The participant of the children's "vote" continues treatment after a terrible accident. Danil Plugs and Yaroslav Degtyareva: We like life after "Voice of Yaroslav Degtyareva Alarm Details What happened

The participant of the children's
The participant of the children's "vote" continues treatment after a terrible accident. Danil Plugs and Yaroslav Degtyareva: We like life after "Voice of Yaroslav Degtyareva Alarm Details What happened

The participant of the Children's "Voice" of Yaroslav Degtyarev in the blink of an eye became a star of a television project. Speech by young artist with the song "Cuckoo" entered the top 10 most popular video among the Russian-speaking audience Youtube. "Starhit" contacted a talented girl and her mother to learn how things were going.

As it turned out, Yaroslav is still restored after a terrible accident that occurred two years ago. Then the baby almost died. The child continues to visit doctors. Mom Yaroslav Olesya sincerely hopes that this intervention of medical professionals was the last.

"Yasya goes on the amendment, she needs to take care of the head. Doctors put the plate, solved the question with a stubborn seam after an accident, we were supervised, I have not yet resolved questions on eliminating all the consequences, including external. The last operation was in the summer, just before Yasin's birthday. We met him, unfortunately, in the hospital ... Yasi optimistic attitudes! Of course, it hopes to never go to the hospital anymore! .. Now we have been observed by the doctor and restore, "said Olesya Degtyarev" Starkit ".

The mother of a young star also told about how the life of their family changed participation in the TV show "Voice. Children ", in which the girl managed to walk to the final. "I see how joyful and happier from all the events that happened to Yaroslav, and this is most important for me! To popularity, we, to put it mildly, were not ready, we did not even expect that everything would be in this way. At that time (during the shooting of the program - approx.) I did not think over the opposite side of the publicity - you are always in sight, the first time it was overcoming for me, "Olesya shared.

Yaroslav himself admits that he was not worried during participation in the project. The girl received many bright emotions, and especially she was remembered by a duet with Nargiz in another program of the first channel called "Best of all". Yaroslav began to learn everywhere, began to invite to shoot, the first fans also appeared at the artist. According to a young star, it continues to maintain good relations with his mentor, who, by the way, is one of her favorite performers, along with Polina Gagarina, Alla Pugacheva, Gregory Leps and SIA.

"We are friends with Dima Bilan, he is very kind, cheerful! He invites to concerts, called to the cartoon premiere, "said Yaroslav" Starkit ".

In his free time, Yaroslav, in addition to reading the favorite books, is fond of shooting videos and thinks about developing their own channel on YouTube. While there is mainly her performances, but Yaroslav believes that everything is ahead. As soon as the young performer appears more free time, it will begin to shoot his videos. She also admitted that she just loves to sing. "It is always interesting, as if a holiday! And it's very fun when, for example, you ride a speech with friends, "comments the starting artist.

Among other hobbies are Yaroslav - dancing and drawing. The girl also admitted that she was very much waiting for a meeting with a horse, which she was presented in March last year.

Yaroslav Degtyarev - a small participant of the 3rd season of the vocal show "Voice. Children "- conquered the audience and the jury by the non-displacement of the complex composition. The girl surprised and bribed not the technique of execution, but penetration into the image, sincerity. Yaciya is not just a singer, she is an artist with a brilliant perspective. For the ability to find a path to the heart fans call Yaroslav "Queen of the Gurashka".

Yacia, as her family and friends call it, was born and lives in the Rostov region, in the small mining town of Gukovo. In 5 years, Yaroslav Degtyarev, together with his parents, hit a car accident. The car flew into the cuvette, the windshield broke, cutting the face of babies with fragments.

Doctors fought for her life all night. In Yaroslav, after a car accident, they diagnosed the open cranial trauma, multiple fractures. Neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists pulled out fragments from the face, the orthopedists were collected in parts.

Mama Yasi told that after an accident, she glowed her daughter without her husband, with whom she broke up.

Alesia, Mother Yasi, worried that the daughter will develop complexes due to injuries and scars, but Yaroslav at 5 years old showed himself a fighter and a non-merging optimist: Yasya coped with the problems and adults encouraged. And also, barely put on his feet, sang with small patients with a clinic, chained to bed.

The child had to literally learn to walk, overcoming hellish pain, first on crutches, then independently. We saw the types of doctors and patients at the Yaroslav Degtyarev hospital showed the power of will and steel.


Yaroslav Degtyarev learned to sing before talking about. Musical rumor baby from mom who graduated from a music school. In a year old daughter squeezed her mother, getting into notes. At three years, I knew songs from the "Bremen Musicians".

To remove the psychological load from the daughter after the car accident, Alesia recorded it in the children's vocal studio "inspiration", where Yaroslav in 6 years old became a soloist. Unusual for such a tender age, the voice of the Voice of the Degtyareva instantly allocated her among other children. So began the creative biography of a small actress.

As the singer Yaroslav Degtyarev tried his strength in several musical contests in his hometown and in Rostov-on-Don. When the casting of the 3rd season of the children's version of the TV show "Voice", the girl with mom overcame fear and excitement and filed an application.

Show "Voice"

At the preliminary listening, the project organizers approved the choice of Yaroslav the Degtyar song "Cuckoo" from the repertoire. This composition girl heard the day before performing, in the movie and insisted on its execution. Unlike other participants who prepared the numbers of two or three months, Yaroslav sang after minimal preparation.

Completely the task of a 7-year-old singer's thing that she had to perform first at the stage of blind listening. The girl promoted and the debut of the song performed in the inappropriate range, but then took himself in his hands and sang from the second coupled so that it was produced by Furior.

Pelagia, which is part of the judiciary, even announced that she ran goosebumps from the amazing voices of Yaroslav Degtyareva. And when members of the jury saw, what a little girl stands on stage, there was no limit to their surprise. Another member of the Judicial Board, even went on stage to make sure that the young participant is two times lower than him.

Since two members of the jury came to Yaroslav Degtyareva, then she herself chose a mentor herself. With children's spontaneity, the girl stated that although Pelagia was very beautiful, but she chooses Dima Bilan, since "Back in childhood" Mom puts the songs of the star, besides, a friend of the girl looks like Bilan.

Yaroslav Degtyarev was the first singer who debut on the stage of the 3rd season of the project "Voice. Children, and the first participant of the team of Bilan.

After the design of the "Cuckoo" song, a few Yasi appeared crowds of fans. Fans hope that young artist will remain sincere and immediate.

In the final of the project of Yaroslav Degtyarev, Retro-hit "Ring Jankia Blizzard", causing the admiration of the hall and the jury. The composition is complex in that it needs to be "pulling out" and not break. I found myself in a step from the superfinal, but lost.

Personal life

Despite adult reasoning and heavy tests that have fallen out to this girl, Yaroslav Degtyarev remains open and a funny child. With children's naivety, she dreams of a refrigerator who would do lemonade, and about a pony, which would lead to a beauty salon for horses.

Ride a horse Yasya dreamed of a long time ago, and thanks to participation in the project "Voice" made a desire. After conducting a full-fledged training on the horseman, Yaroslav Degtyarev understood that equestrian sport was no less difficult than professional vocals. Now the young artist dreams of becoming a sought-after singer and buy a horse.

The girl does not seek to grow up. She believes that the child is better, because children are not forced to do anything. The time of Yaroslav Degtyarev's free from the lessons and class and vocal classes is walking with a dog, takes an interview with a cat and dolls, drives with mom in the park to ride horses.

Yaroslav Degtyareva now

News about the life of the singer fans will find out on the pages of Yasi in "Instagram", where she lay out photos and short comments.

The new masterpiece from Yaroslav Degtyareva in April 2017 was the song "One", written for the young performer by composer Alexei Galinsky (ex-participating in the musical groups "NEFT" and "Mara") and the poetess Tatiana Bogatyreva.

The song filled with Yaroslav entered the Soundtrack of the musical "Alice in Wonderland on Ice". Once again, the finalist "voices" struck adults with adults, justified the title of "Queen of Gurashki".

The single "one" released the label "M2B", and from the summer of 2017 the song is available in music services.

In September 2017, Yaroslav Degtyarev became the guest of the program "close-up". Little artist in childishly sincerely answered "adults" questions. The popularity of the sprinkler from Gukovo is growing rapidly, and fans are interested in how and what I live.

The girl has two passions: singing and horses. In his free time, Yaroslav Degtyarev reads adult books, but after popularity, invitations and tours fell over popularity.

At the concert for the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty in Murom, Yaroslav Degtyarev sang a "Ballad of three sons", and at the festive event for the 80th anniversary of the Rostov region presented a patriotic song "My Russia". Invited a young vocalist and a festive concert in the Kremlin, where she performed a familiar hit "Cuckoo".

From the media and on the Fan-group page of the artist in the social network, the asterisk fans learned that Yaroslav Degtyarev was filmed in the cinema. In the summer of 2016, there was information that the girl was invited to the family comedy "as dad became an adult" director Natalia Belyausken.

This is a telesk, telling the piercing story of the adults of the girl Sasha and her dad. The role of Sasha got Yasa. A candidation was considered to the grandmother's role, but was given Primadonna agreement - Mystery.

According to the plot of the film, the heroine, along with the dad, goes to the casting "Country Main Competition".

Pictures began shooting in the spring of 2017.

In "Instagram" Yaroslav Degtyar fans learned that the starting actress will appear on the screens in another film - the adapter of the story "Reserve". The director of the picture -, in the lead roles - and.

On the Yami page - a joint photo with a sleeveless with the signature: "That ended today my film crews in the film. Higher thanks to the film company and Sergey Bezrukov for the incredible opportunity to play in this stunning film. "

Discography (songs)

  • "Cuckoo"
  • "Ringing January Blizzard"
  • "One"
  • "Ballad about three sons"
  • "My Russia"
  • "Still Loving You"

Seven-year-old girl from Gukovo, sweeping in the show "Voice. Children - 3 "Cuckoo" Viktor Tsoi, conquered Internet users.

The first glory of Yaroslava

Video speeches Yaroslav on blind auditions looked online more than 7 million times - this is a real record! I myself, as the girl is called loved ones, is pleased with such attention, as well as the growing number of subscribers in "Instagram" - the schoolgirl has more than 8 thousand.

Little asterisk sings since childhood, assures mom Alesya Glugper:

I did not start talking yet, but I already sang something. Talent for a daughter from nature. For more than a year, she performs on stage: at various urban and school events. Already visited two talent contests in Sochi. I am surprised at Yasa: it's not afraid to sing on stage! Performed on the whole country the composition "Cuckoo". She chose her herself. Heard in the film "Battle for Sevastopol" performed by the singer Polina Gagarina and wanted to sing her. In his free time, Yaroslav removes videos - for example, with dolls. Very loves animals, dreams of a real horse.

Little fighter

Despite the young age, Yaroslav Degtyarev managed to go through the tragedy in his life: two years ago she fell into a serious accident with her mother. Many night doctors fought for the life of the crumbs, after the girl again studied to walk.

Two years ago, we drove out with a yasel on the highway from Rostov and got into a terrible accident, "adds Mom Yaroslav. - By the fault of the driver flew into a cuvette. The daughter had an open cranopy and brain injury, a hip fracture, a lot of damage to the internal organs, the face suffered. In the hospital, near the accident, there was no necessary doctors. My brother came, agreed, and the bank was taken to Rostov. There were gathered by the heads of departments: neurosurgeon, an ophthalmologist, orthopedist ... Thank you and God. Month spent with her daughter in the hospital ward. At first she just lay. Then he began to raise his head, sit down, then we studied to walk again. First time moved on crutches. Worried how daughter will perceive all this, did not know what to do next. But Jasya Well done, did not fall in spirit. While lay in the hospital, taught her to read, we painted a lot. I constantly said that she was still the best for me, the most beautiful. In addition, daughter saw heavier kids. I sympathized with them, supported, sang for them. Now we are constantly under the supervision of doctors. Regularly examine the eyes, the head (from the consequences of the accident is not going anywhere), all the time, keep your hand on the pulse. But there is no contraindications to sing, and she likes. So all slowly getting up, the worst behind.

In the third season of the Children's version of the show "Voice" Yaroslav Degtyareva performed the very first. And how made! To the crumb, diligently with a row of Tsoi "My Sun, look at me!", Two judges turned at once - Dima Bilan and Pelagia. Both mentors offered the young participant in his team, but the girl as cut off: "Pelagia, you, of course, is very beautiful, but I choose Bilan!"

I do not like children's, cheerful songs, - admitted to Yaroslav. - Therefore, for blind listening, a "cuckoo" has chosen - a combat, powerful composition. I am glad that I got into the team Dima Bilan. He is artistic, not sad, and his hits are wonderful. When was small, fell asleep under his songs, like under the lullabies.

Folk recognition

Fans give yas her portraits

Less than a week, the roller with the performance of Yaroslav Degtyareva looked more than one and a half million times. The popularity of mad swirl swamped is a yasoy - hundreds of messages in social networks The girl just does not have time to read. Fans fan with crumbling compliments and questions that young singer promises to shoot video cuttings. Mama Alesya assures that every day struggles with the fake pages of the daughter in social networks. It turns out, dishonest people communicate on behalf of Yaroslav with fans, than a very upset daughter.

Horse named Bilan

In the native school in a whipped young star, too, we are glad: Between the filming, I will catch up and performs at the local concerts. Everyone is asked to take a picture, but the girl is not accustomed. She is glad that her all praises, but he does not consider himself a star.

But the most important gift of Yaroslava presented her fan from Krasnoyarsk. Recognition in love for horses on the air of the first channel so touched one of the fans of the show that he decided to give her a real horse.

After the ethers with the participation of Yasi, a certain Ruslan from Krasnoyarsk contacted me and said that he really wants to make such a gift to her daughter, "said Mom Yaroslav Alesya. - His friend holds horses, and one of them will soon become Yasina. Now Ruslan solves organizational issues: when and where to deliver a gift.

For the girl and mom it was shock - they even decided that it was about a toy horse. But it turned out that this is true. I am very happy, I decided that if the stallion would call him Buran. Or Bilan - think.

Love daughters to horses began in early childhood, "Allesya recalls. - With three years, she was constantly riding riding in the park "Fairy Tale" in Rostov. It happened that to the park I had to come to the horse, if we met them along the way. Even one of the past birthdays of Yasi we spent in the botanical garden, riding horses.

Thinking out loud

In the future, the little star Yaroslav Degtyarev wants to become an artist, singer and music teacher.

In school, children who do not know how to sing, ask me to help, "says. - worked out with one girl a little, explained, as needed, and she got better to get. In my free time, I love to shoot interesting videos or in a toy bakery to make cakes. Even Palazy with a cat or training dog.

The project "Voice. Children" unites a huge number of gifted children from all over Russia to participate in the creative competition. The jury estimates the vocal data of the participants and make a decision to continue their path in the project. One of the bright girls arrived at the competition was Yaroslav Degtyareva (D.R.14.08.2008). She was especially remembered to the audience and rivals.

Talented girl with difficult fate

Yaroslav Degtyarev, whose biography is still too short due to age, lived a full life of a good girl: unprofessional engaged in the vocal studio "Inspiration", he studied at school and helped mom around the house. Everything would be fine if not a case that completely turned the baby's life. When a little Yaroslav was five years old, she fell into a terrible accident together with his parents. But she was able to return to life and decided to express himself in the creative competition of vocalists on the "First Channel". Mama Olesya and Seven-year-old Yaroslav Degtyarev arrived at the project. That with the eye of the girl something is wrong, many noticed immediately. A small defect is visible on the face, but it is impossible to call him ugly. He only first attracts unnecessary attention. The family came from the city of Gukovo, which is in the Rostov region. They moved there to the grandmother Yaroslav the hope of Ivanovna after that terrible accident.

Three-year old authors

The girl's family tries not to remember the past, like Yaroslav Degtyarev herself. That the trouble happened to the eye, just resemble scars. Three years ago, I went with my parents in the car, and their car was demolished. Glasses crashed and scattered on the smallest fragments, holding out the face and body of the girl. Fortunately, her mother Olesya did not suffer so much and could help her daughter in the first minutes. That with the eye of Yaroslav Degtyareva, there will be problems, it became clear immediately, based on the nature of the damage gained. The head has suffered the most, an open brain injury was formed from strikes. Also on the body of the child were found numerous wounds and scratches, closed fractures and gaps of internal organs. Total night The best doctors fought for the life of a little asterisk, trying to do everything possible. They managed to literally assemble it again.

Rehabilitation in hospital

About a month, the girl had no opportunity to get up from the hospital bed. They were all the time together: Mom and Yaroslav Degtyarev. The accident left them some each other (dad does not live in the family). Gradually, the girl began to raise his head, and then get up and move on the crutches. The first time it was very hard. Mom was worried about the moral condition of her daughter, because such a shock to survive not every adult. While in the hospital, the girl continued to develop: he was engaged in textbooks, many painted a lot and read books. Yaroslav loved to arrange mini-performances with a song accompaniment, the benefit of the hospital was always many viewers. It is difficult to set up a person to a positive way when there are so many sick children, but Mama Yasi has always told her about her love and the great opportunities that are waiting for a little star after recovery and discharge.

New Year's desire

The approaching new year found a small family in hospital walls. "Let the legs begin to walk again," said Yaroslav Degtyarev's cherished wishes from the Christmas tree. That with the eye of the problem, she has not worried yet. Much more priority was the question of the restoration of the feet function.

With a song in life

When the girl got on his feet, she began to walk around the chambers and sing for children who were still lying and could not stand. She could have encouraged them, charging positive. Everyone knew that the vigor and songs in the department are all Jaroslav Degtyarev. With the eye in the hospital, there were complex procedures, it is scary to describe, but the girl has withstanding all the tests. Yasya experienced true pleasure, seeing how children joyfully perceive her songs. She considered the need to help them at least. When Grandma cried, Yaroslav calmed her and said that everything would be fine and should not cry. The girl has a long period of recovery and plastics.

Casting in the project "Voice. Children"

According to Mom's stories, Yaroslav loved to sing from childhood. Already at the age of three, she squeezed his favorite songs from the Bremen Musicians. At four years old could sing the soundtrack from the movie "Titanic". Mom with her daughter was engaged in vocals daily, sheds and rehearsed the numbers that they delivered great pleasure. On blind listening to the project "Voice. Children" Yaroslav was preparing a few songs, since he could not decide for a long time, with what composition it is better to speak. Her heartfelt performance "cuckoo" touched the hearts of the jury members. The girl told that he heard this song performed by Polina Gagarina in the film "Battle for Sevastopol". I counted that I should sing this song with the soul. Despite the young age, Yaroslav argues as an adult. Selects those songs that are able to sing powerfully, from the soul, passing all emotions to the viewer. It is impossible to pursue some kind of purpose and count on something, it is just possible to surrender to music and give it to the listener.

Mentors of the project

In the process of performing a song on blind auditions, two mentors turned to the Degtyareva: Dima Bilan and Pelagia. The girl chose Dima and became a member of his team. She told that he chose Bilan because of the characteristic and external similarity with a boy from the vocal studio, where she goes to play singing.

Millions of Views on YouTube

Little blonde in a white shirt and a denim overalls made an incredible furor. Video with execution scored several million views during the broadcast of ethers. After her execution, appearance does not play any role. In the project "Voice. Children" reached the final of Yaroslav Degtyarev, which is distorted with the eye and looks unusual, no one notices.


Real fighter - Yaroslav Degtyarev. That with the eye is not all right, she does not remember. Active life allows her to think only about good. On the project to small participants before entering the scene, it is proposed to choose a small souvenir as a talisman. Yaroslava had the opportunity to get a toy bracelet on her hand, but still her main and important talisman she considers her beloved mother who is always there. Also wearing consecrated bracelet and cross.

Hobbies and dreams

Like any little girl, Yaroslav loves to play with toys, often plays a telecast. One of your favorite - "Evening Urgant", especially the heading "Look below." All toys and pets are going to move, everyone is given its role. Also, I loves to walk with a dog and engage in her training. Another love girl is a horse. Very often, they go to the park with a mother to work out horse riding. Dreams finally recover and to heal all the scars.

Yaroslav Degtyarev became the finalist of the 3d Children's Voice. In the final, she performed the composition "Ring Jankia Blizzard". However, the girl everyone remembered thanks to the execution of the song of Viktor Tsoi "Cuckoo". Yaroslav Degtyarev - biography, photos, "cuckoo" video.

Yaroslav Degtyarev - biography. The girl was born on August 14, 2008, she was seven years old. She lives in Gukovo, Rostov region. All relatives and friends call it a short gentle name - Yasya. At five years old, Yaroslav, together with his parents, fell into a serious car accident.

She had to go on crutches and practically to learn to walk, but a strong girl was able to and withstood. Mama Yasi, Alesia Vagren, gave her daughter to the musical studio "Inspiration". She was very worried that the girls would have complexes due to scars and injuries. But the 6th age of Yaroslav Degtyarev became the leading soloist of "inspiration."

Yaroslavly has a completely unusual voice timbre, strong and penetrated for its age. Even on the "blind auditions" in the "voice. Details" mentors could not understand that she sings a very small 7-year-old girl. Leonid Agutin, Pelagia and Dima Bilan considered that she sings already a teenager.

Yaroslav Degtyarev "Voice. Detty" 3 season - "Cuckoo". At the preliminary listening, the project organizers approved the song "Cuckoo" from the repertoire of Victoria Tsoi. Yaroslav heard her in the "Battle of Sevastopol" tape and insisted on this composition as the main one.

Note that at the "blind auditions", I performed first, which gave additional unrest of a small girl. However, two mentors turned to her at once - Pelagia and Dima Bilan. In the end, it chose the last.

Yaroslav is still small and child and with all children's naivety she dreams of such a fridge that could do lemonade. She dreams about a pony, which can be left to the beauty salon for horses. She had already performed her dream and rode a horse, and now wishes to become a famous and buy his own horse.

Yaroslav Degtyarev "Cuckoo" - watch video:

Yaroslav Degtyarev - Photo: