Gaming event in elementary school on the topic: cartoons. Scenario of extracurricular activities "Multi-Pottie - Wonderful Country" Stage

Gaming event in elementary school on the topic: cartoons. Scenario of extracurricular activities
Gaming event in elementary school on the topic: cartoons. Scenario of extracurricular activities "Multi-Pottie - Wonderful Country" Stage

The life and fate of the "Russian" DisneyPresentation prepared:
Andreeva TA
Head of Service Department
GU LNR "Central District Library
PGT. Novosvetlovka "

This person did not belong to the public profession,
And the fact that he dedicated life to
Not everyone will be called serious.
Cartoons. Cartoons ...
Not many know what
painstaking and hard work
preceded by the appearance of
Light drawn stories,
Caught equally exciting adults and children.

Vyacheslav Kotynochkin was born on June 20, 1927. It
Early left without a father - his father died from tuberculosis
Before the war itself. Like many boys, fame
Dreamed to be at the front, and in 1942, after graduating seven
classes entered the artillery special school where
He studied until the tenth grade and passed the military
Preparation. From there they were sent
In anti-tank artillery
School in Penza. There he acquired
Military specialty, and friends
For life. And learned
play a little pipe
Under the name "Cornet-a-Piston".

After the war, demobilized in 1946, came to
"Soyuzmultfilm". In February 1947 he was enrolled
In the staff of the studio by the artist.
His first director
There was a film "We are such masters" (1963).
Total put more than 80 paintings,
The popularity of which remains
relevant and nowadays.

Much popular deserved
At the audience, the cartoons of the "Flagshchever", "kitten from Lieseukov Street",
"Scarlet flower", "Golden Antelope".
However, Glory came to Kottenochka
After creating a cartoon

In 1969, the first series "Well, wait!".
Neither before nor after no domestic cartoon
did not have such a deafening success at the viewer.
Letters came with bags
Countless has been carried out
Number of creative
meetings in all corners of the country.
Spectators asked for continuation.
And a film that
was originally planned as the series, became the most
Long animated series of Soviet times.

"The hare succeeded at me immediately," told
V. Kothenochkin, - with blue eyes,
pink brushes, generally very
And the wolf did not succeed for a long time. Then on the street i
I saw a guy leaning against the wall of the house.
He had long black
Hair, Tolstoy Lips
cigarette adhesive
The tummy fell out, and I understood
What exactly should be wolf. "

"I know that somewhere by 1990 it was purchased 110 countries.
Somehow in Sofia, we and the director of local cartoon
Walking through the streets. Suddenly he says: "Stay! Now
Turn right. "I turn and see a small
Glass establishment, on the roof of which two-meter
Letters are written: "Well, wait!". It turned out that it is a children's
Cafes, with small tables and chairs. "
Favorite children and adults story about infinite
Fucking the wolf has become a cult and legendary, and
Also brought a lot of glory to its creators.

Looking for the filmography of Kottenochka amazed -
how many smiles he gave a few
Generations of viewers. Him
There were many government awards,
titles, but most of all he was proud
The Order of the smile who he
In the late 1980s, Polish children were presented.

Almost 25 years of life needed
Director to his creation and
today broadcast on all
TV channels of the country.
"Wait for it!" - this is
not just a cartooner, this is a hymn
all domestic animation.

1. Psychological attitude.

Man without smile -
This is a kitchen without a tile,
This is the sea without a seagull,
This is a house without hostess,
This is a cat without a tail,
This is a tail without a cat!
Smile always
And a good day!

2. Introductory word.

Teacher: Guys! Look at the screen. (roller)

What kind of art will our event be dedicated to?

Yes guys. We will talk about screen art, namely, its form, like animation or animation.

Teacher: Do you like cartoons?

What feelings cause you cartoons when you look?

What do the cartoons teach us?(Friendship, love, respect, good actions.)

Teacher: Yes. Cartoons cause us feelings of joy, admiration, sadness, experiences. Thought to do the right thing. And, probably, there is no such child who would not like to watch cartoons.

Students 1 "b" and 2 "b" classes read poems.

I do not know who and how

Invented cartoons,

But without them now

We could not live.

Without smeasharikov funny

Hedgehog with fox,

Without chips of mischievous

And an elephant with a tiger.

Cheburashka, Shapoklyak,

Wolf and smart bunny,

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet,

Kesha parrot,

Cat Matroskin, Dog Barbos,

Funtik's pig

Carlson and Freken side,

Nice good Luntik ...

If someone's cartoons

Did not come up with the first

I used to invent them

Self, probably!

Teacher: Today, guys, we will visit you in the wonderful country of cartoons, where you not only meet with your favorite heroes, but also show how you know cartoons.

But at first, I would like to introduce you to the most significant figures in the field of animation - directors of our most favorite cartoons.

NameWalt Disney He knows anyone who at least once in his life watched cartoons. This amazing man as director took off one hundred eleven cartoons. For their merits in animation, he received 25 statuettes "Oscar". Done who created the most popular and recognizable animation character - , as well as founded an animation studio . Thanks to his work, at the very early childhood, we see the magic cartoons that are all like alone begin with a screensaver with a fabulous castle. The most famous works are considered "Village Willy",« », « », « », « », « », « ».

One of the favorite multipliers of Russian audience remains Vyacheslav Kothenochkin. His most famous ribbons - the issues "Well, wait!", Where not one generation was raised.

Amen Hydarov is a famous Kazakhstan artist, the founder of the domestic animation.Several generations have grown on Hydar's cartoons. Through her works, Amen Abzhanovich tried to teach the good and bright. "Sunny Bunny", "Tailing", "Forty Nevbyitsa", "Aksak Kulana" - all these masterpieces he created with love and trepidation, putting the soul into each touch. The most famous creation of the master was the cartoon "Why is the swallow tail with horns?". This is the first domestic cartoon that has gained popularity not only among Kazakhstan, but also in a foreign audience.

It is impossible not to mention the directors who please us with their cartoons in recent years.Konstantin Eduardovich Bronzite -russian animator, director of cartoons: "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf", " "," Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake "and others.

Directors of the cartoon "EP Tonek and Idar" - Jacques of Danenov and Rustam Turalyev. The first is the recognized master of Kazakhstan animation, it works in this genre since 1973. Rustam Turalyev, on the contrary, a young, little-known animator.

Each multiplier has helpers: artists, screenwriters, composers, actors. The artists create images, draw, pump, move dolls. Scripts come up with the film history. Composers write music for the film. Actors voiced roles. And the result of this painstaking work -those cartoons that we love and look today.

Teacher: Well, now it's time to check how you know cartoons. To do this, share the team. Now every student will getcard with an imagecartooncharacter.

"Vacation B. Prostokvashino ": Uncle Fedor, Dog Sharik, cat Matroskin, Postman Pechkin, Calf Gavuryusha, Galkonok mustache.

"The Bremen Town Musicians": donkey, Dog, Cat, Rooster, Troubadur, Princess, king.

And now in my signal you must be collectedi am one friendly company in that cartoon The heroes of which you are.

Teacher: So, we have 2 teams: "Vacations in Prostokvashino" and "Bremen Musicians".

1 Competition: Workout

    What was written on the dial of alarm clock from Misha? (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, New Year)

    What did Masha asked for Golden Fish in the second desire? (shelter on a stick)

    Which of the seasharikov is an advanced user of the Internet and a computer?(Losyash)

    What constantly wore a squirrel in the cartoon "Ice Age"?(acorn)

    Who did the hero of the cartoon "Kitten from Lieseukov Street" turned? (in hippopotamus)

    Brother Rabbit asked Brother Fox not to throw him ...(in the crust)

    What was the name of the chief hero of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"?(Uncle Fedor)

    What did two mouse spoke at the end of the Kotu Leopold series? ( Forgive us, Leopold )

    Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda cartoon is ...(Snow Leopard)

    Name the epic hero, who is looking for gold, stolen from Rostov Tugarin Snake(Alyosha Popovich.)

    What is the name of the American Cat and Mouse Cartoon Characters from the cartoon of the same name?(Tom and Jerry)

    What was the name of the princess from the cartoon about Shrek?(Fiona)

    What a cartoon flew to us from the moon?(Luntik from the cartoon "Luntik and his friends")

    What is the hero of the cartoon about Prostokvashino removed animals from the survey?(Dog Ball)

    In this cartoon, the main character is superhero. He can save in trouble, fight evil, climb on the walls, fly, weave web. Going to the next case, he puts on a special suit with an image of an insect, the name of this insect is in the name of the cartoon.("Man - Spider")

2 Competition: What kind of cartoon is speaking?

1. "I live well, I have my own home, he is warm. Recently, we found the treasure and bought a cow. We have a warm stove. And my health is not very: then the paws are lomit, then the tail falls off. And the other day I began to learn, the old wool rushes, but the new is growing - fluffy. " (Vacation in Prostokvashino)

2. "These are wrong bees ... And they probably make the wrong honey ... And if you do not shoot, then I'm frightened ... Not that I didn't get at all, but not in the ball ..."

(Winnie the Pooh)

3. "I saved you the device, and you .... Well, it is not necessary! I really need your moon! Well, kiss with your moon! " (Dunno on the Moon)

4. "Are you very hard to carry things? Listen, and come on, I'm stuffing, and you take me on your hands ... "(Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena)

3 Competition: Guess the melody

Teams take turns choose the number of the melodies, listen to it carefully. Task: Guess the name of the song. You can earn an extra point if you remember what cartoon song.


1 - "I'm lying in the sun" (from m / f "Lion and a turtle

2 - "There is nothing better in the world" (from the M / f "Bremen Musicians"

3 - Chung-Changa (from the m / f "Kateroch")

4 - "Song Cat Leopold" (from M / F "Leopold")

5 - "Pro Footprints" (from M / F "Masha and the Bear")

6 - "Who are such fixes?" (from m / f "Fixy")

4 contest: cartoon

I now distributorsyou Cards with characters names, and you have to for a certain timefind who was friends with whom in the cartoon and connect them to the pair.

1. Crocodile gene - Cheburashka.

2. Malvina - Pulino

3.The - Jerry

4.Wextant-Winnie - Pooh

5. Falopold - Myshkov

6.Kothenok Gav - Puppy Ball

7.Timon - Pumba

8 . Power - Dunno

9 . Zolushka- Prince

10 . Carson-baby

11 Wagon

12 . Matrokin-Uncle Fedor

- Now the cartoon replica will sound for you, and you will need to say, what is called a cartoon or who says it from heroes. Ready? And so, the first replica:

1. "Leopold, come out! Come out, sneaky coward! " (mice)

2. "No one! Well, where are you all? " (Masha)

3. "It seems that the rain is going!" (Piglet)

4. "Freedom to parrot!" (Parrot Kesha)

5. "Hare! Can you hear me?" (Wolf)

6. "Owl! Open! Bear came! " (Winnie the Pooh)

6 Competition: Karaoke

Guys! I give you envelopes in which the heroes of cartoons are cut into parts. You need to assemble a picture, call, who is depicted on it, and everyone to sing the song of this hero to everyone. That team will win, which will perform a song friendly, louder, emotionally.

Picture for 1 team - Crocodile gene from M / F "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene"

Picture for 2 teams - Antoshka from m / f "Antoshka"


Dear Guys! So our quiz approached the end. You all were well done, they answered the quizzic questions well, helped each other. I see that you know and love cartoons and know their heroes. Let's consider the number of points you earn. The one who has more of all, becomes the winner of the game, he is the best sign of cartoons (awarding).

Country of cartoons are a beautiful country. And who at least once visited her, will remain a prisoner forever.Continue and further watch cartoons. Bye.

Kottenochkin Vyacheslav Mikhailovich (1927 - 2000)

Kottenochkin Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Soviet director, artist and animator. The director of the cartoon "Kitten from Lieseukov Street", "caught, which bite!", "Banya", "Frog-traveler", "Strange Bird", "Well, wait!", "Old record". People's Artist of the RSFSR. Winner of the USSR State Prize.

One of the most famous and favorite directories of animation cinema, the creator of the Kilihid "" director of the mischievous, saturated with the dynamics and humor of the films "Mezha", "he caught", "caught, which bite", "old record", "Kitten from Lieseukov Street" began As an animator artist, he worked with the leading directions of Soyuzmultfilm 1940-50s, was one of the most prolific studio multipliers, and took part in creating more than 80 paintings. He was fond of the "animation" of rhythmic, "fast" episodes, master of dance scenes. As the director removed a large number of plots for the film "Fitil", made animated inserts for artistic films "Strayaku", "Journey to April" and "Everything for you."

The series of films "" brought Vyacheslav Kottenochka fame not only in the USSR, but also in almost all socialist countries. In Bulgaria, a cafe "Well, wait!", And the Polish children in 1985 were awarded Kottenochka the highest award that every director of children's films is dreaming - "Order of Smile".

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kottenochkin was born on June 20, 1927 in Moscow. One of the brightest memories of his childhood is a New Year tree in the column hall, where the cartoons were shown. Then he saw them for the first time. It cannot be said that at the same moment he decided to devote his life animation, but left the trace in the soul.

Kottenochkin early left without his father - his father died from tuberculosis before the war herself.

Like many boys, Glory dreamed of being on the front, and entered the artillery school. There he acquired a military specialty, and friends for life. And learned to play a small pipe called "Cornet-A-Piston".

The war ended earlier than the end of the studies in the school. It was necessary to arrange their lives. And then there was a meeting that determined the fate of the future animator. Kottenochkin met with an outstanding multiplier by Boris Syzhkin, who, having learned that his new acquaintance was once engaged in the midst of the Palace of Pianoers and draws a little, I advised him to try to enter the courses of multiple artists at the Soyuzmultfilm Studio.

The competition was huge, but Kottenochka was lucky, he was accepted, and, most importantly, he finished these courses. Not all accepted artists succeeded - this profession is too specific - a multiplier artist. In addition, you need to draw perfectly, you need to feel movement, enjoy the acting talent, to be musical ...

Work began at the studio. Kottenochkin participated as a multiplier in a huge number of films, worked with different outstanding directors, classics of Soviet animation, studied with them.

In the early 1960s, Kottenochkin tries himself as a director. The debut was successful - one of his first films is "tracks on asphalt", gets a silver medal at the festival in Budapest.

And in 1968 the first series "" comes out. Neither before, nor after no domestic cartoon had such a deafening success at the viewer. Letters came with bags, countless creative meetings were held in all corners of the country. Spectators asked for continuation. And the film, which was originally planned as the series, became the longest animated series of Soviet times.

In parallel with "Well, wait!" Kottenochkin created some more wonderful films. The characters of one of them are "kitten from Lieseukov Street" even a monument is even installed. In Voronezh, on Lieseukov Street - where the events of the film are unfolding.

Vyacheslav Ktyonochkin dreamed of ever to create a large, full-length film, and in the late 1980s, the beginning of the 1990s began working on Ruslana and Lyudmila. Together with a wonderful artist Gennady Novozhilov, a huge preparatory work was done. But the times were hard, and the project did not take place. Sorry.

But what is done, it would be enough for two lives. Looking at the filmography of Kothenochka amazed - how much had time to do this person! And how many smiles he presented several generations of viewers.

He had many government awards, titles, but most of all he was proud of the Order of the smile, which in the late 1980s he was presented with Polish children.

About Vyacheslav Kothenochka was prepared by television transmission from the cycle "How the idols left".

According to the materials of the site

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kottenochkin(June 20, 1927 - November 20, 2000 ), the greatest Soviet director, artist andanimator. Cartoon director "Kitten from Lieseukov Street", "caught, which bite", "Banya", "Frog-traveler", "Strange Bird", "Well, wait!", "Old record". People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987 ). Winner of the USSR State Prize (1988 ).

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kottenochkin was born on June 20, 1927 in Moscow. During the Great Patriotic War, he studied in an artillery school.

Hobbating drawing - and, according to his own recognition, "frivolous surname" - led Kothenochka to the Studio "Soyuzmultfilm". In 1947 he graduated from the courses of multipliers at the "Soymmultfilm" film studio and began working at the studio first by a multiplier by an artist, and then the director. From 1962 - director.

He took part in creating more than 80 paintings. He was fond of the "wilderness" rhythmic, "fast" episodes. As the director often removed the plots for the "Fitil", I made animated inserts for feature films " Journey to April"And" everything is for you. "

The spectators of the "Frog-Traveler" (1965) were greatly popularity, but Glory came to Kottenochka after creating a cartoon "Well, wait!" (1969). The adventures of the wolf and the hare used the huge love of the audience, and by numerous requests and adults, and children the creators of the series have repeatedly shot new series.

In 1988, Vyacheslav Kothenochkin was awarded the USSR State Prize. In 1999, the book of memories of the famous director-multiplier "Well, Kothenochkin, wait!".

Today marks 80 years since the birth

Robert Christmas.

Robert Christmas was born on June 20, 1932 in the village of Kosikha Altai Territory, in the family of a serviceman. At nine years, it turned out to be in the orphanage - parents went to the front. After graduation, he entered the University of Petrozavodsk, where he began to write poems (the first printed in 1950). Leaves the University for the sake of the literary institute. M. Gorky (graduated in 1956). During his studies at the Institute, the collections of the "Flags of Spring" (1955) and "Test" (1956) released at the Institute; Printed the poem "My Love" (1955). Then other poetic collections followed: "Drifting Avenue" (1959); "Peer" and "uninhabited islands" (1962); "Radius of action" (1965); "Dedication" (1970); "For twenty years" (1973), etc. In 1971, the book of travel essays "is not ends." In the 1980s, there is a number of its poetic collections: "Voice of the city", "Seven poems", "choice", "poems, ballads, songs", "friends", "age", etc. In the 1990s published compilations of poems " Insomnia "(1991)," Crossing "(1992), poems for children -" Aleshkina Thoughts "(1991). Robert Christmas March 20, 1994 died. After the death of the poet, the collection "The latest poems of Robert Christmas" was released.