What is called a man who is expelled demons. What will tell dream book - exorcism and obsession

What is called a man who is expelled demons. What will tell dream book - exorcism and obsession
What is called a man who is expelled demons. What will tell dream book - exorcism and obsession

The word exorcism has come to us from a long time. It has long been, so called the procedure for the expulsion of demons and other creatures from obsessed. The procedure included prayers and rites that made it as efficient as possible. In many religions, exorcism exists so far. The Catholic Church greatly practices exorcism and even offers exorcist services.

Highly a large number of Films and books tell us about otherworldly. They can be both positive and negative how to influence the person and treat it is neutral. Exorcism studies the obsession of people, first, turn by demons. The demon can admit to any person - no one can protect themselves. Some religions believe that believers and volitionals are less susceptible to the attack of demons. In practice, it is often possible to challenge - the demon can admit to the most believer man. The demon chooses the weakest and inappropriate people who allow you to adjust the demon in them. Very often, the victims of obsession are children, since they cannot have any resistance to otherworldly.

The Bible describes the case of the first exorcism process. Jesus Christ cured obsessed, who lived in coffins. The demon who flew out of him, settled in pigs who died. After that, the power of demons over people ceased. Christians believe that the apostles and saints are eligible to cast out demons.

Experiments with subside

How did the demons be expelled?

In order to expel the demon, it should be understood as he missed in a person and his name. Usually the demon himself says his name. Then follows the process of expulsion - reading prayers and swelling with holy water. After that, the holy holds the rite of exorcism. In order to carry out the rite of exorcism should be not only a believer, but also a strong person. If you do not know the accuracy of the sequence of actions and are not sure about your abilities - you should not experiment both in the exile of demons and in their vocation.

What could be the cause of obsession?

Accurate response to this question You will never get. If earlier it was believed that the demons would put in unbelievers and sinful people, now it is not confirmed. Only units of us believe in God and go to church, but no one is attacked by demons. But, we can meet cases when the demons put in believers. Some believers are very much afraid of demons, which shows their weakness. When a person is confident in his abilities and he is not interested in the demons - he is in full security! Some confuse obsession with mental illness. Almost all schizophrenia sick claimed that the demon was united. In some cases, after expulsion, they recovered. How doctors prove - placebo effect better than other drugs can cure this disease. The opinion of the doctors does not share believers - the demon can mask himself under the guise of different diseases. Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Paralysis, AIDS, Diseases internal organs - All this is the work of demons who mask themselves. A person can constantly hurt, but not even suspect that the demon united him.

Signs of human obsession

Become an overwhelmed demon, you can causing otherworked power. Inexperienced magiches and sorcerers are most vulnerable to demons. Calling by the demon, a person, first of all, thinks about what power he can get, but forgets that the demons you need to be able to manage. If a person does not be able to do this, like driving a demon back - very soon he has a lot of problems. Problems can be both internal and external - injuries, injury, psychological diseases, health problems. In some cases, the daemon can simply adjust to the magician and begin to manage it. But, usually the demons just annoy the person who caused them, and spoil his life.

In the films of obsession, we can meet the most terrible signs of obsession. They appear on the second day - every day obsessed begins to change his behavior beyond recognition. IN real life Everything is different - obsessed and his relatives can not even suspect a problem. A number of signs are now highlighted, for which it is possible to determine the obsessed person or not. Some of them may simply be a consequence of a mental illness. To judge the obsessed person or not only for the totality of these signs.

Signs of obsession

  1. Votes change. A person who has never suffered from the angns and problems of ligaments begins to speak with the frightening intonation, the voice becomes terrible and deaf.
  2. Paralysis, both separate parts of the body and everything. Especially sharply expressed at the time of the seizures, cumulatively with other signs.
  3. Huge power. A person appears simply inhuman power - he can perform those actions that were not unable to him. This is usually happening at the time of the seizures.
  4. The appearance of a huge belly. A person who was not prone to a set excess weight, starts to fully and mainly in the abdomen.
  5. Weight loss. Some obsessed on the contrary start to lose weight very quickly, which leads to their death.
  6. Levitation. The patient can watch for hours in one place, but not to realize what he does it.
  7. Split personality. A person does not realize what he does - most of the actions that he did, someone else did. Coming to itself, obsessed will be abandoned from just perfect actions.
  8. Obscene actions. This can be anything - from brave to murder. A person who could never raise his hand on a woman becomes a tyrant.
  9. Knowledge of unknown previous languages. Obsessed can speak in the languages \u200b\u200bthat he does not know how during seizures and sleep. Usually obsessed very well use Latin.
  10. Drops mood, depression, suicide and passionate desire sec butsA. Obsessed very often dream to die and sometimes commit suicide.

Some of these characteristics may not be - Obsessed can continue to live as well as lived. He may have some psychological problemswhich he just won't pay attention. It is worth knowing that there is a very large number of demons that manifest themselves in different ways. Usually obsessed cannot go to church, do not drink sanctified water and it becomes bad in the presence of "holy" people. Calculate obsessed very difficult - obsession looks like a very large amount mental diseases. The most exposed to the obsession people engaged in magic are some of them themselves instill demons!

In completion

Obsession is a relative concept that scientists have not yet been confirmed. But, you should not assume that the demons do not exist. A person can, how to use their strength, and be a victim of obsession. You will not be able to achieve success, but only on the contrary - to dry yourself on the torment!

Whatever incredible it seemed to the age of computer technologies, genetic engineering and space research, exorcism - a thousand years old as the world of the rite of expulsion of demons from the human body, produced by Babylonian priests, tribal shamans and Jesus himself, is experiencing a rapid revival ... whether he is able to help then When is powerless science and medicine?

Almost ceased to exist 200 years ago today exorcism It is practiced in the overwhelming majority of Christian countries, if in 1993 the congress of the International Association of Excorcists, conducted by the Vatican with the blessing of the Pope, he collected only 6 people, then in the summer of 2000 there were already 200 exorcists already attended. In Italy, pure exorcists for last years It has increased from 20 to 300, in Spain - from 32 to 400. In the US, the Catholic Church has increased the number of official exorcists from 1 in 1990 to 20 in 2000, Cardinal Francis George at the request of the parishioners appointed an exorcist to Chicago - for the first time in the last 160 years . But these figures are negligible compared to the statistics of Protestant parishes: according to Professor of theology, Robert Barrenu, today there are more than 6 small split sects that spend the ritual of expulsion without permission from the church.

Among the causes of a sharp increase in interest in the ancient ritual exorcism Call the growing number of satanic cults and faith in the ability of the Church to help a person in the fight against evil, reviving on the basis of widespread confusion and the obvious falsity of "new" religious flows. History, like the one that happened in 1949, when the Jesuit priest William Boudnne delivered the boy from the town of Rainier from the Spirit that was highlighted in him, only spurs his interest in exorcism. It is believed that the boy became obsessed with the occult experiments of his own aunt, which was a medium and conducted spiritual sessions in the house and who died shortly after the boy was influenced by the demon. This story has become known for the whole world, the film "Route Devil" and, thus, was found to start hot spores between scientists and clergy about what is evil, how to deal with him and how much an important tool In this struggle is exorcism. To sort out this issue, you must trace history of exorcism From its origins to this day.

Ritual exorcism Last hope

Over the Millennium, exorcism remained the main and only human weapons against evil spirits and deserted demons.

- all frightened the secret, invisible force, able to adjust to a person and subjugate him, so there is hardly the people who would not know the concept of "obsession", and therefore the concepts of "exorcism". Amulets, conspiracies, theirs were enjoying great popularity, but exorcism eclipsed them all, because only he was directly dealing with demons and even the devil himself in cases where to hope for the protection of protecting characters was already late. Stories are known countless of the documented examples of true obsession, early as its successful healing with exorcism ritual. Perhaps a part of cases of obsession can be attributed to the score of the natural reasons - epilepsy, hysteria and lunatism, but after accounting for improper diagnosis, errors and exaggerations remain great amount Examples that cannot be explained otherwise, except for the intervention of an evil, hostile and reasonable essence, which can only stop a person who is expelled demons.

The impact of the ritual of exorcism on demons

Excursion is the method of impact on evil spirits using spells, rituals and orders, the very word comes from the biblical "Exorkizo", which is translated as "to out", "run" or "throw out", so the exorcist is the one who possesses The ability and ability to cast out a foreign malicious essence from a person from humans. In the Christian world, only the clergy can be an exorcist. When appropriate to him, San Exorcist, a priest on behalf of the church, give the authorities to "cast out demons" and "put hands on obsessed, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit and the words of exorbitisism, evil spirits left the Body of the Baby. In general, each priest could hold the rite of exorcism, including pastor, but if he was not dedicated to the San Exorcist, he was required to special permission from the bishop.

In the Middle Ages, the exorcist was called the caster, as well as the necromancer who caused good spirits. He was the only hope for salvation for the unfortunate obsessed and their suffering relatives.

Excursion and symptoms of human obsession

The man's obsessed devil is easy to learn about a number of signs that were systematized already in the 3rd century.

How to find out a man's obsessed demon

  • He has an unnatural physical strength (there are cases when a girl or child could keep in place three sturdy men), shudders in terrible convulsions, falls into rabies, rushes, rotates in one place with striking speed, moreover, both in standing and in a lying position.
  • It throws and throws it in different directions, the body acquires incredible flexibility and mobility, taking the most unnatural poses, eyes get out of the orbits.
  • At obsessed man's demon demon, the attacks of vomiting and unfortunate excitement suddenly begin, he says not to his voice, often in tongues, he does not know, swears, threatens, says Hulu to the church, shouting obscene words and insults.

So it was with the Berner family: in the fall of 1864, the spouses of Joseph and Anna-Maria and the five of their children became a victim unknown Diseasethat no doctor could heal and which could not be called in any way otherwise, except for the devil obsession. They behaved so terrible that even relatives were afraid to go to their home. Abbot Charles Bray, aware of the difficulty and danger of the situation, sent three theologists to Bernecis - Eczorcists: Stampfa, head of the seminaria in Strasbourg, Chief Vicar Freiburger and the Rector of the University of Sherster. However, despite all the efforts of exorcists, having crushed five years, Spouses Berner died in 1869 in a state of complete insanity. But the children were able to save: the rite lasted two days, after which the exorcists presented a detailed report on all the most terrible scenes that they had the opportunity to see during this time. This case has become famous for the whole world. In America, in the city of Alsache, to this day there is a memorial plaque on which it is written: "Memory about the unfortunate Joseph and Anne-Maria Berner, who suffered and died from obsession with demons in 1869."

However, at times obsessed devil People are able to fall into another extreme: lying in one position for hours, while their body is strained, mowels, so not one joint is not bent, even if there are several people forces. Sometimes obsessed with the demon and can only wash, move lips and rotate and rotate, and sometimes they become deaf so much that the shot from the gun produced at the ear, is not able to make them even blink. In addition, it has long been noted that the symptoms of obsession are aggravated and develop into uncontrolled outbreaks of aggression when any item is consecrated in accordance with the church canon, be it holy water, cross, medallion or rosary. Fancy attacks are replaced by fear: obsessed clogged into the farthest corners of the room, they are treated, moan, cry, as if in agony.

Interestingly demonic obsession suspected exorcists in cases where the person opens the gift of clairvoyance when he was subjected to unexpected levitation attacks, when inhuman essences are manifested next to him, for example, bringing and poltergeist, and "linguistics", when a person speaks the language unknown to him, which he never I have not studied before.

Millennaya history of exorcism

IN Ancient Greece All diseases were considered to be sent by the kara's gods, and each attempted cure was considered as a riot against Olympus inhabitants. It is known that epicuria and eskine, women who have earned the exile of evil spirits, despised for the fact that they helped her mother in her "unclean" work. This attitude to exorcists is highly different from those accepted in the East: in Assyria and Babylon, the priests, casting demons, occupied a high position with the temples and enjoyed respect, as well as Fakira - Exorcists of India, Persia and Egypt. In Babylon, after the priest confirmed that the man was obsessed, the launched in the water of the Euphrates or watered the holy water from the "Well," the exorcist's well, he was given to the house of the exorcist, both were climbed into black clothes, left alone, after which the priest committed the rite of expulsion of the demon From man.

IN British Museum One of the protective spells from the demons of the Ashurbanipal times, starting with the words: "Izya, a cunning demon (ekimu)", and during excavations in Ninevia, Akkadian work was discovered on exorption called "evil spirits".

Egyptians, in turn, were considered the most skilled exorcists. ancient Mira: The history of expulsion, a demon from the princess of Ra-Nefe-ru, Ramses II wives, captured on the stele in the temple of God Honsu.

Ancient Jews considered the ability to exete evil spirits by one of the divine gifts of King Solomon, the proof of his exceptional wisdom.

The founder of the movement of Hasidov Baal Shem Tov believed that evil power, or "dibbuch", one can be expelled from a person without a fight, and the exorcism ritual developed by him is still practiced by Jewish clergy. In the non-canonical Jewish literature contain spells for the expulsion of demons from man, examples of which can be found in the Talmud in the books of Aboda Zara and Santhead. IN Old TestamentIn the ninth book of judges and in the Kings book, the "evil spirits staying in people" are also mentioned. In the Jewish chronicles, it is told about the nonsense, who lived during the Roman emperor Vespasian, who, with the help of the magic ring, expelled spirits from obsessed people through the nostrils.

In China, for thousands of years, the ceremony of exorbitisism of evil spirits with the help of holy water and fire is carried out.

In Japan, from ancient times, the ritual of the expulsion of the demons of the tenge, filled into a person feeding on its energy and causing fever, illness and aggression. The ancient Buddhist ritual of exorcism is called "Chir-Log" and includes reading spells and a special dance that scares evil spirit.

Exorcism in Christian Religion

However, no religion paid to exorcism as much attention as the Christian church, mainly because Jesus himself did not exceed the demons from obsessed. In the New Testament, especially in the Gospel of Matthew, there are many examples of exorcism, and they are all based on the faith that the demons can capture the bodies of people, forcing them to behave in the most strange way. In the first verse, the ninth chapter of the Gospel of Luke states that Jesus gave the Apostles "Power over evil spirits", which they used, hurning demonic essences from the standpoint people. Studying New Testament, It can be noticed how they treated the obsession of a person during the times of Christ: the victims were never accused, did not criticize and did not consider an obsession with testimony of their sinfulness. Moreover, it was believed that animals, like people, could be obsessed with spirits, in one body could simultaneously be a lot of demons, spirits can endow their victims of supernatural abilities.

In the annals of the story there were thousands of stories about how the unfortunate defendant man was released and revived to normal Life After holding an exorcism rite over it. Saint Benedict, worthy, smart and educated personHe wrote that during the construction of the monastery, before that, he served the venue for the Satanian orgies, he had to face cases of obsession in some monks and independently hold the rite of exorcism. The medallion of St. Benedict is in the arsenal of each exorcist ... at least from 1415 years.

A case is known when man's obsessed with demons led to the abode of Sergius Radonezh. Unfortunate beat and rushing, ripped rope and even chains, shouted obscene words, but calmed down immediately after the saint sainted him with a cross and read the prayer. Entity left infant man, soon the reason finally returned to him, and he fully recovered.

In England, during the board of Elizabeth, the Puritan priest John Darrell became famous for the whole of Europe as a successful exorcist, and his mentor was an equally famous Jesuit missionary William Weston, who conducted exorcism rites in Spain, France and England. I carried out the ritual of exorcism and Martin Luther himself.

Best exorcist

The first exorcists held in the service christian church, appeared only in the III century. In 251, Papa Cornelius mentions Fabia "Fifty-two-two exorcists" by Fabia, which consists in the service of the Roman Church, and also suggests that the organization of their activities was carried out in 236 by its predecessor, Pope of the Holy Fabian Martyr. A little later, the exorcists are mentioned in the tenth canon of the Antiokh Cathedral in 341, as occupying an equal position with the devices, and from those most purses, people who constrained demons constituted a respected layer in the Roman hierarchy catholic church. They fought with sorcerers and witches and cured obsessed, guided by the ancient arch of specially developed rules, and at the same time they passed serious physical and spiritual training. They needed modesty, courage, endurance, caution and prudence: it was often happening that the rites were tightened for six to eight hours, and there were cases when inexperienced exorcists died, being unable to end the test. Often they died, and they continue to die and obsessed themselves.

Precisely because ritual expulsion of evil spirits from manFirmly held for their victims and reluctantly leaving them, represented the physical, emotional and spiritual danger for his participants, candidates for exorcists were selected with special care. They had to know by heart the prayers and rules for holding a rite, be able to apply protecting characters, distinguish the signs of obsession from Lunatism, the game of imagination and a certain kind of disease, for a long period of time remain without food, drinking and sleep and, of course, have noble motives and Delete deep in God.

The exorcist spent a lot of time in prayers, held throughout the year strict postI read a lot, diligently studied. In general, the church has done everything possible in order to ensure that the institution of exorcism from superstitions, non-professionalism and tragic errors can protect as much as possible, and its participants are from injuries. Once again, a strict warning is repeated: the rite of expulsion of spirits from a person must be treated with all seriousness, otherwise the consequences may be terrible.

Ritual exorcism

Since 1614, when the first guidelines for the exorcism ritual, the Catholic Church recognized and recognizes nine ways to exile evil spirits, has been created with the blessing of Pope Paul V, the Catholic Church recognized and recognizes nine ways to read evil spirits, each of which is accompanied by reading certain prayers and psalms.

  • The first three methods are applied in cases of long-term obsession by the human demon;
  • the fourth and fifth - fix the effect of the first three, expelled from the person the remnants of the unclean;
  • the sixth applies to incubuses and succubs;
  • the seventh, which includes a special "service" for each day of the week - for ghost homes;
  • and the eighth and ninth purify a person from the action of the witchcraft and demonic spell.

At the same time, over the centuries, the main weapon of the exorcist remained prayer and spell, capable of rid of all types of demonic impact. In the extreme, most difficult cases, the Church allowed exorcists to apply black magic to liberate a person from evil spirits: A story of a medieval German bishop, who suddenly began to suffer from pain induced to him by the sorcerer, and nothing could save him from torment. With the permission of Pope, the bishop turned for the help of a witch known in this area, which he expelled the magical spells from the clergyman of a small demon, which caused the physical suffering.

Since the ritual has always been considered unsafe, the exorcist rarely worked alone, as a rule, he was assisted by at least three people. The first was a young priest, knowledgeable in the rite of expulsion of demons. He had to take on a ritual if the chief exorcist perished. The second was a doctor. He helped an exorcist to pacify or hold the victim of obsession, followed its physical condition and, if necessary, gave medication. Third was strong strong man, as a rule, a relative of the victim.

In the Middle Ages, the exorcist began a ritual since he called the demon with the most terrible curses in the hope that he would give his true name. And thus will give part of the power over himself in the hands of the clergy. Attempts to force the demon to give their real name were accompanied by flashes of aggression from obsessed. The launched was deceived by oil, incense and tied to bed or chair. The ritual of exile demanded from an exorcist of iron will and enormous physical forces, since, according to eyewitnesses, obsessed with some mysterious manner always turned out to be associated with the ensuing demonmic entities and, as a rule, did not want to get rid of them. From the patient, it was necessary to clean the thoughts and to drive fear. With non-compliance with these simple conditions We had no success to expect. Despite the huge number of ways to exile malicious spirit from the human body or any place, total picture In all cases, it remains the same: the exorcist must be a clergy, door and window slots in the room where the exile rite occurs, as well as the entrance to the house, it is necessary to pour with church wax. On the doors you need to draw chalk or hang the crosses, in the room, ignite the fire with incense, while before the start of the ritual, the exorcist takes the house of one of Lucin, uttering prayers. In each room with the words: "I expel you, about the unclean spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," the Holy Water is consecrated in the temple. In all kinds of Christian exorcism to protect the body, it was customary to "seal" nine holes with holy water, as it was believed that the demons can penetrate into a person with food and drink and even with breathing. To this day, this ritual is made by everyone who is preparing to fight the devilish forces.

By the way, in Russia, together with the revival of Orthodoxy in the temples, the practice of exorcism was resumed and special services are carried out - the person.

Is there an explanation of the obsession by the man's demon?

Decreased materialists, it is completely real for everyone who believes in the existence of the invisible world of spirits. Perhaps this is why one of the most interesting explanations The phenomenon of obsession was proposed by the Spiritualists arguing that the inhabitants of the world of spirits are constantly looking for contact with alive, giving themselves to know through our senses. Perfume with whom with special abilities and in certain circumstances can be established contact, often produce themselves for the souls that have already revealed, but in reality are reasonable, evil entities - demons or unclean spirits. Their calculation is to, using the situation, to find a sacrifice among session participants and, subordinating it to themselves, eat lively energy.

In order for negative energy more (and evil spirits need destructive energy), it is necessary to place a person in extreme conditions: this is the reason for those suffering that fall into the share of obsessed. No wonder perfume, the object is most often elected by the house associated with negative experiences: cemeteries, houses in which tragedies and murders, "unwanted" children, sectors of sects and cults. Moreover, experience shows that every second obsessive participated in his time in the spiritual sessions, enjoyed fortune-old boards, she was engaged in occult sciences: after all, it was a little able to call the Spirit, you need to be able to protect yourself from him. As the famous researcher of the Arctic and a frequent visitor of spiritual sessions Dr. Kane:

"Fear perfumes, as Spiritism opens the way to obsession."

One of the most interesting symptoms of obsession, testifying in favor of the supernatural nature of the phenomenon, is the unique awareness of the patient: he knows important things that can not be known for him. He knows the details of the personal life of a completely unfamiliar people, the subtleties of the most different Sciences And crafts, events taking place in remote places. Explain this phenomenon with scientific vision is impossible. But the exorcists believe that such an "impossible knowledge" or "anticipation" belongs not to the person himself, and the enslavement of his spirit, because it only splashes in those moments when the defendant is "inferior" to the demon, that is, he says not to his voice and not from His face, and never in good condition. Impossible knowledge is often found among people who are considered stateless, and also exclusively during the attacks, and since the doctors can not explain the presence of "anticipation", perhaps, it is necessary to think about the fact that people do not need a psychiatrist, but a priest. No wonder, according to official world statistics, exorcists were able to help pretty big number People with the diagnoses of "schizophrenia" and "epilepsy", in fact suffering from obsession.

Before the exorcist confirms the truth of the obsession with the man's demon who appeal to him for the help of a person, the patient has to pass a series of tests and tell a lot about themselves. And this is practiced not only today, it was hundreds of years ago. Already in the XV century, theologians warned exorcistors that it is necessary to be extremely careful with the "diagnosis", because, as Holy Alphonse Ligori wrote, "in most cases, obsession is only a game of imagination, invention or weakness." In our time, the church insists that the exorcists have learned the basics of psychology, the knowledge of which will help to separate the symptoms of true obsession from various manifestations of psychiatric diseases. Many strange, abnormal forms of behavior associated with obsession, for example, foam of mouth, aggressiveness, voice changes, strongest convulsions, hallucinations, can be caused by mental illness. While many "truly" obsessed may behave quietly, calmly and nothing differ from all other people.

Exorcists today

In 1999, Vatican for the first time in the last 350 years issued a new, revised collection of rules for exorcism for seventeen pages, translating it from Latin to the main world languages. Prior to this, the revision of the collection was carried out by the Cathedral in 1614. The main points in the new edition were the paragraphs that show that exorcists should spend more time in prayer with obsessed, that the ritual of deliverance of an obsessed person from a demon can be carried out only with the permission of the bishop and only in the absence of representatives of the media. The priests are expelled by the priests forbidden to give interviews, talking about the ritual of exorcism and about himself. In addition, the rules require that the entire rite take place in a relaxed atmosphere with full control from the exorcist: "With a ritual, hysteria, artificiality, sensationality and theatricality should not be observed. As before, the rite begins with common preparations, prayers, blessings and sprinkling with holy water, impose of hands on obsessed and drawing a cross.

The ritual of exorcism begins with the words "I order to you, Satan ...", and ends with the order of "Izya!". The same description of the exorcism ritual occupies the ninety pages and the book is called " All kinds of exorcism"Theologians and Vatican priests worked on him for the last twenty years.

The new version of the exorcism rite has retained the symbolism and the language of the Middle Ages. The fact that the Vatican is extremely serious about the ancient ritual, testifies to the fact that in 2000 Pope John Paul II personally helped cast out demons from the girl who "told languages" and other people's votes, demonstrating the most different signs Obsession. After holding the ritual of exorcism, the priests, Dad blessed the child, and the girl was declared healing. This case is not the only one: In 1982, John Paul held a successful exorcismary rite together with Cardinal Jacques Martin. The woman's healing woman knows only that her called Francis Fabrice. The chief exorcist of Rome Gabriel Amorth spent hundreds of rituals of the expulsion of demons, including in the presence of Pope. Amorth considers the mistake of modern priests not enough serious attitude To exorcism and advises not to regret salt, oil and holy water in the fight against evil spirits. The chief exorcist of New York Father James Lebar argued that over the past thirty years he holds an exorcism rite at least 30-35 times a year. However, the father of Kandido Amantini is considered the strongest exorcist, which up to his death in 1992 conducted rites of expulsion of perfumes from a person almost daily, moreover, in line with the Holy Father built sixty people a day! It is known that during the last ritual, the father of Amantini told the Spirit, tormented by the girl: "Love! The Lord has long prepared a big hot stove for you! ", To which the demon replied:" You do not know what you are talking about! Not God came up with hell, he did not even think about it. Hell created us! "

The leading global exorcist father Jeremy Davis, who before the adoption of Sana was a doctor, argues that the growth of the activity of the church in the last ten years led to the fact that every year the number of perfect rites of exorcism steadily increases, and that exorcists have not been so loaded as work these days. The devil is increasingly stronger in modern world, the vices flourish, rapidly growing, and the overall religious non-disgrace is explicitly manifested, and - this leads to the fact that more People need help of exorcists. According to Father Davisu, "Man is trying to build new world without God, new Babylonian tower And already begins to reap the fruits of his pride and stupidity. "

Exorcism is the rite of expulsion of demons and demons from a person. It exists in the most different cultures and religions and is called upon by prayers, spells and other ritual actions to save a person from the essence that sits inside and poison life. Who is an exorcist - in this article.

Who is an exorcist and what does he do?

On obsession, demons are mentioned in the New Testament. They skillfully expelled Jesus Christ and his apostles, and today this procedure, which, by the way, is recognized as official, the spiritual face of the lowest rank is performed. But for obvious reasons, not all the priests are bothering, because for this you need to be truly in church man, have unshakable faith in, huge power Will and most importantly - not afraid because weak person It can become a toy in the hands of demons, besides, it is believed that the family and close people of the exorcist are also in danger.

Who is such an exorcist depends on the context and culture. They are lamas, rabbis, priests, shamans, witches, mediums, characteristics, etc. Those who are interested in how to become an exorcist, it is worth answering that this requires officially to get a spiritual san, that is, to learn to the clergyman, or go to your expensive, that is, becoming the so-called neo-exorcist. The latter have a completely different approach and stylistics. Before you know how to become an exorcist at home, it is necessary to make sure that there are appropriate abilities - magical, esoteric, hypnosis abilities, etc. Do not even all those who spend rituals on behalf of the devil, are taken for the expulsion of demons, because As you know, what danger is this tat.

How is the exorcism rite?

No specific exorcism procedure is, therefore, those who are interested in how to become an exorcist, it is worth a closer to get acquainted with rites, characteristic of various denominations:

  1. Orthodox clergymen engaged in the "defibration", as elsewhere call exorcism, collect obsessed in the temple and move along the aisle with holy water and cenil, the Krophima of each and reading certain prayers. They openly urge the devil to leave the name of Christ. Prayers over foliating are given in modern cookies, as well as more early works, for example, apostolic decisions, the demandsman of Peter Mogily, etc. After the expulsion of the demon, the priest calls upon a person to righteous life and faith, otherwise his empty soul can again occupy, and even more.
  2. Catholics spend a rite in a similar way. Perform it in an isolated place, for example, a chapel, where the diocesan bishop, who received the resolution of the superior chapters of the Church, holds a rite, reading a prayer for a terrible person. It can help secular, but they are not eligible to utter the formula of exorcism.
  3. In Judaism, a ritual is held, which is called Dibbuk. He holds thessa, which is translated as the "righteous". At the same time, depending on the method of conducting a ritual, a person gets rid of demon either through the atonement of sins, or the demon is expelled to hell, leaving the body through a small finger on his leg, where the bleeding wound remains after that.
  4. In Islam, exorcism is also carried out, more known as "Exile Gina".

Where do you teach how to become an exorcist?

For those who are interested, where they are taught to become an exorcist, it is worth answering that such lessons are taught at the Tru-Cross Academy, the University of Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum. Moreover, applicants are taught there not only to church subjects, but also the basics of psychiatry so that they can distinguish real obsession from signs of schizophrenia and other diseases.

Or the imposition of the saint's hands. Also effective meditation. The first exorcist was Jesus, healing many undesirable:

When he came to the house, the blind began to go to him. And Jesus spoke to them: Do you believe that I can do it? They tell him: she, Lord! Then he touched their eyes and said: For your faith, you will be. And their eyes opened. Gospel from Luke (9.27).

Then they led to him a demonstrated blind and dumb; And healed it, so the blind and dumb began to say and see. Matthew Gospel (12,22)

Jesus cured the strong obsessed, living in the coffins, and the broken demons on the command of Jesus were settled and killed the flock of pigs, and the power of demons over people stopped. After the anointing of the Holy Spirit of the Apostles and they could cast out the evil spirits of the power of love for God and faith in Holiness Jesus.


Excursion includes (included)

  • Clarification of the path in which the demon fell into a person.
  • Finding out the name of the exhausted spirit.
  • Reading prayers.
  • Spring with holy water.

In Russia, one of the centers of exorcism and training specialists in the "Exhalation of demons" (exorcistists) is the Trinity-Sergiyev Lava (Sergiev Posad). Exorcism is also known in Islam called Exile Gina.

Life after expulsion

So that a person does not get sick again, he must change his way of life in best side - Take official religion and abandon evil habits.

Excursion in cinema


  • Yatsenko N. E. " Dictionary social science terms "St. Petersburg., 1999
  • A. E. Makhov. Excursion // Makhov A. E. Hostis Antiquus: Categories and images of medieval Christian demonology. Drug experience. - M.: Intrada, 2006, p. 367-374.



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Excursion, expulsion of demons. Many heard about this practice. Today, faith in the demons and in their ability to master the human souls will meet except in books and horror films. However, earlier fear before demonic was widespread very wide. The roots go back in gray antiquity. The Catholic Church still declares that people can be obsessed with demons, and the Bible, by the way, leads as much as six examples of how Jesus expelled the demons, and recommends that this attack apply the exorcism rite.

Faith in evil spirits placed in a person inherent in the main Judeo-Christian approach. Although any religion and any creed in one way or another recognize obsession. In the United States in the XVIII century, the practice of expulsion of demons went to the decline. This rite was rarely used - until the second half of the 20th century, when exorcism received the "Second Birth". And all because this topic suddenly began to highlight. Hollywood has a great contribution to the "Resurrection" of exorcism - in movies running on a wide screen, often added a dull inscription: "Based on real events." As a result, in the 70s of the last century, the number of ceremonies for the expulsion of the devil increased by 50%. But the most tragic is not that. Several "undershits" died right during the procedure or shortly after her.

We present you 25 facts about the exorcism, which you could not know. I warn you: it will be scary to bump. So, before reading, turn on the light everywhere.

Ancient art

Interestingly, and priestess-prunes were also obsessed with spirits?

The practice of expulsion of demons originated in time immemorial. Mother of the two famous ancient Greeks, Epicur and Eschina, earned this craft for life. Both great husbands were severely reproached (one - Stoics, the other - Demosphen) for the help of mothers in their "unworthy" business.


Exorcism practiced in ancient Greece

The word "exorcism" comes from the Greek "Exorkizo" - to spend.

The first laws of the rite

Many artists reflected religious rituals in their paintings. Goya was no exception

Wide prevalence

Fear of unclean spirits are peculiar to any religion

Judaism and exorcism

Jews widely practiced the expulsion of demons

For example, exorcism is widespread in Judaism. Iosif Flavius, a romanian-Jewish historian and a military leader, described one of the methods of expulsion unclean power: "Patient" prescribed hoods from poisonous roots. Muchly later Rabbi Yehuda Fetaya, who lived on turn XIX. and the XX centuries, composed work called Mint Yehuda ("Minchat Yehuda"). The author existently sets out the ideas of exorcism and other views of the Jews, tells about his own experience of communicating with obsessions.

Part of Islamic medicine

Even today, Easto Muslim believers believe that the disease is the result of witchcraft.

In Islam, the expulsion of unclean forces is called hand. It is used against the nastacks, Sinera - black Magia. Today, exorcism is part of modern Islamic alternative medicine, al-Tibb al-Nabavi ("Medicine of the Prophet").


Hindu religion is also not alien to faith in demons and evil spirits. This is reflected even in the Vedas

An important place in the history of exorcism and similar beliefs is occupied by Hinduism. His ScripturesVedes consist of four parts. Fourth, "ATKARVABED" ("Veda spells") reveals the secrets of the expulsion of spirits, magic and alchemy.

Long procedure

Many understeed faces not one week while they expelled demons from them

According to the Catholic Church, the man's obsessed with the devil after the expulsion is impossible feeling "free from the feeling of guilt, purified from sin and revived." Unfortunately for patients, not all exile rites are held successfully from the first time. Sometimes the tireless prayers and rituals are required for many days, weeks, even months.

Not all priests can carry out the expulsion of the devil

Exalted the devil followed science

According to church canons, the rite of expulsion of demons can only be carried out in a spiritual san priest (or the highest prelate), with the permission of the local bishop and only after a thorough medical examination - in order to exclude a mental illness in the patient.


Not all experts expelled devils received the permission of the Vatican

In addition to the exorcists approved by the Vatican, all over the world "work" hundreds of self-prostitutes.

Dangerous job

Does herself believed in his launion?

In 2005, a young nun died in Romania during the rite of exorcism from the hand of the priest. In order to be expelled from her the devil, the girl was tied to the cross, inserted into her mouth a gag, did not feed and did not hear.

Psychiatry does not recognize exorcism

Medicine does not recognize the demonic nature of diseases

In medicine and psychiatry, there is no diagnosis "Obsession of the Devil". He is not mentioned in the "Guidelines for the diagnosis and statistics of mental disorders", nor in the "international classification of diseases and problems related to health".

How do they see people science

It is not always easy to determine what kind of disease is the one who is attributed to the devil the devil

The official opinion of psychiatrists on the "devilness obsession" is: the symptoms of obsessed (patients) are inherent in many physical and mental illnesses. Among them are the hysterical neurosis, mania, psychosis, turret syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia, dissociative personality disorder and even single cases of autism.

Blind fanaticism before good does not bring

Fortunately, today most people are already familiar with the nature of autism and does not write off his symptoms on the devil. Unfortunately, most are not the whole world

By the way about autism. In 2003, over the eight-year-old authist from the city of Milwaukee in Wisconsin, the horses of the demon made the rite of expulsion of the demon - he was considered the culprit of the boy's disease. During the ritual, the child died.

Signs of obsession

Are modern church believers seriously believe that signs mentioned by them indicate informability?

The American Conference of Catholic Bishops calls the following signs of obsession with demons: inhuman force, disgust to holy water and the ability to speak in unknown languages. Cerebrals and indirect signs are distinguished: sputtens, foul language and "excessive masturbation".

Placebo or ...

Demonmark is a real mental disorder

Representatives of various religions are unlikely to take into account the mental disorder described in the psychiatry called demonstration (or demonstration). A person suffering from such a disease believes that he is obsessed with demons (sometimes one, sometimes a few). Sometimes it is really the impression that the rite of exorcism helps "expel the demons" from the patient, however, such a "success" attributes a placebo effect and suggestion. Often people allegedly obsessed unclean powerIn fact, suffer from narcissism or understated self-esteem. Their "demonic" behavior is only a way to attract the attention of others.

Spring over his wife

What pushed her husband to kill his wife? Peaceful disease Or an obsession with the devil?

In 1975, in the Church of St. Thomas, located in the English town of Barnsley, the ritual of the exile of demons was conducted. Success failed to achieve, and "obsessed" - 31-year-old Michael Taylor - in his last state, went home, where the brutally killed his wife. Taylor was recognized as guilty, but mentally ill.

Homosexual demons? Seriously?

Even in psychiatry, homosexuality for a long time was considered spiritual diseases. What can we talk about religious fans?

You may have unknown that some priests make the rites of "gay exorcism". They are very similar to the usual "antibes" ritual: an exorcist is expelled with "homosexual demons" and other perfumes from a person with unconventional sexual orientation.

Last Christmas

For innocent teenager christmas 2010 has become the last

In the English capital at Christmas of 2010, relatives beat and drowned the fourteen-year-old Christie Bamu, trying to drive out an evil spirit from him.

Unbalanced on both sides

Apparently, the spiritual disorders suffer from those who expel Satan, and those of whom he expelled

When Michael Cuneo sociologist set out to write a book "American exorcism: the expulsion of demons in fertile lands", he visited fifty exorcist rites. Cuneo said that there was nothing supernatural or inexplicable on these sessions: no one flew, did not rotate mad head, no one had demonic scratches on the faces. But on both sides of the ritual, according to the author, there were many unbalanced people with mental problems.

The film that produced the most impression ...

The film caused a rustling interest in exorcism. The inspired part of the audience began to see the understeed everywhere

The greatest cultural influence Exorcism on human minds provided a classic horror film "Iesting the Devil". In 1974, after the release of the film on the screen, the Boston Catholic Center digestively was requested about the exorcism rite. The script wrote William Peter Beltti. To do this, he adapted his sensational novelpublished in 1971.

... and left in his film the evil

Are you a demon see? And he says there is there

Christian preacher Billy Graham said that a real demon inhabited in the rolls of the film of this film.

Harry Potter - is it from Satan?

Books that are read by children and adults around the world - Satanic propaganda? It would be necessary to look at Rowling - is it not the undershone?

Father Gabriel Amorth is a successful Catholic exorcist. They say he made more than one hundred thousand rites of the expulsion of the devil. However, more interesting. Father Gabrielle announced books and films about Harry Potter Satanic propaganda.

What we don't know about Mother Teresa

How in this holy woman did the devilish miscarions?

According to unverified data, the famous mother Teresu on the slope of the years has been subjected to the exorcism procedure. The ritual allegedly conducted Archbishop Calcutta Henry D'Suza: He noticed that the nun was too restless in a dream, and was afraid that "the devil was attached to her."

The loudest story

The girl went to the torture voluntarily, under the influence of fanatically believing relatives

Young Catholica from Germany Annelisa Mikhel was considered an obsessed with six demons. She suffered from her youth epilepsy, a little later appeared signs mental disorder. The Easto believing family convinced the girl to secretly pass the rite of exaglement of demons. "Cleansing" began in 1975 and lasted ten months. In 1976, the twenty-year-old Annelisa died of exhaustion, dehydration and absence medical care. Based on this tragedy, two filmed artistic films - "Six Demons Emily Rose" and "Requiem". History Anneza Michel is perhaps the most losing case about exorcism in the 20th century.

Terribly? It would be more ... and it is unknown who are insane, those who are expelling the devil, or those who are "obsessed"? Even if Mother Teresu was suspected of informativeness, what to talk about ordinary mortals? Look back - is there any "demonic" personalities around you? Suddenly what - run to the ass for cadyl!