Eight mortal sins in Orthodoxy and the struggle with them.

 Eight mortal sins in Orthodoxy and the struggle with them.
Eight mortal sins in Orthodoxy and the struggle with them.

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How to deal with sin?

The easiest way (although it is difficult) to prevent the sin of the case; It is much more difficult - not sin in miseles and feelings; And it is extremely difficult - to change heart arrangements, i.e., overgrow your passion. How do we do it?

Any reason for affairs need to be cut off, namely: do not put yourself in a situation leading to the sinful case, pre-predicting situations in which we can be in order to protect themselves from the temptations, and so on. Here it is necessary to reasoning, harder and attention.

Thoughts should be confronted, firstly, inementing them, prayer, secondly, "anti-mystery", "anticrafts" - that is, to oppose the sin of good, cultivating the opposite sins of virtue. Finally, passion: the fight against them is a real cross, you need patience and humility here, and most of all - prayer, hope for God and internal. The opposition of passions can last for a very long time, all life, it depends on the consistent strength of passions before applying to God.

Fighting sin - the item is a multi-size; Here, both victories and defeats, when we are still allowed to be a sin, a word, feeling, thought. When it happens, you do not need to be embarrassed, despair, and so on., And you need to immediately resort to repentance.

About the inner repentance

Repentance (here we are talking about an act of inner repentance, not about actually the sacrament) is not something amorphous, as if some confused soul self-creation. There is not it and some inner hysteria. Repentance has its own inner rank and order, which is very well defined by the saint Feofan rejupp. That's what he writes.

Repentance is:

  1. awareness of his sin before God;
  2. rooting itself in this sin with full confession of his guilt, without shifting responsibility on other people or on circumstances;
  3. determined to leave sin, having to wave it, not to return to him, not give him places in myself;
  4. prayer to God about the forgiveness of sin, before the humility of the Spirit.

Let's analyze this definition SVT. Feofan.

1) Awareness of sin before God, I.e. it is not just a statement of sin, namely sin before God.This implies, firstly, Faith, A. secondly, Before personal Attitude with God, contact with him, God-edition. And this awareness is not a logging of some kind of formal violation, and the living sense that sin separated me with God that I was unpleasant to God, I was upset, I offended, offended God. Repentance is not digging in itself and not a cold self-defense, but a living feeling that sin separated me with God. Who has no such feeling, he is in danger to formalize his inner life.

2) Rooting itself i.e. imposing responsibility for sin. Very often we tend to shift responsibility on the circumstances, on other people, on demons, and justify yourself; And it is important to realize what exactly we Not right before God.

3) need to put the decision to resist sin, not to return to him, whatever we should be. Without this, repentance will not be repentance, but will simply turn into some kind, hypocritical in essence, the state's statement. Need to configure yourself to resist sin. As experience shows, all of us especially lame by this item.

4) Pray to God for forgiveness- Because we can not do anything on your own, but only the Lord forgives us, uminds our heart, returns to us and comfort us.

Here is the revenue movement of the soul d about lost to pass whenever the conscience refuses us in sin - even if you are very small. For, let's say, "small" sins often there are enough of this inner repentance, sins are significantly demanding already to take them into confession, because the heart is not as humbled by the passage of the specified repentant internal doing.

"Graduation" of sins

Here you need to return again to the fact that there is a sin. There are "sins to death", mortal sins(cf. 1 in. 5, 16). These include, among others, two kinds of the most common and heavy sins: produalsins and sins proudlysTI. Blud's business is clear to everyone, but the pride is often incomprehensible. The sin of pride, in relation to God, is a fierce tranquency, and in relation to people - cruelty and non-mercy. Fornation deprives us of our human dignity, our integrity, and the pride of pride is strongly disturbing from our humble, merciful and good god, as completely opposite to him.

These are sins, so to speak, objective, they always produce their action - separated us from God - no matter what we think about it. Other sins not mortals, reinforce or reduce its sinfulness in accordance with the moral condition of the soul, that is, depend on our subjective location. For example, I did not read the rule in the evening. Sin is it or not? If I came home from work barely alive, fell into bed and fell asleep - Of course, this is not a sin. If I thought: "Ah, okay, the prayer rule is the whole form, you need to live in spirit," and turning on the TV, I watched it until midnight and fell asleep under him, performed by unclean images from the viewed, this is definitely sin.

So many things are in the category of sin or go out of it, depending on our internal location, and then the case of our Christian conscience is to determine that there is a sin, and what is not. there is sinssmallFor example, they said to someone knife, or swept, or accepted, and so on, which happens a million times to the day. Finally, there are lodgesins, i.e., a person honors something for a terrible sin, and this is not a sin at all. This refers to the advantage of the ritual sphere of church life.

The patristic asceticism in his centuries-old experience developed the doctrine of passions as a source of sin.

Ascetic fathers always interested the original source of this or other sin, and not the most accustomed evil business. This latter is only the product deeply rooted in us the sinful habit or passion, which the asksets sometimes refer to the "cramped thoughts" or "siny sin." In its observation of sinful habits, "passions" or vices, the asket fathers came to a number of conclusions, which in their ascetic scriptures are very subtly developed.

There are a lot of these defects or sinful states. Rev. Isykhiy Jerusalem claims: "Many passions are hidden in our souls; But they pound themselves only when they are the causes of them. "

Experience and struggle experience has allowed them to reduce them in the scheme. The most common scheme belongs to St. John Cassian Roman, which is also followed by Evagry, Neil Sinai, Ephraim Sirin, John Distrownger, Maxim Confessor and Grigory Palama.

According to this saint, all sinful states of the human soul can be reduced to eight main passions: 1) Checking, 2) BLUD, 3) Srebrolubie, 4) Anger, 5) sadness, 6) despondency, 7) vanity and 8) pride.

It is appropriate to ask why the fathers of the church, alien to any scholastic dryness and schematization, so hard insist on these eight sinful vices in our soul? Because the own observation and personal experience, proven experience of all ascetov, they concluded that the eight "crap" thoughts or vices are the main pathogens of sin in us. This is the first. In addition, in these ascetic systems of passions, there is a large internal dialectic connection. "Passion, like the links of the chain, hold one for the other," teaches the Rev. Isaiah of the Nitrian ("Dobryologia", Volume I). "Evil passions and dishonesty not only are introduced alone through another, but are similar to others," confirms the saint Grigory Palama (8th conversation).

This dialectic communication is tested by all asket writers. Passions are listed in them precisely in such a sequence because genetically passion from passion has its hereditary start. The writers mentioned above are perfectly told in their ascetic creations about how other sinful habits are inconspicuously arising, or better, as one of them is rooted in another, herself generating the subsequent.

Czechodie is the most natural of passion, Since it arises from the physiological needs of our body. Hunger and thirst feels every normal and healthy person, but during non-fumeration in this need, the natural becomes "undeserved", anti-natural, it became vicious. Curmonious, that is, suggestion and non-reading in nutrition, naturally excites carnal movements, sexual impulses that lead, with incontinence, that is, with a non-a -kestic mood, to the passion of a forbooth, from which all sorts of prodigal thoughts, wishes, dreams, etc. are generated. To meet this shameful passion, a person needs money, material well-being, an excess of money, which leads to the generation of the passion of sober, from which all sins associated with money are beginning: wastefulness, luxury, greed, stale, broadubia, envy, and so on. Failures in our material and caring life, failure in our calculations and carnal plans lead to anger, sadness and despondency. From anger, all the "hostel" sins are born in the form of irritability (in a secular use of the "nervousness"), incontinence in words, grirling, crustaceous mood, bite and so on. All this can be developed in more detail and deeply.

There are passions and other divisions in this scheme. Passion, just named, can be either carnal, that is, anyway connected with the body and our natural needs: czechodie, fornication, Srebrolubie; or spiritual, the origin of which should be noticed not directly in the body and in nature, but in the spiritual sphere of man : Pride, sadness, despondency, vanity. Some writers (for example, Grigory Palama) therefore belong to the carnal passions, if not indulgent, they are still more natural, although not less dangerous than the passion of spiritual order. The division on the "dangerous" sins and the "small" fathers were in the root of alien.

In addition, the asket writers distinguish between the passions originating from vices, from evil directly (three carnal passions and anger), and leading their origin from virtue, which is especially dangerous.

In fact, freed from the age-old old sinful habit, a person can be ingrained and indulging in vanity. Or, on the contrary, in his desire for spiritual improvement, to even greater purity, a person uses well-known efforts, but it does not manage to him, and he falls into sadness ("Like a bose", as these saints say) or in more A more malicious sinful state of despondency, that is, hopelessness, apathy, despair.

Passion open and secret

A division can be made on the passion open and secret. Pokoka greater, Srebolombia, Bluda, Anger Very hard to hide. They break into the surface at each other case. And passion sadness, despondency, sometimes even vanity and pride, it can be easily masked, and only an experienced look of a thoughtful confessor, with great own experiences can open these hidden diseases.

Thin psychologists, asket fathers, on the basis of their experience, know that the danger of passion is not only that she penetrated the soul of man, but also that she then rules over a person through the habit, through the memory, through the unconscious attraction to or other sin. "Passion," says the Holy Mark to the devotee, "the affair who is competed in the soul, he will rebel into a loved one for him forcibly, at least he did not want" ("Dobryolism", Volume I).

Demons of Passion Passion and Demons of Peaceful Passion

But the Evagry monk tends us like this: "What we have passionate memory, then before in fact perceived with passion, about that after we will have passionate memory" (ibid.). The same devotee teaches that not all passions equally speak the person. Demons passion Passions Rather, they depart from a person, since over the years the body agrees and physiological needs decrease. Demons Same soulful passion "Before death, the soul is stubbornly and disturbed (in the same place).

The manifestation of passionate deposits is different: it may depend or on an external excitation cause, or from the habit of rooted in the subconscious. Here is the same Evagry writes: "A sign of passions acting in the soul, there are either any spoken word, or a body committed movement, of which the enemy finds out, whether we have their thoughts, or rejected them" (ibid.).

Various ways to heal vicious passions

As different causes and pathogens of passions, bodily or spiritual, so different should be the healing of these vices. "Spiritual passion takes its origin from people, and bodies from the body," we find in the teachings of this father-Asklet. Therefore, "the movement of the carnal passions is pushing abstinence, and spiritual love (there is also). Reverend, John Cassian Roman, especially who developed the doctrine of eight major passions, especially thin, "the spiritual passion needs to do with a simple healer's healer, while the carnality of the passion dooms doubly: and external means (that is, abstinence), and internal" ("Dobryolism ", Volume II). The same devotee teaches a gradual, so to speak, systematic treatment of passions, since all of them are among themselves in the internal dialectical connection.

"Passion: Grevogenia, Blud, Srebrolubie, anger, sadness and despondency are connected between themselves with a special kind of affinity, according to one, the excess of the previous one gives the beginning of the following ... Therefore, it is necessary to fight against them in the same order, moving in the fight against them from the previous one. To defeat despondency, you must first suppress sadness; to drive sadness, before you need to suppress anger to pay off anger, you need to beat Srebroluby; To explore Srebolubie, it is necessary to tame a prodigal passion; To suppress this lust, it is necessary to curb the gluttony "(ibid).

Thus, it is necessary to learn to fight not with the evil deeds, but with the birth spirits or thoughts. It is useless to deal with the fact that. The case is done, the word is said, sin, as an evil fact, has already been committed. Make a former unprecedented no one is able. But to prevent such sinful phenomena in the future, a person can always, since he will soon be follow yourself, carefully analyze where this or that sinful phenomenon comes from and fighting with his passion.

Therefore, with repentance of a person in the fact that he often allows himself to be angry, scold his wife, annoyance for children and colleagues, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the rooted passion of the wrath, from which these cases of irritability, fading expressions behave, "Nervousness" and so on. A man who is free from the passion of anger, a man by nature is benevolent and good-natured and does not know completely these sins, although it may be subject to any other sins.

When a person complains that he has ingenious thoughts, dirty dreams, hunted desires, then he needs to fight in every possible way with a children's rooted in him, probably from ornament, the passion of a prodigal, leading him to unclean dreams, thoughts, desires, views, and so on.

Similarly, frequent condemnation of near or ridicule over other people's deficiencies indicate the passion of pride or vanity, which creates such a self-conception leading to these sins.

Disappointment, pessimism, poor mood, and sometimes misentropy also occur also from internal reasons: or from pride, or from despondency, or from sadness, which is not "at the bose", that is, not saving sadness. Asceticism knows the sorrow of the saving, that is, dissatisfaction with himself, its inner world, its imperfection. Such sadness leads to self-control, to greater rigor to himself. But there is such a sadness that comes from human estimates, from life failures, from the motives are not spiritual, but spiritual, which combined not saving.

The spiritual and giving life is not made from the "good deeds", that is, not from the facts of positive content, but from the corresponding good moods of our soul, from what our breath is alive, where she seeks. From good habits, the proper mood of mental is generated and good facts, but the value is not in them, but in the very content of the soul.

Repentance and confession are our assistants in the fight against sinful passions. The difference between the Orthodox understanding of confession and repentance from the Catholic

Thus, no good deeds in their real concreteness, and the virtuous state of the soul, the overall desire for holiness, to the purity, to the extension, to salvation, that is, the Event, is the aspiration of the Orthodox Christian. Not sins, as the specific evil facts implemented separately, and those who have given their passions, vices, seek spirits, are against what and what should be struggling with. Who came to confession should have a feeling sinness, that is, the painful state of his soul. Repentance consists in a decisive desire to free themselves from capturing our sinful states, that is, the aforementioned passions.

It is extremely important to educate not a legal understanding of good and evil, but the patristic. "The virtue is called the heart mood when a truly made is well-known," teaches the Holy Mark to the devotee ("Dobryolism", Volume I). He also says: "Virtue is one, but has diverse doings" (ibid). And Evagry teaches that "an active life (that is, the practice of virtues) is a spiritual method, how to purify the passionate part of the soul" (ibid). It is not necessary to think that "the cases themselves are worthy of geenna or kingdoms, but that Christ pays each as the creator and our Redeemer, and not as a commander of things (there), and we do good deeds for the sake of reward, but to save this Purity "(ibid). It is necessary, finally, to learn to expect not a reward legal, but to consolidate the grace of the Holy Spirit, to make his soul in the abdomen. All Fathers of the Church were taught about this, and especially Rev. Macarius Egyptian, and in our time the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky. Otherwise, the vast for the sake of awards, turns into the words of Evagria in the fishery ("Dobryolism", Volume I, compare: Rev. Isichi Jerusalem, - "Dobryolism", Vol. II).

Speaking figuratively, the Orthodox understanding of confession and repentance differs from the Catholic specifically in this paragraph. Roman legal and pragmatism affected here. Latin confessor during the confession a lot more judge; Then the Orthodox is the advantage of the healer. Confession in the eyes of the Latin confessor there is the most tribunal and the investigative process; In the eyes of the Orthodox priest, this is the moment of medical advice.

In Latin practical guidelines for confession, the priest inspires just such a look. The confession is committed from them within the framework of logical categories: when? Who? with whom? how many times? under whose influence? etc. But always the most important in the eyes of the Western Delivery will be sin as evil caseas a fact as an act of sinful will. The confessor pronounces its court on a perfect negative fact requiring its reward according to the rules of the Canonical Code. Orthodox confessor, on the contrary, is more important than sinful facts, but sinful states. He, as a healer, seeks to detect the roots of this disease, open the deeply hidden turning, as the source of any external act. He does not say so much a judicial sentence, how much is the healing council.

The legal point of view permeates in all directions of Latin theology and their church life. Based on sin or virtue, like an evil or good cause, they put their logical emphasis on this perfect reality. They are interested quantity Good or evil deeds. They thus come to a sufficient minimum of good deeds, and from here to derive the doctrine of the merits of ultra-voltage, which gave rise to the well-known doctrine of indulgences. The most concept of "merit" is purely legal and Orthodox writers completely unusual. Latin legal entity learned its formal understanding and quality moral actions. They contributed to their moral theology and the doctrine of the so-called "adiaphoras", that is, indifferent affairs, no evil, nor good, that through our scholastic textbooks gradually penetrated into the consciousness of seminars and priests. From there, he also penetrated into the textbooks of moral theology and the point of view of the sane and insaneness of sin, the doctrine of the collision of duties and other manifestations of the ethics of the law, and not the ethics of grace.

It is possible to schematize the above and thus. For Western consciousness, the primary value is in logic schemes, in the legal understanding of sin and virtue, in the headings of moral casuisics. The Orthodox Consciousness, brought up on the tradition of St. Antiquity, is based on the experience of the spiritual life of askets writers who approached sin as to the spiritual weakness and sought to be healing this to heal. They are more in the categories of moral psychology, deeply pastoral psychoanalysis.

During the confession, it is necessary to fully try to penetrate into the "depths of the soul", in the hidden areas of the human underground, subconscious, unconscious sinful habits. It is not necessary to impede sins, that is, not for this act, it is imperative to judge yourself and judge for a perfect thing, but try to find where the root of all sins is; What passion in the soul is most dangerous; How easier and effective eradicate these old habits.

Well, when on confession we list all your perfect business or, maybe even for an old children's habit, read them on the note, so as not to forget any sin; But attention should be paid not so much on these sins, but on their internal reasons. It is necessary to awaken the consciousness of its general sinfulness, in the presence of a consciousness of one or another sin. According to the member of the Father's expression, Sergius Bulgakov, it is necessary to pay attention not so much on the "arithmetic of sin", how much to the "sin algebra".

Such recognition of our mental ailments and their healing is incomparably more correct than the transfer of sins, sinful deeds of people adopted by Latinians. It would be possible to fight only with sins, found in actions, it would also be unsuccessful how to cut the sorn grass appearing in the garden, instead of pulling it out with the root and throw away. Sins are the inevitable growing of their roots, that is, the passions of the soul ... it is also impossible to calm themselves the fact that I relatively little to admit the sinful actions: it is necessary to bring up the constant good pricing and location in themselves, which is Christian perfection or salvation.

Will the Christian will be saved by faith or good deeds?

The tenthone of the Old Testament rebel sinful things, and the bliss of Christ is not interested, but location; Unless peacekeeping can be called the case, but it is only available to those believers who have soaked their soul with heart benevolence towards people. The endless dispute of the theologians of Europe about whether a Christian will be saved by faith or good deeds, he also discovers in that and in another camp a general misunderstanding of our salvation. If these theologians do not want to learn from the Savior to the right understanding, then more clearly depicted his apostle Paul: "Spiritual fruit is - Lubility, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, abstinence." Not affairs, no deeds themselves are valuable in the eyes of God, but the constant mood of the soul, which is described in the above words.

On the gradual development of sin in us

The second topic should be developed in the question of different sins, this is a topic about the gradual development of sin in us. Holy Fathers-Asketa left us a lot of valuable observations in their writings and on this occasion.

A very common misconception of Christians coming to confession is that one or another sin "somehow", "suddenly." "From somewhere," "No with this" took place the will of the sinner and forced him to make this bad act. From just what has been said about the patristic teaching about sins, as manifestations of bad habits or passions, nesting in our soul, should be clear that "no one with this" or "somewhere" sin is not in the soul of a person. A sinful act, or a negative phenomenon of spiritual life, long ago, has long been penetrating under anything influence in our heart, there is imperceptibly there and fed a nest, turning into the "shy thoughts" or passion. This act is only a piggy, the product of this passion, against which is to lead a spiritual brand.

But Asshetics knows something more and calling to a more effective struggle. For the purpose of spiritual hygiene, or, it is better to say, the spiritual prevention of ascetic Scriptures offer us a subtly developed analysis of the gradual origin and the development of our sin.

In the works of such glorified spiritual writers, as St. Sirin, St. Iioann Distrownger, Rev. Isykhiy Jerusalem, Rev. Mark Askator, St. Maxim Confessor and others, is given, on the basis of their own surveillance and experience, such a description of the origin of sin: First of all, Sin is born not on the surface of the body, but in the depths of the spirit. The body itself is not guilty and is not a source of sin, but only an instrument through which one or another sinful thoughts can manifest itself. Every sin begins not suddenly, it is not automatically, but through a complex process of internal ripening of a sowing thought.

What is the Divor's "arrogance"

Our liturgical books, especially octoys and lean triododes, filled with prayers and chants about the liberation of us from the "arrogals" of the devilish. "Prilog" is the involuntary movement of the heart under the influence of any external perception (visual, auditory, taste and other) or from the outside who came to do something and that. This arrow of the devil or, according to our asceticism, "Arrogance" or "Euration"may be very easily opposite away. Without delaying your thoughts on such a sinful image or expression, we immediately repel them. This "arrogance" dies also instantly, as appeared. But it is only on it to stay in thought, interested in this inexpensive way, as he goes deep into our consciousness. There is a so-called " dECISE "or" combination " Our thoughts with "arrogant." The struggle in a fairly still light form can be carried out at this stage of development, although not as simple as in the first stage of "increments". But not cooping with the "sucking", and turning attention to him and seriously thinking about him and internally considering the outlines of this image that you liked, we enter the stage of "attention", that is, almost in the authority of this temptation. In any case, mentally, we are already captured. The next stage in the language of ascetles is called "delagement", when we are internally feel the beauty of sinful action, we are building themselves even more exciting and fascinating images and not only by the mind, but also a feeling gave themselves to the power of this sore thoughts. If there will be no decisive reversal at this stage of the development of sin, then we are already in the power of "wishes", followed by only one step, and maybe only one instant gives us from the commission of one or another bad act, be it theft of someone else's thing , intensifying forbidden fetus, offensive word, arm arm, etc. Different askets writers are called different stages, but it's not a matter of names and not more or less designed. The fact is that sin does not come to us "suddenly", "There is no way", "unexpectedly". He passes his "natural" stage of development in the soul of a person, more precisely, emerging in the mind, he penetrates into the feeling, in the will and, finally, is carried out in the form of a sinful act.

Here are some useful thoughts about passions and the fight against them, found from the holy fathers-askets. "The arrival is an invalid memory of previous sins. Who else struggles with passions, he tries to prevent such a thoughts to passion, and who has already defeated them, drives out its first increment "(" Dobryolism ", Volume I). "The increment is the involuntary movement of the heart, not accompanied by images. It is like a key, opens a sin door in the heart. Therefore, experienced people and try to capture it at the very beginning, "the devotee says so. (ibid.). But if the most arrogant is something, from the outside who came, then he still finds a well-known place for which the most convenient to go. Why the same St. Mark teaches: "Do not say: I do not want, and the arrival itself comes. For if not the most arrogant, then you love him the reasons "(ibid.). This means that in our heart or mind there is already some reserve from previous sinful skills, which react easier to the "souls" than those who do not have these habits. The means of struggle is therefore constant cleansing of the heart, the fact that the ascetics are called "sober", that is, constant monitoring of themselves and the effort to do not give a "arrogant" to enter our mind. Cleansing, or "sober" is best made by an unceasing prayer, for the simple reason that if the mind is busy with prayer, then at the same second there is no other, sinful thoughts can own our mind. Therefore, St. Hisih Jerusalem teaches: "As without a large ship, you can not swim in the sea puchin, and without the call of Jesus Christ, it is impossible to drive out the prilfish of the brilliance" ("Dobryolism", Tom II).

Righteous John Kronstadt to combat spiritual spirits

"Oh, as a multipitious, multiple, garbage of earthly life! - wrote Holy Righteous John Kronstadt. - From morning to evening it is necessary to lead a serious break with the passions of the carnivities, fighting for the soul, with bosses, lords and silly pellets of the darkness of this century, the spirits of the Evil Primbizand (Ephesus. 6, 12), for the sneakers and deceit rneurizimo viciously, hellishness is skillfully, unarely ... "

The Kronstadt Shepherd gives us and weapons to fight passions:

"If your heart is indignant by the spirit of passion of any, and you will lose rest, you will be embarrassing, and from your language will fly to the words of discontent and hostility to the near, not medley stay in this harmful condition, but immediately the knees and confess to the Spirit Holy seeding of yours, saying from the bottom of my heart: i insulted you, the soul of the holy, the spirit of the passion of my, the spirit of the malice and failure to you; And then from the bottom of my heart, with the feeling of all-off the spirit of God, \\ read the prayer to the Holy Spirit: "The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere, and all of the fulfillment, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in me, and clean me from everyone is bad, and save, so much, soul my passionate and love"- And your heart will fulfill humility, peace and dignity. Remember that all sin, especially passion and addiction to anything earthly, all displeasure and hostility in the near, because of anything of the carnal is insulted by the Allian Spirit, the Spirit of Peace, Love, the Spirit, which enhate us from the earthly to the city, from visible to Invisible, from amusing to the unprecedented, from temporary to the eternal, - from sin - to the shrine, from vice to virtue. Oh, all soul! Our helper, our tutor, our comforter! Keeping us to keep yours, silent shrine! The soul of the father of our heavenly, Nasadi in us, raise the Spirit Spirit in us, let's True His Chad in Christ Jesus our Lord. "

(according to the teachings of the Holy Fathers "Dobryologiya")

"When there are alive passions, it is impossible for us to live, but it must be perished. If we do not have time to kill them here, they will kill us there ".
St. John Zlatoust

«… We do not follow Christ because we love passion, we are consisting by them and no matter how we feel that the submission of His words, any of the slightest performance, brings the greatest benefit that the benefit of the path specified in the Gospel is incomparably higher and better than all The best of the world!»


Saint Feofan Reasanizer (1815-1894) In one of his records made in the gate, and collected in the book called "Contemplation and Reflection" ("How spiritual life goes) writes:" TOif the person is devoted to passions, he does not see them in himself and is not separated from them, because he lives in them and they. "
If we do not realize themselves with sinners and do not see any passions, it does not mean that they are not in us, and we are righteous before God, but only the fact that we are blind people, and do not see them in yourself. And if saint Righteous John Kronstadt (1829-1908) He spoke about himself: " What robber watha passion acts in me ... and at night in different Gresses. What the pendulum of mental robbers - my soul "What to talk about us, sinful.
Rev. Warson Optina (1845-1913) He says that in the world, few people generally know about passions and that you need to deal with them. Some people think that it is necessary to pray for salvation, but " prayer person of passionate will not saveabout". And then he continues: " The only goal of our life is to eradicate passions and replace them with opposite virtues».

Neither walking to the temple, nor post nor alms nor other cases of mercy will save us if we do not work on our soul, if we don't try to live in the commandments of God, and therefore fight with our passions and sinful habits, gradually cleaning their own Mind and heart, and embrace gospel virtues. Everyone has their own passions, someone proud and proud, stubborn and sore, someone is a womb and consolidation, someone loves money and spoils their lives to buy, someone is anger and constantly annoyed on trifles, etc. As the holy fathers advise, it is necessary to allocate passions from the struggles of us the main, predominant, and direct all efforts to overcome it. Gradually, you need to understand the death of your condition and to love the humility, the heavenly year to refrain in food, to quickly fast, sober and hard - to love the affairs of mercy, try to deal with merciful and kind to people, lazy - work on yourself, work and spiritually, and physically, etc. . It is necessary to change yourself, to become from the earthly heaven, beyond Christ, so that after death, to have a pure soul, ready for the kingdom of heaven.
If we do not know anything about this struggle, or we do not give her great importance and expertly rely on the mercy of God, we live in your pleasure, or knowing, do not find determination to start the struggle with our flesh, with their pride, with their passionate inclinations, Again, relying on the love of God and its condescension to us, weak, then we are the enemies ourselves. - without defeating passions in yourself, we will not be able to enter the paradise, there is no place to proud, clouds and consideration ...
Saint John Zlatoust (347-407) It writes that "when the passion is alive, it is impossible for us to live, but it must be perished. If you do not have time to kill them here, they will kill us there. "
Rev. Simeon New Theologian (1021) The same says so: "Whatever good deeds do, no matter what the fethi doesn't have any people in real life ... If it does not contribute to the recovery of his soul from his immense it, there is a vigorous all this and leaves for him and leaves Soul outside the kingdom of heaven: For in the kingdom of heaven, only healthy souls that have no weakness are acceptable. "
And here's another words reverend Joseph Optina (1837-1911): "Condemnants, and evil, and proud, even though they pray, at least satisfy, even tell the money if they are not corrected, then they will not have a place in the sky, but they will go to hell to the demon to suffer without end."
Therefore, with passions it is necessary to fight not only monks, but also to the laity. And our participation in church services, frequent and regular confession and communion, prayers, posts, reading the Holy Scriptures are funds in this struggle, the struggle for the consecration of the soul and connecting it to the Lord.
As said rev. Simeon New Theologian (1021): "In the future life, a Christian will not be a prove, whether he defeated from the world, did it suffer whether he made a voyage, did it prayed whether and other things were crying in the real life, but will be carefully tested, whether he has any likeness Christ, like son Father ... "

Let us now clarify what passions for the teachings of the Holy Fathers.
1. Soul, by nature, looseBut, sinning for the first time in the Garden of Eden, i.e. Violating the commandment of God, believing not to his Creator and benefactor, and the tempter, the man was in his soul, along with sin, death, - what God warned about him, giving the only one, at that time, the commandment.
Skye the first people then to God in this sin, without self-defense and fearfulness in front of their creator (to learn the dear, who entered into their souls through a sin and inflated on them and inclined them to all bad - the disbelief of God, etc.) - the Lord here It would be forgiven to them their sin, and the grace would have cleared their hearts from the dark spirit who came in there, and they would again shine their pristine beauty, and blissful further next to God ...
But the whole and danger of sin - he dims up the mind and soul, makes a person as if insane and easily manageable from the outside by the tesomy forces, makes it a slave of passion and devil, the real perpetrator of any evil and opposing God as at the beginning of human history, and now, increasing in their networks an increasingly big number of people, making them their spiritually blind, slaves, and a lie and slander on God, to the truth, involving them in lust, all sorts of convince, making them unsuitable for the eternal life, spoils the souls, knowing that they are eternal and death, so He takes them to himself in hell, where, fully splashing on them all his anger and hatred of God, receiving satisfaction from the tormenting in hell of sinners ...
And this is a terrible reality, which is better to know in advance so that it is not pleased to please in forever. How much the evidence of the eyewitnesses of the hellish torment is now, in the grace of God, returned to life after their death, often quite into the unsuitable body - but the soul is returning and doctors in a half-daily state are forced to make an inconceivable operations before surgery to somehow patch the revived body! Very good movie on this topic Galina Tsareva "Unadigital Stories"- Certificates of people who survived clinical death, about the afterlife (who did not see, I advise you to see, - the soul comes to life even at the most unbelievers).

2. Passions differ from sins. Sin is a violation of the commandment of God. And passions are already sinful habits, sinful attractions, with which a sinner, without God's help, cannot oppose the sinful life, making a man with a sinful and unclean, rejected by the bliss of eternal life, other, or rather, a slave of dark forces at all His plight and therefore not fixed and not wanting to even hear about it. He, as it were, it would be separated in his life from God, decides for himself that God is not, and inhabit such "convictions" in the permissiveness and darling all sorts of norms and prohibitions, comes in his madness, sometimes, to life worse than Skotsk. A man created with the eternal soul, remembering and knowing God, endowed with the mind, will, the ability and desire to love and be loved, who has a conscience, so as not to get lost in this earthly life, but return home, in Heavenly Fatherland, - all this ruthlessly jumps, Sweets the remnants of good from his heart, and makes him a chapter for spiritual robbers - demons, evil loans that hate God and all the good ...
From disbelief begins every evil. The faith begins salvation, because without believing in God, without trusting him and his words, how can I find him and after death to get to him? Faith is the way to God. But it must be true, not a sly fake, false, dumbfounded, like everything from the evil, she must rely on a person in a new creature, free from vices and passions, cleansing his soul and makes it a Party of Eternal Life.
3. Passion is demonshow taught about the PRP. John Distrownger and other holy fathers. Demon vanity, Demon Gordini, Demon of Czechodia, Demon despondency, Srebrobia, Lenalty, etc. Unbelief holy fathers also classify passions, because It is inspired by the same Bohron Forces; This also applies to Malovery, Superstition, heresy, false gigs (from paganism to sign in various sects and splits). All this lies from the enemy, so as not to give a person to find the truth, find the only one, a simpler trail, leading through repentance, work, prayer, abstinence, humility, - i.e. The narrow, specified son of God by the way, - to the love of true, reborn and making involved in the life of eternal, blissful. And it's not about askise. Then the lot of specially paid souls - those who love God with all his heart and for him leaving peace, close, relatives. Speech O. Saving Orthodox Lifestyle in the World - In commercial marriages, it means that non-violating chastity, according to the commandments of God and with its help, submitted through participation in the holy church sacraments, prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures, and first of all, the Gospel and Psaltiri.
When a person goes to towards God specified by him, wonderful events begin to occur with it., he comes to another reality - still, because he becomes a Party of God's grace, illuminates from the inside by the Light of Christ, it becomes everything clear to him, everything is possible, everything is perhaps! And the truth is that it may be impossible for a person when he is with the Almighty God, when he only relies in his everyday life when he believes him and trusts every of his word when he loves him with all his soul and learns to love and all his creation, and even The enemies, which, as is known, the Lord is not, - He loves everyone, and everyone wants to save, when they become a part of his omnipotence, and his humility, and his mercy, and his all-restful love. And this is in life. By death, joining the eternal God on Earth, the soul inherits the eternity of blissful and behind the coffin! Can there be better than God's promises? - Paradise during life, paradise and death. Surprise is worthy of what is so few shower now believing God and His Word - after all, who is more worthy of confidence, how not God?!

4. Passions are divided into spiritual (pride, vanity, despondency, despair, envy, disbelief) and bodies (fornication, curmony, sober, drunkenness, drug addiction, tape). The bodies make it easier to distinguish the carnal, not yet spiritualized, man, so in the beginning the struggle goes precisely with these passions. More than
writes pS John Cassian Roman, who will not defeat the Beszense demon, he can not legally fight with other passions. Therefore, all the exploits begin with abstaining from extra or rapid foods - on compliance with the lean days on Wednesdays and Fridays, multi-day posts, abstaining from food before communion, etc. The abstinence strengthens the power of the will of the person makes it stronger, lightweight. The experience of the spiritual struggle is gradually acquired, their own gentlemen is learned, a person learns to humble with falls and hope no longer on their weak forces, or to its own correction, and to the aid of God, on his mercy ...
Everything is gradually. But the main rule is to follow inner motivations (For what feats? - For the love of God? Or from a good manognique, to seem righteous to people? Or from fear of being punished here, illness, or after death, eternal torment? Or from obedience to the spiritual father, church?, etc. ), and humble. Without humility, all our exploits are not pleasing to God, because the pride and vanity fell and safe angels and many high-technical people ...
5. The node of all passions is tied at pride. Therefore, if we want to defeat the living in us, and challenging us with God, passion, should be armed against the chief enemy - against our own "I", living deep in our heart. This is the root. I will withstand the root - collaborates itself, passionate, wood.
After all, look, all the commandments of God are built on love - or to God, or to the neighbor. And what is the opposite of love? - pride! So it turns out that this is our criminal love of yourself, from which everything is sorted by all passions (curvogo, tape, fornication, sober, pride, vanity, etc.), and is our main enemy! We defeat pride - overpower passion - put in my heart instead of love for yourself, the love of God and to people, with all the virtues that arise from here, and we are our God and the saints, and his angels! And the kingdom of heaven enters into the soul of such a person now, here, on earth, and there is nothing impossible for him - the world, the serene state of the spirit, love to everyone ... and this is possible both with favorable external circumstances, and no (illness, war etc.). A person is not afraid of anything when he is with God! - For the sake of one thing, it is worth hardening over yourself, and over the purification of my soul from passions-increasing towards it.

6. Signs for which he knows a pride, and the pride arising from it, - the syntitude, condemnation of others, self-excravation, passion to command, stubbornness, and self-esteem, desire, so that everything is in my opinion, the luxury, the love of dresses, decorations, luxury, comfort, fear of poverty and hope for Your strength, your work, money, etc., envy, contempt of others, arrogance, not mercy, greed, etc.
Extreme degrees of pride - mania grandeur and mania persecution (which are symptoms of mental illness - schizophrenia, and doctors are not treated), whose root lies in criminal self-reliance, and the doctor who is one - God. Only the Lord God of Doctors Pride and mentally ill, and his medicine is filed in his spiritual hospital - church, with the help of his holy sacraments - confession, communion, cobrants. Explain the connection of sinful life and diseases, sorry, suffering in our daily life, quarrels with loved ones and relatives, help through the confession to free yourself from sins who gag out the soul of man - and the priest of God, endowed with the authorities from God to knit and let go of our sins. Without a priest, there is no salvation - it is necessary to understand everything well. And whatever they themselves were not imperfect (if not heretics, and not splitters), but those who are clothed in God's grace of priesthood, they are God's ministers, his tools, without them are not possible none of the holy church sacraments. An instrument at least golden, at least copper, - and the grace of God acts and there, and there, for the sake of believers, for the sake of salvation of their souls. Shepherd Sheep does not judge, - He speaks st. John Zlatoust. Most of all, be afraid to condemn the priests - this is a voice of all holy fathers.

7. Well, finish with words st. Feofan Poophal, very important at the beginning of a spiritual struggle with passions, to give the most needed in this struggle the idea what we are, and what is passion, fight us. "Hurry up to separate yourself from the enemy and oppose yourself to him, and his own ... The whole trouble is because we do not know how to separate yourself from the enemy and disconnect with him, we think that passionate movement, disturbing us - we are us, our nature, and We hurry to satisfy her, while it is not our nature and not we, but our enemy. This delusion is the source of all our falls and wrongdoers ..."(" Contemplation and Reflection ", p.135).
And prayer, calling the help of God to our struggle, and thanks to this help. It is necessary to remember that no passion will not overcome without the help of God, and do not stand in any sinful imposition. The Lord newly helps more than making the first steps, and in the future, the value of prayer cannot be overestimated.
Help us, Lord, get rid of passions fighting in us, and save us by your grace!

How to defeat the sin of condemnation of the neighbor?

The sin of condemnation comes from spiritual blindness. A man sees evil in another person, not noticing him in himself. Christianity begins with the opposite - you need to see yourself completely amazed sin. We have all passions. Another thing is that they are not developing simultaneously: today - one, tomorrow is the other, but the fact that we are the carriers of sin of the eternal death seed - obviously. Christianity begins with spiritual insight when a person sees that he is hopelessly sick, and life is not enough to heal. Therefore, he only pays attention to himself - on the life of his mind and heart, to fight with his passions. And only under this condition can be defeated. Condemnation is the sin of the Antichrist, because the court is given only to God. Often we condemn in a person what he has long twisted, and we are the very liars about his life. You can never condemn, remembering that God often pops up to us to fall into that sin in which we condemn the other person. "Do not judge, do not judge" (Matt. 7, 1).

What to do when you step on the same rake, condemn yourself, bring repentance, but you can not eradicate this sin to the end?

We must decide to turn to the experience of the church. The holy fathers have tips for curbing absolutely all passions. It is said about all Christian virtues. If a person is truly concerned that he is constantly defeated, drunkenness, a blobe, theft, condemnation and other passions that all people have, then he will definitely find the right way out of this situation. Most often it happens: a person fights random, and maybe it uses only one tenth effort to change. This is about this apostle Paul says: "You must in the fight against sin to face the blood shedding" (see Heb. 12, 4). The fathers have an expression: "better death in the struggle than life in sin." No person can say that he applied to God deeply repented in his deed, I prayed a lot, I used the post, the sacrament, consulted with the confessor, read the gospel, I was looking for an answer from the Holy Fathers and, unfortunately, I could not find an answer anywhere Correct your life. This we never hear. Basically, everyone talks about the weakness of their faith and reluctance to fight, that is, to curb their passions and desires. Many suffer, for example, from winepitia. They came to confession, repented, Denchek lasted, and a day again, they step on the same rake - again they buy a bottle, snack and become the same way. For true repentance, a struggle is required, an effort on oneself. Repentance is a change in life in which a spiritual feat is present.

What is addiction?

What is addiction and how to find out if there is it in a person and what measures then do? What are external and internal symptoms?

The concept of addiction comes from the word passion, when our heart is attached to earthly, temporary and external. You can only rush to God, realize it as the main source of love, without which we cannot live. The addiction is the very wall that is being built between God and man. There are addresses to animals, delicious food, own beauty, fashionable clothes ... Whatever a person does, addiction is inevitable: books, TV, collections, trips, etc.
Christianity, this is such a life in which the man of God puts on the fore. When a person has something to add to something, he seems to say: "Without it, I can not live. I can't do not drink a cup of coffee, live a day, so as not to watch TV, someone can not call, it's not to buy something ... I can't but without it! Day or two live, and then I must do it. " The question arises: when after death, the soul will come out of the body, how will their desires be fulfilled? How will you do this there? It is impossible! There will be no own body - neither eat nor to drink nor torerate - it will be impossible to do anything. And from this soul will languish, suffer and suffer. That is why not denying the necessary concerns about our body, we are talking about Tom all the time: in bodily life you need to do only. Every excessiveness is harmful and it happens because the person is damaged by sin. A beautiful life is born appetite. A person cannot eat in moderation, but wants a lot and tasty; It can not get dressed in order to simply not blame in the winter - and it is necessary to be fashionable and beautiful and so on. Look carefully for me - so that we do not do, everything works with us with addiction. There is no measure in our behavior. A person who loves something temporary greatly, sins against God. The Lord is a submitter of all good for us. He wants to teach us a response to him. Therefore, sometimes these addiction objects are destroyed by God so that there is no wall separating from him.
It is especially hard for a person when he loves someone, and there is no will of God. We, priests, have to disassemble these situations often. How many examples in our literature, when people came from unfortunate love to terrible acts. In each work there is a history of an unfortunate broken heart from undeveloped love. Why? Because the heart hit by sin, she got to the money, power or man. Most often with such a addiction, not so easy to part to forget all this. Passion too deeply launched roots. The church says: "Man, carefully live, look at what you love so that you do not go forbidden to the hell." The Lord wants you to always follow the norm in our desires, curled passion and did not give them food. Unfortunately, we do the opposite. We have passion like on yeast, grow up, grow and gain strength. Hat your passions, you also complicate the subsequent struggle with them. When a person simulates and realizes that you need to cope with this, the struggle will be an order easier and easier.
In my opinion, you need to cool the heart to this world. In order for it to be cooled, it must be warmed with another, spiritual filling. And the church invites us true what a truly man can satisfy. It is important to decide. And we are scared, we are afraid of something. "I, they say, from the world will refuse and become a white crow. I stopped going to the parties, I chat less talk, I don't drink "-" Well, and nothing terrible - you became a Christian! " You need to withstand two or three months, your friends will be forgotten about you, you will stop bothering those with which you can not build a normal relationship, those that will constantly pull you down. Therefore, you always ask yourself the question: "Does I have something in my life, without which I can not live?" If the conscience is silent - thank God, it means there is no addiction! Remember how in the gospel it is said: "If your eye seduces you - I will quit it." Hand seduces - compartments, leg - compartments. It is better without an eye, without a leg, without a hand to enter the kingdom of God, than having to destroy their soul. It is better to give up here from what is called addiction. This is an important side of life, which together must be comprehended to move forward correctly.

How to deal with everyday sins, such as: irritability, multi-climb, prodigal thoughts. Is there a single recipe for fighting them?

Question from Andrei. He asks for advice, how to deal with everyday sins that we sin from confession to confession, such as: irritability, multi-climb, prodigal thoughts. Is there a single recipe for fighting, or everyone to look for your way, consulting with the confessor?

Christianity is a life in which spiritual creativity should be present. The Lord specially created us free. Everything in Christianity relies exclusively on our desire. God needs not the blind performer of his instructions, and the Son, who performed by the will of the Father.
Well, you are worried about everyday sins. Many people are confident that the most important thing is not to perform death sins: murder, fornage, theft, blasphemy, etc. We give a simple example. A terrible death sin can be like a huge stone. If you hang it on the neck, you will immediately go to the bottom and drown. Sinies are small like sandbags, small pebbles, but which, too, can also be selected in a huge amount in the bag, and with this bag can also be drowned. Everywhere need reasoning. Every sin who makes a person deprives him of the grace of God. Loss of grace is the beginning of spiritual death.
How to specifically deal with everyday sins that we do in our lives? First - it is necessary to realize that we can not sin not at all. This is a kind of Christian axiom. The Lord specifically pops us with these minor falls to teach us humble. It is very important to notice these little things. The Gospel says that faithful in Mall is faithful and in many ways (Lux. 16: 10). Christianity begins from the moment when a person is experiencing for these little things that he sins not only in a major, breaking the main commandments of God, but also in these everyday trifles, such as: a careless word, condemnation in a word or thought, knead, produal ideas and etc. Here the most effective way is a frequent confession. Sin does not tolerate the light, the devil is afraid of chinds. I advise you to come to confession as often as possible. For this purpose, a spiritual mentor is not even required. It is enough to approach any parish priest and briefly repent of him in condemnation, vigorous, irritability, envy, bad, unclean thoughts, etc. You will feel right away that the power of these passions will weaken.
Frequently repentance brings a special joy - grace of God. The reason why we make our daily sins are our unclean heart. If you are right and legitimately failing, the grace of God will clean it. It will eventually become like a snow-white dress of the bride, on which even a small dirty spot is visible. A person sees small sins only with the purity of his own heart. The heart infected with sin, like dirty clothes, which is all in dust and dirt, and you can even notice an excess spot. If you are purchased inner cleanliness, then against the background of this cleanliness you will notice all the flaws and the spiritual dirt that will stick to your soul. Pure clothing is always happy. As soon as some kind of impurity appears, it immediately wants to clean it. Therefore, watch your heart, and then you will always worry that again sinned irritability, condemnation, envy, unclean thoughts, etc. You won't want it. It is very important that God can see that we are afraid to sin, we do not want it. And since a person cannot clear himself, he is not the Baron Munhausen to raise himself for his hair from the swamp, then such a feeling of weakness in the fight against sin will turn a person to Christ and his church. It is necessary to love prayer, sacred writing, sacraments, temple, worship, the ascetic lifestyle, which is a harmonious system of proper spiritual behavior, where, on the one hand, a person fights passions, and, on the other hand, the evangelical virtues will hide in their place .
Therefore, do not lose vigilance! You entered into a special period when the main control of the struggle goes into your heart. You stopped Hamit, squander, probably, you do not drink, do not carry, do not wander. But do not stop and do not calm down. God is very important that we have in the shower. Home Brand goes inside us. This is an invisible war that takes place at the turns of the human heart. Therefore, call for God to help, lay down in front of him, pray for him, try to show love in your life in a word and language, but the thing and the truth, as John theologians writes (1 John 3: 18). And then the grace of God will come to you and cleanse you from sins everyday, and you will feel the joy and tide of spiritual forces. Help God's salvation!

Blud - the passion is very cunning. She captives human mind and indulging to her can become one of the main incentives of human life. In order to reflect "lust," it is often called love. And periodically, this very love is not reduced exclusively to physical impulse, but still it is precisely precisely a prodigal passion under its foundation. Often you have to hear: "I love her, but I don't want to marry her." Well, please tell me what love can we talk about (even if you use the word love in a purely human passionate sense)? This love is a completely integral part of life. "How are you? - We ask when meeting. - How's your work? And on the personal front? "

So if with the work of interruptions is nothing. And if on the personal front is calm - it is bad. Very often, when one of the girlfriends get married, it becomes nothing to talk about anything (provided that the woman is true to her husband), the same happens among friends. I know a lot of cases when, after marriage, the man almost completely touched with all his former surroundings: just because the topics of conversations were absolutely exhausted.

"As a pig is pleasantly lying in the mud, so the demons find a friend in the blobe and impurity.". Ephraim Sirin

One of my familiar, the woman is unmarried, thought about going to confession and in general to start squeezing. The only thing that stopped it by and large is the unwillingness to leave forn.

And what, not to make love at all? But it is impossible. Without this, life almost loses its meaning. I can not wait until marriage! After all, I am not marrying in the next couple of years.

Fight with the Spirit of Blud St. Fathers call the struggle lyuto. Blud begins to overcome from the "first age of maturity" and never ceases to victory over all other passions. In order to defeat the forn, it is not enough to observe the physical abstinence and chastity, but it is necessary to stay all the time in the repentant crushing of the Spirit and relentless prayer against this outstanding spirit. Also, body work and needlework, holding a heart from wandering and returning it to himself, and most of all need deep true humility, without which the victory cannot be found on any passion.
Start of struggle

It is necessary to start a difficult struggle with the passion of the Blud ("punish the thoughts of food, so that there is not for the hell, but about the hunger" - Neil Sinai), that is, from the post, because, according to testimony of SV. Festivals, curding invariably leads to the passion of the Blud: "The pillar rests on its basis - and the passion of the prodigal is resting on the quiet" (Nile Sinai). Especially dangerous from this point of view drunkenness.
First, drunkenness lowers human ability to control their actions and manage its desires.

Secondly, as you know, alcohol burns lust. Examples of this can find a lot. How often you have to hear that something happened "by drunk." And here it is impossible to talk only about loss of control, because it happens so that "drunk" happens with that man with whom "sober" even imagine proximity is quite difficult. However, as again it is known, at a certain stage of intoxication, the desire already disappears and the compatibility, on the contrary, becomes absolutely unattractive or even impossible. For a change of Blud's demo to a person, a demon will be down.

To sins caused by a prodigal passion, St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov believes:
- Prodigar irritation, the prodigal sensations and positions of the soul and heart.
- The adoption of unclean thoughts, a conversation with them, the defenders by them, the enrollment of them, slowing in them.
- Produal dreams and captivity.

- Non-hardness of feelings, in terms of tanging, in which the audacity, shooting everything virtues.
- foul language and reading of voluptuous books.
- Sins of prodigal natural: fornication and adultery.
- Sins of prodigal unnatural.

"PSA of this prodigal demon," when he comes to you, drive a spiritual instrument of prayer; And no matter how much he continued to delete, do not give him up. " St. John Dissagger

Not feeling (meaning five senses: touch, smell, rumor, vision, taste) - We often do not notice this sin, considering it the norm of things. It must be said that the impotence in feelings is considered in our time a sign of discrepancy and seasonality and is raised rather in plus a person than in a minus. Of course, there is no talk about rude hazing, which is still not encouraged. If the generation of more older close physical contacts are not very much in the go and the familiar patches on the shoulder are embarrassing, then among young people they are very accepted.

However, there are examples of the opposite periodically.

The girl met a young man. After talking with him for a while, she was surprised to notice that he did not look into her eyes at a conversation.

- Listen, why, talking to me, are you all the time you take your eyes? - Well, you're not my girlfriend. Watching the eyes is rather intimate. I can't look like a look at the unfamiliar lady. This is the same thing that hug you or kiss.

The prevention of vision is also considered to be ascertained by the type of beautiful women and men. And addiction to all kinds of spirits, cologne and other perfume means - non-burning smell, because, as is known, certain components are added to the spirits, which act as an exciting person.

Not only the desire to lick the seductive speeches, but also love for compliments about our appearance, sexuality, etc. There is, for example, a wonderful surveillance program that "a woman loves ears." However, it is fair not only about women, but also relative to men, too, since flattering speeches often provoke a feeling of love, which is closely conjugated with sexual desires. Vanity is very often the help of a prodigal passion.
The adoption of unclean thoughts, the settlement of them.

The degrading of unclean thoughts, firstly, in itself is a sin, and secondly, leads to the incitement of carnal desires and often provokes a person to the commission of physical videos.

The child, learning for the first time, "where children are taken from," is experiencing a rather unpleasant feeling, a feeling of squeamishness. And only then, already bothering with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe technology of conception of the child, he begins to experience the desire and attraction to the merits of the opposite sex.

In the process of excitement, our psyche plays the greatest role, and not physiology. If we assume that nothing depends on our will, it will come out that we need to react completely equally equally in the opposite sex. But in life is not happening.

Realizing that the physical process of excitement directly depends on the processes of mental, we begin to realize what is so dangerous to the adoption of unclean thoughts. Without distinguishing from myself thoughts, you already agree to sin, already make it. And from the internal consent to sin to its commission at the physical level - to submit. The Gospel says: " Who will look at the woman with lust, he has already committed to her in his heart».

One brother, being outraged by the prodigal lust, came to the Great Starta and asked him: "Welcome love, pray for me, because I indignant me to the lust of the prodigal." The elder prayed for him to God. Brother next time comes to him and says the same thing. And again the old man was praying to God, saying: "Lord, open my brother's state of my brother, and where the devil attacks him? Because I prayed for you, and he still did not get soothe. " Then there was a vision: he saw the brother of this sitting, and next to him - the spirit of love, and brother communicates with him, and the angel sent to him to the rescue stands aside and grieves the monk, because he did not betray himself, but Delabed in the thoughts, all their own devaluity devoted their own mind. And said the elder: "You yourself are to blame, because you are fond of our thoughts," and taught his brother to confront thoughts.

When the prodigal thoughts accepted and received consent to the settlement in the man's head, he gradually takes his mind, and already erotic pictures forgiving him are drawn in the human brain. In this case, you can talk about the prodigal dreams.

In fact, the difference between the adoption of thoughts and dreams is not so great. The first almost inevitably leads to the second, and the second is necessarily the result of the first. We are talking about the prodigal dreams when the delays of prodigal thoughts occurs at the conscious level. A person begins to draw the images exciting his images, invent a variety of situations and plots on this topic and generally indulculate about the blobe.

Often, a man who is obsessed with prodigal dreams, in search of a feeding for them appeals to erotic literature, to the cinema, walks in the nightclubs to watch striptease, etc.

The sophisticated man, demons draw first beautiful romantic pictures, which turn into, as the prodigal passion, are indulging, into ugly, anti-nastetic, curthetic panels that are much closer in essence, the blud daisy looks like.

The manifestation of the prodigal passion is also considered foul language. Faceboring is the use of words related to taboo-aligned (prohibited), informal vocabulary. Basically, such words are connected with the sexual life of a person. Other expressions that are considered rude and faded (for example, vocabulary denoting mental abilities, or rather, the absence of these, or character traits) does not belong to foul language. In principle, the obversal words are considered for forbidden for forbidden, which, on the assumption of some scientists, in ancient times they did not wear a negative color, and were ritual and replaced by euphemisms, because they had a sacred value.

Finally, the most pronounced manifestation of a prodigal passion is already directly from the permanent conjunction of a man and a woman. In the event that a person who places the Bluda, the single, then his sin is called a blud, if a person changes his spouse - then adultery.
The most extreme degree of depravity is unnatural forms of forms, such as sodomy (homosexuality), etc.

Of course, starting to fight with the passion of fornication, it is necessary, first of all, to stop indulging in it, that is, stop all the extramarital sexual bonds. However, this first step is quite obvious, because the priests often refuse to let the sins of people who live an extramarital sexual life. Repentance in adultery or love implies readiness to stop life in the blobe and turn to the chastity.

The extramarital union can be broken or, on the contrary, to legalize. Marriage (wedded) can be terminated in case of treason of one of the spouses. If the family breaks down, the church allows for a repeated marriage and even a re-wedding, unambiguously preferring to his illicit cohabitation.

Taking the struggle with the passion of Blud, St. Fathers advised:
Refrain in food. "Who nourishes the flesh of the body, the flesh nourishes evil lust, and the intense thoughts do not attend him" (St. Ephraim Sirin). "The saturation of the womb is the Mother of Bluda, and the threshing is the culprit of purity" (St. Ephraim Sirin). Abstinence in food has a dual value. First, as already mentioned above, the mild flesh, we thus strengthen the spirit to deal with passions. Secondly, strengthening the flesh, we thus strengthen its desires, that is, purely carnal passions. The man is weak and weak will never be so suffering from prodigal passion as strong and healthy.
Abstinence speech.

Once the brother came to Avaves Pimenu and says: "What should I do, father? I am suffering a prodigal lust. And I already walked to AVE Ivistion, and he told me: Do not let her stay in you for a long time. " Avva Pimen answers his brother: "Avvi Ibivi's deeds are high, - he is in heaven, along with the angels, - and does not know what we are in the hell! But I will tell you from myself: if a person has been improving his womb and language, he can own himself. "

Abstinence speech, and at best, and thoughts are very important. Celebration, like festiveness, can start far away. In principle, any idleness gives rise to a prodigal lust, which manifests itself either in thought or in the word.

The girl on confession mentions the celebration as one of his sins. The priest, having heard it, picks up her speech:

- Well, if there is a fellowship, so, it means that the condemnation, and the crouch, and the foul language and many other impregnation in the Word.

Empty chatter, seemingly pretty harmless, always makes a man more loose. Wandering in a word, we somehow begin to affect certain objects, discussing which, ignite passions.
"Do not let the eyes of your wander there and do not pee into someone else's beauty, so that with your eye, your opponent does not deploy you" (St. Ephraim Sirin). To this advice, you can add a recommendation to bring all your five senses. First of all, of course, the touch, since the most seductive is not vision, but still touching. In the future, you need to pay attention to vision. A wandering look often issues lighters of nature. In particular, in the Caucasus, a woman stolen ones is considered to be a loose special and invariably provokes a lot of indecent proposals. However, in Europe the situation is not much different, simply caused by the cause is less conscious.
"Hold, brother, from jokes, so that they didn't do you with noble; Unfortunately there is a Mother of Industry "(St. Ephraim Sirin).
It happens that the crap inspires you such a seductive thought: "Satisfy your lust, and then you can see." Answer it: "How can I know what will happen to me to repent if I betrayed for Blud".
In the same way, he will say to you: "Satisfy one day and calm down and calm down." But remember that the more you eat, the more I want. Your stomach stretches and requires more food, if you refrain in food, then the need for it decreases every day. So with a prodigal passion. The more you push her, the stronger she overcomes you. Abstinence leads ultimately to the weakening of Brahi.
And, seeing that you looked like a woman (a man), the demon will tell you: "You have already committed a sin, I looked like a woman in my heart, so now satisfy your passion, for to do and lies - the same thing. Once I was sinned already, so now lose now? " But answer him: "Although I have fallen by Ok, and I adulted in my heart, but now it is better for me to repent of it and pray for the God of forgiveness than to exacerbate your sin, committed also to the body."
"Who is one abstinence trying to stop this brand, one is like a person who enhances to drink from the bunch of sea, acting one hand. Matching with abstinence; humility; Because the first without the latter turns out to be unpleasant "(St. John Distrowed).
"Do not go to deception, a young man! I saw some people praying for their favorites, who, being prompted by a prodigal passion, thought however, that they fulfill the debt of the Holy Love "(St. John Distrowed).
Do not give yourself a day to think about the former dreams of dreams; Because the demons are aspiring, so that with the help of dreams to desecrate us awake.
Do not stay in idleness, because "the idleness gives rise to love, and Rouching, protects and cherishes" (Ovid). The fact that work, especially physical work, helps in the fight against any passions, St. Fathers write quite often. As for the directly prodigal passion, then it is a particular good medicine from her.

But the deepening to work can only weaken the prodigal brand, but not to eradicate from the heart of thoughts. Heals from the prodigal passion of the tear prayer, repentance and frequent participation in the sacraments of confession and communion.
Achieve a complete victory over the prodigal passion is extremely difficult.

In Catema, there are often stories about how young monks came to the elders with the words: "I want to leave the abode and return to the world, because the prodigal thoughts are too overcome." The wise fathers answered this: "I am many times older than you, and how much I remember myself, the prodigal thoughts have always overcome me. And still can't cope with them, and you thought to overcome them in youth. " And the brothers remained in the monastery in order to continue to fight with a prodigal passion.

St. Ephraim Sirin writes: "If the carnal break will rise in you, do not be afraid and do not fall in spirit. With this, you give up the enemy's courage against yourself, and he will start to allotment of seductive thoughts in you, inspiring: "It's not possible to stop in you times, if you don't satisfy your lust." / ... / But not sure, God will not leave you. "

Charging the virtues of chastity is a direct road to the kingdom of heaven. St. John Cas