My little pony names. The main characters of My Little Pony

My little pony names.  The main characters of My Little Pony
My little pony names. The main characters of My Little Pony

"Children's animated series" called My Little pony Friendship Is Magic was released American television in 2010 year. Since then, this series has gained immense popularity. This was not unusual until I stumbled upon the shocking being of his adult followers ...

About the cartoon

The world in which all events take place is inhabited by many magical intelligent zoomorphic mythical creatures such as: ponies, griffins, dragons, etc. Events unfold in a magical land called Equestria, where ponies live. These horses have different capabilities, so some ponies have a magic horn, which allows them to conjure, while others have wings that make it possible to fly and walk on the clouds, there are also ponies that have a horn and wings at once. These ponies are called "alicorns" and rule the country. The artists deprived the rest of the ponies with additional body parts, but they are physically stronger than others. Equestria is ruled by two sisters Celestia and Luna, who live in a luxurious castle.


In medieval (Christian) painting, the horse is one of the symbols of lust ...


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In the story, the unicorn Twilight Sparkle comes to Ponyville under the guidance of her protégé Princess Celestia. Twilight is absorbed in learning and does not find time to communicate with other ponies, but arrives in ponyville with her assistant, the little dragon Spike, where she finds her best friends.

In total, Twilight has five girlfriends and each is unique in its own way.


Rainbow Dash Monitors the weather. She is devoted to her friends, and never leaves them in trouble, however, like everyone else. Has a bad character of a kid and a hooligan. He decides everything with his “fists”. She has no talents, she is stupid:


Apple Jack (Applejack) Farmer. He grows apples and produces alcohol. Never lies. Represents a rude redneck:


Fluttershy Forester. Takes care of animals. Timid and kind, but sometimes behaves dissolutely and obscenely:


Rarity. Sews dresses. Arrogant, capricious, but in the cartoon she personifies generosity. Loves fashion and outfits, obsessed with appearance and luxury.


Pinkie Pie. Bakes sweets and amuses other ponies. Mischievous and very stupid:


Twilight. Librarian, now a princess. Practicing witchcraft. Shown as an intelligent and well-read character:

Throughout the cartoon, together they save their horse world, or they solve various everyday problems, most often completely trifling.

It looks like an ordinary children's musical cartoon with bright colors, which determines its success and children's delight. But if you read the show carefully, you will notice the following:

The first thing worth paying attention to is universal matriarchy. In the cartoon, Equetsria is ruled by the alicorn princesses. All the main characters of the cartoon are female characters. There are practically no male characters in the cartoon, even in the background. All "men" can do is guard and carry weights. The exceptions are so minor that they deserve mention.

We have already written that there are four types of ponies. These are alicorns, unicorns, pegasus and just ponies. However, different ponies occupy different positions in society, depending on what type they belong to. What is the division into lower and higher castes.

The cartoon demonstrates the routine and approval of alcohol consumption. Moreover, absolutely all adult ponies consume alcohol. So, for example, in episode 2 of season 15 of episode all ponies rush to drink cider, which is not enough for everyone, including the main characters.

The main characters live separately from their parents, and many do not seem to have them at all. Those heroes whose parents exist fast paced life erased their memory. In the cartoon, even children's characters live without their parents! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle live with their protagonist sisters.

In the cartoon, frames do not flicker at all children's content... But not everyone is noticeable when watching a cartoon, but it's not in vain that animators are working on this.

- Too bright, saturated colors, quick frame changes are not useful for the psyche of small children.

Whether there is a positive points in this animated series? Yes, they are present. So, for example, the main characters avoid conflict situations, solving all their problems together.

The cartoon demonstrates the impact on the characters of various bad qualities, such as stubbornness, greed and pride, but according to the plot, the main characters learn a lesson and try not to do that anymore. And it could be a good cartoon, if not for the destructive ideas put into the mind of the child.


Oddly enough, the cartoon has become popular mainly among adolescents and infantile men - usually they are reserved and uncommunicative people. The series also gained popularity among sexual perverts.

Since the cartoon itself was originally filmed exclusively for girls, the enthusiasm for it by adult guys is alarming. Fans of the animated series have formed a whole community more resembling a sect, calling themselves "Brony" (Brony - a confluence of the words brother - brother and pony - pony). Over 35 thousand people are registered on one of the main Russian-language site of the community reservation, and this figure is steadily growing.

They explain their love for the children's animated series by the presence in the animated series of an inexpressible plot of the animated series, excellent humor, an excellent musical component and deep ideals of friendship, which, in their opinion, are nurtured by this animated series.

However, there is a suspicion that they are actually attracted to childish, childish images of characters that they find sexually attractive. Usually they prefer to hide it, but some write openly about it. You can often see ponies in stockings and candid poses. Here are screenshots from many popular armor communities from social network"In contact with":

And they, of course, do not stop there. Here, for example, is a clipping from one of the popular booking sites:

And here is the "Herd" library, pay attention to the genres:

The genre "Erotica" implies a detailed description bed scenes with the participation of a pony, or a pony and a person, regardless of gender and age.

The "Horror" genre implies any violent action described in detail in the story. Up to sadism with detailed description dismemberment, bullying and suffering of characters.

There are many similar stories on the Fanfic Book website. The "Fanfic Book" site is a huge collection of stories on completely different topics and genres. A huge number of children are registered on this site. The site freely contains stories marked as genre: "Sex with minors", that is, pedophilia. The complaint to Roskomnadzor yielded no results.

There is also a collection of stories with exclusively pornographic content. And many more similar sites ...

On the VKontakte social network, there are many pornographic groups dedicated to the cartoon My Little Pony. They are very popular with the armor community. This is evidenced by the number of subscribers of similar groups:

All this information is absolutely freely available, and is not blocked by special anti-porn programs. Anyone can join such a group, it is enough to submit an application. It is easy to stumble upon this content when simply browsing images in Yandex. It should be noted that there are many minors among the members of these groups. They usually do not write about their real age, or they write false information about themselves. Here are the accounts of some of them:

The attitude of the Brony community towards Christianity is evidenced by these messages:

Adult "armor"

Among the adult members of the My Little Pony community, there are not yet released crazy people, but there are very few of them. Usually "bronies" rarely publish their real photos, because they are very ashamed of their appearance, but among those who upload them, there are many people with an infantile and effeminate appearance.

Here are the American armor:

Russian armor:

It is known that there are many pedophiles among the adult "bronies", as evidenced by images and stories of similar content, where instead of people the main characters are ponies.

My Little Pony is children's cartoon produced by the Hasbro animation studio, part of the franchise of the same name, owned by the same company. The first episode of the show's first season aired on October 10, 2010.

In the animated series, the title of which was officially translated into Russian as "Friendship is a miracle", the action takes place in the fictional country of Equestria. Basically, Equestria is inhabited by sentient ponies, as well as other fantastic creatures (griffins and dragons) and ordinary animals (rabbits, dogs, cats, and others).

The world of Equestria is full of magic, and almost no one in the country of ponies can do without it. For example, it is with the help of magic that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna control the time of day, raising the Sun or Moon at the right time.

All the characters in "My Little Pony" in total, there are more than a hundred, but most of them are secondary and they appear in the cartoon only from time to time. Basically, the plot is built around 6 main characters.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle)

We can say that it was with this pony that the action of the entire animated series began.

Twilight Sparkle (in the official Russian adaptation - Twilight Sparkle) is a lilac-colored unicorn pony with purple eyes... Sparkles' tail and mane are composed of three colors: deep blue, purple and hot pink. Her cutie mark ( distinctive sign on the rump) is a pink six-pointed star, which is surrounded by five more smaller white stars.

At the very beginning of the series, Twilight Sparkle is shown to the viewer as a pony who loves to learn and that's it. free time spends reading books, preferring them to socializing and walking with friends. However, everything changes when Princess Celestia asks Twilight to travel to Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the festival.

Rarity (Rarity)

Of all the characters in My Little Pony, Rarity can be called the most fashionable and elegant. Like Twilight Sparkle, she is a unicorn, but that is where the superficial similarities end there.

Rarity is a white pony with a deep purple mane and tail and bright blue eyes. From English, her name literally translates as "rare", which fully characterizes this pony: Rarity loves everything unusual, knowing a lot about true beauty... Her cutie mark is 3 blue crystals.


Pony Fluttershy is a light yellow pegasus. Her mane and tail are pale pink, and her eyes are turquoise. This pony's cutie mark is 3 pink butterflies.

Fluttershy was the most shy and shy of all My Little Pony characters before meeting Twilight Sparkle and the others. In the first episode of the animated series, she spoke in a low, illegible voice and could not even pronounce her name, but when she met new friends, she became more confident in herself.

Pony Fluttershy loves animals and strives to constantly take care of them. She is able to communicate with them and understand, and also has an innate talent - a special look allows ponies to control animals.

In her forest cabin, Fluttershy sheltered a large number of various representatives of the fauna, but her favorite pet is a white rabbit named Angel.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash, Rainbow)

One of the fastest among all My Little Pony characters is Rainbow Dash. It is a light blue pegasus with lilac eyes and rainbow-colored mane and tail. The pony's cutie mark is also associated with this - rainbow lightning striking from a white cloud.

Rainbow Dash is the exact opposite of Fluttershy: bold, self-confident and cocky. Sometimes Rainbow is a little rude, because of which she has conflicts with friends, but in reality she is very kind and always ready to help.

Rainbow Dash's main responsibility is to monitor the weather in Ponyville, clearing the sky from the clouds. On first meeting with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow says that she can disperse all clouds in 10 seconds, which is the fastest time among all the ponies in the city.

Pinkie pie

In addition to pegasus and unicorns, Equestria is also inhabited by common ponies that bear the greatest resemblance to real horses. One of them is Pinkie Pie (Pinkamina Diana Pie). This is a pale pink pony with a brighter shade of mane and tail. Her eyes are light blue and her cutie mark is 3 balloons.

Most of all, this pony loves sweets and parties. She works at a local pastry shop where she helps Mr. and Mrs. Cake bake muffins and cakes. Cooking is her main talent. Pinky also loves music and knows how to play many musical instruments.

Pinkie Pie is very cheerful and cheerful, which sometimes goes to the extreme. There is practically nothing that could make her sad, but sometimes, due to increased emotionality, her joy can abruptly change to sadness bordering on depression.

Apple Jack

Applejack - green-eyed pony orange with a wheat-colored mane and tail. Its distinguishing mark is 3 red apples.

Applejack from My Little Pony lives and works on the family's Sweet Apple Farm, where Applejack's brother Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom's younger sister and Granny Smith also work.

Applejack is a dependable and hardworking pony, but she can be overly stubborn at times. In almost every episode of the animated series, Epjack demonstrates her honesty and straightforwardness - qualities for which all friends appreciate her.

« Names are not translated ...»

“I didn't say anything,” March Hea interrupted hastily.
“No, he did,” Mad Hatter said.
“I didn't think so,” said March Hea. - I deny everything!
“He denies everything,” King said. “Don't put it on the record!
“Well then, then Dormaus said.

« Names are not translated»

- Girl, - said Big Bad Wolfe, - where are you going?
“I'm going to my Grandmother,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “I’m bringing her pies.”

« Names are not translated!»

- Hello, Mr. Filsi! “I prefer Mr. Rich.”

Names are not translated - this rule is often quoted as an argument in forums; it, indignantly, is used by the authors of the reviews of the next "Little Red Riding Hood"; even on TV you can hear him along with a joke about the name Serpen (August). Hundreds of comments to "" in one way or another raised the issue of name translation. As a rule, the answer to this question was unambiguous “ do not translate". And it’s not without reason such a reaction!

- You are the Moon Pony, Moon Pony!

Unfortunately, more and more often there are cases of reproaching translators (not only of the series “ Friendship is the miracle") For such" adaptations ". For example, one of the characters “ Toy Stories", Astronaut, in the original bears the name Buzz lightyear... The name is a reference to the real astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the surname is a space-themed word (light year). Both versions of the Russian translation, Svetik and Lightyear are unsuccessful in their own way. The first has nothing to do with space, but rather reminds of Tsvetika from the adventures of Dunno. The second also points not to space, but to a lighter. Animated series Kim Possible"Somehow turned into" Kim Five-S-Plus". The lost play on words with a parody of a famous spy movie has been replaced by an association - not even a rating! - with sweets from the school cafeteria.

« The names are not translated,»

- a search for this phrase will not give any links to textbooks for translators. Only forums, magazines and discussions in which "everyone knows that names are not translated", "this is a rule", "this is taught at school."

What is the rule, where does it come from? Where can you read it?

Names in passports are not translated - this is done for the convenience of both those crossing the border themselves and civil servants. This also includes the situation with Augustus-Serpen (in addition, this is August, which is a serpen, named after Augustus, who is Octavian). For a literary text, the following rule is rather applicable: “ names are not translated ... poor quality". The viewers of the first season were shocked not by the very fact of the translation of the name of the Moon Pony - Moon Pony, but by such a construction of the phrase, the translation of two characters as one and from the loss of wordplay. By the way, find an adequate replacement for the double pun mare(sea) - mare(horse), night mare(mare of darkness) - nightmare(nightmare) really very difficult.

In the second season, a different trend was outlined, which at first was perceived with enthusiasm by many. Vanderbolts, Rapid Fire, Fleetfoot, Cloud Chaser... The first sign of the fallacy of this approach was Siterniptrag (Hayseed turnip truck). The names will not say anything to the Russian audience Jet Set, Upper Crust and Fancy Pants(they tried to keep the joke here - rather unsuccessfully). And with the rich man Philsey Rich as the Bronies put it, the translators were "pre-vandalized."

The authors of the Russian version have listened to numerous requests regarding the names of the characters. But in the end, the result can be described as a series about outfits from the first season: at first I like it, and then it reaches the point of absurdity. In addition to the mentioned Siterniptrag in the series, for example, there are princess platinum and wise clover... Let them beat Clover the clever did not work (which is a pity), but who would be worse from Platinum and Clover?

The book “ The word alive and dead"(Http:// by the famous translator and editor Nora Gal. The book is structured as an overview of examples of successful and unsuccessful work with the language and is especially directed against the excessive and unjustified use of clerical style and foreign language borrowings. Nora Gal analyzes many translation, writing and simple speech errors and outlines some general principles, thanks to which the literary text sounds lively and expressive, it is read fascinatingly and inspires the reader's confidence (based on the materials of "Wikipedia"). A separate chapter is devoted to the names of the heroes. works of art(

The following quote from Nora Gal's book shows how an honest senator was treated:

« But, I think, the case is not trivial and therefore more distressing. Twain's novel was translated anew, almost a pamphlet, where the American electoral system, parliamentary morals, the Senate and senators were sharply and viciously ridiculed. In a sea of ​​corruption and demagoguery, Twain erected one island - a senator named Noble. But not every Russian reader knows that Noble in English means noble, honest. Couldn't this senator be christened so that it sounded in English and still shines through the meaning? Why not at least - a senator by the name of Chestin! After all, there are the names of Chester, Chesterton, Chesterfield.»

Back to the character Filthy rich and consider the translation of his name in more detail. Literally this expression means “ dirty rich", Which is what the joke is based on:" Mr. Filthy? - I prefer Mr. Rich". Of course, in a literal translation, the joke will be lost - as well as without translation at all. Why not pick up the Russian counterparts of the expression "filthy rich"? For example, "money bag". "Mister Bag" looks more like a joke. "Money" is not very suitable for the role of a name, so you can beat the types of money. For example, dinero is very similar in structure to the famous surname DiCaprio (or De Niro). And here is a new dialogue between Granny Smith and Mr. Sack Di Nero: “ Mister Bag? - I prefer "Mr. Di Nero"».

However, the word “ Bag», To put it mildly, sounds very strange as a name. But there are other expressions that characterize wealth: "rowing money with a shovel", "moneybag".

« Mister La Pato? - I prefer "Mr. Grabbie""(Grabbie La Pato)

« Mr. Tolsto ... - I prefer "Mr. Rich""(Fat Bag Rich - real name is saved here)

Or more concisely:
« Mr. Tolsto ... - I prefer "Mr. Sam""(Tolsto Sam)

Pay attention to the declensions: the male surname to "o" (Di Nero) does not incline, as well as the female surname to a consonant (Smith), but the absence of declension male surname to a consonant and feminine to "a" - this is a mistake. Therefore, for example, Princess Celestia had to announce the wedding Shining A Armora(cf .: Mark Twain) and princesses Mi Amora Kadenz NS ... There really is such a rule (, although on forums devoted to translation from Japanese, users sometimes give out as a rule a ban on declining surnames by "a" (for example, Akira Kurosawa). Apparently, this "rule" is just as justified as the ban on the translation of names.

Let's look at other names. Terrifying hearing Siterniptraga it was not worth it, of course, to translate literally: “ Hay and Beet Truck» (« Hayseed turnip truck"). But one could have limited simple name which sounds enough in English - and at the same time in Russian! - Reddys.

And what about the names of the main characters? So far, out of six, only one and a half have been translated (yes, Rainbow Dash like Moon Pony, also caused "delight" among the audience). Moreover, the name Twilight Sparkle Pleasant enough to hear: in our world, a horse may well be called a Sparkle.

Applejack... This name in the original refers not only to the apples itself, which, by the way, is played out in the teaser Appletiny... Brony found an excellent analogy in Russian: Anisovka... Both senses are present in the name (although Methodists and psychologists may not like them).

Fluttershy... Based on the name, this pony is very timid, which is why it trembles. In Russian, there is an idiom for this case too: it trembles like an aspen leaf. Osinka!

At first glance, how can you translate the name Fluttershy like that? But then in the series there are two whole teasers: Flutterguy(indicating her new voice) and Klutzershy(sad sack). In the first case, Spike can name Osinka With a baton, in the second, pegasus athletes laugh at the slow-moving Kerosene... Here's what a conversation on a train would sound like:

- And what about the tree? - You mean the apple tree? - No, I'm talking about Osinka. ... - She's not a tree, Dashi! - And I would like to become a tree! ..

It's not just the names of the characters that help maintain the atmosphere of the show: almost every title hides a joke, a play on words - often, as noted in the Petition, referring to horses ( Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Canterlot). Without translation of some of the titles, the series will also lose its colors. Here, as an example, one can cite “ Dodge JunkYeshon", The town that A.J. is leaving for. As suggested by the reservation, the town can be given a name Adventurer's Refuge or Sly... It is immediately clear that something is unclean there!

Pegasus team name " The wonderbolts"Is a reference to the American aerobatic team" Thunderbirds". And even if it didn't work out in the Russian version, " Miracle Lightning"Is nevertheless closer and more understandable to the viewer than" Vanderbolts". Fleetfoot, one of the members of the group, also remained as it is - and the name speaks of her speed. The appearance and decisive (as it later turns out) character of the captain is reflected in the name Spitfire... To translate or not is a moot point: on the one hand, “ Spitfire"- famous military aircraft; on the other hand, you can give her a surname Fire(by analogy with O'Henry or O'Neill), however, not so seriously perceived by ear.

« Names not translated?»

Let us recall here one more "lightning" - I mean the cartoon character " Bolt". The vivid meaning of the name was superbly conveyed by replacing just one letter: in the Russian version of the doggie's name Volt... Stay he Bolt- associations would come to mind, for example, with a construction site or a workshop (and this is at best).

There is a character with an adapted name, who does not get in the way of “techie” associations: Gadget from Rescuers (" Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"). Name " Gadget"At the time of this translation, it would have sounded incomprehensible. And now it will be more suitable for a computer geek than for an inventor.

Disney cartoons that hit our screens in the early nineties are generally very successful in terms of both translation and adaptation. Who is not familiar Black Cloak with his catchphrase “ well from the screw!»Neither Darkwing Duck nor Darkwing Duck are not both an apt name and a recognizable image. The name of his pilot is also adapted very competently: the viewer can imagine the trajectories along which he flies Zigzag McCruck(orig. Launchpad McQuack).

The very first example was the dialogue from “ Alice"Carroll. Translator Demurova wrote a separate article about “ Alice", In which, in particular, attention is paid to names (" About translating Carroll's fairy tales", Http:// Without going into details, we note that Hatter, Mouse Sonya, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Jabberwock with With a whip would lose a part of themselves, if their names were translated "head-on" or not translated at all.

With rare exceptions, all the names and titles in the series about ponies are "talking". Therefore, the question of whether to translate or not is irrelevant. Rather, it's worth asking the question how translate (or rather - adapt). If we digress from each name separately, then the answer can be as follows: thoroughly, thoughtfully, qualitatively.

Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is there too, or the child has already put you in front of the need to go to the cinema, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with short list facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with one hundred percent effect on the part of the child - “Mom, do you know who this is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each one unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have noticed, everyone here is nicknamed "ponies", but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasus and alicorns. Yes, these are the ones with horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are recognized elite and always-always princesses. No, no one has ever seen the alicorn boys.

Now you have to sprinkle with names (and even in two translations!), But memorizing them is not required - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own pet. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the inner world of the child.

And ponies also have special insignia - that is, pictures on the rump - they are received in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character is diligent and kind, loves study, order and clear planning. Suffers from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. The insignia of Sparkle with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical land called Equestria (you may not remember the name). Her "element of harmony" (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season - an alicorn, which automatically elevates her to the host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most main pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), and this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put to them.


In a word, a fashionista. A fashion unicorn whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (after all, ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The insignia is crystals, she just adores them, this is best friends girls ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, the Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she's still sassy), loves adventure books, stupid pranks and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just "cute", a timid, shy animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid to fly, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, on the inside, Fluttershy has that core. With all the external introversion and naivety, she is sometimes very surprising.

The insignia - butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Sorry, pony.

Pinkie pie

A pony whose vocation is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, more precisely, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her impenetrable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party planner, embodies joy and laughter, the insignia is balloons. Wow!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but real name pony. There must be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we will just say that it is unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can breathe out, the main characters are over. Just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also lonely hard-working girls in their 20s. No, male characters in the series also occur. Sometimes.

The pony is much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked out (a rare occasion).


This is what ponies from the 80s look like. Those are still plump. Nevertheless, many external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is what the fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is "fandom". And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Do not be afraid - the "armor" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And if more globally: "fandom" ponyash is able to compete with similar communities in "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter". Yes, dear ones, we have a real cult before us.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" steadily pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, they change lives drastically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very good in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. It's up to you, of course, who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and we think the series is very good. All in the name of friendship!

They are very poorly localized here.

Here they speak like flat cardboard boxes. It's just that “My little pony” was extremely unlucky for us with localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself might have noticed this. Disputes about whether Sparkle or Twilight is called the main character will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least the dubbing did not cause nausea in the early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there too

Do not pony alone this universe is alive. Various dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film there will be even more of this good. At the same time, some of the animals are intelligent, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what kind of relationship the erectus is talking cat from the movie with the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It is especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, such as griffins and manticores, as well as invented ones. Yes, Discord, we are about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. We will see mermaid ponies in the film - a great addition, do you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is already completely, do not boggle your head.

The show is much more dramatic than you think

And you may well like it. At least story series, these are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, influencing the plot only insofar as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deception and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself, and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is impressive too. At the same time, in the plots, everything always does not go according to plan and not according to templates, there are cross-cutting secrets, carefully carried over from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that a lot of tasty things are hidden in “My little pony”. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you may not remember this point: full-length film focused on the children's audience. But there is a chance that some of the same joy will be left to parents.

And here's Aria Cadence, a dramatic moment from the season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy the sort of "kiddie" show.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(abbreviated as MLP: FiM) is a 2010 animated series about little ponies living in the fabulous fantasy land of Equestria, as well as their various adventures. Corresponds to the fourth generation (G4) of pony toys (made by Hasbro), before there were a couple of franchise animated series filmed in the 80s. Formally, all the series are a kind of addition to the main products (that is, toys for children), but only MLP: FiM has become interesting for adults as it is, largely thanks to the cute (albeit uncomplicated) animation, bright, memorable characters, original productions of the series as well as vinrar voice acting. We can say that this is a very successful remake of the old series.

The series was created by animator Lauren Faust based on her own drawings - redesigned and stylized old characters from the first generation of Pony. Faust posted her drawings on DeviantArt, where Hasbro noticed her. Also involved in the project is Rob Renzetti, creator of the animated series "My Life as a Teenage Robot". The technology of the cartoon is two-dimensional Flash animation. On this moment the network has 26 episodes in English that make up the first season, as well as Russian-language subtitles. In the fall of 2011, the second season began showing.


Main characters

From left to right:
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy.
Top: Rainbow Dash

  • Pinkie Pie- eccentric, eccentric (sometimes to the point of insanity), but super-cheerful, cheerful and very energetic earth pony. She knows how to bake muffins and other confectionery products, which she does (however, most of the sweets are immediately eaten by her right on the spot). Likes to have parties and compose songs.
  • Rainbow Dash- pony pegasus, one of the least feminine ponies among the six. In fact, it is a local incarnation of Sonic. Flies very fast, (knows how to switch to supersonic), loves speed, loves to flaunt his talents in front of an audience or challenge someone, does not tolerate something boring. Likes to snore while the others work. Like most pegasus, it controls the weather: i.e. clears the sky from clouds, or on the contrary, drives them together.
  • Rarity- a unicorn fashion designer, owns a boutique and sews clothes. Fashion, glamor, grace, a sense of style and the ability to be beautiful - it's all about her. In such matters, she is scrupulous to the point of boring, which is expressed in most cases by the fear of getting dirty (and, as a result, the rejection of hard work), to allow the slightest mess in her boutique, or even the fear of getting caught in the rain, which will ruin her hair.
  • Twilight Sparkle- the main character of the series, the unicorn magician. Detailed, reasonable, punctual. She leads a rather reclusive lifestyle, studying books on magic and in general, she lacks only glasses to become a nerd. As a result, a normal, full-fledged life with all its attributes, which her friends offer her, often turns out to be a wonder for her. Lives with his henchman - a little dragon (baby dragon), Spike, is studying the Magic of Friendship, for which, apparently, he receives a scholarship or something like that.
  • AppleJack- earth pony, farmer and cowgirl (if given word generally applicable to ponies). The most down-to-earth pony of all six, thinks the most pragmatically and in most cases, sane. She has almost no cockroaches in her head - as a result, she is hardworking, reliable and knows what she is doing. A bit boorish. Together with the vast Apple family, he owns farmland where apples are grown. In addition to working on the farm itself, he sells apples and is not afraid of dirty work. The only one of the six who wears a headdress is a cowboy hat, which is almost never parted. Oh yes, he speaks with a Texas accent.
  • Fluttershy- very quiet, shy and timid pony pegasus. He is engaged in caring for wild animals. V ordinary life- extremely soft and shy. He rarely speaks, and if he does speak, it is very quiet, barely audible. However, to her, like to no one else, the saying about a quiet pool is applicable. And this is no accident.
  • Spike- as already noted, the dragon, Twilight's assistant, to whom he treats as an older sister. By nature, he is straightforward, ironic (sometimes to the point of sarcasm), a little foppish. Likes to sleep, although he always tries to fulfill his duties conscientiously, which includes cleaning the house, searching for the necessary books in the library, sending correspondence, and so on. He has deep sympathy for Rarity, for the sake of which he is ready to go even to the ends of the world. In the event of any trouble, he almost always manages to get out of the water, it is not known, whether due to his natural resourcefulness, or damn luck.

Minor heroes

  • Princess Luna- The younger sister of Celestia, also an alicorn. As the myth tells, she once did not like the fact that during her reign, all her subjects were resting in deep sleep, while her sister was in the spotlight every day. Her evil alter ego, Nightmare Moon, emerged here. Nightmare Moon tried to overthrow Celestia, but to no avail, for which she was exiled to the moon for 1000 years forever. In the first season, he appears only in the pilot episode, in the second - in the Luna Eclipsed episode. I must say that the image of the quiet nerd, created and cherished (during all her absence) by many of the armor, in this episode was thoroughly destroyed, partly by the eccentric behavior of the princess, and partly by her CANTERLOTS ROYAL CPSE VOICE.
  • Trixie- a pony unicorn, who also learns magic, like Twilight, but at a very casual level. She arrived in Ponyville to show everyone her magical abilities (or rather, the ability of a magician), and also to show off her coolness. Appears in only one episode of the first season.
  • Cutie Mark Crusaders- a trinity of funny young ponies - Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle - who, unlike their peers, still have no marks of fate, which is very frustrating for them. Having united, they called themselves Marksseekers and began to look for their calling wherever possible, sometimes giving others (and sometimes themselves) non-illusory problems. They often quarrel and argue among themselves.
  • Big Macintosh- Applejack's older brother, a large and strong pony. His catchphrase "E-eyup" (ie "A-agams"), pronounced slowly, with a broach on the first syllable, perfectly underlines his equanimity.
  • Zecora- a zebra living in Ponyville - or rather, not in itself, but in the nearby part of the Everfree Forest. She speaks allegories, brews potions and other witchcraft, which is clearly opposed to Twilight with her scientific approach to the study of magic. Initially, it was considered in Ponyville almost a universal evil, because of its mystical mystery, but in fact it turned out to be friendly and loyal. Speaks with an African accent.
  • The Wonderbolts- a group of pegasus performing all kinds of stunts in the air, similar to those at an air show. Wonderbolts are present at many celebrations and are also idols for Rainbow Dash.
  • Discord- the intelligent generation of chaotic chromosome replication, local adaptation of the Joker. The main villain of the two introductory episodes of the second season. It is a creature with the head of a pony, the limbs of a horse, dragon, griffin and lion, and the tail of a dragon; locally - "dragonakvis". According to the plot, he ruled Equestria before the appearance of Celestia and the Moon, keeping the country in constant chaos and unrest. Subsequently, it was overthrown and turned into a concrete statue. Discord is not stupid and rather prudent, despite its apparent frivolity. He has a passion for eccentric antics and mocking speeches, as well as for all sorts of jokes that seem funny to him.

Some interesting facts

  • The form of government in Equestria is an absolute monarchy. All power belongs to one pony, more precisely, the alicorn - Princess Celestia (although everything here is much more interesting than it seems at first glance). In the fan community, there are many theories regarding this very power in general, and Celestia in particular. Not all of them agree with universal love and Understanding.
  • Discord openly denounces Celestia regarding her attitude towards her enemies and, possibly, methods of holding power: "After all, I don't turn ponies to stone!"
  • In addition to, in fact, the reign, Celestia is in charge of the change of day (after the expulsion of Nightmare Moon to the moon - and the night too) and it is to her that Twilight is accountable for the execution of his work - the study of Friendship Magic.
  • Celestia is the sole owner of the adult proportions of the body, as well as the "ethereal" mane and tail. Luna, although similar to her sister, is somewhat smaller than Celestia and differs from her in "normal" tail and mane. Nightmare Moon, in turn, is much more like Celestia in body proportions and besides, her tail and mane are also "ethereal".
  • The Palace in Canterlot is the second residence of the princesses. The first, for unknown reasons, was abandoned. Its ruins are located in the depths of the Everfree Forest.
  • The ending of the opening episode of the second season is very similar to final scene from the film "Star Wars" (Episode IV - New Hope).
  • Ponies are zoomorphic, that is, they walk on four legs, but they live in an anthropomorphic environment. Some of the things that require hands are done with the mouth, for example (writing), or with the tail (for example, unwinding the lasso), some with hooves. They sometimes take anthropomorphic bipedal poses, but do not walk that way. Unicorns also have telekinesis.
  • The vast majority of the characters in the series are female.
  • In the series itself, there are a lot of references to various films, cartoons or games.

In the cartoons "My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic!" and "Equestria Girls" there are a lot of secondary and even background characters, who practically do not lag behind the main characters in their popularity.

The ruling elite of the country of Equestria is very beloved by many fans of the series, because these alicorn ponies are real princesses with their own royal attributes and unique duties. The main princess Celestia is portrayed as a tall white alicorn with large wings and a horn, and her long mane shimmers with delicate shades of pastel colors. Celestia has a younger sister - Princess Luna, who at the beginning of the story about little ponies is the main negative character. Princess Luna, in her angry incarnation, turns into Nightmare Moon (Moon Pony) - her body turns black, and her head is crowned with an ominous helmet. In her normal, kind incarnation, the body of the Princess of the Moon is dark blue, and her mane shimmers with many stars. Since peace reigned between the sisters again, Celestia is responsible for the movement of the sun across the sky, and Princess Luna rules the night. Another Princess of Equestria who owns the Crystal Empire is Princess Cadance. In the story, she marries Shining Armor, the brother of the main character, Twilight Sparkle. Before the wedding, a great misfortune happens to her - the dark and terrible Queen Chrysalis infiltrates the body of Cadance, who almost succeeds in seizing power over Equestria.

Among the mages of Equestria, the witch Zecora stands out - this is an unusual pony-zebra who lives in the Evergreen Forest. Zecora is very wise, always ready to help with a spell, potion or advice. Another sorceress named Trixie lost in a magical confrontation with Twilight Sparkle: it turned out that Trixie is just a braggart, and her magic is more like magic tricks.

In the cartoon "Equestria Girls", another negative heroine appears - Sunset Shimmer, who knows how to turn into an evil demon. To stop Sunset's cunning plan, Twilight Sparkle travels to the human world and there he meets all the little ponies in human form.

Little ponies, primary school students, are no less popular than princesses. An earth pony named Apple Bloom (Apple Jack's sister), along with the unicorn Sweetie Belle (Rarity's sister) and the pegasus pony Scootaloo, organize the Mark Seekers team. Together, these ponies are trying to find their destiny and get the coveted insignia. The "Mark Seekers" have a couple of ill-wishers - the arrogant and arrogant ponies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Not all of the characters in the My Little Ponies world are horses, pegasus, or unicorns. The most famous of these characters is the dragon Spike. He plays the role of Twilight Sparkles' assistant and dreams of winning Rarity's heart. But while he is still a small and not at all scary dragon, which Twilight and others perceive as a little brother. Among other non-pony heroes, it is worth remembering the negative character Discord, the lord of chaos, who looks like a mixture of several animals. Thanks to the efforts of Flatershy and all the other ponies, he goes to the bright side. Among popular heroes There are some “My Little Ponies” that are almost invisible in cartoons, but they still enjoy the love of millions of fans. This, in particular, is a gray pony-pegasus named Derpy, which is easy to distinguish by its eyes looking in different directions. Also very popular are DJ Pon-3 (Vinyl Scratch), Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings and many other ponies.

Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is there too, or the child has already put you in front of the need to go to the movies, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a short list of facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with one hundred percent effect on the part of the child - “Mom, do you know who this is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each one unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have noticed, everyone here is nicknamed "ponies", but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasus and alicorns. Yes, these are the ones with horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are recognized elite and always-always princesses. No, no one has ever seen the alicorn boys.

Now you have to sprinkle with names (and even in two translations!), But memorizing them is not required - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own pet. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the inner world of the child.

And ponies also have special insignia - that is, pictures on the rump - they are received in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character is diligent and kind, loves study, order and clear planning. Suffers from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. The insignia of Sparkle with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical land called Equestria (you may not remember the name). Her "element of harmony" (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season - an alicorn, which automatically elevates her to the host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put on them.


In a word, a fashionista. A fashion unicorn whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (after all, ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The insignia - crystals, she simply adores them, these are the girls' best friends ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, the Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she's still sassy), loves adventure books, stupid pranks and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just "cute", a timid, shy animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid to fly, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, on the inside, Fluttershy has that core. With all the external introversion and naivety, she is sometimes very surprising.

The insignia - butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Sorry, pony.

Pinkie pie

A pony whose vocation is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, more precisely, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her impenetrable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party planner, embodies joy and laughter, the insignia is balloons. Wow!


No, this is not the name of the alcohol, but the real name of the pony. There must be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we will just say that it is unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can breathe out, the main characters are over. Just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also lonely hard-working girls in their 20s. No, male characters in the series also occur. Sometimes.

The pony is much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked out (a rare occasion).


This is what ponies from the 80s look like. Those are still plump. Nevertheless, many external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is what the fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is "fandom". And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Do not be afraid - the "armor" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And if more globally: "fandom" ponyash is able to compete with similar communities in "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter". Yes, dear ones, we have a real cult before us.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" steadily pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, they change lives drastically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very good in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. It's up to you, of course, who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and we think the series is very good. All in the name of friendship!

They are very poorly localized here.

Here they speak like flat cardboard boxes. It's just that “My little pony” was extremely unlucky for us with localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself might have noticed this. The debate about whether Sparkle or Twilight is the name of the main character will continue to rage for decades.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least the dubbing did not cause nausea in the early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there too

Do not pony alone this universe is alive. Various dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film there will be even more of this good. At the same time, some of the animals are intelligent, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what kind of relationship is the upright talking cat from the movie with the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It is especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, such as griffins and manticores, as well as invented ones. Yes, Discord, we are about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. We will see mermaid ponies in the film - a great addition, do you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is already completely, do not boggle your head.

The show is much more dramatic than you think

And you may well like it. At least the story series are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, influencing the plot only insofar as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deception and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself, and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is impressive too. At the same time, in the plots, everything always does not go according to plan and not according to templates, there are cross-cutting secrets, carefully carried over from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that a lot of tasty things are hidden in “My little pony”. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you don't have to remember this point: the full-length film was aimed at a children's audience. But there is a chance that some of the same joy will be left to parents.

And here's Aria Cadence, a dramatic moment from the season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy the sort of "kiddie" show.