Watercolor illustration portrait. Portrait Watercolor Photo

Watercolor illustration portrait. Portrait Watercolor Photo

Today I will tell you how to draw a watercolor portrait! To begin with, we will prepare all the materials you need. Read about them in an article about the materials and tools that I use when executing orders.

First you need to pull the paper. Who has enough strength to pull it on the tablet with the buttons, that big is well done! Well, I fix the paper to the tablet with a tape, sticking it to the border of the sheet, no more than 1 cm wide. When the sheet is fixedly on the tablet, we begin to make a pencil sketch. We try not to press a lot to the pencil, but it is easier to draw, so that you can be visible with barely notable contour lines. When the portrait of the portrait on the photo is ready, clarify it with the cock. Now let's start drawing in watercolor.

Big brush wet your whole face in the portrait. We mix the necessary colors on the palette, which will be used to transmit skin color. In my case, this cadmium red light (orange) and carmine (pink). We dilute them well with water and applied bright areas of the skin, leaving white glare. While the paint on paper has not dried yet, add brown or purple shadows. Do not be afraid if the watercolor flows, in this and there is all her charm. In total, there will be 3 layers of paint in the portrait, since more of their quantity will look dirty and misstain. Therefore, we calculate the tone on 3 approaches.

Now we start drawing eyes in the watercolor portrait. Try to find barely noticeable shades, add bright accents. The darkest plots do not write in black. In general, the watercolor does not tolerate this color, as it is believed that pure form it does not exist. Therefore, instead, we use other dark shades: purple, brown. In the shade, warm tones will also look good: ocher, orange.

If you are difficult to consider and see the color, and the whole face seems one tone, one hint will help you. Artists often enjoy the so-called Goethe around. In the drawing, the lines are connected to those colors that contrast, but at the same time complement and combine with each other. That is, near yellow color Will look good blue, near purple - orange and green. These colors will brightly play in the drawing and your portrait watercolor will be more picturesque and individual.

We prescribe all the details of the face, we specify the shadows, add contrasts. So, gradually we have a lot of watercolor. Many do not know how to draw hair on your head. We are also writing in the 3 stages. First - the main tone. When this layer is dry, we applied the second, and at the end of the darkest plots we write in the third layer. If the hair remains still not dark enough, you can cover the paint again, but it is not desirable to do it, since the paper may not be a bad thing - wrinkled, covered with kat. In the same way, we write clothes in the portrait, not forgetting that she is hoping for the body, and repeats its outlines, and not just hanging in itself. Here you have to remember the anatomy of a person and try, although hidden under the clothes, but still convey the bends of the body of the person, whom we draw watercolor.

Background B. watercolor drawing We transmit it all gently, it is best to do it "on wet". For this, we are well wetted by a plot where we will draw the background of a large brush and clean water. After the man almost pointing to the paint, with rs pick different shades. In this way, it is especially good to write the sky with its vague clouds or gentle white clouds. We try to create a background so that it does not distract attention from the main thing in the portrait - man. It should not be bright accents or saturated shades. On the contrary, we draw this part as it were in the haze, in the fog.

Get away from the portrait of watercolor and appreciate your work. If you need to add something, correct, do not be afraid to do it. And in general, the main Council will leave the fear of someone else's fear of someone else. The main thing is to start, try, experiment, sometimes mistaken, but, nevertheless, they are not afraid to pour everything that lies in our place.

For me, a lot of happiness to engage in your loved one, to make a little joy and good in this world, see the happy faces of my customers who first saw their portrait! If you want to get such a gift, write me about it in the "Contacts" section, and I will gladly fulfill your drawing to order!

Now you know how to draw a portrait of watercolor and surprise your relatives and close to such a beautiful surprise. If something is not clear to you and you have questions, boldly write in the comments, I will definitely answer you!

Artist, Svetlana Maslova

We bring to your attention 6 tips, how to draw a bright and memorable portrait using ordinary watercolor paints.

1. So, first of all, let's understand what the composition of our portrait will be, as well as its location on canvas. To do this, make a small image sketch where the main features of the one who poses you will be displayed. You should also make a background and outline clothes.

2. Now let's determine how the color will be our portrait. To do this, it should be understood that each selected color should be combined with another tint, emphasizing main goal Images.

3. If you use delicate tones, the picture will look more calmly from an emotional point of view. By prefering with bright and contrasting colors, the viewer will receive more voltage, so the picture will look pretty sad. Therefore, those or other light solutions should be selected on the basis of who you plan to draw.

4. Using watercolor paints you need to understand that such a picture will look like air, therefore the picture should be made so that the paints have shielded one through the other. We do not recommend using white watercolor flowers, because they can be perfectly replaced by White Watman.

5. The picture is good to start with the drawing of its brightest items to display all the features of the drawn face as much as possible. It will not be superfluous to try first to draw a picture on the draft to accurately decide on the steps of drawing transitions, as well as how best to use different watercolor colors to make sure the beauty of the future picture can be easier.

6. In addition, light shades should be developed together with darkened places in the picture. You need to draw only easy movements and do not forget that the paint should be transparent. Due to the fact that there is a lot of water in the appaable watercolor, Watman can change its form in certain places (bending) or roll. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to pull the canvas on the tablet and fix it using the buttons or special mounts.

All artists have their favorite colors, and I am no exception. Although in my set of watercolor 24 colors, about half of these colors are used quite rarely (and, for example, the black is not spent at all).

Of course, all colors are needed in work, but rarely the need to use everything immediately. Moreover, the watercolor in the mixture is very easy to turn into dirt, and to make friends on one sheet a large number of different colors It is necessary to be a professional extra-class professional. Which I, of course, do not think. Therefore, I prefer to be guided by the rule "better less, but better")

Using the example of this work, I want to show how when creating a portrait of watercolor you can do a sufficiently scarce palette.

I will write a portrait by photography. I must say, the original picture was not the most best basis To create a portrait ... Well, what to do, I have the same problem as my model - I rarely take pictures, but to choose among my pictures suitable for portrait photo at all is impossible.

But this picture is the main thing: the light and mood, I will try to save.

I will work in the technique of "raw", in one layer.

I thank all the contestants for the opportunity to re-read the favorite lines and discover the authors strangers!

A significant role is intended to play in drawing portrait watercolor composite plan. Will you draw a portrait of a sulfur, waist or in growth to be determined by the author. But firmly remember - the selected solution in high degree justified by observations, reflections, analysis, understanding of the nature of the person depicted.
Next, we should consider the layout of the main plastic characteristics, before drawing a watercolor portrait need to consider the silhouette, the amount of light, dark, color accents in watercolor. How much, for example, to consolidate the spaces by the figure and how it relates along the scale to the mass of the figure. Whether we achieve acute expressiveness or only we will draw a watercolor portrait and note some minor quality models. Nothing needs to do "just so," without thinking without feeling. Avoid empty solutions with claims on originality and surprise. The overall coloring system in drawing a portrait must identify the idea, helping the disclosure of the image.
Watercolor portrait - interaction of elements.

The color emotionally affects the viewer. You can not forget about it. The noble-silver gamma, for example, emphasizes the image of the majestic, calm. If you draw a watercolor portrait on contrasting additional colors, then you can rather orient the viewer to the state of tense. Very important and the tonal state of work. You can reflect the coloristic solution on the closest, modest color combinations And at the same time, intense and contrast tone to create a situation close to dramatic.

Before drawing a portrait of watercolor, you should not simply plant a model and immediately take it to copy, redraw on paper.

Clean watercolor should be considered the one in which all resources that make up the originality of the paints are used: transparency translucent white tone Paper, lightness, airiness and at the same time the strength and brightness of the color. In pure watercolor not allowed Belil, here the paper performs their role. Therefore, the masters carefully saved places when each little thing is scrupped. Take a preliminary sketch little size - In tone and color. Put in front of you only one task - to express the maximum plastic plan, without being distracted by the little things. After that, go to work watercolor over the cardboard from nature.

From nature requires close attention in the transfer of the nature of portrayed, proportions, design and overall expressiveness of the face and figure. Try to practice performed by some technical techniques.

IN lately It is in fashion to write to non-branded glare, because they are difficult to restore. There are ways to acclaim, as well as coatings of places designed for highlights, a liquid solution of rubber in pure gasoline. Rubber is easily removed with a soft pencil rubber band.

Paints B. watercolor paintingThe thin layer applied by drying out of approximately one third. All tones should be inflounted free, easily, freshly achieved the best impression.
All paper when wetting water is capable of expanding and bargaining a little, it is glued to special boards or use the so-called starats. In drawing a portrait watercolor better not to use glue for fastening paper, it can add dirt into the image.

Many dreamed in childhood to learn to draw with paints on canvas. But not everyone has this dream embodied.

Perhaps there was no time for art school, or not enough talent, and you eventually abandoned this idea, devoting yourself more necessary things. But if you still care for your desire to learn how to draw watercolor, the following recommendations may be helpful to you.

Watercolor - paints that most artists prefer preference. There are many drawing techniques with these paints with which you can create beautiful drawings Even without special skills. A little lower we will look at how to draw a portrait of watercolor in stages.


In order to make a watercolor portrait, you need to have several brushes. Perhaps some of them will not be needed in the future, but on initial stages They are better to purchase them. Some artists enjoy only one brush, but for this you need to have some experience.

Everyone picks up a set for themselves. Some prefer the brush with an artificial pile. Also good feedback It has both natural wool, for example, goats. Such brushes are popular in China.

Whatever brush you do not choose, you will need time to get used to it.


If you are a beginner or have little experience, before starting working with watercolor, it is recommended to make an outline of a future picture with a pencil.

It must be said that some people prefer to work without a sketch, since sometimes the pencil lines are shouted at the final picture. And some is just so comfortable.

But in cases where the maximum similarity and detail is required, it is better to draw the basis for a pencil.


When the drawing made by a pencil became acceptable for you, you can begin to apply the first layer watercolor paint. Use classic colors: blue, red, yellow, blue, brown.

Mixture of Saint I. gray flowers Well suitable for background. If you need to portray a person in different positions, start to put paint from the head. And then already, while the paint will dry, make the background.

Enter the first layer of paint to the other parts of the picture. When everything gets free, proceed to the second layer. Remember that when the picture dries, it will look lighter, as part is absorbed into the paper.

Last queue, add shadows and deepen the face features. It is very important to be neat at this stage, so as not to spoil all the work done.

Portrait drawing tools

Now on the example we will analyze how to draw a watercolor portrait.

To begin with, prepare the following materials:

  • Pencil B or HV.
  • Watercolor of the following colors: orange cadmium, Natural Siena, Yellow Cadmium, Blue Cobalt, Lamp Saya, Lemon-Yellow, Logging Siena, Lugged Ubrief, Vermilon, Carmine, Blue or Purple Ultramarin, Gummigut, Natural Umbra.
  • Brushes: medium, thin.

Draw a portrait together

So, to draw a portrait of watercolor in stages, follow the following recommendations.

That's what a portrait of a girl in a watercolor. According to this principle, practicing slightly, you can draw portraits even from nature or memory.

How to draw flowers watercolor

Flowers surround us constantly. They give us beauty and inspiration, please our eyes, and flowers bouquets are an ideal gift.

And drawn portraits of flowers in watercolors will become a beautiful decoration for your wall. Color drawing techniques are not very different from portrait. It is advisable to make a sketch simple pencilAnd then layer on the layer to apply watercolor of the necessary shades.

Do not forget to make shading to give the volume and depth of the image in the picture.