Why people fear witches. How to recognize the witch, a sorcerer, a bad man, a child in the church, Orthodox church? Signs of a sorcerer in a man, witches in a woman, a bad man, a child

Why people fear witches. How to recognize the witch, a sorcerer, a bad man, a child in the church, Orthodox church? Signs of a sorcerer in a man, witches in a woman, a bad man, a child
Why people fear witches. How to recognize the witch, a sorcerer, a bad man, a child in the church, Orthodox church? Signs of a sorcerer in a man, witches in a woman, a bad man, a child

(Monograph about witches)

How and why women become witches?
How to calculate the witch?
Where do the witches come from?
What do witches do?
How to determine the witch in the eyes, voice and appearance?
Can I define a witch on a horoscope?
How to do a man to not marry a witch?
What is the difference between the witch from the sorcerer and other unclean forces?
How many years do the witches live?
How to deal with witch and protect against their malicious, slandering actions?

Answers to these and many other questions can be found from the following work of Tetcracca. And what is characteristic, completely free !!

"There are bad women in the village interpret that you, the Pani Solok,
In some way - the witch. "
(N.V. Gogol "Evening on the farm near Dikanka")

Volidmus vulgaris domesticus.

From the point of view of banal erudition, the witch is an evil, grumpling or ugly woman, creating a dirtiness to people, animals, nature and the universe as a whole.
Charles Darwin in his famous book "The origin of species", unfortunately, did not mention a word about this creature. Although the varieties of witches in nature there is a lot.

In this article, attention is paid only to the United States - Witchus Vulgaris Domestus (Lat., Witch ordinary home). Representatives of this subspecies are most often found in nature and settle closer to people. Characterized by the following features: Obviously, and most often, secretly, sophisticated, cakes are creating: they are satisfied with sea, diseases, the evil eye, damage, take milk from cows, honey at bees, and men have sex, the weather, the weather, air and water. If the witch is in a peaceful and sweat state, it is limited to small packages: for example, plums are clogged in shells, baths and other plumbers, the insides of vacuum cleaners are clogged, the products in the refrigerators are scattered, the salt and sugar are scattered, the doors begins, the beds and the beds and Televisions, disconnect electricity, refuses telephone wired and mobile communication.

Yes, and do not list !!

It is though smallquarters, but they make their witch constantly. And from these ones, the witches receive satisfaction, buzz, orgasm and other satisfext.

Well, and when they have a bad mood ... Global warming, flea flu, holes in the ozone layer, economic crises are also their work! 😯

Signs indicating that somewhere there is a witch, numerous. These messengers are constantly cooking some kind of rubbish (usually under the guise of herbal healing braids), with a smart species study suspicious books of the providens-prophets, oracles and psychics, creating magical rituals of "cleansing" of the body, pets and things. In their home, they are mandatory place the witchcraft, amulets and other pseudomagic crap. Before bedtime and out of the house, some conspiracies will be burned under the nose. In the corners they have hung bunches of dried herbs, kabbalistic spells, incomprehensible magic tsatski, dead flies and cockroaches, burned nails, curved nails, and hairs are crushed at some imperceptible slits. In conversations, they often use abuse words, such as: chakras, aura, meditation, negative energies, etc.

In the countryside, where there are few entertainment, the witches are sometimes bored with circles and complex pseudomathematical figures in the fields. And the injecting people believe that these "signs" leave dumb aliens trying to communicate with humanity on the fingers in this way.

Well, and the most faithful sign of the presence of the witch is soak. If the sleeps have become incomprehensible, then be sure: this is the trial of a witch, which is located somewhere with you nearby. Maybe even in one bed. 😯
Numerous experiments have been proven that witches can be kidnapped with people not only in the ranks, but also another movable and real estate, any kind of assets, as well as edible supplies, drinking and kerian. 👿

It is very dangerous to be near the witch in public transport and in other closed spaces, because it can subjected you by verbal violence or send damage to you. And the man in no case cannot be left with the witch alone, as she can immediately blame him in sexual harassment!

Witches are very envious. Therefore, you should not give them a reason for the emergence of this feeling. For example, if a witch sees a new fur coat on a com, then the fur easily can get out in a week, while your other new things will beat mole.

All witches, part-time, are also the ministers of the devil who periodically suits the corporate parties in the form of night orgy-tusnyakov. Every witch the devil allocates in constant use and in the accounts of a personal hell, with the help of which she can create the most incredible things. In addition, the witch with this scold regularly copulates, because only it can get a "triple orgasm". Another people are verified in the image of a goat, less often - pigs. Sometimes witches stipulate and call all the guys goats. But in antiquity, it is proved that all the guys can not be goats, no matter how wishes did not want. If it were so, the earthly civilization would have collapsed the next day.

Physical signs of witches.

Strange, but in the slope of the Internet and the magnitude occult literacy, not everyone knows the physical signs of witches. According to the historical people, the witch usually thoroughly hides its classes and externally, it seems like, almost no different from other women, but some signs to hide it still do not succeed.

1. The image of the witch is inverted.

2. The witch has a much smaller than an ordinary woman, the proportion of the body. During the period, the overall weight of the body of the witch seeks to zero. Using this fact, in the middle century witches were easily identified by immersion in water capacity. For the reliability of the experiment, the checked knitted hands and feet of the cross: the big finger of the right leg to the thumb of the left hand and, on the contrary, - the left leg to the right hand.
If the subject went to the bottom, then she is not a witch.

3. On the body of the witch, hidden clothing from Ferris, there is at least one small plot called "Print Devil". Thus, the devil march them with its identification code. The body of the witch within this area is insensitive to pain. This fact is also used since ancient times to identify witches by acupuncture.

4. All witches are pathological scandalists. They fall into hysterics on any trivia, and even without reason. Quickly lose the remnants of considerations, they are shaking from the malice, as under electric flock. In this state, they are extremely dangerous, because, may cause injuries, injuries or even kill. At the same time, they lose control and over their voice, which becomes a creamy, barking, "silver". It is such a sharp degradation and dismissal of a female voice that gives these devies to the head!
In the course of these witch scandals absorb the mental energy of the victim, thereby carrying out their feeding. Scientists in the occult sciences call such a phenomenon with energy vampirism.

5. Many witches in brazenly call themselves "bags", "queens" and without the end of Taldycht some stupid spells, like: "I am a woman, and that I am right!"; "If a woman is not right - go and apologize!"; "It is difficult for me to find, but it is easy to lose"; "All men are goats!"; "We will come - and they will give!" etc.

Now even shaman scientists, scientists in the occult sciences and hypnosis do not know, but the ancient books argue that the witches have the ability to leave their body and wander there, where they are pleased. At the same time, leaving his body, they acquire an image of animals and birds. 😯 This phenomenon of scientists-occultists-Satanists are called supernatural mental transport. What is characteristic, in such a state of the witch can be examined by what it does and, accordingly, fix on the camcorder. Fuck will be quasya !! 😮

However, if these twins randomly (or deliberately) someone will kill, then the witch falls out, although, often, at the same time may be for hundreds of kilometers. Here comes from the men an ancient passion for the hunt: they instinctively hammer everything that moves. Avenue, and witch which will destroy or, at least, will instruct the Fingal.

Is it possible to calculate the witch on the horoscope?
Unfortunately, to determine the witch on a horoscope, with the help of fortune-law, sorcerers, prozorvants, and even psychics are impossible. The witch can be defined only according to the external signs described in this chapter, according to its behavior, as well as honeying for this case of an intelligent acute occultist.

Is it possible to recognize the witch in the church?
And it is impossible. Surprisingly, many of the witches are believers! And not just believers, but believers in Christ! And even attend churches, they observe and send Christian rites! True, they themselves do not consider themselves. As part of the departure of religious rituals and in the near-latitude activities, the witches behave very well, the ustess and politically correct. But in worldly life, they are repulsed to the full coil. In this case, the balance of good and evil in nature is. If the witch made good somewhere, then be sure: in another case, it will make everything cares with more than! Therefore, such women should be feared like fire, and keep them as far as possible! If everything was so simple in this matter, then in the inquisition and other radical torture methods would not have needed.

What do witches eat and do they live for a long time?
The witch is omnivorous and voracious. This is especially true. In addition, the witch is fueled by aura, mental energy and even blood of others. Most often for these purposes, it uses young, inexperienced men, turning to their eyes with a beautiful woman. Additionally puts them in a tender word, depraved sex and hypnosis. After that, he masters their soul, body and wallet. Mount so unfortunate! They live like in the fog, giving everything that they have, this insatiable vampire. From such a nutrition of a witch to retain good health for a long time and can live for a very long time, as long as the Lord will not send them to that light forcibly.

Levitation and aircraft.

How are the witches get to the Shabash, and in general, with the help of what they do their incredible, from the point of view of banal eruditions, flights?
The most common means, of course, are meters.

A mad witch rushes on a sabby.

However, if there is no meterel at hand, then for witches it is not a problem. For flights, they successfully use not only meters, but also other home utensils (mops, rakes, kochergi, villages, stupes, trough, shovels), as well as goats and pigs. All of these funds can be found in the paintings of the medieval artists below.

Shabash-Tusnak in full swing! How fun here witches! Each of them Satan highlights personal blacks in the image of a young man-man. The engraving is also not deprived of a certain proportion of humor, which can be seen, for example, by the toad reaction, having seen inadvertently, which is in the witch-cargo under the skirt. And if the same thing, God forbid, will see a man, he can slide from horror. 😯

Night flight of young witches on their first shabby.

On this engraving, a group departure of witch-neopitics on its first combat saber is depicted. Behind the flight closely monitors the old, experienced witch-bandling, like a shepherd for a flock of sheep. It moves into a step, and the darling that keeps in his hands, if necessary, controls the process.
As can be seen from the above images, the witches can fly both in clothes, and without it. It depends on their age. The younger witch, the less clothes on it. You can also see that some of the witches are simply sleeping! This proves the fact that the unclealed force of the unclean force rolls itself where it is necessary, and without autopilot and Ji-Pi-Es navigation!

Modern wits for flights can also use progress. For example, deltaplans, screw and rocket engines. Although these means are driven by the same unclean force.

Combined drive bass-deltalaplan.

Combined drive broom-propeller.

Combined drive broom-jet engine.

On this secret photo, we see a couple of aircraft on combat tasks. Witch - slave, and who leads only to guess!

For the launch of a witch's unclean power drive use special witchcraft ointments. Their composition includes:
Decorations from rumaceous meat grinders of different reptiles (toads, worms, slugs, cockroaches, etc.);
Juices of poisonous plants (Boligols, Mac, Belen, Magnaya, Relcoat, etc.);
Alkaloids (Capper poison, Nicotine, Atropine, etc.);
Domestic excrement;
As well as other inexpressible vile substances.
All components are used environmentally friendly and not containing genetically modified products. These ointments witch rubs his body and especially carefully aircraft. The ointment serves as a catalyst for the release of unclean power. And the more diverse and the harf components of this hellish mixture, the greater the power of the drive and the reserve of the course.

It must be said that these ointments make a strong stench. Therefore, if you suddenly dried out some kind of nasty, immediately should be checked, and not the witch preparing his witch ointment or already sank it! At the same time, it should always be remembered that it is impossible to touch the witch's squeezed ointment: it is fraught with the most terrible consequences. If the witch caught the witch rushes to a person, then you need to beat it away from it to everyone that will come under hand. However, it is best to act in this case aspensets, extracting in holy water, and with a silver tip. If these funds are not, then you should vigorously poke a witch in Haru Duli (Cushion) with two hands, Macedonian.

Many people puzzles how the witch can overcome a narrow chimney and fly out through it. 😯 Who did not see this event himself, he hardly guess that during the start the witch's body was deformed by the most incomprehensible way. Her head appeared from the chimney, and the legs have not reached the door of the stove yet! It stretches like worm!
Here is a drawing of transportation through the chimney from the medieval book.

Departure witch through chimney. Medieval engraving.

Start Witch produces pronouncing the spell "Curve Up and Now!" And immediately, Aki Pipetz on a piece of smelly shit, ascended into the sky. The device is controlled by feeding the team with voice and pointing with a finger. "There!", "The right!", "Leeper!", "Up!", "Down!" Although there is no need for this: the unclean power itself is perfectly withstanding the course and height, rich terrain.

Funds of protection against unclean power.

Shabashi The witches occur quite often: usually in the first week of each new month, or for some holiday. But, if the witch is badly not in the spirit or her head got sick, then she satisfied the Shabash right at home and without waiting for the new moon. And then grief to everyone who finds himself nearby in this house!
Even after his death, the witches often get up of the graves in the form of a gourdalakov and can declare into the house to anyone and demand satisfaction for "lost youth". Or require a re-segment of the property. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, measures were used to even bones from them remained.

Each modern man should be able to recognize the witch in a woman even before he calls her his beloved, and even more so, "will take her wives. For this, a peasant must study the ancient knowledge in this area, obey the aksakalov-connoisseurs of unclean forces, and the signs for which the witch can be calculated, to know the izubok!
Currently, the next way of inquiry on suspicion of witchcraft becomes more and more popular. Directly into the new moon, the suspect is removed on the roof, give the broom, broom or mops in the hands and with the words "Fly!" Fight down. 🙂 If this is a witch, then it will fly, and if not, it is caught the floor below the special trap. Very effective way!

In case of an unexpected meeting with these creatures, a man must have a bottle of holy moonshine (vodka, brandy), to splash them on the witch and immediately prejudify themselves. It is also good to embed the witch by something on your head. There are other ways. However, the most reliable means against witches and any unclean strength, of course, aspen. Here is such as in Figure: aspen, with a silver tip and extractable in garlic acid.

The pentagram was also used as protection against witches and evil spirits in Europe in the Middle Ages. Both in the form of amulet and in the form of the overag of a homely hearth. The classic example is described in the "Faust" Goethe, when the devil Mephistofel penetrated into the village of Faust.

No, hard to get to me now,
Here something hinders me a bit -
Magic sign from your threshold.
Is it not a pentagram?
But how, the demon, did you get behind me?
What way of it got caught?
They knew her badly draw it,
And the gap in the corner remained,
There, at the door, - and I could open freely.

But in the 20th century, due to the mass, thoughtless use of this an ancient graphic image in the symbolism of some states, the military as signs of differences (on the chains, for orders, medals, bad signs), the police, etc., she lost its magical power. . What is the meaning invested (and invested) in these cases by lovers of stars - it is incomprehensible. But another genius of the magic of Henry Cornelius Agrippa warned: "Do not use the sacrament of VSE!"

In the meantime, using impunity, the witches every day are all impudent and naked. Threatens with all sorts of packages and punishes not only to men, but also to all other residents of the planet Earth.
Like, "the times of witch hunting, now witch hunt for you!" About how!

How are the witches?

Actual question!

Some believe that they are born, others that become, and some think that all women are witches from nature. The people say that witches are becoming due to poor heredity (it is transmitted by the special genes of the capabrat, mandatoryness and poultrying), under the influence of external factors, and in some cases, because of the desire, it is easier to spell, - from boredom. It is easiest to cope with the latest case, but the first two cases are incurable.

Witches may become convinced of the need for pleasure or, on the contrary, because of frigidity, for the company to take revenge, from mercantile considerations, in stupidity, in the form of a protest against the Zasil of Pedrastov, etc. All reasons are not counting.

Modern witches love to justify their origin with such an "argument": "If the angels break the wings, they transplanted on the meters." It seems like, before they were angels, but because of the goat-men became such vaguely creatures. Like, not their fault. However, any hedgehog, Locha and Bathan is clear that this is just a clumsy attempt to move from the bazaar. And an angel - he even without wings an angel, and never becomes a witch, be at least a sober, even drunk.

Which is characteristic, witches are becoming at any age, at any level of education and wealth, and no of women, even the most that neither there is a focus, tsary man and clever beauty are not guaranteed from such a fate. Above the "newly oppressed" witches-neophytes old, experienced Bandera Witches take patronage and transmit their experience to them, bring to the pest, uncoordous cause. Here, for example, as the first flight of the witch-Padavana Spanish artist F. Goya: 😳

Training Flight on Sparkle Bar.

In nature, there are even whole dynasties of witch-"drummers of labor." And if they work in one enterprise, they can unite into the pest "artel". In the people, such a witheos-code called the "snake nest".

Witches in the modern world.

What does a modern witch do during the periods between the Shabashi and other their vigorous divids? I must say that there is no girlfriends in the witch. Due to its envious and dirty character. There are one or two or three of the same devices as she herself, with which she sometimes meets the secret in the cafes, in kitchens or in the doorway. On these occasions, the witches shall share their experiences how to break up husbands and fool the knights-bats, discuss sexual habits of their Yarages and the size of their intimate advantages. In the course of communication, they are also exchanged by the recipes of hellish potions, the swell, we wonder, are creating a different kind of lead spells, conspiracies ,ison and predict the future. The faithful witches satellites, as you know, are: Black Cat, Green Toad, Bat and Gray Owl. These creatures in many nations are considered the embodiment of unclean forces and all sorts of demons.
Near the witches they are also constantly stuck their whirlwinds: cockroaches, fleas, as well as bloodsowing insects.

Currently, the hordes of these malicious creatures have fallen into the internets and the phase in every step! 😦 Long, long evenings, they roam through the virtual world, where they spam, they shy with their cents, they send viruses, beat links and passwords, housing computers, cobble screws, etc. But most of all they love to hang around on dating sites and in other social networks, pretending to be young smart clever, slender and sexy. Here they are clutching the heads of the head, looking for "real, held, self-sufficient, ambitious, confident, and in their wallet" Macho-Buratino, with whom they are going to be combined with marriage, to travel around the world, well, or to the extreme, to become For temporary contentment. As a rule, all these werewolves claim that they are kind, gentle, loving, faithful, etc., but the fate was unjust to them, which causes an experienced witches only an ironic smile. Witches are so keen on the course of the lies, that even they themselves begin to believe in their lies.

The witches are shy in nete spam, viruses, wish the computers, the screws are sobed, they beat the links, etc.

A modern witch often dresses in accordance with the requirements of fashion, has a glamorous species, follows his appearance, visits all sorts of demonic SPA salons and solarium, sitting on diets, engaged in sadomasic simulators, which are like torture torture in hell.

The witch is flying.

Among the subspecies of Vulgaris Domestikus there is a kind of witches, which has the name "Witch Flew". They begin to be intensified during periods of holidays, like "Valentine's Day", March 8th, birthday, birthday, new year, wedding anniversary, etc.

What are the flight witch different from all others?

Women have no eternal husbands and eternal lovers. Women have only eternal desires and eternal interests. (Tetcraccus)

And the implementation of these desires-interests is due to the form of flights from one loha to another. 🙄 This remark refers to the witches to an even greater extent than to other women.

Famous classic wrote about this:

The sky is breathing in autumn,
In short, it became a day.
And witch sad caravan
Stretched to the south ....

Frequently flying witch to golden countries.

Freight witches flying
In a foggy gave blue.
They fly to gold countries,
And I stay with you.
And I stay, dear,
My native side:
Not 'I need witch strangers,
There is no other garbage.

In conclusion, you should mention the Council for men, which is given in the ancient manuscripts. If suspected in the woman a witch, in any case, not to join with it in any relationship, not to mention the intima! Even touch her and it is impossible to talk to her! From this a man will be terrible harm! Immediately throw everything and run away from it away. And be sure to immediately feed the denunciation to the Holy Inquisition.

And with a stake Magic never break out! It should always be with a man, even if you were small, in the form of a keychain. The author of this monograph has been carrying this subject with him for 5 years, and all the witches, therefore, received from him a holy bummer!

Notes and Faqi
Under this work.

1. Some are asked: what does the Camasutra Witch look like with a goat?
For such evil curious people, a visual allowance performed by the artist Joseph Smith is given.

Joseph Smith. Socia with the devil.

2. Do the widths use the intelligence services?
Use! And special services, and military. There is evidence that in the fascist Germany tried to use witch as a weapon of retaliation. Here is a photo of the secret development of a combat witch under the code name V-H (Vergeeltungswaffe-Hexe, Russian Fow Hex, Fow Witch). (Covered with white tarpaulin)

Battle Witch V-Hexe. Fow Hexs.

3. Tactical and technical data referred to in the text of the product "Ospen Pop".
The product is an effective self-defense tool from witches of all the masters and other unclean. Combines the simultaneous effect of approximately three affecting factors (aspen, silver and garlic), which leads to a common multiplicative effect. Aspen stake - affordable and trouble-free means of self-defense against the favorite, unloved, boring, got, hostile, and other dark forces. With aspen cooke, any person is able to protect himself and his loved ones. He proven himself well in antiquity, and in the Middle Ages, and in the era of scientific and technological progress.

The main advantages of the Aspen Cola:
♦ ease of device, compactness, reliability and reliability when used;
♦ The user does not require special training and training;
♦ The amount does not need power or consumables;
♦ efficiency of use (no need to expect the operation of the Ourser, Internet browser, etc. Software);
♦ can be used repeatedly;
♦ easy to maintain and maintain (the only requirement is immediate disinfection after use);
♦ The device's storage period is not limited;
♦ Low price.
The "Osin Col" product is equipped with warriors-paratroopers of the armies of a number of countries.
All interested in the product may contact Tetcracres for more detailed information.

About witches, fright, vurdalachihah, vampirihah and other evil spirits, how timely they recognize how to deal with them, as well as any conduct rituals witch expulsion from the family and the labor collective, read blog Tetkoraksa by tag "witch."

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If you recognize the witch among people, you can efficiently defend against evil spells and discontinuities of unfriendliers. These methods are simple and at the same time effective. They were invented in ancient times by our ancestors, and then improved by esotericists.

In the article:

How to recognize the witch and why it is necessary

The first sources that teach how to determine the witch in different criteria, appeared in the Middle Ages. Some used inquisitorsBy interrogating people associated with witness and heresy. Part of such signs is a superstition, it is not known how those preserved to the present day. Witches were afraid, they saw the cause of diseases, failing and hunger and therefore burned on a fire.

If, during the medieval witch hunts witches have ways to identify practical applications now use most of them are simply illegal. And why do it, when to study esoteric and the use of the knowledge gained is not punishable or exile? But still, ways to determine the witches are useful.

With the help of available verification options, you can find out if there are witch in your environment. So you avoid negative witch if you suspect a tendency to magic in enemy. Famous fact - after removing the damage or other negative program, the one who brought them will necessarily communicate. This is also a way to determine the witch, which is suitable if it harms you.

Perhaps someone from readers signs of witches will help to find a like-minded or make sure of their abilities. It is easy to know on your own, whether you are a sorcerer.

Do not forget that not every witch practices and dreams to bring damage to you. Most of them are not to small permit. In addition, such a reputation witch received in the Middle Ages, when people with magical powers considered accomplices of the devil and burned at the stake.

From the Staroslavansky, the same approximate translation of this word is the "Emirates Mother". In Russia, they had a positive effect on the witches, knowing that they were able to heal the disease, help the girlfriend, remove the evil eye. However, if the witch sent damage to people, cattle or harvest, it was treated or burned in their own home.

Signs of the witch in the church

The temple is holy place, but this does not mean that the sorceress can not be there. Women who are engaged in black magic rarely believe in God. But holy water, church candles and other items are often mandatory components of rites. In addition, one of the ways is to put a candle behind the alive man. White witches also often appear in churches, but completely with other purposes. They rarely knock out from the crowd of the rest of the parishioners.

Clean Thursday - a special day in the life of every believer. Witch in the church can be found on Easter signs that warn of their wiles, because the witch can select prosperity and peace in the house, if you so wish. Light wits try to get special church candles and consecrated salt, which has healing power. In addition, there are a lot of conspiracy on pure Thursday - for beauty, money and other goals.

Judging by the old signs, since the time of testing water for suspects in witchcraft, the witch in the church becomes invisible. , You need to wear clothes inside out, to go to church and nowhere touch to identify one of them on Maundy Thursday. In Starina, believed that in this case you can see a naked witch near the priest.

In the past, believed that the witch comes out of the church back forward. But the reason for this is not the holy rays that harness her tail, which was not doubted. Some rites really demand to leave the holy place in this way, and there are a lot of them. So find out why the witch went into the temple, with the help of observing how she leaves him, impossible.

If you are bearing width tricks during a hike to church, take a rowan branch with you. It will allow you to trace the magineine and not to be seen, protects from black witchcraft and strengthen the observation. With such a faucet, you will learn more about witches. It can be taken not only in the temple.

The sorcerers are. The church for many representatives becomes a suitable place to recharge someone else's energy. Doing this imperceptibly knows how to ever, and at this moment the witch can be detected. To nourished your energy, you will pass it counterclockwise, and then lightly touch the left hand, as if by chance. If this happens to you, push the witch answered with his left hand, then it will be useless attempts nourished. Most likely, the Vampire Witch will remember you for a long time.

At Easter, the sorcerer are trying the first to cross the threshold of the Church and touch the door handle. If a woman has come to the festive morning service and does not depart from the door in time to go to the first, most likely, she practices magic.

How to find a witch - Vintage superstition

Previously it was thought that one of the hallmarks of a witch - is the ability to turn into a small animal - a cat, a snake, a toad. They love fresh milk, so the witch can catch the sheds and other indoors for pets. If you notice, both from the left dish drink milk frog, black cat or a snake, an animal need to get rid of.

If you injured him, the same damage will be in the witch in human court. On a broken arm or leg, a large bruise in the villages were looking for witches. The Inquisition took such evidence, and accused of witchcraft a resident of the village was difficult to prove that it is not involved in theft of milk with the help of magic.

In the past were afraid to arrive in the house witches. The suspect in witchcraft could appear with unclean intentions. In the old days of those who want or steal the things they needed to endure the rite. Previously believed that if under the dining table tablecloth put a knife, the witch will not be able to leave the house. It will come up with various excuses to stay longer in the party, and after a while comes despair. The same properties are attributed to the needle in the corner of the doorway.

In remote villages, believed that if there were seven daughters in the family, one of them would definitely become a witch or her mother. According to the legends, the seventh son of the seventh son will become a sorcerer.

How to determine the witch inquisitarian methods

It is no secret that the hunters behind the sorceresses in the process of interrogation used torture. It was believed that Satan's soul in exchange for magical abilities has insensitive plots on the body. If you prick their needle, the suspect will not feel anything. The tovist masters were great experts. If they believed that the accused pretending her was declared a witch. True, this method now can lead to criminal liability.

Inquisitors believed that the witch could be recognized by appearance. They used in their work not only torture. In the Middle Ages, they believed that Satan puts on the bodies to him the soul of special labels hot claws. We were looking for moles located in poor places - near the genitals, in the axillary depressions, in the hair, in the mouth. They were pierced with a needle, and if there was no blood, the woman was taken by a death sentence.

A modern witch can have peculiar major moles that will give her true essence. But, if you are not close enough familiar with the suspect, find the label of the sorcerer. Stamp can be any color and size. It does not look like a conventional molest, although there are often labels in the form of constellations, which are also considered signs of the sorcerer.

At the time of the witch hunt, believed that babies with a tail had supernatural abilities. Often there were cases of execution of such children. Small processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coccyx continue to appear in the modern world, most often they are removed in the hospital.

How to recognize the witch in appearance

Carefully look at her look. The witch has a chain, heavy, penetrating into the very essence of man. From such a look it becomes unlikely, I want to stop communicating and move away. Even if you encountered a light sorcerer, your eyes will give luggage knowledge and life experience. Carrier of dark power may have an unpleasant, running glance.

The eye color is not an assistant in the definition of the witch. They can be of any color, but more often there are green and gray-green. Almost always the eyes of the real sorcerer are bright and unusual, with an extraordinary tint, for example, violet or amber. The eyes of different colors are a relatively reliable sign of the witch.

Almost all women who have achieved considerable success in learning magic are very attractive. They possess special magnetism, although often have something repulsive in appearance. However, the real Witch has enough of the mind to make drawbacks with their peculiarities. This is especially true of young girls, but the elderly leads are not inferior to them in beauty. True, it is usually difficult to understand what exactly seems attractive in the appearance of the witch.

Women who are known for the secrets of witchcraft practically do not change their appearance with age. If you have a lady in your environment, which in 45 looks 20, but does not use the services of plastic surgeons, it may be leading. The same applies to the shape, it does not change too much regardless of the style of the woman's nutrition.

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In the image of most sorcerers there are at least one men's trait. It can be a low voice, high growth, large wrists. It is believed that witches are feminine creatures, but it does not prevent them from preferring clothes and spirits in the style of unisex. Some of them do not eat passion for cosmetics, because magic for beauty gives great opportunities.

Witches have long, thick and well-groomed hair. They know that these are their antennas that spend energy from space or other sources. In Starina, believed that the witch would lose force if she crashes her hair. It is not, but still they are long hairstyles even in the modern world, when the power of superstition is not so great as before.

It is believed that the sorcerers prefer dark clothes. However, the color of the wardrobe depends only on preferences and concepts about style. Witches as well as the remaining representatives of beautiful sex create their own image. But the presence of strange jewelry, amulets and esoteric symbols should be alert. Mages and sorcerers rarely cost without such things and almost never give them to a stranger.

How to calculate the witch on behavior

To determine the witch, pay attention to its physical form and state of health. The sorcerers rarely suffer from any diseases. They have excellent immunity and even the usual cold for one of the representatives becomes rare. This is especially true of young witches. They are in good physical form and have good estimates on physical culture, often fond of sports.

If there is a witch in your environment, which is also an energy vampire in part-time, experiencing a need for someone else's vitality, you are unlikely to doubt the existence of a sorcerer. After communicating with such a representative, people feel depressed and empty. Especially well feel its presence of a person with a weak energy, which are strongly susceptible to hypnosis.

Witches often know more than others and sometimes share their guesses. To warnings such a friend, it is worth listening if she applies well to you. Their words come true. Expressed in the state of affects a bad wish for such a person will work as a curse. That is why even in a bad mood, the witch will weigh every word.

If a woman is watching her hair to touch outsiders, and also carefully destroys everything from combs or hairpins, it says that she knows what you can use them in magic. Hair, trimming nails and other biomaterial. The real sorceress will never give in the hands of another person. Favoring them, you can apply a serious damage.

Witch-healers most often have an appearance. In their presence, disagreements are settled, the atmosphere becomes pleasant. They are often religious, rarely refuse to help. Conversation with such women has soothing properties. Black Magini cause irrational, inexplicable fear.

There are many men around the sorcerer - she knows how to attract them and is popular. In the family it will be the chapter and its solutions will dominate.

The witch has many acquaintances, especially if we are talking about useful links. But in terms of friendship, they are more selective than the rest. Few capable of tie a friendly relationship with a witch. If she decides that he has stolen a friend of superfluous, can cause failure in memory. A person will forget the inadvertently expressed mystery, but with her and something else. True friendship is a rarity for witches, they often face envy because of a bright appearance, youth, beautiful figure, success and, of course, the attention of men.

The witch house reigns a strange setting. She could have been harvested before the arrival of guests, but such people rarely worries someone else's opinion, and several strange items will still fall into their eyes. These are rare things with incomprehensible purpose, candles, dry herbs, crystals. The hostess of an unusual apartment can have new furniture and interior items, but it will not be offended by the storage room. In poor sites there are homemade amulets and charms, study them in detail and touch the hands undesirable.

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How else can you learn the witch among people? She is calm and confident in herself, knows how to control emotions, because he knows why it is necessary. True, it is believed that if approaching one of them from the back and suddenly put a hand on the shoulder, it is possible to pour it from it. But it can be applicable to anyone - who will like this? By the way, to approach the strong sorcerer not easy, the energy of each person can be felt before he falls in sight.

The sorcerers are always smart and formed. For them, the number of diplomas does not matter, as the fact of the presence of higher education. For any question, the suspect in witchcraft will have an opinion. She is erudite and can hit knowledge.

Most witches love nature, as feeding from her feeding. True, the place of power has its own. Your friend can give addiction to visiting cemeteries, crowded places, reservoirs, and even objects of battles and executions. It can ratify for the protection of nature and even be a member of one of the environmental organizations.

Often the sorcerers are well versed in herbs that are one of the magical instruments. They enjoy natural cosmetics and medicines, can give advice on this topic. Witches often prefer unusual herbal teas and experiment with different seasonings. Without them, no dish costs. A huge stock of herbs, root and spices also gives the sorcerer.

Light wits love animals, and they correspond to them. Considerable part of them refused meat and wearing animal skins. If your usually unfriendly cat is happy to go to his hands to a friend, he may understand her inner essence. Witches are not afraid of street dogs, they know how to negotiate with them and do without bite. The sorcerers rarely remain indifferent to street animals, they often help them - feed, attach to good hands.

Since now there is no need to hide the addiction to witchcraft, practicing his people communicate on the relevant resources, and in real life are ready to support such topics in conversations. They often have their own theories of secretions, and they share them.

The knowledge gained will easily recognize the witch in their surroundings. The goals of this are the most diverse - to protect yourself and close to the angry influence of evil spell or find a mentor or a girlfriend in the world of witchcraft.

Many people in the post-Soviet space worries how to protect themselves from the witches, the evil eye and the like. These threats look real and believable. In bookstores, there are many books about magic, on the TV screen, the rafting popularity of the "Battle of Psychics" shows. It would seem that these factors must confirm that there are reasonable reasons to worry. After all, there is no smoke without fire.

As one famous propagandist used to say: "Talk to the truth, always only the truth, as much as possible, but never - the whole truth." Magicians, fortune tellers and psychics are extremely beneficial, so that around their profession it was as much fog and false information. There is nothing strange in this, any unscrupulous worker in any sphere is trying to confuse a person. After all, the less you understand, the more you pay.

And if you yourself know how to replace the outlet at home, eliminate flowing in the crane or resolve psychological problems - you will not call any plumbing, nor an electrician or a psychologist. And if you can make a get rid of negative at least in aura, even in the mood - you will not pay for it or a fortuneteller, nor Shaman.

Plumbing, electrician, psychologist and shamans can offer some services. And the more professional worker, the less he will hide some methods that can help you yourself the next time the same thing he is doing now. Lies and does not hear that man who wants to control you. This professional is confident that he will not remain without customers, even if his knowledge will receive someone else. After all, he, besides knowledge, there are thousands of hours of experience.

Such professionals come across in the "battle of psychics". They know two important nuances that will prevent people themselves to make their work:

  • learning to any skill requires great effort;
  • most people are extremely lazy.

This is the secret, thanks to which the real masters, strong sorcerers are not afraid to reveal the principles of their craft. Thanks to them, you can find out what the sorcerers are afraid and how to get rid of the effects of black magic. And not afraid, even if the neighbor is a witch.

Locus control

First you need to understand yourselfthat there is such a thing as the locus of control. This is where, you believe, is the reason for what is happening with you. Control locus is two types:

  • external;
  • interior.

When your control locus is located outside, you think that the reason for what happened is somewhere outside. It doesn't matter what happened, and no matter what your role is in this.

What is now there is a speech - the cornerstone of any magical and spiritual practice. The magician can not be external locus control. The magician is not afraid of unpleasant explanations of what is happening. After all, it is based on the cutting eyes of the truth that can be changed. As the group "Fler" sings:

But a dead end is all that we have when the lgut pointers.

Often we take our actions for some external intervention. Stumbled, I forgot something - and now the person wants to find a magical conspiracy from sorcerers and thinks how to dare witch from his house. When he should just look more attentively under his feet and carefully plan their actions.

Note, that these words cause some rejection. In us too much infant wishes of helplessness, we do not want to do "excess" job. Much more pleasant when our life is led by some Outdoor: either a good parent, or an evil janitor, and maybe a boy from a neighboring entrance. Or some sorcerer. It is this infantile behavior and is called external control locus.

The above-mentioned truly strong magicians often directly say - there is no challenge, attitude, damage, witchcraft on eggs and the like. Magic exists, but works quite differently. No need to spit through the left shoulder and mumble archaic poems. It is only necessary to realize the truth - what is worried about you really and what inspires. For fear of a black cat, some other fear lies, most often existential. And if you are pursued by some fearsYou're best to go to the fortuneteller, but to a psychologist. By the way, this is exactly what advises the winner of one of the "battles of psychics" Alexey Poyhabov.

The girl get married, can not blame her husband and her husband and now she is sure that the mother-in-law is a sorcerer. And runs to the fortune tellers for advice, how to drive it and stop how to protect yourself from the witch. Although she, most likely, would help with her problem even a long-standing book Dale Carnegie "How to start friends."

Challenged witches and sorcerers are afraid of the same thing that small scammers are afraid, pockets, crooks and robbers. The fact that you will be attentive, on guard are smart and aware. For example, hypnosis is quite a real thing, which often use scammers from among the gypsies. Hypnosis manipulates your attention, finding blind zones in your awareness of your emotions and unrest. That is, the problem of hypnotize is to make you "confuse in our own feet."

This metaphor accurately conveys what is happening. Who is more difficult to force to get confused in your own legs? Probably a professional dancer, and not an elderly woman, concerned about his health and retardance. So with hypnosis: I did not have to hear that Gypsy could be deceived to kidnap the money from the FSB officer or the Dzen Buddhist practitioner.

The secret is not that these categories of citizens carry some special overalls with them or read prayers. The thing is, that they are specially trained and possess an incontestible will. In fact, it is precisely this is the characteristic of the real magician who is not afraid of any struggle.

For any changes take time. To negotiate the inner slave, cope with learning helplessness, destroy pity to himself and thereby neutralize any pests, will have to work pretty. Of course, it is preferable to have a mentor on this way, but if you have a strong motivation, it will turn out and independently come to the result.

Methods of magical training

There are different ways to train your mind. You can summarize them and formulate three main directions of development:

  1. The path of religion.
  2. The path of secular ethics.
  3. The path esoterica.

One of the truly cool magicians, Sergey Melnikov, once said something important about our points of support in life. We can rely on a lot, and any point of support, of course, it is good. However, what could be the best support than the wall behind the back? And here is such a wall that can be bought, God is. To God, there are different ways, the main thing in them is the sincere desire of a person to come.

The path of religion

If you chose Orthodoxy, then sincerely pray and perform the necessary rites. If Gaudiya-Vaisnavis is sincerely read the holy names and perform japa-meditations. Etc. Most likely, soon you will feel this wall for your back and understand how to protect yourself from a witch at work or on a walk. You will see that no one can harm you.

The same applies to Islam, any type of Buddhism, Judaism. Religion is the cheapest way to get protection against any evil forces. After all, in religious temples, you are provided with a mentor who will tell you what to do.

Let's say a psychologist or a personal coach for accumulating personal power, along qigong or yoga, most likely will require big money for their instructions. And, probably, his services are worth this money. But not everyone is ready to pay them. So go to the temple of some religion and find there a free mentor on the path of spiritual development - a very sensible step.

Let secular ethics

As mentioned above, witch protection, as well as fraudsters, pockets and network marketing agents help to create an increase in daily care (to the world around the world and their feelings) and severe will. To strengthen these characteristics, it is not necessary to go to church and pray or perform complex asians.

It is enough to introduce several mandatory rituals in your life. Does not play a big role, what exactly. Plays the role that you must perform them by anything under any circumstances. This will boost your willpower.

For example, the famous Mystic Andrei Lapin recommended swimming in the hole. To a person who is so bold, it will clearly be afraid and to close any witch. Whatever your ritual choose, the main thing is to perform it systematically. If I do not want when too lazy, there are urgent other affairs - anyway. This can be anything: a contrasting souls, charging in the morning, some kind of special diet, calm reflections on your life at the appointed hour. The main thing is to take the rule that the fulfillment of this rite is a matter of life and death.

Thus, the wills of the will will simultaneously train, and attentiveness. Without care, it is impossible to accomplish this task.

Pivot ethics does not contradict psychotherapy. As a result, you can learn a lot about yourself and the world. What you know more about yourself and the world, the harder you will hypnotize or subjected to some negative impact.

Esoterica path

As you could have noticed, in the previous two directions there was something in common: the mandatory regular practice of something. Prayers, mantras, charging or bathing. The path of Esoteric does not differ from this principle. But provides a more extensive menu of interesting, expanding the awareness of the practice.

One of the conditions that must be observed on this path, and for the rest, too, your practice should occur naturally. In no case cannot "step on the throat of his song." It is necessary to act strongly, but gently. No need to punish yourself for breakdowns, absenteeism, failures. Just quietly return to your practice.

In esoteric, there are many effective techniques for increasing personal power. Many of them are very similar or even identical to techniques from some religious or psychological schools. Choose the one that you taste, and diligently, inspire it.

The range is wide: Georgy Gurdjieff, Carlos Castaneda, Alexey Poyhabov, Osho, Vadim Zeland, Dmitry Lyushkin, Jedd McCen and many others. Each of them has something to learn.

The question is "how not to put something negative in your life" - not quite reasonable. The fact is that the sacred place is not empty. No need to deal with darkness, you just need to turn on the light. The above practices are just that light.

Everyone wants to have a one-time solution for their problems so that it helps forever. However, life is a process. . And the solution can also be only a process, not a single action. That is, the launched, most likely, will have to fulfill the whole life. Should be to this ready. After all, it is worth relaxing, lowering your hands, as some challenge will immediately appear, for which you will not have time to respond, and you can hardly like it.

But there are good news: spiritual development is expotential. This means that the more you are developed, the greater the speed of your growth. So it is only worth starting and not to stop, and soon you will become one of the most enlightened people in the world.

ATTENTION, only today!

In order to protect against the witch, you should, first of all, not be afraid of it. But it is only if you know that a witch female. But it should also be feared and accidentally influenced by stranger or unfamiliar personalities. If you felt that you had discomfort when communicating, then you should be held for something metallic with your left hand. For example, it may be a simple coin that is in your pocket. When you suspect that the colleague is a witch, then it can be defended by special rites. Be sure to go home before going to work, read the prayer "Our Father". Additionally, read the prayer-appeal to the Keeper's own angel. Prayer sounds like this:

"My Angel, my keeper, appointed by me by the Lord, go with me. You are - ahead of me, and I am for you. The Most Holy Mother of God, the defender is freezing, save and save the slave of God (his own name) to be covered by me under his amphous rhiz from evil people and all sorts of misfortunes that await me at work. Amen".

Come to work, you should say hello to all colleagues. This is not a simple greeting, thanks to him you can get extra positive energy from other people. During the working day, you should try to stay in a good arms and smile as often as possible. Positive mood is able to serve as blocking from external negativity. Sit down to your workplace, try to imagine that you are shrouded from head to the legs with a brilliant shell. If you know who from the colleagues, the witch, to protect against the witch can be indoor plants. They need to be put between your tables. In addition, a stone souvenir should be installed on the desktop, which will absorb negative energy. Periodically, it should be rinsed under running water.

We make protection from the neighbor witch

The defense against the witch must be sure if you are sure that the neighbor is a sorcerer. For a special rite you need to pre-acquire a cross, which would be easily placed in the palm. The rite needs to be carried out alone when there is no one at home. Squeezing in the palm of the palm, you should approach the entrance door. Near her you need to read a plot:

"The witch ispinny, in our house settled. All the livelihood from her presence ran away and hugged. Spiders in the corners beat, mice and cockroaches on the nora are placed. But I will not run away and fear. My Egregor is my defense, and he is with me. For my wall there are holy archangels and angels, no witchcraft is scared with them. If the witch is putting, then her hands will be chosen. The witch caught the witch can not, as soon as she stops the evil eye, so immediately his eyes will come out, to see the white light will not be able to see. Slim word she will throw in my direction - onsets forever. The power of the Lord and Egregar - so it will be. "

The cross after such a rite turns into a protective amulet, and it is necessary to store it, as close as possible to the entrance door. You can also make a strong guard, which you need to hang on the outside of the entrance door. In order not to attract attention, it should be similar to the usual Christmas broom, but the birch twig should be in it. Such a charm will ensure reliable protection against the witch if it makes rites on the destruction of Lada and the world in the family.

If the family reigns a prosperous and friendly atmosphere, then even if you guess that your wife or another closest relative is a witch, then it is unlikely to be protected. In this case, the witch can in the process of another quarrel at the subconscious level to harm. If you feel that negative comes from your close relative, you should, as soon as possible to go outside and approach the living tree. Touching it, these words should be spoken:

"We are talking about any kind of kindness, from an evil word to guard. We defend the nature of the mother from an evil word and hula, from the hands and any trouble. Star from the sky will soon fall and the witch is evil by me pass. Amen".

It is important to learn the words of the conspiracy by heart to pronounce them not stamping, and in the case of a stressful situation, so that they do not fly from the head. Of course, a protective amulet should be worn in order to protect it. A glass, which is known as the blue eye has a very large protective force. This decoration can be purchased in an esoteric store. The longer the man wears such an amulet, the stronger it protects him. The initial energy of the amulet can be given, holding it in the sun and asking protection from the dark forces.

Prayer from witchcraft and sorcerence

You can protect yourself from a witch using prayer. But this method can only help sincerely believers. The strongest prayer from witchcraft and sorcerence is considered the prayer of St. Cyprian. With a sense of great danger, it should be carried out in the temple. Full text is better taken from the Bible. For daily use, a short version of prayer handling is suitable:

"Lord, Jesus, hear the prayer of the slave of God (own name) and Cyprian. Forgive me, my forelegations of mine, who are committed to the art of the devilish and unreasonable one's own. I realize, Lord, that on all the will of yours, without your desire, the bird would not fly, the vine did not be fruitful, the tree did not give birth. So praying you, Lord, I will force myself to stop the action of any witchcraft and a sorceress of knocking people from the true path. Show mercy to me, support me on my earthly way and point out the road to the abode of heaven. Amen".

Prayer from witchcraft, which allows you to securely protect against the witch, it is necessary to read at home in solitude. While reading the prayer, it is necessary to surround yourself with a mentally bright light that distinguishes the darkness. In addition, it is praying in a positive mood.

"Witch" comes from the ancient Russian words "Word" - knowledge and "mother". What, most likely, meant the possession of the sacred knowledge of the sacred knowledge, which they received from the Earth. Probably, initially witches were her priests. However, the subsequent layers of beliefs and ideas under the influence of Christian existence strongly changed the idea of \u200b\u200bwitches, but could not be expelled from popular consciousness.

Witches are one of the main characters in the demonology of all nations. According to the people's ideas, the witches carried two suttes, sometimes completely independent of each other - human and demonic.

Witch appearanceOver the appearance of witches there were different views. In the north of Russia, it was believed, for example, that the witch is an old ugly woman who, if desired, can turn into a young beauty. And at the South Slavs, in Ukraine, for example, it was believed that the witch is in the guise of the young beauty - a girl or a young woman, but its inner essence is a harmful terrible old woman, in which she turned into when he had already managed to lure a man's soul into his networks. This is how the most charming witch is described in Russian classical literature - Gogol Pannochka from the story "Viy". However, it should be noted that in spite of the difference in the sequence of reincarnations in both peoples, this elevated witch status is noted.

How to become a witch
The woman could become a witch in a few ways:

1) Vedovo magical power could be inherited from her daughter's mother, sometimes from grandmother. Such witches were hereditary and possessed a congenital gift.

2) In addition, the usual woman could well become a witch if the evil spirit or the devil was altered in her, or the abundant soul of the deceased or unreasonable sinner who did not receive his vacation of sins. Such an inflation could occur by agreement or besides the will of a woman. Such women were also called obsessed.

3) The witch was becoming a cohabitation with a scratch (option, with a snake). 4) Or, if a woman entered into a dealer for the sake of enrichment.

5) There was another option - to get the Vedovo power from the dying witch, which has no heirects.

6) In some nations, there were also beliefs that the witch could be the girls whose parents behaved wrong during her infancy. For example, if the mother fed the girl with breasts for more than two years (three great Fridays) or her mother or the girl herself was born out of marriage.

The witch was attributed to the ability to send damage on people, pets, plants Products, etc., As a result, people and animals are sick, dying, newborns do not sleep at night, cry, households quarrel, weddings are upset, the products are spoiled, the threads are rushing, work fails. In Ukraine and in the Carpathians believed that witch could send Hurricane winds, floods, fires, kidnap the heavenly shining, cause drought and other disasters. The most active and dangerous witches were in full moon or new moon, on the night of Ivan Kapahu and in Yuriev Day, as well as in the weeks preceding the Annunciation, Easter, Trinity and Christmas. On such days, the witch could turn around with cats, dogs, toads, owls or other animals or even objects (wheels, branches, tangles of threads, needles), - frightened people, sat down and loosely, as they wanted.

Identify and neutralize
Given the strength and ability of the witches, it is clear that their actions carried the direct danger to the residents of the villages and their farms. Because the method of identification and neutralization of the witches was attached great importance.

Main Witch Recognition Methods

1) lure the witch closer to the Kupali fire. The proximity of the fire delivers the witch to the physical suffering and tormented her crusts, and so that she should get rid of them to come close to the fire. The main ways of lining were considered: boiling a piece of raw canvas with needles or aspen splies in it, and it was also possible to pour the milk to the spoiled witch cow in a fire or on a hot sickle.

2) Write the witch in the shower, where, as a rule, she penetrated into the form of toads or another witch animal, and beat her eyes or paw. And the next day, track down a woman with a baked part of the body. It was possible to kill the animal or throw it into the water. It was believed that the woman who was a witch for a year had to either die either bother.

3) It was possible to recognize during the church service, especially Easter or Christmas. The witch during the service tries to stand with his back to the altar, does not walk along with all the congestion around the church, trying to touch the icon, Horugwi or the rises of the priest.

4) In Ukraine, it was believed that if we pass by the group of talked women, while twisting Cukish with an armpit, then the witch will start scolding and scolding passing by.

5) the Veda could be seen through a closed or through the board, which was put on the coffin of which the bitch fell.

6) The witch could also be seen through the harrow, which was made from aspen wood in one day.

7) Put milk in a frying pan in a frying pan, throwing it in advance three times on nine needles.

8) make a cow on a living trout.

9) In Easter Sunday, the fire from the Lena, which was postponed every Monday for the Great Freight of Woods, which were introduced into the house for ignition.

10) The most cruel way was to quit a suspect in the statement of a woman connected in water. It was believed that witch would not be drown under any circumstances. In Ukrainian ship acts acts of the XVIII century. There are guidelines for testing witches water, which is referred to as "God's court." As an example, one can cause a case when in 1709, one village and gentry was tested by the Yavorskaya Zhellykka with water as follows: they divided to a naked body, tied back, as it was done in such cases, the thumb of his right hand tied to the thumb left, and Large finger of the left hand to the thumb of the right leg, then shrinkled the cord and lowered it in the reservoir. If the unfortunate tone, it was recognized by innocent. Often such exicifications ended in the death of an innocent woman. In the story of the famous Ukrainian writer, Grigory Kvitka-basicoenko "Konotop Witch" describes exactly such a plot, which at first glance may seem incredible, and in fact it is based on real events and very truthfully describes the life of Cossacks in the XVIII century.

Carrying from witches
Effective way to protect yourself from the witness of the tricks was considered to draw a cross on the door of the cross on Yuryev day. The scattered seeds of poppy helped as well. Since it was believed that the witches love the poppy, but they can collect him only in a grain, while they were engaged in this, the morning came and did not have time to malicious actions.

Death witchesIt was believed that for his connection with the unclean power of the Witch shall be punished with difficult death: she could not die until she gives his knowledge; During the agony of the witch rises the storm or a huge black dog appears, not disappearing to the most funeral. In Polesie, they said that the witch could not die until the ceiling of the house or until it was covered with calf skin. Believed that after the death of a witch at night visits his home; To prevent such a posthumous "walking", the witch buried face down or pierce her coffin aspen peg.