the presence of a real enemy in their house - a TV, a radio, a tabloid newspaper, skillfully undermining the morality of society, family, through the imposed the cult of pleasure attracting more and more souls to destruction.

Therefore, today the grace of God, given through the rites of consecration, in particular, through the consecration of our homes, is especially necessary for us to help us protect, consciously protect ourselves from the viruses of sinful temptation and spiritual decay that penetrate into our homes.

Will the sanctification of the house save us by itself?

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “All grace that comes from God through the holy cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread ('artos, antid'or, prosphora) and others, including the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through prayers of repentance, repentance, humility, service to people, deeds of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues) ”.

The same can be said about the consecration of the dwelling. A house dominated by empty, idle passing of time is like a house with glowing windows during a night raid by enemy aircraft. Modern television, press and radio broadcasting in a completely devilish way, under the guise of entertainment and pleasure, alienate us from our heavenly Father, from the One in whose hand all our earthly life and the life of the century to come. Therefore, no consecration will make sense and will not have a beneficial effect on our life if demons from television and radio broadcasting, in particular, reign supreme in the air of our apartments and houses. In the moments of misfortune that befell us, in order to appease the district judge and prosecutor, on whom our fate or the fate of our loved ones who have violated the criminal law depends, we are ready to sacrifice our last money and many others, and in breaking the law of God, do we really think that if we will continue to irritate the Lord with our unbelief and amusements with demons, will He be merciful to us? No. The debauchery and blasphemer, by his departure from God and from His commandments, commits the most terrible judgment on himself - he remains without God alone with the devil and his servants, who only need his soul, or rather, its fall and destruction.

Let us remember that the sanctification of a house is both its protection from all calamities, and a blessing for good deeds and for protecting our home from everything evil, contrary to God; a blessing that we do not leave God and try to direct our life not according to the laws that the enemy of the human race introduces into human life, but according to the Law of God.

Rite of consecration of a new house

The whole world created by God lives and moves according to the Law of God. Therefore, without the blessing and help of God, nothing really valuable, important, good, useful can be done. The Savior Himself said in the Gospel: “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15: 5). And the prophet David says: “If the Lord does not build the house, they labor in vain that build it; if the Lord does not guard the city, the watchman watches in vain ”(Psalm 126: 1).

Our ancestors knew about this. “Without God - not to the threshold,” says a Russian proverb. They often prayed to God, invoking a blessing for every undertaking. Therefore, the dwellings of Christians from ancient times were consecrated with prayers and sacred rites.

The Orthodox Church consecrates new houses following the example of the consecration of the temples of God. Even at the beginning of the construction of the house, a cross is laid in its foundation, holy icons are installed in the house itself as signs (signs) of the grace-filled stay of the Lord and the saints in a Christian dwelling. In the home of a Christian, the Church permits all types of her divine services to be performed, with the exception of the Divine Liturgy and the sacrament of the priesthood. It does not forbid bringing into every Christian home, in certain cases, the most holy and all-sanctifying Body and life-giving Blood of Christ.

How to sanctify the walls of a house with holy water?

For the blessing and consecration of the Christian home and hearth, there have been special prayer rites since ancient times. At the beginning of the construction of the house, a small consecration of water is performed and the prayers “on the foundation of the house” are read, contained in the Book of Books. The Trebnik also contains the rite of consecration of the new house. At the consecration of the house, the prayers "for chr'amin, cold from evil spirits" and the prayer "over the cave" can be added to this rite. The first prayer, as the name implies, is of an incantatory nature; it is used in the consecration of those houses “that endure the intrigues and misfortunes of evil spirits” (New Tablet). The second prayer is read for the consecration of the hearth - the most important part of the Christian dwelling, associated with the preparation of the meal.

Before the consecration of a new house, a small consecration of water is performed, or the priest comes into the house, bringing with him holy water. In the house, a table is supplied in advance, covered with a clean tablecloth, a vessel with holy water, a small vessel with ordinary, unsanctified oil (vegetable oil) is placed on it, the Gospel, a cross and candles are lit in candlesticks.

On each of the four walls a cross is depicted in advance - to commemorate the cover and solid fence, deliverance and preservation by the power of the cross from all evil and misfortune, from enemies visible and invisible.

After the exclamation "Blessed be our God ..." and the usual initial prayers, the 90th psalm is read "Alive in the help of the Most High ...", in which the Church encourages future residents, saying that they will live in their new home under the roof of heavenly God and that under the shadow of the Almighty they will fear neither the horrors in the night, nor the arrows that fly during the day. “No evil will befall you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling,” the prophet exclaims (Psalm 90, 10).

Then the troparion (a short church hymn) is sung, which says that once the Savior, having entered the house of Zach’e, granted salvation to him and all his household. So now, together with the ministers of Christ, the Angels of God enter the new house. The Church asks the Lord to bring peace to this house and graciously bless it, saving and enlightening everyone who is going to live in it.

Turning to the east, the priest says: “Let us pray to the Lord,” “Lord, have mercy,” they answer him, and he reads a prayer similar in content to the troparion sung before this. He prays to the Savior, who deigned to enter the house of Zacchaeus and granted salvation to his entire house, to bless the newly built dwelling and save those who will live in it from all evil, abundantly giving them all the blessings of the Lord for their benefit.

In the next secret prayer (that is, a prayer read not aloud, but silently), the priest asks the Lord to grant salvation to the house, as he brought it to the house of Zacchaeus, to bless this house, as he once blessed the house of Laban with coming to him Jacob, the house of Pentefriy - by the arrival of Joseph, Avedd'ar - brought into his house of the ark. (These events are narrated in the Bible, in the book of Genesis, ch. 30, verses 25-30; ch. 39, verses 1-5 and in the 2nd book of Kings, ch. 6, verses 10-12.) He prays to the Savior to send down the blessing to the future inhabitants of the new house from the height of His dwelling, to protect them with the fear of God, to protect “from those who resist” and to multiply “all that is good in this house”. At the end of the prayer, the priest proclaims: "Yours is, hedgehog and rescue, our God, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever." Those present answer: "Amen."

At this place of the rite, the prayer "over the church" can be added to it. In it, the priest calls for help to protect the home from enemies visible and invisible - Angels, guardians of Christians, and all the saints of God, including the holy martyr Cyprian, whom demons once served in the art of magic wiles and who, having believed in Christ, began to rebel against them and conquer them (New Tablet).

Then the priest three times overshadows the oil in the name of the Holy Trinity and reads a prayer over oil, in which he asks God to send down the Holy Spirit on the oil and sanctify him so that he would be in the sanctification of this place and the house built on this place to drive out “all resisting forces and satanic libel ”.

After reading the prayer, the priest sprinkles the whole house with holy water (sprinkles every room on all four sides), praying: "By sprinkling this sacred water into flight, let all the evil demonic act take place." Then he anoints the 4 main walls of the house (in those places where the cross was previously inscribed) with holy oil in a cruciform manner, saying: "This house is blessed with the anointing of this holy oil, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen."

Candles are lit in front of each cross inscribed on the walls, giving honor to the honest life-giving Cross of the Lord, “which is a shield, a weapon against the devil and the sign of victory over him ... a seal so that the“ destroying angel ”does not touch us (Ex. 12 , 23) and ... the tree of eternal life (Exposition. Orthodoxy. Faith, 1844, p. 243).

The stichera sung by the choir contains a prayer to the Lord to bless this house, to fulfill its earthly blessings and to save its future inhabitants “from all evil of the situation” and to grant them an abundance of heavenly and earthly blessings.

Then the priest reads the Gospel (Luke 19: 1-10), which tells about the Savior's visit to the house of the publican (tax collector) Zacchaeus, who, although he was a sinful man, so badly wanted to see the Lord that he climbed a tree ... In response to the murmurings of those who said that Jesus had entered the house of a sinful man, Christ said about Zacchaeus and about his house: “Now salvation has come to this house, because he is also the son of Abraham; for the Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. " The Church offers this passage from the Gospel to the inhabitants of a new Christian home, joyfully proclaiming that now salvation has come to their home and that the Lord always comes to the house of the one who longs to see Him.

Then Psalm 100 is read, which contains instructions on how to behave in a new home. Reflecting on the spotless path, King David says: “I will walk in the integrity of my heart in the midst of my house” (Psalm 100: 2).

After the reading of the psalm, the litany is recited. In it, in addition to the usual petitions, there are also petitions for a blessing at home. All those present pray to the Lord of our life to send a Guardian Angel, a guardian of the new house, preserving all those who “want to live in it piously,” from all evil and instructing them to do virtues, to fulfill the commandments of Christ. They also ask that the Lord save all of them from hunger, all deadly wounds and grant them health and longevity.

Sprinkling holy water at home

According to church tradition, all Orthodox Christians on Epiphany Eve after the great blessing of water sprinkle baptismal water on their homes when singing or reading the troparion of the holiday:

In the Jordan, baptizing You, Lord, / There is a trioic adoration: / Rod'itel's voice testifies to You, / calling Your beloved Son, / and the Spirit in the form of a dove / I know your word. / Yavl 'her, Christ God, / and the world of enlightenment, glory to Thee.

But at other times it is useful to sprinkle holy water on your home. When sprinkling, the following prayer is read to the honest cross:

May God rise, and be scattered against Him, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear; as if the wax melts from the face of the fire, so that the gods perish from the face of those who love God and who are rewarded with divine knowledge, and in the joy of those who say: Rejoice, honorable and life-giving Christ of the Lord, drive away demons by the power of the impregnated Lord Jesus Christ on you, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave us his honest Cross to drive out every adversary. O honorable and life-giving Christ of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Psalm 90

1 Alive in the help of the Vyshnyago, in the blood of God, the heavens will be settled. 2 Speech of G'ospodevi: my beggar and refuge are moe, my God, and I trust in Neg'o. 3 Yako Toy will get rid of thee from the s'eti l'ovchi, and from the word 'mint'ezhna, 4 the splash of His'im will overshadow thee, and under the krill' Yeh'o hope, oh ' We will get by with the truth of His. 5 Do not worry about the night traffic, from the arrows flying in days, 6 from the thing, in the transitory darkness, from the middle and the half-denied. 7 Thou shalt fall from the land of thy thine, and darkness is at thy right hand, but it doesn’t come close to you. Yang g'eshniks' behold. 9 Yako Thou, Lord, my hope; Vyshnyago put you and your refuge. 10 Evil will not come to you, and r'ana will not come close to your body and yours, 11 as by His Angel the command to keep you in all your ways 'their. 12 On your hands you will scold you, but not when you stumble about yours; 13 on ‘the asp and basil’ nest’s, and cross the lion and the serpent. 14 Yako on My trust’s, and I’ll give ‘and; cover ‘and‘ like knowing ’‘ Moe’s name. 15 He will call on me, and I will hear him, with him seven in sk'orbi, I will be with him, and I will glorify him for 16 days, I will fulfill him and manifest I’m saving Mo’e.

The Divine Spirit through the mouth of the Godfather David reveals in this psalm the greatness of God's works. The prophet shows what an abundance of benefits lies in trusting in God. Those guided by Christ conquer invisible enemies, rulers and powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age, the spirits of evil in high places (see Eph. 6, 12), and the most hated Satan (Chrysostom, Athanasius, Theodorite).

1. Alive in the help of Vyshnyago, in the blood of God, the heavens will be settled.
The prophetic spirit blesses the person for whom the help and aid is Christ Himself. Do you see what boldness the one who obeys His commandments has towards the Almighty? (Athanasius, Hesychius).

2. Speech of G'ospodevi: my beggar and refuge are moe, my God, and I trust in Neg'o.

3. Yako Toy will exclude thee from s'eti l'ovchi, and from the word myat'ezhna,

From here, David turns his speech to the one who believed and encourages him: God will deliver you from the snare of the hunter (secret wiles of the resistance forces) and from the words of rebellious (offensive) (Theodorite, Athanasius).

4. The splash of His own will fall upon the cha, and under the krill of Yeah, you will find the word, the truth of Ye.

Krilami calls the action of the Providence of God, using the likeness of birds that cover chicks with their wings. His Truth is Christ God, the weapon is the Cross of Christ. As chicks under the wing of a k'okosh (brood hen), so the whole world under the wing of the Lord, He warms everyone and everything - some spiritually, others with material warmth. And as the kokosh hears the squeak and sighs of the chicks underneath, so the Lord hears secret sighs, our prayers, sees all our needs (Chrysostom, Theodorite, John of Kronstadt).

5. Do not worry about the traffic of the night, from the arrows flying in the days,

An arrow called some kind of unclean force, “the angel of death” (Athanasius).

6. from the thing, in the darkness of the transitory, from the middle and the half-denied.

A thing that passes in darkness is all malice that manifests itself where it is not expected; and the midday meeting is a clear and open harm. Note that the midday demon angered David when he fell into adultery after midday sleep. Other fathers call the spirit of laziness and despondency at certain hours, like a fever on a sick soul, and upset its fortress as a midday demon. Sryash - there is every unforeseen event, meeting, attack (Chrysostom, Athanasius, Cassian).

7. It will fall from the country, yours, and the darkness is right at your hand, but it will not come close to you,

In the highest sense, the psalm indicates that one who lives in God's help will be attacked on the left (from the country) by a thousand evil arrows - fury and lust, and on the right (right hand) - by darkness, that is, ten thousand; for to the crushing of that which is right in us, many evil forces are directed. The devil, knowing that many do not openly accept sins, begins to fight against them with things that seem good, but then through them casts them down into obvious evil. But the Lord does not cease to save those who love Him (Athanasius, Hesychius).

8.About the och'ima of your sm'otrishi and the retribution of the civilians ‘uzrishi.

Through your eyes you will see victory over your enemies and just retribution to them. You will also see the reward for mental sinners yourself after a sober prayer. It is she who frees our mind from any material image of cunning thoughts and allows it to cognize the suggestions of mental adversaries and to feel the benefits of sobriety (Chrysostom, Hesychius).

9. Yako Thou, Lord, my hope; Vyshnyago put you and your refuge.

The Spirit of the Man of God and the Spirit of Prophecy, answering each other, show how much it is useful to trust in God. Because God cares so much for the faithful, because he completely surrendered himself to the will of God and placed all his trust in Him: as you, O Lord, are my hope. For this, - the prophet answers the faithful, - you will be worthy of providence from Him, since the Most High put you in your refuge (Athanasius, Theodorite).

10. Evil will not come to you, and r'ana will not come close to your body and yours, 11 'as with His Angel the command to keep you alive in all ways yours.

The prophet encourages a person: disasters will not only not overcome him, but will not even come near. God, through the Angels, will reflect the devil's inclinations. More than people, be ashamed of the Angels, of whom there are many with us, and move away from any shameful action. Under the Angels of the minds, also God-bearing men and priests (priests) who have knowledge of God, guard and guide us in life from temptations, “even before the mouth of Jeremiah they will keep reason, and they will seek the law from his mouth, like an angel The Lord Almighty is ”(Mal. 2, 7) (Chrysostom, Theodorite, Nile).

12. On your hands you will scold you, but not when you stumble about yours;

The devil brought these words to Christ, but the Lord, denouncing him, said in response: it is written: do not tempt the Lord thy God (Deut. 6, 16; Matthew 4: 7), for God promised help not to the one who tempts, but to the needy, not vain, or seeking empty glory, but in dire need. Under the stone one can mean every sin and every obstacle to virtue, and under the foot - the soul of a person (Chrysostom, Pelusiot, Athanasius).

13. On the ‘asp and basil’ nest’s, and cross the lion and the serpent.

In the highest sense, by attacking poisonous and carnivorous animals, David expressed victory over evil. He who tramples on anger tramples on a lion, because the lion is distinguished by rage, and who tramples on pleasure and wickedness - he tramples on an asp, a basilisk and a dragon, because carnal pleasure and every evil of life is justly compared with the creeping things on the ground. Under the asp and the basilisk, we mean extreme cunning, because the asp emits mortal poison, and the basilisk causes harm with its gaze. In its ferocity, the asp resists all spells. Basilisk (spectacle snake) has fiery eyes and contains poison in the eye - as it is said about envious people. The dragon (boa constrictor) is the largest serpent that swallows people, bulls and oxen, by its terrible power it depicts the devil (see Apoc. 12, 3, 4). David mentioned these most evil and powerful animals, wanting to show that a person guarded by God cannot be harmed by any visible or invisible enemies. Thousands of those who loved the desert life, trusting in God, avoided these hostile attacks, living together with the beasts. And the demon is also an asp, a basilisk, a lion and a serpent, because he has all the harmful actions performed by these animals (Chrysostom, Theodorite, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, Athanasius, Cyril, Diodorus).

14. Yako put my trust in, and I will ‘and; cover ‘and‘ like knowing ’‘ Moe’s name.

This is already said by God, showing the fruit of hope - hope in God. Do not delude yourself, hope in God is preceded by work for God and sweat shed in doing good. Only “the righteous as the lion trusts” (Proverbs 28: 1). And as his constant care is dedicated to God, so God rewards him. A relaxed and lazy person cannot have such hope. Who knows His name? The one who with meekness subjugated the will of his mind to Him and who is duly submissive to Him, and not the one who only knows Him by ear (Isaac, Theodorite, Chrysostom, Eusebius).

15. He will call to Me, and I will hear him, with him seven in sk'orby, I will change him and I will praise him.

16. I will fulfill him for a long time and I will save Moe.

This is what the Lord says to the righteous. Truly, what can be greater than that bliss when we have God as our protector in the battle against our enemies? For then it is most necessary for Him to be with us when sorrows and calamities surround us. He who calls out to Him with a strong soulful voice finds God listening and ready to help. O words filled with love! O words that breathe the liveliest hope of the one praying! .. In the most sorrowful, joyless moments, the Lord is with us. And we think that no, that the Lord has left us. Mother cannot completely attract our hearts into love, but the Lord attracts with holy mysteries and prayer (Athanasius, Isaac, John of Kronstadt).

The Orthodox Church calls sanctification the rituals by which religion divinely enters the life of a person. The main task of such rituals is the condescension of God's grace on the fate of those who have become their participants. When a Christian seeks to sanctify a dwelling, this indicates that a person is ready to trust in the Almighty and believe in providence that occurs according to Heavenly will.

Preparation for the ceremony

At the heart of every church prayer is the desire to spiritualize the activity of this or that person. The Christian asks God to direct things in a true direction that benefits not only the individual, but also those around him. Through the rite of consecration, Orthodox believers receive a divine blessing that helps create a world filled with love around them.

The rite of consecration of housing protects from dark energy

Consecration is a ritual through which the Church enters the personal or church life of a Christian. The ceremony brings protection from dark energy, instilling in the hearts of people a feeling of closeness to the Lord.

It is customary to carry out this ritual after moving to a new home or when repairs have been completed. The ceremony is allowed to be done independently, but for the first time it is better to entrust it to the holy father. The tradition of consecration has existed since ancient times, when Christianity was just beginning to spread throughout the world. Jesus' followers knew that holy water is an attribute that can protect the home and personal space from the interference of impure matters.

The priests are endowed with special rights that allow them to be consecrated. A layman just needs to contact the nearest church and discuss with the holy fathers the time of the ceremony.

Before inviting a clergyman to the house, you must perform the following actions:

  • The home must be in perfect order.
  • It is necessary to throw away the unnecessary and useless that takes up space in the house.
  • The apartment must have an iconostasis, as well as an icon lamp or several candles.
  • The Holy Father, who has come to perform the ritual, needs to make room for his church attributes.
  • The consecration ritual takes about one hour, the movements of the priest can be observed from the side. The most important thing is not to distract him from his work.

Rite of consecration

Without divine blessing and the help of the Creator, nothing truly valuable and truthful will happen in a person's life. The ROC consecrates dwellings in the same way as it is done in churches.


If it is not possible to invite the holy father, the ritual can be performed in person. But before that, it is necessary to visit the temple and receive a blessing, without which the ceremony will not be valid. To carry out, you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book with the most important texts. Holy literature is acquired only in churches, in other places it is not.

To carry out the rite of consecration, you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book

Before, during and after the ritual, a Christian must adhere to the following rules:

  1. When reading a prayer, one should mentally address the Almighty, the Mother of God, Christ, Guardian Angels or other saints. Thinking about empty and meaningless can damage the performance of the ritual. You should concentrate your consciousness on God and clearly pronounce each word of the prayer, seeing the true meaning in these actions.
  2. The way of life of the believer must approach the spiritual. Negative energy should be removed from oneself and one's own environment, the manifestation of bad emotions attracts troubles of varying degrees to the house. Attending the temple is a prerequisite for a Christian seeking to get rid of the invasion of passions.
  3. A person must show sincere faith in the Lord and forget about selfishness. He needs to learn to give love to everyone, even the enemy, and to be able to rejoice at the achievements of others. A person needs to keep the sacred commandments and distance himself from bad thoughts.

Compliance with these rules allows you to carry out the ritual at the level of the priest. The process of consecration itself contains some peculiarities.

  • A bowl with holy water brought from the church is in his left hand, while a Christian sprinkles drops on the walls of the house with his right hand.
  • It is customary to start the ceremony from the corner on the east side, the movement is clockwise.
  • The most famous "Our Father" is suitable as the main prayer. In addition, the ceremony can be supplemented with others: "May God rise again" and Psalm 90.
  • Consecration is allowed on any day except Friday.
Important! Apartments in which they were engaged in debauchery, drunkenness, cursing and fighting, the church calls unclean. It is these dwellings that should be consecrated in the first place, because such houses are shrouded in negative energy and are the repository of dirty demons. People in such conditions experience constant troubles, face big problems, and there is no peace in their souls.

The meaning of the rite of consecration

This ritual is a full-fledged protection from the calamities provoked by lust and unbelief. Consecration of the house blesses the people living in it for righteous deeds, and also protects from the attacks of all evil. The ritual encourages people not to be separated from Heavenly Father and to direct their lives in the direction of justice and the law of God.

Life and well-being is highly dependent on the surrounding nature and spiritual environment. The indicator of the religiosity of the people affects the state and behavior of people. Moral order deteriorates as a result of the fact that a person loses faith in the Lord and moves away from Him, exchanging eternal life for the fleeting pleasures of the flesh.

After the disobedience of the first people, disease, suffering and death penetrated into the initially pure world. The rituals of consecration are caused by the need of nature itself and the need of humanity. The Church lends a helping hand in the matter of spiritual healing and cleansing from defilement and corrupting sins.

Nowadays, it is extremely important to carry out such rituals, because the devil dominates the air that permeates space. The apartments are filled with negative information from TV, radio and the press. Impure power attracts lost souls, promising pleasure, but deceiving and bestowing only disappointment. Countless legions of demons penetrate the subtle worlds through the subtle worlds, bringing aggression, anger, revenge and other passions.

Important! The Church grants true believers the grace that delivers from the destructive activity of impure energy.

It is necessary to understand that divine energy emanating from icons, holy water, relics and other church attributes gives strength only to those who really deserve it by a righteous life. Otherwise, no rituals will help, they do not act as talismans and are useless for the wicked and prudes.

Consecration does not work if the apartment is run by empty and idle thoughts about the pleasures of the flesh. The depraved and blasphemous person personally renounces God and His help, remaining at the mercy of false prejudices and big trouble.

Video about prayers for the consecration of the apartment