Is it possible to call Radishcheva a true son of the Fatherland. Conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland

Is it possible to call Radishcheva a true son of the Fatherland. Conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland
Is it possible to call Radishcheva a true son of the Fatherland. Conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland

Where does the homeland begins?

The concept of "patriot" last year celebrated his three-year anniversary. It appeared in 1716, before no one used such a word and did not think similar categories. In Russia, patriotism did not exist in our modern sense. No, of course, the native people loved the earth and even chasing. True, it was not considered to determine what Russian land of the XIII century, for example, is quite difficult - the territories that we used to call the Russians were not considered at all. However, they were in some way one - as the lands of Christians.

The word "patriot" appeared in Russia in 1716

But it is this unity on the basis of the Christian faith and prevented the appearance of the concept of patriotism. Moscow, who considered himself the heiress of Byzantium and Rome, adopted their self-determination as the world kingdom. And in the gospel of John and at all, it is: "Jesus answered: My kingdom is not from this world," that is, a real Christian should be thought about eternal life, and not about the struck earthly existence. And only many years later, in the XIX century, the motto "For faith, king and fatherland" appeared, which united Orthodoxy and love for his country in the minds of the Russian person.

For a long time "Patriot" and "Son of the Fatherland" were synonymous

The concept of patriotism was preceded by love for the Fatherland, to what we now call a small homeland. For example, at the time of the Mongolian Ieland, one specific land was considered "Vasta", the heritage of fathers. Only by the XIV century, the Fatherland receives a different interpretation - a larger, the boundaries go beyond the limits of one land. This largely contributed to the elevation of the Moscow Principality.

Life for the king!

For a long time, patriotism was not connected with love for the country, but with the adherence to the ruler. The word "state" itself, in habitual understanding, appeared only by the XVI century. Back in the XV century, under the "state" was understood as personal power, in particular Ivan III. But already in the judiciary of 1550 "the state" means a certain territory, land. Brighter than the change of focus from the ruler to the territory manifested itself in the times of the Troubles. The beginning of the XVII century clearly showed that the inhabitants of Russia were ready to fight for the country in which they live, even if there is no Tsar-Batyushki above them.

Great Prince Moscow Ivan III

First patriot

In the XVII century, the concept of "common good" appears, which arose on the basis of the unification of the idea of \u200b\u200b"homeland" and "states". Alexey Mikhailovich, for example, in his letters argues about goodness for the state. His son, Peter I, can rightly be considered the first patriot in the modern understanding of this word. For the first time, the term "patriot" is found in the treatise "reasoning about the reasons of the Savy war", written by the companion of Peter I Peter Shafirov in 1716.

The term "patriotism" appeared in the Catherine Epoch

Then the word "patriot" still retained the meaning that came from Greek - "Countryman". That is why Shaffirov uses the combination of "True Patriot" or, as equivalent to him, "Son of the Fatherland". The ruler, he refers to the "father of the Fatherland" and considers it a real patriot, that is, a fighter for his homeland. The term "patriot" came to replace the expressions already existed in the language - "Oetrolubets", "Goodness". True, they did not fit in speech, but the borrowing remains.

Peter Pavlovich Shafirov

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the word "patriot" was used only to be known, and only a few decades later it entered the lexicon of educated people. By the end of the century, the concept of "patriotism", which operates the writers of that time. For example, in the composition "Conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland" Radishchev argues, whether there is a person born in the country, worthwhile to wear the name of the patriot.

The largest among publicists in Russia of the late XVIII century. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev. He entered the story of the Russian educational philosophical thought as a decisive opponent of autocracy and serfdom. Radishchev, starting education in Russia, continued him in the University of Leipzig, where he met with the ideas of Western philosophers. Returning to Russia in 1771, he actively joined the ideological struggle, combining her with the service in the Senate and Literary Activity.

In 1790, in his home typography of Radishchev printed a small brochure "Letter to a friend, which in Tobolsk on the debt of his title." This letter to an unknown addressee was dated August 8, 1782. and is devoted to the description of the opening of the monument to Peter I work in St. Petersburg.

In essence, this work is a report on the celebration, accompanied by statements about the role of monarchs. This essay is truly journalistic creativity, it "asks" to the pages of the magazine or newspaper. But the thoughts of the author are too bold, so it was impossible to print a letter in an object. Publish it, and without signature, Radishchev was able only after starting a home typography.

In the "Letter to a friend" writer tells a detailed discussion about the ceremony. The Radishchev then describes the monument, explaining the allegoric character of the image: Stone - obstacles that had to overcome Peter I; The snake symbolizes the flaws of the ruler and others. The exact and concise lines of the report are interrupted by the author's arguments. So, noting the appearance of Catherine II, who arrived on the river at the head of the court flothelia, Radishchev notes that the national recognition of the merit of Peter would be much more sincere if it were not artificially inspired by the appearance of the empress.

Radishchev recognizes the merits of Peter I, agrees that the ruler is worthy of the title "Great". However, the writer saw in the reign of Peter and negative points: the domineering autocrats fixed his people, made the freedom to a false dream. According to Radishchev, Peter could even more glorify his rule, if he had freedom to Russian people.

However, Radishchev understands that it is practically impossible: no sovereign will not come from their autocratic rights. As mentioned above, the publicist was able to publish a "letter to a friend" much later, only eight years later. In the "History of Russian Journalism" there is an interesting note on this: "... After the explosion of the French bourgeois revolution, Radishchev to the final rows made the following note:" If this was written in 1790, the example of Ludwig XVI would give the writer other thoughts. " In other words, the sovereign should not ask for mercy - it is possible to deprive the throne to achieve freedom of the people. "

In 1789, in the December issue of the journal "Clearing Citizen", he published an article that was called "conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland."

The magazine "Clearing Citizen" was published from January to December of this year in St. Petersburg "Society of Friends of Literacy". On the issue of Radishchev's role in this edition there are different points of view. On the one hand, the "History of Russian Journalism" edited by Professor Western A.V. He believes that Radishchev was a member of this society, going into his composition as a senior comrade. "He worked at the time over the" traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow, "the ideas and images of this great book were unusually worried about him, he was looking for like-minded people, she was making meetings with the audience, and the" friends of verbal sciences "ate Radishchev with trepidation and admiration. Slissed, long, moral articles, with a bias towards the religious morality, which were filled by the pages of the journal, were suddenly illuminated by the flame word of Radishchev ... ".

On the other hand, the "History of Russian Journalism" under the leadership of Gromoova L.P. Approves: "The journal's face was still the materials of the religious and philosophical content ... It is unlikely that Radishchev ... skeptically, if not negatively, belonging to the church as a support of political despotism, could approve such materials, be it a member and ideological leader of the publication." And below: "Thus, by any direct testimonies of Radishchev's participation in the" talking citizen ", not to mention the facts in favor of the recognition by his" magazine inspiration ", we do not have."

Nevertheless, "conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland" is an expression of the educational ideas of Radishchev. Writer, wanting to preserve the Manera of the "talking citizen," wrote not an article, but a "conversation", took the genre of instructions, the teachings adopted in this magazine.

According to the author, it is not necessary to call the son of the Fatherland. True patriot must have many moral qualities: honor, harmful, modesty, devotion, nobility. The writer believes that the one who commits wise and human-loving deeds, the smart and virtue, most of all cares about the glory and the benefits of the Motherland. These are the qualities of the true son of the Fatherland. They need to be developed in themselves with the help of education, studying science, becoming an enlightened person. In addition, it is necessary to know the philosophy and get acquainted with works of art.

In the "conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland" Radishchev puts his task to awaken a sense of civil debt, a sense of patriotism, bring the reader to understand the tasks set by the growing revolutionary wave in Europe, but does not call openly to the revolution.

In July 1789, Radishchev began the publication of his most bold work - "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow." The first readers saw the ideas of the revolutionary transformation of Russia in the book of Radishchev, thoughts on the need to overthrow the monarchical power by a popular uprising. However, the content of the Radishchev's book is not exhausted by criticism of autocracy and is generally not limited to socio-political issues. Be that as it may, the starting idea of \u200b\u200bthe book is educational. Revolutionary ideas in the "journey ..." Radishchev are not connected so much with the French revolution, as caused by independent reflections of Radishchev over the historical development of Russia.

Usually in reasoning about the socio-political ideas of "travel ..." is not taken into account that this is not a treatise, but a work of fiction, in which the point of view of the author may not coincide with the point of view of the hero. In many ways, the traveler is the twin of the author, however, there are significant differences. The traveler is extremely hot-tempered, is incorporated, sensitive. And Radishchev in his life was a man in the highest degree restrained, even secretive. Passing his thoughts and feelings by her hero, having endowed him with many features of his own personality, Radishchev, at the same time, separated him from himself with some discrepancies of biographies and character.

The main topic of "travel ..." is the topic of law and lawlessness. In Sofia, the law violates everything: a spacing that illegally requiring vodka, the postal commissar who does not fulfill his duties. The lawlessness occupies a strish from the head of "Tosna", ready to compose any fake pedigree. In the chapter "Lyubani" is considered the very concept of law in its correlation with human rights. It turns out that on the one hand, the existing laws violate everything, on the other, the laws of the Russian Empire themselves are legalized by lawlessness from the point of view of the enlightenment concept of "natural law" and "social contract".

Next, Radishchev moves to the problem of an enlightened monarch. According to the theory of "enlightened absolutism", such a monarchy is equivalent to the constitutional or at least monarchy, limited by laws based on "natural law". In a dream, the traveler sees just such an enlightened monarch. This is the feature of the "travel ..." Radishcheva: he showed no Tirana on the throne, and such a monarch about which all the educational literature dreamed. The stronger the exposure of the lawlessness in the second part of the "sleep" sounds: since this may be created with the "enlightened" sovereign, which means that the principle of the monarchy itself is not suitable. Such is the withdrawal of the first composite part.

In the "subbesery" Radishchev challenges the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment as a means of improving life, argue with masons about the feasibility of spiritual and religious education. In the head "Novgorod" proves that it is impossible to place hope for merchants. In the chapter "Bronnitsy" Radishchev refutes the hope of the "second coming" of Christ. In the head of Zitachovo, Radishchev tells the history of the peasantrykin, a person honest, disinterested, fair, with the internal consent of the mind and heart. And nevertheless, the peasantkin suffers the collapse. The only thing that a honest official can make is to resign and do not participate in lawlessness. The head of the "peasants" is devoted entirely to the problem of education, Radishchev offers a whole system of upbringing a citizen, but also the upbringing will not save the country and the people. The chapters "HOTEL", "Vydropus", "copper" related by one character are devoted to the idea of \u200b\u200b"reforms from above". The conclusion of the author is: so that the "reform from above" is necessary for social and political conditions, which in Russia there is no. The hopes for the power of the printed word are destroyed in the "Torzoke". Finally, the author concludes: "Freedom ... should be expected ... from the severity of enslavement." "Tver" is the culmination chapter of the second composite part, since the Radishchev substantiated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe most real way to transform reality - revolutionary. The inevitability of the People's Revolution is the main idea of \u200b\u200bOD "VOLOSTI". Justifying the need for a revolution, Radishchev was to say how it could come. The answer to this question is contained in the head of the "Goroda": the formed peasants who have aware of the severity of the capture, which is the layer that can connect the revolutionary thought of an advanced nobility with the spontaneous real power of the peasantry.

"... root all evil and good - upbringing"

Socio-economic transformations in Russia of the XVIII century during the reforms of Peter I, the development of industry, the army and the fleet required not only qualified specialists, but also the patriots of their country. School reform played a big role in the decree of the king of February 28, 1714. She assumed the discovery in all provinces in monasteries of cyphic schools and schools, mandatory teaching children of the nobles, "parish rank", Dyachih and the attaincam. In 1722, the training of "carpentry, sailor, blacks and other masters" of diploma and tiphirs was introduced. School reform took into account the experience of popular education and education, intellectual achievements of Russian enlighteners, public figures and teachers.

Russian historian and statesman

V.N. Tatishchev (1686 - 1750), supporting the beginnings of Peter I, in its pedagogical writings raised questions "On the benefits of sciences and schools", the role of teachers in education and upbringing. He emphasized that the youth need to "know the laws of civil and military to their fatherland."

One of the first legislative documents of civil and patriotic education - approved by Catherine II (1729-1796, Empress from 1762) in 1764 "General Establishment on the upbringing of both young sexes." His author was a public figure, Personal Secretary of Empress I.I. Petskaya (1704 - 1795). He, learning abroad, met the pedagogical views of Ya.A. Komensky (1592 - 1670, Czech Thinker-Humanist, teacher, writer, founder of didactics), D. Lokka (1632 - 1704, English philosopher, founder of liberalism), J.Zh. Rousseau (1712 - 1778, French writer, philosopher, supporter of the theory of the public contract).

In the "General Institution ..." It is indicated: "Art has proven that the only one decorated or enlightened with science does not make another good and direct citizen. But in many cases, it happens in many cases to harm if someone from the most delicate youth of her age is raised in the virtues and firmly in his heart, he is not equal, and he gets acquainted with the mercy, incendant, dishonest delicacy and disobedience. With such a lack, it is necessary to approve that directly in the sciences and arts of success and the third rank of people in the state expect everyone to caress themselves.

Therefore, it is clear that the root of everything evil and good - upbringing. "

Pedagogical views presented in the "General Institution ..." and a number of other documents are subject to the idea of \u200b\u200beducation and the upbringing of a citizen. This goal was the principles of a new system of enlightenment.

Moral decay -

to the fall of the state

According to researchers, in the reforms of the times of Catherine II, the formation of a person and a citizen was considered primarily as a moral education. Make new schools by institutions primarily educational, harmoniously combine education with education - such was the principled issue of educational reform. The formation of a person, according to the initiators of the reform, should be completed by the formation of a citizen. The new education and education system proceeded from the state's need for devotees and qualified citizens.

Serbian and Russian teacher, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the School Reform Plan 1782 - 1786, worked on these problems. F.I. Yankovich (1741 - 1814). He was a follower Ya.A. Komensky, sought to increase the role of the teacher in training and education. In his "Charter of People's Schools in the Russian Empire", training is associated with the civilian patriotic education of young people: "The education of the youth was in all enlightened peoples of Toliko respectively, which was revered by a single means to approve the benefit of civil society; Yes, this is indisputable, because the items of the upbringing enter into themselves the net and reasonable concept of the Creator and His Holy Law and the solid rules of unshakable loyalty to the sovereign and true love of the Fatherland and their fellow citizens, the essence of the main sub-government welfare. Education, enlightening a person's mind with various other knowledge, decorates his soul; The lies in the will of the goodness of good, guides in the life of a virtuous and fills, finally, a person with such concepts that need him in a hostel. " He suggested that he was obligatory, along with the books on grammar, history, arithmetic, geography to teach Youth and the book "On the posts of man and a citizen".

The reign of Catherine II is associated with reforming the system of education, the adoption of a number of legislative acts relating to civilian-patriotic education of young people. In his plays, articles, the books of the Empress constantly applied to the idea of \u200b\u200bstrengthening the Russian state, emphasized that the decay of morality in the country, dismisses to the sovereign and the bombings, old people, fathers and mothers indicate the close fall in the state. In her opinion, much in society depends on the correctness of the decisions of the state leader. "First of all, Catherine II wrote," the following five items should be kept in mind: 1. It is necessary to enlighten the nation that should be managed. 2. You need to introduce good order in the state, support society and force it to comply with the laws. 3. It is necessary to establish a good and accurate police in the state. 4. It is necessary to create a state formidable in itself and inspireing respect for neighbors. Every citizen must be brought up in the consciousness of the debt to the highest being, in front of him, in front of the society ... "

Honor, faithful, nobility

In the development of the theoretical foundations of state-patriotic education, the role of A.N. Radishcheva and A.F. Bestumev.

The writer, publicist, the founder of Russian revolutionary pedagogy sentenced to the book in defense of his people to the death penalty, only on the occasion of the conclusion of the world with Sweden replaced by Ostrog, A.N. Radishchev (1749 - 1802) in the work "The conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland" emphasized: "Not all born in the fatherland is worthy of the majestic name of the son of the Fatherland (Patriot)." He allocated three distinctive signs of a decent name of the Patriot: the first - ambition (love for honor). "He lies this benefactor in all hearts; The difficulties found by him with the noble feat of his feathers are not afraid ... And if I am confident that the death of him will bring the fortress and glory to Fatherland, it is not afraid to sacrifice life; If it is needed for the Fatherland, it retains it to fully comply with the laws of natural and domestic; If possible, it disgusts everything that can stain purity and weaken the beneficiality of these, IKO a blow of the bliss and the improvement of their compatriots. " The second sign is fragrant; Third - nobility. "He is the same, he is," he writes, "who led himself to his famous wisers and human-loving qualities and actions with its ... True nobility is virtuous actions, revitalized by true deepete ... in the continuous beneficiaries of human genus, and mainly to their compatriots."

Democrat Enlightener, Military and Writer A.F. Bestuzhev (1761 - 1810) defended the state system of upbringing and offered to build it on the principles of Ya.A. Komensky. Having preferred in the civil formation of young people to public education, he pointed to its positive parties: the opportunity to know civil society, to understand the need to live, limiting the limits of its freedom, to form the ability to communicate with other members of society, willingness to do everything that is honored, the position, Fatherland.

Bestuzhev indicates that civilian patriotic qualities are purchased in the process of upbringing, passing the way from feelings to true concepts and further through experience to skills and habits. In his opinion, the object of moral education is the formation of a person's ability to be in wartime a unrelated defender of the Fatherland, and in peacetime - a quarrel citizen, virtuously and law-abiding responsibilities. He proposes to use in moral education, the principle "from simple to complex", a personal high-level example of the behavior of the tutor, as well as a number of rules: "Do not create other things that you do not want in order to you"; "Create for other good, Eliko may you create for them"; "Keep the laws ... Protect the Fatherland from the attacks of the enemy"; "Deliver to the Fatherland all those benefits, which only consist in the possibility of yours; Do not stop within the laws only prescribed, but rustle to do all kinds of good for him, what kind of love is yours can breathe; Yes, the benefits of this will be learn by your supreme, sole law. "

Turning to the civilian-patriotic education of youth, literary critic V.G. Belinsky (1811 - 1848), argued: "Who does not belong to their Fatherland, he does not belong to humanity." He also noted: "Patriotism, whose one would be proved by the word, but the case."

Russian writer, publicist, literary critic, one of the ideologues of the revolutionary movement in Russia N.G. Chernyshevsky (1828 - 1889), developing the ideas of citizenship and patriotism, wrote: "The nature of the funds should be such as the nature of the target, only then means can lead to the goal. The bad tools are visible only for a bad goal. " He emphasized that only a person with a low soul can change the Motherland, and the true "patriot is a person who serves the Motherland, and the Motherland is primarily the people."

First - personality, then - specialist

The founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia k.d was played a huge role in the development of civil education and education of the younger generation of Russia. Ushinsky (1824-1870 / 71). The author of many pedagogical works, he contributed to the creation of a new system of women's education and the revival of a pedagogical case in Russia, was convinced that for the production of a new system of young education, teachers needed well escorting in the physical and spiritual nature of man. In his opinion, the upbringing should be the main thing for the teacher. "This kind of education," he indicated, "... I have nothing to do with the release of just officers, engineers, rural owners, teachers, etc., and so on. ... the upbringing should form, arrange first of all the "man" - and then from him, as an identity developed, moral, is certainly produced and the corresponding specialist, lovingly chosen by him, devoted to him, who carefully studying him and therefore be able to bring the greatest favor in the selected field of activity ... "

Scientific contribution to the understanding of such categories as "Fatherland", "Motherland,", made a writer, lexicographer, ethnographer, the creator of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" V.I. Dal (1801 - 1872). He said that "Russia - Earth, the Fatherland of many nations, different in the language and faith that every nation, whose root nests in the land of the Russian, has the right to consider Russia by the Fatherland and that non-Russian living in Russia and honoring it by the Fatherland has a full and Decent citizen. " In his opinion, "Fatherland is a native land, the depreciation, where who was born, grew; Root, land of the people, to whom who, in the birth, language, faith, belongs. " Dal explained: "In Russia, more than sixty provinces and regions, and the other province is more than German or French land. People ... just more Russian; And there is also many nations of others. All these provinces, areas and peoples of multiliates are Russian Earth, "they all" must stand for each other, for the land, for their homeland ... as one-wayman. "

The creator of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" gave an understanding of the words "patriot" and "patriotism". By his definition, this is the "Lover of the Fatherland, a zeper about the welfare of him, sublipolub, a domesticist or a stupid. Patriotism ... - Love for the debris. "

Thus, in pre-revolutionary Russia, the main goal of the education and education of the younger generation was recognized as a patriot citizen. Proceedings of domestic enlighteners and scientists, state and military leaders, writers, publicists and teachers prompted ways to solve modern problems of young people.

Alexander Gerasimov, Galina Lisenko

The writing

according to Article A. N. Kadishchev "Conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland"

Is there a patriotism today?

"Two feelings are wildly close to us

The heart takes place in them:
Love for native ashes,
Love for the deputy coffins.

They are based on century,
By the will of God himself
The guarantee of his greatness. "

A.S. Pushkin

After reading the article by A. Radishchev "Conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland" I noticed that reflections on patriotism are relevant to this day. Thinking and writers of that time, skillfully wrote critical articles and took the topic for reflection, which attracted and will attract readers throughout the considerable number of centuries.

Before turning to your thoughts and start thinking on this topic, I would like to talk about the article of Radishchev.

He wonders who torments him: "What is the son of the Fatherland?" And there are four types of young people in their work in its work. Among them, unfortunately, he does not notice the slightest similarity with the patriot of his country, because These people are engaged only by themselves, their welfare and will be heard, real that neither are egoists. They are absolutely not worried about the fate of the people, the Fatherland; Themes of love for homeland, good and honesty they are also not interested. At these examples, the author rises representatives of his society, and, at the same time, in his words, sadness and sadness about young people who are not interested in any of themselves are traced; Which is not that they behave like the real Sons of the Fatherland, they, even, do not have no idea how, they look. They are simply not interesting, and it brings to them longing. Not only do they not care about the protection of their homeland, they also violate the elementary laws of society, being and morality.

Next, Radishchev still tries to find a representative of patriotism and formulates how it should look and what qualities to have. Speech originally comes to chest. The writer suggests that in each person since birth is invested love for honorthat "everyone wants to be respected to better than more infant, everyone rushes to further its improvement, celebrities and glory ...".

After that, makes a small conclusion that the true man and the son of the Fatherland is the same thing, and will be his distinctive sign, unless of course he ambitious.The most important, Radishchev calls the love of neighbor, as well as the fulfillment of all laws: social and lady.

The author believes that for the true son of the Fatherland, "there is no low state in the ministry of Fatherland. "Son", in his opinion, should be ready to sacrifice, rather than to show an example of ungiven for their compatriots. Hence the other quality, this person must be franvent. Patriot overcomes any obstacles in its path, he does not fear difficulties in such a good deed as the defense of the Fatherland.

Finally, he calls the last distinguishing sign of a true man: nobility.Under this Radishchev understands the desire for wisdom and to the possession of human-loving qualities, as well as, naturally, good actions in relation to others.

Gives a small definition of human nobility: "That is, straight noble herself, whom the heart cannot not tremble from tender joy under the one name of the Fatherland and who does not feel inno Its parts. "

Says by true nobility. " True nobility - there are virtuous deeds, revitalized by true Cement, which is not Indeed, as in the continuous beneficiaries of the human race, but mainly to its compatriots, rewarding to everyone for the prescribed laws of nature and government. "

That sees the son of Fatherland A.N. Radishchev.

Now I would like to present my opinion, and tell how the true son of the Fatherland looks like in my idea.

I would lie if I said that I did not agree with the point of view A.N. Radishchev.

Of course, any other wanted to celebrate and stand out, show its alleged "courage" and argue with such a wise person. However, I do not consider myself smarter than such people, therefore, expressing my point of view, I fully support this author. Since his reflections are really close to me, does it make sense to try to challenge what truthfully? It is that there is no point. Therefore, we will proceed to understand this question: "What is the son of the Fatherland?"

Thinking over this question, I realized that it is worth the "son of the Fatherland" to consider not as a young man who eager to become such, but a person in general, and no difference to which sex, race and age, he belongs.

So what does he see me?

This is a person (yes, it is with a capital letter), and not just a creature that looks like a person. Having written this, I was remembered by the "winged phrase" of the great Russian writer A.P. Chekhov: "In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts ..."

How can you disagree with this? This expression is closely connected with my ideas of the father of the Fatherland.

However, I do not think that a person only from nature is able to become a patriot. It seems to me that this can be developed in yourself, improving throughout your life.

The primary must be, in my opinion, love for the depreciation. How can a person call himself a patriot if he hates his homeland? Well, well, it does not hate, but simply, it is indifferent to it. Yes, here he was born, grew up, and aged, but it does not mean that it laid a love for this place. Honestly, it is even very difficult to explain what love for the debris, like the term love at all. Since I have not yet enough life experience, I will stop thinking about it and "go" further.

Face. It can also be viewed from several sides. Face as part of the body, and face as honor, respect and place in society. What does this mean, the face of the patriot should be fine? Those. He must be well-groomed and beautiful, and maybe his face should be completely symmetrical? Firstly, absolutely symmetric features do not happen, and secondly, in this context, it's still, the son of the fatherland or not, and with absolutely no difference it is good. The point is not in beauty, but in the expression, in the sending coming from it. And even more important, this is not an external characteristic, but the concept of "face" as a person's position in society. This means that the son of the dedication must represent the best layer of society (this is by no means depends on the material situation, knowledge in society), and to have respect for their people. But this respect should not be bribed, or hypocritically built, but true; And this must be deserved, but partly it is very difficult to do. To help you, good actions, because the main thing is not what a person says, but what he is doing.

Perhaps the consideration of the concept of "clothing" we will lower, because it is not very interesting to me, and maybe at all indifferent. Although, of course, you do not need to forget the proverb: "They meet the clothes - in the mind they escort."

Let us turn to the "soul". I believe that for the Son of the Fatherland, she plays one of the important roles. In general, in the life of every person the soul occupies an important place. It is not surprising that psychology studies her. After all, any soul has a huge number of aspects, and it is eternal. Most often, a person tries not to show it, but everything that does not happen to us, whatever actions we would do, what we could do is all directly related to the mental state.

How should the soul of the "true person" should look like? An unambiguous answer is unlikely to succeed, because I do not have psychological education, but it seems to me that it should be chista. It should not accumulate negative emotions in relation to other people, life; Fear are also not a place. His soul should be beautiful, she wore a man, and also, I will not be afraid to repeat, it needs the presence of love for the debris, near, to all beings on Earth, and there should be no carfulness. But maybe there may be pain, pain from the imperfections of people and the deception itself; The desire to help her and be the Savior.

But we approached the "thoughts". With this, everything is much more complicated. After all, they are completely independent of us and pop up by themselves. We can not stop "Running thoughts" even for a second, what to say about minutes. This is exactly what we can absolutely control.

But still, what should the thoughts in the head of a Patriot should prevail? Honestly, I doubt that even the true patriot will be every day, to think about the debris, about love for her, to compatriots. I think that it means to think so - means mistaken. Because we are all people, and we have a lot happening in the life of events, experiences, grief and joy, problems and even a huge number of "flowers of this bouquet".

Probably, good intentions should arise in his head, and there should be no evil thoughts.

Now, by continuing to reflect on my ideas of the Son of Fatherland, it is necessary to affect the qualities that he should possess and maybe some character traits.

Again, I will make a reservation that I don't have big scientific knowledge and can be in many ways to be mistaken, I apologize for it, but still I express my point of view, that's why I have every reason to write about what I think.

He must represent a virtue person. Good things, reasonable thoughts, striving for improvement, help people, solidarity, understanding, the effort to make this world is better. And this is not a complete list of what should be present in it.

Welcome. Also, the "good" concept is tensile. As they say "do not harm." The son of the Fatherland is obliged to treat good-natured to people, and try to help them than can. And more precisely, treat them the way he wanted to appeal to him.

Tolerance. He must be patient in relation to others. After all, every person is individual, and sometimes, you have to endure not very pleasant qualities of even relatives and loved ones.

Most likely, he should be optimist rather than pessimist. Otherwise, what kind of prosperity of the state and the Motherland can speak if all people begin to think pessimismally, and they will not want to talk about patriotism at all, and even more so become patriots.

Skill forgive. This is one of the wonderful qualities, which, in my opinion, should also belong to the son of the Fatherland. After all, almost every person has the right to be forgiven and gave him another chance; Another thing if after that even a person does not change. But this is another conversation. He needs to be able to forgive and mentally release this person.

You can talk about good qualities, but of course, it is not a fact that the true patriot will not look like that and possess such qualities.

But once again I have a hurry to see that I create my own image "ideal - the son of the Fatherland," naturally such people have not yet been born on this light.

I would call it a kind of wishes, what qualities would like him to possess.

Since we considered good quality, then we will list, perhaps, and what I would not like to find in the Son of Fatherland.

Cowardice. He must be brave and ready for feats for his homeland. Of course, this should not be brought to the absurd, as in the novel of Michel de Cervantes "Don Quixote".

Cheating, hypocrisy. They should not be inherent not only to the son of the Fatherland, but also a person in general.

Pessimism - I have already spoken about him. It is necessary to believe in your strength, in the best future and the world around the world.

Hatred. It is impossible to be a patriot, hating people, and the world at all.

Racism. The son of the Fatherland should equally treat all the peoples living on the territory of his debris. There is no better and worst people.

Treason. The most terrible vice. In no case cannot be called a parliament.

Violation of laws. State laws must be respected. And the most important observance of the laws of God is.

This is a small list of what should not be included in the concept of such a person as the "Son of the Fatherland".

Having considered the Son of the Fatherland from his point of view, I would now want to contact directly to the main topic of this essay, namely: "Is there a patriotism today?"

And again, depending on, we understand under this word.

For me patriotism- This is the love of debris, serving his homeland; It is in the ability to take care of value and, most likely, in the ability to bring sacrifices for the welfare of your fatherland.

Honestly, this question put me slightly into a stupor. If I were asked if patriotism was in our country during the Great Patriotic War, I would answer without thinking - yes!

Until now, the dedication of these people will be delighted, ready to go to death, for the sake of their homeland ...

Pride for them, as well as tears, pity and regret that they were not so sweet, they won the sake of us, for the sake of a peaceful sky above our head! And we will never be able to thank them for living now in freedom and peace. As it is a pity that the current my peers sometimes do not think about it, and the victory in the Great Patriotic War for them is simply a formality, and what remains in the history of the last century ...

What should I say about the current life, about young people and patriotism?

I believe that it is simply impossible to give an unequivocal answer here.

Suppose I will say that Patriotism is now. But is it? And if there is, then in such an exalted degree, what was before?

Still, I want to believe that patriotism in our country has been preserved (we will not consider other countries), but it is definitely not so pronounced.

Of course, our government has repeatedly spoken on various speeches, conferences, and so on that it is necessary to develop patriotic qualities in the current youth.

But really take a look at it. Is it visible in funny guys standing with beer and smoking banks, even a drop of patriotism? I doubt that in the "mighty Russian" they express themselves about the grandfather and great-grandfathers and the son of the Fatherland ... or how they are "dismissing" from the army (unfortunately you can not say otherwise), buy military tickets, and do not want to serve, defend our depth ...

Does this be called such a loud word as patriotism?

Either I absolutely do not understand what this concept means, or in practice, patriotism is practically absent (however, so painted in theory).

Naturally, I can not argue that all my peers are exactly that, and that we are all (including me) anything we do not make sense in patriotism and do not think about it. Simply, the above-described young people, unfortunately, every year becoming more and more (even scary to think what will happen next).

In addition, patriotism still remained in those people who defended us, more precisely in those who stayed alive after the Second World War.

Probably, it is present in the hearts of those who go to the army goes to the sea fleet and perform military tasks. In those who have love in the debris, and they are ready to defend it.

It is possible that patriotic feelings may arise completely unnoticed.

At this point, you understand that you are proud of your amateur, you understand what they want, and is better than the Motherland and not find.

But, nevertheless, if you truth in the eye, and from pleasant dreams to return to the real world, it becomes a little sad, and maybe a lot.

After all, the reality is more severe than we try to see it.

Honestly, sometimes, thinking about the fact that if a war someday, war will begin (God forbid), who will defend us? Will patriotic feelings arise in people and will they be ready to sacrifice themselves and their lives for their homeland, for the sake of debris?

It is a pity, but I can not give a positive answer. Maybe most people run away who are where, scared, hide somewhere, and will be trembling together and wait for death?

Or, on the contrary, all this is rallying their spirit, and will rise strong, friendly, powerful powers?

No one knows that, and only time will show. But still I want to believe in the best.

Summing up, I understand that it is impossible to say unequivocally about patriotism. Moreover, I am a second-year student having a small life experience. This topic needs to be developed by several people, and preferably having certain knowledge in this matter.

I thought about one question. Do I think myself with a patriot?

And again ambiguous thoughts are spinning in my head.

If we consider from the point of view of all those good qualities that I described at the beginning of the essay, then I don't come out for some criteria.

In addition, after analyzing the current youth, to whom I treat some extent - I also do not really come to know the "son of the Fatherland".

However, if you look at the love of debris - yes, I love my homeland, but it is not always pleased with what is happening in the state, in my debris.

And sometimes I am oppressing the situation in our country, social inequality, an incredible number of crimes, themeal, misunderstanding of views and much, much more ...

Although if I lived during the Second World War, I would still arise to defend the fatherland, my relatives and loved ones, and just people at all.

So who am I, Patriot or not? This question is most likely to remain rhetorical.

In conclusion I would like to add that I was not easy to turn on the essay of Pushkin's epigraph. He, like no other, could write about the debris, and was a true patriot.

I came to the conclusion that the topic that was touched in his article by A.N. Radishchev, relevant and in our time. But, as I said, it is impossible to consider this topic on the one hand and superficially. We need years of studying this issue.

And, perhaps, with each century, this problem will be studied in a new way, already with other aspects, other people.

Radishchev "Conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland."

This is a revolutionary and journalistic article (1789), printed in the journal''Besting Citizen''''''. Arguing about who should be awarded the title of the true son of the Fatherland, Radishchev nominates the underlying condition: they should only be "Success free''''''. Hence, he refuses the peasant in this rank in the serf dependence, refuses the Great Pity. But how angry sounds his venge to the oppressiveness, those serve-serpents, ''mucheel -ey'''''''Pritezinelœi'i''''''''''Priteinelœi'''''''''ev who used to read the sons of the Fatherland. The article in front of us passes a number of satirical portraits of evil, insignificant, frivolous landowners. But who is worthy to be the true son of the Fatherland? And Radishchev replies that a true patriot should be a person, performed by honor, nobility capable of sacrificing to the good of the people, and if one manifests himself, if he knows that it will be a fortress and glory to the Fatherland, it is not afraid of Donate life'''''''' This is one of the strongest political speeches of the Radish-revolutionary, requiring freedom to the people.


For the first time, the theory of the People's Revolution receives a journalistic and artistic embodiment in the written Radishchev in 1781-1783. ODE''VLOST''''', excerpts from which were included in 'Approaching'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

The fates of the Motherland and the people in the center of attention of the author, an advanced person who can compare the facts and events of historical with modernity and come to the generalizing philosophical conclusions about the patterns of the emergence of the revolution in Russia, the people of which are able to answer violence to violence. Ode''Volenity'''' is a work of a huge poetic and oratory passion, indicating the maturity of the revolutionary worldview of Radishchev. 'Proiner liberty''''A proves, 'This person is free from birth. Starting with apotheosis of liberty, which is aware of how the''Bessential gift of man'''', 'ester of the Great Del''''''istonel is reasoning further over the fact that it bothers it. In contrast, 18 V enlightened. Radishchev, speaking of freedom, means not only natural, but also the social equality that needs to be achieved by the struggle for the rights of the people. He passionately denounces slavery and despotism, the laws established by the autocratic power, which are '' Freamed Freedom. He exposes dangerous to the people the Union of the Tsarist Power and the Church, speaking against the monarchy as such.

The monarchy should be replaced by a democratic system based on social equality and freedom. In 'Square, the Earth will belong to those who processes it.

The faith in the future victory of the People's Revolution animates the poet͵ she is also on studying the experience of his country (the peasant uprising under the leadership of Pugachev), and on examples taken from the English and American revolutions. Historical events, historical names of the crumel revolution, Washington are instructive for other nations. Recreation of the contradictory image of Cromwell, Radishchev gives him due for being "... He taught into the genus and childbirth, as natives can revenge: you are Charles on the court of KazNIL'''''''.

Oda ends with a description of''Sbrannaya Day''''''s when the revolution will win and update''othery Drague''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Pafos Od - faith in the victory of the People's Revolution, although historically thinking Radishchev understands that it is even Hodina''''' '. The philosophical, journalistic content of ODA finds the corresponding stylistic forms of expression. The traditional genre of ODOs is filled with a revolutionary pathetic, and the use of satellites that attach the solemn sound to expressed ideas, only emphasizes the unity of artistic form and content. The success of ODA was huge.

The topic of the revolution in the''Putrition from St. Petersburg to Moscow''' Radishchev. (Inc. in 1790ᴦ.)

Radishchev began writing an''rupt "from the mid-80s. There is no quiet narrator immersed in the world of own feelings and experiences, and there is a person, a citizen, a revolutionary, filled with sympathy for powerless and indignation to oppressors. The topic of the revolution sounds in many chapters''rupt''st. Pictures of inhuman attitude towards the people, the consciousness of social injustice causes passionate calls from Radishchev to overthrow the power of the serfs. Since most of the people in the autocratic state 'isogeneous with a tight cattle, humiliated, then an indispensable insulted person,''vecked by the feeling of preservation of his own, is forced to reflect insults'' (''chudovo'''''''s).

The rigidity and greed of the landowner-''Krovopii''''', about the deeds of which is told in the chapter''viat Volochok''''''a causes the anger of the traveler, calling the people to answer violence violence.

Everything that the traveler sees in its path: road meetings, observation of the life of different classes, makes it deeply sympathize with the oppressed people and fills the feeling of irremissible hostility to oppressors, the consciousness of the very importantly of the revolutionary struggle for the liberation of the people, the struggle of the people. The revolution arises as an inevitable result of oppression.

An open call to the uprising sounds in Chapter's''gorodnya'''', where there is a drawing story about the recruit set, about the illegal sale in the recruits of people just because their landowner 'hasnounted money to a new carriage''''''.

Radishchev believes that the time will come when new people and freedom come out of the people and the freedom will come from above -''OT of the Great Executioners''''''''m, and from the bottom -''t of the severity of the enslavement'''''m, but he understands that 'long. The historicism of thinking suggested him that the revolution in Russia is accomplished, but for this you need time. Russian reality, features of the Russian national nature - the key to the inevitability of the revolution.

In the ability of the people to indignation convinces Radishchev and the experience of Pugachev uprising. At the same time, the revolutionary writer understands that the spontaneous nature of the uprising cannot lead to indigenous changes in Russian reality, to the victory of the people. In this regard, the challenge of''Hotilov''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' was given to the Radish score of the Pugachev uprising and a possible project of future transformations through reforms is proposed.

The foundation of the Revolution, but Radishchev knew that the victory was possible only across decades, and in connection with this, it is quite possible to seek them to solve the most ill matter - the liberation of peasants by other paths, one of which is a project as an attempt to alleviate the fate of the people at least soon.

Radishchev "Conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland." - Concept and species. The classification and features of the category "Radishchev" conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland. " 2017, 2018.

A.N. Radishchev

Letter to a friend, resident in Tobolsk, on debt of his title

St. Petersburg on August 8, 1782. Yesterday it happened here, with the magnificence of the dedication of the monument to Peter first in honor of Ruthagago; That is, the opening of his statue, the works of Falconeta. Caught friend, talk about ses in absence. Staying in a distant Fatherland of our Territory, excommunicated from your neighbors, among people who are not known to you, nor from the qualities of the mind and heart, not yet, can still be in the short time of your stay, not a friend, but below the friend, with that He could complain about the days of sadness and grief, and rejoice at the watch of cheering and jellows: for sadness and grief are calculated for days and years, merry hours, joy the same moment. You willingly, I think, you will use an hour Although you have a single rest of yours, for a trick with a delivered one with you, bitterness and rejoiced about your joy; With whom you can spend your days.

On the day, appointed for the celebration, in the second one already hunt in the afternoon, the crowds of the people flocked to the place where he wished to the face of his own and enlightenment. Guardian Shelves Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky, the former onceless associates of the dangers of Petrov and his victories, also the other shelves of the guard here, under the leadership of their heads surrounded by the place of disgrace, artillery, the Kirassir Novotroitsk Regiment and Kiev infantry took place on the nearby streets. Everything was ready, thousands of spectators on the exaltations made for that elevations and a crowd of the people scattered over all nearby places and roofs were expected to be angry with the image of which their ancestors in alive hated, and on death mourned. It is true for it is immutable: the dignity of merit and virtue attract hatred often and those themselves who do not hate them; When the wines and the pretext of hatred disappears, it does not deny the proper, and the glory of the Great Muga is approved by death.

The monument of the glory of Peter Empress Ekaterina, Sitting on the ships at the summer of his house arrived at the pier, going ashore, marched to the place prepared during the Senate, between building their own. As soon as she managed to ato, as the exorbitant of the statue of the departure, Impt and inconspicuously as, lowered. And CE was Paki to the eyes of our gray on her clothes on Kona in the ancient fathers of his clothes, her husband, the foundation of the village of this and the first of which on the Nevsky and Finnish waters erected the Russian flag, which did not exist. He appeared to the eyes of the courtesy of his hundred years later, when his hand, the baby was escorted in the first tremble, the scepter's scepter was extensive, Keyu's limits, he expanded so nice.

Blessed yes there will be your phenomenon, the succession of the throne of His and deeds and worsens the chapter. Everyone follows her an example. And the tears of joy are irrigated by the lountes. Oh, Peter! When your loud business was excited surprise and respect to you, out of a thousand surprised the greatness of your spirit and reason, was the one who he took away from the purity of the heart. Half was the caresses, koi in their insides hated you and your deeds were boring, the other in the horror of the horror is irrelevant to the autocratic power, Rabolenna the glitter of your glory, lowered the age of their eyes. Then you were alive, the king, omitted. But you can't make sure that you can't make sure, when you are hopeless when you are less strong, than the last of your warriors, sixty years after death, your praise is true, thanks unflicch. But however, more than anyone was more likely to be more and more recognized, whenever it should not follow the example of your succession worthy, although the example, but the example of the death and the life of Millions to themselves in their hand. Our recognition would be freer, and the chin of the opening of your own image, would turn into a child of thanksgiving about what the joy of his people fuss to the boring father.

The statue represents a powerful rider, on horseback by Borz, aspired by Mount Cool, by the top, he had already reached, crushing the snake, in the way of the horse and the rider of his rapid rhyming and the rider to stop the concerned. Uzda is simple, animal skin instead of a saddle, the groove holds, the essence of the whole horse breaking. The rider without sterefish in the half-confidence, the Kushak was pregnant, clothed bugger, having the chapter, wedding laurels, and the desne is simple. From this, you can pretty clear the thoughts of the freak. If you were here, a kind friend, if you saw this image myself, you, knowing and the rules of art, you, exercising myself in the art of Metage, you would be better to judge him. But let me guess the thoughts of the Creator of Petrova. The steepness of the mountain is the essence of the obstacles, Koi Peter had, producing his intentions into action; Snake, on the way lying, - cunning and evil, who were looking for the death of him for the introduction of new morals; Ancient clothing, animal skin and the whole simple horse toward and rider - the essence of simple and rough morals and unenfections, Koi Peter found in the people, to which he converted it; The head, laurels of the weddish, - the winner for was before, rather than the legislator; The view is courageous and powerful - the fortress of the converter; A sharp hand, patronizing, how sidier calls her, and the gaze is a cheerful - the essence of an inner assurance that has reached the goal, and the hand is simple, that a strong husband, overcoming all the desire of his oppusive vices, gives his cover to everyone, with his calling. Here is a kind friend, a weak image of the fact that, looking at the image of Petrov, I feel. Sorry, I will be mistaken in my judgments about art, which rule is little known to me. The inscription is made on the stone is the simplest: Peter first, Catherine Two, summer 1782.

Peter, as admitted, is nailed, and the Senate is the father of the Fatherland. But for what can he be called great? Alexander, a sewer ruler, named great; Konstantin, washed in the blood of his sons, named great; Karl, the first resumption of the Roman Empire, is called the Great; Lion Pope, the patron of science and art, called the Great; Kodma medicine Duke Tuscan is named great; Heinrich, good Henry IV, the king of French, called the Great; Ludwig XIV, a vain and rush ludwig, the king of French, named great; Friedrich II, the King of Prussian, still named his lifetime. All these molded, about the many others, I am not mentioned, by which the grandee calls the great name, got a name for the fact that they were sought from among people, ordinary services to Fatherland, although the Great had vices. A private person can be much more likely to get the name of the Great, distinguished by any virtue or quality, but the ruler of the peoples is not enough to acquire this Forest name to have virtues or quality of private people. Objects over which mind and spirit drawn it, the essence of numerous. The mediocities of the execution of one of the posts of his Sana would, maybe a great husband in a private position; But he will be a thin sovereign, if one will neglect by many virtues. And so, contrary to the Geneva citizen, he knows the unusual husband in Peter, the name of the great deserved correctly.

And at least Peter did not differ in various institutions, respectively relating to the folk benefit, at least he was not the winner of Charles XII, it could also be called, which gave the first desire of such an extensive grudge, which, and the primary substance was without action. Yes, I will not humiliate in your thoughts, a kind friend, exalting the praises such a power self-adjustment, which destroyed the last signs of wild liberty of his fatherland. He is dead, but you can't sleep! And I will say that could Peter be more nice to be, ascending his own, and the foundation of his own, claiming privately privately; But if we have examples that the kings left San Your, in order to live alone, what happened not from generosity, but from the satiety of their own Sana, it is not to live an example of the world, maybe it will not be that the king missed voluntarily His power sitting on the throne. (If this was written in 1790, then the example of Ludvi XVI would give the writer other thoughts.)

Conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland

Not all born in the fatherland are worthy of the majestic name of the son of the Fatherland (Patriot). Under the IGA slavery, which are not worthy to decorating the sim name. Who does not know that the name of the son of the fatherland belongs to a person, not a beast or a cattle, or another wordless animal? It is known that a person is a free, stout is gifted by the mind, mind and free will; That his freedom consists in election of the best that this is the best to know him and elects the mind, hesitates the mind of the mind, and always seeks to the beautiful, majestic, high.

All this acquires it in a single sequence of natural and frank laws, otherwise divinely called, and extracted from Divine and natural civil or hostels. But in whom, these abilities are muffled, these human feelings, can they be buried the majestic name of the son of the Fatherland? He is not a man, but what? it is below livestock; For and cattle follows its laws, and not yet noted in it removal from these. But here does not concern reasoning about those ill-faithful, koikovyi or violence deprived of this majestic advantage of a person, who were familiar to such that without coercion and fear, they do not produce anything from such feelings, koi are stripped into a speech, do not make higher work, from which they can not be released; Koi are strung up the horses convicted to carry the cart, and who have no hope of freeing from their yoke, getting equal to the assignment with a horse and undergoing equal strikes: not about those who do not see the end of their IGU, except for death where their works will end and their The torment, although it happens sometimes that the brutal sadness, declared their thinking, fastens the weak light of their mind and causes them to curse his distinguished state and look for an end: not about those here, koi do not feel another, except for their humiliation, koi crawls and move in mortal snow (lethargia), koi go to a person alone only, in other times burdened by the severity of their shackles, deprived of all the benefits, excluded from the total heritage of people, oppressed, humiliated, condominous; Koi is nothing but dead bodies, buried alone; work needed for a person from fear; They, except death, is not desirable, and that the most important desire is ordered, and the most lightweight enterprises are executed; They are allowed only to grow, then die; About koih does not ask that they did decent mankind? What commendable things, traces of their life, left? What kind of good, what benefit did the Great Number of Hands bring the state?

Not a word here; They are not the essence of the state member, they are not humans when the essence is nothing but movable car tormentor, dead corpses, grated cattle! Man, a person is requested to carry the name of the son of the Fatherland! But where is he? Where is this decorated with a great name? Isn't Niga and Life in Hugs? Is the flame-free pride, love, violence? Does not buried in surname, envy, maliciousness, enmity and discord with everyone, even those, koi feels the same with him and rush to the same? Or is it not mired in Tina Lena, gluttony and drunkenness? Hermitters flying out from noon (for he then starts his day) the whole city, all the streets, all houses, for meaningless emptylands, for the seduction of chastity, for infecting a harm, for the capture of simplicity and fraud, who has worn his flour shop, eyebrows - spacing soot , cheeks - Belil and Surik boxes, or it is better to say the picturesque hairpin, the skin of his body - stretched out the drum leather, looks like a monster in his decoration, rather than on a person, and his slutty life, marked with a smoothie from the mouth and the whole body that happens, strangles I whole the pharmacy of the incense spraying - in a word, he is a fashionable person, absolutely performing all the rules of the Schegolian larger light of science; He eats, sleeps, lying in drunkenness and of an uncertainty, despite its depleted forces, disguises, challenges all sorts of nonsense, shouting, runs away from place to place - briefly, he is fierce. Is it not this son of the Fatherland?

Or the one raising his gloomy to the hardness of heavenly eyes, tracing his legs with his own, to him are before Him, which torments his neighboring violence, persecution, hazardous, imprisonment, deprivation of title, property, torment, pretty, deception and murder, in word, all , to him well-known, means tearing those who dare to pronounce the words: humanity, freedom, peace, honesty, holiness, property and other sim similar? Thread flows, the blood rivers do not touch the blood, but they delay it soul. He should not exist who dares to confuse his speeches, opinions, cases and intentions? Is this a son of the Fatherland?

Or that stretching his arms to capture the wealth and possessions of the whole family of his own, and if it could be, and the whole world, and who with coolness is ready to depart from the ill-fabric compatriots of their and the last crumbs, supporting sad and languid their lives, robs, plunder their dust property; who admires joy, if it opens a case to a new acquisition; Let it be paid by the blood rivers of the congregations of him, let it deprive the last shelter and the impregnation of the species of those like him, let them die with hunger, caress, heat; Let them sink, let them kill their children in despair, let them be driving their life to a thousand deaths; All this will not shake his heart; All this for him does not mean anything; He multiplies his estate, and this and pretty. And so if you do not belong to the name of the son of the Fatherland?

Or not, sitting on the work performed by the works of all four elements the table, who sacrifice several people who took away from the ministry to Fatherland, so that he could have been transferred to the bed to satisfaction, and it's calmly engaged in the consumption of other works that he speaks until the dream takes the power of moving his jaws? So, of course, this, or who is from the above four? (For the fifth addition is only separately finding).

The mixture of four is visible everywhere, but the son of the Fatherland is not yet seen, if it is not among this! The voice of the mind, the vocabulary of the laws, are in nature and the heart of men, do not agree to the name of the calculated people of the Sons of the Fatherland! The most those who are genuinely the essence, say the court (not on themselves, for they do not find themselves such), but on their own, and they can senten such from among the sons of the Fatherland; There is no man in the cast, no matter how much he is deproed and blinded by him, so that anything does not feel the rightness and beauty of things and affairs.

There is no man who would not have felt awake, seeing herself, rejuvenated, enslaved violence, deprived of all means and ways to enjoy the rest and pleasure and not gaining their consolation anywhere. Does this say that he loves the honor without which he is like without soul. No need to express here that this is a true honor; For false, instead of getting rid of, conquers everything in the foregoing, and never calm the heart of the human. Every innate the feeling of true honor; But it covers the cases and thoughts of a person as it approaches it to Oyom, following the lamp of the mind, conducting him through the McLo passion, vices and prejudices to the quiet, honor, then, light. There is not one of the mortals, Toliko-rejected from nature, which would not have the springs invested in the heart of each person, asking him to listen to honor. Everyone wants to better be respected than more infant, everyone rushes to further his improvement, celebrities and glory; No matter how the lasculator Alexandra Macedonsky rushes, Aristotle, to prove to this nasty, arguing that the nature itself was already setting mortal so that one and moreover, much most of these should certainly be in slave state, and therefore not to feel the honor? And the other in the dominant, for the fact that not many have noble and majestic feelings.

Not controversial that a much more significant part of the kind of mortals is immersed in the darkness of barbarism, atrocities and slavery; But this Nimalo does not prove that a person is not born with a feeling, asking him to Great and to improve himself, and hence the lubrication of true glory and honor. The cause of such or a family of inherent life, circumstances, or in which be forced to be forced, or poorlyness, or violence of enemies of the righteous and legitimate elevation of the nature of human, subjected to the power and cunning of blindness and slavery, which the human mind and heart exists, imposing the greatest shackles of contempt and oppression , the overwhelming power of the Eternal Spirit. Do not justify yourself here, the oppressants, the villains of mankind that these terrible ties are the essence of the order requiring subordination. Oh if you have penetrated the all nature chain, how much you can, and you can a lot! then the other thoughts you felt in myself; They would find that love, and not violence contains the world's wonderful order and subordination.

All nature is subject to one, and where is it, there are no terrible disgraces, extracting tears of compassion from sensitive hearts, and in which a true friend of mankind is shred. What would such, then nature, besides the mixture of non-stroke (chaos), if it would be deprived of the springs? Truly, she would lose the greatest way to preserve and improving himself. Everywhere and with every person, he is born by fiery love for the savings and praise from others. This comes from a congenital man feeling its limitations and dependence. This feeling is strongly strong that always encourages people to acquire those abilities and advantages through which love deserves both from people and from the highest creature, evidenced by the joint conscience; And deserving other favor and respect, a person is learned by a trusty in the means of preserving and improving himself. And there is this so, then who doubts that strong love for honor and the desire to acquire the secret of conscience with their favor and praise from others, there is the greatest and most reliable means, without which human well-being and improvement can not be? For however, it will remain for a person to overcome those difficulties, koi are inevitable on the way leading to the achievement of blissful rest, and refute that a unwell feeling, which suits the thrill when the disadvantages of the flaws?

What is the means to get rid of fear fall forever under the terrible burden of these? If you lean, first, executed by sweet hope is refuge to the highest creature, not to Yako the avenger, but IKo source and the beginning of all the best; And then, the nature of the sake of mutual assistance has connected us, and which internally bowwards to be prepared and, with all the muffling of this internal voice, they feel that they should not be the sides, who impede the righteous human desire for improvement Himself. Who sowed in a person Site's feeling to seek refuge? Congenital sense of addiction, clearly showing it dual to salvation and pleasure to our remedy. And what finally encourages him to join the Sea path? What rushes it to the connection with this by two human bliss by means, and to care for them? Truly, nothing but a congenital fumeful motivation to acquire those abilities and beauty for themselves, through which the favor of God's favor and the love of their meetings is deserved, the desire to learn worthy of their favor and patronage.

People seeing acts will see that it is one of the main springs of all the greatest in the light of the works! And the beginning of that prompting to the lunner of honor, which is sown in man, at the beginning of the creation of it! CE Cause of the feeling of that comfort, which is usually associated always with the heart of a person, how soon poured into the destruction of God, which consists in sweet silence and granting conscience, and how soon he gains love of like herself, which is usually portrayed by joy when visiting it, praise, exclamations. This subject, to which true people are striving for, and where they gain true pleasure! It has already been proven that the true man and the son of the Fatherland is the same; Therefore, there will be a faithful distinctive feature of it, if it is thus ambitious.

Sim Yes, he begins to decorate the majestic name of the son of the Fatherland, monarchy. He must read his conscience for this, lifting the neighbor; For love is one of love; love is purchased; Must perform the title, as he commands prudence and honesty, without worrying up the nimalo about the reward, honors, exceeding and glory, which is a companion, or pucha, shadow, always following a virtue, illuminated by the wrong sun of truth; For those who chase for Glovy and praise, not only do not acquire for themselves from others, but they are losing.

The true person is the true performer of all the laws provided for the bliss; He holy obeyed. The noble and alien tribal and hypocrisy modesty accompanies all the feelings, words and acts of him. He is subordinate to the reverence of what order, improvement and salvation requires common; For him, there is no low state in serving the Fatherland; He serving him, he knows that he promotes educational circulation, so to speak, the blood of the state body. He will most likely agree to die and disappear than to file a different example of ungiven and, to take away children from the fatherland, who could be a decoration and the sub-project; He fears to infect the juices of the welfare of their fellow citizens; He flames a gentle love for the integrity and tranquility of his console; nothing so much eager to be angry as mutual love between them; He lies this benefactor in all hearts; It is not afraid of difficulties encountered to him at the noble feat; Overcoming all obstacles, a tireless to close the preservation of honesty, gives good advice and instructions, helps the unfortunate, eliminates the dangers of delusion and defects, and if confident that death will bring his fortress and glory to Fatherland, it is not afraid to sacrifice life; If it is needed for the Fatherland, it retains it to fully comply with the laws of natural and domestic; If possible, it disgusts everything that can stain purity, and weaken the beneficiality of these, IKO a blow of the bliss and the improvement of their compatriots. In short, he is fragrant! Here is another faithful sign of the son of the Fatherland!

The third, and, as it seems, the last distinguity sign of the son of the Fatherland, when he is noble. Noble is the one who led himself to famous wisers and human-loving qualities and actions; who shines in society a mind and virtue, and being ignited by truly wise love, all the forces and efforts their own to that only rushes, so that, obeying the laws and obsceners, to hold the authorities, both of themselves and all that he has To read otherwise, as belonging to the Fatherland, to use it as entrusted to him by the key to the glory of the co-owner and the sovereign of his own, who is the father of the people, without sparing nothing for the good of the Fatherland. He is right noblen, whom the heart cannot do not tremble from delicate joy in the one name of the Fatherland, and who does not innacive the memories (which in it is incessant), as it were, it was with a precious thing in the light of his honor. He does not donate the benefit of the Fatherland prejudices, koi droopy, Icho brilliant, in his eyes; all donates for the good of it; The supreme reward is virtue, that is, in that inner harvesting of all the inconsions and the wants, which the wisdom of the Creator pours into the immaculate heart, and that in her silence and pleasure nothing in the light can easily be like. For True nobility has virtuous acts, revitalized by true Cement, which is nowhere else, as in the continuous beneficiaries of the human race, but mainly to its compatriots, rewarding everyone to and according to the prescribed laws of nature and abuse. Decorated with the only qualities of both in enlightened antiquity, and are now revered by true praises. And here is the third distinguishing sign of the son of the Fatherland.

But however, they are not brilliant, however nice, nor delightful for any bonionless heart of this quality of the son of the Fatherland, and although it is used to have it, but they cannot but be without proper upbringing and enlightenment by sciences and knowledge, without kooy, the best person's ability is convenient As always, it was, turns into the most harmful motives and aspirations, and puts the whole states with maliciousness, concerns, discords and disagreement. For then the concepts of human are dark, coming and completely chimeric. Why before, than wishes someone to have a true qualities of a true person, you need to first teach your spirit to hard work, adjacent, obedience, modesty, intelligent compassion, who to hunt everyone, to the love of the Fatherland, to the desire to imitate great in the following examples, also To love for sciences and arts, how much the title is sent to the hostel; I would have applied to the exercise in history and philosophy or lovery, not a school, for the wording of the only convertible, but in the true, leaning person to his true duties; And to purify taste to love the viewing of painting of great artists, music, sculpture, architecture or architecture.

Evremely mistaken, who post the Siens, the reasoning of the Platonic System of Public Education, which events will never see, when in our eyes there is such a definitely education, and in the currently founded, enlightened by the god monarchs, and enlightened Europe with amazement sees the success of it, ascending to The specified goal with giant steps!

/ / Who are called "sons of the Fatherland"?

Each person has a corner of the Earth, which he considers homeland. My homeland is associated with a large-fashioned caring mother-heroine. Nevertheless, not all people can be considered real children of the native land. There is a lawsager question: "Who is called the" Sums of the Fatherland "?

I think that this high title is worthy of only those who truly love their homeland are ready to sacrifice themselves for him. The sons of the Fatherland are real patriots who confirm their love for their native corner not loud slogans, empty phrases, and specific actions. Such people will rather give their lives than they will betray their homeland.

The real sons of the Motherland always respected. This relation was displayed in the literature. Examples of heroes from works of Russian classics will help answer the question. In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy reproduced the event of the first half of the XIX century. This era is known to all the world by Napoleon's hikes. The French commander quickly captured part of Western Europe quickly. Military actions soon come close to Russian lands.

In the first battle with the French, the Russians were defeated. It would seem that the war was played, the only thing that remains is to surrender and give their lands in the hands of the invaders. The enemy was confident in his victory. But this miracle happened. M. Kutuzov raised the battle spirit of the soldiers, filled them forces to fight.

The Great Communication can be considered a real son of the Fatherland. He did everything to save his native land. The Sons of the Fatherland I would call other heroes of this work: Andrei Bolkonsky, selflessly fought on the battlefield, Pierre Probrelov, who remained in Moscow to kill Napoleon, Natasha, donated with a dotting to help wounded.

Heroes from Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy - proof that the sons of the Fatherland are people, ready to sacrifice their lives, some material values, and sometimes personal happiness for the sake of the homeland and countrymen.

Vasily Terkin from the poem of the poem A.T. Tvardovsky is also a vivid example of a person who can surely be called the son of the Fatherland. This is a Soviet soldier fighting for the liberation of his native land. Terkin at any time is ready to accomplish any feat, just to bring the victory. He, noillion, not doubting, takes over the river, covered with ice to convey the instructions of soldiers on another bank. Such actions for the benefit of the Motherland Vasily Terkin committed a lot. Did he think of such minutes of fame, orders finally about his life? I think no. The soldier was simply terrible to imagine that his native lands boot boots enemy.

Vasily Terkin is another example of a true patriot, the son of the Fatherland. Like the heroes of the "War and Peace", the Soviet soldiers are ready to go to death for the Motherland.

It can be concluded that the "Sons of the Fatherland" - those who perceive their homeland, as their mother, and therefore are ready for her selfless deeds.

This is a revolutionary and journalistic article (1789), printed in the journal "Clearing Citizen". Arguing about who can be awarded the title of the true son of the Fatherland, Radishchev nominates the underlying condition: they can only be a "free" creature. Hence, he refuses the peasant in the serf dependence in this rank, refuses the Great Pity. But how angry sounds his venouncement of oppressors, those landowners-destroyers, "tormentors" and "oppressants", which are accustomed to reading the sons of the Fatherland. The article in front of us passes a number of satirical portraits of evil, insignificant, frivolous landowners. But who is worthy to be the true son of the Fatherland? And Radishchev replies that a true patriot may be a person, performed by honor, nobility, capable of everyone to donate to the good of the people, and if necessary, if he knows that "his death will bring the fortress and glory to Fatherland, it is not afraid to sacrifice life." This is one of the strongest political speeches of the Radish-revolutionary, requiring freedom to the people.

Oda "liberty"

For the first time the theory of the People's Revolution receives a journalistic and artistic embodiment in the written Radishchev in 1781-1783. ORD "WILLY", excerpts from which were included in the "journey".

The fates of the Motherland and the people in the center of attention of the author, an advanced person who can compare the facts and events of historical with modernity and come to the generalizing philosophical conclusions about the patterns of the emergence of the revolution in Russia, the people of which are able to answer violence to violence. Ode "Willow" - a work of a huge poetic and oratory passion, indicating the maturity of the revolutionary worldview of Radishchev. "Surprise of Liberty" proves "that a person in everything is free from birth." Starting with apotheosis of liberty, which is aware of the "invaluable gift of man", the "source of all great cases", the poet argues further over what it bothers it. Unlike the 19th century enlighteners. Radishchev, speaking of freedom, means not only natural, but also the social equality, which must be achieved by the struggle for the rights of the people. He passionately denounces slavery and despotism, laws established by the autocratic power, which are "removal of freedom." He exposes dangerous to the people the Union of the Tsarist Power and the Church, speaking against the monarchy as such.

The monarchy should be replaced by a democratic system based on social equality and freedom. In the "kingdom of freedom" the Earth will belong to those who processes it.

The faith in the future victory of the People's Revolution animates the poet, it is based on the study of the experience of his country (the peasant uprising under the leadership of Pugachev), and on examples taken from the English and American revolutions. Historical events, historical names of the leaders of the Cromwell revolution, Washington can be instructive for other nations. Recreation of the controversial image of Cromwell, Radishchev gives him due for the fact that "... He taught into the genus and childbirth, as natives can revenge: you are Charles on the court. "

Oda ends with a description of the "Chief Day" when the revolution will defeat and update the "Fatherland of Drague". Pafos Od - faith in the victory of the People's Revolution, although historically thinking Radishchev understands that "no longer a year old." The philosophical, journalistic content of ODA finds the corresponding stylistic forms of expression. The traditional genre of ODOs is filled with a revolutionary pathetic, and the use of satellites that attach the solemn sound to expressed ideas, only emphasizes the unity of artistic form and content. The success of ODA was huge.

The topic of the revolution in the "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" Radishchev. (Inc. in 1790)

Radishchev began writing a "journey" from the mid-80s. There is no quiet narrator immersed in the world of own feelings and experiences, and there is a person, a citizen, a revolutionary, filled with sympathy for powerless and indignation to oppressors. The topic of the revolution sounds in many chapters "Travel". Pictures of inhuman attitude towards the people, the consciousness of social injustice causes passionate calls from Radishchev to overthrow the power of the serfs. Since most of the people in the autocratic state "is likened to a tight cattle", humiliated, then an indifferent insulted person, "entangled by the feeling of its safety, is forced to reflect insults" ("Chudovo").

The rigidity and greed of the landowner - "Blooders", about the acts of which told in the chapter "Vyshny Volochok", causes the anger of the traveler, calling the people to answer violence violence.

Everything that the traveler sees in its path is: road meetings, observations over the lives of different classes, makes it deeply sympathize with the oppressed people and fills with a feeling of irreconcilable hostility to oppressions, the consciousness of the need for the revolutionary struggle for the liberation of the people, the struggle of the people. The revolution arises as an inevitable result of oppression.

An open call to the uprising sounds in the chapter "Goroda", where the stories of the recruit set, about the illegal sale in the recruits of people only because their landowner "the money for a new carriage was tested."

Radishchev believes that the time will come when new people come out of the people and freedom will come on top - "from the great departments", and from the bottom - "from the very severity of enslavement", but he understands that "time has not yet been adjusted." The historicism of thinking suggested him that the revolution in Russia is accomplished, but for this you need time. Russian reality, features of the Russian national nature - the key to the inevitability of the revolution.

In the ability of the people to indignation convinces Radishchev and the experience of Pugachev uprising. However, the revolutionary writer understands that the spontaneous nature of the uprising cannot lead to indigenous changes in Russian reality, to the victory of the people. In this regard, the chapter "HOTEL" is the challenge of "want", which gives the Radish score of the Pugachev uprising and a possible project of future transformations by reforms is proposed.

The basis of "travel" - a call to the revolution, but Radishchev knew that the victory was possible only across decades, and therefore it is quite possible to search for them to solve the most ill matter - the liberation of peasants in other ways, one of which is a project as an attempt to alleviate the fate of the people at least at the closest time.

Not all born in the fatherland are worthy of the majestic name of the son of the Fatherland (Patriot). - Under the IGA slavery, which are not worthy to decorating the sim name. - Tell that the sensitive heart, not pronounce your vessels on such a saying, the counterpart in Prague. - Join and tempt! - Who does not know that the name of the father of the Fatherland belongs to a person, not a beast or cattle, or another short-sighted animal? It is known that a person is a free, alone is gifted by the mind, mind and free will; That freedom consists in election of the best that this is the best to know and chooses through the mind comprehends the mind of the mind and is always striving for the beautiful, majestic, high. - All this acquires it in a single subsection of natural and frank laws, Inaco divinely called, extracted from Divine and natural civil, or hostel. - But in whom, these abilities are muffled, these human feelings, can they be buried the majestic name of the son of the Fatherland? - He is not a man, but what? it is below livestock; For and cattle follows its laws and is not noted yet in it removal from these. But here does not concern reasoning about those ill-faithful, koikovyi or violence deprived of this majestic advantage of a person, who were familiar to such that without coercion and fear, they do not produce anything from such feelings, koi are stripped into a speech, do not make higher work, from which they can not be released; Koi are strung up horses convicted for a long time to carry the cart, and who have no hope of freeing from their yoke, getting equal with a horse of reward and undergoing equal shocks; not about those who do not see the end of their IGU, except for death, where their works and their torments end, although sometimes it happens that the brutal sorrow, declared their thinking, fastens the weak light of their mind and makes them curse a poor condition and look for them one end; Not about those here, koi do not feel another, besides their humiliation, koi crawl and move in mortal snow (lethargy), koi go to a person with one tokmo look, in other times burdened with the severity of their shackles, deprived of all benefits, excluded from the whole heritage of people , depressed, humiliated, condominous; Koi no other like dead bodies, buried alone; work needed for a person from fear; They, except death, is not desirable, and that the most important desire is ordered, and the most lightweight enterprises are executed; They are allowed only to grow, then die; About koih does not ask that they did decent mankind? What commendable things, traces of their life, left? What kind of good, what benefit did the Great Number of Hands bring the state? - not the word here; They are not the essence of the state member, they are not humans when the essence is nothing but movable car tormentor, dead corpses, grated cattle! - Man, a person is consumed to carry the name of the son of the Fatherland! - But where is he? Where is this decorated with a great name? - Isn't the nagging and obligrant in the arms? - Not embraced by flames of pride, lyrics, violence? - Does not burned in the surnuerness, envy, evil, enmity and discord with everyone, even those who feel the same with him, and are rushed to the same? - Or is it not mired in Tina Lena, gluttony and drunkenness? - Hertels flying out from noon (for he then begins his day) the whole city, all the streets, all the houses, for meaningless emptyland, for the seduction of chastity, for infecting a harm, for the capture of simplicity and fragrant, who has worn his flour shop, eyebrows spacing soot, cheek boxes Belil and Surik, or better to tell the picturesque hairpin, the skin of the body is extended by the drum leather, it looks like a monster in his decoration, rather than on a man, and his slutty life, marked by the Smad, from the mouth and the whole body it is happening, Interspit the whole pharmacy of the incense spraying, - in a word, he is a fashionable person, absolutely performing all the rules of the Schegolian big light of science; - He eats, sleeps, lying in drunkenness and uncertainty, despite its depleted forces; Disguise, challenges all nonsense, shouting, runs away from place to place, briefly, - he is fierce. - Is it not this son of the Fatherland? - or the one that lifts a great way to the hardness of the heavenly eyes, tracing his feet with his own, to those are before Him, which torments their neighboring violence, persecution, hazardous, imprisonment, deprivation of title, property, torment, inserting, deception and murder, in short, By all those known to him, by means of tearing those who dare to pronounce the words: humanity, freedom, peace, honesty, holiness, property and other sim similar? - Tears streams, rivers of blood do not touch the blood, but they delay it soul. - He should not exist who dares to confuse his speeches, opinion, affairs and intentions! Is this a son of the Fatherland? - or one stretching his arms to capture the wealth and possessions of the whole family of its own, and if it could be, and the whole world, and who with coolness is ready to learn from the ill-faithful compatriots of their and the last crumbs that support sad and languid their lives, rob their dust ownership; who admires joy, if it opens a case to a new acquisition; Let it be paid by the blood rivers of the congregations of him, let it deprive the last shelter and the impregnation of the species of those like him, let them die with hunger, caress, heat; Let them sink, let them kill their children in despair, let them drown their lives on thousands of deaths; All this will not shake his heart; All this for him does not mean anything; - He multiplies his estate, and this and pretty. - So, will not it belong to the name of the son of the Fatherland? - or not, sitting on the work performed by the works of all four elements with the table, which is to dedicate taste and belly, donate several people departed from the ministry to the Fatherland, so that he could be handed over to the bed, and there would be calmly already engage in the consumption of other works, which Does he think until the dream takes the power of moving his jaws with his? So, of course, this, or who is from the above four? (For the fifth addition is only separately finding). The mixture of four is visible everywhere, but the son of the Fatherland is not yet seen, if it is not among this! - Glory of the mind, the voice of the laws in nature and the heart of men, do not agree to the name of the calculated people of the Sums of the Fatherland! The most those who are genuinely the essence, say the court (not on themselves, for they do not find themselves such); But on their own and sentenced to exclude those of the sons of the Fatherland; There is no person, no man, no matter how much he is deproed and blinded, so that anything wrong and the beauty of things and affairs<...>

There is no man who would not have felt awake, seeing herself, rejuvenated, enslave the violence, deprived of all means and ways to enjoy the rest and pleasure, and not gaining their comfort anywhere. - Does not prove this that he loves Honor,without which he, as without soul. No need to explain here that this is a true honor; For false, instead of getting rid of, conquers everything in the foregoing, and never calm the heart of the human. - every convergence is a feeling of true honor; But it covers the cases and thoughts of man as it approaches it to Oyom, following the Mind Lamp, conducting him through the McLu passion, vices and warnings to her quiet, honor, then, light. - There is not a single one of the mortal Toliko-based from nature, which would not have the springs invested in the heart of each person, asking him to lick HonorEveryone wishes to be respected, rather than stiff, it's rushing to further my improvement, celebrities and glory: no matter how much the lasculator Alexander Macedonsky, Aristotle, to prove the opposite, arguing that the nature itself has already settled mortal so that one and that Much most of these must certainly be in slave state, and therefore, not to feel that there is Honor?and the other in the dominant, because not many have noble and majestic feelings. - It is not controversial that a much more significant part of the kind of mortals is immersed in the gloom of barbarism, atrocities and slavery; But this does not prove this little that a person is not born with a feeling as arcing him to the great and to improve itself, and therefore, to the lubrication of true glory and HonorCauses of both of the living life, or circumstances, in which be forced, or poorness, or the violence of enemies of the righteous and legitimate elevation of the nature of human, exposing this force and cunning of blindness and slavery, which the mind and heart of human existers, imposing the greatest shackles of contempt and oppression , the overwhelming power of the Eternal Spirit. - Do not justify yourself here, the oppressants, the villains of mankind that these terrible bonds are the essence of the order requiring subordination. Oh, if b, you penetrated the chain of all nature, how much you can, and you can a lot, then you would have felt in yourself; They would find that love, and not violence contains the world's wonderful order and subordination. All nature is subject to one, and where they are, there are no terrible disgraces * *, extracting the tears of compassion from sensitive hearts, and in which the true friend of mankind is shuddered. - What would such imagine nature, except for a non-stroke (chaos) mixture, if it would be deprived of a springs? Truly she would lose the greatest way to preserve and improving himself. Everywhere and with every person there is a born fiery love for the reduction Chestand praise from others. - this comes from a congenital person of feeling of its limitance and dependence. This feeling is strongly strong that always encourages people to acquire those abilities and advantages through which love deserves both from people and from the highest creature, evidenced by the joint conscience; And deserving other favor and respect, a person is learned by a trusty in the means of preserving and improving himself. - And if this is so, then who doubts that strong love for Chestand the desire to gain advocate for their conscience with their favor and praise from others there is the greatest and most reliable means, without which human well-being and improvement can not be? - For what then will remain for a person to overcome those difficulties, koi is inevitable on the way leading to the achievement of blissful rest, and to refute that a unwell feeling, which harvested the thrill when the disadvantages of the flaws? - What is the tool to get rid of fear fall on eyelids under the terrible burden of these? If you lean, first, executed by sweet hope is refuge to the highest creature, not to Yako the avenger, but IKo source and the beginning of all the best; And then, the nature of the sake of mutual assistance has connected us, and which internally bowwards to be prepared and, with all the muffling of this internal voice, they feel that they should not be the sides, who impede the righteous human desire for improvement Himself, who sowed in a person Site's feeling to seek refuge? - An innate sense of addiction, clearly showing us a dual to salvation and pleasure to our remedy. - And that finally, encourages him to join the Sea? What rushes it to the connection with this by two human bliss by means, and to care for them? - Truly nothing, as an innate flames in the acquisition of those abilities and beauty for themselves, through which the favor of God's favor and the love of their meetings, the desire to learn worthy of their favor and patronage. - The treating acts of human will see that it is one of the most important springs of all the greatest in the light of the work! - and CE Start of Tom Misses to Looking Honorwhich is sown in man at the beginning of the creation of it! CE The reason for the feeling of that comfort, which is usually associated with the heart of a person, how soon is poured onto the deliberation of God, which consists in sweet silence and granting conscience, and how soon he gains love of like herself, which is usually depicted by joy when visiting him, praise, exclamations. - The subject, the true people seek to whom and where they find true pleasure! It has already been proven that the true man and the son of the Fatherland is the same; Therefore, there will be a faithful distinctive sign, if it is in this way Ambitious.

Sim Yes, he begins to decorate the majestic name of the son of the Fatherland, monarchy. He must read his conscience for this, love the neighbors; for love is acquired by love; Must perform the title as he commands prudence and honesty, without worrying the nimalo about the reward, honors, exceeding and glory, which is a sophisticated, or a lot, the shadow, always following the virtue, illuminated by the wild sun; For those who chase for Glovy and praise, not only do not acquire for themselves from others, but they are losing.

The true person is the true performer of all those who are pretended for the bliss of his laws; He holy obeyed. - Noble and alien tribal and hypocrisy, modesty accompanies all the feelings, words and acts of him. He is submitted to the reverence of the fact that the order, the landscaping and salvation generally require; For him, there is no low state in serving the Fatherland; He serving him, he knows that he promotes educational circulation, so to speak, the blood of the state body. - He will rather agree to die and disappear than to file a different example of ungiven and, to take away children from the fatherland, who could be a decoration and sub-manner; He fears to infect the juices of the welfare of their fellow citizens; He flames a gentle love for the integrity and tranquility of his coherence; nothing so much eager to be angry as mutual love between them; He lies this benefactor in all hearts; It is not afraid of difficulties encountered to him at the noble feat; Overcoming all the obstacles, the tireless comes to preserve honesty, gives good tips and instructions, helps the unfortunate, eliminates the dangers of delusion and vices, and if confident that death will bring the fortress and glory to Fatherland, it is not afraid to sacrifice life; If it is needed for the Fatherland, it retains it to fully comply with the laws of natural and domestic; If possible, its disgusts everything that can stain purity and weaken the beneficiality of these, IKO is a blow of the bliss and the improvement of their compatriots. In a word, O. frequently!Here is another faithful sign of the son of the Fatherland! The third and, as it seems, the last distinguishing sign of the son of the Fatherland, when he noble.Noble is the one who led himself to famous wisers and human-loving qualities and actions; who shines in society with a mind and virtue and, being ignited by truly wise love, all the strength and efforts of their own to that only rushes, so that, obeying the laws and obscene To read otherwise, as belonging to the Fatherland, to use it as entrusted to him by the key to the glory of the co-owner and the sovereign of his own, who is the father of the people, without sparing nothing for the good of the Fatherland. That there is straight noble herself, whom the heart cannot do not tremble from gentle joy in the one of the name of the Fatherland, and which does not feel in that memories (which in it is incessustly) as it were that it was about the precious everything in the light of his honor. He does not donate the benefit of the Fatherland prejudices, koi droopy, Icho brilliant, in his eyes; everyone sacrifices for the benefit; The supreme reward is virtue, that is, in that inner harvesting of all the inconsions and the wants, which the wisdom of the Creator pours into the immaculate heart, and that in her silence and pleasure nothing in the light can easily be like. For True nobilitythere are virtuous deeds, revived by true care, which is not Indeed, as in the uninterrupted beneficiaries of the human race, but mainly to its compatriots, rewarding to everyone for the prescribed laws of nature and public management. Decorated with the only qualities of both in convicted antiquity, and now they are revered by true praises. And here is the third distinguishing sign of the son of the Fatherland!

But however, it is not brilliant, however norny, nor delicious for any bonion of the hearts of this quality of the son of the Fatherland, and although everyone is now used to have it, but they can not be unclean, mixed, dark, confused, without proper upbringing and enlightenment with sciences and knowledge, Without koi, the best of this person's ability is convenient, as always, it was, turns into the most harmful motivations and aspirations and floods entire states with maliciousness, concerns, discords and disagreement. For then the concepts of human are dark, coming and completely chimeric. - Why before, than wishes someone to have a true qualities of a true person, you need to first teach your spirit to hard work, adjacent, obedience, modesty, intelligent compassion, to hunt everyone, to the love of the Fatherland, to the desire to imitate the Great in Tomer to love for sciences and arts, how much the title allowed in the hostel; would have applied to the exercise in history and philosophy or lodging; Not a school, for the wordness of the only convertible, but in a true, leaning person, his true duties; And to purify taste, would love the viewing of painting of great artists, music, sculpture, architecture or architecture.

Evremely mistaken, who post the Siens, the reasoning of the Platonic System of Public Education, which events will never see, when in our eyes there is such a definitely education, and in the currently founded, enlightened by the god monarchs, and enlightened Europe with amazement sees the success of it, ascending to The specified goal with giant steps!

Radishchev A.N. Full Cathedral op.

M.; L.; 1938. T. I. . P. 213-224.

A.N. Radishchev - writer and publicist, philosopher. Made to Russian literature the idea of \u200b\u200brevolutionary transformation of society, the enemy of serfdom. The author of the book "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow." The article "The conversation that there is the son of the Fatherland" was first published in the monthly journal "Clearing Citizen" (1789. Part III) anonymously for security reasons.