The most expensive incomprehensible paintings in the world. The most absurd pictures sold for millions of dollars

The most expensive incomprehensible paintings in the world. The most absurd pictures sold for millions of dollars
The most expensive incomprehensible paintings in the world. The most absurd pictures sold for millions of dollars

10. "Blood-Red Mirror" Gerhard Richter - Sold for $ 1.314,500

Gerhard Richter (rank on February 9, 1932, Dresden) - the most famous of modern German artists, his work is called the most controversial and ambiguous, and his paintings are the most expensive among the works of living artists. So, one of them was recently sold at Sotheby's auction for $ 20.8 million! The painting from our list was sold in November 2008 on the same New York auction for 1.3 million. Blood Red Mirror ("Blood-Red Mirror") is a mirror in bloody-red colors.

9. "Space Concept, Waiting" Rayo Fountain- Sold for 1.5 million dollars

Beam Fountain is an Italian painter, sculptor, an abstractionist. He laid the beginning of one time the trendy flow of "cutting" paintings. So this work fountains sold in 2010 for $ 1.5 million is really cut.

8. "Green White" Elsuworth Kelly - Sold for $ 1,650,500

Elsuworth Kelly is a modern American artist and sculptor. He is the largest representative of the "Hard-Edge Painting" - painting, which contains figures (often, but not necessarily geometric) with sharp, butt contours. The picture "Green White" was sold in November 2008 for $ 1,650,500.

7. "Untitled" ("Untitled") Palermo blinks

Blinky Palermo is a German abstractionist artist. His picture "Untitled" was sold for 1.7 million at auction. "Untitled", actually, as well as the rest of Palermo, is a layering of one color to another.

6. "Cowboy", Elsuworth Kelly - Sold for 1.7 million dollars

The picture "Cowboy" brought to us Kelly 1.7 million dollars.

5. PEINTURE (Le Chien), Joan Miro - Sold for $ 2,210,500

Joan Miro - famous Catalan (Spanish) abstract artist. The artist's work is mainly similar to incoherent children's drawings and contain figures, removed similar to real objects. His picture "Dog" was sold for at Christie's auction "S in New York for $ 2,210,500.

4. "Untitled", Sai Tombles - Sold for 2.3 million dollars.

Sai Twombbles is an American artist and sculptor-abstractionist. The originality of the breastbooks is chaotic applying to canvas inscriptions, lines and scratches. His picture "Untitled", bought for 2.3 million dollars, someone may be more like a 5-year-old child who is training to write the letter "E".

3. "White Fire I" ("White Fire I"), Barnett Newman - Sold for $ 3,859,500 dollars

Barnett Newman is an American artist, a prominent representative of abstract expressionism. "White Cows I" was sold on November 13, 2002 for $ 3,859,500.

2. "Blue Fool" ("Blue Fool"), Christopher Vul - Sold for 5 million dollars

The picture "Blue Durak", the modern American artist Christopher Voula, was bought in May 2010 at the Christie Auction "S in New York for 5,010,500 dollars.

1. "Untitled" (1961) Mark Rotko - Sold for 28 million dollars

The picture of Rotko, the leading representative of abstract expressionism, one of the creators of painting the color field, was sold in 2010 in New York at the Sotheby Auction "S for a crazy $ 28,000,000.

№20. 75 100,000 dollars. "Royal Red and Blue", Mark Rotko, sold in 2012.

The majestic canvas became one of the eight works chosen by the artist personally for his epocal personal exhibition at the Institute of Art Chicago.

№19. 76 700,000 dollars. "Beating babies", Peter Paul Rubens, was created in 1610.

The picture acquired Kenneth Thompson at Sotby auction in London in July 2002. Bright I. dramatic work Rubens can fight for the title "Most unexpected success" "Christie" appreciated this cloth only 5 million euros.

№18. 78 100,000 dollars. "Ball in Moulin de la Galette", Pierre-Auguste Renoir, was written in 1876.

The work was sold in 1990, at that time it was listed the second most expensive picture in the world from ever sold. The owner of the masterpiece became Rioja Saito, Chairman of the company Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co. He wanted canvas crem together with him after his death, but the company faced financial difficulties on loan obligations, so the picture had to be used as a property collateral.

№17. 80 million dollars. "Turquoise Marilyn", Andy Warhol, was written in 1964, sold in 2007

Acquired Mr. Steve Cohen. The price was not confirmed, but this figure is assumed to be truthful.

№16. 80 million dollars. "Falstart", Jasper Jones, was written in 1959

The picture belonged to David Hepfenu, who sold it to the Director General of the Citadel investment group, Kennetus S. Griffin. She is recognized as the most expensive picture, which was able to sell during the life of the artist, the cult masters Jasper Jones.

№15. 82 500,000 dollars. "Portrait of Dr. Gasha", Vincent Van Gogh, 1890 year.

Japanese businessman Rioja Saito acquired a picture in 1990 at auction. At that time she was the most expensive picture in the world. In response to the resonance arising in society about the wishes of Saito cremat the work of art with him after death, the businessman explained that, thus, he expresses his selfless attachment to the picture.

№14. 86 300,000 dollars. Triptych, Francis Bacon, 1976.

This becone masterpiece from three pieces We broke the previous record of its sold works ($ 52.68 million). The picture acquired a Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

№13. 87 900,000 dollars. "Portrait of Adel Bloch-Bauer II", Gustav Klimt, 1912.

The only model twice depicted by Climom and sold a few months after the first version. This is a portrait of Bof-Bauer from among four paintings, for which in 2006 reversed a total of $ 192 million. Buyer unknown.

№12. 95 200,000 dollars. "Dora Mahar with a cat", Pablo Picasso, 1941.

Another picture of Picasso, which left the hammer at a well-known price. In 2006, it acquired a mysterious Russian anonymous, bought at the same work of Monet and stepped over $ 100 million.

№11. 104 200,000 dollars. "Boy with a tube", Pablo Picasso, 1905.

This is the first painting, overcoming the barrier of $ 100 million in 2004. Oddly enough, the name of a person who has manifested such a living interest in the portrait of Picasso, did not publish.

№10. 105 400,000 dollars. "Silver car accident (double catastrophe)", Andy Warhol, 1932.

This is the most dear job famous legend Pop Art, Andy Warhol. The picture has become a star modern artAfter leaving the hammer at Sotheby's auction.

№9. 106 500,000 dollars. "Nude, green leaves and bust", Pablo Picasso, 1932.

This sensual and colorful masterpiece became the most expensive work of Picasso from ever sold at auction. The picture consisted in the collection of Mrs. Siddi F. Brouda and was not exhibited in public since 1961.

№8. $ 110 million Flag, Jasper Jones, 1958.

"Flag" is the most famous work of Jasper Jones. The artist drew his first American flag in 1954-55.

№7. 119 900,000 dollars. "Creek", Edward Munk, 1895.

This is a unique and most colorful work out of four versions of the masterpiece Edward Minka Creek. Only one of them remains in private hands.

№6. 135 000 000 dollars. "Portrait of Adeli Bloch Bauer I", Gustav Klimt.

Maria Altman in court sought the right to possess the picture, as Adeli Bauer Bauer taught her state gallery Austria, and her husband later canceled donation against the background of the events of World War II. Having entered into legal rights, Maria Altman sold the portrait Ronald Laudera, who put it in his gallery in New York.

№5. 137 500,000 dollars. "Woman III", Villem de Cuning.

Another picture sold by Hepfen in 2006, but this time the billionaire Stephen A. Cohen spoke by the buyer. This strange abstraction entered a series of six cunning masterpieces written in the period from 1951 to 1953.

№4. 140 000 000 dollars. "No. 5, 1948," Jackson Pollock.

According to New York Times, the film generator and collector David Hepfen sold this picture David Martinezo, who managing the FINTECH Advisory partner, although the last information was not confirmed. True shrouded in secret.

Incredible facts.

Not any of us can evaluate this kind of paintings on dignity and read between the lines of the sense laid by the author. But, nevertheless, the cost of paintings of modern artists is sometimes just shrink And collectors and connoisseurs of art from all over the world come to auction to buy a fit creation.

Sometimes for the picture you like, they lay out such amounts of money that even the authors of the canvas themselves remain extremely surprised.

Below is a list of the most strange modern paintingswhich were sold for millions of dollars.

1. "Spatial Concept" - Lucio Fontana (Lucio Fontana)

Sold for 1,500,000 dollars.

This picture was sold for fabulous money at auction in London. It seems as if the author just painted the canvas with color and "Ripped" the picture by oblique lines. The question arises, of course, by a million: if the artist wants to get even more money for a similar picture, he should simply make another incision?

Or maybe the more stronger the damage line, the higher the quality of the picture?

2. "Blood-Red Mirror" - Gerhard Richter (Gerhard Richter)

Sold for 1,100,000 dollars.

"Picture - mirror" left with a hammer for 1.1 million. Of course, this artist is the author of the set. excellent workHowever, to understand this, apparently, you just need to be born by the artist.

Difficult if possible, see this masterpiece, something similar to the mirror. Perhaps a collector who purchased her, just wanted to see himself in larger quantities Light, looking in the mirror.

The most expensive pictures

3. "Green-White" - Ellsworth Kelly (Ellsworth Kelly)

Sold for 1,600,000 dollars.

The works of this artist are very contradictory, critics differ in opinions regarding their value, but, of course, this picture is the most that neither real gem.

This is the most ordinary canvas with a deformed circle in the middle, and there are people who are ready to pay for the right to add this creation to their collection as much as a small Thai island is.

4. "Untitled" - Mark Rothko (Mark Rothko)

Sold for 28,000,000 dollars.

Many responded impartial about this picture, but it is more likely boring. If your child would bring you such a drawing after the end of the art school, there would be two scenarios for the development of events:

a) you would be terribly indulged and hanged the picture instead of the TV

b) I would say to him: "Good work, baby. Just let's do something else next time!"

5. "Untitled" - Blinky Palermo (Blinky Palermo)

Sold for 1 700,000 dollars.

This picture, like many other creatures of this artist, is a layering of colored cavalo on each other. One critique noted that he was peering at this picture for a whole hour, but she could not find it anything.

Another critic was expressed more deeply: "Palermo's paintings offer the viewer's view of seeing multifaceted changes in colors, while there are completely lack of traces of the pictorial nuances and beggars on the surface of the canvas, instead, a person can contemplate the wonderful, undiluted color."

It is necessary to be a real professional of your business to disguise the shortage of color solutions in this way!

Strange paintings

6. "Dog" - Joan Mira (Joan Mira)

Sold for $ 2,200,000.

In fact, the world has a lot of good works, but this really stands out And not from the positive side.

Or maybe a collector who has acquired it, just wanted to have a part of the heritage of a talented artist?

7. "White Fire I" - Barnett Newman (Barnett NEWMAN)

Sold for 3,800,000 dollars.

Obviously, people who buy this kind of paintings are unusually rich. But rich are becoming rich due to their mind.

If so, why did the intelligent collector bought such work on the Internet auction, based only on the scarce description exhibited on the site?

The name of the picture is a mystical term, which is directly related to Tore . The Torah itself is aimed at the deep spiritual unity that Newman is trying, according to him, to press the viewer through its works.

But isn't it really? Or maybe just an inexperienced person is difficult to trace the relationship between two lines on clean canvas and the skin?

8. "Untitled" - Sai Twombby (CY TWOMBLY)

Sold for 23,000,000 dollars.

This work is done on skouring hand at home on plain paper using usual wax pencil, that is, the same material that the child uses when learning to write in kindergarten.

If you get a look at a look and look at the picture, will you seem like this masterpiece is extremely similar to trying to kid to learn how to write the letter "e"?

9. "Cowboy" - Ellsworth Kelly (Ellsworth Kelly)

Sold for $ 1,700,000.

Kelly studied art for more than four years in the cultural institutions of Boston and Paris, before deciding on the direction of the style of their works. After the study, he stopped on the fact that his works will be "block".

In the inexperienced eye, the choice may seem erroneous, because, what is the value of these blocks implemented on paper? Nevertheless, it is worth recognizing the mistake, because from the point of view of the economy, the choice is very correct, but from the aesthetic side, it is unlikely that the author has taken the right decision.

10. "Blue Fool" - Christopher Wool (Christopher Wool)

Sold for $ 5,000,000.

It can be assumed how Christopher was delighted, which specializes in painting words, when this work was sold for such a huge amount of money. I wonder when he wrote his picture, could you think that he would be able to persuade anyone to acquire her?

Bravo, Christopher!

The most expensive pictures of artists

"Players in cards"


Paul Cesanne

Country France
Years of life 1839–1906
Style Postpressionism

The artist was born in the south of France in a small town of Ex-en-Provence, but painting began to engage in Paris. This success came to him after the personal exhibition organized by the collector Ambruz Vollar. In 1886, 20 years before his care, he moved to the outskirts of his hometown. Young artists called him called "pilgrimage in ex".

130x97 cm
1895 year
$ 250 million
sold in 2012
on private trading

Creativity Cezanne is easy to understand. The only rule of the artist was the direct transmission of the subject or the plot on the canvas, so his paintings do not cause the viewer's perplexity. Cezanne connected two main French traditions in his art: classicism and romanticism. With the help of a colorful texture, he attached an amazing plasticity of items.

A series of five paintings "Players in Maps" was written in 1890-1895. Their plot is the same - several people play poker enthusiastically. Available only by the number of players and canvas sizes.

Four paintings are stored in the museums of Europe and America (Museum of D'Orce, Metropolitan Museum, Barnes Foundation and the Kurto Institute), and the fifth time until recently was the decoration of the private collection of Greek billionaire-shipowner Georg Embyricos. Shortly before his death, in the winter of 2011, he decided to set it on sale. Art dealer William Akvavella and a glimpical name of Larry Gagosyan, who offered it about $ 220 million, who were offering about $ 220 million dollars for it by the potential buyers of "free" work. As a result, the picture went to the royal family of the Arab state Qatar for 250 million. The largest art deal in the history of painting was closed in February 2012. This in Vanity Fair reported a journalist Alexander Pierce. She found out the cost of the picture and the name of the new owner, and then information penetrated the media around the world.

In 2010, the Arab Museum of Contemporary Art and the Qatari National Museum opened in Qatar. Now their collections are replenished. Perhaps the fifth version of the "players in the card" was acquired by Sheikh for this purpose.

SAMIdear paintingin the world

Sheikha Hamad
bin caliph al-tanya

The Al-Tanya dynasty rules Qatar over 130 years. About half a century ago, huge oil and gas reserves were found here that the VMIG made Qatar one of the richest regions of the world. Thanks to the export of hydrocarbons in this small country, the largest GDP per capita is recorded. Sheikh Hamad Bin Califa Al-Tanya in 1995, while his father was in Switzerland, with the support of family members seized power. The merit of the current ruler, according to experts, in a clear strategy for the development of the country, creating a successful state image. Now the Constitution and Prime Minister appeared in Qatar, and women received the right to vote in the parliamentary elections. By the way, it was the emir of Qatar that founded Al-Jazeera news channel. Huge attention of the Arab state's authorities pay culture.


"Number 5"


Jackson Pollock

Country USA
Years of life 1912–1956
Style Abstract expressionism

Jack Sprayer - such a nickname was given to the American public for the special technique of painting. The artist refused the brush and easel, and the paint spilled over the surface of the canvas or fibrolite during the continuous movement around and inside them. FROM early years He was fond of Jedda Krishnamurt's philosophy, the main promise of which - the truth opens during the free "outpouring".

122x244 cm
$ 140 million
sold in 2006
on the auction Sotheby's.

The value of the work of the midfield is not as a result, but in the process. The author did not accidentally call his art of painting action. With it light hands It became the main property of America. Jackson Pollock mixed paint with sand, broken glass, and wrote a piece of cardboard, masticic, knife, scoop. The artist was so popular that in the 1950s, the imitators were found even in the USSR. The picture "Number 5" is recognized as one of the strangest and expensive in the world. One of the creators of DreamWorks David Hepfen acquired it for a private collection, and in 2006 sold at the Sotheby`s auction for 140 million dollars to Mexican David Martinez. However, soon a law firm on behalf of his client released a press release, which reported that David Martinez is not the owner of the painting. Just one is known only one: the Mexican financier is really in lately Collecting works of contemporary art. It is unlikely that he would have missed such " large fish"As" number 5 "of the midfield.


"Woman III"


Villem de Kuning

Country USA
Years of life 1904–1997
Style Abstract expressionism

The leaving from the Netherlands, he emigrated in the United States in 1926. In 1948, a personal exhibition of the artist took place. Art critics appreciated complex, nervous black and white compositions, recognizing in their author of the Grand Artist-modernist. He suffered most of his life with alcoholism, but the joy of creating new art is felt in every work. De Kuning is distinguished by the impulsiveness of painting, wide strokes, which is sometimes the image does not fit in the boundaries of the canvas.

121x171 cm
$ 137 million
sold in 2006
on private trading

In the 1950s, women with empty eyes, massive breasts, ugly features of the face. "Woman III" became the last work from this series participating in the auction.

Since the 1970s, the picture was kept in the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, but after the introduction of hard rules of morality in the country, they sought to get rid of it. In 1994, the work was taken out of Iran, and after 12 years its owner David Hepfen (the most producer who sold the Jackson Pollock "Number 5" canal) gave the picture to Milliona Stephen Cohen for $ 137.5 million. Interestingly, Hepfhen began to sell his painting collection in one year. It gave rise to a weight of rumors: for example, that producer decided to buy Los Angeles Times newspaper.

At one of the art-forums, an opinion was expressed about the similarity of the "Women III" with the picture of Leonardo da Vinci "Lady with Mornosta". For a toothy smile and a shapeless figure of the heroine, the connoisseur of painting saw the grace of the royal blood. This is evidenced by the poorly painted crown, the wedding head of a woman.


"Portrait of AdeliBloch-Bauer I »


Gustav Klimt

Country Austria
Years of life 1862–1918
Style Modern

Gustav Klimt was born in the family of an engraver family and was the second of seven children. Three Sons of Ernest Klimt became artists, and only Gustav had become famous for the whole world. Most of the childhood he spent in poverty. After the death of his father, he was responsible for the whole family. It is at this time that climt develops his style. In front of his paintings, any viewer freezes: under thin smears of gold is clearly visible to frank eroticism.

138x136 cm
1907 year
$ 135 million
sold in 2006
on the auction Sotheby's.

The fate of the picture called " Austrian mono Liza "can easily become the basis for bestseller. The work of the artist was the cause of the conflict of a whole state and one elderly lady.

So, on the "portrait of Adeli Bloch-Bauer I" depicted an aristocrat, Ferdinand Bloch's wife. Her last will was to transfer the picture of the Austrian state gallery. However, fleas in his will canceled donation, and the canvas expropriated the Nazis. Later, the gallery hardly bought out Golden Adel"But here the heirs appeared to Maria Altman, the niece of Ferdinand Blokh.

In 2005, the loud process of "Maria Altman against the Austrian Republic" began, following which the picture "left" with her in Los Angeles. Austria adopted unprecedented measures: there were negotiations on loans, the population sacrificed money to buy a portrait. Good and did not won evil: the price of Altman raised to $ 300 million. At the time of the proceedings, she was 79 years old, and she entered the story as a person who had changed the will of Bloch Bauer in favor of personal interests. The picture was acquired by Ronald Laoupere, the owner New gallery"In New York, where is this day. Not for Austria, for him Altman lowered the price of up to $ 135 million.




Edward Munk.

Country Norway
Years of life 1863–1944
Style expressionism

The first picture of the mud, which has become famous worldwide, - "Sick Girl" (exists in five copies) - devoted to the sister of the artist who deceased from tuberculosis aged 15 years. Minka has always been interested in the theme of death and loneliness. In Germany, his heavy, manic painting even provoked a scandal. However, despite the depressive plots, his paintings have special magnetism. Take at least Creek.

73,5х91 cm
1895 year
$ 119.992 million
sold B. 2012.
on the auction Sotheby's.

The full name of the picture is der Schrei Der Natur (translated from the German - "Creek of Nature"). The person is whether the person is, or aliens expressing despair and panic - the same emotion is experiencing a viewer when looking at the picture. One of the key works of expressionism warns the themes that have become acute in the art of the XX century. According to one of the versions, the artist created it under the influence of mental disorder, who suffered all his life.

The picture twice was stolen from different museums, but it was returned. The resulting small damage after theft "Creek" was renovated, and he was again ready to show at the Mill Museum in 2008. For representatives of the pop culture, the work became a source of inspiration: Andy Warhol created a series of its print-copies, and the mask from the film "Creek" was made in the image and likeness of the hero of the picture.

For one plot, the Munk wrote four versions of the work: the one is in the private collection, pastels are performed. Norwegian billionaire Petter Olsen put it on auction on May 2, 2012. The buyer was Leon Black, who did not regreparate for the "Creek" record Sum. Founder of Companies Apollo Advisors, L.P. and Lion Advisors, L.P. Known by his love of art. Black - Patron College Dartmouth, Museum of Contemporary Art, Lincoln Art Center, Metropolitan Museum Arts. It has the largest collection of paintings of modern artists and classic masters of past centuries.


"Nude on the background of bust and green leaves"


Pablo Picasso

Country Spain, France
Years of life 1881–1973
Style cubism

By origin, he is a Spaniard, and in spirit and place of residence - a real Frenchman. Picasso's own art studio opened in Barcelona when he was only 16 years old. Then he went to Paris and spent there most Life. That is why in his surname double emphasis. At the heart of the style, invented Picasso, there is a denial of opinion that the object depicted on the canvas can be considered only under one view.

130x162 cm
1932 year
$ 106.482 million
sold in 2010 year
on the auction Christie's.

During his work in Rome, the artist met Olga Khokhlov's dancer, who soon became his wife. He finished with vagrancy, moved with her to a luxurious apartment. By that time, recognition found a hero, but the marriage was destroyed. One of the most expensive paintings of the world was created almost by chance - great lovewhich, as always, Picasso was short. In 1927, he was carried away by the young Marie Terez Walter (she was 17 years old, he was 45). In secret, he left his wife with his mistress in the town near Paris, where he wrote a portrait, depicting Marie Terez in the image of Daphne. The canvas acquired the New York dealer Paul Rosenberg, and in 1951 sold him Sydney F. Brouda. Spouses Brody showed a picture of the world only one day and only because the artist was 80 years old. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Brody, in March 2010, put a work on auction in the House of Christie's. For six decades, the price has grown more than 5,000 times! An unknown collector acquired her for $ 106.5 million. In 2011, "Exhibition of One Pattern" took place in Britain, where she saw the light of the second time, but the name of the owner is still unknown.


"Eight Elvis"


Andy Warhole

Country USA
Years of life 1928-1987
pop Art

"Sex and parties are the only places where you need to appear with your own person," said the cult artist Pop Art, director, one of the founders of the InterView magazine, designer Andy Warhol. He worked with Vogue and Harper`s Bazaar, drawing up the cover of the records, came up with shoes for I.miller. In the 1960s, pictures of America symbols appeared: Campbell`s soup and Coca-Cola, Presley and Monroe - made it legend.

358x208 cm
1963 year
$ 100 million
sold in 2008
on private trading

Warholovsky 60s - so called Pop Art's era in America. In 1962, he worked in Manhattan in the Studio "Factory", where all Bohemia New York gathered. Its bright representatives: Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan, Trueman Hood and other person known in the world. At the same time, Warhol tried silkographic technology - a multiple repeat of one image. He used this method and when creating "eight Elvis": the spectator seems to see the frames from the movie, where the star comes to life. There is everything that the artist loved so much: the win-win public image, the silver color and the premonition of death as the main promise.

There are two art dealers promoting the work of Warhol on the world market today: Larry Gagosyan and Alberto Morbai. The first in 2008 spent 200 million dollars to acquire more than 15 works of Warhol. The second buys and sells his paintings as christmas cards, only more expensive. But not they, and the modest French art consultant Philip Segalo helped the Roman connoisseur of the art of Annibal Berlingheri to sell the unknown buyer "Eight Elvis" for a record for Warhol - $ 100 million.


"Orange,red Yellow"


Mark Rotko

Country USA
Years of life 1903–1970
Style Abstract expressionism

One of the creators of painting the color field was born in Dvinsk, Russia (now - Daugavpils, Latvia), in a large family of the Jewish pharmacist. In 1911, they emigrated to the United States. Rotko studied at the Art Faculty of Yale University, achieved scholarships, but the anti-Semitic sentiments forced him to leave his studies. In spite of everything, the art criticism of the artist was guarded, and museums pursued all his life.

206x236 cm
1961 year
$ 86,882 million
sold in 2012
on the auction Christie's.

The first artistic experiments of Rotko were a surrealistic orientation, but over time he simplified the plot to color spots by depriving them of any object. At first they had bright shades, and in the 1960s they poured brown, violet, thickening to black to the time of the death of the artist. Mark Rotko warned against the search for any meaning in his paintings. The author wanted to say exactly what said: Only a color dissolving in the air, and nothing more. He recommended looking at the work from a distance of 45 cm so that the viewer "delayed" in color, as in a funnel. Caution: Looking for all the rules can lead to the effect of meditation, that is, gradually come to the awareness of infinity, complete immersion in itself, relaxation, cleansing. The color in his paintings lives, breathes and has a strongest emotional impact (they say, sometimes healing). The artist stated: "The viewer should cry, looking at them," and such cases were indeed. On the theory of Rotko, at this moment people live the same spiritual experience as he in the process of working on the picture. If you managed to understand it on such a thin level, then you will not be surprised that these works of abstraction criticism often compare with icons.

The work "Orange, Red, Yellow" expresses the whole essence of painting Mark Rothko. Its initial cost at Christie's auction in New York 35-45 million dollars. An unknown buyer offered a price twice as exceeding Estimate. The name of the happy painting owner, as it often happens, not disclosed.




Francis Bacon

Great Britain
Years of life 1909–1992
Style expressionism

The adventures of Francis Beckon, a complete namesake and besides a long descendant of the Great Philosopher, began when the Father renounced him, unable to accept the homosexual tendencies of the Son. Bacon went first to Berlin, then to Paris, and then his traces are confused throughout Europe. During his life, his work was exhibited in leading cultural centers of the world, among which the Guggenheim Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.

147,5х198 cm (each)
$ 86.2 million
sold in 2008
on the auction Sotheby's.

Prestigious museums sought to possess paintings of Bekon, but the primary English audience was in no hurry to survive on such art. The legendary Prime Minister of British Margaret Thatcher talked about him: "A person who draws these horrific paintings."

The starting period in his work, the artist himself considered post-war time. Returning from service, he again engaged in painting and created the main masterpieces. Before the participation of Triptych, 1976 in the auction of the most expensive work of Bacon was "Etude to the portrait of Pope Innokentia X" ($ 52.7 million). In Triptykh, 1976, the artist depicted a mythical plot of the persecution of Oresta Fury. Of course, Orest is Bacon himself, and Furi is his torment. For more than 30 years, the picture was in the private collection and did not participate in exhibitions. This fact gives it a special value and, accordingly, increases cost. But what is a few million for a connoisseur of art, and even in Russian generous? Roman Abramovich began to create his collection in the 1990s, this was significantly influenced by the girlfriend Dasha Zhukov, which became modern Russia Fashion gallery. According to unofficial data, in the personal ownership of the businessman, there are works by Alberto Dzhacometti and Pablo Picasso, bought for amounts exceeding $ 100 million. In 2008, he became the owner of Triptych. By the way, in 2011 another valuable work of Bekon was acquired - "Three sketches to the portrait of Lucien Freud". Hidden sources say that Roman Arkadyevich again became the buyer.


"Pond with water lily"


Claude Monet

Country France
Years of life 1840–1926
Style impressionism

The artist is recognized by the ancestor of impressionism, "patented" this method in its canvases. The first significant work was the painting "Breakfast on the grass" (the original version of the work of Edward Mane). In his youth, he painted caricatures, and a real painting took up during his travels along the coast and outdoors. In Paris, he led the bohemian lifestyle and did not leave him even after the service in the army.

210x100 cm
1919 year
$ 80.5 million
sold in 2008
on the auction Christie's.

Besides that Monet was a great artist, he was also enthusiastically engaged in gardening, adored live nature And flowers. In his landscapes, the state of nature is lightly, items as if blurred by air movement. The impression is enhanced due to large smears, from a certain distance they become inconspicuous and merged into textured, through image. In the painting of late Monet, the topic of water and life in it occupies a special place. In the town of Giverni, the artist was his own pond, where he grown pita from seeds, specially brought from Japan. When their flowers bloomed, he searched to drawing. A series of "Sweets" consists of 60 works that the artist wrote for almost 30 years to death. His vision has deteriorated with age, but he did not stop. Depending on the wind, the time of year and the weather, the pond has constantly changed, these changes wanted to capture Monet. Through thorough work towards him, an understanding of the essence of nature came. Some of the series of the series are stored in the leading galleries of the world: National Museum Western Art (Tokyo), Orangery (Paris). The version of the next "pond with water lily" went into the hands of an unknown buyer for a record amount.


False Star t.


Jasper Jones

Country USA
Year of birth 1930
Style pop Art

In 1949, Jones entered the Design School in New York. Along with Jackson Pollock, Willem de Cunning and others, he is recognized as one of the main artists of the 20th century. In 2012, he received the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" - the highest civilian award of the United States.

137.2х170.8 cm
$ 80 million
sold in 2006
on private trading

Like Marseille Dushan, Jones worked with real objects, depicting them on canvas and in sculpture in full accordance with the original. For their work, he used simple and understandable items: a beer bottle, flag or card. The False Start picture has no clear composition. The artist as if plays with the audience, often "wrong" signing colors in the picture, turning the concept of color itself: "I wanted to find a way to portray color so that it can be determined by some other method." His most explosive and "durable in himself", according to critics, the picture was acquired by an unknown buyer.


"Sittingnude on the sofa"


Amedeo Modiganiani

Country Italy, France
Years of life 1884–1920
Style expressionism

Moodigaliani often sick since childhood, during a feverish nonsense, he recognized his designer of the artist. He studied painting in Livorno, Florence, Venice, and in 1906 he went to Paris, where his art flourished.

65x100 cm
1917 year
$ 68,962 million
sold in 2010 year
on the auction Sotheby's.

In 1917, Modigliani met 19-year-old Jeanne Ebutern, who became his model, and then his wife. In 2004, one of her portraits was sold for $ 31.3 million, which became the last record before selling "Sitting Nude on the Sofa" in 2010. The picture acquired an unknown buyer for the maximum for Modigliani on this moment Price. Active sales of work began only after the death of the artist. He died in a poverty, sick tuberculosis, and the next day she committed with him and Zhanna Ebutern, who stayed on the ninth month of pregnancy.


"Eagle on the pine"


Qi Bayshi.

Country China
Years of life 1864–1957
Style Gokhua

Interest in calligraphy led Qi Baisha to painting. At the age of 28, he became a student of the artist Hu Zinyuan. The Ministry of Culture of China appropriated to him the title of "Great Artist of the Chinese People", in 1956 he received International Prize World.

10x26 cm
$ 65.4 million
sold in 2011
on the auction China Guardian.

Qi Bayshi was interested in those manifestations of the surrounding world, which many do not give values, and in this his greatness. A man without education became a professor and an outstanding creator in history. Pablo Picasso spoke about him: "I'm afraid to go to your country, because in China there are Qi Baisha." The composition "Eagle on the pine" is recognized as the most large work artist. In addition to the canvas, it includes two hieroglyphic scrolls. For China, the amount for which the work was bought, represents a record - 425.5 million yuan. Only a scroll of an ancient calligrapher Juan Tinjiang was sold for 436.8 million.




Clifford Still

Country USA
Years of life 1904–1980
Style Abstract expressionism

At the age of 20, I visited the Metropolitan Museum in New York and was disappointed. Later, he was signed up for the course of the student league of the arts, but left 45 minutes after the start of the classes - it turned out to be "not it." The first personal exhibition caused a resonance, the artist found himself, and with this recognition

79x93 cm
1949 year
$ 61.7 million
sold in 2011
on the auction Sotheby's.

All their works, and this is more than 800 canvases and 1600 works on paper, the stylist won the American city, where the museum of his name will be opened. Denver became such a city, but only construction was expensive to the authorities, and for its completion, four works were put up for auction. The works of Stille are unlikely to participate in the auction ever yet, which advanced their price in advance. The painting "1949-A-No.1" was sold for a record for the artist, although the experts predicted the sale of 25-35 million dollars.


"Suprematic composition"


Kazimir Malevich

Country Russia
Years of life 1878–1935
Style suprematism

Malevich learned painting in Kiev art schoolthen in the Moscow Academy of Arts. In 1913, he began to write abstract-geometric paintings in style, which called Suprematism (from Lat. "Dominance").

71x 88.5 cm
$ 60 million
sold in 2008
on the auction Sotheby's.

In the urban museum Amsterdam, the picture was kept about 50 years old, but after a 17-year-old dispute with Malevich's relatives, the Museum gave her. The artist wrote this work in one year with the "Manifesto of Suprematism", so Sotheby`s was announced before the bid, it would not go out in less than 60 million dollars private collection. So it happened. It is better to look at it: the shapes on the canvas resemble the view of the Earth from the air. By the way, a few years earlier, the same relatives exproprical from Moma Museum another "Suprematic composition" to sell it at Phillips auction for $ 17 million.




Paul Gajen

Country France
Years of life 1848–1903
Style Postpressionism

Up to seven years, the artist lived in Peru, then with his family returned to France, but children's memories constantly pushed him to travel. In France, he began writing paints, was friends with Van Gogh. He even spent several months with him in Arles, until Van Gogh during a quarrel cut off his ear.

93,4х60.4 cm
1902 year
$ 55 million
sold in 2005
on the auction Sotheby's.

In 1891, Gauguen arranged to sell his paintings to go deep into the island of Tahiti to the reversed money. There he created work in which the fine relationship of nature and man is felt. Gogen lived in a straw hut, and a tropical paradise flourished on his canvases. His wife became the 13-year-old Tahitiankah tehra, which did not prevent the artist to join disorderls. Illness syphilis, he left for France. However, Mogen was closely, and he returned to Tahiti. This period is called "Second Taitian" - it was then that the picture of the "swimsters" was written, one of the most luxurious in his work.


"Narcissus and a tablecloth in blue and pink tones"


Henri Matisse

Country France
Years of life 1869–1954
Style Fovisov

In 1889, Henri Matisse had an attack of appendicitis. When he was recovered from the operation, the mother bought him paints. At first, Matisse from boredom copied color postcards, then - the works of great painters, which saw in the Louvre, and at the beginning of the 20th century came up with a style - Formism.

65.2x81 cm
$ 46.4 million
sold in 2009
on the auction Christie's.

Picture "Narcissa and a tablecloth in blue and pink Tones"For a long time, Iva Saint-Laurean belonged. After the death of Kuturier, his whole collection of art has moved into his friend's hands and lover Pierre Berez, who decided to set it at Christie's auction. The pearl of the sold collection was the painting "Narcissus and a tablecloth in blue and pink tones", written on an ordinary tablecloth instead of canvas. As a sample of foxism, it is filled with color energy, paints seem to explode and shout. From the famous series of paintings written on the tablecloth, today this work is the only one, which is in the private collection.


"Sleeping girl"




Country USA
Years of life 1923–1997
Style pop Art

The artist was born in New York, and graduating from school, went to Ohio, where he went to art courses. In 1949, Liechtenstein received a master's degree in elegant arts. Interest in comics and the ability to ironize the cult artist of the last century.

91x91 cm
$ 44,882 million
sold in 2012
on the auction Sotheby's.

Once in the hands of Liechtenstein got chewing gum. He redraged the picture from the liner on the canvas and became famous. In this plot from his biography, the entire pop art mission was signed: consumption - a new God, and in the candy from the chewing less beautythan in "Monet Lisa". His paintings resemble comics and cartoons: Liechtenstein simply increased the finished image, drawing the rasters, used stencil printing and silk screen. The picture "Sleeping Girl" belonged for almost 50 years to collectors Beatris and Philip Pearrs, whose heirs sold it at auction.


"Victory. Boogie Woogie"


Pete Mondrian

Country Netherlands
Years of life 1872–1944
Style Neolasticism

His true family name "Cornelis - the artist changed to Mondrian, when in 1912 moved to Paris. Together with the artist Teo Vann Dusburg founded the movement "Nexousticism". In honor of Mondrian, the Piet programming language is named.

27x127 cm
$ 40 million
sold in 1998.
on the auction Sotheby's.

The most "musical" of the artists of the 20th century earned a living watercolor still lifesAlthough it became famous for a neoplastic artist. In the US, moved in the 1940s and spent there the remainder of life. Jazz and New York - this is what inspired him most! Picture "Victory. Bogi-Vuy "is the best example of this. "Branded" neat squares were obtained due to the use of sticky tape - Mondrian's favorite material. In America, he was called the "most famous immigrant." In the sixties, Yves Saint Laurent released the Mondrian dresses known to the whole world with a print into a large color cell.


"Composition number 5"



Country Russia
Years of life 1866–1944
Style avant-garde

The artist was born in Moscow, and his father was from Siberia. After the revolution, he tried to cooperate with the Soviet power, but soon realized that the laws of the proletariat were not created for him, and was not emigrated to Germany without difficulties.

275x190 cm
$ 40 million
sold in 2007.
on the auction Sotheby's.

Kandinsky one of the first completely refused the subject painting, for which he received the title of genius. During Nazism in Germany, his paintings were attributed to "degenerative art" and have not been exhibited anywhere. In 1939, Kandinsky adopted French citizenship, he participated in the artistic process in Paris. His paintings "sound", as if the Fugue, so many were called "compositions" (the first was written in 1910, the latter - in 1939). "Composition number 5" is one of the key works in this genre: "The word" composition "sounded for me as a prayer," said the artist. Unlike many followers, he planned what would depict on a huge canvas, as if wrote notes.


"Etude Women in Blue"


Fernian Leo

Country France
Years of life 1881–1955
Style cubism-postpressionism

Legeway received architectural education, and then he was a listener of the school of elegant arts in Paris. The artist considered himself the follower of Cezanna, was an apologist of the cubism, and in the XX century he was also successful as a sculptor.

96,5x129.5 cm
1912-1913 year
$ 39.2 million
sold in 2008
on the auction Sotheby's.

David Norman, president of the International Department of Impressionism and Modernism Sotheby`s, considers a huge amount paid for the "lady in blue", quite justified. The picture belongs to the famous lesion collection (the artist wrote three pictures on one plot, in private hands today - the last one. - Ed. Ed.), And the surface of the canvas is preserved in pristine. The author himself gave this job to the gallery of Der Sturm, then she fell into the Hermann Lang collection, the German Gatherers of Modernism, and now belongs to an unknown buyer.


"Street scene. Berlin"


Ernst LudwigKirchner

Country Germany
Years of life 1880–1938
Style expressionism

For German expressionism, Kirchner became a sign person. However, local authorities accused him of commitment to "degenerative art", which tragically affected the fate of his paintings and in the life of the artist who committed suicide in 1938.

95x121 cm
1913 year
$ 38,096 million
sold in 2006
on the auction Christie's.

After moving to Berlin Kirchner created 11 sketches street scenes. He was inspired by the turmoil and nervousness of a big city. In the film sold in 2006 in New York, an alarming state of the artist is particularly acute: people in Berlin Street resemble birds - elegant and dangerous. She became the last work from the famous series sold at the auction, the rest are stored in museums. In 1937, the Nazis were cruelly dealt with Kirchner: 639 of his works were withdrawn from German galleries, destroyed or sold abroad. The artist could not survive this.




Edgar Degas

Country France
Years of life 1834–1917
Style impressionism

The history of Degi as an artist began with the fact that he worked as a copywriter in Louvre. He dreamed of becoming "famous and unknown," and eventually it was possible. At the end of the life, the deaf and dazzle 80-year-old degas continued to attend exhibitions and auctions.

64x59 cm
1879 year
$ 37,043 million
sold in 2008
on the auction Sotheby's.

"Ballerina has always been for me only a pretext to portray fabrics and grab the movement," said Degas. Plots from the life of dancers as if peeped: girls are not posted by an artist, but just become part of the atmosphere caught a look of Degas. The "resting dancer" was sold for $ 28 million in 1999, and in less than 10 years they bought it for 37 million - today it is the most expensive work of the artist, ever put up for auction. Much attention Degius paid to Ramam, he himself designed them and banned change. I wonder what kind of frame is installed on a sold picture?




Juan Miro

Country Spain
Years of life 1893–1983
Style abstract art

During civil War In Spain, the artist was on the side of the Republicans. In 1937, he ran from fascist power to Paris, where he lived in a poverty with his family. During this period, Miro writes the picture "Help Spain!", Paying attention to the whole world on the dominance of fascism.

89x115 cm
1927 year
$ 36.824 million
sold in 2012
on the auction Sotheby's.

The second name of the picture is the "Blue Star". The artist wrote it in the same year when he announced: "I want to kill painting" and mercilessly mocked the canvas, scratching paint with nails, gluing to the canvas of feathers, covering work with garbage. His goal was to debunk myths about the sacrament of painting, but, coping with this, Miro created his own myth - surrealistic abstraction. His "painting" refers to the cycle of "Snowstice". At the auction, four buyers were fighting for her, but one phone call incognito solved the dispute, and "painting" became the most expensive picture of the artist.


"Blue Rose"


Yves Klein

Country France
Years of life 1928–1962
Style Monochrome painting

The artist was born in the family of painters, but he studied eastern languages, naval, the craft of a golden frame, zen-buddhism and a lot. His personality and cheeky tricks were at times more interesting in monochrome paintings.

153x199x16 cm
$ 36,779 million
sold in 2012
At Christie's auction

The first exhibition of monophonic yellow, orange, pink work did not cause interest among the public. Klein was offended and the next time I presented 11 identical canvas stained with ultramarine interspersed with a special synthetic resin. He even patented this method. In history, the color entered as the "International Blue Color of Klein". Another artist sold the emptiness, created pictures, substituting the paper for the rain, setting on the cardboard, making on the canvas of the human body imprint. In a word, experimented as he could. To create a "blue rose" used dry pigments, resins, pebbles and a natural sponge.


"In search of Moses"


Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema

Country Great Britain
Years of life 1836–1912
Style Neoclassicism

The prefix "Alma" to his surname Sir Lawrence added himself to artistic catalogs To be the first. In the Victorian England, his paintings were so claimed that the artist was assigned the knightly rank.

213,4х136.7 cm
1902 year
$ 35.922 million
sold in 2011
on the auction Sotheby's.

The main theme of the creativity of the Alma Tadema was antiquity. In the pictures, he tried in small details To portray the era of the Roman Empire, for this even engaged in archaeological excavations on the Apenninsky Peninsula, and in his London house reproduced the historical interior of those years. Mythological scenes Steel for him another source of inspiration. The artist was extremely in demand during his lifetime, but after death he quickly forgot. Now interest is reborn, as the cost of the picture "In Search of Moses", seven times, exceeding the pre-sale estimate.


"Portrait of sleeping nude official"


Lucien Freud.

Country Germany,
Great Britain
Years of life 1922–2011
Style Figurative painting

The artist is grandson Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis. After establishing fascism in Germany, his family emigrated to the UK. The works of Freud are located in the London Museum "Meeting of Wallace", where no modern artist was previously exhibited.

219.1х151.4 cm
$ 33.6 million
sold in 2008
on the auction Christie's.

While fashion artists of the 20th century created positive "color stains on the wall" and sold them for millions, Freud wrote extremely naturalistic paintings and sold them even more expensive. "I capture the shouts of the soul and suffering fading flesh," he said. Critics believe that all this "inheritance" Sigmund Freud. The paintings were so actively exhibited and successfully sold that specialists had a question of doubt: did they have hypnotic properties? The "Portrait of Sleeping Nude Official" auction, according to the Sun edition, acquired a connoisseur of the beautiful and billionaire Roman Abramovich.


"Violin and guitar"


H.uan Gras.

Country Spain
Years of life 1887–1927
Style cubism

Born in Madrid, where he graduated from school art and crafts. In 1906, he moved to Paris and entered the circle of the most influential artists of the era: Picasso, Modigliani, Marriage, Matisse, Lyzh, also worked with Sergey Dyagilev and his troupe.

5x100 cm
1913 year
$ 28,642 million
sold in 2010 year
on the auction Christie's.

GRIA, according to his own words, was engaged in "plane, color architecture." His paintings are precisely thought out: he did not leave a single random smear, which relates creativity with geometry. The artist created his version of the cubism, although Pablo Picasso, the founder of the direction very much respected. The successor was even dedicated to him his first job in the style of cubism "Tribute to Picasso." The painting "Violin and Guitar" is recognized as outstanding in the work of the artist. During the lifetime, Gras was known, clinically critics and art historians. His works are exhibited in the world's largest museums, stored in private collections.


"PortraitElouar fields »


Salvador Dali

Country Spain
Years of life 1904–1989
Style surrealism

"Surrealism is me," said Dali, when he was excluded from the group of surrealists. Over time, he became the most famous surrealist artist. Creativity was given everywhere, and not just in the galleries. For example, it came up with a packaging for Chupa-Chupa.

25x33 cm
1929 year
$ 20.6 million
sold in 2011
on the auction Sotheby's.

In 1929, visit the Great Provocator and Scandalist Dali came the poet Paul Eluro with his Russian wife Galo. The meeting was the beginning of the history of love that lasted more than half a century. The picture "Portrait of the Eloire Field" is written just during this historic visit. "I felt that I was charged with a duty to capture the Poet's face, with the Olymp of which I kidnapped one of the music," the artist said. Before acquaintance with Galo, he was a virgin and experienced disgust with thought about sex with a woman. The love triangle existed before the death of Eluar, after which he became a duet Dali Gala.




Mark Shagal

Country Russia, France
Years of life 1887–1985
Style Avangard

Moisha Segal was born in Vitebsk, but in 1910 he emigrated to Paris, replaced the name, became close to the leading avant-gardists of the era. In the 1930s, when capturing the authorities, the fascists went to the United States with the help of the American Consul. Returned to France only in 1948.

80x103 cm
$ 14.85 million
sold in 1990
at Sotheby's auction

The picture "Anniversary" is recognized as one of best work artist. It has all the features of his creativity: the physical laws of the world have erased, the feeling of fairy tales in the scenery of the Meshchansky life remains, and in the center of the plot - love. Chagall did not draw people from nature, but only in memory or fantasizing. In the picture "Anniversary" captured by the artist with his wife Bel. The picture was sold in 1990 and since then did not participate in the auction. Interestingly, in the New York Moma Museum Moma is absolutely the same, only called "Birthday". By the way, she was written before - in 1915.

project prepared
Tatyana Palaceov
rating made up
by list
magazine TMN №13. (May-June 2013)

Loved art or vice versa do not understand why people spend huge money to buy works of painting and graphics? SMEs collected for you a list of the most expensive paintings in the world with prices and photos, whatever you can appreciate the quality of implementation and the meaning of masterpieces.

This picture is a blue rectangle, which is on top of the red rug. This product is written in the interval between the Black Square and "White Suprematism".

№ 25. Kazimir Malevich, "Suprematic Composition" (1916)

November 3, 2008 at the Sotheby Auction "S in New York the picture was sold to an unknown buyer for 60 002 500 dollarsThereby becoming one of the most expensive paintings in history written by the Russian artist.

It is believed that this particular, vividly written still life, is the investigator of such a direction as cubism.

№ 24. Paul Cesann, "Still-life with a jug and drapery" (1893-1894)

And this picture found its buyer in 1998 and was sold for 60 503 000 dollars.

Andy Warhol can be bolden by the icon of modern art, because his paintings are more expensive than famous classics, such as Picasso or Van Gogh.

№ 23. Andy Warhol, "Men in Her Life" (1962)

Black and white collage of photographs with Elizabeth Taylor, her third husband Mike Toddom and the future husband Eddie Fisher in 2010 in the New York Auction Phillips de Pury & Co bought the buyer who wished to remain anonymous 63,400,000 dollars.

The first artist in the world, awarded award "The Imperial Prize" For "Achievement, the international influence, which he had his own art, spiritual enrichment of the entire world community."

No. 22. Villem de Cuning, "Police Newspaper" (1955)

22th place of the most expensive paintings of the world occupies an abstract canvas, flew away from the auction of Christie "s like a hot cake for 63 500,000 dollars!

The famous American artist whose works are always spelled out so in detail that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from the photo.

№ 21. Thomas Ikins, "Gross Clinic" (1875)

The picture shows the famous Surigue Samuel Gross from Philadelphia, a guiding operation to remove a part of the bone of the patient's hip before students of the Medical Academy's Amphitheater, the realism of which served as a scandal and a noble pianity. Picture grasp by 68,000,000 dollars In 2007!

No. 20. Amedeo Modigliani, "Sitting Nude on the Sofa" (1917)

At least officially Sotheby "s before the start of the trading did not report about the sale of this picture, but the struggle for it was led by 5 buyers. She got the new owner in just 68 900,000 dollars!

Included in a series of 7 cauldons on mythological themes By order of Philip II Spanish.

№ 19. Titian, "Diana and Akteon" (1556-1559)

At that time, such paintings were considered depraved and they specifically walked with curtains in the presence of ladies. Erotica of the 16th century in 2009 bought for 70 600,000 dollars.

No. 18. Vincent Van Gogh, "Portrait of an artist without beard" (1889)

We continue the list of the most expensive paintings in the world, where the honorable place was taken by the master of picturesque smears, Van Gogh, for 71 501,000 dollarsobtained in 1998.

The photograph is part of the series depicting tragic car accidents. Specifically, this is a burning machine in Seattle.

№ 17. Andy Warhol, "Crash Green Machine" (1963)

The real car accident, immortalized in the picture, went with a hammer for 71 720,000 dollars.

One of the main ideologues in American abstract expressionism, Rothko did not remove when his works were called abstract.

№ 16. Mark Rotko, "White Center" (1950)

Amazing bright and juicy combination color Gamm., ease of exposure and life principles bring to the author 72 800,000 dollars, And also made it to the rating of the most expensive paintings in the world.

For one of the most cruel plots of the New Testament, an as much as 4 buyers fought.

No. 15. Peter Paul Rubens, "Baby Beating" (1609-1611)

At the Auction "Sotby" in London in July 2002, the picture acquired a Canadian businessman and collector Kenneth Thompson, the son of the newspaper magnate Lord Thomson, the former owner of the London Times, for 76 700,000 dollars.

As the writer Oktave Moble: "This is the only artist. Not writing no sad picture for his life."

№ 14. Pierre Auguste Renoir, "Ball in Moulin de la Gaette" (1876)

Honorable 12th place of the most expensive paintings in the world occupies this, the owner of the masterpiece became Rioja Saito, Chairman of Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co for 78 100,000 dollars.. He wanted, after his death, the work was cremated together in them, but because of financial difficulties it had to be used as a property collateral.

There are five Marilyn options in different colorsBut for some reason "Turquoise Marilyn" became the most expensive.

No. 13. Andy Warhol, "Turquoise Marilyn" (1964)

Price in 80,000,000 dollarsit's not random, because this particular work is considered to be an icon of pop art, and Andy Warhol of the Rodonarchists of popular art.

American artistAn abstract expressionism and pop art genres.

№ 12. Jasper Jones, "Falstart" (1959)

The picture belonged to David Hepfenu, who sold it to the Director-General of the Citadel investment group, Kennetus S. Griffin, for 80,000,000 dollars. She is recognized as the most expensive picture that the artist managed to sell during the life of the artist.

The picture was written by a master of impressionism in 1919, shortly before he began with cataract.

№ 11. Claude Monet, "Pond with Waterwear" (1919)

One of 60 such chops called "Sootshirt" at the Sotheby Auction "sold for 80 500,000 dollars.

It was this man who watched the state of the artist's health before his death.

Number 10. Vincent Van Gogh, "Portrait of Dr. Gasha" (1890)

The same Japanese businessman Rioja Saito, who wanted to cremate himself with paintings, bought this work for 82 500,000 dollars. To the question why burn masterpieces with him, he explained that only this could express his selfless attachment to the picture.

Francis Bacon is perhaps one of the most gloomy artists of the twentieth century.

No. 8. Pablo Picasso, "Portrait of Dari Maar" (1941)

In 2006, his collection was replenished by a mysterious Russian anonymous 96 200,000 dollars., Booking at the same time the work of Monet and stepped with a total value of 100 million dollars.