"It's unnecessary by art, the great Italian master Michelangelo Buonotti called the sculpture. Surround images in Lyudmila Kapustina sculpture

"It's unnecessary by art, the great Italian master Michelangelo Buonotti called the sculpture. Surround images in Lyudmila Kapustina sculpture

Sections: MHK and IO

Class: 6


  • Introduce students with the expressive possibilities of volumetric images, types of sculptural images, volume bond with surrounding space and lighting, artistic materials used in sculpture, and their properties;
  • Learning to create volumetric images of animals using plasticine;
  • Rail interest in learning activities and sculptural arts.


  • Presentation on the topic of the art of sculpture (Attachment 1) .
  • Images of sculptural forms.
  • Plasticine, jars with water, fabric for wiping hands, lining wipes, plasticine knives, stacks, sieve.
  • Demonstration tables "Receptions of modeling".

Vocabulary: sculpture, Lrack, Relief

Lesson plan

  1. Organizing time. (Appendix 2. . Poem V. Korkina "I and Sunny")
  2. Message Topics lesson.
  3. Studying a new material: messages of trained students, presentation on the topic of the art of sculpture.
  4. Staging an artistic problem. Practical work.
  5. Exhibition of children's work. Generalization of the knowledge gained.
  6. The outcome of the lesson. Estimation.
  7. Homework.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Checking the readiness of the workplace.

2. Message Topics lesson.

Guys, look and tell me, what kind of art do you see on the board? (Sculptures.)

Do you think they randomly they got here? (No, not by chance.)

What will be the speech today in the lesson? (About sculpture.)

From the first idols, from dolmen, magic stones, the distant sobrases of today's monuments, there was a consciousness of the possibility of sculpture, an understanding of expressiveness and emotionality of its material.

In sculpture, perhaps, in any other form of artistic creativity, its ability to give a generalized metographic form of life phenomena is clear.

We have known the word "sculpture" for a long time, but here is the possibilities of the volume image, which types of sculptural images exist, we will get to know today at the lesson. In addition, you yourself will be in the role of sculptors and create an animal sculpture from plasticine.

3. Studying a new material.

(Member States are accompanied by a slide show and teacher comments.)

Sculpture is an oldest type of art that emerged at the dawn of the existence of humanity. What is a sculpture and how does it differ from other types of art? (Slide 1.) In painting, the image is created by paints on the canvas plane. Sculpture, in contrast to painting, the names are real, real, and not depicted. The round statue can be circumvented and see from all sides, assessing different points of view. You can touch the sculpture with your hand, feel a rough or smooth surface of the stone, roundness of the form. Word "sculpture"originally meant the carving, cutting (scratching) figures from solid materials. Subsequently, this concept was denoted by works created by the modeling.

1st student: What depicts sculpture.

The main object of the image in a round sculpture is a person, although sometimes sculptors depict animals and birds, and even less often - inanimate objects. (Slide 2.)The possibilities of sculptures differ significantly from painting opportunities. In the round sculpture it is very difficult to reproduce paintings of nature, it is impossible to show the features of the air atmosphere. By portraging mostly a person, sculptors, nevertheless, can express any ideas in his bodily shape - from lyrical, sincere to the most ambitious and majestic. (Slide 3.)

2nd student: Sculpture is not a copy of nature.

Like any of the artists, the sculptor should be able to correctly transmit nature (i.e., actually what is the subject of the image). He must know well the structure of the human body, its proportion, musculature, be able to reliably show movement. (Slide 4.) But the sculptor does not seek exactly exactly what sees in life. If you make an accurate copy of the human face or figure, it will turn out something very unsightly - frozen, inanimate twin. In order to make a work of art, reflecting the feelings and minds of the sculptor, it is necessary to display the most important, substantial, remove unnecessary details, and to allocate something, emphasize, exaggerate. Sculptor does not copy, it creates a new form. (Slide 5.)

3rd student: Where can I meet sculpture.

Sculpture is created in the workshop of the sculptor, and it meets everywhere - on the streets and squares of cities, among the greenery of parks, on the facades of buildings, in the silence of museum halls and in the rooms of modern apartments. The sculptor creates its work in the calculation of a certain environment. The place where the sculpture will stand, determines its size, the material from which it will be manufactured, and artistic features of its form. (Slide 6.)

Fizminutka (Appendix 3)

4th student: Types of sculpture.

There are several types of sculptures (Slide7).

Monumental sculpture. (Slide 8, 9.)

Monumental (from Latin Moneo - "I remind") Sculpture is monuments erected in honor of the historical event or depicting an outstanding person. They show the ability of sculpture to embody great ideas in generalized images. The big thing is the idea, there must show more creative fantasy to achieve clarity and expressiveness of plastic forms.

5th student: Park sculpture.(Slide 10, 11.)

Marble and bronze statues often meet us on the avenues of old parks, decorate fountains. Such sculpture usually does not express large, significant ideas. It serves to decorate a natural environment: the skillful hand of the brewer as if competed with nature in creating perfect forms.

6th student: Sculpture of small forms.(Slide 12, 13.)

Sculpture can be designed for life in the interior. This is the so-called sculpture of "small forms". Such statuettes are designed for long viewing. "Interviews" with the owners of the house. They are performed especially carefully, paying special attention to small details and details. In shallow plastics most often there is no pedestal, only sometimes a small stand.

Teacher: Facades of palaces and temples (relief).(Slide 14, 15).

There are two main types of plastics: Round sculpture and relief. Their capabilities and features are very different. The round sculpture "lives" in free space, it can be accessed and see from all sides. The relief (from Latin Rilievo - the "protrusion, bulge, rise") is similar to the volumetric pattern made in clay or in stone. On a flat surface of the stone. The tree or other material sculptor seizes, cuts out or carves the images of figures, items, often creating complex plot compositions. In this case, the image remains associated with the background, protrudes from it - convex or very slightly, while remaining flat.

Sculptural reliefs are often part of the decorative decoration of temples and palaces. They are directly related to the architecture, and their plots often "tell us about the building or about his owner.

Types of relief.(Slide 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21)

Depending on how much the image of the figure is as far as they are related to the background, two types of relief are distinguished:

  • Bas-relief - low, fairly flat relief. Used on medals and coins, to decorate architectural structures.
  • The burner is a high relief, the sculptural image retreats from the background and gives almost a full volume. In the burrow, the figures seem very convex, almost round. Sometimes they look like statues attached to the plane of a smooth background.
  • Picturesque relief - in its peculiarities resembling a picturesque picture.
  • Embedded relief - the image in such a relief does not protrude above the background, and, on the contrary, go deep into. The contours and images as if they are sculpted with a sculptor on the surface of the stone.
  • Gemma - reliefs on precious and semi-precious stones, decorations. The gluned image, embedded in the solid mineral, is called "Intalia", and the convex, protruding the surface of the stone - "Cameo".

Materials of the sculptor.(Slide 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.)

- "He was not a sculptor. Who will tell you: I don't care: you can fulfill the thing in marble, you can also in bronze, "wrote Russian sculptor I. Efimov. Each material gives a sculpture with its qualities, as if he gives the part of his soul. All materials of the sculptor can be divided into soft and hard.

Soft materials - This is clay, plasticine, wax. Working with these materials, the sculptor, strictly speaking, is masking - it shams, gradually increasing the volume of the future statue.

Solid materials - Various stones - marble, limestone, sandstone, as well as wood and ivory. From solid, durable stone from ancient times carved sculptures of tombs and temples.

Metal - The mansion among the materials of the sculptor is metals: bronze, copper, cast iron and gold. The method of manufacturing metal sculptures is special - first the model of the future work is created, and then the metal casting is made from it.

Fizminutka (Appendix 3)

4. Staging an artistic problem. Practical work.

Today, each of you will have to visit the sculptor and perform a figure of any animal. But first, let's repeat the basic methods of modeling. (Work in the tables tables)

Basic techniques of modeling: We tear off, roll off, connect.

  1. Egg;
  2. A drop;
  3. Sausage;
  4. Flagellum;
  5. Curl;
  6. Carrot;
  7. Cake;
  8. Strip;
  9. Plastic;
  10. Tube;
  11. Straw.

Independent work of children.

5. Exhibition of children's work. Generalization of the knowledge gained. (Slide 28.)

- What new did you know today at the lesson?

What does the word "sculpture" mean?

List the types of sculpture.

List the materials of the sculptor.

6. The result of the lesson. Estimation.

So our lesson approached the end. Today you have worked out all the fame. Thank you for your cooperation.

7. Homework.

Bring images of different types of sculpture.

Pygmalion and Galatia once for a long time - so read the legend - lived on the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea sculptor Pygmalion. It was not found among the residents of Cyprus the one on which the sculptor would wanted to marry - he decided to stay alone for his whole life. He flew away and worked in his workshop all day. But in his imagination there lived an image of a beautiful woman. From the ivory he created a magnificent statue and called her Galatea. The statue turned out such an extraordinary beauty that the sculptor fell in love with her. One of the holidays in honor of the Goddess of Love and Beauty Aphrodite Pygmalion went to the temple of this goddess, brought her sacrifice to her and began to begging for her to give him a woman in his wife the same beautiful as his statue was. The goddess could not find such a woman among the living, but she really wanted to fulfill the request of the artist ... Pygmalion returned home, came to kiss his statue, and - about a miracle! - Before kisses, the statue came to life, turned into an excellent woman.

Antiquity period. The masters of this period left us classic samples of sculpture art. They have developed the possibility of transmitting traffic in sculpture. In the Statue "Diskol" (sculptor Miron, V c. BC) depicts a climax moment of movement, its highest point when you can submit previous and subsequent actions.

A significant phenomenon in the development of sculpture was the work of Auguste Rodin (), which sought to express the idea of \u200b\u200bimpressionists in his works. The Great French Sculptor breathed human warmth and new vitality in the 19th sculpture. "Citizens Kale". Gypsum. "Kiss" "Thinker"

The outstanding master of the Russian realistic sculpture was Fedot Ivanovich Shubin (). Peterhof. Cascade fountains. Photo K.XIX B.

Monumental sculpture is characterized by large forms and sizes, because it is located on the streets and squares, in parks and squares. These are primarily the monuments set in honor of any outstanding person or the famous event, in order to preserve the memory of it for many years.

The monument is the same monument (called the ancient Romans: "Monteo" means "I remind"), only more magnificent. I.P. Martos. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. Moscow M. K. Alinishin. Monument A. S. Pushkin St. Petersburg

The steel sculpture does not exceed the displayed object. Its main place is indoors, in residential buildings and museums, as well as in parks and squares. S. Bogonkov Antician-Lesovka Assandr. Aphrodite (Venus) Milos. II B BC. e. Louvre, Paris.

Sculpture shapes Round 1. The statue is an image of a separate figure, sometimes with the maintenance of a storyline. 2. Bust - sulfur image of a person. 3. The group combines several shapes associated with a common plot and shared plastic. Relief 1. Bas-relief 2. Borrow 3. Counter-relief

3 Monument to Peter I (EM Falcon, G.) Types of purpose: Monumental, Stankovaya, and small forms. Genre: Portrait and Animalist. Form: Round and Relief.

Questions for repetition 1. What does the word "sculpture" mean? 2. What language does sculpture say? 3. What genres are characteristic of sculpture? 4. Name the types of sculpture. 5. What is the relief differs from a round sculpture? 6. What is a monumental sculpture? 7. What is the main genre in the machine sculpture? 8. What is the decorative sculpture? 9. Name the technique of sculpture. What do they differ from each other?

Resources 1. BA% D1% 83% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% BF% D1% 82% D1% 83% D1% 80% D0% B0.jpg 2. fotki.yandex.ru/get/7/ Vibpxhgglzd.9ac / 0_23436_58bf0199_x l 3. Students.0 / 0_4149_7fcb3665_xl fotki.yandex.ru/get/3205/Qwz2008.6/0_195ac_8d1e59ff_xl A brief dictionary of artistic terms 5-8 classes; N. M. Sokolnikova; Obninsk, publishing house "Title" 1996. Painting. Types and genres. LLC "U-Factoria" 1999

6th grade

Lesson on the topic: Volume image in sculpture.

Objectives: introduce students with expressive possibilities of bulk image, types of sculptural images, volume bond with surrounding space and lighting, artistic materials used in sculpture, and their properties; Learning to create volumetric images of animals. Using plasticine, to educate interest in learning activities and sculpture art, to educate respect for teacher labor.

Equipment: reproduction of sculptures from different types of materials; Pedagogical sample.

Dictionary: Sculpture

During the classes.

1) organizational moment.

1. Greeting.

Hello guys! Today we will spend an unusual lesson of visual art with you.

2. Check the readiness of students to the lesson.

And it is unusual that we do not need albums, paints, pencils, but only a small piece of plasticine and your skillful hands. We will share today, create, create. Become sculptors.

2) Lesson theme message.

The word "sculpture" you have known for a long time, but here is the possibilities of a surround image, which types of sculptural images exist, you will get to know today at the lesson. In addition, create an animal sculpture yourself.

Slide number 1.

"Volume image in sculpture"

3) study of a new material

1. Meeting of theoretical information about sculpture

Slide number 2.

The word "sculpture" originally meant the carving, cutting (sculpting) of solid materials. Subsequently, this concept was denoted by works created by the modeling.

Through the entire history of the sculpture, the themes of motherhood, love, suffering.

The perception of sculpture is not only an inspection of its volumes and faces. Sculpture has its invisible boundaries, which often do not coincide with her silhouette. It organizes around itself as if the influence zone.

Slide number 3.

Its stands in Saratov in a small square, a modest, not a large sculpture devoted to the first teacher. People pass and everyone perceives this sculpture in its own way. Some simply pass by, others stop and thinking, and as such a heroic committed this young teacher to ensure that they were perpetuated - the monument was erected. Nothing special! Just the people of this profession can take into the hands of the rapid little soul of the child, invest in her the droplet of their heart, a handful of mind, kindness and make a large soul of man from it. A person with a capital letter that will not be afraid to resist the enemy and make a feat that will rise to the first step of the podium. A person who will conquer the whole world, who, who does not downtrend, will work, will work on the fields and plants and a person's books, which will be read all over the world. And this will all be her feats, its achievements. From this sculpture of the teacher becomes proud and majestic.

Have you met with some sculptures and what impression did they produce you?

And what do you think of these people immortalized in bronze and marble, were the first teachers?

/ Yes they were/

In the glory of these people there is a merit of teachers.

You had, for example, to build sculptures from sand on the beach, and sculpt from snow figures? So you have already touched the sculptor's work. Your hands, converting material, gave it a new form.

Slide number 4.

The material depends on how the sculptor will process it.

If it is a clay, then her piercing mass, obedient hands, it is pulled by, increases volume

And if it is severe granite

Or shining marble

Or a plastic tree, the artist, on the contrary, is rocking, removes superfluous, as if released by the intended image.

Slide number 5.

There are two types of sculptures: Round and Relief.

Round sculpture of three-dimensional, that is, it has the volume and exists in real space. Sculpture can be viewed from all sides, get around and see differently.

Images in the relief is built on the plane, convex protruding over the plane, or deepened into it.

Despite the fact that the sculpture is real, material, can be depicted in this form of art, not all. How to show in a sculptural image, for example, Dal? Therefore, images in sculpture are mainly devoted to man, as well as animals.

Slide number 6.

Turn to the image of animals. This topic is inexhaustible! The man began to portray animals in primitive times and achieved perfection. And today an animal genre - an image of animals in all kinds of fine arts - everyone loves, he is dedicated to him by wonderful artists who had their own teachers. They taught them to love animals, surprise the charm and beauty of the animal world!

Do you have small sculptural works of glass, porcelain, wood, ceramics, metal, stone, which are correctly called the works of shallow plastics?

Pay attention to a small exhibition. These are small sculptures decorate our homes.

But you can also make a sculpture from plasticine.

Everyone is ready for the start of work, you only need to warm up.


1. Source position - standing, legs together, hands stretched to the sides. Perform circular movements with your hands.

2. Source position - standing, legs together. Pull the left hand up, get into the right, return to its original position, then perform an exercise in the other side

3. Tract eye muscles: sitting, slowly translate from the floor on the ceiling and back (the head is stationary).

Enough, guys, come to work.

4) Practical work.

Work techniques with a lot of plastic. You can cut the animal figurine with stretching or from individual parts.

Well kneading plasticine, cautious first animal housing

Municipal Secondary Institution of the city of Dzhanko

"High School No. 3"

Fine art lesson in grade 6 on the topic:

"Volume image in sculpture"

Fine Art Teacher:

Emiosmanova ZK

Round sculpture

Relief and its varieties

Sculpture and its varieties

Sculpture - type of visual art, giving a volume-spatial image of objects.

The word itself happened from Latin " skulpere ",What means " carve ».

  • The artist who dedicated himself to the art of sculpture is called a sculptor or sculptor.
  • The main task is to transfer the human figure in real or idealized form, the animals play in his work a minor role, and other items are only in the meaning of the apparent or processed solely with an ornamental goal.

Types of sculpture:

Round sculpture


(statue, group, statuette, bust), examined from different sides and surrounded by free space;

all depicted is created with the help of volumes protruding from the background plane.

  • portrait;
  • historical;
  • mythological;
  • domestic;
  • symbolic;
  • allegorical;
  • animalistic.

Round sculpture

Poseidon sculpture

in Copenhagen

Discus thrower.

Miron. V c. BC.


(469-399 BC)

Relief and its varieties

The image performs above the plane of the background more than half the volume

The image performs above the background plane not more than half of the volume

View of the in-depth relief







Methods for obtaining sculpture. Materials

The method of obtaining sculpture depends on the material:

  • plastic - Extension of sculpture volume by adding soft material (clay)
  • scale - cutting off the extra parts of the solid material (stone)
  • casting - The product arises due to the infusion of molten metal

Art-practical activity

From the m / f "Plasticine Crow"

  • Kosmasovskaya V.B. Fundamentals of fine art and methods of managing the visual activities of children: Lab. Workshop [studies. Manual for students ped. In-Tov] / V.B Kosmoskaya, N.B. Halezova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. - 144 p.
  • Nemenskaya L.A. Art. Art in human life. Grade 6: studies. For general education. Organizations / L.A. Nementian; Ed. B.M. Nemensky. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014. - 175 p.
  • Sculpture [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.izmailovart.ru/glossari/97-skulptura.html . - Title from the screen.