How to sanctify the cross house with holy water. How to sanctify a native cross

How to sanctify the cross house with holy water. How to sanctify a native cross
How to sanctify the cross house with holy water. How to sanctify a native cross


A native cross is a special Orthodox charm, which should defend a person from misfortunes, adversity and illness, helping them standing and maternally to transfer. Tanner (the second name of the Orthodox cross) will help get rid of ill-wishers and protects complex situations. In connection with these many crosses, you can see the inscription "Save and Save". This important thing for everyone. orthodox Christian The attribute is hanging on the neck after the sacrament of baptism was carried out. This means that the person accepted faith and is now a slave of God.

Images and relics are important means to worship saints. For the privilege of the images of the cross or Christ logically led to a tendency to folk devotion to Christ to the detriment of the worship of the Holy, that the lack of relics could hardly be encouraged. Last an important aspect Holy worship is the holiness of the place where worship is installed, which is usually associated with the passage of the saint, if only it does not concern his grave itself. This moment seems particularly relevant within armenian Christianity According to Jean-Michel Thierry, who notes that the Armenian shrines of vampurkan are usually associated with the legendary of the saint with whom they are connected.

Choose cross

If you buy native Cross, do not pay attention to its beauty, appearance Or make a bet on the cost of the product. It must be remembered that he is just a symbol of that faith, which in a person in the soul. And the cost of the cross, as is known, has no effect on the depths of faith.

You can choose something from the assortment of church bench at the temple. Usually such crosses have already been consecrated before the sale, so you don't need to do anything with them. But the decoration in the form of a crucifixion from the jewelry store is still able to consecrate.

But the place is becoming increasingly important that faith can not appeal to relics or icons, as Katherine Mayer Yayen says about Islam: In this religion, only the tomb of the saint allows his cult becomes consistent, the place becomes the main vector of personal relationship with the holy.

This fact sheds light on main roleThe sacred stones play. In Isfahan, a country that has not visited by any famous Christian saint, it was difficult to argue that she bases the cult in the charisma place. It is these stones, from the sneakers in Armenia, allowed: this is not the nature of these stones, but their origin, which are considered in the eyes of Armenians. No one seems to know that the Great Central Stone was to become the first altar of Noah or that the other would be the place of the appearance of Christ for Grigory-Illuminator: Armenians are satisfied with the statement that they come from holy place Armenia, without being able to name Echmiadzin, and that they were miraculously transported to this church.

If you choose a cross not in the bench of Orthodox utensils, pay attention to how Jesus is crucified on the cross. If his legs are nailed with two nails - this orthodox cross. If one is a Catholic, which is forbidden to carry Orthodox Christians. Therefore, in the temple, they are not subject to consecration.

The cross himself can be:


IN oral legend It is reported that the central stone was brought by a camel from Armenia and that the mysterious force suddenly prevented the caravan to advance in several leagues from Isfahan. No matter how hard it was, until the morning it was discovered in the courtyard of the church. It was decided to change the place to a more suitable place, but the next day the stone found his first place. Thus, holiness associated with this place, a border: the holiness of the place of origin - the cradle of the Armenian Faith - and the holiness of the place of arrival, divinely designated by a double miracle.

All of them are considered Orthodox.

How to sanctify cross

If you have a desire to wear consecrated crossmust be applied to the temple. Go to the employees who you can always find near the candle box (candles are sold there and requirements are recorded). Ask the priest to be attached to you. He is suitable immediately after the end of the service. Ask to sanctify your cross.

Primates of the saint person manifests itself in an almost systematic response, given by Armenians to the question of what they know about St. George: "This is a church," they say, never thinking about calling saint, some indicate: "This is a church In which many desires come true ", as if the answer, this to the Vowiness, depended more from the place than from the saint himself.

George, are the result of a complex unification of three factors. As we just showed, the holiness of this place prevails. The holiness of the place embodies materially in the stones around which the Covenant Ritual is arranged. However, it is impossible to talk about the idolatful worship of these stones, it is Christ or the Virgin Mary come to pray in this place and with whom we are tied up. Finally, the prayer of the faithful acquires all its strength only because it is made in the name of St. George, "the patron saint of this place.

This rite of consecration can carry out absolutely any priest. At first, he should inspect whether the crucifixion corresponds to the Orthodox canons. If something confuses him or does not suit - you have to choose a new crucifix. It is usually holy by the cross himself, but it is impossible to pass it out of hand to hand just like that, and you must mow on a chain or a wax lace.

This complex combination is manifested even more in the annual incubation practices. The patronage of the Holy manifests itself noticeably, as this happens on the occasion of his holiday, that these practices occur. It should be noted that the same practice is practiced in the Church of St. George in Tehran, where there are no sacred stones, similar to those in Isfahan; Therefore, the name of the saint determines the existence of the rite. However, in Isfahan, it is not in the church, but around the sacred stones in the yard, believers created their coat, exposing themselves to cold bright October.

Next, the father will take it into the altar and serves the quinuse, which relies in similar incident. During the sanctification of a native cross, the priest reads two prayers in which he asks to pour their power to the cross. So a small crucifix will not only protect the soul of man, but also to protect his body from evil forces, sorcery and witchcraft. After reading the prayer, the father will give you a cross.

Finally, if there is a dream, usually it seems, Christ gives an answer. Muslim side: Christian dedication in the first place. . The issue for Muslims is slightly different: they completely ignore the link to St. George. For one exception, none of the respondents knew the names of the church. A reference to some particular Muslim saint, such as hiring, is also absent in their speech. They do not know best sense And the origin of the stones. Whether they know them, Cathedral of Echmiadzin and Gregory of the Enlightenment - these are the names that they do not cause them.

Each baptized man carries a cross with the image of Christ on the chest. This is not a decoration, not a sign of distinction, it is a symbol of faith. The cross, which man gets with baptism, must be worn throughout life. Remove it not ...

If they go three times like Christians, this is a simple respect for the rite, if they do not see it as a reminder of the holy place. Nevertheless, this practice of trading practice for them is completely not deprived of meaning. It cannot but cause similar practices associated with the Kenotafs of Emamzaev, around which it is also advisable to turn three times, and which belong to the collaps around Kaaba during pilgrimage in Mecca: unlike Armenians who do not give an intersection with a circular movement of Muslims systematically appeal In the opposite direction clockwise, which is the ritual meaning of these practices in Islam.

Orthodoxy is rich in tradition. The sanctification of dwellings is one of the most important and obligatory rites. This ritual protects against the dark forces, is a symbol of the Lord's blessing and involvement in the Church. ...

With the arrival of Christianity, the cross, the image of which was used by people long before the emergence of any of the famous cults, became a symbol of Christian. It is believed that each believer should have its own cross, which must be consecrated. Bought in a jewelry store, it does not bear any value. Therefore, any believer is asked how to sanctify the cross in the church before starting to wear it in the most important place - at the heart.

However, Muslims recognize especially the holy character of this place. But this statement would then be born from simple recognition before proof of facts, not having the opportunity to give an explanation. In itself, the place will have a certain barrack. The girl claims that he loves come here because she feels supernatural worldcontributing to deep memories; Others argue that they came to this place just because Armenians do not allow them to light the candles in other churches. It is true that the other two sanctuations that are open to them turn into a museum where any religious gesture is excluded.

Purpose of a native cross in christianity

Each person who passed the rite of baptism, wears a symbol on his chest, ranging it to the Orthodox Church. The native cross, according to the canons of the church, protects its owner from the troubles, diseases, evil eyes and intent, helps to overcome the life obstacles. Therefore, on the facial or back side Crossing You can see the inscription: "Save and Save." Most often, the Orthodox cross is sanctified during the sacrament of the baptism of the newborn.

For these people, this place is not considered as such, only his Christian identity matters. In the end, it is good that Christ comes to prayer. In Isfahan, the most famous is Emamagad Jaffar, located near the bazaar. A woman who says she is left without money opium-loving husband, says: I went to all Emanam, it was useless. Thus, another dimension of these interfaith practices appears, which cannot be neglected: the desire to remain anonymous.

Indeed, the Armenian community today is relatively isolated from Muslim society and is strongly reduced. Shiite can freely open in the church, without fear that he will return to the ears of his relatives. It is also one of the reasons why Muslim may prefer to contact the priest, and not to Clerets of his own confession. This request for intercession is not isolated: Many Muslims, who, not addressing the church itself, ask Christian friends to pray for them, especially in the Church of St. George.

If a person has accidentally lost during his life, the priests advise to buy a new one and consecrate it as soon as possible and consecrate it in the nearest temple. They are confident that any cross is subject to consecration, even the one that you buy in the church shop, because during the sacrament, the soul, body and thoughts of a person will also pass, who will be a sprinkled cross.

Nurse working in the hospital, says that many patients ask her to light the candle or give money from their behalf in this place. This popular Muslim faith in the man of Christ, like a visit to the Church, not Nova. Already in the seventeenth century, the ambassador Luis Pereira de Lasrada testified to the random presence of some muslim women In the Portuguese Church of Isfahan. However, it can be wondering if the phenomenon is not gaining momentum. At least, this is what the Armenians say, arguing that twenty years ago the presence of Muslims was much more restrained: in fact, the majority of respondents said they knew this place for three to four years.

Do not forget that the cross is not a decoration or style attribute. Therefore, when choosing should not be focused on the type of metal, from which it is made, or the number precious stones. Christian religion implies modesty and ease of life. Classical native Cross Orthodox Christians have an eight-pointed form (less often - four- and six-pointed). Each of its bend has its own value.

You can offer several explanations: we can see the growing understanding of Christ in the folk faith. It is not impossible, and the huge success of the television series about the life of Marie, broadcast for four weeks ago, would not have anything to reflect it. It is also possible to wonder if there is no more sensitive to the population, destroyed by the consequences of war and the economic crisis, are tired of speeches, towering the warrior-martyr and tired of bloody or martial images of imams, which are the consequences of a modest and tender figure of Christ, as It appears on the walls of churches.

In some cases, the church allowed the ceremony of the consecration of the cross in own home. For this, it was necessary to receive a blessing among the Church Father. But the priests still recommend to conduct a sacrament in the walls of the temple according to the ancient church rules.

The sequence of the consecration procedure is painted in Trem. To force this church Attribute. He gave the believing person to protect and blessing, after the ritual in the Church, the priest reads prayers for a few weeks.

It should be emphasized here that Christ, revered by Muslims, is not Christ of the Gospels. For Muslim, Jesus is not someone else, as one of the five main prophets mentioned in the Quran, therefore a person. Islam also denies his crucifixion - and, therefore, Sunday: he brought up right to heaven, while the twin died in his place on the cross.

The increasing devotion to Christ will then be more likely due to the cause of these customs: the glory of the growing church, Christ is the same as he is the main intercession recognized in this place. Finally, we should not neglect the spatial factor: just thirty years ago the presence of Muslims in Julf was still very weak. Armenians even proudly say that at that time they did not allow Muslims to enter their surroundings if they were not assigned to a specific function. "We won them if we see how they crossed the bridge."

The demandman describes the following requirements for the consecration procedure:

  1. The choice of a new cross, the form and appearance of which correspond to the canons of the church. It is better to choose protection in the temple shop, as jewelry stores often offer crosses made according to a Catholic pattern. It does not matter to orthodox churches And what the crossed is made from what material (be it tree or gold).
  2. To consecrate the believer, you should come to the temple and contact the clergy after the end of the service. At the request, use the appeal "Honest Father". The procedure will be able to anyone who has a san priest.
  3. The cross brought to the church must be on a rope or chain. It is advisable to show his clergy in advance.
  4. The father takes into the hands of the cross and refers it to the altar for having a sinovation. During consecration, the representative of the Church voices two prayers, in which he asks to fill the cross with spiritual power. While the priest carries out goodness, a person can pray and put candles for health.
  5. The final stage of consecration is a sprinkle (triple) sacred water. Now the cross is purified and can be worn at the heart. The priest will immediately offer to put on a protective charm. From now on, the man who came to the temple must be stored under clothing chief symbol Christianity.
  6. It is advisable to offer a sacred symbolic fee for the cropping. It can be omitted into the donation box.

Not every believer knows how to sanctify the cross in the church, so a few days before the sacrament you can come to the temple and get the instructions of the priest. Since the consecration of a native cross, you need to treat him with respect and caution. The opinion that the loss of the cross leads to misfortune is just superstition.

Under these conditions, the presence of Muslims in armenian churches It remained very low, with the exception of special occasions, such as St. George's Day. Today, the avenue on which the Church of St. George is located, definitely Muslim: very busy, he is also close to the well-known trading area, where all the esphy will provide fashionable clothes.

Among Muslims, some argue that they accidentally discovered a place following the curiosity of the flow of people whom they saw, rushing to the courtyard of the church. Comparison with the Church of St. George Tehran confirms the importance of housing manifolds in establishing Muslim dedication. Since its founding in the eighteenth century, Muslims worshiped this church. It is not located in an exclusive Armenian district, which never existed in Tehran, but right in the city center, not far from the bazaar.