Scene Drunk cart crime and punishment. Crime and Punishment

Scene Drunk cart crime and punishment. Crime and Punishment

The main character - Rodion Romanovich Romanov, lives in a little comorka, with the owner of which, he tries not to meet. So, somehow in the evening, he is heading for the old woman, Alain Ivanovna. She lays her clocks. At the same time, notes for you, where it stores keys and jewels, at what time it happens one at home when there is no her sister licors. Rodion decided to kill the old woman, because he can help many young men and girls.

Going home, Raskolnikov gets acquainted with Marmaladov. He tells who he was before, talks about his family, that he has a sick wife and three other people's children, there is a sony's native daughter who received a yellow ticket and now works as a prostitute. Then Rodion receives a mother from the village from the village, in which she tells about all the sorrows that occurred with her and her sister of Rodion Duni. She served as Svidrigaylov, but was forced to leave because the owner was backed to her, and his wife heard it and disgraced Dunyasha to the whole city, although in fact she was not to blame. When his wife learned about it, in the city again became respectful of the Dun. Still Raskolnikov learns that the Dunya wants to take Peter Luzhin's wife. Rodion guesses that the Dunya goes to it to help mother and brother. Rodion intends to upset the wedding. Raskolnikov goes to their university friend Raulmichine, he drinks a stack of vodka and, without reaching the house, falls asleep in the bushes.

There he dreams of a strange dream. He goes small with his father past the Kabaka, and next to the old horse, which is harnessed in the cart. A drunk horses owner invites everyone to sit in the cart. When the cart was filled, he begins to beat the whip mare, but she does not go. Subsequently, he kills her scrap. Waking up, Rodion thinks about whether he will be able to kill who he is: "The trembling creature" or "right". And then on the way he meets the guests going to visit Lizaven, sister Alena. Thus, he learns that the old woman is alone. There is still a conversation, which he heard once in the restaurant comes to the memory of Skolnikov. Two people talked about the fact that if you kill the old woman, then this money you can make a lot of good deeds that will be able to block the guilt. And then he finally decides that it will go for this murder. Raskolnikov comes home, sews a loop to his coat, takes an ax at the janitor and hangs an ax on a loop. Now he goes to Alain with a clear intention - to kill. Here it is already rising in steps, goes to the apartment and kills the helpless old woman. In the process of searching for jewels, he checks several times. Whether he died or not. But here it is unexpectedly returning Lizaveta, she asks Raskolnikov so that he leaves her alive, but she comprehends the same fate as her sister. Having finished all things, Rodion is imperceptibly hidden. The next day, he thinks how to hide evidence. The owner of the apartment turns to the police, because Rodion does not pay the rent. On Raskolnikov Street he heard the conversation that the old woman was killed. From heard he fainted. After that, Rodion lies for a long time in delusion. In the case of murder arrest a simple village guy. Luzhin comes to Rodion and says that the mother and sister Skolnikov will come to St. Petersburg. The campaign of the conversation is Rodion and Peter swear. Coming out of the apartment, the splitters see how a girl wants to jump from the bridge. He also reflects on suicide. Then he sees a man moving the crew. This man was marmalands. Raskolnikov helps to take it to the house and gives all the money to his wife, Catherine, on the funeral. Rodion notices that he has a lot of common with Sonya. A little later, the splitters still decide to tell Sonon about the murder. This conversation was overhearding Svidrigaylov, who came to St. Petersburg and buried Catherine (she died from Changing). Sonya advises Rodion to repent and tell the investigator about everything.

The investigation of the case is slightly suspended. The investigator is guessed about the guilt of the Skolnikov, but he has no evidence. Later, Rodion is arrested and sentenced to eight years of kathers. Sonya goes after him, and Dunyash marries the Raulmichina.

Work performed:
Menshchikova Alain, Melnikov Zakhar,
Krenova Alexander, Pechenkin Valery,
Shvetsova Daria, Trevov Alexander, Mesler
Vadim, ELPANOV Alexander and Tomin Artem.

Part 1 ch. 1 (drunk in cart, hardened by huge barbell horses)

Raskolnikov goes down the street and falls "in
deep thoughtfulness ", but from
thinking him distracts drunk
which was survived at this time on the street in
cart, and who shouted him: "Hey you,
German hat ". Raskolnikov not
Solded, and scared, because He is perfect
I would not like to attract any attention.

In this scene, Dostoevsky introduces us with his hero:
describes his portrait, loching clothes, shows him
Character and makes hints on the design of Skolnikov.
He feels disgusted to everything around and
others, it is uncomfortable: "And I went, not noticing
the surrounding and not wanting to notice him. "He doesn't care what about
He will think. Also, the author is emphasized by the estimates.
epithets: "Deepest disgust", "evil contempt"

Part 2 ch. 2 (Scene on the Nikolaev Bridge, Bunch Beach and Summary)

On the Nikolaev Bridge, Raskolnikov peers in Isaacyevsky
Cathedral. Monument to Peter I, sitting on a raised horse, worries and
scares Skolnikov. Before this majesty before
imagining himself superman, he feels like "little
man, "from which Petersburg turns away. Like the iron
Over the Raskolnikov and his "superhuman" theory, Petersburg
First, the twice of the whip on the back whip (allegorical rejection
Raskolnikova Petersburg) Perhaps the restriction on the bridge
Hero, and then the hand of a merchant daughter throws the Raskolnikov
alms. He, not wanting to take from the hostile city of the hand,
Miller fades in water.

Turning to the art construction of text and artistic
funds, it should be noted that the episode is built on contrast
Images, almost every scene has a contigated: blow
opposed to the statement of the alms of the old checkpone and her
Daughters, Raskolnikov reaction ("grumbled viciously and lasted
teeth ") opposed to the reaction of the surrounding (" circle
Washed laughter "), and the verbal detail" of course "
Indicates the usual attitude of the Petersburg public to
"humiliated and offended" - violence and
mockery. Then a miserable state in which he was a hero as
It is impossible to be emphasized by the phrase "This Collector
penny on the street. "
Artistic funds are aimed at strengthening feelings
solitude solutions and duality mapping

PART 2 GL.6 (Drunk Wormman and Women's Crowd of Women at the "Safety and Messenger" establishment)

PART 2 GL.6 (Drunk Wormworm and a Crowd of Women at the "Siploped" establishment)
Raskolnikov rushes in the quarters of St. Petersburg and sees the scene,
One noger than another. Recently, Skolnikova "
pulled out "for gold places," when it is nauseous
It became, "so that still sick was". " Approaching one of
Safety and entertainment institutions View Skolnikova falls
on the poor people who wandered around, on drunken "overannants",
swearing with each other, on the "dead-drunk" (estimating epithet,
hyperbole) begging, lying across the street. All frozen picture
complements the crowd of shabby, beaten women in the same dresses and
Propoliate. Reality that surrounds it in this
place all people here can leave only disgusting
Impressions (".. accompanied ... girl, fifteen years old, dressed
as a lady, in Krnolina, in Mantile, in gloves and in
straw hat with fiery color feather; All it was old
And Istascular ").

In the episode, the author is not many times many times
("A large group of women crowded at the entrance, other
sat on the steps, others on the sidewalks .. "),
Having gathered together, in the crowd, people forget about the grief,
his plight and glad to be attended by
What is happening.
On the streets are crowded, but the sharper is perceived
loneliness of the hero. Peace of Petersburg Life - World
Lack of misunderstandings, indifference to people to each other.

Part 2 (scene on ... bridge)

In this scene, we observe how the boss is reset from the bridge on which
worth the splitters. Immediately going a crowd of zoo, interested
What is happening, but soon the city saves the drowning, and people disagree.
Dostoevsky uses the "Spectators" metaphor towards people,
gathered on the bridge.
Messengers are poor people whose lives are very hard. Drunk woman
Tried to commit suicide - this is in some sense
Collective image of the bins and an allegorical image of all sorrows and
The suffering they are experiencing during the times described by Dostoevsky.
"Raskolnikov looked at everything with a strange sensation of indifference and
fruitlessness. "" No, gadko ... water ... not worth it, - he mumbled to himself ", as if
After trying on the role of suicides. Then the splitters are still going
Make intentional: go to the office and confess. "Not a trace of age
Energy ... Full apathy assured her place "- the author metaphorically, as
would point out the reader to change inside the hero that occurred after

Part 5 Gl.5 (death of Katerina Ivanovna)

Petersburg and its streets that the splitters know already by heart
appear before us empty and lonely: "But the courtyard was empty and not
It was visible knocking. " In the stage of street life when Katerina
Ivanovna on the ditch gathered a small bunch of people in which
Preferably there were boys and girls, a scarcity is visible
the interests of this mass, they are not attracted to nothing but strange
spectacle. The crowd, in itself is not something positive, she
terrible and unpredictable.
It also affects the topic of value of all human life and
Personality, one of the most important topics of the novel. In addition, the episode of death
Katerina Ivanovna, as if prophesy, what death could wait
Sonechka, if the girl did not solve for himself firmly stored in the shower
Love and God.
The episode is very important for Skolnikov, the hero is increasingly approved
They are in the correctness of the decision: to redeem the wines of suffering.


F.M.Dostoevsky draws attention to the other side of St. Petersburg - with
Suicians, murderers, drunk. All dirty and stinking gets along with
Air in the inside of man and generates not the best feelings and emotions.
Petersburg is stupid, inhibits and breaks the person.
The writer gives paramount importance to the image of the corners and backyards
The brilliant capital of the Empire, and together with the city scenery in the novel
There are pictures of poverty, drunkenness, different disasters of the lower layers of society.
From such a life, people are happily, look at each other "hostile and with
infirmity. " There can be no other relations between them, except
Indifference, animal curiosity, malicious mockery. From meetings with these
People from Skolnikov remains a feeling of something dirty, miserable,
ugly and at the same time seen causes him a sense of compassion to
"Humiliated and offended." On the streets are crowded, but those sharper
Perceived loneliness of the hero. Peace of Petersburg Life - World
Lack of misunderstandings, indifference to people to each other.

Turning to the artistic construction of text and fiction, it should be noted that the episode is built on contrasts, almost every scene has a controversial one: the impassiveness of the alms of the old checkpoint and the heoebey, the Raskolnikov reaction ("walked the reaction to the Okolnikov") opposed to the surrounding reaction ("Laughter is opposed "), Moreover, the verbal detail" of course "indicates the usual attitude of the Petersburg public to" humiliated and offended "- the violence of influence reigns. It is a miserable fortune in which the hero appears to be emphasized by the phrase "real gathering on the street." Choseful funds are aimed at strengthening the Skolnikov's feeling and on the display of dualityPetherburg.6.

Petersburg Dostoevsky. Scenes of street life

PART 2 GL.6 (Drunk Wormworker and Women's Crowd at the "Driving and Miscellaneous" institution) Part 2 2 (Drunk Wormworm and a Crowd of Women's "Speed-Elemental" Institution) Raskolnikov Takes along the quarters of St. Petersburg and sees scenes, one ugly another. Recently, Raskolnikova "pulled" from golden places, "when it was nauseous," so that still was sick. " Approaching one of the distressive-entertainment establishments, the view of the Raskolnikovs of Padetany people who wander around, on drunken "obverseans", swearing with each other, on the "dead-drunken" (estimating epithet, hyperbole) of the beggar, lying across the street.

All the fruitful grinding crowd of battered, beaten women in alone dresses of hyperstoles.

Scenes of street life in the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and

The city on the Neva, together with all its majestic and ominous history, has always been the focus of Russian writers. Peter the creatures on the plan of his founder of Peter the first, caused by "from the swamps" St. Petersburg was to become a stronghold of the state glory. Contrary to the ancient Russian tradition to build the city on the hills, it was indeed built in a swampy lowland of the life of many unnamed builders exhausted by dampness, cold, maims and hard work.
The expression that the city "stands on the bones" of his builders can be understood literally. At the same time, the meaning and mission of the second capital, its magnificent architecture and the bold mysterious spirit made Petersburg truly "wondrous hail", forced to admire his contemporaries and descendants.

Petersburg in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Only a terrible bitch ... "- tells the student to the officer. At that time, in St. Petersburg there were a lot of such people like a splitter, and their fate is similar to his fate to some extent. Many students were on the verge of poverty and from time to time were forced to turn to an evil and capricious old-rate percentage.

The same Rassukhin threw the university due to the fact that there is nothing to pay for study. And how many such students were badly elegantly in the dirty streets of St. Petersburg, indulging in gloomy reflections. Rodion Raskolnikov seeks to find a way out of this position.
In this world, the semi-dry idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikov is born in this world. Petersburg in the novel of Dostoevsky is not only a city of helpless hungry poor, but also a city of business people who are industrial who can: Koh's scammer buses from the old woman the percentage officers.

Street scenes in the novel crime and punishment

Not a trace of Gestahenenergy ... Full apathy passed her place, "the author notes metaphorically, as indicating the reader to change inside the hero, which occurred postviden .9. Part 5 of Gl.5 (Death of Katerina Ivanovna) Petersburg and its streets that Raskolnikov know already by heart, appear before us empty and lonely: "But the courtyard was empty and did not see the knocked coupling." In the stage of street life, when Katerinaivanovna on the ditch gathered a small bunch of people, in whom the boys and girls and girls were visible, the scarcity of interest to this mass is visible, they are attracted by nothing more than a strangeness.
The crowd, herself is not something positive, onajasna and unpredictable. It also covers the theme of the value of all the human life of ironsity, one of the most important topics of the novel.

The role of street scenes in the novel crime and punishment

He felt "that he does not have any more freedom of reason, nor will and that everyone suddenly decided to finally." This ends the first part of street life scenes to a crime. Oily or unwittingly splitters becomes a victim of society, inexorably pushing him for a crime.

The second part of my work is devoted to the episodes that occurred already after the crime. In the Nikolaev bridge, after visiting the Raulumihina, Rodion falls under Knut Kutucher, the people do not sympathize, but laughs over him, only the elderly checkout and her daughter regretted him and gave a donogrivnaya. At that moment, he saw a beautiful panorama of the Parade Petersburg: "Palace, Dome Isakia."

The cold was rejoyed on him from this magnificent panorama, "the spirit of a dumb and deaf full for him was this picture." He threw a dumplings in the Neva, "he thought it seemed to him as scissors sliced \u200b\u200bhimself from everyone and everything at that moment."

Scenes of street life in the novel crime and punishment


It is immediately going to a crowd of ZEVAK, who is interested in it, but soon the city saves a drowning plant, and people disagree. Dostoyevsky uses the "Spectators" metaphor in relation to the people who gathered on the bridge. This is poor people whose lives are very hard. Drunk woman who tried to endorse suicide is in some senseless image of the meshchean and the allegorical image of all the sorrows of the principles, which they are experiencing during the times described by Dostoevsky. "Raskolnikov looked at everything with a strange sensation of indifference of ibesum." "No, gadko ... water ... not worth it," he mumbled to himself, "as a mustache for the role of suicides. Then the splitters are still going to collect intentional: go to the office and confess.

Scenes of street life in the novel Crime and Punishment Quotes

Research on the topic: What role does the scene of street life play in the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" by the subject of studying my work are the scenes of street life in the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Immediately I want to note that episodes, where the street life of St. Petersburg is described, a lot. It is characteristic that we basically see that part of St. Petersburg, where he lives the poor, this is the area of \u200b\u200bSennaya Square.


It was in this part of St. Petersburg who lives solutions, a poor student of the Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg University. A feature of this part of St. Petersburg is the "abundance of well-known institutions", namely, drilling, restaurants, as a result of this, many drunk. Raskolnikov him rarely visited such institutions. But, returning from the old woman, the percentage officers, he "no longer thinking" goes to the cutting, where Marmaladov meets.

Scenes of street life in the novel crime and punishment on chapters

This meeting for the hero became significant in many ways. First of all, the fact that the fate of Marmaladov caused Skolnikov's soul compassion. After conducting a drunken Marmaladov home, the splitters "promptly put on the window" the money in which he had needed.
Then he will also unconsciously continue to help the Marmaladian family, as well as other needing assistance, giving the latter. In the next street scene, the splitters helps a drunk girl, trying to protect it from the Depraved Mr., does it he also unconsciously. One of the most significant, symbolic episodes in the novel is the first Skolnikov dream.

A terrible dream, having diskeding him the eve of the murder conceived by him. In this dream, Molka brutally kills his horse in front of a little Rodion and a numerous crowd. Raskolnikov trying to protect the horse, he rinsing, rushes with cams on the Molts.

Description of street life scenes in the novel crime and punishment

Petersburg Dostoevsky. Scenes of street life Performed: Menshchikov Alena, Melnikov Zakhar, Alexander Khrenova, Pecheneckin Valery, Schvetova Daria, Vallow Alexander, Mtslertimadim, Alsemand and Tomin Artem 2. Part 1 ch. 1 (drunk in the cart, hardened by huge barbell horses) ripples walks down the street and flows down "deep thoughtfulness", but it distracts his drunk, who was survived at the street along the street, and who shouted him: "Hey," the German Hatter. " Raskolnikov unexpected, and scared, because He would like to attract any attention. In this scene, Dostoevsky introduces us with his hero: describes his portrait, clothing-rags, shows the schohakter and makes hints to the design of Skolnikov. He feels disgust to the whole surrounding Iocrulating, it is uncomfortable: "And he went, not to notice the discreet and not wanting to notice him. "

The thunderstorm sounds an antitheaste heat and a stuke of St. Petersburg, chants a varying turn in the worldview of the main character, deftly destroyed actual evidence, but failed to hide a mental disaster generated by murder. A change in the weather is brilliantly working on this idea, which in Roman is experiencing St. Petersburg Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" - a work that affects the depth and accuracy of the use of a psychological part. It is not by chance of solo splitters on the head of the focus on the head of an ax, thereby sending the tip on themselves.

He seems to be split himself, surviving the collapse and spiritual death. Street scenes in the 1st chapter of the first part on the close street of St. Petersburg slums take place a remarkable scene: the wondered Skolnikov suddenly notes the treasure cry of some drunk in a huge cart, a barked by breaking horse. Petersburg F. M.

Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" consists of six parts. In the first part, the hero makes the killing of the old woman - the percentagers, the rest tells about the steps of the young man on the path of repentance. This composition of the novel emphasizes the idea that it is easy to make a grave sin, and to redeem it, it is necessary to go through a long path, full of suffering.

Reading the beginning of the novel, we follow a step by step behind the hero, conceived a terrible crime. Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov goes to make a "sample" and immediately refuses the disgusting idea of \u200b\u200bmurder. But familiarity with the history of the Marmaladov family, with the dramatic fate of Sony, forced to go on a yellow ticket, brings a student to the thought of reorganization of the world in justice. From the letter of the mother, he learns about the decision of the sister Duni to marry a rich lawyer of Luzhina to correct the financial situation of the family. The thought of a crime, which previously seemed to him fantasy, now appears in front of him in some kind of terrible and terrible form. He cannot refuse life, from the right to act and the only way out of the created position sees in the murder of a rich old woman.

Exhausted for a long walk and painful thoughts, Raskolnikov reaches Petrovsky Island, falls on the grass and falls asleep under the bush. In a painful state, he sees a terrible dream in which the horse's murder occurs. Next to Kabak is a large cart, in which huge scrubbing horses are harnessed. But in a dream, this large cart is damaged "Little, skinny, saving peasant klyachonka." This moment of sleep correlates with the real picture seen by Raskolnikov at the beginning of the novel when he just went out. In real reality, it looked like this: "One drunk, which is unknown why and where they were surrendered at this time in a huge cart, the hardened Lomotovy horse ..." Klyachonka scored to death in a dream Hero symbolizes all human suffering. This suffering is simply, since poor Klyach can not move heavy WHO from the spot. In real reality in the cart, barred horse is harnessed. Hence, the hero inadequately perceives reality, and his thoughts about the unbearable suffering are exaggerated: everyone is given to a nosha.

It is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of Raskolnikov at the time of the killing of the horse. In a dream he is seven years old. The number "Seven" is symbolic: it means an union of a person with God. From the letter of the mother we learn that in childhood, during the lifetime of the Father, a little Rodion believed in God and "prayer his prayers" from his mother knees. In the letter, the mother asks the Son: "Are you praying to God, can you still believe in the goodness of the Creator and the Redeemer of our? I'm afraid, in my heart, didn't you visit your newest fashionable chamber? " In a dream, the moment of hero's waste from God, the moment of loss of faith is shown. Little kinda "in the frencher rushes with his cams on the Molts," the father tries to stop the Son and snatches it from the crowd. Adult man does not try to intervene in a dream in what is happening. Father in a dream is God. Raskolnikov rebel against God, when he sees that he should not eliminate suffering. The world arranged unfairly, and the hero seeks to rebuild the world in fairness, so that there were no suffering in it.

The artistic space of the sleep is two mutually exclusive concepts: the church and the Kabak. Kabak stands on the outskirts of the city and produces an unpleasant impression on the hero and even fear. A picture of human sin is drawn here: "There was always such a crowd, so they screamed, they laughed, they swear, so ugly and silence and so often fought; There are always such drunk and terrible faces of the Cabanka ... "Rushing with fists on a sinner - a sinful Molka, the hero will rebel against popular sin. The desire to show someone else's sin separates the hero from people, allows him to walk the "pale angel", deprives the consciousness of his own sinfulness. In a dream, the child loves the church and ancient image in it, but the road to the temple passes by Kabak. So Dostoevsky emphasizes the idea that moral cleansing occurs after the commission of sin. Black dust on the road correlates from that land on the square, which the splitters kisses, going to the police with recognition.

So, we see that the world in the perception of the hero is divided into two spaces that are not connected: the Kabak and the Church. In real validity and in the text of the novel, the Kabak and the Church exist as a whole. Drunk marmalands Kabak turns into the church when it utters the penitential speech and sermon about the mercy of God forgiving sinners. In Epilogy, the convicts are attacked on Skolnikov in the church, going to kill him.

In the novel two Molts. In the dream of Molka - the owner of the horse, who decided to roll a drunken crowd. He hits his "mare", because she "hearts his heart." In the portrait of this peasant guy, his sinful principle is underlined: "Young, with tough shee and with fleshy, red, like carrots, face." But there is also a Molka - the righteous. This is a young painter, who decided to take the sin of Skolnikov and suffer to clean his soul. In the portrait of this Molki, high spirituality is emphasized, readiness for the feat: "The determination was glittered in his eyes, but at the same death pallor covered his face, for sure he was led by the execution. His lips were slightly shuddering. " Thick red-skinned sinner of the Molka and Pale, with a subtle dry feature of the face Nikolai do not accidentally wear one name. It is like two faces of one people, in the lowest possibleness of its storing the truth of God.

This dream became prophetic for Skolnikov. Sleep showed the good human nature of the hero. In a dream, a child cannot withstand the suffering of an unfortunate horse, he is hard to experience her murder: "He makes his way through the crowd to Savrask with a cry, worst her dead, bloody muzzle and kisses her, kisses, in his lips."

Rodion wakes up horrity. He represents how he will take the ax, will hit the head, the old woman skull will skip, will slide in a warm, sticky blood ... He refuses this "damn dream of his dreams" and feels free "from witchcraft, charm, from puffy." He realized that his nature would not withstand crimes.

But precisely when the hero feels that he was freed from the obsessive idea of \u200b\u200bthe murder, the author suits him a test. Of the randomly overheard conversation, the Raskolnikov learns that tomorrow there will be at home in the seventh hour of the old woman. The author shows that a person who left God, one does not remain, next to him it turns out to be a devil, which is aptive seductive thoughts. The hero becomes superstitious, they begin to manage the accident. Freedom from God leads to human non-free.

Topic: Petersburg Dostoevsky on Romanuf.m. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment."

Purpose:Show city as a background that serves for the image of hopelessness, which is unfolding dramatic events. Help students see Petersburg as a symbol of disadvantaged, immoral life. Specify the artistic means used by the author vrom.

T.iP lesson:Lesson-journey elements of research work with text.

Equipment: Illustrations with views of St. Petersburg, illustrated Stand "Corner of St. Petersburg".


I.. Organizing time.

II.. The word of the teacher. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Petersburg has repeatedly become an active person in Russian

literature. Recall that A.S. said about him. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol,

ON THE. Nekrasov.

III. Message of students.

IV. Check your homework. Students made up a plan about St. Petersburg

Dostoevsky, turning attention to the psychological character

urban landscape, scene of street life, manifold

petersburg types and others.


1. The psychological nature of the cityscape.

part 1, ch. 1 - "Coloring of the city day."

h. 2, ch. 2 - "Magnificent Panorama."

h. 2, ch. 6 - "Magnificent Petersburg".

h. 2, ch. 5 - "View from the Okolnikov window".

h. 6, ch. 6 - "Thunderstorm Evening."

2. The manifold of the St. Petersburg types.

part 1, ch. 1 - "drunk in cart."

h. 2, ch. 2 - "Bunch of Beach and Charging."

h. 2, ch. 6 - "Sharganger and a crowd of women at the restaurant."

h. 2, ch. 6 - "Scene on the bridge. Drill. "

h. 2, ch. 7 - "Death of Marmaladov".

3. Piles of dead stones (profitable places, black stairs).

part 1, ch. one.

4. Interior.

part 1, ch. 3 - Camorka Raskolnikova.

h. 4, ch. 3 - "Room, Shed Sony."

part 1, ch. 2 - "Angle of Marmaladov".

5. Reality I. nonsense in the paintingPetherburg life.

c.. 2, ch. 4 - "Night after killing."

part 1, ch. 5 - "Son Skolnikov".

6. M.echto and about the beautiful city.

c.. 1, ch. 5 - "On the fountains thinks the splitters."

V.The word of the teacher.

Own Petersburg and F.M. Dostoevsky. Scooters made it often to change housing to live not in rich apartments, and in cold corner houses, devoid of all architecture, where people, "so and sisha".

Heroes of Dostoevsky face Pushkin Quarters. From the tiny nurse on the garden, the pea and other "middle" streets is a splitter, meets Marmaladov, Katerina Ivanovna, Sonya ... often passes through the Sonya area, where in the 18th century the market was opened for the sale of cattle, oats, where the serfs were subjected to public punishment ( Recall the stychin. And. Nekrasova "Yesterday, in the hour of six ...").

Two-steps from Sennaya was a carpentry alley, consisting of sixteen houses, in which there were eighteen peetic institutions.

So, let's go on a journey through St. Petersburg.

VI. Analytical work with the text on the proposed plan.

Work on the episode "Coloring of the City Day" (Part 1, Ch. 1)

Raskolnikov left the house.

What do you know about the hero from the first rows of the novel? Where does he live? In which House?

What struck him on the street? What kind of windows opens from the window


What is their role? What is the role of generalizing the word "all"?

Find a definition expressed by the adjectives that carry

rejection of reality ("Special Snor", "Summer Stena", "Unbearable


Why so many definitions for the word "stench"? Whether it causes

Skolnikova feeling of disgust?

oleode, Heat, Spirit ... and the immediate Golkolnikova?

What words indicate that the hero is indecisive? ("as if",

"To some kind of", "something.")

it's hard to surprise? " Who lived on the middle streets?

emphasize Dostoevsky?

What insult I had to survive the hero? Because of which?

What is the feeling of sprouting?

Where does the hero keep the path?

Intermediate output. (Records in notebook.)

A day spent with Raskolnikov made us think about St. Petersburg as the city of dirty, unclean, alien and distant. He lives his life, and the heroes are her.

Work on the episode "Gorgeous Panorama" (Part 2, Ch. 2).

Raskolnikov committed a crime, it was necessary to hide stolen what he was doing. The hero feels unhealthy, goes through the Nikolaev bridge.

What makes Rodiona wake up from bad thoughts?

What did you hit him?

unexpected? What did he survive? What was his condition?

("I walked viciously and snatched my teeth"). So you can say about the beast.

Why Dostoevsky does it talk about Raskolnikov? Who reminds the hero?

Work on the episode "Bunch of Beach" and "Charging" (Part 2, Ch. 2).

Immediately after hitting, the breakdowns gets a challenge.

Why do you need this scene Dostoevsky? What did the author mean by that?

Who accepted Skolnikov? Why did he get the hero?

What did he feel at the same time?

Why Dostoevsky ShowNameThe Collection of St. Petersburg at the moment

humiliation and insults of the hero?

So what is the magnificence of the city? What do I like Raskolnikov?

How did the panorama of the city affect the state of the hero? So what

neuly, cold Rodion?

What artistic technique uses the author, speaking of the magnificence

cities and humiliated man?

Why the Raskolnikov seemed that he was "as if cut off the scissors

yourself from everyone "?

Intermediate output. (Records in notebook.)

Poor, uncomfortable hero and "middle" streets and where the wonderful panorama of the city has opened. Rodion Raskolnikov alone, his prudent zing. An adorable landscape only takes the heroes in the former world when he goes to the university and returning home, walked, admired beautiful Petersburg.

Work on the episode "Evening Petersburg" (Part 2, Ch. 6).

- How does the author of the evening Petersburg depict? What is the condition of the hero?

Why is Raskolnikov aimlessly wandering around the city? What is he thinking about?

Trying to explain the condition of the hero, the author using the useful offers. For what purpose?

Find words with a negative particle "not". What is denied by the hero?

Work on the episode "Sharganger and crowd of women at the cutting "

(Part 2, ch. 6).

- Where did the squatrel met the collapse? What is his appearance?

Here, the Raskolnikov saw a girl. What absurdity in clothes

What is the mood of the hero caused the singing of a girl? Why Raskolnikov

affects passersby? Was the splitters understand?

Why does Dostoevsky show the crowd of women in the breakdown?

What is the purpose of which they gathered here? What are their age? Appearance?

Why does Raskolnikov give them money?

Work on the episode "Scene on the bridge. Drill " ( h. 2, ch. 6)

Another female fate. Raskolnikov accidentally met the one that came here to impose on his hands.

Raskolnikov meets woman.

What is her portrait? What attracts attention in the appearance of a woman?

What was the Raskolnikov reaction to the fact that the woman rushed with

bridge? What are the causes forcing such a wild deed?

What pushed her into the water? Will it try to immediately commit the same


Work on the episode "Death of Marmaladov" (Part 2, Ch. 7)

How did it happen that he got a journey?

What impression was made on the crowd this tragic case?

How did Raskolnikov react to what happened? Why he adopted

live participation in the funeral of Marmaladov?

What marma marmaladis death marks?

Intermediate (Record in notebook.)

Rhodes are indifferent to the bloody body of an unfamiliar person (Marmaladov). But no one helped the poor fellow. ONLY Raskolnikov showed a living part in the fate of Marmaladov. Yes, selfishly indifferent people living in "middle" and the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

Work on the episode "Thunderstorm Evening" and "Morning on the eve of the death of Svidrigailov" (Part 6, Ch. 6)

And again we are on the street of an uncomfortable Petersburg.

It will be the theme of another conversation. In the meantime, Svidrigaylov sits in a sipping. He witnessed the quarrel of the writers.

What are their appearance?

Why did the quarrel happened?

What participation in the resolution of the quarrel accepted Svidrigaylov?

Find a description of Nature in front of a thunderstorm.

Why does Svidrigaylov take an important decision at this moment? What?

Why and who decides to help Svidrigaylov?

Find a description of the hotel where Svidrigayilov goes after a thunderstorm.

What does it represent? Why does the hotel interior manufactures oppression on the reader?

So, enter the room after Svidrigailov.

What does the number of the room (or number, as Dostoevsky writes)?

(The condition of the hero and the decoration of the room brings it to Brad, Gree).

What kind of nightmare it might?

Night passed, morning came ...

-What does the morning landscape appear? Did the rain bring the hero relief?


What parts of the city landscape emphasize hopelessness,

man's unnecessary in this world? (Dogachenka, "dead drunk in

Work on the episode of Komorka Raskolnikova (part 1, ch. 3)

Work on the text.

from words: "He woke up .... before …. Dinner sitting. "

2. Questions.

What are the synonyms of the name of the room where the beggar student lives,

does Dostoevsky use? ("Camorka", "Nurse", "Coffin")

What associations are born with these words?

("Camorka" - mouse, "Nurse" - the beast, "Coffin" - the dead man.

s at drawing like a beast.)

What does it talk about poverty, the mission of the decoration of his rooms?

Can healthy dreams be born here? Why?

Is it possible to live in such conditions, feel like a person?

Does the splitters respect yourself?

Can the hero change the lifestyle?

Work on the episode "Approach Skolnikov windows" (part 5, ch. 5)

What is the detail of the room especially sharpened by Dostoevsky? (Yellow wallpaper.)

What kind of window opens from the Okolnikov window?

What details of the room interior emphasizes the loneness of the hero?

Why on the windowsill costs a lonely flower of geranium?

Work on the Episode "Angle of Marmeladov" (Part 1, Ch. 2)

Rodion Raskolnikov accidentally met Marmaladov's seeds. Showing humanity, a former student accompanies a drunken Marmaladov.

Let's go and we will go to the dwelling of this hero. The wretched setting of the room sees the splitters.

what from my own imagine room? What is her decoration?

What does it remind of Raskolnikov?

Is it convenient to live family people in such a room?

Is it comfortable for children of Marmaladov?

Can her husband and wife (marmalands and Katerina Ivanovna) find the place,

where can I frankly talk to souls? Why marmalads lived in

passing room?

Why did Marmeladov neighbors know about family sorrows?

Work on the episode "Sarai Sony" (part 4, ch. 4)

Where does Sonya live? What can be seen remarkable in the room?

What is the lighting in the room? Which struck Skolnikov when he

i saw the Sony's room for the first time? (stupid angle - hopelessness, deadlock.)

What gives the right to name Sonin "Sarame" room? As in this "Saraj"

How does a person feel when he lives so slamming? What thoughts ride

sonipod has a low shed ceiling?

Intermediate output. (Record in notebook.)

Uncomfortable, badly lives in Saraj, Komorka, "Tweason", "Corner", "Coffin" (so called the mother of Son's mother Skolnikov).

Work on the episode "Son Skolnikov" (Part 1, ch. 5)

« Low ceilings soul and mind are crowded. "

Life in St. Petersburg acquires uglyoutline, and the real seems often a nightmarish vision, and nonsense and sleep reality.

Artistic retelling of sleep.

- What is wishes Klyach?

Why did Raskolnikov see himself a little boy?

Intermediate output. (Record in notebook)

Form klyachi, tortured to those who, mocking, the sort of eyes, one of the generalized images of the novel. In this dream, a supervision was shown, which was justified by the reliability of life, as if fascinated by the fate of all exhausted people who live uncomfortable in St. Petersburg.

Work on the episode "Dream about the beautiful city" ( part 1, ch. five.)

Okolnikov thinks about fountains. On the islands, where Rodion came out, was green.

What kind of landscape depicts Dostoevsky?

What does he differ from the usual landscape of the "middle" streets of St. Petersburg?

Cause for the first time I saw the splitters for the first time? (Flowers.)

Work on the episode "Fountain Design" ( part 1, ch. 6)

After sleeping about the drunk klyach, he thinks about the device of high fountains. Why?

Yes, the dream is beautiful. BUT reality What? (Dirt, stench,

nasty ...)

Will the Dream of Raskolnikova ever be reality?

What artistic technique uses auto resistance

reality and dream (antithesis)?

VII. Results.

1. What do you see the streets of St. Petersburg, for which the splitters wandered?

2. Tell your appearance of people who are found at the "middle" streets?

3. What impression do they produce at you?

4. How does St. Petersburg Dostoevsky appear?

VIII.. Artistic advantages of Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment."

I.. Art detail in the novel.

· Pro watch what color prevails at F.M. Dostoevsky Ply

description of the city, room interior?

· What sounds "filled" Petersburg "? What we hear on

streets of the city?

· What odors accompany the heroes of the living, in

"Meet" streets of St. Petersburg?

Output: Petersburg- Monster, the city is a monster, a predator city.

II.. Word and image in the novel "Crime and Punishment."

· Landscape background, employee for the image of the hopelessness of the hero,

on the which unfolds dramatic events.

· Petersburg - a symbol of disadvantaged, immoral life

poor people.

· Form klyachi - a symbol of the insetting and reliability of life,

in which found reflections of all ordinary people

exhausted life.

· Description of the interior of the premises: "Camorka", "Nurse",

"Angle" (removes marmalands), "Sarai" (Sony dwelling),

"Coffin" (slickers live here).

IX. Homework.

The history of the family of marmalades.

1.Treterer of marmalady. 1, ch. 2.

2. Use marmalady. 2, ch. 7.

3.Pominkich. 3, ch. 2.

4. See Katerina Ivanovnach. 5, ch. 7.