Support schemes at the rate of the Class X class. Support schemes in the Russian language

Support schemes at the rate of the Class X class. Support schemes in the Russian language
Support schemes at the rate of the Class X class. Support schemes in the Russian language

The reference scheme is a visual display of the cognitive scheme, the formation of which is the goal of a certain stage of learning. Therefore, the reference scheme should be created taking into account the principles that ensure the effectiveness of the cognitive component of learning. This means that the reference scheme should attract and hold attention to be convenient for perception and memorization, help understand what is displayed in it.

The reference scheme is the core of the cognitive training component, and the basic training funds used by the coach, the mini-lecture, presentation of the models, the organization of the work of participants in the training and training materials - are based on the reference scheme (Fig. 4.3).

The reference scheme is in the overwhelming majority of the block diagram, i.e. A diagram consisting of blocks and connections between them. Blocks should be allocated on the basis of key components of the cognitive scheme, the method of action, the algorithm. The experience and talent of the coach largely determine the quality of reference schemes.

The possibilities of modern office computer programs will facilitate the creation of reference schemes convenient for perception. Therefore, a professional coach must perfectly own these programs, be aware of the most recent developments in this area.

The reference scheme can and should be explained by additional illustrative materials, specific examples, sometimes drawings and / or photos so that it becomes more interesting and memorable. To the perception and understanding of the scheme can and need bring Consistently explaining the key factors that create problems and allow it to be solved by moving from simple to complex and from a friend to the new one. This can use simplified analogues that will help bring the training participants to understand the basic support scheme.

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Fig. 4.3.

You can create a reference scheme in the following order:

  • Allocation of key fragments from verbal description (literary source - articles, monographs): semantic blocks and connections between them;
  • the choice of two-three verbal designations for each fragment, while the reduction should be constructive;
  • drawing up a list of these verbal designations, which will help more clearly see the relationship between blocks and create a sketch of the reference scheme;
  • Creating a draft scheme on a large sheet or in a special computer program (for example, MS Visio). It is important that the scheme can allow its editing for the purpose of its symmetry, uniformity, convenience for perception and understanding. The goal is not fast, but a qualitative creation of the scheme;
  • Transferring the finished reference scheme to media that are planned to be used in the training.

In the process of creating a support scheme, you must remember that each step of its creation makes its adjustments and can make it return to the previous steps.

The reference scheme should cause aesthetic, intellectual pleasure, anticipating pleasant feelings from its use, the feeling of the obtained effective tools, ingenious tool; Ideally, the reference scheme should be a means of approving its own "I" of everyone who used it.

Consider the factors that make a reference scheme of high-quality or poor-quality.

First of all, we are investigating the schema form factor, for which let's consider an example of a poor-quality reference scheme (see Fig. 2.12). This scheme is unsuccessful because:

  • there is an excess number of arrow position options;
  • Arrows intersect;
  • the arrows are too long;
  • Blocks are randomly asymmetrically;
  • With this form of the circuit and the shooter, and too much blocks;
  • The scheme as a whole asymmetric, has a "bad" form.

An example of correction and improvement of poor-quality reference scheme is shown in Fig. 4.4.

In the improved version of the scheme, we consciously did not change the amount, size and shape of the blocks - this could be done if

Element T.

  • --,---

1 element І 3.1

Fig. 4.4.

we would know not only the form of the initial scheme, but also its content. The change was subject to:

  • Spatial relationships between blocks (we placed them symmetrically relative to each other, emphasized the hierarchical relations between them);
  • The length and position of the shooter (all arrows have become much shorter, ceased to intersect, and these two points strongly simplified the perception of links between the elements; the options for the arrow positions were only two: vertical and horizontal).

In addition, in the scheme due to the mutual location of the blocks and

the score of the arrows and blocks allocated three standards.

Thus, this version of the reference scheme is improved, since:

  • The arrows began to be located strictly vertically or strictly horizontally;
  • arrows do not intersect;
  • The length of most arrows has decreased;
  • Blocks are arranged ordered, symmetrically;
  • The structure of the scheme has simplified: now the arrows and blocks are a bit;
  • The scheme has acquired a "good" form, finished, symmetric species;
  • The hierarchical structure of the connection of the elements has become a much more visible. All these changes, of course, facilitated the perception, understanding and memorization of the scheme.

Another improved option could be made, for example, to arrange a scheme predominantly along the horizontal axis, to highlight the perfects with special frames, etc.

The second factor that determines the quality of the reference scheme is the scheme content factor, i.e. Signs and symbols with which the reference scheme is created. Here it is necessary to follow the following principles.

First, all elements of the reference scheme must be marked with signs and symbols of the same level, the same sign system. For example, only words should be used, only mathematical signs, only abbreviations.

Secondly, the signs used in the reference scheme should be uniquely understood by the training participants. In particular, if you use symbolic images those. Images, associative associated with the content of a block, then you must be sure that each participant in the training relationship between the symbol and the fact that it means will be understood easily and perceived adequately. Even more cautiously handle comic symbols.

It should be borne in mind that the scheme consisting of alone symbols, and not yet associated with the elements indicated by simple and unambiguous connections, is not acceptable. Symbols can only complement words, mathematical signs or abbreviations.

When used in the abbreviation and mathematical signs in the support scheme, you must be sure that each participant of the training is equally and correctly understands each abbreviation and every mathematical sign. At the same time, the abbreviations themselves can be used to strudule the support scheme, which will be considered later.

Thirdly, the support schemes in any case, especially if their carrier is slide, should not be textually redundant. An example of a textually excess reference scheme is shown in Fig. 4.5.

Fig. 4.5.

In fourth, and the form, and the content of the reference scheme should be adequate to the storage medium. Each media makes its own requirements for the form and content of the reference scheme. For example, the slide is significantly different in their training properties and by how a person perceives the information posted on it, from handouts, books or brochures. The slide is not read, but perceived ply, simultaneously, so the reference scheme should fit only on one slide.

If one scheme is posted on two slides and more, then the participant of the training will not be able to read all these slides at the same time, and therefore there will be no positive effect on the simultaneous submission; The same will happen if the text in the blocks of the scheme placed on the slide, too much.

Acronyms. A good way to create a reference scheme that contributes to its perception, understanding and especially memorizing is its creation based on acronym - Words, which consists of the first letters of other words related to each other in one way or another (for example, representing the motto, key signs of a certain object, or phenomenon, or the name of the steps of the algorithm, etc.).

The tradition of creating acronyms originates from the Middle Ages. So, for about 1350, an acronym was created, describing the qualities of the real knight, - M.i.l.e.s. (Fig. 4.6).

The intelligence of this acronym is that the Latin word "Miles" Means "Rider", namely, the word designated knights in Europe.

Another successful acronym was created recently (Fig. 4.7). This acronym describes not a simple set of qualities, but the sequence of steps. Dmaic - This is a generalized business process improvement algorithm used in the approach entitled "Six Sigm" (Six Sigmas).

Today, acronyms are widely used as convenient ways to designate certain business solutions. As examples we give only a few acronyms:

  • Smart - List of target formulation rules;
  • Grow- Generalized coaching session algorithm: Questions to the Client;
  • Star - a generalized algorithm for conducting an interview with a candidate for filling a vacant position;
  • IRAC - Description of the text structure, which is being prepared by the legal adviser on the customer's order.

In addition to acronyms, the sequences of words that begin on the same letter, for example, Zu, 5 R, PER/.

In conclusion, once again we emphasize that the creation of a high-quality reference scheme is one of the key factors of training efficiency.

Fig. 4.In Qualities of the real knight

Fig. 4.7. Acronym Dmaic.

  • The generalized algorithm is a description of the sequence of steps in general, without specifying a specific operation. At the same time, the steps themselves are described by common words and abstract concepts. For example, the word "improve" is very abstract, there is a mass of specific ways to improve. The reference scheme of the solution is the generalized algorithm. - Approx. Auto
  • Readers of this manual can send an interesting acronym to the author's email box. This e-mail address is protected from spam bots. To see it, you need to be enabled Java-script

At the end of the vacation tape FB Penhlla Bitter humor ... for example, how to make her homework and remain a mentally full-fledged parent ...)))
true, you do not know with this school what to do - whether to laugh, or cry ...
when both options are tried, specific ideas appear ...

the system of supporting abstracts used my mother who taught physics and astronomy in vocational schools. To introduce the light of knowledge to her, Victor Shatalov was helped by the development of Viktor Shatalov - he is a specialty for senior classes, where algebra, trigonometry, physics and other orders of exact sciences ... - from the times of the ancient Mammoths of the USSR. I remember how Mom crawled in the evenings on Watman and painted in mascara and a huge meter line of large schemes ...
milan and I made schemes and abstracts from the 1st grade, according to humanitarian subjects (knowledge of the world, Kazakh, English), but how it came to mathematics, everything happened as in the same picture:

i can not come up with the scheme for precise subjects. I can work well on ready. And here - cheers! It turned out, they have been invented for a long time! In the same ancient Soviet times, accurate after the silent education reform of the 70s ...
Sophia Nikolaevna Lysenkov invented his own method of advanced learning and found an approach that allows you to learn everything! And weak, and strong ... "Children love to learn, but it is important to clarify: children love to learn ho-ro-sho" is her words. The words of the teacher, who lived 88 years old, to the last worked with the children ... Maybe because, as the Solovychik said, she "invented time"? ..

she wrote books a little, with some can be found on the Internet. For a teacher - invaluable experience, and its support abstracts are important for parents.

"The students are delivered from the mechanical zubening of the rules and the wording. They assimilate them meaningfully: the rule on the scheme given to them, performing a practical task (solution of the problem, example, equation). Such a support scheme is not so much. Everything is good in moderation!
The support schemes provide higher performance, as well as the energetic lesson rate. The rules necessary for the fulfillment of the tasks should not be remembered, spending on this precious time lesson: they read them according to the schemes. Read today, tomorrow. A week later they are not read - learned, they found a conscious skill of work in accordance with the rule. And after two weeks and the scheme is removed, it is no longer needed. "

2 Secret Light Training (from the Book "")

Hidden text

"First-graders - yesterday's kids kindergarten. They think specifically, images.
And here from the bright pictures - toys illustrating solutions of mathematical tasks, go to the support scheme, in which we generally generalize the analysis of the task: "What parts, we allocated the elements?" (Condition, question, decision, answer.) The scheme is complemented by these words.
In the next lesson, the scheme before the eyes of children. Task teacher: "Name the part of the task." Hand forest. No student feels helpless. "Condition, question, decision, answer," children are reading in a chorus scheme and individually.
And finally, the support schemes are introduced - type settings of simple tasks. They are convenient for analysis, the perception of the main thought of the task, the production of mathematical terminology, evidence of the choice of actions at first in simple, further and in composite tasks. Work on the decision of the tasks is interesting (children are happy, taking such work per game, respond to a teacher's offer from all schemes to choose the desired: "What scheme will we gain this task? What scheme will work now?"), Clearly (teacher at the board According to the schemes asks questions, the student either responds from the scene, or approaches the schemes, chooses the necessary, raises and confidently says: "The integral number on ... more - perform addition," Certainly there are erroneous responses, and in this case an active response - Help Comrade), varied (on one of the schemes, the task is recruited when analyzing, the other, with a ready-made numeric selection, often with the patterns of objects, is used to draw up the task of children, but this teacher takes out this set, and inserts the following scheme - the transformation is again drawn up The task, in the fourth scheme, it is proposed to simply prove the choice of action), promptly (time is not spent on the record on the board).
Active answer is the primary condition of high feedback, good business contact in the lesson. This helps the support schemes.
When the student responds to a teacher's question, using the scheme (reads it), stiffness is removed, fear of error. The scheme becomes an algorithm for reasoning and evidence, and all the attention is directed not to memorizing or reproducing the learned, but on the essence, thinking, awareness of causal dependencies and connections. Children at home do not teach our rules and wording. The usual visibility came to life, spoke. No even the weakest student feels helpless. If I used to feel the lack of feedback, when the silence of most class followed my question (I did not learn the rules of the house or taught, but I forgot, I missed something), now the learning activity of the guys, interest in the lesson.
Rules and algorithms of action placed on the tables, I do not ask learning. How many troubles are connected with similar tasks!
Supports at our lessons became permanent assistants to my students, the condition of confidence-free, business, friendly communication, the basis of the confidence of children in their abilities to overcome the difficulties of the exercise, impulse to active, interested labor.
Supports is the first driving force of my technique.
There is both the second. And I will tell you more about it.

About commented management
I admit only one discipline in the lesson - the discipline of labor, universal passionateness of work. Of course, silence and order can be achieved, the child is a bad assessment, the punishment of the parents, the condemnation of others. But what is the price of such discipline! The thought and genuine activity of students are paralyzed by fear, they begin to catch, adapt. And all this can not not lead to curvature of the person, there is a detrimental affecting the entire future life, and not only school. Children who have known the joy of a tense, organized, leading to the success of educational labor, accumulate a huge stock of optimism, creative energy, activity activity. That is why it is so important to properly organize the work of a schoolchildren in the lesson, prevent a passive serving of time. I manage to activate the teachings of the guys, enable everyone to work with the help of commented management (so I call this reception). The class activity in the lesson is managing not only the teacher, but also students. At first, a strong student (and then other students) says everything he does on the instructions of the teacher from beginning to end and leads the rest. It is very important that commented management begins with the first day of school training, from the first steps (letter of elements of letters, numbers, writing words, the solution of the simplest examples, tasks). This is how it happens in the lesson of mathematics.
- Had, Pavlik! (On the board example.)
- I write 5, I write a "plus", I write 2, I think: I put a pointer to the figure 5, I add 2 (once, two), it turns out 7, I write 7.
- Ardients, Julia!
- I write 10, I write "minus", I write 8, I write "Whether". 10 is 8 and 2, 8 tall, it remains 2, I write 2.
- Now write after me. I write 6, I write "minus", I write 3, I write "it will", we believe (pause), write the result (pause), raise your hand.
But the lesson of reading.
Kira washes the frame (the offer is recruited at the checkout).
Masha comments - chairs:
- First word in a sentence with a capital letter. I put the ki - vowel and, I put RA - vowel a. Words in the proposal put separately. I put MO - a vowel about, put it - a vowel E, the lock t. I put words in the proposal separately. I put the RA - vowel a, I put Mu - vowel y. At the end of the offer I put a point.
Immediately the question of the teacher:
- Who managed together with Masha?
"We publish, Petya!", "Array, Misha!". The term "leisure" entered our lessons instead of the traditional and so frightening small: "Answer!"
The student keeps a solution to the example, tasks, analysis of the proposal, and this is nothing but a survey. At the same time, the child feels not what they ask him, assesses, but the fact that he leads the whole class and the work of comrades depends on it. So, it is necessary to speak loudly, clearly, it is clear that everything is understandable to everyone. As a result, everyone has a good diction, developed expressive speech. And the upbringing and in such conditions it goes by itself. "I put", "I write" - at first, these are very significant signals: "Do not fall behind, go after me." And it acts much stronger than the strict voice of the teacher.
Alyosha distracted, looks out the window. And the teacher has already given the task. Twice hears the leading signal: "I am writing ... I am writing ..." Sewing, Alyosha quickly takes a handle and hurries to catch up with a class. After all, it is impossible to fall behind - I am ashamed! No sharp reminders from the teacher, as often happens ("where are you looking"? Why don't you write? ") And what the expensive moments of the lesson also leave. The whole class is subordinate to the management of the teacher, the management of his comrade of the student. The authority of the response increases, attention to the answer to the comrade, because he answers not only to the teacher, but teaches everyone who is sitting at the parties. You won't listen - you will not write: the teacher does not always write on the board for the lead, only at the first stage after the explanation of the new material. And then write for the lead, listen carefully to his explanation. The teacher also listens to the lead and, if necessary, in one word will send or just praise, and the student's voice sounds again. But if suddenly happened - a mistake! - Hand forest: Tanya, Lena, Vitya, Andryusha ... Ready to continue the work done or correct "Unnight". Everything is always aware of the classroom. Children are relaxed, free, there is no fear that you will not answer, there is no tension in the work of the teacher with them.
As it moves from grade 1 to the 3rd, commented control enters the evidence commenting - reasoning when solving problems, equations, when performing complex grammatical tasks.
Commented management, thus, allows you to solve not only training, but also educational, developing tasks. The guys are produced by a harmonious, integrated training skill (I think, I say, I write down), a feeling of elbow, a partnership, and the teacher can see the promotion in the teaching of everyone thanks to the permanent feedback "student - teacher". As a result of such a labor organization, a common business attitude is created in the class, a single pace of academic work, asked by the students themselves, and each subordinates their actions to the instructions of the leading and at the same time becomes the labor organizer comrades, i.e. Learn and manage, and execute, and manage, and obey.

Vlasova Natalia Ilinichna, teacher of history MBOU "SOSH No. 12" Engels municipal district, Saratov region, Honored teacher of the Russian Federation [Email Protected]

Nerchantskaya Olesya Yurievna, teacher of the history of MBOU "SOSH No. 12" Engelsky municipal district, Saratov region [Email Protected]

A new approach to the study of the history of Russia through the technology "Support schemes"

Annotation. One of the means of developing the personality of the student, as well as the intensification of the cognitive motivation of the student in the history lessons, are the supporting abstracts and schemes that are suitable for the lessons of any type, since they are the basis in the study of historical material. The use of schemes in lessons can serve as a methodological assistance to teachers of history, studying 69x schools of secondary schools, as well as graduates of 9x and 11x classes, passing the state final certification on the history of Russia for the course of the principal and secondary school. Schemes are characterized by concise, structurality. They use ligaments, logical blocks, combined with arrows, lines, etc. notation. The most important elements are highlighted in the schemes of the framework, the original arrangement of characters, conveniently readable abbreviations. Schemes are viewed by a systematic approach, causing links, conclusions and conclusions. According to the form of the scheme, they differ on the "diagram", "diagrams", "Schemery", etc., which in turn makes them memorable and understandable. The blind words: reference signal, circuit, reference abstract.

Modern system of education is a personal-oriented orientation. At the same time, one of the key values \u200b\u200bis the formation of creative and critical thinking, the orientation is not so much on knowledge as the acquisition of the experience of independent work, the ability to encode a large amount of information, build logical chains for reasoning, which means to master new ways of activity, which is not so There is enough in a modern, replete education in the current education. One of the student's personality development tools, as well as the activation of the cognitive motivation of the student in the lessons of history, are the supporting abstracts and schemes. Sound schemes, or signals is a means that distinguishes a pedagogical method, an open still V.F. .Satal. We applied support schemes in our work, the perfume experience was successful. Studying the five-graders of the history of the ancient world with a support on the thematic support abstract not only facilitated the memorization of the actual material, but also contributed to the understanding and assimilation of the cause-based links between events within the framework of the entire course, which, in turn, increased performance on the subject. This method allowed to assimilate the basic rule of technology that the reference signal (scheme) is a set of associative keywords, signs and other supports for the thought, located in a special way, replacing some semantic value that can instantly restore the vamett known previously and understandable information. And the support abstract The system of reference signals having a structural connection and representing a visual design that replaces the system of knowledge, concepts, ideas as interconnected elements. If you draw a graphic sign and explain why it should be associated with a certain material, it will automatically be remembered both the sign and the material itself. In the way, linked and designated in the figure with causing bonds, they form a unified system of explanation of theoretical material. Our work is devoted to the new The approach in the study of the history of Russia is aware of the school program through the technology of "Support schemes", created by us in the process of many years of pedagogical activity. Many pedagogical cores, teachers and teachers appealed to such experience. However, these studies have mainly a complete theoretical contribution, or a narrow specialization, or, on the contrary, a general nature, not always the corresponding course of the history of Russia, studied in a secondary school. The technology "Support schemes" is different, primarily by the systemic approach, Other use of symbols, clear consequences of historical material in accordance with the school program, the new approach to the methods of their use. Our schemes are remembered by their unusual form of diagraces, a diagram, a circuitry, a schematic line, etc. History per History, such that simply reproduction of the scheme should not be an end in itself. The scheme, indeed, should be only a signal to the disclosure of deep, interconnected problems of the systemic development of society. Stripers of history are known that the assimilation of the actual material is one of the undisputed tasks of studying history, without this one cannot speak NIO to form the skills of analyzing documents, the Nobility to explain the events and see them Relationship or understanding of the historical process. The difficulties facing teachers and students in studying history are very diverse and are defined as the characteristics of the process of assimilation of historical material, the specifics of the perception of each schoolboy. Some are well retelling what heard at the lesson from the teacher, others, on the contrary, rest on the tutorial and hardly remember the story of the teacher. Often, students have problems with memorization of dates, the names of historical figures. Knowing the actual material and the ability to see a successful sequence of events. Reasonable condition for successful preparation for state final certification for many students. Our "Support Schemes" must have a complex material available and understandable for all students without exception. . The technology allows you to allocate the main thing, to attract the attention of schoolchildren to the main facts, to teach to see causal ties. Working on the creation of reference schemes in the course of studying history, we managed to find an optimal option that can be used: teachers of history, regardless of the experience of pedagogical activities; teachers working with children in remote mode. The use of the circuits will allow concentrated to explore the material in full; students of the 69th grade, for better assimilation of the actual historical material, as well as for an independent organization of repetition; students9x, 11x classprises of state-state final certification (GIA, EGE); applicants, which Time to repeat the historical material for the secondary school; students engaged in the form of certain reasons, in the form of "external".

Currently, the idea of \u200b\u200bsupport on the conditional designations is seen as promising, and therefore quite often used in the lessons. The effectiveness of their use is determined by the following circumstances.

1. Using the reference abstract helps schoolchildren to make a clearer view of the most characteristic features of the events under study. A student from which it is rarely obtained by an intelligible answer, quite satisfactorily talks about events, looking at the scheme. 2. The process of drawing up schemes contributes to the concentration of schoolchildren's attention, forces not even too successfully monitor the explanation of the material. 3. Working with "support schemes" and abstract contributes to the development of logical thinking, facilitates understanding of causal relations. Thanks to them, knowledge control is facilitated. 4. Regularly using schemes, students acquire skills, useful for future studies, it is mentally able to work with the text of any complexity of volume, highlighting the main thing. As we often complain that students have short-term memory, and they are very quickly forgetting what we are so In detail and passionately spoke in class. And here the assistant will also perform a "reference scheme". Especially it should be said about the meaning of such schemes for the "weak" students. Sometimes it is difficult for them to remember even a separate historical fact. As a study from experience, it is possible to argue with a certainty a certainty that it is possible to avoid this by setting the topic of the topic to a logical chain, perceived visually and therefore easily understood and digestible students. In this, the essence of the thematic reference abstract (several reference schemes), with the help of which students easily remember the material of the whole topic. Suitable scheme is going to act as a new material teacher. Schoolbirth to make entries in notebooks using the proposed characters. A teacher, attracting students, reveals the contents of the scheme, consistently moving from one point to another. In the course of pedagogical education chammed, the difference support schemes, which were improved over time, changed, simplified or became more complicated. Today it is a slim scheme system, and we have confidence in the right choice of techniques. Currently, reference schemes have been created at the rate of Russia's history for students of grades 69 (they can also be used in 1011 classes). Schemeshot:


structurality (ligaments, logical blocks combined with arrows, lines, borders, etc.);

The presence of semantic accents (allocating the most important elements of the reference signal by frames, color, original arrangement of symbols, etc.);

availability of hand playback; Using user-readable abbreviations. Reference signals (schemes) are able to awaken in the student's memory exactly what is required. Often there are situations where the child gets "into a stupor", forgetting at the most inopportune moment what is asked. Or some part of the material set forth on the past lesson did not memorize them and was not remembered specifically, but simply hid in his head. And I myself unaware, the child, seeing the reference signal, recalling. In the methodological literal examples representing history in schemes and tables, but this is not replaced by us, the support schemes that distinguishes primarily the system approach, other use of symbols, a clear adherence of historical The material in accordance with the compassion program, a new approach to the methods of their use. The schemes have been improved for decades of work on one generation of students. You can also talk with confidence about the further improvement of them, and therefore the creative approach of each teacher to the use of this technology in its work. We will consider the examples of some reference Shemps to reveal the work technique with them. The first Russian revolution 19051907. ". The basis of the "broken line" scheme with symbols (Fig. 1). The start of work shows that without a single recording, such a line carries compressed information: in revolutionary, it develops ascending line, has some kind of climax, then goes to a decline and ends at a level higher than the beginning. A teacher, together with the class at the end of the lesson, will withdraw the rationale for this schematic image, and possibly will offer students to independently make the necessary conclusions. It is important that work with this scheme has passed in the course of the presentation of the material, and the guys together with the teacher were applied to the "Line Revolution" of the record, focusing the necessary information on this topic. The following moments giving reason to discussion, conclusions, such work is allowed.

It is important to make it clear here that each touch, each word carries a semantic load and works for mastering the material. At the end of the lesson, the guys in the notebooks appear this scheme (Fig. 2).


The reference signals (schemes) are focused on such a reliable and powerful mechanism as a visual memory, because the unusual view of the pattern or image is firmly with aware of the cargo and then upon remembering will cause a chain of information parcels, which is hidden in it.

A new approach to studying the history of Russia through the technology of "reference schemes" is also manifested in what form data is acquired. These differences are not accidental: "Diacearisok", which is suitable only for a visual image of the battle, "schematic", when a small period corresponds to a large number of dates needed for memorization, or "schemes", which reveals the social structure of society, or the stages of a kidogolbo phenomenon, "schematic Line ", successfully suitable for studying the revolution 19051907 ...

Another example, called the Faberge Egg (Fig. 3). It is no secret that one of the most difficult for memorization is the period of revolutions in the history of the XXVEK. Pupils to keep in mind a series of events only in 1917 is not easy. You can interest the guys with "Creation": first submit a calendar year in the form of an oval that resembles an egg, dividing it for seasons conditionally. And then the main events on this "egg" will not be difficult, such as: the February Revolution, on March 2, the renunciation of Nicholas II, the April crisis, the July crisis, the Cornilov rebellion, and then on October 242, the October Revolution. These events marked with points and short records will clearly create a sequence of events. If this work is accompanied by a bright, emotional tale of the teacher, work with documents, then and after many years "Egg Faberge" will remain in the memory of each child. It is important that the schemes are not repeated, and they were of particular nature for a particular topic. Then the memorization process will be more efficient. Thus, students will be able to visually present important historical events of whole periods with a simple reference scheme.

Here is another example of such a job: "The stages of fastening the peasants." It is possible, of course, for a long time and extensively talking about a sufficiently extended period, and it is possible to "build a staircase", gradually showing a long, but translational movement of the state on the use of peasants. Moreover, it is good for this to highlight a separate page in the notebook and access it when a certain "stage" is being studied, build, ultimately, a complete picture of reassignation. So the scheme will look like (Fig. 4) ultimately.

1597 "Cathedral Code"

1581 "Harness"

Advanced cheese of runaway peasants. Jurid design of serfdom

1550 "Reserved Summer" Dates of Syxabeghelny5, 10 years

1497Sreadbank IV.

Judicicity III

Prohibition of the day

Yuriev Day ("Elderly") an increase in "Elderly"

When preparing for the exam, you can easily hang over the bed, put under the desk with a written table so that the memorization process is automatically. At the same time, such a memory methodology with a periodic replacement of schemes also gives its positive results. As much as the method of supporting schemes is effective indicative of the high quality of knowledge, the attitude of students to the subject and experience of colleagues successfully working with this methodology in the schools and fields. The ability to work with schemes, to compile them on their own, helps and students encountering with a huge theoretical material that needs to be recycled, to comprehend, allocate the main thing and remember.

Here are just some reviews: "For me, the schemes as a gift by injecting packaging with a highlight. I discover it with interest, I am surprised at simplicity, but sophistication, and most importantly, I use it with pleasure. This is what I mean for me the schemes on the story. "Julia Makarova 11a class." It became easier for me to learn, because I am a very shy and not surpassed person by nature. It is always difficult for me on oral objects. And with the help of signals, I became liberated, because it is a good, smart "cheat sheet" for me, using which at least once, remember for life ... "Beloglazaz Ksenia, 11a class." I never thought I didn't think that I didn't In history, it will help in the university. But not the fact that they had to answer, although it was also. They taught me to work with thick books and draw up the main support schemes when preparing for exams. Soon the end of the university, but their notebooks on the history of Jaberg, so that they could take someone else in the life of Kechin Vasily, a graduate, a student of the Law Academy. "I was helped by the schemes when preparing for the exam. I remember I wandered my room for certain periods and watched during the week at the fuck, in the evening, before bedtime. Healthy effect. Now I advise everyone. " Bugaenko Igor, graduate, student SSU. "For several years I work as a teacher of history in various educational institutions. It was lucky that on these schemes was still in school and kept the notebook on the story, which is for the sake of schemes. We use them when explaining the material in its classes, both for school students and for college students and university. It can be definitely possible to say that "duals" will never be definitely, because it is a unique form of mastering the material even for the weakest student. It was a good help to me at the initial stage of work, and also, I think it will be useful for all young educators. " Dvorztskaya O.Yu., teacher of history MBOU SOSH №12. "I use these schemes for a long time. Recently, it began to create their own, so I consider this system very dynamic, creative and interesting. She makes thinking first of all the teachers, look for interesting forms and make a complex material available for each student "Klimin N.O., teacher of history and social studies MBOU SOSH №12." I once managed to repeat the entire XIXVE on the "excellent" schemes for 1 hour. on history. Like this." Antonov Vladimir, student 11b class.

In addition, with the help of such schemes, you can recall and repeat and repeat almost the entire period of history from antiquity to the present. These schemes are convenient to use both in teaching children's children who are learned in remote mode. It is no secret that the number of hours is limited for them. Such a system allows you to produce all the material in full, as it is concentrated and visual. "Support schemes" well complement the material of the copyright course of history 78 classes developed by us in the framework of the distance learning program. For many years, since 2009, the teaching of historis using " Support schemes ", applying the municipal remote donation center for children's training in MBOU SOSH No. 12G.Engels. Analyzing a new approach to studying the history of Russia through the technology of" reference schemes ", we conclude that we have developed" support schemes ", are an effective method of studying history contributing to the rapid assimilation of the historical material being studied. Traditional educational models, as well as education, as part of the mass school, often do not allow to fully reveal the ability of each student and as deservedly and fairly to evaluate them. The technology under consideration, on the contrary, one of its orientations see the work with each student, makes accessible to everyone even the most complex material. Effectiveness also consists in the fact that such support schemes develop habit and patterns to prepare for each lesson, and this preparation Not at all becomes for them a burden or burden. Early, on the contrary, its originality, simplicity, technology allows us to be successful to everyone without exception to students. When this technology, the teacher has the ability to identify the knowledge of the greatest number of guys, and they in turn gain the possibility of intensive learning in the mass school. It is working with a student's memory and with such a function as an ability to associates. Everyone knows that an unusual and original is much better remembered, this is the property of human psyche and thinking, the strata-resistant reference signal to carry a certain unusualness. In fact, this model of the educational process has the logicality and connectivity of all components contained. The main thing is that each teacher finds his style, its methodology for using this technology, which is able to constantly improve. Its newness compared with well-known techniques and methods based on the use of schemes is that the support schemes also act as a support abstract for a student, in addition, it is possible to organize the teaching of the history of Russia from ancient times to the XXVEK (inclusive), give The basic level of knowledge of the student mass school, as well as, in accordance with the new requirements of GEF, teach children independent, creative activity in working with historical material of any complexity and volume. This technology covers almost the entire structure of a conventional lesson, which is now boring and monotonous to an interesting and rich process, understandable and accessible to everyone without exception.

Links to sources1. Shatalov V.F. Inflorescence talents. Part 1. M.: GUP TsRP "Moscow St. Petersburg", 2001, p. 4849. 2. Shatalov V.F. Reference signals in physics for the VII class. Kiev, 1979. Since 34.3. Shatalov V.F. and others. Supporting abstracts of kinematics and dynamics. M.: Enlightenment, 1989.4. Anduisev B.E. Support abstracts on the history of middle ages. History: Appendix to the newspaper "The Oven of September". 1994, №78.; 5. Kirillov V.V. Domestic history in schemes and tables. (Preparation for the USE) M.: EXMO Publishing House, 2007 ;6. Koval T.V. Abstracts of lessons on the history of Russia XX C.: Grade 9: a methodological manual. M.: Publisher VOSPPess, 2002.7. Selko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Tutorial. M.: Folk Education, 1998; 8. Stovenikin M.T., "Methods of teaching history in school" Moscow "Vlados", 2000.9. Kochetov N.S. Russian history. 10, grade 11: Methodical Support for lessons (lectures, support abstracts, tests, schemes). Volgograd: Teacher, 2003; 10.\u003d1961

Nataliya Vlasova, a teacher of history at the municipal comprehensive school secondary school № 12, the city of Engels, Saratov regionOlesya Dvorzhetskaya, a teacher of history at the municipal comprehensive school secondary school № 12, the city of Engels, Saratov regionA new approach to The Technology of Russian History Through The Technology of the "Basic Diagrams" .abstract.Onent ‱ S Personality and for Activation of the Student ‱ S Cognitive Motivation At The History Lessons Are Basic Summaries and Diagrams, Which Are Suitable for Any Type of Lessons, As The Historical Material Study. Using of the diagrams at the lessons can serve as a methodical help for the history teachers, for students of the 69thclasses of secondary schools and for the schoolleavers, taking State Final Assessmenton the history of Russia in the course of primary and secondary schools. Diagrams Are Notable for Laconism and Structural Properties. They Use Associations and Logical Blocks, Integrated by Means of Arrows, Lines, And Other Designations. The Most Important Elements Are Highlighted in Diagrams with the Use of Frames, Original Arrangement of Symbols and Easytointerpret Abbreviations. In Diagrams We Can See A Systematic Approach, Causeandeffect Relations, The Findings and Conclusion. By Their Form Diagrams Are Divided Into The "Diagramsdrawings", "DiagramsChains", "Diagramsteps" and So ON. This Fact In Turn Makes Them Memorable and Understandable.Keywords: Diagrams, "DiagramsDrawings", "DiagramsSteps", "DiagramsSteps".

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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G l and s n s е: I -to of a number and oh ei do not designate the softness of the consonant II - it is a row of Yu E E and denote the softness of the consonant [th] [th] [th] [th] 1. At the beginning of the word 2. After vowel 3. After b and kommers, the signs of the circuit number 1 sounds and the letters [a] [Е] [y] [u] with o g l and s n s e: paired solid and soft ringing deaf b in g d S p f to t with always solid unpaired solid and soft ringing deaf l m n r x x x u is always solid always mild scheme number 2 phonetic analysis of the word (1) sound-letter 1. Determine a strong / weak position (impact / Unstressed vowel sound) 2. Determine the number of syllables (number of vowels \u003d number of syllables) 3. Determine the number of letters (count the number of characters) 4. Determine the number of sounds 5. Describe each sound (ch (UD / RAMD) Sughdle (TV / SG / SIL / deaf pairs / Narpar) 6. Specify the number of vowel and consonant sounds of fir - fir, 1 Sl, 3 b, 3 SL (1 GL, 2 SHL) Swan - lebale, 2 Sl, 6 b, 5 stages (2 ch, 3 Sughdle) E - [th] - Sughl, soft, ZV, NARA L - [l] - Sughl, soft, ZV, NARA [E] - GL, UD E - [E] - GL, UD L - [L] - Sogl, soft, ZV, Nar par - [b] - Sogl, soft, ZV, steam - [p] b - e - [and] - ch, Buzud D - [t] - Sogl, soft, ch, steam - [d] -

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Scheme №3 The spelling of unstressed vowels A, O, E, I, and in unstressed syllables (weak position), you need to check - and z m e n s l o in about so that the unpaved vowel has become shock (from weak in strong position). Rosa - Dew rains - Rain Thunderstorm - Runa Strela - Arrows Graci - Grache Bread - Bread Dancer - Dance Wall - Walls Scheme №4 Spelling of paired consonant letters B-P in Mr. D-t Jr. Check - and z m e n and t with l about in about so that after the consonant table is vowel. tooth - teeth trail - traces of eyes - eye rafts - rafts garage - garages scheme №5 spelling combinations zi-shi life spring mistake rose rose chapted clock boat sorce Nwby Powerful Banchik Thu Dream Mast Machine Chick Rush Rush Welder ZN Difference Song NT Bantian St Eraser Bridge Head Carnation B

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Scheme №6 Concept of complex words O - E - Connecting vowels + wire Water supply Earth + cultivate the agriculture Airplane Moonport birds all-terrain vehicle Scheme №7 Alternating sounds This is the replacement of some sounds of others in the same part of the word in the formation and change of words. Positional alternations Do not reflect on the letter. Their spelling is determined by special spelling rules [WADA] water - water [BUP] Oak - Oaks Other alternations are reflected in the letter. g // w // s girlfriend - friendly - Friends d // w // rail hobbles - I go - walking tel // h // Shttits - Candle - Lighting SC // St // Sch // Shch Board - Scho - shrinkles x // sh air - air z //rs say - I will say with // w write - I write n // w stone - brazers b // Bl rings - rowing p // pl fusion - ram m // ml feed - I feed in // lying - catch f // FL demarcity - Demontroll circuit №8 Spelling of double consonants When transferring words with double consonants, one letter is left on the line, and another letter tolerate the team of the column of Ras-Tale Sum-ma group Spring Spring Bath Group

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In some words, the sounds of D T in l are not pronounced, and the letters d t in l are written. Pick up such a single word, in which all sounds are pronounced precastly sad - sadness Sun - Sunny happy - happiness scheme number 10 Transfer words words better to transfer taking into account the composition of the word 1. The word is postponed from one line to another in syllables 2. You can not transfer one letter. You can not leave another line on the line when transferring words is not transferred to words from one syllable, the letters y b are not transferred from one letter (when transferring the words left on line) Life elk horse anchor Fire Jura ve-ter by-le Tea-ka rolling Acel-Sin Svetu-Torny Light-Ford Ka-Randasi Caran-Dasha Parada-Shi Scheme №9 Spelling of non-promotional consonants №11 The spelling of predictions are written separately with other words. Between the pretext and the word you can insert another word or question. Writing does not depend on the pronunciation (k, s, in, y, by, before, from, o, under, about, from under, about, for, over, on, from, without, before, for). Serve for the connection of words in the proposal there is no prepositions before the verbs in the field on the river to the house for me under the table from a friend under the tree under (old) wood to repaint in blue color to repaint in (what?) Blue color

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Scheme №12 The spelling of the consoles is a significant part of the word stand before the root serve to form new words have a different value from-, the end of the action of pre-, the beginning or end of the action sub-, and the approximation you - - Motion from the inside is the beginning of the action - b d in g z z l m n rgs (c) pt to sh with x t x uch -pr - very -per wake up a limitless sawing chaos-print - joining Approximation intimacy Incomplete action Optional Block Sew the Schedule Schemes No. 13 Spelling of suffixes - a significant part of the word Stand after the root serve to form new words have a different meaning -, -ik-, -, -, - k- - a small item - - - - very large item -Ok-, -onk-, P.Ank-, -Shek-, -Oshk-, -Hushk- - diminutive-ladies -Onok-, -Onok-, -T-, -In- - cubs - -, - -, - the man, -chik ,-, - - a person in its action, activity-, -In-, -the quality, the properties of the subject -EF, if, when changing the word, vowel the sound drops down - no Flower Castle - Flower Mushroom - Mushroom -ik- - and, if when changing the word vowel sound does not drop the key - no key brick - bricks scheme №14 The spelling of the endings - the varying part of the word stand in the end of the word serve to communicate words in phrase or sentence Slender birch of slim birch of slender birch entered the house. Left home. Thought about the house. I come to the house.

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Scheme №15 Morphem analysis of the word (2) on the ride to and the word consists of the end () and the foundation (- the whole word without end). The basis includes: root (), prefix (), suffix () 1 step: Find the end - Change the word: There is a trip I am going to a trip Satisfied with the trip Will there be a trip to tell about the trip. - a variable part. This is the end. Hold the ending and foundation. Trip A 2 Step: Find the root - pick up Single words: trip Train crossing entrance. - A common part. This is the root. Hold the root. Travel 3 Step: Find a prefix - pick up one-sided words without a console or with another prefix: Ride ride Ride Storge Departure Moving. Software variable part. This is a prefix. Hold the console. Travel 4 Step: Find Suffix - Pick care Single words: Trip Travel. -Wefigured part. This is a suffix. Hold the suffix. the trip

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Scheme №17 dividing Kommersant signs Scheme №16 b sign - Softness indicator is written in the end and in the middle of the word between two consonants shows the softness of the prior sound of the coat of the ring strong poplar horse mole b - writes in the root of Owl between consonants and vowels And it shows that the consonant sound does not merge with the vowel Kommersant - it is written between the prefix ending on the consonant sound and the root starting on E Yu Yu I Necklace the Blizzard Family Sparrow Subscribe Removing Announcement Scheme №18 L Sign at the end of the nouns after hissing is written in nouns g. R. After wtch, the figure of the form (after the hissing) Help S speech the night oven thing is calm rye scheme №19 l sign at the end of Gagolov is written at the verbs n. in. and b. in., 2nd l., units h. After sh in the end - eat-they draw a job you play you remember you miss you

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Scheme number 20 The spelling of the roots -Rest- (-Rest-) plant grown - there were no - not to rely on it - and to put it - and touched - and touched the -Bir - - - And I take it -ker - and Bero -Pir - and locks-and lock - and lock - and Deri -Tir- - and rubs - and loss-loser - - - and freezes -er- - and measure-but it cares - but it is blanks - and blown -Best- (-Lesch-) - and glistened shrine -zhig- - and lights - and light -Gar- / under the stress / tan -igor- / unstressed position / burned we write I say o -zh -sh-ст - Сто ст ж хорнны Шлулк клюкок колоков. From l about in a and c k l u h e n and I am a gooseberry shore rustic seam hoods scheme №21 letters and after c - -t-one-sen's circus Sestritsyn Skvortz station with l about in a and c Kiung Gypsy Gypsy Tips Tighcle Tsyz scheme №22 letters and - s after consoles s - a single word begins with and finding out - look for summing up - the result is a search - to seek over and supervisitative over interesting

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Scheme №23 Members of the proposal The main members of the sentence __________ - to be (about whom or what it is said) Who? What? __________ - Taken (what is said) What does it do? What did? 2. Minor members of the sentence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - addition (questions of indirect (all but I. p.) Cases. SUB.) _.__._._._._._ - Cost ( Where? Where? From where? When? How?) - Definition (what? What? What? What? What?) Make a g r a m m and t i c u m o s n o v at proposal scheme №24 parsing scheme Suggestions of the birch grove in the spring rings from bird votes. What? What is he doing? Rotch rings what? When? From what? Birch in spring from whose voices? Birds 2. Group of subject 3. Group of fad with 4. Group of secondary members 1. Grammatical basis Scheme No. 25 Uniform membership members Communication Uniform members of the proposal are interconnected by the intonation of transfer () or unions and but (___, ___, ___) (___, ___, ___) (___, A ___) (___, but ___) (___ and ___) (___, and ___, and ___) (___, ___ yes ___) nightingaws, chalives, chalks, chalks, singers. We read and fairy tales, and stories, and stories. The sun illuminated the forest and field. Once a swan, Cancer Yes, Pike to carry from the shock of WHO took.

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Scheme №26 The syntactic analysis (4) of a simple proposal in composition (simple / complex) for the purpose of the statement (narrative (.) Interesting (!) Questionally (?)) According to emotional color (by intonation) (exclamation (!) / Unkonnecting (. /?)) Grammar base (subject / fae) \u200b\u200bavailability of secondary members (there is a common / no - non-prolonged) Availability of homogeneous members (homogeneous subject, homogeneous, homodium. Addition, homogeneous circumstances, homogeneity definition) Availability of contacting part of speech on dry, Firmly, the earthly earth fell early snow. (simple, self, nobility, distribution, homogeneity definition) Scheme №27 Syntactic analysis (4) Complex offer 1. In the composition (simple / complex - complex complex) 2. For the purpose of the statement 3. According to emotional color (by intonation) 4. Grammar Basics 5. The presence of secondary members 6. Means of communication of simple proposals in the composition of complex (allied / non-union) 7. Signs of punctuation 8. Specify parts of speech a strong wind blew, and went raining. (complex, complex, self, low-profile, spread, iloxoy) Complexed - simple sentences without unions (flashed lightning, thunder rushed.) Simple sentences are connected with the help of alliances A, and (a strong wind blew, and rushed the thunder. Cancer fives back, and Pike pulls into the water.) Complexed - consist of the main and apparent proposals. Proposals are connected by intonation and supervisory unions or allied words: which, when, etc. (the world is covered with stars (most importantly), which drank all the sky (Podep).

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Scheme №28 Morphological analysis (3) named after the noun part of speech (sowing) General value (item) Morphological signs: - n. f. (I. p. Un. / Who? What?) - Animate (Who?) / Inanimate (What?) - Own (Volga) / Menantaya (River) - River (g. R. (She is mine) / m . r. (He is mine) / cf. r. (It is mine)) only in units. h. - declination (1st Skl - r. and I, m. r. and I 2nd Skl - m. r., Wed. r. o e 3rd Сл - р.) - Padege (I. p. / R.p. / D.p. / V. p. / T. P. / P. P.) - Number (units. / mn.) Syntactic role (in the proposal It can be expressed as subject, the circumstance, addition) (light) holiday - SUB., Item., n. f. - what? Holiday, Nodya., Narice., m. r., 2nd Skl., T. P., D. h., Express Additional. Permanent signs of non-permanent signs of scheme №29 Morphological analysis (3) The name of the adjective part of speech (ART) is a general meaning (a sign of the subject) Morphological signs: - n. f. (I. p. Un. H. M. R. / What?) - Form (full (what? What? What? What?) Brief (what? What? What is? What are you?) - Clean (Quality: Comparative degree indicates that this feature is contained in one subject to a greater extent than that of another; excellent shows that one of many homogeneous objects has this feature in the highest degree. Relative attracted) - genus - case - the number of syntax role (in the proposal may be expressed by the definition (full), tamed (short) light (holiday) - adj., Promotion. Item., n. f. - What? Light, full, m. r., T. p., un. h., Express . Dependely depending on them.

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Scheme No. 30 Morphological analysis of the verb (3) Part of speech (ch) General value (action of the subject) Morphological signs: - n. f. (What to do? What to do?) - View (perfect / imperfect) - Hiding (I SPR - Eating UT II II SPR - YU IT IT AT YAT - TIME (REMEMBER (What?), Future (what will do ?) who passed (what did it?)) - the face (1 l. (I, we), 2nd (you, you), 3rd (he, she, it, they) - number (units / mn.) - genus - inclination (zealing (actions that occur in fact) conditional (actions desired or possible under certain conditions) imperative (actions that someone asks or requires Perform) - transitional (KN are combined or can be combined with the essence, numen, a place in V.p. without an excuse) / non-transparent (other) syntactic role (in the proposal is expressed by the tajaem) friendly - ch., act. Item., N . f. - What should I do? Friend, Neskov. View, II SPR., N., V., 3rd, un. h., express. Skl., incomplete., Express. Tale. At the verbs of the present and simple of the future time in the verbs of the last time scheme №31 Morphological analysis of adverbs (3) part of speech (NARCH) general meaning (a sign of action - explains the verb, a sign of a sign - explains the name adjective) morphological signs: - Unchanging the word - the degree of comparison - if there is (comparative: the form is simple - formed with the help (s), -E, -sh, at the same time The final -o (-e) is discarded, it is painful - it is easier - easier); Composite - the combination of the word more and the original form of adverbs (cut more subtle) composite: the form of composite is a combination of two words - a comparative degree of adventure and pronouns of all (total) (made it better) a syntactic role (in the proposal is expressed by the circumstance, it can be expressed to the pronouncement and definition) (fall) quietly - instant., Sign of action., Nearby., Express Strict.

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Scheme №32 Morphological analysis (3) name of the numerical part of speech (numen) General value (quix) Morphological signs: - n. f. (I. p. / How much?) - Simple (three) / composite (twenty three) - quantitative (how much?) / Order (what? What? What? What?) - Detach (whole (seventeen, thirty one) fractional ( The collective (six, seven) - the case - the genus - the number of a syntactic role (in the sentence can be expressed by any member of the sentence) (learned words) fifteen- numerical., quicha., n. f. - How much? Fifteen , Prost., Colich., whole, V.p., Express. addition. If there is a scheme number 33 Morphological analysis (3) pronouns, part of speech (place) General value (indicates objects, signs and quantities without calling them) Morphological signs : - n. f. (I. p. Used. h. Who? What?) - SWITCH (personal (I, you, he, she, it, you, they) Return (Himself) Questionally (who? What ? What? What? What? Whose? Whose? Which is? Hour) relative (who, what, which, whose, how much, what) is indefinite (someone, something, some, some, someone, someone, someone Something, someone, something) negative ( Nobody, nothing, no, anything, no one, nothing) Press (mine, yours, your, our, your) index (that, this one, such, so much) Determined (all, everyone, everyone, the most, any, other, the other)) - the person of personal pronouns - the case - the genus only in the unit. h. - The number of a syntactic role (in the proposal can be expressed to the subject, add-on, definition) (go) for it - a place., n. f. - Who? She, Personal., 3rd, T. p., w. r., units h., Express Additional. if there

Currently, under the conditions of orientation, the maximum learning of educational material teachers strengthen the search for the most effective teaching techniques. It is important to provide every student a basic level of training that represents the State Standard of Education, and to create favorable conditions to those who are interested in learning at an elevated level.

Of the existing forms of visibility in the Russian language lessons, the most common and actively used today are supporting abstracts, algorithms, schemesthat represent special organization of theoretical material as a graphic image, visually underlining the relationship of the dependence of phenomena, characterizing a certain linguistic problem (grammatical, punctuation, spelling). Such an image is created in a simplified-generalized form. Systematic, competently used, it is able to give a complex multidimensional learning process for some integrity, stability. It is possible to save time when working with extensive complexes of concepts, the possibility of differentiation of the learning process, the ability to use various types of work: individual, frontal, group, the possibility of ensuring active independent work of the student, and as a result of the student's self-realization (including in collaboration with the teacher and others Pupils).

Great importance for the success of this work has content and decoration Such a support scheme, which should be a systemic, tank in content, brief, clear for design, simple, understandable for perception and reproduction. In the process of work on supporting abstracts, schemes it is necessary to take into account the training stages, the degree of students' prepared for perception and analysis of the scheme, their ability to record, talk information, and later to make it in the form of a schema or read the unfamiliar record, to decipher it.

Work on supporting abstracts can be carried out during all the lessons of studying the topic, which helps a deeper understanding and gradual memorization of the necessary theoretical material. Permanent work on the abstracts and schemes, the preparation of them with the direct participation of students leads to the fact that at a certain stage, even weakly speaking students may learn independently, using the support, it is logical, to replace the linguistic material.

The reference scheme, the algorithm, in contrast to the abstract, implies the allocation of narrower in volume, the content of theoretical material, can serve as a kind of assistant tool in solving theoretical tasks.

In the abstract, the reference scheme with the help of conventional signals, language terms in a specific logical sequence, the main information on theoretical blocks of the whole topic, sections of linguistics are outlined.

If the theoretical material is grouped into large blocks, it is possible to increase the feed of theoretical material in the lesson without overloading students. According to the reference abstract of the disciples, a connected story on the theory on a linguistic theme. The algorithm helps to work out the course of reasoning when using one or another rule. Thinking activity is activated, logical thinking is being developed.

It is well known that the content that has become the subject of active actions is effectively absorbed. Therefore, the feature of the reception is that knowledge can not only be transmitted to children in the finished form, but to be purchased in the process of studying a new material. As a result of such work, children are formed by the ability to analyze, compare, observe and generalize; The interest in the subject is developing.

A certain difficulty is planning material blocks, development and execution of reference abstracts. This system of work requires a teacher with sufficiently large time costs when preparing for a lesson, selection of material, selection of additional literature.

The work passes as follows:

1. Selection of actual material.

The material is selected from different sources: programs, textbooks, reference and methodical literature, periodicals, etc.

2. Working material.

At this stage there is a generalization of the content, the selection of the required material, the discarding of the secondary one occurs. The content of the reference abstract, the algorithm, the scheme is determined by the content of theoretical material on this topic.

The definition of a material that children already know;

  • in the new material highlights secondary and main information;
  • determining the procedure for presenting the material, examples illustrating the material, the prospects for filling the reference abstract upon subsequent presentation.

3. Material coding, abstract preparation, algorithm, scheme.

In the already systematized and compressed material, it is necessary to select reference signals whose set of which will be, for example, a reference abstract on the topic. It will consist of keywords, abbreviations, compact settings for definitions and wording, graphic signals, digital material, arrows, symbols.

Principles of creating a reference abstract, algorithm, scheme.

1. Support on signal - Equivalent of semantic meaning. Laconicity: maximum encoded information at a minimum of visual printed signs.

2. The principle of accent on the basic semantic elements. The main semantic elements are highlighted by various configuration of blocks, fonts, lyrics, color solutions, etc. Abstract, algorithm, schemes must focus on the main thing.

3. Structivity. Supporting abstracts that combine several topics are usually from 3 to 5 thematic blocks. Their number depends on the volume of the theme or partition, but in any case should not be redundant. Each blocks represents a "microconpect" for some substitute and can be reproduced separately.

4. Font. The main requirements are the correspondence of the letter of the age of the age characteristics of children, clarity, harmony with the general solution of the abstract, algorithm, and schemes.

5. The principle of enraged. Abstract, algorithm, schemes, oriented towards a children's audience, should be interesting to the child. They must increase the imagery, emotionality of the material perception. An excessive theority in the transmission of the material should be avoided. In addition to the main material, it is possible to introduce entertaining material by spelling, punctuation, etc.

Examples of using.

Explanation of the new material.

Option 1.

1st stage. Introduction of a new material (traditional forms and methods). In parallel with the explanation there is a compilation of a reference abstract.

a) part of the support abstract, famous for students, is written on the board in advance;

b) The abstract is complemented by new concepts (written with colored chalk: for example, green - new, blue - examples);

c) new students are pronounced by the choir, clearly uttering each syllable and observing the correct emphasis; This item is written by students in a notebook;

d) next to each point on the reference abstract indicates the number of the paragraph and the page to which children should go at home. During the recording of the abstract in children, not only perception occurs, but also the understanding of the new one.

2nd stage. Re-explanation of the material according to the reference abstract. In places of logical ligaments, in the control points of the topic the speed of speech is reduced, the most important intonation is distinguished. This allows you to reach multiple semantic parts by several phrases, give the opportunity to comprehend the subject entirely.

3rd stage.Answers to children's questions for certain points of the reference abstract.

Supporting abstracts depending on the content, difficulty of theoretical material, familiar and new, can be built on one lesson or several lessons.

Option 2.

At the first lessons to study a new topic, after exploring the textbook paragraph and determine the volume of knowledge and skills, which should receive students on the topic, distinction of the well-known and new information, which must be assimilated, compile a support abstract in a separate reference notebook, breaking all theoretical material into semantic Blocks. Now the training material is read by the guys again, but already carefully, on blocks, to extract the main information. Presented in the form of separate conventions, it is gradually entered into a summary. For expressiveness, we use 3 colors: green to highlight new information; red as a signal "Attention" - exception, remember; Blue - to illustrate examples, for all other designations.

Thus, students learn to compose it gradually, taking into account patterns and sequences under the guidance of the teacher. At the same time, traditional methods of explanation of the material are used: work with a student, the word teacher, conversation, observation, vocabulary with new terms.

After drawing up the abstract for the formation of students in the ability to navigate in it, checking the correctness and completeness of the record as a sample is made primary sounding of the teacher. Students get a task to read theoretical material to the theoretical material and disassemble it in abstract. The next lesson uses various forms of working with students to find, perception, understanding, reproducing individual blocks and abstracts in general. These are conversations on issues, terminological dictation, blitz survey, individual responses at the board, paired interconnection, repetition. Work on the reference abstract is included in the lessons to consolidate the topic, its generalization and is completed by the lessons of control and work on errors. Such a construction of educational activities of students contributes to the fact that the student is repeatedly, but without a special sentence, he speaks individual rules and learns to build a connected story on a linguistic theme.

The use of reference abstracts and schemes in the lessons of the Russian language frees the time to consolidate new knowledge and development of skills, which makes it possible to increase the amount of practical work in the lesson. The time spent on the study of the new and compilation of the abstract are reduced, and for training work, fixing and systematization may increase.

Types of homework using abstract, algorithm, schemes:

  • analysis of the text of the textbook paragraphs and comparing it with a reference abstract;
  • identifying an unclear, incomprehensible in the abstract and in the text of the paragraph, recording questions to the teacher;
  • prophoving the studied material out loud to someone by reference abstract;
  • creating an independent reference abstract in color (the abstract may be proposed for discussion in the classroom);
  • performing practical exercises using the reference abstract

Memo "How to work with a reference abstract (algorithm, scheme) at home."

  • Carefully read the abstract. Try to retell its content.
  • Subscriber with its examples each position of the abstract.
  • Read the material on the textbook, comparison written in the textbook with the abstract (correct errors, if any).
  • Consider a summary. What you need to know and be able to not make mistakes on the spelling rule? Has helped answer this question?
  • If you want, make the mark you need in the abstract.
  • Tell me (loud) connected theoretical material on the reference abstract.

Knowing the reference abstract is checked in the lesson. The teacher answers the questions of students on the reference abstract (who, what is incomprehensible?). Lower-skitting students to reproduce a reference abstract can first be offered by the simulators, which are the same reference summary, but with passing where children should insert the necessary concept.

The student talks at homework. The answer is discussed by children or commented by the teacher. The assessment is set by the teacher. Children pronounce their homework in pairs and evaluate each other (at the same time a memo can be offered).

Fastening the material using the reference abstract, the organization of the current repetition of the material based on the abstract, the algorithm, the scheme is possible to be built as follows:

1) priming individual fragments that caused difficulties from weak students, strong students;

2) progressing the studied material in pairs by reference abstract;

3) Collective implementation of language exercises on issues in order to fix the argument logic on a reference abstract.

The use of reference abstracts, algorithms, schemes in the lessons of the Russian language can be useful including because, as experience shows,

  • pupils are less difficult in responses - reports on a linguistic subject;
  • examination on topics Students perform more successfully;
  • there is a steady interest in the lessons of Russian language and literature;
  • the monologic speech of students is improved (especially in the scientific style);
  • the development of the creative initiative of students;
  • favorable moral and psychological learning conditions are formed;
  • the system of building lessons contributes to the development of logical thinking, observation, attention, perceptions that create a foundation for durable gravity.


  1. Arkin I.I. Literature on arrows and compass. // Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions. Ussr. - 1990. - N 12.
  2. Dashko L.I. Visuality when studying the Russian language in 5-9 classes. - M., Enlightenment, 1985.
  3. Zelmanova L.M. Visuality in the teaching of the Russian language. - M., Enlightenment, 1984.
  4. Korotkov T.G. "Innovations in the teaching of the Russian language and literature"
  5. Lebedev N.M. Summarizing tables and exercises in the Russian language. M., Enlightenment, 1991.
  6. Mesenko Yu.S. Supporting abstracts in Russian language.-m., Pedagogy, 1992.
  7. Fedorenko L.P. Principles of learning Russian language. - M., Enlightenment, 1983.
  8. Friedman L.M. Pedagogical experience through the eyes of a psychologist. - M., Enlightenment, 1987.
  9. Shatalov V.F. Teach everyone, teach everyone. - M., Pedagogy, 1988.
  10. Illustrative material (examples of algorithms, schemes, abstracts) was created by a teacher-author of the article and is actively used in practice.