Crash, or extraordinary history of the quarrel of Turgenev and Goncharov. "Unusual Story" with Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Crash, or extraordinary history of the quarrel of Turgenev and Goncharov. "Unusual Story" with Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

So we reviewed creative heritage Turgenev and Goncharov. It's time to tell about "extraordinary history", which overshadowed the relationship between writers. We noted inherent in Goncharov slowness and thoroughness. Inherent to the writer, hardworking brought, however, not some positive emotions. He used to read unfinished novels to friends and colleagues, highly appreciate their opinion. For example, Turgenev, creative work Which took place intensively, in another pace than Goncharov. Unfortunately, later Goncharov seemed that Ivan Sergeevich in some cases would borrow the characters and plot moves of him, Goncharov, works. I had to resort to Friendly Court. "We had ( Turgenev) As if they argued a little about what the liveliness was argued, "Potcharov recalled," then they stopped arguing, they talked calmly and parted, taking each other with the most friendly blessings. " True, periodically the former breakdowns flashed, but as quickly quickly Gasli.

Why raise years a year old history? Paradoxically, but the fact. Goncharov's charges were somehow relied on his conviction that Turgenev could not and should not write novels. "If you dare to express your look at your talent sincerely, he advised a colleague, - then I will say that you are given a gentle, faithful drawing<…>, And you break through building huge buildings. For architecture you need perseverance, calm objective overlooking<…>, so nothing is in your character, therefore, in talent. " "Lira and Lira are your instrument," Ivan Alexandrovich summed out a categorical result. "Yes, Turgenev - Troubadur, - with deep conviction I wrote S.A. Tolstoy, -<…> Walking with a gun and lyuring in the villages, fields singing the nature of rural, love - in songs, legends, ballads, but not in the epic. " Of course, this letter was not a joke to upset Turgenev, which he openly admitted to his correspondent. "I can not repeat the" Hunter's Notes "- Ivan Sergeevich was justified, - and I also do not want to write." A companion noticed a long-term desire to create a prose, certainly a great work. From the side of Turgenev, it was not a whim or an attempt to the competition with Goncharov (as she believed last). In the middle of the nineteenth century, Roman is a leading genre of literature. The epic genre allows you to draw a comprehensive picture of the world, past, present and future of Russia. "Life is a novel, and novel - life." The novel was waiting, although sometimes acquaintance with Goncharov's masterpieces, Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy in magazines stretched for years and years. The Ruined Genre allowed him to talk directly to the contemporary reader. But what to do, if by and large, Ivan Aleksandrovich is right? There is no in his, Turgenev, the talent of the ability to objective removal, there is no attention to the description of the little things. But there is a lyric vein, the ability to express one detail is symbolic all the completeness of spiritual excitement, the meaning of the act, the essence of the relationship of the heroes. In the manner of the narration, structure and membership of the text, to show an extraordinary feeling of rhythm - everything that is inherent in thin lyrics. "Who needs an affair in the epic sense of the word, I don't need anything," said Turgenev sternly.

Throw everything? Refuse dreams? The letter of Goncharov contained, by the way, good advice: "... you<…>Of course, raise very high if you go own way if you finally understand<…> Your properties, strength and means. "Understanding its properties," Turgenev began to create novels with the most compressed temporary interval. As a rule (and this was the first to notice his French friends), the action of the Turgenev novel is tied in the spring, the peripetia comes on the hot summer months. The disconnection or epilogue will be removed for autumn or winter, sometimes next year. It is equally "saved" the romance space. "All Russia" he knew how to show on the space of one or two estates ("Rudin", "noble nest", "fathers and children") or within the trendy European resort ("smoke"). In Goncharov's novels, we have passed entire vital eras, stages of development or degradation of characters (Jr. and Senior Aduyev). In the central work, "Oblomov", Goncharov tells about the fate of the main character of Ilya Ilyich completely, from children's years in a crushing to death hour. Turgenevsky Roman and the story expands at the expense of the prehistory of heroes, epilogues and lyrical deviations, those lyrical pondays of the author who give the work such charm and raises depicted to philosophical generalizations. In independent lyrical miniatures, the descriptions of nature, the sound of music and songs turn. Ivan Sergeevich created his type of realistic novel, which was called lyrical (Unlike epic Roman Goncharov), its own, unique Roman genre. And maybe a letter of goncharova helped in his objectivity?

It is time to remember the words that a friendly court cooled the stirring out of passion. Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov delivered the verdict that the works of Turgenev and Goncharov, "arising on the same Russian soil, should thereby have several similar provisions, accidentally coincide in some thoughts and expressions." In the twentieth century, famous literary critic B.M. Engelgart confirmed this conclusion. Both writers are close "faces and everyday situations, because the similarities between Turgenevsky and Goncharovsky heroes in the plane of them artistic interpretation There is no. The poetic processing of the same impressions is performed in their works in quite different areas. "

"I was as if a whole big city and the viewer is supplied so that it overlooks him all ... "- told about initial Observation His works of goncharov. Turgenev, on the contrary, each his essay began with "Conduita" - list acting persons, with the peculiarities of appearance, age and prototypes - and only then thought out the plot nodes. One went from in common to the private, the other - from private to the common one. Recreation of life of the crushing, Goncharov lists at least 5 funds from Ugon, starts a novel with a detailed description of the room of the hero. His thing lives, humorous shrinks by itself and in "cooperation" with the owner (bathrobe). Turgenev is much more stingy. We will not learn how it looked, for example, the cabinet of the Bazarov (although we can guess). From the clothing highlighted the famous "Balahon" is not even a thing, but a living position, protest against noble sophistication. In his one, it is as symbolic as the Bolt Oblomov. Goncharov generously scrambled symbolic images from the piggy bank of Russian folklore, Turgenev symbolism is more philosophic. The lonely opal on the hand of Pavel Petrovich ("fathers and children") - not only a sign of late smartness, not only part of the exquisite costume. Opal is a non-lass noble mineral, a favorite stone "Roman Patriches", symbolizes life disappointment. On the wholeside, Goncharov plays words. How, for example, to interpret the name of the Central Character - Oblomov? Did it explain to him, relying on the Dalev dictionary, how is the "round" - round? Or the hero - the "debris", the fragment of the old life of a blessed crushing? Or maybe the solve should be sought in the poem E.A. Baratyan:

Prejudice - he is a fragment of an ancient truth. The temple fell, and the ruins of his descendant of the tongue did not solve ...?

And yet the novels of Turgenev and Goncharov, "arising on the same Russian soil", similar. There were general signs socio-psychological novel. Works that combine the truthful show of a person's relationship with the world with an equally subtle analysis of the relationship between a person with his own soul. Close first human mood Authors. Turgenev and Goncharov raise their voice to defend the oppressed, unfortunate. Human, whose suffering neglege, whose existence is simply not noticed - a serf peasant, a "little man", women-things in the house of a rich husband. They depict the figure that stands firmly on the legs - Peter Ivanovich Aduva, Stolz, Lenznev. In Western literature, a person "Himself made by doing" invariably glorify. And the Russian writers propose to think about - why and in the name of what is he worked? Does joy bring, by and large, his works surrounding, close, homeland? Own soul, in the end?

Drawing gonchars and Turgenev man "superfluous" with the modern order of things. Personality that does not want to join the overall order of things, divide common joys and common sins. And prefers to fly on the sofa (brooms). Or, on the contrary, seeks to jump above the head, cottons about some improvements, assures that they will be "delins and light" (Rudin). Does he need anymore? Yes, and whether the country needs such a dreamer? The idealist by and large is just as necessary in the human environment, as well as the figure. Writers do not prove it, but show. They paint so convincingly that they are arguing about their characters, reflect on. They are hated as living people. It is difficult to realize in the broom, gallery or Olga, Bazarov or Anna Sergeyevna just creating an artist, the result of creative fantasy. How hard to imagine that once on Earth did not exist our own parents. Annenkov told about this in an unfinished article "Bazarov and Oblomov": "What is the most famous types of modern our literature - obcomments and bazaars, as not the concepts made by people at hand two true artists? " "And so great the value of creative types<…>, "the critic emphasizes, - that one nick them opens the instantly long chain of ideas and finds out the distracted thought until its last details." Goncharov, for example, very reservedly referred to the translations of their works and called the goal of writing for Russians. Nevertheless, translator P.E. Ganzen discovered the "Oblomeness" "in our cute Denmark." The Austrian writer Stefan Tsweig expressed the conviction that each person had ever felt Oblomov in himself. So, although the main goal of both writers was to appeal to the Russian public, they created images of world importance.

Writers push the space of modernity, rise to all-in-law generalizations with the help of "eternal" images. For them, these are peculiar life guidelines. Goncharov had such a higher measure to be an eternal rebellion and sufferer Chatsky: "Meanwhile, Chazki, as a person, incomparably higher and smarter of Onegin and Lermontov Pechistan.<...> They are ( Chatsky) They do not know about their victory, they are separated only, and others reap, - and this is their main suffering, that is, in hopelessness of success. " For Turgenev human types We reduce to the two self-self-sufficient philosopher of Gamlet and an active, but naive fighter with the injustice of Don Quixote. Hamlet and Don Quixote are born every generation - it is only necessary to guess, learn them among the crowd. Both authors united faith in his reader. "The psychologist should disappear into the artist," said Turgenev response to the advice to "explain" their characters. Even when after the "fathers and children" around the writer, a wave of questions and angry bewilderment was rising - is it not caricature if his hero? - And then the creator of the novel decidedly turned out to be from explanation. "Wanted to wrap the Bazarov or overlook it? - he writes A.A. Feta. - I don't know this myselfbecause I don't know if I love him or hate it! " Anotherly categorically spoke on Goncharov: "The hero may be incomplete:<…> Not applied, much is not expressed: but I calmed down from this side: and what's the reader for what? Is he olhuch any that the imagination does not understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthis author to supplement the rest? " Faith in the Russian reader was fully justified.

Spore Goncharov and Turgenev
About plagiarism


In 1860, Russian literature shakes an unprecedented scandal. Ivan Goncharov accused Ivan Turgenev in plagiarism.

Suspicions fell on the "noble nest" and "on the eve." Goncharov believed that the ideas of his "cliff" are used in the novels.

First, writers argued in correspondence. On March 3, after reading the beginning "On the eve", Goncharov praised the talents of Turgenev, but hinted thinly at borrowing. Then B. literary circles Disconnected unpleasant rumors.

The mediator in the dispute was Apollo Mikov. The conflict final was the "Arbitration Court" of Pavel Annenkov, Alexander Druzhinina, Stepan Dudyshkina and Alexander Nikitenko.

Comrades rejected the charges in plagiarism. After the trial, Turgenev announced that he was now friendly relations Goncharov ceases. In detail the story of a quarrel with a "friend of the opponent" of Goncharov described in "Unusual History".

Letter Goncharov Turgenev

I hurry, by promise, return to you, Ivan Sergeevich, the story "On the eve", from which I read the entire pages of forty. I read someday after, and now I'm afraid to delay: I have another thing.

On both of these stories, that is, the "noble nest" and "on the eve" I look somehow in connection, because it may be that they began new period Your literary activity.

I even take courage, judging by the forty pages that I read, conclude what feeling you were guided by when they wrote the other thing.

Sorry if I say that, without reading "on the day before," I considered you weaker, and all the fact did not give you what you acquire this story, at least in my eyes and some others, maybe.

I am very fun to admit a bold and colossal ... artist. I wish you so that you continue and end the literary career with the way that recently joined it.

I remember that you once were angry and as if the wings were lowered, but talent, to universal joy, did not give you peace, and noble asheeches stirred.

According to your essays, I also could not make a certain concept of your talent, but on these two stories I saw and appreciated you as a writer and as a person.

As in a person, I appreciate one noble line in you: this is the guilty and indulgent, close attention to which you listen to the writings of others and, by the way, have recently listened and praised my insignificant excerpt all of the same novel, which was told you for a long time ago program.

Your sincere and diligent connoisseur

I. Goncharov.

Do not forget to somehow send my handkerchief: Sorry, I remind you; You are so scattered and forgetful.

Second letter Goncharov Turgenev

... when the "noble nest" appears, relying on our old friendly relations, I frankly expressed to you my idea of \u200b\u200bthe similarity of this story with the plot of my novel, as he was told you on the program.

You then partly agreed in the similarity of the general plan and the relationship of some individuals among themselves, even excluded one place, too much reminded one scene, and I would have pleasant.

With the appearance of your story "On the eve", before I saw and had it in my hands, already somewhere they said and once two I myself about what is like and there is something similar to the continuation of my program.

Then only, having received it from you, I read the pages of thirty and it myself seemed to me that there is something in common in the idea of \u200b\u200byour artist Schubin and my hero. The extreme undership prevented me to read the story to the end, and I sent her back to you.

This assumption is about the similarity of both persons took place after the rumors of similarity reached me.

Then he remains to decide how could be born in the head of other ideas about such similarities. I explain it like this: I told many familiar with the plot of my novel, showing the program; And from some short persons did not hide the same correspondence and explanation to which the reason "noble nest" was filed.

I did not consider this secret, especially since you gave me the right to do from your letter What I want to eat.

But I did this only only the use of only the goal that I intended to continue my novel and wanted to in part to warn all sorts of any sense of the identity of the plots; And some asked opinions, wanted to know their eyes, can the other plot call a reason for the thought of any similarity and whether it is worth being taken for this matter.

That this rumor has spread and reached you, not me to blame. I can only express a guess that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe external similarity of the "noble nest" with "Paradise", once having done the famous, could submit a reason for various prejudices and guessing about the similarities and between artists ...

KlioListening to the case number 2 About quarrel Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich from Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich. The witness is called in the case.

Goncharov! Tell us about the reasons for your quarrel with Turgenev.

Goncharov(gets up) - the reasons for their gap with Turgenev, I in the most detailed way outlined in the extensive the manuscript I called " Unusual story"With a subtitle" True incident. " This manuscript, completed and bonded by five marine seals, I conveyed before my death for the storage of Sofier Alexandrovna Nikitenko with a preluded note, in which he asked her to publish the manuscript only after my and Turgenev death, and even better not to publish at all, and transfer to storage in Russian Public library for editing offspring.

Note Ed. Nm: For details on this manuscript, see at the end of the page.

Opening the court session, you, addressing Turgenev, was quite fair to notice to notice that all his literary squals somehow do not fit with his face, full of goodness and benevolence, nor with his literary creations, full of grace. This is what the whole thing is that his impressive appearance and the elegance of the style of everyone was injured, and he enjoyed it perfectly. And I also got on this fishing rod. Only later I was convinced that Turgenev is essentially its primary actor. He always plays, even when one remains. There is nothing sincere, from the heart. But the actor is beautiful. And all his life he played. But it is good to play on the theater scene. And in life, play is a shame, because it means the basis of your life to put a lie. So Turgenev was. He actor, liar, and also a literary thief.

It must be said that Turgenev is not devoid of literary talent. He is an excellent miniaturer. All his small stories, especially the "Hunter's Notes" written as if watercolor. But it is resolutely unable to large cloths to wide and deep generalizations. For this, he lacked no mind nor observation. Well, in small stories, no matter how good they are good, you will not leave. Therefore, Pushkin advised Gogol, after his "nights on the farm near Dikanka," write something overhaft. And he himself gave him the themes and the "auditor" and "dead souls".

And the vanity, which is characteristic of every actor and which Turgenev was naked, as a bag of a pipe, made him imagine himself with general from Russian literature. And for such an important rank it is necessary to have achievement list. It was necessary to have not only small stories, but also capital things.

And how to create them when there is no appropriate talent for this? Very simple - steal the theme, images, types, score and the development of the novel in the other; All this, to notice traces, mix, back to comprehension and, most importantly, ahead of the reserved writer by the release of its essay into print. So Turgenev with me and entered.

Thanks to the service, as well as my laziness ("Oblomovochina"), I wrote my big novels for a very long time. "Open" took me twenty years. In addition, I was deprived of self-criticism feelings, I myself could not firmly tell myself, good or bad I wrote. Therefore, I often read my literary colleagues, including Turgenev, his manuscripts and with greed listened to their opinions.

I had the first suspicion of Turgenev when I read his "hanging waters", and saw that he took a lot from my "ordinary story." But this suspicion I hid in myself. I must say that I read Turgenev not only individual scenes from the "cliff", but also told him the entire canvas and the development of the novel, I still not written me.

Turgenev listened to me with greed. And suddenly it appears in the press one by one, and of course before printing with me "Cliff" - "noble nest", "fathers and children" and "on the eve."

Reading them, I clearly saw that all this chips from my "cliff".

Having no own ideas in the head and not watching the Russian carefully public lifesince he constantly lived abroad, Turgenev arranged real hunt For my literary works And even thoughts. No wonder he was a great hunter.

In his letters to me, he always asked me, what I work on what I wrote and what he intends to write. And in my answers scream material for their own ages.

He was constantly submitted to me his minions, like Annenkov, to learn anything about my work. They learned, thanks to my gulling and reportedly reported in detail, and he now processed my material now in some kind literary work.

When I lived in Marienbad, in the hotel, Turgenev even sent two of his Podkhalesov, who settled in one corridor with me, and during my absence, they snuck into my room, took out my manuscripts from the chest, they rewrote them back, and then passed Turgenev. I found it because the manuscripts were not as I put them. After that, I began to lock my manuscript in the suitcase.

Turgenev and abroad did not go at all because of Polina Viardo, as everyone spoke. It was the reason for the secondary . The main reason was to take away my goodly worn with himself and there to use them on freedom, i.e. Process my material into your stories and novels. All the vigility of his behavior is that he has been published his novels earlier than I managed to separate and print my extensive novels. And it came out so that it said the first word, and I, as if borrowed from him.

Turgenev has always walked on my tracks, and the reading public could have the impression that I went to his trails. Here, please pay attention to the dates of the Scriptures of my novels and release them into the light, and on the date of release into the light of Romanov Turgenev: in 1847 In the "contemporary" I typed "Ordinary History ", And in 1848 Turgenev Printed "Wounds". "Oblomova" I wrote fifteen years old - from 1844-1859. And printed it in 1859 In "domestic notes". At the same time I wrote and "open", which I fully printed only in 1869. But I read both of my novel many, including Turgenev, at the very beginning of their creation. And Turgenev, listening to and remembering my presentation, peek himself novels, like pancakes. He printed: "Rudina" in 1855, the "noble nest" in 1858, "on the eve" in 1859, "fathers and children" - in 1861 and "smoke" in 1867 for twelve years five Romanov!

And as soon as my material was exhausted and he did not expect anything more from me, he was his last novel "Novy", by the way, not anywhere, released only in 1876, i.e. Nine years after "smoke." In addition, Turgenev, having passed abroad close to the local writers - Flaubert, the brothers of the Honor, Zola, the German Jew Auerbach, gave himself to the only genius Russian writer, for the general of Russian literature. He cared about the transfer of his writings into French, and the translations of my novels, the opposite rubbed. Moreover, enchanting in front of the "enlightened Europeans", he shared with them faded with literary materials. Read carefully "Dacha on the Rhine" Auerbach, " Madame. Bovalary."And" Education. sentimentale»Flaubert, and you will see that all this is my material from "Cliff", Processed to Western European Federation.

I argue that if I did not retell the Turgenev of my "cliff" entirely and in detail, it would not be in the light of the "noble nest", "on the eve", "fathers and children" and "smoke" in our literature, or "cottages" On the Rhine "- in German, nor Madame. Bovalary."And" Education. sentimentale"- in French, and maybe many other works I have not read and do not know.

I understand that it is very difficult for me, perhaps it is even impossible, to prove his accusation of Turgenev in literary steam legally. Moreover, he, as an experienced writer, perfectly noted the traces of his theft. But if you charge experienced literary critics to read carefully and parallel to my and Turgenev novels, I have no doubt that they will be sure that Turgenev has stolen all their literary material.

(Goncharov sits in the chair).

Klio - witness Nikitenko Alexander Vasilyevich, go to the table and tell all you know about the quarrel between Turgenev and Goncharov.

Nikitenko - In 1860, Turgenev gave a banquet on the occasion of entering the light of his novel "On the eve", for which he received 4000 rubles. I were also invited to this banquet. When Dudushkin came to the banquet, he, laughing, spoke about his meeting on Nevsky Prospect with Goncharov:

"I go here. On the way I meet Goncharov and tell him, I am going on a banquet to Turgenev on the occasion of obtaining it 4000 rubles. For printed "On the eve". Goncharov answered me: - Pass Turgenev that he suits the banquet to my money, because he stole his novel from my "cliff." I, laughing, answered him that I would definitely say. "

And conveyed. Of course, Dudyshkin entered very frivolously. His story summoned a perturbation in Turgenev, and he also wrote a letter to Goncharov, in which Dudyshkina led the words, and demanded an explanation from Goncharov to the authoritative literary commission, which would have determined the justice or presence of his statements. For their part, Turgenev offered a commission in the following composition: Annenkov, Druzhinin, Dudushkin and Nikitenko.In case of refusal, Turgenev wrote Goncharov, which will be forced call it on a duel. The letter was written in restrained expressions, quite correctly.

Goncharov answered this letter to consent and the Commission also agreed. The meeting was appointed at the apartment at Goncharov. The first word was provided by Goncharov.

He, apparently, confusedly spoke, crumpled and unconvincingly spoke about the fact that both the "vest water", and the "noble nest", and the "Ordinary History" were taken from his "ordinary history" and from the manuscript "Cliff" he read Turgenev . In the proof of Goncharov, the images and scenes in these novels and scenes were given: "I have a faith in the" cliff ", and Elena is given to Bulgarian Insarov. By the way, he took the name of Elena, because I was Elena's faith at first. My grandmother is described, and he has a grandmother in the "noble nest", only my grandmother is very better written than he has. "

Turgenev calmly and with dignity denied the accusation of Goncharov and said that the generality of ideas, images and provisions does not at all prove to borrowing in one of the other, but proves only that we live at one time, breathe one air and observe the same phenomena, but Here either outlines them in its own way.

We, the Commission, all four, convinced Goncharov that he and Turgenev had completely different literary talents that they both represent exceptional value in Russian literature and that none of them need to be borrowing from each other. The Commission unanimously recognized that the Goncharov was wrong.

Then Turgenev got up, took the hat and referring to Goncharov said: "From now on, I ask you to count me among my friends." And left.

But we needed to eliminate the phrase of Goncharov, transmitted through Dudyshkina about the Turgenev banquet at the expense of Goncharov. Goncharov said that on his part it was a joke, and he admits that she was incorrect, and Dudyshkin said that he was not authorized to transmit this phrase Turgenev, and he did it on his own initiative. Based on these statements, the Commission recognized this phrase, as if not uttered, and thus, the reason for the duel was eliminated.

Klio - What, Goncharov agreed with the conclusion of the commission?

Nikitenko - He did not mind our conclusion, but, apparently, in the soul, remained at his previous opinion. And subsequently, he directly said that all members of the Commission were whipped Turgenev and therefore could not give another conclusion.

In general, Goncharov over the years has become more and more changeless. In all his interlocutors, he saw Sogglyadayev and Turgenev spies, who allegedly seek to disappear from him that he writes to convey Turgenev. As a result of such a mental state, Goncharov stopped to be in society and retired in his idle apartment. When Turgenev appeared on the banks of the Neva, Goncharov said: "Angry Chechen crawls to the shore ..."

Even Stasyulovich, the editor of the Bulletin of Europe, which was the closest friend of Goncharov, with whom he was constantly consulted in the journal who was printed, even his goncharov suspected that he transmits Turgenev everything he hears from him. And stopped visiting it. That independent state Goncharova could not be called quite normal during this period.

Klio - Nikitenko, take your place. Turgenev, you are given the last word.

Turgenev - justify in charges, built by Goncharov, I will not for two reasons: first, because I think it is lower than its dignity, and, secondly, because not some commission, but the whole reading public, maybe how much It's wishes to compare mine and the wheels of the composition, and no one comes to anyone to suspect me to borrow from Goncharov. At least for those hundred years, which have passed since the exit of our writings, nowhere, nor in one literary criticism, has not been said about it. And the century is a sufficient period for testing the integrity of our essays. Yes, in the end, the case is not whatit is written, but as Written. Ze Style L.eST L.homme La Meme Chos, They say the French.

But the other accusation of Goncharov I must refute the facts. This accusation is that I, living abroad, put forward himself to the background, or completely rubbed.

Yes, due to the fact that I lived abroad and was in friendship with all the most prominent foreign writers, mostly the French, I unwittingly became an intermediary between our and western European literature. And I put this responsible role very highly, and the least took care of the popularization of my writings. On the one hand, I constantly cared for the transfer of Russian writings into French, and on the other hand - tried to acquaint Russia with french literature. To do this, I arranged sol by the constant correspondent of the "Bulletin of Europe", where he placed his articles for several years.

When one is french critics I decided to go to Russia to personally meet Russian writers and then give my impressions about them, and turned to me for recommendations, I gave him advisory letters to all more or less well-known Russian writers, including Goncharov, and Dostoevsky With which I had a complete gap at that time. Dostoevsky I wrote that our gap does not prevent me from recognizing in it main strength in Russian literature, and therefore I ask him to accept Mr. N and familiarize him "With your life and works." Despite our antagonism with Lv Tolstoy, I made all the efforts to the fastest and best Translation His writings on foreign languagesAnd I can be proud that I first introduced to Europe with Lv's thick. Goncharov also translated into French, but little. He is to blame for this himself, or, or rather, his laziness, because he or did not answer the proposals on the transfer, or was represented indefinitely.

Although I broke away from Russia, I never ceased to be Russian and Russian interests, especially the interests of Russian literature, never betrayed anyone.

Klio - Case number 2 on the quarrel of Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich with Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich, I consider it complete. On the basis of testimony and explanations of the Parties, Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich on charges of a quarrel with Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich, count the story justified.

Goncharov in his petition for the formation of the Commission to investigate the facts of borrowing Turgenev from him - Goncharov - materials for their works refuse For the following considerations. Firstly, such a commission was already in 1860 and carried out a unanimous decision, refuting the accusation of Goncharov Turgenev. And, secondly, in the century period, which has passed since the writing of the novels of Goncharov and Turgenev, literary criticism, who carefully studied the work of both authors, never found any borrowings of Turgenev in Goncharov.

The spread of potted rumors that Turgenev stole the topics and the characters for their novels to recognize the false and definitely literary name Turgenev and on this basis to expose Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich to public censure.

The painful state of the psyche of Goncharov (manicity), which was mentioned by the Witness Nikitenko, cannot serve as an excuse for him, since this manicality appeared already on the slope of Goncharov, and he expressed his accusations of Turgenev in the stead of his strength and his literary talent.


Confession - frank confession In some way, the message of your thoughts, views. Quarfing must list his sins. The sacrament cannot be carried out without sincere repentance in his misconduct. It should be confessed in the most characteristic passions and in those specific sins that repeatedly sees for themselves, especially those who are most importantly conscientious.

From December 1875 to January 1876, Goncharov writes their "extraordinary history" in which it tells about the conflict that happened between him and Turgenev. This is a kind of author's confession, illuminating the history of the relations of two writers in 1840 - 1870.

The essence of the conflict is that in 1855. Goncharov told in detail Turgenev program "Cliff" conceived them back in 1849, and subsequently accused the author of the "noble nest" and "on the eve" in direct creative borrowings. The conflict led to the Arbitration Court, which took place on March 29, 1960. At the apartment of Goncharov with the participation of P.V. Annenkova, A.V. Druzhinina, S.S. Dudyshkina and A.V. Nikitenko. The court decision was recognized that "the works of Turgenev and Goncharov, as arising on the same Russian soil, should thereby have several similar provisions, accidentally coincide in some thoughts and expressions, which justifies and excuses both sides."

After the Arbitration Court, communication between writers ceased. In 1864 They came up at the funeral A.V. Druzhinina, however, the former friendships between them did not resume. As new works of Turgenev are published, new concerns woke up in the soul of Goncharov, who did not disappear, as the "extraordinary story" and the letters of Goncharov, until the end of his life.

"Unusual history" during the life of Goncharov was not published. In 1924, she was published in the "Collection of the Russian Public Library" with brief notes by D. I. Abramovich and in the future not fully reprinted at the "extraordinary history" printed in the Camp. cit. 1978-1980. T. VII .. Currently, this publication is a bibliographic rarity and is increasing even to specialists. The publication of the full, scientifically verified text of "extraordinary history" with the main discrepancies and options is the urgent task of our literary science. Entry article to "extraordinary history", text preparation and comments N.F. Budanova.

As you know, the author of "extraordinary history" appealed to the court of descendants, which he first and addressed his confession. In the fields of the first sheet, confession is made inscription: "From this manuscript, (after 25 years) after my death, it can be extracted, which will be necessary for the announcement, only in the extreme case, which is specified in the note, i.e. If it had an opinion, those rumors and that lies that I refutate here! Otherwise, I ask these sheets, by the will of the dying, to betray the fire, (January 1876. I. Thrychov) or stored in the Imperial Public Library, as a material for the future historian of Russian literature, July 1878. I. Thrusharov "Note" - a testamentary order of Goncharov. The words "25 years", crossed by the author, are read allegedly ..

Contemporaries and descendants strongly rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bplagiarism with both the same and on the other hand, but the "extraordinary story" is a valuable source of historical and literary nature, helping to understand the biography and creativity of Goncharov, as well as studying the theme "Goncharov and Turgenev".

Main part. Confession of Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov

goncharov Turgenev conflict plagiarism

The literary glory of Ivan Alexandrovich was not accompanied by those stormy delights that other writers had fallen out, sometimes less talented, but closer to those of the interests that society lived at one time or another. And, among the various coincidences and concomitant circumstances, it happened that in the most decisive and tense moments of expectations than the world will respond to the newly represented work, rendered for years, which was worthy of the artist of Muk and Anxiet, in the most, can be said, solemnly for a large writer , Goncharovskaya Fortuna met on his way, as if on purpose, another colossus of Russian literature, too, a thin and sensitive artist, poet and pets of the entire intelligent world. It was Turgenev. Lyatsky. Goncharov: Life, Personality, Creativity. Stockholm., 1920 ..

"The loud success of the" noble nest ", which was published earlier," Oblomov "and at the first time of his eclipsed, created a situation to which Goncharov was not psychologically ready," V. Nedzvetsky fairly writes. - Introducing your multi-depleted epic patterns for years, in particular a long-thinking architectonics, the writer quite sincerely did not recognize the unexpected rival of a developed epic ability. "

"My novels," says Goncharov, - capture large periods of Russian life, for example, "obcomments" and "opening", 30 years old met in them, - and, by the way, except for inaudeship, official occupation, as well as lazy, scattered life, The reason why I wrote them for a long time. "

For the first time Goncharov met Turgenev at Belinsky in 1847. "He talked about him in a circle, as a given hopes of the writer. He stood back to the door, in which I entered, and looked at Lorrow Engravings or portraits on the wall. Belinsky called us to each other, Turgenev turned around, filed his hand, and again began to carefully consider pictures. Then it turned out again, I told me a few approving words about my novel and again - to the pictures. I saw that he was posing, carelessly, he was drawing, Presents France, like Onegin, Pechorins, etc., copying them to become a custom. " We see how the goncharov describes in detail every detail of the meeting with Turgenev, they feel notes of sarcasm: "Turgenev was a common pet for only one of his mind, talent and education, and for affection and with all the same not that good-natured, some kind of causing, Enchanting.

Goncharov writes that when working on "broom", he threw his plans randomly on paper, copied many such leaves, and the novel wrote in his head, only occasionally pricked up to write two or three chapters per week. In the course of work and reflections above the text, the writer shares his thoughts with many people in order to hear the opinion from the party. He himself is very not confident. "... in a bad thing that, every meeting and transverse, I told that I would have been writing that I would write, and read all the time, who would come to me, what was already written, complementing what follows." For the same reason, His "ordinary history" goncharov handed over to the court Belinsky.

"Turgenev, of course, I also identified a general plan and particular plan of Oblomov, as a very thin criticism, who is more willing to listen to my stories. He himself wrote his famous "hunter's notes", one "note" after another, filling with them "Contemporary". Goncharov recognizes Tolden Turgenev and calls him an extraordinary miniatrist artist, giving great importance It is the word "miniature". And great works, such as the "noble nest", "fathers and children", "on the eve" he implies as things borrowed in many ways with him, and leads their own story.

It is considered invariably established fact that Potcharov's paintings are extremely broad for the coverage of life phenomena, but their contents are not yet found out. The author himself saw in his novels the reflection of the three epochs of Russian life, of which the first marked Russia with a dormant, the second, ready to wake up, the third - awakened and sumping out of sleep. But with their edges, they come alone for another, - and is not more correct to merge them into one overall picture, perpetuating one of the curious moments of the history of our society, the moment of his brave and update? Then the grand canvas unfold will unfold, the infinite strip of types and figures will pull out, the mixture of melancholic oxidial, confused paradise, neat gallets, sacred ashors ... they are all equal to the rays of Goncharovsky genius. But soon, the tearful voice of Turgenev will allocate all the "extra" and "new" people from the crowd, who announced by the unasonable struggle of the All-Russian Routine and Kosyov, and will tell his "new" word, which thousands of joyful votes will pick up ... E. Lyatsky. Goncharov: Life, Personality, Creativity. Stockholm., 1920.

Since 1855, Ivan Alexandrovich began to notice enhanced attention from Turgenev, who seemed to listened to him, treated him. Goncharov, in turn, did not bother on frankness in their literary plans and once retold Turgenev, the entire plan of the future novel "Open" with details, scenes, characters, details. A strong impression produced on him told: "Turgenev listened, as if stopped, without moving. But I noticed a huge impression made on him by the story. "

After some time, Goncharov began to notice something from his words in the work of Turgenev: "... as if it smells later, in the story," but did not give it importance, only strange believed that he needs such trifles: "I - how And all - he considered his talent larger, the mind is more productive - rather than and then he had! ".

Friendship and special attention to Turgenev to Goncharov was resolved that year when "brooms" was preparing for printing. Turgenev brought his story "Noble Nest", which was read on a sought dinner P.V. Annenkov. Goncharov was a fight: "What did I hear? The fact that in three years I retold Turgenev is precisely compressed, but a rather full essay "cliff."

"When everyone left, I stayed with Turgenev and told him straightly that the story listened to me is nothing more than the cast with my novel. As he pale instantly, like a clown in a circus, as noticed, litusyukal. "How, what do you say: not true, no! I will bother to the stove! "

"In any word, in any movement - there was a recognition that the lie could not cover."

The "noble nest" published and made a huge effect, putting Turgenev to a high pedestal.

When the success of the "noble nest" departed the impressions of "Oblomov", Goncharov experienced a feeling of bitter resentment and could not resist to not express it to Turgenev. Followed by a personal explanation; It did not lead to a rupture between friends, and in March 1859. Goncharov friendly accompanied Turgenev in the Nikolaev station. But then the feeling of bitter irritation again was overwhelmed by Goncharov, and he decided to give him a way out in a letter to his opponent in success, which was written on March 28. This letter is very important not only to explain the state of the Goncharov's spirit, but also for more full definition All the features included in the spiritual appearance of the writer.

Goncharov calls Turgenev's diplomat in this letter, whose tricks are sewn to live thread. He recalls his conversation with him on the eve, which, apparently, was very careful and restrained in shape, but did not dissuade Goncharov about his suspicion.

Goncharov gives an assessment to Talent Turgenev: "If I dare to express my opinion, my talent is sincerely, I will say that you are given a gentle, loyal drawing and sounds, and you break up to build huge buildings or circus and want to give drama. Its free, the space is limitless to you want you yourself for an ability to limit close frames. You, as an eagle, are destined to ride over the mountains, regions, cities, and you are circling over the village and want to focus on the pond, over invisible for you on top of the inner feelings, the passions of the family drama. "

By tone of this letter, we see that Goncharov dwells in indignation, excitement and annoyance, despair. In fact, the whole drama spiritual unfolds from his pages. Goncharov was conceived by the novel and will write it, as usual years. He tells the program to Turgenev, who writes novels quickly, as if to order. And, while Roman Goncharova is carefully developed in the details, while each detail is launched for a long time, tremendously and lovingly, Turgenev prints his romance with the striking, seems to be a goncharov, speed, and it turns out that the worst things are embodied by Turgenev, as if a copy written off by other handwriting. Lyatsky. Goncharov: Life, Personality, Creativity. Stockholm., 1920 ..

Goncharov had to prove that Turgenev took up not for her business. His romance is beautiful in private, but in general, despite all borrowing, he does not stand it to a thorough criticism. And Goncharov exposes Roman Turgenev to a murderous role. Then, he cannot resist, with all that, do not tell Turgenev some data on the progress of working on his novel, about the changes that he introduced into its plan, etc., not noticing that thereby flows into An irreconcilable contradiction with himself. He is afraid of Turgenev, and stretches to him, knowing that no one, like Turgenev, its fine and impressionable on all artistic soul, will not be able to appreciate, in all the smallest details, the creative work of Goncharov. And what was this work for Ivan Alexandrovich, it is seen from the last lines of his letter. "In fact, I" Junior ", as Pavel Vasilyevich called me on laughter (not as a result of your conversation paid to him? Oh, you are two graves of secrets!). After all, not ten thousand (I have little hope for them) to change me to work, but I'm ashamed to confess, I apologize, I hope, I hope for several days or "dreams of holy poetry", hope "Watch tears over fiction." Well, is the century now, do my summer? And maybe nothing will come out, there will be no; I think about Tom: After all, only this one left, if only it remains, if only it remains, - how not to be sad! " Goncharov I.A. Cop. In 8 t. T.8 p.344

Presents the greatest value for Goncharov's what he calls poetic motifs. Or shorter - poetry. It is in them concentrated, according to his conviction, "Roman Juice", His " best places", Word," His soul. " "No, Sofya Aleksandrovna," Goncharov complains, in particular, S. A. Nikitenko in a letter dated June 28 / July 10, 1860, - he took the grains (Turgenev. - VN) I have, and took .. . Details, sparks of poetry, for example, shoots of a new life on the ruins of the old, the history of the ancestors, the terrain of the garden, the features of my old woman - can not be boiled " Nedzvetsky V. A.: Conflict I. S. Turgenev and I. A. Goncharov as a historical and literary problem // Slavica. Debrecen. 1986. T. XXIII. P. 315-332.

In the system of literary and aesthetic concepts of Goncharov and Turgenev, poetry is one of the most characteristic and key. We encounter it in the literary correspondence writers, their criticism and autocritics, memoirs and essays - for example, in the "Pallada frigate" ("Where to look for poetry?"; "And poetry has changed its sacred beauty"; "Poetry of distant travel ..." ibid. T.2. C.106, 18, 16., etc.).

And it's not by chance. If, as Goncharov believed, he was not a lyrics, satire or an actual epos, but "Only a novel can cover life and reflect a person," then, on the other hand, novels without poetry - not works of art, "and their authors are" not artists " Ibid. T.6. P. 456 .. Crucial role In the Goncharovsky novel of poetic moments noted critics. In connection with the "ordinary story", she persuaded Belinsky. Comparing in this regard "Who is to blame?" Herzen and Roman Goncharova, he wrote: "In the Talent of Iskander, poetry - a secondary agent; In the talent of Goncharov, poetry - agent first and only ... "; "He (Goncharov) unexpectedly falls into poetry even in the image of petty and extraneous circumstances, such as, for example, in the poetic description of the combustion process in the fireplace of the essays of the young Aduev Belinsky V.G. Full Cathedral Cit. In 13t. T. 10. P. 344.. "

In comparison with him, the answer of Turgenev, written on April 7, 1859 - a deliberate, complete literary work. Turgenev brings to the attention of Ivan Alexandrovich's what he had no pleasure to write a person who considers him a "assignment of other people's thoughts", but his letter sounds in a soft, conciliatory tone; Turgenev did not seem to quarrel, on the one hand, noticing the exaggerated pickupness of Goncharova, on the other - tolerant, maybe behind him in carelessly escaped he has once recognized about his involuntary, unconscious impressionability. "Agree that I whatever my" diplomacy ", it is difficult to smile and kindly, getting similar pills. Agree also that half - what I say! - over the tenth share of such reproces you would have been finally pregnant. But I - name it in me than you want, weakness or pretense, "I just thought:" He's good about you about you "and only I was surprised that you still found something in me that you could love. And Thanks! "Turgenev. Letters. T. III. P. 289-291).

The letter was discouraged by Goncharov for a while, and soon there was a May book of the "contemporary" with Article Dobrolyubov about the "Oblomov". Honored success fell, finally, and his share, and Ivan Alexandrovich was ready to forgive Turgenev. However, all new and new coincidences, who outlined Goncharov, turned out.

"We continued, I say, see Turgenev, but more or less cold. However, attended each other, and once he told me that he intends to write a story and told the content ... It was the continuation of the same topic from the "cliff": further fate, drama faith. I noticed him of course that I understand his idea - I little to pull out all the content from the paradise, smash on the episodes, enrolling, as in the "noble nest", that is, changing the situation, moved to another place the action, named the face, somewhat confuseing them . but leaving the same plot, the same characters, the same psychological motives, and step by step to go to my tracks! It and that, yes, not that!

Meanwhile, the goal is achieved - that's what: Once still I will collect the novel, and he has already been ahead of me, and then it will be so that he is not, and I, so to speak, I go on his tracks, imagine to him! So everything happened and this is still happening! Intrigue, as an extensive network, spread far and for a long time. "

A new story, with a continuation of the topic from the paradise, came out called "on the eve".

"It was decided on both sides to explain in this case finally, inviting several other witnesses. In addition to Annentkov and Dudyshkina, another Druzhinin and A. V. Nikitenko - and the explanation happened to me. But of this, of course, nothing could get out. Novel, more Party, led alone, then in the presence of Dudushkina, a part of a friend. The latter both, little interested in the program, knew only the general plan of the novel - and therefore could neither confirm nor refute. "

The case ended in nothing.

After listening to the verdict of the court, Turgenev, also testified Annenkov, said that, seeing now, "what dangerous consequences can be from a friendly exchange of thoughts," he considers it necessary to stop all sorts of friendly relations with Goncharov Annenkov P.V. Literary memories. P. 521 ..

Goncharov continued to write his novel. In 1860 and 1861, he placed passages in the "contemporary" and "domestic notes". So passed several years before the death of a friend. Annenkov approached the funeral to Goncharov and said: "Turgenev wishes to file my hand - how will I answer?" "Subsidia", "I answered, and we again agreed as if nothing had happened. And again they went away, conversations, dinners - I have forgotten everything. About the novel, we never talked not a word with him. I only briefly answered that I continue to write everything - in the summer, on the waters.

Turgenev began this reconciliation with me, as I saw later, not at all of the moral motivation to resume friendship, which he never had. He, in the 1st, wanted this quarrel to be known after our explanation with witnesses, was forgotten, and together with her it would be forgotten and accusing my against him - in the abduction, or plagiarism, as he was gently expressed. The 2nd, he needed closer to follow my activity and interfere with the novel ends, from which he borrowed his "fathers and children" and "smoke."

In his confession, the gonchars analyzes in detail the case with Turgenev. Remembers all the details, all meetings, conversations, letters. Again and again merges the story and novels, indicates specific places in texts, possible similarities. His imperidity becomes a painful, like a parano.

"... In order for either in our literature, his weakness and source of its writings do not fit. To take a suspicion, he painted his own: very pretty, although liquid stories like "Asya", "First Love". In me, he saw the only rival writing in one way with him: Tolstoy (lion) also began his military stories, Grigorovich wrote from the peasant life, the letter and Ostrovsky came later. In a word, I stood alternate his road - and he his whole life putTo remove me on the shreds, prevent me in every way to translate me - and there, in foreign literary and books-graded circles - the criticism of a kind of warn any attempt to learn about me. He believed there, because his one personally knew - because he managed. He drawn himself a plan - playing a genius, chapter new literary period And still successfully pretending to be a great writer. "

In his manuscript, Goncharov tells about the fact that someone contributed to Turgenev in all of these his practices. He believes that he could not have done alone, and if Turgenev would not be reported about the herself, Goncharov, as he wrote the chapters from the "cliff", he would not have "fathers and children", nor "smoke "nor" cottages on the Rhine ".

Who helped Turgenev and why? This goncharov can not say confidently and in detail, he only guesses and assumes.

"I don't know who needed that I didn't write, but for me to interfere, it seems to me how I realized in many observations later, someone deftly, at hand, created me a reputation almost red, or something in this Rode. It just did not take it.

And then it was already formed by UNEMEUTEDELIERS or DUPES SHA; To listen to my thoughts, catch words. And others, and the enemies of both sexes all hung my noses in the mouth to find out if I didn't drink? But as I do not drink wine, then the smell could not be.

But who would prevent these sheds to attribute me one or another smell and color, if desired? Full-time bets did not and did not ask me. "

In the nature of Ivan Alexandrovich, suspicion was shown, he began to be afraid of an extraneous eye. Lyatsky writes: "We were reported that abroad, during the Scripture" Cliff ", Goncharov brought manuscripts Mrs. S., asking for them to hide them from Turgenev, although Turgenev at that time was not in Baden-Baden, nor in Marienbad. Anxiety did not leave Goncharov and at home. "Returning to my apartment, he was always alarmed, as if waiting to meet some kind of trouble. With excitement in his voice, he asked the housekeeper turned out: "Has anyone?". He immediately approached the desk and opened nervously and closed the boxes. "I have rushed Turgenev here ... in general, someone came and rummaged in my papers ... it is necessary to be very careful in this regard ..." December 27, 1877, preparing for the press " Literary evening", Goncharov writes Valuev's anxious letter, which felt sufferer notes of the soul, covered by painful suspicions. He says that he feels the strength to fulfill the conceived, but it is afraid that any unfavorable circumstances prevented: "I think I even am afraid (because I don't write) that I just won't give it to do it. And someone else will do: while I think I work (and I work for printing slowly), it will appear somewhere skillfully disguised parallel: all the same and the same thing.

"Meanwhile, I am decided not to write anything else, exhausted, pursued by some universal spyware and all this struggle, suspicion, unrest, folded my hands in the sleeve and announced that I would not write more, and began to read from boredom All that came under hands, by the way and "Dacha on the Rhine". I was struck by this thing. This is nothing - as transferred to the German soil and shifted to German morals "Open"!

Goncharov writes that he began to appear that some society acts against him. He became scary. He began to make nervous seizures, almost fainting. He has already seen not only Turgenev, and already a whole bunch of invisible enemies, he was as if in siege. It sometimes seems to him that someone follows him on the street. As if talking to him with him, they listen carefully, and then recover: "And I happened, go cautiously after them, catch them."

The reader of "extraordinary history" after reading all this heart-free confession, there is no doubt in the spiritual disorder of the author. Real performances are distorted in it by nonsense, which, in connection with the circumstances, he preceded, can be defined as a kind of mania of persecution. "A stubborn painful thought is mastered by a man and, accompanied by suggestions of upset imagination, focuses on one thing that personifies the hostile principle from which to protect itself in one way or another."

Outside the gloomy, evil genius of the enchanted circle, the center of which was Turgenev, Goncharov retained all the strength of his mind and the usual balance of the spirit. In the writing environment, such a phenomenon is often observed as "excessive sensitivity of petty pride", not alien to Goncharov, but Ivan Alexandrovich, it manifested itself in a greater degree. Lyatsky. Goncharov: Life, Personality, Creativity. Stockholm., 1920 ..

Goncharov in their confession allocates two reasons that prompted to write it "this pitiful story."

The first cause he calls a natural desire to protect himself from a lie, the desire to light the truth: "It became instructed in the dispute and we are instructed and the works of our epoch, the backlit partial side, and I believe it is necessary for the history of fiction - All this small way in an ant pile! Clarification of these little things leads to finding truth, but truthwherever and in any form and a little business has always contributes shine, therefore, improvement, progress in human affairs! "

"It - the first reasonon which I was upheld - with great disgust and against his will - Share this whole story on paper. "

Turgenev, as it were, the dialogue with the reader, asks questions from his behalf and answers them himself:

And who knows you, - you say, who is unknown to me the reader (who will ever come across, after my death, these pages), - who knows you! Turgenev will also say or write a lot in his justification, and perhaps it will write even better (since he is smarter and thinner me) - How to find out who is right, who is to blame? Both sides, of course, do not think watch out conscience For loyalty: right, because he is right, and the liar - Salge! But where is the truth, on which the side: here is a question!

BUT that's it (I will answer) and is subject to the proceedings and the court of the third, impartial and inviolable partyTherefore, the court of the future generation, when all the arguments and evidence of both parties will be in mind - and therefore, the truth will be clearer!

The second reason for writing his confession Turgenev explains the responsibility of others by others, i.e. He must submit his voice. "... allies, Witnesses, all those who were intensive and who was introduced into deception - it seems to me how I notice - as if you demand or wait for my answer, explanations, they are accurately surprised that I feel silent, even hinted it quite clearly to me, although after yourself, left notes, explained ... "

Also, Goncharov explains the reasons for the permanent stay of Turgenev abroad.

The first reason for the removal from Russia was affection for the family of the famous singer Viardo: "... He with visible pleasure, painted before us by his attitude of friendship to the famous singer. It put it well, attached more chic His fame! He was also taken back and his side daughter from a serfs of his woman, he brought up her, gave her married, - Drawn and this business in a circle of friends! "

The second reason is "positive concern to be solved here quite" Goncharov believes that Turgenevian manners, softness, kindness, simplicity - all this is intact. The mask is hidden by poisonism, secrecy, subtle calculations and pretense, all this was discovered in two or three years if Turgenev lived in Russia.

The third and main cause of Goncharov calls the literary goals of Turgenev: "She appeared in 1855, when I shifted all my good in his Suma, that is, I retold him myBreak". He had nothing to write: "Hunter's notes" began to arrive, they demanded from him large work. There was nothing more to write. Suddenly, a whole treasure fell, and moreover, not only the material, but also the finished characters, the scenes are all, even with the manner of writing! It's like i see now and it was its main motion to move little to Pariswhere he began to translate, selling in parts, his estate ( implementAs Annenkov told me) and together and taking my literary movability. "

"He went to Paris and there, in the nest of the writers, surrounded himself with gons, Flaubers I still do not know who, put them in detail by me by me episodes and characters that did not take himself - and so - grew there in the colossus and became their teacher and leader, explaining their importance genuine school Starting from Gogol and silent about others, except for herself. "

In connection with these reasons, the lack of Turgenev in Russia, Goncharov calls the main reasons that prompted him to write "extraordinary history".

Turgenev was dissatisfied with Russia and considered himself a voluntary migrant. He has a phrase somewhere in print: "Seeing that we are done, I rushed with my head in German Ocean," i.e. In the ocean of Western science, freedomiff and benefit, in the world of art, ideas, fled from the darkness, the oppression and the narrowing of our beliefs, feelings, concepts to live and act there in the name of mankind.

"All this is nonsense, lie!

It rushed into the German Ocean Not at all because he fell sickly in Russia. And in France he lives in a circle of persons who cannot, as a foreigner, learn quite, and he hides his hidden parties from them, how hides them from us abroad! "

Goncharov believes that the transfer of Romans of the Russian Writer from Russian literature to a foreign one cannot be forgiven neither Turgenev nor to those who helped him. "The Russian word and so is not hot - and to take away from him to - a great sin, treason! To this must be added and the undoubted assumption, like heit should have become himself in a fake position against Russian literature and putting others in it, recommend there, in a literary circle, modern Russian literature! Of course, as an insignificant, not worthy of serious attention - and at the same time, of course, hung himself: "It's not worth living there, there is no one," and so he left there, where light, art, life! "

"Who poisoned such a concept and feedback about Russia! That of course, who pulled out of this literature that he could and what was not from the French, and died there! What and how he should have been talking about me, for example, Auerbakh, and now the French, distributing my good!

So I recorded everything how was the case between him and me. And there judge how you want!

Eating from these sheets - I myself am not foreseen. And I would not want me - if you can, so that it came to that! At the end of this manuscript, I will do notewhere and say with what condition and in what only extreme cases Some use of it can be done. I hope that the will of the deceased will be holy fulfilled, especially if the posthumous desire he will tear it to avoid the need to harm, at least protecting himself, the other, there is no need that he deserved it! "


For many years, oppressing the consciousness and moral feeling of Goncharov thought about the plagiarism could not finally not injure him always easily vanishing his psyche. A number of "extraordinary history" pages are written, undoubtedly in a painful state. These are fantastic conjectures of Turgenev's novels in the notebooks, about the report of the last plan and ideas of the whole "cliff" by French and German novelists, finally, the entire plot of a skillful intrigue, allegedly deployed against Goncharov Turgenev in order to deprive the opponent - in their own Interest - with his place in domestic and European literature.

Goncharov wrote his confession in order to light the truth! "I would even be very happy and would reconstruct well with my position, if it turned out in this way, that is, that I was cleared, justified, and fame, that is, the merit of labor, decreases to take advantage, attach to the point my material, meaningful and processing His, they took others, and with this and all the noise, celebration! God with them! If only I left me truth, that is, that they dared of me, and not me of them! No, Turgenev wants to take the whole initiative to himself, and to draw a suspicion in my fault. I, of course, I do not want! "

"Against me all: I lived, there are no friends, there are some unlimited, non-artistic buddies, there are perhaps a lot and known to me and unknown connoisseurs of my writings in public, but they are all lovers of literature, not writers themselves and in the press I can not have. Old buddies, contemporaries and peers were ground, and the new press consists not only from indifferent, but also hostile to the old writers of individuals, a part of the envy to them, the part because the literary concepts and the taste changed a lot, submitting or utilitarian or extremely real . There is no criticism at all, and if there is something, it is pushed out affectionate and complacent Turgenev!

I am silent, not even renewing a new publication of my novels, despite the requests of publishers. Let it be better to stall - how to raise these sense, of which Turgenev will be unharmed, and I will suffer, because many, almost everything is against me! "

I believe that God will help me, maybe I don't stand for sins!


2. Goncharov I.A. Continuation of "extraordinary history". July 1878.

3. Goncharov I.A. Note to "extraordinary history." August 1878.

4. Goncharov I.A. Supplement to "extraordinary history." June 1879.

5. Goncharov I.A. Cop. In 8 tons

6. E. Lyatsky. Goncharov: Life, Personality, Creativity. Stockholm., 1920.

7. Entry article to "Unusual History", Text Preparation and Comments N.F. Budanova.

8. Nedddddskaya V.A. Novels I.A. Goncharov. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, publishing house "Enlightenment", 1996. - 112c.

9. Nedzvetsky V. A.: Conflict I. S. Turgenev and I. A. Goncharov as a historical and literary problem // Slavica. Debrecen. 1986.

"Unusual Story" with Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Anatoly Fedorovich Koni:

Some assumed that the location began after the Goncharov Basareas saw the anticipation of the image of Volokhov, with whom he introduced Turgenev at the end of the fifties, when they were still friendly abroad. From that, Goncharov's complaints began with the fact that Turgenev - directly and through acquaintances - the plots of conceived works and enjoys them for themselves and for their foreign literary friends. Such, more than strange, the reason for the disadvantage, in any case, had to arise much earlier than the appearance of "fathers and children", since in 1860 in Iskra (No. 19, of May 20) was printed a poem Accusatory poet (D. Minaeva) "Parnassian verdict", in which the Russian writer, "sluggish and lazy, fixed, like brooms, getting silent and sully, surrounded by clutch gnomes," brings the gods a complaint to the fellow and says: "He, like me, writer Old, he published a novel recently, where the plot and the story plan was stolen by bad ... I have a hero in Cachotka; He has a portrait of the same; I have an Elena name; He has Elena too. He has all the faces as in my novel, they walk, drink, chat, sleep and love ... "Parnassian court decides to perseve the guilty to play a major role of the merchant in the" Revior "(in winter 1859-1860 in performances arranged by the literary foundation in the Passage , Turgenev really appeared in the group of merchants, whom Gingerborn - Pisemen - Says: "Complain, Arshniki, Samovarniki?!"), And the complainant is encountered to travel to travel around the world for writing a new creation on the road. From here it is seen that the complaints of Goncharov on Turgenev was known in early 1860. Perhaps this is a jealous attitude towards the works of Turgenev appeared at Goncharov and even earlier, since in one of the letters to Nikitenko he hints that Grandma Tatiana Markovna in the "cliff" was intended much earlier than aunt Lisa, Marta Timofeevna, in the "noble nest. " In a letter to Turgenev dated March 28, 1859, he wrote: "The scene of the grandmother and granddaughter you are friendly and generously donated to the rather weak scene of your story." Thus, apparently, the jealous breakdown with Turgenev began a long time ago, and moreover, without any reason, since homogeneous phenomena of life, perceived by independent artists, could create in their souls similar to creatures, various in the external manifestations. And in view of the depths of their talent and creative force, none of them needed any borrowing.

Vasily Dmitrievich Grigorovich:

Once - it seems, Mikikov - he told the content of the new alleged novel, in which the heroine was supposed to be removed into the monastery; Many years later, Roman Turgenev "Noble Nest" came out; The main female face in it was also removed to the monastery. Goncharov raised a whole storm and directly accused Turgenev in the plagiarism, in the assignment of someone else's thought, assuming it is likely that this thought, preciously in his novelty, could appear only to him, and Turgenev would have insufficiently so talent and imagination to reach her. The case took such a turn that I had to appoint an arbitration court, compiled from Nictenka, Annenkov and a third party, I do not remember who. Nothing of this, of course, did not come out, except for laughter; But since then, the goncharov stopped not only to see, but also to bow with Turgenev ...

Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov (1812 or 1813? 1887), literary critic And memoirist:

Upon returning from a round-the-world travel or even before I. A. Goncharov, I read some part of the novel "Open" to Turgenev and told him the content of this work. With the appearance of the "noble nest", Turgenev was surprised, hearing that the author of the novel, who subsequently appeared under the title "Ombol", finds the striking similarity of the plots between the novel and his own idea that he expressed Turgenev personally. Turgenev in response to this, according to the indication I. A. Goncharov, turned off one place from his novel, which resembled some detail, and I "calmed down," - adds I. A. Goncharov in an explanatory letter to Turgenev. With the appearance of "the day before" the same thing happened. After reading the pages of thirty or forty from the novel, as they say in the letter of Ivan Alexandrovich to Turgenev dated March 3, 1860, he expresses sympathy to the author: "I am very fun to admit a bold and colossal artist in you," he says, but at the same time the letter concludes In yourself and the following:

"As in a person, I appreciate one noble line in you - this is a guilty and condescension, close attention to which you listen to the writings of others and, by the way, recently listened and praised my insignificant excerpt all of the same novel, which was told you for a long time. , in a programme". Following the letter began to spread and grow rumors in St. Petersburg that both Roman Turgenev is not more than the plagiarism of the wrong story of Ivan Alexandrovich. These rumors, of course, soon reached both authors, and this time Turgenev demanded the Arbitration Court. I. A. Goncharov agreed to submit to the sentence of such a court on one condition: so that the court did not appeal to the investigative procedure, since in the latter case, the legal evidence does not exist in any of both parties, and that judges express their opinion only on the issue, recognize whether They are behind him, Goncharov, the right to doubt, which can be born and from the external, surface similarity of the works and prevent the author to freely develop his novel. On one remark of Turgenev Goncharov answered with dignity: "For your assumption that your successes are worried about - let me smile, and only." Experts, after choosing them, finally gathered on March 29, 1860 in the apartment I. A. Goncharov, - these were: S. S. Dudyshkin, A. V. Druzhinin and P. V. Annenkov - People who sympathetic to both parties and nothing So did not want how to destroy the most pretext to violate good relations between persons who had the same right to respect for their authoritative name. After the presentation of the case, the exchange of additions by the Parties, the comments of experts were reduced to one denominator. The works of Turgenev and Goncharova, as arising on the same Russian soil, should thereby have several similar provisions, accidentally coincide in some thoughts and expressions, which justifies and excuses both sides. I. A. Goncharov seemed to be satisfied with this decision of experts.

Alexander Vasilyevich Nikitenko. From the diary:

1860. Mart 29. Tuesday. Five or six years ago, Goncharov read the Turgenev plan of his novel ("Artist"). When the latter printed its "noble nest", then Goncharov noticed similarities in some places with what he had in the program of his novel; It was a suspicion that Turgenev borrowed these places from him, what he declared the author of the "noble nest." Turgenev answered it to him that he, of course, did not think to borrow something intentionally; But as some details made a deep impression on him, it is not wonderful that they could repeat unconsciously in his story. This good-natured recognition was made by the reason for big history. In a suspicious, hard, self and together, the very character of Goncharov, the idea was entrusted that Turgenev with the intention borrowed from him almost all or at least the main thing that he robbed him. He told some writers with bitterness about it, too me. I tried to prove to him that if Turgenev borrowed something from him, he shouldn't be upset it so much, - the talents of them are so different that it will not be in mind to call one of them as a portion of the other, and when Roman Goncharova will be released , of course, it will not be reproached. This year, the story of Turgenev "On the eve" was published. Looking at her prejudice already very eyes, Goncharov found and in it the similarity with his program and resolutely whisked. He wrote to Turgenev Ironic, a strange letter, which this left without attention. Makes the other day with Dudyshkina and having learned from him that he is going to dare to Turgenev, he rudely and viciously told him: "Tell Turgenev, that he is asking for me to my money" (Turgenev received four thousand rubles for his story from "Russian Bulletin" ). Dudyshkin, seeing a person who resolutely lost his head, would have to do carefully; But he literally handed over the words of Goncharov Turgenev. Of course, it was supposed to overfill the measure of patience. Turgenev wrote a very serious letter to Goncharov, called his words slander and demanded an explanation in the presence of elected trusted persons elected by both proxies; Otherwise threatened him a duel. However, it was not some faith threat, and the last word smart, soft, but cruelly offended person. By agreement, the mutual elected were intermediaries and witnesses in the coming explanation: Annenkov, Druzhinin, Dudyshkin and me. Today at the hour of the afternoon and this is the famous explanation. Turgenev was apparently excited, but very clearly, simply and without the slightest gusts of anger, although not without clogging, outlined the whole course of the case, to which Goncharov answered somehow vaguely and unsatisfactory. They cited the points of similarity in the story "On the eve" and in their program a little convinced of his favor, so the victory was clearly bowed to the side of Turgenev, and it turned out that Goncharov was passionate about, as he himself put it, his imperious character and exaggerated things. Then Turgenev announced that all sorts of friendly relations between him and Mr. Goncharov were from now stopped, and retired. The most important thing that we were afraid, these were the words of Goncharov, transferred by Dudushkin; But as Goncharov acknowledged them for ridiculous and said without intent and not in the sense, what can be seen in them, for the sake of one joke, however, according to his own recognition, indelived and coarse, and Dudyshkin expressed that he was not authorized by what he said To transfer to Turgenev, we solemnly proclaimed the words of these, no matter how existed than the most important Casus Belli was removed. In general, it is necessary to admit that my friend Ivan Alexandrovich in this story played a role not very enviable; He showed himself some irritable, extremely imperfect and coarse person, while Turgenev in general, especially during this explanation, no doubt for him a pain, behaved with great dignity, tact, grace and some special grace inherent to people decent highly educated society ...

Peter Dmitrievich Boborakin:

In the literary and secular circles of St. Petersburg, there were a long time ago, the author of the "cliff" suspected his closest peer of Turgenev in the abduction of his plan of the faces of Bazarov, since his own niHist was conceived for a long time, before the appearance of "fathers and children." And at the beginning of the seventies, this idea especially wandered in his soul. The nearest friends at different times passed me for details about the explosions of this personary suspicion, which was liked, probably, all the warehouse of the life of Goncharov, the life of the old bachelor, accustomed to the slightest detail in their human and writing tests and impressions. Therefore, the interlocutor who knew about such a painful point of his soul, was to always hold on to the onset and better not to mention some names and books. I heard from the same persons that in half of the seventies, writing suspicion all in the same direction reached the fact that Goncharov saw in many respects who left the penis of Parisian naturalists, buddies of Turgenev, subpopa for him; I even found our plots and ideas of persons.

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov:

If I did not negotiate my "cliff" entirely and in detail Turgenev, it would not be in the world - no "noble nest", "on the eve", "fathers and children" and "smoke" in our literature, nor "cottages on the Rhine" In German, nor Madame Bovalar and Education Sentimentale in French, and maybe many other works I have not read and do not know.

Anatoly Fedorovich Koni:

So it was with Goncharov, who generally differed with a dimity. It is a state of it, as can be seen from the letters to Nikitenko, reached its apogee in 1868, when, under the influence of meetings abroad with some Russian families, who, guessing his sore wound, beyond his hints and "for Fun excited a slightly hidden fire, "he even wanted to stop the printing of the" cliff ", the content of which would be already transferred to Auerbakh and will be used by the last in his new novel. Under the influence of this state he wrote in 1868 Stasyulevich: "You know what I wanted in my essay, what honest thoughts, good intentions managed to me and how many warm love for people and to their country bottled in this fantastic corner of Russia, in His people, etc.

And suddenly - not only the insumption, and some angry laughter, a stupid enmity instead of caress and participation before the appearance of labor greet me. I want to quickly finish and give you so that you quickly flushed at least some those that, I do not understand anything in nature and not allowing any exclusivity in kind, did not find anything else, except for the evil and coarse laughter, and still betrayed me alive in other people's hands mockery and degradation. " In another letter, he writes: "I want to say in a paradise all that I told you about myself personally. You know what kind of wild, what a crazy ... - And I am a sick, hooked, soared, not understood by anyone and mercilessly insulted by the most close people to me, even women, all of them, who I dedicated so much life and feather ... Waiting for consolation only from His work: If I cherish him - I calm down and then go, hiding somewhere in the corner and I will die there. Unfortunately, fate did not give me his angle, even small; There is no nest nor noble Either avian, and I myself do not know where I will deny ... "I saw the last echo of this state and I, when in the summer of 1882 in Dubbelna, referring to the difficulty of acquiring and the high cost of became the rare" Oblomov ", I persuaded him to publish full collection His writings. "Such a council could give me," said me, gloomy, goncharov, - only insensitive: Do you want to blame me that I robbed Turgenev?! " It became clear to me that an obsessive idea completed his circle. After the death of Turgenev, this painful crimination has passed. Goncharov stopped allegorically talking about Turgenev and in the reviews began to give him justice. So, after a year after the death of the latter, he wrote to the honorary academician K. R.: "Turgenev infelmed and described in the" notes of the hunter "Russian nature and rustic life, like no one, and in 1887, speaking about the" vast, inexhaustible ocean of poetry ", I wrote the same face that" in this ocean it is necessary to peer and listen with a fooling heart, and enter into accurate signs of poetry in verse or prose is anyway: it is worth remembering the Turgenev "poems in prose". "

Mikhail Viktorovich Kirimalov:

There was a time when, after a quarrel with Turgenev Ivan Alexandrovich expects a call to a duel from him. "Well, it will be necessary to accept the challenge," he said to his father.

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