See in a dream broken glass on Earth. What do the fragments mean in a dream

See in a dream broken glass on Earth. What do the fragments mean in a dream
See in a dream broken glass on Earth. What do the fragments mean in a dream

A lot of acceptance and superstitions are associated with a cracked or broken glass.. Accidentally broken dishes brings happiness to the house - they also considered our ancestors. What dreams of smashing glass?

What ifwhich promises big trouble.

Thus, superstitions associated with broken glass, in everyday life, they will differ greatly and depend mainly on the type and purpose of glass.

And if the broken glass you dreamed? What dreams of smashing glass? Many dream interpreters give an answer to this question.

Almost all interpreters of dreams converge in a single opinion: Sleep, in which the dreams saw the broken glass does not foresee.

Broken glass is a symbol of danger, deception and fear.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

- To the emergence of an unstable situation. We will have to work pretty to resolve controversial moments.


See broken glass or broken glass objects - To the emergence of an insurmountable obstacle on the way.


Smash the glass into small fragments In a dream, it means that the work started will remain unfinished by your fault.

Step on a glass crumb in a dream - Warning that you need to act very carefully.

Go on glass shackles barefoot legs - The started thing will progrit, if not to take it under enhanced control.

See broken window glass In an unfamiliar house - you will correct other errors.


If in a dream you accidentally broke the window - The goal, to achieve which you spent many spiritual and physical forces, will not be achieved.

Cut down with glass fragments in a dream - in order to achieve universal confessions, it will have to work a lot.


See broken glass in a dream - To severe illness.

Fail in a dream by broken glass - To an unexpected threat or danger.

Miss Hasse

If in a dream you are trying to collect together small fragments of broken glass - In real life, your attempts to return the missed will be in vain.


See in a dream scattering on minor fragments glass - You feel cowardly and uncertain under certain circumstances.

Also small fragments symbolize lost illusions and unfulfilled dreams.

See broken glass in a dream for a couple - a bad mark foreshadowing family scandals and even divorce.

View of modern psychologists

What dream of breaking glasses from the position of modern science? The answer to this question can be found in the works of psychologists of our time.

In their opinion, sleep with a cracked, broken or scattered on a shard glass, not such an ominous one.

He can mean the desire of a person to overcome complex obstacles In its path, break out of the circle of everyday duties and worries, or in general, to start life from a clean leaf.

If a person breaks a glass window or the door to break out the outside - this is a sign that he needs to deal with his inner world.

Perhaps so the subconscious signals On the presence of hidden conflicts, unresolved problems that a person unconsciously tries to hide from himself.

Glass in a dream - a symbol of deception, fright or chagrin.

Watch through it in a dream - waiting sign. Magnifying glass in a dream means you are prone to exaggeration and panic.

See interpretation: Points.

If the glass in a dream is reduced objects, then you are frivolous and not see a real danger.

Slide in a dream glass or see cracks on it foreshadows danger and obstacles in matters. Often, such a dream foreshadows failures and disappointment and indicates that the thinking you will not fulfill.

Cooking about glass in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid losses and excitement.

Clean, transparent glasses in a dream symbolize the purity of your intentions, sincerity. But glass stains, scratches, muddy foreshadow losses and disappointment.

Often such dreams indicate that you take an incorrect solution that can lead to the collapse of your plans.

See interpretation: Polish.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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If the glass fragments are shot - this is a negative sign. Failure in work affairs, quarrels, conflicts, internal discomfort - that's what a similar night vision promises. However, the correct interpretation depends on the set of details seen by the dream: where did the broken glass come from, the type of fragments, the size and their number, the action, the mood of the sleeping person, people, the plot. The small glass shard foreshadows small household troubles, and a huge - a catastrophe of global scale.

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    Interpretation of sleep about fragments of popular predictors

    The value of broken glass in various dreams:

    • Female: A failed situation in business, defeat in professional activities, unsuccessful completion of an important event. Cut out a small fragment - open your creative potential, cause admiration for others, general recognition. Losing a lot of blood due to cuts - the need for a full-fledged rest, moral exhaustion. If the fragment is stuck in the leg and cannot be pulled out - there is a unpleasant meeting, an important conversation that does not deliver the dream of a dream.
    • Small Velezov Dream Interpretation: Specially smash the glass - to solve the cunning plan of the unfair, prevent the negative impact of others, expose the liar. Adopt bare feet on broken glass - to be in great danger, risk your life. Looking at a foreign person through the broken glass - hope for the best, is waiting for change.
    • Testalar interpreter: confusion, strong fright, excitement.
    • Ukrainian: Adopt the fragments - the threat of a dream health, it is difficult to get sick in his own fault. To beat the glass - feel malaise, fatigue, decay of forces. Inadvertently injected - spoil the reputation due to strangers and intrigue.
    • Sonmirnova's dream book: Small fragments foreshadow a family quarrel, and large-global problems in personal relationships, parting with the beloved.
    • French: misunderstanding, coldness, alienation, the emergence of conflict situations in all spheres of the life of the dream.
    • Honey Interpreter: Watch through a broken glass - not to notice obvious things, self-deception, illusory perception of real life. See many fragments - quarrel with households and colleagues.
    • Large: broken glass symbolizes sleeping person's safety. It is purposefully split the window and cut into a small fragment - to break the peace of loved ones, to cause anxiety and excitement of people for their state of health.
    • Miller's dream book: beat the window glass - disappointed in the end result, in a vain waste of forces and time for an unsuccessful business. Cut up - get respect and general recognition, surprise those around their abilities and talents.
    • Esoteric: old friendly connections, events from the past, exposing long-standing secrets. Broken color - spray, not notice the main, waste of time, uncertainty. Beat the dishes and cut down at the same time - to establish relations with relatives, harmony and mutual understanding in the dream house.
    • Catherine's interpreter The second: gloomy mood, pessimism, depressive condition, negative response to any events.

      Get out through the broken window glass - to carry out a cherished dream, successfully overcome the life obstacles to the goal.


      If you have dreamed of muddy and dirty fragments - severe ailment, internal stress, subconscious fears and anxiety. Darken or matte - misunderstanding in the family, an awkward situation. Distorted - not to notice obvious things, to be in ignorance, be deceived, build air locks. Mirrons - fall in spirit, tolerate defeat, unfavorable life life. Sparkling in the sun - success, family happiness, harmony.

Trying to solve what the broken glass is dreaming, we appeal for help to dream interpretations. Only in them we can find all the answers to your questions.

You dreamed broken glass

In Dream Interpretation, Vaniani says that it is in a dream a broken glass means that in a short time you make such an act that will completely change your life. And this perfect deed will torment you all my life and you will have to pay for it. Almost all dreams describe glass, as some kind of barrier, and the battle that you can break through these problems in your life. But if it can easily happen to happen, this is a completely different question. Before proceeding with the interpretation of sleep, remember it more carefully, repel from your feelings and emotions, because any minor item can completely change the interpretation of a dream.

What to wait if you dreamed broken glass

Many dreams indicate that broken glass indicates the evasiveness of your character, that is, you strive not to worry on trifles. Also, the broken glass can say that in the future you can wait for some obstacles that will not be given to your plans. Basically, the broken glass refers to the personal life of the dream, indicating that something is wrong with it, or soon something will happen that it will change life.

If you dreamed of a dream, in which the particles of the broken glass went into your body, then this indicates that you will soon be completely disadvantaged and have to survive a lot of losses, suffering and experiences. Best of all in the shortest possible time you do everything that you have thought, the more so you have enemies who dream that you all burned out.

If you look through the broken glass in your dream, then wait for a big trouble. Some bitter disappointments are coming that will not give sigh freely. Sleep, where you see purely washed glass, then this is a good sign, and promises you soon prestigious work and the position you will take. And if the glass was muddy, then wait to fail.

The dream in which you saw yourself, and around broken glass, it suggests that they missed something important, perhaps did not hear, most likely it belongs to the fact that someone is not pleased with you, but does not speak this out loud.

Eat in a dream broken glass indicates that there will be something that will happen in real life, which will bring you sincere injury, and it is possible that the psyche affects.

Which foreshadows such a dream

What can be shown a dream in which you saw a broken glass? Broken glass sign is pretty controversial, and when you see in a dream of fragments, then you will have to meet a person, acquainted with which it was unpleasant to you. Try to behave as always, do not think about the bad, otherwise you can bring ourselves to depression and mental disorder.

If we consider in general, the broken glass does not bind anything good. Most likely all your hope is collapsed, you will experience great disappointment, and your dreams will not be destined to come true. In the event that you are in a dream, deal with the glass yourself, then all the troubles that will happen with you only in your fault. Look back, maybe you have made a mistake somewhere, and you can fix everything else.

To solve your dream, it is naturally very good, but also do not forget that dreams can be a consequence that our body gave some kind of failure. After all, at a time when we are in the arms of Morpheus, the brain makes various promises in the form of dreams. Therefore, sometimes it is not necessary to listen and fuse on the games of our subconscious

Often dreams are surprised by their unexpected and intricate plots. Therefore, sometimes they are very difficult to interpret and understand what they mean. Sharks of glass in a dream are endowed with a fairly controversial meaning. They have a lot of values, so to find out what dreams of broken glass should be proceeding from related actions, events and other parts.

As a rule, such dreams indicate the state of the personal life of the sleeping, they are rarely related to the affairs. It is believed that the larger in a dream of a broken glass, and the older the dreams, the more severe problems foreshadow the dream.

What does the plot mean?

Since ancient times it was believed that in reality, the broken glasses bring misfortunes and problems. So in dreams, they rarely have a positive value. They are mainly talking about obstacles that constantly stand on the way and about difficult attempts to eliminate them. At the same time, various dreams in their own way interpret seemingly the same situations with glass fragments.

What did you do in a dream?

If the sleepers hit the glass itself in a dream, it means, in reality, he began some serious project that would suffer a failure on his fault or inattention. A dream in which the dreams breaks down the glass in the window to leave the room, says that he is entangled in the life of the peripetia.

Man needs to stay, look into yourself, appreciate your feelings and actions. This will help get rid of painful thoring thoughts. Such a dream may indicate that the sleeping is discomfort from the situation around him. In fact, he takes attempts to overcome some prohibitions and gain long-awaited freedom.

It looks in a dream in the fragments of stained glass and reflects in them is an unpleasant omen. Dreaming suggests that a person is very exhausted both morally and physically. Therefore, he needs to urgently take a break for rest and recovery.

Cut in a dream of a glass fragment means that in reality, sleeping, thanks to its natural gift and unique abilities, will achieve in the near future the location and attention of the environment. At the same time, he will be accompanied by luck and success.

If the glass is broken down in the process of washing windows, then sleeping in the nearest will be promoted by service or go to a new high-paying job. But it will be necessary to try to join the new team. If sleeping in a dream collects glass fragments, then soon it will carry some losses. In other dreams, the collection of glass means a meeting of old friends and the renewal of close relationships.

Where was it?

If the dreams takes a shard glass in hand and hurts them, then in fact, he is waiting for a secured and prosperous life. At the same time, if the glass is in the right hand, then success is waiting for a personal life, and if in the left, then luck will accompany financial affairs. If sleeping looks through a sharp glass, holding it in his hand, then someone from the nearest environment will greatly surprise him.

If the glasses in a dream are colored, shiny and bright, then a person can make stupidity and get into a difficult situation, because of which his reputation will suffer. A fragmentation cracked in his hand indicates that a fateful meeting may occur in the near future, which can turn the whole life for the better.

Walk in a dream on broken windows and see them under the legs - it means to experience the unpleasant events, quarrels, scandals. Dream can mean the upcoming. Also such a dream is a warning and calls for caution.

Maybe, sleeping plans some large-scale case, which imposes high hopes, but they are not justified. If the dreams in a dream when walking the glass is stuck in the leg, then someone from friends will harm himself, pulling into an adventurous enterprise. After that, long-term friendship can be destroyed forever. In any case, walking on glass in a dream promises great financial difficulties in reality.

If sleeping in a dream sees a shard glass in his mouth, it means that he will be waiting for a difficult life stage ahead, which will be accompanied by quarrels, failures and diseases. Also, such a dream warns that his stubbornness, reckless behavior and reluctance to listen to the opinion of the surrounding sleep hurts himself in all areas of life. If it does not change, then it can lose its stable and secured life.

There is a broken glass in a dream - this personifies anger and rage in reality. In this case, it is necessary to conduct psychological unloading, so as not to expose yourself once again with stress or breakdown and finally do not spoil your nervous system. Split glass fragments - the reality of the dreams is exempt from some oppressive pressure. But, it will be very hard, so you need to be patient.

If the fragments went into the body

If the sleeping sees that a lot of glass fragments are absorbed into his body, it means that in reality he strongly suffers from unreasonable soldier of a loved one. As a result, his patience will end and the relationship will occur.

Pull the glass fragments in a dream from your body means that the long-awaited resolution of some unpleasant situation will occur. Also, such that can say that sleeping soon recognizes the names of gossip and ill-wishers, who have long been harmful to him and spoil the reputation.

If after extracting glass fragments from the body, there are no serious damage on it, sleeping will be able to get rid of obstacles in various areas of life, as well as internal contradictions. If the body is covered with wounds and is bloody, it means that there are large problems in the dream of a dream, with which he cannot cope with independently.

He is constantly in suspense and visited negative thoughts. In this situation, you should create a comfortable, harmonious environment, try to relax, analyze the established circumstances and find a way out of the situation, breaking out of a closed circle.

If the dreams pulls the shards of glass from the body of another person, it means that in the near future he will meet a worthy person, with whom he will soon be tuned by strong friendship. In the future, these relationships will change the usual way of life of each of them. Also such a dream can say that someone suddenly presents a sleeping pleasant gift.

Broken glass on the phone

The value of this sleep depends on how the phone was. If the glass is damaged on the old phone, then this may be a symbol of updates and pleasant changes in life. If a new phone suffered, then those cases that planned sleep will fail. Also, such a dream can talk about the upcoming problems, both at work and in family life.

As can be seen from the above, a broken glass in a dream really has a fairly controversial meaning. You can understand the interpretation of sleep, you can only remember and analyzing it all. You also need to seek the interpretation to several sources. After that, we should summarize the information received and draw up the value of your sleep.