"Travel to the world of fairy tales." Summary of classes with children of middle preschool age

"Travel to the world of fairy tales." Summary of classes with children of middle preschool age

Quest game "Journey to the world of fairy tales"

Objective: to facilitate the establishment interpersonal relationships between the children of the group, their parents and teachers; to bring joy to children, to evoke an emotionally positive response in their souls.


1. Educational: to clarify and enrich children's knowledge about the names, authors and heroes of children's fairy tales; be able to recognize a fairy tale on assignment; show interest in dramatizing fairy tales.

2. Developing: the development of the cognitive activity of children in the process of expanding knowledge about fairy tales; development of the ability to answer questions; activation of the dictionary.

3. Educational: the manifestation of a friendly attitude towards each other in the work of a single team.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tale"Princess Frog", reading an excerpt from A. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" ("A green oak near the seaside"), watching the cartoon "Golden Key", learning finger gymnastics "Frogs".

Equipment: a multimedia projector, a computer, attributes - a swamp of the Frog Princess, a magic bump, green paper for origami, puzzles "Lukomorye", oak, leaves on an oak tree with letters, attributes for staging the fairy tale "Turnip", a candle, a secret message, honey ...

Participants: fairy tale characters: Fairy, Princess Frog, Cat, Malvina, Baba Yaga (parents), children preparatory group kindergarten.

(1 slide)

The music of the song "Visiting a Fairy Tale" is played. Children enter the hall, stand up in a semicircle.

Educator: Hello! Let's welcome our guests.

We will all join hands

And we will smile at each other.

On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend,

Let's smile to everyone around!

Wonderful! We gave each other a smile, which made us lighter, warmer and more comfortable. And we start our game.

Do you guys like fairy tales?

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Loved by adults and children,

They love to listen and watch

Fairy tales can warm the soul.

First child. Miracles happen in them,

People find a way to happiness.

And, of course, goodness!

Second child. There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot live without them.

Third child. Everything can happen in a fairy tale

Our tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking at our door,

Let's say to the fairy tale: "come in"!

Educator. I am glad that you all love fairy tales, I also love fairy tales. I want to show you a book that contains all the fairy tales of the world. Would you like to see? 2 slide

Children examine, discover blank pages.

Educator: I can't understand anything! What happened?

Look at the screen. We received a letter. Who is it from?

Who flies on a mortar in the forest?

And does he live in a hut there?

Who always scolds children

Doesn't he let you listen to fairy tales?

Who is this? Have you guessed?

Did you recognize Baba Yaga?

I'll show you a dirty trick!

I'll mix up all the tales

So that the children do not know affection !

Baba Yaga has bewitched the book of fairy tales.

Look - all the heroes of fairy tales are messed up! What should we do? What do you think needs to be done? (Children's options are heard). Let's try to get to the country where fairy tales live.

Let's say the magic words:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And find yourself in a fabulous country! (sound of magic)


The Fairy Fairy appears

Fairy. Hello guys and adults, I am a Fairy Fairy! I am very glad that you are in our country, all fairy-tale heroes really need your help. Baba Yaga mixed up all the tales so that the children could not read them. We need to find Baba Yaga and force him to remove the spell. Are you willing to help us? Only the road is not easy, many difficulties await you. All the way you will receive tips that will help you get to Baba Yaga. Here's your first clue, guess my riddle : Everyone bypasses this place: here the earth is like dough; here sedge, bumps, mosses ... there is no support for a leg ”(swamp).

Educator: Where do you think we should go? (to the swamp)

Fairy: I will help you, because I am a Fairy fabulous country and I can do miracles! And a magic wand helps me in this. Now I will wave my magic wand and we will get to the swamp. Let's say the magic words together:

Bim-bam, bim-bom

We will now enter a fairy tale,

Tick-tock, tick-tock

I will say and it will be so!

(Princess Frog comes out from behind the screen)

1st station - Swamp of the Frog Princess.

Educator: Guys, who do you think this is? (Frog) What fairy tale are we in? (Princess Frog)

Princess Frog: Hello! That's right, I am the Frog Princess. Do you know the rest of the heroes of this tale?

(Tsar, Ivan Tsarevich, Brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey, Baba Yaga)

Presenter: And which characters in this tale are good, that is, positive, and which are evil, negative? Why do you think so?

Fairy: Who invented this tale? (people, that's why the tale is called Russian folk)

Educator: Guys, prove that this is a fairy tale, not a story.

(A fairy tale is fascinating, interesting story, often with a happy ending.A fairy tale is fiction, sorcery, magic.A story, as a rule, is a chain of truthful events that happened or may happen in life).

Princess Frog: Guys, our swamp is kind of gloomy and dull. You can't hear the merry croaking of frogs. Let's populate it with frogs? (They go to the table, sit down)

Educator: But before we start, let's knead our fingers.

Two laughing frogs
(Show index and middle fingers, the rest are picking up.)
We jumped and jumped.
(Depict jumping in the air with fingers.)
Paw - clap, Another - clap,
(The palm is rhythmically slapped on the leg.)
The cheeks puffed out.
(Show roundness with fingers around the cheeks.)
We saw a mosquito
(They make a pinch of three fingers of the hand, depict the flight path of a mosquito, trace it with their eyes.)
They shouted: "Kva-kva-kva!"
(The thumb of the hand is placed against everyone else, depicting the opening and closing of the mouth.)
The mosquito flew away like the wind.
(Make a sharp movement of the hand forward, extending the index finger.)
It's good to live in the world!
(Stroking your chest with your palm.)

(together with the heroes they make an origami - a frog)

Princess Frog: Let's put our frogs in the swamp (music - frogs croaking). What good fellows you are, what a fun swamp we have.

Now it's my turn to help you, I know why you came to me, I know that Baba Yaga has bewitched the book of fairy tales. She hid a clue for you in this swamp. Let's look for her. Be careful.

The tip is under the bump.

Princess Frog: Well done! Found a hint. Hint puzzles - picture "Lukomorye".

2nd station - Lukomorye.

Fairy: Where do you think we should go next? (To the oak)

(Children, along with the Fairy and the Princess Frog, go to the tree)

Educator: Let's close our eyes and breathe in the fresh sea air.

Music sounds, children perform breathing exercises.

(A learned cat comes out and reads a poem)

Cat:"Lukomorye has a green oak,

Golden chain on a tom oak

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in chains ... "

Educator: How interesting. Who is this? This is a learned cat.

Fairy: Do you know from which work this Cat is? ( from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"). Who wrote the poem? (A.S. Pushkin)

Educator: What other tales did A.S. Pushkin?

Cat: Mr-r! Yes, I am a learned cat, but where are you from and where are you taking your way?

(Answers of children).

Cat: Mr-r! And the road there is not close. First, complete my assignment.

Educator: What, cat?

Cat: I propose to play a fairy tale, and in which, you will know when you guess the riddle.

Once raised by my grandfather

This vegetable for lunch

And then he was dragged

Together with my grandmother, that is the strength ...

Leading: Don't need a hint

Children know a fairy tale. (Turnip)

Princess Frog: Name the heroes of this tale and the author.

Educator: Guys, I suggest that you now distribute the roles, choose for yourself required attributes and play the tale "Turnip"

Cat: Well, ready ?

Staging a fairy tale

I. Millies
Once planted by grandfather
In the garden, a miracle turnip
And in five weeks
It was impossible to recognize the turnip.
Yellow ball as big as a house
There are a lot of vitamins in it,
Only grandfather, no matter how hard he tried, -
The tasty ball remained in the ground.
Grandma helps grandfather
There is enough turnip for the tops,
But it sits firmly in the ground
Intractable turnip.
Grandma and grandpa are waving right there,
Calling her granddaughter Masha.
But, although there were three of them,
The turnip is in the same place! What?
Nothing to do and granddaughter
I called the dog Zhuchka.
The four of them are now
They pull the turnip out of the ground.
A stubborn root vegetable
It does not go and does not go.
And the cat runs to the rescue,
And behind her is a tiny mouse.
Six of them again
Yes for the turnip at once - grab!
Together, they pressed together -
We got a turnip out of the ground!

Fairy: What good fellows you are. How great you did it!

Educator: Guys, tell me, how many characters are there in the "Turnip" fairy tale? Who stands in front of the grandmother? After the granddaughter? In front of the mouse? What is your hero?

Cat: Now let's look for a clue. (Hint in the tree, you need to assemble a word from letters)

cat: It starts with the letter "M".

The letters should be used to form the word "Malvina".

Cat: Do you know who Malvina is? (girl from the fairy tale "The Golden Key")

Princess Frog: Who wrote it? (Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy) Who the main character this fairy tale? (Pinocchio) Who else, besides Bratino, are the heroes of the tale? (Papa Carlo, Cat Basilio, Lisa Alice, Pierrot, Carabas Barabas)

Educator: Which character do you like the most? Name it good qualities... What characters do you dislike? Why? Why did good overcome evil in this tale?

3rd station "Visiting Malvina"

Music sounds, Malvina enters the hall


A new game has ripened -

Not an easy task.

It's time for you to get down to business

And show diligence.

I really love music, I love to sing, dance. Do you like music? Now you will hear songs from heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. Try to remember the names of these tales. (An audio recording of songs from fairy tales sounds " The Bremen Town Musicians"," Golden Key "," Winnie-the-Pooh and all-all-all "," Little Red Riding Hood "," Luntik "," Masha and the Bear "," Well, wait a minute ").

Malvina: Well done! We did the job! I have a letter for you on which a spell is written, when we utter it, we will find ourselves in the possession of Baba Yaga.

Malvina gives a letter without words.

Malvina: What happened? Baba Yaga's pranks again?

Fairy: Dont be upset! I know how to decode a spell. It is written in milk. When heated, the milk begins to burn and turns brown, i.e. our letters will turn from invisible to visible.

Educator: Fairy, so we need to heat up the letter? Guys, tell me how to handle fire?


Princess Frog: Guys, can you conduct such an experience on your own, without adults?

Educator: Let's name the situations when fire is good and when fire is bad.

Fairy: Let's read our spell.

Together: Shari-var-up.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga enters the hall.

Baba Yaga: I smell, I smell, it smells of a human spirit. Hello Hello. Why are they quiet? Why did you come?

(children's answers) Do you want to conjure a book of fairy tales? And why, everything is fine there, I like it! Okay, they persuaded me, but first complete my assignments, not complete them - the fairy tales will remain confused. Let's check how you know the names of fairy tales. I will tell you the name, and you tell me whether it is correct or not. And the wise Owl will help me, he will speak the correct answers.

Baba Yaga: The first tale "Geese-crows"

17 slide (visual gymnastics)

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka" (Who did Ivanushka become in this fairy tale? (Draw a kid)

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf" (show us the gray wolf)

"By the command of a dog" (like a pike swims)

Pasha and the Bear (walk like a bear)

Baba Yaga: Well done, we did it! Well, wow! Not expected! You are really brave, smart! So be it, disenchant your magic book

(casts a spell)"Revive fairy tales and come visit!" , something is not working out for me. Can we leave it that way?

Princess Frog: No, Baba Yaga, we have completed your tasks, disenchant the book!

Fairy: Maybe we can try everything together?

(say a spell)

Fairy: Well done boys! We couldn't have done it without you.

Leading: Baba Yaga, we ask you not to be mischievous anymore.

Baba Yaga: I see that you are smart and brave, you know a lot of fairy tales. I will no longer interfere with you or your book.

Princess Frog: Today our tale is coming to an end. Guys, do you remember with what words Russian folk tales usually end? (And I was there, drank honey, flowed down my mustache, but my mouth did not get hit)

Cat: we want to give you a barrel of honey, wake up tea with honey and remember our journey.

Educator: Thank you for the delicious honey. So ours ended fabulous journey... It was attended by: children of the preparatory group, as well as - (introduce all participants). Well, let's go drink tea with sweet honey?

Quiz game. "Travel to the world of fairy tales."

Cultural practice. For older children preschool age.

Purpose: creating a social situation for the development of children through a quiz game.


To form, enrich and expand children's ideas about the diversity of fairy tales (folk and author's);

To form the ability to use knowledge about the read works of art.


Develop active vocabulary, coherent speech;

Develop speech hearing, perception, thinking and memory;

Develop mental activity and the ability to reason.


Encourage children's interest in reading books;

Foster a culture of communication, the ability to express your opinion and listen to others;

Foster friendly relationships with peers;

Preliminary work:

Reading works and watching cartoons based on Russian folk and author's tales (Masha and the Bear, Teremok, Moidodyr, Po pike command" and etc.)

Didactic games "Name the hero of a fairy tale", "Who said that?", "Collect a fairy tale", "What first, what then?" and etc.


An exhibition of books and illustrations on Russian folk and author's tales (K, Chukovsky, S. Marshak, V. Suteev and other authors) was organized.

Small toys-characters of the fairy tales "Turnip" and "Teremok". Audio recording "There on unknown paths" (Lyrics by Yu.Kim, music by V. Dashkevich).

Quiz game progress:

Considering the exhibition of books and illustrations with children, we argue:

What is a fairy tale?

Who composes fairy tales?

What kind of fairy tales are there?

Guys, we are continuing our journey into the world of fairy tales. We have a long road ahead of us, where unexpected and interesting meetings with heroes of fairy tales.

I offer you guys a quiz game. Do you agree?

Then we need to split into two teams, come up with a name for our team. And the main thing to remember is “ Golden Rule"Commands -" One for all and all for one. "

/ Grouping into two teams is carried out. Each team sits down at their table.

So are the teams ready? We can start. And this is our jury (I represent the members of the jury). For each correct answer 1 point is awarded.

Each competition or quiz must have a jury. (In our jury: speech therapist, teacher, psychologist and educator.)

Let's start our quiz.

Competition 1. "Guess a riddle - name a fairy tale."

Each team in turn is asked a riddle. Only the command for which this puzzle is answered. The right to answer for another team passes only after the first team cannot give an answer.

I bought a samovar fly,

Fly invited flea beetles.

These guests scattered,

When I threw a fly in the net

An evil nasty old man.

The villain's call is….

He is a lover of cleanliness

Did you wash in the morning?

If not, then the order

He will give the washcloths at once,

Formidable strict commander

Wash basin … .

Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on a tree stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

Do you know the fairy tale?

Who was it? ...

Your home in winter, in the cold

She blinded from ice.

But the house stood beautifully in the cold

In the spring it turned into a puddle,

The bast house was built by Zayka.

Now, my friend, remember

Whom did the Rooster drive into the woods?

Who cheated the Hare? ...

Lying on a plate

He cooled down and ran away.

He met animals in the forest.

Unfortunately for the fox.

She fell for the tooth

Delicious, round….

At the first frost

On the first snowball

Who rides on the stove

Lying on your side? ...

The jury sums up the results of the competition, and we have the next competition.

Competition 2 "Who was here and what did you forget?"

Each team is offered a drawing with pictures. The pictures show various objects from fairy tales. (For example: a rocker, Doctor Aibolit's suitcase, samovar, box, pike, frog with an arrow, apple tree with apples, oven with pies, etc.).

There are magic items in fairy tales, they fulfill the Heroes of Desire: A flying carpet - to rise above the world, A wonderful pot - to eat sweet porridge.

And you, my friend, remember, do not yawn, By the objects in the picture, Call the heroes of the fairy tale.

The jury sums up the results of the 2nd competition, and we continue on.

Playroom musical pause to imitate the movements of animals.

Competition 3 "Who Said That?"

Each team in turn is given a phrase from a fairy tale. Find out which of the heroes spoke so, from which fairy tale?

"I'll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie."

"Who sat on my chair and broke it?"

"Oh, if I don't get there, if I get lost on the way?"

"Where-where, where-where are you from and where?"

"Do not drink from a hoof, you will become a kid."

"Catch a fish big and small."

"I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother."

"According to the pike's command, according to my desire."

The word of the jury, we are summing up the results of the 3rd competition and we continue further.

Competition 4 "Fairy Tale Trouble".

Errors crept into the names of the fairy tales. Help fix them.


"Ryaba Cockerel".

"Dasha and the Bear".

"Zayushkin house".

"The Wolf and Seven Guys"

"Two bears".

"At the behest of the fish."

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Yegorushka."

The word of the jury, we are summing up the results of this competition and we continue further.

Competition 5 "Experts".

Teams are offered toys-characters of the fairy tales "Turnip" and "Teremok", you need to correctly arrange these "characters", in the sequence in which they follow the fairy tale, who follows whom.

The word of the jury, summing up the results of this competition and the overall result.

So our journey through fairy tales has ended. Only fairy tales do not end here. And new meetings with new heroes await us.

1) development creative imagination;

2) stimulation of creative self-expression;

3) the establishment of trusting relationships in the group.

1. Greetings

2.Entry into a fairy tale

Astrologer: “Guys, are you ready to go with me on a journey through fairy tales?

Somewhere far, far away, in a completely different Galaxy, is the Planet of Wonders. And there, on this Planet, beyond the outlandish mountains, beyond the wonderful forests, beyond the magic seas, in The far-away kingdom, The Thirtieth state is a wonderful country - the world of a fairy tale. And getting to this country is not easy at all. You can't come there either by car or by train, you can't sail by ship, you can't fly by plane or helicopter, even in a rocket, and even then you can't ... But you can just go there, imagine this world, revive it and see everything that is there going on. All the children of our Earth have been there, and when they grew up and became adults, they returned there with their children ... Whoever has been there even once will never be able to forget this magic land and will strive there over and over again. Each of us has our own little wonderful country. To get into this wonderful country you need to look into this " magic mirror", and then close our eyes to distract ourselves from the objects that surround us, and to imagine fairy world».

Children take small mirrors, look into it for 30-40 seconds, and then close their eyes.

Psychologist: “At first it may seem to you that you do not see anything, it is dark all around. Take a closer look. Close your eyes tightly, now relax them. Once again, squeeze the eyelids tightly, so you are already beginning to distinguish some spots. Now turn on your imagination. Because if you really want to, you can see a lot. You start to discern crenellated towers, tall walls, dense forest, a huge valley with unusual colors, illuminated by a bright sun. Try to bring this image closer to you, then move it away, supplement it with whatever comes to your mind. Now take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes. Now your eyes are in tune with the fairy kingdom.

And to make it easier for us to travel through fairy tales, let's make fabulous attributes. "

3. Making fabulous attributes

From the proposed material (colored paper, cardboard, beads, buttons, wooden sticks, foil, tinsel, pieces of fabric, satin ribbons different colors, gouache, pencils, etc.) children make various fabulous attributes (magic wand, invisible hat, self-assembled tablecloth, flying carpet, magic ring, etc.).

4. Exercise "Fair of magical things"

The Astrologer asks if the children know what a fair is and invites them to tell them about their magical items so that others will want to buy them. Children take turns praising their thing. Then each child talks about what item he liked the most and what item he would like to receive. The astrologer says that everyone can exchange their thing for another, but only with the consent of the owner of the thing. If the owner of a magic thing does not agree, then you can ask what thing he would agree to exchange, and try to exchange first with the owner of that thing. Children change things, and then tell why they need the acquired thing.

5. Reflection

6. Ritual of farewell


Composing a fairy tale or poem about a "magic thing".


2) development of variability and originality of thinking;

3) development of communication skills.

1. Greetings

The greeting is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

2. The ritual of entering a fairy tale

The psychologist invites children to get into a fairy tale by walking along the "magic path" (the letter "W" is laid out of a string on the floor).

The stargazer asks the children if they know which letter it is and what other words begin with the letter "Ш". The astrologer tells the children that there are different magic schools on the Planet of Wonders: the school of magicians, the school of flowers, the school of the winds, etc. "And today I want to tell you a fairy tale about the school of animals."

3. Fairy tale "Forest School" (by 3. Lobanovskaya)

Autumn has come. Colored foliage swirled in the air. Clusters of red berries lit up on the mountain ash.

4. Teamwork- collage "Bunches
mountain ash "

The psychologist offers children from different materials(strings, fabric, plastic caps, etc.) make a collage. While working, the psychologist turns on an audio recording with the singing of forest birds.

One day silence autumn forest violated the sonorous voices of birds and animals.

Kra! Kra! A school for animals and birds has opened! - the crows croaked.

Izz! Izz! Fly to school faster! - the merry swift sang.

Pin-pin, trr ... ah! We fly, we fly, - said the titmouses ...

Tsok! Tsok! Chock! Chock! I'm going to school too, ”said the squirrel.

It was noisy and merry in the clearing. Five hedgehogs, a hare, a hog, a bear cub, and a wolf cub came running to the forest school. A white wagtail, a spotted woodpecker arrived ...

5. Exercise "Who will you be like that?"

Children choose a card with a picture of birds, forest animals, and then answer the following questions:

What is the character of a particular bird or animal?

What people, flowers, trees, insects, animals are they friends with?

Who are their enemies?

What and how do they build their home?

What do they most like to do?

The Astrologer informs the children that their answers can be fabulous.

And then an elk-teacher with his calf appeared in the clearing. The elk adjusted his glasses and said gravely:

We are going to study now.

Animals and birds sat around their teacher and began to listen to him attentively.

I have good students, - the elk rejoiced. - And where is the fox
nok? Why didn't he come to the forestry school? - And all the students too

6. Exercise "Continue the tale"

The astrologer tells the children that the page on which the story was continued has disappeared from the book somewhere, and asks the children to come up with their own continuation. And the most interesting continuation will be recorded in a magic book.

7. Reflection

Reflection is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

8. Ritual of farewell
It is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

Homework Drawing based on the fairy tale "School of Animals".


1) development of creative imagination and fantasy;

2) development of the ability to direct their potential in the sphere of creativity;

3) stabilization mental processes, stress relief.

1. Greetings

The greeting is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

2.Entry into a fairy tale

The astrologer invites the children to close their eyes, stretch their arms forward, then draws a feather along the back of each child's palm, hides the feather and asks the children to open their eyes.

Astrologer: "My friends, which of you guessed Magic power what subject helped you get into a fairy tale today? Well done, you guessed it. And it is no coincidence that the magic feather of a swan gave you strength today. In my magic book there is a tale about a small but very curious boy, Hera, who was helped by a swan to fulfill his cherished desire. Listen here. "

Once little hera sat on the ocean and looked into the distance. Before he read the description of the wonderful southern countries where grapes grow, orange and lemon trees shine in the sun, mountains are covered with flowers, and the sky is deep blue.

3. Listening to the audio recording "Ocean"

Ah, if I could admire these wonderful countries- Hera whispered.

Suddenly he saw a large swan approaching him along the waves of the ocean. He swam to the shore and went out near the boy.

I see in your eyes what you want, ”said the swan. “You want to know where I came from.

Yes Yes. I miss wonderful countries, - exclaimed Hera and asked the swan to take him to these wonderful places.

I'm not on my way there, - replied the swan, - but if you want, sit on my back, I will show you the paradise that I often yearned for in the palm forests.

Yes, I would like to see him.

Well, let's fly. Put both hands around my neck and take a good look around.

Hera saw large green plains, forests with dense beech trees, magnificent castles with parks full of flowers. Soon the picture changed. The mountains began. The swan had to climb higher. At the foot of the cliffs the dark pine forests... In the depths of the forests, silvery streams meandered. They expanded into small lakes.

Finally the swan stopped on the shore of a lake covered with many small islets.

We will spend the night here, ”said the bird. - But why are there tears in your eyes?

I cry with joy. I am amazed at the beauty of everything that I have seen.
I never even dreamed of such wonderful places.

Tomorrow morning you will see my paradise.

At night, Hera dreamed that he was wandering in the land of roses and oranges, but just like a swan, he sighs about paradise with lakes surrounded by birches.

4. Aromatherapy

The psychologist asks the children to rub their palms strongly against each other, and then drips them a drop of lemon oil on their palms: "Now you close your eyes and slowly inhale the smell that comes from your palms." Calm music sounds, children inhale the smell of lemon for 3-5 minutes.

He woke up when the sun was high. The journey has begun again ...

5. Exercise "Continue the tale"
Astrologer: “This ends the fairy tale. What do you think

The children take turns telling the continuation of the tale.

6. Collar "Swan Paradise"

The psychologist offers children various materials: paints, pencils, wax crayons, old magazines, colored paper, colored ribbons, cotton wool, feathers, glue, etc., from which the children together make a collage based on a fairy tale.

7. Reflection

Reflection is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

8 the ritual of farewell

The children take their stones in their hands, say spell words (see lesson 1), and then say goodbye to each other on behalf of the one who is depicted on their stones.


Composing a poem on the theme "Unknown Paradise".

Session 5 FIRE and SUN

developing the ability to see the situation from different angles;

the development of symbolic representations, creativity;

stabilization of mental processes, stress relief.

1. Greetings

The greeting is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

2. The ritual of entering a fairy tale

The psychologist asks the children to stand in a circle and hands out a small candle to each, then lights one of the children’s candle. A child whose psychologist lit a candle should say something bright about his neighbor in a circle, and then light his neighbor's candle with his candle. The ritual ends when all the candles in the circle are lit.

The psychologist notices a yellow envelope on one of the clouds (on the walls there are clouds decorations made of fabric, cardboard, etc.) and says: “I wonder who is this letter from? Let's honor him. "

Children together with a psychologist read the letter: “Dear (guys)! I will appear when through (spyglass) I see magic sign- ("Sun") - Your (Astrologer) ".

In the letter, instead of words, a picture is drawn in brackets. Children should guess the words from it and read the letter.

3. Exercise "How the Astrologer Appears"
The psychologist invites the Children to come up with different ways the appearance of the Astrologer. Children name options: using a magic wand, magic wings, on a flying carpet, using the wind, etc.

4. Color therapy "Magic sign"

The psychologist invites children to choose from multi-colored caps (caps of different colors from under the bottles of the "Coca-Cola" type are used) caps yellow color and all together to lay out on the carpet a magic sign - "Sun".

The Astrologer (puppet) appears and greets the guys. Astrologer: "I want to tell you extraordinary story that happened a long time ago. One day...

The Fire became proud and said to the Sun:

What is the use of you? You warm in the summer, when it's already warm, and in the winter you only shine. And I will flare up even in the bitter frost - both myself and everyone around me will get hot.

The Sunny smiled slyly and answered:

If you think there’s no use in me, I can leave. Goodbye!
And it hid behind a black cloud. "

5. Exercise "What will happen?"

The psychologist invites children to come up with as many options as possible of what could happen on Earth without the Sun.

Everything around has darkened. It became cloudy, uncomfortable. The birds stopped singing and hid in the bushes. They decided it was evening. The flowers lowered their beautiful heads to the leaves and dozed off. Children, who splashed by the river and sunbathed under the generous sunbeams, were upset and scattered to their homes. Everything in nature seems to have died out.

A day passed, another, a third ... The sun did not show. People were worried. They learned that Fire was to blame for everything, they began to reproach him and ask him to persuade the Sun to return.

I will replace the Sun! - exclaimed Fire. - You will see how bright
I will burn. I will give you light and warmth.

He began to swell, stretched out red tongues of fire to the sky, puffed, sparkled. I tried my best, but only illuminated and warmed a small corner of the earth, and even then for a short while. Finally the Fire got tired and said to the Sun:

Forgive me! I realized that there is no one equal to you and there is no life or joy without you. Come back and serve people as before.

6. Dance-rhythmic exercise "Dance of Fire and Sun"

Each child is invited to choose a hat with the image of Fire or the Sun and put it on. Then the children move to the music, depicting Fire and the Sun.

And the Sun slowly floated out from behind the clouds, smiled with its kind warm smile. It became light and joyful around. The flowers raised their heads. The birds sang merrily. The satisfied children ran to the river.

And Fire? They say he has become much more modest. And Fire and Sun live in great friendship giving his warmth to people. *

7. Exercise "The sunniest"

The stargazer invites the children to answer the following questions in a circle:

Which month can be called the sunniest and why?

What is the sunniest day of the week and why?

Which flower (plant, tree) can be called the sunniest and why?

What event in a person's life can be called the sunniest and why?

What animal (bird, insect) can be called the sunniest and why?

What qualities of a person can be called the sunniest and why?

8. Reflection

Reflection is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

9. Ritual of farewell

The astrologer invites children to look at a magic candle. Children sit in a circle. The psychologist lights a candle and plays quiet music. Children look at the candle flame for several minutes, repeating magic spell words after the psychologist (see lesson 1).


Drawing based on the fairy tale "Fire and Sun".

Session 6


1) development creativity in visual activity;

3) the development of variability and originality of thinking.

1. Greetings

The greeting is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

2.Entry into a fairy tale

Astrologer: “Today we will go on a journey to the Planet of Stones. Why do you think it is called that? That's right, on this Planet everything is stone, even its inhabitants. Are you not afraid? Then get ready. We will be transported there with the help of a magic stone. " Children come up to a stone, lay on it right hand and knock on the stone three times with their palm.

“And so you and I ended up on the Planet of Stones. Look, below us is the Fiery River (the psychologist spreads a red cloth on the floor). How can we go through it? "

3. Exercise "How to get over the Fiery Rivers?"

Children come up with options for answers (fly on a flying carpet, cross on an iron boat, build a bridge, using magic things, etc.).

Psychologist: “Okay, let's build a bridge. What are we going to build from? "

The psychologist distributes cards to children on which objects made from various materials: glass, wood, stone, nail, book, etc. And he invites them to answer: what kind of bridge will be obtained from ..., will such a bridge fit, if not, then why.

4. Color therapy "Color bridge"

The psychologist invites children to choose pebbles of the color that they are most pleased with now, and then lay out a bridge from them across the River of Fire and walk along it.

5. Meeting with the inhabitants of the Planet of Stones
The astrologer tells the following tale.

Stone castle

Blackened on the stone

The king is very stone

It turned to stone there.

And the guard

Stone is a very soldier

I made it on a stone

Eternal parade.

And they sowed stones

On a stone field

And stones on a stone field

In the garden among the stone

Apple trees and lilies

Troops in training

They fired stones.

One hundred stone dishes
For royal feasts
Cooking a hundred *

Royal chefs.

And stone bread

Taking out with a shovel,


Pot-bellied stone baker

Stone fashion

For stone citizens

Pants and frock coat

Turned to stone on everyone.

And six kings

Were similar

Like stones

Daddy with a stone face.

They walked

Pushing forward

Six stone foreheads

And the same beards.

Stone lovers

Chess and checkers, -

They played without any


And they believed in stone the Lies of Stone,

With a heart of stone

Should be proud

That is stone eternal

Palace chambers,

A stone

century Has no end.

Helen Neith. "The Tale of the Stone King"

6. Exercise "Pebbles on the shore"

In advance, the psychologist prepares a Whatman paper (wallpaper) with painted pebbles on the river bank. There may be several pebbles of the same shape.

The astrologer tells the children about how the evil wizard has bewitched, turned everything into pebbles. The psychologist invites the children to come up with and tell who (or what) the pebbles were before the transformation. After that, each child draws a pebble so that a complete image of the invented object is obtained.

After completing the exercise, the Astrologer thanks the children for helping the inhabitants of the Planet of Stones.

7. Reflection

Reflection is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

8 the ritual of farewell

Children stand in a circle, join hands, say spell words, then, leaving the fairy room, jump over the "magic stone".


Testoplasty "Inhabitants of the Planet of Stones".


1) development of creative imagination and fantasy;

2) harmonization of the emotional state;

3) activation of thought processes.

1. Greetings

The greeting is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

2.Entry into a fairy tale

There are stones in the room, different in shape, color, size (clean and boiled). The psychologist invites children to choose a stone they like, hold it in their hands, feel it and ask for "magic power".

3. Exercise "Conversation with a stone"

The psychologist invites the children to find an ear at the pebble: “Tell him what is your name, your mother, your friend, what you ate for lunch, what is the weather now, your very a big secret... Cover the ear of the pebble with your finger, it will keep your secret a secret. Hold the pebble in your hand and warm it with your warmth. "

4. Exercise "What does it look like?"

The astrologer asks the children to pay attention to the stone lying by the "river" (a strip of fabric of blue color), and asks what the stone looks like.

5. The story "The Legend of the Stone" (after A. Glebov)
Astrologer; “Look how this stone resembles a seated

bird. And today I want to tell you a legend about one amazing stone. "

It was a long time ago .... Once one ant climbed onto a flowering fern and asked a sorcerer-wizard to turn him into a bird. The wizard turned him into a tit. The ant soared into the sky, and the earth was revealed to him: fields, green forests, high mountains. I have visited foreign lands, I have seen seas and oceans.

6. Exercise “So that you see if

were able to take off like birds eh? "

The astrologer invites the children to close their eyes, imagine that they have grown wings, that they have turned into birds and took off. And now they are high in the sky, from where you can see a lot of interesting things ... Then everyone tells what kind of bird he turned into and what interesting things he managed to see.

And he wanted to fly not like a tit, but a falcon. The wizard turned him into a falcon, And again he soared into the sky: he visited hot countries, saw different cities. And when he got bored of flying with a falcon, he began to ask the wizard to turn him into an eagle. He soared into the sky as an eagle and began circling above the ground. And if he gets in the way of whatever bird, small or large, all give way to him. And how not to give in - after all, an eagle! And he has no equal in the sky. The eagle became proud - he began to envy the sun. And one day I thought: "So I can close it if I spread my wings." He opened his mighty wings to block the sun, but it still shines. The eagle got angry, thought: "I will rise even higher, then I will close it." Soared, spread its wings, and the sun shines again. And then he flew even higher, towards the sun itself. Whether it flew for a long time or a little, nobody knows. Only he fell to the ground not as an eagle, but as a stone - the sun burned his wings ... That's the whole story.

Astrologer: “I will be glad if my story teaches you something. And now it's time for me to return to my Planet. See you!"

7. Exercise " A happy ending»

The psychologist asks the children: “What was the ant punished for? How can you change the end of a fairy tale so that everything ends well? "

8. Color therapy

The psychologist invites children to take pebbles different colors... Then, on cardboard squares 20 x 20 cm, depict your mood in color using colored stones.

9. Drawing on stones

Using gouache and thin brushes, children draw images of various insects (beetles, ants, butterflies), birds, etc. on stones.

Then the stones are laid out in the center of the circle, and everyone talks about what he drew.

10. Reflection

Reflection is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

11 the farewell ritual

Children stand in a circle and say spell words.


Composing a poem about an ant.


1) development of creative imagination and fantasy;

2) the development of sensory memory;

3) activation of thought processes;

4) development of the emotional sphere.

1. Greetings

The greeting is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

2.Entry into a fairy tale

The astrologer tells the children that they will get into a fairy tale by holding a magic leaf in their hands. Children in a circle pass a leaf of any tree, having previously held it between their palms.

3.Exercise "The fairy-tale world of trees" Astrologer: "Today we will find ourselves in the fairy-tale world of trees. What are they thinking about? What do they say? Who are you friends with? We will not be able to know this until we ourselves turn into trees. Therefore, remember now the forest. Who sees what on their internal TV? Now imagine that you are not children, but the plants of this forest:

Sasha is a birch;

Tanya is a mountain ash;

Vlad is a sprawling old oak tree;

Olya is a huge pine tree;

Ira - chamomile;

Vanya - dandelion;

Ilya - a bump on a branch;

Alina is a porcini mushroom.

If you are a tree, your arms are the largest branches. Spread them wide! And the legs are the roots. See how the ant is crawling along your hand. Can you hear the sound of your leaves?

And if you are a flower. How is your life? Stretching your arms-stems upward to be closer to the warm sun? The wind sways you!

A bright sunny day, light breeze. It's good to keep warm! Suddenly, clouds flew in, a strong wind blew. See what is done with a dandelion?

Shower. The oak is delighted, but for the chamomile it is a tragedy: all the petals have sagged.

The rain has passed, again the sun came out. The birch tree dries the leaves.

All plants are good, everyone is happy.

So you got into mysterious world plants. Now you can find out what the trees are talking about. "

4. The story of M. Prishvin "The Talk of Trees"

Buds open, chocolate, with green tails, and a large transparent drop hangs on each green beak. You take one bud, rub it between your fingers, and then for a long time everything smells of aromatic resin of birch, poplar or bird cherry ... The evening is warm, and such silence, as if something should happen in such silence. And then the trees begin to whisper among themselves: a white birch with another white birch echoes from a distance. A young aspen came out into the clearing like a green candle, and calls to her the same green aspen candle, waving a twig. Bird cherry bird cherry gives a branch with open buds. If you compare with us, we echo with sounds, and they have a scent.

5. Aromatherapy

The astrologer asks the children to rub their palms on their palms, then drips a drop of cedar nut oil onto their palms. Children rub the oil in their palms and inhale the scent of cedar for a few minutes.

6. Drawing "Magic tree"

Astrologer asks children to draw for their magic book de-1 revia, but not simple, but magical. You can draw with paints, pencils, with wax crayons... You can draw with a brush, or you can: with your fingers, or you can use sticks, leaves of different plants, strings - in general, anything.

When the children have finished drawing, the Astrologer looks at each drawing and asks:

What is this tree?

Why is it magical?

Which fairytale hero planted him?

Whom and how did it help?

Does he need any help himself?

7. Reflection

Reflection is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

8 the ritual of farewell

It is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.


Composing a poem about a magic tree.


1) development of communication skills;

2) the development of the sensory-perceptual sphere;

3) the development of creativity.

1. Greetings

The greeting is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

2.Entry into a fairy tale

Astrologer: “Today we will find ourselves in a fairy tale, having ridden on a magic swing. Break into pairs. Stand opposite each other. Join hands, raise your joined hands to chest level. Remember how they ride on a swing: one crouches and straightens, the second, while the first straightens, crouches. Etc. We start, one straightens up, the second sits down. When you sit down, the muscles of your legs tense; when you straighten up, you are in free flight. Now imagine the magic swing swinging higher and higher. They carry you so far that the land is no longer visible. You see them floating past you on the clouds fairy-tale heroes: some smile and call you with them, others get angry and shake their fingers at you. But you do not take offense at them, and wave your hand in response, and smiles bloom on their faces too. Well, here we are in a fairy tale. "

3. Exercise "Composing riddles"

The Astrologer invites children to come up with riddles about each season. You can list the signs of each season, and at the end ask the question: "When does this happen?"

4. The story "Four desires" (by K. Ushinsky)

It was winter. Mitya was sledding from the icy mountain, in the evening he ran home rosy and said to his father:

How fun it is in winter! I would like it to be winter all over.
Father wrote down Mitya's words in his pocket book.

Astrologer: "Close your eyes and imagine that now we are with you in winter forest... January. Snowing... A cold wind blows in your face. How are you dressed? What is your body feeling? "

Children open their eyes and answer questions.

Spring came. Mitya ran to his heart for colorful butterflies, picked some flowers, ran to his father and said:

What a beauty this spring is! I wish there was always spring.

The father wrote down this desire of Mitya.

Astrologer: “Close your eyes and imagine that you are now in a spring meadow. The sun warms up. The spring breeze gently touches your face. How are you dressed? What is your body feeling? "

Children open their eyes and answer with what they were able to imagine.

Summer has come. Mitya and his father went to haymaking. The boy had fun all day: he picked up mushrooms, berries, tumbled in fragrant hay, and in the evening he said to his father:

I wish there was no end to the summer.
Father wrote down these words of Mitya.

Astrologer: “Close your eyes and imagine that it is hot summer. You are sitting by the sea. Hot sun. Light wind! from the sea. You hear the sound of the waves. The sun is baking. What are you wearing? How is ■ your body feeling? "

Autumn has come. They gathered fruits in the garden: ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted to say to his father:

Autumn is the best of all seasons.

Astrologer: “Close your eyes and imagine an autumn day. Gray clouds, yellowed leaves fall at your feet, on the bench. A cold autumn rain is drizzling. How are you dressed? How does our body feel? "

Children open their eyes and talk about their feelings.

Father opened his notebook and showed Mitya that he had said the same thing about spring, winter and summer.

Astrologer: “Here we are with you and have been in all seasons, without leaving this room. Your body is either relaxing under the hot rays of the sun or shrinking from the cold winter wind. What time of the year was it easier for you to imagine? What was the hardest part to imagine? Did you enjoy traveling through the seasons? And now I want to say goodbye to you. "

5. Exercise "Winter words"

The psychologist offers children two words (one of which is "winter", and the second must be chosen at random from the cards on the table: pictures for preschoolers, pictures for junior schoolchildren- words to come up with a phrase and tell what it is.

For example:

Winter and stone - winter stone and stone winter;

Winter and bus - winter bus and winter bus, etc.

The child chooses one of the phrases and talks about this subject.

6. Reflection

Reflection is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.

7 the ritual of farewell

It is carried out in the same way as in the first lesson.


Drawing a picture for the exercise "Winter words".

Session 10

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Extracurricular activity

Topic: "Travel to the world of fairy tales"

1 class

Classroom teacher:

Rudnitskaya Elena Fridrikhovna

Topic: Travel to the world of fairy tales.

Target: to repeat and systematize knowledge about fairy tales.


1. Development of speech, thinking, the ability to answer questions.

2. To foster a love of fairy tales.

3. Expand the reader's horizons, the desire to overcome difficulties and work in a team.

Equipment: Pictures with the image of various fairy tales, heroes of fairy tales, cardboard turnip, animal masks.

Organizing time:

Hello guys and our guests. Today we will make an interesting, fascinating journey with you into the world of fairy tales. Maybe some of you will learn something new for yourself today, and someone after our game will want to read new fairy tales.

Warm up:

    If you have good mood, stomp your feet. If you have animals, pat yourself on the head. If you love your class, clap your hands. If you want to enjoy this lesson, I ask you to be my active helpers, listen to me carefully, answer with full answers.

And now we will listen to short poems about fairy tales.

Apprentice 1

A fairy tale meets us in life

Together with maternal affection

With a kind grandmother's look,

To go through life side by side.

Apprentice 2

We will never get bored

Teach you to be brave

In trouble, she will teach you how to help,

Never lose heart.

Apprentice 3

And even though evil is more cunning for now,

All the same, good is wiser

A fairy tale will help us live

And all adversity to win.

Teacher: At the fairy tale a pure soul, Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

Native people are its creators,

The people are cunning, the people are wise.

I put my dream into it,

Like gold in a chest.

Now we are going to play a game, traveling through fairy tales.To do this, we must split into 2 teams with you. And they will help us with this magic items from fairy tales. I have 7 items, each item has your name written on it, now you will take a picture with your name on it. The first team will be called-Sun it will include magic items, such as - 1. Magic ball 2. Airplane carpet 3. The magic bell.The second team will be called- Rainbow , it will include items such as -1. flower-seven-flower

2. Magic wand

3.speaker boots

4.the magic lamp

So we have formed two teams. CommandSun and the team Rainbow.

We will have 8 tasks. I will take turns asking questions to the teams, if one team cannot answer, then another team can answer for it. For the correct answer, I will attach stickers to each team's poster, and at the end of our game we will count them and find out which team is the best today.

Exercise 1.

I will tell you a few lines from the tale, and you will have to name the name of the tale. We answer in turn.

    He left his grandfather,

And he left his grandmother. (Kolobok)

    Don't cry, I'll take it for you

Simple testicle. (Ryaba chicken)

    Little kids, kids,

Open up, open up. (the wolf and the seven Young goats)

    When you hear thunder and thunder

Do not be alarmed, this is me in mine

I'm in a hurry to see you for a box. (Frog princess)

    The old man went out to sea

Threw a seine, caught someone

And he asked for something. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

    A girl appeared in a flower cup

And there was that girl, a little more than a marigold. (thumbelina)

Task 2. "Supplement"

Many fairy-tale characters have long names, now I will say one part of the name, and you have to name the second. We answer in turn.

Fly Tsokotukha)

Hen - (Ryaba)

Crocodile Gena)

Dr. Aibolit)

Old woman - (Shapoklyak)

Karabas - (Barabas)

Zmey Gorynych)

Postman Pechkin)

Koschei the Deathless)

Vasilisa - (Wise)

Task 3. Game "Chamomile"

The students take turns tearing off the petals from the chamomile on which the question is written and answering it.

    What color was Malvina's hair? (Blue)

    What did the Fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (Pumpkin)

    How many kids does a goat have with many children? (Seven)

    What was the name of the youngest girl? (Thumbelina)

    Who was the first to find the teremok? (Bear)

    The most famous chicken? (Ryaba)

    Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince? (Frog)

Task 4 "Multi-quiz"

Let's see if you know cartoons. I will ask you questions, and you must answer them.
    Which of the heroes likes to say "Guys, let's live together!" (Leopold the Cat) One of the residents of Prostokvashino who loves milk and the wrong sandwiches? (Cat Matroskin) What did the wolf say to the hare all the time in one famous cartoon? (Wait for it!) A cartoon about inseparable friends - musicians? (The Bremen Town Musicians) What is in the head of one funny bear cub? (Sawdust) Who were guests, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet early in the morning? (At the rabbit) What is the name of the famous cartoon parrot? (Kesha) What's the name of the bear's girlfriend? (Masha)
Physical education About the beetle: We found ourselves a beetle (forward bend) On big chamomile(open with your hands) We don't want to hold the beetle (shook hands) Let it lie in a pocket (showing with your hands) Oh, my beetle fell, my beetle fell, my nose was stained with dust (tilt, raise) A shaggy beetle flew away (wave your hands)

Task 5 "Guess!"

Now I will show you pictures, and you must, looking at them, tell me the name of the fairy tale.
    Snegurochka Masha and the Bear Little Red Riding Hood Gingerbread Man By pike dictates Thumbelina Three bears Dunno Kid and Carlson.
    Dr. Aibolit Gena and Cheburashka. Pinocchio.

Task 6 "Remember!"

I will tell you the beginning of the tale, and you must name the end.
    Princess Frog) Ivan Tsarevich and - ( Grey Wolf) Koschei the Deathless) Three Bears) Little Red Riding Hood) Hen - (Ryaba) Puss in Boots) Masha and the Bear)

Task 7 "Find a fairy tale from a picture!"

Now I will distribute to each team a few pictures from different fairy tales, you should find pictures from one fairy tale and name its name.

1 team 2 team

Gingerbread man Chicken RyabaTeremok Little Red Riding Hood

Task 8. Dramatization of the tale "Turnip"

Here she is, Big-greatThey decided to pull it out,The six of them were dragging oneBut she sat down tightWhat is this? (Turnip)And now we are going to play a game with you. Staging of the tale Turnip.The teacher himself chooses which of the children will play which role. Well done boys. So our journey into the world of fairy tales has ended. Now we will find out which of the two teams knows more fairy tales and turned out to be the best today.

We count the stickers that are attached to the board.

Congratulations to the best team.I want to end our meeting with a poem . Fairy tales walk the worldNight, harnessing to the carriage.Fairy tales live in the gladesThey roam at dawn in the mists.And the prince will love Snow White,And Koshchei's greed will destroy ...Let the Evil on tricks be cunning,But Good wins!Illuminated the world with miraclesFairy tales fly over the woodsThey sit on the windowsillThey look through the windows, as into rivers.A fairy will help out Cinderella;Gorynych the Serpent will not be ...Let the Evil on tricks be cunning,But Good wins!Fairy tales with me everywhereI will never forget them.I should close my eyelashes-Suddenly Sivka-burka will dream.And the month will shine clearIn the eyes of Vasilisa the Beautiful ...Let the Evil on tricks be cunning,But all the same, Good wins.

Thank you all for your attention. And see you soon.