German landscape players of the first half of the 20th century. Great overseas artists

German landscape players of the first half of the 20th century. Great overseas artists
German landscape players of the first half of the 20th century. Great overseas artists

It is more than beautiful pictures, this is a reflection of reality. In the works of great artists, you can see how the world and consciousness of people changed.

Art is also an attempt to create an alternative reality where you can hide from the horrors of your time, or the desire to change the world. The art of the XX century rightly occupies a special place in history. People who lived and worked in those days have survived social shocks, war, unprecedented science development; And all this found a fingerprint on their canvases. Artists of the 20th century took part in creating a modern vision of the world.

Someone's names are still pronounced with a swim, and someone's unfairly forgotten. Someone had such a controversial creative way that we still could not give him an unequivocal assessment. This review is devoted to the greatest artists of the 20th century. Camille Pisarro- French painter. An outstanding representative of impressionism. The artist's work was influenced by John Consthebla, Camille Coro, Jean Francois Mill.
Born on July 10, 1830 in the city of Saint-Thomas, died on November 13, 1903 in Paris.

Hermitage in Pontoise, 1868

Operable passage in Paris, 1898

Sunset in Varenzhville, 1899

Edgar Degas -french homeward, one of the greatest impressionists. At the work of the degi, the influence of Japanese graphics was born on July 19, 1834 in Paris, died on September 27, 1917 in Paris.

Absinttle, 1876.

Star, 1877.

Breathable woman, 1885

Paul Cezanne -french artist, one of the greatest postsionism representatives. In his work, it was striving for the disclosure of harmony and equilibrium of nature. His creativity had a huge influence on the worldview of the artists of the 20th century.
Born on January 19, 1839 in the city of Ex-en-Provence, France, died on October 22, 1906 in ex-en-Provence.

Games, 1893.

Modern Olympia, 1873

Still life with turtles, 1900

Claude Monet - Outstanding French painter. One of the founders of impressionism. In his works, Monet was striving to convey the wealth and saturation of the world. For its late period, decolation and
For the late period of MONE creativity, decolation is characterized, increasing dissolution of the subject forms in sophisticated combinations of color spots.
Born on November 14, 1840 in Paris, died on December 5, 1926 in the belly.

Rock Welk in Purville, 1882

After Lunch, 1873-1876

Erthet, Sunset, 1883

Archka Queenji -famous Russian artist, master of landscape painting. Early lost his parents. From an early age, love for painting began to manifest. The work of the Archproun is a great influence on Nikolai Roerich.
Born on January 15, 1841 in Mariupol, died on July 11, 1910 in St. Petersburg.

Volga, 1890-1895

"North", 1879

"View of the Kremlin from Zamoskvorechye", 1882

Pierre Auguste Renoir -french artist, schedule, sculptor, one of the prominent representatives of impressionism. Also known as a master of a secular portrait. Auguste Roden became the first impressionist who became popular among wealthy Parisians.
Born on February 25, 1841 in Limoges France, died on December 2, 1919 in Paris.

Art Bridge in Paris, 1867

Ball in Moulin de la Gaette, 1876

Zhanna Samari, 1877

Paul Gajen - French artist, sculptor-ceramist, schedule. On a par with a field of Cesan and Vincent Van Goghom is one of the most prominent representatives of postmingness. The artist lived in poverty, because his paintings were not in demand.
Born on June 7, 1848 in Paris, died on May 8, 1903 on the island of Hiva-Oa, French Polynesia.

Breton Landscape, 1894

Breton village in the snow, 1888

Are you jealous? 1892.

Saints Day, 1894

Vasily Kandinsky -russian and German artist, poet, theorist of art. It is considered one of the leaders of the avant-garde of the 1st half of the 20th century. It is among the founders of abstract art.
Born on November 22, 1866 in Moscow, died on December 13, 1944 in the town of Neu-sur-Sene, France.

Couple traveling riding on horse, 1918


Moscow 1, 1916

In gray, 1919

Henri Matisse -one of the greatest French artists and sculptors. One of the founders of the flow of walkers. In his work, it was striving for the transfer of emotions through color. At his work experienced the impact of the Islamic culture of Western Maghreb. Born on December 31, 1869 in the city of Le Kato, died on November 3, 1954 in the town of Symode.

Square in Saint-Tropez, 1904

Outlines notre-lads at night, 1902

Woman in hat, 1905

Dance, 1909.

Italian, 1919.

Portrait of Deleign, 1934

Nikolai Roerich - Russian artist, writer, scientist, mystic. For your life, more than 7000 paintings wrote. One of the outstanding cultural figures of the XX century, the founder of the "World through Culture" movement.
Born on October 27, 1874 in St. Petersburg, died on December 13, 1947 in the city of Kulu, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Overseas guests, 1901

Great Spirit Himalayev, 1923

Message Shambhala, 1933

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin -russian artist, schedule, theorist, writer, teacher. It was one of the ideologues to reorganize art education in the USSR.
Born on November 5, 1878 in the city of Sharnsk Saratov Province, died on February 15, 1939 in Leningrad.

"1918 in Petrograd", 1920

"Playing boys", 1911

Swimming Red Kony, 1912

Portrait of Anna Ahmatova.

Kazimir Malevich - Russian artist, founder of Suprematism - directions in abstract art, teacher, art theorist and philosopher
Born on February 23, 1879 in Kiev, died on May 15, 1935 in Moscow.

Recreation (society in cylinders), 1908

"Peasants with buckets", 1912-1913

Black Suprematic Square, 1915

Suprematic painting, 1916

On Boulevard, 1903

Pablo Picasso - Spanish artist, sculptor, sculptor, designer ceramist. One of the founders of the cubism. Creativity Pablo Picasso had a significant impact on the development of painting of the 20th century. According to the results of the survey of readers of the Time magazine
Born on October 25, 1881 in the city of Malaga Spain, died on April 8, 1973 in Music, France.

Girl on a bowl, 1905

Portrait of Ambruz Vallora, 1910

Three Graces

Portrait of Olga

Dance, 1919.

Woman with flower, 1930

Amadeo Modiganiani - Italian artist, sculptor. One of the brightest representatives of expressionism. During his lifetime, had only one exhibition in December 1917 in Paris. Born on July 12, 1884 in the city of Livorno, Italy, died on January 24, 1920 from Tuberculosis. World recognition received posthumously global recognition received posthumously.

Cellist, 1909.

Spouses, 1917.

Joan Ebutern, 1918

Mediterranean landscape, 1918

Diego Rivera - Mexican painter, Mural, politician. He was a spouse Frida Calo. In their house, found a shelter for a short time Lion Trotsky.
Born on December 8, 1886 in Guanajuato, died on December 21, 1957 in Mexico City.

Notre Dame de beta in the rain, 1909

Woman at the well, 1913

Union of peasant and worker, 1924

Detroit Industry, 1932

Mark Shagal - Russian and french painter, schedule, illustrator, theater artist. One of the greatest representatives of Avangonds.
Born on June 24, 1887 in the city of Liozino, Mogilev province, died on March 28, 1985 in Saint-Paul-de-Provence.

Annie (sister portrait), 1910

Bride with fan, 1911

I and the village, 1911

Adam and Eve, 1912

Mark Rotko (Nast. Mark Rotkovich) is an American artist, one of the founders of abstract expressionism and the founder of painting the color field.
The first works of the artist were created in realistic spirit, however, then by the mid-40s Mark Rotko appeals to surrealism. By 1947, the most important fracture in the work of Mark Rotko happens, he creates its own style - abstract expressionism, which departs from subject elements.
Born on September 25, 1903 in the city of Dvinsk (now Daugavpils), died on February 25, 1970 in New York.


Number 7 or 11

Orange and yellow

Salvador Dali - Painter, schedule, sculptor, writer, designer, director. Perhaps the most famous representative of surrealism and one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.
The author of the design of Chupa Chups.
Born on May 11, 1904 in the city of Figueras, Spain, died on January 23, 1989 in Spain.

Temptation of St. Anthony, 1946

Last Supper, 1955

Woman with heads from roses, 1935

My wife Gala, naked, looks at her body, 1945

Frida Kalo -mexican artist and schedule, one of the brightest representatives of surrealism.
Frida Kalo began to draw after the car accident, which was the result of a year chained to the bed for a year.
It was married to the famous Mexican artist-Communist Diego River. They didn't find a lion Trotsky in the house for a long time.
Born on July 6, 1907 in the city of Koyoacan, Mexico, died on July 13, 1954 in Koyoacan.

Hugs of Universal Love, Earth, I, Diego and Cathl, 1949

Moses (core of creation), 1945

Two Frida, 1939

Andy Warhole (Nasty. Andrei Varchol) - American artist, designer, director, producer, publisher, writer, collector. The founder of pop art, is of one of the most anti-cultivatic personalities in the history of culture. In the life of the artist, several films were shot.
Born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, died in 1963 in New York.

Manifested in the landscape and portrait.
In the genre portrait Best inheritance Philip Otto Runge (1777-1810), who worked in Hamburg, who paid a lot of attention to the problems of color, the author of the treatise "Color Circle". In his works, he built a fetaled, complex allegory, but really living images created, contacting directly to nature. In its self-portrait, it combines the downtime analytics and the rigor of the exact drawing. In the picture "Portrait of Parents" with amazing subtlety and thoroughness of the landscape, against the background of which the old men artist's parents are represented, wrinkled antiques, sharply contrast with the pinkish children, looking at the world widely open eyes.

Main object - nature, pictures Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840). It bowes before the greatness of nature, and also hesitates and worries, as if rocky empties with their smooth outlines and the game of light and shadow or the struggle of the German people against Napoleonic conquest. A man in Frederick's landscapes is a small lonely figure, lost in the immense expanse of the world, or a passive observer, contemplating foggy gave.
Adolf Mentsell (1815-1905) gave impetus to the flourishing of realism in German painting. The artist of broad designations, Mentsell seeks to cover life in all its diversity, he introduced the realistic method into the historic genre. In 1840, he created four hundred drawings with pen, illustrating the "History of Friedrich the Great". In the illustrations especially attracts reliability in the outcome of the historical situation, costumes, the ability to grab the characteristic. The same topic Mentsell also appeals in painting, for example, the most lively from the cycle of paintings dedicated to Friedrich 2, depicting an exquisite society surrounding Friedrich in his residence. The masterfully depicts the situation of the palace, freely grouped around the table of the gathered.

During a trip to France, Mentsell familiarized himself with Fratsus art, it even more strengthens the realistic orientation of his work. He creates one of the first in western European painting Pictures of the life of the working class, industrial labor, where accurately depict huge workshops, machines and flames lit workers, their conditions for heavy, exhausting labor. In the workshop, making it up behind a sheet of iron, they finish their scarce breakfast.
Numerous preparatory drawings for paintings made from nature, careful drawings of details of costumes, furnishings, and lively sketches of people, landscapes, interiors, performed by coal and pencil, pen and brush, characterize Mentsells as one of the largest, since the times of Dürer, Germany drawers.

Traditions of realism in German painting continues Wilhelm Leibl (1844-1900). Interest in the life of people's people, the problem of light-air and space, truthfully depicting the peasants of Bavarian villages, attracting silver tonal painting.

German artist Karl Friedrich Lessing (1808-1880).

Karl Friedrich Lessing. (Karl Friedrich Lessing (1808-1880) - German artist of the romantic direction. K. F. Lessing accounted for the grandeaged nephew of the famous poet and playwright Gothhold Efraim Lestee. Karl Friedrich was born in the family of a judicial officer in the Dwarf Silesian state Gross-Vartenberg (now Sakes). The childhood of the future artist passed in the idyllic areas of Silesia with its old towns, castles and dense forests. Back in young years, Lesuting awakened love for the nature and history of the native country. At the age of 14, Lessing went to Berlin, where he studied at Karl Friedrich Shinkel at the Academy of Architecture. In 1823, without having received the consent of the parents, he decides to become an artist, and in 1823-26 he studies in the Berlin Academy of Arts. Then, along with his friend F. V. Von Shadov, enters the Dusseldorf Academy of Arts. The first success came to the young artist in 1825 after writing the web " The courtyard of the monastery under the snow", I received positive criticism reviews and successfully sold at the Berlin exhibition. This event was reconciled by K. F. Lessing with his father, at first condemned the professional selection of the Son. In the first half of its creative path, Lessing wrote melancholy-romantic landscapes in the style of K. D. Friedrich, as well as paintings on literary and legendary scenes. As an artist-landscape officer he had a huge success. None of his contemporaries knew how to poetically and romantically expressing the beauty of German forests and wild cliffs of Garz and Eiffel. Reproductions of lesing paintings were often printed by many German magazines in the XIX century. Later, he turned to historical themes, in 1832-1867 the artist wrote almost extremely historical canvas. So, by order of the graph, the spree of Lesseing decorates his castle Helfort near Dusseldorf Frescoes from Friedrich Barbarossa. K. F. Lessing belonged to Dusseldorf School of Painting. K. F. Lessing has since been 1832 by a member of the Berlin Academy. In 1848, he was awarded the title of professor to him by Prussian king. Cavalier Order "Pour Le Mérite" (Prussia), as well as many other German and foreign orders and medals. Member of various German and foreign academies and art societies.

The courtyard of the monastery under the snow

Lessing Carl Friedrich (Lessing, 1808-1880) - one of the most significant German painters of the XIX century. His activity decays for two periods: in the first he was a zealous follower of the then romantic elegic direction and depicted mainly melancholic cemeteries, the ruins of knightly castles and sullen rocky areas, reviving them with small figures of knights, monks, robbers.

Romantic landscape with monastery 1834

The second period of the artist begins approximately in 1836, when he in his paintings acts as a champion of the prevalence of state power over the church and the judiciary of the heroes of the Reformation.

Last Crusader

Robber and his child

Forest chapel

From the church.

Fire in the monastery

Landscape with cemetery

Monastery cemetery in the snow 1833


Millennial oak 1837

Gorge with ruins

Riders on the background of a landscape with ruins

Sorrow royal Chet 1838

Siege (Protection of the church yard during Thirty-year war )

Arrows in the gorge 1851

Crusaders in the desert

Gusitskaya sermon

Jan Gus in the Council of Constance 1842

Film Pope Easter II. 1840.

Battle of iconium

Autumn landscape

Silesian landscape

Landscape in the mountains Eiffel

Landscape in the mountains Eiffel (detail)

Knight's castle



Lessing Carl Friedrich (1808-1880)

In 1858, Lessing was invited to the position of director of the art gallery in Karlsruhe and from that time to death lived in this city is mainly engaged in landscape painting.As a historic painter Lessing has lost its importance for the present, but as a landscapeist takes another prominent place in a number of first-class masters.

The biggest complaints to current artists at all times was not the fact that the art of their ugly and is incomprehensible. And the fact that artists are most often uneducated, impatient, do not know how to read books, and do not want to know that everything has already been invented before them; Only better, more beautiful and with a more slender aesthetic base. And the bright artists of the past on which they are oriented, there are no single in the skyscoon, but in the form of constellations.

For example, Joseph Bois treated the movement "New Wild", which in two related texts told Natalie Nikolenko . The first post is dedicated to, in fact, the movement and the story of what methods were guided by its representatives in finding expressive means. Here are the excerpts from it:

Since the 60s, the 20th century among European artists is aware of the interest in expressionism and FOVIZM, which has been reborn in the early 80s in the "New Wild" movement (the name reminds of vigors - "old wild"). The goal of the flow is based on the work of the older generation masters, to update the artistic vision, resorting to various means, even aesthetic shock.

Particularly consistent in the search for new expressive agents and those were German and Austrian artists who have been impulsive, emotionality, opposing conceptuality and hyperealism. Their painting, preserving figurativeness, is distinguished by peculiar "barbaric lyrics", includes a lot of mysterious signs, it is often closed with a graffiti style.

The exhibition held in Berlin in 1982, pursued a goal of looking at the artistic legacy of the past from the standpoint of postmodern culture. They wanted to free themselves through their art from repressive intelligence restrictions in art in the last decade. This desire was so intrusive that even in some German critical articles, the direction, new wild, is called "obsessive painting"
One of the most influential artists and theorists of postmodernism of the 20th century, a member of the 1982 exhibition in Berlin was Joseph Bois (it. Joseph Beuys, 1921-1986), a former Luftwaffe pilot, who visited Russian and English captivity, the former and dismissed Professor of the Dusseldorf Art Academy, left oppositionist adhered to anarcho-utopian principles

The second post is to continue the list of artists Neue Wilde, with an additional slideshow under psychedelic music:

The visiting cards of the German avant-garde of the beginning of the 20th century was expressionism and abstract painting, but then Germany lost not only a common-flower aesthetic context, but also lost in the period of national socialism of cultural continuity. The meaning of "Wild", the post-war generation of Western German artists - representatives of neo -expressionism, in the fact that they returned to European art lost in the post-war period world glory, which pulled to the time to American abstract expressionism. The "new wild" phenomenon is the synthesis of German expressionism regenerated at the new historical stage, abstract painting and American abstract expressionism with certain allusions on romantic traditions in German culture. It can be called with confidence with an epochable event of the history of the XX century culture.

We will continue our story about several "new wild" - leading representatives, in my opinion, of this direction in painting.

Hans_peter_adamski (Hans_peter_adamski, 1947), German artist and schedule, a bright representative of the "new wild" 80s in Cologne, studied in Münssell and Düsseldorf, 5 years traveled in India, Afghanistan and Indonesia, worked in Italy, France and the USA . Today he works at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden.

Home »Foreign artists

Great overseas artists

XIV (14th century) XV (15th century) XVI (16th century) XVII (17th century) XVIII (18th century) XIX (19th century) XX (20th century)

Foreign artists

Lorentzetti Ambrogo
Country: Italy

In the paintings of Lorentzetti, the traditions of Siena painting with its lyricism and the artisticness of the forms and the prospect of spatial construction are harmoniously connected. Although the artist uses religious and allegorical plots, the features of the modern life appear clearly in the paintings. The conditional landscape, which is characteristic of the Masters of the XIV c., Lorentzetti is replaced by recognizable Tuscan landscapes. Very realistic, he writes vineyards, fields, lakes, sea harbor, surrounded by impregnable cliffs.

Eyk Van.
Country: Netherlands

The homeland brothers Van Eyk is considered the city of Maasake. Little information has been preserved about her senior brother the governor. It is known that the work on the famous Genta Altar in the Church of St. Bavon in Ghent began precisely. Probably, the compositional intention of the altar belonged to him. Judging by the preserved archaic parts of the altar - "Worship Lamb", figures of God Father, Mary and John the Baptist- the province can be called a transition master. His work greatly brought together with the traditions of late Gothic (the abstract-mystic interpretation of the theme, conventionality in the transfer of space, a little expressed interest in the image of a person).

Foreign artists

Albrecht Dürer
Country: Germany

Albrecht Durer, the Great German Artist, the largest representative of the Renaissance in Germany. Born in Nuremberg in the family of Master's Golden Affairs, a leaving from Hungary. He initially studied at his father, then at the Nuremberg painter M. Volgemut (1486-89). During the years of study and during the years of southern Germany (1490-94), during the trip to Venice (1494-95), I absorbed the legacy of the XV century, but the main teacher was nature.

Bosch Jeronim
Country: Germany

Bosch Jerome, the Great Netherlands Painter. Born in hertzogenbosh. His grandfather, brother Grandparents and all five units were artists. In 1478, Bosch married a rich Patrician Aleid Van Merverm, whose family belonged to the highest aristocracy. There were no children from this marriage, and he was not particularly happy. Nevertheless, he brought the artist material well-being, and not yet becoming quite famous, Bosch could afford to write as he wants.

Botticelli Sandro
Country: Italy

Real name - Alessandro yes Mariano di Bannyi di amedeo Filipei, Great Italian painter of the Renaissance. Born in Florence in the leatherhead family. Initially, he was given to training for certain Botticelli, the Master of Golden Affairs, from which Alessandro Filipei and got his last name. But the desire for painting forced him in 1459-65 to learn from the famous Florentine artist Fra Philippe Lippi. Early works of Botticelli ( "Welcome worship", "Judith and Oolfern" and especially Madonna - Madonna Corsini, Madonna with Rose, "Madonna with two angels") Written under the influence of the latter.

Verokkia Andrea
Country: Italy

The real name is Andrea Di Michele Di Francesco Chony, an outstanding Italian sculptor. Born in Florence. He was a famous sculptor, painter, draftsman, architect, jeweler, musician. In each genre, he approved himself as a master Novator, not repeating his predecessor.

Carpaccio Wittor
(OK 1455/1465 - OK. 1526)
Country: Italy

Carpaccio Wittor (approx. 1455/1465 - OK. 1526) - Italian painter. Born in Venice. He studied from Gentile Bellini, tested the strong impact of Giovanni Bellini and partly Georgeon. Attentively watching the events of modern life, this artist knew how to saturate his religious compositions with a living narrative and many genre details. In fact, he created the encyclopedia of life and morals of Venice of the XV century. About Carpaccio say that this master "still at home, in Venice." And even the very idea of \u200b\u200bVenice is inseparably connected with the memory of the greenish, exactly visible through the sea water, paintings of the brilliant draftsman and colorist.

Leonardo da Vinci
(1452 - 1519)
Country: Italy

One of the greatest Italian artists of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci was and an outstanding scientist, a thinker and engineer. He watched all his life and studied the nature of the heavenly shovels and the laws of their movement, mountains and secrets of their occurrence, water and winds, the light of the sun and the life of plants. As part of the nature of Leonardo, he considered a person whose body was subordinated to physical laws and at the same time serves as a "soul mirror". His inquisitive, active, restless love for nature, he showed in everything. It was she who helped him discover the laws of nature, to put her strength to serve a man, it was she who did Leonardo the greatest artist, with the same attention to the blooming flower, an expressive gesture of a person and a foggy haze, clouding distant mountains.

Michelangelo Buonarroti
(1475 - 1564)
Country: Italy

"Another person who, like me, would be so inclined to love people," the great Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet Michelangelo wrote about himself. He created ingenious, titanic works and even more significant dreamed of creating. Once, when the artist was on marble developments in Carrara, he conceived to make a statue of the whole mountain.

Rafael Santia
(1483 - 1520)
Country: Italy

Rafael Santi, the Great Italian painter of the high rebirth era and architect. Born in Urbino in the family of J. Santi - court artist and the poet of Duke Urbinsky. The first lessons of painting got at the Father. When he died, Rafael switched to T. Viti studio. In 1500 moved to Perugia and entered the workshop Perugino first as a student, and then - as an assistant. Here I learned the best features of the style of the Umbral School of Painting: the desire to the expressive interpretation of the plot and the nobility of the forms. Soon he brought his skill to the point that it was impossible to distinguish a copy of the original.

Titian Veverielio
(1488- 1576)
Country: Italy

Born in Pieve-Di-Cadoro - a small town on the border of Venetian possessions in the Alps. There was a family from the family, very influential in the town. The artist's father during the war of Venice with Emperor Maximilian had great services to the Republic of St. Mark.

Foreign artists

Rubens Peter Paul
(1577 - 1640)
Country: Germany

Rubens Peter Paul, Great Flemish painter. "The king of painters and painting kings" called contemporaries of Flemadz Rubens. In one of the most beautiful corners of Antwerp, Rubens-Hughes is still located - the artist's house built on his own project, and the workshop. From here there was about three thousand paintings and many wonderful drawings.

Goyenan Jan.
Country: Holland

Goyen Jan Wang is a Dutch painter. Pacely painting manifested very early. At the age of ten years, Goyen began to study the drawing at Leiden artists I. Svanen-Burga and K. Schilperort. Father wanted the Son to become a painter on glass, but Goyen himself dreamed of being a landscape system, and he was determined to study for the mediocre paint-landscapeist Willle Herre Ritss in the city of Gorne.

Segers Hercules
(1589/1590 - OK. 1638)
Country: Holland

Segers Hercules - Dutch painter artist, schedule. He studied in Amsterdam in Van Koninksloo. From 1612 to 1629, lived in Amsterdam, where he was adopted in the artists guild. Visited Flanders (approx. 1629-1630). From 1631 he lived and worked in Utrecht, and from 1633 - in the Hague.

France Hals.
(OK 1580-1666)
Country: Holland

A decisive role in the addition of national art at an early stage of development of the Dutch art school was played by the work of France Hals, her first great master. He was almost exclusively portrait, but his art meant not only for portrait painting of Holland, but also for the formation of other genres. In the work of Hals, three types of portrait compositions can be distinguished: a group portrait, a custom-made individual portrait and a special type of portrait images, close by the nature of genre painting, cultivated by it mainly in the 20s - early 30s.

Velasquez Diego de Silva
Country: Spain

Born in Seville, one of the largest art centers of Spain of the end of the XVI - early XVII century. The artist's father took place from the Portuguese family, who moved to Andalusia. He wanted the Son to become a lawyer or writer, but did not interfere with Velasquez to engage in painting. The first teacher him was FR. Errera senior, and then - F. Pacheco. Pacheco's daughter became Welkez's wife. In the workshop Pacheco Velasquez was engaged in Scripture heads from nature. In seventeen years, Velasquez received the title of Master. The career of a young painter was successful.

Country: Spain

El Greco
Country: Spain

El Greco, real name - Domenico Teotokopuli., great spanish painter. Born in a poorly enlightened family in Candy in Crete. Crete in those times was the ownership of Venice. He studied, in all likelihood, at local icon painters, who still preserved the traditions of medieval Byzantine art. About 1566 moved to Venice, where he entered the workshop of Titian.

Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi
Country: Italy

Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi, an outstanding Italian painter. With the name of Karavago, the emergence and flourishing of the realistic direction in Italian painting of the end of the XVI - early XVII century are connected. The work of this wonderful master played a huge role in artistic life not only of Italy, but also from other countries in Europe. The art of Caravaggio attracts us a large artistic expressiveness, deep truthfulness and humanism.

Country: Italy

Carragechi, the family of Italian painters from Bologna early XVII, the founders of Academism in European painting. At the turn of the XVI - XVII centuries in Italy, as a reaction to mannerism, an academic direction in painting was evolved. Its main principles were laid by the brothers Karratic - Lovochik (1555-1619), Agostino (1557-1602) and Annibal (1560-1609).

Bruegel Peter Sr.
(between 1525 and 1530-1569)
Country: Netherlands

The one who read the remarkable romance of Charles de Koster "Legend of Tile Ulynspigel" knows that in the Netherlands Revolution, in the fight against the Spaniards for its independence, the struggle of cruel and merciless, the whole people participated. Just like Unelenzpigel, the largest Netherlands artist, draftsman and engraver, one of the founders of the realistic Dutch and Flemish arts of Peter Bruegel, was also a witness and participant in these events.

Wang Dake Antonis
(1599- 1641)
Country: Netherlands

Van Dake Antonis, an outstanding Flemish painter. Born in Antwerp in the family of a rich businessman. Originally studied at the Antwerp painter Hendrika Van Balogen. In 1618 he entered the workshop of Rubens. Began his work with copying his paintings. And soon became the main assistant of Rubens when performing large orders. He received the title of Master of the Guild of St. Luki in Antwerp (1618).

Pussen Nika
Country: France

Poussin Nikola (1594-1665), an outstanding French painter, a leading representative of classicism. Born in the village of Andeli in Normandy in the family of a small landowner. Originally studied at home in his homeland from a little-known, but rather talented and competent wandering artist K. Varna. In 1612, Poussin went to Paris, and there his teacher became J. Aalleman. In Paris, he became friends with the Italian poet Marina.

XVII (17th century)

Foreign artists

Cape Albert Gerrits
Country: Holland

Cape Albert Gerrites is a Dutch painter and ate.

He studied at his father, artist Ya Cape. His artistic style was formed under the influence of painting Ya. Van Goyen and S. Van Reydal. Worked in Dordrecht. Early works of Cape, close paintings Ya. Van Goyen, monochrome. He writes hilly landscapes, running in the distance Country roads, poor peasant huts. The pictures are most often fulfilled in a single yellowish tonality.

Rydadal Jacob Van.
Country: Holland

Ryatdal Jacob Van (1628/1629-1682) - Dutch painter painter, draftsman, etching. He studied, probably at his uncle, the artist Salomon Wang Ryatdala. I visited Germany (1640-1650). He lived and worked in Kharlem, in 1648 he entered the painter guild. From 1656 he lived in Amsterdam, in 1676 in the treasury he received a scientist degree of doctor of medicine and entered the list of Amsterdam doctors.

Rembrandt Harmers Wang Rhine
Country: Holland

Born in Leiden in the family of Melnik. Father's affairs during this period walked well, and he was able to give his son the best than other children, education. Rembrandt entered the Latin school. He studied bad and wanted to engage in painting. Nevertheless, school finished and entered the University of Leiden. A year later, began to take painting lessons. The first of his teacher was Ya. Van Svanmenburg. Having been in his workshop for more than three years, Rembrandt went to Amsterdam to the historical painter P. Lastman. He had a strong influence on Rembrandt and taught him engraving art. Six months later (1623), Rembrandt returned to Leiden and opened his own workshop.

Terborrh Gerard
Country: Holland

Terborrh Gerard (1617-1681), a famous Dutch painter. Born in Zwolle in a wealthy burgher family. His father, brother and sister were artists. The first teachers of Terboro became Father and Hendrik Aberkp. Father forced him to copy a lot. The first work created at nine years. In fifteen years, Terboro went to Amsterdam, then - in Haarle, where he fell under the strong influence of the FR. Hals. Already at that time, he enjoyed fame as the master of the household genre, who was more readily wrote the scenes from the life of the military - the so-called "Karaulni".

Canalletto (Channel) Giovanni Antonio
Country: Italy

The first Kanaletto teacher was his father, theatrical decorator B. Canal, to which he helped to make out performances in the theaters of Venice. He worked in Rome (1717-1720, beginning of 1740s), Venice (from 1723), London (1746-1750, 1751-1756), where he carried out works that made the basis of his work. We wrote ve-dute - city landscapes, depicted streets, buildings, channels, sliding on the sea waves of the boat.

Manya Alessandro
Country: Italy

Manya Alessandro (1667-1749) is an Italian painter, a genrist and a landscape. He studied at his father, artist S. Manya, then from the Milan painter F. Abatiat. His style was formed under the influence of the masters of the Genoese School of Painting, S. Rosa and J. Callo. He lived and worked in Milan, Florence, Genoa.

Watto Antohan
Country: France

Watto Antoine, an outstanding French painter, with whose work is connected by one of the significant stages of the development of household painting in France. The fate of Watto is unusual. Nor in France, nor in neighboring countries were not in the years when he wrote the best things, not a single artist who could compete. Titans of the XVII century did not live to the Watto era; The same, who after him glorified the XVIII century, became known to the world only after his death. In fact, Fragonar, Kantne de la Tour, Perrono, Charden, David in France, Thipolo and Longs in -italy, Hogart, Reynolds, Gainesboro in England, Guya in Spain - all this is the middle, and then the end of the XVIII century.

Lorren Claude
Country: France

Lorren Claude (1600-1682) - French painter. In early age he worked in Rome servant at A. Tassi, then became his student. Large orders, the artist began to receive in the 1630s, his customers were Pope Urban VIII and Cardinal Betetivo. From this time, Lorren is becoming popular in the Roman and French circles of art connoisseurs.

XVIII (18th century)

Foreign artists

Gainesboro Thomas
(1727- 1788)
Country: England

Gainesboro Thomas, an outstanding English painter, the creator of a national portrait type. Born in Sudbury, in Suffolk, in the family of a commander. The picturesque neighborhood of the town located on the Stur River, since childhood, was attracted by Gainesboro, without the end of the pictures of them in their children's sketches. The passion of the boy to drawing was so great that his father, without hesitation for a long time, sent his thirteen-year-old son for a learning to London, who at that time had already become the center of artistic life.

Turner Joseph Mallyard William
Country: England

Turner Joseph Mallyard William is an English painter artist, painter, draftsman and engraver. We took the lessons of pictorial mastery of T. Molton (approx. 1789), in 1789-1793. He studied at the Royal Academy in London. In 1802, Turner - Academician, and in 1809 - Professor in academic classes. The artist traveled a lot in England and Wales, visited France and Switzerland (1802), Holland, Belgium and Germany (1817), Italy (1819, 1828). His artistic manner was formed under the influence of K. Lorrene, R. Wilso-on and Dutch marinists.

Jan Vermeer Delftsky
Country: Holland

Jan Vermeer Delftsky - Great Dutch artist. Information about the artist has almost no preserved. Born in Delphte in the family of the Burger, who owned the hotel. He also engaged in the production of silk and slowed down with paintings. Perhaps so the boy early became interested in painting. His mentor was the master Karel Fabrichius. Vermeer soon married Katerina more painfully - the daughter of the rich Burger and already in 1653 was adopted in the guild of St. Luki.

Goya-and-Lusatenes Francisco Hosse
Country: Spain

Once a little Francisco, the son of a poor gollar star of altars from the village near the Spanish city of Zaragoza, painted a pig on the wall of his house. The stranger passed by the genuine talent in a children's drawing and advised the boy to learn. This legend about Goya is similar to those talking about other Renaissance masters, when genuine facts of their biography are unknown.

Guard Francesco Lazzaro
Country: Italy

Guard Francesco Lazzaro is an Italian painter and draftsman, a representative of the Venice School of Painting. He studied at his older brother, artist Giovanni Antonio, in the workshop of which he worked with the younger brother Niccolo. Wrote landscapes, pictures of religious and mythological themes, historical compositions. He worked on the creation of decorative decorations of the interiors of theaters of Manin and Phoenic in Venice (1780-1790).

Verne Claude Joseph.
Country: France

Verne Claude Joseph is a French artist. He first studied at his father A. Verne, then at L. R. Viali in EXA and at B. Fergii, from 1731 - in Avignon from F. Sovana, and later - in Italy, Manglara, Panni and Locatelli. In 1734-1753 Worked in Rome. In the Roman period, a lot of time devoted to work from nature in Tivoli, Naples, on the shores of Tiber. Wrote landscapes and marine species ("Sea Coast near Anzio", 1743; "View of the Bridge and Castle of St. Angel", "Ponte Rotto in Rome", 1745 - both in Louvre, Paris; "Waterfall in Tivoli", 1747; "Morning in Castellamar ", 1747, Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Villa Pamphili, 1749, GMI, Moscow;" Italian harbor "," Sea coast with cliffs ", 1751;" Rocks at the seashore ", 1753 - all in Hermitage, St. Petersburg). These works are striking virtuosity in the transmission of light-air and lighting, reliability and fine observation.

Verne Oras.
Country: France

Verne Oras is a French painter and schedule. He studied at his father, Charles Verne. Writing in the era of the heyday of the art of romanticism, the artist uses in his works inherent in romance. He is interested in a person in the power of natural elements, in extreme situations. Early depicts fiercely fighting in the battles of warriors, hurricanes and shipwrecks ("Battle of the Sea", 1825, Hermitage, St. Petersburg).

Delacroix Eugene
(1798 - 186)
Country: France

Born in Sharanton in the prefect family. Received a brilliant education. Painting studied at the school of fine arts in Paris, then in the workshop of P. Geren (1816-22), whose cold mastery had a smaller impact on him than the passionate art of Romance T. Zherik, with whom he became close to school. A decisive role in the formation of the pictorial style of Delacroix played the work of the works of old masters, especially Rubens, Veronese and D. Velasquez. In 1822, the picture was debuted in the coupon "Lady Dante" ("Dante and Vergios") to the plot from the first song "Hell" ("Divine Comedy").

Zhero Theodor
Country: France

Born in Ruang in a wealthy family. He studied in Paris in the imperial lyceum (1806-1808). His teachers were K. J. Bern and P.N. Herern. But they did not affect the formation of his artistic style - in painting Zheriko, the trends of art A. Zh. Gro and J. L. David are traced. The artist visited Louvre, where he made copies from the works of old masters, Especially admired his painting of Rubens.

Art Strestia's art gallery - the biography of modern artists. Buy, sell modern paintings by artists of various countries.

Hiroshue Ando
Country: Japan

Born in EDOM (now Tokyo) in the family of a small samurai Ando Genenon. His father served as a brigadier of urban firefighters, and the family's life was quite secured. Thanks to early learning, it was quickly learned to understand the properties of paper, kihist and carcasses. The overall level of formation of that time was quite high. Theaters, engravings, Ikeba-Fa were part of everyday life.

Hokusai Katsusika
Country: Japan

Hokusai Katsusika - Japanese painter and draftsman, master of colored xylography, writer and poet. He studied at the Grarera of Nakayma Tezuson. Tested the influence of the artist SYUNSE, in the workshop of which he worked. He wrote landscapes in which the lives of nature, her beauty is closely related to the life and activities of man. In search of new impressions, Hokusai traveled a lot around the country, making sketches of everything that saw. The artist sought to reflect the problem of human relationships and the surrounding nature in his work. His art is permeated by the pathos of the beauty of the world and the awareness of the spiritual beginning of a person who introduced by a person in everything that he comes into contact.

Foreign artists

Bonington Richard Parks
Country: England

Bonington Richard Parks is an English painter and schedule. Since 1817, lived in France. He studied painting in Kale near L. Francia, since 1820 he visited the school of fine arts in Paris, where his teacher was A. J. Gro. Since 1822, began to expose his paintings in Paris salons, and since 1827 he took part in the exhibitions of the Society of Artists of the UK and the Royal Academy of Arts in London.

Country: Belgium

Ensor James (1860-1949) - Belgian painter and schedule. The artist was born and grew up in the port city of Ostend, where he spent almost all his life. The appearance of this seaside city with narrow streets, populated fishermen and sailors, with annual carnival carnivals and a unique atmosphere of the sea often appears in many of his paintings.

Van Gogh Vincent
(1853- 1890)
Country: Holland

Van Gogh Vincent, Great Dutch painter, a representative of postmingnessism. Born in the Brabanta village a grotty Süntand in the pastor family. From sixteen years worked at the sale of paintings, and then assistant teacher in private school in England. In 1878 settled the preacher to the mining district in the south of Belgium.

Anchor Mikael
Country: Denmark

Anchor Mikael - Danish artist. He studied at the Academy of Arts in Copenhagen (1871-1875), as well as in the workshop of the Danish artist P. Kreier. Later in Paris, he was engaged in the workshop of Piges de Sha-bath, but this period did not affect his work. And I worked with my wife, Anna worked in Skagen, in small fishing villages. In his works, the sea is inextricably linked with the images of the Yutland fishermen. The artist depicts people in the moments of their hard and dangerous labor.

Modigliani Amedeo
Country: Italy

As subtly, elegantly told about Amedeo Modigliani Anna Akhmatova! Still - she was a poet! Amedeo was lucky: they met in 1911, in Paris, fell in love with each other, and these feelings became the property of the world of arts, expressed in his drawings and her verses.

Ikins Thomas
Country: USA

He studied at the Academy of Arts in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and at the School of Fine Arts in Paris (1866-1869). The creativity of old Spanish masters, which he studied in Madrid, had a great influence on the formation of his artistic style. Since 1870, the painter lived in his homeland, in Philadelphia, where he was engaged in pedagogical activities. Already in the first independent work, Ikins showed himself as a realist ("Max Schmita in the boat", 1871, Metropolitan Museum, New York; "On Sailboat", 1874; "Sailing boats on Delaware", 1874).

Kent Rockwell
Country: USA

Kent Rockwell - American landscape player, draftsman, schedule, writer. He studied at the representative of the Plennier School of the artist William Merrit Chaise in Shinnekok at Long Island, then Robert Henry at the School of Arts in New York, where the classes of Kenneth Miller also visited.

Homer Winsloou
Country: USA

Homer Winslow is an American painter and draftsman. Systematic education did not receive, having mastered only a craft of a lithograph in youthful age. In 1859-1861. Attended the evening drawing school at the National Academy of Arts in New York. Since 1857, drawings for magazines, a civil war (1861-1865), collaborated in the illustrated weekly edition of Harpers Wickley, for which realistic drawings were made with scenes of battles, characterized by expressive and stringent forms. In 1865 he became a member of the National Academy of Arts.

Bonnar Pierre
Country: France

Bonnar Pierre - French painter, draftsman, lithographer. Born in the vicinity of Paris. In his youth, he studied the right, simultaneously engaged in drawing and painting at the school of elegant arts and at the Academy of Juliana. He was fond of Japanese engraving. Together with E. Vyuyar artists, M. Deni, P. Serousye formed a core of a group that called themselves "Nabi" - from the Hebrew word "the Prophet". Members of the group were supporters of symbolism less complex and literary, rather than symbolism of the Gogen and its followers.

Marriage Georges
Country: France

Marriage Georges - French painter, engraver, sculptor. In 1897-1899. He studied at the School of Fine Arts in Havre, then at the Ember Academy and in the School of Fine Arts in Paris (1902-1903). Its early creativity is marked by the influence of walkers, especially A. Derena and A. Matisse. It was during this period that the artist most often appeals to the landscape genre: writes Havani, sea bays with boats, coastal buildings.

Gajen Pol.
Country: France

Gogen Paul (1848-1903), an outstanding French artist. Representative of impressionism. Born in Paris. His father was an employee of the newspaper "Naconal" moderately republican. Changing the political course forced him to leave his homeland in 1849. On the ship sent to South America, he suddenly died. The first four years of the life of Gogen spent in Lima (Peru) from his mother's mother. At the age of 17-23, he served as a sailor, a fireman, steering on a trading and military fleet, sailed in Rio de Janeiro and other distant cities.

Degi Edgar.
Country: France

Edgar Dega was contradictory and strange at first glance. Born in the Banker's family in Paris. Sibling an aristocratic family (his real surname was de hea), he refused to the noblestry. Interest in drawing showed in childhood. Got a good education. In 1853 passed the exams for the bachelor's degree and began to study jurisprudence. But already at that time he was engaged in the painter Barryas, then Louis Lamot. Like Eduard Mana, he was preparing for a brilliant career, but he threw a law school for the sake of school of fine arts.

Deren Andre.
Country: France

Deren Andre is a French painter, book illustrator, engraver, sculptor, one of the founders of Formism. Painting began in the schedule in 1895, his teacher was a local artist. In 1898-1900. He studied in Paris at the Academy of Career, where he met A. Matisse, J. Puy and A. Mark. Very soon, he left the academy and began to learn independently.

Knowing Charles Francois
Country: France

Konach Charles Francois - French painter-landscape player, schedule, representative of the barbizon school. He studied at his father, an artist E. F. Kotovi, then P. Demosha. Tested the effect of Rembrandt. In the Louvre copied the painting of the Dutch masters, especially attracted his works by J. Reydala and Hobbemes. In 1835-1836 Kotovyi visited Italy, and in 1866 he went to Holland, the United Kingdom and Spain. But these trips practically did not reflect the artist's work, almost all of his works are dedicated to French landscapes.

Duf Raul
Country: France

Duf Raul is a french painter and schedule. He studied in Havre, in the evening classes of the municipal art school, where he taught Luie (1892-1897). Here Dufi met O. Zh. Marriage and O. Frieze. During this period, he wrote portraits of members of his family, as well as landscapes, similar to Painting E. Budena.

Isaba Louis Gabrielle Jean
Country: France

Isaba Louis Gabrielle Jean (1803-1886) - French painter of the romantic direction, watercolorist, lithographer. He studied at his father - Miniaturist J.-B. Isaba. Tested the influence of painting English artists-marinas and small Dutch XVII century. Worked in Paris. In search of new impressions, Izaba visited Normandia, Overl, Brittany, South France, Holland, England, as an artist accompanied the expedition to Algeria.

Kurba Gusty.
Country: France

Kurba Gusty is an outstanding French painter, a wonderful master of realistic portrait. "... never belonged to any school, no matter what kind of church ... No regime, as soon as the freedom regime.

Mana Eduard
Country: France

Mana Eduard (1832-1883), an outstanding French artist, rethinking the traditions of plot realistic painting. "Brief in art is also the need, and elegance. Man briefly expressed, makes thinking; A verbal man is bored. "

Mark Alber
Country: France

Mark Alber (1875-1947) - French painter and schedule. In 1890-1895 He studied in Paris at the school of decorative arts, and from 1895 to 1898 - at the school of elegant arts in the workshop of Moro. He wrote portraits, interiors, still lifes, landscapes, among whom are the types of the sea, images of harbors and ports. In the late 1890 landscapes created by the artist, 1900s. The strong influence of impressionists, in particular A. Sisaley ("Trees in Biyankur", Ok. 1898, Museum of Arts, Bordeaux).

Monet Claude
Country: France

Monet Claude, French painter, founder of impressionism. "What I am writing is a moment." Born in Paris in a grocer family. Childhood spent in Havra. In Havre began to make caricatures, selling them in a stationery bench. They drew attention to E. Buden and gave Monet the first lessons of plenary painting. In 1859, Monet entered the Paris School of Fine Arts, and then in the Atelier Gleier. After a two-year stay in Algeria in military service (1860-61) returned to Havur and met Ionkind. Landscapes of Ionkinda, full of light and air, made a deep impression on him.

Pierre Auguste Renoir
Country: France

Pierre Auguste Renoir was born in the family of a large poor pavement of the tailor and from the earliest childhood he studied "live Nadvyuyuchi" even when there was a piece of bread in the house. Thirteen years he already owned the craft - painted cups and saucers in a porcelain factory. The working blouse dispreded by paints was on it and then when he came to school of fine arts. In the atelier Gleira, he selected empty tubes from under the paints, thrown by other students. Having squeezing them to the last drop, he purr under the nose something carelessly fun.

Redon Odilon
Country: France

Redon Odon is a French painter, draftsman and decorator. In Paris, he studied architecture, but did not graduate from the course. Some time attended school sculptures in Bordeaux, then he studied in Paris in the worker of Zheroma. As a painter formed under the influence of the art of Leonardo da Vinci, J. F. Coro, E. Delacroix and F. Goya. Botany Arman Kwoo played a big role in his life. Having had a rich library, he introduced a young artist with the works of Bodler, Flaubert, Edgar software, as well as with Indian poetry and German philosophy. Together with Cwoop Redon studied the world of plants and microorganisms, which later reflected in his engravings.

Cezanne Pol.
Country: France

Until now, one of the participants of the first exhibition on Kapuchini Boulevard, silent from visitors to Cafe Arboua, remained in the shade, - Paul Cesanne. It is time to get closer to its pictures. Let's start with self-portrait. I look into the face of this Scoorast Bearded, similar to the peasant (when he is in the Kartuze), then on the wiser-scribe (when he is visible with a steep mighty forehead). Cezanne was at the same time both the other, connecting peasant persistent hardworking with the testimony of a scientist scientist.

Toulouse Lotrek Henri Marie Raymont de
Country: France

Toulouse Lotrek Henri Marie Raymont de, outstanding French artist. Born in Albi in the south of France in the family, which belonged to the largest aristocratic genus, once led by the Crusades. Since childhood, the artist's talent manifested itself. However, he took painting after falling from a horse (at fourteen years), as a result of which he became disabled. Shortly after the Father introduced him to Leno, Henri became constantly coming to the workshop on Fobur-Saint-Oneorn Street. For hours, he could look like the artist draws or writes.

Foreign artists

Dali Salvador
Country: Spain

Dali Salvador, Great Spanish artist, the largest representative of surrealism. Born in Figuene (Catalonia) in the family of a famous lawyer. Sixteen years old were given to the Catholic College in Figuene. On the formation of his personality huge influence was provided by the family of piccots. All family members owned musical instruments, arranged concerts. Ramon Picker - Painter, worked in Paris and knew P. Picasso near. In the house of Piccotov Dali was engaged in the drawing. In 1918 his first exhibition was held in Faherase, a favorably marked criticism.

Kalnynsh Eduardas
Country: Latvia

Kalnynsh Eduardas - Latvian painter-mairist. Born in Riga in the family of a simply artisan, early began to rically. The first teacher of Kalnins was an artist Evgeny Moshevich, who opened in Tomsk, where the boy's family moved at the beginning of the First World War, the studio for starting painters. After 1920, together with Paristers, Kalnins returned to Riga and in 1922 he entered the Latvian Academy of Arts. His teacher became Wilhelm Purvitis, a student A. I. Kindji.