The most dangerous viruses for humans. Types of computer viruses and protection from them

The most dangerous viruses for humans. Types of computer viruses and protection from them
The most dangerous viruses for humans. Types of computer viruses and protection from them

In the world there is a unpelled number of microorganisms, viruses prevail among them. They can survive in the harshest conditions. Viruses are found in the eternal ice of Antarctica, and in the hot sands of the Sahara, and even in a cold vacuum of space. Although they do not all represent a danger, still more than 80% of all diseases of a person cause precisely viruses.

Back in the 40s of the last century, about 40 diseases provoked by them were known to humanity. Today, this figure is more than 500, not believing that every year they open all the new types. People learned how to fight viruses, but knowledge is not always enough - more than 10 of their species remain the most dangerous for humanity. Viruses are causative agents of dangerous human diseases. Let's consider the main of them.


The most dangerous type of viruses - Huntavirus. When contacting with small rodents or their products, their livelihoods there is a chance to infected. They can provoke many diseases, the most dangerous among which are hemorrhagic fever and hartavirus syndrome. The first disease kills each tenth, the likelihood of death after the second - 36%. The largest flash occurred during the Korean War. Then more than 3,000 soldiers from different sides of the opposition felt his action. There is a high probability that Huntavirus caused the extinction of Aztec civilization 600 years ago.

Ebola virus

What other dangerous viruses exist on earth? The epidemic has created a panic in the world community literally a year ago. The virus was opened in 1976, during the epidemic in the Congo. His name was received in honor of which an outbreak happened in the pool. The symptoms of Ebola's disease a lot, which complicates its diagnosis. The most common of them include: an increase in body temperature, general weakness, vomiting, violation of the functions of the liver and kidney, pain in the throat. In some cases, internal and external bleeding are observed. In 2015, this virus took the lives of more than 12 thousand people.

What is dangerous influenza virus?

Of course, no one will argue that a dangerous virus is an ordinary flu. Every year, more than 10% of the world's population is ill, which makes it one of the most common and unforeseen.

The main danger to people is not the virus itself, but the complications that it can cause (kidney disease, pulmonary and brain swelling, heart failure). Of the 600 thousand people who died last year from influenza, the cause of only 30% of deaths became directly the virus, the fatal outcome of the rest is the result of complications.

Mutations are another danger of influenza virus. Due to the permanent use of antibiotics every year, the disease becomes stronger. Chicken and swine flu, whose epidemic broke out over the past 10 years, is another confirmation of this. In the case of an unfavorable scenario, after a few decades, medicines capable of fighting flu will bear extreme danger to humans.


The most dangerous type of viruses for children is Rotavirus. Although the cure for it acts quite effectively, about half a million babies die every year. This disease causes an acute diarrhea, the body is quickly dehydrated and death occurs. Most victims live in underdeveloped countries, where it is difficult to get a vaccine against this virus.

Mortal Marburg

The Marburg virus was first discovered in the city of the same name in Germany in the late 60s of the last century. It is among the ten fatal viruses that can be infected with animals.

About 30% of diseases with this virus ends fascinated. In the early stages of this man's disease, the heat, nausea, muscular pain. With more severe flow - jaundice, pancreatitis, liver failure. Disease carriers are not only people, but also rodents, as well as some types of monkeys.

Hepatitis in action

What other dangerous viruses are known? There are more than 100 of their species affecting the human liver. The most dangerous of them are hepatitis B and C. This virus was not in vain called the "gentle killer", because he can be in the human body for many years, without causing tangible symptoms.

Hepatitis most often leads to the elimination of liver cells, that is, to cirrhosis. Cure the pathology caused by strains in and from this virus is almost impossible. By the time of the detection of hepatitis in the human body, illness, as a rule, is already in chronic form.

The chief of this disease was the Russian biologist Botkin. The hepatitis strain found now is called "a", and the disease itself is amenable to treatment.

Ose virus

OSAP is one of the most ancient diseases known to humanity. He affects only people, causing chills, dizziness, headaches and pain in the lower back. Characteristic signs of smallpox are the appearance on the body of purulent rashes. Only over the past century, the OSAP claimed the lives of about half a billion people. A colossal material means (about 300 million dollars) were thrown on the fight against this ailment. Nevertheless, virologists have achieved success: the last well-known case of the inspiration was fixed forty years ago.

Madst death virus

The rabies virus is the first of this rating, leading to death in 100% of cases. It is possible to infected with rabies after the sick animal bitter. The disease proceeds asymptomatic until the time when the person is no longer possible.

The rabies virus causes the hardest damage to the nervous system. In the last stages of the disease, a man becomes violent, experiencing a constant feeling of fear, suffers from insomnia. A few days before death, blindness and paralysis comes.

In the entire history of medicine, you can save only 3 people from rabies.

Virus Lassa

What other dangerous caused by this virus are known, one of the most dangerous diseases of West Africa. It strikes the nervous system of man, kidney, lungs, can cause myocarditis. During the entire period of the disease, the body temperature does not fall below 39-40 degrees. A lot of painful purulent ulcers appear on the body.

Lasse virus carriers are small rodents. The disease is transmitted to the contact path. Every year about 500 thousand people are infected, of which 5-10 thousand dying. With a severe form of a lassism, mortality can reach 50%.

Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome

The most dangerous type of viruses - HIV. It is considered the most dangerous of those known to a person at this time.

Experts found out that the first case of the transfer of this virus from the primate to a person happened in 1926. The first fatal case was recorded in 1959. In the 60s of the last century, the symptoms of AIDS were discovered from American prostitutes, but there were no special importance to this. HIV considered just a complex form of pneumonia.

A separate HIV disease was recognized only in 1981, after the epidemic began among homosexuals. After 4 years, scientists have found ways to transmit this disease: blood and seed fluid. The real AIDS epidemic in the world began 20 years ago. HIV is rightly called the plane of the 20th century.

This disease amazes primarily the immune system. As a result, the AIDS itself does not lead to fatal outcomes. But HIV-infected, which simply lacks immunity, can die from a simple runny nose.

All attempts to invent at the moment were not crowned with success.

What is dangerous papilloma virus?

About 70% of people are carriers of the Papilloma virus, most of them are women. Transmitted by papilloma sexual. Of the more than 100 species of the papilloma virus, about 40 lead to various diseases. As a rule, the virus affects the genitals of a person. Its external manifestation is the appearance on the skin of the outflows (papillom).

The incubation period of the virus after entering the body can last from several weeks to several years. In 90% of cases, the human body himself will get rid of alien microthel. Danger The virus carries only for weakened immunity. Therefore, papilloma is often manifested during other diseases, such as influenza.

The most serious consequence of papillomas can be cervical cancer in women. 14 well-known strains of this virus are highlyoncogenous.

Is the KRS leukemia virus dangerous for a person?

Viruses are able to affect not only people, but also animals. Since a person feeds on animal products, the question of the danger of such pathogens for people is increasingly raising.

The leukemia virus is in the first place for the defeat, he infects the blood of cows, sheep, goats and provokes severe diseases, and in some cases death.

Studies show that more than 70% of people have antibodies in the blood, capable of fighting with the KRS leukemia virus. However, this does not exclude the possibility of human infection with this virus. The likelihood that leukemia cattle can lead to human cancer in humans, very small, but there is the possibility of other negative consequences. The leukemia virus can join human cells, causing mutations. In the future, this can create his new strain, which will be equally dangerous for both animals and people.

Although viruses can benefit people, it does not cover their harm. They died more people than died in all world wars for all times. This article lists the most dangerous viruses in the world. We hope that this information will be useful to you. Be healthy!

Large-scale epidemics of various diseases accompany humanity, how much does it remember. In history, evidence of mass epidemiological plagues ("Black Death", as it was called) in the period from 15 to 18th century, when London was not charged with 400 thousand inhabitants. Conventional house rats, which made the set at that time at that time. In the 19th and 19th century, cholera and Spaniard raged, which twisted most of the population of large cities, including in Russia. At the end of the 20th and early 21st century, HIV and many other dangerous infections appeared - avian influenza, pork, Ebola fever ... Each era has their own infections that are dangerous. And they arise not just so, in total in this world there is its own biological meaning. Let's talk to you - where come from, and where are these fatally dangerous infections come out?

Diseases were always powerful weapons in evolution, due to them, as not paradoxically, the world is improved on Earth. It is the epidemics that reveal the flaws and weak points of living beings - weak dying, strong survive and multiply, while nature does not know pity. Natural selection operates. In which the person is increasingly interfering with the development of science and technology. For example, after the most powerful epidemics of the plague, the surviving people began to live 20 years more than before - but for it was paid for the price of hundreds of thousands of lives, almost the third population. Today, the plague and cholera are no longer dangerous, there are effective medicines from them. People invented antibiotics, their immunity was not an example better, but food is more diverse. But today other infections began to appear - we still do not know how to treat viruses, and they occupy the liberated niche. And people themselves also add to the piggy bank of infections, developing a terrible thing - biological weapons, mainly these viruses of deadly or very dangerous mass infections, including the informal fever of Ebola.

Viruses and their role

Viruses are currently the most common cause of various epidemics and pandemic, although viruses are among the oldest particles of life. Many scientists call viruses of the main evolution, as they are able to cause mutations in living organisms, leading to the acquisition of new properties. But viruses can and kill a person, especially if used in the form of weapons. Viruses penetrate everywhere, they were discovered in the ocean, on land, in the air, they are not afraid of high and low temperatures, one of the conditions for their existence and reproduction is the availability of life - this can be both unicellular and multicellular organisms and a person. It is important that there are cells with alien DNA or RNA, where the virus can be replicated (to multiply).

It is impossible to calculate the total number of viruses on Earth, and to say with accuracy where viruses come from - too. According to one of theories, the viruses originated among the first on Earth in the stage of becoming the first primaries of living elements. According to another version, they are fragments of DNA or RNA cells of larger organisms, on the third theory they took from the simplest microorganisms by simplifying. But the fact that viruses are the most ancient particles on Earth - no one denies. Simultaneously with life, deaths appeared - viruses.

But far from all scientists perceive viruses as definitely harmful particles and slow motion bombs. Many perceive viruses are very positive - as particles, improving living organisms. According to the viral theory of evolution - do not be viruses, we would have so far been unicellular primitive creatures. Their main merit is the introduction of genes in one body and borrowing genes with their transfer to another living organism during contacts. And in this case, in the future, these new genes new organisms adapt under their new needs. In the virus account, such necessary changes as the formation of placenta in mammals and childbearing ability. Therefore, what is created by nature and perfectly began to work - never will not disappear from nature. So, for example, having occurred in dinosaurs, hemoglobin passed through viruses and plants and insects and animals, then a person. Everyone performs the hemoglobin functions - but in the initial structure is very similar to one another.

Dangerous viruses

Among the most dangerous viruses, the family of so-called retroviruses allocate. They are striking predominantly man and biologically close creatures. This group of viruses can transfer its information in the host cells. It is this group of viruses that has become the driving force of evolution and, at the expense of them, various new signs are developing as a result of mutations. However, it is Retroviruses on the fatal coating of circumstances that are also the cause of many incurable chronic and fatal diseases of a person, including the infamous HIV, some cancer tumors of viral origin and others. New dangerous viruses arise as a result of mutations and may appear where and ever, but on the globe there are particularly favorable places for their occurrence and distribution. Scientists were even recently compiled special cards of such "hot spots" on the planet, from where we can expect new "deadly" epidemics.

The main of them became the countries of a wet tropical climate - the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of Rei Niger in Africa, Industan and Southeast Asia. In addition to climate, this is due to the extremely low level of sanitary culture, primary study of viruses and develop measures to combat them. But to think that our country is completely safe for new viruses, also rash - we have our hot spots in terms of dangerous epidemics - this is the Far Eastern region, where dangerous viral infections involving insect carriers and southern regions are widespread, where high risks Different fevers. The study of the map of dangerous infections continues.

Acute issues of epidemics?

A natural question arises - if there are so many deadly viruses around us, why epidemics and pandemics arise only at times and rolling like waves? The opinions of scientists in this matter have not yet found unity - alone believe that these are newly mutating viruses, to which the human immunity has not yet managed to develop antibodies. Either the appearance of infection in a society that was long isolated, and then spread to other groups of people. This opinion is confirmed by the fact that the colonists who arrived from Europe became sources of massive epidemics of hazardous diseases among the indigenous population of newly open areas that are not protected by immunity from unfamiliar viruses and microbes. The peculiarities of the immunity of the Negroid race, Indians and Asians also differ from the European appeals - in this and the cause of outbreaks of epidemics.

Another unchanged cause of the periodic emergence of deadly epidemics among people is the influence of nature - physical factors and climate. If you remember the history of mass pandemics of "black death" in medieval Europe, from which about 60 million people died, she was preceded by a number of global cataclysms - the eruption of the Etna volcano 1333 led to warm and crude weather, and for several years about this Germany and France They suffered from rains and floods that led to the indigestible, morah of the cattle and invasion of insects. All this caused hunger and reproduction of hulling rodents. Thus, especially favorable conditions for the occurrence of plague were created.

Our century is also characterized by climate instability. Eruption of volcanoes and floods, strong earthquakes and tsunami, deterioration of ecology as a result of human activity create conditions for the formation of new diseases. This is proved by the research of viral activity - over the past 60 years, the number of dangerous viruses that mutated and acquired "deadly" properties increased 5 times. Nature takes a person for active interference in her laws!

And people themselves actively create a threat to the emergence of deadly infections and epidemics. The idea of \u200b\u200busing hazardous viruses and microbes to suppress opponents in the wars was precisely due to the fact that this means is a massive and merciless. Today, various types of biological weapons are actively developed, despite the International Convention from 1972 on the prohibition of the development, storage and production of such a type of weapon. Under the vulture of secrecy and scientific research, many countries are developing such developments. And no wonder periodically appear on the screens various catastrophes - the share of common sense in them is! These fears are not groundless - samples of a black smallpox virus, which is considered destroyed in the natural environment, there is no immunity from it, most of the population has lost, despite the presence of vaccine. Yes, and the cheap vaccination itself is very hard. And the same with the virus of the essential fever of Ebola - he was also developed as a variant of biological weapons, and those who were engaged in studying - in parallel and the vaccine was also developed, and not one year. Who knows - why now where did the last epidemic come from?

Ebola Fever - Details

This infection has long known and its outbreaks occur periodically in West Africa, only this year the scale of the epidemic is somewhat larger than ever, plus, raised by the hype in the media - from here and such pathological interest in Ebora. Therefore, we will dwell on it a little more and find out something.

Ebora's fever can be infected with people of any race and gender, the virus is transmitted from man to man. But the first of the sick people should have got a virus from animals or from the medium. Africa does not have a high standard of living - everything is eating everything that is moving, including small rodents. According to scientists, Ebola virus in nature circulates among volatile mice, which are actively eating as a delicacy. From person to person, the virus is transmitted through blood, saliva, sperm and other biological fluids. But it is not transferred to air-droplet as flu or ORVI!

The epidemic in Africa arose due to local traditions and features of the mentality, due to which the sicks do not turn to doctors, are treated and dying at home, and close to them are actively careful and closely in contact. And the corpses do not burn - they are disappearing wild animals, which people are actively eating! In addition, in their traditions to kiss and embrace the deceased, which at the time of death are most contagious. And considering the heavy physical work and the presence of small injuries of hands and legs - such close contact leads to infection. Of the Europeans, they were mainly infected with those people who were either a doctor or a missionary in Africa - that is, they were closely contacted and cared for patients - they could have both blood and vomiting of patients. If, purely theoretically, the patient ebolo will fall into our country and will be held in the market, he will not infect anyone!

The danger of Ebola is that there is no vaccine and no medicine from the virus - you can treat only its symptoms, but today the death rate from Ebola is about 50%, that is, half of the patients recovering, the weakened and the most exhausted are dying.

Is Ebola Russia? If it is browse cases from African countries, in our harsh conditions the virus does not survive - we have no animals that could be his carrier. And even if the patient is melted to us, the incubation period lasts from two to 21 days, and the patient is not infected. It becomes dangerous with the beginning of the first manifestations (fever, bleeding and vomiting). Such a person is easy to highlight from the crowd, hugging and kissing with him is not worth it, then Ebola does not threaten you! Plus, let's hope that a vaccine from this dangerous infection will be obtained soon.

Influenza - Great and Horrible

If the eboli raised about the fever raised the hype, then everything is somehow peeped to epidemics of the influenza virus. We are no longer frightened by his bright names: "Pork", "Bird", and other animal features. And between those, the flu is much more distribution and is not less dangerous. From him, people also die annually! The progenitor of the famous "pork" influenza called "Spanish", twisted about 50 million people in 1918, which is about 5% of the population! And in mid-2009, the viral strain H1N1 with very similar properties appeared again, which led to a new pandemic and killed thousands of people. He followed the "bird" flu and an atypical pneumonia virus that increased the lists of the dead. According to WHO, it is up to 500 thousand people worldwide.

Why does flu rages so much and mutters so much, how to determine what it will be in the near future, and how to protect yourself?

The reason for such a frequent occurrence of influenza epidemics, scientists see in a changing demographic situation. According to the UN forecast, by the middle of the century, the population of the Earth can reach 9.5 billion people, and 11 billion by the end of the century. This is a huge figure - $ 4 billion more than today. And in the middle of the last century we were only 2.5 billion people. Such a large number of people need to live and work somewhere, it should be enough to drink drinking water and food, human life products must be removed somewhere. The number of contacts between people will increase many times, and hence both opportunities for virus spread!

People are actively moving on the planet, bringing their viruses and microbes, which contributes to the spread of epidemics. As a result, a pandemic occurs - yes, such a merciless way of the planet seeks to regulate the population of the population, and the people themselves contribute to this. The denser of the population - the higher the likelihood of epidemics with a negative outcome.

Viruses were always and always will, they will mutate and receive new properties. To protect against epidemics, it is necessary to remember the elementary prevention measures - less contacts, strengthening immunity, a healthy lifestyle, referring to the help of a state of deterioration - this will help defend.

Photo - Photo Bank Laurie

Of all the largest coating area on the planet, the largest coating area and the number have pathogens, among which bacteria, sticks and, of course, the viruses imperceptible to human eye. The latter are causative agents of diseases that differ in symptoms, the nature of the course and severity.

To identify the most dangerous virus for a person is quite difficult, since various approaches to analysis should be applied. For example, there are pathogens that change the overall mortality rate of the population. Others lead to a fatal outcome of already infected people. Third kill the owner faster than he managed to spread them to other people. For example, with a mortality ratio of up to 3%, the Ebola virus and the Pandemic of Spanish flu have taken more than 100 million people from life. And there is still a historical approach to the evaluation of the virus harmfulness. He demonstrates which microorganism killed the most people throughout the history of mankind.

We offer you a list of the 10 most dangerous viruses on the planet, which annually take hundreds and thousands of human lives. Add some statistics and numbers, as well as data on characteristic symptoms for a viral disease of one or another type.

Arbovirus family Flaviviridae.

These dangerous pathogens cause a specific disease - dengue fever. The patient bothers the sharp pain in the musculoser (joints, especially the knee, spine). Also, the patient marks hyperthermia, severe fever and heat, nausea and vomiting. It is often arising from a soda rash on the body. It is known that if the disease goes into a difficult form, then in half cases it ends with a fatal outcome. It is possible to pick up the arbovirus through the insect bite (tick, mosquito, etc.). Before traveling to the virus spread zone, take care of preventive vaccinations and other methods of individual protection.

Influenza virus

In the modern world, "ordinary cold" does not cause panic people, as it is easy to treat. Simply put, human immunity is sustainable to many strains of infectious respiratory tract. Here just few people know that there are more than 2,000 virus options in the world, which are classified in serotypes (B, A, C) and strains. Serotype A is life-threatening, as it causes mass epidemic and even a pandemic. Every year, the seasonal outbreak of the influenza leaves the life of the half a million people (most often preschoolers and the elderly). The virulent strain of the virus caused the so-called "Spanish influenza", which in 1918 struck about a third of the world's population, lifting about 100 million patients from life. At the same time, people with severe immunity were susceptible to the greatest risk, which ultimately provoked the so-called "cytokine storm".

Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

A specific disease can be masked on symptoms for other pathologies, so a person can not suspect a long time on the presence of a virus in the body. So the disease is gradually becoming chronic, which provokes hepatic failure and, as often happens, a deadly outcome. The virus takes about 350 thousand patients annually in developing countries. Inexplicable statistics say that there are 200 million carriers of this dangerous microorganism in the world. Unfortunately, the disease is not amenable to therapy, and the effective vaccine has not been developed. Infection of hepatitis C occurs through blood, and the source is often a medical and cosmetology toolkit, unprotected sexual acts, non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV)

This hepatitis virus leaves the patient a chance to recovery, but in 20-30% of cases, it still progresses in a chronic form, causing cirrhosis or oncology of the liver. In the year "Reaper" carries about 700 thousand human lives. Also, like the previous type of hepatitis virus, it provokes asymptomatic disease, which slowly for years attacks the liver. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children. Virus carriers may not suffer from consequences, but actively transmit it to others. The virus is characterized by resistant to temperature fluctuations. Transmitted through blood drops by household, as well as through injections, tools, sharp devices, sexual bonds.

Freshness virus

It occurs in warm-blooded animals and is transmitted from them to a person. Causes rapid and irreversible defeat of the central nervous system. The virus is transmitted through the saliva of the infected animal during the bite. The temperature rises to subfebrisy indicators, the patient complains of sleep disorders, notes the attacks of aggression and hallucinations, paranoid delirium. Following paralysis of the limbs and eye muscles, the respiratory system, which leads to a fatal outcome. Unfortunately, the symptoms of the disease appear already at the stage when the virus penetrates the brain and causes the degradation of nerve cells. Save life can only vaccine, made as soon as possible after the bite of a stray animal.


It is a group of viruses that is transmitted by fecal-oral. Causes attacks of acute diarrhea, dehydration and is observed mainly in young children. Despite the available methods of therapy, the disease takes about 450 thousand preschool children annually (mostly residents of underdeveloped countries). Rotavirus is a disease of "dirty hands", so the best prevention is observing the rules of personal hygiene, especially after visiting public places.

Ebola virus

The microorganism causes a hemorrhagic fever. Transmitted through biological fluids, infected fabrics and blood. Accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, brushes in muscles, lethargy, muscle spasms, migraine and sore throat. A nausea and vomiting can also be observed, disruption of digestion, skin rashes, kidney dysfunction and liver. In severe, there are external and internal hemorrhages. Mortality from Ebola fever in 2015 amounted to 42% of the fallen.

Virus of genuine smallpox

The surviving patients can be seen from afar - the skin is made in numerous scars. The first symptoms of the "black smallpox" is a high temperature and a rash on the body (purulent bubbles). In complications, the heads of spasms, vertigo, pain in the sacratling and lumbar department, nausea and vomiting are noted. In the 20th century, the epidemic took about 300-500 million lives. The latter case was registered in 1977. Climate change in recent years can lead to the return of the disease. By the way, the Sharple virus is striking only a person.

Flaviviridae family virus

Mosquitoes living in South America and African continent are transferred to the pathogen. Finding into the body, the virus causes the "yellow fever", which is accompanied by a jaundice. Since the 80s, the dissemination of the disease increases, which is due to the deterioration of immunity in humans, climatic changes. With severe disease, the liver does not cope with the function and comes a deadly outcome. Tourists visiting the above countries are recommended to vaccinate.

AIDS virus

It is considered the most dangerous virus, which is transmitted through biological fluids and blood. The most frequent causes of HIV spread are non-sterling medical and cosmetology devices, drug addiction (repeated use of syringes), indiscriminate sexual bonds. The average life expectancy of infected without adequate therapy is 9-11 years.

Such dangerous microorganisms are constantly next to us and threaten vital activity. To prevent infection, timely pass vaccination, follow the rules of personal hygiene, use barrier prevention methods and avoid contact with infected people.

Hello again.
The theme of today's article. Types of computer viruses, principles of their work, ways of infection with computer viruses.

That generally such computer viruses.

Computer virus is a specially written program or assembly of algorithms that are written in order to: Jold, harvest anyone either a computer, get access to your computer, to intercept passwords or extorting money. Viruses can self-copy and infilt the malicious code your programs and files, as well as the boot sector.

Types of malicious programs.

Divide malicious programs can be two main types.
Viruses and worms.

Viruses - distributed through a malicious file that you could download on the Internet, or may be on a pirate disk, or often transmit them on Skype under the guise of useful programs (I noticed that the last schoolchildren often come across, they are transmitted to the alleged modes or cheats It may be a virus that can harm).
The virus contributes to one of the programs, or is masked by a separate program in the place where users usually do not enter (folders with the operating system, hidden system folders).
The virus can not start himself while you yourself do not run the infected program.
Worms There are already many files with your computer, for example, all EXE files, system files, boot sectors, and so on.
Worms most often penetrate the system already, using your OS vulnerabilities, your browser, a specific program.
They can penetrate through chat rooms, communication programs such as Skype, ICQ can spread via email.
Also they can be on sites, and using the vulnerability of your browser to penetrate your system.
Cerves can spread over the local network if one of the computers in the network will be infected with it can spread to other computers infecting all files on their path.
Worms try to write under the most popular programs. For example, now the most popular browser "Chrome", so scammers will try to write under it, and make malicious code for sites under it. Because it is often more interesting to infect thousands of users who use a popular program than a hundred with an unpopular program. Although Chrome and constantly improves protection.
Best protection against network wormth this update your programs and your operating system. Many neglect updates about what they often regret.
A few years ago, I noticed the next worm.

But he clearly got not through the Internet, but most likely through a pirate disk. The essence of his work was such - he created a copy of each folder in a computer or on a flash drive. But in fact, he created a similar folder a exe file. When you click on such an EXE file, it spread even stronger through the system. And it was only to get rid of him, you will come to a friend with a flash drive, throwing music from him and return with a flash drive infected with such a worm and again I had to withdraw it. Whether this virus caused some more damage to the system I do not know, but soon this virus stopped my existence.

The main varieties of viruses.

In fact, there are many species and varieties of computer threats. And it is simply impossible to consider everything. Therefore, we consider the most common and most unpleasant.
Viruses are:
File - Are in an infected file, activated when the user includes this program, cannot be activated.
Boot - Can be loaded when booting a Windows hitting in autoload, when inserting a flash drive or similar.
- Macro viruses - These are different scripts that can be on the site, can send them to you by mail or in Word and Excel documents, perform certain functions laid on the computer. Use vulnerabilities of your programs.

Types of viruses.
-Ran programs
- Spies
- extortionists
- Vandals
- Rukkty
- Botnet
- Cailers.
These are the main types of threats that you can meet. But in fact, there are much more.
Some viruses can even be combined and contain several species of these threats in themselves.
- Trojan programs. The name comes from the Trojan horse. It penetrates your computer under the guise of harmless programs, then you can open access to your computer or send your passwords to the owner.
Recently, such trojans are common that are called Stylers (Stealer). They can steal saved passwords in your browser, in postal gaming clients. Immediately after starting, copies your passwords and sends your passwords on Email or to hosting an attacker. He remains to collect your data, then they are either sold or use for their own purposes.
- Spyware (Spyware) Track user actions. What sites attend or what the user does on its computer is.
- extortionists. These include Vinlakers (WinLocker). The program is completely, or fully blocks access to the computer and requires money for unlocking, to put on an example on account or so on. In no case if you hit this should not send money. The computer does not unlock you, and you lose money. You have a direct road to the website of DrWeb, there you can find how to unlock many vilorlinkers, by entering a specific code or perform certain actions. Some villybers may abide for example every other day.
- Vandals Can block access to antivirus sites and access to antivirus and many other programs.
- Rukkty (Rootkit) - Hybrid viruses. May contain various viruses. They can access your PC, and the person will fully have access to your computer, and they can merge at your OS kernel. They came from the world of UNIX systems. You can mask various viruses, collect computer data and all computer processes.
- Botnet A sufficiently unpleasant thing. Batnets are huge networks from zombies' contaminated computers that can be used for DDOS sites and other cyber attacks using infected computers. This species is very common and it is difficult to detect it, even antivirus companies may not know for a long time about their existence. Many people can be infected with them and not even suspect about it. Not exception you can even be.
Cailers. (Keylogger) - keyboard spies. Intercept all that you enter from the keyboard (sites, passwords) and sends them to the owner.

Ways of infection with computer viruses.

The main ways of infection.
- Vulnerability of the operating system.

Vulnerability in the browser

- quality antivirus lame

- Stupidity of the user

- Replaceable media.
OS vulnerability - No matter how hard they try to kill protection for the OS over time there are security holes. Most viruses are written under Windows as this is the most popular operating system. The best protection is constantly updating your operating system and try to use a newer version.
Browsers - It is happening at the expense of browser vulnerabilities, especially if they are old again. It is also treated with frequent updates. There may be problems if you swing plugins for a browser with third-party resources.
Antivirus - Free antiviruses that have a smaller functionality in contrast to paid. Although paid do not give 100 results in defense and give drying. But it is desirable to have at least free antivirus. I already wrote about free antiviruses in this article.
Stupidity of the user - Clicks on banners, go through suspicious links from letters and so on, installing software from suspicious places.
Replaceable carriers - Viruses can be installed automatically with infected and specially prepared flash drives and other interchangeable media. Not so long ago, the world heard Badusb vulnerability. - buy very inexpensive promotion on social networks you can on this site. You will also get really favorable offers for the purchase of resources to your pages.

Types of infected objects.

Files - infect your programs, system and regular files.
Boot sectors - Resident viruses. Incable as it is clear from the name of the computer's boot sectors, attribute your code into a computer startup and start when running the operating system. Sometimes we are well mastered that it is difficult to remove from the startup.
Macrocomands - Word, Excel documents and similar. I use macros and vulnerability of Microsoft Office funds makes your malicious code into your operating system.

Signs of infection with computer viruses.

Not a fact that when some of these features appear, means the presence of a virus in the system. But if they are recommended to check your computer with antivirus or contact a specialist.
One of the common signs - this is a strong computer overload. When your computer slowly works, although you have nothing like it seems, programs that can heat the computer. But if you have an antivirus, notice the antiviruses themselves load the computer very well. And in the absence of such software that can ship, then there are more viruses here. In general, I advise you to reduce to start the number of running programs in autorun.

it can also be one of the signs of infection.
But not all viruses can heat the system strongly, some almost hard to notice changes.
System errors. The drivers stop working, some programs begin to work not correctly or often fly out with a mistake, but earlier it is ford that this was not noticed. Or begin to reboot the programs often. Of course, it happens because of antiviruses, for example, the antivirus deleted mistakenly by counting the system file malicious, or deleted a really infected file but it was associated with system files of the program and the removal led to such errors.

Advertising in browsers Or even on the desktop begin to appear banners.
The emergence of non-standard sounds When working with a computer (squeak, clicks, no with this and the like).
Opened by itself CD / DVD driveOr just starts to read the disk although there is no disk there.
Long inclusion or disable computer.
Hijet your passwords. If you notice that your name is sent different spam from your mailbox or social network page, as the probability that the virus is penetrated into your computer and handed over to the owner's passwords, if you have noticed this, I recommend to check the antivirus at mandatory (although not the fact that The attacker received your password).
Frequent access to the hard disk. Each computer has a indicator that blinks when various programs use or when copying, download, move files. For example, you simply enabled a computer but no programs are used, but the indicator starts to flash allegedly programs. These are already viruses at the hard disk level.

That's actually reviewed computer viruses that you can meet on the Internet. But in fact, they are many times more, and it is not possible to completely defend, unless you use the Internet, do not buy discs and do not include the computer at all.

Viruses are able to cause a wide variety of diseases depending on the type of infection and characteristics of infected fabrics. What are the viruses in humans? Their huge set, and throughout their lives, people somehow contact with most infection pathogens. The diseases caused by them vary from relatively easily portable to deathly. Most often in the world there are viruses leading to a cold, influenza and hepatitis.

Viruses and colds

The usual cold (so in everyday life, such as influenza, ORVI, Larygitis, Faringitis) remains one of the most common human ailments. Only in the United States every year is registered about a billion events. A virus infection of the mucous membrane of the nasal moves leads to a rhino and tear, inflammation of the throat and sneezing. The course of the disease continues from one to two weeks. According to statistics, more than 200 of the well-known strains can lead to a cold. What types of viruses are the most frequent causative agents of ORVI? These are various rhinoviruses, adenovirus, coronavirus, coking virus, echovyrus, enterovirus, oltomiksovirus, paramixirus and

Influenza virus

Influenza cause three types of microorganisms. Types A and B lead to seasonal infections, characteristic of a period starting with late autumn and ending early in spring. Infection type C virus is less typical and most often causes a disease in a light form. The most common influenza symptoms include body pain, temperature rise, fatigue feeling, headache, throat inflammation, dry cough and nasal congestion. Influenza vaccinations are a means of protection against viral infection Types A and B.

Intestinal viruses

What viruses are in the digestive system and what are their characteristic signs? Microorganisms of this type penetrate the tissue of the stomach and intestines, causing viral gastroenteritis. Conventional symptoms include pain in the abdominal cavity, colic, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. For young children, including babies, the cause of gastroenteritis often serves rotavirus. Such an infection is manifested in the form of increasing body temperature, vomiting and water diarrhea. Norovirus no less common pathogen of infectious diseases affecting both children and adults. However, young patients almost always prevail such a sign of illness, as diarrhea, while adults are more characteristic of the incessant vomiting. Among other famous intestinal viruses can be called adenovirus strains, Sapovirus and Astrovirus.

Hepatitis Viruses

The causative agents of the infection of this species amazed the liver, initiating inflammatory processes. Science is known five different viruses leading to hepatitis; They received names based on the letters of the Latin alphabet from A to E. If you are interested in which hepatitis viruses in developed countries are, then, according to statistical research, the types of A, B and C are dominated in states with developed infrastructure and medicine. Hepatitis A virus penetrates In the body when digesting food or water contaminated by feces. He calls one brief episode of hepatitis. Strains type B may cause acute or chronic liver infection. Microorganisms are found in blood and seed. To the most frequent cases of hepatitis B infection include sexual acts, joint use of the same syringes in the use of narcotic substances, transferring infection from mother to the child during pregnancy and childbirth. The type C virus is propagated by contact with the blood of the patient. Reusable use of syringes with different people in the use of drugs is the most common way to transmit infection. Hepatitis C, as a rule, acquires a chronic form, but adequate treatment in many cases makes it easier to facilitate the course of the disease.

Other viruses

What are the viruses in a person in addition to the above? If you print a complete list of names, you will have to publish several volumes of the list. Moreover: every year scientists open up new types, unknown persons. Some strains are very rare, but are of great danger due to their potential mortality. This, for example, Ebola viruses or rabies. Other microorganisms are sufficiently common and are the root cause of a huge amount of diseases. Those interested in which kinds of viruses are from a person, it is enough to open any popular medical directory. Thus, a visual example of the common type of infections are herpesviruses that cause simple (bubble) herpes on the lips, herpes of genital organs, infectious mononucleosis, wind oil, slimming listeless and many other ailments. The human papilloma virus causes not only the appearance of ordinary warts on the skin, but also the development of cervical cancer.

What viruses are people in recent times? Infectilation of the latest types - HIV, acute respiratory syndrome (atypical pneumonia) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (coronavirus Mers) - remain a serious problem, since today there is no truly effective treatment for these diseases.


The diagnosis of viral infection is mainly based on a primary medical examination and analysis of the history of the disease. For example, such a disease, like influenza, is fairly easy to recognize, and most people are familiar with its manifestations. Detection of some other infections, however, may require additional diagnostic studies.

Variants of diagnostic research for viral infection

Since the answer to the question of what viruses are in humans, it implies thousands of answers, sometimes it is not enough to simply examine the patient and explore its history of the disease. In such cases, doctors prescribe one or more of the following studies:

  • blood tests for checking for antibodies to viruses or to detect directly antigens;
  • cultivation of blood components, bodily liquids and other materials poached from the affected area;
  • spinal puncture for analyzing cerebrospinal fluid;
  • technique of polymerase chain reaction to create numerous copies of viral genetic material for faster and accurate virus identification;
  • magnetic resonance tomography to detect the inflammatory process in the temporal shares of the brain.


What are the viruses in humans? The list is incredibly extensive, but the symptoms of many infections can be systematized in order to compile a single list. So, signs of infection with a virus may include:

  • increasing body temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • cough;
  • sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • skin rash;
  • feeling of weakness.

Heavier symptoms are manifested as follows:

  • neck rigidity;
  • dehydration;
  • convulsions;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • back pain;
  • loss of sensitivity;
  • disorders of the bladder and intestines;
  • sleepiness that can go to whom or death.

Infection: viral or bacterial?

What are the viruses in humans? The names are unlikely to say something by a non-specialist, but the infections of viral and bacterial type should be distinguished.

Infections of both types are the causes of deterioration of well-being and the development of various diseases. However, there is a difference between them. A viral infection, as its name says, begins with the impact on the body of the virus - the smallest intracellular agent, which has a smaller size than bacterium. In addition, it is in a protective shell, which means it is more difficult to destroy it. The virus penetrates the living cell and embeds its genome into its genetic apparatus. Such pathogens of infections are non-glacial particles and need foreign cells for breeding. If you are interested in what viruses are, the names you will find in this article are likely to indicate you on the main sections of infection infection. This nose, throat and upper respiratory tract. Virus strains can cause both an ordinary cold and AIDS.

To initiate a bacterial infection, pathogenic bacterium should be accessed inside the body through contaminated water, cuts on the skin or contact with an infected person or contaminated objects. One of the fundamental differences between the two types of infections is that bacteria can penetrate the body through contact with inanimate objects, including door handles and surfaces of tables, and no viruses. Another difference serves nature is a cell and is multiplied with division, while the virus dies without a host - carrier. Most often, bacteria penetrate the body through the respiratory tract or the gastrointestinal tract. Some bacterial infections are infected (as, for example, acute pharyngitis - streptococcal inflammation of the throat).

Cause of viral infection

The question of what viruses are in humans, it is especially acute because the cells of the human body are susceptible to them. When applied by viral particles, the immune system is trying to destroy the source of the danger and bring alien strains from the body.