Table landlord economic decline moral decay. Images of landowners and their comparison with Chichikov (Based on the poem Dead Souls)

Table landlord economic decline moral decay. Images of landowners and their comparison with Chichikov (Based on the poem Dead Souls)

Poem by N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" - greatest work world literature. In the mortification of the souls of the characters - landowners, officials, Chichikov - the writer sees the tragic mortification of humanity, the dull movement of history in a vicious circle.

The plot of Dead Souls (the sequence of Chichikov's meetings with the landowners) reflects Gogol's ideas about the possible degrees of human degradation. Indeed, while Manilov still retains some attractiveness, Plyushkin, who closes the gallery of serf-landlords, has already been openly called a "hole in humanity."

Creating images of Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, the writer resorts to general methods of realistic typification (depiction of a village, manor house, a portrait of the owner, an office, a conversation about city officials and dead souls Oh). If necessary, a biography of the character is given.

The character of Manilov captures the type of an idle, dreamer, “romantic” loafer. The landlord's economy is in complete decline. “The house of the master stood on the Jura, that is, on a hill, open to all the winds that could blow it ...” The housekeeper steals, “it’s stupid and useless to prepare in the kitchen,” “empty in the pantry,” “unclean and drunken servants” ... Meanwhile, a "gazebo with a flat green dome, wooden blue columns and the inscription:" Temple of solitary meditation "was erected. Manilov's dreams are absurd and absurd. “Sometimes ... he talked about how nice it would be if suddenly an underground passage was made from the house or a stone bridge was built across the pond ...” Gogol shows that Manilov has gone and is empty, he has no real spiritual interests. "There was always some book in his office, bookmarked on page fourteen, which he had been reading constantly for two years." Vulgarity family life(relationship with his wife, upbringing of Alcides and Themistoclus), cloying sweetness of speech ("May day", "name day of the heart") confirm the discernment portrait characteristics character. “In the first minute of a conversation with him, you cannot but say:“ What a pleasant and good person! ” In the next minute of the conversation you won't say anything, but in the third you will say: "The devil knows what this is!" - and you will move away; if you don’t leave, you will feel mortal boredom ”. Gogol with stunning artistic force shows the deadness of Manilov, the worthlessness of his life. Spiritual emptiness is hidden behind external attractiveness.

The image of Korobochka's accumulator is already devoid of those “attractive” features that distinguish Manilov. And again we have a type - "one of those mothers, small landowners who ... are collecting a little money in motley bags placed on the drawers of the dressers." Korobochka's interests are entirely focused on the economy. "Strong-headed" and "club-headed" Nastasya Petrovna is afraid to sell too cheap by selling Chichikov " dead Souls”. Curious is the "silent scene" that occurs in this chapter. We find similar scenes in almost all the chapters showing the conclusion of Chichikov's deal with another landowner. This is special artistic device, a kind of temporary stop of the action, allowing with a special convexity to show the spiritual emptiness of Pavel Ivanovich and his interlocutors. In the finale of the third chapter, Gogol talks about the typical image of Korobochka, about the insignificant difference between her and another aristocratic lady.

The gallery of dead souls continues in the poem Nozdryov. Like other landowners, he is internally empty, his age does not concern him: "Nozdryov at thirty-five was the same perfectly as he was at eighteen and twenty: a hunter to take a walk." The portrait of a dashing cutie is satirical and sarcastic at the same time. "He was of average height, a very well-built fellow with full ruddy cheeks ... Health seemed to sprinkle from his face." However, Chichikov notes that Nozdryov had one sideburn less and not as thick as the other (the result of another fight). Passion for lies and card game in many ways explains the fact that not a single meeting where Nozdryov was present could do without "history". The life of a landowner is absolutely spiritless. In the office “there were no visible traces of what happens in the offices, that is, books or paper; only a saber and two guns were hanging ... ”Of course, Nozdryov's household was ruined. Even lunch consists of dishes that are burnt or, on the contrary, not cooked.

Chichikov's attempt to buy dead souls from Nozdryov is a fatal mistake. It is Nozdryov who blabs a secret at the governor's ball. The arrival in the city of Korobochka, who wished to find out “how much dead souls walk,” confirms the words of the dashing “talker”.

The image of Nozdryov is no less typical than the image of Manilov or Korobochka. Gogol writes: “Nozdryov will not leave the world for a long time. He is everywhere between us and, perhaps, only wears a different caftan; but people are frivolously inconspicuous, and a person in a different caftan seems to them a different person. "

The above typing techniques are used by Gogol and for artistic perception the image of Sobakevich. Descriptions of the village and the landlord's economy testify to a certain prosperity. “The courtyard was surrounded by a strong and excessively thick wooden lattice. The landowner, it seemed, was bothering a lot about strength ... The peasants' huts in the village were also cut down wonderfully ... everything was fitted tightly and properly ”.

Describing the appearance of Sobakevich, Gogol resorts to a zoological assimilation: he compares the landowner with a bear. Sobakevich is a glutton. In his judgments about food, he rises to a kind of "gastronomic" pathos: "When I have pork - put the whole pig on the table, lamb - just drag the ram, goose - just the goose!" However, Sobakevich (in this he differs from Plyushkin and the majority of other landowners) has a certain economic streak: he does not ruin his own serfs, achieves a certain order in the economy, sells dead souls to Chichikov at a profit, knows business and human qualities their peasants.

The extreme degree of human fall is captured by Gogol in the image of the richest landowner of the province (more than a thousand serfs) Plyushkin. The character's biography allows you to trace the path from the "thrifty" owner to the half-crazy curmudgeon. “But there was a time when he ... was married and a family man, and a neighbor stopped by to dine with him ... two pretty daughters came out to meet him ... a son ran out ... The owner himself came to the table in a frock coat ... But kind the mistress died, part of the keys, and with them small worries passed to him. Plyushkin became more restless and, like all widowers, more suspicious and stingy. " Soon the family completely disintegrates, and unprecedented pettiness and suspicion develop in Plyushkin. "... He himself finally turned into some kind of hole in humanity." So, it was by no means social conditions that led the landlord to the last frontier moral decline. Before us is the tragedy (precisely the tragedy!) Of loneliness, growing into a nightmarish picture of lonely old age.

In the village of Plyushkina, Chichikov notices "some particular dilapidation." Entering the house, Chichikov sees a strange heap of furniture and some kind of street trash. Plyushkin lives worse than “Sobakevich’s last shepherd”, although he is not poor. Gogol's words sound warningly: “And to what insignificance, pettiness, disgusting man could condescend! I could have changed so much! .. Anything can happen to a person ”.

Thus, the landowners in Dead Souls are united by common features: idleness, vulgarity, spiritual emptiness. However, Gogol would not have been a great writer if he limited himself to only a “social” explanation of the reasons for the spiritual failure of the characters. He really creates “typical characters in typical circumstances,” but “circumstances” can also be found in the conditions of the inner, mental life of a person. I repeat that the fall of Plyushkin is not directly related to his position as a landowner. Can't the loss of a family break even the most strong man, a representative of any class or class ?! In a word, Gogol's realism also includes the deepest psychologism. This is why the poem is interesting to the modern reader.

The world of dead souls is opposed in the work of an ineradicable belief in the “mysterious” Russian people, in its inexhaustible moral potential. At the end of the poem, the image of an endless road and a three-bird rushing forward appears. In its indomitable movement, the writer sees the great destiny of Russia, the spiritual resurrection of mankind.

The main characters of the poem "Dead Souls" personify the society of the past centuries.

"Dead Souls" main characters

Figurative system the poem is built in accordance with three main plot-compositional links: landlord, bureaucratic Russia and the image of Chichikov.

The main character of "Dead Souls" Chichikov... This is a former official (retired collegiate counselor), and now a schemer: he is buying up the so-called "dead souls" (written information about the peasants who have died since the last revision) to mortgage them as living, in order to take out a bank loan and gain weight in society. She dresses smartly, looks after herself and after a long and dusty Russian road manages to look as if only from a tailor and a barber. His name has become a household name for people - sneaky careerists, sycophants, money-grubbing, outwardly "pleasant", "decent and worthy"

Manilov- Nice, but boring and lazy middle-aged man. Little is involved in his estate. There are 200 peasant huts in his village. The peasants of Manilov are lazy, like the owner himself. Manilov likes to sit in his office and dream all day, smoking a pipe. A romantic and sensitive man who loves his family.

Box Is an old widow. She is a good housewife, thrifty and thrifty, stupid and suspicious old woman. There are only 80 souls in her village. The peasants of Korobochka are working properly, and the farm is well established. The huts and buildings in the Korobochki estate are safe and sound. The little box sells goods that her peasants produce. This is "one of those mothers, small landowners who cry about crop failures, losses and keep their heads a little to one side, and meanwhile they are gaining a little money in variegated bags placed on the drawers of the dressers." Watercolor portrait The boxes are represented by a good-natured small old woman, in a cap and a hood, in funny knitted shoes. The round, soft figure of Nastasya Petrovna, with some kind of rag tied around her neck, surprisingly resembles a tightly packed sack or sack - an important attribute of a homely landowner.

Nozdryov- Young widower, 35 years old. Lively, cheerful and noisy. Likes to have fun and drink. Can't stay at home for more than one day. Little is involved in his estate and peasants. Doesn't take care of her two children. Keeps a whole flock of dogs and loves them more than his children.

Sobakevich- wealthy landowner 40-50 years old. Married. Outwardly it looks like a bear. Healthy and robust. Awkward, rude and straightforward. She is thoroughly engaged in her estate. His peasants have strong and reliable huts. Likes to eat well.

Plyushkin- Wealthy landowner. He has about 1000 souls. He has many dead and runaway souls. Plyushkin lives like a beggar: he walks in rags and eats bread crumbs. He doesn't throw anything away. His peasants live in old, dilapidated houses. He inflates prices and does not sell goods to merchants, so the goods rot in the pantries.


The dead
souls ... This phrase can be written
without quotes - and then it will be
to mean not only dead peasants,
zealously bought up by Pavel Ivanovich
Chichikov, but also the death of all major
characters of the poem proving necrosis

"Dead Souls" (sequence of meetings
Chichikova with the landowners) reflects
Gogol's ideas about possible degrees
human degradation. "In sequence
my heroes follow, one more vulgar than the other, ”
- the writer notes. Indeed, if
Manilov still retains some
attractiveness, then Plyushkin, closing
gallery of feudal landlords, already
openly called "a hole in humanity."

By creating
images of Manilov, Korobochki, Nozdryov,
Sobakevich, Plyushkina, Gogol resorts to
general techniques of realistic typing -
the image of the village, the manor house,
a portrait of the owner, office, talk about
city ​​officials and dead souls ...
when necessary,
the biography of the character appears before us.

In the image
Manilov captures the type of idle
a dreamer, a “romantic slacker”.
The landlord's household is in full
decline. “The master's house stood alone on
yuru, that is, on a dais, open to all
the winds you want to blow ... "
The housekeeper steals, “stupid and useless
preparing in the kitchen, ”“ empty in the pantry, ”“ unclean
and the servant's drunkards. " Meanwhile, a "gazebo
with a flat green dome, wooden
blue columns and the inscription: “Temple
solitary reflection "... Manilov's dreams
absurd and absurd. “Sometimes ... he said that
how nice it would be if suddenly from home
lead an underground passage or through a pond
build a stone bridge ... ”Gogol
shows that Manilov is vulgar and stupid,
he has no real spiritual interests. "V
there was always some book in his office,
bookmarked on the fourteenth
the page that he constantly read already
two years". The vulgarity of family life -
relationship with his wife, education of Alcides and
Themistoclusa, feigned sweetness of speech
("May day", "name day of the heart") -
confirms the discernment of the portrait
characteristics of the characters. “The first
a minute of conversation with him you can't help but say:
"What a nice and kind person!" V
the next minute you won't say anything, but
in the third you will say: "The devil knows what this is!"
- and you will move away; if you don’t leave,
you will feel mortal boredom ”. Gogol with
amazing artistic power
shows the deadness of Manilov,
the worthlessness of his life. Behind the external
attractiveness hides the spiritual

Korobochka's accumulator is already deprived of those "attractive"
traits that distinguish Manilov. And again
we have a type - “one of those mothers,
small landowners who ... are recruiting
a little bit of money in variegated bags,
placed on the drawers of dressers ”. Interests
The boxes are entirely focused on
farm. "Strong-headed" and "club-headed"
Nastasya Petrovna is afraid to sell too cheap,
selling dead souls to Chichikov. Curious
The "silent scene" that occurs in this
chapter. We find similar scenes almost in
all chapters showing the conclusion
Chichikov's deal with another landowner. it
a special artistic device, a kind
temporary stop of action: it
allows to show with special convexity
the spiritual emptiness of Pavel Ivanovich and his
interlocutors. In the final of the third chapter, Gogol
speaks of the typicality of the image of the Box,
the insignificance of the difference between her and the other
aristocratic lady.

dead souls continues in the poem Nozdryov. How
and other landowners, he is not internally
develops, does not change depending on
age. “Nozdryov at thirty-five was
is exactly the same as he was in
eighteen and twenty: a hunter to take a walk. "
The portrait of a dashing cutie is satirical and
sarcastic at the same time. "It was
medium height, very well built

well done with
full ruddy cheeks ... Health,
it seemed so
from his face ”. However, Chichikov notes that
Nozdryov had one sideburn less and did not
as thick as the other (the result of the next
fights). Passion for lies and card games during
explains a lot that none of the
meeting, where Nozdryov was present, did not
dispensed with history. The life of a landowner
absolutely spiritless. The office “was not
noticeable traces of what happens in the offices,
that is, books or paper; only a saber hung
and two guns ...

Of course, Nozdryov's farm is ruined.
Even lunch consists of dishes that
burnt or, on the contrary, not cooked.

Chichikov buy dead souls from Nozdryov -
fatal mistake. It is Nozdryov
blabs a secret at the governor's ball.
Arrival in the city of Korobochka, who wished to know
“How much do dead souls walk”, confirms
the words of the dashing "talker".

Nozdryov is no less typical than the images
Manilova or Korobochki. Gogol writes: “Nozdrev
will not leave the world for a long time. He is everywhere
between us and maybe only walks in
another caftan; but frivolously
people are shrewd, and a person in another
the caftan seems to them a different person. "

The listed
above are typing techniques used by Gogol
and for artistic comprehension of the image
Sobakevich. Description of the village and farm
landowner testifies to a certain
wealth. “The yard was surrounded by strong and
an exorbitantly thick wooden lattice.
The landowner seemed to be busy a lot about
strength ... Rural huts of men, too
were cut down wonderfully ... everything was fitted

the right way".

appearance of Sobakevich, Gogol resorts to
zoological comparison - comparison
landowner with a bear. So-bakevich -
glutton. In his judgments about food, he
rises to a kind of "gastronomic"
pathetic: “When I have pork - all
let's put the pig on the table, lamb - just
drag a ram, a goose - just a goose! " However,
Sobakevich, and in this he differs from
Plyushkin and most other landowners,
except perhaps the Box, is inherent
some economic vein: does not ruin
own serfs, seeks
of a certain order in the economy, it is beneficial
sells dead souls to Chichikov, excellent
knows business and human qualities
their peasants.

the degree of human fall captured
Gogol in the image of the richest landowner
province - more than a thousand serfs -
Plyushkin. The character's biography allows
trace the path from the "lean" owner
to the half-mad curmudgeon. “But it was
the time he ... was married and a family man, and
a neighbor stopped by to dine with him ..., to meet
two pretty daughters came out ..., ran out
son ... the owner himself came to the table in a frock coat ...
But the good mistress died; part of the keys, and with
them of petty worries, passed on to him. Plyushkin
became more restless and, like all widowers,
more suspicious and stingy. " Family soon
completely disintegrated, and in Plyushkin developed
unprecedented pettiness and suspicion,
“... he himself finally turned into some
a hole in humanity. " So, by no means
social conditions led the landlord to
the last frontier of moral decline.
A tragedy is playing out before us (namely
tragedy!) loneliness, growing into
a nightmarish picture of lonely old age.

In the village
Plyushkina Chichikov notices “some
particular dilapidation ”. Entering the house, Chichikov
sees a strange jumble of furniture and
some street trash ... Plyushkin -
an insignificant slave to his own things. He
lives worse than “the last shepherd
Sobakevich ”. Countless riches
disappear in vain ... Involuntarily draws on itself
attention and beggarly look of Plyushkin ...
and Gogol's words sound warningly: “And
to such insignificance, pettiness, disgusting
a man could condescend! could have changed so much!.,
anything can happen to a person. "

way, landlords in "Dead Souls"
share many common features: idleness,
vulgarity, spiritual emptiness. However, Gogol
would not be, as it seems to me, great
writer, if he limited himself to only "social"
explaining the reasons for the spiritual
insolvency of characters. He,
indeed creates “typical
characters in typical circumstances ”,
but the "circumstances" may include
conditions of inner mental life
person. I repeat that the fall of Plyushkin is not
directly related to his position as a landowner.
Can't the loss of a family break even
the strongest person, representative
of any class or class? In short, realism
Gogol includes the deepest
psychologism. This is what makes the poem interesting.
to the modern reader.

To the world
dead souls are contrasted in the poem faith
into the "mysterious" Russian people, into its
inexhaustible moral potential. V
at the end of the poem, the image of an endless
road and a troika bird rushing forward. V
this indomitable movement is felt
the writer's confidence in the great
destiny of Russia, in the possibility
spiritual resurrection of mankind.

Lesson 3 N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls2 System of images of the poem. Images of landowners (Manilov, Korobochka)

Goals: to give students an idea of ​​the system of images of the poem "Dead Souls"; to acquaint students with the images of landowners using the example of Manilov and Korobochka; to formulate the skills and abilities to build an answer to the question of a work of art based on theoretical and literary knowledge; improve the skills of analytical work with prosaic text; promote aesthetic and moral education students; foster a culture of reading perception.

Equipment : textbook, text of the poem "Dead Souls", handouts, table, illustrative material on the topic of the lesson.

Lesson type : lesson - analysisartwork

Predicted Results : students knowabout the system of images of the poem by N.V. Gogol

"Dead Souls", are able to characterize the characters of the poem, analyze the text, retell individual episodes in the form of descriptions,participate in a conversation, develop their point of view on work of fiction in accordance with author's position and the historical era.

During the classes

I ... Organizational stage

II... Updating basic knowledge

Conversation (analysis of the first chapter)

Tell us what you learned from what you read about the main character of the work.

What was the purpose of his visit to provincial town?

Find in the text and read portrait description Chichikova. Why do you think the writer makes him stand out with his faceless appearance? Justify your answer. With what words does the author express his attitude to the character?

III... Motivation learning activities

The poem was conceived by Gogol as a broad epic canvas, in which the author wanted to truthfully reflect, as in a clear mirror, living modernity.
The poem reflected Russia first third of XIX century - Russia at the time when the tsarist government, having dealt with the Decembrists, with dreams the best people countries to introduce republican rule, intensively created the bureaucratic bureaucratic apparatus, when the energetic Chichikovs - businessmen-acquirers, able to make money from anything - went up the hill.
The poem is built in the form of a journey and allows the reader to look into all the details that interest him. The subject of attention is "lord middle hand

System of images. The figurative system of the poem is built in accordance with three main plot-compositional links: landlord, bureaucratic Russia and the image of Chichikov. The peculiarity of the system of images lies in the fact that the contrast to the heroes shown in the real plan of the poem makes up an ideal plan, where the author's voice is present and the image is created.

The first chapter of the poem can be defined as a kind of introduction. The action has not yet begun, and the author is only in general outline outlines the heroes. The reader begins to guess that Chichikov came to the provincial town with some intentions, which are clarified later.

IV ... Working on the topic of the lesson

1. introduction teachers.

Creating images of landowners, Gogol not only shows us different types of owners of serf souls: dreamy idlers (Manilov) who are absolutely indifferent to the serfs entrusted to him; skuperdyaev (Sobakevich), who will not miss anything in life; "cudgel-headed" boxes, bogged down in small subsistence farming, where every piece of land, every piece, every box and casket is registered; senseless bully (Nozdryov), who rages more at fairs and on neighboring estates than is at home; and finally, phenomenal buns from all sides. The author creates a whole system of images, very realistic and at the same time clearly satirical. He shows us the "heroes" from all sides, using three types of description: portrait, landscape of the estate, interior of the landlord's house.

2. Teamwork to compile reference circuit- synopsis "System of images of the poem" (writing on the board and in a notebook)

Poem image system


Landlords, villagers







Officials and city dwellers

The governor


Chief of Police

The prosecutor

3. Analytical conversation "Reflecting, discussing"

a) Analysis of the first chapter

Which of the landowners does Chichikov visit first?

When does the first meeting between Chichikov and Manilov take place?

What is the leading detail in the description of the hero?

Tell us who Manilov is. What impression did he make on you?

What was the landlord busy with? How does he feel about his estate?

Find in the text and read the description of the interior of Manilov's house. - Expressively read how Manilov reacted to Chichikov's offer to sell "dead souls". How does this scene characterize Manilov?

Argument your answer

Explain the term "manilovism"

Please comment on the assessment of this chapter given by V.A. Zhukovsky: "It's funny and painful."

b) Analysis of the third chapter

With the help of which artistic means the author reveals the image of the Box? Examples from the text.

Find in the text and read the characteristics of the Box. What the hell is Korobochka leading? Examples from the text.

- Read expressively how Korobochka reacted to Chichikov's offer to sell “dead souls”. How does this scene characterize Box?

Think about whether this image can be called typical? Why?

What artistic device enhances the author's generalization? Examples from the text.

4. Collective work on compiling the table “Heroes of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

“The heroes of the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Images of landlords



Attitude towards a request for the sale of dead souls


Vulgar and empty. For two years a book with a bookmark on one page has been in his office. His speech is sweet and cloying.

I was surprised. He thinks that it is illegal, but he cannot refuse such a pleasant person. Gives free to the peasants. At the same time, he does not know how many souls he has. -


Knows the value of money, is practical and economical. Avaricious, stupid, club-headed, landowner-accumulator

He wants to know what Chichikov's souls are for. The number of the dead knows exactly (18 people). He looks at dead souls like hemp or bacon: suddenly they will come in handy on the farm


He is considered a good friend, but he is always ready to play a dirty trick on a friend. Bootie, card-player, "good-for-nothing". While talking, jumps constantly from subject to subject, uses swearing

This landowner, it would seem, was the easiest thing for Chichikov to get them, but he is the only one who left him with nothing.


Uncouth, clumsy, rude, unable to express feelings. A tough, spiteful serf-owner who never misses a profit.

The smartest of all landowners. Immediately saw through the guest, made a deal for his own benefit.


Once he had a family, children, and he himself was a thrifty owner. But the death of the mistress turned this man into a curmudgeon. He became, like many widowers, stingy and suspicious.

I was amazed and delighted by his proposal, since there will be income. He agreed to sell souls for 30 kopecks (78 souls in total).

5. Comparative work

Analysis of the images of Manilov and Korobochka (in pairs)





Attitude to Chichikov's request

Manilov (met in the city, rode by invitation)

The master's house stood alone on a dais; dull bluish forest; the day is either clear or gloomy, light gray; there was always something missing in the house; the walls are painted with some kind of blue paint like gray.

At the sight of a man who is prominent, pleasant, he smiled temptingly; was blond with blue eyes

The man is so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan; spoke very little at home; thought a lot, fantasized; I have already read the 14th page for 2 years

Was surprised, agreed to transfer for free; does not know how many peasants have died


(hit by accident during the rain)

Small house, full yard birds, old wallpaper, pictures with birds, old small mirrors, huge feather beds

Elderly woman, in a sleeping cap, with a flannel around her neck

Hospitable, sells honey, hemp, bacon, feathers

He wonders why he needs them; knows the exact number of dead (18 souls), is afraid of incurring a loss, wants to wait a little, agreed to sell for 15 banknotes

V ... Reflection. Lesson summary

The generalizing word of the teacher

Gogol's heroes were not fictional, bookish characters for Boklevsky. He long years lived in the Ryazan province and easily recognized the customs of the Russian province well known to him in the officials and landowners of city N.

Boklevsky completely refuses to reproduce household parts, furnishings. His the main task- to convey the intellectual scarcity, moral squalor of the Gogol types. Therefore, the artist is limited only to portraits of heroes, concentrates on the image of their faces.

Manilov is represented by the artist as having a rest in the afternoon. Having unbuttoned his tie, unbuttoned his waistcoat, with an invariable pipe with a long shank, he is basking in a soft armchair. Manilov is a delicate, educated gentleman. Therefore, down jackets dispose him to dreaminess. He turned his eyes, threw back his head - he was carried away with his imagination under the clouds. However, he does not rise from the pillows, he is in complete idleness, and it is clear to the viewer that Manilov's fantasies are as ephemeral as the smoke coming out of his pipe.

Korobochka is "one of those mothers, small landowners who cry for crop failures, losses and keep their heads a little to one side, and meanwhile they are gaining a little bit of money in variegated bags placed on the drawers of the dressers." The watercolor portrait of Korobochka represents a good-natured little old woman in a cap and a bonnet, in funny knitted shoes. The round, soft figure of Nastasya Petrovna, with some kind of rag tied around her neck, surprisingly resembles a tightly packed sack or sack - an important attribute of a homely landowner. Boklevsky often gives Gogol's characters an appearance similar to one or another animal. This creates additional associations for the viewer that contribute to a better understanding of the essence of the image. So, it is no coincidence that Sobakevich looks like a bear, and Chichikov looks like a cunning fox. Boklevsky's box makes you think about one of the small rodents, caring, homely animals that drag everything they see into their burrow. Indeed, she has round, surprised eyes, a triangle-raised upper lip, exposing the incisors, and, finally, short arms, ingenuously folded over the protruding abdomen, just like the legs of a mouse.

VI . Homework

1. Prepare quotation material to the images of Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin.

2. Individual task. To prepare for role-playing game

3. Leading task. Prepare a verbal response to problematic issue: "For what purpose does Chichikov visit landowners over the course of five chapters?"

At the beginning of his work on the poem, N. V. Gogol wrote to V. A. Zhukovsky: "What a huge, what an original plot! What a diverse heap! All Russia will appear in it." This is how Gogol himself defined the scope of his work - the whole of Russia. And the writer was able to show both negative and positive sides life of Russia of that era. Gogol's plan was grandiose: like Dante, to depict Chichikov's path first in "hell" - volume I of "Dead Souls", then "in purgatory" - volume II of "Dead Souls" and "in paradise" - volume III. But this plan was not fully implemented; only volume I, in which Gogol shows negative sides Russian life.

The most widely represented on the pages of the poem are images of landowners contemporary to the author.

In Korobochka, Gogol introduces us to another type of Russian landowner. Household, hospitable, hospitable, she suddenly becomes a "clubhead" in the scene selling the dead shower, afraid to sell too cheap. This is the type of person on your mind.

In Nozdryov, Gogol showed a different form of corruption of the nobility. The writer shows us 2 essences of Nozdryov: at first he is an open, daring, straight face. But then you have to make sure that Nozdryov's sociability is an indifferent familiarity with everyone he meets and crosses, his liveliness is the inability to concentrate on some serious subject or matter, his energy is a waste of energy in revelry and debauchery. His main passion, in the words of the writer himself, is "to screw up your neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all."

Sobakevich is akin to Korobochka. He, like her, is a storage device. Only, unlike Korobochka, this is an intelligent and cunning hoarder. He manages to deceive Chichikov himself. Sobakevich is rude, cynical, uncouth; no wonder he is compared with an animal (bear). By this, Gogol emphasizes the degree of man's savagery, the degree of mortification of his soul.

Completing this gallery of "dead souls" is "a hole in humanity" Plyushkin. It's eternal in classical literature the image of the stingy. Plyushkin is an extreme degree of economic, social and moral decay of the human personality.

To the gallery of landowners who are essentially " dead souls", the provincial officials also adjoin.

Whom can we call living souls in the poem, and are they really there? I think that Gogol was not going to oppose the life of the peasantry to the stifling atmosphere of the life of officials and landowners. On the pages of the poem, the peasants are not depicted in pink colors. Lackey Petrushka sleeps without undressing and "always carries with him some special smell." The coachman Selifan is not a fool to drink. But it is precisely for the peasants that Gogol has and kind words and warm intonation when he speaks, for example, about Peter Neumyvay-Koryto, Ivan Koleso, Stepan Probka, resourceful peasant Eremey Sorokoplekhin. These are all people whose fate the author thought about and asked himself the question: "What have you, my dear ones, been doing in your lifetime? How did you interrupt?"

But in Russia there is at least something light that does not corrode under any circumstances, there are people who make up the "salt of the earth." Gogol himself, this genius of satire and singer of the beauty of Russia, came from somewhere? There is! It must be! Gogol believes in this, and therefore at the end of the poem appears artistic image Russia-troika, rushing into the future, in which there will be no nostrils, plushiny. A bird-three rushes forward. "Russia, where are you rushing? Give an answer. Does not give an answer."

In 1852, after the death of Gogol, Nekrasov wrote a wonderful poem that can be an epigraph to all of Gogol's work:

Feeding my chest with hatred

Armed mouth with satire,

He goes through a thorny path

With her avenging lyre

These lines seem to be given precise definition satire by Gogol, after all, satire is an evil, sarcastic ridicule not only of universal human shortcomings, but also social vices... This laughter is not kind, sometimes "through tears invisible to the world," because (as Gogol believed) it is the satirical ridicule of the negative in our life that can serve to correct it.

Laughter is a weapon, sharp combat weapon, with the help of which the writer fought all his life with the "abominations of Russian reality." The great satirist began his creative way from a description of the life, manners and customs of Ukraine, dear to his heart, gradually moving on to a description of the entire vast Russia. Nothing escaped the artist's attentive eye: neither the vulgarity and parasitism of the landlords, nor the meanness and insignificance of the inhabitants. "Mirgorod", "Arabesques", "Inspector General", "Marriage", "Nose", "Dead Souls" are a caustic satire on existing reality. Gogol became the first Russian writer in whose work the negative phenomena of life were most vividly reflected. Belinsky called Gogol the head of the new realistic school: "With the publication of Mirgorod and The Inspector General, Russian literature took a completely new direction." The critic believed that "the perfect truth of life in Gogol's stories is closely connected with the simplicity of fiction. He does not flatter life, but does not slander it; he is happy to expose everything that is beautiful, human in it, and at the same time does not hide and her ugliness ".

A satirist writer, referring to the "shadow of trifles", to "cold, fragmented, everyday characters", must have a subtle sense of proportion, artistic tact, passionate love for nature. Knowing about the difficult, harsh field of the satirist writer, Gogol still did not renounce him and became one, taking the motto of his work following words: "Who, however much the author, should tell the holy truth!" Only true son homeland, in the conditions of Nicholas Russia, he could dare to bring to light the bitter truth in order to contribute to the shaking of the feudal-serf system with his creativity, thereby contributing to the movement of Russia forward.

In "The Inspector General" Gogol "gathered everything bad in Russia into one heap", brought out a whole gallery of bribe-takers, embezzlers, ignoramuses, fools, liars, etc. Everything in "The Inspector" is ridiculous: the plot itself, when the first person of the city takes for an inspector from the capital a chatterbox, a man "with extraordinary ease in thoughts, "Khlestakov's transformation from a cowardly" elistress "into a" general "(after all, those around him take him for a general), a scene of Khlestakov's lies, a scene of a declaration of love to two ladies at once, and, of course, a denouement and a silent comedy scene.

Gogol did not bring in his comedy " goodie". The positive beginning in" The Inspector General ", which embodied the high moral and social ideal of the writer, underlying his satire, was" laughter ", the only" honest face "in the comedy. It was laughter, wrote Gogol," the bright nature of man ... because at the bottom of it there is an eternally gushing spring of it, which deepens the object, makes what would have slipped brightly, without the penetrating power of which the trifle and emptiness of life would not frighten man so much. "